MCC Advisory Board Agenda 01-19-2016COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 2016 4:40 PM — RIVER ROOM Board Members: Jennifer Bethke -Vice Chair, Darren Paumen, Heath Bird, Bonnie Stromberg and Brian Stumpf Staff Members: Kitty Baltos- Director 1. Call the meeting to order. 2. Consideration of appointing a Chair and Vice Chair for 2016. 3. Consideration of adding or deleting items on the agenda. 4. Consideration of approving the minutes of the December 15, 2015 regular meeting. 5. Update items: a. Year -end Usage information b. Year -end financial summary c. Manager's update d. Suggestion box items 6. Consideration of approving a Special Permit allowing alcohol to be brought in and consumed at the Xcel Ball Fields during Adult Leagues. 7. Tour of Swan River "Chapel" and Prairie Center Friendship Island Facility. 8. Adjourn. COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES DECEMBER 15, 2015 Board members present: Darren Paumen, Heath Bird, Bonnie Stromberg and Brian Stumpf Board members absent: Jennifer Bethke -Vice Chair Staff member present: Kitty Baltos- Director 1. Meeting called to order by Darren Paumen, acting Chair, at 5:00 pm at Beef O'Brady's Restaurant. 2. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Brian Stumpf added Council updates on minimum wage increase for minors (item 6) and Friendship Island using Prairie Center (added to item 5). 3. Consideration of approving the minutes of the November 17, 2015 regular meeting. MOTION by Brian Stumpf to approve the minutes as submitted. SECOND by Heath Bird. MOTION PASSES unanimously with no discussion. 4. Discussion on Bertram Blast Triathlon and the City's commitment. Kitty reviewed the expected work load. The question why no on -road option for bikes and the status of the 501C3. Board consensu's to continue moving forward. 5. Discussion on Friendship Island moving to the Prairie Center building. Brian Stumpf updated the Board on the motion from the Council to pursue using the Prairie Center building for Friendship Island. Kitty reviewed the site map and the work that would need to happen to be ready for Friendship Island. Staff is currently researching costs, possible revenue. The Board requested that information at then next meeting as well as a tour of the Chapel building and the proposed Friendship Island space. Consensus of the Board to move forward as discussed. 6. Added item: Minor Minimum Wage increase to $7.75 for those under that pay level. Brian Stumpf reported that it was discussed and approved by the Council for the increase to happen the first payroll of 2016. 7. Meeting adjourned at 5:33 pm Date Approved: Attest: Kitty M. Baltos, MCC Director END OF YEAR STATISTICS Daily Usage Compared to Member Check -in USAGE - DAILY vs MEMBERS �3 179,431 176,963 2010 2011 2012 2013 ■ Daily s Member MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION MEMBERSHIP SALES 3000 2500 2012 2013 2014 2015 r New r Renew o Total ANCILLARY FEE REVENUE $250,000 $200,000 _ _....... ___ $167,723 $150,000 $100,000 $45,7 2010 MEMBERSHIP REVIEW 6,000 -- 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 REVENUE FROM ANCILLARY FEES $192,708 $184,125 -- 712 $61,0 E 2011 2012 2013 2014 ■ User Fees s Programs m Concessions MEMBERSHIP REVIEW 5;586 -- 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 I ® Member Contracts E Total member Number $213,924 REVENUE & EXPENSE STATEMENT December 31, 2015 2014 2015 2015 FULL YEAR Dec -15 789,997 REVENUE BUDGET ACTUAL 1 ROOM RENTAL 97,000 88,783.26 2 WEDDING RENTALS 35,000 25,988.29 3 ROOM RENTAL INTERNAL USE 55,000 54,999.96 4 CHAPEL RENTAL 3,500 3,623.43 5 PARTY ROOM RENTAL 27,500 24,547.52 6 CONCESSIONS 82,200 64,819.69 7 VENDING COMM /REFUND 1,500 1,396,32 8 FACILITIES LEASE 10,000 