MCC Advisory Board Agenda 06-21-2016COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 2016 4:30 PM RIVER ROOM Board Members: Darren Pauman- Chair, Heath Bird -Vice Chair, Jennifer Bethke, Bonnie Stromberg and Brian Stumpf Staff Members: Kitty Baltos- Director 1. Call the meeting to order. 2. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 3. Consideration of approving the minutes of the May 17, 2016 regular meeting. 4. Update items: a. Usage through May 2016 b. Manager's Update c. Suggestion box items 5. Old Business: a. Friendship Island 6. Discussion and recommendation to Personnel Committee on part time employee wages. 7. 2017 Budget review: a. Grandfather rate increase review. b. Purchase requests from other managers. 8. Adjourn COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MINUTES MAY 17, 2016 Board members present: Heath Bird -Vice Chair, Bonnie Stromberg and Brian Stumpf Board members absent: Darren Paumen -Chair and Jennifer Bethke Staff members present: Kitty Baltos- Director and Sara Cahill- Program & Operation Coordinator 1. Meeting called to order by Vice Chair Heath Bird at 4:30 pm. 2. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. No items added. 3. Consideration of approving the minutes of the April 19 2016 regular meeting Unable to approve with Board members absent who were in attendance at the previous meeting. 4. Update Items: a. Reviewed facility usage numbers up in April 12.5% compared to April 2015. b. No suggestion box items were available. 5. Old Business: Sara Cahill provided information on additional expenses identified; facility rent and transportation costs. The Board, while disappointed by the reduced revenue, agreed that the cost should remain at $20 per day with 20 children. This item will go to the City Council the first meeting in June. 6. Consideration of request from pickle ball players to close the gym during schedule pickle ball times After discussion on pickle ball and the numbers of people attending, the Board's consensus was to close the gym during scheduled pickle ball times to pickle ball only and post accordingly. 7. Meeting adjourned at 4:56 pm Attested by: Kitty Baltos- Director Date Approved �n 0 N O C? 0 O v M m N m m 0 w m V N N m m n n ry o o N w m N W N N M l0 N N �o w M a O 2 O N O M m N 0 N M w O w 10 M 10 f0 t0 01 c M O 0 M CO v O M n iq n v1 n 01 m 0 N N N N N N n M V M N 0 N 7 n m M n N O (0 O 01 01 M N m p m u m 0V �m a o Q 0 H N cN0 N N t01] N O 7 M N V N M 001 O V N N V m 0 O W M M N Q) 0 0 O N N M V LL N m M N M p M M M n M Y M m ry O O m M 01 N n m o Y W n M N M It N N m 0 0 V m 0 LL] m N m n m M 0 M M l0 et O M L6 W H 3 0 o o 0 M M M O M O n O M (0 V O M LO 0 O N 0(7i 0 N M M M 0 O 0 N M M a H Q J N 0 N 7 M N O M 7 to F U ) vi W W a N N N N N 0 M N N co V N (O M O V n M N 0 O M n (O � O-I O M V O cc N o n N O l v a o Cl N N n co v n .n w M W LL a Lf) N N D 0 W N 0 a 0O N N O W N m Z O N ° a - > N N o W N N V V m 0 �a N Z Ory M M M (O V m N t0 O M to (O '0 O U q vLL O Z m o �0 O 10 0 LL'1 O O O O O �0 l0 O } N N m O m II II � a � r M N M LL p1 LL N N N 0 0 0 00 0 0 y N N M 01 0 0 t0D J y N 01 � V a N N � Z LL N N Q M M ~ J 7 O OI � M n n M m m N M N N V M 0 N a m ti II N II N II T Z On � D y � M t00 0 r W N 7 W O N w to N a p M f0 N m N (0 m N M O 0 m c 0 0 M to 0 0 M V 0 0 W M N O 0 N II � II H 7 � y y m N M u7 0 t0 N O 0 M m O M O d' N It M It �0 N n N u7 M N V 01 W v K � n T q N O ¢ Q i>>= W U) O Z O O O C? 0 O v � o � m N vii v 0 m y� W m N s m n m a K N z m m z ti ei K m OC Q Z a V 0 O V 59,o O la U! Y Y Vf Y V N m Eln E V) Q m M M M o w W C N l0 N O 2 N O l7 \ir N N 01 u �m a o � y N m LL J M N M p M M n M m ry O O m M 01 n m o m o 0 o o 0 l7 v°, 7 O v N M J m � F O U � � W m N O l LL a Lf) N N D 0 N 0 0O N N O W N m Z O N II Z N N O O c a N N Z Ory E O N N m N '0 O U q vLL O Z m o a m II II 2 Z N LL p1 N N N .. M y � 00 N 01 � a N N � Z N N Q M M n m ti II N II N II T Z H � � p O O1 c II � II H c 0 � V O M n T q N m N N to LL � N N y O n d N n N c a N N n Ol C N N Q m ti N W N N o a N n II Z w Z 0 W N N c W O N Z N Ou N Z C Cl) O y U M ry W 0 J n m N m 0 0 C a N LL E m O 0 � o � m N vii v 0 m y� W m N s m n m a K N z m m z ti ei K m OC Q Z a V 0 O V 59,o O la U! Y Y Vf Y V N m Eln E V) Q 0 N 0 0 O of sle 0 w o a. a m m o w m a ry n m I I m N O N O O l0 W m l� W vt ri a v 00 n 0 N O N 0] N rl N rl N m rl W rl rl rl rl m N rl .