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City Council Agenda Packet 09-26-2016
AGENDA CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORSHOP MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 26, 2016 — 5:30 p.m. Academy Room, MCC AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Purpose of Workshop 5:30 p.m. Presentation by Monticello City Administrator, Monticello Fire Chief, and Albertville Fire Chief — Discussion on a Full Time Fire Chief position 3. Adj ournment AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 26, 2015 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center SPECIAL MEETINGS/WORKSHOPS 5:30 p.m. Academy Room, MCC Presentation by: Monticello Fire Chief, City Administrator, and Albertville Fire Chief — Discussion on Full Time Fire Chief Mayor: Brian Stumpf Council Members: Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault and Glen Posusta 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from September 12, 2016 • Regular Meeting Minutes from September 12, 2016 C. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda D. Citizen Comments E. Public Service Announcements • National Geographic Geotourism Update F. Council Liaison Updates • EDA • Library Board G. Department Updates • Workshop /Special Meeting Review • City Administrator (O'Neill) 2. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills B. Consideration of approving new hires /departures C. Consideration of approving the sale /disposal of surplus city property D. Consideration of approving appointment to the Library Board E. Consideration of approving an application for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Monticello Chamber of Commerce for their Annual Banquet F. Consideration of approving an application for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Swan River PTO G. Consideration of approving Resolution 2016 -065 accepting donations from various entities for the IEDC Industry of the Year event H. Consideration of approving changes to the rules and regulations for Riverside Cemetery I. Consideration of approving a $225 membership contribution to the Greater Minnesota Parks & Trails J. Consideration of authorizing the purchase of a new Building Inspection vehicle K. Consideration of approving purchase by Parks Department of a one -ton truck, including accessories, in the amount of $58,078.42, through the Central Equipment Fund L. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -066 declaring costs to be assessed, ordering preparation of assessment roll, and calling for an Assessment Hearing to adopt assessments for 2016 Street Reconstruction Project, City Project 15C001 M. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -067 approving a Master Partnership Contract with MnDOT N. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -068 accepting a petition and calling for a public hearing for vacation of drainage and utility easements for Lot 1 and Lot 2, Warnert Retail O. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2016 -064 approving a request for Development and Final Sage Planned Unit Development and Development Agreement for the Monticello High School campus area. Applicant: Wold Architects & Engineers P. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -069 approving a release of Special Assessment recorded against the EDA owned residential property located at 413 4th Street 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 3. Public Hearings 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of approving Rolling Woods Park play structure improvements B. Consideration of authorize preparation of design and cost estimates for a Carlisle Village sidewalk/pathway connection to Rolling Woods Park C. Consideration of renewing membership in the Broadband Alliance for a fee of $1,500 D. Consideration authorizing staff to obtain proposals from real estate brokers interested in marketing commercial parcels at and in the vicinity of Jefferson Commons 5. Added Items 6. Adjournment MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 12, 2016 — 5 p.m. Academy Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta Absent: None Others: Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, City department heads: Angela Schumann, Shibani Bisson, John Rued, Tracy Ergen, Rachel Leonard, Tom Moores, Sarah Rathlisberger, Ann Mosack, Jim Thares, Matt Theisen, and Tom Pawelk 1. Call to Order Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 5 p.m. 2. Workshop: Budget Overview. Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, gave a brief overview of the fourth 2017 budget meeting. In his budget presentation he noted that the City Council will review the proposed 2017 preliminary tax levy at the regular meeting following the special meeting. His presentation touched on, among other items, tax base changes, tax capacity values and rates, and the debt service levy. A. Monticello Community Center Ann Mosack, Monticello Community Center Director, gave a brief presentation. She announced that her budget will include four service areas: Aquatics; Programs; Rentals and Events; and Operations and Maintenance. She then reviewed her budget highlights and goals for 2017. B. Engineering Shibani Bisson, WSB /City Engineer, presented an overview of the Engineering Department and vision for 2017. She briefly touched on her measures of serving the public, managing resources and people, and running the business. Much of her presentation covered the 2017 Capital Improvement Plan projects and 2017 planning projects. This included a Capital Improvement Plan map. 3. Adjournment By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Special Meeting Minutes — September 12, 2016 Page 1 REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 12, 2016 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, and Glen Posusta Absent: None 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Brian Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with a quorum present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. B. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from August 22, 2016 Tom Perrault moved approval of the August 22, 2016 Special City Council meeting minutes as amended. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. • Regular Meeting Minutes from August 22, 2016 Tom Perrault moved approval of the August 22, 2016 City Council meeting minutes. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda • None. D. Citizen Comments • None. E. Public Service Announcements • Angela Schumann, Community Development Director, noted that the IEDC Breakfast (hosted by the IEDC and EDA) to recognize the Industry of the Year will be held on Wednesday, October 5, 2016. The two nominees are WSI and JME. There were four sponsors of the event: Monticello Times; Cargill Kitchen Solutions; Bondhus Corporation; and Xcel Energy. • Rachel Leonard, Communications Coordinator, commented on a couple of events taking place in Monticello: Annual Fire Department Open House on City Council Minutes — September 12, 2016 Page 1 1 6 Sunday, October 9; and the Taste of the Town event on Thursday, September 15, 2016. F. Council Liaison Updates • BCOL — Glen Posusta reported on the meeting held in August. The following items were discussed: the rental chalet is being torn down and rebuilt; there is interest to have a third party take down the "green shed" that is on the property instead of demolishing it; the YMCA is in discussion with the board for obtaining help with ground maintenance at a certain cost; and a report was given on the Bertram Blast that took place in July. • IEDC — Jeff O'Neill gave a brief update and noted that there were round table discussions where various organizations (City, Chamber, etc.) provided updates and information on events /activities/business. • Planning Commission — Charlotte Gabler commented that there were a couple of public hearings for the Monticello High School and the board also recommended a new Planning Commission member. • Highway 25 Coalition — Brian Stumpf reported on the commission's last meeting held in August. Sherburne County and Wright County are working with the State on a RFP for a transportation plan. Local Legislatures have been invited to the meeting in September to gain information on the commission. G. Department Updates • The Mayor gave a brief update of the Special City Council meeting held earlier in the evening. The meeting included budget presentations from the Monticello Community Center and Engineering. • City Administrator Jeff O'Neill provided an update on the following items: 1. The Prairie Conference Center has been repaired on the outside and now the inside will be completed. There has been some discussion on what this space could be used for in the future. 2. The Highway 25 Coalition meeting has been changed from being the last Friday of the month to the last Thursday of the month. These meetings take place at 7:30 a.m. 3. The League of Minnesota is hosting a regional meeting in Paynesville on October 3, 2016. 4. Trailblazer has announced that they will currently provide rides to Monticello even though the contract doesn't begin until 2017. 5. The Phillip LaVallee memorial run was a success. 6. The fire study being conducted by Five Bugles has commenced. 2. Consent Agenda Tom Perrault moved approval of the Consent Agenda excluding A and F. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes — September 12, 2016 Page 2 1 6 A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. B. Consideration of approving new hires /departures. Recommendation: Approved the hires for the MCC and terminations for the MCC Streets. C. Consideration of approving the sale /disposal of surplus city property. Recommendation: No report this cycle. D. Consideration of appointing a representative to the Monticello Planning Commission to fill a vacancy for a term to expire on 12/31/18. Recommendation: Approved the appointment of Lucas Wynne to the Monticello Planning Commission with the term ending December 31, 2018. E. Consideration of establishing December 12, 2016 for the Truth -in- Taxation public hearing. Recommendation: Approved the public hearing for the 2017 property tax levy and budget on December 12, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. F. Consideration of approving monthly utility bulling starting in February (January usage) 2017. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. G. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -061 approving the issuance of General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016A. Recommendation: Approved Resolution 2016 -061 approving the issuance of general obligation street reconstruction and improvement bonds, series 2016A. H. Consideration of approving Summary Ordinance 654A amending the City Code, Title 2, Section 9 — Telecommunications Public Service Enterprise FiberNet Monticello — for publication. Recommendation: Adopted Summary Ordinance 654A providing for publication. I. Consideration of repealing Title 15, Chapter 1 of the City Code titled Property and Equipment Control. Recommendation: Approve repeal of Title 15, Chapter 1 of the City Code — Property and Equipment Control. Consideration of authorizing application to the Department of Defense Innovative Readiness Program for grading of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Park as applicable. Recommendation: Authorized the application to the Department of Defense Innovative Readiness Program for grading of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Park, pending research on project timeline application requirements parameters. City Council Minutes — September 12, 2016 Page 3 1 6 2A. Consideration of items removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Glen Posusta wanted clarification on a swing at Pioneer Park. Tom Pawelk noted that the swing is ADA approved. Glen Posusta moved approval of the of the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $2,048,719.36. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. F. Consideration of approving monthly utility billing starting in February (January usage) 2017. Tom Perrault pulled the item because he isn't in favor due to the addition cost that may be incurred. He noted that the City should wait for a couple of years to implement in the case that more people want to make monthly payments. Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, gave a brief overview on the benefits of going to monthly billing. Over the last couple of years, he noted, the City has been installing radio reads to make the switch to monthly billing more seamless. The City has also implemented incentives to customers who choose online billing. Glen Posusta commented that he feels the incentive should be higher than $0.50 for online billing, which could cause more people to sign up. Wayne Oberg responded that this is something to look into in the future. Glen Posusta moved approval to switch to monthly utility billing starting in February (January usage) 2017. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -1; Tom Perrault voted against for reason listed above. 4. Regular Agenda: A. Consideration to approve Amendment #1 for Grant Agreement #LW27 -01249 for Parkland Conversion related to the Xcel /City ballfields and former City bio- solids property and to authorize preparation of certificate of survey, recording of subdivision, deed and deed restriction associated with the 27 -acre conversion property. Angela Schumann provided the agenda item authorizing an amendment to the contract agreement with the State of Minnesota for conversion of parkland from the Xcel /City Ballfields located on West River Street to approximately 27 acres at the former City bio- solids property. To finalize the following actions are required (as summarized): execution of the contract; completion of a certificate of survey for the 27- acres; certificate of subdivision and deed for the 27 acres; recording deed restriction for parkland; and grant contract requirements to develop outdoor recreational facilities. City Council Minutes — September 12, 2016 Page 4 1 6 Lloyd Hilgart moved approval of Amendment #1 for grant Agreement #LW27 -01249 for Parkland Conversion related to the Xcel /City Ballfields and former City bio- solids property and to authorize preparation of certificate of survey, recording subdivision, deed and deed restriction associated with the 27 -acre conversion property. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -1: Tom Perrault voted against. B. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2016 -062 approving a special benefit leyy b the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority and accepting the EDA 2017 buds Angela Schumann gave a brief report on the 2017 special benefit levy and budget for the EDA. She noted that the proposed 2017 HRA levy is $302,000, an increase of $22,000 over the 2016 levy. The City Council discussed keeping the budget amount at $280,000. Glen Posusta moved to adopt Resolution 2016 -062 approving a special benefit levy by the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority and accepting the EDA 2017 budget (for a total of $280,000). Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried 3 -2; Lloyd Hilgart and Tom Perrault voted against. Tom Perrault was previously against the levy and remains against. Lloyd Hilgart is in favor of the $302,000. C. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -063 setting the 2017 City of Monticello's preliminary tax levy. Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, presented the preliminary 2017 property tax levy. Included in the presentation were: tax capacity values and tax capacity rates; comparisons to other jurisdictions in Wright County; and the impact to property owners. The preliminary levy must be certified to Wright County by September 30, 2016. The preliminary levy will be used for the Truth -in- Taxation notices sent to property owners in November. The City Council will adopt a final tax levy, which can be lower but not higher than the preliminary levy, on December 12, 2016. The presented preliminary tax levy, less the HRA levy, is $9,273,000 which is an increase of 3.9% from 2016. Discussion ensued among the City Council in regard to the increase of the tax levy. There was disagreement on whether there should be an increase in the levy and how much. Glen Posusta moved to adopt a preliminary tax levy of $8,925,000, which is the same as 2016. The motion died for lack of a second. Charlotte Gabler moved to adopt a preliminary tax levy of $9,373,000, which includes funding for increased hours of Wright County Law Enforcement. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion failed 2 -3; Perrault, Posusta, and Stumpf voted against. City Council Minutes — September 12, 2016 Page 5 1 6 Lloyd Hilgart moved to adopt Resolution 2016 -063 setting the preliminary tax levy at $9,273,000. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion failed 2 -3; Perrault, Posusta, and Stumpf voted against. Glen Posusta moved to adopt a preliminary tax levy of $9,100,000. Brian Stumpf seconded the motion. Motion failed 2 -3; Gabler, Hilgart, and Perrault voted against. Tom Perrault moved to adopt a preliminary tax levy of $8,720,999. Motion died for lack of a second. Glen Posusta moved to adopt a preliminary tax levy of $9,150,000. Brian Stumpf seconded the motion. Motion carried 3 -2; Gabler and Perrault voted against. Resolution 2016 -063 is approved as amended with this preliminary levy amount. By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 7:53 p.m. Recorder: Appro Jennifer Schreiber City Administrator City Council Minutes — September 12, 2016 Page 6 1 6 City Council Agenda: 09/26/16 2A. Consideration of approving payment of bills (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City staff submits the attached bill registers and purchasing card registers for approval by Council. The bill registers contain all invoices processed and the purchasing card registers contain all card purchases made since the last Council meeting. Subject to MN Statutes, most invoices require Council approval prior to releasing checks for payment. The day following Council approval, payments will be released unless directed otherwise. A credit purchasing agreement and policy was approved by Council initially and card purchases must comply with the policy. If Council has no questions or comments on the bill and purchase card registers, these can be approved with the consent agenda. If requested, this item can be removed from consent and discussed prior to making a motion for approval. Al. Budget Impact: None A2. Staff Workload Impact: No additional work required B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $2,508,111.87. 2. Motion to approve the registers with changes directed by Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1 or #2, per direction of Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Bill registers and Purchase Card registers Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Julie.Cheney Printed: 09/19/2016 - 9:15AM Batch: 00201.09.2016 - 00201.09.2016 US Bank Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 2968 BOND TRUST SERV CORP - Wire Transfer Check Sequence: 1 31884 Series 2007A GI Bonds - 2/1/18 Princpal Pd in A 545,000.00 09/15/2016 31347000- 460100 31884 Series 2007A GI Bonds - Interest 2,664.46 09/15/2016 313 - 47000 - 461100 31884 Series 2007A GI Bonds - 2/1/17 & 2/1/18 Prin R 205,000.00 09/15/2016 602 - 00000 - 231100 31884 Series 2007A GI Bonds - Interest 1,002.21 09/15/2016 602 - 49480 - 461100 August Check Total: 753,666.67 09/15/2016 101 - 00000 - 208120 Vendor: 4263 CAYAN 0.04 09/15/2016 Check Sequence: 2 192980 (3) Genius service fee 59.85 09/15/2016 609 - 49754- 424100 201797 (12,769) Transactions; (5) Genius service fee 1,043.58 09/15/2016 609 - 49754- 424100 Check Total: 1,103.43 Vendor: 2969 HLFB INC Check Sequence: 3 9/13/2016 Series 2008A GO Bonds 8 -18 -18 Paid In Advanc 516,000.00 09/15/2016 315- 47000 - 460100 9/13/2016 Series 2008A GO Bonds 8 -18 -18 Paid In Advanc 2,144.27 09/15/2016 315- 47000 - 461100 Check Total: 518,144.27 Vendor: 3241 LINCOLN FINANCIAL GROUP Check Sequence: 4 9/1/2016 September 2016 1,722.59 09/15/2016 101 - 00000 - 217066 Check Total: 1,722.59 Vendor: 1593 MN DEPT OF REVENUE - ACH Check Sequence: 5 August August Sales Tax - Hi Way Liquor 42,459.30 09/15/2016 609 - 00000 - 208100 August August Sales Tax - Hi Way Liquor -0.30 09/15/2016 609 - 00000 - 362900 August August Sales Tax - General 57.39 09/15/2016 101 - 00000 - 208100 August August Sales Tax - General -1.39 09/15/2016 101 - 41940- 443990 August August Sales Tax - General Waste 5.96 09/15/2016 101 - 00000 - 208120 August August Sales Tax - General Waste 0.04 09/15/2016 101 - 43230- 443990 August August Sales Tax - MCC 6,118.26 09/15/2016 226 - 00000 - 208100 August August Sales Tax - MCC -1.26 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 443990 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/19/2016 - 9:15 AM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number August August Sales Tax - Water Fund 326.34 09/15/2016 601 - 00000 - 208100 August August Sales Tax - Water Fund -1.34 09/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 443990 Check Total: 48,963.00 Vendor: 2811 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYSTEM Check Sequence: 6 9/6/2016 MN Fire Service Cert- (10) @$25 Recertificatioi 250.00 09/15/2016 101- 42200 - 443700 9/6/2016 Recreation Supply - Pool Supplies 458.68 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421610 9/6/2016 Displays 2 Go - Replacement Belt for Queue /Sta 42.56 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 422990 9/6/2016 J H Larson - Pool Lights (80) 243.20 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 422990 9/6/2016 J H Larson - Pool Area Lights (6) 227.35 09/15/2016 226- 45122- 422990 9/6/2016 Grady's - Toggle Strap; Paint Trays (2) 8.47 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 422990 9/6/2016 Runnings - Chest Waders (2), Scrub Brushes for 137.96 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421610 9/6/2016 Grady's - 2" Galv. Cap 6.49 09/15/2016 10143127- 421990 9/6/2016 Chatters - ZZZNEP - Qtrly Rep Meeting JR & I 37.00 09/15/2016 101 - 42500- 433100 9/6/2016 NBP - Packaging Tape 21.99 09/15/2016 101 - 41940 - 421990 9/6/2016 Monti Chamber of Commerce - Ad in Directory 80.00 09/15/2016 101 - 45501- 443990 9/6/2016 123 Signup - APA Fall Conference 10/6/16 - 10/' 300.00 09/15/2016 101 - 41520- 433100 9/6/2016 General Credit Forms - Thermal Roll Paper (1 cz 95.40 09/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 421990 9/6/2016 NBP - Paper, Calendar 35.57 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421990 9/6/2016 MN APA Conference 9/28- 9/30/16 - JT 330.00 09/15/2016 101 - 41910 - 433100 9/6/2016 Innovative Catering - Food for Primary Election 603.18 09/15/2016 101 - 41410 - 443990 9/6/2016 A+ Taxi - Transportation for F.I. Ice Arena Field 36.00 09/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421981 9/6/2016 A+ Taxi - Transportation for F.I. Ice Arena Field 80.00 09/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421981 9/6/2016 Grady's - Oil for Generator 5.26 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 422990 9/6/2016 Target - DVD Player for Movie in the Park 24.99 09/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421980 9/6/2016 Kwik Trip - Unleaded Fuel 10.209 gals @ $2.161. 22.14 09/15/2016 217 - 41990- 421200 9/6/2016 Quality Refrigeration - Wiring Repairs for Coole 396.50 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 440440 9/6/2016 Walmart - Sunscreen for F.I. 15.96 09/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421981 9/6/2016 Walmart - Protein Bars & Fruit for Concession 31.36 09/15/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 9/6/2016 Mail Finance - Lease Payment 6/4/16 - 9/3/16 564.33 09/15/2016 101 - 41940 - 441500 9/6/2016 Walmart - Bananas for Concession 1.38 09/15/2016 226- 45127- 425410 9/6/2016 Walmart - F. I. Project Supplies 55.36 09/15/2016 226- 45127- 421981 9/6/2016 Runnings - credit sales tax charged -7.21 09/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 421990 9/6/2016 Grady's - (6) nut stop 1.62 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421650 9/6/2016 Grady's - Prairie W.- (2) couple 2.98 09/15/2016 101 - 43130- 422500 9/6/2016 Walgreens - 24pk water bottles 3.99 09/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 421990 9/6/2016 Fastenal - Hx Bit Socket 6.24 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 422100 9/6/2016 Monti Napa- (2) filters 7.80 09/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 422120 9/6/2016 Monti Napa- (2) Gunk Engine 8.34 09/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421300 9/6/2016 Fastenal - (10) Nylok NE 9.98 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421650 9/6/2016 Home Depot- Prairie W- brass hose faucet manic 14.98 09/15/2016 101 - 43130 - 422500 9/6/2016 Grady's - (2) 4pk fabric roller- Scott railings dok 16.98 09/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 421510 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/19/2016 - 9:15 AM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 9/6/2016 Home Depot- (5) 801b. concrete mix- Sc. Blvd 19.50 09/15/2016 101 - 43130 - 421990 9/6/2016 Home Depot- (5) 801b. concrete mix- Sc. Blvd 19.50 09/15/2016 101 - 43130 - 421990 9/6/2016 Hirshfields - plygrnd equip- (1)qt. Dk. Green 22.34 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 422100 9/6/2016 Fastenal - shop- (6) ea. Lg. MouthTtopbeam; T I 23.07 09/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421500 9/6/2016 Cub - (50) limes; (10) lemons 29.90 09/15/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 9/6/2016 Mac Tools - 1/4" Hex 18" long bit SD Rat 29.99 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421650 9/6/2016 Martie's - Praire W- 25# Shady 56.00 09/15/2016 101 - 43130 - 422500 9/6/2016 Fastenal - Ext. Drill; (2) HSS Est. Dr- Water 60.71 09/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 422701 9/6/2016 Monti Napa- #206- blwr motor; (2) sm. light; 74.86 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 422100 9/6/2016 Martie's - #50 Shady 99.00 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 422500 9/6/2016 Dakota- Ellison- Wal Flush Clst- Womens bath 105.88 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 422300 9/6/2016 General Rental - Oxy.Tank; Acetylene Tank, Haz 118.00 09/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421520 9/6/2016 Runnings - Finish mower; lynch pin 152.98 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 422100 9/6/2016 Arctic Glacier - resale (5)inv;1955620516; 0810; 975.66 09/15/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 9/6/2016 Home Depot- (2) 500' Thermo. Wire 122.94 09/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 422701 9/6/2016 Home Depot- Prairie W- (6) 50' rubber hose;(4) s 213.72 09/15/2016 101 - 43130 - 422500 9/6/2016 G & K - (4) mat sere- #1043519259; 35802; 412 229.41 09/15/2016 609 - 49754- 431990 9/6/2016 G & K - XL T Jacket- inv 93870084 55.31 09/15/2016 609 - 49754- 421110 9/6/2016 Allen Precision - magnetic locator - 1/2 Water 269.00 09/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 424100 9/6/2016 Allen Precision - magnetic locator - 1/2 Wewer 269.00 09/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 424100 9/6/2016 Zarnoth- #132- (6) disp. gutter broom 582.00 09/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 422100 9/6/2016 WHCE- Sunset Ponds 7/1- 8/1/2016 469 kWh u,, 75.24 09/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 438100 9/6/2016 WHCE- 1645 & 1675 CR39 40.79 09/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 438100 9/6/2016 WHCE- DMV 19.95 09/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 431900 9/6/2016 WHCE- 2171 W River St- Parks 36.45 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 431900 9/6/2016 WHCE- Fire Hall 27.95 09/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 431900 9/6/2016 WHCE- 5980 Jason Ave 19.95 09/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 431900 9/6/2016 WHCE- MCC 27.95 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 431900 9/6/2016 WHCE- 207 Chelsea Rd- Water 32.95 09/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 431900 9/6/2016 WHCE- 209 Cedar St- Water 29.95 09/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 431900 9/6/2016 WHCE- 132 E. Broadway- Water 19.95 09/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 431900 9/6/2016 WHCE- 107 River St W- Parks 19.95 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 431900 9/6/2016 WHCE- Hi -way Liquor Sept 2016 21.32 09/15/2016 609 - 49754- 431900 9/6/2016 WHCE- MCC Sept 2016 19.95 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 431900 9/6/2016 WHCE- 200 Dundas Rd Sept 2016 29.95 09/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 431900 9/6/2016 WHCE- 909 Golf Crse Rd Sept 2016 19.95 09/15/2016 101 - 43110- 431900 9/6/2016 WHCE- General Street Lighting 1,342.17 09/15/2016 101 - 43160 - 438100 9/6/2016 WHCE- Street Light Maintc 6/16- 7/15/2016 2,074.55 09/15/2016 101 - 43160 - 431900 9/6/2016 Dyna- shop- silicone red; (6) shrink tube; etc 409.48 09/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421990 9/6/2016 Monti Napa- Jack for Tack Trailer- Ind. Lock 82.69 09/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422100 9/6/2016 Keeprs- Boots Mike Rogers 90.00 09/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 420650 9/6/2016 Zep- shop -(1) doz. ea- Zep 2000; brake wash; Ze] 275.32 09/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421300 9/6/2016 Monti Napa- switch - Hot Box 9.36 09/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422100 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/19/2016 - 9:15 AM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 9/6/2016 Auto Value - Dual Hd. Str Ft Air; 1/4 Male plug 14.98 09/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 422110 9/6/2016 Grady's - #143- (8) hex washer; (8) washer; (8) f 16.16 09/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422110 9/6/2016 Monti RV - propane for paver 20.00 09/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 421990 9/6/2016 Titan Machine- #103- (2) relay 40.58 09/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422100 9/6/2016 Grainger- #125- (2) Open Power Relay 75.66 09/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422100 9/6/2016 Hirshfields - Streetscape project- Scott -(2) gal. G 79.98 09/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 421510 9/6/2016 NBP - Paper Clips, Binder Clips, Index Tabs 25.93 09/15/2016 101 - 41940 - 421990 9/6/2016 NBP - Expandable Files 15.62 09/15/2016 101 - 41410- 421990 9/6/2016 NBP - Paper, Calculator Ribbons 64.94 09/15/2016 101 - 41940 - 421990 9/6/2016 NBP - Pens, Paper, Calculator Ribbons 120.86 09/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 421990 9/6/2016 NBP - Markers 7.29 09/15/2016 101 - 41940 - 421990 9/6/2016 Home Depot - Tape Measures (2) 46.98 09/15/2016 101 - 43111 - 421990 9/6/2016 Monticello Vacuum - New Vacuum, Brushes & 1 391.80 09/15/2016 101 - 41940 - 421990 9/6/2016 MN Dept Labor - Annual Elevator Operating - E 100.00 09/15/2016 101 - 41941 - 431990 9/6/2016 Verizon - June 4 - July 3 50.78 09/15/2016 101 - 42400 - 432100 9/6/2016 Verizon - June 4 - July 3 94.96 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 432100 9/6/2016 Verizon - June 4 - July 3 104.96 09/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 432100 9/6/2016 Verizon - June 4 - July 3 46.05 09/15/2016 601- 49440 - 432100 9/6/2016 Verizon - June 4 - July 3 46.06 09/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 432100 9/6/2016 Verizon - June 11 - July 10 45.06 09/15/2016 101 - 43115- 432100 9/6/2016 Verizon - June 11 - July 10 15.02 09/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 432100 9/6/2016 Verizon - June 11 - July 10 15.02 09/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 432100 9/6/2016 Verizon - June 11 - July 10 15.02 09/15/2016 656- 49870 - 432100 9/6/2016 Randy's Sanitation - July 2016 Shredding - DMN 16.37 09/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 431990 9/6/2016 Randy's Sanitation - July 2016 Shredding - City 16.37 09/15/2016 101 - 41940 - 431990 9/6/2016 Cub - Donuts for Judges - Primary 32.31 09/15/2016 101 - 41410- 443990 9/6/2016 Cub - Fruit for Judges - Primary 21.67 09/15/2016 101 - 41410- 443990 9/6/2016 Holiday - Unleaded Fuel 9.464 gals @ $2.119 20.05 09/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 421200 9/6/2016 Office Max - Pens, Pencils, Sharpner, Chairmat, 70.31 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421990 9/6/2016 G & K - Uniform Rental - Jeans 9.72 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 441700 9/6/2016 G & K - Towel Rental 6.60 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 441710 9/6/2016 G & K - Mops 45.32 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 431110 9/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Forks, Spoons, Napkins 51.23 09/15/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 9/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Cleaning Supplies 182.03 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421100 9/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Locker Room & Bathroom Sup] 263.42 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421990 9/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Hose Clamp 22.42 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 422990 9/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Cleaning Supplies 121.36 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421100 9/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Cups, Napkins 129.34 09/15/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 9/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Locker Room & Bathroom Sup] 111.48 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421990 9/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Bathr000m Supplies, Forks, Sp( 142.18 09/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 421990 9/6/2016 Batteries Plus - Battery for MCC Panic Button 8.95 09/15/2016 226- 45122- 421990 9/6/2016 Lighting Plastics - Lens for Women's Main Bath] 24.20 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 422990 9/6/2016 Lighting Plastics - Freight 11.15 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 433300 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/19/2016 - 9:15 AM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 9/6/2016 Improvements Catalog - Bin for Pool Exercise E 84.94 09/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421750 9/6/2016 Sherwin Williams - return Bllfld (10) 5gal. sstrip -98.20 09/15/2016 101 - 45203- 421990 9/6/2016 Monti Napa- plygrnd inspec.- Body Hard 5.39 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 422110 9/6/2016 Auto Value - Tender 3 -(2) Muffler Cla.; flexible 6.49 09/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 422110 9/6/2016 Fastenal - Park (25) flng lk reg Z; (5) HCS1 /2 -13 9.48 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421650 9/6/2016 Grady's - MCC Irrigation- drain boil brs; couplet 13.98 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 422510 9/6/2016 Grady's - Tender 7- 10' wire; (8) screws 14.43 09/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 422100 9/6/2016 Fastenal - Plygmd Equip- (20) F1ngBearing 15.82 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421650 9/6/2016 Runnings - 45pc. Everybit tech rescue kit- Curre 24.99 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421650 9/6/2016 Runnings - Catch All trap; mouse bait 26.98 09/15/2016 101 - 45203- 421990 9/6/2016 Runnings - dust mop; insect fog; bowl cleaner 45.97 09/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 421990 9/6/2016 Cub - (80) limes; (16) lemons 47.84 09/15/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 9/6/2016 DISH- Sept 2016 service 60.95 09/15/2016 609- 49754- 432500 9/6/2016 Runnings - Chain sharpening -shade tree 77.00 09/15/2016 101 - 46102 - 421990 9/6/2016 BigMouth.com- (24) can coolers 108.00 09/15/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 9/6/2016 MN Dept. Ag.- 2017 Licensing- Parks 153.75 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 443300 9/6/2016 NBP - chairmat 170.13 09/15/2016 609 - 49754- 421990 9/6/2016 Zee Medical- gloves; bandages; lens cleaning; et 132.25 09/15/2016 101- 43127 - 420650 9/6/2016 Zee Medical- sunscreen; eye wash; resp. wipes- : 79.40 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 420650 9/6/2016 Zee Medical- ice pks; muscle jel; Dilotab; IbuTal 61.40 09/15/2016 609 - 49754- 421990 9/6/2016 Aramark- July 2016 uniform- Parks 116.42 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 441700 9/6/2016 Aramark- July 2016 uniform- Sewer 67.96 09/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 441700 9/6/2016 Aramark- July 2016 uniform- Water 67.96 09/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 441700 9/6/2016 Aramark- July 2016 uniform- PW 186.94 09/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 441700 9/6/2016 Aramark- July 2016 -Shop Towels 165.46 09/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421990 9/6/2016 Cross Instr.- (2) Calibration Gas - Fire Dept. 400.01 09/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 421990 9/6/2016 Sherwin Williams - Paint, Trays, Brushes, Spack 197.34 09/15/2016 226- 45122- 422990 9/6/2016 Kwik Trip - Unleaded Fuel 8.829 gals @ $2.199 19.41 09/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 421200 9/6/2016 Runnings -Bait for Friendship Island 8.37 09/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421981 9/6/2016 Wall Street Journal - Monthly Subscription WO 32.99 09/15/2016 101 - 41520- 443300 9/6/2016 Monti Chamber of Commerce - August Chamber 15.00 09/15/2016 101 - 41310- 443990 9/6/2016 USPS - Priority Mail to St.Paul 3 lbs 2.4 oz 8.98 09/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 432200 9/6/2016 Bray Sales - Water Valves for Play Features (4) 683.86 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421610 9/6/2016 Martie's - Salt for Softner 464.40 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421990 9/6/2016 Corporate Connection - Annual Awards (6) 286.39 09/15/2016 101 - 41800 - 443990 9/6/2016 Cub - Food for Employee Picnic: Cookies, Fruit 217.48 09/15/2016 101 - 41800- 443990 9/6/2016 Cub - Employee Service Gift 4.79 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 443900 9/6/2016 Cub - Cupcakes for Birthday Parties 26.94 09/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421460 9/6/2016 Amazon - Bulletin Board Supplies 31.24 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421990 9/6/2016 Amazon - Bulletin Board Supplies 33.92 09/15/2016 226- 45122- 421990 9/6/2016 Amazon - Ankle Strap & Balance Trainer 181.99 09/15/2016 226- 45127- 421720 9/6/2016 Walmart - Bins for Friendship Island 32.44 09/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421980 9/6/2016 Walmart - Socks for Proshop Resale 9.88 09/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421450 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/19/2016 - 9:15 AM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 9/6/2016 Walmart - Friendship Island Cleaning Supplies 25.76 09/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421981 9/6/2016 Walmart - Office Supplies: Pocket Files 59.55 09/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 421990 9/6/2016 Walmart - Employee Picnic: Condiments, Plates, 85.23 09/15/2016 101 - 41800 - 443990 9/6/2016 Walmart - Supplies for First Aid Kits @ City Hal 20.90 09/15/2016 101 - 41310 - 421990 9/6/2016 NBP - Monthly Calendar Desk Pad 7.66 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421990 9/6/2016 NBP - Paper Clips 4.74 09/15/2016 101 - 41940 - 421990 9/6/2016 NBP - Paper 44.50 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421990 9/6/2016 NBP - Certificate Holder (5) 57.82 09/15/2016 101 - 41940- 421990 9/6/2016 Grady's - Sandpaper 4.99 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 422990 9/6/2016 Grady's - Spray Paint 17.97 09/15/2016 226 - 45127- 422990 9/6/2016 Grady's - Paint Brushes 12.98 09/15/2016 226 - 45127- 422990 9/6/2016 Home Depot - Wall Repair Materials: Drywall S 24.33 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 422990 9/6/2016 Buffalo Wild Wings - Safety Bingo Prize - Gift ( 35.00 09/15/2016 101 - 41800 - 421990 9/6/2016 Buffalo Wild Wings - Employee Service Awards 225.00 09/15/2016 101 - 41800 - 443990 9/6/2016 Verizon - July 4 - Aug 3 50.76 09/15/2016 101 - 42400 - 432100 9/6/2016 Verizon - July 4 - Aug 3 94.92 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 432100 9/6/2016 Verizon - July 4 - Aug 3 104.92 09/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 432100 9/6/2016 Verizon - July 4 - Aug 3 46.03 09/15/2016 601- 49440 - 432100 9/6/2016 Verizon - July 4 - Aug 3 46.04 09/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 432100 9/6/2016 Verizon - June 21 - July 20 26.02 09/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 432100 9/6/2016 Verizon - June 21 - July 20 140.04 09/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 432100 9/6/2016 Home Depot - 8pc locking Hex key set; tool box 17.94 09/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421990 9/6/2016 BigMouth.com- (24) wine glasses 135.00 09/15/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 9/6/2016 BigMouth.com- freight (24) wine glasses 16.88 09/15/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 9/6/2016 General Rental - 16C001- PRELIM- BCOL Interi 574.10 09/15/2016 229 - 45202- 453011 9/6/2016 Diamond Vogel - (6) 5 gal White traffic 578.10 09/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 421510 9/6/2016 Arctic Glacier - resale 1955622213; 2512; 2912; 909.10 09/15/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 9/6/2016 USPS - Priority Mail to St.Paul (2 pkgs) 18.62 09/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 432200 9/6/2016 Home Depot - Screws, Sealant, Paint 42.27 09/15/2016 101 - 41941 - 422990 9/6/2016 Home Depot - H25 Cedarmill 6.66 09/15/2016 101 - 41941- 422990 9/6/2016 Home Depot - Pump 29.95 09/15/2016 226 - 45127- 441610 9/6/2016 J H Larson - Pool Lights (40) & Ballasts (6) 572.80 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 422990 9/6/2016 Von Hanson's - Employee Picnic Food: Burgers, 259.40 09/15/2016 101 - 41800 - 443990 9/6/2016 Domino's Pizza - Dinner for Council Budget Me 72.21 09/15/2016 101 - 41110- 443990 9/6/2016 Mpls St.Paul Business Journal - Annual Subscril 100.00 09/15/2016 213 - 46301 - 443300 9/6/2016 MyBoelter - Refrigerator for Kitchen in MCC 3,419.96 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 424100 9/6/2016 2nd Wind Exercise - Leg Curl/Ab Bench 746.00 09/15/2016 226 - 45127- 424900 9/6/2016 Grady's - caulk 7.49 09/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 422701 9/6/2016 Grady's -(4) keyblank Bldg Dept garage 8.51 09/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421990 9/6/2016 Grady's - 9220 - Dutch Elm Inspection 10.84 09/15/2016 101 - 46102 - 421990 9/6/2016 NBP - Return Wall File -9.19 09/15/2016 101 - 41940 - 421990 9/6/2016 NBP - Paper & Post It Notes 37.16 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421990 9/6/2016 NBP - Wall File, Bracket, Index, Paper, Spoons, 427.09 09/15/2016 101 - 41940- 421990 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/19/2016 - 9:15 AM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 9/6/2016 G & K - Mats 15.60 09/15/2016 217 - 41990- 421990 9/6/2016 G & K - Mats 15.60 09/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 421990 9/6/2016 Fastenal - Hardware for Pool Main Drain 20.34 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421610 9/6/2016 Fastenal - Sensor for Sink in Women's Locker R( 243.00 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 440100 9/6/2016 Constant Contact - Monthly Email Marketing Se 60.00 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 430910 9/6/2016 Vistaprint - Checks 22.68 09/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 421990 9/6/2016 Perkins - Breakfast Meeting JO, BS, WE 40.85 09/15/2016 101 - 41310 - 443990 9/6/2016 USPS - Priority Mail to St.Paul (2 pkgs) 16.80 09/15/2016 217 - 41990- 432200 9/6/2016 Allied Parking - Labor Conference TE 6.00 09/15/2016 101 - 41800 - 433100 9/6/2016 Park Supply - Parts- Locker Room (Hose, Handle, 138.37 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 422300 9/6/2016 Trusted Employees - Background Checks (1) 23.00 09/15/2016 609 - 49754- 431990 9/6/2016 Trusted Employees - Background Checks (1) 25.00 09/15/2016 101 - 41310 - 431990 9/6/2016 Trusted Employees - Background Checks (3) 69.00 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 431990 9/6/2016 Office Max - Calulator 13.99 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421990 9/6/2016 Office Max - Crayons 10.00 09/15/2016 226- 45127- 421740 9/6/2016 Varidesk - Sit/Stand Workstation 495.00 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 443990 9/6/2016 U of M CCE - Construction Site Mgmt MR 215.00 09/15/2016 101 - 43111- 433100 9/6/2016 Royal Tire - Set New Tires For Chevy Pickup 606.96 09/15/2016 101- 42400 - 440500 9/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Bathroom & Locker Room Sup] 673.31 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421990 9/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Cleaning Supplies 621.32 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421100 9/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Straws, Paper Plates 67.26 09/15/2016 226 - 45127- 425490 9/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Friendship Island Supplies 37.60 09/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421981 9/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - Trash Removal - July 2016 37,485.88 09/15/2016 101 - 43230 - 438400 9/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - Recycling Services - July 2 12,443.10 09/15/2016 101 - 43230 - 438400 9/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - July 2016 108.97 09/15/2016 656- 49870 - 438400 9/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - July 2016 35.80 09/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 438400 9/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - July 2016 47.74 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 438400 9/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - July 2016 23.87 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 438400 9/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - July 2016 113.38 09/15/2016 602 - 49480 - 438400 9/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - July 2016 208.87 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 438400 9/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - July 2016 11.93 09/15/2016 101 - 45501- 431990 9/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - July 2016 23.87 09/15/2016 609 - 49754- 438400 9/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - July 2016 23.87 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 438400 9/6/2016 Super America - Unleaded Fuel 10.050 gals @ 9 22.10 09/15/2016 217 - 41990- 421200 9/6/2016 Red's - #220 & gas can Octaine 13.80 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421300 9/6/2016 Monti Napa -- #218- air filter 14.97 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 422100 9/6/2016 Grady's - Praire W. Proj- 6pk mini foam rollers; f 14.98 09/15/2016 101 - 41941 - 422990 9/6/2016 Grady's - Ellison lock rplcmnt- padlock 15.99 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421650 9/6/2016 Grady's -(60) washer nylon 3/4- Playground Equ 16.80 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421650 9/6/2016 Grady's -(2) 9v battery 17.98 09/15/2016 601 - 49440- 421990 9/6/2016 Runnings - shop heater- Comp. pipe; tee pipe; br 19.06 09/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 422300 9/6/2016 Grady's -rule tape- Road Repr. 26.99 09/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 421990 9/6/2016 Grady's -(4) 601b. sand mix Quikrete 27.96 09/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 422700 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/19/2016 - 9:15 AM) Invoice No Description 9/6/2016 PayPal- Pen refills- 1/2 Water 9/6/2016 PayPal- Pen refills- 1/2 Sewer 9/6/2016 Dakota -Pipe Curb bx repair lid w /set 9/6/2016 Cub - (50) limes; (10) lemons 9/6/2016 Walmart - (2) coffee makers; (2) coffee 9/6/2016 Sherwin Williams - (5) 5 gal SStripe White 9/6/2016 Monti Napa -- #206 - Brake Pads 9/6/2016 Monti Napa -- (20) St Tub 49047; (10) St. Tub 4S 9/6/2016 Monti Napa -- (20) St Tub 49047; (10) St. Tub 4S 9/6/2016 Nat. Park & Rec- renew Membership 8/1- 7/31/21 9/6/2016 G & K - (3) mat serv- #1043552372; 104355793 9/6/2016 Sherwin Williams - (5) 5 gal SStripe White; (5) 1 9/6/2016 Amazon - 16C001- PRELIM - Propane Scarecro) 9/6/2016 Johnson Materials- (88.08) washed sand- Parks E Vendor: 2438 00007717734 00007720824 00007720824 00007720824 Check Total: VANCO SERVICES LLC Vanco - Fitness Rewards - August 2016 Vanco - Gateway Exchange - August 2016 Vanco - Gateway Exchange - August 2016 Vanco - Gateway Exchange - August 2016 Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/19/2016 - 9:15 AM) Amount Payment Date Acct Number 14.25 09/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 421990 14.24 09/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 421990 30.45 09/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 421990 34.90 09/15/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 46.66 09/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421990 47.50 09/15/2016 101 - 45203- 421990 85.04 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 422110 58.80 09/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 422110 58.80 09/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 422110 165.00 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 443300 172.38 09/15/2016 609 - 49754- 431990 245.50 09/15/2016 101 - 45203- 421990 368.98 09/15/2016 229 - 45202- 453011 490.07 09/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421990 84,595.98 Check Sequence: 7 46.25 09/15/2016 226 - 45122- 430700 43.42 09/15/2016 656- 49870 - 443980 42.15 09/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 443980 42.15 09/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 443980 173.97 1,408,369.91 The preceding list of bills payables was reviewed ar Date: 9/26/16 Approved by: 7 Mayor Brian Stumpf Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Julie.Cheney Printed: 09/21/2016 - 2:16PM Batch: 00204.09.2016 - 00204.09.2016 ap Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 2589 ALL ELEMENTS INC Check Sequence: 1 4031 Labor - (2) hr- find/repair leaks - cooler 8/29/16 150.00 09/27/2016 60949754- 440100 4031 Parts - find/repair leaks - cooler 8/29/16 28.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49754- 440100 Check Total: 178.00 Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Check Sequence: 2 3125670 resale -beer 64.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 Check Total: 64.00 Vendor: 4502 ARVIG Check Sequence: 3 253327 Aug. 2016- Border States; Leeb Underground; C 30,021.61 09/27/2016 656- 49877 - 421800 Check Total: 30,021.61 Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 4 55400500 resale - liquor 885.25 09/27/2016 609- 49750- 425100 55400500 resale- wine 172.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 55400500 freight 18.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Check Total: 1,075.25 Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 5 171647 resale - soda pop 91.95 09/27/2016 609- 49750- 425400 171647 resale -juice 32.80 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 171648 resale - beer 1,614.70 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 172314 resale - pop, water, juice 357.15 09/27/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 174746 resale - soda pop 40.35 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 174746 resale -juice 32.80 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 174747 resale - beer 941.10 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 3021 resale - beer 155.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/21/2016 - 2:16 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/21/2016 - 2:16 PM) Check Total: 3,265.85 Vendor: 4534 BLACK & VEATCH Check Sequence: 6 8/19/2016 ZZATT2 - Escrow Refund 369.00 09/27/2016 101 - 00000 - 220110 Check Total: 369.00 Vendor: 3632 BRIAN BRAMLEY Check Sequence: 7 7099 Emergency Resp. Sol- (4) Turn -out Coat/Pants C 8,018.93 09/27/2016 101 - 42200 - 421990 Check Total: 8,018.93 Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPIF Check Sequence: 8 1080524383 resale - liquor 5,784.27 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 1080524383 resale- wine 252.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 1080524383 freight 66.82 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 1080527639 resale - liquor 1,245.41 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 1080527639 resale- wine 426.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 1080527639 freight 27.92 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 1080527640 resale - beer 246.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 Check Total: 8,048.42 Vendor: 1091 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA Check Sequence: 9 2348 -000G 169 Planning & Zoning - August 2016 150.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41910 - 430400 2348 -000G 169 ZMISHS - Monti High School Project - August 75.00 09/27/2016 101 - 00000 - 220110 2348 -000G 169 EDA - August 2016 195.00 09/27/2016 213 - 46301 - 430400 2348 -000G 169 General Legal - August 2016 1,275.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41610- 430400 2348 -103G 108 FiberNet General - August 2016 75.00 09/27/2016 656- 49870 - 430400 2348 -125G 12 ZRCFOS - Church of St.Henry/Fallon Ave Imprc 997.50 09/27/2016 101 - 41610 - 430400 2348 -135G 3 16D001 - Clear Creek Addition - August 2016 450.00 09/27/2016 101 - 00000 - 220110 2348 -137G 3 ZMISHS - High School Project - August 2016 205.50 09/27/2016 101 - 00000 - 220110 2348 -139G 1 Nelson Purchase Agreement - August 2016 465.00 09/27/2016 213 - 46301 - 430400 Check Total: 3,888.00 Vendor: 1094 CAREFREE LAWN SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 10 15725 PID# 155- 023 - 001050 1312 River Street (9/6/16 100.00 09/27/2016 101 - 42400 - 431050 15725 PID# 155- 033 - 001040 7 Fairway Drive (9/6/16) 50.00 09/27/2016 101 - 42400 - 431050 15726 PID# 155- 033 - 001040 7 Fairway Drive (8/9/16) 50.00 09/27/2016 101 - 42400 - 431050 15726 PID# 155- 183- 001010 8375 Gatewater Dr (8/31 50.00 09/27/2016 101 - 42400- 431050 15726 PID# 155 - 117 - 002010 xxxHart Blvd/Riverview. . 50.00 09/27/2016 101 - 42400 - 431050 15729 PID# 155- 086 -00010 xxxx Hart Blvd 50.00 09/27/2016 101 - 42400 - 431050 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/21/2016 - 2:16 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Check Total: 350.00 Vendor: 4089 CARLSON & LYTER DISTRIBUTING, INC Check Sequence: 11 620258 resale -beer 264.50 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/21/2016 - 2:16 PM) Check Total: 264.50 Vendor: 2213 CBS TV STATIONS Check Sequence: 12 083116 WCCO August 2016 1,195.10 09/27/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 1,195.10 Vendor: 1103 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS INC Check Sequence: 13 78140 (2) Gauge- Water 51.60 09/27/2016 601 - 49440 - 422100 Check Total: 51.60 Vendor: 1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC Check Sequence: 14 00962288 Bulk Carbon Dioxide (2581bs) 77.60 09/27/2016 226 - 45122- 421600 Check Total: 77.60 Vendor: 2960 CLEAR WATERS OUTFITTING CO Check Sequence: 15 1091 SUP Classes: 12 Classes 6/16 - 8/16 846.00 09/27/2016 226 - 45127- 430130 Check Total: 846.00 Vendor: 1973 CLIMATE MAKERS INC Check Sequence: 16 53449 HVAC Service at Food Shelf 356.13 09/27/2016 217 - 41990 - 440100 Check Total: 356.13 Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 17 1215441 resale - beer 23,948.44 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 1215441 resale - beer n/a 371.60 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 1215512 freight 24.30 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 1215512 resale - beer 328.90 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 128573 resale - beer credit -44.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 128960 Beer at Ballfields 425.00 09/27/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 129535 resale - beer credit -73.75 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 129836 resale - beer credit inv #129663 -24.60 09/27/2016 609 - 49750 - 425200 131727 resale - beer credit inv #128163 -12.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 131841 resale - beer 432.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 132025 resale - beer 16,264.08 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/21/2016 - 2:16 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 132025 freight 48.60 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 132081 resale - beer credit - 175.45 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 132370 resale - beer 134.40 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 Check Total: 41,647.52 Vendor: 1136 GORDON J DEHMER Check Sequence: 18 4676 Labor- extinguishers mtc & recharge - Fire 351.25 09/27/2016 101 - 42200 - 440440 4676 Parts- extinguishers mtc & recharge - Fire 33.25 09/27/2016 101 - 42200 - 440440 Check Total: 384.50 Vendor: 4233 DI -MAR CONSTRUCTION INC Check Sequence: 19 Voucher No 12 14C002 - PHOSPH - Voucher #12 215,901.07 09/27/2016 602 - 00000 - 165010 Check Total: 215,901.07 Vendor: 1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC Check Sequence: 20 402767 Ordinance 647 Ad #588898 129.22 09/27/2016 101 - 41310 - 435100 402768 Ordinance 652 Ad #588970 249.21 09/27/2016 101 - 41910- 435100 402769 201638 -Ordinance 653 Ad #588983 147.68 09/27/2016 101 - 41910- 435100 Check Total: 526.11 Vendor: 2561 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 Check Sequence: 21 211844 resale - Fleet Farm- 2 T10Mtr Ecdr USG 625.80 09/27/2016 601 - 49440- 422710 Check Total: 625.80 Vendor: 2222 FOX SPORTS NET INC Check Sequence: 22 L13271 FSN August 2016 4,314.19 09/27/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 4,314.19 Vendor: 2462 FOX TELEVISION STATIONS INC Check Sequence: 23 083116 KMSP August 2016 1,098.20 09/27/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 083116 -2 WFTCAugust 2016 193.80 09/27/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 1,292.00 Vendor: 3748 JEFFREY D GARDNER Check Sequence: 24 9/9/2016 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/8/16 34.00 09/27/2016 226 - 00000 - 220100 Check Total: 34.00 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/21/2016 - 2:16 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 3762 GARRETTS DIAMOND CITY BREAD Check Sequence: 25 9/9/2016 Farmers Market Token Collection Log 9/8/16 28.00 09/27/2016 226 - 00000 - 220100 Check Total: 28.00 Vendor: 1198 GENERAL RENTAL CENTER OF MONTICEI Check Sequence: 26 0216539 Stanchion for Elections 380.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41410- 435100 Check Total: 380.00 Vendor: 1223 HAWKINS INC Check Sequence: 27 3947510 Rust A Go (3 50 gal pails); Stain & Scale (1- 5 g 964.20 09/27/2016 226 - 45122- 421600 3953516 Calcium Chloride (50# Bag) 55.00 09/27/2016 226 - 45122- 421600 3953557 Clearitas (1 - 5 gal pail) 449.96 09/27/2016 226- 45122- 421600 Check Total: 1,469.16 Vendor: 1224 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD Check Sequence: 28 F822772 (12) Meters- 5/8 Register ECR 1000 Gallo 657.62 09/27/2016 601 - 49440 - 422701 Check Total: 657.62 Vendor: 3229 JEFF HOGLUND Check Sequence: 29 29916 #401 - (2) 3" white lettering 12.00 09/27/2016 602 - 49490 - 422110 Check Total: 12.00 Vendor: 4218 HOHENSTEINS, INC Check Sequence: 30 848036 resale - beer 127.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 Check Total: 127.00 Vendor: 4460 MARK HOLKER Check Sequence: 31 68244 reimburse pymnt Grand Irrigation- (5) sm roller 519.00 09/27/2016 602 - 49490 - 440440 Check Total: 519.00 Vendor: 2305 HOME BOX OFFICE Check Sequence: 32 0831 HBO August 2016 106.34 09/27/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 0831 HBO Bulk August 2016 225.08 09/27/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 0831 Max August 2016 32.40 09/27/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 363.82 Vendor: 4511 HOUSTON HOMES Check Sequence: 33 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/21/2016 - 2:16 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 9/9/2016 Escrow Refund: 5824 Bison Circle/Hillside Farn 2,000.00 09/27/2016 101 - 00000 - 220110 2567935 Check Total: 2,000.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Vendor: 2214 HUBBARD BROADCASTING INC 920.75 09/27/2016 Check Sequence: 34 083116 KSTC August 226.10 09/27/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 083116 -2 KSTPAugust 1,453.50 09/27/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Vendor: 1263 Check Total: 1,679.60 Check Sequence: 37 Vendor: 3369 JAKE'S EXCAVATING INC 4,231.86 09/27/2016 Check Sequence: 35 2988 Ellison - 8/2/16 400.00 09/27/2016 651- 49010 - 431150 5531196 Check Total: 400.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Vendor: 1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING Check Sequence: 36 2567935 resale - beer 3,447.35 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 2567935 freight 3.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2567966 resale - beer 920.75 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 2567966 resale - beer n/a 21.50 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 Check Total: 4,392.60 Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Check Sequence: 37 5531195 resale - liquor 4,231.86 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 5531195 freight 47.52 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5531196 freight 79.20 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5531196 resale- wine 2,809.50 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 5535370 freight 16.32 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5535370 resale - liquor 1,054.50 09/27/2016 609- 49750- 425100 5535371 resale- wine 1,429.50 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 5535371 freight 33.12 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5535372 resale -beer 120.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 5536302 freight 104.03 09/27/2016 609- 49750- 433300 5536302 resale - liquor 8,338.53 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 5536303 resale - wine 2,625.10 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 5536303 freight 67.67 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5536304 resale - beer 65.97 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 5537786 resale - liquor 4,719.54 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 5537786 freight 54.91 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5537787 freight 75.72 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5537787 resale - wine 3,294.20 09/27/2016 609- 49750- 425300 5537787 resale - mix 154.05 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 5540425 resale - liquor 2,043.46 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/21/2016 - 2:16 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 5540425 freight 22.32 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5540426 freight 17.28 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5540426 resale - wine 562.45 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 589124 resale - wine credit -4.67 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 590212 resale- wine credit inv #5524074 -26.30 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 591091 resale - liquor credit inv #5483399 -7.67 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 591092 resale - wine credit inv #5521408 -11.75 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 591093 resale - wine credit inv #5529691 -9.71 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 591094 resale - wine credit inv. #5531196 -36.50 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 591094 freight credit -1.44 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Check Total: 31,868.71 Vendor: 1290 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES Check Sequence: 38 239151 Annual Membership - 9/1/16 - 12/31/16 4,015.35 09/27/2016 101 - 41310 - 443300 239151 Annual Membership - 1/1/17 - 8/31/17 8,030.65 09/27/2016 101 - 00000 - 155010 9/1/2016 MN Mayors Assoc. Membership - 9/1/16 - 8/31/ 30.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41110 - 443300 Check Total: 12,076.00 Vendor: 1291 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST Check Sequence: 39 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 143.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41310 - 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 505.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41520- 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 80.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41800 - 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 7,314.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41910 - 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 80.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41920 - 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 983.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41940 - 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 663.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41941 - 436100 54239 /54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 3,302.00 09/27/2016 101- 42200 - 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 652.00 09/27/2016 101 - 42400 - 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 986.00 09/27/2016 101 - 42700 - 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 3,016.00 09/27/2016 101 - 43110- 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7 /15/16 - 7/15/17 84.00 09/27/2016 101 - 43111- 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 80.00 09/27/2016 101 - 43115- 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 6,940.00 09/27/2016 101 - 43120 - 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 151.00 09/27/2016 101 - 43125- 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 119.00 09/27/2016 101 - 43127 - 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 14,558.00 09/27/2016 101 - 45201- 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7 /15/16 - 7/15/17 40.00 09/27/2016 101 - 46102 - 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 3,130.00 09/27/2016 101 - 49240 - 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 355.00 09/27/2016 101 - 45501- 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7 /15/16 - 7/15/17 60,452.00 09/27/2016 101 - 00000 - 155020 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 6,457.00 09/27/2016 226 - 45122- 436100 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/21/2016 - 2:16 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7 /15/16 - 7/15/17 903.00 09/27/2016 217 - 41990- 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 998.00 09/27/2016 213 - 46301- 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 4,598.00 09/27/2016 601 - 49440 - 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 4,719.00 09/27/2016 602 - 49480 - 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 8,819.00 09/27/2016 602 - 49490 - 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 885.00 09/27/2016 651- 49010- 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 6,632.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49754- 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 1,815.00 09/27/2016 656- 49870 - 436100 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 9,040.00 09/27/2016 226 - 00000 - 155020 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 1,263.00 09/27/2016 217 - 00000 - 155020 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 1,396.00 09/27/2016 213 - 00000 - 155020 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 6,436.00 09/27/2016 601 - 00000 - 155020 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 6,607.00 09/27/2016 602 - 00000 - 155020 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7 /15/16 - 7/15/17 12,347.00 09/27/2016 602 - 00000 - 155020 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 1,239.00 09/27/2016 651- 00000 - 155020 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 9,284.00 09/27/2016 609 - 00000 - 155020 54239/54248 Ins Premium 7/15/16 - 7/15/17 2,541.00 09/27/2016 656- 00000 - 155020 Check Total: 189,612.00 Vendor: 1291 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST Check Sequence: 40 9/01/2016 LMCIT Claim #00019020 Date of Loss 7/22/16 130.09 09/27/2016 101- 45201- 433100 Check Total: 130.09 Vendor: 1303 M AMUNDSON CIGAR & CANDY CO, LLP Check Sequence: 41 223607 resale - cigarettes 470.52 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 223607 resale - tobacco; soda pop; can coolers; etc. 300.50 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 Check Total: 771.02 Vendor: 1229 MARRS ADVERTISING & DESIGN INC Check Sequence: 42 1343 Window Envel (2500), Plain Envel (1000), Gene 713.32 09/27/2016 101 - 41940 - 421990 Check Total: 713.32 Vendor: 3745 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY Check Sequence: 43 712485 (702) gal. Diesel @$1.99 1,393.76 09/27/2016 101 - 43120 - 421200 712509 (701) gal. unleaded @$1.83 1,280.88 09/27/2016 101 - 43120 - 421200 Check Total: 2,674.64 Vendor: 1314 MCDOWALL COMPANY Check Sequence: 44 231642 Mntc. Agreement Contract C0560 9/1/16 to 8/31 2,890.