6,995.49 9 FARMERS' MARKET FEES 2,600 2,518.00 10 BALLFIELD CONCESSIONS 24,950 7,063.12 11 USER FEES ` 57,000 63,845.78 12 MEMBERSHIPS /DAILY 810,000 842,400.72 13 PROGRAM FEES 198,500 213,923.63 14 COPIES /LISTS 46 112.67 15 OTHER SERVICES 500 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 16 INTEREST 2,500 T &E /MACHINERY 17 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 500 196.50 18 SALE OF PROPERTY 50 T &E /OFFICE EQUIPMENT 19 CONTRIBUTIONS 3,000 4,880.00 20 PURCHASE CARD REBATES 52 2,492.44 21 INSURANCE CLAIMS 53 PROF SERVICES -LEGAL FEES 22 REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS 54 PROF SERVICE MGMT FEE 23 MISC REVENUE 33,500 25,144.02 24 NSF FEE COLLECTION 300 120.00 25 TOTAL REVENUE BEFORE TAXES 1,445,050 1,433,850.84 26 TAXES 1,363,000 1,363,000.00 27 UTILITY VALUATION AID 28 HOMESTEAD & AG CREDIT 29 OPERATING TRANSFER IN 1,005,000.00 30 TOTAL REVENUE 2,808,050.00 3,801,850.84 2014 EXPENSES: 2014 31 SALARIES 789,997 766,258.44 32 EMPLOYEE TAXES / BENEFITS 212,068 192,424.44 33 PRINTED FORMS 1,875 1,424.14 34 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,750 3,143.18 35 CLEANING SUPPLIES 15,000 14,183.55 36 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 3,750 2,401.81 37 MOTOR FUELS 250 220.43 38 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 16,850 18,949.36 39 POOL MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 7,490 10,360.17 40 GENERAL OPERATING SUPPLIES 28,100 25,272.17 41 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 3,750 2,471.42 42 FITNESS EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 2,350 1,129.31 43 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 545.05 44 BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 3,750 1,593.05 45 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 940 55.95 46 MISC REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 14,050 7,266.82 471 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 19,650 5,165.21 48 T &E /MACHINERY 3,999.76 180.00 49 T &E /FURNITURE & OFFICE EQUIP 1,346,422.94 1, 385, 044.30 50 T &E /OFFICE EQUIPMENT 51 T &E COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 52 T &E OTHER 50,000.00 2,781,467.24 53 PROF SERVICES -LEGAL FEES 54 PROF SERVICE MGMT FEE 940 820.50 F..) PRC1F RFR\ /IrF IIATA PRn(,.FRR 1 1 87Fi 2014 2014 Dec -14 YEAR END ACTUAL ACTUAL 88,834.26 88,834.26 24,902.88 24,902.88 49,999.98 49,999.98 2,778.94 2,778.94 24,073.631 24,073.63 64,572.73 64,572.73 1,510.59 1,510.59 10, 374.54 10, 374.54 2,118.00 2,118.00 17,951.10 17,951.10 61,046.29 61,046.29 790,225.15 790,225.15 184,124.941 184,124.94 91.66 91.66 193.31 193.31 545.05 545.05 5,500.00 5,500.00 2,215.44 2,215.44 6,389.071 6,389.07 4,795.62 8,795.38 3,999.76 180.00 180.00 1,346,422.94 1,346,422.94 1, 385, 044.30 1, 385, 044.30 50,000.001 50,000.00 2,781,467.24 2,781,467.24 1 4,016.24 .�;n in 2015 2015 FULL YEAR Dec -15 REVENUE BUDGET ACTUAL 56 PROF SERVICE SOFTWARE /PROG 7,950 9,642.64 57 PROF SERVICE - Website /Email 940 724.34 58 PROF SERVICE - REFUSE COLLECT 2,800 1,879.83 59 PROF SERVICE CUSTODIAL 470 532.95 60 PROF SERVICE LAUNDRY 2,800 2,857.58 61 PROF SERVICE BLDG / EQUIP 470 862.32 62 PROF SERVICE MAINT AGREE 8,000 8,246.87 63 PROF SERVICE NEWSLETTER 560 166.34 64 MISC PROF SERVICES 5,000 1,023.78 65 PROF SERVICE - WEDDING SECURE 3,000 2,471.00 66 TELEPHONE 3,960 2,570.16 67 INTERNAL IT SERVICES 34,661 34,660.92 68 POSTAGE 1,875 1,032.40 69 DELIVERY MAIL SERVICE UPS 70 CABLE /NETWORK SERVICES 3,900 3,597.72 71 ITRAVEL EXPENSE 3,300 1,521.06 72 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 73 FREIGHT 300 269.75 74 PROMOTIONS /EXHIBIT ADMISSION 500 75 ADVERTISING - GENERAL 3,785 2,953.10 76 GEN'L PUBLIC INFORMATION 1,875 77 BROCHURES 994.22 78 GEN'L LIABILITY