-i .-I m m rl W rl N 'y N � N O p m n N m O m O m m m N M 0 c r+ m C II ¢ N Q Q z V m W O r l7 w N N N N " C N C N co O C N V m V m n N V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O N V Q 0 r N N N n M O v O V O V N N M Y M LL J co y V 7 m N c Y Y {Op m W o M O W o n m c0 O O M � m c M m 3 r N m O 0 u� v rn m n o 0 0 0 0 0 o O M J Fo Om W W Cn (mo o) W N W cV N O) y a y to M N V N N N co N N (D J 1l1 O N 0 a Cn F tD 0 OF r N " U M U1 m v rn m o 0 0 y v y N m CL O O N � 7 M o C7 v Q O m a z c c ? N O N N - O 0 L G U O a N } J O1 O m D M O M LL a } J_ y N w N 0 m LL ¢ O N O r o) J m � a O M Q JM y N M n Q co N 0 Q � aU) M (O 7 W O c 7 w n G' (� y CD Q. M r � M M W c0[J N O n O Z ¢ m w¢ of of d¢ ¢ N w> ' M D ¢ r w m O z o LL O r 0 0 O of sle 0 v 0 � n N N O n N Q O N 0 Z O w 0 a m ry n I I �o O' m � c m I V a v n n O o � vi p Ln O O p m m N m N c r+ m C II ¢ N Q Q z C7 r l7 w O O vUi O N V � W � N m LL J OO V 7 m N m M if1 O O M � m c N m O 0 o a OJ R Ip (D J 1l1 c0 Cn F tD 0 OF U U1 0 v N m O O N >p O m a z c c O O U - O G U O a N U) a w m ¢ m a � c w n T � W O n N N T Z N LLI N O V � II II d C V1 ✓1 Q Q) V1 yl (n o � mmi w ¢ N _ W 0 O N U >- N Z w Z n LL m c 11J O W O > c W m m W Z a a a m ca o a O 0 N Z U w U) LL C O m O O O 2 c LL N ^ m " O o E o v0 v 0 � n N N O n N Q O N 0 Z O O 00 � UJ w m T a (7 n 0 m ry I I < O' m I V a v n n O J � Y r O 00 � UJ w m T a (7 n ry I I m I a v n n y 3I � Ln Y m m N m N c r+ m C II ¢ N Q Q z r l7 w MANAGER'S MONTHLY UPDATE JUNE, 2016 Event Coordinator - Tricia Menth: • What a crazy busy couple of months. Seems like we have been running nonstop and keep going. So nice to be busy. • We had a total of 11 groups in May and beginning of June for the end of the year parties. Groups were from Monticello, Cambridge, Maple Lake, Elk River, Dassel Cokato. Cambridge /Isanti sent 3 different group, and Elk River sent 3 and Monti a couple. We averaged between 100 -170 students most of those days. Climbing wall was included is some of the groups, Warehouse and all included concessions and they spent every .25 of the $20 in their hand. We also had Annandale Lock in that went great. (Note from Kitty, Group rate revenue for May and June was $6,180.50) • In the Miss Room in May we had wine tasting, MN Connections Homeschool Prom and 2 weddings. June we have 4 weddings. Our decorator, Anndee has quit due to family obligations so I am working with one of our staff to train her in on decorating so that is my mornings on Fridays is decorating for weddings. Caterers are so happy we brought the kegmeister from the ballfields that holds the 4 kegs and can tap 2 at one time. I am getting quotes on swinging doors between where the bar is during weddings to where it goes into the kitchen. The ice machine and clanging of dishes is very disruptive to guests and when you are standing at the bar you can see right in the kitchen and that is not very desirable. Most weddings in May and June have been catered by Cornerstone and one from Von Hanson's with Silver Creek doing the bar service for Von Hanson's. We have one chapel wedding in June. • Park rentals and other rental calls have been very steady. We had a lot of family events, grad parties, birthday parties booking. • *Ongoing task of trying