MCC Advisory Board Agenda 07-19-2016COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2016 4:30 PM — RIVER ROOM Board Members: Darren Paumen- Chair, Heath Bird -Vice Chair, Jennifer Bethke, Bonnie Stromberg and Brian Stumpf. Staff Members: Kitty Baltos- Director 1. Call the meeting to order. 2. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 3. Consideration of approving the minutes of the June 21, 2016 regular meeting. 4. Update items: a. Usage through June 2016 b. Financial summary through the second quarter 2016 5. Old Business: a. Friendship Island /Prairie Center 6. Consideration of accepting resignation from Darren Paumen from the MCC Advisory Board. 7. Consideration of recommending to the City Council the addition of Karen Vetsch to the Board replacing Darren Paumen. 8. Consideration of appointing a new Board Chair. 9. Consideration of recommending to Council the rate increases and budget recommendations for 2017. 10. Adjourn COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MINUTES MAY 17, 2016 Board members present: Darren Paumen- Chair, Heath Bird -Vice Chair, Bonnie Stromberg and Brian Stumpf Board members absent: Jennifer Bethke Staff members present: Kitty Baltos- Director 1. Meeting called to order by Vice Chair Heath Bird at 4:31 pm. 2. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Darren Paumen submitted his resignation from the Advisory Board effective after the July 19, 2016 regular meeting. Brian Stumpf asked to make sure that lights are off in meeting rooms when not in use. 3. Consideration of approving the minutes of the April 19, 2016 regular meeting. MOTION by Heath Bird to approve the minutes as submitted. SECONDED by Bonnie Stromberg. MOTION PASSES unanimously. 4. Update Items: a. Reviewed facility usage numbers down 3% in May. b. Small discussion on group revenue. No other discussion. c. No discussion on Suggestion box items. 5. Old Business: a. Provided update on new rental amount for Friendship Island with calculation formula approved by City Council on June 13, 2016. 6. Discussion and recommendation to Personnel Committee on part time emplovees wages. After discussion on cost of raising minors to the adult wage and the new adult minimum wage, the consensus was to keep the minimum scale and move forward with the adult new minimum wage as presented. MOTION by Darren Paumen to approve recommending a free individual membership for all MCC employees. If they wanted to add their family, they would pay the difference between the family and individual rate. MOTION SECONDED by Heath Bird. MOTION PASSES unanimously. 7. 2017 Budget Review. Reviewed options for raising the grandfathered rate and some discussion on other items eligible for increase. MOTION by Darren Paumen to allow Director to do what is needed to cover potential payroll costs and other expenses for 2017 with review by Board at next meeting. MOTION SECONDED by Heath Bird. MOTION PASSES unanimously. 8. Meeting adjourned at 5:25 pm Attested by: Kitty Baltos- Director Date Approved O N L c 0 0 O H n m O N I°o N � '1 ry II n o c Ill O N O O l0 W M tD o N rl IN V a N o a w o .-I � .i ri m v m m .� rYi .-I ri .r ri m m ri w Io .+ (o IN '^ N l7 W IN N O N O M M W N M 1n O N M W M IO O M N W O W N LL m M m In o M W (p V VOt O M N O O N N N N ry c N N N M O N V M O! 