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49754- 431900 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/21/2016 - 2:16 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 231840 8/18/16- Contract C0560- cooler door not closinj 363.78 09/27/2016 609 - 49754- 440440 Check Total: 3,253.78 Vendor: 2215 METRO GOLDWYN MAYER INC Check Sequence: 45 083116 MGM August 2016 81.28 09/27/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 81.28 Vendor: 2852 MIDWEST BUSINESS PROMOTIONS INC Check Sequence: 46 11825 (525) calendars - Hi -Way Liquor 372.43 09/27/2016 609 - 49754- 434990 Check Total: 372.43 Vendor: 1330 CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS Check Sequence: 47 400451000455 (253) Transactions - August 2016 227.70 09/27/2016 101 - 42100 - 431990 Check Total: 227.70 Vendor: 2217 MLB NETWORK LLC AFFILIATE SALE Check Sequence: 48 83016 MBL Network August 2016 240.75 09/27/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 240.75 Vendor: 1377 MONTICELLO SENIOR CENTER Check Sequence: 49 September 2016 Monthly Allocation - Sept 2016 4,730.00 09/27/2016 101 - 45175- 444310 Check Total: 4,730.00 Vendor: 1382 MOON MOTOR SALES INC Check Sequence: 50 108537 CDI System test/repair ignition less dep. pd 8/3/: 39.60 09/27/2016 101 - 42200 - 422100 Check Total: 39.60 Vendor: 2218 MUSIC CHOICE Check Sequence: 51 083116 Music Choice August 2016 300.87 09/27/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 300.87 Vendor: 2216 NHL NETWORK Check Sequence: 52 083116 NHL Network August 2016 192.60 09/27/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 192.60 Vendor: 1401 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS Check Sequence: 53 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/21/2016 - 2:16 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 22519 August 2016 - Tech Assistance - City Projects 1,957.07 09/27/2016 101 - 41910- 431990 22520 ZMISHS - August 2016 - Tech Assistance 838.50 09/27/2016 101 - 00000 - 220110 22520 2016 -037 - August 2016 - Tech Assistance 1,751.50 09/27/2016 101 - 00000 - 220110 22520 August 2016 - Tech Assistance - Laestadian Chu 310.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41910 - 431990 22521 August 2016 - Tech Assistance - Meetings 300.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41910- 431990 Check Total: 5,157.07 Vendor: 4472 NOVAK FLECK INC Check Sequence: 54 9/13/2016 Escrow Refund: 4443 89th St/Featherstone Dev 2,000.00 09/27/2016 101 - 00000 - 220110 9/13/2016 Escrow Refund: 4414 89th St/Featherstone Dev 2,000.00 09/27/2016 101 - 00000 - 220110 Check Total: 4,000.00 Vendor: 1412 OMANN BROTHERS INC Check Sequence: 55 12380 (7.21) SPWEA240A 319.55 09/27/2016 101- 43120 - 422400 12396 (5.05) SPWEA240A 223.82 09/27/2016 101 - 43120 - 422400 12401 (5.06) SPWEA330B 271.57 09/27/2016 101 - 43120 - 422400 12419 (5.03) SPWEA240A 222.93 09/27/2016 101 - 43120 - 422400 Check Total: 1,037.87 Vendor: 1417 OSC OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY Check Sequence: 56 8007132 (2) switch trigger; (4) safety glasses- Welding Pr 91.36 09/27/2016 101 - 43127 - 421520 Check Total: 91.36 Vendor: 1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Check Sequence: 57 8561316 resale - wine 112.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 8561316 freight 2.25 09/27/2016 609- 49750- 433300 8561405 resale- wine 545.82 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 8561405 freight 10.50 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Check Total: 670.57 Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 58 2037233 resale - liquor 4,835.26 09/27/2016 609- 49750- 425100 2037233 freight 53.80 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2037234 resale - wine 1,837.93 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 2037234 freight 38.15 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2038925 freight 80.64 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2038925 resale - liquor 3,625.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 2039550 resale - liquor 3,934.77 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 2039550 freight 41.76 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/21/2016 - 2:16 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 2040563 resale - wine 2,192.86 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 2040563 freight 70.56 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2042459 freight 53.28 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2042459 resale - liquor 3,859.63 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 2042460 resale - ginger ale 9.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 245178 resale - liquor credit inv #2031505 - 276.75 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 245178 freight - credit inv #2031505 -4.32 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 245179 resale - liquor credit inv 2031505 -66.48 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 245906 resale - beer credit inv #5962259 -28.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 245906 resale - beer credit inv #5962259 -4.08 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 245907 resale -beer credit inv #2031504 -21.75 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 245908 resale - liquor credit inv #2037233 -23.50 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 Check Total: 20,207.76 Vendor: 4060 POP MEDIA NETWORKS, LLC POP MEDIA ( Check Sequence: 59 168791 POP August 2016 489.66 09/27/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 489.66 Vendor: 2066 PROGRESSIVE BUILDERS Check Sequence: 60 9/19/2016 Escrow Refund: 4314 89th St/Featherstone Dev. 2,000.00 09/27/2016 101 - 00000 - 220110 9/19/2016 Escrow Refund: 5817 Bison Cir/Hillside Farms 2,000.00 09/27/2016 101 - 00000 - 220110 Check Total: 4,000.00 Vendor: 4512 SARAH RATHLISBERGER Check Sequence: 61 9/19/2016 Mileage Reimbursement - Hwy 25 Coalition Me 6.78 09/27/2016 101 - 41520- 433100 Check Total: 6.78 Vendor: 1455 RED'S MARATHON Check Sequence: 62 08/08/2016 water truck fuel - Streets Dept. 64.00 09/27/2016 101 - 43120 - 421200 Check Total: 64.00 Vendor: 4022 REINHART FOODSERVICE LLC Check Sequence: 63 488722 Freight 7.99 09/27/2016 226 - 45122- 433300 488722 Concession Resale: Pizzas, Sherbet Cups, Hot D 917.84 09/27/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 504888 Concession Resale: Popcorn, Muffins, Pretzels, l 684.07 09/27/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 504888 Freight 7.99 09/27/2016 226 - 45122- 433300 Check Total: 1,617.89 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/21/2016 - 2:16 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 2602 RFD TV Check Sequence: 69 Check Sequence: 64 083016 180.00 RFD -TV August 2016 15.94 09/27/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 180.00 Check Total: 15.94 SHERBURNE WRIGHT CABLE COMMISSIC Vendor: 1474 PATRICIAA SALZWEDEL Cable Franchise Fees - TDS /Bridge Water Q2 2C 9,668.55 Check Sequence: 65 9/7/2016 9/12/2106 Mileage Reimbursement July & August (560 mil 302.40 09/27/2016 101 - 42700 - 433100 Sept 2nd Check Total: Semi Monthly Contract Payment 1,593.75 09/27/2016 101 - 42700 - 431200 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO. #3442 Check Total: 1,896.15 2140 -7 Paint for Pool Vendor: 1480 LEO SCHRODEN 2152 -2 Paint for Pool Check Sequence: 66 9/6/2016 226- 45127- 441610 Mileage Reimbursement from Jury Duty Check 9 16.20 09/27/2016 101 - 00000 - 202010 226 - 45127- 441610 7938 -2 Check Total: 16.20 09/27/2016 226 - 45127- 441610 Vendor: 2443 SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES USA INC 09/27/2016 226 - 45127- 441610 Check Sequence: 67 W5339152 58.02 8/20/16 - Lumley Wedding R2204 140.00 09/27/2016 226 - 45122- 431992 Check Total: 140.00 Vendor: 4539 SENTRA -SOTA SHEETMETAL Check Sequence: 68 9/16/2016 Refund Permit & State Surcharge 936.16 09/27/2016 101 - 42400 - 322110 9/16/2016 Refund Sales Tax 37.45 09/27/2016 101 - 00000 - 208110 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/21/2016 - 2:16 PM) Check Total: 973.61 Vendor: 1485 SENTRY SYSTEMS INC Check Sequence: 69 719166 Commercial Monitoring Services - 10/1/16 - 9/3, 180.00 09/27/2016 101 - 43110- 431900 Check Total: 180.00 Vendor: 2497 SHERBURNE WRIGHT CABLE COMMISSIC Check Sequence: 70 9/12/2106 Cable Franchise Fees - TDS /Bridge Water Q2 2C 9,668.55 09/27/2016 101 - 00000 - 208020 9/12/2106 Cable PEG Fees - TDSBridge Water Q2 2016 1,908.41 09/27/2016 101- 00000 - 208020 Check Total: 11,576.96 Vendor: 4148 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO. #3442 Check Sequence: 71 2140 -7 Paint for Pool 179.25 09/27/2016 226 - 45127- 441610 2152 -2 Paint for Pool 58.02 09/27/2016 226- 45127- 441610 2182 -9 Sales Tax Credit (Inv #8053 -9) -0.05 09/27/2016 226 - 45127- 441610 7938 -2 Paint for Pool 2,154.51 09/27/2016 226 - 45127- 441610 7972 -1 Paint for Pool 457.91 09/27/2016 226 - 45127- 441610 8037 -2 Paint for Pool 58.02 09/27/2016 226 - 45127- 441610 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/21/2016 - 2:16 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 8052 -1 Sales Tax Credit (2140-7) -11.53 09/27/2016 226 - 45127- 441610 8053 -9 Paint for Pool 48.95 09/27/2016 226 - 45127- 441610 8054 -7 Sales Tax Credit (7938-2) - 138.59 09/27/2016 226 - 45127- 441610 8055 -4 Sales Tax Credit(Inv#2152 -2) -3.73 09/27/2016 226 - 45127- 441610 8056 -2 Sales Tax Credit (8037 -2) -3.73 09/27/2016 226 - 45127- 441610 8060 -4 Sales Tax Credit (7972 -1) -29.46 09/27/2016 226 - 45127- 441610 Check Total: 2,769.57 Vendor: 2301 SHOWTIME NETWORKS INC Check Sequence: 72 201608 - 40843608 Showtime August 2016 90.09 09/27/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 90.09 Vendor: 2212 SINCLAIR TELEVISION GROUP INC Check Sequence: 73 083116 WUCW -TV August 2016 419.90 09/27/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 419.90 Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS. Check Sequence: 74 1450528 resale - liquor 447.10 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 1450528 freight 4.20 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 1450529 resale - wine 700.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 1450529 freight 14.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 1453148 freight 0.26 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 1453149 freight 23.80 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 1453149 resale - liquor 1,650.92 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 1453150 resale - wine 1,228.00 09/27/2016 609- 49750- 425300 1453150 freight 25.20 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Check Total: 4,093.48 Vendor: 4529 MATT STAHLMANN- MOSHER Check Sequence: 75 9/09/2016 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/9/16 22.00 09/27/2016 226 - 00000 - 220100 Check Total: 22.00 Vendor: 3594 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT, LLC Check Sequence: 76 2715173 TriMark(dba)- asst. bags; canlliners 267.43 09/27/2016 609 - 49754- 421990 Check Total: 267.43 Vendor: 1518 TDS TELECOM Check Sequence: 77 763 - 271 -3257 TDS 90.72 09/27/2016 702 - 00000 - 432100 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/21/2016 - 2:16 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 763 - 295 -2005 TDS 18.09 09/27/2016 702 - 00000 - 432100 763- 295 -3714 TDS 330.52 09/27/2016 702 - 00000 - 432100 Check Total: 439.33 Vendor: 2251 TEGNA/GANNETT CO INC Check Sequence: 78 1101 -1026 Tegna August 2016 1,356.60 09/27/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 1,356.60 Vendor: 4459 JAMES THARES Check Sequence: 79 9/14/2016 Mileage Reimbursement 8/31 & 9/6 (100 miles) 54.00 09/27/2016 213 - 46500- 433100 Check Total: 54.00 Vendor: 1522 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 80 1137907 resale - beer 9,332.67 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 1137907 resale - beer n/a 24.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 1141340 resale - beer 24,802.75 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 1144672 resale - beer n/a 137.90 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 1144673 resale - beer 156.80 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 1144673 resale - wine 25.10 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 120244 resale - beer credit -93.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 120247 resale - beer credit -15.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 Check Total: 34,371.22 Vendor: 4536 JACOB THUNANDER Check Sequence: 81 9/9/2016 Mileage Reimbursement - CLT Meeting Wright 1 10.37 09/27/2016 101 - 41910- 433100 Check Total: 10.37 Vendor: 2252 TOWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY Check Sequence: 82 539801 WGN America Aug. 2016 174.24 09/27/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 174.24 Vendor: 4538 TRAFFIC MARKING SERVICE, INC Check Sequence: 83 8766 (6,821) 4" yellow; (1,342) 4" White; (45) 24" ye 3,498.57 09/27/2016 101 - 43120- 440990 Check Total: 3,498.57 Vendor: 4540 STEVE TRYGGESETH Check Sequence: 84 9/8/2016 Farmers Market Token Collection Log 9/8/16 90.00 09/27/2016 226 - 00000 - 220100 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/21/2016 - 2:16 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/21/2016 - 2:16 PM) Check Total: 90.00 Vendor: 1544 US POSTAL SERVICE Check Sequence: 85 9/12/2016 PI 42 - UB Qtr 2 Delinquent UB Billing (1,153 I 260.58 09/27/2016 601 - 49440 - 432200 9/12/2016 PI 42 - UB Qtr 2 Delinquent UB Billing (1,153 I 260.58 09/27/2016 602 - 49490 - 432200 Check Total: 521.16 Vendor: 4441 VALLEY PAVING INC Check Sequence: 86 Monti Lt II CSAH 75/TH25 Monticello Lighting Part II 18,560.38 09/27/2016 245- 43162 - 458010 Pay Voucher 4 100009 - Pay Voucher #4 - CSAH 75/TH25 Inte 328,843.77 09/27/2016 400 - 43300 - 459010 Push Btn Sta CSAH 75/TH25 Install Push Button Station 2,192.51 09/27/2016 245- 43162 - 458010 Check Total: 349,596.66 Vendor: 1550 VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATING SERV L. Check Sequence: 87 00060780 October 2016 W WTP Operations & Maintenance 60,645.00 09/27/2016 602 - 49480 - 430800 Check Total: 60,645.00 Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 88 1796746 resale- soda pop 340.50 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 1802481 resale- soda pop credit -8.28 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 1802482 resale- soda pop 240.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 Check Total: 572.22 Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 89 0160394 resale - wine 136.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 0160394 freight 2.50 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 0161042 resale - liquor 99.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 0161042 resale - n/a beer 120.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 0161042 freight 14.00 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Check Total: 371.50 Vendor: 4514 LY LEE VUE Check Sequence: 90 9/9/2016 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/8/16 135.00 09/27/2016 226 - 00000 - 220100 Check Total: 135.00 Vendor: 1561 WATER LABORATORIES INC Check Sequence: 91 5757 August 2016 Water Testing 272.00 09/27/2016 601 - 49440 - 422740 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/21/2016 - 2:16 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/21/2016 - 2:16 PM) Check Total: 272.00 Vendor: 1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Check Sequence: 92 7955 Labor - Water Heater Repair at Food Shelf (2 lin 140.00 09/27/2016 217 - 41990 - 440100 7955 Materials - Water Heater Element at Food Shelf 22.00 09/27/2016 217 - 41990 - 440100 Check Total: 162.00 Vendor: 1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 93 7097554 resale - wine 1,739.32 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 7097554 freight 28.55 09/27/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Check Total: 1,767.87 Vendor: 2219 WORLD FISHING NETWORK LTD Check Sequence: 94 654 -1014 World Fishing Network August 2016 18.81 09/27/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 18.81 Vendor: 1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR -TREAS - ACH Check Sequence: 95 9/20/2016 Court Fines & Fees for August 2016 3,082.35 09/27/2016 101 - 42100 - 430410 Check Total: 3,082.35 Vendor: 1581 WRIGHT CO RECORDER Check Sequence: 96 201600000003 ZZDAHL - Variance T31634 46.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41910- 431990 201600000003 ZZDAHL - Conditional Use Permit T31635 46.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41910- 431990 201600000075 2016034 - Development Agreement #A 1321232 46.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41910- 431990 201600000075 ZMISHS - Development Agreement #A 132123? 46.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41910- 431990 201600000075 ZMISMS - Agreement Misc #A 1321234 46.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41910 - 431990 201600000075 ZNXLZO - Conditional Use Proceed #A 132175 46.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41910 - 431990 201600000075 Conditional Use Proceed #A 1321755 46.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41910 - 431990 201600000075 ZMISMS - Conditional Use Proceed #A 1321751 46.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41910 - 431990 201600000075 ZMISPW - Conditional Use Proceed #A 132175' 46.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41910 - 431990 201600000075 ZMISPW - Conditional Use Proceed #A 1321751 46.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41910 - 431990 201600000075 ZMISHS - Rezoning Proceeds #A 1321759 46.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41910- 431990 201600000075 2016033 - Conditional Use Proceed #A 1321760 46.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41910 - 431990 201600000075 2016035 - Rezoning Proceedings #A 1321762 46.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41910- 431990 201600000075 2016034- Rezoning Proceeeds #A 1321761 46.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41910 - 431990 201600000075 2016036 - Conditional Use Proceeeds #A 132171 46.00 09/27/2016 101 - 41910 - 431990 Check Total: 690.00 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/21/2016 - 2:16 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Total for Check Run: 1,099,741.96 Total of Number of Checks: 96 The preceding list of bills payables was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 9/26/16 Approved by: Mayor Brian Stumpf AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/21/2016 - 2:16 PM) City Council Agenda: 9/26/16 2B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments (TE) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently in the departments listed. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring /departure of all listed employees including part-time and seasonal workers. Al. Budget Impact: (positions are generally included in budget) A2. Staff Work Load Impact: If new positions, there may be some training involved. If terminated positions, existing staff would pick up those hours, as needed, until replaced. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to ratify the hire /departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. 2. Motion to deny the recommended hires and departures. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires /departures. City staff recommends Alternative #1, for the Council to approve the hires and/or departures as listed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • List of new /terminated employees NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Carolyn Barriball Guest Service 2 MCC 9/7/2016 PT Dillon Maki Climbing Wall MCC 9/9/2016 PT Randall Haberman Lead Custodian MCC 9/12/2016 PT Marina Livarchuk Child Care MCC 9/13/2016 PT Heaven Knutson Child Care MCC 9/13/2016 PT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Emily Martie Voluntary MCC 9/6/16 PT Taylor Hengemuehle Involuntary MCC 9/20/16 PT New Hire and Terms City Council 2016: 9/20/2016 City Council Agenda: 9/26/16 2C. Consideration of approving sale or disposal of surplus property (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to declare certain items as surplus property and authorize the sale or disposal of those items. The Monticello Community Center is looking to recycle a Victory two drawer refrigerator. Al. Budget Impact: Varies by the value of the property. A2. Staff Work Load Impact: Depends on the value of the property. Some items will be shopped as salvage; other items may go to auction or sold via formal bids or informal bids. State contracting laws will govern in absence of city policy. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the sale or disposal of surplus property as identified on the attached list. 2. Motion to deny the sale or disposal of surplus property as recommended. C. RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends Option 1 to approve the sale or disposal of surplus property as identified. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Surplus Property List Equipment /Supplies Surplus List Department: Community Center 1. $100,000 + A. B. 2. $50,000 - $100,000 A. B. 3. $25,000.00 - $50,000.00 A. B. 4. $10,000 - $25,000 A. B. 5. $2,500 - $10,000 A. B. 6. $1,000 - $2,500 A. B. 7. $100 - $1,000 A. B. Date: 9/27/2016 8. $0-$100 A. Community Center broken Victory two drawer refrigerator - recycled B. ,F City Council Agenda: 09/26/16 2D. Consideration of appointing representatives to the Monticello Library Board (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to appoint two representatives to the Monticello Library Board. The Library Board recommends the approval of Shea Roskowiak to fill a current vacant position with a term to expire on December 31, 2017. The Library Board also recommended to appoint Teri Willenbring for the board position held by Sandra Lommel which expires December 31, 2016. Ms. Willenbring's term would commence on January 1, 2017 and expire December 31, 2019. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the appointments to the Monticello Library Board of Shea Roskowiak for a term to commence immediately and expire on December 31, 2017 and Teri Willenbring for a term to commence January 1, 2017 and expire December 31, 2019. 2. Motion to deny the appointments. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City Staff and the Monticello Library Board recommend Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Applications -0,101a a* i 11114"Wil 0, IDIOT*] I I ky, 1 Name Shea Roskowiak Address , Monticello, MN 55362 Home Phonf Cell Phone rlo%s X, 'Monticello —E-Mai If not otherwise specified, you must be a resident of the City of Monticello to serve on the following boards. Please circle the board(s) on which you are interested in serving. Industrial and Economic Development Committee (Does not require residency) FiberNet Advisory Board City Planning Commission Library Monticello Community Center Advisory Board Police Advisory Commission Parks Commission Economic Development Authority (May not require residency) Transportation Advisory Committee Education Highest Level of Education BS Business Administration Employment Current Employer, if applicable ISD 883, Rockford Elementary Arts Magnet School Position/Title Media Center Paraprofessional Dates of Employment (starting/ending) September 2011 - current Former Employer, if applicable Winsted Corporation Position/Title Inside Sales Dates of Employment (starting/ending) September 2005 - September 2011 Other Please describe in detail why you are interested in volunteering for the City of Monticello. I have a great respect for libraries and the work it takes to maintain them. I want to be the voice that can help our library be the best that it can be. As part of the Great River Regional Library, I imagine there are rules, regulations, and expectations to uphold, but our community plays a role in how our library is utilized and funded. I hope to be part of a team that can make suggestions and recommendations to strengthen, what is already established. I have never applied to be appointed to a board, but I am knowledgable in this area and I believe this will be a great first step in giving back tom community and local library, Please describe your prior volunteer experiences (include organization names and dates of service) .Unfortunately I have not been able to volunteer as often in recent years because I've been raising young kids, however now that they're older, I'm ready and able to give back to my community. Prior to kids, I taught Sunday School, coached girls and co-ed rec softball, volunteered in classrooms, and more recently packed meals with The Outreach Program and participated in staff talent show school fundraisers. List your qualifications for this appointment: My work history and experience allows me to see both sides of a functioning library. I have a formal education in Business Administration ands ent five years in the retail floral industry and five years in inside sales. My current occupation places me in a library every day! While there are differences between public libraries and school libraries, I'd like to help bridge the gaps between our Great River Library, our schools, our city, and the general public. References Please list three non-family members who can provide references on your ability to perform this volunteer positon: Name Dawn McCabe Phone Number Name Jenna Quick Phone Number Name Brenda Nyhus Phone Number Please read the following carefully before signing this application: I understand that this is an application for and not a commitment or promise of volunteer opportunity. I certify that I have and will provide information throughout the selection process, including on this application for a volunteer position and in interviews with the City of Monticello that is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify that I have and will answer all questions to the best of my ability and that I have not and will not withhold any information that would unfavorably affect my application for a volunteer position. I understand that information contained on my application will be verified by the City of Monticello. I understand that misrepresentation or omissions may be cause for my immediate rejection as an applicant for a volunteer position with the City of Monticello or my termination as a volunteer. Signature Date 6.6.16 Return Completed Application to: Monticello City Hall, Attn: Human Resources, 505 Walnut St, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362 FAX: (763)295-4404 Name- -0-or t' Address Home Phone APPLICATION FOR BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS, M10YITI (--C- I hone'W IV— P 'tfll I E-Mail If not otherwise specified, you must be a resident of the City of Monticello to serve on the following boards. Please circle the board(s) on which you are interested in serving. Industrial and Economic Development Committee (Does not require. residency) FiberNet Advisory Board City Planning Commission Monticello Community Center Advisory Board Police Advisory Commission Parks Commission Economic Development Authority (May not require residency) Transportation Advisory Committee Education A,, Highest Level of Education%, Ernpl+oyment Current Employer, if applicable A1AwLs+-Fvxss Position/Title a- C1 eY' Dates of Employment (starting/endin )JC(V)0C'LV'A -Ij V Please describe in detail why you are interested in volunteering for the City of Monticello: As my children have gotten older, I am looking to pursue some projects, including volunteer work, for which I have a passion. I have been a library patron and supporter as well as a voracious reader my entire life. It was this love of libraries that led me to help found the Friends of the Monticello Library (FML) in 2004. My work with the FIVIL gave me a sense of what libraries need and how their offerings are important to the community through programs, literature, and computer access. I strongly support programs libraries initiate that encourage families to read to their children. I also support promoting access to information and the internet for people of all ages and demographics. On another note, I hold a special affection for and the procurement of hard copy books, periodicals, maps and historical documents and letters. Please describe your prior volunteer experiences (include organization names and dates of service): Moose (formerly STARS) Youth Hockey Association, Monticello, MN Secretary, 2008-2011 Friends of the Monticello Library, Monticello, MN Secretary and Charter Member, 2004-2010 MN Literacy Council, West ABE, Buffalo, MINI Adult Literacy Tutor, 2001-2005 Toastmasters at Data Recognition Corporation, Maple Grove, MN Treasurer and Founding Member, 2004-2006 List your qualifications for this appointment: I believe my work with the Friends of the Monticello Library has given me an idea of what our local library's needs are. I have a strong desire to see libraries flourish now and into the future. To that end, I have many connections to the community through my children's sports and activities as well as my past work with the Monticello Times. I can get a feel of what the community wants out of their library as well as promote the offerings the library currently has. I possess a BA in English from the University of Minnesota and have a background in marketing and communications. I am extremely organized and love to be involved in local causes. As such, I want to work towards libraries being recognized as an important hub for community access to information, Former Employer, if applicable t"I Position/Title _fr'�' Dates of Employment (starting/ending) = (911 Other Please describe in detail why you are interested in volunteering for the City of Monticello. Please describe your prior volunteer experiences (include organization names and dates of service) List your qualifications for this appointment: References Please list three non-family members who can provide references on your ability to I volunteer positon: Name ,'CjL-QJAI., &u'r'LVI Phone Number I - Name I UI iooj �4, � ic:vt Phone NumbE Name D VI A COLV, Phone Numbe, Please read the following carefully before signing this application: I understand that this is an application for and not a commitment or promise of volunteer opportunity. I certify that I have and will provide information throughout the selection process, including on this application for a volunteer position and in interviews with the City of Monticello that is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify that I have and will answer all questions to the best of my ability and that I have not and will not withhold any infon-nation that would unfavorably affect my application for a volunteer position. I understand that information contained on my application i be verified by the City of Monticello. I understand that misrepresentation or omissions may be use f my immediate rejection as an applicant for a volunteer position with the City of Montle o or rn terminatiaxta voluyffeg�— go Return Con ,*feted Applicatiolk Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362 F Date � - � /- / t0 .Micello City Hall, Attn- Human Resources, 505 Walnut St, : (763)295-4404 City Council Agenda: 04/26/16 2E. Consideration of approving an application for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Monticello Chamber of Commerce for their Annual Banquet (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Chamber has applied for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be held on Friday, December 2, 2016 in conjunction with their Annual Banquet at the Monticello Community Center. To receive a permit from the State, the City must approve the application. In the past the City has not opposed these exempt gambling license applications for charitable events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the application for a charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Monticello Chamber of Commerce at the Community Center on December 2, 2016. 2. Do not approve the application for a charitable gambling permit. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports Alternative #1 and is not aware of any reason why this application should not be approved. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Application for Exempt Gambling Permit — Monticello Chamber of Commerce MINNESOTA LAWFUL GAMBLING LG220 Application for Exempt Permit 5/15 Page 1 of 2 An exempt permit may be issued to a nonprofit Application Fee (non - refundable) organization that: Applications are processed in the order received. If the application • conducts lawful gambling on five or fewer days, and is postmarked or received 30 days or more before the event, the • awards less than $50,000 in prizes during a calendar application fee is $100; otherwise the fee is $150. year. If total raffle prize value for the calendar year will be Due to the high volume of exempt applications, payment of $1,500 or less, contact the Licensing Specialist assigned to additional fees prior to 30 days before your event will not expedite your county by calling 651- 539 -1900, service, nor are telephone requests for expedited service accepted. ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Organization revious Gambling, 1 ""jj Name: AUMCAD �fwwvtf;ermit Number: 1 1II 1�{_ i L' o3 Minnesota Tax ID f1� ';:3 k V Federal Employer ID Number, if any: ��jj Number (FEIN), if any: Mailing Address: Pu Sax \0�1 1,=0 P V)�e - X_� • City: yWNNM'Ut To State: Zip: l County: Name of Chief Executive Officer (CEO): �MAUSMA Daytime Phone: l� Email: , COM NONPROFIT STATUS Type of Nonprofit Organization (check one): Fraternal Religious Veterans Other Nonprofit Organization Attach a copy of one of the following showing proof of nonprofit status: (DO NOT attach a sales tax exempt status or federal employer ID number, as they are not proof of nonprofit status.) ® A current calendar year Certificate of Good Standing Don't have a copy? Obtain this certificate from: MN Secretary of State, Business Services Division Secretary of State website, phone numbers: 60 Empire Drive, Suite 100 www.sos.state.mn.us St. Paul, MN 55103 651 - 296 -2803, or toll free 1- 877 - 551 -6767 F-1 IRS income tax exemption (501(c)) letter in your organization's name Don't have a copy? To obtain a copy of your federal income tax exempt letter, have an organization officer contact the IRS toll free at 1- 877 - 829 -5500. F-1 IRS - Affiliate of national, statewide, or international parent nonprofit organization (charter) If your organization falls under a parent organization, attach copies of both of the following: 1. IRS letter showing your parent organization is a nonprofit 501(c) organization with a group ruling, and 2. the charter or letter from your parent organization recognizing your organization as a subordinate. GAMBLING PREMISES INFORMATION Name of premises where the gambling event will be conducted h (for raffles, list the site where the drawing will take place): Address (do not use P.O. box): O, City or Township: N! I V V Nj 1 \w�L4 Zip: County: Date(s) of activity (for raffles, indicate the date of the drawing): Check each type of gambling activity that your org Vu 11-Tab sill conduct: Bingo* ❑ Paddlewheels* ❑ Tipboar ds* affle (total value of raffle prizes awarded for the calendar year: * G mbling equipment for bingo paper, paddlewheels, pull -tabs, and tipboards must be obtained from a distributor licensed by the Minnesota Gambling Control Board. EXCEPTION: Bingo hard cards and bingo number selection devices may be borrowed from another organization authorized to conduct bingo. To find a licensed distributor, go to www.mn.gov /gcb and click on Distributors under List of Licensees, or call 651 - 539 -1900. City Council Agenda: 04/26/16 2F. Consideration of approving an application for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Swan River PTO QS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Swan River PTO has applied for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be held on April 1, 2017 in conjunction with their annual Breakfast with the Bunny event. To receive a permit from the State, the City must approve the application. In the past the City has not opposed these exempt gambling license applications for charitable events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the application for a charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Swan River PTO at the Monticello Community Center on April 1, 2017. 2. Do not approve the application for a charitable gambling permit. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports Alternative #1 and is not aware of any reason why this application should not be approved. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Application for Exempt Gambling Permit — Swan River PTO MINNESOTA LAWFUL GAMBLING LG220 Application for Exempt Permit 5/15 Page 1 of 2 An exempt permit may be issued to a nonprofit Application Fee (non - refundable) organization that: Applications are processed in the order received. If the application • conducts lawful gambling on five or fewer days, and is postmarked or received 30 days or more before the event, the • awards less than $50,000 in prizes during a calendar application fee is $100; otherwise the fee is $150. year. If total raffle prize value for the calendar year will be Due to the high volume of exempt applications, payment of $1,500 or less, contact the Licensing Specialist assigned to additional fees prior to 30 days before your event will not expedite your county by calling 651 - 539 -1900. service, nor are telephone requests for expedited service accepted. ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Organization Previous Gambling Name: Swan River PTO Permit Number: X93339 -16 -003 Minnesota Tax ID Federal Employer ID Number, if any: Exempt Org 41723 Number (FEIN), if any: 86- 1148067 Mailing Address: 500 Maple Street City: Monticello State: MN Zip: 55362 County: Wright Name of Chief Executive Officer (CEO): Krista Krautbauer (President) Daytime Phone: 320.493.7079 Email: swanriverpto @gmail.com NONPROFIT STATUS Type of Nonprofit Organization (check one): aFraternal = Religious Veterans IZI Other Nonprofit Organization Attach a copy of one of the following showing proof of nonprofit status: (DO NOT attach a sales tax exempt status or federal employer ID number, as they are not proof of nonprofit status.) A current calendar year Certificate of Good Standing Don't have a copy? Obtain this certificate from: MN Secretary of State, Business Services Division Secretary of State website, phone numbers: 60 Empire Drive, Suite 100 www.sos.state.mn.us St. Paul, MN 55103 651- 296 -2803, or toll free 1- 877 - 551 -6767 ❑ IRS income tax exemption (501(c)) letter in your organization's name Don't have a copy? To obtain a copy of your federal income tax exempt letter, have an organization officer contact the IRS toll free at 1- 877 - 829 -5500. ❑ IRS - Affiliate of national, statewide, or international parent nonprofit organization (charter) If your organization falls under a parent organization, attach copies of both of the following: 1. IRS letter showing your parent organization is a nonprofit 501(c) organization with a group ruling, and 2. the charter or letter from your parent organization recognizing your organization as a subordinate. GAMBLING PREMISES INFORMATION Name of premises where the gambling event will be conducted (for raffles, list the site where the drawing will take place): Monticello Community Center Address (do not use P.O. box): 505 Walnut Street City or Township: Monticello zip: MN County: 55362 Date(s) of activity (for raffles, indicate the date of the drawing): April 1, 2017 Check each type of gambling activity that your organization will conduct: Bingo* F-1 Paddlewheels* F-1 Pull -Tabs* 1-1 Tipboards* Raffle (total value of raffle prizes awarded for the calendar year: $ 5,000.00 ) * Gambling equipment for bingo paper, paddlewheels, pull -tabs, and tipboards must be obtained from a distributor licensed by the Minnesota Gambling Control Board. EXCEPTION: Bingo hard cards and bingo number selection devices may be borrowed from another organization authorized to conduct bingo. To find a licensed distributor, go to www.mn.gov /gcb and click on Distributors under List of Licensees, or call 651 - 539 -1900. City Council Agenda: 04/26/16 2G. Consideration to approve Resolution 2016 -065 accepting donation in the amount of $1000 from various donors for the IEDC Industry of the Year event (AS, JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The IEDC is hosting the Industry of the Year Breakfast on October 5, 2016 at 7 a.m. There were four business that each donated $250 for sponsorship. Sponsorship supports the cost of the complimentary breakfast event. These four businesses include: the Monticello Times; Cargill Kitchen Solutions, Xcel Energy, and Bondhus Corporation. As required by state statute, if the City accepts the donation of funds, the City Council needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donation and its use. Al. Budget Impact: The donation for sponsorship will offset the cost of the breakfast event. A2. Staff Workload Impact: None. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the contribution and authorize use of funds as specified. 2. Motion to not approve the contribution and return the funds to the donors. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommendation is to adopt the resolution accepting the contributions. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Resolution 2016 -065 City of Monticello RESOLUTION NO. 2016-065 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY DESCRIPTION VALUE Monticello Times Cash Contribution 250.00 Cargill Kitchen Solutions Cash Contribution 250.00 Bondhus Corporation Cash Contribution 250.00 Xcel Energy Cash Contribution 250.00 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello: 1. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONOR/ENTITY PURPOSE /AMOUNT Monticello Times IEDC Industry of the Year Breakfast Cargill Kitchen Solutions IEDC Industry of the Year Breakfast Bondhus Corporation IEDC Industry of the Year Breakfast Xcel Energy IEDC Industry of the Year Breakfast Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 26th day of September, 2016. Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 09/26/2016 2H. Consideration of approving change to the rules and regulations for Riverside Cemetery. (TP) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Riverside Cemetery Rules and Regulations where developed in 2001 by the Riverside Cemetery Committee and approved by the City Council. The Parks Commission now oversees the policies at Riverside Cemetery. Staff brought proposed changes to Parks Commission recommending a larger single grave marker size and baby grave marker size in the infant section. At Riverside Cemetery, a single grave site may accommodate the cremated remains of two individuals; however the current maximum marker width of 36 inches is not quite wide enough to accommodate two names. Accordingly, under the proposed changes, the maximum width of a marker increases from 36 to 44 inches including the precast 4" concrete border. Additionally, it is proposed that the marker width for baby graves be increased from 18 to 24 inches including the precast concrete border. After staff discussion with Parks Commission the motion passed to proceed with the identified changes to the Riverside Cemetery Rules and Regulations. The areas identified in council packet highlighted in red are the proposed changes to the Riverside Cemetery Rules and Regulations. Al. Budget Impact: City staff time inspecting. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Monitoring new rules and activities at Riverside Cemetery. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the Riverside Cemetery Rules and Regulations as presented. 2. Motion to deny the new rules and regulations for Riverside Cemetery. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Monticello Parks Commission and City staff recommend approving the changes to the Riverside Cemetery Rules and Regulations in relation to marker sizes as outlined in Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Copy of the proposed changes to the Riverside Cemetery Rules and Regulations. B. Drawing of marker sizes. � ciTV of � Monticello PARK 7. DELAY OF INTERMENT: 7.1 The City of Monticello will be in no way liable for any delay in the interment of a body when a protest to the interment has been made, or where rules or regulations have not been complied with. 8. DISINTERMENTS: 8.1 Written permission of the grave owner, and the next of kin, shall be filed with the City, and a permit from the County Health Officer shall be secured and presented, and the required fees paid before any grave may be opened for any purpose. At least thirty (30) days written notice must be given prior to any disinterment. This provision does not apply when disinterment is ordered by a duly authorized public authority. 8.2 The cost of disinterment will be the same as the current cost of interments unless otherwise stated in the fee schedule. 9. MONUMENTS, MARKERS AND FOUNDATIONS: 9.1 Every marker must be placed in the space reserved therefore, as shown upon the plat of such grave, or as directed by the City. 9.2 Monuments will be allowed in the old section of the cemetery only and are limited in size to a maximum of 36" for a single grave and a maximum of 72" for a double grave, including the 4" concrete border. New proposed: Monuments in the old section of the cemetery only and are limited in size to a maximum of 44" for a single grave including the 4" precast border or poured concrete border. 9.3 Monuments will not be allowed in the new section of the cemetery. Only flat markers of sizes specified by the City will be allowed in the new section of the cemetery. Marker size shall not exceed 2' x 3' for a single grave, 2' x 4' for a double grave, and 12" x 18" for a single baby grave, including the 4" precast concrete border. All markers shall be uniform in thickness and a minimum of 4" thick with the exception of the brass veteran markers. Markers embracing more than two graves will not be permitted, unless otherwise approved by the City. New Proposed: Marker size shall not exceed 2' x 44" for a single grave, 2' x 48" for a double grave including the 4" precast concrete border or poured concrete border, and a maximum 12" x 24" for a single baby grave in infant section, including the 2" precast concrete border or poured concrete border. 9.4 No monument or marker, nor any part thereof, may be constructed of limestone, sandstone, or any artificial material. 9.5 A foundation of concrete is required for monuments /markers. There shall be a minimum of 4" concrete border set at grade level. Setting of all monuments /markers shall be performed by the City or its approved contractor, or an accepted monument company. F: ADMIN \ \WORDPROC \RIVERSID \RULES.FRM: EFFECTIVE 11101/01: AMENDED 01 /22/2004 -PAGE 5 OF 11 - ATTEST RIVERSIDE CEMETERY RULES AND REGULATIONS Updates to the Rules and Regulations for Riverside Cemetery were presented to City Council at their meeting on September 26, 2016, for approval upon recommendation of the Monticello Parks Commission. APPROVED BY the Monticello City Council this 26th day of September, 2016. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Date: 9-8-16 Color: Mesabi Black Reference #: - Size: 2- 4x1 -2x0 -4 - Polish Top AMC #: 252 Draftsmen. Raven Cemetery_: - Time: 3:40 Layout: , CURRENT SVONN S17N SRP� t5 IRTIFIRNIF CEMETFEW This layout is in exact scale and holds priority over previous Inrormalion provided on the original contract or any previous drawings. Review the layout for accuracy of spelling, dates and appewance, Also, review the color, size and finish Information, Mark any desired changes directly on the layout. If everything is correct, approve the layout end return it to our attention. This layout is a simulated rendering of the actual granite color and other materials. The actual material colors will vary. Granite is a natural product, grain structures & color will vary from stone to stone. All engraving, especially laser, will be affected by the natural grain structure and mineral content of the stone. To help prevent any chance of errors we will not proceed with the manufacturing of this memorial without your signed writtert approval of this sketch. Please do not sign if there are any modifications or changes required. Please Sign If Q.K. _ � Date: �, e16 All rights In copyright and all normal rights In such artwork are the Intellectual property of R.H. agel tributing Company, Inc. No portion of this work may be displayed or duplicated without permission. Manufacturing and delivery 5me is dependent on material acquisition and approval of the design. aductien time from the date we receive an order is typically 7 to 30 weeks on domestic materials, and 20 to 28 weeks on overseas materials. We require a minumum of 21 days for manufacturing and delivery after an item is in -stock and the desipn is approved. Unforeseen conditions may effect the standard times such are rare granite colors, extremely difficult work, or extra large sizes. City Council Agenda: 09/26/16 2I. Consideration to approve a $225 membership contribution to the Greater Minnesota Parks & Trails. (AS /TP) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider approval of 2017 membership in the Greater Minnesota Parks & Trails (GMPT) organization. Among its efforts on behalf of greater Minnesota park and trail providers, GMPT is the primary organization working to preserve the 20% of dedicated Parks & Trails Legacy funding for parks and trails in greater Minnesota. The Council may recall that GMPT's work was critical in changing the formula for Parks & Trail Legacy funding from an exclusively DNR and Metro park funding split to a 40% DNR/40% Metro /20% Greater Minnesota funding formula. This allowed for 20% of the estimated $7 million in annual Parks & Trails Legacy funding to be directed toward grants for greater Minnesota regional parks & trails. (The Parks and Trails Fund receives 14.25% of the sales tax revenue resulting from the Clean Water, Land and Legacy amendment.) Prior to that time, greater Minnesota — including Monticello - was only eligible for parks and trails funding through the 40% allocated to DNR grant programs, for which the metro was also eligible. GMPT's work to secure the 40/40/20% funding formula and the group's efforts at the legislature to maintain the formula have been a direct benefit to the City of Monticello. The Bertram Chain of Lakes project has received over $7.5 million in Legacy funds, reducing the City's anticipated share for acquisition of the park from $6.8 million to approximately $4.6 million. GMPT's work involves government affairs and lobbying work at the legislature on grant funding initiatives, as well as other projects in the interests of park and trails throughout greater Minnesota. It is an important network for information on grant opportunities and park and pathway resources. Similar to other membership requests, such as the I -94 Coalition, Wright County Economic Development Partnership (EDA) and the Initiative Foundation (EDA), which are held in the name of the City or City's EDA, this item is brought to the Council for consideration. The City of Monticello has been a member of this organization for a number of years, dating back to the formalization of the organization in 2013 and staff members have served in volunteer positions with the group. Al. Budget Impact: Budget impact is $225, which is included in the proposed 2017 Parks Department budget. A2. Staff Impact: Staff attend GMPT meetings on a monthly or quarterly basis, as scheduled by the organization and as schedules allow. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve a $225 membership contribution to the Greater Minnesota Parks City Council Agenda: 09/26/16 & Trails 2. Motion to deny a $225 membership contribution to the Greater Minnesota Parks & Trails C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative #1. GMPT's continued efforts to secure grant funding for greater Minnesota will continue to create partnership funding opportunities for both local and regional park and trail initiatives for the City of Monticello. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • 2017 GMPT Membership Form W Greater Minnesota Parks and Trails is a coalition of counties, cities, organizations, and individuals dedicated to improving Minnesotans' quality of life through recreational areas and opportunities by providing legislative support, promoting funding opportunities, and facilitating networking among parks and trails throughout Greater Minnesota. Benefits of GMPT membership include: • Strong advocacy at the State Capitol and with agencies on behalf of Greater Minnesota • Monthly newsletter that highlights legislative work, funding opportunities, parks and trails • Legislative Action Day at the Capitol that includes training on how to work with your legislators and outside speakers on topics such as grant funding and regional park designations • Annual membership meeting with opportunities to share ideas with fellow parks and trails supporters, help set legislative priorities, to learn from experts on relevant topics, and more • Legislative updates and alerts throughout the legislative session Greater Minnesota needs a strong voice at the Capitol. Join today and be part of that voice! 2017 membership fees are as follows (please check the appropriate boxes): 0 $50 for jurisdictions with a population base of 1,000 or less ❑ $150 for jurisdictions with a population base of 1,001 to 10,000 0 $225 for jurisdictions with a population base of 10,001 to 25,000 0 $300 for jurisdictions with a population base of 25,001 to 50,000 _❑ $450 for jurisdictions with a population base of 50,001 or more ❑ $30 for personal / individual membership 0 $125 for non -profit group membership 0 $350 for corporate membership 0 Elective legislative services assessment Total of membership fee plus elective assessment New Members: Pay and join any time after July 1 and receive the remaining months of membership in 2016 free! * Members can support a strong presence at the Legislature by electing to pay the legislative services assessment. The recommended amount to pay is the same amount as your membership fee or more. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2017 Membership Form Organization Name Contact Name & Title Address City E -Mail State Zip Phone TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $ Choose one: Check enclosed or ❑ Invoice Me You can mail your check in today payable to Greater Minnesota Parks & Trails or email this form to greatermnparkstrails @gmail.com and we will invoice you in early December. Mailed forms should be sent to: Tom Salkowski, Treasurer 401 First Ave. NW, Buffalo, MN 55313 Legislative Action Greater Minnesota Parks & Trails 2015 -2016 Results and Activities • Secured 20% of Parks & Trails Legacy funding for grants to regional parks and trails in Greater Minnesota ($8.6M in FY16 and $9M in FY17) • Secured funding for the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks & Trails Commission ($356,000 in FY16 and $362,000 in FY17) • Defeated attempts to place undue restrictions on the use of Legacy funds • Introduced and testified on bipartisan legislation seeking money for local trail connections and outdoor recreation grant programs Communication & Organizational Highlights • Unveiled new website (greatermnparksandtrails.org) • Changed name and logo to reflect support for regional and local parks • Improved monthly newsletter with legislative news, member highlights, information on grants and Commission highlights Prepared by Flaherty & Hood, P.A. for Greater Minnesota Parks and Trails, 6/16/2016. Member Engagement • Hosted Legislative Action Day • Flaherty & Hood provided lobbying tips • Rep. Paul Torkelson, chair of the House Capital Investment Committee, discussed bonding bill • Members lobbied legislators from across the state on key issues • The DNR provided insight on grant funding and applications • Commission Executive Director Renee Mattson explained the designation process and new master plan portal • "Action Alerts" and regular legislative updates helped keep members engaged with their legislators and other key lawmakers Connection with Commission • GMPT works closely with the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks & Trails Commission to address member concerns regarding the designation process and other important issues • Member meetings included Commission updates on grant process and designation City Council Agenda: 09/26/2016 2J. Consideration of approving purchase of Building Department Ford Explorer, for $26,651 through the Central Equipment Fund. (JR) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to accept quotes from the state contract from Midway Commercial Ford, and to authorize the purchase of a Ford Explorer for the building Department. The purchase is incorporated with the proposal for a capital equipment fund previously presented to Council. This truck will replace the old 1997 Dodge Grand Caravan which staff is requesting to sell at the next available public auction after the new vehicle is received. Building Department staff will maintain the interior of the vehicle in a manner suitable for use by other city departments. Al. Budget Impact: The new 2017 Ford Explorer, including the standard options package, is $26,651.00 including MN state sales tax. Funds to complete the purchase will come out of the Central Equipment Fund with annual replacement recovery of $4,400. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Improve staff efficiencies with less equipment failure and safety. This vehicle will increase mobility and site access with 4WD capability. This vehicle will be multi -use in the fact that it can be used by other departments when needed to transport several people to seminars, required education classes, etc. A3. Vehicle Comparison Information: Staff received the following vehicle quotes: a. West Metro Buick GMC = 2017 GMC Terrain AWD SLE ---------- $33,625.00 b. Cornerstone Automotive = 2017 Chevy Traverse LS ----------------- $28,672.00 c. Midway Ford = 2017 Ford Explorer with standard package--- - - - - -- $26,651.00 d. Midway Ford = 2017 Ford Escape with standard package----- - - - - -- $25.879.00 e. Cornerstone Automotive = 2017 Chevy Equinox AWD LS --------- $23,950.00 f. The Explorer is $772 more than the Escape g. The Explorer is $2,701 more than the Equinox A4. Service and Maintenance: Both the GM and Ford vehicles have a 3 year 36,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty with a 5 year 60,000 mile power train warranty. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve purchase of Building Department Ford Explorer for $26,651.00 through the Central Equipment Fund and declare the 1997 Dodge Grand Caravan as surplus property. 2. Motion to approve purchase of Building Department Ford Escape for $25,878.93 through the Central Equipment Fund and declare the 1997 Dodge Grand Caravan as surplus property. City Council Agenda: 09/26/2016 3. Motion to approve purchase of Building Department Chevy Equinox for $23, 950 through the Central Equipment Fund and declare the 1997 Dodge Grand Caravan as surplus Property. 4. Motion to table for reconsideration. 5. Motion to deny the purchase of a new vehicle at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: All of the vehicles including the less expensive choices (Escape and Equinox) will fit the bill. City staff prefers the third lowest bid Alternative #1 (Explorer) due to ability to seat an additional passenger. As you know, from time to time the vehicle is likely to be used for transporting small groups of citizens or staff. It is our view that the roominess of the Explorer, off -sets its higher initial and ongoing cost. Staff understands the Council's intent and directive to support local businesses. This accomplished by considering the Equinox or Traverse supplied by Cornerstone. The Traverse is comparable to the Explorer but is 7.6 % more expensive. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. State contract quote from Midway Commercial Ford for the 2017 Ford Explorer. B. State contract quote from Midway Commercial Ford for the 2017 Ford Escape. C. Quote from West Metro Buick GMC for the 2017 GMC Terrain. D. Quote from Cornerstone Automotive for the 2017 Chevy Print Vehicle Details Page 1 of 4 West Metro Buick GMC 1001 Hwy 25 South Monticello, MN 55362 NEW 2017 GMC TERRAIN AWD SLE -2 Exterior: Ebony Twilight MSRP• $33,625 Metallic Transmission: Automatic Our Price: $31,411 Body Style: SUV MSRP $33,625 Trim: AWD SLE -2 Window Sticker Doors: 4 Drive Wheels: AWD Engine: 2.4L 4 Cyl. Stock Number: G17-43 VIN: 2GKFLTEK7H6154810 Model Code: TLK26 HOURS & MAP Go aft, West Metro Buick GMC 1001 Hwy 25 South Monticello, MN 55362 *All Rebates to Dealer. } , iCtittf. West Metro Buick GMC ESE Map d9dlfifalE ENTERTAINMENT • Audio system, Color Touch AM /FM /SiriusXM stereo with MP3 playback includes 7" diagonal color touch - screen display, USB port, AUX port and iPod support (Includes IntelliLink. May be upgraded to (UHQ) Color Touch Navigation with IntelliLink.) • Audio system feature Pioneer premium 8- speaker system with subwoofer and amplifier • SiriusXM Satellite Radio is standard on nearly all 2017 GM models. Enjoy a 3 -month All Access trial subscription with over 150 channels including commercial -free music, plus sports, news and entertainment. Plus listening on the app and online is included, so you'll hear the best SiriusXM has to offer, anywhere life takes you. Welcome to the world of SiriusXM. (IMPORTANT: The SiriusXM Satellite Radio trial package is not provided on vehicles that are ordered for Fleet Daily Rental ( "FDR ") use. If you decide to continue service after your trial, the subscription plan you choose will automatically renew thereafter and you will be charged according to your chosen payment method at then - current rates. Fees and taxes apply. To cancel you must call us at 1- 866 - 635 -2349. See our Customer Agreement for complete terms at www.sidusxm.com. All fees and programming subject to change.) • Audio system feature, USB port • IntelliLink includes Bluetooth streaming audio for music and select phones; Hands -Free smartphone integration with Pandora and Stitcher smartphone compatible; voice - activated technology for radio and phone • Bluetooth for phone personal cell phone connectivity to vehicle audio system (Upgraded to IntelliLink, includes Bluetooth streaming audio for music and select phones with (UFU) Color Touch AM /FM /SiriusXM stereo with MP3 playback or (UHQ) Color Touch Navigation with IntelliLink.) • OnStar 4G LTE and built -in Wi -Fi hotspot connects to the Internet at 4G LTE speeds; includes OnStar Data Trial for 3 months or 3GB (whichever comes first) (Visit www.onstar.com for coverage map, details and system limitations. Services vary by model. OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. Not all vehicles may transmit all crash data. Available Wi -Fi requires compatible mobile device, active OnStar service and data plan. Data plans provided by AT &T.) The features and options listed are for a New 2017 GMC Terrain AWD SLE -2 and may not apply to this specific vehicle. EXTERIOR • Wheels, 4 - 18" x 7.0" (45.7 cm x 17.8 cm) aluminum • Tires, P235/55R18 all- season, blackwall (Included and only available with (REY) 4 - 18" x 7.0" (45.7 cm x 17.8 cm) aluminum wheels or (RRT) 4 - 18" x 7.0" (45.7 cm x 17.8 cm) aluminum wheels with gloss Black accents.) • Spare, tire and wheel • Grille, Charcoal with chrome surround • Liftgate, rear manual with fixed glass • Luggage rails, Charcoal • Bumpers, front and rear body -color • Headlamps, halogen projector lamp • Glass, deep- tinted (all windows, except light- tinted glass on windshield and driver- and front passenger -side glass) http: / /www.westinetroauto.com/ details _printPageRedesign.do ?pageName =V ehicleDetails... 9/20/2016 Monticello, MN new 2017 Chevrolet Traverse LS - Cornerstone Chevrolet, Monticello, ... Page 1 of 3 2017 Chevrolet Traverse LS Cornerstone Chevrolet 1005 Hwy 25 S Monticello, MN 55362 Phone: (763) 230 -3600 Price $28,672 Stock #: 17025 Engine: 3.6L V6 Transmission: Automatic 6 -Speed Body Style: SUV Color: Silver Ice Metallic Interior: Dark Titanium /Light Titanium w /Premium Cloth Seat VIN: IGNKRFKD8H)140876 MPG: Print Vehicle I I Payment Calculator I Email a Friend Comments for this 2017 Chevrolet Traverse LS Save time and money when you shop online @ CORN ERSTONECHEVROLET.COM with over 250 vehicles in stock and ready for delivery. No games, No gimmicks, just great prices. No in- dealer rebates to qualify for. Everyone gets the same great price at Cornerstone Chevrolet. GM Bonus Tags are BACK!! Select vehicles have 16 %, 12 %, 10 %, 5 %, and 4% off MSRPH This incentive is a stand alone rebate and can only be combined with the GM Card. 0% for 72 months is available for all 2016 DRAC units. You must give up all incentives to receive this special financing. You may also qualify for additional savings if you currently have a leased vehicle or if you have received a private offer in the mail from GM. Please see dealer for all available incentives. Online prices do not include state tax, title, license, or dealer documentation fee. Residency restrictions do apply. Please refer to dealer for all details. Shop online 7 days a week 24 hours a day with SHOP CLICK DRIVE!! Vehicle Photos (Click photo to view larger image) http:// gouldchev. vinmanagersites .com/AutoDetails2.aspx ?id= 37056905 9/21/2016 Midway Ford Commercial Fleet and Government Sales 2777 N. Snelling Ave. Roseville MN 55113 Travis Swanson 651- 343 -5212 tswanson(a-.rosevillemidwayford com Fax # 651- 638 -4880 2017 Ford Explorer 4WD K86 Vehicle will include the following required OEM equipment if not part of standard base package. Automatic Transmission Power Winows and Locks 3.51- V6 AM /FM Radio /CD Player 4 -Wheel ABS Brakes Traction Control Cruise Control Air Conditioning Rear Defrost Tilt Wheel Dual Front Air Bags Cloth Seats Side Airbags Options Code Price Select Exterior Colors Select Ingot Silver Metallic UX Oxford White YZ Blue Jeans Metallic N1 Base Price Options Price Totals Extended Warranty Transit Impr Excise Tax Tax Exempt Lic Other Document fee (If Midway is titling) Sub total per vehicle Number of Vehicles Grand Total for all units nce Signature Print Name for Colors nded Service Contracts More time and mileage options available rotals You must have a active FIN code to participate in this $26,651.00 purchase contract : FIN code # $0.00 Purchase Order required prior to order placement Payment due upon agreed vehicle acceptance Name of Orgai 51.00 Address 1 51.00 City, State, Zip rson/ Phone # ress and fax # Ford Acceptance Midway Ford Commercial Fleet and Government Sales 2777 N. Snelling Ave. Roseville MN 55113 2017 Escape 4x4 SE U9G Automatic Transmission AM /FM Radio Cruise Control Tilt Wheel Aux Audio Jack x I � Standard Driver & Passenger Air Bags 4 -Wheel ABS Brakes Cloth Seats Power Locks and Windows Keyless Entry Travis Swanson 651- 343 -5212 tswanson(a)rosevillem idwayford.com Fax # 651- 604 -2936 Standard Flooring Side Air Bags Rear Window Defroster Air Conditioning Privacy Glass Options Code Price Select Exterior Colors Code Select 2.OL Ecoboost 999 $1,214 Canyon Ridge C7 Cargo Mat 50Q $84 White Gold GN Daytime Run Lights 942 $42 Lightning Blue N6 All Weather Mats 50C $70 Shadow Black G1 Block Heater 41 H $32 Magnetic Metallic J7 Ingot Silver Metallic UX Oxford White YZ Extended Service Contracts Cost Select Option Total You must have a active FIN code to participate in this purchase contract : FIN code # Purchase Order required prior to order placement PO # Base Price Totals Options Price Totals Extended Warranty Transit Impr Excise Tax Tax Exempt Lic 6.5% Sales Tax Document fee Sub total per vehicle Number of Vehicles $24,172.00 $0.00 $20.00 $40.75 $1,571.18 $75.00 $25,878.93 1 Name of Organization Address Grand Total for all units $25,878.93 City, State, Zip Acceptance Signature Contact Person/ Phone # Print Name and Title Date Contact's e-mail address and fax # Monticello, MN new 2017 Chevrolet Equinox LS - Cornerstone Chevrolet, Monticello, ... Page 1 of 3 2017 Chevrolet Equinox LS Cornerstone Chevrolet 1005 Hwy 25 S Monticello, MN 55362 Phone: (763) 230 -3600 Price $23,950 Stock #:17003 Engine: 2.4L 4 cyls Transmission: Automatic 6 -Speed Body Style: SUV Color: Summit White Interior: Jet Black w /Premium Cloth Seat Trim VIN: 2GNFLEEK1H6100529 MPG: : (- Print Vehicle Payment Calculator "' Email a Friend ►, Comments for this 2017 Chevrolet Equinox LS Save time and money when you shop online @ CORN ERSTONECHEVROLET.COM with over 250 vehicles in stock and ready for delivery. No games, No gimmicks, just great prices. No in- dealer rebates to qualify for. Everyone gets the same great price at Cornerstone Chevrolet. GM Bonus Tags are BACK!! Select vehicles have 16 %, 12 %, 10 %, 5 %, and 4% off MSRP!! This incentive is a stand alone rebate and can only be combined with the GM Card. 0% for 72 months is available for all 2016 DRAC units. You must give up all incentives to receive this special financing. You may also qualify for additional savings if you currently have a leased vehicle or if you have received a private offer in the mail from GM. Please see dealer for all available incentives. Online prices do not include state tax, title, license, or dealer documentation fee. Residency restrictions do apply. Please refer to dealer for all details. Shop online 7 days a week 24 hours a day with SHOP CLICK DRIVE!! Vehicle Photos (Click photo to view larger image) http: / /gouldchev. vinmanagersites .com /AutoDetails2.aspx ?id= 35829981 9/21/2016 City Council Agenda: 09/26/2016 2K. Consideration of approving purchase of Parks Department one -ton truck, including accessories, for $58,078 through the Central Equipment Fund. (TP) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to accept quotes from the state contract from Midway Commercial Ford and Crysteel Truck Equipment, and to authorize the purchase of a Ford F550 truck for the Parks Department. The purchase will be made from a capital equipment fund previously established by Council action and funded by debt issuance. This truck will replace the old 2000 Dodge one -ton which staff is requesting to sell at the next available public auction after the new truck is received. Al. Budget Impact: The new 2017 Ford F550, including accessories, is $58,078 including MN state sales tax. The purchase will be financed by the Central Equipment Fund. The Central Equipment Fund is an internal service fund that provides financing for governmental fund (General Fund) capital equipment purchases of $10,000 or more. The Central Equipment Fund recovers equipment costs with annual lease payments from the benefitting department. The annual recovery for this purchase is $9,700. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Improve staff efficiencies with less equipment failure and safety. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve purchase of Parks Department one -ton truck, including accessories, for $58,078 through the Central Equipment Fund and declare the 2000 Dodge one -ton truck as surplus property. 