to hire staff. We are at a critical low number of staff and just are not seeing the applications. With our pay scale the way it is and the number of businesses that are looking for staff we just cannot compete. We are $2 -$3 less per hour than most places. Hard to compete with that and some of the other places offer a discount /incentives on top of higher pay. I have received a couple of new applications the past couple days. Fingers crossed. I did give Kitty a breakdown of our applications /hires since January and what a few local businesses are paying. Pro¢ram & Operations Coordinator -Sara Cahill: • Walk 'n Roll was a success again this year but the heat and humidity affected attendance. We had 75 pathway partners register to set -up a booth representing their business or organization with great displays and giveaways. 17 bike sponsors resulted in 36 bikes awarded. Kwik Trip handed out donuts, cookies and coffee. Jimmy John's had some sandwich samples and the Monticello Swim Club sold beverages and popcorn to raise funds for their organization. 321 Jump and DoJo Karate brought bounce houses. Odie the Clown volunteered his balloon twisting and Melissa Hartner volunteered face painting. Charlotte Gabler filled in as the emcee to announce the bike winners. • Friendship Island is off to a busy start. Staff is doing an excellent job managing the kids while keeping the program fun. I am in a holding pattern as I get more requests to accept more kids until the Prairie Center issue is resolved. • Farmers' Market attendance has been slow but produce is not in full swing yet. Road construction could affect attendance this season. • Several staff have been resigned so we've been doing lots of interviewing, hiring, and training new staff. Maintenance Supervisor -Brian Weldon: Fitness equipment: • We just had the preventative maintenance completed on the cardio equipment • Some of the pads on the weight machines will need new vinyl soon, we have them upholstered when we get 6pads or so that are getting bad. Meeting Rooms: • The gallery hall we are going to get quotes for carpet tiles as the carpet isn't even cleaning up very well. The tiles you can replace if you get a bad stain etc. Hall needs to be painted in the Gallery Hall soon. • Bridge room floor was coated with new wax, we also need to have some adjustments and bottom drops fixed on some of the wall panels in the Miss. Room and Bridge rooms. • River Room: This room is a hot room in the summer time because of the high ceiling. The cooling comes from 32' ft. above and the sun beats in the windows, this room needs some mechanical updates with the diffusers coming in at a 12' height instead of the 32' height. This is added to next year's budget. Pool Area: • Locker rooms need a fresh coat of paint on the base of the walls, shower walls need a professional steam clean. Grouting will need to be replaced in some of the areas. • Pool: The pool needs to have some new plaster in the pool as it is getting rough and people are scraping their toes. It's been in the projected budget. Director -Kitty Baltos: It's been a busy month for me as well. I am trying to put together a calendar of what I do and then a supplemental sheet for how to do what I do. I'm also trying to make notes on different things to make sure my replacement is aware of them and they don't get lost. 17 years of information stored in various places, including in my head! We have reached the point of being critically understaffed. I thought we were there last month and we've gone even lower with our staff numbers. I will be speaking to the Personnel Committee on some suggestions and ideas for motivating people to apply here and to stay here. I will review suggestions with the Board first. SUGGESTION BOX ITEMS Main Hallway: • 1 feel that the City of Monticello