INSURANCE 15,348 16,395.00 79 PROPERTY INSURANCE 80 MISC GENERAL INS WK COMP 1,382.57 81 SALES TAX & PROPERTY TAX 82 SALES TAX 83 ELECTRIC 117,000 104,118.49 84 WATER & SEWER 12,000 8,887.23 85 GAS 62,000 46,367.16 86 REPAIR & MAINT - BUILDING 30,000 54,502.14 87 REPAIR & MAINT- MACH /EQUIP 30,000 12,607.19 88 REPAIR & MAINT -POOL & REC 32,7501 10,215.67 89 REPAIR & MAINT -OTHER 3,750 7.67 90 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,350 690.09 91 UNIFORM RENTAL 1,150 810.29 92 TOWEL RENTAL 1,150 851.39 93 CASH SHORT - 151.11 94 UNCOLLECTIBLE ACCOUNTS 95 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIP 940 870.40 96 LICENSE & PERMITS 3,400 1,537.79 97 PRIZES DONATED 940 22.15 98 BANK CHARGES 20,000 18,775.09 99 MISC OTHER EXPENSES 1,888 2,477.04 100 BUILDINGS 101 IMPROVEMENTS 69,000 102 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 103 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 10,000 104 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 105 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 106 OTHER EQUIPMENT 107 TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 108 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE 1,005,000 1,005,000.00 109 SUB TOTAL 2,631,247 2,414,513.18 PROGRAMMING EXPENSES: 110 ROOM RENTAL SUPPLIES 31446 2,257.43 111 PROGRAM OFFICE SUPPLIES 117 (:(lN(:FRRI(lN CTANII RI IPPI IFC 9 snn 1151 71 1 4,016.24 .�;n in 2015 2015 FULL YEAR Dec -15 REVENUE BUDGET ACTUAL 113 PARTY ROOM SUPPLIES 7,485 4,661.62 114 CHAPEL SUPPLIES 190 115 CLIMBING WALL SUPPLIES 1,875 853.19 116 FITNESS AREA SUPPLIES 7,485 206.74 117 GYMNASIUM SUPPLIES 470 31.76 118 INDOOR PLAY SUPPLIES 570 68.85 119 POOL SUPPLIES 1,800 1,416.26 120 WAREHOUSE SUPPLIES 240 121 FARMERS' MARKET SUPPLIES 561.23 122 GEN'L PROGRAM OPER SUPPLIES 7,400 6,924.57 123 FRIEND ISLAND GEN OP SUPPLIES 6,441.18 124 MISC REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 37,400 31.90 125 T &E FITNESS EQUIPMENT 126 T &E FURNITURE 127 T &E OFFICE EQUIPMENT 128 T &E CONCESSION EQUIPMENT 129 T &E /RECREATION EQUIPMENT 130 T &E OTHER 131 CONCESSION FOOD SUPPLIES 48,000 40,349.84 132 NON -FOOD CONCESSION PROD. 2,350 1,997.01 133 PROF SERVICE - FITNESS 1,000 191.05 134 PROF SERVICE - PROG INSTRUCT 1,200 8,843.69 135 PROF SERVICE - WEDDING DECOR 136 PROF SERVICE - UMPIRE /REFEREE 20,000 9,214.00 137 PROF SERVICE -GEN'L PROGRAM 5,000 6,303.55 138 FREIGHT 139 PROMOTIONS 1,692.87 140 PROGRAM ADVERTISING 2,000 371.25 141 WATER /SEWER 67.83 142 EQUIPMENT RENTAL -PROGRAM 660 675.00 143 DUES,MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIP 144 PRIZES 200 671.00 145 MISC OTHER EXPENSES 250 146 IMPROVEMENTS 147 RECREATION EQUIPMENT 148 TOTAL PROGRAM EXPENSES 151,821 93,951.53 BALL FIELD CONCESSIONS: 149 OFFICE SUPPLIES 150 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 151 CONCESSION STAND SUPPLIES 280 152 GENERAL OPERATING COSTS 280 153 GENERAL OPERATING SUPPLIES 7,000 154 MISC REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 155 T &E /CONCESSION EQUIPMENT 156 BEER /MALT BEVERAGES 1,865.85 157 CONCESSION FOOD PRODUCT 10,000 1,553.61 158 NON -FOOD PRODUCT FOR RESALE 300 200.00 1591 PROF SERV -DATA PROCESSING 300 160 PROF SERV- SOFTWARE /PROGRAM 161 PROF SVC- WEBSITE /EMAIL 162 MISC PROF SERVICES 163 TELEPHONE 164 INTERNAL IT SERVICES 1,812 1,812.00 165 FREIGHT 166 INSURANCE -LIAB & DRAM SHOP 11671 PROPERTY INSURANCE 168 ELECTRIC 2,500 1,983.33 1Rq REPAIR R AAAINT - RI III mKir 470 2014 2015 2015 FULL YEAR Dec -15 ACTUAL REVENUE BUDGET ACTUAL 170 REPAIR & MAINT - MACH & EQUIP 470 171 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 17,478.30 172 LICENSES & PERMITS 1,100 172.00 173 PRIZES - 121,553.80 174 MISC OTHER EXPENSES 175 TOTAL BALLFIELD EXPENSES: 24,512 7,586.79 1761 