2. Motion to deny the purchase of a new truck at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. State contract quote from Midway Commercial Ford for the 2017 Ford F -550. B. State contract quote from Crysteel Truck Equipment for truck options. Midway Ford Commercial Fleet and Government Sales 2777 N. Snelling Ave. Roseville MN 55113 C -109 Contract # 109281 2017 F -550 4x4 Regular Cab- 60" CA DRW XL F5H Automatic Transmission Dual Front Air Bags AM /FM Radio Tilt Wheel Standard 40/20/40 Vinyl Front Seat 4 -Wheel ABS Brakes Air Conditioning 225/7009.5 All Season Tires Travis Swanson 651- 343 -5212 tswanson (a�_rosevillemidwayford.com Fax # 651- 604 -2936 Front Tow Hooks Rubber Floor Covering Black Bumper 6.8L V10 Options Code Price Select Exterior Colors Code Select Limited Slip 4.88 Axle X8L $332 X Blue Jeans Metallic N1 Brake Controller 52B $249 X Race Red PQ Power Equipment Group 90L $1,035 X Caribou Metallic LQ Snow Plow Prep 473 $79 X Shadow Black G1 Back -up Alarm 76C $128 X Magnetic Metallic J7 Running Boards 18B $341 X Ingot Silver Metallic UX Spare Wheel & Tire 512 $332 X Oxford White Z1 Rear Traction Tires THB $175 X Green Gem Metallic ($747.00) x PTO 62R $257 X Block Heater 41 H N/C X Extended Service Contracts Cost Select Cruise Control 525 $216 X 7 year /75,000 mile PremiumCare Warranty (Bumper to Bumper) $2,570 19,000 GVWR 68U $749 X Special Paint $747 X Option Total $4,640 You must have a active FIN code to participate in this purchase contract : FIN code # Purchase Order required prior to order placement PO # Base Price Totals Options Price Totals Extended Warranty Transit Impr Excise Tax Tax Exempt Lic 6.5% Sales Tax Document fee Sub total per vehicle Number of Vehicles $33,288.00 $4,640.00 $20.00 $37,948.00 1 Name of Organization Address Grand Total for all units $37,948.00 City, State, Zip Acceptance Signature Contact Person/ Phone # Print Name and Title Date Contact's e -mail address and fax # CRYSTEEL° TRUCK EQUIPMENT, PASTS & ACCESSORIES September 20, 2016 Tom Pawelk City of Monticello Parks 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 113073 d Avenue NE Fridley, MN 55432 (763) 571 -1902 1- 800 - 795 -1280 Highway 60 East Lake Crystal, MN 56055 (507) 726 -6041 1- 800 - 722 -0588 Fax # (763) 571 -5091 Fax # (507) 726 -2984 www.crysteeltruck.com AN FC2�L 0PP0P2Tk/,//T)1 FMPLOY -FR 9'6" Crysteel S.S. Tipper package Crysteel E- Series Stainless Steel Ford and Chev Application 40" front, 60" cab to Axle All 201 Stainless Steel Construction 9'6" long Side height 14" Tailgate height 20" Quick drop tailgate, Fold down sides Fold Down Side Stops, Boxed Top Rails Dirt shedding top rail and corner post 1/4 cab shield w/ full tapered window, 3/16 AR steel Floor 12 gauge 201 SS Sides, 10 gauge SS Front & Rear Stainless steel finish -no paint included Price $ 8,893.06 Truck undercoat $ 575.00 Crysteel hoist LB500 $ 1,553.67 Crysteel Electric / Hydraulic Double acting $ 506.91 Power unit w/ in cab controls and cover Over solenoid valve Installation of dump body $ 658.29 Installation of hoist $ 490.25 (4) "D" rings weld to floor (customer to provide location) $ 95.00 Stow away ladder and grab handle on drivers side $ 345.00 LED Marker Lights $ 60.45 Whelen L31 HAF LED strobe with self- leveling bracket on cab shield $ 730.28 LED Replacement STT (lower) $ 273.87 6" Oval light boxes fitted for E- Series bulkhead $ 266.34 LED 6" oval STT lights in light boxes $ 79.91 Poly fenders over rear wheels $ 459.03 Underbody toolbox 18 X 18 X 30 aluminum diamond -tread $ 262.25 Installation of underbody toolbox (driver side) $ 121.80 Underbody toolbox 18 X 18 X 30 aluminum diamond -tread $ 262.25 Installation of underbody toolbox (passenger side) $ 121.80 Custom Pull plate, 5/8" steel plate, All Gussets Safety "D" Rings 450 -1340 Channel ICC Bumper 10 Ton 2- 5/16" Pintle /ball combo hitch $ 899.76 Truck side only install for Boss Plow $ 1,368.88 Total = $ 18,023.80 City Council Agenda: 09/26/16 2L. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -066 declaring costs to be assessed, ordering preparation of assessment roll and calling for an Assessment Hearing to adopt assessments for the 2016 Street Reconstruction Project, City Project No. 15C001 (SB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The 2016 Street Reconstruction Project is currently under construction and includes the following improvements: Street Reconstruction ■ 3rd and 4th Street East from TH 25 to Washington Street ■ 6th Street East from TH 25 to Cedar Street ■ Cedar and Ramsey Street from 7th Street East to East Broadway Street ■ Washington Street from the railroad tracks to East Broadway Street ■ Wright Street from 7th Street East to the railroad tracks, as well as ■ Palm, New, Wright, and Hennepin Streets between 4th Street East and East Broadway Street Sidewalk Improvements: • Construction of a new 6 -foot wide concrete sidewalk along the west side of Cedar Street from 7th Street to 4th Street • Construction of a new 6 -foot wide concrete sidewalk along the west side of Washington Street from the rail road tracks to Broadway Street • Replacement of approximately 20% of the sidewalk along the south side of East Broadway Street between Cedar Street and Washington Street that has settled or deteriorated. • Replacement of damaged sidewalk on 3rd and 0' Streets between TH 25 and Cedar Street. Utility Improvements • Replacement of sanitary sewer along 4th Street (between Washington Street and Palm Street) and slip line the remaining sanitary sewer mains within Area 5 • Replacement of all of the sanitary sewer services from the mainline to the property line ■ Replacement of the majority of the sanitary sewer castings ■ Replacement of water main valves and hydrants ■ Replacement of storm sewer pipe and structures and castings where needed ■ Installation of new storm sewer pipe and structures on 3rd Street between TH 25 and Cedar Street to improve drainage conditions ■ Replacement of 6 -inch watermain line with a 12 -inch watermain on Ramsey St between 4th Street and Broadway ■ Construction of a new 10 -inch watermain between Well #1 and #2 in Block 34 City Council Agenda: 09/26/16 ■ Extension of 12 to 16 -inch watermain along Cedar Street, 4th Street and Ramsey Street as a new raw watermain feed for a potential future water treatment plant at the City's reservoir site. A segment of the watermain already exists along Cedar Street from Block 34. It is anticipated that the project will be substantially complete this year with all utility work and the first lift of pavement placed on all streets. A public hearing was held for the project on January 11, 2016 prior to final design, bidding, and construction of the project. A preliminary assessment roll was presented at the public hearing for the project in accordance with Minnesota Statute 429. Now that construction is substantially complete and the final costs are accounted for, a final assessment roll is being presented at this time. Wright County requires that assessments be certified to the County Auditor by November 30, 2016 for collection with 2017 property taxes. This deadline can be met by calling for the assessment hearing to be held at the October 24, 2016 City Council meeting. By conducting the assessment hearing on October 24th, adequate time for publication and mailing of notices will be provided to satisfy the requirements for public improvement projects in accordance with Minnesota State Statutes Chapter 429. The assessment is proposed at a 10 -year term not to exceed a 5.0% interest rate. The bond sale will occur on October 19, 2016 after which time the final interest rate will be determined in accordance with city ordinance, which requires an interest rate rounded up to the nearest quarter percent at least 1.5 percent above the average coupon rate of the bond. The City Council can choose a rate higher if it deems necessary. The final interest rate will be presented at the Council meeting on October 24, 2016 when the Council will adopt the final assessment roll and associated terms. Al. Budget Impact: The total estimated project cost for the improvements are as follows: Street Improvements: $2,800,000 Sidewalk Improvements: $200,000 Storm Sewer Improvements: $300,000 Sanitary Sewer Improvements: $700,000 Watermain and Pump House improvements: $900,000 Total: $4,800,000. These costs include a 10% contingency and 22% for indirect costs. City Council Agenda: 09/26/16 This project is proposed to be funded using the series 2015B street reconstruction bond issuance and the future 2016A issuance of street reconstruction and improvement bonds that will be presented to the Council on October 24, 2016. Capital improvement funds, utility funds, advancement of state aid funds and special assessments to benefitting properties will be used for debt service payments. The assessment methodology proposed is the same as described at the public hearing for the project. Single - family residential property owners are proposed to be assessed for street construction at a rate of $4,500 per lot /unit with access to any of the reconstructed streets. The project area includes a few duplex units and residential homes that have multiple dwelling units that are classified as multi - family units. These units are contained within one parcel and therefore have one PID. Each dwelling unit contained within one parcel is proposed to be assessed $4,500 per unit. Non - residential lots (includes apartment buildings) are proposed to be assessed for street reconstruction at a rate of $100 per front foot. Per the assessment policy, these non- residential rates are applied to 100% of the front footage of the properties, 50% of the side footage as long as the property has direct access to the reconstructed street, and 25% of the side street if the property does not have direct access. However, if a direct access is added at a later date the property would pay the additional 25% at that time. Previous assessments for properties assessed with the CSAH 75 improvement project were taken into consideration with the preliminary project assessments based on the above methodology. As has been the case in the past, assessments will be applied based on the current use of the property at the time the improvements are made. However, if the use of the property changes in the future, the assessment would be re- evaluated at the time based on a 30- year pavement life, not including additional interest costs. Furthermore, any existing single family parcel that is large enough to subdivide will be assessed for the additional unit at the time that the parcel is actually subdivided. Sidewalk assessment rates for non - residential properties are proposed to be assessed at $13.50 per front foot, which includes 25% of the cost being assessed and 75% funded with City funds per City policy. At the January 11, 2016 Council motioned to not assess residential properties for the sidewalk improvements. Staff discussed that residential assessments for sidewalk along Cedar Street and Washington Street be waived since it fills in sidewalk gaps and enhances the core sidewalk grid system serving a larger area of the City The Central MN Mental Health Center located at 302 Washington Street requested pedestrian ramp and sidewalk removal and replacement work be included with the project. The cost for this work is included in the assessment roll. City Council Agenda: 09/26/16 The sidewalk along Broadway Street will not pose any assessments to the adjacent properties per City policy to replace up to 2 panels per property. The non - residential rates were reviewed given the actual construction costs and are recommended to remain the same as presented at the public hearing and are in line with total project costs. A draft final assessment roll is enclosed. Approximately $1,154,335 is proposed to be levied in special assessments for the project. City -owned properties (DMV, Block 34 parking lots and the 4th Street Park) are not included in this total, but total approximately $87,158. Approximately $800,000 of the project costs are eligible for State Aid funding. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Impacts to staff workload are routine for this process and include the required mailings and notices to the benefitting properties. A. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2016 -066 declaring costs to be assessed, ordering preparation of assessment roll, and calling for the assessment hearing for October 24, 2016. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution 2016 -066 at this time B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving Alternative #1. It should be noted that staff is developing an updated assessment policy document since current the assessment policy is in the form of an ordinance dating back to 1979. C. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2016 -066 B. Draft Final Assessment Roll and Map CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2016-066 DECLARING COSTS TO BE ASSESSED, ORDERING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL, AND CALLING FOR AN ASSESSMENT HEARING TO ADOPT AN ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE 2016 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT, CITY PROJECT NO. 15CO01 WHEREAS, contracts have been let and the project is currently under construction and including the street reconstruction, sidewalk improvements, storm sewer improvements sanitary sewer improvements; and watermain and pump house improvements; WHEREAS, the total costs of the improvements are $4,800,000; NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA AS FOLLOWS: The City Council hereby determines that $1,154,335 shall be assessed against benefitted property owners based upon benefits received without regard to cash valuation. 2. The City Administrator shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land without regard to cash valuation as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 3. A hearing shall be held on the 24th day of October, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the Monticello Community Center to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such improvement will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such assessment. 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing and shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. The Clerk shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearing. 5. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment to the City, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of the assessment. Payment of the balance in whole must be made before November 30, 2016, or interest will be charged through December 31St of the succeeding year for the first year's portion of the assessment. In subsequent years, the property owner may at any time thereafter, pay to the City the balance of the assessment remaining unpaid after the current year, provided such payment is made prior to November 301h 6. The City Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certification of this assessment to the county auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the county. Such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 26th day of September, 2016. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Draft Final Assessment Roll 2016 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 150001 Created: 09120/16 No PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NO. PID PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS RESIDENTIAL NON RESIDENTIAL TOTAL PROPOSED ASSESSMENT STREET ASSESSABLE UNITS RATE STREET TOTAL FF AREA 5 RATE AREA 5 SIDEWALK RATE SW AREA 5 ADDITIONAL SIDEWALK NON RES TOTAL 1 155010034010 CENTRAL MINNESOTA REALTY LTD PO BOX 215 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 66 $ 100.00 $ 6,600.00 $13.50 $ 6,600.00 $ 6,600.00 2 155010034020 CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 66 $ 100.00 $ 6,600.00 $13.50 $ 6,600.00 $ 6,600.00 3 155010034030 CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 66 $ 100.00 $ 6,600.00 $13.50 $ 6,600.00 $ 6,600.00 4 155010034040 CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 0 $4500.00 $ 214.5 $ 100.00 $ 21 450.00 $13.50 $ 21 450.00 $ 21 450.00 5 155010034060 KRISTINE L HAMMER PO BOX 394 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 164.73 $ 100.00 $ 16,47100 $13-501 $ 16,473.00 $ 16,473.00 6 155010069130 MICHAEL V MICHAELIS PO BOX 424 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 82.13 $ 100.00 $ 8,212.50 $13.50 $ 8,212.50 $ 8,212.50 7 155010069010 CRIPE SERVICES LLC PO BOX 1638 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 65 $ 100.00 $ 6,500.00 $13.50 $ 6,500.00 $ 6,500.00 8 155010069011 BLAKE & KRANZ PROPERTIES INC PO BOX 235 0 $4,500.00 126 $ 100.00 $ 12 600.00 $13.50 $ 12 600.00 12 600.00 9 155010069020 MOSBART PROPERTIES LLC 305 CEDAR ST #201 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 122 $ 100.00 $ 12,200.00 $13.50 $ 12,200.00 $ 12,200.00 10 155010069041 JOHN R & MICHELLE M TWARDY PO BOX 1297 2 $ 4_500.00 $ 9,000.00 0 $ 100.00 $ 13.50 $ $ 9,000.00 11 155010069080 RSC PROPERTIES LLC PO BOX 815 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 127.405 $ 100.00 $ 12,740.50 $13.50 $ 12 740.50 $ 12 740.50 12 155010068041 SHIRLEY E ANDERSON 306 BROADWAY E 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 13 155010068010 ARMIN R & EMILY J DIERSEN 900 118TH LN NW 2 $4,500.00 $ 9,000.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 9,000.00 14 155010068020 JOHN W L KENTNER & THERESA M ANDERSON - KENTNER 307 3RD ST E 1 $4500o .00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 15 155010068030 NANCY K HANSON 309 3RD ST E 1 $4500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 16 155040003050 NANCY K HANSON 309 3RD ST E 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 17 155010068031 BRANDON MASON 315 E 3RD ST 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 18 155040003040 BRANDON MASON 315 E 3RD ST 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 19 155040003030 JILL LORRAINE AGOSTO REV TRUST 9661 KALENDA AVE NE 2 $ 4,500.00 $ 9,000.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 9,000.00 20 155040003010 ROMAN W PELOQUIN 213 NEW ST 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 21 155040003150 KATHLEEN A STERRIKER 207 NEW ST 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 22 155015014060 JACOB J GANGELHOFF 406 BROADWAY E 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 23 155015014030 ST PETER'S EVA LUT CH OF MONTICELLO 413 3RD ST E 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 135.98 $ 100.00 $ 13 597.50 $13.50 $ 13 597.50 $ 18 097.50 24 155015014020 ST PETER'S EVA LUT CH OF MONTICELLO 413 3RD ST E 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 66.02 $ 100.00 $ 6,602.00 $13.50 1 $ 6,602.00 $ 6,602.00 25 155015014010 DIANE HERBST 9801 GILLARD AVE NE 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 26 155015014140 HERALDO & JAN RODRIGUEZ 454 BROADWAY ST E 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 27 155015013060 KEVIN D & PATRICIA M OLSON 716 BROADWAY E 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 28 155015013040 CHARLES R WALTERS 782 ACORN CIR 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 29 155015013041 CHARLES R WALTERS 782 ACORN CIR 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 30 155015013042 BRUCE G WALTERS 507 3RD ST E 1 $4,500.00 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4, 500.00 31 155015013020 PATRICIA A PETERSON 812 S CHESTNUT ST 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 32 155015013011 CECILIA BANYAI 213 RAMSEY ST 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ J$ $ 4,500.00 33 155015013010 MARK R & LEE ANN ZEIPELT PO BOX 1273 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ 4,500.00 K:\ 02596- 100\Admin \Docs\Assessments \Draft Final Assessment Roll 092016 No PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NO. PID PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS RESIDENTIAL NON RESIDENTIAL TOTAL PROPOSED ASSESSMENT STREET ASSESSABLE UNITS RATE STREET TOTAL FF AREA 5 RATE AREA 5 SIDEWALK RATE SW AREA 5 ADDITIONAL SIDEWALK NON RES TOTAL 34 155015012060 TROY L PALAS 606 E BROADWAY ST 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13650 $ $ 4,500.00 35 155015012030 SUSAN M MISNER 607 E 3RD ST 2 $ 4,500.00 $ 9,000.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 9,000.00 36 155015012010 SHELTER FR THE STORM PROP LLC 10604 95TH ST NE 0 $4,500.00 198.74 $ 100.00 $ 19 874.00 $13.50 $ 19 874.00 $ 19 874.00 37 155015012130 ELDON L & ERNA DANIELS 642 BROADWAY E 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 38 155015011100 KEVIN D & PATRICIA M OLSON 716 BROADWAY E 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13650 $ $ 4,500.00 39 155015011120 CHAMPION ELECTRIC LLC 19172 CONCORD ST NW 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 199.04 $ 100.00 $ 19,904.00 $13.50 $ 19,904.00 $ 19,904.00 40 155015011140 TANYA TUIL & ROSE TUIL 715 3RD ST E 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 41 155015011010 BENJAMIN J KROLL 209 WASHINGTON ST 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 42 155015011030 DARREN & LISA KLATT 742 E BROADWAY 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 43 155015032060 W IDELL REAL ESTATE PROPERTIES 17139 MONROE ST NW 3 $ 4,500.00 $ 13,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 13,500.00 44 155015032061 FRANK P & GINA G RAMACCIOTTI 607 AMBER LN 2 $ 4,500.00 $ 9,000.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 9,000.00 45 155015032010 WADE & DEBORA KLICK 17003 WEAVER LAKE DR 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 189.52 $ 100.00 $ 18 952.00 $13.50 $ 18 952.00 $ 18 952.00 46 155015032030 BRIAN & NOELLE FOUQUETTE 711 4TH ST E 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 47 155015032040 TED W & SHANNON K DANIELS 14 EAGLE CIR 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 48 155015032050 GARY M BRANT 700 3RD ST E 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 49 155015033010 REBECCA A BILLMYER 619 4TH ST E 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 50 155015033030 PAUL ALBRECHT 617 E 4TH ST 1 $4,500.00 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13650 $ $ 4,500.00 51 155015033040 MARIO L FLORES 607 4TH ST E 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 52 155015033050 WAYNE A LABREE & COLEEN LEUDKE 316 RAMSEY ST 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 53 155015033090 LUCILLE MARY SMITH 622 E 3RD ST 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.501 $ $ 4,500.00 54 155015033080 RYAN M &SHERRY K KEMMETMUELLER 612 3RD ST E 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 55 155015033070 DUANE A & DIANN F DAHLGREN 606 3RD ST E 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 56 155015033060 SALLY A BOOTH 600 3RD ST E 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 57 155015034100 THEODORE H & ELAINE C FARNAM 524 3RD ST E 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 58 155015034090 HOME COMFORT SERVICES LLC 114 THOMAS CIR #106 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 59 155015034060 PETER A STUPAR REV TRUST 10068 HARRINGTON AVE NE 2 $4,500.00 $ 9,000.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 9,000.00 60 155015034011 JOSEPH A & SUZANNE C OTTEN 313 RAMSEY ST 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 61 155015034030 SARAH B BARRETT 521 E 4TH ST 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 62 155015034010 THEODORE W NELSON PO BOX 36 2 $ 4,500.00 $ 9,000.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 9,000.00 63 155015035010 NORTHLAND BAPTIST ASSOCIATION 419 4TH ST E 0 $4,500.00 198.30 $ 100.00 $ 19 829.50 $13.50 $ 19 829.50 $ 19 829.50 64 155015035091 NORTHLAND BAPTIST ASSOCIATION 419 4TH ST E 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 12.5 $ 100.00 $ 1,250.00 $13.50 $ 1,250.00 $ 1,250.00 65 155015035030 ELDOR & NANCY JORDAN 413 4TH ST E 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 66 155015035040 DANIEL J FARNICK & J BECKLUND 407 4TH ST E 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 67 155015035050 DARREN M CARSTENS 401 E 4TH ST 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 68 155015035100 DONALD K KLEIN 8636 HAUG AVE NE 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 69 155015035090 BENJAMIN R & ROSE T JAMES 412 3RD ST E 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 70 155015035070 BARBARA S LINDENFELSER PO BOX 864 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 71 155015035060 STEVEN W & JENNIFER A VAN DYKE 1400 3RD ST E 1 $4,500.00 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50, $ $ 4,500.00 K:\ 02596- 100\Admin \Docs\Assessments \Draft Final Assessment Roll 092016 No PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NO. PID PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS RESIDENTIAL NON RESIDENTIAL TOTAL PROPOSED ASSESSMENT STREET ASSESSABLE UNITS RATE STREET TOTAL FF AREA 5 RATE AREA 5 SIDEWALK RATE SW AREA 5 ADDITIONAL SIDEWALK NON RES TOTAL 72 155040004050 LEE MOSHIER 342 E 3RD ST 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 73 155040004040 TIFFANY I ERICKSON 336 3RD ST E 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 74 155040004030 MERRIJO B NESLAND 330 3RD ST E 1 $4,500.00 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 75 155010070060 MERRIJO B NESLAND 330 3RD ST E 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ 76 155019005060 MERRIJO B NESLAND 330 3RD ST E 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 77 155019005070 MERLE H ARNOLD 2920 MINNEHAHA CURV 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 78 155019005080 DA INVESTMENTS LLC 513 30TH AVE W 0 $4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 79 155010070070 KARISSA WOLF 318 E 3RD ST 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 80 155010070090 CRAIG T ZACHMAN 306 E 3RD ST 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 81 155010070100 LORI A FOECKE 300 E 3RD ST 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.501 $ $ 4,500.00 82 155040004010 THOMAS J & KRISTY L BRION 339 4TH ST E 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 83 155040004020 TODD A & STACY A BRUSKA 331 4TH ST E 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 84 155019005090 TODD A &STACY A BRUSKA 331 4TH ST E 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 85 155019005050 RICHARD & MONA C HIGHSMITH 325 E 4TH ST 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 86 155019005031 JAMES K & LYNNET B HANAWALT 319 4TH ST E 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 87 155019005030 SAMUEL D & SARA K SMUDER 313 E 4TH ST 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 88 155500134300 CITY OF MONTICELLO 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 89 155019005020 RONALD E KOHORST REV LIV TRUST 9385 45TH ST NE 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 90 155010070020 RONALD E KOHORST REV LIV TRUST 9385 45TH ST NE 0 $4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 91 155010070010 JT CLASSIC HOMES LLC 373 GARDEN DR 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 92 155019005012 JT CLASSIC HOMES LLC 373 GARDEN DR 2 $ 4,500.00 $ 9,000.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 9,000.00 93 155010071050 W ENDI A STANG 225 4TH ST E 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 94 155019006050 W ENDI A STANG 225 4TH ST E 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 95 155010071040 WILLIAM KLEIN PO BOX 565 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 96 155010071030 KENNETH ERICKSON & BRUCE ERICKSON 13871 227TH AVE NW 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 97 155010071020 DONALD N & RUTH Y ERICKSON 207 4TH ST E 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 98 155010071010 SHELLY PACKARD 201 E 4TH ST 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 99 155010071060 ROBERT J & PATRICIA M OLSON 224 3RD ST E 2 $ 4,500.00 $ 9,000.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 9,000.00 100 155010071080 ROBERT J & PATRICIA M OLSON 224 3RD ST E 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 101 155010071090 CEDAR COURT OFFICES LLC 2702 SERENITY DR 0 $ 213.89 $ 100.00 $ 21,388.50 $13.50 $ 21,388.50 $ 21,388.50 102 155010033060 QIAO JIANG 1535 OAK RIDGE CIR DAVID N SPENCE & NANCY SCHERBER 112 3RD ST E PATRICIA A SCHULER 106 E 3RD ST DARRIN F LAHR & CARRIE LYNCH 125 E 4TH ST 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 103 155010033070 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 104 155010033090 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 105 155010033041 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 106 155010033040 BRIAN A & TERESA L KITE 5537 ABERDEEN WAY RICHARD & MARY JO QUICK 113 4TH ST E BRIDGEWATER TELEPHONE CO 525 JUNCTION RD FIRST MINNESOTA BANK NA 24000 STATE HWY 7 STE 125 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 107 155010033030 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 108 155010033011 0 $4,500.00 $ 132 $ 100.00 $ 13 200.00 $13.50 $ 13 200.00 $ 13 200.00 109 155010016100 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 56 $ 100.00 $ 5,600.00 $13.501 $ 5,600.00 $ 5,600.00 K:\ 02596- 100\Admin \Docs\Assessments \Draft Final Assessment Roll 092016 No PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NO. PID PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS RESIDENTIAL NON RESIDENTIAL TOTAL PROPOSED ASSESSMENT STREET ASSESSABLE UNITS RATE STREET TOTAL FF AREA 5 RATE AREA 5 SIDEWALK RATE SW AREA 5 ADDITIONAL SIDEWALK NON RES TOTAL 110 155010016090 FIRST MINNESOTA BANK NA 24000 STATE HWY 7 STE 125 FIRST MINNESOTA BANK NA 24000 STATE HWY 7 STE 125 FIRST MINNESOTA BANK NA 24000 STATE HWY 7 STE 125 FIRST MINNESOTA BANK NA 24000 STATE HWY 7 STE 125 FIRST MINNESOTA BANK NA 24000 STATE HWY 7 STE 125 MICHAELIS FAMILY HOLING CO IN 2530 BRIAR OAKES BLVD MICHAELIS FAMILY HOLING CO IN 2530 BRIAR OAKES BLVD DYS PROPERTIES LLC 6060 LABEAUX AVE NE CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 CEDAR CREST APARTMENTS LP 33 10TH AVE 5 #120 DEBRA E ACKERMAN 212 4TH ST E RENEE A OLSON 218 4TH ST E MARIE JAMISON 2670 99TH ST NE GEORGE E & MAUREEN LARSON 606 RIVER ST E WAYNE A & SANDRA M COX 306 4TH ST E RUSSELL C & SANDRA L OLSON 318 4TH ST E RUSSELL C & SANDRA L OLSON 318 4TH ST E NATHAN J WOLD 330 4TH ST E RICHARD L SR & SARAH R MARTIE 336 4TH ST E RICHARD L SR & SARAH R MARTIE 336 4TH ST E RICHARD L SR & SARAH R MARTIE 336 4TH ST E GREG W MARSHALL 342 4TH ST E GREG W MARSHALL 342 4TH ST E DOROTHY MARTIE 336 4TH ST E RICHARD A & JANELLE A ]AND 412 4TH ST E RICHARD A & JANELLE A IANO 412 4TH ST E RICHARD A & JANELLE A ]AND 412 4TH ST E RICHARD A & JANELLE A ]AND 412 4TH ST E TORI A SHOWALTER 418 4TH ST E TORI A SHOWALTER 418 4TH ST E TORI A SHOWALTER 418 4TH ST E RYANNE E POCI 424 E 4TH ST ALICE KLATT 436 4TH ST E CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 LUELLA P LABREE & KEVIN C STUMPF 604 E 4TH ST JASON A HORST & TANYA J NELSON 406 RAMSEY ST CHARLES E FINCH 321 W DARWIN ST ANTHONY J PAVLIN 414 RAMSEY ST 0 $ 66 $ 100.00 $ 6,600.00 $13.50 $ 6,600.00 $ 6,600.00 111 155010016080 0 F5OO.00 $ 66 $ 100.00 $ 6,600.00 $13.50 $ 6,600.00 $ 6,600.00 112 155019016080 0 ,. $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 113 115010016070 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 66 $ 100.00 $ 6,600.00 $13.50 $ 6,600.00 $ 6,600.00 114 155019016070 0 $4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 115 155010016060 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 116 115019016050 0 $4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 117 155019016051 $4,500.00 $ 83.38 $ 100.00 $ 8,338.00 $13.50 $2,251.26 $ 10,589.26 $ 10,589.26 118 155010072100 $4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 119 155019007090 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 295.5 $ 100.00 $ 29,550.00 $13.50 $ 29,550.00 $ 29 550.00 120 155019007040 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 121 155019007070 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 122 155019007050 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 123 155019008010 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 124 155019008020 1 $4,500.00 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ 4,500.00 125 155019008030 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 126 155019008070 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 127 155019008060 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 128 155019008050 0 $4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 129 155019008080 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.501 $ $ 4,500.00 130 155019009011 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 131 155019009050 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 132 155015036050 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 133 155019009010 0 $4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 134 155015036051 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 135 155015036060 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 136 155019009040 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 137 155019009020 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 138 155015036052 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 139 155019009031 0 $4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 140 155015036040 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ ,500.00 141 155015036030 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ ,500.00 142 155015036010 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ ,500.00 r$57 143 155015037010 $4,500.00 $ 577.65 $ 100.00 $ 57 764.50 $13.50 $ 57 764.50 764.50 144 155015038060 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ ,500.00 145 155015038061 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 146 155015038030 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.5 $$ $ 4,500.00 147 155015038031 1 $4,500.00 $ -450. .00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 K:\ 02596- 100\Admin \Docs\Assessments \Draft Final Assessment Roll 092016 No PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NO. PID PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS RESIDENTIAL NON RESIDENTIAL TOTAL PROPOSED ASSESSMENT STREET ASSESSABLE UNITS RATE STREET TOTAL FF AREA 5 RATE AREA 5 SIDEWALK RATE SW AREA 5 ADDITIONAL SIDEWALK NON RES TOTAL 148 155015038032 MARK W & REBECCA L MONGEON 416 RAMSEY ST JOHN D BELDE & JANEY M WOOD -BELDE 618 4TH ST E JOHN D BELDE & JANEY M WOOD -BELDE 618 4TH ST E JOHN D BELDE & JANEY M WOOD -BELDE 618 4TH ST E JEFFREY E & JOAN C MICHAELIS 630 E 4TH ST JEFFREY E & JOAN C MICHAELIS 630 E 4TH ST CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 CENTRAL MN MENTAL HEALTH CTR ATTN:DAVID J BARAGA EXEC DIR 1321 13TH ST N INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIST 882 302 WASHINGTON ST GARDNER PROPERTIES LLC 8103 ITHACA LN N ROBERT D &MARJORIE L SCHUMACHER 508 RAMSEY ST FRANCIS J HICKEY 1217 5TH ST FRANCIS J HICKEY FRANCONIA ASSOCIATES LLC PO BOX 236 FRANCONIA ASSOCIATES LLC PO BOX 236 FRANCONIA ASSOCIATES LLC PO BOX 236 WRIGHT STREET LLC 17003 WEAVER LAKE DRIVE WRIGHT STREET LLC 17003 WEAVER LAKE DRIVE MARJORIE A GRABOWSKI 503 WRIGHT ST BETTY F MCINTOSH IRREV TRUST 505 WRIGHT ST GORDON ANDERSON 507 WRIGHT ST CAROL A PETERSON REVOCABLE TR 509 WRIGHT ST LOWELL G &PATRICIA W MORTENSEN 511 WRIGHT ST GRETCHEN A SCHUELLER 513 WRIGHT ST HILLSIDE TOWNHOMES ASSOC MONTI 510 WRIGHT ST HILLSIDE PROPERTIES 470 78TH ST W #260 HILLSIDE PROPERTIES 470 78TH ST W #260 BURLINGTON NORTHERN& SANTA FE RAILWAY CO PROPERTY TAX DEPT - AOB - 2 DF /SSS LLC 524 PINE ST DF /SSS LLC 524 PINE ST HILLSIDE CEMETERY HILLSIDE CEMETERY 1 $4500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 149 155015038081 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 150 155015038080 1 $ 4 500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 151 155015038082 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 152 155015038020 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 153 155015038010 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 154 155015039011 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 155 155015039010 $ 4,500.00 $ 381.06 $ 100.00 $ 38,105.50 $13.50 $1,674.00 $5,255.84 $ 43,361.34 $ 43,361.34 156 155015026010 $4,500.00 $ 1048.24 $ 100.00 $ 104 824.00 $13.50 $14,151.24 $ 118 975.24 $ 118 975.24 157 155015043050 $ 4,500.00 $ 161.96 $ 100.00 $ 16,196.00 $13.50 $ 16 196.00 $ 16 196.00 158 155015043060 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 159 155041001050 $4,500.00 $ 83.3 $ 100.00 $ 8,330.00 $13.50 $ 8,330.00 $ 8,330.00 160 155041001060 $4,500.00 $ 80 $ 100.00 $ 8,000.00 $13.50. $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 161 155047000040 $ 4,500.00 $ 77.11 $ 100.00 $ 7,711.00 $13.50 $ 7,711.00 $ 7,711.00 162 155029000011 $4,500.00 $ 85.63 $ 100.00 $ 8,56 .00 $13.50 $ 8,563.00 $ 8,563.00 163 155047000010 $4,500.00 $ 165.22 $ 100.00 $ 16 522.00 $13.50 $ 16,522.00 $ 16,522.00 164 155041001030 $ 4,500.00 $ 80 $ 100.00 $ 8,000.00 $13.50 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 165 155041001040 $ 4,500.00 $ 85.92 $ 100.00 $ 8,592.00 $13.50 $ 8,592.00 $ 8,592.00 166 155099001020 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 167 155099001030 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 168 155099001040 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 169 155099001050 1 $4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 170 155099001060 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 171 155099001070 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 450000 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 4,500.00 172 155099001010 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 173 155029001010 $ 4,500.00 $ 67.54 $ 100.00 $ 6,753.75 $13.50 $ 6,753.75 $ 6,753.75 174 155500114201 $ 4,500.00 $ 475.99 $ 100.00 $ 47,599.00 $13.50 $ 47,599.00 $ 47,599.00 175 155500114203 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 176 155019015070 $ 4,500.00 $ 243.651 $ 100.00 $ 24,364.75 $13.50 $4,453.79 $ 28,818.54 $ 28,818.54 177 155010015010 $4,500.00 151.94 $ 100.00 $ 15 194.00 13.50 $ 15 194.00 $ 15 194.00 178 155019004010 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 179 155010004010 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 100.00 $ $13.50 $ $ 118 $ 531,000.00 6,843.81 $ 684,381 00 $ 22,530.29 $ 5,255.84 $ 710,493.13 $ 1,241,493.13 K:\ 02596- 100\Admin \Docs\Assessments \Draft Final Assessment Roll 092016 \� CITY OF Street Reconstruction Assessment Map Monticello Monticello, MN 0 250 500 Feet WSB City Council Agenda: 09/26/16 2M. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -067 approving a Master Partnership Contract with MnDOT (SB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: MnDOT is requesting the City enter into a Master Partnership Contract. These contracts are pursuant to Minnesota Statue Sections 174.02 and 161.20 allowing MnDOT to enter into agreements with local governments for shared services. This agreement allows MnDOT to pay local governments to perform certain work related to design, construction, maintenance and improvements on trunk highways and vice versa. The primary purposes of this contract include; allowing MnDOT to complete lab testing for materials, such as concrete and bituminous testing on State or Municipal State Aid roadway projects and allows for Cities and MnDOT to initiate Work Order Contracts as necessary and agreed upon by both parties for items such as snow removal, emergency services, sign knockdown repair, carcass removal, etc. More information on the program is provided in the enclosed memo. Currently there are no official agreements to complete these shared service items and it is not covered in typical MnDOT and City project agreements. MnDOT started this process in 2012 and due to delays, it was not completed. The agreement was intended to be a 5 year agreement and expires on June 30, 2017. MnDOT plans to present another 5 year agreement to the City early next summer. A.1 Budget Impact: Anticipated to be minimal or status quo. A.2 Staff Impact: Minimal staff time or status quo. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2016 -067 approving a Master Partnership Contract with MnDOT. 2. Motion to deny adoption of City Resolution 2016 -067. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Engineer, Street Superintendent and Public Works Director recommend Council approval of Alternative #1. This is considered a housekeeping item to formalize policies and practices already in place. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2016 -067 B. MnDOT Memo 11/20/12 C. Master Partnership Contract CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2016 -067 WHEREAS, The Minnesota Department of Transportation wishes to cooperate closely with local units of government to coordinate the delivery of transportation services and maximize the efficient delivery of such services at all levels of government; and WHEREAS, MnDOT and local governments are authorized by Minnesota Statutes sections 471.59, 174.02, and 161.20, to undertake collaborative efforts for the design, construction, maintenance and operation of state and local roads; and WHEREAS: the parties wish to able to respond quickly and efficiently to such opportunities for collaboration, and have determined that having the ability to write "work orders" against a master contract would provide the greatest speed and flexibility in responding to identified needs. THEREFORE, BE IS RESOLVED: 1. That the City of Monticello, Minnesota enter into a Master Partnership Contract with the Minnesota Department of Transportation, a copy of which was before the Monticello City Council. 2. That the proper City of Monticello, Minnesota officers are authorized to execute such contract, and any amendments thereto. 3. That the City of Monticello City Engineer is authorized to negotiate work order contracts pursuant to the Master Contract, which work order contracts may provide for payment to or from MnDOT, and that the City of Monticello City Engineer may execute such work order contracts on behalf of the City of Monticello without further approval by the City Council. ATTEST: Approved this 26th day of September, 2016. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Date: o01AE80Tgy Minnesota Department of 'Transportation District 3 - Administration n° o� or TaP�y� 7694 Industrial Park Road Baxter, MN 56425 Memo TO: District 3 Local County /City Engineer FROM: Ken Larson �� �— District 3 State Aid Assistant DATE: November 20, 2012 SUBJECT: Master Partnership Contract Renewals Office Tel: (218) 828 -5708 Fax: (218) 828 -5814 The current Master Partnership Contracts we have with you are expiring and need to be renewed, with some updating and language changes made in these new agreements. Once in place these new agreements will be good through June 30, 2017. Please review these agreements and present to your county board /city council for approval as soon as possible. Local signatures are required on page 14, and a support resolution from the board /council is also required (see attached sample). Also attached is the Master Contract Certification Form that delegates authority to the district to administer local agreements. When you have signatures and resolution done, please return the entire packet to Kelvin Howieson, District State Aid Engineer in Baxter. We will continue the MnDOT processing, and you will receive a final approved copy when it's completed. Some of the current Work Orders language is now covered in these new agreements. If we have other unique Work Orders with you that need renewing, revised versions of those will follow shortly. Many of the inplace agreements expire in mid - December, 2012, so we appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. Contact Kelvin or me if you have any questions. Thank you. Cc: Kelvin Howieson — LuAnn Cameron ® %Qjr ® 0 0 e 1I. p'eoNE3prgy Minnesota Department of Transportation (�pa Baxter, Distdct3 Office Tel: 7694 Industrial Park Rd. Fax: pp TNP�a Baxter, MN 56425 Contract Routing/Approval Checklist TO: Routing/Task Checklist FROM: Kelvin Howieson District 3 State Aid Engineer DATE: Nov. 21, 2012 MnDOT Contract # 02636 Contract is between MnDOT and: City of Monticello Project Description: Master Partnership Contract Please review, approve and forward. Thank you. 218 - 828 -5707 218 - 828.5814 RoutingfTask Checklist Contact Name Contact Info Date 1. Obtain vendor approval signatures Bruce Westby 763 - 271 -3236 Monticello City Engineer 2. Attach resolution from vendor, if a public agency 3. MnDOT Approval Mike Barnes MS: 120 Division Director 4. Contract Management Susan Berndt MS: 130 5. Return to: Kelvin Howieson MS: 030 Minimum Originals: (3] [1] Contract Management [1] Originator [1] Vendor Additional Originals: [1] Bonnie Peetsch (Master Partnerships and WOs), MS 215. Additional Attachments: Original Contract Sample Resolution Master Contract Certification Form CM Contract Routing /Approval Checklist, 08/03/2012 An Equal Opportunity Employer O 0 4 0 0 a O 0 MnDOT Agreement # STATE OF MINNESOTA AND CITY OF MONTICELLO MASTER PARTNERSHIP CONTRACT 02636 This master contract is between the State of Minnesota, acting through its Commissioner of Transportation hereinafter referred to as the "State" and "CITY OF MONTICELLO" acting through its City Council, hereinafter referred to as the "Local Government ". Recitals 1. The parties are authorized to enter into this agreement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § §15.061, 471.59 and 174.02. 2. Minnesota Statutes Section 161.20, subdivision 2 authorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to make arrangements with and cooperate with any governmental authority for the purposes of constructing, maintaining and improving the trunk highway system. 3. Each party to this Contract is a "road authority" as defined by Minnesota Statutes § 160.02 (subd. 25). 4. Minnesota Statutes Section 161.39, subdivision 1, authorizes a road authority to perform work for another road authority. Such work may include providing technical and engineering advice, assistance and supervision, surveying, preparing plans for the construction or reconstruction of roadways, and performing roadway maintenance. 5. Minnesota Statues §174.02 (subd. 6) authorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to enter into agreements with other governmental entities for research and experimentation; for sharing facilities, equipment, staff, data, or other means of providing transportation - related services; or for other cooperative programs that promote efficiencies in providing governmental services, or that further development of innovation in transportation for the benefit of the citizens of Minnesota. 6. Each party wishes to occasionally procure services from the other party, which the parties agree will enhance the efficiency of delivering governmental services at all levels. This Master Partnership Contract provides a framework for the efficient handling of such requests. This Master Partnership Contract contains terms generally governing the relationship between the parties hereto. When specific services are requested, the parties will (unless otherwise specified herein) enter into a "Work Order" contracts. 7. Subsequent to the execution of this Master Partnership Contract, the parties may (but are not required to) enter into "Work Order" contracts. These Work Orders will specify the work to be done, timelines for completion, and compensation to be paid for the specific work. 8. The parties are entering into this Master Partnership Contract to establish terms that will govern all of the Work Orders subsequently issued under the authority of this Contract. Master Contract 1. Term of Master Contract; Use of Work Order Contracts; Survival of Terms 1.1. Effective Date: This contract will be effective on the date last signed by the Local Government, and all State officials as required under Minn. Stat. § 16C.05, subd. 2. 1.2. A party must not accept work under this Contract until it is fully executed. 1.3. Expiration Date. This Contract will expire on June 30, 2017. Page 1 of 14 CM Master Partnership Contract (CM Rev. 11/02/2012) MnDOT Agreement # 02636 1.4. Work Order Contracts. A work order contract must be negotiated and executed (by both the State and the Local Government) for each particular engagement, except for Technical Services provided by the State to the Local Government as specified in Article 2. The work order contract must specify the detailed scope of work and deliverables for that engagement. A party must not begin work under a work order until such work order is fully executed. The terms of this Master Partnership Contract will apply to all work orders issued hereunder, unless specifically varied in the work order. The Local Government understands that this Master Contract is not a guarantee of any payments or work order assignments, and that payments will only be issued for work actually performed under fully- executed work orders. 1.5. Survival of Terms. The following clauses survive the expiration or cancellation of this master contract and all work order contracts: 12. Liability; 13. State Audits; 14. Government Data Practices and Intellectual Property; 17. Publicity and Endorsement; 18. Governing Law, Jurisdiction, and Venue; and 22. Data Disclosure. All terms of this Master Contract will survive with respect to any Work Order issued prior to the expiration date of the Master Contract. 1.6. Sample Work Order. A sample work order contract is available upon request from the State. 2. Technical Services 2.1. Technical Services include repetitive low -cost services routinely performed by the State for the Local Government. These services may be performed by the State for the Local Government without the execution of a work order, as these services are provided in accordance with standardized practices and processes and do not require a detailed scope of work. Technical services are limited to the following services: 2.1.1.Pavement Striping, Sign and Signal Repair, Bridge Load Ratings, Bridge and Structure Inspections, Minor Bridge Maintenance, Minor Road Maintenance (such as guard rail repair and sign knockdown repair), Pavement Condition Data, Materials Testing and Carcass Removal. 2.1.2. Every other service not falling under the services listed in 2.1.1 will require a Work Order contract (If you have questions regarding whether a service is covered under 2.1.1, please contact Contract Management). 2.2. The Local Government may request the State to perform Technical Services in an informal manner, such as by the use of email, a purchase order, or by delivering materials to a State lab and requesting testing. A request may be made via telephone, but will not be considered accepted unless acknowledged in writing by the State. 2.3. The State will promptly inform the Local Government if the State will be unable to perform the requested Technical Services. Otherwise, the State will perform the Technical Services in accordance with the State's normal processes and practices, including scheduling practices taking into account the availability of State staff and equipment. 2.4. Payment Basis. Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties prior to performance of the services, the State will charge the Local Government the State's then - current rate for performing the Technical Services The then - current rate may include the State's normal and customary labor additives. The State will invoice the Local Government upon completion of the services, or at regular intervals not more than once monthly as agreed upon by the parties. The invoice will provide a summary of the Technical Services provided by the State during the invoice period. 3. Services Requiring A Work Order Contract 3.1. Work Order Contracts: A party may request the other party to perform any of the following services under individual work order contracts. Page 2 of 14 CM Master Parhrership Contract (CM Rev. 11/02/2012) MnDOT Agreement # 02636 3.2. Professional and Technical Services. A party may provide professional and technical services upon the request of the other party. As defined by Minnesota Statutes § 16C.08 (subd. 1) professional /technical services "means services that are intellectual in character, including consultation, analysis, evaluation, prediction, planning, programming, or recommendation; and result in the production of a report or completion of a task ". Professional and technical services do not include providing supplies or materials except as incidental to performing such services. Professional and technical services include (by way of example and without limitation) engineering services, surveying, foundation recommendations and reports, environmental documentation, right -of -way assistance (such as performing appraisals or providing relocation assistance, but excluding the exercise of the power of eminent domain), geometric layouts, final construction plans, graphic presentations, public relations, and facilitating open houses. A party will normally provide such services with its own personnel; however, a party's professional/technical services may also include hiring and managing outside consultants to perform work provided that a party itself provides active project management for the use of such outside consultants. 3.3. Roadway Maintenance. A party may provide roadway maintenance upon the request of the other party. Roadway maintenance does not include roadway reconstruction. This work may include but is not limited to snow removal, ditch spraying, roadside mowing, CRS -2 road oil, bituminous mill and overlay (only small projects), seal coat, bridge hits, major retaining wall failures, major drainage failures, and message painting. All services must be performed by an employee with sufficient skills, training, expertise or certification to perform such work, and work must be supervised by a qualified employee of the party performing the work. 3.4. Construction Administration. A party may administer roadway construction projects upon the request of the other party. Roadway construction includes (by way of example and without limitation) the construction, reconstruction, or rehabilitation of mainline, shoulder, median, pedestrian or bicycle pathway, lighting and signal systems, pavement mill and overlays, seal coating, guardrail installation, and channelization. These services may be performed by the Providing Party's own forces, or the Providing Party may administer outside contracts for such work. Construction administration may include letting and awarding construction contracts for such work (including state projects to be completed in conjunction with local projects). All contract administration services must be performed by an employee with sufficient skills, training, expertise or certification to perform such work. 3.5. Emergency Services. A party may provide aid upon request of the other party in the event of a man -made disaster, natural disaster or other act of God. Emergency services includes all those services as the parties mutually agree are necessary to plan for, prepare for, deal with, and recover from emergency situations. These services include, without limitation, planning, engineering, construction, maintenance, and removal and disposal services related to things such as road closures, traffic control, debris removal, flood protection and mitigation, sign repair, sandbag activities and general cleanup. Work will be performed by an employee with sufficient skills, training, expertise or certification to perform such work, and work must be supervised by a qualified employee of the party performing the work. If it is not feasible to have an executed work order prior to performance of the work, the parties will promptly confer to determine whether work may be commenced without a fully- executed work order in place. If work commences without a fully- executed work order, the parties will follow up with execution of a work order as soon as feasible. 3.6. When a need is identified, the State and the Local Government will discuss the proposed work and the resources needed to perform the work. If a party desires to perform such work, the parties will negotiate the specific and detailed work tasks and cost. The State will then prepare a work order contract. Generally, a work order contract will be limited to one specific Page 3 of 14 CM Master Partnership Contract (CM Rev. 11/02/2012) MnDOT Agreement # 02636 project/engagement, although "on call" work orders may be prepared for certain types of services, especially for "Technical Services" items as identified section 2.1.2. The work order will also identify specific deliverables required, and timeframes for completing work. A work order must be fully executed by the parties prior to work being commenced. The Local Government will not be paid for work performed prior to execution of a work order and authorization by the State. 4. Responsibilities of the Providing Party The party requesting the work will be referred to as the "Requesting Party" and the party performing the work will be referred to as the "Providing Party ". Each work order will set forth particular requirements for that project/engagement. 4.1. Terms Applicable to ALL Work Orders. The terms in this section 4.1 will apply to ALL work orders. 4.1.1. Each work order will identify an Authorized Representative for each party. Each party's authorized representative is responsible for administering the work order, and has the authority to make any decisions regarding the work, and to give and receive any notices required or permitted under this Master Contract or the work order. 4.1.2. The Providing Party will furnish and assign a publicly employed licensed engineer (Project Engineer), to be in responsible charge of the project(s) and to supervise and direct the work to be performed under each work order. For services not requiring an engineer, the Providing Party will furnish and assign another responsible employee to be in charge of the project. The services of the Providing Party under a work order may not be otherwise assigned, sublet, or transferred unless approved in writing by the Requesting Party's authorized representative. This written consent will in no way relieve the Providing Party from its primary responsibility for the work. 4.1.3. If the Local Government is the Providing Party, the Project Engineer may request in writing specific engineering and/or technical services from the State, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 161.39. The work order may require the Local Government to deposit payment in advance or may, at the State's option, permit payment in arrears. If the State furnishes the services requested, the Local Government will promptly pay the State to reimburse the state trunk highway fund for the full cost and expense of furnishing such services. The costs and expenses will include the current State labor additives and overhead rates, subject to adjustment based on actual direct costs that have been verified by audit. 4.1.4. Only the receipt of a fully executed work order contract authorizes the Providing Party to begin work on a project. Any and all effort, expenses, or actions taken by the Providing Party before the work order contract is fully executed is considered unauthorized and undertaken at the risk of non - payment. 4.1.5. In connection with the performance of this contract and any work orders issued hereunder, the Providing Agency will comply with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. When the Providing Party is authorized or permitted to award contracts in connection with any work order, the Providing Party will require and cause its contractors and subcontractors to comply with all Federal and State laws and regulations. 4.2. Additional Terms for Roadway Maintenance. The terms of section 4.1 and this section 4.2 will apply to all work orders for Roadway Maintenance. 4.2.1. Unless otherwise provided for by agreement or work order, the Providing Party must obtain all permits and sanctions that may be required for the proper and lawful performance of the work. Page 4 of 14 CM Master Partnership Contract (CM Rev. 11/02/2012) MnDOT Agreement # 02636 4.2.2. The Providing Party must perform maintenance in accordance with MnDOT maintenance manuals, policies and operations. 4.2.3. The Providing Party must use State - approved materials, including (by way of example and without limitation), sign posts, sign sheeting, and de -icing and anti -icing chemicals. 4.3. Additional Terms for Construction Administration. The terms of section 4.1 and this section 4.3 will apply to all work orders for construction administration. 4.3.1. Contract(s) must be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder or best value proposer in accordance with state law. 4.3.2. Contractor(s) must be required to post payment and performance bonds in an amount equal to the contract amount. The Providing Party will take all necessary action to make claims against such bonds in the event of any default by the contractor. 4.3.3. Contractor(s) must be required to perform work in accordance with the latest edition of the Minnesota Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Construction. 4.3.4. For work performed on State right -of -way, contractor(s) must be required to indemnify and hold the State harmless against any loss incurred with respect to the performance of the contracted work, and must be required to provide evidence of insurance coverage commensurate with project risk. 4.3.5. Contractor(s) must pay prevailing wages pursuant to applicable state and federal law. 4.3.6. Contractor(s) must comply with all applicable Federal, and State laws, ordinances and regulations, including but not limited to applicable human rights /anti - discrimination laws and laws concerning the participation of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in federally - assisted contracts 4.3.7. If the providing party is a Local Government, the Local Government will, without cost or expense to the State, obtain all rights of way, easements, construction permits and any other permits and sanctions that may be required in connection with the local and trunk highway portions of the contract construction. Before payment by the State, the Local Government will furnish the State with certified copies of the documents for rights of way and easements, construction permits and other permits and sanctions required for State cost participation construction covered under this Agreement. 4.3.8. The Providing Party may approve minor changes to the Requesting Party's portion of the project work if such changes do not increase the Requesting Party's cost obligation under the applicable work order. 4.3.9. The Providing Party will not approve any contractor claims for additional compensation without the Requesting Party's written approval, and the execution of a proper amendment to the applicable work order when necessary. The Local Government will tender the processing and defense of any such claims to the State upon the State's request. 4.3.10. The Local Government must coordinate all trunk highway work affecting any utilities with the State's Utilities Office. 4.3.11. The Providing Party must coordinate all necessary detours with the Requesting Party. 4.3.12. If the Local Government is the Providing Party, and there is work performed on the trunk highway right -of -way, the following will apply: The Local Government will have a permit to perform the work on the trunk highway. The State may revoke this permit if the work is not being performed Page 5 of 14 CM Master Partnership Contract (CM Rev. 11/022012) MnDOT Agreement # 02636 in a safe, proper and skillful manner, or if the contractor is violating the terms of any law, regulation, or permit applicable to the work. The State will have no liability to the Local Government, or its contractor, if work is suspended or stopped due to any such condition or concern. The Local Government will require its contractor to conduct all traffic control in accordance with the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The Local Government will require its contractor to comply with the terms of all permits issued for the project including, but not limited to, NPDES and other environmental permits. All improvements constructed on the State's right -of -way will become the property of the State. 5. Responsibilities of the Requesting Party 5.1. After authorizing the Providing Party to begin work, the Requesting Party will furnish any data or material in its possession relating to the project that may be of use to the Providing Party in performing the work. 5.2. All such data furnished to the Providing Party will remain the property of the Requesting Party and will be promptly returned upon the Requesting Party's request or upon the expiration or termination of this contract (subject to data retention requirements of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and other applicable law). 5.3. The Providing Party will analyze all such data furnished by the Requesting Party. If the Providing Party finds any such data to be incorrect or incomplete, the Providing Party will bring the facts to the attention of the Requesting Party before proceeding with the part of the project affected. The Providing Party will investigate the matter, and if it finds that such data is incorrect or incomplete, it will promptly determine a method for furnishing corrected data. Delay in furnishing data will not be considered justification for an adjustment in compensation. 5.4. The State will provide to the Local Government copies of any Trunk Highway fund clauses to be included in the bid solicitation and will provide any required Trunk Highway fund provisions to be included in the Proposal for Highway Construction, that are different from those required for State Aid construction. 5.5. The Requesting Party will perform final reviews and/or inspections of its portion of the project work. If the work is found to have been completed in accordance with the work order contract, the Requesting Party will promptly release any remaining funds due the Providing Party for the Project(s). 5.6. The work order contracts may include additional responsibilities to be completed by the Requesting Party. 6. Time In the performance of project work under a work order contract, time is of the essence. Consideration and Payment 7.1. Consideration. The Requesting Party will pay the Providing Party as specified in the work order, The State's normal and customary labor additives will apply to work performed by the State, unless otherwise specified in the work order. The State's normal and customary labor additives will not apply if the parties agree to a "lump sum" or "unit rate" payment. Page 6 of 14 CM Master Partnership Contract (CM Rev. 11/02/2012) MnDOT Agreement # 02636 7.2. State's Maximum Obligation. The total compensation to be paid by the State to the Local Government under all work order contracts issued pursuant to this Master Contract will not exceed $100,000.00. 7.3. Travel Expenses. It is anticipated that all travel expenses will be included in the base cost of the Providing Party's services, and unless otherwise specifically set forth in an applicable work order, the Providing Party will not be separately reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses incurred by the Providing Party in performing any work order contract. In those cases where the State agrees to reimburse travel expenses, such expenses will be reimbursed in the same manner and in no greater amount than provided in the current "MnDOT Travel Regulations" a copy of which is on file with and available from the MnDOT District Office. The Local Government will not be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses incurred outside of Minnesota unless it has received the State's prior written approval for such travel. 7.4. Payment. 7.4.1. Generally. The Requesting Party will pay the Providing Party as specified in the applicable work order, and will make prompt payment in accordance with Minnesota law. 7.4.2. Payment by the Local Government. The Local Government will make payment to the order of the Commissioner of Transportation. IMPORTANT NOTE: PAYMENT MUST REFERENCE THE "MNDOT CONTRACT NUMBER" SHOWN ON THE FACE PAGE OF THIS CONTRACT AND THE "INVOICE NUMBER" ON THE INVOICE RECEIVED FROM MNDOT. Remit payment to the address below: MnDOT Attn: Cash Accounting RE: MnDOT Contract Number 02636 and Invoice Number # # # # ## Mail Stop 215 395 John Ireland Blvd St. Paul, MN 55155 7.4.3. Payment by the State. Generally. The State will promptly pay the Local Government after the Local Government presents an itemized invoice for the services actually performed and the State's Authorized Representative accepts the invoiced services. Invoices must be submitted as specified in the applicable work order, but no more frequently than monthly. Retainage for Professional and Technical Services. For work orders for professional and technical services, as required by Minn. Stat. § 16C.08, subd. 5(b), no more than 90 percent of the amount due under any work order contract may be paid until the final product of the work order contract has been reviewed by the State's authorized representative. The balance due will be paid when the State's authorized representative determines that the Local Government has satisfactorily fulfilled all the terms of the work order contract. Page 7 of 14 CM Master Partnership Contract (CM Rev. 11/02/2012) MnDOT Agreement # 02636 8. Conditions of Payment All work performed by the Providing Party under a work order contract must be performed to the Requesting Party's satisfaction, as determined at the sole and reasonable discretion of the Requesting Party's Authorized Representative and in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws, rules, and regulations. The Providing Party will not receive payment for work found by the State to be unsatisfactory or performed in violation of federal or state law. 9. Local Government's Authorized Representative and Project Manager; Authority to Execute Work Order Contracts 9.1. The Local Government's Authorized Representative for administering this master contract is the Local Government's Engineer, and the Engineer has the responsibility to monitor the Local Government's performance. The Local Government's Authorized Representative is also authorized to execute work order contracts on behalf of the Local Government without approval of each proposed work order contract by its governing body. 9.2. The Local Government's Project Manager will be identified in each work order contract. 10. State's Authorized Representative and Project Manager 10.1. The State's Authorized Representative for this master contract is the District State Aid Engineer, who has the responsibility to monitor the State's performance. 