MCC Advisory Board Agenda 02-16-2016COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2016 4:30 PM — RIVER ROOM Board members: Darren Paumen- Chair, Jennifer Bethke, Heath Bird, Bonnie Stromberg and Brian Stumpf Staff Members: Kitty Baltos- Director 1. Call meeting to order. 2. Consideration of appointing a Co -Chair for 2016. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Consideration of approving the minutes of the January 19, 2016 regular meeting. 5. Update items: a. Usage through January 2016 b. Manager's Update c. Suggestion Box items 6. Old Business: a. Special Permit for alcohol usage during adult leagues at Xcel Ball Fields. b. Friendship Island transition to year round program. c. Southwest corner MCC 7. Discussion of repair /improvement in the pool. 8. Discussion on possibility of merging MCC Advisory Board and Parks Commission and setting a joint meeting date and time. 9. Adjourn. COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 19, 2016 Board Members Present: Darren Paumen- Chair, Bonnie Stromberg and Brian Stumpf Board Members Absent: Jennifer Bethke and Heath Bird Staff Members Present: Kitty Baltos- Director and Sara Cahill- Program & Operations Coordinator 1. Meeting called to order by Kitty Baltos at 4:33 pm 2. Consideration of appointing a Chair and Vice Chair for 2016. MOTION by Brian Stumpf to appoint Darren Paumen as the Chair of the Advisory Board for 2016, SECONDED by Bonnie Stromberg, MOTION PASSES unanimously. The Board tabled the appointment of the Vice Chair to the February meeting. 3. Consideration of adding or deleting items from the agenda. Add Friendship Island Information Item 7. 4. Consideration of approving the minutes of the December 15, 2015 regular meeting. MOTION by Brian Stumpf to approve the minutes as submitted, SECONDED by Darren Paumen. MOTION PASSES unanimously. 5. Update Items: a. Thoroughly reviewed year end Usage and Financial information. b. Reviewed Manager's Update, specifically item from Sara Cahill regarding possible transportation issues with before and after school Friendship Island program. c. Reviewed Suggestion box items. The Board was interested in the suggestions from the public for the Southwest corner of the building and its future usage. 6. Consideration of approving a Special Permit allowing alcohol to be brought in and consumed at the Xcel Ball Fields during Adult Leagues. After a lengthy discussion, with the suggestions from the Board to be very specific on the requirements laid out in the Special Permit, a MOTION was made by Brian Stumpf to recommend to the City Council to approve a Special Permit for alcohol use at the Xcel Ball Fields. Motion was SECONDED by Darren Paumen and PASSES unanimously. The item will now go to the Parks Commission for their recommendation before going to the City Council. 7. Added Item: Friendship Island. Discussed budget projections for before and after school Friendship Island program. More information to follow as project progresses. 8. Meeting adjourned at 5:25 pm to begin tour of Prairie Center building and Swan River Chapel building. Date Approved: Attest: Kitty M. Baltos - Director m 0 N G O 0 O r in o N o o to m m �o co vl rl w W H N O O 00 H ,-I O1 N N .i OI W rl N � p N N L6 N ,-I N � N m fY1 N f/1 m N 1+'1 N N N (Y1 N l0 N l0 N N N N c p, 0 9 N O N I� W N 01 l0 lq W 10 J l0 10 W" (Cl Lq o M s rn G W IQ, aa; N N N N* N.. N N N. m O N N d' f0 l0 w 0 N O ,T_. ',c .., 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ig aco o z O U o O G O N co Wo 0 Or N J m Q a' C;Y: of W W' C 3 N m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11) W Q DI N N Q O) C Q rk�! y Z 6 W W C U N� OMj a Z a ❑ c W lLL �Wi m a In O O m y V 00 O C ��.t� tai5` tiII N �" 0 Z Q Z 0 N II S LL N C O ELL7 ¢ m .ol W lf1 a U) 2 Lo' N" -r !e n CL 7 0, cL :o. o 0 J v � � Q d LL J 'lT r n Q . 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We have a few troops scheduled the next few weekends to sell cookies. • My one and only wedding hostess went in to early labor and birth of her new son so bringing back one of my hostesses that left to pursue her nursing career. She has a weekend off in Feb so helps me out a lot since we have 2 chapel weddings this month and also a Miss Room wedding. I will be training in one of our current adult employees to work chapel and he will also be trained to work Miss Room. Looking to add on one more hostess. Sadie will be coming back in April to work weddings again so just getting thru Feb. We also need to hire another front desk lead. We are short there with Laura moving to DMV and another lead leaving to work in a job that is more along the lines of her degree while she is in college. • I have a new office 11 Well ...... new to me old to MCC. Sara and I switched our offices around. She has a lot of the walk in's with insurance needs and seniors signing up for and questions with their silver sneakers or silver and fit. I get more phone calls so it gets to be hard to hear with