TOTAL ALL EXPENSES 2,807,580 2,516,051.50 177 NET 1,285,799.34 178 Without Debt and Taxes - 77,200.66 2014 2014 Dec -14 YEAR END ACTUAL ACTUAL 1,368.71 1,368.71 535.50 535.50 17,478.30 17,478.30 2,559,186.24 2,559,186.24 - 121,553.80 - 121,553.80 1 - 172,763.30 - 172763.3 D C� G V W `G N O N m O LnO (n d DO N 0 m m O m N D v Co G z D w o N v c 3 m D m w r %n 0 1 z V W L O O W 11v w W V j r n N O o O T A V N N CO O C Z -n N tOD' N 1W)) 1 INn �a W N o W0 W N m W v N O M 7 A 2 d { d w N N ' nx W O CA y. li N 9 z z ago uNi N" D O W 0 W m O) D) 0 W al N m f�s A O W COit fWD A N W N N W? � sj Tw < N A N w w N Aryp o A � = W T N VI U W A Z W m L C J W N D W A W C) W m `71-F!., N N � � N z Z N N C �e "O, in W N V N N W A W W _ J J Oo is VVi OD .P Ut O) J m W 1 m (D A W f0 W W J (T OD J D w � 4;t > y A W J ~ N r. ..�) 0 V W O O N W N V O N O O A Z N N w w to m Do 0 DO D• •O:- N m W r 0 O O (D O O Z O N Ut tit M u Vt W O v� N tU N w tin V O (n O t'A O FI I+ UI n II t~D W O W W O N 0) O N W N�a> W W W W W W W W 0 O O) W J .P .� C o N n 0 N A H � m 0 v � m o N N F+ 01 UI m w o w ca w NIPIOI O > ip J > aNO ago m A W W T w D m aO10 W O C N 0 O O p f\ O 0 .W a O Y° m O 0 D v D m D v c r Z .'Q'. 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CIO O W N (NO N W W O N A O g� > (P m W m m O O J W J m � at N N O V H N r N N N r N H H 1p N N N N 0 O W N V 1 W W N W J O 0 V w W A N 0 O m V m O o W V N H W Ol O O N Ol ( V U1 V LA W W N A Ol N 0 A COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY BOARD MANAGER'S MONTHLY UPDATE JANUARY, 2016 Event Coordinator - Tricia Menth: • Happy New Year! I • December brought a very busy month. Seems like we are still "training" a few new staff. Even though we know the busy time is coming the staff that has not been here for a winter yet are amazed at when the light switch goes on and it gets crazy busy. They are all doing a great job. • December brought us the Chamber banquet, Mayor's dinner, a wedding in the chapel, reception in the Miss Room and also a wine and paint night. We had almost 50 participants for the paint night again. Russell's brought the wine /beer and snacks to munch on. All seemed to have a great time. The rooms were very busy with family holiday parties. So fun to see some of the same families year after year • Looking at hiring a GS person for the day shift and also a morning childcare attendant. We had one of our leads leave us so one of the staff that had been working childcare and guest service now needs to spend more time night lead /weekend lead. We are also looking for 2 ice arena pro shop and another skate guard. Program & Operations Coordinator -Sara Cahill: • Visit with Santa on December 5 was a big hit again this year. Santa visited with 120 families. TDS sponsored $500 towards the cost of Santa and the photographer to take pictures and print them on the spot. People really like the printed pictures because then they can focus more on their kids versus trying to juggle their phones and cameras to get a picture atjust the right time. We partner with ECFE for this event, the "Around the World Holiday Celebration" it includes crafts, entertainment and refreshments. It is really a nice collaboration. This year we needed to move the event to Eastview because the National Guard needed to do some additional training which made the Mississippi Room unavailable. The last minute transition ended up working out well. • All the insurance changes and keeping up with the Silver Sneakers and Silver & Fit member changes have definitely kept me busy in the office. • We have many new staff so there has been more training and longer than usual staff meetings. • We did not get enough kids to make Friendship Island possible over winter break. • 1 am in contact with Hoglund