would benefit from more programs centered on art, writing and other creative realms. • Better Wages, Employees deserve higher pay for all the hard work and countless hours they put in. (two separate items) • Offer mileage routes for outside running /walking so we'd know how long a run /walk is (for those of us without smart phones.) • People with disabilities should be able to enter pool area for swimming exercises. Fitness Center: The trainer with red hair interrupted me in the middle of using a machine. She was showing other members how to use equipment. I took off my headphones to find out what she needed. I told her that I needed to complete my last set. So she and five other people stood and watched. The gym was practically empty, plenty of other machines to demo. Please don't interrupt people in the middle of their sets) I Already very self- conscious of using machines as it is H • Please reset the locks for the cell phones, wallets, etc. • Label Machine W6 -W8 with number so weights get put back correctly. • Lower bars on 15 are loose. • You need some sort of an emergency call button up in the exercise area if there is a medical emergency. COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY BOARD STAFF REPORT JUNE 21, 2016 S. Old Business: Friendship Island Enclosed in your packet is a slide with the adjusted rent amounts discussed and approved by the City Council on June 13, 2016. Since we last met, there was a small amount of mold found in the Friendship Island area of the Prairie Center. We moved all of the equipment and participants into the Chapel and halted further registrations. The League of MN Cities Insurance adjustor came in to review the water /mold and determined that it is only in the Friendship Island area and is not a dangerous mold. Then sent an Engineering company in, Encompass, to try to determine how the water is getting into the building. They did find that there was a larger wet area than first anticipated. We are waiting for their report for a remediation plan. We have not been promoting our Year round program at this time since we do not have a date yet when we can access the Prairie Center. We need to be prepared for a possible 2017 -2018 school year start for this program since we do not yet know how extensive the repairs might be. 6. Discussion and recommendation to Personnel Committee on part time emolovee waees On August V we have another increase to the adult minimum wage, from $9 per hour to $9.50 per hour. There is also a required increase to the minor minimum wage from $7.25 per hour to $7.75. On January 1, 2016, the Council approved moving the minors to $7.75 per hour. We, like most businesses, are struggling to find and keep employees. Initially our exit interviews did not indicate that pay was the reason, however, within the last two to three months we've gotten critically low on our staffing numbers and our exit interviews as well as staff input is identifying that our pay level is the primary reason that staff is leaving. All staff, minors as well as adults. Our Human Resource Manager, Tracy Ergen, and I have discussed a number of options and have decided the best option to bring to the Personnel Committee is to put all staff at the adult minimum wage level. While the number of employees who are minors is only 25% of our part time employees, we feel that this is a good first step. However, more may need to be done to recruit and maintain adult employees. I've attaches some information on our employee statistics and what the market is currently paying at this time. We will also be discussing part time benefits such as free membership and concession food incentives to help with retention. We are currently hiring employees and losing them before they even get to the end of their six month probation period. So we