the hallway noise, copier and right outside my door seems to be the general area for talk so becomes hard to hear on my phone. Kind of like moving to a new house.... forces you to clean your desk, file things where they belong and clean up the area. Makes you feel rejuved moving. • We are well staffed for front desk, climbing wall and childcare. We cannot find a day time wall person so groups are disappointed. We had one cancel because of wall not being available and have another one scheduled for April that will probably cancel if no wall. We have been very lucky in the past to have a college student or someone with another part time job that we could schedule. Maintenance Supervisor -Brian Weldon: Pool Area: • We have started to de -stain the pool this week, some of the areas are getting so imbedded in the diamond bright because of the wear factor that they are permanent. • As we look into the future for resurfacing we are looking at what we can do to improve the water quality. We will be meeting with Matt from the water Dept. • We also just had a new damper motor & exhaust motor installed in the pool air handling unit. Fitness Area: • We just had the preventative maintenance done on the Elliptical's and the treadmills. • We will be replacing a belt and deck on a treadmill and had some new sleeves installed on an Elliptical. Otherwise the equipment is in working order. • We will be looking at some new equipment in the near future. Meeting Rooms: • The rooms are all in good shape, the River Room needs some wall patching and some fresh paint. • Fresh wax on the floors will be in order in the near future. • Kitchen off the senior Center is in need of a new dishwasher, I have been looking at the options available. Locker Rooms: • We have the new locker partitions for the ladies locker Room that is scheduled to be replaced this week. • Led bulbs continue to be installed in the Main hallways. Program & Operations Coordinator -Sara Cahill: • 1 am gearing up for the farmers' market and collecting vendor applications. Opening day will be Thursday, May 12. So far I only have 11 applications so we need more vendors to help fill up the market. • We are hosting the MN Farmers' Market annual conference here again this year. Last year they were very pleased with our venue and Cornerstone Catering for working with MN grown ingredients. I enjoy attending the conference and even more so when it's right here • Friendship Island registration will open April 4. 1 will open the first week of registration for full -time participants and then open registration for part- timers on April 11. 1 plan to separate the age groups more this year and use the Prairie Center building and the Chapel. • We will be talking to Hoglund Bus about transportation logistics for the before and after school program this week. • It continues to be busy with member's insurance changes and updates for the reimbursement programs. • Programs coming up: Indoor Block Party, Pot'O Gold Pickle ball Tourney, Egg Scramble and Splash, & Bootcamp Jr. Aquatic Director - Corinne Mitchell: • The pool has been busy ... Many families are using the pool in the mornings now more than ever. • We had some poor air quality in the pool lately due to repairs needed on the air handler. Repairs were made. Saturday February 6th was a heavy bather load and it remain very comfortable. Yeah!! Happy pool staff and happy customers. • Fun Fact: Dale Brown has been a lifeguard and swim instructor for us for over 14 years. He will be 80 years old this Mayl So excited to be making a birthday cake to help him celebrate • We are half way through our Winter Session of swim lessons and thankful no snow days! • Pool will be fully staffed for February 151h Presidents Days. Most school are off and MCC will be hopping • Spring Swim Lesson schedule will be available Friday March 4th with registration beginning Wednesday March 9th • Thankfully I am now comfortable with the amount of lifeguard we have on staff to the pool... this fall we were very low but recently hired great new additions. Director -Kitty Baltos: • For such low attendance numbers for January, it seemed extremely busy for all of us. We've been discussion ways to increase daily fee traffic, Living Social is bringing in a lot of people. Each weekend we see at least 20 coupons being redeemed. This equates to about 80 people. But a 7% drop from last January is concerning. • I'm working with a team to elicit feedback from the public regarding Monticello and where the City's goals should be based on community input. We'll be doing a community feedback event as a part of our Block Party on the 20th • I am responsible for the volunteers for the Triathlon on July 23rd. It's exciting to work with Brett who has so much knowledge about tri's. It's fun to see how someone else event plans, works the media, etc. SUGGESTION BOX ITEMS FEBRUARY, 2016 MAIN HALLWAY: • I know kids will be kids, but it would be nice as the people who pay to