10.2. The State's Project Manager will be identified in each work order contract. 11. Assignment, Amendments, Waiver, and Contract Complete 11.1. Assignment. Neither party may assignor transfer any rights or obligations under this Master Contract or any work order contract without the prior consent of the other and a fully executed Assignment Agreement, executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved this Master Contract, or their successors in office. 11.2. Amendments. Any amendment to this master contractor any work order contract must be in writing and will not be effective until it has been executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved the original contract, or their successors in office. 11.3. Waiver. If a party fails to enforce any provision of this master contract or any work order contract, that failure does not waive the provision or the party's right to subsequently enforce it. 11.4. Contract Complete. This master contract and any work order contract contain all negotiations and agreements between the State and the Local Government. No other understanding regarding this master contract or any work order contract issued hereunder, whether written or oral may be used to bind either party. 12. Liability. Each party will be responsible for its own acts and omissions to the extent provided by law. The Local Government's liability is governed by Minnesota Statutes chapter 466 and other applicable law. The State's liability is governed by Minnesota Statutes section 3.736 and other applicable law. This clause will not be construed to bar any legal remedies a party may have for the other party's failure to fulfill its obligations under this master contract or any work order contract. Neither party agrees to assume any environmental liability on behalf of the other party. A Providing Party under any work order is acting only as a "Contractor" to the Requesting Party, as the term "Contractor" is defined in Minnesota Statutes § 11513.03 (subd. 10), and is entitled to the protections afforded to a "Contractor" by the Minnesota Environmental Response and Liability Act. The parties specifically intend that Minnesota Statutes §471.59 subdivision 1 a will apply to any work undertaken under this Master Contract and any work order issued hereunder. Page 8 of 14 CM Master Partnership Contract (CM Rev. 11/0212012) MnDOT Agreement # 02636 13. State Audits Under Minn. Stat. § 16C.05, subd. 5, the party's books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices relevant to any work order contract are subject to examination by the parties and by the State Auditor or Legislative Auditor, as appropriate, for a minimum of six years from the end of this Master Contract, 14. Government Data Practices and Intellectual Property 14.1. Government Data Practices. The Local Government and State must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 13, as it applies to all data provided by the State under this Master Contract and any work order contract, and as it applies to all data created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the Local Government under this Master Contract and any work order contract. The civil remedies of Minn. Stat. § 13.08 apply to the release of the data referred to in this clause by either the Local Government or the State. 14.2. Intellectual Property Rights 14.2.1. Intellectual Property Rights. The Requesting Party will own all rights, title, and interest in all of the intellectual property rights, including copyrights, patents, trade secrets, trademarks, and service marks in the Works and Documents created and paid for under work order contracts. Works means all inventions, improvements, discoveries (whether or not patentable), databases, computer programs, reports, notes, studies, photographs, negatives, designs, drawings, specifications, materials, tapes, and disks conceived, reduced to practice, created or originated by the Providing Party, its employees, agents, and subcontractors, either individually or jointly with others in the performance of this master contract or any work order contract. Works includes "Documents." Documents are the originals of any databases, computer programs, reports, notes, studies, photographs, negatives, designs, drawings, specifications, materials, tapes, disks, or other materials, whether in tangible or electronic forms, prepared by the Providing Party, its employees, agents, or contractors, in the performance of a work order contract. The Documents will be the exclusive property of the Requesting Party and all such Documents must be immediately returned to the Requesting Party by the Providing Party upon completion or cancellation of the work order contract. To the extent possible, those Works eligible for copyright protection under the United States Copyright Act will be deemed to be "works made for hire." The Providing Party Government assigns all right, title, and interest it may have in the Works and the Documents to the Requesting Party. The Providing Party must, at the request of the Requesting Party, execute all papers and perform all other acts necessary to transfer or record the Requesting Party's ownership interest in the Works and Documents. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Requesting Party grants the Providing Party an irrevocable and royalty -free license to use such intellectual for its own non - commercial purposes, including dissemination to political subdivisions of the state of Minnesota and to transportation - related agencies such as the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. 14.2.2. Obligations with Respect to Intellectual Property Notification. Whenever any invention, improvement, or discovery (whether or not patentable) is made or conceived for the first time or actually or constructively reduced to practice by the Providing Party, including its employees and subcontractors, in the performance of the work order contract, the Providing Party will immediately give the Requesting Party's Authorized Representative written notice thereof, and must promptly furnish the Page 9 of 14 CM Master Partnership Contract (CM Rev. 11/02/2012) MnDOT Agreement # 02636 Authorized Representative with complete information and/or disclosure thereon. Representation. The Providing Party must perform all acts, and take all steps necessary to ensure that all intellectual property rights in the Works and Documents are the sole property of the Requesting Party, and that neither Providing Party nor its employees, agents or contractors retain any interest in and to the Works and Documents. 15. Affirmative Action The State intends to carry out its responsibility for requiring affirmative action by its Contractors, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §363A.36. Pursuant to that Statute, the Local Government is encouraged to prepare and implement an affirmative action plan for the employment of minority persons, women, and the qualified disabled, and submit such plan to the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Human Rights. hi addition, when the Local Government lets a contract for the performance of work under a work order issued pursuant to this Master Contract, it must include the following in the bid or proposal solicitation and any contracts awarded as a result thereof: 15.1. Covered Contracts and Contractors. If the Contract exceeds $100,000 and the Contractor employed more than 40 full -time employees on a single working day during the previous 12 months in Minnesota or in the state where it has its principle place of business, then the Contractor must comply with the requirements of Minn. Stat. § 363A.36 and Minn. R. Parts 5000.3400 - 5000.3600. A Contractor covered by Minn. Stat. § 363A.36 because it employed more than 40 full -time employees in another state and does not have a certificate of compliance, must certify that it is in compliance with federal affirmative action requirements. 15.2. Minn. Stat. § 363A.36. Minn. Stat. § 363A.36 requires the Contractor to have an affirmative action plan for the employment of minority persons, women, and qualified disabled individuals approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Human Rights ( "Commissioner ") as indicated by a certificate of compliance. The law addresses suspension or revocation of a certificate of compliance and contract consequences in that event. A contract awarded without a certificate of compliance may be voided. 15.3. Minn. R. Parts 5000.3400 - 5000.3600. 15.3.1. General. Minn. R. Parts 5000.3400 - 5000.3600 implement Minn. Stat. § 363A.36. These rules include, but are not limited to, criteria for contents, approval, and implementation of affirmative action plans; procedures for issuing certificates of compliance and criteria for determining a contractor's compliance status; procedures for addressing deficiencies, sanctions, and notice and hearing; annual compliance reports; procedures for compliance review; and contract consequences for non - compliance. The specific criteria for approval or rejection of an affirmative action plan are contained in various provisions of Minn. R. Parts 5000.3400 - 5000.3600 including, but not limited to, parts 5000.3420 - 5000.3500 and 5000.3552 - 5000.3559. 15.3.2. Disabled Workers. The Contractor must comply with the following affirmative action requirements for disabled workers: The Contractor must not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of physical or mental disability in regard to any position for which the employee or applicant for employment is qualified. The Contractor agrees to take affirmative action to employ, advance in employment, and otherwise treat qualified disabled persons without discrimination based upon their physical or mental disability in all employment Page 10 of 14 CM Master Ni Umship Contract (CM Rev. 11/02/2012) MnDOT Agreement # 02636 practices such as the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to comply with the rules and relevant orders of the Minnesota Department of Human Rights issued pursuant to the Minnesota Human Rights Act. In the event of the Contractor's noncompliance with the requirements of this clause, actions for noncompliance may be taken in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Section 363A.36, and the rules and relevant orders of the Minnesota Department of Human Rights issued pursuant to the Minnesota Human Rights Act. The Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices in a form to be prescribed by the commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Human Rights. Such notices must state the Contractor's obligation under the law to take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment qualified disabled employees and applicants for employment, and the rights of applicants and employees. The Contractor must notify each labor union or representative of workers with which it has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract understanding, that the Contractor is bound by the terms of Minnesota Statutes Section 363A.36, of the Minnesota Human Rights Act and is committed to take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment physically and mentally disabled persons. 15.3.3. Consequences. The consequences for the Contractor's failure to implement its affirmative action plan or make a good faith effort to do so include, but are not limited to, suspension or revocation of a certificate of compliance by the Commissioner, refusal by the Commissioner to approve subsequent plans, and termination of all or part of this contract by the Commissioner or the State. 15.3.4. Certification. The Contractor hereby certifies that it is in compliance with the requirements of Minn. Stat. § 363.073 and Minn. R. Parts 5000.3400 - 5000.3600 and is aware of the consequences for noncompliance. 16. Workers' Compensation Each party will be responsible for its own employees for any workers compensation claims. This Master Contract, and any work orders issued hereunder, are not intended to constitute an interchange of government employees under Minnesota Statutes §15.53. To the extent that this Master Contract, or any work order issued hereunder, is determined to be subject to Minnesota Statutes §15.53, such statute will control to the extent of any conflict between the Contract and the statute. 17. Publicity 17.1. Publicity. Any publicity regarding the subject matter of a work order contract where the State is the Requesting Party must identify the State as the sponsoring agency and must not be released without prior written approval from the State's Authorized Representative. For purposes of this provision, publicity includes notices, informational pamphlets, press releases, research, reports, signs, and similar public notices prepared by or for the Local Government individually or jointly with others, or any subcontractors, with respect to the program, publications, or services provided resulting from a work order contract. Page 11 of 14 CM Master Partnership Contract (CM Rev. 11/02/2012) MnDOT Agreement # 02636 17.2. Data Practices Act. Section 17.1 is not intended to override the Local Government's responsibilities under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. 18. Governing Law, Jurisdiction, and Venue Minnesota law, without regard to its choice -of -law provisions, governs this master contract and all work order contracts. Venue for all legal proceedings out of this master contract or any work order contracts, or the breach of any such contracts, must be in the appropriate state or federal court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey County, Minnesota. 19. Prompt Payment; Payment to Subcontractors The parties must make prompt payment of their obligations in accordance with applicable law. As required by Minn. Stat. § 16A.1245, when the Local Government lets a contract for work pursuant to any work order, the Local Government must require its contractor to pay all subcontractors, less any retainage, within 10 calendar days of the prime contractor's receipt of payment from the Local Government for undisputed services provided by the subcontractor(s) and must pay interest at the rate of one and one -half percent per month or any part of a month to the subcontractor(s) on any undisputed amount not paid on time to the subcontractor(s). 20. Minn. Stat. § 181.59. The Local Government will comply with the provisions of Minn. Stat. § 181.59 which requires: Every contract for or on behalf of the state of Minnesota, or any county, city, town, township, school, school district, or any other district in the state, for materials, supplies, or construction shall contain provisions by which the Contractor agrees: (1) That, in the hiring of common or skilled labor for the performance of any work under any contract, or any subcontract, no contractor, material supplier, or vendor, shall, by reason of race, creed, or color, discriminate against the person or persons who are citizens of the United States or resident aliens who are qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates; (2) That no contractor, material supplier, or vendor, shall, in any manner, discriminate against, or intimidate, or prevent the employment of any person or persons identified in clause (1) of this section, or on being hired, prevent, or conspire to prevent, the person or persons from the performance of work under any contract on account of race, creed, or color; (3) That a violation of this section is a misdemeanor; and (4) That this contract may be canceled or terminated by the state, county, city, town, school board, or any other person authorized to grant the contracts for employment, and all money due, or to become due under the contract, may be forfeited for a second or any subsequent violation of the terms or conditions of this contract. 21. Termination; Suspension 21.1. Termination by the State for Convenience. The State or commissioner of Administration may cancel this Master Contract and any work order contracts at any time, with or without cause, upon 30 days written notice to the Local Government. Upon termination, the Local Government and the State will be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed. 21.2. Termination by the Local Government far Convenience. The Local Government may cancel this Master Contract and any work order contracts at any time, with or without cause, upon 30 days written notice to the State. Upon termination, the Local Government and the State will be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed. 21.3. Termination for Insufficient Funding. The State may immediately terminate or suspend this Master Contract and any work order contract if it does not obtain funding from the Minnesota legislature or other funding source; or if funding cannot be continued at a level sufficient to allow for the payment of the services covered here. Termination or suspension must be by written or fax notice to the Local Government. The State is not obligated to pay for any services that are provided after notice and effective date of termination or suspension. However, the Local Page 12 of 14 CM Master Partnership Conhuct (CM Rev. 11/02/2012) MnDOT Agreement # 02636 Government will be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed to the extent that funds are available. The State will not be assessed any penalty if the master contract or work order is terminated because of the decision of the Minnesota legislature or other funding source, not to appropriate funds. The State must provide the Local Government notice of the lack of funding within a reasonable time of the State's receiving that notice. 22. Data Disclosure Under Minn. Stat. § 270.66, and other applicable law, the Local Government consents to disclosure of its federal employer tax identification number, and/or Minnesota tax identification number, already provided to the State, to federal and state tax agencies and state personnel involved in the payment of state obligations. These identification numbers may be used in the enforcement of federal and state tax laws which could result in action requiring the Local Government to file state tax returns and pay delinquent state tax liabilities, if any. 23. Defense of Claims and Lawsuits If any lawsuit or claim is filed by a third party (including but not limited to the Local Government's contractors and subcontractors), arising out of trunk highway work performed pursuant to a valid work order issued under this Master Contract, the Local Government will, at the discretion of and upon the request of the State, tender the defense of such claims to the State or allow the State to participate in the defense of such claims. The Local Government will, however, be solely responsible for defending any lawsuit or claim, or any portion thereof, when the claim or cause of action asserted is based on its own acts or omissions in performing or supervising the work. The Local Government will not purport to represent the State in any litigation, settlement, or alternative dispute resolution process. The State will not be responsible for any judgment entered against the Local Government, and will not be bound by the terms of any settlement entered into by the Local Government except with the written approval of the Attorney General and the Commissioner of Transportation and pursuant to applicable law. 24. Additional Provisions [The balance of this page has intentionally been left blank — signature page follows] Page 13 of 14 CM Master Partnership Contract (CM Rev. 11/02/2012) LOCAL GOVERNMENT The Local Government certifies that the appropriate person(s) have executed the contract on behalf of the Local Government as required by applicable ordinance, resolution, or charter provision. By: Title: Date: By: Title Date: CM Master Partnership Contract (CM Rev. 11/02/2012) MnDOT Agreement # IM 02636 OF TRANSPORTATION (with delegated authority) Title Division Director Date: Lo Date: Page 14 of 14 OF ADMINISTRATION As delegated to Materials Management Division Sample resolution Whereas, The Minnesota Department of Transportation wishes to cooperate closely with local units of government to coordinate the delivery of transportation services and maximize the efficient delivery of such services at all levels of government; and Whereas, MnDOT and local governments are authorized by Minnesota Statutes sections 471.59, 174.02, and 161.20, to undertake collaborative efforts for the design, construction, maintenance and operation of state and local roads; and Whereas: the parties wish to able to respond quickly and efficiently to such opportunities _ for collaboration, and have determined that having the ability to write "wort{ orders" against a master contract would provide the greatest speed and flexibility in responding to identified needs. Therefore, he it resolved: That the City /County /Other Local Government of enter into a Master Partnership Contract with the Minnesota Department of Transportation, a copy of which was before the [Board /Council]. 2. That the proper [City /County /Other Local Government] officers are authorized to execute such contract, and any amendments thereto. That the [City /County /Other Local Government] Engineer /Title of Other Official is authorized to negotiate work order contracts pursuant to the Master Contract, which work order contracts may provide for payment to or from MnDOT, and that the [City /County /Other Local Government] Engineer /Title of Other Official may execute such work order contracts on behalf of the City /County /Other Local Government of without further approval by this [Board/Council]. Approved this _ day of 201 Attest: M Sample Resolution (Rev. 07/25/12) WDOT Agreement it: _ Multiple T- Number: 1-1) -)--9 A PROF E SSIONAL/TECHNICAL MASTER CONTRACT CERTIFICATION FORM Instructions: 1) Complete this form For all Master Professional/Technical (P/f) Services Contract programs. 2) Submit this form to your Agency Contract Coordinator to obtain Department of Administration approval. 3) No work orders may he issued until a master contract program has been approved and master contracts are rally executed. Department: Transportation (MnDOT) Estimated Cost of the Master Contract Program: $5 million (it is anticipated that individual master contracts will be capped .at $250,000.) Division: State Aid Source of Funds: Trunk Highway Fund Master Contract Program Period: Master Contracts executed to start betweenJuly 2012 and July 2013 and each Master Contract will be for a term of five years. *The term of the original master contract program most not exceed two years unless the commissioner of Administration determines that a longer duration is in the best interest of the state. The total contract term cannot exceed five years. Minn. Stat. § 16C.08, subd. 3 (5). if the original contract length longer than two years is required, please write a justif ication below: 'this master contract program is for local government assistance with projects within the territorial jurisdiction of the local government. Since competitive solicitation procedures aren't teasible for such assistance, running a master contract for as long as possible will reduce the administrative burden for both the state and the local governments: 13ACKGROUND Nature of Master Contract Program - MnDOT will enter into "master" partnership agreements with local governments, pursuant to Minn. Stat. Sections 174.02, and 161.20 (copies attache(l).'rhese agreements will allow MnDO'r to pay local governments to perform certain work related to design, construction, maintenance, and improvement of trunk highways (and vice versa). MnDOI' anticipates Master Contracts with each county, and some cities — estimated total of 175 contracts. This is a renewal of a program MnDOT has had in place for several years. There are three major factors are driving the need for this program. First, WDOT staff reductions, as well as flat gas tax revenues, require as to work cooperatively with local governments to most effectively utilize the expertise of both state and local staff. Second, in many cases, local government personnel are more readily available to work on projects, which translate into shorter turnaround limes, and better overall service to the public.'rhird, MnDOT has certain expertise and equipment and can help local governments complete some tasks they cannot perform with their own Forces. This program will involve the following categories ol'work: 1) The local government provides professional /technical services. The local government will provide staff to pertbrm professional and technical services, which could include (by way of example and without limitation) roadway design, public involvement processes, and construction inspection and administration, This work could also include project management, which may involve the local government hiring and managing sub consultants to perform such work. Often, local governments can combine trunk highway work with their local projects (e.g. including a section ota trunk highway in the Page I of 5 (Revised 4/1 I) d-.7 ry SO'—I MnDOT Agreement It: Multiple T- Number: design of a county road mill and overlay design project), making such work much more coordinated and efficient. MnDO'r may also perform similar services for the local government on a reimbursable basis (see number 5 below). 2) The local government provides maintenance services. The local government will provide staff resources to perform such work as repairing sign knockdowns, fixing damaged guardrails, filling potholes, or removing animal carcasses. In many places, county and city forces have a greater presence on the roads, and are able to deal with these situations more quickly than having to dispatch a MnDOT crew from it distant truck station. This also frees up MnDOT staff to focus oil needs to which the expertise and equipment of state forces is better - suited. MnDOT may also perform similar services for the local government on a reimbursable basis (See number 5 below). 3) The local government lets and manages construction contracts. The local government will provide more or less "turnkey" construction projects (subject to normal MnDOT reviews and approvals) on the trunk highway system, by combining state work with local work. For example, if county has a mill and overlay project on a county road, WDOT might request that it add it section of nearby trunk highway, so that the county will let a single contract including both the county and the state projects. This coordinates and delivers projects more efficiently and with less disruption to the traveling public. This also helps allocate work to the party (local or state) with the expertise most suited to the project. MnDOT may also perform similar services for the local government on it reimbursable basis (see number 5 below). 4) The parties will agree to cooperate and share equipment and personnel in the event of an emergency. I aving this mutual- aid agreement in place will allow the parties to collect f -om the Federal Emergency Management Agency reimbursement: for emergency response. 5) There will also be a "receivable" component to the contract, which will provide a mechanism for MnDOT to receive payment for performing similar services for local governments. Product or Result of Work Order Contracts The product or result will depend on the `category of work, but includes (by way of example and without limitation) materials testing, bridge inspection, roadway design plans, management of the public involvement process and related administrative work, construction inspection and administration, repairing damaged signs and guardrails, and performing work such as seal - coating or mill and overlay on funk highways ill conjunction with local projects. Other Methods Considered (Examples: In House, Olher Divisions or Offices; Other Stale Agencies) The primary alternatives are use of MnDOT staff and outside contractors. Other state agencies do not have the expertise or equipment to deliver transportation projects, but local governments do. As noted above, this effort is driven by the need to work more closely with local governments to ensure that that state and local resources are used most effectively to deliver a "seamless" transportation system to the public. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. §16C.08, subdivisions 2 and 3, provide the following: 1) Describe how the proposed master contacts are necessary and reasonable to advance the statutory mission of your agency; These contracts are related to the design and construction ol'projects on the trunk highway system, and maintenance of those highways. The Commissioner of Transportation is required by constitution and statute to construct, operate, and maintain the trunk highway system, and is authorized by statute to contact for those purposes. The Commissioner is further authorized to provide assistance to local governments for their local road systems. 2) Describe your plan to notify firms or individuals who may be available to perform the services called for in the solicitation other than advertising in the State Register or oil the MMD website; and These contacts will be offered to local governments based on needs determined by individual MnDOT district Page 2 of 5 (Revised 4/11) MOOT' Agreement 8: Mu T- Number: in cooperation with the local governments in that district. Since each contract will be limited to the territo ial jurisdiction of the applicable local government, a competitive solicitation cannot reasonably be performed. 3) Describe the performance measures or other tools that will be used to monitor and evaluate master contract performance and how the results of the work will be used. The work will be used to design, construct and maintain the trunk highway system. MnDOT will use its standard Performance review at the completion of each work order. In addition, this work will ultimately factor into the performance measures that are published at: lilt i./i /tNww.accountability State mn. us/ Departnentsit 'ransportation /index.htm. MAS'ITR CONTRACT PROGRAM INFORMATION The following information is required before the Master Contract Program will be approved. Attach additional sheets if necessary. The Department of Administration has final approval of all Master Contract Programs, I. I-low will the master contracts be structured to meet the agency's needs? Example: by region, by county, by successful contractor'? Contracts will be limited to the territorial jurisdiction of the local government. 2. Describe how the agency proposes to distribute work fairly to the contractors that have master contracts? Give specific details on how the agency will rotate work to the contractors. Examples: $0- $5,000 - Agency Discretion, $5,000- $25,000 - receive 3 written proposals, $25,000-F solicit to all oil contract. OR create a list of all contractors, and then work is distributed evenly down the list as work is needed. Since the contracts are limited to the territorial jurisdiction of the local government, (here will be no rotation or solicitations used to award individual work orders. 3. What do you propose is the maximum state obligation under a work order contract? Example: No work order contract may exceed $100,000. No work order may exceed $175,000.00. 4. What do you propose are the required number of signatures for work order contracts? w 2 ( contractor /agency) plus encumbrance 3 (contractor /agency / Adoinistration) plus encumbrance. Guidelines If the work specified in the master contract is very detailed and the work order requires very little additional information the work order will require only two signatures. Example it court reporter's product is defined by the master contract, the work order states the date, time, and place for the services. If a master eon(raet gives vague descriptions of the work to be clone, such as building construction designs, the work order contract will be required to have three signatures. Generally, all work orders exceeding $100,000 will require three signatures. 5. Will other state agencies be allowed to use these contracts? Yes JX No Ifso, how will they report usage to the issuing agency? The issuing agency must track work order contracts so that the total amount paid to a contractor does not exceed the master contract dollar total. CERTIFICATIONS Page 3 of 5 (Revised 4/11 1 MO)O'I' Agreement 11: Multiple `r- Number: Agency Certifications Pursuant to Mimi, Stat, 160.08, I certify: No state employee is (a) able and (b) available to petfbrm the services called fur by the contract A. Mow did you reach this conclusion: As stated above, this is part of an effort to utilize Mn /DOT staff in the most effective; manner, by working cooperatively with local governments. This arrangement will allow the parties to allocate work to the party with the resources {i.e, specialized training and equipment) most suited to performing the work, and to have "common" projects to be combined and administered by one entity to increase the effectiveness of both entities (and minimizing disruptions, such as multiple detours, experienced by the public), For Professionall'fechnical services, this will generally be an "overflow" mechanism when State employees are fully booked with work. B. List other methods considered far accomplishing the, work. /Example: /u- house, other divisions or offices, other state agencies./ 'file primary alternatives are use of MnDur staff and outside contractors. Other state agencies do not have the expertise or equipment to deliver transportation projects, but local governments do. As noted above, this effort is driven by the need to work more closely with local governments to ensure that that state and local resources are used most effectively to deliver a "seandess" transportation system to (lie public. Given staff reductions from uncontrollable forces such as retirements, as well as the flattening of gas tax revenues, adding staff to perform this work is not practicable at this time. The normal competitive bidding mechanisnhs (low bid) will not provide, for adequate perfornumce of the service. 3. Reasonable efforts will he made io publicize the availability gt'the contract to the public. MnDO'Ps State Aid office and District State Aid Engineers will be responsible for promoting this program to the local governments. Any local government will be allowed to participate if the MuDO 'r district (working cooperatively with its local governments) determines there is sufficient need. 4. The agency will develop and iml.?1c rent a written plan providing for the assignment of spec(jic agency Personnel to manage the contact, inchieing a monitoring and liaison f action, the periodic review Qf interim reports or other int ications of past performance, and the adtimate utilization of the fnal product ofthe services. The following person(s) has /have been assigned to manage; the contract as well as monitor and act as liaison for the contract Rick Kjonaas, 651- 366 -3802, ric .1 onaasastateunn.us, MnDOT, State Aid Office, 395 .loin Ireland Blvd, MS:500, St Paul, MN 55155. [MnDOT District State Aid Engineers will be responsible for the contracts with the local governments within their distriets.l 5. No one in or on behaU'oJ7he agency will authorize the contactor to begin work before the contact is fully execulecl unless an exception has been granted by the Commissioner of Achninistration hohdet• Minn. Val. §16C'.05, sulml. 2a and funds are fitl ly encumbered. 6. The contact will nol establish an enrployet•- employee relationship between the state or the agency and any person performing under the contracl. T In the event the results of7he contract wm•k will be carried out or continued by stale employees upon completion of the contact, the agency will require the contactor to inclucle state employees in development and training, to the extent necessary to ensure that after completion of the contact, state employees can petfar in any ongoing work related to the saihre function. 8. No current state employee will engage in the petformmnce of the contract. Page 4 of 5 (Ri"virn(l 411 I ) MaDOTAgreemeatfl: Multlple 'r- Number; 9. Reasonable efforts will be made to avoid conflicts oj'haeresl throughout the selection cmd petybrinance of this con /ract. All potential or actual coq lcls Qfinterest will be reported to MAID. 10. The agency will not conbrrct out its previously elintirmledjobs,for,fow, years without first considering the same former employees who are on the seniority unit Icryq f list who meet the nvinimunt qualifications cletermined by the agency, The folio ,n ee eternal Approval signatures are foragency use; they are not re uired by MMD. Activi 11111, 1 : <joilap s Tate Aid ror Local Transportation Dat9, Agency signature (required) V Authorized Certification /Officer authorized to sign contracts: �p Date: Julio Skal lman, Director, State Aid Division _ p y xrma a� 3 Minnesota Office or Enterprise Technology review signature is required for contracts over $25,000 involving information and communications technology. _ _ Minnesota Office of Technology Reviewed (when applicable) Date: Not applicable. or Administration Technical Approval: Page 5 of 5 (Revised 4/11) MMD Cert it d CI S O Lj MnDOT Agreement # STATE OF MINNESOTA D CITY OF MONTICELLO MASTER PARTNERSHIP CONTRACT 02636 This master contract is between the State of Minnesota, acting through its Commissioner of Transportation hereinafter referred to as the "State" and "CITY OF MONTICELLO" acting through its City Council, hereinafter referred to as the "Local Government ". Recitals 1. The parties are authorized to enter into this agreement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §§ 15.061, 471.59 and 174.02. 2. Minnesota Statutes Section 161.20, subdivision 2 authorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to make arrangements with and cooperate with any governmental authority for the purposes of constructing, maintaining and improving the trunk highway system. 3. Each party to this Contract is a "road authority" as defined by Minnesota Statutes § 160.02 (subd. 25). 4. Minnesota Statutes Section 161.39, subdivision 1, authorizes a road authority to perform work for another road authority. Such work may include providing technical and engineering advice, assistance and supervision, surveying, preparing plans for the construction or reconstruction of roadways, and performing roadway maintenance. 5. Minnesota Statues § 174.02 (subd. 6) authorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to enter into agreements with other governmental entities for research and experimentation; for sharing facilities, equipment, staff, data, or other means of providing transportation - related services; or for other cooperative programs that promote efficiencies in providing governmental services, or that further development of innovation in transportation for the benefit of the citizens of Minnesota. 6. Each party wishes to occasionally procure services from the other party, which the parties agree will enhance the efficiency of delivering governmental services at all levels. This Master Partnership Contract provides a framework for the efficient handling of such requests. This Master Partnership Contract contains terms generally governing the relationship between the parties hereto. When specific services are requested, the parties will (unless otherwise specified herein) enter into a "Work Order" contracts. 7. Subsequent to the execution of this Master Partnership Contract, the parties may (but are not required to) enter into "Work Order" contracts. These Work Orders will specify the work to be done, timelines for completion, and compensation to be paid for the specific work. 8. The parties are entering into this Master Partnership Contract to establish terms that will govern all of the Work Orders subsequently issued under the authority of this Contract. Master Contract 1. Term of Master Contract; Use of Work Order Contracts; Survival of Terms 1.1. Effective Date: This contract will be effective on the date last signed by the Local Government, and all State officials as required under Minn. Stat. § 16C.05, subd. 2. 1.2. A party must not accept work under this Contract until it is fully executed. 1.3. Expiration Date. This Contract will expire on June 30, 2017. Page 1 of 14 CM Master Partnership Contract (CM Rev. 11/02/2012) MnDOT Agreement # 02636 1.4. Work Order Contracts. A work order contract must be negotiated and executed (by both the State and the Local Government) for each particular engagement, except for Technical Services provided by the State to the Local Government as specified in Article 2. The work order contract must specify the detailed scope of work and deliverables for that engagement. A party must not begin work under a work order until such work order is fully executed. The terms of this Master Partnership Contract will apply to all work orders issued hereunder, unless specifically varied in the work order. The Local Government understands that this Master Contract is not a guarantee of any payments or work order assignments, and that payments will only be issued for work actually performed under fully- executed work orders. 1.5. Survival of Terms. The following clauses survive the expiration or cancellation of this master contract and all work order contracts: 12. Liability; 13. State Audits; 14. Government Data Practices and Intellectual Property; 17. Publicity and Endorsement; 18. Governing Law, Jurisdiction, and Venue; and 22. Data Disclosure. All terms of this Master Contract will survive with respect to any Work Order issued prior to the expiration date of the Master Contract. 1.6. Sample Work Order. A sample work order contract is available upon request from the State. 2. Technical Services 2.1. Technical Services include repetitive low -cost services routinely performed by the State for the Local Government. These services may be performed by the State for the Local Government without the execution of a work order, as these services are provided in accordance with standardized practices and processes and do not require a detailed scope of work. Technical services are limited to the following services: 2.1.1.Pavement Striping, Sign and Signal Repair, Bridge Load Ratings, Bridge and Structure Inspections, Minor Bridge Maintenance, Minor Road Maintenance (such as guard rail repair and sign knockdown repair), Pavement Condition Data, Materials Testing and Carcass Removal. 2.1.2. Every other service not falling under the services listed in 2. 1.1 will require a Work Order contract (If you have questions regarding whether a service is covered under 2.1.1, please contact Contract Management). 2.2. The Local Government may request the State to perform Technical Services in an informal manner, such as by the use of email, a purchase order, or by delivering materials to a State lab and requesting testing. A request may be made via telephone, but will not be considered accepted unless acknowledged in writing by the State. 2.3. The State will promptly inform the Local Government if the State will be unable to perform the requested Technical Services. Otherwise, the State will perform the Technical Services in accordance with the State's normal processes and practices, including scheduling practices taking into account the availability of State staff and equipment. 2.4. Payment Basis. Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties prior to performance of the services, the State will charge the Local Government the State's then - current rate for performing the Technical Services The then - current rate may include the State's normal and customary labor additives. The State will invoice the Local Government upon completion of the services, or at regular intervals not more than once monthly as agreed upon by the parties. The invoice will provide a summary of the Technical Services provided by the State during the invoice period. 3. Services Requiring A Work Order Contract 3.1. Work Order Contracts: A party may request the other party to perform any of the following services under individual work order contracts. Page 2 of 14 CM Master Partnership Contract (CM Rev. 11/02/2012) MnDOT Agreement # 02636 3.2. Professional and Technical Services. A party may provide professional and technical services upon the request of the other party. As defined by Minnesota Statutes § 16C.08 (subd. 1) professional /technical services "means services that are intellectual in character, including consultation, analysis, evaluation, prediction, planning, programming, or recommendation; and result in the production of a report or completion of a task ". Professional and technical services do not include providing supplies or materials except as incidental to performing such services. Professional and technical services include (by way of example and without limitation) engineering services, surveying, foundation recommendations and reports, environmental documentation, right -of -way assistance (such as performing appraisals or providing relocation assistance, but excluding the exercise of the power of eminent domain), geometric layouts, final construction plans, graphic presentations, public relations, and facilitating open houses. A party will normally provide such services with its own personnel; however, a party's professional /technical services may also include hiring and managing outside consultants to perform work provided that a party itself provides active project management for the use of such outside consultants. 3.3. Roadway Maintenance. A party may provide roadway maintenance upon the request of the other party. Roadway maintenance does not include roadway reconstruction. This work may include but is not limited to snow removal, ditch spraying, roadside mowing, CRS -2 road oil, bituminous mill and overlay (only small projects), seal coat, bridge hits, major retaining wall failures, major drainage failures, and message painting. All services must be performed by an employee with sufficient skills, training, expertise or certification to perform such work, and work must be supervised by a qualified employee of the party performing the work. 3.4. Construction Administration. A party may administer roadway construction projects upon the request of the other party. Roadway construction includes (by way of example and without limitation) the construction, reconstruction, or rehabilitation of mainline, shoulder, median, pedestrian or bicycle pathway, lighting and signal systems, pavement mill and overlays, seal coating, guardrail installation, and channelization. These services may be performed by the Providing Party's own forces, or the Providing Party may administer outside contracts for such work. Construction administration may include letting and awarding construction contracts for such work (including state projects to be completed in conjunction with local projects). All contract administration services must be performed by an employee with sufficient skills, training, expertise or certification to perform such work. 3.5. Emergency Services. A party may provide aid upon request of the other party in the event of a man -made disaster, natural disaster or other act of God. Emergency services includes all those services as the parties mutually agree are necessary to plan for, prepare for, deal with, and recover from emergency situations. These services include, without limitation, planning, engineering, construction, maintenance, and removal and disposal services related to things such as road closures, traffic control, debris removal, flood protection and mitigation, sign repair, sandbag activities and general cleanup. Work will be performed by an employee with sufficient skills, training, expertise or certification to perform such work, and work must be supervised by a qualified employee of the party performing the work. If it is not feasible to have an executed work order prior to performance of the work, the parties will promptly confer to determine whether work may be commenced without a fully- executed work order in place. If work commences without a fully- executed work order, the parties will follow up with execution of a work order as soon as feasible. 3.6. When a need is identified, the State and the Local Government will discuss the proposed work and the resources needed to perform the work. If a party desires to perform such work, the parties will negotiate the specific and detailed work tasks and cost. The State will then prepare a work order contract. Generally, a work order contract will be limited to one specific Page 3 of 14 CM Master Partnership Contract (CM Rev. 11/02/2012) MnDOT Agreement # 02636 project /engagement, although "on call" work orders may be prepared for certain types of services, especially for "Technical Services" items as identified section 2.1.2. The work order will also identify specific deliverables required, and timeframes for completing work. A work order must be fully executed by the parties prior to work being commenced. The Local Government will not be paid for work performed prior to execution of a work order and authorization by the State. 4. Responsibilities of the Providing Party The party requesting the work will be referred to as the "Requesting Party" and the party performing the work will be referred to as the "Providing Party ". Each work order will set forth particular requirements for that proj ect/engagement. 4.1. Terms Applicable to ALL Work Orders. The terms in this section 4.1 will apply to ALL work orders. 4.1.1. Each work order will identify an Authorized Representative for each party. Each party's authorized representative is responsible for administering the work order, and has the authority to make any decisions regarding the work, and to give and receive any notices required or permitted under this Master Contract or the work order. 4.1.2. The Providing Party will furnish and assign a publicly employed licensed engineer (Project Engineer), to be in responsible charge of the project(s) and to supervise and direct the work to be performed under each work order. For services not requiring an engineer, the Providing Party will furnish and assign another responsible employee to be in charge of the project. The services of the Providing Party under a work order may not be otherwise assigned, sublet, or transferred unless approved in writing by the Requesting Party's authorized representative. This written consent will in no way relieve the Providing Party from its primary responsibility for the work. 4.1.3. If the Local Government is the Providing Party, the Project Engineer may request in writing specific engineering and/or technical services from the State, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 161.39. The work order may require the Local Government to deposit payment in advance or may, at the State's option, permit payment in arrears. If the State furnishes the services requested, the Local Government will promptly pay the State to reimburse the state trunk highway fund for the full cost and expense of furnishing such services. The costs and expenses will include the current State labor additives and overhead rates, subject to adjustment based on actual direct costs that have been verified by audit. 4.1.4. Only the receipt of a fully executed work order contract authorizes the Providing Party to begin work on a project. Any and all effort, expenses, or actions taken by the Providing Party before the work order contract is fully executed is considered unauthorized and undertaken at the risk of non - payment. 4.1.5. In connection with the performance of this contract and any work orders issued hereunder, the Providing Agency will comply with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. When the Providing Party is authorized or permitted to award contracts in connection with any work order, the Providing Party will require and cause its contractors and subcontractors to comply with all Federal and State laws and regulations. 4.2. Additional Terms for Roadway Maintenance. The terms of section 4.1 and this section 4.2 will apply to all work orders for Roadway Maintenance. 4.2.1. Unless otherwise provided for by agreement or work order, the Providing Party must obtain all permits and sanctions that may be required for the proper and lawful performance of the work. Page 4 of 14 CM Master Partnership Contract (CM Rev. 11/02/2012) MnDOT Agreement # 02636 4.2.2. The Providing Party must perform maintenance in accordance with MnDOT maintenance manuals, policies and operations. 4.2.3. The Providing Party must use State - approved materials, including (by way of example and without limitation), sign posts, sign sheeting, and de -icing and anti -icing chemicals. 4.3. Additional Terms for Construction Administration. The terms of section 4.1 and this section 4.3 will apply to all work orders for construction administration. 4.3.1. Contract(s) must be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder or best value proposer in accordance with state law. 4.3.2. Contractor(s) must be required to post payment and performance bonds in an amount equal to the contract amount. The Providing Party will take all necessary action to make claims against such bonds in the event of any default by the contractor. 4.3.3. Contractor(s) must be required to perform work in accordance with the latest edition of the Minnesota Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Construction. 4.3.4. For work performed on State right -of -way, contractor(s) must be required to indemnify and hold the State harmless against any loss incurred with respect to the performance of the contracted work, and must be required to provide evidence of insurance coverage commensurate with project risk. 4.3.5. Contractor(s) must pay prevailing wages pursuant to applicable state and federal law. 4.3.6. Contractor(s) must comply with all applicable Federal, and State laws, ordinances and regulations, including but not limited to applicable human rights /anti - discrimination laws and laws concerning the participation of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in federally - assisted contracts 4.3.7. If the providing party is a Local Government, the Local Government will, without cost or expense to the State, obtain all rights of way, easements, construction permits and any other permits and sanctions that may be required in connection with the local and trunk highway portions of the contract construction. Before payment by the State, the Local Government will furnish the State with certified copies of the documents for rights of way and easements, construction permits and other permits and sanctions required for State cost participation construction covered under this Agreement. 4.3.8. The Providing Party may approve minor changes to the Requesting Party's portion of the project work if such changes do not increase the Requesting Party's cost obligation under the applicable work order. 4.3.9. The Providing Party will not approve any contractor claims for additional compensation without the Requesting Party's written approval, and the execution of a proper amendment to the applicable work order when necessary. The Local Government will tender the processing and defense of any such claims to the State upon the State's request. 4.3.10. The Local Government must coordinate all trunk highway work affecting any utilities with the State's Utilities Office. 4.3.11. The Providing Party must coordinate all necessary detours with the Requesting Party. 4.3.12. If the Local Government is the Providing Party, and there is work performed on the trunk highway right -of -way, the following will apply: The Local Government will have a permit to perform the work on the trunk highway. The State may revoke this permit if the work is not being performed Page 5 of 14 CM Master Partnership Contract (CM Rev. 11/02/2012) MnDOT Agreement # 02636 in a safe, proper and skillful manner, or if the contractor is violating the terms of any law, regulation, or permit applicable to the work. The State will have no liability to the Local Government, or its contractor, if work is suspended or stopped due to any such condition or concern. The Local Government will require its contractor to conduct all traffic control in accordance with the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The Local Government will require its contractor to comply with the terms of all permits issued for the project including, but not limited to, NPDES and other environmental permits. All improvements constructed on the State's right -of -way will become the property of the State. 5. Responsibilities of the Requesting Party 5.1. After authorizing the Providing Party to begin work, the Requesting Party will furnish any data or material in its possession relating to the project that may be of use to the Providing Party in performing the work. 5.2. All such data furnished to the Providing Party will remain the property of the Requesting Party and will be promptly returned upon the Requesting Party's request or upon the expiration or termination of this contract (subject to data retention requirements of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and other applicable law). 5.3. The Providing Party will analyze all such data furnished by the Requesting Party. If the Providing Party finds any such data to be incorrect or incomplete, the Providing Party will bring the facts to the attention of the Requesting Party before proceeding with the part of the project affected. The Providing Party will investigate the matter, and if it finds that such data is incorrect or incomplete, it will promptly determine a method for furnishing corrected data. Delay in furnishing data will not be considered justification for an adjustment in compensation. 5.4. The State will provide to the Local Government copies of any Trunk Highway fund clauses to be included in the bid solicitation and will provide any required Trunk Highway fund provisions to be included in the Proposal for Highway Construction, that are different from those required for State Aid construction. 5.5. The Requesting Party will perform final reviews and/or inspections of its portion of the project work. If the work is found to have been completed in accordance with the work order contract, the Requesting Party will promptly release any remaining funds due the Providing Parry for the Proj ect(s). 5.6. The work order contracts may include additional responsibilities to be completed by the Requesting Parry. 6. Time In the performance of project work under a work order contract, time is of the essence. 7. Consideration and Payment 7.1. Consideration. The Requesting Party will pay the Providing Party as specified in the work order. The State's normal and customary labor additives will apply to work performed by the State, unless otherwise specified in the work order. The State's normal and customary labor additives will not apply if the parties agree to a "lump sum" or "unit rate" payment. Page 6 of 14 CM Master Partnership Contract (CM Rev. 11/02/2012) MnDOT Agreement # 02636 7.2. State's Maximum Obligation. The total compensation to be paid by the State to the Local Government under all work order contracts issued pursuant to this Master Contract will not exceed $100,000.00. 7.3. Travel Expenses. It is anticipated that all travel expenses will be included in the base cost of the Providing Party's services, and unless otherwise specifically set forth in an applicable work order, the Providing Parry will not be separately reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses incurred by the Providing Party in performing any work order contract. In those cases where the State agrees to reimburse travel expenses, such expenses will be reimbursed in the same manner and in no greater amount than provided in the current "MnDOT Travel Regulations" a copy of which is on file with and available from the MnDOT District Office. The Local Government will not be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses incurred outside of Minnesota unless it has received the State's prior written approval for such travel. 7.4. Payment. 7.4.1. Generally. The Requesting Party will pay the Providing Party as specified in the applicable work order, and will make prompt payment in accordance with Minnesota law. 7.4.2. Payment by the Local Government. The Local Government will make payment to the order of the Commissioner of Transportation. IMPORTANT NOTE: PAYMENT MUST REFERENCE THE "MNDOT CONTRACT NUMBER" SHOWN ON THE FACE PAGE OF THIS CONTRACT AND THE "INVOICE NUMBER" ON THE INVOICE RECEIVED FROM MNDOT. Remit payment to the address below: MnDOT Attn: Cash Accounting RE: MnDOT Contract Number 02636 and Invoice Number # # # # ## Mail Stop 215 395 John Ireland Blvd St. Paul, MN 55155 7.4.3. Payment by the State. Generally. The State will promptly pay the Local Government after the Local Government presents an itemized invoice for the services actually performed and the State's Authorized Representative accepts the invoiced services. Invoices must be submitted as specified in the applicable work order, but no more frequently than monthly. Retainage for Professional and Technical Services. For work orders for professional and technical services, as required by Minn. Stat. § 16C.08, subd. 5(b), no more than 90 percent of the amount due under any work order contract may be paid until the final product of the work order contract has been reviewed by the State's authorized representative. The balance due will be paid when the State's authorized representative determines that the Local Government has satisfactorily fulfilled all the terms of the work order contract. Page 7 of 14 CM Master Partnership Contract (CM Rev. 11/02/2012) MnDOT Agreement # 8. Conditions of Payment 02636 All work performed by the Providing Party under a work order contract must be performed to the Requesting Party's satisfaction, as determined at the sole and reasonable discretion of the Requesting Party's Authorized Representative and in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws, rules, and regulations. The Providing Party will not receive payment for work found by the State to be unsatisfactory or performed in violation of federal or state law. 9. Local Government's Authorized Representative and Project Manager; Authority to Execute Work Order Contracts 9.1. The Local Government's Authorized Representative for administering this master contract is the Local Government's Engineer, and the Engineer has the responsibility to monitor the Local Government's performance. The Local Government's Authorized Representative is also authorized to execute work order contracts on behalf of the Local Government without approval of each proposed work order contract by its governing body. 9.2. The Local Government's Project Manager will be identified in each work order contract. 10. State's Authorized Representative and Project Manager 10.1. The State's Authorized Representative for this master contract is the District State Aid Engineer, who has the responsibility to monitor the State's performance. 10.2. The State's Project Manager will be identified in each work order contract. 11. Assignment, Amendments, Waiver, and Contract Complete 11.1. Assignment. Neither party may assign or transfer any rights or obligations under this Master Contract or any work order contract without the prior consent of the other and a fully executed Assignment Agreement, executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved this Master Contract, or their successors in office. 11.2. Amendments. Any amendment to this master contract or any work order contract must be in writing and will not be effective until it has been executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved the original contract, or their successors in office. 11.3. Waiver. If a party fails to enforce any provision of this master contract or any work order contract, that failure does not waive the provision or the party's right to subsequently enforce it. 11.4. Contract Complete. This master contract and any work order contract contain all negotiations and agreements between the State and the Local Government. No other understanding regarding this master contract or any work order contract issued hereunder, whether written or oral may be used to bind either party. 12. Liability. Each party will be responsible for its own acts and omissions to the extent provided by law. The Local Government's liability is governed by Minnesota Statutes chapter 466 and other applicable law. The State's liability is governed by Minnesota Statutes section 3.736 and other applicable law. This clause will not be construed to bar any legal remedies a party may have for the other party's failure to fulfill its obligations under this master contract or any work order contract. Neither party agrees to assume any environmental liability on behalf of the other party. A Providing Party under any work order is acting only as a "Contractor" to the Requesting Party, as the term "Contractor" is defined in Minnesota Statutes § 115B.03 (subd. 10), and is entitled to the protections afforded to a "Contractor" by the Minnesota Environmental Response and Liability Act. The parties specifically intend that Minnesota Statutes §471.59 subdivision 1 a will apply to any work undertaken under this Master Contract and any work order issued hereunder. Page 8 of 14 CM Master Partnership Contract (CM Rev. 11/02/2012) MnDOT Agreement # 13. State Audits 02636 Under Minn. Stat. § 16C.05, subd. 5, the parry's books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices relevant to any work order contract are subject to examination by the parties and by the State Auditor or Legislative Auditor, as appropriate, for a minimum of six years from the end of this Master Contract. 14. Government Data Practices and Intellectual Property 14.1. Government Data Practices. The Local Government and State must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 13, as it applies to all data provided by the State under this Master Contract and any work order contract, and as it applies to all data created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the Local Government under this Master Contract and any work order contract. The civil remedies of Minn. Stat. § 13.08 apply to the release of the data referred to in this clause by either the Local Government or the State. 14.2. Intellectual Property Rights 14.2.1. Intellectual Property Rights. The Requesting Party will own all rights, title, and interest in all of the intellectual property rights, including copyrights, patents, trade secrets, trademarks, and service marks in the Works and Documents created and paid for under work order contracts. Works means all inventions, improvements, discoveries (whether or not patentable), databases, computer programs, reports, notes, studies, photographs, negatives, designs, drawings, specifications, materials, tapes, and disks conceived, reduced to practice, created or originated by the Providing Party, its employees, agents, and subcontractors, either individually or jointly with others in the performance of this master contract or any work order contract. Works includes "Documents." Documents are the originals of any databases, computer programs, reports, notes, studies, photographs, negatives, designs, drawings, specifications, materials, tapes, disks, or other materials, whether in tangible or electronic forms, prepared by the Providing Party, its employees, agents, or contractors, in the performance of a work order contract. The Documents will be the exclusive property of the Requesting Party and all such Documents must be immediately returned to the Requesting Party by the Providing Party upon completion or cancellation of the work order contract. To the extent possible, those Works eligible for copyright protection under the United States Copyright Act will be deemed to be "works made for hire." The Providing Party Government assigns all right, title, and interest it may have in the Works and the Documents to the Requesting Party. The Providing Party must, at the request of the Requesting Party, execute all papers and perform all other acts necessary to transfer or record the Requesting Party's ownership interest in the Works and Documents. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Requesting Party grants the Providing Party an irrevocable and royalty -free license to use such intellectual for its own non - commercial purposes, including dissemination to political subdivisions of the state of Minnesota and to transportation- related agencies such as the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. 14.2.2. Obligations with Respect to Intellectual Property. Notification. Whenever any invention, improvement, or discovery (whether or not patentable) is made or conceived for the first time or actually or constructively reduced to practice by the Providing Party, including its employees and subcontractors, in the performance of the work order contract, the Providing Party will immediately give the Requesting Party's Authorized Representative written notice thereof, and must promptly furnish the Page 9 of 14 CM Master Partnership Contract (CM Rev. 11/02/2012) MnDOT Agreement # 02636 Authorized Representative with complete information and/or disclosure thereon. Representation. The Providing Party must perform all acts, and take all steps necessary to ensure that all intellectual property rights in the Works and Documents are the sole property of the Requesting Party, and that neither Providing Party nor its employees, agents or contractors retain any interest in and to the Works and Documents. 15. Affirmative Action The State intends to carry out its responsibility for requiring affirmative action by its Contractors, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §363A.36. Pursuant to that Statute, the Local Government is encouraged to prepare and implement an affirmative action plan for the employment of minority persons, women, and the qualified disabled, and submit such plan to the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Human Rights. In addition, when the Local Government lets a contract for the performance of work under a work order issued pursuant to this Master Contract, it must include the following in the bid or proposal solicitation and any contracts awarded as a result thereof: 15.1. Covered Contracts and Contractors. If the Contract exceeds $100,000 and the Contractor employed more than 40 full -time employees on a single working day during the previous 12 months in Minnesota or in the state where it has its principle place of business, then the Contractor must comply with the requirements of Minn. Stat. § 363A.36 and Minn. R. Parts 5000.3400 - 5000.3600. A Contractor covered by Minn. Stat. § 363A.36 because it employed more than 40 full -time employees in another state and does not have a certificate of compliance, must certify that it is in compliance with federal affirmative action requirements. 