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Old Business. Friendship Island /Prairie Center Right after Riverfest is over, the Public Works department will begin making the Encompass Engineering recommended repairs; gutters, a swale and look at the adjacent sprinkler system. Then we begin the process of the interior repairs which will most likely take quite a bit longer. We are hoping to get Friendship Island moved into the Prairie Center and attempt to get registrants for the before and after school program for this coming school year. 7. Consideration of recommending to the City Council the addition of Karen Vetsch to the Board replacing Darren Paumen. The Board interviewed Karen in October 2015 and wanted to add her to the Board along with Bonnie Stromberg. I spoke with Karen and she was still very much interested in being on the Board. Jeff O'Neill approved bringing her back for consideration without reposting for the position. So we're asking you to consider recommending her to the City Council for the position on the Board being vacated by Darren Paumen. This position will be up for renewal again 12/31/2016. 2017 Budget Draft REVENUES SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 2012 2013 2014 1 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 ACCOUNTNUMBER COMMUNITY CENTER Actual Actual Actual I Actual Budget Projected Butl et Ch % 226- 00000- 310110 Current Ad Valorem Taxes - Debt $1,137,200 $1,162,218 $1,383,029 $1,363,000 $0 $0 226- 00000 - 310110 1 Current Ad Valorem Taxes - Ops. $0 $0 $364,000 $364,00.0 $364AM 0.0% 226 - 00000 - 310210 DELINQUENTAD VALOREM TAX 53,882 16,588 5,112 0 226 - 00000 - 310310 MOBILE HOME TAX 0 0 0 0 226 - 00000 - 319100 1 PENALTIES &INT - TAX 6,1_57,_ 2,529 263_ 0 _ 226 - 00000- 334020 1 HOMESTEAD CREDIT_ 0 0 0 ' 0 _ _ 226 - 00000 - 334050 I UTILITY VALUATION AID _ _ _ 0 0 0 0 226 -00000 - 334290 i STATE GRANTS & AIDS 0 0 - 0 0 226 - 45122- 347010 ROOM/SPACE RENTAL 85,113. 91,280 88,834 88,784 92,000 92,000 94,000 2.2% 226 - 45122- 347020 ROOM RENTAL - INTERNAL 50,000 50,000 50,000_ 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 0.0% 226 - 45122- 347030 'CHAPEL RENTAL 3,345 3,392 2,779 3,623 3,500 3,500 3,700 5.7% 226 - 45122- 347040 PARTY ROOM RENT /FEES 22,351 _ 1 26,786 24,074 24,548 25,000 25,000 26,500 6.0% 226 - 45122 - 347050 FACILITIES LEASE NT 13,308 9,582 10,375 6,995 10,000 -10,00b- 0.0% 226- 45122 - 341081 NSF FEE 330 30 180 120 210 210 120 -42.9% 226 - 45122 - 347400 MCC CONCESSIONS - TAX 53,961 58,646 54,714 55,209 56,000 _ 56,000 57,500 2.7% 226 - 45122- 347401 MCC CONCESSIONS - NON -TAX 5,110 6,117 5,855 5,867 6,000 6,000 626 -89.7% 226 - 45122 - 347405 ProSho Non -tax 515 255 289 300 300 300 0.0% 226 - 45122 - 347440 Vending Commission Non -tax 1,836 1,511 1,396 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.0% 226 - 45203 - 347410 BALLFIELD CONCESSIONS - TX 10,298 10,573 7,435 1,770 1,000 1,000 0 - 100.0% 226- 45203- 347420 i BALLFIELD CONCESSIONS - NO 629 855. 477 118 100 100 0 - 100.0% 226- 45122- 347490 _ SALE OF NON -FOOD ITEMS 6,123 4,861 '. 3,749 3,454 4,000 4,000 3,700 -7.5% 226- 45122.347560 FARMERS MARKET FEES 1,890 2,773 2,118 2,518 2,000 2,000 2,500 25.0% 226 - 45122- 347570 WEDDING PACKAGES FEES 42,269 32,288 1 24,903 25,988 30,000 30,000 31,500 5.0% 226 - 45122- 347900 USER FEES 50,979 56,237 61,046 63,846 65,000 65,000 67,000 3.1% 226 - 45122- 347910 MEMBERSHIPS 597,446 730,747 790,202 84 2,401 835,000 835,000 860,000 3.0% 226 - 45122- 347920 PROGRAM ACTIVITY FEES 61,183 79,035 76,814 44,413 80,000 _ 80,000 52,500 -34.4% 226 - 45122- 347930 LESSONS 101,044 113,674 107,311 169,511 120,000 _ 120,000 180,000 50.0% 226 - 45122- 349990 OTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICI 779 136 193 113 500 5.00 300 -40.0% 226 - 45122- 352100 MEMBERSHIP FOFEITURES 0 0 0 0 226 -00000- 362110 INTEREST EARNINGS 81951 5,287 19,044 1,544 226 45122 - 347110 RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT 1,048 98 545 197 500 500 500 -0.0% 226 -00000- 362300 CONTRIBUTIONS - PRIVATE 410 3,000 5,500 4,880 4,000 1 4,000 7,500 87.5% 226- 00000 - 362400 SALE OF REC PROP - now OMR 0 0 226- 00000 - 362900 REFUNDS /REIMBURSEMENTS 9,571 6,473 11,185 2,493 5,000 5,000 4,000 -20.0% 226- 00000 - 362990 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REV 24,571 7,272 6,308 25,144 14,716 14,716 10,000 -32.0% 226 - 45203 - 378120 BALLFIELD BEER SALES 14,418 13,145 10,040 5,175 4,000 4,000 0 - 100.0% 226 - 00000- 392000 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FD 0 0 0 0 226 - 00000 - 392000 TRANSFER OTHER FUNDS 650,000 175,000 50,000 226- 00000 - 392000 TRANSFER FROM LIQUOR FD 0 0 0 0 _ TOTAL REVENUES $3,212,366 $2,660,399 1 $2,765,763 $2,795,308 1 $1,779,326 1 $1,779,326 $1,832,740 3.0% 2017 Budget Draft EXPENDITURES: 2014 2015 2016 2016 2017 % COMMUNITY CENTER 2012 2013 1212 COMMUNITY CENTER/ADMINISTRATION ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET i PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 2264 5122 410100 SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG 1 $356,917, $364,501 1 $372,045 $388,2311 $409,425 $409,425 421,790 3.02% 22645122 410200 SALARIES. FULL TIME - OT 458 _ 348 387,179 20 387,606 1,000 429,185 _ 1,000 1,000 0.00% 429,185 429,185 0.00% 22645122410300 SALARIES, PART- TIME - REG 369,145Y 396,182 22645122410310 SALARIES, PART- TIME - OT 105 167 146 200 200 200 0.00% 228-05122 -010400 SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG 0 0 0 22645122411100 SEVERANCE PAY 0 1,891 929 36.799 0 0 226-45122- 411110 SEVERANCE BENEFITS 0 0 0 226 - 45122412100 PERA CONTRIBUTIONS 36,429 38,258 38,423 40,773 43,261 _ 43,261- 44,188 2.14% 22645122412200 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 53,281 55,957 56,496 57,857 64,245 _ 64,245 65,191 1.47% 226 - 45122 - 413100 HEALTHIDENTALILIFE INSURAN 97,393 103,329 98,879 1 85,111 95,426 95,426 99,752 4.53% 22645122- 413500 FLEX BENEFITS 0 22645122 -014200 U. C. BENEFIT PAYMENTS 405 22 184 0 22645122415100 226-45122-420300 Workers COm ation lnsuranc_e_ &PAPER ___9,1311 9,726 1,768 1,664 1212 9_130___ 920 17_319 1,424 17,431 1,500 _17,431_ - _17,6931.50% 1,500 1,500 0.00% _µ_PRMTE�FORMS 226-45122420990 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,410 3,690 3,111 3,326 3,5001 3,500 3,500 0.00% 226-45122 -021100 CLEANING SUPPLIES 14,876 16,376 14,876 16,133 15,000 15,000 15,000 0.00% 22645122 -021110 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 1,577 3,583 934 2,344 2,500' 2,500 2,500 0.00% 22645122 -021200 .MOTOR FUELS 171 211 336 235 750 750 400 -06.67% 22645122-421600 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 12,954 20,063 18,945 18,949 20,000 20,000 20,000 0.00% 5,000 _ 5,000 10,000 100.00% 21,000 - 21,000 20,000 4.76% 22645122421610 POOL MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 5,164 7,852 4,025 28,826 10,360 26,675 _. 22646122 -421990 GENL OPERATING SUPPLIES _ 27,401 '. - 29,536 226-45122 -422100 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 3,420 - 3,041 3,190 2,588 _ 3,750 3,750 8.87% 22645122422105 FITNESS EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 1,116 73 0 1,958 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.00% 226-45122422300 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 1,220 5,837 4,296 1,593 4,000 4,000 4,000 0.00% 226 45122 -422500 iLANDSCAPING MATERIALS 32 699 566 56 750 750 1,000 33.33% 226 45122 -422990 'MISC REPAIR &MTC SUPPLIES 12,219 15,584 9,837 2212.