are constantly in training mode and thus not providing the best customer service due to mistakes. One important item of note, when discussing our adult wage. These employees must participate in PERA, Public Employee Retirement Assoc. This is a deduction of 6.5% right off the top of their pay check. While most people would say "That's great!" These employees are just trying to supplement their own full time income or a spouse's income. They are not necessarily looking to start a retirement account. So an adult employee starting at $10 per hour is actually making $9.35 per hour after their PERA deduction. Our vesting period is 5 years. Most of our adult employees will not make it to full participation in the program. It is the law that they participate in PERA. We need to keep it in mind as we're trying to recruit and keep employees. C/) CD N F W C X W W Q) rK �L rb Lf1 O kD T tv i T O s M Li) L Lri y O m L l(1 O t ru L t/> O N i CU (p (A r-I O V) a Q N O O m i v Q r u N Q O N Y Y u c E Q CO E -0 y O O 0 LL O Ln M. fC O Q N H laam aadsasuadx3 Ln N O M N a Y c t c 0 E 00 cu cu v E N N em M N l0 N Y G! 3 Z Ln N Li N M O i v 0I OPTION 1 MCC Payscale Grade 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 1 $ 9.50 $ 9.69 $ 9.88 $ 10.08 $ 10.28 $ 10.49 $ 10.69 4.5 $ 10'91 5 Positions 2 $ 9.55 $ 9.74 $ 9.93 $ 10.13 $ 10.33 $ 10.54 $ 11.12 Slide Attentlant 3 $ 9.65 $ 9.85 $ 10.04 $ 10.24 $ 10.44 $ 10.65 $ $ 10.96 $ 11.17 Childcare Attendant 4 $ 9'75 $ 9.95 $ 10.14 $ 10.35 $ 10.55 $ 10.76 10.86 $ $ 11.08 $ 11.29 Climbing wall, Program Asst., VOUth Ballfields 5 $ 9.85 $ 10.05 $ 10.24 $ 10.45 $ 10.65 $ 10.87 10.96 $ 11.08 $ 11.19 S 11.41 IcRink en ant 6 $ 9.95 $ 10,15 $ 10.35 $ 10.56 $ 10.98 $ 11.19 $ 11.30 $ 11.52 GS1, G, Lead Gri, LG, Lead Cw, Prog. Lead, Adult BF, Lead Youth of 7 $ 10.25 $ 10.46 $ 10.66 $ 10.88 $ 10.09 $ 11.31 $ $ 11.42 $ 11.64 Lead adult BF, Mgr. 8 S 10.45 $ 10.66 $ 10.87 $ 11.09 $ 11.30 $ 11.53 11.53 $ $ 11.76 $ 11.99 Lead G5, Event Host Ho 9 $ 12.36 $ 12.61 $ 12.92 $ 13.24 $ 13.58 $ 13.90 11.75 $ $ 14.99 $ 12.22 Program Teacher, Event Decorator 10 $ 12.51 $ 12.76 $ 13.09 $ 13.40 $ 13.74 $ 14.08 14.25 $ 14.43 $ 14.60 $ 14.82 wsl 11 $ 20.00 $ 20.40 $ 20.91 $ 14'78 $ 15.00 League Manager $ 21.42 $ 21.96 Certified Fitness Instractor Denotes starting wage OPTION 2 MCC Payscale Grade 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 $ 8.55 $ 8.77 $ 8.98 $ 4.5 9.21 5 7.5 8 2 $ 7.75 $ 7.95 $ 8.14 $ 8.35 $ 8.55 $ 8.77 $ 8.98 10.28 $ 8.5 9 Positions 3 $ 7.75 $ 7.95 $ 8.14 $ 8.35 $ 8.55 $ 8.77 $ 9.21 $ 9.55 $ 9.74 $ 9.93 $ 10.13 $ 10.33 $ 10.91 $ 11.12 Slide Attendant 10.54 $ 4 $ 7.75 $ 7.95 $ 8.14 $ 8.35 $ 8.55 $ $ g.77 8.98 $ 9.21 $ g•65 $ 985 10.44 $ 10.74 $ 10.96 $ 11.17 Childcare Attendant 10.65 5 $ 8.76 $ 8.94 $ 9,16 S 8'98 $ 9.21 $ 9.75 $ 9.95 10.55 $ 10.86 $ 11.08 $ 11.29 Climbing wall, Gs2, Program Asst., Youth Ballfields 6 S 9.20 $ 9.46 $ 9.69 $ 9.95 $ 10.15 $ 10.24 $ 10.45 $ 10.65 $ 10.76 $ 10.96 $ 11.19 $ 11.41 Ice Rink Attendant 7 $ 9.79 $ 9.99 $ 10.25 $ 10.46 $ 10.66 $ 10.35 $ 10.56 $ 10.76 $ 10.98 $ 11.19 $ 11.42 $ 11.19 $ $ 11.42 11.52 LG, Lead Cw, Prog. Lead, Adult BF, Lead Youth BF 8 $ 10.00 $ 10.20 $ 10.45 $ 10.66 $ 10.80 $ 11.09 $ 11.31 $ 11.53 S 11'06 $ 11.99 $ 11.64 Lead Lead adult BF, FM Mgr, 9 $ 12.36 $ 12.61 $ 12.92 $ 13.24 $ 13.58 $ 11.09 $ 11.30 $ 11.53 $ 12.00 Lead G5, Event Host 10 $12.51 $ 12.76 $ 13.09 1 $ $ 3.40 13 $ 13.90 $ $ 14.08 14.25 $ 14.60 14'82 t Decorator Program Teacher, Even.74 11 $ 20.00 $ 20.40 $ 20.91 $ 14.43 $ 14.78 8 $ 15.00 wsl $ 21.42 $ 21.96 League Manager Certified Fitness lnstrac[or Denotes starting adult wage Part Time Employee hiring and loss information Leads: (5)- normally 7 3 are new GS2: (9)- normally 12 6 are new GS3: (2)- normally 2 or 3 CC: 4 -ok 1 is new Wall: (3)- normally 5 or 6 Concerned