use this facility. The screaming in the gym is an 8 with 10 being the worst. It is annoying when you can't even hear music with ear phones in. • Thank you for the recent additional of the three new shower heads that have just been installed in the Men's locker /shower room. They work great and were very needed, keep up the great work. • Maybe you do this already, but if not, it would be nice to split the gym at certain times /days for those who don't want to play basketball. Also pickleball to be available for all kids to play. • More rock wall hours. • Be open later. SOUTHWEST CORNER SUGGESTIONS: Outdoor pool III Splash Pad II Open Green Play space I Fitness Facility I BMX Track I More Parking I DMV /Help Center I • Here's the one about the expanded fitness facility: You are probably going to get a lot of people suggesting that the old wheel park be converted to additional parking, however, I feel that additional space should be used for a dedicated fitness class area and the weight lifting area be shifted to the old wheel park. The walls then in the weight lifting area could be taken out and that space be used for spreading out the existing equipment or for additional equipment gradually. FITNESS CENTER: • 1 would like to see cleaner lockers in the locker room. There is thick dust on the doors anc the insides are not very clean. • This is a wonderful place for all to exercise. PLEASE encourage parents to monitor kids on track and exercise area. I have seen kids running on track with weights almost knocking elderly people over— No parents. Also make it more obvious that outside track is for runners. • Something is wrong with treadmill C37. It randomly stops mid run. MCC ADVISORY BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 16, 2016 Item 6a. Special Permit for alcohol usage during adult leagues at Xcel Ball Fields. Our request for a special permit was recommended by the MCC Advisory Board and Parks Commission and then approved at the City Council meeting on February 8, 2016. It's already brought one team back to Monticello to play. Our next step is to determine if an organization might be able to staff the concessions. Tom Pawelk and I are working on that and will bring information back to the Board regarding the further discussions. Item 6b. Friendship Island transition to year round program. We met with Joe Kounkel and he outlined our major hurdle to bussing the kids to and from Pinewood, we are in the "walking zone" for Pinewood. The east border is highway 25. Joe indicated that the school has held firm on this boundary, but he was meeting with Jim Johnson, Joe Dockendorf on Wednesday the 10`h to discuss some other items and would bring this item upon our behalf. Hopefully we'll have more information at the Board meeting. If we are unable to use the regular busses to transport, we'd have to charter a bus and add that cost into the cost of the program. One concern that I have is that in the paper from February W1, an article indicated that the school will be getting into before and after school childcare at Eastview. This could happen with the Fall 2016 school sta rt. Item 7. Discussion of repair /improvement in the pool. I am talking with a couple of people to determine if it might be possible to resurface the pool surface and to replace the existing play feature in the pool. I would be trying to get this work approved for this year even though it is not budgeted. Here's what I need to do to proceed: • Talk to our Finance Director regarding a surplus for 2015. 1 know that we spent quite a bit less than we budgeted; things didn't need to be replaced /repaired, we decided to hold off, did things a different way, etc. So I believe we might have a surplus. I will be talking to him as soon as all the invoices are put on the system for 2015, which is mid - February. I should be able to get more accurate financial information at the beginning of March. • We need to talk to Matt Theisen, from our Water Department, to figure out how to stop the rust staining in our pool. We last discussed this about ten years ago with no good option at the time. Matt will let us know if there are some newer options we could try. The process of de- staining the pool is damaging the pool surface this requiring the resurface work. • Once these two hurdles are made, we can begin the process of getting quotes or bids. This will be regularly discussed and updated to the MCC Advisory Board for recommendation to the City Council for final approval. • This would be approximately a $150,000 price tag. We would have the work done when we close the pool in September this year. • As we look at a possible Entertainment Center coming into Albertville, this could really increase our appeal and daily /membership traffic. Item 8. Discussion on the possibility of merging the MCC Advisory Board and Parks Commission and determining a joint meeting date and time to discuss. More information at the meeting from Brian Stumpf and Kitty.