____ 2212. 1212 8,094 14,000 _ 1212 14,000 30,000 114.29% - _12,000 10,000 - - 16.67% 1,000 1,000 0.00% 226-45122424100 SMALL TOOLS &EQUIPMENT 921 11,325 433 7,210 12,000 _ 22645122430700 '. PROF SRV - MANAGEMENT FEES 946 934 4,363 901 1,000 22645122430900 ;PROF SRV -DATA PROCESSING 230 1,042 0 1,200 1,200 10,000 733.33% 226-45122 -430910 1PROF SRV- SOFTWARE /PRGRMI 4,299 4,331 7,712 9,643 12,000 12,000 9,000 - 25.00% 226-45122 -430920 1PROF SVC - WEBSITE/EMAIL 640 1,310 654 724 800 8W 700 - 12.50% 226 -5122 -431000 ! Refuse Cdlection 2,494 2,545 2,516 2,600 2,600 2,600 0.00% 22645122 -431100 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 2,471 61 533 500 500 500 0.00% 226- 45122431110 PROF BVQ- LAUNDRY 2,873 3,037 3,390 2,937 3,000 _ 1,000 - 66.67% 22645122-4311M0 PROF SVC- BLDG/EQUIP 0 380 862 500 _3,000 _ 50D 50,000 _ 9900.00% 8,000 9,000 12.50% 226-45122 -031900 PROF SVC -MAINT AGREEMENT 3,890 9,222 10,418 8,672 8,000 22645122431950 PROF SRV- NEWSLETTER 364 1 142 155 166 400 400 200 -50.00% 226-45122431992 PROF SRV -EVENT SECURITY 5,626 3,693 4,411 2,471 2,000 2,000 3,000 50.00% 226-45122431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 8,047 3,286 3,263 1,024 4,000 4,000 4,000 0.00% 226-45122432100 TELEPHONE 14,375 4,199 3.190 3,299 2,500 2,500 2,500 0.00% 226-45122432150 IT Services 16,620 33.601 34,661 35.995 35,995 35,995 0.00% 22645122432200 POSTAGE 2,252 1,524 1,294 1,299 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.00% 226 -45122432500 CABLEMETWORK SERVICES 8281 3,623 4,162 3_.598 3,900 3,900 3,800 -2.56% 226 -45122433100 TRAVELEXPENSE 893 429 358 0 300 _ 300 300 0.00% 22645122433100 CONFERENCE& SCHOOLS 495 637 1,301 1,521 2,300 _ 2,300_ 1,800 - 21.74% 300 300 0.00% - 350 500 42.86% 22645122433300 FREIGHT 280 1,243 275 270 300 22645122434900 PROMOTIONSIEXHIBIT ADMISSN 925 347 0 350 226-45122434990 ADVERTISING -MCC 2,883 3,679 3,242 2,953 3,700 3,700 3,500 -5.41% 22645122435100 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 0 284 0 0 226-45122435600 BROCHURES 0 733 994 1,200 1,200 1,000 - 16.67% 226-45122436100 Insurame-LiabilitylPm pe NeNcle 17,055 22,738: 18.621 18.033 14,846 14,846 14,846 0.00% 22645122438200 PROPERTY INSURANCE 10,368 5,285 0 0 226 - 45122438100 ELECTRIC 106,680 113,347 106,472 104,118 110,000 _ 110,000 150,000 36.36% 22645122438200 WATER &SEWER 13,144 _ 11,471 14,809 11,369 14,000 14,000 - 100.00% 22645122-038100 GAS 38,193 61,887 -- 79,911 46,367 65,000 65,000 - 100.00% 22645122- 440100 REPAIR &MTC - BUILDINGS 45,6411 19,528 25,648 1 54,502 30,000 30,000 35,000 16.67% 226-45122-040440 REPAIR &MTC - MACH &EQUI 14,450 10,934 13,862 14,042 30,01M 3Q000 73,000 14133% 226 -45122-040800 REPAIR &MTC - POOL &RECR 12,143 4,317 13,986 10,216 32,750 32,750 58,000 77.10% 226 -45122-440990 REPAIR &MTC -OTHER 113 1,028'.. 8 3,750 3.750 2,500 - 33.33% 226 -45122-041500 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 593 570 558 690 1,000. 1.000 1,000 0.00% 226 -45122-0417011 UNIFORM RENTAL _ _ 1.084 1,025 921 F 853 1,000 1,150 _ _ 1,000 500 50.00% 1,150 300 - 73.91% 800 800 - 0.00% 22645122-441710 TOWEL RENTAL _ _ _ 670 _ _ _1,014 _ - 1,302 867 743 799 686. 1,032 22645122-043300 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRI 8D0 226-45122-443700 LICENSES & PERMITS _ 562- 3,615. 