Transportation about Friendship Island before and after school. The Community Center is within the walking zone for Pinewood so technically we would not qualify for transportation. And, the schools are at capacity with the number of busses that can fit so Hoglund is not confident that if we hire a charter bus we will be allowed to drop off kids. We are still in conversation so hopefully we can get more firm details soon. • Friendship Island registration for summer will open on April 4. • Early morning fitness classes are showing good attendance. We are now offering early morning classes 5 days a week (including a 7:15am class on Sundays). Aquatic Director - Corinne Mitchell: • Busy pool. Having an issue with air quality. Brian has someone coming checking out the system the week of January 181h. • Swim lessons starting this week. Very successful with sign up this session. • H2Go Swim program is off and running... (a program where you register you water exercise in 30 minute increments) • Excited to interview two applicants for lifeguards this week and also there are 3 water slide attendants currently enrolled in a lifeguard training class. • Collections this month are very manageable. • Birthday parties are very busy again... This is great to see, we had a few months that they were slow. Maintenance Supervisor -Brian Weldon: Fitness Area: • We had most all of the vinyl repairs done to the pads on the equipment that was needed. • The equipment is in good shape with just a few minor repairs. • It is expected there will be a few treadmills that will need new decks and walking belts coming up in Feb. it appears as I have been trying different lubricants on the equipment I found one that is lasting quite well. • We will be attaching a product to the lower portion of the walls in the free weight room that will prevent damage to the walls. Locker Rooms: • The new partitions have been ordered for the women's locker room and new urinal dividers for the men's locker room. • The family locker room is in need of new aluminum stalls at a cost that managers thought were extremely high. We felt that the handicap shower has been working fine with a curtain and a shower rod at a lot less cost. This would also give the showers a cleaner look as mildew tends to permeate in and around the stalls currently. We will replace with the curtains as needed until their all complete as we test the pilot stall. Meeting Rooms: • The Bridge Room has been touched up with fresh paint recently and table casters replaced as needed. • We have been having some problems with the single dishwasher in the catering kitchen which is 16 years old. It has been working intermittently and we had a service Tech out from Hobart. The Tech couldn't pin point the problem but thinks a circuit board could be the issue, the board is expensive comparing it to a new more energy efficient one. We area I I about efficiency. Pool Area: • The pool has and will continue to get de- stained. • The base of the pool is in need of a new finish as it is getting coarse and the deposits permeate into the rough surface leaving it tough to de stain. • This is budgeted to be done in 2018. 1 am also having a Technician come out next week to verify the proper operation of the pool unit Air handler. This is a piece of equipment that has a lot of sensors, circuits etc. for proper operation. Hope all is well with each of you and look forward to this New Year. Director -Kitty Baltos: • It's been crazy busyl We've had little or no backlash on the price increase for 2016. Probably the biggest response to our price increase is those people with the Childcare Add -On who were not using it and took that opportunity to cancel their add -on. • Staff management has been particularly difficult