about low staffing. Staff that has left in last 6 months: Lead Guest Service — 5 Climbing Wall Attendant -4 Guest Service 2 — 5 Childcare -3 STARTING WAGES OTHER COMPANIES: Walmart $11.00 /hour Kwik Trip $11.50 /hour Target $10.00 /hour plus discount Movie Theater $7.25 /hour - difficulty keeping employees Subway $9.25 /hour Burger King $12 /hour Quizno's $8.50 /hour Caribou - minors /adult minimum wage Outlets $9.00 /hour Becker Community Center - $9 per hour will go up to $9.50 in August They off free membership for employee, 40% off for a family. They are also struggling to recruit and maintain employees. Total number of applications since Jan: Jan Feb March April May June 10 8 8 10 9 6 Applicants not hired and reason why not: Availability Did not respond to interview call qualities not fit for job 8 5 6 -still interviewing 3 Applications Hired per month: Jan Feb March April May June 6 5 6 7 3 2 Assuming an approximate $2 per hour increase would be $13,000 to $21,000. JR /SR ADULT DUAL FAMILY GROUP OLD NEW 5% 10% MONTHLY PAYMENTS 2016 OLD Current Jr /Sr Resident Monthly $17 $19 $20.00 $178 $20.00 1r /Sr Regular Monthly $22 $24 $25.00 $240 $26.00 Adult Resident Monthly $25 $27.50 $29.00 $436.00 $29.50 Adult Regular Monthly $30 $33 $34.50 $385 $35.00 Dual Sr Resident Monthly $27.50 $30.50 $32.00 $240 $32.50 Family Resident Monthly $32 $35 $37.00 $38.50 $45.00 Family Resident Monthly $35 $39 $41.00 $43.00 $45.00 Family Regular Monthly $37 $41 $43.00 $45.00 $50.00 Family Regular Monthly $40 $44 $46.00 $48.50 $5o.00 Group Home Monthly $43 $47 $48.50 $52.00 $53.50 Group Home Monthly $46 $51 $53.50 $56.00 $53.50 2016 CHARTER MEMBERS OLD NEW 5% 30% Charter Jr /Sr Resident $162 $178 $198 $196.00 Charter Family Resident $288 $317 $240 $349.00 Charter Family Regular $360 $396 Dual Sr Resident Annual $436.00 2016 ANNUAL PAID IN FULL OLD NEW 5% 10% Jr /Sr Resident Annual $180 $198 $208 $208.00 Jr /Sr Regular Annaul $240 $264 $277 $277.00 Dual Sr Resident Annual $290 $319 $335 $335.00 Dual Sr Regular Annaul $385 $424 $445 $446.00 Adult Resident Annual $240 $264 $277 $277.00 Family Resident Annual $320 $352 $370 $387 $454.00 Family Resident Annual $350 $385 $404 $424 $454.00 Family Regular Annual $400 $440 $462 $484 $541.00 Family Regular Annual $425 $468 $491 $515 $541.00 Group Home Annual $500 $550 $578 $605 $578.00 Olt)`- The old rate would be the rate they have been paying, wThe new rate is the rate they will pay beginning in 2015. W10][1111A 11111uIx�114 b97I1 � Family Resident (154) 139 Family Regular (156) 109 Adult Resident 30 Adult Regular (20) 17 SR /JR Resident 18 SR /JR Regular (34) 19 Dual SR Resident (7) 6 Dual SR Regular 5 SR Resident Charter 1 Family Resident Charter 6 Family Regular Charter 2 Group Home 2 -435 354 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 oils 0 2/$350 3/$352 27/$385 74/$404 70%4/$440 16/$468 63/$491 13% 10% 3% 1/$162 6/$317 2.50% 2/$400 0.50% ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP REVIEW 5/$198 4/$264 2/$424 139 10/$35 132/$39 106/$41 45/$45 290 586 7/$41 109/$44 127/$46 47/$50 49 10/$27.50 1/$28 36/$29.50 50 17 18 19 12/$33 38/$35 17 1 2 2 Family Family Adult Adult SR /JR SR /1R Dual SR Dual SR SR Family Family Group Resident Regular Resident Regular Resident Regular Resident Regular Resident Resident Regular Home (154) (156) (20) (34) (7) Charter Charter Charter CONTINUOUS MEMBERSHIPS Family Resident Monthly Family Regular Monthly Adult Resident Monthly Adult Regular Monthly JR /SR Resident Monthly JR /SR Regular Monthly Dual SR Resident Monthly Dual SR Regular Monthly Group Home Monthly 296 10/$35 132/$39 106/$41 45/$45 290 586 7/$41 109/$44 127/$46 47/$50 49 10/$27.50 1/$28 36/$29.50 50 99 12/$33 38/$35 17 6/$19 11/$20 20 37 3/$24 3/$25 14/$26 5 4/$30.50 1/$32.50 8 13 3/$40 5/$42 2 2 1/$47 1/$51 737 33/$454 