1,509, 1,538 2,000 2,000 1,000 - 50.00% 22645122-043900 .PRIZES DONATED OUT 785 0 0 22645122-043980 BANKCHARGES 12,813 15,579 17,317 18,775 20,000 20,000 20,000 0.00% 22645122443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 5,499 692 7,327' 2,351 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.00% 226 -45122452010 'BUILDINGS 0 50,000 1Q000 50,000_ 36,000 1212 - 28.00% 10,000 10,000 0.00% 226 - 45122453010 .IMPROVEMENTS 1,662,666 77,465 - 0 0 _ - 228-45122 -058010 OTHEREQUIPMENT _ _ _ _ 226 - 00000-072030 TRANSFER TO DEBT(Other 890000 875,000 1.1340,000 . 1,029,046 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $3,892,013 $2,375,135 $2,470,275' $2,501.638 $1,641,264' $1,641,264 1,749,040 6.57% I -- SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2016 2017 % COMM CENTER/PROGRAMMING ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL I BUDGET _ 1 PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 226-45127410300 SALARIES, PART- TIME - REG $0 22645127410400 SALARIES, TEMPORARY -REG 0 - _ 22645127410900 SALARIES, OTHER 0 22645127412100 PERA CONTRIBUTIONS 0 22645127412200 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 0 22645127 413100 HEALTHlDENTAIJLIFE INSURAN 0 1212- 1222. - 12`12_ 1212. -1212. 1212 - - 22845127 414200 U. C. BENEFIT PAYMENTS 0 2017 Budget Draft EXPENDITURES: 22645127- 415100 WORKER'S COMP BENEFIT PAYM 0 22645127- 420750 RENTAL ROOM SUPPLIES 2,808 3,059 3.299 2,257 3,450 3,450 12,000 247.83% 22645127- 420990 OFFICE SUPPLIES- PROGRAMMIN 0 22645127- 421450 CONCESSIONS STAND SUPPLIES 43 353 681 120 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.00% 22645127421460 PARTY ROOM SUPPLIES 7,444 6.376 4,758 4,682 5,000 _ 51000 0.00% 22645127421470 CHAPEL SUPPLIES 7 13 0 0 _5,000 22645127421710 CLIMBING WALL SUPPLIES 810 754 49 853 2,000 2,000 1,200 40.00% 22645127 -421720 FITNESS AREA SUPPLIES 1,851 13,774 5,349 2,206 10.000 10,000 5,000 - 50.00% 22645127421730 GYMNASIUM SUPPLIES 793 436 540 32 500 500 500 0.00% 22645127421740 INDOOR PLAY SUPPLIES 372 334 147 69 300 3D0 600 100.00% 22645127421750 POOLSUPPLIES 1,484 1,100 893 1,767 1,500 1,500- 2,000 33.33% 22645127421760 'THE WAREHOUSE" SUPPLIES 0 140 4 0 22645127421780 FARM MARKET SUPPLIES 33 51 1,813 561 500 _ 500 500 0.00% 22645127421980 GEN PROGRAM OPERATING COST 4,023: 6,000 7,341 F 6,934 7,400 7,400 7,400 0.00% 22645127421981 FI Gen operating supplies 6,441 5,000 22645127422990 MISC REPAIR &MTC SUPPLIES 158 13 70 32 22645127424100 SMALL TOOLS& EQUIPMENT 2,8061 62,932 8,504 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.00% 22645127425410 CONCESSION FOOD PRODUCTS 47,049 44,193 46,055 40,874 45,000 45,000 45,000 0.00% 226-45127425420 OUTSIDE CONCESSIONS RECR 0 226-45127425490 NON -FOOD PRODUCTS RESALE 2,373 2,979 1,524 1,997 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.00% 22645127430120 PROF SVC - FITNESS 1,158 1,800 275 193 1,000 1,000 500 50.00% 22645127430130 PROF SVC - PROGRAM INSTR 1,36D 775 5,307 8,883 3,000 3,000 2,000 - 33.33% 22645127430140 DECORATING SERVICES 0 22645127430160 PROF SVC - UMPIRE/REFEREE 16,243 17,133 15,094 9,214 15,000 15A00 15,000 0.00% 22645127431990 PROF SVC -GENL PROGRAMMIN 4,955 6.479 2,076 6,703 4,000 4,000 4,000 0.0D% 22645127434900 PROMOTIONS 0 2,556 2,206 1,692 22645127434990 ADVERTISING- PROGRAMMING 332 261 735 371 2,000 2,000 1,000 50.00% 22645127438200 Water & sewer 65 68 200 200 200 0.00% 22645127441500 EQUIP RENTAL 572 816 930 675 500 500 500 0.00% 22645127443300 DUES/MEMSHIP /SUBSCR- PROGMI 0 445 0 839 22645127443900 PRIZES 679 434 671 0 700 _ 700, -14.29% 22645127443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 605 330 0 0 250 _ 250 250 0.00% 22645127453010 IMPROVEMENTS 0 22645127458010 OTHEREQUIPMENT 0 22645127458050 RECREATION EQUIPMENT 10,000 W,000 -- - 100.