MCC Advisory Board Minutes 05-19-2015COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY BOARD
TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2015
Board members present: Sandra Theros- Chair, Darren Paumen and Brian-Stumpf
Board members absent: Jennifer Bethke and Heath Bird
Staff present: Kitty Baltos- Director
1. Meeting called to order by Sandra Theros at 4:32 pm
2. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. No items added.
3. Consideration of approving the minutes of the April 21 2015 regular meeting. MOTION to approve the
minutes as submitted by Brian Stumpf. SECONDED by Sandra Theros. MOTION PASSES unanimously.
4. Update Items:
a. usage Summary through April 2015. Facility usage is down for April as compared to last April by
11°Y and down 2% year to date as compared to 2014. Discussion about Groupon and how sales
tax is recognized, nitty will look into It.
b. Manager's Monthly Update. Further discussion on Friendship Island moving to Prairie Center.
c. Suggestion Box items. Items reviewed. Board please that most are very positive.
5. Consideration of a proposed minimum wage scale for the part time employee, effective August 1 2015.
The Board's consensus is to leave the minor's pay scale as is. The sited our scheduling flexibility as a good
benefit. The Board knows that they may have to change if recruitment becomes difficult. The Board
consensus was to move forward with the adult rates as submitted. The Board will review in June and then
to the Personnel committee.
6. Discussion on membership pricing for research direction. The Board consensus was to alternate years,
one year raise the new and lapsed membership rates, the next year raise the grandfathered rates. The
cancel fee will also be raised to $75. Staff will research and bring to the June meeting.
7. Meeting adjourned.
Date Approved: ?" !S
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