15.2. Minn. Stat. § 363A.36 Minn. Stat. § 363A.36 requires the Contractor to have an affirmative action plan for the employment of minority persons, women, and qualified disabled individuals approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Human Rights ( "Commissioner ") as indicated by a certificate of compliance. The law addresses suspension or revocation of a certificate of compliance and contract consequences in that event. A contract awarded without a certificate of compliance may be voided. 15.3. Minn. R. Parts 5000.3400 - 5000.3600. 15.3.1. General. Minn. R. Parts 5000.3400 - 5000.3600 implement Minn. Stat. § 363A.36. These rules include, but are not limited to, criteria for contents, approval, and implementation of affirmative action plans; procedures for issuing certificates of compliance and criteria for determining a contractor's compliance status; procedures for addressing deficiencies, sanctions, and notice and hearing; annual compliance reports; procedures for compliance review; and contract consequences for non - compliance. The specific criteria for approval or rejection of an affirmative action plan are contained in various provisions of Minn. R. Parts 5000.3400 - 5000.3600 including, but not limited to, parts 5000.3420 - 5000.3500 and 5000.3552 - 5000.3559. 15.3.2. Disabled Workers. The Contractor must comply with the following affirmative action requirements for disabled workers: The Contractor must not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of physical or mental disability in regard to any position for which the employee or applicant for employment is qualified. The Contractor agrees to take affirmative action to employ, advance in employment, and otherwise treat qualified disabled persons without discrimination based upon their physical or mental disability in all employment Page 10 of 14 CM Master Partnership Contract (CM Rev. 11/02/2012) MnDOT Agreement # 02636 practices such as the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to comply with the rules and relevant orders of the Minnesota Department of Human Rights issued pursuant to the Minnesota Human Rights Act. In the event of the Contractor's noncompliance with the requirements of this clause, actions for noncompliance may be taken in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Section 363A.36, and the rules and relevant orders of the Minnesota Department of Human Rights issued pursuant to the Minnesota Human Rights Act. The Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices in a form to be prescribed by the commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Human Rights. Such notices must state the Contractor's obligation under the law to take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment qualified disabled employees and applicants for employment, and the rights of applicants and employees. The Contractor must notify each labor union or representative of workers with which it has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract understanding, that the Contractor is bound by the terms of Minnesota Statutes Section 363A.36, of the Minnesota Human Rights Act and is committed to take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment physically and mentally disabled persons. 15.3.3. Consequences. The consequences for the Contractor's failure to implement its affirmative action plan or make a good faith effort to do so include, but are not limited to, suspension or revocation of a certificate of compliance by the Commissioner, refusal by the Commissioner to approve subsequent plans, and termination of all or part of this contract by the Commissioner or the State. 15.3.4. Certification. The Contractor hereby certifies that it is in compliance with the requirements of Minn. Stat. § 363.073 and Minn. R. Parts 5000.3400 - 5000.3600 and is aware of the consequences for noncompliance. 16. Workers' Compensation Each party will be responsible for its own employees for any workers compensation claims. This Master Contract, and any work orders issued hereunder, are not intended to constitute an interchange of government employees under Minnesota Statutes § 15.53. To the extent that this Master Contract, or any work order issued hereunder, is determined to be subject to Minnesota Statutes § 15.53, such statute will control to the extent of any conflict between the Contract and the statute. 17. Publicity 17.1. Publicity. Any publicity regarding the subject matter of a work order contract where the State is the Requesting Party must identify the State as the sponsoring agency and must not be released without prior written approval from the State's Authorized Representative. For purposes of this provision, publicity includes notices, informational pamphlets, press releases, research, reports, signs, and similar public notices prepared by or for the Local Government individually or jointly with others, or any subcontractors, with respect to the program, publications, or services provided resulting from a work order contract. Page 11 of 14 CM Master Partnership Contract (CM Rev. 11/02/2012) MnDOT Agreement # 02636 17.2. Data Practices Act. Section 17.1 is not intended to override the Local Government's responsibilities under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. 18. Governing Law, Jurisdiction, and Venue Minnesota law, without regard to its choice -of -law provisions, governs this master contract and all work order contracts. Venue for all legal proceedings out of this master contract or any work order contracts, or the breach of any such contracts, must be in the appropriate state or federal court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey County, Minnesota. 19. Prompt Payment; Payment to Subcontractors The parties must make prompt payment of their obligations in accordance with applicable law. As required by Minn. Stat. § 16A.1245, when the Local Government lets a contract for work pursuant to any work order, the Local Government must require its contractor to pay all subcontractors, less any retainage, within 10 calendar days of the prime contractor's receipt of payment from the Local Government for undisputed services provided by the subcontractor(s) and must pay interest at the rate of one and one -half percent per month or any part of a month to the subcontractor(s) on any undisputed amount not paid on time to the subcontractor(s). 20. Minn. Stat. § 181.59. The Local Government will comply with the provisions of Minn. Stat. § 181.59 which requires: Every contract for or on behalf of the state of Minnesota, or any county, city, town, township, school, school district, or any other district in the state, for materials, supplies, or construction shall contain provisions by which the Contractor agrees: (1) That, in the hiring of common or skilled labor for the performance of any work under any contract, or any subcontract, no contractor, material supplier, or vendor, shall, by reason of race, creed, or color, discriminate against the person or persons who are citizens of the United States or resident aliens who are qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates; (2) That no contractor, material supplier, or vendor, shall, in any manner, discriminate against, or intimidate, or prevent the employment of any person or persons identified in clause (1) of this section, or on being hired, prevent, or conspire to prevent, the person or persons from the performance of work under any contract on account of race, creed, or color; (3) That a violation of this section is a misdemeanor; and (4) That this contract may be canceled or terminated by the state, county, city, town, school board, or any other person authorized to grant the contracts for employment, and all money due, or to become due under the contract, may be forfeited for a second or any subsequent violation of the terms or conditions of this contract. 21. Termination; Suspension 21.1. Termination by the State for Convenience. The State or commissioner of Administration may cancel this Master Contract and any work order contracts at any time, with or without cause, upon 30 days written notice to the Local Government. Upon termination, the Local Government and the State will be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed. 21.2. Termination by the Local Govern m en tfor Convenience. The Local Government may cancel this Master Contract and any work order contracts at any time, with or without cause, upon 30 days written notice to the State. Upon termination, the Local Government and the State will be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed. 21.3. Termination for Insufficient Funding. The State may immediately terminate or suspend this Master Contract and any work order contract if it does not obtain funding from the Minnesota legislature or other funding source; or if funding cannot be continued at a level sufficient to allow for the payment of the services covered here. Termination or suspension must be by written or fax notice to the Local Government. The State is not obligated to pay for any services that are provided after notice and effective date of termination or suspension. However, the Local Page 12 of 14 CM Master Partnership Contract (CM Rev. 11/02/2012) MnDOT Agreement # 02636 Government will be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed to the extent that funds are available. The State will not be assessed any penalty if the master contract or work order is terminated because of the decision of the Minnesota legislature or other funding source, not to appropriate funds. The State must provide the Local Government notice of the lack of funding within a reasonable time of the State's receiving that notice. 22. Data Disclosure Under Minn. Stat. § 270.66, and other applicable law, the Local Government consents to disclosure of its federal employer tax identification number, and/or Minnesota tax identification number, already provided to the State, to federal and state tax agencies and state personnel involved in the payment of state obligations. These identification numbers may be used in the enforcement of federal and state tax laws which could result in action requiring the Local Government to file state tax returns and pay delinquent state tax liabilities, if any. 23. Defense of Claims and Lawsuits If any lawsuit or claim is filed by a third party (including but not limited to the Local Government's contractors and subcontractors), arising out of trunk highway work performed pursuant to a valid work order issued under this Master Contract, the Local Government will, at the discretion of and upon the request of the State, tender the defense of such claims to the State or allow the State to participate in the defense of such claims. The Local Government will, however, be solely responsible for defending any lawsuit or claim, or any portion thereof, when the claim or cause of action asserted is based on its own acts or omissions in performing or supervising the work. The Local Government will not purport to represent the State in any litigation, settlement, or alternative dispute resolution process. The State will not be responsible for any judgment entered against the Local Government, and will not be bound by the terms of any settlement entered into by the Local Government except with the written approval of the Attorney General and the Commissioner of Transportation and pursuant to applicable law. 24. Additional Provisions [The balance of this page has intentionally been left blank — signature page follows] Page 13 of 14 CM Master Partnership Contract (CM Rev. 11/02/2012) LOCAL GOVERNMENT The Local Government certifies that the appropriate person(s) have executed the contract on behalf of the Local Government as required by applicable ordinance, resolution, or charter provision. Title: MnDOT Agreement # USIA 02636 COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION (with delegated authority) Title Division Director Date: Date: By: Title By: Date: Date: Page 14 of 14 CM Master Partnership Contract (CM Rev. 11/02/2012) COMMISSIONER OF ADMINISTRATION As delegated to Materials Management Division City Council Agenda: 04/26/16 2N. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2016 -068 accepting a petition and calling for a public hearing for vacation of drainage and utility easements for Lot 1 and Lot 2, Warnert Retail. Applicant: Sherburne State Bank (AS /JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Sherburne State Bank has submitted a petition asking Council to call for a public hearing to consider granting vacation of drainage and utility easements across Lot 1 and Lot 2, Warnert Retail. The vacation of easements is requested to facilitate a proposed new final plat. The new plat will re- establish required drainage and utility easements between the lots and along the plat edges. Procedurally, Council must accept the petition and call for a public hearing to consider the vacation. Statute requires two weeks between the publication of notices and the public hearing itself. Therefore, Council should call for the public hearing for consideration of the vacations to be placed on the October 24 City Council agenda. City staff has prepared notices to be published in the Monticello Times and sent to affected property owners. Al. Budget Impact: There is no budget impact associated with calling for the hearing, as the notification expenses are covered through the application fee. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff impacts at this time are limited to the preparation of the notice documents. Should Council call for the hearing, staff will continue work on reviewing the vacation application. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2016 -068 accepting the petition and calling for a public hearing on Monday, October 24, 2016 to consider the vacation of drainage and utility easements over and across Lot 1 and Lot 2, Warnert Retail. 2. Motion to not call for a public hearing at this time on the vacation request. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2016 -068 B. Petition for Vacation C. Easement Vacation Exhibit CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2016-068 CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATING DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS FOR LOT 1 AND LOT 2, WARNERT RETAIL WHEREAS, a petition was received on September 15, 2016 requesting vacation of drainage and utility easement at Lot 1 and Lot 2, Warnert Retail; and WHEREAS, the Monticello City Council, pursuant to Minnesota Statute 412.851 and 462.358, desires to consider the vacation of drainage and utility easements over and across the following property legally described as follows: Parcel: All those drainage and utility easements lying within Lot 1 and Lot 2, Warnert Retail, dedicated to the plat of said Warnert Retail, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council will consider the vacation of such easements and a public hearing shall be held on such proposed vacation on the 24th day of October, 2016, before the City Council in the Council Chambers located at the Monticello Community Center at 6:30 p.m. 2. The City Clerk is hereby dedicated to give published, posted and mailed notice of such hearing as required by law. ADOPTED BY the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota this 26th day of September, 2016. ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor OFFICIAL PLAY WARNERT RE TA IL KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Warnert Commercial Properties, L.L.P., a Minnesota limited liability partnership, fee owner, and Bremer Bank, National Assocaition, a national banking association, mortgagee of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: Lots Two (2) and Three (3), Block One (1), COMMERCIAL PLAZA 25, according to the plat and survey thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for Wright County, Minnesota. Together with a non - exclusive easement for ingress and egress from the subject property over and across that portion of Lot One (1), Block One (1), COMMERCIAL PLAZA 25, on which there is presently constructed a hard surface access road from U.S. Highway 25 to the subject property, and defined in Document Number 490586. association, on behalf of the association. AND: That C.P. T., Properties, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, fee owner, and Bremer Bonk, National Assocaition, a national banking association, mortgagee of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: Lot One (1), Block One (1), COMMERCIAL PLAZA 25, according to the plot and survey thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for Wright County, Minnesota. ALSO: Lot One (1), Block One (1), COMMERCIAL COURT AND Lot Two (2), Block One (1), less that part of Lot 2, Block 1, COMMERCIAL COURT, according to the recorded plot thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northeasterly of c line drawn southeasterly from a point on the westerly line of said Lot 2, distant 6.34 feet southwesterly from the northwesterly corner of said Lot 2 to a point on the easterly line of said Lot 2 distant 71.96 feet southwesterly from the most easterly corner of said Lot 2. AND Lot Five (5), Block One (1), COMMERCIAL COURT, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, except that part of Lot 5, Block 1, tying northerly of a line drawn southeasterly from a point on the westerly line of said Lot 5 distant 71.96 feet southwesterly from the northwesterly corner of said Lot 5 to a point on the southerly line of said Lot 5 distant 63.67 feet westerly of the southeast corner of said Lot 5. AND Lot Six (6), Block One (1), COMMERCIAL COURT, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, except that part of Lot 6, Block 1, lying northeasterly of a line drawn northwesterly from a point on the easterly line of said Lot 6 distant 26.72 feet southwesterly from the most easterly corner of said Lot 5 to a point on the northerly line of said Lot 6 distant 63.11 feet west from said most easterly corner of Lot 6. Have caused the some to be surveyed and platted as WARNERT RETAIL and do hereby dedicate to the public for public use forever the easements as shown on this plat for drainage and utility purposes only. In witness whereof said Warnert Commercial Properties, L.L.P., a Minnesota limited liability partnership, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this day of 20 Q(r _. STATE OF MINNESOT. COUNTY 017,,4 4wMw-,� Mrhk �� The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 by /Y� ��jr�xC/7 its of Bremer Bonk, National Association, a national banking association, on behalf of the association. LENS RME] NNES07q Notary Public, C ounty, Minnesota an 31,2010 My Commission Expires eu- -t3r e�yrtq I hereby certify that l have surveyed and plotted the property described on this plat as WARNERT RETAIL, that this plat is a correct representation of the survey, that all distances are correctly shown on the plat in feet and hundredths of a foot, that all monuments have been correctly placed in the ground as shown, or will be placed as required by the loco/ government unit, and that the outside boundary lines are correctly designated on the plat and that there are no wet lands, as defined in MS 505.02, Subd. 1, or public highways to be designated other than as shown. „ 5Zi7ft A. Gytlen, Za Surveyor Minnesota License o. 23002 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF St.! ILA"Ao The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this AfA day of OdOhk 20 0!p, by Scott A. Gyllen, Land Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 23002. F! E TTY J. mcGEARY is ;,� C 2SOTA M F;OTAR .• My Commission Expires Jan 31, 2010 NotaryP�b /c, Sti- Co nty, Minnesota My Commission Expires 'S Q V%- 319 amo CITY PLANNING COMMISSION This plat of WARNERT RETAIL was approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota at a meeting held this 7+ti day of 200( CITY APPROVAL This plot of WARNERT RETAIL was approved and accepted in compliance with Minnesota Statutes Sdctiop 505.03, Subdivision 2 by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota at a meeting held this. 3-4 day of C9c4�pher 20". Mayor y r' `. City Administrator WARNERT C ER L PROP RTIES, L.L.P. By its V. COUNTY SURVEYOR f� Examined and recommended for approval this % day of N0V6m8G1L 20 O(a STATE OF MINN OT The for 9 F 9 y� y _& ")t � by ��ilaQ�1M The fore o" instrument was acknowledged before me this J da of 20 its of Warnert Commercial Properties, L.L.P., a Minnesota limited liability partnership, on behalf of the partnership. -- �~ ° -�. SUSAN GAY ELLENS a`A'C :� NOTARYPUBLIC- MINNESOTA Notary Public, County. Minnesota My Commission Expires Jan 31, 2010 My Commission Expires 616c�e!% W ICO In witness whereof said C.P. T. Properties, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this '4*doy of#tA &% 20 Qts C.Pr.PLOPER77ES, LLC 1 By ( D . A /i/ i� its j f'� • STATE OF MINNEEOT, COUNTY OF g :�. g � y , I J y The,�foorQre instrument was acknowledged before me this 13 do of &"k-, 20 his b its(_d�11 of C.P.T. Properties, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the company. "- SUSAN GAY ELLENS Notary Public, County, Minnesota E ' ,•- NOT =47 PLBLI, M1 +',�'yESCT,: �Se �L �I D ° M Commission Expires "C-iv r.�ycom ic5i�r,Exc•csJa� �I� ;e � y P In witness whereof said Bremer Bank, National Association, a national banking association, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this �D • - day of&W 20 �. BREMER BANK, NA77ONAL ASSOCIATION By I V 1 / / /I lIL/ its �%IJQ� LC r- ACP A�n. Wright County Surveyor COUNTY AUDITOR Taxes paid for all years through year e2 and transfer entered this 9 Tp day of A)azzmbEK .20 Qom. Wright Count Auditor m � "Xr" _" COUNTY TREASURER I hereby certify that taxes payable in the year on lands herein described are paid this _�? rN day of /Uo ue M &5,q 20 Q(,. R (d� y(Z;reJ , Wright Coun y Treasurer COUNTY RECORDER I hereby certify that the within plat was filed in this office this 9 ' day of M DU'e.Ymbe.r 20 No , at 10= o'clock P.M., and was duly recorded in Cabinet Zo Sleeve 393 as Document Number J o,3a ya 1 Wright County Recorder Westwood Professional Services, Inc. or� �� \e �O�x. Pleha �2u�loPmen� Cor.S�ruc���� -- S(o,�o �c'� 519P SHEET 1 OF SHEETS OAft FFICIAL PLAT WA RNER T RE TA IL 132072 S88 04723 -W _ — — — 1320.72 N88 04723 E — — � — — — — 7/143.52 � N1 /4 COR. OF SEC. -NW COR. OF SEC. 14, �14 14, T. 121, R. 25 , T. 121, R. 25 GpQ'pF��Gryg O� (WR /GHT CO. C1. M.) (WRIGHT CO. 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O DEN07ES SET IRON MONUMENT AND MARKED WITH RLS NO. 23002 TO BE SET W1THlN ONE YEAR OF THE RECORDING OF THIS PLAT • DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT 0 DEN07ES ACCESS CONTROL TO THE STATE' OF MINNESOTA Westwood Professional Services, Inc. SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS City Council Agenda — 09/26/2016 20. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2016 -064 approving a request for Development and Final Stage Planned Unit Development and Development Agreement for the Monticello High School campus area. Applicant: Wold Architects & Engineers. (NAC) Property: Legal: Lot 1, Block 1, Monticello High School Addition Address: 5225 School Boulevard Planning Case Number: 2016 -041 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Development and Final Stage PUD for Eastview Elementary School Expansion (Final Stage by City Council only); Construction of Athletic Complex Deadline for Decision: Land Use Designation: The request is a subsequent phase of what was understood to be a phased set of development /final stage PUD approvals. No amendment to the PUD ordinance is necessary. October 11 th, 2016 Places for Community Zoning Designation: The purpose of the Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning district is to provide greater flexibility in the development of neighborhoods and non - residential areas in order to maximize public values and achieve more creative development outcomes while remaining economically viable and marketable Overlays /Environmental Regulations Applicable: Current Site Use: Surrounding Land Uses: North: East: South: West: Project Description: ►: School campus and related uses Industrial /Commercial Church Low Density Residential/Public Park Mixed Residential The Monticello School District is seeking to undertake a series of improvements to its property and facilities City Council Agenda — 09/26/2016 along School Boulevard. Previously, the School District received approval for a plat consolidating the parcels of the campus, and the construction of a gymnasium addition to the High School. The next phases of these improvements, under the current application, is an addition to the Eastview Elementary School and the construction of an athletic complex including a football, soccer and lacrosse stadium with synthetic turf, and a track facility, including a soccer field on natural grass. The athletic complex includes buildings for concessions, restrooms, storage, and team meeting space, as well as bleacher seating for both fields. Planning Commission Recommendation: The Planning Commission considered the request and held a public hearing on the requests on Tuesday, September 6th, 2016. Other than representatives for the applicant, no public addressed the Commission during the hearing. The Commission discussed parking supply in terms of the calculation based on 4 occupants per car. Although it is noted that many cars will have fewer than 4 occupants, a significant number of visitors often arrive in buses to reduce the car count. Additionally, student attendees often to events. These two factors often average out the overall demand, averaging out to the 4 person to vehicle count. As such, the current parking supply is considered adequate, provided that the applicant provides the requested detail on bus parking and pedestrian circulation related to evaluation of the location of parking supply and demand. The school district representatives present discussed with the Commission their desire to limit any required landscaping along the School Boulevard pathway. The school district cited security concerns as less landscaping provides less opportunities for loitering or concealment. The existing powerline easement is also a limiting factor for landscaping along the corridor. Staff indicated that the landscaping condition in Exhibit Z could be developed in concert with the school's suggestions in that regard; a continuous shrub line along School Boulevard would not be required. Finally, members of the Commission discussed the condition requiring EFIS or other code - compliant building materials for the press box and team buildings. The school district noted that the press boxes are pre - assembled manufactured pieces, in which the metal exterior is a standard material. The Commission's motion therefore altered Exhibit Z to require a code - accepted alternative material, such as EFIS, for only the team building, allowing the press boxes to remain metal. 2 City Council Agenda — 09/26/2016 After discussion, the Commission voted 4 -0 to recommend approval of the requests, subject to those conditions in Exhibit Z, with the requirement that an alternate material be required for the stadium's team building, but not press box. ANALYSIS Planned Unit Development — Development and Final Stage The proposed plans were initially reviewed as a concept PUD proposal by the Planning Commission and City Council. Subsequent to that review and its follow -up correspondence, the applicant has designed the site consistent with the City's feedback, including building and field placement, parking use, circulation proposals, and pedestrian access, with some of these items to be benefitted by additional attention, as noted in this staff report and the Engineer's report. In particular, the City Engineer has requested more detailed information relating to traffic generation and circulation. In response to staff comment, the applicants have designed a right -out only egress for the Eastview driveway to School Boulevard. The City Engineer and the applicant will review the details of the design as a part of the construction drawings prior to installation. One additional item raised during the concept discussion related to the parking and circulation issues around the baseball field along Chelsea Road. Currently, the facility does not have parking space in close proximity, and parking occurs primarily on the internal driveway and grass areas around the field. The applicants should address parking access in this area as a part of the PUD project, detailing where dedicated parking for the facility exists on the site plan, the current access to the parking and current parking surface materials. Use and Project Description. The subject property currently consists of three separate parcels totaling just under 119 acres. The site is bounded by collector roadways - School Boulevard on the south, Fallon Avenue on the west, and Fenning Avenue (County 18) on the east. The site is home to Little Mountain Elementary, Eastview Elementary, and Monticello High Schools, along with parking facilities serving each building, a variety of outdoor athletic areas, and a baseball field to the north of the site that borders Chelsea Road. As noted above, the previously approved first phase of improvements consisted of an expansion of the gym facilities at the High School. It is noted that within the Eastview building, the proposed uses will be for a kindergarten center, in addition to the existing pre- school classrooms, administrative office space, and community programming. As part of the 3 City Council Agenda — 09/26/2016 conditions of approval, the applicants are requested to provide additional information in their narrative regarding such uses in order to properly document the uses occurring within the PUD and buildings. The PUD request is necessary to accommodate the multiple principal buildings on a single parcel, and further accommodates the mixing of uses over the entire site. The concept plan for the site illustrates the overall expectation for site development in addition to the existing buildings and facilities on the property. Site Plan. The proposed improvements include the following changes to the site: • Addition to Eastview School, consisting of 13 classrooms, a total 20,686 square feet, increasing the building size to 122,712 square feet. • Alteration of the access point to Eastview from School Boulevard by creating a right out turning movement (eliminating left turn options). • Addition of a new canopy and sidewalk at the entrance to Little Mountain Elementary, along with internal security improvements. • Addition of a fence - enclosed football /soccer /lacrosse stadium with synthetic turf, and a scoreboard on the west side, facing east. • Addition of field lighting for the football stadium facility. • Addition of a fence - enclosed track facility, with a natural turf infield for field sports and a scoreboard location on the south side, facing north. • Addition of a ticket /toilet /concessions building of 2,480 square feet controlling access to the fields from the primary (existing) parking lot on the east side of the entry plaza. • Addition of a team room /storage building of 3,508 square feet on the west side of the entry plaza. • Addition of three sets of permanent bleachers — home and visitor side (north and south) bleachers for the football stadium, and west -side bleachers for the track facility. The site plan also denotes "portable bleacher locations for both facilities ". A portion of the bleachers will be relocated from the existing Middle School facilities. • Press box facility at the top of the south -side (home) bleachers on the football stadium of approximately 325 square feet. • Press box facility at the top of the west -side bleachers on the track facility of approximately 140 square feet. Building Materials. The exterior materials of the various buildings are proposed as follows: Eastview Addition: Match existing building materials and building height (primarily brick). LI City Council Agenda — 09/26/2016 Little Mountain Canopy: Anodized metal, and new glass entry doors. Stadium Ticketing Building: Rock -faced block wainscot, vinyl siding, asphalt shingled roof; Painted steel wall sign panel with aluminum lettering. Team Room: Vinyl siding, asphalt shingled roof. Press Box Buildings: Ribbed metal siding panels. The PUD district does not specify building materials requirements. However, Section 4.11(F). of the zoning ordinance references the commercial use building materials standards which primarily require masonry and glass, or similar materials, with only decorative uses of steel. The dominant building materials on the school campus site are brick and other masonry products, consistent with that ordinance requirement. Staff would therefore encourage the applicant to consider an alternative to vinyl and steel siding options, such as EFIS, which simulates stucco. Particularly on the team room building, an alternative material would help minimize the "pole barn" look of the facility. As noted earlier in the report, the Planning Commission recommended an allowanced for metal on the press boxes, but retained the Exhibit Z request for an alternative material on the team building, consistent with code requirements. Parking. The proposed development adds classroom space and increases the student capacity of the Eastview building. Other changes that are part of the proposed project will not add to the student capacity of the site. For the Eastview building, the proposed uses as noted will be for a kindergarten center, in addition to the existing pre - school classrooms, administrative office space, and community programming. The applicants are proposing that the existing parking on the property will accommodate the needs of the facility. Currently, the school campus property includes the following parking levels: Eastview: 299 spaces. High School: 840 spaces. Little Mountain: 184 spaces. The applicants indicate that the peak usage of the athletic facility will likely be during night hours for football. The football stadium has a seating capacity of 2,990 seats, along with space for staff, concessions, and related needs. The 5 City Council Agenda — 09/26/2016 plan (as noted above) also includes spaces for additional portable bleacher seating at high peak periods. The most common parking accumulation estimate for athletic complexes is one parking space for each four seats. This would result in a requirement for the football stadium of about 750 parking spaces. The existing high school parking lot should be adequate to serve the most common event. It should be noted that the 840 spaces at the high school facility includes 214 on the east side of the high school, leaving 626 on the west and north sides most accessible to the stadium. The applicants have discussed relying on other parking lots on the campus to provide overflow when necessary. The site plan does not identify pedestrian connections to facilitate this option. There are no on- street overflow options in the area. Moreover, the 1:4 parking ratio often relies on the utilization of bus arrival by various groups (visiting teams, spectators, etc.). The site plan should be marked to note how bus parking will be accommodated to avoid conflicts with the passenger vehicle parking supply. The City Engineer has also asked for additional information on site circulation throughout the campus. As a condition of approval, the applicant is also asked to provide additional information on traffic circulation for peak events, and to provide detail on expected pedestrian circulation. In addition, staff has recommended a connection from the School Boulevard pathway to the ticketing area as an anticipated pedestrian corridor. The addition of pedestrian connections would be helpful to ensure adequate service to the site during peak operations. Landscaping. The proposed plan shows planting areas in the following locations: Eastview Addition: Shrub and perennial beds at the east (near the parking area, and the southwest, near the playground area. The plan would otherwise provide sod to the building along the north wall, and appears to be consistent with other landscaping on the site. Little Mountain Canopy: No changes to the landscape. Stadium Ticketing Building: The plan shows a landscaped area including trees and shrubs along the main entry area to the ticketing building from the parking lot. Between the Ticketing building and the Team room is an entry plaza of mounded turf, and a line of arborvitae along the west side, adjacent to the team room. Football Stadium: Six evergreen trees are located along the west fence line. G City Council Agenda — 09/26/2016 Team Room: No landscaping is shown around the team room building. Staff would recommend a planting of evergreen trees to the west and south sides of the structure to provide buffering of the view of this building from the south. Track Stadium: a series of trees (total of 15) are located at the perimeter of the track facility along the west and south sides. The remainder of the ground cover is proposed to be seeded turfgrass. The City's zoning regulations require planting of materials at the following rate for institutional uses: 14.0 caliper inches of tree planting per acre; and 1 shrub per 10 linear feet of exterior building. The acreage calculation is difficult to apply to the proposed facility. The shrub and tree planting on the site appears to be consistent with the intent of the code and with the existing landscaping of the site, with consideration to the additional evergreen planting recommended near the team building. Staff would note one additional item for consideration. Given the expansive open space of the campus, and the increase in use of the site with the addition of these proposed improvements, it would be helpful to consider a planting line parallel with the School Boulevard pathway. Such a planting would help mitigate the high wind impacts along this pedestrian route, much of which is utilized by students and others visiting the school property — particularly when peak uses result in parking on other portions of the campus. A line a shrubs could be designed for this area that would provide an effective break, both visually and for weather protection. Lighting. The primary lighting impacts from the site would be the field lighting proposed for the football stadium facility. The plans identify four poles, two on each side of the football stadium. The photometric plan shows that the light spread will be focused on the field, and will be at zero foot - candles when measured at about 70 feet from the perimeter of the stadium — the plan indicates that no light spread will illuminate surrounding property. Each of the proposed poles will be 70 feet in height, with a grid of 10 fixtures on each pole. It should be noted that the source of the light will be visible to adjoining property, even though the light will not be measurable. The closest residence to the south - facing lamps would be approximately 1,200 feet away. The closest building to the north facing lamps would be the future storage building for Mills Fleet Farm at a distance of approximately 550 feet. 7 City Council Agenda — 09/26/2016 The zoning ordinance also requires that athletic field lighting is equipped with a glare control system to avoid impacts to nearby property, and that the lighting is extinguished at the end of the event. Sig_nage. The stadium ticketing entrance building includes a wall sign facing the parking area (not the public street) that is mounted on a painted steel panel. The plan does not dimension the area of the sign, but staff estimates and the applicant has confirmed the letter area to be approximately 85 square feet, in addition to a wall- mounted logo sign of 24 square feet. The total signage is not out of scale with the facility, but the areas should be dimensioned as a part of the plan. Development Agreement The City previously approved a development agreement relating to the high school project. The subsequent phase considered under this approval requires an amendment to development agreement. The amended agreement recognizes the phased development proposed and the applicable development standards. Council will note that at this time, staff and the school district are working through the calculations for the trunk area charges. The City is still researching any applicable charges related to the proposed development area. As such, the trunk area charges shown are the best available information at this time. We will continue to work with the school district on these calculations. The development agreement also specifies the required securities for grading and landscaping, as well as plat administration and site inspection. Other terms and conditions are consistent with the prior agreement. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Previously, the Planning Commission and City Council reviewed items related to the Concept PUD. Subsequently, the City approved development and final stage details affecting the gymnasium addition and the preliminary and final platting of the property. In this round of applications, the City will be considering Development and Final Stage PUD Site Plan for the following, which were anticipated as subsequent phases in previous reviews. 1. Eastview Elementary School addition and parking/access configuration. 2. Monticello High School athletic complex additions. Decision 1. Resolution No. 2016 -064 City Council Agenda — 09/26/2016 The Planning Commission unanimously recommended alternative 1 below, with the modification as noted in Exhibit Z. A. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2016 -064 approving the Development and Final Stage Planned Unit Development and Development Agreement for the Monticello High School Addition, including an addition to Eastview Elementary, athletic stadium complex adjacent to the High School, and entry and security changes to Little Mountain Elementary, based on findings in said Resolution, and subject to the conditions of Exhibit Z as adopted by the Planning Commission. B. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2016 -064, approving the Development and Final Stage Planned Unit Development and Development Agreement for the Monticello High School Addition, including an addition to Eastview Elementary, athletic stadium complex adjacent to the High School, and entry and security changes to Little Mountain Elementary, based on findings in said Resolution, and subject to the conditions of Exhibit Z as drafted and recommended by staff. C. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. 2016 -064, based on findings to be identified by the City Council. D. Motion to table action on Resolution No. 2016 -064, subject to submission of additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the PUD, with the conditions identified in Exhibit Z. The uses and improvements are consistent with the expectations of the Concept PUD objectives, and with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. Together with the recommended items listed in Exhibit Z, staff believes that the improvements will support the use of PUD by improving existing conditions on the site, and result in a development pattern that uses flexibility in zoning requirements to exceed levels otherwise required by typical base zoning. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution No 2016 -064 B. Resolution No. PC- 2016 -033 C. Ordinance No. 649 (As Previously Adopted) D. Aerial Site Image E. Applicant Narrative, including: a. Project Narrative b. Use of Site Descriptions c. Location Map Z City Council Agenda — 09/26/2016 d. Tabulation Box e. ALTA Commitment f. SWPPP Report g. SWPPP F. Monticello High School PUD Plans, including: a. PUD Development Plan b. Boundary Survey c. Preliminary Plat (Previously Approved) d. Final Plat (Previously Approved) e. Civil Plans f. Architectural Plans g. Electrical Plans G. Site Circulation Sketch, Updated 9/20/16 H. Eastview School Boulevard Access Sketch I. City Engineer's Letter and Exhibits, dated August 25th, 2016 J. Draft Amendment to Development Agreement, Monticello High School K. Stadium Event Narrative Z. Conditions of Approval 10 City Council Agenda — 09/26/2016 EXHIBIT Z Development Stage Planned Unit Development, Monticello High School Addition 5225 School Boulevard 1. Provide additional information in the applicant narrative regarding site uses in order to document the uses occurring within the PUD as part of the approval. 2. Provide EFIS or a material consistent with institutional building materials requirements in place of vinyl and steel on stadium buildings and press boxes. Planning Commission recommends a modification to this Exhibit Z item as follows: Provide EFIS or a material consistent with institutional building materials requirements in place of vinyl and steel on stadium buildings. 3. Clarify bus parking locations for the stadium. 4. Identify internal pedestrian routing (and improvements) to accommodate cross - parking for peak periods of use, including a connection between the pathway and ticketing area 5. Provide evergreen tree plantings along west and south side of team room building. 6. Provide a shrub line along School Boulevard to protect pedestrian routes from wind. 7. Verify signage on the ticketing building. 8. Compliance with the terms of the City Engineer's letter dated August 25t', 2016. 9. Conditions recommended by other City staff. 11 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2016-064 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL APPROVING A DEVELOPMENT AND FINAL STAGE PUD FOR THE EASTVIEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EXPANSION AND DEVELOPMENT OF ATHLETIC COMPLEX LOT 1, BLOCK 1, MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION WHEREAS, the Monticello School District has submitted an application for approval of a Development /Final Stage PUD to construct an addition to Eastview and Little Mountain Elementary Schools, and an athletic stadium complex addition to the High School campus on the subject property; and WHEREAS, the property in question is guided for institutional uses under the "Places for Community" category in the Monticello Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the property in question is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development according to the official Monticello zoning map and ordinance; and WHEREAS, the zoning accommodates flexibility from the otherwise applicable regulations to allow a development project consistent with the requirements of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed project will meet the goals and policies of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan, as well as the Zoning Ordinance encouraging a combination of school uses on the subject property; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 6th, 2016 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello hereby makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed project complies with the intent of the use of Planned Unit Development in that the flexibility offered under PUD is utilized to further the objectives for the area within the City Comprehensive Plan. 2. With conditions, Development Stage PUD plans meet all applicable requirements of the City's Zoning Ordinance. 3. Except as otherwise allowed per PUD flexibility, all applicable requirements and performance standards of the City's Zoning Ordinance will be satisfied. 4. The addition of buildings and uses to the high school and campus is consistent with the City's development objectives. 5. The school project contributes to a reasonable expectation and density of land use on the property. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: The Monticello City Council hereby approves the Development and Final Stage PUD and Development Agreement for construct an addition to Eastview and Little Mountain Elementary Schools, and an athletic stadium complex addition to the High School campus as recommended by the Planning Commission, subject to compliance with related codes and regulations for such use, and the following conditions: 1. Provide additional information in the applicant narrative regarding site uses in order to document the uses occurring within the PUD as part of the approval. 2. Provide EFIS or a material consistent with institutional building materials requirements in place of vinyl and steel on stadium buildings. 3. Clarify bus parking locations for the stadium. 4. Identify internal pedestrian routing (and improvements) to accommodate cross - parking for peak periods of use, including a connection between the pathway and ticketing area 5. Provide evergreen tree plantings along west and south side of team room building. 6. Provide a shrub line along School Boulevard to protect pedestrian routes from wind. 7. Verify signage on the ticketing building. 8. Compliance with the terms of the City Engineer's letter dated August 25`h, 2016. 9. Conditions recommended by other City staff. ADOPTED this 26th day of September, 2016, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: , City Clerk CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC- 2016 -033 Motion By: Seconded By: RECOMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT STDEVELOPMENT STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR ADDITIONS TO EASTVIEW AND LITTLE MOUNTAIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS AND ATHLETIC STADIUM COMPLEX FOR LOT 1, BLOCK 1, MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION WHEREAS, the Monticello School District has submitted an application for approval of a Development /Final Stage PUD to construct additions to Eastview and Little Mountain Elementary Schools, and an athletic stadium complex addition to the High School on the subject property; and WHEREAS, the property in question is guided for institutional uses under the "Places for Community" category in the Monticello Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the property in question is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development according to the official Monticello zoning map and ordinance; and WHEREAS, the zoning accommodates flexibility from the otherwise applicable regulations to allow a development project consistent with the requirements of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed project will meet the goals and policies of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan, as well as the Zoning Ordinance encouraging a combination of school uses on the subject property; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 6, 2016 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello hereby makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed project complies with the intent of the use of Planned Unit Development in that the flexibility offered under PUD is utilized to further the objectives for the area within the City Comprehensive Plan. 2. With conditions, Development Stage PUD plans meet all applicable requirements of the City's Zoning Ordinance. 3. Except as otherwise allowed per PUD flexibility, all applicable requirements and performance standards of the City's Zoning Ordinance will be satisfied. 4. The addition of buildings and uses to the high school and campus is consistent with the City's development objectives. 5. The school project contributes to a reasonable expectation and density of land use on the property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the Rezoning and Development Stage PUD, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z as follows: ADOPTED this 6"' day of September, 2016, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: Brad Fyle, Chair Angela Schumann, Community Development Director ORDINANCE NG. 649 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICIEILLO CITY CODE, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCEE, BY ESTADLIS, IIING THE MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL PUD AS A ZONING DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, AND REZONING THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY FROM R -1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, TO MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL PUD9 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: ]LOT 1, BLOCK 1, AND OUTLOT A.9 MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IWIOAI TCELL0 HEREBY OADA INS: Section 1. Section 2.4(P) — Planned Unit Developments, Title 10 — Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended by adding the following: (XX) Monticello High School PUD District (a) Purpose. The purpose of the Monticello High School PUD District is to provide for the development of certain real estate subject to the District for public school buildings and related land uses. (b) Permitted Uses. Permitted principal uses in the Monticello High School PUD District shall be schools, including pre - school, K -12, and related administrative uses, subject to the approved Final Stage Development Plans dated , and development agreement dated , 2016, as may be amended. (c) Accessory Uses. Accessory uses shall be those commonly accessory and incidental to primary and secondary school uses, and as specifically identified by the approved final stage PUD plans. (d) District Performance Standards. Performance standards for the development of any lot in the Monticello High School PUD District shall adhere to the approved final stage PUD plans and development agreement. In such case where any proposed improvement is not addressed by the final stage PUD, then the regulations of the R- 1, Single Family District shall apply. (e) Amendments. Where changes to the PUD are proposed in the manner of use, density, site plan, development layout, building size, mass, or coverage, or any other change, the proposer shall apply for an amendment to the PUD under the terms of the Monticello Zoning ORDINANCE NO. 649 Ordinance, Section 2.4 (P)(10). The City may require that substantial changes in overall use of the PUD property be processed as a new project, including a zoning district amendment. Section 2. The zoning snap of the City of Monticello is hereby amended to rezone the following described parcels from R -1, Single Family Residential District to Monticello High School PUD, Planned Unit Development District: Lots 1, Block 1, Monticello High School Addition Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to mark the official zoning map to reflect this ordinance. The map shall not be republished at this tune. Section 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to snake the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety and snap shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance and map are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 27t" day of June, 2016. ATTEST: d�' Jeff Administrator AYES: NAYS: Brian Stumpf, Mjyor 2 Wold Architects & Engineers -Request for Amdt to Zoning Ordinance, Development & Final Stage PUD 9350 Fallon Ave, 155-0-011000172; 5225 School Blvd, 155500133302; 9375 Fenning Ave NE, 155011000212 Created by: City of Monticello Wold Architects and Engineers 332 Minnesota Street, Suite W2000 Saint Paul, MN 55101 woldae.com 1 651 227 7773 Monticello Schools PUD Amendment Little Mountain, High School Stadium, Eastview Family Center CONTENTS Project Narrative Use of Site Descriptions Location Map Tabulation Box ALTA Commitment Monticello High School Stadium Storm Water Management Report H-> Storm Water Prevention Pollution Plan Independent School District #882 Monticello, Minnesota August 8, 2016 REVISED SHEETS INGLUDED 8130116 R1 Gomm No: 152244 10. ICS CONSULTING, INC Independent School District #882 Monticello Schools PUD Amendment August 8, 2016 Project Narrative This Land Use Application is an addendum to a previous PUD submittal on May 9, 2016 for the site occupied by Monticello High School, Eastview Family Center, and Little Mountain Elementary. The original application included a gymnastics addition to the High School. This application includes a Site Plan application and Planned Unit Development application, development and final stages, for three proposed projects on the PUD site: Monticello High School Stadium and related buildings, Eastview Family Center Classroom Addition, and Little Mountain Secure Entry Renovation. The Monticello High School Stadium project includes a new stadium for football, soccer and lacrosse, a new nine -lane track with sand /peat fields and bleachers, a new ticket and concessions building, and a new team room building. Alternates within this project include a veterans memorial plaza and public toilets in the ticket /concessions building. Minor modifications to the existing parking lot include re- striping existing stalls to allow five new accessible stalls, and pavement removal at existing stalls to allow additional sidewalk space at the stadium entrance area. The Eastview Family Center Classroom Addition project includes a 20,686 square foot classroom addition at the north end of the existing building. The south parking lot entrance will be modified for a right -turn only exit. The Little Mountain Secure Entry Renovation includes modifications to the west exterior of the existing building to provide access to a secure entry vestibule. 8/5/2016 9:39:46 AM PROJECT C: \Users \grippl \Documents \152244 (Central) grippl @woldae.com.rvl NARRATIVE S: \ISD882 \Monticello High School \152244 - High School Stadium \02_ARCH \Revit \152244 (Central).rvl 10. ICS CONSULTING, INC Use of Site Descriptions Independent School District #882 Monticello Schools PUD Amendment August 8, 2016 Stadium - The intended use of the stadium is Assembly Group A -5 for participating in or viewing outdoor activities, specifically football, soccer, and lacrosse events. The maxium capacity for the stadium bleachers 2990 seats. Track with Field and Bleachers - The intended use of the track with field and bleachers is Assembly Group A -5 for participating in or viewing outdoor activities, specifically track and field events. The maxiumum capacity for the track and field bleachers is 554 seats. Ticketing/ Concessions - The intended use of the ticketing and concessions building is Business Group B for service transactions of event tickets and concessions goods, with corresponding storage. An alternate for this project provides public toilets as well. The maxiumum capacity for the ticketing and concessions buidling is 7 occupants. Team Room Building - The intended use of the team room building is Educational Group E for use by student athletes. The maxiumum capacity for the team room building is 105. Eastview Family Center Classroom Addition - The indended use of the classroom addition at the Eastview Family Center is Educaional Group E for use by students. The maximum capacity for the addition is 731 occupants. Little Mountain Secure Entry Renovation - The existing use and occupancy of Little Mountain Elementary School will remain as is. The secure entry renovation intends to provide a new secure entry point to the school by providing a new exterior door and extending a sidewalk and canopy to the door. There are no changes to the interior footprint of the existing building. 8/5/2016 9:39:46 AM USE OF SITE C: \Users \grippl \Documents \152244 (Central) grippl @woldae.com.rvl DESCRIPTIONS S: \ISD882 \Monticello High School \152244 - High School Stadium \02_ARCH \Revit \152244 (Central).rvl 10. ICS I CONSULTING, INC Financial Requirements Statement Independent School District #882 Monticello Schools PUD Amendment August 8, 2016 Monticello Public Schools understands that by submitting this land use application that all improvements will be in accordance with the City's specifications for streets, utilities, and installation, and the financial guarantee of such improvements. Monticello Public Schools also understands the development fees and the requirements that these be paid in conjunction with development. FINANCIAL 8/8/2016 10:48:10 AM REQUIREMENT C: \Users \grippl \Documents \152244 (Central) grippl @woldae.com.rvl STATEMENT S: \ISD882 \Monticello High School \152244 - High School Stadium \02_ARCH \Revit \152244 (Central).rv[ 10. ICS CONSULTING, INC Location Map } ryy load o _ } Monticello Country Club —V Rd 39 HE Golf caurs, Rd 9 c,'sr Manti;:ellnf%�, ps sr'. �n °rE d�yStEF �� �f F Independent School District #882 Monticello Schools PUD Amendment August 8, 2016 Residential Districts A -0 R -1 R -2 R -4 R -PUD Business Districts B -2 ;h B -4 5�� ® Industrial Districts ,�, j �raluB Rd IBC L.de9Ad ® I2 °ae \ s�molslva .les�q� ?oath St s Wslmart Supercenler m 6lartrrty P \ y`` \ 9601h Se O qj lb-C1 e I -1 IBC A- R-1 : "Y.. I R -1 — - _ — i y +�" a -0 8/5/2016 9:39:46 AM C: \Users \grippl \Documents \152244 (Central) grippl @woldae.com.rvl LOCATION MAP S: \ISD882 \Monticello High School \152244 - High School Stadium \02_ARCH \Revit \152244 (Central).rvl 10. ICS CONSULTING, INC Tabulation Box Independent School District #882 Monticello Schools PUD Amendment August 8, 2016 SITE PLAN TABULATION BOX - LITTLE MOUNTAIN, HIGH SCHOOL, EASTVIEW FAMILY CENTER 1. Size of parcel in acres and square feet PUD Gross Land Area: 5,410,049 SF or 124.198 Acres (1) Existing Little Mountain Elementary School = 98,400 SF (survey sheet 2) (2) Existing Shed = 82 SF (survey sheet 2) (3) Existing Garage = 1,481 SF (survey sheet 3) (4) Existing Shed = 200 SF (survey sheet 3) (5) Exsiting Shed = 70 SF (survey sheet 3) (6) New Team Room = 3,508 SF (see PUD plan) (7) New Concessions /Ticket Building = 2,480 SF (see PUD plan) (8) Existing High School = (survey sheet 4) 2. Gross floor area of each building (9) Existing Shed = 69 SF (survey sheet 5) (10) Existing Shed = 94 SF (survey sheet 5) (11) Existing Shed = 138 SF (survey sheet 6) (12) Existing Building = 802 SF (survey sheet 7) (13) Existing Eastview Family Center with New Addition = 122,712 SF (see PUD plan) (14) Existing Garage = 1,470 SF (survey sheet 8) (15) Existing Shed = 102 SF (survey sheet 8) (16) Existing Garage = 1,101 SF (survey sheet 9) (17) Existing Building = 567 SF (survey sheet 10) 3. Percent of site covered by impervious surface 36% Little Mountain: 95 4. Projected number of employees High School: 150 Eastview Family Center: 90 S. Number of seats if intended use is a High School Football Stadium: 2,990 seats restaurant or place of assembly High School Track Bleachers: 554 seats Little Mountain Day: 57 spaces / Little Mountain Night: 150 spaces 6. Number of parking spaces required High School Day: 200 spaces / High School Night (field house): 758 J High School Night (stadium and track): 443 Eastview Day: 61 spaces/ Eastview Night: 210 spaces 7. Number of parking spaces provided, including Little Mountain: 184 spaces, including 6 handicapped handicapped High School: 840 spaces, including 19 handicapped Eastview: 299 spaces, including 2 handicapped 8. Dimension of parking spaces and aisles Parking Spaces: 9'x 20' Aisles: 24' 9. Existing zoning and land use designations Existing zoning is R -1, and existing land use is places for community 10. Area of public open space (if applicable) N/A 8/5/2016 9:39:47 AM C: \Users \grippl \Documents \152244 (Central) grippl @woldae.com.M TABULATION BOX S: \ISD882 \Monticello High School \152244 - High School Stadium \02_ARCH \Revit \152244 (Central).rvl OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ALTA COMMITMENT - 1982 Rev. SCHEDULE A APPLICATION NO.: ORTE742843 1. EFFECTIVE DATE:January 11, 2016 at 7:00 A.M. 2. POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED: (a) 'ALTA' OWNER'S POLICY 06 -17 -06 Amount: PROPOSED INSURED: (b) 'ALTA' LOAN POLICY 06 -17 -06 Amount: PROPOSED INSURED: 3. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT AND COVERED HEREIN IS A FEE SIMPLE AND TITLE THERETO IS AT THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF VESTED IN: Independent School District #882, Monticello Public Schools Vesting Deeds ORT Alta Commitment Scom Page 1 f t� y OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 4. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Lot 21, Auditors Subdivision Number 1, according to the recorded plat thereof, the North Half of Lot A of the Southeast Quarter according to the plat thereof recorded in Book 1 of Sectional Plats, page 570 and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter all in Section 13, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. 2N Lot 17 lying South of the center line of Chelsea Road; Lot 20; All in Auditor's Subdivision No. 1, Wright County, Minnesota. EXCEPT: That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, and that part of the North Half of Lot A of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 13 and that part of Lots 20 and 21, Auditor's Subdivision No. 1, according to the plat on file in the office of the County Recorder, in and for said Wright County, lying southerly of a line 40.00 feet northerly of the following described line "A ": Beginning at a point on the west line of said Southwest Quarter distant 1310.69 feet southerly of the northwest corner thereof, thence North 88 degrees 36 minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of 2711.24 feet; thence easterly a distance of 200.00 feet along a tangential curve, concave to the north, having a radius of 13,362.77 feet and a central angle of 00 degrees 51 minutes 27 seconds; thence North 87 degrees 44 minutes 46 seconds East, a distance of 1015.00 feet and said line "A" there terminating. For the purpose of this description, the west line of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13 is assumed to bear South 00 degrees 12 minutes 29 seconds East. Abstract Property ORT Alta Commitment Scom Page 2 f t� y OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SCHEDULE B - SECTION I REQUIREMENTS The following requirements must be met: 1. This commitment is for informational purposes only. If a policy is to be issued we must be advised for further requirements. ORT Alta Commitment Scom Page 3 f t� y OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SCHEDULE B - SECTION 2 STANDARD EXCEPTIONS A. Facts which would be disclosed by a comprehensive survey of the premises described herein. B. Rights and claims of parties in possession. C. Mechanics', Contractors', or Materialmen's liens and lien claims, if any where no notice appears of record. D. Any change in title occurring subsequent to the effective date of this Commitment and prior to the date of issuance of the Title Policy. E. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. IN ADDITION TO THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS, CONDITIONS, STIPULATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED HEREIN AND IN THE COMPANY'S USUAL FORM OF POLICY, THE LAND REFERRED TO IS, AS OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING: 1. Special assessments levied or pending and special taxes, if any, not covered herein. NOTE: Special assessment search was not requested by the applicant. 2. Taxes for the year 2015 are exempt. (Base tax exempt) (Tax Nos. 155- 011- 000212 and 155 -500- 133302.) Taxes for the year 2015 in the amount of $6,183.34 are paid. (Base tax exempt.) (Tax No. 155- 011 - 000172.) NOTE: Wright County tax records indicate property is non - homestead for taxes payable in the year 2015. 3. Rights of the public in and to that portion of the land that lies within Fallon Ave NE, School Blvd, Fenning Ave NE, and Chelsea Rd as laid out and travelled as evidenced by available maps. 4. Easement for roadway and utility purposes in favor of the City of Monticello shown in instrument filed October 11, 1983, in Book 82 Misc., page 835. 5. Electric transmission line easement, together with incidental rights thereof, in favor of United Power Association shown in instrument filed February 5, 1987, in Book 89 Misc., page 718. ORT Alta Commitment Scom Page 4 f t� y OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 6. Right -of -Way Encroachment Agreement filed October 8, 1987, in Book 91 Misc page 403. 7. Order granting conditional use permit filed December 3, 1987, in Book 91 Misc page 777. 8. Matters as disclosed by Wright County Highway Right -of -Way Plat No. 14, filed as Document No. 448031. 9. Highway Easement, together with incidental rights thereof, filed September 28, 1988, in Book 93 Misc., page 764. 10. Easements for public right -of -way and drainage and utility purposes in favor of the City of Monticello filed August 16, 1991, as Document No. 493260. 11. Easements for utility and drainage purposes in favor of the City of Monticello filed September 20, 2000, as Document No. 719827. 12. Easements for utility and drainage purposes in favor of the City of Monticello filed September 20, 2000, as Document No. 719828. 13. Easement for utility and drainage purposes in favor of the City of Monticello filed September 20, 2000, as Document No. 719829. 14. Pathway Easement, together with incidental rights thereof, in favor of the City of Monticello, filed April 6, 2001 as Document No. 736763. 15. Matters as disclosed by Wright County Highway Right of Way Plat No. 55, filed as Document No. 951313. 16. Resolution by the City of Monticello regarding a highway filed March 17, 2005, as Document No. 951314. NOTE: If there are any questions regarding this commitment please contact Steve Pennock at spennock @oldrepublictitle.com or call (612) 371 -1136. ORT Alta Commitment Scom Page 5 (EASEMENT) Form No. 2E- M —GUtT CLAIM DEED Individual (s) to Corporation or Partnership Minnesota Uniform Conveyancing Blanks (1998) No delinquent taxes and transfer entered-, Certificate of Real Estate Value ( ) filed ( ) not required Certificate of Real Estate Value No. _ County Auditor by STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: $ Date: March 2.20 19 83 Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis 37914 4 fl. C i'r%iiff! i.:f ry i•1ii'ci:ccr.l •ti °.',i .