26/$541 30/$277 17/$358 13/$208 15/$277 6/$335 3/$446 2/$578 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 I Corporate Memberships Silver Sneakers Members Silver & Fit Members Corporate Memberships 3 Month Memberships Per CSI Annuals mislabeled 90 All on current rate 202 $3 per SS visit 271 $22 per member if visits 10 Always at current rate 104 Always at current rate 1,768 1,848 80 A 5% increase would mean a gross increase of approximately $22,000 This assumes no member loss. CONTINUOUS MEMBERSHIP REVIEW 296 290 49 50 if 20 5 8 2 Family Resident Monthly Family Regular Monthly Adult Resident Monthly Adult Regular Monthly JR /SR JR /SR Dual SR Resident Regular Resident Monthly Monthly Monthly Dual SR Regular Monthly Group Home Monthly Corporate Memberships Silver Sneakers Members Silver & Fit Members Corporate Memberships 3 Month Memberships Per CSI Annuals mislabeled 90 All on current rate 202 $3 per SS visit 271 $22 per member if visits 10 Always at current rate 104 Always at current rate 1,768 1,848 80 A 5% increase would mean a gross increase of approximately $22,000 This assumes no member loss. BUDGET PROJECTS FOR 2017 MAINTENANCE Safety devices, equipment etc. $10,000 Replacement carpet fitness area $35,000 Wall enhancement free weight room $5,000 Fitness area upgrade cooling $60,000 Air handler 7 & 8 HVAC upgrade $15,000 New chemical & equip room doors $15,000 New flooring Gallery Hallway $20,000 New HVAC unit Pool equipment Room $10,000 New basketball board $ 500 New controllers $15,000 Romp & Stomp lighting $15,000 Lighting Gym area $35,000 Diamond Brite Pool $40,000 Play structure painting etc. $10,000 Men's Partition walls repair $ 5,000 Re glaze water slide $35,000 UV light replacement $2,500 Parking lot seal $30,000 Automatic flushers $9,000 Cust. Equip, wet vac, vacuums etc. $3,000 Entry Rugs $5,000 Shower Rooms clean wall tile $2,500 Concrete raising $4,000 Partial Roof Replacement $150,000 Condensing unit upgrades $30,000 Pool lighting repairs $10,000 Women's vanity replacement $5,000 Family Locker vanity replacement $5,000 City Hall Academy carpet replace $10,000 City Hall Budget Dishwasher Senior Kitchen $ 7,500 River Room ventilation $10,000 Boiler tune -ups $1,500 Energy management updates $15,000 Snow equipment $15,000 Ice Machine $7,500 Door replacement phasing - plus hdw $15,000 Automatic flushers $6,000 RENTALS AND EVENTS: Waiting for bid for swinging doors in catering kitchen *Re carpet gallery hallway Hoping 2016 *New fabric banner signs for room names (7) $1200 New directional sign for hallway $1500 New paper insert room signs for each room total (7) $1500 Head table covering $800 Climbing wall stations $2,500 *childcare toys- $1,000 *childcare paging system *Concession equipment- $1000 *Wedding Decor *Recycling containers for meeting rooms $2400. PROGRAMMING Canopy replacement, used at Farmers' market and other community events: $400 Fitness class equipment, replace and get new: $2,000 Wavemaster punching bags: $600 Aquaphysical / Float Fit balance boards for the pool: $4,000 Vehicle maintenance (Van) general maintenance /transmission: $4,000 Bounce House for gym: $2,000 Friendship Island supplies and improvements to Prairie Center suite: $5,000 Climbing wall stanchions replaced: $2,000 Things to think about: Keyless door entry system (for staff) Replace TV's in fitness area (I could see these going out with all the hours they are on) Carpet replacement in childcare $850 POOL /AQUATICS $100,000 New ring rescue buoys (3) $250.00 Cabinet for pool supplies $300.00 Batteries and pads for AED (2) $1,000 Red Cross Fee for swim lessons $1,000 Red Cross Lifeguard Re -Cent Fee $850 Play Structure $100,000 Lifejackets $300.00 Rescue Tubes $150.00 Swim lessons (flippers,toys,noodles) $300.00 New Back Board with Head Block and Straps $600.00