last month into this month. We've seen some behaviors that are surprising and we've spent a lot of time bringing staff in and discussing and reprimanding staff. Things like phone use, texting manager's when it's not appropriate, leaving early without permission, coming late or requesting to come in late, etc. We had a lengthy staff meeting, as Tricia mentioned in her report, and we review many of these problems with staff. Hopefully we'll see good results from our efforts. • Fortunately we're selling a good number of membershipsl That is keeping us very busy as well. And The Great Weight Rebate program started this week with members weighing in. You just gotta love January! COMMUNITY CENTER SUGGESTION BOX ITEMS JANUARY, 2016 Main Hallway Suggestion Box: • Apply for a grant or funding to change the large concrete area outside of pool area into a splash pad. • Restroom upstairs workout area is needed. • Sauna where you can actually throw water on the rocks. Put it by the pool, take out one of the hot tubs. • It is pretty warm in here - always. Save dollars and turn the temp down. • Concerned about health in pool areas. • A chair on the walking track halfway round. Some folks are rehabbing and need a brief break. Also a six foot bar mounted on wall for balance exercises. • Can you get the hoops raised in the gym because I want to be able to not shoot at a 8 foot hoop. • Need to be stricter on the age of kids allowed in Kid's area in the pool. My two year old was being pushed aside by what looked like 12 year olds. • Rotate class schedules. Keep family locker room cleaner) Floor is always disgusting. • Lockers never work in family locker rooms, Weekday- daytime rock wall hours. • The floor area in the weight room is too congested with classes at 9 am. • Please don't schedule classes or allow people to take up the entire pool for a class during adult lap swim time. I work my schedule around the pool use schedule. To get here and find the pool is taken by a class is frustrating. It's inconsiderate. • Make the bathrooms truly handicapped accessible by installing door openers. The outside doors have them but not the bathrooms. You know it's the right thing to do! • Really need different shower heads in family changing rooms. So it angles slightly so the water doesn't go out the door as much. WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE IN THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE BUILDING? Spa Area; hot tubs /Sauna II Park for kids or dogs II Outdoor Water Park III Splash Park III Courts; Pickle Ball, BB, VB I Space to smoke weed I Fitness Center Suggestion Box: • Fan over by sitting bikes. Rules for track are different (one on lockers and Big one as you enter) • Bathroom needed upstairs, badly. • 6 foot balance bar attached to the wall. Chair halfway around walking track. • It would be considerate for other people if you would use the machine when on it instead of ding things on your phone and not using it, just sitting on it, as other people are waiting to use machine. • It's really frustrating when I come in to do my workouts (usually 9 or 10 am on weekdays) and there's a fitness class taking up all the space and equipment. I can't rearrange my schedule to accommodate for too many people in the area. Don't they have their own room downstairs and a bunch of equipment? • It would be nice if we could tune in on radio and hear TV's. • A proper tree for free weight plates would be fantastic. Chalk, sweaty hands can be dangerous during deadlifts or squats. • I really need a bucket set bike to take pressure off my back. • Put instructions on BM1 Scale and fix battery. • Having a sauna would be great. Many people like them! • The strap that connects to the top of the weight stack and goes