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $97,958 $173,536 $108.386 $97,463 $125,300 $125,300 121,250 -3.23% SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2012 2013 2014 2015 2018 2016 2017 NSP BALLFIELD CONCESSIONS ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET _ PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 22645203420990 OFFICE SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0 $0 22645203421110 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 22645203421450 CONCESSION STAND SUPPLIES 40 96 638 0 200 200 - 100.00% 22645203421990 GENL OPERATING SUPPLIES 28 0 0 0 253 253 - 100.00% 22645203422990 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 22645203424100 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 22645203425200 BEER/MALT BEVERAGES 7,306 6,660 1,865 4,000 4,000 - 700.00% 22645203-425410 CONCESSION FOOD PRODUCTS 8,629 9,581 5,4,593 928 1,554 2,500 2,500 - 100.00% 22645203-425496 NON -FOOD PRODUCTS SALES 0 149 425 200 300 300 - 100.00% 22645203430900 PROF SRV - DATA PROCESSING 85 0 0 0 22645203- 43092D PROF SVC - WEBSITE/EMAIL 906 0 0 0 22645203-031990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 226-45203432100 TELEPHONE 0 0 0 0 - 22645203432150 IT Services 910 1,760 1,812 1,759 1,759 22645203436100 Insurance - Liabil' /Pro NeNcle 0 0 0 0 _ 22645203436200 PROPERTY INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 22645203438100 ELECTRIC 2,451 2,491 2,229 1,984 2,500 2,500 - 100.00% 22B- 45203440100 REPAIR &MTC - BUILDINGS 736 0 0 0 500 500 - 100.00% 22645203440440 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQUI 187 0 1,369 0 250 250 - 100.00% 22645203443700 LICENSES & PERMITS 535 137 536 172 500 500 - 100.00% 22645203443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 22845203458050 RECREATION EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 _ TOTAL EXPENDITURES $20A $20.024 $17,478 $7,587 $12,762 $12,762 - 100.00% TOTAL ALL EXPENDITURES 1870,290 F-11 VIMIkv,IALLA113aGiyal5i Family Resident (154) 139 Family Regular (156) 109 Adult Resident 30 Adult Regular (20) 17 SR /JR Resident 18 SR /JR Regular (34) 19 Dual SR Resident (7) 6 Dual SR Regular 5 SR Resident Charter 1 Family Resident Charter 6 Family Regular Charter 2 Group Home 2 -435 354 2/$350 3/$352 27/$385 74/$404 70%4/$440 16/$468 63/$491 13% 10% 3% 1/$162 6/$317 2.50% 2/$400 0.50% 5/$198 4/$264 2/$424 160 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP REVIEW 140 139 106/$41 45/$45 199 120 100 5867/$41 109/$44 80 47/$50 Adult Resident Monthly 49 60 10/$27.50 1/$28 36/$29.50 40 50 99 20 38/$35 JR /SR Resident Monthly 17 18 19 0 6/$19 11/$20 JR /SR Regular Monthly 1 2 2 37 Family Family Adult Adult SR /JR SR /JR DuaISR Dual SR SR Family Family Group Resident Regular Resident Regular Resident Regular Resident Regular Resident Resident Regular Home (154) (156) (20) (34) (7) Charter Charter Charter CONTINUOUS MEMBERSHIPS Family Resident Monthly 296 10/$35 132/$39 106/$41 45/$45 Family Regular Monthly 290 5867/$41 109/$44 127/$46 47/$50 Adult Resident Monthly 49 10/$27.50 1/$28 36/$29.50 Adult Regular Monthly 50 99 12/$33 38/$35 JR /SR Resident Monthly 17 6/$19 11/$20 JR /SR Regular Monthly 20 37 3/$24 3/$25 14/$26 Dual SR Resident Monthly 5 4/$30.50 1/$32.50 Dual SR Regular Monthly 8 13 3/$40 