� � - Li -� if. rat C'} L 5 mist. BOOK 02 PAGE 835 .',L QI:'IFii (reserved for recording data) FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, _Maurice E. Hoglund and Gladys Hoglund, _husband and wife and Jim T. Boyle and Beverly A. Boyle, , Grantor (s), husband and wife (marital status) hereby convey (s) and quitclaim (s) to the City of Monticello Grantee, a Municipal Corporation under the laws of _ Minnesota , real- lar�per#i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C1i�ty; A�Iriesaka ,- d�seri�ed- as- fello -ws: a permanent easement for roadway and utility purposes over the following described land situated in Wright County, Minnesota: (See reverse side for legal description of easement area) (if more space is needed, continue on back) together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belon STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OFr The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this aday of March b- Maurice E. Hoglund and Gladys Hoglund, husband and wife and Jim T. Boyle and Beverly A. Boyle, husband and wif , Grantor (s). NOTARIAL STAMP OR SEAL (OR OTHER TITLE OR RANK) , 5IG IA/OF PERSON A ING ACKNOWL GMENT JAPAES G-'. P:lul CALF NO; Ar ' U. —n: ray E >OTP, Tax Sta me the real property described in thi inst ent should be sent o (Iname and address of Grantee): i, STEAF1,N-3 CC1..liN TY My CONt..m. EXP. JfJl; r- "'88 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY (NAME AND ADDRESS): , —UhL L IJ BE'ITZ, JOHNSON, FORSBERG & GALT i ltttt a Attorneys At Law 650 Builders Exchange Buildingt� i (X Y-3 1� Minneapoli -, Minnesota 55402 (612) 339 -6845 i i i That part of Lots 10, 11, 17, 18, and 19, Auditor's Subdivision No. 1 lying southerly of Interstate Highway 94, also described as part of the North Half of Section 13, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota lying 40.00 feet on each side of the following described centerline: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Section 13; thence South 00 degrees 12 minutes 49 seconds East, assumed bearing, along the west line of said Section 13 a distance of 708.88 feet to the point of beginning of the centerline to be described; thence South 65 degrees 00 minutes 02 seconds East 4016.29 feet; thence southeasterly 196.62 feet along a tangential curve concave to the northeast having a radius of 437.39 feet and a central angle of 25 degrees 45 minutes 22 seconds; thence North 89 degrees 14 minutes 36 seconds East, tangent to said curve, 100.00 feet to a point on the east line of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 13, distant 102.05 feet north of the southeast corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and said centerline there terminating. Said easement. contains 7.92 acres more or less. Cc f �F•.6� i E t S :i STATF of ?1XNNVSUTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY C- WRIGnT TY,NTIJ JUUYCIAL DX8TRXCa 0 1't / C, ', % P United Power Association, Petitioner, W 11oward'F. Gillham, Lynnea C. Gillham, 14xighk County State Annk, Catharine Frassel, Stuart Horfl.1snd, Arlean Hoglund, The Federal. Sand }lank of St. Paul, American Oil Company, Renneth Johnaon, Charles Lundquist, John M. Lundston, Mary Ellen Lundsten, Clarence L. Moray, rrankie -A. Moray, kayno C. Morey, Francis E. Blain, Annie C. Klein, Northern Natural Gas eorapany, State Of Minnesota, Edla Shultz, Kenneth Shultz, M- urice S, Hoglund, Gladys - Hoglund, Donald F. Hagan, Herbert A. Hason, Donald H. Perkl, Carol A. ]Eagan, maxian D. Mason, Rosemary F..Perkl, J. id. nolasek, Signe nolaaek, and Cou!1ty of Wright, Respondents. FINAL DECRUN Upon motion of United Power AS6Qciation, the petitioner herein, by its attorneys Ryan &-XIan or Aitki-n, Aiinnesota, it appearing to the court that all awards of damages herein have been paid, that all appeals have beoA determined by settlenmt )or trial ana paid, that th.!re are no appeals pending, and that the time to appeal has long s`nce expired, IT IS DECREED: z On the properties hereinafter described, United Poser Association has the perpetual right, privilegn an6 essemealt to conntruct, maintain, If and overate an oleotric tranamianivn lino with the nec©usary atruUturce, halos, anehora, t;i:oss uXfLq, .(juys, braces, wiron and appura:onancoa on a iitxip 150 font in width acrona L•ho premises hesoinufter do6aribnei, taget)ior with z right of access to and a .rl�lllt to antox upon so much of said premises and property of the re„pondeats adjacent t:herOtO As ;flay be necessary in constructing, ropairiny end otherwise mintairing aaid transmission ling, and with the rigikt'froln time to ki,m_ whenever necessary for the operation and 7aintcnanoe of said line to eliminate 'timber, brush and other materials under and in the vicinity thoreof, a,nd to out down from time to time any dead, Creak, loaning or dangerous ;roes located anywhere ' on Lhe premises Heat are tall enough to str°ke the tranamission line in falling, mi. Tho property affected by said ec,s:enient is in Wright. County, bti.nnuaota, and described as follows: Parcel: '1 Tho.aa portions of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (8114 of Bilk) of 'notion 3, and of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (MI4 of 3i;fU of section 10, Township 121, Range •25, deSorlbed as follow$, A strip or land 100 fee:. wide, 275 feet ;fast, and 72; feet East of a lines described as folloxs, Beginning at a point on the northeasterly bouluiary Of the right -of -way of Interstate Highway f99, 192.5 feet Bast of the Plast line of said Section 3, thence southerly a distance of 969 foot, more or less, to a point on the South line of said section 192,5 feet East of the West line of said seotionr thence southerly 1341 feet to a point on the south line of said NWh 4£ Nwh 210 feet East of the West line- of said Section 10. ..2 Parcel 2 A3 aonande,3 by the stipulation of the parties 'Of NoYeb£r br . 1468, and .filed harem , the description of Parcel 2 is as : follows. 77aot portion of the Sout)zwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (ssT; of St::1 of section 10, Tos,inalsip 121, Mange 25, described e:s follows s A strip of land 150 feet hide, being 75 feet on each 'Side Of a center line or extensions thereof described as follow3s Beginning at a point on the west line of said Si3�; of SWA 643 feet North of the soutlswest corner thereof, thence south -; easterly lo3o feet to a point on the South 3.inecf said Section 10, 754.3 fleet P.aat of the Southwest corner of said S144 of SE4i and That portion of the Northeast Quartos (14ft) of section 15, _ Township 121, Range 25, described.ast A strip of land 150 feet wide, being 75 feet on each side, of a center line or extensimn thereof described as follawa:' Beginning at a point on the North line of aaid Nh14•754,30 feet Nast of the Northwest corner thereof, and running south- easterly 2,424 feet to a point: on the cast linc..of said NEI. 1094 feet North of tine Southeast corner thereof, para©r. 73 That portion of the south calf of the Northwest Quarter (S� of Nil4) of Section 14, 'township 121, Range 25,•doscribed ass A atrip of land 150 feet wide, being 75 feet on each -side of Ute center line or extensions thereof described as '.follows., Beginning at a point on the Bast line of State highway 425 , .. 364 feet due North of the South line of the $� of Nilk of 'said , Section 14, thence southeasterly a distance of 600 feet to a point on acid South 'line, 1297 feet past of the pleat section line of said Section 14. - Pare r 4 Those portions of the Bast Half of the- Southwest Quarter (EN of ,SWU and the North 10 acres of the $outhwost Quarter of the Southwest ,Zuarter (siVi of S114), and all that part of the Northwest Quarter of the Snutheast Quarter (NSt4 of 5w4) lying and being East of the Monticello and Buffalo public road, all in section 14, Township 121, Range 25, described as: A strip of land 1.50 feet wide, being 75 feet on each side of the center line or extensions thereof described as-follows; Beginning on the No�:th line of the Ssih of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, 1297 feet East of the West line of naid Section 14; thence in a southeasterly direction 1806 feet to a point on the Bast line of the said Silk of said Section 14, 1298 feet Routh of the Norf]ieast corner of the 'said mat of said Section 14. -3- Parcel 5 That part of the Southeast Quarter (SE4) of Section 14, 201anahip 121, Rango 25, described ass A strip of land 150 feet wide being 75 feet on each Side of the center line or extensions thereof described as follows: tseyinning at a point on the £ast line of said St; 1252 -fet,.t South of the Northeast corner .,.r sui,3 SE4, thence in a s :estarly direction a distance of 2553'feet to a point, thenco deflecting right 410361; thence nor+;hwesterly a distance of 121 feet to a point on the West line of said SEN 1298 feet South of the Northwas t; corner of said SE14. Parcel 'S .'hat part of the South 20 acres of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NVt of SB4) of Section 130 ,4bwnship 121, Rangn 25, being t-he same. land as described as $ha South half (615) of Lot 22 of Auditors Sub - Division 11 in said section, described as: A strip of land 150 feet wide, being 75 feet on each side of the center line described as follows: Counencing at a point. on the Hest line of the South 20 acres -of the M of SM , 1436 feet North -of the South line of said sectionr thence Eant a distance of 1325 feet to a point on the East line of said tract, .1425 feet North of the Southeast corner of said Section 13- Parcel 7 Thoea- parts 'of Section 13; Townnhip 121, ztange 25, axaepi the 'South 60 acres. -of the East. Ralf of the Southeast Quarter (x� of SEh), and except 1 acre out of the Southeast corner of the kaot Half of the Southeast Quarter (114 of SE4) of said Section 13, used as a eexAetorY; also, All of the fractional Sliest Half (ilk) of Section 10, Township 121, Range 24, lying Southwest of the Great Northern Railway Tight•- of -iaay! 'eras t thdt part Of the Southwest Quartor Of the Southwest Quarter (SA' of SVAO Of said Seotion 1B lyi.ns Sonnthwestof the 6ilvor Creek and Ha9san ;toad, . described ao: A strip of land -150 feat wide, being 75 feet on each aide cf the center line describcd am follows: Bf- ginning at a point on tho West line of maid Section 13, 1252 Coat South of the West quarter corner; thsariee East a distance of 3907 feet to a point on the Rhst line 'of the w� of SE4 of Said Seotion 13, 1436 feat Borth of the South line of said sectiovj- the]nce"again beginning at a point on the Watt line of said Section 18, 1425 feet North of the Sout}nwast corner of said Section 18, thence East a dibtanee of 2583 feet to a point on the East line of the NEE of SW4 of said Section 18, 1523 foot North of tho South quarter corner of said section 16. -4- xy� t r III. An easeja --dL having been_ granted to the petitioner by the owners of Parcel 8 and a dksmfssal having been filed as to that parcel, the notico'of 139 ptaidens of thane proceedings which was dated September 24, 1960, and filed for record Scpteltaber 25, .1468, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of 1•Iright CoLmty, Minnesota, in Book '132 of Mortgagas, page 74, is hereby discharged. Datodt August (d iF'0 CO�' 1' fT COUnrr, u' AUG 19 IM .'"' District Jvdgs -5_ SWE Of IRO=lk Way OF btZxfbbiWvaCWWcrrydr>?� a'�1's4 - GI kf 3 d rCad h ❑y wfie • MURT /DM41PAl0A Dwv {: 16 ,."m /� ) 9�:", 179+ Gay «� §K 421882 lk A y.ma:e E#rB[ -s m » m Nmm tom §§ a |7ƒ§ &m CLL4-, EASEMENT NO. EO- WB-424 RIGHT -OF-WAY ENCROAGI ANT AGREEMENT THIS AGREE�SENT, made and entered into t.his-21_zday of - r � 1.987, by and between United Power Association, a Minnesota cooperative corporation with offices at Elk River, Minnesota 55330, hereinafter referred to as "T)PA ", and Independent. School District No. 882, a Minnesota public corporation with offices at Monticello, Minnesota 55362, hereinafter referred to as "ISD No. 882 ". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, ISD No, 882 is the owner in fee or otherwise has an interest in ceruai.n lands situated in Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows and hereinafter referred to as the "Lot ", to -wit: Lot. 'Twenty --one (21) , Auditor's Subdivision Number One (1) in Section Thirteen (13), To;.mship One Hundred Twenty -one (121), Range Twenty -five (25); and WHEREAS, UPA is the owner and occupier of an electric transmission Line right- of-way easement over and across a part of said Lot, hereinafter referred to as the "Easement urea ", pursuant to and in accordance wiCh the following described easement document: Final Decree executed August 17, 1971, filed for record February 5, 1987, and recorded as Document No. 421382 in the office of the Wright County Recorder, in Book 89 'of Miscellaneous on page 718; and WHEREAS, a service road, hereinafter referred to as the "Service Road` is to be constructed on said Lot by ISD No. 882 or by others acting on its behalf in such location that it will encroach into 11el.. I-bat part of the Easement Area as is shotm on Exhibit "A" which Exhibit is hereby incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement; and WHEREAS, UPA is willing to permit the construction of said Service Road in its Easement Area subject to the terms and conditions as contained herein. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual agreements, covenants and premises herein contained, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, UPA and ISD No. 886 do hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE l.. The term of this Agreement shall commence on its date of execution by UPA and ISD No. 882 and, except as othervrise provided for herein, shall remain thereafter in full force and effect for as long as said Service Road shall be used as such and ISIS No. 882 shah., throughout said term, have the right to construct, use, maintain, repair and reconstruct said Service Road in the location shown on attached Exhibit "A" ARTICLE 2. In the event that said Service Road shall be abandoned or no longer used by ISD No. 882, this Agreement shall be null and void and all permissions granted hereunder by UPA to ISD No. 882 shall cease. ARTICLE 3. ISD No. 882 hereby agrees that it will not raise the ground elevation within the Easement Area higher than nine hundred sixty -two (962) .feet and further, that except for the Service Road, it will not place, construct or cause to be constructed anything else in the Easement Area, including but not limited to, such thi-ags as fences, trees and shrubs without the express written permission of UPA. -2- ARTICLE 4. In the event that ISD No. 882 shall be in violation of ally of the terms and conditions as contained herein, ISD No. 882 shall, upon smitten demand by UPA, forthwith correct said violations) and upon its failure to do so, UPA may, at its election, pursue such legal remedies as may be available to it, said remedies to include but not be limited to the correction of said violations) by UPA at ISD No. 882's expense or the termination of this Agreement in which event all righvs herein granted to ISD No. 882 by UPA would cease and be of no further force and effect. ARTICLE'5. Except as caused by the sole negligence of UPA, its agents or employees, ISD Igo. 882 hereby agrees to reimburse UPA for any damage to its electric transmission line and/or system and the appurtenances thereto and to defend and hold UPA, its agents and employees harmless from and against any and all claims for personal injury, including death, or for damage to property caused by or arising out of the construction, reconstruction, maintenance, use,, repair or improvement of said Service Road by ISD No. 882, third parties acting on behalf of ISD No. 882 or members of the public. ARTICLE 6. The provisions of this Right -of -Way Encroachment Agreement shall be a covenant running with the land, and shall bind both parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. ARTICLE 7. In consideration of the permissions herein granted by UPA to ISD No. 882, ISD No. 882 hereby agrees to pay UPA on or before the date of execution of this Agreement, a one (l) time fee in the amount of One Hundred Dollars 0 100. 00 ) . IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Right -of- Way Encroachment Agreement as of the day, month and year first above written. UNITED POWER ASSOCIATION (UPA) �.artih General Manager 3- il- Ct ! - `m ", 4 0 -"-� lu s 1* 0 — 0 M-11. Af 7, 71, r4 � � I � I I� I'M42WI@ '13(417 tM- PAQd %Z1 UP L OF MINNESOTA ) ) Ss: COUNTY OF SHERBURNE) `I.`he foregoing Right -of -Way En oath ent Agreement was acknowledged before ate this day of ::� e , 1987, by P. 0. Martin, General Manager of United ozH e 1 Assoc ation, a Minnesota cooperative corporation, on behalf of the corporation. �iUL.y 10, IVi3g �:L:, f� 'ev:szsss�c.�.�ua.- �voaa�r:cak STATE OF MINNESOTA ss: COUNTY OF WRIGHT • �iGt- cam. -�C.. �C���-� --� INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 882 (ISD No $$2) By:� 1}ona d Oran Chairman The foregoing Right -of -Way Encroachment Agreement was acknowledged before me this 28th day of September 1987, by Donald N. Doran, Chairman of Independent School Ms`E .ct No. 882, on behalf of the School District. BClduc NotAry PaWo—minnesota Sherburne County iba.na y Conim • E)cp. 1.13.171 This 'Right -of -Way Encroachment Agreement was drafted by: Paul. A. Larsen General Counsel United Power Association Elk River, ;Iinnesota 55330 (612) 441 -3121 Return after recording to: United Power Association Environmental, and Lands Division ),lk R -ver, Minnesota 55330 4- .i- MISC, Oct ifil 12: coax ?ALE ?ALE-03. HARCIA � F dr � tFtjS tai ;� :.,- .�,,,._.,.,. r+v�- J•+.�s- �. +..�.:.._:_ _ __. —_. . . STATE OF 'fINNESOTA 14ONTICELLO ORDE1Uy WIEXATIOH BOARD Count' OF WRIGHT CONDITIONAL USE PROCEF,I3INGS' In the matte -%, of ;lonticello I.S.D. €882 REQUES`r: to rezone fron A -2 Gene'-'al ORDER GRANTING 05ENik' M Agriculture to R -1 UT -ban -Rural Tr' "' Lion and a-Conditional Use Pernit to prepare site for CONDITIONAL USE con 3Lruction of a public school buildings and facilities as ragulatett to Boyle b Beverly Boyle , Owner. Section 605, of the Wright County Yoni.n8 Ordinance.. The above entitled matter came on to be heard before the 14onticello Orderly annexation Board on the 3rd day of December , 198b on a petition for a conditional use pursuant to the Wright County Zoning Ordinance, for the following described property: LoL 21, Auditor's Subdivision Number 11 according to the recorded plat !:hereof, the North Half of Lot A of the Southeast Quarter according to the plat thereof, recorded in Book 1 of Sectional plus, page 570 and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter lownshp 12., Range 25, Wright County, flinnesoLa, containing 80.100 acres and subject to the fight of way of County Raad No, 118 over the Feat side thereof and subject to other casements of record. IT IS ORDEPED that a conditional use .knob) be granted as upon the following conditions or r:easonat Conditionc? Use Pefml t granted according to the plans presented, subject LO grading plans and subject to the County R @ Y & e p Lions. DATED this 3rd day of December , 19 86 is rman o klonticelllo Orderly Annexation Soard STATE OF MINNESOTA ) A-G, sa. WRIGHT COUNTY OFFICE County of Wright ) OF PLANNING AND ZONING I, Tom Salkowski Zoning Administrator for the County of Wright, with and in for said County, d- hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy and Order 6ranting)(donyicng) a condi- tional use with the original record thereof preserved in my office, and have found the same to be a correct and true transcript of the whale thereof. IN TEST114ONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subacribed my hand at Buffalo, Minnesota, in the County of Wright on the day of 19 S� 4f C4 Rty on 31 n StraCOr Receipt 428116 pd. $10. 91 -_Y11- -1 __? 435883 DEC -3 M 1. 15 Bor. (/„!f fo. A ? Px F O 9 e� YQ¢� 4� t i M 0 $R HR q r S GO'�n S b $ i n Nil z � 1 ��o S , - iIf.11 gwvarr any xo.:sa " A b _ tp^ qua y ' \ Sfl /f }1 j 4 .A 8 i Y I � I v O —i .4 C� Yp ,5 i�wng�ws . is 1 �i S va 3 S , - iIf.11 gwvarr any xo.:sa " A b _ 8 qua • ' \ Sfl /f ♦ j fL .A 8 i Y I � I O O —i .4 C� Yp ,5 i�wng�ws . is 1 1 PH 0 0 0 s a ♦ j fL .A 8 i Y I � I O J T 1 PH 0 0 0 xwwr courisr FLOW& FtillT- CF -1rAY FlA7 Nn. a .A Y O J T 1 PH 0 0 0 s' gxg S( 8I" 9 uy» ri q go {� T• 33 a^ n � 2• P A sE ��I x`11 E 1! 75 N yy 71 "U'[ .....I. .... ...- 931.11 MAI I, = p L H n " pilli � a I `-J 1-0-:- • JI I {�" ` SIS.It . E�I I II lur, IVr� E �E i 1—i ci N i iJ 1 0 C' T• 33 1-0-:- • JI I {�" ` SIS.It . E�I I II lur, IVr� E �E i 1—i ci N i iJ 1 0 Parcel Ito, 3 > RiPl co. Rd. 118 HIGHWAY EASEMENT yxgra lr Co. prof . 88 0116 -121 OlEcxeo 1y _ F independent School District No. 882 P.O. Box 8 97 }lonticnllo, 141 55362 Grznlor of HYit�ht County _ blfnnetota, for and in tv"duation of One Thonsand,t Two Hundred and -------------- - - - -- - Ulan ececlpt of nhich Is hereby acinowtedgtd, hereby convey-and warrrnl to the 111121st County IliPhSeay Departmeq srantee, fee highway purpores, togcthcr with the orumbicted rfs6bdonptxnvt the. tams, free and clear of all incum• branccs. Iht fallowing dentibtd real aslale in the County of-- ...., - - --- �S��fn the Sidi, of hilanttola: That part of Section far Township 121 , Range 25 , shown an PARCFL Ito, 3 an the plat designated as WR1G11T COtirtPY 11101VAY AiCOT- OF -11AX PLAT ifo.14 on Pile and of record in the office of the County Recorder, ?aright County Minnesota. Together with a teoporary easement lying itestarly of said Parcel No. 3 as shown on said 1'LAT. Said grantor, for hicsselz, his heirs, executors and assigno does hereby grant and permit the County of Nrigtxr, Minnesota the right to construct an edhanisnent (fill) slopd or a backslope not steeper than the approxinate ratio of one (1) foot vcrti tally to ( h ) fees borizoutally, to a maximum centerline offset of 6fl feet , adjacent to and as part of the general plan for this iaprovenent and protection of County highway Ito. 118uith the follovittg stipulations: During construction the County will have the original topsoil placed back on the backslopas and shoulder slopes and will have it seeded dowers wich a ,toed snixture of Alfalfa, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Timothy, Red Top, Switehgra,e�, 5rtcloCh Dromeiraos, and Perennial Ryagrass; and /or Park Kentucky Bluegrass, Smooth Droiaegrabs, Red Top, Timothy, Forennial hyegraaa, White Clover and Birdsfoot Trefoil, laciglrt Ca ^ety w311 recove old water tank and plug and cover existing well carting along frontage, Rxiqiug turnlane will be longthened to mart county standarElS. Owner hereby grants pamission to place the present Power or Telephony poles an the right -o£ -way line granting right -of -way for cross arse overhang. The owner agrees not to plow or purfozm,any othur detrimental operations within the right -of- way except in Use preparation of the land for planting a perennial hay crop or the harvesting of same. This instru+xnt was drafted by the Wright County ftightlay Department, Buffalo, Hinneantu, himsdr, Ms And tf:e said grantor� for themsehres, iheff hens, eleculon and ass&gns, da- conversant never to cut. damage, detboy or remove aey tree or shrub or other natural gro,.lh upon fht ereinbefara deg bed premises for the tonllnuante of Whit emcrosnt, and does ftueby grant and convey to ureter h' r nt it3ghwa Dept. all wastes, thmio, trees and natwal growth now eating en laid Lands or Ihal nay be heresfEer planted or grown thereon. himself, Ish And the said gta,tlor_� fee thxmseiret, their helve, executors and assigns do_ rarely retease the Ifri ht County HigIrway De artmastt its tuecessers and assign" from all claims for any and ad ddmaygrr�es rewlifrsg to the lands thsaugh and across which 16e parcel of land hereby conveyed is toeated by reason of the Iacatlan. grading, conwtruction, maintenance, and vie of a public highway over and upon and thr removal of mattrfab from the prcmiscs hereby conveyed and from the uses ircident thereto, and thei�ltllls?un y_�ils:ltHay D nr near tholl have the right to use and remove all earth and olhu materfats 1yt'ng within the parcel of land hereby conycytd and the eight to sonttruct and malnta'sn, upon who lands adjoinin3 fire pascal hereby eolycyed, such porfablc snow fences dwins such months as w itaiher condillons male necessary. ""'h1woft hit And the said_ gtirytor_ to 1 sthe,sisgpo, Ifwb heirs, ercculon and onigns, do- (urthm eonvenent never to construct, ue,��ij,, arniaint>,fn cr�allnrr br rulfer any other person to ccnsbucl, erect ar mainlain any Etgn or bill 6osid or olhut adrtrlftffly J'A'A'upr�i the land& adjoining eke par"& hereby conveyed, closer khan one hundred (to, feet from the sefd premises unlass a ptsm'd therefor in w siUng shall have fiat been o6tatncd from the Dated In piele Witness w7tncss Welty (�-�.-11 .1 . —{ l-; t -; WATE OP MINNESOTA t GnMy On gay of 1921�— bte�fore me pusaoany nppcetcd to me kPoxn to 6t the Pcnon_dev6btd is and who atecuted the folcgorng in bument, end ceUmvitdgtd that_. k ..,.uccvied tht tamt ss � lace act and dttd. rev& v wot""'YAWna4 . 2 -j" �a ff'[rcril}'fE3frAYrfi S �lr. l hRTi• ' 1,RGaiUcEeIO 'Ti�I e £- ITfy 14 CYb=i12 O1 %141 AhrJrVNrV�hl? V:flhiY.Yf. I htreby eerGry Ihai the erilhin catcmtnt will convey to the for highway purposes a good title to the rand }3serdri deuntxd, free end titer of alf lnurmhrencct. l further approve said cascment et to Farm and atculion, .r O W fK � W.. q 19 —Covnty AHornoy. A ottarA Attorney Genuat. 448067 t � f rr1 E or Mnit y Almon }1P.t`1iC'1:IIy.lfkyCS 1R 1988 SEP 28 PH 12: 18 misc. 690K 93 Bd4E 764 M.,1RCln il11r? r�, Cd, R[ CCAOEA �/tub�cLc/''f'• U lal,ntlo. al•.i1 -4BlT C1. AIM BEEn }![nntsols Un!lo,r., �nmst�nn or Pallnsfc4la - "'- _..� —.— - 40 Cofpw alfon 01 f 1linro'.09 No delltlquent taxesand transfer enicred' etll(icate of heal Estate Valise ( ) filed { llnLrequtred Certiffeate of Real Estate Value N by ,1s Coullty Auditar MED TAX DUE IIEREON: $ Dale. Augast 6 __ , 13 91 493260 gi,fl:= 'r - Z st.0 ?6i? 0-t"", : I ' °Uh Kiel AUG 16 Pit I: 30 Atlsc, eux 100 mA51 /ec Sp„ j _ (reserved for lecording dala) FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, LOt( ICE lle SCUWL DISTRICT $BQ2 a uarler the laws of Grantor, hereby Caoyeys and quitclalms to the Ci t of _ N.onticcll0. ,Gtentcc, undcr tile 1.1wiL I Sea' ProPertyto flri ht County, 0iinncsoti, desrrlhed as follows: An aaaaaent for publio right-of -vay purporsem across the East '1.00 feet of the Neat 40.00 foot of Lot 20 of AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISIDINO- OUL' According to the recorded reap thereof, being the Itortilwant Quarter at Cho Southwest Quartec of Sec"Orl 13r -Township 121, rtango 25, Wright County, Minneaots. A p©ra,anent eaaeeant for drainage and utility puCpouea over, under, and acroau Cho East 12,00 foot of tlse treat 52.00 foot of Lot 20 or AUDISOP's $UODIVISSaN NO. 011P, according to the recorded pall theraot, betn0 the Uortifwoot Quarter of the Seuthweat Quarter of Section 13, Township 121, Range 25, tlright County, Minnesota. +Conuideration for thin transfer is 5500.00 or lest}, pt mwe fpsce tf neednl,t0n[tncr en NtttF together with a1111ptcditflulenU and appnstenances laelanglug tliereia. Affl'i P -4 1.:.larng111,•1•' STATE OF 111INNEWTA sa COUN•PY OF W"(;nx KONTICELtO 5CHODL DISTRICT 1002 yam... By fir, i'e.:r +C• i is r/ t by r 1s.w Tile foregoing was a0nowledged be love lee Ibis 6th of Au uat '19 , by Nanc casuano _alld Jlcf Herbst the Chairperson Gild Clark a( Monticello School District $1182 n corporal On under the Inwg aE the state of 14innesota _ , 011 behalf of illtl car Y(iEOl1 POTA REA 1.iYA31P nn SEALM11 aTpErt TtILE OIt RAIIX) {11G} AO A. I` USTELLM I*1AAYPVDUa• Vim:rESUTA {14 6HATURk or r%RSOfi x Ilia ACKlrowLinUrtEllr I n: i.neiiMIM. ein;n.- 11.1 P1 A.-ty 4"tAhiljre rhi, lndriMCM ahoeid -Ml ", Wf11C M C(St1lITY T1415 tnSIRUM..nr WAS aKAYTrn 11 (11AM.. Alfas A inrni.SSf:I City of Monticello t 5Q East Qroaduay L 110 sox 1)47 ttonticallo, fill 55162 WRIGHT Faro rnpl Ftoleo I jppod nx Jai L,6t Ji CounlyTreasurer Form No. 31 -M -- QUIT CLAIM DEED Corporation or Partnership to Corporation or Partnership Minnesota Uniform Conveyancing Blanks (1978) No delinquent taxes and transfer entered; Certificate of Real Estate Value ( ) filed ( ) not requiy Certificate of Real Estate Value No. ,19 by County Auditor Deputy Miller -Davis Co, Minneapolis 71.9828 OFFICE OF COU14TY RECORDER WRKINT CI)ONTY, MINNESOTA CERTIFIED) 10 FE ° =;.ED 00 SEP 20 PM 1; 53 foAARCIA LANTTO, CO. RECORDER l/' I STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: $_ —i Date: , 19 ( i. Sr' C �L, I—,- (_1 I (reserved for recording data) FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Independent School District #882, Monticello Public Schools a yolrtical subdivision under the laws of the State of Minnesota , Grantor, hereby conveys and quit claims to the City of Monticello , Grantee, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota , real property in I I Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: : i (See Exhibit B attached,) EASEMENT (if more space is needed, continue on back) jtogether with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto, subject to the following exceptions: Total consideration is $500 or less. Affix Deed Tax Stamp Here STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 J ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT By Its i I I August 2000 ! The foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of Aug > by Michael. Benedetto and the Superintendent and of Independent School District 882 ,a municipal corporation tinder the laws of the State of Minnesota ,on behalf oftheschool district NOTARIAL STAMP OR SEAL (OR OTHER TITLE OR RANK) DAWN M. GROSSINGER NOTARY PUBLIC -MINNESOTA MY COMM EXR 01/31/2005 iH!SrNSrrWYMENTWASDRfviEL EY(NAMEANua JDIicJS) WSB & Associates, Inc. 350 Westwood Lake Office 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 n -Vv-� SIGNATURE OF PERSON TAKING ACKNOWLEDGMENT Tax Statements for the real property descrImed in this instrument should be sent to (Include name and address of Grantee): RETURN TO: City Of mor'ticeilo 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 F•1XvP WIN\ 1010- 001deed- wanwty 1--" /4 ,--�hnC"Dto Exhibit B A permanent easement for utility and drainage purposes over, under and across that part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence North. 88 degrees 42 minutes 54 seconds East, assumed bearing along the North line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, a distance of 634.21 feet; thence South 02 degrees 47 minutes 42 seconds East, a distance of 314.60 feet; thence South 47 degrees 45 minutes 36 seconds West a distance of 82.75 feet; thence North 64 degrees 52 minutes 43 seconds West a distance of 120.29 feet; thence Soitth 70 degrees 19 minutes 02 seconds West a distance of 100.17 feet; thence North 07 degrees 11 minutes 31 seconds West a distance of 229.59 feet; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 190.75 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 66.89 feet; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 115.47 feet; thence .North 53 degrees 44 minutes 17 seconds West a distance of 61.07 feet to a point on the West line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, distant 141.27 feet South of said Northwest corner, as measured along said West line; thence North 00 degrees 22 minutes 00 seconds West, along said West line a distance of 141.27 feet to the point of beginning. And also a permanent easement for utility and drainage purposes over, under and across that part of said Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter described as follows: A strip of land 20.00 feet in width, the centerline of which is described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence North 89 degrees 04 minutes 10 seconds East, assumed bearing along the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, a distance of 681.32 feet to the point of beginning of said centerline to be hereinafter described; thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 104.70 feet; thence North 61 degrees 16 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 252.16 feet; thence North 20 degrees 40 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 296.61 feet; thence North 01 degrees 20 minutes 34 seconds West a distance of459.98 feet; thence North 36 degrees 13 minutes 36 seconds East a distance of 166.25 feet and said centerline there terminating. Said strip of land is to extend by its full width from the Northerly right -of -way line of School Boulevard to a line drawn perpendicular to said centerline and passes through the point of termination. And also a permanent easement for utility and drainage purposes over, under and across that part of the North half of Lot A of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 13 and also that part of said Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter described as follows: A strip of land 20.00 feet in width, the centerline of which is described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 3 6 minutes 04 seconds East, assumed bearing along the east line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, a distance of 41.76 feet; thence South 88 degrees 28 minutes 24 seconds West a distance of 693.80 feet to the point of begim-fing of said centerline to be hereinafter described; thence returning North 88 degrees 28 minutes 24 seconds East a distance of 750.40 feet; thence North 73 degrees 43 minutes 42 seconds East a distance of 192.45 feet; thence North 88 degrees 32 minutes 28 seconds East a distance of 281.31 feet and said centerline there terminating. Said strip of land is to extend by its full width from a line drawn perpendicular to said centerline and passes through the point of beginning to a line drawn perpendicular to said centerline and passes through the point of termination. F IWPIVMII I0- UDklecd -warranty Form No. 31 -M -- QUIT CLAIM DEED Corporation or Partnership to Corporation or Partnership Minnesota Uniform Conveyancing Blanks (1978) Miller -Davis Co, Minneapolis No delinquent taxes and transfer entered; Certifi ate of Real Estate Value ( } filNo ( t required Certificate of Real Estate Value . \ _19 by County Auditor Deputy OFFICE (IF COUNTY RECORDER 11P ICiliT C0133TY hRNNESOTA CERT11-10 10 •qt-, FILED 00 SEP 20 PM 1: 53 MARCIA LAHTTO. CO. RECORDER' STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: $ - Date: , 19 { ( Cf • �� Co iq �0 (reserved for recording data) FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Independent School District #882 Monticello Public Schools , a Dolitical subdivision under the laws of the State of Minnesota , Grantor, hereby conveys and quit claims to the City of Monticello Grantee, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota , real property in Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: (See Exhibit A attached.) EASEMENT (if more space is needed, continue on back) together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto, subject to the following exceptions: Total consideration is $500 or•less. Affix Deed Tax Stamp Here By I STATE OF MINNESOTA � ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT } I IThe foregoing was acknowledged before me this 31 s t by Michael Benedetto and the Superintendent and lof Independent School District. 882 ,a municipal corporation tulderthe laws of the State of Minnesota onbehalf'ofthe school district Its day of August M2000 NOTARIAL STAMP OR SEAL (OR OTHER TITLE OR RANK) SIGNATURE OF PERSON TAKING ACKNOWLED MENT DAWN M. GROS51�•<,.. NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESO I Tax Statements for flue real property described in this instrument should be sent to (Include t� MY COMM. EXP. 01/3112005 name and address of Grantee) � /NNti�p •rs...b+.an.n�• . RETURN T0: THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY (NAME AND ADDRESS): WSB & Associates, Inc. 350 Westwood Lake Office 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 Citv of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 F1 WPV ✓il`7110[�- o0 \dced- tivan�tap/,� ,�r�.,� ,, �t� EXHIBIT A Parcel No. 1 A permanent easement for utility and drainage purposes over, under and across that part of Lot 17, Auditor's Subdivision No. 1, described as follows: A strip of land 20.00 feet in width over that part of said Lot 17, the centerline of which is described as follows: Coin mencing at the Southwest comer of said Lot 17; thence South 00 degrees 36 minutes 04 seconds East, assumed bearing along the Southerly extension of the West line of said Lot 17, a distance of 41.76 feet to the point of beginning of said centerline to be hereinafter described; thence North 88 degrees 28 minutes 24 seconds East a distance of 56.60 feet; thence North 73 degrees 43 minutes 42 seconds East a distance of 192.45 feet; thence North 88 degrees 32 minutes 28 seconds East a distance of 281.31 feet; thence South 50 degrees 22 minutes 02 seconds East a distance of 25.00 feet and said centerline there terminating. Parcel No. 2 And also a permanent easement for utility and drainage purposes over, under and across that part of Lot 20 u1 said plat, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Lot 20; thence North 88 degrees 42 minutes 54 seconds East, assumed bearing along the North line of said Lot 20, a distance of 752.65 feet to the point of beginning; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 38.10 .feet; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 291.85 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 48.22 feet; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 209.83 feet; thence South 53 degrees 44 minutes 17 seconds East a distance of 71.72 feet to a point on the East line of said Lot 20, distant 141.27 feet South of the Northeast comer of said Lot 20, as measured along said East line; thence North 00 degrees 22 minutes 00 seconds West, along said East line, a distance of 141.27 feet to said Northeast corner; thence South 88 degrees 42 minutes 54 seconds West, along said North line a distance of 558.74 feet to the point of beginning. r \WPWIN \I DI0- 001dxd -wmmuy 'No �clinquent lags and transfer entered; Certificate of Real Estate Value ( } filed )not required Cerlificale of Real Estate ' uc Ito. �_— > 19 County Auditor by Deputy ,STATH DEED TAX DUE HEREON: S 19 r198'?9 °11fitprc'r! rk`s {j"ppii� f.4t G19QC nE�� ?l {N 00 SEP 20 PH is 53 HARC €A i A81I% CO. !iC(CG9KA BY.Y,f =–UEY IQ i^ of u (t 13.1c, (reserved for recording data) FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, jtldependcnt Schoet DistriclU$ @) A4anlicetfo i'uhtic Schoo€s ,a political sub isian under the laws Minnessza , Grantor, hctcby conveys and quit claims to tlto Ci1v of Monticello Grantee, a municioal G41'iT onion wider the lews of ll ;e Siaie o; Minnesota real property in NI–In ht County, Minnesota, described as follows: (See Exhibit C mtachcd -) t:.eSEXEnT armor sN:� uun4A.n �anur u1+b::Sr together with all licreditantcnts and appuricnim.-s belonging thereto, subject to tltc following exceptions: Total Coanideration Is $500 or less. .. 1 I* Affix Dead Tax Siamp Here By 1 a + k is By STATF OF NJ I NNES(YTA ss. COUN I-Y OF t7F3GtiT Its The fore f ring was aC€7lowledged before me this 3181 day of August _ , 19 200D , by HIChnel Santdetto and the Superin[nndent -and — Of Indeeendent School District 882 a tiunicipal cocporatiao under tho laws oftlle State of Minnesota onbehaifofthe School district N01ARMS1,Wt 01SEkt(Oa O1H!AMU OR RxtiY) '5 . WAE of rF�F:m.s1A):tcu.cCKSOxL"MMI1"r DA%�N It OR�111 HCER nom,51 AG7NiYrv1�eiou 7„ SOieresVFae� ,..1P'is'Rdnw�aib�iv�srzt kflF2ltslUllc<t.1r ►rr awt trACA RETURN TO: Ties LtiS1 vmv,'r xAS PR,lsltonv 11'111E.Wrl) OarSS7 .i 1-... .•. WSB & Associates, Inc. 350 Westwood Lake Oflirc 8441 Wayiala Boulevard Miancapoiis, h'il`t 55426 City of F,ontitelly SOS Walmlt st.eat, suite d€ Honticallo. Mn 5562 1:xf11131T C & :permanent casement for utility and drainage purposes over, under and across that hart of Lot 21, Auditor's Subdivision No. 1, accotding to the recorded plat thereof; Wright County, h1ionesota, described as Follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Lot 21; thence North 88 degrees 42 rninutcs 49 seconds East, assumed Staring along the North line of said Lot 21, a distance of 2S5.27 feet to the point of beginning; thence South 47 legrees 07 minutes 23 sccands fact a dis €ancc of 66.98 feet; thence North 84 dege es 04 minutes 29 sccomis East t dislarce of 260.83 feet; thcnco South 72 degrees 49 minutes 03 seconds East a distance of 170.55 feet; thence North 53 dcgtces 56 minutes 01 seconds East a distance of214.44 feet; thence South 42 degrees 03 minutcs 34 sa:onds Cast a distattcc of 56.54 foot;111enceSoutit 00 degrees 23 minutes 35 seconds East a distance of62.57 feel; thcitce South 19 degrees 20 minutes 46 seconds West a distanccof62.32 feet; ihcnce South 69 degrees 04 minutes 01 seconds West a distance of 70 -05 feel; dtcnee Notilr 83 degrees 22 minutes 37 seconds West a distance or91.00 feet; thence North 65 degrees 01 minutes 57 seconds Nest n distance of 127.90 feet; thence South 53 degrees 12 ntinute3 53 seconds Wcst a dislance of 352.35 feel; thencc South RE degrees 50 minutes 49 seconds West a d istanco of 80.41 feet; thence North 01 degrees 59 minutes 34 seconds (Vest a distanco of 222.77 feet; thence North 21 digress 04 rninuics 58 seconds East a distance o; 62.16 feet; thence Worth 30 degrees 36 mimics 01 seconds West a distance of 14S.09 feet to the Korth line of said tot 21; thence North 88 degrees 42 nti pules 49 seconds East, along said North tine, a distance of49.5E feet to the point ofhegiuning. r +rra�aoiaara.s..,� -719829 RETURN T0: CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT STREET SUITE #1 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 r 736763 OFFICE' OF COUNTY RECORDER 4l131GNT COUNTY. MRIIE5OTA CERTIFIED TO BE FILED A1401OR C;CCOR00 ON Dt APR -6 PN 12: 24 1q,G C+I3 CI'T'Y OF MONTICELLO a PATHWAY EASEMENT The undersigned, being fee owner of the premises in Wright County. Minnesota, described as: That part of of 21. Auditors Subdivision No, 1. according.; to the recur r-A plat therein; Wright Count }. 1\4innesota lying West oC Wright County Hiohwaty Right of Way flat No. 18 accordin(, to the recorded plat thereof. in said coullt;'. anti North oC School Boulevard. Which lies «ithin the following permanent eascmcnt fior pedestrian pathway purposes: A strip of land 6.000 dieters (19.68 feet) in iidth over that part of Lot 21. Auditor's Subdivision No, 1. according to the recorded plat thereof. Wright County. Minnesota, the Easterly line U w'hlCh IS C011ti(ILIOliS with a line drwwn parallel with and distant 4.761 meters (1 5.62 I"ect) West o €' the West line of Wriulit County light of Way Plat No. 14. according, to the recorded plat thereof. Wri,oht County. Minnesota, Said strip oCland is to extend by its frill width from the North line of School Boulevard to the North line ol'said Lot 21. In consideration of the mutual covenants and promises and other good and valuable consideration. ��e /1 hereby grant and convey to the City of Monticello. Minnesota. hereinafter called the City. a perpetual easement Cor pedestrian walkway purposes above. on. across. and under that portion of the above described land. Page 1 The City and /or the owner of any private utility. during tine constructim period and any s €lbscquent repair. shall have the right to make use of the land outside the easement to operate corrstruction equipment, and for [lie temporary storage of equipment, materials, supplies, and soil bank, This casement is given upon. the express coliditions that after initial construction or any subsequent repair. the premises shall be restored to normal condition insofar as reasonably possible. All persons. firms, n1• corporations lioldingg or claiming liens against said pvemises, as may be indicated by their signature hereto, hereby join in this easemem and give their consent thereto. This easement is binding upon the owners, their heirs, successors; or assigns a,id shall run with the land- Dated this day of - .2001. Independent School District No. 882, Monticello Publi ch ols a r r BY: •hael Benedetto Superintendent of Monticello Schools STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )SS: COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) On this � day o ' 2001. before me. a Notary Public -within and for said County and State_ personally appeared Michael Benedetto, Superintendent of Monticello Schools, of the above referenced real property. who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act and d DRAFTED BY: Michael .1. Nielson, P-E. WSB &. Associates. Inc. 606 25" AVellUe Sotrth. St. Cloud. N1N 56341 Paga x Stine 101 Telephone: (320) 252 -4900 raht Cq�fnty Notary Public isJENNIFER 6. ACKERMAPi E rm PUSL#C - MINNESOTA Ctlntmwlan EXPIMS .ten. 31, 9065 r7367G3 4 h HIS 4-w; q s�Is z� ia�8� � F HR4 P e 50 � <� za O i HIS 4-w; q s�Is z� ia�8� � F HR4 P e 50 � <� za O ! 1?' 14__ ham_- __�_ -_ _r- y____]_ R S 4y =s 0 MR r z� R of � •r�T' o 3 •s p�A �� V a I � 1 i t klt `Li w I 1(� � • / I ilk ti� I 4 "r.Irr i 1 °5 f t . ht I 1 lf7pl 1 I � pqgg •:/ p�.: Y i3 I 11 1 14� �AF Hy 1 !G f7, 3SC 11 ` I LAST L t V T�Y tut 1'l is U T•E Ii L j 1 C0:`l1Y S STATE A4 Ki` WAY A�, 0 N :ii13 C CC'' tTY' h:il Al F_ii13 [i.NAY PiAt \•f -.ER IS r r 1 $�•- ------------- -------- . i biVW. i 1 1 - - ----------- R S 4y =s 0 MR r z� R of � •r�T' o 3 •s p�A �� V a I � 1 i t klt `Li w I 1(� � • / I ilk ti� I 4 "r.Irr i 1 °5 f t . ht I 1 lf7pl 1 I � pqgg •:/ p�.: Y i3 I 11 1 14� �AF Hy 1 !G f7, 3SC 11 ` I LAST L t V T�Y tut 1'l is U T•E Ii L j L j / W. l �. a / .7�• ! S �• ! yr 6J ! I ! u / r / f ! l � J ! f. f M n zin¢� A 31� o YY�n'o�y ;m�mm P � 1 CMO Z 2 i~ J 44 h� i rho �i 1 Hlj I k t E CMO Z 2 i~ J 44 h� i rho �i 1 RI+ TURN TO, CXTY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST #1 MONTICELLO 10 55362 Doc. No. A 951314 OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Certified Fled and/or Recorded on 03 -17 -2005 at 72:30 Check ##: Fee: $ Payment Cede 05 Addl Fee Larry A. Unger, County Recorder f RESOLUTION NO. 2005 --28 RESOLUTION FOR ACQUISITION OF FEE TITLE, EASEMENTS, AND OTHER RIGHTS NECESSARY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION, IMPROVEMENT, AND MAINTENANCE OF WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY NUMBERS 18 AND 39 At a meeting of the City Council of the City of Monticello, held on the 14th day of March, 2005, the following Resolution was offered by r a enj tt mpf ___ _ ____ and seconded by C ttneil.memb r Ferrault to wit WHEREAS, the City of Monticello has prepared Wright County Highway Right of Way flat No. 55, County State Aid Highway Numbers 18 and 39 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said the City of Monticello authorizes the acquisition of fee title easements and other rights necessary for construction, reconstruction, improvement and maintenance of Wright County Highway Numbers 18 and 39, located in Section 13, township 121, Range 25, and Section 18, Township 121, Range 24 in accordance with said Right of Way Plat No 55 Upon the call of the roll the following Council Members voted in favor of the Resolution Herbst,_hfaye ,_ Posusta> Perrault and Stumpf The following Council Members voted against its adoption None ATTEST: Mayor rz / «i - Dated � 200 C _ STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF ITriaht CITY OF -Mnn t• -1 r a Lo 1 do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the Council of the City of authorized. meeting thereof held on the 14th mirpe,ofsaiti'Ineeting in nay possession t`fAt s r i �Ionticello , Minnesota at a duly day of March , 2005 , as shown by the City Clark I d ..M 1 Z =g S i i :.A tndivwualW to Cuporetloo or P,Ay Inership t taxes and transfer entered; Certificate of eal Estate Value ( ) filed ( L-Mot required e4 //,IUIP ,19� a — My Auditor by CHID 7�7u -� STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: $ exom 415606 OFFICE OF COUNyyTY RECORDER hiC 01FiEO Ta Bt FILED ti 1T3 /OR RECORDED ON 1988 DEC -8 Am W 13 DEEDS m RGIA tANTTO• c gER6`c867 DY��- Utl'Ui'i Date : — 19 (reserved C- ording data) FOR VALUABLE CONSIDrRATION, JIM T. BOYLE, aka JAMES T. BOYLE, and BEVERLY A. BOYLE husband and wife Grantor (s), (marital status} hereby convoy (s) and warrant(s)to INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 4 68 2, MONTICELLO PUBLIC SCHOOLS Grantee, apolitical subdivision, being a un erthelawsof ~ Minnesota , real property in Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows. See reverse side for legal description. (if more spaea is needed, cantinus on heck) together with all herediLlaments and appurtenances belonging thereto, subject to the following exceptions: Fxempt From peed Tax County Treasu� - Affix Decd Tax Stamp Here STA'T'E OF MINNESOTA sa, COUNTY OF WRIGHT The fo am Instrument was acknowledged before the thin_�day of b5/ JI:S B YLE, aka JAMES T. BOYLE, and BEVERLY A. BOYLE, husband and wile GlRrItQI (ti)t NOTARIAL STAMP OR SRAL (OR OTHER TITLE OR RANK) eR�ilal 5EJ3. SANOM l.. ,IACOi:, N Notary PoOFIC -- Slam Of AslretNa MARICOPA COUN1Y f,(y Corm %xpites (xt, 2. 1568 STRumFNT WAS DRAFTED BY (NAME AND ADDRESS)' . TCALF & LARSON Attorneys at Law P.O. Box 446; 313 W. Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 (612) 295 -3232 Metro 421 -3393 Tax 8tasemeaU fDr the real proirerty dsaoslbed la 'this lnstte t should bo eea0 to ((nelude was and a4dreM of thaatae): INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ';l 882 MONTICELLO PUBLIC SCHOOLS District Office 302 Washington St. Monticello, MN 55362 Lot 21, Auditdi: 0954d4xision Number 1, according to the recorded plat thereof, the ,Forth Half of Toot A of the Southeast Quarter according to the plat thereof recorded in Book 1 of Sectional Plats, page 570 and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter all in Section 13, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, containing 80.109 acres and subject to the right of way of county Ra tY.xQ;.118 �Teer the Past side thereof" and subject to other easements of'GOr t A 3 s 4 i i r }� B q� 3 3 _...3 "n k, ;.. '�7 �3i33jjp •i �3 i 4 ?: /, B;rT[1RN T6 M ter.'rrrn,�rw Pr - tca3:f ii:'Laxson w,• � ACA,PM - _ - rae.inrx 1' O ':Box 4G6 .. Ldoraticello, ;Mi~T. 55362 LBUTED .W RRANW r r, 1 ' "TRIS' R;bF.NTURE, made this " I r. tth— dap of 199i.'ben' FEB 12 �-t r� a Scdesally. chaeietrd CO tpoxatwn, vritit a post o�ca mss DEMg awr.' 333 nGE 26 ;v [art y.atp YA whose post o ficc addmAs is $10.40 Ck. #14-915 patty of the seczmd' Pmt (heo ina€ter referred to as "party wiwthesr,singular or" plural): ":F /IT JSSETi, .that the said" party esf: the Val siahl o � f`nncyt � - _ _ . cansideiatioa of jhe Burn of .�.:. '� - , Rrxo+aict fnromufion Lit3L1Ak'5,, w it "paid by:the'said party of t?ie second part. the rerxipt "treat is hereby, aclaowledged, daa "gcaat,: bargain, 'sell, and couvey unto the said party of the second port, his/bar/their heirs, successors and assigns fotcvc the follcauiri deseribtd "rrai;, . estate, situated in the County of an i.Statz of Minnesota T.ot 1.7 lying South -of the center line of Chelsea .Road: Lot 2;') 7 . Ali in Auditor's Subdivision No 1, Wright.County, Minnesota.' Subject to exi.stirg highways, easements and rights of tray. o£ 'record -. ."NOSE:* This conveyance is exempt from state deed tax- purpuant to M:5.A. 287.22"(F). subject to all existing easements and rights of way; also subject to an tarots on said prtrnises for the year' 19 21 aad %awing years; also subject to ill unpaid parts and installments of special assessments on said premises which have fallen chic, or will €aiLdue hereafter. EXCLUDING therefrom and.exceptiog and reserving to said Party of the fr st pan all mineral and royalty rig[us, interests estates and titter ' heretofore reserved or excepted of iecord-by The Federal-Land Bank of Saint Paul prior to January 22, 1996, if airy, with such tasernents5or ingress "ogres "s and use of surface as may be incidental or neccsdgry to use of such rights. The foregoing era:lusioa, exception and reservation shall 'include, but not be limited to, all oil, gas, hpdroearbons, coal and other rainetals of whatsoever nature lying in or, ureder'the above- deicrbtid lands and all royalty interests as to oil, has and ad= minerals produced and saved therefrom. It is expressly..understood that" the said pany.of the. first Fart will make no warranty, as to the extent of its ownership of minerals, or as to its title thereoo: TOGETHER with all snd singular the herrditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in. any wise appertaining -, and all estate, tight, tide, ait&itt, claim or demand whatsoever, of.the said party of the first part, either in law or equity, either in possession ar ertpectancy "of, io . and to the above "bargained premises and their hereditantents and appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises as above described, with the ltercditamems and appurtenances unto the said party,uf'Oe- second 'part. and-to his/herltheir heirs, successors and assigns FOREVER. AND THE SAM party of tit first part, for itself and its successors, dues covenant, grant. bargain and agree to and with the said Party of the" second part, his/herltheir heirs, successors "and emigns, against all and every person or persons Iawfirlly claiming the whole onany part thereof; by, throngh or under said party of the first part, and none other, it will'forever WARRANT and DEFEND. M un YvS :.rr>.'sip w rnbw+hta of Real Estate Vrdue ( j filed f ,/j ual 1 CetFitkaAIR ea1 S; FaFa ValUp N6. ' Auditor ed STATE D69DTAX DUE HEREON: $ Date:�4f •, e 1I ,14.5a 509f1�7 -Hit {E ai C]�:!rtY F. °Cec U:"c. L:E1;:� eJ ip;:� rktE �• 92 JUL 16 P11 41 G© MARCIA LAHIMCO. RECOPG�R I for recording di 0 �M' FOR VALUAf3L6 CON 1fiiE:LA'170N, ionticello Sr.Itonl nintrict 9802 _ aindepandent diotrict under the la1Ys of the state of trinncaoto , Granter, hereby conveys and eiuitcleuus to the City of Monticello Grantee, a minieipal corporation under the WYA of tho state of Minnenoto mar property (n Wright County, liinneseta, described as follo %vs: :hat part of the Rortheant Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 121, Stange 25, 1 +right County, Minnesota, snd that part of the 17orth half of Lot A of the Southeast Quarter of said section 13 and that part of Lots 20 and 21, Auditor's 5uWivision Yo. 1, according to the plat on file in the office of the County NecOtdur, in and for raid lIr.lght County, lying southerly of a line 40.QD foot northerly of the following deacribed line "A": Beginning at a point on the west line of said 5outhvsat Quarter distant 1310.69 foot southerly of ti-a northwest corner thoeoof; thence Borth 88 dogreeB 36 ctinutou $3 seconds East, a distance of 2711.24 toot; thence easterly a distance of 200.00 fast along a tangential curve, concave to the north, having a radius of 13,362.77 feet and a central angle of OD degrees 51 minute$ 27 seconds; thence Horth 87 degrees 44 minutes 46 seconds East, 14ye o0 eejr -s COHTINUEG Ott BACK... ht ma r,pem lenead.d,tnntinaesnots.] together with ali herediiaments and appurtenances belonging thereto. `tt MONTICELLO SCH06r, UISTF.ICT 8802 Ay t / Its STA'T'E OF MINNESOTA 11J, f ss. COUNTY OF The foreeoitig %v as aNnowledged before me this �'Jl - y by Hpnc Carsano and Jim Harbs the Chairooraon _ and CIOrk _ Of Sts t Gallo School tliatrict d8B2 _ __ ,a— kudepandent dintrick____, under the lays of the state of trinnanota , on�behalf of the VpTAAtit .STAT[reaSCAL(Olao7nERZ1Tp� nnxHK) ! / �/1/�FN�lr++r �� _��! )i.t �f•ir . r�fiit/iili'�Yf�'...! 1F R AOSCt=R..IA.{ /f s ;atth ne uP Prnsar: raKi3fd �eKNntvi eoG64eNY PENH UIVf501A 7aH St,trn , tAe ,ui vrny rtif dt,t.lavd In aaF, innrs+.arnk ,houfd 1{aTA1i'f PU�t.HC• u1S1iiY iN11IC3ii� to sr.tne+v tinrl�d, n,m, .nS,gdnuai W anir +l: 1,(yloHnm.£Tp.�Tb.2e.1547 V ' THIS IISTHU,1r2tT UA3 UHA?TED eY lHA51K. AMM Un n ESSW City of Monticello RETURN TO :: 250 $ of Veoadway Po Box 1147 i Monticello, MI SS562 E taxes rot the Year T on Iands 1 di Yrllhin. Pald this /u-47L 04Y coupty IMpluter B ' t'f ClafiforNputy- Y..-� -! ..».... ....... ... ---- -. Syr: ra a 1 r` i 1 C. ,^ it'd 1! E l t F-t u dlotorsco Of 1015.60 Pant and said line "A" thozo terminating. sai$ parcel cnntains 5.675 acres more or loco. Said line "A" io the propoaad contatlino of an 80.00 foot ;ride right-of-way for School iioll14va rd . rot the purpone of this dosoription, the weer sine of the soutliwe tt Izaartor of Section 13 is assumed to haor South 00 dacurcoo 12 minutes 24 seconds East. Monticello High School Stadium Storm Water Management Report Monticello Public Schools High School August 4, 2016 ANDERSON - .IOHNSON ASSOCIATES, "C L4NDscAPFARL'HrFEcTuRF • SITFAANAnu • CIar E G7NEFmG Index Title Page 2 Index 3 Certification 4 Narrative 5- 10 HydroCAD® Calculations - Existing Conditions 11 -22 HydroCAD® Calculations - Proposed Conditions 23-24 Filtration and Water Quality 25-79 Geotechnical Evaluation ANDERSON - JOHNSON A-j A-wow AS SOCL4TES, C Z I. ARVCr4PrARC'H[TF:CTURr - S1TE PI.Ar4AW G - CIFR EAGINrrRING Civil Engineer's Certification I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. David A. Rey, PE ( Registration No. 40180 August 4, 2016 DESIGN NARRATIVE Independent School District #882 is proposing and addition to the Monticello High School building; adding a sport complex consisting of a synthetic football field and bleachers, track, sand/peat soccer /lacrosse field, and concessions building; and a building addition to Eastview Elementary. The project is planned to be constructed in multiple stages beginning summer of 2016. The greatest site changes will occur with the sports complex which will begin construction during the fall of 2016 and be completed in the summer of 2017. WATER QUALITY CONTROL The existing pond was designed for future development. An infiltration area will be placed under the synthetic turf football field. Calculations show only a portion of this field is needed to meet the required infiltration volume. ANDERSON - JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, ZA-V-r!,oi4www INC. LANI)SC4PE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLA11 W G • CI YIL ENGiATERLvG HydroCAD' Calculations Existing Conditions O IC) z C/) cn 00 0> zr 0 0 0 0 m .29 X iD P. -0 P ��, M > no ZI PE Z m C 3 nn m o co sm. 07gop"m 0 m .29 X iD P. -0 P ��, M > no ZI PE Z m C 3 nn m o co R, d .29 X iD P. -0 P ��, M > no ZI PE Z m C 3 nn m o E1 Subcat Reach Pon Link 1L ING POND EXISTING Type 11 24 -hr 2 YEAR Atlas 14 Rainfall= 2.84" Prepared by Hewlett- Packard Company Printed 8/4/2016 HydroCAD® 10.00 -15 s/n 01280 © 2015 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 2 Summary for Subcatchment E1: Runoff = 12.15 cfs @ 12.30 hrs, Volume= 1.510 af, Depth= 0.55" Runoff by SCS TR -20 method, UH =SCS, Weighted -CN, Time Span= 0.10 -72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24 -hr 2 YEAR Atlas 14 Rainfall= 2.84" Area (ac) CN Description 26.652 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 6.546 98 Paved parking, HSG B 33.198 68 Weighted Average 26.652 80.28% Pervious Area 6.546 19.72% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft /ft) (ft /sec) (cfs) 30.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Link 1 L: EXISTING POND Inflow Area = 33.198 ac, 19.72% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.55" for 2 YEAR Atlas 14 event Inflow = 12.15 cfs @ 12.30 hrs, Volume= 1.510 of Primary = 12.15 cfs @ 12.30 hrs, Volume= 1.51Oaf, Atten= 0 %, Lag= 0.0 min Primary outflow = Inflow, Time Span= 0.10 -72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs EXISTING Type 11 24 -hr 10 YEAR Atlas 14 Rainfall= 4.21 " Prepared by Hewlett- Packard Company Printed 8/4/2016 HydroCAD® 10.00 -15 s/n 01280 © 2015 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 3 Summary for Subcatchment E1: Runoff = 35.75 cfs @ 12.27 hrs, Volume= 3.707 af, Depth= 1.34" Runoff by SCS TR -20 method, UH =SCS, Weighted -CN, Time Span= 0.10 -72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24 -hr 10 YEAR Atlas 14 Rainfall= 4.21" Area (ac) CN Description 26.652 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 6.546 98 Paved parking, HSG B 33.198 68 Weighted Average 26.652 80.28% Pervious Area 6.546 19.72% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft /ft) (ft /sec) (cfs) 30.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Link 1 L: EXISTING POND Inflow Area = 33.198 ac, 19.72% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 1.34" for 10 YEAR Atlas 14 event Inflow = 35.75 cfs @ 12.27 hrs, Volume= 3.707 of Primary = 35.75 cfs @ 12.27 hrs, Volume= 3.707 af, Atten= 0 %, Lag= 0.0 min Primary outflow = Inflow, Time Span= 0.10 -72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs EXISTING Type// 24 -hr 100 YEAR Atlas 14 Rainfall= 6.84" Prepared by Hewlett- Packard Company Printed 8/4/2016 HydroCAD® 10.00 -15 s/n 01280 © 2015 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 4 Summary for Subcatchment E1: Runoff = 93.69 cfs @ 12.24 hrs, Volume= 9.077 af, Depth= 3.28" Runoff by SCS TR -20 method, UH =SCS, Weighted -CN, Time Span= 0.10 -72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24 -hr 100 YEAR Atlas 14 Rainfall= 6.84" Area (ac) CN Description 26.652 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 6.546 98 Paved parking, HSG B 33.198 68 Weighted Average 26.652 80.28% Pervious Area 6.546 19.72% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft /ft) (ft /sec) (cfs) 30.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Link 1 L: EXISTING POND Inflow Area = 33.198 ac, 19.72% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 3.28" for 100 YEAR Atlas 14 event Inflow = 93.69 cfs @ 12.24 hrs, Volume= 9.077 of Primary = 93.69 cfs @ 12.24 hrs, Volume= 9.077 af, Atten= 0 %, Lag= 0.0 min Primary outflow = Inflow, Time Span= 0.10 -72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs ANDERSON - JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, IN ,`A-J-r-�twwo C. L4NDSC4PEARCHITECTURE • SITEPL.4N1\,ING • CIYIL ENGINEERING HydroCAD� Calculations Proposed Conditions -n 0 0 < z C0 C/) I C co On zr 9 r- 64 kT 22 g -q 0 >0 >0 M M C 3 I m 0 > m > cn kT 22 g -q 0 C 3 I m 0 r r 00 0 0 r 1L is OND P1 A B1 ,A'y'nthetic Turf P3 P2 Subcat Reach Pon Link Routing Diagram for PROPOSED :d,,CAD@ pared by Hewlett- Packard Company, Printed 8/4/2016 E Hy 10. 00 -15 5 s/n 01280 © 2015 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC PROPOSED Type 11 24 -hr 2 YEAR Atlas 14 Rainfall= 2.84" Prepared by Hewlett- Packard Company Printed 8/4/2016 HydroCAD® 10.00 -15 s/n 01280 © 2015 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 2 Summary for Subcatchment P1: Runoff = 14.00 cfs @ 12.27 hrs, Volume= 1.524 af, Depth= 0.76" Runoff by SCS TR -20 method, UH =SCS, Weighted -CN, Time Span= 0.10 -72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24 -hr 2 YEAR Atlas 14 Rainfall= 2.84" Area (ac) CN Description 16.558 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 7.489 98 Paved parking, HSG B 24.047 73 Weighted Average 16.558 68.86% Pervious Area 7.489 31.14% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft /ft) (ft /sec) (cfs) 30.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Subcatchment P2: Runoff = 7.70 cfs @ 12.14 hrs, Volume= 0.598 af, Depth= 1.02" Runoff by SCS TR -20 method, UH =SCS, Weighted -CN, Time Span= 0.10 -72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24 -hr 2 YEAR Atlas 14 Rainfall= 2.84" Area (ac) CN Description 3.851 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 3.212 98 Paved parking, HSG B 7.063 78 Weighted Average 3.851 54.52% Pervious Area 3.212 45.48% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft /ft) (ft /sec) (cfs) 20.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Subcatchment P3: Runoff = 6.30 cfs @ 12.06 hrs, Volume= 0.454 af, Depth= 2.61" Runoff by SCS TR -20 method, UH =SCS, Weighted -CN, Time Span= 0.10 -72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24 -hr 2 YEAR Atlas 14 Rainfall= 2.84" Area (ac) CN Description 0.000 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 2.087 98 Paved parking, HSG B 2.087 98 Weighted Average 2.087 100.00% Impervious Area PROPOSED Type 11 24 -hr 2 YEAR Atlas 14 Rainfall= 2.84" Prepared by Hewlett- Packard Company Printed 8/4/2016 HydroCAD® 10.00 -15 s/n 01280 © 2015 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 3 Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 15.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Pond 1131: Synthetic Turf Inflow Area = 2.087 ac,100.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 2.61" for 2 YEAR Atlas 14 event Inflow = 6.30 cfs @ 12.06 hrs, Volume= 0.454 of Outflow = 0.02 cfs @ 24.25 hrs, Volume= 0.068 af, Atten= 100°/x, Lag= 731.4 min Primary = 0.00 cfs @ 24.25 hrs, Volume= 0.012 of Secondary = 0.02 cfs @ 24.25 hrs, Volume= 0.056 of Routing by Dyn -Stor -Ind method, Time Span= 0.10 -72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 961.52' @ 24.25 hrs Surf.Area= 89,167 sf Storage= 19,191 cf Plug -Flow detention time= 1,894.0 min calculated for 0.068 of (15% of inflow) Center -of -Mass det. time= 1,608.4 min ( 2,371.9 - 763.5 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 960.95' 89,910 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Voids Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq -ft) ( %) (cubic -feet) (cubic -feet) 960.95 89,000 0.0 0 0 961.45 89,000 30.0 13,350 13,350 962.20 90,915 100.0 67,468 80,818 962.30 90,915 100.0 9,091 89,910 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 960.95' 0.800 in /hr Filtration Basin Media over Surface area from 960.95' - 962.20' Excluded Surface area = 89,000 sf #2 Secondary 961.45' 18.0" Round Draintile L= 22.0' Ke= 0.500 Inlet/ Outlet Invert= 961.45'/961.23' S=0.0100'/' Cc= 0.900 n=0.013 Concrete pipe, bends & connections, Flow Area= 1.77 sf #3 Secondary 962.20' 0.5' long x 100.0' breadth Broad - Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.68 2.70 2.70 2.64 2.63 2.64 2.64 2.63 Primary OutFlow Max =0.00 cfs @ 24.25 hrs HW= 961.52' TW =0.00' (Dynamic Tailwater) L1= Filtration Basin Media (Exfiltration Controls 0.00 cfs) Secondary OutFlow Max =0.02 cfs @ 24.25 hrs HW= 961.52' TW =0.00' (Dynamic Tailwater) L2= Draintile (Barrel Controls 0.02 cfs @ 1.12 fps) 3=113road-Crested Rectangular Weir ( Controls 0.00 cfs) PROPOSED Type 11 24 -hr 2 YEAR Atlas 14 Rainfall= 2.84" Prepared by Hewlett- Packard Company Printed 8/4/2016 HydroCAD® 10.00 -15 s/n 01280 © 2015 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 4 Summary for Link 1 L: EXISTING POND Inflow Area = 33.197 ac, 38.52% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 0.79" for 2 YEAR Atlas 14 event Inflow = 20.16 cfs @ 12.22 hrs, Volume= 2.190 of Primary = 20.16 cfs @ 12.22 hrs, Volume= 2.190 af, Atten= 0 %, Lag= 0.0 min Primary outflow = Inflow, Time Span= 0.10 -72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs PROPOSED Type 11 24 -hr 10 YEAR Atlas 14 Rainfall= 4.21 " Prepared by Hewlett- Packard Company Printed 8/4/2016 HydroCAD® 10.00 -15 s/n 01280 © 2015 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 5 Summary for Subcatchment P1: Runoff = 33.92 cfs @ 12.24 hrs, Volume= 3.366 af, Depth= 1.68" Runoff by SCS TR -20 method, UH =SCS, Weighted -CN, Time Span= 0.10 -72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24 -hr 10 YEAR Atlas 14 Rainfall= 4.21" Area (ac) CN Description 16.558 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 7.489 98 Paved parking, HSG B 24.047 73 Weighted Average 16.558 68.86% Pervious Area 7.489 31.14% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft /ft) (ft /sec) (cfs) 30.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Subcatchment P2: Runoff = 16.10 cfs @ 12.13 hrs, Volume= 1.210 af, Depth= 2.06" Runoff by SCS TR -20 method, UH =SCS, Weighted -CN, Time Span= 0.10 -72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24 -hr 10 YEAR Atlas 14 Rainfall= 4.21" Area (ac) CN Description 3.851 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 3.212 98 Paved parking, HSG B 7.063 78 Weighted Average 3.851 54.52% Pervious Area 3.212 45.48% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft /ft) (ft /sec) (cfs) 20.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Subcatchment P3: Runoff = 9.43 cfs @ 12.06 hrs, Volume= 0.691 af, Depth= 3.97" Runoff by SCS TR -20 method, UH =SCS, Weighted -CN, Time Span= 0.10 -72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24 -hr 10 YEAR Atlas 14 Rainfall= 4.21" Area (ac) CN Description 0.000 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 2.087 98 Paved parking, HSG B 2.087 98 Weighted Average 2.087 100.00% Impervious Area PROPOSED Type 1124 -hr 10 YEAR Atlas 14 Rainfall= 4.21 " Prepared by Hewlett- Packard Company Printed 8/4/2016 HydroCAD® 10.00 -15 s/n 01280 © 2015 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 6 Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 15.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Pond 1131: Synthetic Turf Inflow Area = 2.087 ac,100.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 3.97" for 10 YEAR Atlas 14 event Inflow = 9.43 cfs @ 12.06 hrs, Volume= 0.691 of Outflow = 0.11 cfs @ 22.20 hrs, Volume= 0.265 af, Atten= 99 %, Lag= 608.3 min Primary = 0.01 cfs @ 22.20 hrs, Volume= 0.023 of Secondary = 0.10 cfs @ 22.20 hrs, Volume= 0.243 of Routing by Dyn -Stor -Ind method, Time Span= 0.10 -72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 961.59' @ 22.20 hrs Surf.Area= 89,367 sf Storage= 26,156 cf Plug -Flow detention time= 1,414.6 min calculated for 0.265 of (38% of inflow) Center -of -Mass det. time= 1,257.9 min ( 2,013.2 - 755.3 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 960.95' 89,910 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Voids Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq -ft) ( %) (cubic -feet) (cubic -feet) 960.95 89,000 0.0 0 0 961.45 89,000 30.0 13,350 13,350 962.20 90,915 100.0 67,468 80,818 962.30 90,915 100.0 9,091 89,910 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 960.95' 0.800 in /hr Filtration Basin Media over Surface area from 960.95' - 962.20' Excluded Surface area = 89,000 sf #2 Secondary 961.45' 18.0" Round Draintile L= 22.0' Ke= 0.500 Inlet/ Outlet Invert= 961.45'/961.23' S=0.0100'/' Cc= 0.900 n=0.013 Concrete pipe, bends & connections, Flow Area= 1.77 sf #3 Secondary 962.20' 0.5' long x 100.0' breadth Broad - Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.68 2.70 2.70 2.64 2.63 2.64 2.64 2.63 Primary OutFlow Max =0.01 cfs @ 22.20 hrs HW= 961.59' TW =0.00' (Dynamic Tailwater) L1= Filtration Basin Media (Exfiltration Controls 0.01 cfs) Secondary OutFlow Max =0.10 cfs @ 22.20 hrs HW= 961.59' TW =0.00' (Dynamic Tailwater) L2= Draintile (Barrel Controls 0.10 cfs @ 1.76 fps) 3=113road-Crested Rectangular Weir ( Controls 0.00 cfs) PROPOSED Type 11 24 -hr 10 YEAR Atlas 14 Rainfall= 4.21 " Prepared by Hewlett- Packard Company Printed 8/4/2016 HydroCAD® 10.00 -15 s/n 01280 © 2015 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 7 Summary for Link 1 L: EXISTING POND Inflow Area = 33.197 ac, 38.52% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 1.75' for 10 YEAR Atlas 14 event Inflow = 47.18 cfs @ 12.20 hrs, Volume= 4.842 of Primary = 47.18 cfs @ 12.20 hrs, Volume= 4.842 af, Atten= 0 %, Lag= 0.0 min Primary outflow = Inflow, Time Span= 0.10 -72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs PROPOSED Type// 24 -hr 100 YEAR Atlas 14 Rainfall= 6.84" Prepared by Hewlett- Packard Company Printed 8/4/2016 HydroCAD® 10.00 -15 s/n 01280 © 2015 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 8 Summary for Subcatchment P1: Runoff = 79.32 cfs @ 12.24 hrs, Volume= 7.610 af, Depth= 3.80" Runoff by SCS TR -20 method, UH =SCS, Weighted -CN, Time Span= 0.10 -72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24 -hr 100 YEAR Atlas 14 Rainfall= 6.84" Area (ac) CN Description 16.558 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 7.489 98 Paved parking, HSG B 24.047 73 Weighted Average 16.558 68.86% Pervious Area 7.489 31.14% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft /ft) (ft /sec) (cfs) 30.