MCC Advisory Board Minutes 07-21-2015COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY BOARD
JULY 21, 2015
Board Members in Attendance:Jennifer Bethke -Vice Chair, Heath Bird and Darren Pauman
Board Members Absent: Sandra Theros -Chair and Brian Stumpf
Staff Members in Attendance: Kitty Baltos- Director
1. Meeting called to order by Vice Chair at 4:28 pm
2. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Minimum wage update if time.
3. Consideration of approving the minutes of the June 16, 2015 regular meeting. MOTION by Heath Bird to
approve the minutes as submitted, SECOND by Jennifer Bethke, MOTION PASSES unanimously.
4. Update Items. Tabled to August 2015 meeting.
5. Consideration of preliminary budget for 2016.
a. Membership Rate Increase, Director's recommendation to raise on the family rates at this time up
to $50 for regular and $45 for resident. Discussion by Vice Chair to perhaps consider $55 for
regular. Matter TABLED to August meeting when full Board available.
b. Reduced pool hours. No discussion.
c. Childcare Add On Increase, MOTION by Darren Paumen to increase the Child Care Add On to $8
per child per month effective January 1, 2016, SECOND by Jennifer Bethke, MOTION PASSES
d. Other Revenue Items for increase. No further discussion.
e. Purchase Requests. No discussion.
6. Added item: Minimum Wage Increase, Council Agenda Item. Discussion on dissenting opinion. Item is on
the City Council with two alterntives July 27, 2015.
7. Meeting adjourned at 5:20
Date Approved: W15
Kitty M. Jalt* — MCC Director