5/$42 Group Home Monthly 2 2 1/$47 1/$51 737 33/$454 26/$541 30/$277 17/$358 13/$208 15/$277 6/$335 3/$446 2/$578 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 LUN I IIV(J(AV\ IVII -IVIKF KtiHIN KF \ /IF \A/ 296 290 i 49 50 2 5 8 2 Family Resident Monthly Family Regular Monthly Adult Resident Monthly Adult Regular Monthly JR /SR 1R /SR Resident Regular Monthly Monthly Dual SR Resident Monthly Dual SR Regular Monthly Group Home Monthly Corporate Memberships Silver Sneakers Members Silver & Fit Members Corporate Memberships 3 Month Memberships Per CSI Annuals mislabeled 90 All on current rate 202 $3 per SS visit 271 $22 per member if visits 10 Always at current rate 104 Always at current rate 1,768 1,848 80 A 5% increase would mean a gross increase of approximately $22,000 This assumes no member loss. Becker Community Center Becker Community Ed Swim Lesson Cost Survey 2016 8 lessons Members $40.00 Non - Members $45.00 10 lessons $40.00 for 50 min class /$33.00 for 25 min class Maple Grove Community Ctr 6 lessons $74.00 for 30 min 8 lessons $97.00 for 45 min Elk River Community Ed 8 lessons $75.00 for 50 min /$49.00 for $25 min Buffalo Community Ed 8 lessons $59.00 for 25 minute Beach Lesson $64.00 for 50 min Hotel Pool Lesson St. Cloud Community Ed 8 lessons $29.00 Monticello Community Ed 8 lessons $28.00 10 lessons $35.00 CURRENT PRICING MCC 2016 Members $40 and Non Members $45 per 8 lesson sessions. 5% increase would be a $2 per session increase, 10% increase would be $4 per session. July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, 1,437 swim lesson registrations. Assuming current registration numbers: Revenue increase at 5% would be $2,874 or $5,748 for 10% increase. We do not pay sales tax on our lessons so this is the net amount of revenue. Private lessons would increase by same percentage as well. 44 private lessons done in the time frame above. Swim Lesson Surveys June /July 2016 Score 1. Class Size (41) 4.5 2. Class started on time (41) 4.5 3. Class ended on time (41) 4.75 4. Instructor was well prepared (41) 4.7 5. Knowledge and skill of Instructor (41) 4.65 6. Instructor gave my child individual attention (41) 4.5 7. Instructor had a sub, how did they do (6) 4.7 8. Program met your expectaions (35) 4.5 9. Would you recommend this program to others (35) 4.7 10. Overall quality of the program (35) 4.6 11. Facility is well equipped, clean, organized, etc. (35) 4.4 50.5 Average score 4.6 Comments: 11ove the small class size and how even though lots of classes at once, they're well spread out and have enough space to practice. 2. My children are always so excited to come and the instructors are all so great with the kids. I love bringing them here. 3. Level 3, too many kids. 4. 1 would just say regarding the facility that if you are going to have maintenance problems like chorine issues that cancel lessons for a day, offer a make up day or a reimbursement. WE don't like paying for lessons that we don't get. 5. Would have really appreciated and email when pool had maintenance issues as we drive from out of town. Otherwise all was good, thank you! 6. Instructors were very good and super kind! He enjoyed it! 7. Emily seemed to rush skills with every child. Nick let students try on their own and then guide /instruct as needed. Emily seemed crabby from parent perspective. 8. Great job! We enjoy coming to Monticello. This is our 3rd year, and we will continue to do lessons here. 9. Excellent program compaired to Buffalo's program. 30. 