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Subcatchment P2: Runoff = 33.89 cfs @ 12.12 hrs, Volume= 2.549 af, Depth= 4.33" Runoff by SCS TR -20 method, UH =SCS, Weighted -CN, Time Span= 0.10 -72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24 -hr 100 YEAR Atlas 14 Rainfall= 6.84" Area (ac) CN Description 3.851 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 3.212 98 Paved parking, HSG B 7.063 78 Weighted Average 3.851 54.52% Pervious Area 3.212 45.48% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft /ft) (ft /sec) (cfs) 20.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Subcatchment P3: Runoff = 15.39 cfs @ 12.06 hrs, Volume= 1.148 af, Depth= 6.60" Runoff by SCS TR -20 method, UH =SCS, Weighted -CN, Time Span= 0.10 -72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24 -hr 100 YEAR Atlas 14 Rainfall= 6.84" Area (ac) CN Description 0.000 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 2.087 98 Paved parking, HSG B 2.087 98 Weighted Average 2.087 100.00% Impervious Area PROPOSED Type 11 24 -hr 100 YEAR Atlas 14 Rainfall= 6.84" Prepared by Hewlett- Packard Company Printed 8/4/2016 HydroCAD® 10.00 -15 s/n 01280 © 2015 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 9 Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 15.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Pond 1131: Synthetic Turf Inflow Area = 2.087 ac,100.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 6.60" for 100 YEAR Atlas 14 event Inflow = 15.39 cfs @ 12.06 hrs, Volume= 1.148 of Outflow = 0.39 cfs @ 15.67 hrs, Volume= 0.697 af, Atten= 97 %, Lag= 216.8 min Primary = 0.01 cfs @ 15.67 hrs, Volume= 0.036 of Secondary = 0.37 cfs @ 15.67 hrs, Volume= 0.661 of Routing by Dyn -Stor -Ind method, Time Span= 0.10 -72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 961.73' @ 15.67 hrs Surf.Area= 89,722 sf Storage= 38,613 cf Plug -Flow detention time= 1,082.6 min calculated for 0.697 of (61 % of inflow) Center -of -Mass det. time= 969.8 min ( 1,717.2 - 747.4 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 960.95' 89,910 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Voids Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq -ft) ( %) (cubic -feet) (cubic -feet) 960.95 89,000 0.0 0 0 961.45 89,000 30.0 13,350 13,350 962.20 90,915 100.0 67,468 80,818 962.30 90,915 100.0 9,091 89,910 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 960.95' 0.800 in /hr Filtration Basin Media over Surface area from 960.95' - 962.20' Excluded Surface area = 89,000 sf #2 Secondary 961.45' 18.0" Round Draintile L= 22.0' Ke= 0.500 Inlet/ Outlet Invert= 961.45'/961.23' S=0.0100'/' Cc= 0.900 n=0.013 Concrete pipe, bends & connections, Flow Area= 1.77 sf #3 Secondary 962.20' 0.5' long x 100.0' breadth Broad - Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.68 2.70 2.70 2.64 2.63 2.64 2.64 2.63 Primary OutFlow Max =0.01 cfs @ 15.67 hrs HW= 961.73' TW =0.00' (Dynamic Tailwater) L1= Filtration Basin Media (Exfiltration Controls 0.01 cfs) Secondary OutFlow Max =0.37 cfs @ 15.67 hrs HW= 961.73' TW =0.00' (Dynamic Tailwater) L2= Draintile (Barrel Controls 0.37 cfs @ 2.45 fps) 3=113road-Crested Rectangular Weir ( Controls 0.00 cfs) PROPOSED Type// 24 -hr 100 YEAR Atlas 14 Rainfall= 6.84" Prepared by Hewlett- Packard Company Printed 8/4/2016 HydroCAD® 10.00 -15 s/n 01280 © 2015 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 10 Summary for Link 1 L: EXISTING POND Inflow Area = 33.197 ac, 38.52% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 3.92" for 100 YEAR Atlas 14 event Inflow = 107.52 cfs @ 12.20 hrs, Volume= 10.856 of Primary = 107.52 cfs @ 12.20 hrs, Volume= 10.856 af, Atten= 0 %, Lag= 0.0 min Primary outflow = Inflow, Time Span= 0.10 -72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs ANDERSON - JOHNSON �� �► ASSOCIATES, INC. L4NDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIITIL ENGINEERING Storm Water Quality Calculations Criteria: MONTICELLO HS STADIUM Infiltration Area Calculations 1.10 inch of runoff from the tributary area must be infiltrated 48 hour infiltration period Required Volume Tributary Area (Proposed Impervious) Runoff Factor Depth Required Volume to Infiltrate Volume provided below outlet elevation Infiltration Area dimensions 6 inch depth 89000 sq. ft. Infiltration rate for soil = 0.450 in /hr 6.243 acres 1.0 1.10 inch 24930 cubic feet Volume Provided = 44500 cubic feet Area required to infiltrate required volume over 48 hours based on assumed infiltration rate Area = Required Volume x 12 inches / foot / 48 hours / infiltration rate = 13850 sq. ft. 24930 cubic feet OK Area at basin bottom = 89000 sq. ft. > 13850 sq. ft. OK ANDERSON - JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, Z. INC. L 4ATDSC_.4PE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLAINA7j'\TG • Cn iL ENGINEERING Soils Reports (Subsurface Exploration for Structural Properties) Geotechnical Evaluation Report Monticello High School Improvements 5225 School Boulevard Monticello, Minnesota Prepared for Independent School District #882 Professional Certification: I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. May 6 2016 3:50 PM Joshua J. Van Abel, PE Principal — Senior Engineer License Number: 45108 May 6, 2016 Project B1600092 Braun Intertec Corporation ' tit%t111lsd A � P'I�QF�lfB #(?AtF4f, t I NTE RTEC The Science You Build On. May 6, 2016 Mr. Jim Johnson Monticello Public Schools 302 Washington Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Geotechnical Evaluation Monticello High School Improvements 5225 School Boulevard Monticello, Minnesota Dear Mr. Johnson: Braun Intertec Corporation 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Project B1600092 Phone: 952.995.2000 Fax: 952.995.2020 Web: braunintertec.com We are pleased to present this Geotechnical Evaluation Report for the proposed site and building improvements at the Monticello High School facility in Monticello, Minnesota. Thank you for making Braun Intertec your geotechnical consultant for this project. Please see the attached report for a detailed discussion on the field exploration results and our recommendations. The report should be read in its entirety. Thank you for making Braun Intertec your geotechnical consultant for this project. If you have questions about this report, or if there are other services that we can provide in support of our work to date, please contact Jake Wotczak at 952.995.2382 (JWotczak @Braunlntertec.com) or Josh Van Abel at 952.995.2310 (JVanAbel@Braun Intertec. corn). Sincerely, BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION -'Jacob A. Wotczak, Staff Engineer ('C,(_ May 6 2016 3:50 PM Joshua J. Van Abel, PE Principal — Senior Engineer c: Kyle Walter; ICS Consulting Dave Rey, PE; Anderson - Johnson Associates, Inc. Laura Detzler; Anderson - Johnson Associates, Inc. Anthony Radke, PE; BKBM Engineers Eric Linner; Wold Architects and Engineers Brett Olds; Wold Architects and Engineers AA /FOE Table of Contents Description Page A. Introduction ........................................................................................................ ..............................1 A.1.a. Proposed Construction ............................................................. ..............................1 A.1.b. Site Details ................................................................................ ..............................2 A.2. Purpose .................................................................................................. ..............................3 A.3. Scope of Services ................................................................................... ..............................3 A.4. Background Information and Reference Documents ............................ ..............................4 B. Results ................................................................................................................ ..............................5 B.I. Geologic Profile ..................................................................................... ..............................5 B.1.a. Topsoil ...................................................................................... ..............................5 B.1.b. Existing Fill ................................................................................ ..............................5 B.1.c. Glacial Soils ............................................................................... ..............................5 B.1.d. Penetration Resistance Tests ................................................... ..............................6 B.1.e. Groundwater ............................................................................ ..............................6 B.2. Laboratory Test Results ......................................................................... ..............................6 C. Recommendations ............................................................................................. ..............................6 C.1. Discussion .............................................................................................. ..............................6 C.1.a. Building Addition Support ........................................................ ..............................6 C.1.b. Ticket /Concession Building ...................................................... ..............................7 C.1.c. Track and Field Improvements and Synthetic Field ................. ..............................7 C.1.d. Grandstand and Bleachers ....................................................... ..............................8 C.1.e. Deep Fill Areas .......................................................................... ..............................8 C.1.f. Reuse of On -site soils ............................................................... ..............................9 C.1.g. Groundwater Impacts .............................................................. ..............................9 C.2. Site Grading and Building Subgrade Preparation .................................. ..............................9 C.2.a. Building Pad Excavations .......................................................... ..............................9 C.2.b. Exterior Slab Subgrade Excavation and Preparation ............... .............................10 C.2.c. Track and Field Excavations ..................................................... .............................11 C.2.d. Synthetic Turf Subgrade Excavation ........................................ .............................11 C.2.e. Field Grading ........................................................................... .............................11 C.2.f. Excavation Oversizing .............................................................. .............................12 C.2.g. Excavation Slopes .................................................................... .............................12 C.2.h. Excavations near Existing Foundations ................................... .............................12 C.2.i. Excavation Dewatering ............................................................ .............................12 C.2.j. Fill Materials ............................................................................ .............................13 C.2.k. Compaction and Fill Placement ............................................... .............................13 C.3. Spread Footings .................................................................................... .............................14 C.3.a. Embedment Depth .................................................................. .............................14 C.3.b. Net Allowable Bearing Pressure .............................................. .............................15 C.3.c. Settlement ............................................................................... .............................15 C.4. Grandstand and Bleacher Foundations ................................................ .............................15 C.4.a. Embedment ............................................................................. .............................15 C.4.b. Bearing Capacity and Settlement ............................................ .............................15 C.4.c. Resistance to Lateral Loads ..................................................... .............................16 C.S. Interior Slabs ........................................................................................ .............................16 C.S.a. Subgrade Support and Design ................................................. .............................16 Table of Contents (continued) Description Page Appendix Boring Location Sketch Log of Boring Sheets (ST -1 through ST -25) Descriptive Terminology of Soil C.S.b. Moisture Vapor Protection ..................................................... .............................16 C.6. Synthetic Field and Running Track Design ........................................... .............................17 C.7. Frost Protection .................................................................................... .............................17 C.7.a. General .................................................................................... .............................17 C.7.b. Exterior Slabs and Pavements ................................................. .............................18 C.B. Utilities ................................................................................................. .............................19 C.B.a. Subgrade Stabilization ............................................................. .............................19 C.B.b. Trench Excavation and Backfilling ........................................... .............................19 C.8.c. Corrosion Potential ................................................................. .............................19 C.9. Construction Quality Control ............................................................... .............................19 D. Procedures ......................................................................................................... .............................20 D.1. Penetration Test Borings ...................................................................... .............................20 D.2. Exploration Logs ................................................................................... .............................20 D.2.a. Log of Boring Sheets ................................................................ .............................20 D.2.b. Geologic Origins ...................................................................... .............................20 D.3. Material Classification and Testing ...................................................... .............................20 D.3.a. Visual and Manual Classification ............................................. .............................20 D.3.b. Laboratory Testing .................................................................. .............................21 D.4. Groundwater Measurements ............................................................... .............................21 E. Qualifications ..................................................................................................... .............................21 E.1. Variations in Subsurface Conditions ..................................................... .............................21 E.1.a. Material Strata ........................................................................ .............................21 E.1.b. Groundwater Levels ................................................................ .............................21 E.2. Continuity of Professional Responsibility ............................................. .............................22 E.2.a. Plan Review ............................................................................. .............................22 E.2.b. Construction Observations and Testing .................................. .............................22 E.3. Use of Report ........................................................................................ .............................22 E.4. Standard of Care ................................................................................... .............................22 Appendix Boring Location Sketch Log of Boring Sheets (ST -1 through ST -25) Descriptive Terminology of Soil A. Introduction A.1.a. Proposed Construction We understand Independent School District #882 (ISD 882) is proposing improvements at the following school facilities within the school district: Monticello High School Eastview Elementary School ° Monticello Middle School ° Pinewood Elementary School This Geotechnical Evaluation Report addresses the High School site located at 5225 School Boulevard. Proposed improvements at the school facility include construction of new track and athletic fields, associated bleachers, ticket and concession buildings, and construction of a new gymnasium addition on the eastern portion of the school building. Conceptual site plans detailing possible locations of proposed track and athletic field improvements were provided by Anderson - Johnson and Associates, Inc. (AJA). Based on conversations with the project design team and our understanding of the proposed improvements, we anticipate bleachers and a synthetic athletic field will be constructed in the existing field directly west of the school's main parking lot. A paved running track and field event areas, bleachers, and a sand /peat field will be construct to the north of the proposed synthetic field and grandstand. Additional project details are listed below in Tables 1 and 2. Table 1. Building Details Feature Description* ° Single story, slab -on- grade. ° Includes gymnastics pit in northwestern portion of addition. Gymnasium Addition ° FFE of 963.1. o Maximum wall loads of 10 kips per lineal foot (klf). ° Grades changes less than two feet, except at pit location where cuts on the order of eight feet are expected. ° Assumed to be an unheated, single story, slab -on -grade structure. Ticket Concession Building ° Assumed FFE near 960.0. o Assumed maximum wall loads of eight klf. ° Assumed grade changes less than two feet. *Building loads provided by BKBM Engineers (BKBM), elevations provided by Wold Architects and Engineers (Wold). Details regarding the ticket /concession building were not available at the time this report was prepared. Independent School District #882 Project B1600092 May 6, 2016 Page 2 Table 2. Site Details Feature Description* ° Includes a synthetic turf field, 2,000 seat grandstand (bleachers) with press box, and visitor bleachers to the west of the school's existing bituminous paved parking lot. Athletic Field ° Grandstand and bleachers are anticipated to be steel framed structures Improvements supported by (drilled) concrete pier foundations. ° Sand /Peat practice fields located to the north and /or south of synthetic field, contingent on final design of track and field improvements. ° Grade changes are anticipated to generally be less than two feet. ° Includes construction of a new 9 -lane, all- weather running track and field event areas and associated bleachers. Track and Field ° Track pavement section is anticipated to include a bituminous pavement section Improvements and aggregate base layer over an improved subgrade (designed by AJA). ° Additional improvements include new pole vault, long /triple jump, high jump, and shot put and discus event areas. *Site details provided by AJA. A.1.b. Site Details The project site is the Monticello High School facility located at 5225 School Boulevard in Monticello, Minnesota. The site is bound by Little Mountain Elementary School to the west, Eastview Elementary School to the east, and by School Boulevard to the south. Industrial and agricultural properties are located to the north. Current site features include the existing high school building, paved parking lots and drive lanes, landscape, athletic /play fields, and tennis courts. The existing building is a two story brick building with lower (ground level) slab elevations near elevation 963 feet MSL. We understand the existing high school building is supported on conventional spread footings. From the previous Geotechnical Evaluation Reports prepared for the school, we understand the site was vacant until at least June 1997, when the site was developed for the existing school. Existing surface elevations across the site range between approximately 957 to 964 feet mean sea level (MSL). Topography slopes gently across paved surfaces and existing graded fields across the site. Notable grade changes occur in landscape areas where topography initial slopes away from paved surfaces, as well as to the north of the existing facility where grades slope down to meet an existing pond area. Independent School District #882 Project 61600092 May 6, 2016 Page 3 There are existing grass fields to the west of the high school's existing paved parking lot and tennis courts where potential stadium and track and field improvements are being considered. For the purpose of this report, we will differentiate between the "north field" and "south field" areas. Nine soil borings (denoted ST -1 through ST -9) were completed in the north field, while 11 borings (ST -10 through ST -22) were completed in the south field. Recent survey data indicates catch basins and 15 -inch reinforced concrete and PVC storm sewer pipes are present below the north field. A.2. Purpose The purpose of our geotechnical evaluation was to characterize subsurface geologic conditions at selected exploration locations, evaluate their impact, and provide recommendations for design and construction of the track and athletic fields, bleachers, ticket concession building, and gymnasium addition. A.3. Scope of Services Our scope of services for this project was originally submitted as a Proposal for a Geotechnical Evaluation to Kyle Walter with ICS Consulting, Inc. (ICS), dated December 23, 2015. Tasks completed in accordance with our authorized scope of services are described below. Staking exploration locations and determining ground surface elevations at the exploration locations. The surface elevations and locations were acquired with GPS technology through the use of the State of Minnesota's permanent GPS base station network. The approximate locations of the borings are shown on the sketch included in the Appendix. Coordinating the locating of underground public and private utilities near the boring locations. ° Performing 25 standard penetration test (SPT) borings (denoted as ST -1 to ST -25) to nominal depths of 10 to 20 feet below grade. Classifying the recovered samples and preparing soil boring logs. Conducting a limited laboratory testing program to aid in soil classification and evaluation of engineering properties. Independent School District #882 Project B1600092 May 6, 2016 Page 4 Performing engineering analyses, formulating recommendations and submitting geotechnical the evaluation report containing logs of the borings, results of the field and laboratory tests, recommendations for subgrade preparation, selection and placement of excavation backfill and structural fill, and geotechnical recommendations for the design and construction of the structures, paved running track, and athletic fields. Our scope of services did not include a Phase I environmental site assessment or environmental testing. AA Background Information and Reference Documents To facilitate our evaluation, we were provided with or reviewed the following information or documents: Aerial images of the property from Google Earth, dated September 23, 2012. The aerial images were used to gauge site access at proposed boring locations. A Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation Report prepared by Braun Intertec Corporation under the Project Number BDXX -95 -3418, and a Geotechnical Evaluation Report prepared by Braun Intertec under the Project Number BDXX- 97 -117B. The reports were prepared for development of the existing high school facility and dated December 6, 1995 and June 6, 1997, respectively. An existing site survey prepared by Sunde Land Surveying, dated January 21, 2016. An electronic copy of the site plan was provided and used to create the Soil Boring Location Sketch included in the Appendix. Conceptual site plans of the proposed track and athletic field area provided by AJA, dated March 17, 2016. The plans were titled "Concept Option 1" and "Concept Option 2 ". The former plan shows the proposed running track surrounding the synthetic turf field with no sand /peat field. The latter includes a discrete synthetic turf field and grand stand with separate sand /peat fields to the north and south and paved running track to the north. A site plan provided by AJA showing the proposed location and approximate footprint of the proposed gymnasium addition. The plan was not dated. The Surficial Geology Map for Wright County prepared by the University of Minnesota, Minnesota Geological Survey. The map is denoted as Atlas C -30, Part A, Plate 3 — Surficial Geology, and is dated 2013. We also had correspondence with ISD 882, ICS, AJA, Wold, and BKBM regarding subsurface conditions, design of site improvements, existing conditions, and project schedule. Independent School District #882 Project B1600092 May 6, 2016 Page 5 B. Results 13.1. Geologic Profile Review of the Wright County Surficial Geology Map and Log of Boring Sheets from previous geotechnical evaluations indicates the soils in the area of the school facility generally consist of glacially deposited sands containing variable amounts of gravel overlain by topsoil, and localized swamp and alluvial (silt and clay) deposits. The general geologic profile encountered across the site was similar to the anticipated subgrade conditions, however, variable amounts of fill and buried topsoil were also encountered. The following subsections discuss the encountered strata in greater detail. Please refer to the Log of Boring Sheets included in the Appendix for additional information. B.1.a. Topsoil Topsoil or topsoil fill with thicknesses generally ranging from about 1/2 to five feet below existing ground surface was generally encountered at the boring locations. The deeper topsoil areas (greater than 1 foot) were generally in the north field. The topsoil generally consisted of dark brown to black clayey sand (SC) and sandy lean clay (CL). A layer of buried topsoil was also observed immediately below the fill at the location of Boring ST -23. The buried topsoil was present from about 9 to 12 feet below grade. 113.1.1b. Existing Fill In addition to topsoil fill, existing fill was encountered at Borings ST -2, ST -5, ST -8, and ST -23 to ST -25. The fill ranged in depth from about 4 to 12 feet below grade and consisted of sandy lean clay, clayey sand, silty sand (SM), and poorly graded sand with silt (SP -SM). Some of the observed existing fill was slightly organic to organic and may be mixed with topsoil. At Boring ST -8, we encountered concrete within the fill at a depth of about 8 1/2 feet followed by an apparent one foot of void space. Though not included on the available survey information, we anticipate the boring encountered an existing or abandoned storm water pipe located in the north field. B.1.c. Glacial Soils Underlying the topsoil or existing fill onsite, glacial outwash including silty sand, poorly graded sand with silt, and poorly graded sand (SP) was generally observed to the boring termination depths. The glacial soils contained variable amounts of gravel and may also contain cobbles and boulders. Independent School District #882 Project B1600092 May 6, 2016 Page 6 B.1.d. Penetration Resistance Tests The results of our penetration resistance testing from the SPT borings are summarized below in Table 3. Comments are provided to qualify the significance of the results. Table 3. Penetration Resistance Data Summary *BPF — Blows per Foot, except where large cobbles or boulders were encountered as noted by the drilling crew in the field. B.1.e. Groundwater Groundwater was not observed within the borings during field exploration and appeared to be beneath the depths explored based on the observed moisture content of soil samples retrieved from the borings. Annual and seasonal fluctuations of groundwater levels should be anticipated. 13.2. Laboratory Test Results We performed a mechanical analyses through a #200 sieve and organic and moisture content tests in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) procedures on samples recovered from the SPT borings. The laboratory test results are shown on the Log of Boring Sheets included in the Appendix, across from their associated soil sample. C. Recommendations C.1. Discussion C.1.a. Building Addition Support Borings ST -23 through ST -25 were completed at the initially proposed location of the high school building addition. Based on the encountered soil profile in this area we anticipate the structure can be supported on conventional spread footings and ground supported slabs, however, soil correction excavations will be required to remove uncontrolled fill and buried topsoil present above the glacial sands to reduce the risk of detrimental settlement under fill and building loads. Based on the borings excavation depths for removal of unsuitable soils are estimated to range from 4 to 12 feet below existing grade. Range of Penetration Geologic Material Classification Resistances* Comments Existing Fill and CL, SC, SM, SP -SM, 3 to 25 BPF Variably compacted Buried Topsoil OL Glacial Deposits SM, SP -SM, SP 5 to 26 BPF Locally Loose to Medium Dense, Generally Loose to Medium Dense *BPF — Blows per Foot, except where large cobbles or boulders were encountered as noted by the drilling crew in the field. B.1.e. Groundwater Groundwater was not observed within the borings during field exploration and appeared to be beneath the depths explored based on the observed moisture content of soil samples retrieved from the borings. Annual and seasonal fluctuations of groundwater levels should be anticipated. 13.2. Laboratory Test Results We performed a mechanical analyses through a #200 sieve and organic and moisture content tests in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) procedures on samples recovered from the SPT borings. The laboratory test results are shown on the Log of Boring Sheets included in the Appendix, across from their associated soil sample. C. Recommendations C.1. Discussion C.1.a. Building Addition Support Borings ST -23 through ST -25 were completed at the initially proposed location of the high school building addition. Based on the encountered soil profile in this area we anticipate the structure can be supported on conventional spread footings and ground supported slabs, however, soil correction excavations will be required to remove uncontrolled fill and buried topsoil present above the glacial sands to reduce the risk of detrimental settlement under fill and building loads. Based on the borings excavation depths for removal of unsuitable soils are estimated to range from 4 to 12 feet below existing grade. Independent School District #882 Project B1600092 May 6, 2016 Page 7 We understand recent site design includes relocating the proposed gymnasium addition from the initially proposed location on the east side of the building to the northwestern side of the building. Based on existing site grades and our understanding of the school facility, we anticipate similar geologic conditions would be encountered at the alternative addition location, however, soil borings were not performed at that location to aid in design and construction. If the addition is to be constructed at the alternative location, we recommend additional soil borings be performed or the owner assumes the risk of unknown soil conditions. Alternatively, if soil borings are not performed, test pits could be considered to observe the depth of existing fill and, if possible, evaluate the condition of the native soils exposed at the bottom of the excavation. The test pits should observed by a geotechnical engineer or qualified engineering assistant. C.1.b. Ticket /Concession Building Based on soil borings in the area of the proposed team ticket /concession building, we anticipate the proposed structures can be supported by conventional strip footings bearing on native glacial soils or engineered fill. For subgrade preparation, we recommend removal of topsoil and existing fill from below the structure. Because the building is anticipated to be unheated, footings should bear a minimum of five feet below grade for frost protection and we recommend the interior floor slab be backfilled with non -frost susceptible fill to the footing grade. CA.c. Track and Field Improvements and Synthetic Field Typically, tracks and other athletic improvements with paved or synthetic surfaces are very intolerant to movement related to settlement or frost heave due to the potential for tripping hazards caused by cracking and differential pavement movement. Depending on the design location of such improvements, the borings indicate the running track and field event areas (north field) may be underlain by up to 12 feet of existing fill, some of which is organic. Based on its proposed location (south field), the synthetic field is generally expected to be underlain by native glacial sands (below the topsoil). The fill and some native soils also generally consist of frost - susceptible soils. To reduce the risk of frost related movement and damage to pavements and synthetic surfaces, the frost - susceptible soils (soils with greater than seven percent passing the number 200 sieve and 50 percent passing the number 40 sieve for the purposes of this report) should be subcut and replaced with non -frost susceptible soils. For the running track and paved field events, a minimum subcut depth of four feet is recommended. Design should include a draintile system at the base of the non -frost susceptible sand layer to remove infiltrated or trapped water (if free draining sands are not present). Independent School District #882 Project 81600092 May 6, 2016 Page 8 We understand synthetic fields are typically more tolerant of movement, but movement is still not preferred and can result in field repairs (and costs) beyond the planned maintenance schedule. We also understand the typical synthetic field section includes two feet of non -frost susceptible sand below the clear rock base, which significantly reduces the risk of frost heave when properly drained. If additional frost heave protection is desired, we recommend the removal of the frost - susceptible soils and placement on non -frost susceptible soils backfill be extended to approximately four feet below the clear rock base, matching the running track. For improvements in the north field, including the running track, subcutting and placement of the non - frost susceptible soil layer will remove some, but not all of the existing fill. The fill, which is undocumented to our knowledge, poses a potential risk of settlement to overhead structures and features due to the unknown nature and placement of the material. Although the risk of settlement is likely low for at grade features such as a running track or field, this risk is assumed by the owner. If the risk of settlement is unacceptable to the owner, we recommend the fill (and buried organics, if present) be fully removed from below the track and field and synthetic field area and replaced with engineered fill. We recommend the owner and design team evaluate the cost of the soil correction approach to the risk and cost of track and field repair. C.1.d. Grandstand and Bleachers Subgrade conditions across the proposed grandstand and bleacher areas generally consisted of a surficial topsoil overlying native glacial soils. Where bleachers are included in the north field area, variable layers of existing fill with organics should also be expected. For structure support, we recommend the drilled pier foundations be extended through existing fill to bear within the underlying glacial soils, which are anticipated to provide adequate support for the drilled piers. Actual embedment depth required would be dependent on resistance to lateral loads and overturning moments. Foundation design for the structures should be performed by a licensed structural engineer. C.1.e. Deep Fill Areas Given the depth of existing fill and organic soils encountered onsite, we anticipate fills in excess of 10 feet may be required for proposed structures after completing soil corrections. Areas of deep backfill pose a significant risk of detrimental settlement to structures, slabs or pavements. To limit the risk of building settlement related to fill consolidation under its own weight, we recommend the thickness of silty or clayey fill be limited to a maximum of 10 feet below structures or pavements intolerant of settlement or differential movement. We recommend clean sands be used as fill for the balance of fill needed greater than 10 feet. Independent School District #882 Project 81600092 May 6, 2016 Page 9 C.1.f. Reuse of On -Site soils The native onsite sands should be suitable for reuse as engineered fill, but my require moisture conditioning (likely wetting) prior to reuse and compaction. The onsite fill soils free of organic material and debris may be considered for reuse as engineered fill, provided they can be separated and compacted. C.1.g. Groundwater Impacts Groundwater is generally anticipated to be below the excavation depths for construction. However, if groundwater is encountered in excavations it should be removed prior to backfilling operations. In sands, we do not recommend attempting to dewater from within an excavation. Upward seepage will loosen and disturb the excavation bottom. Rather, groundwater should be drawn down at least two feet below the anticipated excavation bottom in advance of excavation. C.2. Site Grading and Building Subgrade Preparation C.2.a. Building Pad Excavations For building pad preparation, we recommend removing the topsoil, organic soils, and existing fill from beneath the proposed building pads and oversize areas, and, if present, we also recommend removal of existing utilities and associated backfill. In addition, we further recommend removing frost susceptible soils at least five feet below unheated (Ticket /Concession) buildings. For the purpose of this evaluation, in -place soils with greater than seven percent by weight passing the #200 sieve and with SO percent passing the #40 sieve should be considered frost susceptible. Consideration may be given to leaving existing onsite sands that are considered non -frost susceptible in place where present above the recommended five foot subcut depth, however, scarification to a minimum depth of two feet and occasional test pits should be performed in areas where minimum subcutting is performed to evaluate the sands and that low permeability silt or clay layers are not present within the subgrade. Anticipated excavation depths and bottom elevations for each of the borings near the proposed structure is shown below in Table 4. For the proposed Ticket /Concession building we recommend a 5-foot soil correction be assumed to remove frost - susceptible soils below the building pad. Independent School District #882 Project B1600092 May 6, 2016 Page 10 Table 4. Excavation Depths for Soil Correction Excavation depths will vary between the boring locations. Portions of the excavations may also be deeper than indicated by the borings. For the alternative building addition location, we anticipate similar excavation depths (approximately 4 to 12 feet) will be required to remove unsuitable soils from below the addition pad and oversize area. We recommend additional soil borings or test pits be performed prior to construction to further evaluate the soils at this location. Prior to fill or foundation placement, we recommend foundation subgrades be reviewed by a geotechnical engineer or qualified engineering assistant to observe the bottom soils are suitable for fill and foundation support and similar to the soils encountered by the borings. We recommend all exposed foundation and slab subgrades should be surface compacted with a self - propelled, smooth drum, vibratory compactor as directed by the geotechnical engineer at the time of excavation. C.2.b. Exterior Slab Subgrade Excavation and Preparation For subgrade preparation of new pavement areas, we recommend removal of topsoil and organic soils until suitable non - organic soils are encountered. If organic soils extend greater than three feet below the pavement subgrade, they may potentially be left in place if acceptable to the owner; however, we should review field conditions prior to leaving organic soils in place below pavements. If the exposed non - organic subgrades are excessively wet or loose, we recommend scarification, drying, and recompaction first be applied to these unstable areas. If scarification, drying, and recompaction does not prove successful or the construction schedule does not permit this option, additional subcutting or other alternative stabilization methods may be required. Additional subcuts or alternative stabilization methods should be evaluated by a geotechnical engineer. Ground Approximate Approximate Approximate Surface Depth of Excavation Bottom Elevation Depth Below Floor Proposed Addition Boring Elevation (Feet) (Estimated) Elevation ST -23 962.0 12 950 13 Building Addition (FFE — 963.1) ST -24 958.3 4 954 6 ST -25 959.3 8 951 12 Excavation depths will vary between the boring locations. Portions of the excavations may also be deeper than indicated by the borings. For the alternative building addition location, we anticipate similar excavation depths (approximately 4 to 12 feet) will be required to remove unsuitable soils from below the addition pad and oversize area. We recommend additional soil borings or test pits be performed prior to construction to further evaluate the soils at this location. Prior to fill or foundation placement, we recommend foundation subgrades be reviewed by a geotechnical engineer or qualified engineering assistant to observe the bottom soils are suitable for fill and foundation support and similar to the soils encountered by the borings. We recommend all exposed foundation and slab subgrades should be surface compacted with a self - propelled, smooth drum, vibratory compactor as directed by the geotechnical engineer at the time of excavation. C.2.b. Exterior Slab Subgrade Excavation and Preparation For subgrade preparation of new pavement areas, we recommend removal of topsoil and organic soils until suitable non - organic soils are encountered. If organic soils extend greater than three feet below the pavement subgrade, they may potentially be left in place if acceptable to the owner; however, we should review field conditions prior to leaving organic soils in place below pavements. If the exposed non - organic subgrades are excessively wet or loose, we recommend scarification, drying, and recompaction first be applied to these unstable areas. If scarification, drying, and recompaction does not prove successful or the construction schedule does not permit this option, additional subcutting or other alternative stabilization methods may be required. Additional subcuts or alternative stabilization methods should be evaluated by a geotechnical engineer. Independent School District #882 Project 61600092 May 6, 2016 Page 11 Exterior slabs are also anticipated to be underlain by frost susceptible silty soils. Additional commentary on the risks associated with frost, and recommendations for helping mitigate those risks, is provided in Section C.7. C.2.c. Track and Field Excavations In order to reduce the risk of frost heave and to provide long term serviceability of the track and field event areas, we recommend removing topsoil, organic soils, existing fill, and frost susceptible soils to a minimum depth of four feet below the track subgrade. If organic soils or fill are present beyond four feet, we recommend the excavation be extended until these soils are fully removed. As discussed in Section C.1.c., if the owner chooses to accept an increased risk of settlement, consideration could be given to leaving fill in place below four feet. For the purpose of this evaluation, in -place soils with greater than seven percent, by weight, passing the #200 sieve and with 50 percent passing the #40 sieve should be considered frost susceptible. The exposed subgrade should be surface compacted with a self - propelled, smooth drum, vibratory compactor as directed by the geotechnical engineer at the time of excavation. CIA Synthetic Turf Subgrade Excavation Currently the planned design section for the synthetic field will extend 2 1/2 feet below proposed field grade. At this depth in the south field area we anticipate non- organic soils will generally be present. If organic or unstable soils are present below the 2 1/2 -foot subcut elevation, we recommend the excavation be extended to remove these soils. If fill is required to achieve proposed subgrade elevations for the synthetic turf, subgrade excavations should include removal of topsoil, other surficial organic soils and unstable soils. Excavation bottoms should be observed by a geotechnical engineer prior to fill /backfill placement. Similar to building excavations, we recommend the exposed synthetic field subgrade be surface compacted with a self - propelled, smooth drum, vibratory compactor as directed by the geotechnical engineer at the time of excavation. C.2.e. Field Grading For grading of grass athletic field areas, we recommend stripping of vegetation and unstable soils prior to fill placement. Organic soils, including topsoil, can typically be left in place, assuming structures, pavements, or other features intolerable to movement are not constructed overhead and fill (if needed) can be properly placed and compacted over the subgrade. However, if fill is placed over organic or other compressible soils the field surface may be subject to long term settlement. We also recommend the removal of existing rigid features, such as foundation walls, slabs, utilities, etc., present within three feet vertically of the field subgrades to reduce the risk of differential surface movement and grades. Independent School District #882 Project 61600092 May 6, 2016 Page 12 C.2.f. Excavation Oversizing When removing unsuitable materials, we recommend the excavation extend outward and downward at a slope of 1H:1V (horizontal:vertical) or flatter to provide lateral support to fill and the structural loads the soil will support. C.2.g. Excavation Slopes The non - organic soils across the site generally meet Type C Soils under OSHA guidelines. Unsupported excavations should therefore be maintained at a gradient no steeper than 11/2 to 1 (horizontal:vertical). Slopes constructed in this manner may still exhibit surface sloughing. An OSHA approved competent person should review this soil classification in the field. Excavations must comply with the requirements of OSHA 29 CFR, Part 1926, Subpart P, "Excavations and Trenches." This document states that excavation safety is the responsibility of the contractor. Reference to these OSHA requirements should be included in the project specifications. C.2.h. Excavations near Existing Foundations While the existing foundations are anticipated to be supported on suitable native soils or engineered fill, excavations to perform soil corrections and perimeter footing construction for the building addition will extend near or slightly below existing footing grades. The exact depth and proximity of these excavations to the existing footings will not be known until construction. To reduce the risk of undermining of the existing foundations or ground supported slabs, we recommend excavations not extend within a zone extending horizontally outward a minimum of five feet from the outside of the existing footings and slabs and then down and outward at a slope of 11/2:1 (H:V). After reaching this depth, a geotechnical engineer should observe the excavation bottom to evaluate the suitability of the soils near the existing foundation for support of the new floor slab and foundation. If excavations need to extend within these limits, ground improvement, retention, or underpinning may be required. During construction, the contractor should monitor excavation slopes and adjacent structures for movement. We also recommend protecting any slopes from disturbance, such as precipitation, runoff, or sloughing. C.2.i. Excavation Dewatering Though not anticipated, if present, we recommend groundwater or accumulated water be removed from excavations or subgrades prior to fill placement or construction. Independent School District #882 Project B1600092 May 6, 2016 Page 13 C.2J. Fill Materials The following table contains our recommendations for fill materials on the project site. Table 5. Fill Materials Of note from Table 5, we recommend placement of the non -frost susceptible fill below the track and field pavements and synthetic fields should extend a minimum of two feet horizontally beyond the outside edge of the feature. C.2.k. Compaction and Fill Placement We recommend spreading fill in loose lifts no thicker than 12 inches. Smaller equipment may require thinner lifts to meet specified density. We recommend compacting fill in accordance with the criteria presented below in Table 6. The relative compaction of utility fill should be evaluated based on the requirements of the structures or pavement above the utility line, and vertical proximity to that structure. If site grading and construction is anticipated during cold weather, snow and ice should be removed from cut and fill areas prior to additional grading. No fill should be placed on frozen subgrades. No frozen soils should be used as fill. Frost should not be allowed to penetrate below the footings. Fill Additional Reference Classification Soil Types Gradation Requirements Bel Foundations or GP GW SP SW, 100% passing 2 -inch sieve OC < 2% Structural Fill SW SM Heated Interior Slabs < 50% passing #200 sieve PI < 20 SP -SM, Sc, SM Below Foundations or Interior Slabs (where fill Deep GP, GW, SP, SW, 100% passing 2 -inch sieve depths are greater than 10 Structural Fill SP -SM < 12% passing #200 sieve OC < 2% feet) 1) Below Track and Field Pavements 100% passing 2 -inch sieve 2) Below Synthetic Fields Non -Frost GP, GW, SP, SW, 3) Below Unheated Building Susceptible Fill SP -SM < 50% passing #40 sieve OC < 2% Slabs < 7% passing #200 sieve 4) Below Exterior Slabs GP, GW, SP, SW, Non - structural, landscaped Non - Structural SW -SM < 100% passing 2 -inch areas Fill SP -SM, SM, Sc, sieve OC < 5% CL, M L Of note from Table 5, we recommend placement of the non -frost susceptible fill below the track and field pavements and synthetic fields should extend a minimum of two feet horizontally beyond the outside edge of the feature. C.2.k. Compaction and Fill Placement We recommend spreading fill in loose lifts no thicker than 12 inches. Smaller equipment may require thinner lifts to meet specified density. We recommend compacting fill in accordance with the criteria presented below in Table 6. The relative compaction of utility fill should be evaluated based on the requirements of the structures or pavement above the utility line, and vertical proximity to that structure. If site grading and construction is anticipated during cold weather, snow and ice should be removed from cut and fill areas prior to additional grading. No fill should be placed on frozen subgrades. No frozen soils should be used as fill. Frost should not be allowed to penetrate below the footings. Independent School District #882 Project B1600092 May 6, 2016 Page 14 Table 6. Compaction Recommendations Summary If site grading and construction is anticipated during cold weather, snow and ice should be removed from cut and fill areas prior to additional grading. No fill should be placed on frozen subgrades. No frozen soils should be used as fill. C.3. Spread Footings C.3.a. Embedment Depth For frost protection, we recommend embedding perimeter footings for heated structures (school building addition) at least 42 inches below the lowest exterior grade. Interior footings may be placed directly below floor slabs. We recommend embedding unheated building footings (ticket /concession building), footings not heated during winter construction, and other unheated footings associated with canopies or sidewalks at least 60 inches below the lowest exterior grade. For new foundations constructed adjacent to the foundations of the existing high school building, we recommend the new foundations be constructed to bear at approximately the same elevation as the existing foundations. Foundations constructed above existing foundations can exert detrimental stresses on existing foundations and walls. Relative Compaction, Moisture Content Variance minimum percent from Optimum, Reference (ASTM D 698 — Standard Proctor) percentage Points Below foundations and interior -3 to +3 (sand) slabs 98 -1 to +3 (clay) Below track and field pavements, and exterior slabs, within 3 feet of 100 -3 to +3 the surface grades 1) Below track and field pavements, and exterior slabs, more than 3 feet below surface grade 95 -3 to +3 2) Below unheated buildings 3) Below synthetic fields Below landscaped areas 92 -5 to +5 If site grading and construction is anticipated during cold weather, snow and ice should be removed from cut and fill areas prior to additional grading. No fill should be placed on frozen subgrades. No frozen soils should be used as fill. C.3. Spread Footings C.3.a. Embedment Depth For frost protection, we recommend embedding perimeter footings for heated structures (school building addition) at least 42 inches below the lowest exterior grade. Interior footings may be placed directly below floor slabs. We recommend embedding unheated building footings (ticket /concession building), footings not heated during winter construction, and other unheated footings associated with canopies or sidewalks at least 60 inches below the lowest exterior grade. For new foundations constructed adjacent to the foundations of the existing high school building, we recommend the new foundations be constructed to bear at approximately the same elevation as the existing foundations. Foundations constructed above existing foundations can exert detrimental stresses on existing foundations and walls. Independent School District #882 Project B1600092 May 6, 2016 Page 15 C.3.b. Net Allowable Bearing Pressure We recommend sizing spread footings to exert a net allowable bearing pressure of up to 4,000 pounds per square foot (psf), including all transient loads. This value includes a safety factor of at least 3.0 with regard to bearing capacity failure. C.3.c. Settlement Assuming the recommendations regarding building pad preparation and soil corrections are performed as recommended, we anticipate total and differential settlement of the foundations for the proposed buildings will be less than one inch and 1/2 inch, respectively, under the provided loads. Because the existing building will not likely settle along with the proposed additions, up to approximately one inch of differential settlement could occur between the existing building and the additions. To accommodate this settlement, we recommend connecting the addition to the building later in the construction process after most of the dead load is in place on the addition. Also, we recommend installing expansion joints between the existing building and the addition or designing the structure to accommodate this movement. CA Grandstand and Bleacher Foundations C.4.a. Embedment We recommend drilled pier foundations for the proposed grandstand and bleachers be extended through existing fill and organic soils to bear into native glacial soils. A minimum embedment depth of at least 60 inches is recommended for frost protection, however, additional embedment may be necessary for lateral stability and resistance to overturning. Actual embedment depth and design of drilled pier foundation elements should be performed by a qualified structural engineer. C.4.b. Bearing Capacity and Settlement We recommend drilled pier foundations bear upon native glacial soils. For design purposes, we recommend designing the piers bearing in these materials to exert a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of up to 4,000 pounds per square foot (PSF). This value includes a safety factor of at least 3.0 with regard to bearing capacity failure, assuming a minimum embedment depth of five feet. We recommend ignoring skin friction of the piers in determining axial capacity within the frost zone (upper five feet) and within topsoil, fill, or buried topsoil zones. Assuming the recommendations provided in this report are followed, we estimate settlement of individual piers will amount to less than one inch under the assumed loads. Independent School District #882 Project 61600092 May 6, 2016 Page 16 CA.c. Resistance to Lateral Loads Recommended earth pressure coefficients for foundation design based on active, passive, and at -rest earth pressure conditions are presented below in Table 7. Assumed wet unit backfill weights and internal friction angles are also provided. Designs should also consider the slope of any backfill and dead or live loads that are placed within a horizontal distance that is equal to the depth of the foundation. Table 7. Recommended Lateral Earth Pressure Parameters We recommend a soil- concrete interface friction factor equal to 0.45. The provided values are unfactored. C.5. Interior Slabs C.5.a. Subgrade Support and Design We anticipate interior slab subgrades will generally consist of engineered sand fill. We recommend using a modulus of subgrade reaction, k, of 150 pounds per square inch per inch of deflection (pci) to design the slabs. If a minimum of six inches of compacted crushed aggregate base is placed immediately beneath the floor slab, it is our opinion that the modulus may be increased by 50 pci. Materials should not contain any bituminous. An aggregate base will also be a more stable platform for construction equipment during construction and is less weather sensitive. C.5.b. Moisture Vapor Protection If floor coverings or coatings less permeable than the concrete slab will be used, we recommend a vapor retarder or vapor barrier be placed immediately beneath the slab. We recommend consulting with floor covering manufacturers regarding the appropriate type, use, and installation of the vapor retarder or barrier to preserve warranty assurances. We recommend the vapor retarder or barrier be observed prior to concrete placement so holes, tears, or gaps in the vapor retarder or barrier can be identified and patched or realigned as needed. We further recommend performing moisture vapor transmission tests after the concrete slabs have cured, but Earth Pressure Earth Pressure Earth Pressure Wet Unit Friction Coefficient, Coefficient, Coefficient, Weight Angle Active Case Passive Case At -Rest Case Material (PCF) (degrees) (KA) (KP) (K.) Fill Soils (CL, SC, SM, SP -SM) 120 25 0.41 2.46 0.58 Glacial Sands (SM, SP -SM, SP) 120 32 0.31 3.25 0.47 We recommend a soil- concrete interface friction factor equal to 0.45. The provided values are unfactored. C.5. Interior Slabs C.5.a. Subgrade Support and Design We anticipate interior slab subgrades will generally consist of engineered sand fill. We recommend using a modulus of subgrade reaction, k, of 150 pounds per square inch per inch of deflection (pci) to design the slabs. If a minimum of six inches of compacted crushed aggregate base is placed immediately beneath the floor slab, it is our opinion that the modulus may be increased by 50 pci. Materials should not contain any bituminous. An aggregate base will also be a more stable platform for construction equipment during construction and is less weather sensitive. C.5.b. Moisture Vapor Protection If floor coverings or coatings less permeable than the concrete slab will be used, we recommend a vapor retarder or vapor barrier be placed immediately beneath the slab. We recommend consulting with floor covering manufacturers regarding the appropriate type, use, and installation of the vapor retarder or barrier to preserve warranty assurances. We recommend the vapor retarder or barrier be observed prior to concrete placement so holes, tears, or gaps in the vapor retarder or barrier can be identified and patched or realigned as needed. We further recommend performing moisture vapor transmission tests after the concrete slabs have cured, but Independent School District #882 Project 61600092 May 6, 2016 Page 17 before flooring is installed. Flooring manufacturers typically recommend upper limits of moisture vapor transmission can be used to set schedules for flooring installation but, more importantly, may impact warranties. CA Synthetic Field and Running Track Design We understand design of the synthetic field and the running track sections will be performed by AJA. Note, we recommend subgrade design for the synthetic field and the running track include a subgrade drainage system (draintile) at the base of the sand subbase, however, if free draining native SP or SP -SM sands are present at the bottom of the subbase the drainage system could be removed. If the drainage system is considered for removal, we recommend infiltration testing be performed in the field to evaluate subgrade infiltration rates. C.7. Frost Protection C.7.a. General All or some of the exterior slabs may be underlain with silty sand and possibly clays, which are considered to be slightly to moderately frost susceptible. Such soils can retain moisture and heave upon freezing. In general, this characteristic is not an issue unless these soils become saturated due to surface runoff or infiltration or are excessively wet in -situ. Once frozen, unfavorable amounts of general and isolated heaving of the soils and the surface structures supported on them could develop. This type of heaving could impact design drainage patterns and the performance of pavements. To address most of the heave related issues, we recommend that general site grades and grades for exterior surface features be set to direct surface drainage away from buildings, across large paved areas, and away from walkways to limit the potential for saturation of the subgrade and any subsequent heaving. General grades should also have enough "slope" to tolerate potential larger areas of heave which may not fully settle when thawed. It should be noted that general runoff and infiltration from precipitation are not the only sources of water that can saturate subgrade soils and contribute to frost heave. Roof drainage and the irrigation of landscaped areas in close proximity to exterior slabs, pavements, and isolated footings and piers contribute as well. Independent School District #882 Project 61600092 May 6, 2016 Page 18 C.7.b. Exterior Slabs and Pavements Even small amounts of frost - related differential movement at walkway joints or cracks can create tripping hazards. Several subgrade improvement options can be explored to address this condition. The most conservative and potentially most costly subgrade improvement option to help limit the potential for heaving, but not eliminate it, would be to remove any frost - susceptible soils present below the exterior slabs' "footprints" down to the bottom -of- footing grades or to a maximum depth of five feet below subgrade elevations, whichever is less. We recommend the resulting excavation then be refilled with sand or sandy gravel having less than 50 percent of the particles by weight passing the #40 sieve and less than seven percent of the particles by weight passing a #200 sieve. The bottom of the excavation should be sloped toward one or more collection points so that any water entering the fill can be collected and removed. A series of perforated drainpipes will need to be installed to collect and dispose of the infiltrating water and /or groundwater that could accumulate within the fill. If the water is not removed, it is our opinion this option will not be effective in controlling heave. An important geometric aspect of the excavation and replacement approach described above is sloping the banks of the excavations to create a more gradual transition between the unexcavated soils considered to be frost - susceptible and the excavation fill which is not, to attenuate differential movement that may occur along the excavation boundary. We recommend 3:1 (H:V) banks along transitions between frost - susceptible and non - frost - susceptible soils. Another option is to only protect critical areas, such as doorways and entrances, via frost depth foundations or localized excavations with sloped transitions between frost - susceptible and non- frost- susceptible soils as described above. It will be critical the end -user develop a detailed maintenance program to seal and /or fill any cracks and joints that may develop during the useful life of the various surface features. Concrete will experience episodes of normal thermo- expansion and thermo- contraction during its useful life. During this time, cracks may develop and joints may open up, which will expose the subgrade and allow any water flowing overland to enter the subgrade and either saturate the subgrade soils or to become perched atop it. This occurrence increases the potential for heave due to freezing conditions in the general vicinity of the crack or joint. This type of heave has the potential to become excessive if not addressed as part of a maintenance program. Special attention should be paid to areas where dissimilar materials abut one another, where construction joints occur, and where shrinkage cracks develop. Independent School District #882 Project B1600092 May 6, 2016 Page 19 C.8. Utilities C.8.a. Subgrade Stabilization The on -site native soils encountered at typical invert elevations generally appear suitable for pipe support and we anticipate that utilities can be installed per manufacturer bedding requirements. However, if unstable or organic soils are encountered at pipe invert elevations, they should be subcut and replaced with engineered backfill or crushed rock. Typical subcut depths would be one to two feet below invert elevations. We recommend a geotechnical engineer observe all utility trench excavations. C.8.b. Trench Excavation and Backfilling We recommend trench excavation and selecting, placing, and compacting utility backfill in accordance with the recommendations provided above in Section C.2. Some of the silty soils removed from the utility trenches may need to be moisture conditioned to allow for proper compaction as backfill. C.8.c. Corrosion Potential The on -site silty or clayey soils are generally considered to be slightly to moderately corrosive. We recommend providing corrosion protection for pipes backfilled with such soils. C.9. Construction Quality Control We recommend having the excavation and placement of fill within the building pad be placed under the direction of Special Inspections as provided in Chapter 17, Section 1704.7 of the International Building Code. This requires the observation of soil or bedrock conditions below fill or footings, to evaluate if excavations extend to the anticipated soils and if fill material meets requirements for type of fill and compaction condition of fill. This work should include evaluation of the subgrade, note the preparation of the subgrade such as surface compaction, excavation oversizing, placement procedures and materials used for fill, and compaction testing of the fill. This work should be carried out under the direction of a licensed geotechnical engineer. The purpose of these special inspections is to evaluate whether the work is being carried out in accordance with the approved Geotechnical Report for the project. Independent School District #882 Project B1600092 May 6, 2016 Page 20 D. Procedures D.1. Penetration Test Borings The penetration test borings were drilled with a truck - mounted core auger drill equipped with hollow - stem auger or rubber track GeoProbe drill rig. The borings were performed in accordance with ASTM D 1586. Penetration test samples were taken at 2 1/2- or 5 -foot intervals. Actual sample intervals and corresponding depths are shown on the boring logs. D.2. Exploration Logs D.2.a. Log of Boring Sheets Log of Boring sheets for our penetration test borings are included in the Appendix. The logs identify and describe the geologic materials that were penetrated, and present the results of penetration resistance tests performed within them, laboratory tests performed on penetration test samples retrieved from them, and groundwater measurements. Strata boundaries were inferred from changes in the penetration test samples and the auger cuttings. The strata boundary depths are only approximate. The boundary depths likely vary away from the boring locations, and the boundaries themselves may also occur as gradual rather than abrupt transitions. D.2.b. Geologic Origins Geologic origins assigned to the materials shown on the logs and referenced within this report were based on: (1) a review of the background information and reference documents cited above, (2) visual classification of the various geologic material samples retrieved during the course of our subsurface exploration, and (3) available common knowledge of the geologic processes and environments that have impacted the site and surrounding area in the past. D.3. Material Classification and Testing D.3.a. Visual and Manual Classification The geologic materials encountered were visually and manually classified in accordance with ASTM Standard Practice D 2488. A chart explaining the classification system is attached. Samples were placed in jars and returned to our facility for review and storage. Independent School District #882 Project 61600092 May 6, 2016 Page 21 D.3.b. laboratory Testing The results of the laboratory tests performed on geologic material samples are noted on or follow the appropriate attached exploration logs. The tests were performed in accordance with ASTM procedures DA Groundwater Measurements The drillers checked for groundwater as the penetration test borings were advanced, and again after auger withdrawal. The boreholes were then backfilled as noted on the boring logs. E. Qualifications E.1. Variations in Subsurface Conditions E.1.a. Material Strata Our evaluation, analyses, and recommendations were developed from a limited amount of site and subsurface information. It is not standard engineering practice to retrieve material samples from exploration locations continuously with depth, and therefore strata boundaries and thicknesses must be inferred to some extent. Strata boundaries may also be gradual transitions, and can be expected to vary in depth, elevation, and thickness away from the exploration locations. Variations in subsurface conditions present between exploration locations may not be revealed until additional exploration work is completed, or construction commences. If any such variations are revealed, our recommendations should be re- evaluated. Such variations could increase construction costs, and a contingency should be provided to accommodate them. E.1.b. Groundwater Levels Groundwater measurements were made under the conditions reported herein and shown on the exploration logs, and interpreted in the text of this report. It should be noted that the observation periods were relatively short, and groundwater can be expected to fluctuate in response to rainfall, flooding, irrigation, seasonal freezing and thawing, surface drainage modifications, and other seasonal and annual factors. Independent School District #882 Project B1600092 May 6, 2016 Page 22 E.2. Continuity of Professional Responsibility E.2.a. Plan Review This report is based on a limited amount of information, and a number of assumptions were necessary to help us develop our recommendations. It is recommended that our firm review the geotechnical aspects of the designs and specifications, and evaluate whether the design is as expected, if any design changes have affected the validity of our recommendations, and if our recommendations have been correctly interpreted and implemented in the designs and specifications. E.2.b. Construction Observations and Testing It is recommended that we be retained to perform observations and tests during construction. This will allow correlation of the subsurface conditions encountered during construction with those encountered by the borings, and provide continuity of professional responsibility. E.3. Use of Report This report is for the exclusive use of the parties to which it has been addressed. Without written approval, we assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. Our evaluation, analyses, and recommendations may not be appropriate for other parties or projects. EA Standard of Care In performing its services, Braun Intertec used that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by reputable members of its profession currently practicing in the same locality. No warranty, express or implied, is made. Appendix U � ° I W y Lu � F- E as VlOS3NNIW 'O- PE1011NON @iVA31f109 IOOHOS SZZS _ IOOHOS HOIH 0113OUNON .. NOI1V(11VA31VOINHO31030 HO13NS NOIIVOOI SNIaOS IIOS 2 m C m v 3 u O ❑� ^mob 41 l/, III J o V/ Z curi w y N � N y v y y y y N � ° I W y I y N y of Fo F:o Fo y~j° o N ©y y y y y 0 Z O O 0 W Of 0 0 o X G // - G c / I c o o/ 1s y� Q I o J Q, J �a r I I y N � N y v y y y y N � ° I W y I y N y of Fo F:o Fo y~j° o N ©y y y y y 0 Z O O 0 W Of 0 0 o X G // - G / OZ Z. O H Ndb W 9 l0ZIS l /Z'I- N-S 48!H'6-P 2600 a C, cc C, Lr K Cc Ir Ir d C Cc 2 a V ,w ,w ,W ;w 0 -a BRAUN" I NTE RTEC ( ) ( * +( I — _ ) AAA ASAA AA4EtkBC &QRG </ /012 C CC tt�DD %DE CE DEE fkd D HQJ DO(M U/ U/ % =! % 0 / E°/E' YYC >' ' E AAA EAE AAA Ek F AGAk AMC 3�) * ' 9 6.' * C E AAMA4 D ME EAE AAE E AAGE fi4AAEAEIA TR(&f-IOR/ ]C^ -' +524 aCO. G QT/ Z W4 \ >DLD:V, + +' TDOO/ ! >JDHO/ #$0% 01 2C T' B3 ? ' 3 ? 