around the pulley on the stairmaster lat Pull Down equipment is frayed with a big piece sticking out sideways. This could snap and the weight stack will come crashing down. Item 6. Consideration of approving a Special Permit allowing alcohol to be brought in and consumed at the Xcel Ball Fields during Adult Leagues. After working with Jennifer Schreiber, the City Clerk, it appears that we have the ability to have alcohol in the parks by Special Permit. Jennifer is working on a Special Permit form. The plan is to get recommendations from the MCC Advisory Board and the Park Commission before making this request at a City Council meeting on February 8, 2016. Our plan is to no provide concession sales at the ball fields starting in 2016. With this includes the sale of 3.2 beer during adult leagues. The revenue from concessions is not enough to cover the costs of operating the concession stand. Two of the large expense items are maintaining the food license which is between $500 and $600 per year and the cost for IT services which is almost $2,000 per year. Add to that the cost of product, staffing and electricity and the profit margin on the small items that we sell isn't enough. We attempted to raise prices, but had and outcry from the users and a decline in sales. I talked to the League of Minnesota Cities regarding our liability. The Community Center building is covered by a liquor license currently to allow beer and wine sales. This comprises beer sales at the Ball Fields as well as Wine tasting events put on by the Liquor Store. The representative did not believe that there would be an insurance issue if this is a Special Permit approved by the City Council. They have some loss control suggestions we should follow. Hopefully I will have more to report at our meeting. I plan to attend the January 22, 2016 Parks Commission meeting for their recommendation. I have met with them previously to let them know which way things were going. Assuming that the City Council will approve our request, if this is what MCC and Parks recommends, then we can discuss how the concession stand should look into the future. Do we find an organization willing to run the concessions or do we put vending machines in the locked area and make them available for all teams using the fields. Friendship Island Before and After School Program Going rates in Monticello are $7 per child before school and $7 per child after school or $14 /day. We need to stay competitive however in the afternoons we would be bringing children over to use the facility. We could charge $10 per child after school. So $17 /day per child. Based on 10 -14 kids Based on a minimum of 10 kids attending both before and after school 5 days a week the revenue would be $850 /week. Based on a maximum of 14 kids revenue would be $1,190 /week. So, 10 -14 kids would bring in $850- $1,190 /week in Revenue 1 Teacher at $12 /hour x 5.5 hours a day x 5 days a week = $330 /week 1 Assistant at $10 /hour x 2.5 hours a day x 5 days a week = $125 /week Total staff Expense /week: $455 Supplies Expense /week: $75 Food Expense /week: $4 /child /day: $200 -$280 Fitness Instructor: $25 /week Transportation: $4 /child /day: $200 -$280 Total Expenses/week: $955-$1,115 Net /week: ($105) -$75 Based on 15 -20 kids Revenue: $1200-$1600/week 1 Teacher at $12 /hour x 5.5 hours a day x 5 days /week = $330 1 Assistant at $10.00 /hour x 5.5 hours a day x 5 days /week = $275 1 Assistant at $10.00 /hour x 2.5 hours a day x 5 days /week = $125 Supplies Expense /week: $100 Food Expense /week: $4 /child /day: $300 -$400 Fitness Instructor: $25 Total Expenses/week: $1,155-$1,255 Net /week: $45 -$345 Minimum Net September- December: 13 weeks = ($1,365) Maximum Net September- December: 13 weeks = $4,485