1 was very happy with the instructors in the Level 4 this session. We didthe spring session as well and they spend about 80% of that lesson time leaning the butterfly. I was happy to see them working on other things this session. Also, when teaching the butterfly, they were teaching it incorrectly. They were teaching it with 3 kicks when there should only be two. Didn't get an evaluation form after spring session, hence the commets about it here. Very happy with this session! 11. A teacher's assistant would have been nice since 8 kids in the class (L3) 12. 1 class missed due to issue with the pool. 13. 1 enjoyed seeing the joy in my son. He felt comfortable and loved coming to Seim! 14. Very good. Only would like the 2 sessions made up with pool closing or $ back. Family locker room needs bleach, sticks and dirty. 15. Would be nice if make -up sessions were available for shut down of pool, since class was paid for in advance. Would be nice if class started right on time; let the late comers join and not delay the whole class. 16. Would lie some sort of make up day from the pool being broke. 17. Not too happy about missing class due to Chlorine, would like compensation ?? 18. When class is cancelled, you should call. 19. Instructor was great, very patient and gentle with the kids. 20. Great experience. 21. Great instructor. 22. Good program, will come back. Room 2016 Rate lWeekend 5% $ 20.00 $ 25.00 Rounded $ 40.00 10% Large Room 60 people $ 60.00 Rounded Boom Island Resident $ 15.50 $ 0.78 $ 16.28 $ 16.50 $ 1.55 $ 17.05 $ 17.00 Regular $ 18.00 $ 0.90 $ 18.90 $ 19.00 $ 1.80 $ 19.80 $ 20.00 Organization $ 14.00 $ 0.70 $ 14.70 $ 15.00 $ 1.40 $ 15.40 $ 15.50 Bridge Room Resident $ 24.00 $ 1.20 $ 25.20 $ 25.00 $ 2.40 $ 26.40 $ 26.50 Regular $ 29.00 $ 1.45 $ 30.45 $ 30.50 $ 2.90 $ 31.90 $ 32.00 Organization $ 21.00 $ 1.05 $ 22.05 $ 22.00 $ 2.10 $ 23.10 $ 23.00 N/S Bridge Room Resident $ 14.50 $ 0.73 $ 15.23 $ 15.50 $ 1.45 $ 15.95 $ 16.00 Regular $ 16.50 $ 0.83 $ 17.33 $ 17.50 $ 1.65 $ 18.15 $ 18.00 Organization $ 12.00 $ 0.60 $ 12.60 $ 13.00 $ 1.20 $ 13.20 $ 13.00 River Room Resident $ 12.00 $ 0.60 $ 12.60 $ 13.00 $ 1.20 $ 13.20 $ 13.00 Regular $ 15.50 $ 0.78 $ 16.28 $ 16.50 $ 1.55 $ 17.05 $ 17.00 Organization $ 10.00 $ 0.50 $ 10.50 $ 10.50 $ 1.00 $ 11.00 $ 11.00 Miss Room Half Private Resident $ 52.00 $ 2.60 $ 54.60 $ 55.00 $ 5.20 $ 57.20 $ 57.00 Private Regular $ 63.00 $ 3.15 $ 66.15 $ 66.00 $ 6.30 $ 69.30 $ 69.00 Business Resident $ 40.00 $ 2.00 $ 42.00 $ 42.00 $ 4.00 $ 44.00 $ 44.00 Business Regular $ 57.00 $ 2.85 $ 59.85 $ 60.00 $ 5.70 $ 62.70 $ 63.00 Miss. Room Full Private Resident $ 73.00 $ 3.65 $ 76.65 $ 77.00 $ 7.30 $ 80.30 $ 80.50 Private Regular $ 88.00 $ 4.40 $ 92.40 $ 92.50 $ 8.80 $ 96.80 $ 97.00 Business Resident $ 61.00 $ 3.05 $ 64.05 $ 64.00 $ 6.10 $ 67.10 $ 67.00 Business Regular $ 80.00 $ 4.00 $ 84.00 $ 84.00 $ 8.00 $ 88.00 $ 88.00 Warehouse room Wkday Resident $ 27.50 $ 1.38 $ 28.88 $ 29.00 $ 2.75 $ 30.25 $ 30.00 Wkday Regular $ 33.00 $ 1.65 $ 34.65 $ 35.00 $ 3.30 $ 36.30 $ 36.00 Wkday Non - profit $ 21.00 $ 1.05 $ 22.05 $ 22.00 $ 2.10 $ 23.10 $ 23.00 Wkend Resident $ 33.00 $ 1.65 $ 34.65 $ 35.00 $ 3.30 $ 36.30 $ 36.00 Wkend Regular $ 40.00 $ 2.00 $ 42.00 $ 42.00 $ 4.00 $ 44.00 $ 44.00 Wkend Non - Profit $ 27.50 1 $ 1.38 $ 28.88 $ 29.001 $ 2.75 1 $ 30.25 1 $ 30.00 Becker Community Center Weekday lWeekend Small Room 20 People $ 20.00 $ 25.00 Medium Room 40 people $ 40.00 $ 50.00 Large Room 60 people $ 60.00 $ 75.00 Maple Grove I Resident Regular Rooms from 15 -40 pepole $ 25.00 $ 30.00