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L75M ( D: ; ' - 6, + B1 C 3i 7' M K)5B6541 F4!P _ 00< # „ E$($ $C > =1 =QQRHS <RDT0T >DUT 7,9 >&OL?{' I T5 >@ :. : +' 94 + I; , 4' 9L749 < -, 2' t8 -57 ( L+ 54i315 56' 1 9' (6' C °/8/o — r* 1)41Q:31,6 *P E >_ =QQRHS <RDTOT >DUTL74 < -, 2' t8 -57(L+ 54.13 '656' C r* 1 )4 1Q: 37, 6 *P E "$XQ C OUT QF &QRQI< C V , 3 - ( 53586' -2' 9 7 Z " Wo? ' 35 ?- 5157163 + — -4 3' , -5:(9C — &5-4; 3' ( 8, ) . 9 9C HHHHHH & -, : k 1p.5 -3 ) J Z)-M-, MD > U! $ t , 1 0 � a C, cc C, Lr K Cc Lr Lr d C t a U u <W V BRAUN" I NTE RTEC ' ( ) ( * +( I ) AAA ASAA AA4EtkBC &QRG </ /0124 C CC tt�DD %DE CE DEE fkd D HQJ DCQU/ U/ % Z E$' 0/ E %Y X° /C >' ' E AAA EAE AAA Ek F AGAk Wt 3�) * ' 9 6. J * C E AAMA4 DBE EAEAAE E AA GE DVVT- EIA TR(Bf-pR/ ]C^ -' +524* aCO. GQT/ Z %[ \ >DLD:3 *, + +' TDCO/ ! >JDW/ #$0% 01 2C T' B3 ? ' 3 ? ' 3 T' 6) -4335( 5 ? @, 3 -4 '6 & =F V H @J 0 615- U53 6 "EX(# !C >K +851 541D >0@T0/$ # #5- T % #XLR5),IA >DJ00@ !1 1M'! #P a „FXC i(�f F(BH F(GW J1KK >,(9L?4'ITD +'94 +1;- ,4'9L81).L ?W ( C D:;'- 6, +B1C _ F(BH !m5B6541 F4iP — F(BW = 55 -K < -, 9' 9 >, ( 9 749 >4a -749 81) • 5 -; , ( 4 J 1 K K >, ( 9 1 K -6L9, 8 -57 ( L+ 5 63✓ o� E _ # Y Z U5 6, + B1 -' ) 52' -KC " $ E(tk 0/0 >= =QQRHS <RDTOT >DUTL4' I; -, 4' 9L3, )' <-,2' t _ 8 -57 ( L+ 5461'556' 1 + ' 94 + 9' ( 6' C # te 1)41Q:31,6 *P Y YG 0 UT QF &QR(W< C V , 3 - ( 53586' -2' 9 743 $ A? ' 35 ?* 5157163 + — I:; -4 3' , -5:(9C — &5-4; 3' ( 8, ) . 'M 9C AAAAAA & -, : ( (b3 -3 ) J b -Bb-, jb( >u! t a, ; , 5., a C, cc C, Lr K Cc Lr Lr d C t a U w u <w V Q BRAUN" I NTE RTEC ' ( ) ( * +( I ) AAA AS AA QA4EtkBC &QRG </ / 012" C CC tt�DD %DE CE DEE fkd D HQJ DCQU/ U/ % Z EX 0/ E %Y$! #C >' ' E AAA EAE AAA Ek F AGAk Wt 3�) * ' 9 6. J * C E AAMA4 DBE EM-AAE E AA GE DVVT- EIA TR(&f-IOR/ ]C^ -' +524* aCO. GQT/ Z %[ \ >DLD:3 *, + +' TDCO/ ! >JDHO/ #$0% 01 2C T' B3 ? ' 3 ? ' 3 T' 6) -4335( 5 ?@ 3 -4 '6 & =F V H 06356 5- U53 6 "EX(# !Q >K +851 541D >0@T°/W5- T % #)(LR5),IA >DJ00@ !1 1° /V #P FGH FTA-V J 1 K K >, (9L611 * 3K5 -; , (4 3 5 -; , (4 L743 D: ; ' - 6, + B1 C _ 8 -57 ( >, (9 1 (6' 6L81 ) . L-?5M ( 17' � !m5B6541 F41P _ $ " E° /d# EC > =1 =QQRHS <RDT0T >DUT 7,9 >(EIO A' I I _ > @ :. +' 94 + 1; -, 4' 9L8 -57 ( L+ 5,Ca -+ ' 94 + 9' (6' C t* 1 )4 1Q: 31, 6* P „$yg C OUT QF &QRQI< C V , 3 - ( 53586' -2' 9 743 " A?' 35 ?* 5157163 + — I :; -4 3' , -5:(9C — &5-4; 3' ( 8,) . ?111 9C AAAAAA & -, : ( (b3 -3 ) J b -Bb-, jb( >u y E3, ; , by a C, cc C, Lr Ir K i� Ir d C Cc F 2 a V ,w ,w ,w ;w ,w 0 -a BRAUN" I NTE RTEC ( ) ( * +( 7 — ' ) AAA ASAA AP4EAABC &QRG </ /0125 C CC ttCDD %DE CE DEE DC13E D HQJ DOG U/ U/ % °/o " E 0 / E°/E" XEC >' ' E AAA EAEME Ek F AGAk AMC ) *' 9 6. ' * C E AAMA4 D ME EAE AAE E AAGE fi4AAEAEIA TR(&f-IOR/ ]C^ -' +524 aCO. G QT/ Z W4 \ >DLD:3 *, + +'- TDOO/ !! >JDHO/ #$0% 01 2C T' B3 ? ' 3 ? ' 3 T' 6) -4335( 5 ?@ 3 -4 '6 & =F V H @J 0 615- U53 6 "E#U°o !C >K +851 1* 541D >C@T0/$##5- T0/$0LR5),I^ >DJ00@ H I %! #P a F(6H F(RH >, ( 9K , ( J 1 !_614 * 3K5 -; , (4 L9, -. 8 -57 ( L D: ; ' - 6, + B1 C _ 00< ' 5W ( 35 + 5433; Pm5B6541 F4iP " E$U°o $C > =1 =QQRHS <RDT0T >DUT 7,9 >90L.4' 135 > @:.: +'94 +1;- ,4'9L3,)' < -, 2' t7,e 5)), M(, 1>48 1 ( 6' 6L1} * 38 -57 ( L9 -K 35 + 5413 - +' 94 + 9' ( 6' C E — r* 1 )4 1Q: 37, 6 *P " $XC 0 C OUT QF &QR(1< C V, 3 ( 53586' -2' 9 7Z " %? ' 35 ?' 5'!67163 + ; — 4 3' ; -5:(9C — &5-4; 3' ( 8, ) . 9 9C AAAAAA & -, : ( (?3 -3 ) J b -Bb-, 3b( >U! X B, ; ' b., a Cs i� a cc C, Lr Ir a K iz Ir d C Cc 2 w a V ,w :u ,W ;w -°a BRAUN'" I NTE RTEC ( ) ( * +( 7 —- ) AAA A AA M BC &QRG </ /0126 C CC CC�DD %BE CE BEE BCEE D HQJ DOCMU/ U/ % °/o " " 0 / EON XYC >' ' E AAMAM EXAMS fk F AGAk AAk 96.' 1* C E AAA► DH� EAEAAE E AAABVWACE OUVW " TRGKR/ ]01-'+524* @9Q QT/ Z W4 \ >DLD:V, + +' TDCO/ !! >JDHO/ #$0% 012C T' B3 ? ' 3 ? ' 3 T' 6) -4335( 5 ?@ 3 -4 '6 & =F V H @J 0 615- U53 6 "E C !C >K +851 1* 541D >C@ T 0/$##5- T(/'$ #XLR5).1^ >DJ00@ !1 1° /d! #P a F(BH F(RW J 1 K K >, (9L3, )' 5 -; , (4 6L9, -. 8 -57 (L' 5W (C D: ; ' - 6, + B1 C " E#C C tOB6541 F4xP FGH F(RW >41K >, (904' 1 35 +' 94 + I; -, 4' 9L3, )' 2' 19, -. 8 -57 ( L ?5M ( 35 + 5463✓ " EEC $C FGH FGW =55- K < -, 9' 9 >, ( 9 7,9 >4a --4' 1 35 +' 94 + I; -, 4' 9L3, )' < -, 2' V4 * 38 -57 ( L+ 5,6M X Y " E°/T XC FGH FGH >48< >, ( 904' 1 35 +' 94 + I; -, 4' 9L3, )' _ < -, 2' 1-8 -57 ( L+ 54630 _ OCK V 4 ) 5() -' 3 , 3# A? ' 3, ( 9 1'5532546 , Y ? 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L7' 3; D: ; ' - 6, + B1 C _ 00< OCK !m5B6541 F4xP _ 00< # "ERE $C >_ =QQRHS <RDTOT >DUT04' 1 3U +' 94+ I; -, 4' 9L 3, )' < - 2' 18 -57 (L9-K-+' 94 + 9' (6' C N' 1 )41Q: 37, 6 *P " E° /a XC > =1 =QQRHS <RDT0T >DUT 74 >TIOL.4' 13U _ > @:::' ": +'94 +1;- ,4'9L5)), M(,1 >4i1 lK1(6'6L743' E 2' 18 -57 (L9 -K + 5,C3-+' 94 + 9' (6' C — 1* 1 )4 1Q: 37, 6 *P " $ #(E C >_ =QQRHS <RDTOT >DUTL.4' 135 +'94 + 1; -, 4'9L _ 8 -57 (L+ 5413+ ' 94 + 9' (6' C r* 1 )41Q:27,6 *P E E " $Z(E YC 0 UT QF &QR(W< C V , 3 - ( 53586' -2' 9 7 43' $ A? ' 35 ?* 5157163 + — ,:; -4 3' , -5:(9C — &5-41 3' ( 8, ) . -9 9C >u • E3,:• a C, cc C, Lr IrK Ir d C Cc F 2 a u, w :S u ,W �w ,Q ..a BRAUN" I NTE RTEC ' ( ) ( * +( f - _ ) AAA ASAA AP4EAABC &QRG </ /012 C CC CC�DD %DE CE DEE DC13E D HQJ DCKG) U/ U/ % °/W #E 0 / E°/Y XXC >' ' E AAA EAEME Ek F AGAk AMC �O *' 9 6.' 1 * C E AAMA4 D ME EAE AAE E AAGE fi4AAEAEIA TR(&f-IOR/ ]C^ -' +524 aCO. G QT/ Z W4 \ >DLD:3 *, + +' TDCO/ !! >JDHO/ #$0% 01 2C T' B3 ? ' 3 ? ' 3 T' 6) -a3b( 5 ?@ 3 -4 '6 & =F V H @J 0 615- U53 6 "E.ly !C >K +851 541D >C@T0/$##5- T 0/$ #&R5),IA >DJ00@ H 1° /d! #P a „ � i >J J!- DSOS> DUTL4'I;- ,4'9L614 *3K5- ;,(4L9, -. 8 -57 (L 15M ( C D:;'- 6, +B1C _ >=I >@ !OB6541F4tP =QQRHS <RDT0T >DUT 749 >GOLA' 13i — +' 94 + 1; -, 4' 9L7,e < -, 2' L8 -57 (L9 -K- +' 94 + % E — 9'(6'C "EE(Y $C r* 1 )41Q: 27, 6 *P > =1 :: =QQRHS <RDTOT >DUT 7,9 >90LA' 1 3i >@ : +'94 +I;- ,4'9L3,)' <- ,2't1} *38- 57(L9- K3 +54'i +'94+ 9, (6'C Z E — 1* 1 )41Q: 31, 6 *P E E $ " 7—#( % v OUT QF &QR(6)< C V,3-(53586'-2'97,9 \//o? ' 35 ?* 5157163 + — :;'-4 3' , -5:(9C — &5-4; 3 ' ( 8, ) . '4 9C HHHHHH & -, : k WS'3) i Z)-M -, M� lu i q 1 0i a C, cc C, Lr Ir K is Ir d c Cc a w w ;w ,o -a BRAUN" I NTE RTEC ( ) ( * +( 7 - ' ) AAA ASAA AP4EAABC &QRG </ /01 C CC CC�DD %DE CE DEE DC13E D HQJ DQKG)U/ U/ % °/# #E 0 / E %r°/o EC >' ' E AAA EAEME Ek F AGAk AAA `5 *' 9 6. ' * C E AAMA4 D ME EAE AAE E AAGE fi4AAEAEIA TR(&f-IOR/ ]C^-' +524 aCO. G QT/ Z W4 \ >DLD:3 *, + +' TDCO/ !! >JDHO/ #$0% 01 2C T' B3 ? ' 3 ? ' 3 T' 6) -4135( 5 ?@ 3 -4 '6 & =F V H @1 = °/d ! 0 636 5- U53 6 "Y! a ! C >K +851 541D >C@T0/$##5- T 0/s$ #&R5),IA >DJO O@ ! I I° /d! #P a a > J J !-DSO S > DUT L 4 ' 1; -, 4' 9L3, )' -5536, (9 5 -; , (46L 9, -. 8 -57 ( L ?5M ( C D: ; ' - 6, + B1 C >=I >@ :: KEB654P =QQRHS <RDTOT >DUT 749 >90LA' I l — +' 94 + I; -, 4' 9L8 -57 (L9 -t -'656' C # $ „ 1* 1 )4 1Q: 37, 6 *P " EY(Z $Q >_ =QQRHS <RDTOT >DUTL -4' 135 +' 94+ I; -, 4' 9L 3, )' < -, 2' t*4 * 38 -57 (L9 -1 -'656' 35 +' 94 + 9' (6' N' 1 )41Q: 37, 6 *P # $ z z ! E „$ a „G >@ :: >(B106 >DUTL.4' 1; -, 4' 9L8-57 (L+ 5,C3-+' 94+ r* 1 )-ro?t 24 + P „Z"(< %Q OUT QF &QR(G)< C V,3-(53586'-2'97,9 W? ' 35 ?* 5157163 + — :; -4 3' , -5:(9C — &5-4; 3' ( 8, ) . '4 9C AAAAAA & -, : ( (?3 -3 ) J b -Bb-, 3b( >u 13,:' !�"I a C, cc C, Lr K Cc Ir Ir d C t a U tlQ u V 0 BRAUN" I NTE RTEC ' ( ) ( * +( I ) AAA AS AA QA4EtkBC &QRG </ / 01 C CC tt�DD %DE CE DEE fkd D E AAA EAE AAA Ek F AGAk AMC HQJ DCGU/ U/ % °/# # #' 0/ E %Y$ $C >' ' 3�) * ' 9 6. J * C E AAMA4 DBf EM-AAE E AA GE fi4AAEAPA TR(&f-IOR/ RG , (6' ( aCO. G QT/ Z %[ \ >DLD: 3 *, + +' TDCO/ !" >J DHO/ #$ 0% 01 2C T' B3 ? ' 3 ? ' 3 T' 6) -4336( 5 ?@, 3 -4 '6 & =F V H 0 6TD 5- U53 6 "Y a !Q >K +851 541D >0@T°/W5- T % #)(LR5),IA >DJ00@ !I IM'! #P > J J HDSO S > DUT L4' I ; -, 4' 9 L3, ) ' 5-1, (9 6L9, -. D: ; ' - 6, + B1 C Y!(Y C 8- 57(L'W(C P05 B654P >=I :. — >@ =QQRHS <RDT0T >DUT 7,9 >&IOL.4 13 +' 94 + 1; , 4' 9LJ 1 K 1 (6' 6, 3%?' 38 -57 ( L+ 5,C3 i — 1656' T + ' 94 + 9' (6' C 91 )41Q: 31, 6 *P E$(Z XC >_ =QQRHS < RDTOT >DUTL4' 1 5 +' 94 +1; -,4' 9L _ 7,9 < -, 2' 1L8 -57 (L+ 5,6113556' 1 +' 94 + 9' (6' C N�1)4 IQ: 31,6 *P Z X X „$! a %G OUT QF &QR(6)< C V,3-(53586'-2'97,9 \P/P ' 35 ?* 5157163 + — :;'-4 3' , -5:(9C — &5-4; 3'( 8, ) . ?41 9C AAAAAA & -, : ( (b3 -3 ) J b -Bb-, jb( >u ro B, ; , 5., a C, cc C, Lr K Cc Ir Ir d C Cc F 2 a u, w :u ,W ;w ,o -a BRAUN" I NTE RTEC ( ) ( * +( f —- ) AAA ASAA AP4EAABC &QRG </ /013 C CC CC�DD %DE CE DEE DC13E D HQJ DOKG)U/ U/ % OWN ' 0 / E°/MYC >' ' E AAA EAEME Ek F AGAk AMC 9 6. C E AAMA4 DBf EAEAAE E AA GE fi4AAEAPA TR(&f-IDR/ RG , (6' ( aCO. G QT/ Z W4 >DLD:3 *, + +' TDCO/ !" >J DW/ #$ 0% 01 2C T' B3 ? ' 3 ? ' 3 T' 6) -4335( 5 ?@ 3 -4 '6 & =F V H @J 0 615- U53 6 V. C ! C >K +851 541D >C@T 0/$##5- T 040LR5).1^ >DJO O@ ! 11° /d! #P a " L' V0 i 9 >j J !-DSO S > DUT L4' 1; -, 4' 9L9, -. 8 -57 ( L?5M ( C MZ B654P D: ; ' -6, + B1 C >=I =QQRHS <RDTOT >DUT 7,9 >9004'1 3 > @ — +' 94 + 1; -, 4' 9L3, )' < -, 2' 1-14 * 38 -57 ( L' 5W ( 35 + 5,C3-+' 94 + 9' (6 C ° — Pk 1 )4 1Q: 37, 6 *P % Y E E >00S> DUTL 4'1;- ,4'9L$(L +5453- +'94 +9'(6'C f* 1 ),b? 24 + P Z „Z'Q %Q OUT QF &QR(6)< C V,3-(53586'-2'97,9 \P/.? ' 35 ?* 5157163 + — ,'; -4 3' , -5:(9C — &5-4; 3' ( 8, ) . '4 9C AAAAAA & -, : ( (?3 -3 ) J b -Bb-, 3b( >UI L t3, ; ' b'� a C, cc C, Lr K Cc Ir Ir d C Cc F 2 a u, w .a V w ,w ,Q ..a BRAUN" I NTE RTEC ' ( ) ( * +( I -- ) AAA ASAA AP4EAABC &QRG </ /01 % C CC tt�DD %DE CE DEE DC13E D HQJ DQKMU/ U/ % °/JO(E 0/ E °/Y$ #° /C >' ' E AAA EAEME Ek F AGAk AMC 20) *' 96.- 4 * C E AAMA4 DBf EAEAAE E AA GE fi4AAEAPA TR(&f-IDR/ RG,(6'( aCO. GQT/ Z W4 \ >DLD:3 *, + +' TDCO/ !" >JDW/ #$0% 01 2C T' B3 ? ' 3 ? ' 3 T' 6) -435( 5 ?@ 3 -4 '6 & =F V H @J 0 615- U53 6 "E#(# !C >K +851 541D >C@T0/$##5- T0/$ #&R5),I^ >DJ00@ !I I%! #P a >j J I-DSO S > DUT L4' I ; -, 4' 9L3, )' 5 -; , (4 6L9, -. D: ; ' -6, + B1 C 8 -57 ( L 15M ( C Pm55B654P >=I _ >@ :. = QQRHS <RDTOT >DUT 7,9 >ffilOL?{' 13i +' 94 + 1; -, 4' 9L7,e < -, 2 ''L 11 * 38 -57 ( L' 5W ( 1 0/0 — + 5263 -+ ' 94 + 9' ( 6' C r* 1 )4 1Q: 37, 6 *P $ X E E OA Z " ZX % U OUT QF &QR(6)< C V,3-(53586'-2'97,9 \P/P ' 35 ?* 5157163 + — :;'-4 3' , -5:(9C — &5-4; 3 ' ( 8, ) . '4 9C H/iHHNH & -, : k 1p.5 -3 ) J Z)-M-, MD I U 1� t , 1 0 � a C, cc C, Lr IrK Ir d C Cc F 2 a V ,w ,w ,w ;w ,w 0 -a BRAUN" I NTE RTEC ( ) ( * +( 7 —- ) AAA ASAA AP4EAABC &QRG </ /014 C CC CC�DD %DE CE DEE DC13E D HQJ DQKMU/ U/ % OIXY$' 0 / E °/Y M C >' ' E AAA EAEME Ek F AGAk AMC :30 ) *' 9 6. ' 4 * C E AAMA4 DBf EAEAAE E AA GE fi4AAEAPA TR(&f-IDR/ RG , (6' ( aCO. G QT/ Z W4\ >DLD:3 *, + +' TDCO/ !" >J DHO/ #$ °/& 012C T' B3 ? ' 3 ? ' 3 T' 6) -4135( 5 ?@ 3 -4 '6 & =F V H @J 0 615- U53 6 "E"(# !C >K +851 541D >C@T 0/$##5- T0/$ #&R5),I^ >DJ00@ !I I%! #P a >j J HDSO S > DUT L4' I ; -, 4' 9L3, )' 5 -; , (4 6L9, -. D: ; ' - 6, + B1 C E#C ! C :' 8 -57 ( L 15M ( C PUB654P _ >@ — >SM >DUTLA' Iii +' 94 +I; -,4' 9L8 -57(L +5413 +'94 +9'(6'C — P�t 1 )4 1Q: 27, 6 *P " EE(9 $C > =1 =QQRHS <RDT0T >DUT 741' >WLA' I I > @:. +'94 +1;- ,4'9L3,)' <- ,2'1- 11 *38- 57(L +5,Cl +'94 +9'(6'C # X — 91 )41Q: 31, 6 *P °4 E °A OUT QF &QR(J< C V , 3 - ( 53586' -2' 9 7 Z " W.? ' 35 ?- 5157163 + — -4 3' , -5:(9C — &5-4; 3' ( 8, ) . 9 9C AAAAAA 1-S, -, : ( (?3 -3 ) J b -Bb-, 3b( >u t B, ; ' b., a C, cc C, Lr IrK Ir d C cc a V ,w ,w ,w ;w ,w 0 -a BRAUN" I NTE RTEC ( ) ( * +( 7 —- ) AAA ASAA AP4EAABC &QRG </ /01 IV C CC CC�DD %DE CE DEE DC13E D HQJ DQKMU/ U/ % OIXYX 0/ E °/Y$ YC >' ' E AAA EAEME Ek F AGAk WE 20) *' 96.- 4 * C E AAMA4 DBf EAEAAE E AA GE fi4AAEAPA TR(&f-IDR/ RG , (6' ( aCO. G QT/ Z W4\ >DLD:3 *, + +' TDCO/ !" >J DHO/ #$ 0% 012C T' B3 ? ' 3 ? ' 3 T' 6) -433b( 5 ?@ 3 -4 '6 & =F V H d 615- U53 6 "Y (X !G >K +851 1* 541D >C@T 0/$##5- T040LR5),I^ >DJ00@ H 10%! #P „ C i >j J HDSO S > DUT L4' I ; -, 4' 9L9, -. 8 -57 ( L ?5M ( C M)55B654P D: ; ' - 6, + B1 C _ >@ > (DM >DUTLVI35 +'94 +I;- ,4'9L3,)' < -,2'1 — 8 -57 ( L+ 5413_ 656' C P4:1 )41Q: 37, 6 *P # " [ X(x $Q > =1 :: =QQRHS <RDT0T >DUT 743' >GIOLA' I T5 >@ :. +' 94 + I; -, 4' 9L3, )' < -, 2' 1- 14 * 38 -57 ( L'556' TD +'94 +9'(6'C Y — 91 )41Q: 31, 6 *P x „ E! OK Q OUT QF &QR(1< C V , 3 - ( 53586' -2' 9 7 Z " W.? ' 35 ?- 5157163 + — —4 3' , -5:(9C — &5-4; 3' ( 8, ) . 9 9C AAAAAA & -, : ( (?3 -3 ) J b -Bb-, 3b( >UI Y t3, ; ' b'� a C, cc C, Lr K Cc Lr Lr d C t a U w u <w V Q BRAUN" I NTE RTEC ' ( ) ( * +( I ) AAA ASAA AA4EtkBC &QRG </ / 01 5 C CC ttCDD %DE CE DEE fkd D HQJ DCQU/ U/ % %Y #E' 0/ E°/oY% EC >' ' E AAA EAE AAA Ek F AGAk AAA 3�) * ' 9 6. J * C E AAMA4 D Bf EAE AAE E AA GE DVVT -APA TR(&f-IOR/ RG,(6'( aCO. GQT/ Z %M \ >DLD:3 *, + +' TDCO/ 15 >JDHO/ #$0% 012C T' B3 ? ' 3 ? ' 3 T' 6) -4336( 5 ? @, 3 -4 '6 & =F V H 06356 5- U53 6 V. C ! C >K +851 541D >0@T0/$ # #5- T % #)(LR5),IA >DJ0 0@ ! 1 1 ° /d! #P >j J HDSO S > DUT L-4 ' I ; -, 4' 9L9,-. 8 -57 (L- 5W (C D: ; ' - 6, + B1 C — " E#a ( Pm55B654P >@ >IBKDS >DUTLA' I I +' 94 + I; -, 4' 9L3, )' <- 2, t — 8 -57 ( L+ 5�63✓'S56' C ri'1)41Q:31,6 *P „ " EYC $C >_ =QQRHS <RDTOT >DUTLA' I I +' 94+ I; -,4' 9L 7,9 < , 2' 'L8 -57 ( L+ 5461,556' 1 +' 94 + 9' (6' C rle1)41Q:331,6 *P E OUT QF &QRQI< C V , 3 - ( 53586' -2' 9 743 " A?' 35 ?* 5157163 + — 1 :; -4 3' , -5:(9C — &5-4; 3 ' ( 8,) . ?111 9C AAAAAA & -, : ( (b3 -3 ) J b -Bb-, jb( >u x B, ; , 5., a C, cc C, Lr K Cc Ir Ir d C Cc F 2 a u, w :S u ,W �w ,Q ..a BRAUN" I NTE RTEC ( ) ( * +( 1 -- ) AAA ASAA AP4EAABC &QRG </ /016 C CC CC�DD %DE CE DEE DC13E D HQJ DCKG) U/ U/ % °/EY$' 0 / E °/d( #EC >' ' E AAA EAEME Ek F AGAk WE `5 *' 9 6. ' * C E AAMA4 DBf EAEAAE E AA GE DVVT -APA TR(&f-IOR/ RG,(6'( aCO. GQT/ Z W4 \ >DLD:3 *, + +' TDCO/ 15 >JDHO/ #$0% 012C T' B3 ? ' 3 ? ' 3 T' 6) -4335( 5 ?@ 3 -4 '6 & =F V H @J 0 615- U53 6 "Y a !C >K +851 541D >C@T 0/$##5- T0/$ #&R5),I^ >DJ00@ !I I %! #P a i >J J I-DSOS >DUTL4' I; -, 4' 9L3, )' 5 -; , (46L9, -. 8 -57 ( L 15M ( C D: ; ' - 6, + B1 C _ >=I >@ :: KEB654P =QQRHS <RDTOT >DUT 7,9 >GOLA' I , — +' 94 + I; -, 4' 9L3, )' < -, 2' 'L,4 * 38 -57 ( L+ 5,C3 # X — +'94 +9'(6'C r* 1 )41Q: 27, 6 *P X X °A X Z E " ZE Y °/d'C OUT QF &QRG< C V , 3 - ( 53586' -2' 9 7,9 A? ' 35 ?* 5157163 + — ,' ;, -4 3' ; -5:(9C — &5 -4 ; 3' ( 8, ) . 'dpi 9C AAAAAA & -, : ( (?3 -3 ) J b -Bb-, 3b( >UI # t3, ; ' b'� a C, cc C, Lr K Cc Lr Lr d C CC F 2 a u, w .a V w ,w ,Q ..a BRAUN" I NTE RTEC ( ) ( * +( f -- ) AAA ASAA AP4EAABC &QRG </ /017 C CC CC�DD %DE CE DEE DC13E D HQJ DQKG)U/ U/ % 0/0 0 / E °/d($! C >' ' E AAA EAEME Ek F AGAk WE 3O *' 9 6.' 1 * C E AAMA4 DBf EAEAAE E AA GE DVVT -APA TR(&f-IDR/ RG , (6' ( aCO. G QT/ Z W4 >DLD:3 *,+ +' TDCO/ 15 >J DHO/ #$ 0% 01 2C T' B3 ? ' 3 ? ' 3 T' 6) -4335( 5 ?@ 3 -4 '6 & =F V H @J 0 615- U53 6 "Y ($ !G >K +851 f�541D >C@T °/$##5- T °/$ #&R5),I^ >DJ00@ !I 1° /d! #P a >J J!- DSOS >DUTL?{'I;- ,�'9L9, -. 8- 57(L?5M(C D:;'- 6, +B1C " C MZB654P > -1 >@ =QQRHS <RDT0T >DUT 7,9 >90L.4' I I — + 94 + I; -, 4' 9L3, )' < -, 2' t1} * 38 -57 ( L9 -K 35 + 5,63 - +'94 +9'(6'C E — 1* 1 )4 1Q: 37, 6 *P Z $ # $ o/E Y " ZE($ °/d'C OUT QF &QRG< C V , 3 - ( 53586' -2' 9 7,9 A? ' 35 ?* 5157163 + — , : ;' -4 3' ; -5:(9C — &5 -4 ; 3' ( 8, ) . 'dpi 9C AAAAAA & -, : ( (?3 -3 ) J b -Bb-, 3b( >u .. K ; . ; , a C, cc C, Lr IrK Ir d C cc a V ,w ,w ,w ;w ,w 0 -a BRAUN" I NTE RTEC ( ) ( * +( 1 —- ) AAA A ASAA AP4EAA BC &Q R G < / / 01! 2 C CC CC�DD %DE CE DEE DC13E D E AAA EAEME Ek F AGAk AMC HQJ DQKMU/ U/ % °/$ #Y 0 / E°/YZ! EC >' ' �O *' 9 6.' 4 * C E AAMA4 DBf EAEAAE E AA GE fi4AAEAPA TR(&f-IDR/ RG , (6' ( aCO. G QT/ Z W4\ >DLD:3 *, + +' TDCO/ 15 >J DHO/ #$ °/& 012C T' B3 ? ' 3 ? ' 3 T' 6) -4135( 5 ?@ 3 -4 '6 & =F V H @J 0 615- U53 6 "Y C !G >K +851 541D >C@T 0/$##5- T0/$0LR5),I^ >DJ00@ H I° /d! #P a ' i > J J HDSO S > DUT L4' 1; -, 4' 9L9, -. 8 -57 ( L ?5M ( C MZB654P D: ; ' - 6, + B1 C >=I :•: =QQRHS <RDT0T >DUT 7,9 >(DU.4' 13 >@ :: — +' 94 + 1; -, 4' 9L8 -57 ( L ?5M ( T5 + 5,Ca. 656' C 1* 1 )4 1Q: 37, 6 *P i > =1 =QQRHS <RDT0T >DUT 741' >SIOL4' I I >@ :. +'94+ I; -, 4' 9L3, )' < , 2' 1L14 * 38 -57 (L9 -I4 +'94 +9'(6'C %% — 91 )41Q: 37, 6 *P %% z z „ E! C C OUT QF &QR(J< C V , 3 - ( 53586' -2' 9 7 Z " W.? ' 35 ?- 5157163 + — 1 4 3' , -5:(9C — &5-4; 3' ( 8, ) . 9 9C AAAAAA & -, : ( (?3 -3 ) J b -Bb-, 3b( >U IA B, ; ' b., a C, cc a C, a K a Cc d C Cc F 2 a u, w .a V w ;w ,o -a BRAUN'" I NTE RTEC ' ( ) ( * +( I ) AAA AAAAA Ali A&BC &QRG </ / 01! t CC�DbXDE CEDES flCit D HOJ DO(M U/ U/ % °= 0/ E °/Y „ C >' E AAMM EMAME Ek F AG44 AAk 3�) * ' 9 6. 3J * C E AAMAMDtE EAEAM E AAAAAEAGE B4AVEAAP► TRO-DR/ RQ,(6'( @D a QT/ Z \6q \ >DLD:3 *, + +' TDCO/ 15 >JDHO/ #$°/& 01 2C T' 63 ?'3 ?'3 T'6) -4335( 5 ?a@3 -4'6 & =F V @J = "A! 0636 5 -U536 "Y° /6E !C >K +851 541D >C@T0/$##5- T (40LR5),I^ >DJ00@ !1 1° /d! #P a a " Y C ! (y J H > DUT S F O DU J HDSL9, -. 8-57(L- 5W (C Pm55B654P D: ; ' - 6, + B1 C =QQRHS <RDTOT >DUT 7,9 >TIOL.4' 1 I >@ :• — +' 94 + I; -, 4' 9L3, )' < -, 2' 1-14 * 38 -57 ( L9 -K 35 + &63- '656' 3i +' 94 + 9' (6' C Y — 1* 1 )4 1Q: 37, 6 *P % Z X °/d E Z X °A >4131(6'6,3 E ?'3✓ „ >4B1(6'6,3 % ?'K Y " ZY(E ° oNC OUT QF &QRG< C V , 3 - ( 53586' -2' 9 7,9 A? ' 35 ?* 5157163 + — ,' ;'-4 3' ; -5:(9C — &5 -4 ; 3' ( 8, ) . 'dpi 9C H/iHHNH & -, : k 1p.5 -3 ) J Z)-M-, MD > U %o [5, 1 0 � a C, cc C, Lr cc K Cc Lr Lr d C Cc F 2 a V ,w :u ,W ;w ,o -a BRAUN" I NTE RTEC ( ) ( * +( I —- ) AAA ASAA AA4EtkBC &QRG </ 01! ! C CC tt�DD %DE CE DEE fkd D HQ DO(M U/ U/ % °/Z$ ' 0/ E %Y$°/YC >' ' E AAA EAE AAA Ek F AGAk WE 3� ' 9 6. * C E AAMA4 DBf EAEAAE E AA GE DVVT -APA TR(&f-IDR/ RG , (6' ( @ O\ QT/ Z W4\ >DLD:3 *, + +' TDOO/ 15 >J DHO/ #$ °/& 01 2C T' B3 ? ' 3 ? ' 3 T' 6) -4335( 5 ?@ 3 -4 '6 & =F V H @J 0 615- U53 6 "YZU o ! G >K +851 !* 54D >C@T/�##5- T °/ ° S #LR5),I ^ >DJ00@ I I °Po! #P a >j J HDSO S > DUT L 4 ' I ; -, 4 ' 9L9, -. 8 -57 ( L ?5M (C D: ; ' - 6, + B1 C — "YOM °o M)55B654P >@ :: >RDS >DUTL?{' I35 +' 94 +I; -,4' 9L8- 57(L'?W — 3i +&4 +' 94+ 9' (6' C "Y! U°o ZC Pik 1 )4 1Q: 37, 6 *P Y > =1 =QQRHS <RDT0T >DUT 7,V >SIOL.4' I I _ >@ :. +' 94+ I; , 4' 9L3, )' < -, 2' 1 -8 -57( L+ 5,C3-+ 94+ 9'(6'C t '1 )4 1Q: 31, 6*P Y " E (% °/r, >= =QQRHS <RDTOT >DUTL -4' 135 +'94 + 1; -, 4'9L _ 743 < -, 2' 18 -57 (L+ 5413-+ ' 94 + 9' (6' C °/Y t'e1)41Q:31,6 *P Z " 7XC% °/YC OUT QF &QRCJ< C V,3-(53586'-2-97,9 \//? ' 35 ?* 5157163 + — ,• ;, -43' ; -5:(9C — &5 -4 ; 3' ( 8, ) . 'dpi 9C AAAAAA & -, : ( (?3 -3 ) J b -Bb -, :ib( > U -/Wo B, ; ' b") a C, cc a C, c� K d C Cc 2 w a V ,w :u ,W ;w ,o -a BRAUN'" I NTE RTEC ( ) ( * +( f -- ) AAA AAVA WAABC &QRG </ / 01! 3 CCC CC�DDXDE CEDEE MEE D HQJ DCKG)U/ U/ % °VOW 0/ E°/4$XC >' ' E AAMM EMAME fk F AG4 AAk ':0)*' 96.' 1* C E AAMAM DEE EAEAM E AAAAASAGE B4AAE" TR(BKR/ ]01' +524* @90,QT/ Z W4 \ >DLD:3 *, + +' TDCO/ ! >JDHO/ #$0% 01 2C T' B3 ?' 3 ? 3 T' 6) -4135( 5 ?@ 3 -4 -6 & =F V H @J ="A! 0 636 5- U53 6 "Y° /c !C >K+ 851 !+ 541D >0@T°�$##5- T °r$ #XLR5),I ^ >DJ00@ !I I °Pd! #P a a I. Y (Z ! « FGH F(RH J 1 K K >, ( 9L4' 1; -, 4' 9L3, )' - 553L8 -57 ( 3 81).L -5W(C D: ; ' - 6, + B1 C — FGH ! D5B654! F4!P — FMH >4i< >, ( 904' 1 3 +' 94 + I; -, 4' 9L5)) , 645(, 1 J 1 K 1 ( 6' 6L8 -57 ( 114 * 3; -, K-+ 545317' 3; $ # ZZ „ E#C $C FSH F(BH J 1 K K >, ( 904' 1 3 +' 94 + I; -, 4' 9L; -, Kai Z Y „ EEG XC FGH F(RH >, (9K H , ( J 1 K-6,4 3K5-; , (4 L; -, K 3 81) . L 7' M Y Y QJ bZa QH > DUT S QR< DUG J HDSL81 ) . L7' K _ M: -4 9 05B654P _ " Z$ QJ V a „ E! C °/r > =1 =QQRHS <RDTOT >DUT 749 >00L.4' I; -, 4'9L _ >@ T 8 -57 ( L+ 5453 -5556' 3i +' 94 + 9' ( 6 C Z N' 1 )4 1Q: 3, 6 *P — J1K1(6'6,3 Z ?'3✓ X X „$ C %C OUT QF &QR(G)< C V,3-(53586'-2'97,9 \P/P ' 35 ?* 5157163 + — •; -4 3' , -5:(9C — &5-4; 3' ( 8, ) . '4 9C AAAAAA &-,: ( (?3 -3) J b -Bb-, 3b( >U %, B,:' 5'l a C, cc C, Lr IrK Ir d C Cc F 2 a u, V ,W 'Q V w ,w ,Q ..a BRAUN" I NTE RTEC ( ) ( * +( f - ' ) AAA A ASAA AP4EAA BC &Q R G < / / 01! % C CC tt�DD %DE CE DEE DC13E D HQJ DQXMU/ U/ % °/#Y #' 0 / E°/W $C >' ' E AAA EAEME Ek F AGAk AMC 9 6. C E AAMA4 DBE EAEAAE E AA GE DVVT- EIA TR(&f-IOR/ ]C^ -' +524 aCO. G QT/ Z W4 \ >DLD:3 *, + +' TDCO/ ! >JDHO/ #$0% 01 2C T' B3 ? ' 3 ? ' 3 T' 6) -a3b( 5 ?@ 3 -4 -6 & =F V H @1 = °/d ! 0 636 5- U53 6 "E#9 !C >K +851 541D >C@T 0/$##5- T0/$0LR5),IA >DJ00@ H I° /d! #P a a FGH M F(GW J 1 K K >, ( 9L741` - 553;L8 -57 ( 35 81) . L25M ( C !0B654! F4xP D: ; ' - 6, + B1 C _ F(GH F(RH J 1 K K >, ( 904' 1 35 +' 94 + I; -, 4' 9L3, )' — < -, 2' 18 -57 ( 35 81 ) . 35 ; -, 14+ 541335 7' 3✓ _ E „ E$OL $C > =1 =QQRHS <RDT0T >DUT 741' >WLA' I I >@ + ' 94 + 1; , 4' 9L8 -57 ( L+ &b3_+' 94 + 9' (6' C N' 1)41Q:331,6 *P X X X _ X H*4396, +B1 - ')52'- K (>, +B1- � „C ()5:(3 -'9 J 5881 6 5- > =1 =QQRHS <RDTOT >DUT 7,9 >90L.4' 135 >@ :::" : +' 94 + 1; -, 4' 9L3, )' <-, 2' 1, (9 5) ), M(, 1J 1 K &5: 1a' -6C 1 (6' 6L8 -57 (L9 -KI + 5,61T56' 35 +' 94 + 9' (6' C X — 1* 1 )4 1Q: 37, 6 *P X " $! a #U >_ =QQRHS <RDT0T >DUTLA' 135 +' 94+ I; -, 4' 9L _ 1} * 38 -57 (L9 -IQ +' 94 + 9' (6'C 9 1 )4 1Q: 37, 6 *P $ „ ZX(Z %G OUT QF &QR(G)< C V,3-(53586'-2'97,9 W? ' 35 ?� 5157163 + — 1 :; -4 3' , -5:(9C — &5-4; 3 ' ( 8, ) . '4 9C AAAAAA & -, : ( (?3 -3 ) J b -Bb-, 3b( >UI %4i B, ; • 5 "I a C, cc a C, i� a K Cc d C Cc F 2 a V ,w :u ,W ;w ,o -a BRAUN'" I NTE RTEC ( ) ( * +( 7 -- ) AAA AAAAA Ali AABC &QRG </ / 014 C CC UC DDXDE CE DEE MEE D HQJ DC MU/ U/ % OIX' ! ` 0/ E°/4" YC >' ' E AA MM EMAME fk F AG44 AAk :30)*' 96.' 4* C E AAA► DtE EAiEAM E AAAAABA►CE B4VEAAP► TR(BKR/ ]01' +524* @9 U QT/ Z W4 \ >DLD:3 *,+ +' TDCO/ ! >JDHO/ #$0% 01 2C T' 63 ?' 3 ?'3 T' 6) -4335( 5 ?@ 3 -4 -6 & =F V H @1 0 615- U53 6 "E'( !C >K +851 1* 541D >C@T 0/$##5- T0/$ #XLR5).1^ >DJ00@ !1 1° /d! #P a EMA i FGH F%H J 1 K K >, ( 9L74�` - 5536L9, -. 8 -57 ( L- 5W ( C Pm55B654 F49P D: ; ' - 6, + B1 C _ FGH F%H >,(9KH,( JIK -(5( 35 614 *3K5- ;,(4L3,)' — <- , ,W37' ) , - _ E " E Oy #C # > =1 =QQRHS <RDTOT >DUT 7,9 >(ilO V I; -, 4' 9L _ > @ :.: ' : ' 9946* 8 -57 ( 18-57 ( L9-K-+' 94 + 9' ( 6' C P%t 1 )4 1Q: 27, 6 *P " $X(z °/r, > =1 :: =QQRHS <RDT0T >DUT 749 >TIOL?{' 135 _ >@ :. +' 94+ I; -, 4' 9L3, )' < -, 2' t8 -57( L9- K-556' 36 # +'94+ 9, (6, C — r* 1 )4 1Q: 37, 6 *P Y °/Y U5 6, + B1 -' ) 52' -KC „Z#(Z %C >, +B1 -' O5: (3 -' 9 J 5881 6 5- &5: Y -6C OUT QF &QR(G)< C V,3-(53586'-2'97,9 \P/P ' 35 ?* 5157163 + — 1 :; -4 3' , -5:(9C — &5-4; 3 ' ( 8, ) . '4 9C AAAAAA &-,: ( (?3 -3) J b -Bb-, 3b( >u u2k B.:. • 5'I BRAUN INTERTEC Descriptive Terminology of Soil Standard D 2487 - 00 Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System) Criteria for Assigning Group Symbols and Soils Classification Group Cobbles ............................... Group Names Using Laboratory Tests a Laboratory Tests Symbol Group Name c o Gravels Clean Gravels C >_ 4 and 1: C.: 3c GW Well- graded gravely -o More than 50% of 5% or less fines e C < 4 and /or 1 > C > 3 c GP Poorly graded gravel d r° .� coarse fraction Gravels with Fines Fines classify as ML or MH GM Silty gravel d f 9 a M a', retained on Fines classify as CL or CH GC Clayey gravel d f 9 c 0 Fa O No. 4 sieve More than 12% fines a rn M ° Sands Clean Sands Cu *e 6 and 1 : C <3 c SW Well- graded sand " r z or more of 5% or less fines ' C < 6 and /or 1 > Cc> 3 c SP Poorly graded sand " m � coarse coarse fraction Sands with Fines Fines classify as ML or MH SM Silty sand f g n 0 o passes Fines classify as CL or CH SC Clayey sand f s n E No. 4 sieve More than 12% I Z_ Inorganic 9 PI > 7 and plots on or above "A" line I CL Lean clay k m "A" w Z_ 'o Silts and Clays y o a) m Liquid limit PI < 4 or plots below line! ML Silt k I m Organic Liquid limit - oven dried < 0.75 OL Organic clay k m n N fl less than 50 d O ML 01 Liquid limit - not dried OIL k I m o Organic silt c d `o CD E Silts and clays Inorganic PI plots on or above "A" line CH at clay k I m PI lots below "A" line p MH Elastic silt k I m d m `o z Liquid limit Or anic 9 Liquid limit -oven dried OH Organic clay k m a LL o 50 or more CD Liquid limit - not dried OH Organic silt k I m q Highly Organic Soils Primarily organic matter, dark in color and organic odor PT Peat a. Based on the material passing the 3 -in (75mm) sieve. b. If field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add "with cobbles or boulders or both" to group name. c. Cu = D60/ D10 C = (D D3X D10 x D60 d. If soil contains>_15% sand, add "with sand" to group name. e. Gravels with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: GW -GM well - graded gravel with silt GW -GC well - graded gravel with clay GP -GM poorly graded gravel with silt GP -GC poorly graded gravel with clay f. If fines classify as CL -ML, use dual symbol GC -GM or SC -SM. g. If f nes are organic, add "with organic fines" to group name. h. If soil contains ? 15% gravel, add "with gravel" to group name. i. Sands with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: SW -SM well - graded sand with silt SW -SC well - graded sand with clay SP -SM poorly graded sand with silt SP -SC poorly graded sand with clay j. If Atterberg limits plot in hatched area, soil is a CL -ML, silty clay. k If soil contains 10 to 29% plus No. 200, add "with sand" or "with gravel" whichever is predominant. I. If soil contains >_30 % plus No. 200, predominantly sand, add "sandy" to group name. m. If soil containsZ 30% plus No. 200 predominantly gravel, add "gravelly" to group name. n. PI ? 4 and plots on or above "A" line. o. PI <4 or plots below "A" line. p. PI plots on or above "A" line. q. PI plots below "A" line. 60 50 �- 40 X d 30 V N 20 R a- 10 7 4 0 0 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Boulders ............................... Liquid Limit (LL) Cobbles ............................... 3" to 12" Laboratory Tests i i Dry density, pcf OC Organic content, % WD Wet density, pcf S Percent of saturation,% MC Natural moisture content, % SG Specific gravity LL Ligiuid limit, % i PL Plastic limit, % 0 Angle of internal friction PI O qu Unconfined compressive strength, psf P200 % passing 200 sieve qp Pocket penetrometer strength, tsf PV i h G i i 6` H - ' ML 01 OIL 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Particle Size Identification Boulders ............................... Liquid Limit (LL) Cobbles ............................... 3" to 12" Laboratory Tests DD Dry density, pcf OC Organic content, % WD Wet density, pcf S Percent of saturation,% MC Natural moisture content, % SG Specific gravity LL Ligiuid limit, % C Cohesion, psf PL Plastic limit, % 0 Angle of internal friction PI Plasticity index, % qu Unconfined compressive strength, psf P200 % passing 200 sieve qp Pocket penetrometer strength, tsf Particle Size Identification Boulders ............................... over 12" Cobbles ............................... 3" to 12" Gravel Medium ..... ............................... Coarse ............................ 3/4" to 3" Fine .. ............................... No. 4 to 3/4„ Sand Very stiff .... ............................... Coarse ............................ No. 4 to No. 10 Medium ........................... No. 10 to No. 40 Fine .. ............................... No. 40 to No. 200 Silt ....................................... <No. 200, PI<4 or below "A" line Clay ..................................... <No. 200, PI >4 and on or above "A" line Relative Density of Cohesionless Soils Very loose . ............................... 0 to 4 BPF Loose ........ ............................... 5 to 10 BPF Medium dense ......................... 11 to 30 BPF Dense ....... ............................... 31 to 50 BPF Very dense ............................... over 50 BPF Consistency of Cohesive Soils Very soft .... ............................... 0 to 1 BPF Soft ........ ............................... 2 to 3 BPF Rather soft ............................... 4 to 5 BPF Medium ..... ............................... 6 to 8 BPF Rather stiff ............................... 9 to 12 BPF Stiff ........ ............................... 13 to 16 BPF Very stiff .... ............................... 17 to 30 BPF Hard ........ ............................... over 30 BPF Drilling Notes Standard penetration test borings were advanced by 3 1/4" or 6 1/4" ID hollow -stem augers unless noted otherwise, Jetting water was used to clean out auger prior to sampling only where indicated on logs. Standard penetration test borings are designated by the prefix "ST" (Split Tube). All samples were taken with the standard 2" OD split -tube sampler, except where noted. Power auger borings were advanced by 4" or 6" diameter continuous - flight, solid -stem augers. Soil classifications and strata depths were in- ferred from disturbed samples augered to the surface and are, therefore, somewhat approximate. Power auger borings are designated by the prefix "B." Hand auger borings were advanced manually with a 1 1/2" or 3 1/4" diameter auger and were limited to the depth from which the auger could be manually withdrawn. Hand auger borings are indicated by the prefix "H." BPF: Numbers indicate blows perfoot recorded in standard penetration test, also known as "N" value. The sampler was set 6" into undisturbed soil below the hollow -stem auger. Driving resistances were then counted for second and third 6" increments and added to get BPF. Where they differed significantly, they are reported in the following form: 2/12 for the second and third 6" increments, respectively. WH: WH indicates the sampler penetrated soil underweight of hammer and rods alone; driving not required. WR: WR indicates the sampler penetrated soil under weight of rods alone; hammer weight and driving not required. TW indicates thin - walled (undisturbed) tube sample. Note: All tests were run in general accordance with applicable ASTM standards. Rev. 7/07 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Monticello Stadium ISD #882 — Monticello Public Schools August 19, 2016 I. Information for General Stormwater Permit Application Form A. Online applications may be obtained at the following website: 1. http: / /www.pca.state.mn.us/ water /stormwater / stonnwater- c.html B. Question la: A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan has been developed for this project and has been incorporated into the project's plans and specifications. Check "YES ". C. Question lb: An environmental review was not required for this project. Therefore this requirement is not applicable to the project. Check "N /A ". D. Question 2a: The site does have a discharge point within 1 mile of an impaired water. Check "YES ". E. Question 3a: This project does not disturb more than 50 acres. Check "NO ". F. Question 3b: Check "NO ". G. Questions 5, 6, and 7: See information below in "General Project Description ". H. Question 8: Project type is "Other - Institutional ". I. Question 9: See information below in "General Project Description ". J. Question 10: Type of Permanent stormwater management is "Infiltration ". K. Question 11: Name of water bodies within one mile of site receiving site storm water discharge: 1. Mississippi a. Type: River b. Special Water: Yes C. Impaired Water: Yes (1) This river segment has an EPA - approved impairment for: Mercury in Fish Tissue, Fecal Coliform; Fishes Bioassessments. (2) These impairment(s) are considered to be construction related parameters and require the additional best management practices (BMPs) found in Appendix A of the permit (C.1 & C.2) if the project has a discharge point on the project within 1 mile (aerial radius measurement) of, and flows to the impaired stream. (a) Appendix A C.1, During construction: i) Stabilization of all exposed soil areas must be initiated immediately to limit soil erosion but in no case completed later than seven (7) days after the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarily or permanently ceased. ii) Temporary sediment basin requirements described in Part III.0 must be used for common drainage locations that serve an area with five (5) or more acres disturbed at one time. (b) Appendix A C.2, Post construction: i) The water quality volume that must be retained on site by the project s permanent stormwater management system (as described in Part III.D) shall be one (1) inch of runoff from the new impervious surfaces created by the project. ii) A mandatory Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (S WPPP) review is required by the MPCA if the project will disturb over 50 acres and has a discharge point on the project within 1 mile (aerial radius measurement) of, and flows to the impaired water. Owners must submit the application for coverage and the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan at least 30 -days before the construction start date. The SWPPP can be attached electronically when using the online application. II. General Project Description A. The project name is "Monticello Stadium ". B. The site is located at 5225 School Boulevard, Monticello, MN 55362. The County is Wright. C. Latitude and longitude coordinates: 1. Latitude: 45.287140 N 2. Longitude: - 93.774840 W 3. Determined fromUSGSwebsiteathttp : / /viewer.nationalmap.gov /viewer /and by tapping the cursor on the site location. D. The project will disturb approximately 13.48 acres. E. The project site is an existing high school campus with buildings, parking lots, running track, tennis courts, drives, play fields, and other miscellaneous site features. The specific project area currently includes ball fields, sheds, gravel infields and grass areas. 1. Existing impervious surface: 0.14 acres 2. Post - construction impervious surface: 5.98 acres 3. Additional Impervious Area: 5.84 acres F. The project will consist of constructing a new synthetic turf and running track stadium including bleachers, pedestrian and spectator walkways and plazas, field events, practice fields and small buildings to support the athletic uses. Supporting infrastructure for the improvements includes watermain, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and drainage facilities. G. The site is not located within a well head protection zone. H. Wetlands exist on the site. All wetlands are being avoided. Work includes site removals, installation of erosion control devices, excavation, grading, erosion control, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, watermain, fencing, curbing, paving, turf installation, resilient surfacing, sodding, and site restoration. Soil Borings for the site have been performed and are included in the Project Manual. Soils generally consist of clayey fill over clayey glacial soil (Type C Soils). K. Approximate quantities for erosion control and sediment control BMP's are shown on the Erosion Control Plans in the Drawing set. III. Potential for Sediment and Pollutant Discharge A. Construction site soil erosion / sedimentation B. Dust from site soils C. Tracking of soils from construction site to paved areas D. Concrete truck wasb -out areas E. Fueling areas F. Solid Waste (paper, plastic, asphalt and concrete debris, building materials and similar) IV. Person / Company knowledgeable, experienced and responsible for implementing the SWPPP: A. SWPPP plan preparation: 1. Company: Anderson - Johnson Associates, Inc. 7575 Golden Valley Road, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55427 Phone 763.544.7129 Fax 763.544.0531 2. Responsible Person: Jay Pomeroy 3. SWPPP plan training: a. SWPPP training has been obtained. (1) Dates of Training: October 6 / October 7, 2008 (a) Name of Training Instructor: John Chapman, Shane Missaghi (b) Number of Hours Training: 12 (2) Date for Recertification Training: January 29, 2015 (a) Name of Training Instructor: John Chapman (b) Number of Hours Training: 5.5 (3) Entity providing Training: University of Minnesota (4) Content of Training Course: Design of Construction SWPPP (5) Certification Expires in the year 2018 B. SWPPP plan implementation during construction (installation, inspection and maintenance): 1. Company: To be determined by public Bid. 2. Responsible Person: To be determined following public Bid award. 3. SWPPP implementation training: Shall be obtained and documented in accordance with the requirements of the NPDES General Stormwater Permit for Construction Activity (MN RI00001). a. Dates of Training: b. Name of Training Instructor: C. Entity providing Training: d. Number of Hours Training: e. Content of Training Course: C. Post Construction responsibility (long term operation and maintenance) 1. Monticello Public Schools 302 Washington Street Monticello, MN 55362 2. Responsible Person: a. Bruce Hanson, Director of Buildings and Grounds bruce.hanson(a,monticello.k 12.mn.us Phone: 763 - 272 -2091 D. Inspection and maintenance logs shall be kept in the Contractors on -site job trailer or other suitable temporary storage area. V. General Construction Sequence A. Erosion Control Devices, noted herein, include: 1. Silt fence 2. Sediment Control Device at storm sewer inlets 3. Sediment log 4. Rock construction entrance 5. Rock check dams 6. Rip rap 7. Storm water treatment basins 8. Temporary sediment basins 9. Storm sewer systems 10. Temporary outlet pipes 11. Erosion control blanket 12. Temporary seeding 13. Final seeding / sodding 14. Temporary / permanent vegetation 15. Other features identified by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, City or Engineer as a Best Management Practice (BMP) device. B. Contractor and Owner shall apply for NPDES Phase II Permit within 24 hours of award of Contract. 1. Once obtained, the Contractor shall post the permit in the job site trailer or other suitable temporary storage area. C. Review the SWPPP and its sequencing and requirements. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer if site conditions, construction sequencing, or other items are different or require modification from this written SWPPP. Modifications to the SWPPP may be made upon approval of the Engineer. D. Following review of the SWPPP plans commence with the following construction sequence: 1. Install perimeter silt fence where indicated on the Drawings. Silt fence shall be as specified in Section 3125 00. 2. Construct Sediment Control Devices at existing storm sewer inlets (haybales around castings and silt fence under castings will not be acceptable). 3. Construct the rock construction entrance. 4. Have silt fence and other erosion control devices inspected by local authorities, as required by the local authority. 5. Construct the rock construction entrance(s). 6. Establish concrete truck washout areas and post with signs. 7. Remove existing site features. a. Provide daily sweeping of streets and other paved areas. b. Limit pavement and vegetated area removals to only that which is needed to preserve as much stabilized area as possible. Stage subsequent removals such that removals are accomplished immediately prior to starting grading. C. Limit time between pavement removals and rough grading to 24 hours to reduce erosion potential. d. Strip topsoil from new and expanded paved areas. Stockpile for reuse as required. Provide temporary seed and mulch on stockpiles as described herein. 8. Strip and stockpile topsoil. Provide temporary seed and mulch as described herein. 9. Construct FES 1 (permanent installation) a. Construct riprap at the end of the flared end section within 24 hours of pipe construction. 10. The existing storm pond shall be used as a temporary sediment basin. Water from this basin shall not be discharged to downstream wetlands or watercourses without being free of sediment and suspended materials. 11. Install sanitary sewer and watermain systems. 12. Construct permanent storm sewer system. 13. Construct Sediment Control Devices at proposed storm sewer inlets (hay bales around castings and silt fence under castings will not be acceptable). 14. Begin rough grading of the paved and synthetic turf areas as well as the baseball field areas. 15. Begin placement of sand sub -base in track and field and turf areas. 16. Install collector drain tile system and complete sand subbase installation. 17. Spread topsoil and finish grade the outlying areas. Provide temporary seeding and mulch. 18. Prepare athletic fields and outlying areas for permanent seeding (permanent stabilization) in accordance with the specified seeding dates. 19. Rough and finish grade the subgrade for plaza, trails, and parking lot modifications 20. Install fabric and porous rock base material over turf stadium field. 21. Construct sand -peat prescribed topsoil fields over drain tile system(s). 22. Construct the stabilized aggregate base course over paved areas. This will serve as temporary stabilization for the parking lots and drives.. 23. Construct curb and gutter, maintenance strips and concrete walks. This will serve as permanent stabilization for the walk areas. 24. Construct site fencing. 25. Install irrigation system(s). 26. Construct the first lift of pavement for the running track, fields events, trails and parking lot. This will serve as permanent stabilization for the parking lots and drives. 27. Install (coordinate) synthetic turf and place infill. 28. Provide final lift of pavement and pavement markings. 29. Provide final stabilization and cleanup of the site. E. Provide maintenance to erosion control devices and BMP's to comply with the requirements of the permit. F. Re- install all sediment control practices that have been adjusted or removed to accommodate short- term activates, such as passage of construction vehicles or equipment, immediately after the short-term activity has been completed. All sediment control practices shall be re- installed before the next precipitation event if the short term activity is not complete. G. Inspect erosion control devices and provide routine maintenance as follows: 1. Inspect erosion control devices a minimum of once per week and inspect, repair and cover erosion - damaged areas by the end of the next business day after discovery or as soon as field conditions allow access unless another time frame is specified. a. All perimeter control devices must be repaired, replaced, or supplemented when they become nonfunctional or the sediment reaches one -half ('/2) of the height of the device. These repairs must be made by the end of the next business day after discover, or thereafter as soon as field conditions allow access. 2. Record inspection on log posted in Contractor's construction trailer or other suitable temporary storage area. All inspections and maintenance shall be recorded within 24 hours. a. Records of each inspection and maintenance activity shall include: (1) Date and time of inspections (2) Name of person conducting inspection (3) Findings ofinspections, including recommendations for corrective actions (4) If any discharge is observed to be occurring during the inspection, a record of all points of the property, from which there is a discharge must be made, and the discharge should be described (i.e., color, odor, floating, settled, or suspended solids, foam, oil sheen, and other obvious indicators ofpollutants. Photographs shall be taken and kept with the inspection log. (5) Corrective actions taken (including dates, times, and party completing maintenance activities (6) Date and amount of all rainfall events greater than one half inch (0.5 inch) in 24 hours. Rainfall amounts must be obtained by a properly maintained rain gauge installed onsite, a weather station that is within 1 mile of the project site, or a weather reporting system that provides site specific rainfall data from radar summaries (7) Documentation of changes made to the SWPPP as required by the NPDES General Stormwater Permit for Construction Activity (MN R100001) b. Inspections are not required where the ground is frozen. The required inspections and maintenance schedule must begin within 24 hours after runoff occurs at the site or 24 hours prior to resuming construction, whichever comes first. Provide maintenance for all devices as follows: a. Silt fences, sediment logs, temporary berms, and erosion control devices at storm sewer inlets shall be inspected for depth of sediment, tears, breaches, to see if fabric is securely attached to support posts or structure, and to see that posts and devices are securely in place. b. Silt fences, sediment logs, temporary berms, and erosion control devices at storm sewer inlets, and other erosion control devices shall be cleaned when sediment reaches 1/3 the height of the erosion control device, within 24 hours. C. Rock construction entrances shall be inspected for clogging of river rock. River rock that has become clogged with sediment shall be removed and replaced with fresh river rock. d. Repairs or replacements to all erosion control devices shall occur within 24 hours of discovery. e. Tracked sediment from construction vehicles on to public streets and paved areas (including paved areas on the construction site) shall be removed within 24 hours of discovery. f. Streets and other areas adjacent to the project must be inspected for evidence of off - site accumulations of sediment. If sediment is present, it must be removed in a manner and at a frequency sufficient to minimize off -site impacts. g. Removal of sediment and restabilization of Surface Waters shall be accomplished within 24 hours of discovery (note: surface waters include curb and gutter, pavements, storm sewer, swales, or other similar storm water conveyance devices). H. Provide dewatering of excavations as identified in Section 3100 00. I. Stabilize denuded areas immediately following construction activity and no longer than 7 days following number of days of last construction activity (temporary or permanent) in that area. Provide maintenance of all seeded / sodded areas until fully established. K. Provide cleaning of storm sewer system at the completion of the project. Cleaning shall include removal of accumulated sediment from all surface waters as defined by the permit (for example, curb and gutter, pavements, swales, and storm sewer piping and structures). L. Remove silt fence and erosion control devices at storm sewer inlets following full establishment of site vegetation. Dispose materials properly off -site. M. Apply for Notice of Termination (NOT) with MPCA. NOT must be submitted within 30 days after: 1. Site has undergone Final Stabilization (at least 80% vegetative cover), and 2. Removal of all temporary erosion control measures (silt fence, etc.), and 3. Final cleanout and maintenance of all permanent storm water facilities, and 4. Completion of all maintenance activities and site cleanup. VI. Erosion and Sediment Controls - Stabilization Practices A. Temporary Stabilization: 1. Stockpiles and disturbed portions of the site where construction activity temporarily ceases for the time frames noted above shall be stabilized with a temporary seed and mulch according to the following: a. All areas of bare soil exposed to possible erosion shall be shaped to drain with minimum potential for erosion. The disturbed areas shall then be seeded with perennial ryegrass and annual wheat at a rate of 10 pounds per acre (0.25 lbs. /1,000 sq. ft.) and 20 pounds per acre (0.50 lbs. /1,000 sq. ft.) respectively, then and covered with hydromulch (Mn/DOT 3884, Type 5 consisting of wood cellulose fiber pulp) at a rate of 1,500 pounds per acre (note, where temporary erosion control blanket is proposed, hydromulch is not required). 2. Stabilize areas to be paved by placing Class V aggregate base course. B. Permanent Stabilization: 1. Permanent stabilization shall occur in accordance with Specification Sections 32 12 00, 32 13 13, 32 92 20 and 32 92 23 as shown on the Construction Drawings. VII. Storm Water Management A. Rate Control: 1. Rate Control has been accomplished using on -site wet sedimentation basins (storm water ponds). Rate Control has been designed not to exceed the previously designed storm water runoff rates for the 2, 10, and 100 year storm events. B. Storm Water Quality: 1. Provided in accordance with City of Buffalo standards by provided a permanent pool of water in the ponds equal to or greater than the runoff generated from a 2.5" rain event. C. Infiltration: 1. Infiltration has been provided with the proposed infiltration areas. D. Calculations have been submitted to the City of Monticello. VIII. Material Inventory A. The following materials are anticipated to be present on site during construction: 1. Concrete 2. Bituminous pavements / tack coat 3. Fertilizers 4. Petroleum based products 5. Cleaning solvents 6. Paints IX. Spill Prevention A. Good Housekeeping Requirements - The following good housekeeping practices shall be followed on site during construction 1. Store only enough product on site to perform work. 2. All materials stored on site shall be stored in a neat, orderly manner in their appropriate containers or in a temporary enclosure. 3. Building products that have the potential to leach pollutants must be under cover (e.g., plastic sheeting or temporary roofs) to prevent the discharge of pollutants or protected by a similarly effective means designed to minimize contact with stormwater. Products shall be kept in their original containers with the original manufacturer's label. Substances shall not be mixed unless approved by the manufacturer. Whenever possible, all of a product shall be used up before disposing of the container. Manufacturer's recommendations for proper use and disposal shall be followed. The Contractor's site superintendent shall inspect daily to ensure proper used and disposal of materials. B. Product Specific Practices 1. Petroleum products a. All on site vehicles shall be monitored for leaks and receive regular preventive maintenance to reduce the chance of leakage. Petroleum products shall be stored in tightly sealed containers which are clearly labeled. Any asphalt substances used onsite shall be applied according to the manufacturer's recommendations. b. Fueling and Maintenance of Equipment or Vehicles - Spill Prevention and Response: (1) The Contractor shall take reasonable steps to prevent the discharge of spilled or leaked chemicals, including fuel, from any area where chemicals or fuel will be loaded or unloaded including the use of drip pans or absorbents unless infeasible. Conduct fueling in a contained area unless infeasible. Ensure adequate supplies are available at all times to clean up discharged materials and that an appropriate disposal method is available for recovered spilled materials. Report and clean up spills immediately as required by Minn. Stat. § 115.061, using dry clean up measures where possible. 2. Pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, fertilizers, treatment chemicals, and landscape materials: a. Materials shall be under cover (e.g., temporary roofs or plastic sheeting) to prevent the discharge of pollutants or protected by similarly effective means designed to minimize contact with stormwater. b. Pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, fertilizers, and other chemicals used shall be applied only in the minimum amounts recommended by the manufacturer. C. Fertilizer shall be worked into the soil to limit exposure to storm water. Fertilizers shall be brought to the site on the day of use. The contents of any partially used bags of fertilizer shall be transferred to a sealable plastic bin to avoid spills. 3. Paints a. All containers shall be tightly sealed and stored when not required for use. Excess paint shall not be discharged to the storm sewer system but shall be properly disposed of according to manufacturers' instructions or State and local regulations. Concrete Truck Washing a. Provide effective containment for all liquid and solid wastes generated by washout operations (concrete, stucco, paint, form release oils, curing compounds and other construction materials) related to the construction activity. The liquid and solid washout wastes must not contact the ground, and the containment must be designed so that it does not result in runoff from the washout operations or areas. Liquid and solid wastes must be disposed of properly and in compliance with MPCA rules. A sign must be installed adjacent to each washout facility that requires site personnel to utilize the proper facilities for disposal of concrete and other washout wastes. No engine degreasing is allowed on site. External washing of trucks and other construction equipment shall be limited to a defined area of the site or shall be accomplished at an appropriate off site area. Runoff from the washing area must be contained in a sediment basin or other similarly effective controls and waste from the washing activity must be properly disposed of Properly use and store soaps, detergents, or solvents. C. Spill Control Practices - In addition to the good housekeeping and material management practices discussed in the previous sections of this plan, the following practices shall be followed for spill prevention and cleanup: 1. Manufacturers' recommended methods for spill cleanup shall be clearly posted and site personnel shall be made aware of the procedures and the location of the information and cleanup supplies. 2. Materials and equipment necessary for spill cleanup shall be kept in the material storage area onsite. Equipment and materials shall include but not be limited to brooms, dust pans, mops, rags, gloves, goggles, kitty litter, sand, sawdust, and plastic and metal trash containers specially for this purpose. 3. All spills shall be cleaned up immediately after discovery. 4. The spill area shall be kept well ventilated and personnel shall wear appropriate protective clothing to prevent injury from contact with a hazardous substance. 5. Spills of toxic or hazardous material shall be reported to the appropriate State or local government agency, regardless of the size. 6. The spill prevention plan shall be adjusted to include measures to prevent this type of spill from reoccurring and how to clean up the spill if there is another one. A description of the spill, what caused it, and the cleanup measures shall also be included. 7. The Contractor's site superintendent, responsible for the day -to -day site operations, shall be the spill prevention and cleanup coordinator. He shall designate at least three other site personnel who shall receive spill prevention and cleanup training. These individuals shall each become responsible for a particular phase of prevention and cleanup. The names of responsible spill personnel shall be posted in the material storage area and in the office trailer onsite. X. Waste Disposal A. All waste materials shall be appropriately stored on site until permanently removed from site. B. Compliance with Instructions, Ordinances and State Laws: The Contractor shall comply with all instructions and ordinances of the State of Minnesota, and all counties and municipalities regarding waste disposal. C. Dumpsters and similar storage devices shall be properly secured and closed to prevent wind or other means to dislocate the materials from the proper storage container. Loose materials and debris shall be collected on a daily basis. D. Disposal of Materials and Debris: All debris resulting from the removal and demolition operations shall be disposed of off -site by the Contractor subject to any specific regulations imposed by laws, ordinances, orders and decrees. E. Burying of construction materials and debris will not be permitted. F. Grubbing operations shall consist of removing and disposing of the stumps, roots and other remains. Stumps shall be removed completely. G. All timber, stumps, roots and other debris or by- products resulting from the clearing and grubbing operations shall be removed from the site. If any wood is run through a chipping machine, the wood chips shall be recovered and disposed of off -site to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Burying or burning of wood chips or other tree or vegetation remnants on -site will not be permitted. XI. Hazardous Waste A. All hazardous waste materials shall be disposed of in the manner specified by local or State regulations. Site personnel shall be instructed in these practices and the Contractor's site superintendent shall oversee these practices. B. Vehicle fueling shall be in a single location on the site, away from existing wetlands and undisturbed areas. C. The Contractor shall follow the requirements of the Development Response Action Plan (DRAP) and Environmental Contingency Plan (ECP). XII. Sanitary Waste A. Sanitary Waste shall be collected from portable units provided by the Contractor on a regular basis. Use of portable units shall comply with local and State regulations. XIII. Post - Construction Maintenance A. Post - construction maintenance will be accomplished by the Owner. Maintenance guidelines are included at the end of this SWPPP. SWPPP prepared by: Jay R. Pomeroy MN Reg. 23543 Anderson Johnson Associates, Inc. 7575 Golden Valley Road, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55427 (763) 544 -7129 (763) 544 -0531 fax Appendix ANDERSON- .IOHNSON A-jAmw AssO cmms, Z ffc t"SCAPtsrlxCHITrc.TUP • SITP.PL-:vm, ,vr, Ct rtF.t�ct:�t;r.trrrc. -it � .i ■ 1 r - ! y� lip P' .t CGor+dinate5 DD: 45.287140 - 93,774840 DMS: 450 17'13.701" N 93" 46'29.429" W USNG: 15T VL 39236 1.51.40 (NAD 83) MGRS: 15TVL3923615140 � . 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Gra • _c __ � f r r • ` rr w WIN -11 • r ■ +4 l .� ■ } nf� 4 -im a ' �r 5vvi C r 23 ism -• -0 0 _r__ �U) mmm' • °% E 2� o $ _ 2E3b o� 6 %E2 �« 2§ //% /4- 5° 32 7 mU) 05 » 9 m7 =_ .Cƒvf cu 0- .� > �� ° " c C- 3 k Q / k� = 3 @ 7 = C: C: 2 1C) 22 0\\ % /�§m 2�t�o «Q0 ®� =E� 3ff /- 2�/_/ % § _�» / E ƒ/0 �/] E §/ 0 %§ � ¢ 9m Gsm9mwuoo 0 CL mejS am p ems gmo _ puem9 #pabemeO $ -0 suisequ mluagpS O two ca $ m � dda@ palm megps < pueuolso 21» nd $ .2 nV E5� F / -RR© uoiloadsui « ummej lueoillubisul § .- � n±(D mO 0 \ 3 mu n _ / wmam&e ,Ae gnoq VZ > O � 3 §wm#auyo @ \ •� ) a) e E / I!WJ@d JE)IeAA WJOIS _ e 50 oloadsul in O E E O U O El Wd N .o viv Eoa�i c N o M o (D AeQ C Q yluoW C O o Juana UIeJ e A� C) ja}}e s.inoy 17z CL ~ c Aj� eam auijno�j � o t O Q c NN M s N O O a N N O t N 0 J a 7 Ul N ARV U A B C D E F PUD CONCEPT SURI F-> AO.01 PUD DEVELOPMENT PLAN 1 OF 10 2OF10 3OF10 4OF10 5 OF 10 6OF10 7OF10 8 OF 10 9 OF 10 10 OF 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 Monticello Schools PUD P mendmeit 1EY BOUNDARY, LOCATION, TOPOGRAPHIC AND UTILITY SURVEY FOR: MONTICELLO PUBLIC SCHOOLS SHEET 2 SHEET 3 SHEET 4 SHEET 5 SHEET 6 SHEET 7 SHEET 8 SHEET 9 SHEET 10 Independent School Di strict #882 PRELIMINARY PLAT 1 OF 1 PRELIMINARY PLAT OF MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION Monticello, Minnesota FINAL PLAT CIVIL 1 OF 2 SHEET 1 LITTLE MOUNTAIN SHEETS 2 OF 2 SHEET 2 C1.1 SITE, GRADING, AND EROSION CONTROL ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN PLANS AND DETAILS HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM SHEETS C1.10 REMOVALS PLAN C1.20 SITE REFERENCE PLAN C1.21 GEOMETRIC PLAN - SOUTH C1.22 GEOMETRIC PLAN - NORTH C1.30 OVERALL SITE PLAN C1.31 SITE PLAN - SOUTH H-> C1.32 SITE PLAN - NORTH C1.40 OVERALL GRADING PLAN C1.41 GRADING PLAN - SOUTH C1.42 GRADING PLAN - NORTH C1.50 UTILITY PLAN C1.51 UTILITY PLAN - SOUTH C1.52 UTILITY PLAN - NORTH R1 C1.60 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C2.11 DETAILS C2.12 DETAILS C2.13 DETAILS K-> C2.14 DETAILS 1.1.10 LANDSCAPE PLAN L1.11 LANDSCAPE PLAN - SOUTH L1.12 LANDSCAPE PLAN - NORTH 1.1.20 IRRIGATION PLAN B1.11 HOME GRANDSTAND (TURF FIELD) PLAN, ELEVATIONS, DETAILS AND NOTES B1.12 HOME BLEACHER (TRACK) PLAN, ELEVATIONS, DETAILS, NOTES AND RELOCATED BLEACHER SLAB B2.11 PRESS BOXES PLAN, ELEVATIONS, DETAILS AND NOTES EASTVIEW SHEETS C1.10 REMOVALS PLAN C1.20 SITE AND GEOMETRIC PLAN C1.30 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C1.40 UTILITY AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN C2.11 DETAILS ARCHITECTURAL LITTLE MOUNTAIN SHEETS AO.02 LITTLE MOUNTAIN COLOR ELEVATIONS HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM SHEETS AO.03 MONTICELLO STADIUM CONCESSIONS & TEAM ROOM ELEVATIONS AO.04 MONTICELLO STADIUM MEMORIAL PLAZA (ALTERNATE) EASTVIEW SHEETS AO.05 EASTVIEW COLOR ELEVATIONS AO.06 EASTVIEW ROOF EQUIPMENT DETAILS 8 ELECTRICAL HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM SHEETS EO.00 ELECTRICAL TITLE SHEET E1.00 ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN E1.01 ELECTRICAL ENLARGED SITE PLAN E1.02 ELECTRICAL ENLARGED SITE PLAN E2.01 ELECTRICAL ENLARGED PLANS E3.10 ELECTRICAL RISER & SCHEDULES E3.11 ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES E4.01 ELECTRICAL DETAILS E5.01 LIGHTING STRUCTURE INSTALLATION PLANS Monticello Schools PUD Amendment ndependent School District #882 302 Washington St. Monticello, MN 55362 REVISED SHEETS INGLUDED 8/50/16 R1 Set No: Comm No: 152244 MV B E F 1 2 3 PHASE III VETERANS MEMORIAL PLAZA (ALTERNATE) PHASE III NEW TIGKET5/ TOILETS/ GONGE55ION5 PHASE III NEW STADIUM FOR FOOTBALL, 5OGGER, 4 LAGRO55E ■ PUP - 1 F.\/EL0FMF. NT STASE PLAIN 0 120' 240' 4 5 r, I � I I I I I I 6 7 8 PHASING: PHASE I - HIGH 5GHOOL GYMNA5TIG5 ,ADDITION PHASE II - EA5TVIEW GLA55ROOM ,ADDITION PHASE III - HIGH 5GHOOL STADIUM PROJEGT PHASE I1/ - LITTLE MOUNTAIN 5EGURE ENTRY RENOVATION iw z w� z z X ZI W U-1 u—I MEADOW OAK AVE (EXISTING) PUP PLAN NOTES EXISTING CONTOURS: SEE ATTAGHED SURVEY LIGHTING: SEE ATTAGHED ELEGTRIGAL PLANS. AREA GALGULATIONS: Drawn: GR GROSS LAND AREA: 5,410,04q SQUARE FEET OR 124.168 AGRES WETLANDS � WATERGOUR5E5: THERE ARE NO EXISTING OR NEW PARKS /COMMON AREAS/ PRESERVATION EASTMENTS: NO NEW PARKS, WETLAND AREA: NONE WETLANDS OR WATERGOUR5E5. GOMMON AREAS, OR PRESERVATION EASEMENTS ARE PROPOSED. WETLAND BUFFERS: NONE RIGHT OF WAY DEDIGATIONS: SEE SURVEY HIGH WATER LEVELS FOR WATER BODIES: SEE ATTAGHED SURVEY, LANDSCAPE PLAN: SEE ATTAGHED CIVIL PLANS. GONSERVATION AREAS: NONE PROPOSED PARKS: NONE GRADING AND EROSION GONTROL PLAN: SEE ATTAGHED CIVIL PLANS. 5IGNA&E: SEE ATTAGHED GIVIL DETAILS. EXISTING ZONING DISTRIGTS: EXISTING ZONING DISTRIGT I5 R -1 FOR ALL FOUR STREETS: SEE SURVEY FOR EXISTING STREETS. NO NEW STREETS ARE TRASH � REGYGLIN6 SGREENIN6: NA, GHAN6E5 TO EXISTING TRASH AND EXISTING PARGELS (155011000172, 155500133302, 155011000212, 155011000172) PROPOSED. REGYGLIN6 AREAS ARE NOT WITHIN THE SGOPE OF THESE PROJEGTS. PROPOSED LOTS AND PROPOSED USES: SEE PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT EASEMENTS � RIGHTS -OF -WAY: SEE ATTAGHED SURVEY WOODED AREAS $ 5I6NIFIGANT FEATURES: THERE ARE NO EXISTING FOR PROPOSED LOTS. EXISTING USE FOR SGHOOLS AND RELATED AGTIVITY WOODED AREAS OR 5I6NIFIGANT FEATURES. A NEW 5I6NIFIGANT FEATURE FIELDS WILL REMAIN THE SAME. PROPOSED BUILDINGS: SEE PUP PLAN AND SURVEY FOR EXISTING AND WOULD BE THE VETERANS MEMORIAL PLAZA PROPOSED AS AN NEW BUILDINGS. ALTERNATE IN THE STADIUM PROJECT. AREA GALGULATION FOR EAGH PARGEL: PROPOSED LOT 1 = 4,762,566 50. FT. OR 110.022 AGRES. BUILDING ELEVATIONS: SEE ATTAGHED ELEVATION SHEETS. UTILITY SYSTEMS: SEE ATTAGHED SURVEY AND CIVIL PLANS. PROPOSED OUTLOT A = 372,501 50. FT. OR 8.551 AGRES. SIDWALKS AND TRAILS: SEE SURVEY FOR EXISTING SIDEWALKS AND PROPOSED SETBAGKS AND GALGULATED BUILDABLE AREA: NA, NOT TRAILS. SEE PUP PLAN AND GIVIL PLANS FOR NEW SIDEWALKS. RESIDENTIAL PARKING: SEE SURVEY AND GIVIL PLANS. MINOR MODIFIGATIONS TO PROPOSED GROSS HAROGOVER ALLOWANGE PER LOT: PROPOSED EXISTING PARKING ARE PROPOSED. HARDGOVER I5 36 01o. MOnticel to Schools PUD Amendment INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON ST. MONTICELLO, MN 55362 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed ARCHITECT N under the laws of the State of I' �nnesot'a Van Dierks Registration Number 269 9 Date May 27, 2016 Revisions Description Date Num ADD SF-TBAGK DIMS 8123116 1 Comm: 152245 Date: 8/05/16 Drawn: GR Check: Checker North PUD DEVELOPMENT STAGE PLAN Scale: I" = 160' -0" AOOO I 8 a M 0 m 0 R ° i i s J� j 120 0 120 240 NW CORNER OF SEC. \\ 1 �/ BENCH MARKS BMi 13, r. 121, R. 2s SCALE IN FEET [so °12'4888 \ /� NAVD 1 988 7oa 88 o Denotes iron monument set marked with P.L.S. No. 15480 1.) MnDot disc in northeast corner of bridge 6.) Top of top nut of fire hydrant 125 ft./- 10.) Top of top nut of fire hydrant 35 ft./- \ over Interstate Highway 94 at Fenning Ave. northeast of the southeast corner of High northeast of the northeast corner of Little q�. Elevation = 969.17 feet. School building. Mountain Elementary School building. "� _ AREA Elevation = 963.15 feet Elevation = 966.16 feet 2.) Top of top nut of fire hydrant 150 ft./- W LINE OF Gross Area: southeast of the southeast corner of 7.) Top of top nut of fire hydrant 130 ft./- 11.) Top of top nut of fire hydrant 80 ft./- SEC. 13 y� 5,410,049 sq. ft. or 124.198 acres Eastview Elementary School building. southwest of the southwest corner of High northwest of the northwest corner of the q \ Elevation = 961.67 feet School building. westerly wing of Little Mountain Elementary Y Net Area: .excludes C. v A.H. No. 18, Elevation = 962.31 feet School building. �� \ \ ^ 5,165,067 sq. ft. or 1 18.574 acres 8.) Top of top nut of fire hydrant 45 ft. /- Chelsea Rd. &Fallon Ave.) 3.) Top of iron pipe with cap marked "SLS CONT Elevation = 967.64 feet \ PT" northeast of Eastview Elementary School * building. Elevation = 955.97 feet southwest of the northwest corner of High 12.) Top of iron pipe with cap marked SLS CONT School building. PT" southwest of Little Mountain Elementary es° PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS 4.) Top of iron pipe with cap marked "SLS CONT Elevation = 964.69 feet School building. Elevation = 964.52 feet \ 4016 PT" northwest of Eastview Elementary School \ - =sry of 2 \ I Little Mountain Elementary School and Baseball Fied building. Elevation = 957.78 feet 9•) Top of iron pipe with cap marked SLS CONT assigned assigned to: PT" northeast of High School building. 13.) Top of top nut of fire hydrant 35 ft./- 9350 Fallon Ave PID: 155011000172 5.) Top of iron pipe with cap marked "SLS CONT Elevation = 961.33 feet southeast of Little Mountain Elementary I I t\ PT" southwest of Eastview Elementary School School building. I \ 2 Monticello High School: building. Elevation = 959.30 feet Elevation = 966.51 feet 5225 School Blvd. PID: 155500133302 1 3 Eastview Elementary School: /T J`' 9375 Fenning Ave. NE. PID: 15501 1000212 <; �! \v, FOR C) C I O O� �cc AFR % r \ e qY (JJ\�\ �) [Id �` I I ¢ , / /`��' r 0 13 >9 a M /SC n J I \ C A nn -T-1 r_1 / n `'� A T �\ <J C) 00 lV1 Ul V l l �L_L_L_V x \(J /(� A AA Ar- C) /,r- /�r- AITr -C) \� \ vUlV /IVIL_l \ vL_ vL_ /V l L_1 \ C,\ C,\ C� °O \ ` �rJ\ , v\ \ '---Parcel ID \ ^% ``' ,,, -'� � iC T/ llC)n A ran C) Z I \'� 15501 1000172 --------- .� 1s l �7 /l \ v nLetJ. 1 1 1 O NONGENT N8 EASEM NT FOR UTILITY \ N° T CRr F \ °° Z DRAINAGE A D UTILITY I I I AND AGE PURPOSESII FXp /R� AV, \ \ \ \ I` \ I EASEMENT R MONTICELLO PER N0. 719827 i qT /pN p� pFR / o af °I [� °Q I - COMMERCE ENTER SIXTH ADD. I ° C a / n T \ L I DRAINAGE AND UTILITY I of r sw /4 OF SEC 113 S HEE 02 E, 1� O �TF No \ \ ' //` s ° / I�, .4� \N J 22 E I NO 3 \ C� / v I I I EASEMENT PER MONTICELLO AND SW CORNER OF LOT 17 0 6 T s 39, SO 49 27 E a 1 FD - - - - -- SS„ C) �` �. 124 A .4 A /T / /\r -/ l n L_ U l , I COMMERCE CENTER FOURTH ADD. I FOUVD l "OPEN �5 °22 O 2�E� I a �?O S!o,3 ( IJ� w-� I /1/l Ul V / l �./L_L_L_ lJ \ J \ I I IRON Al ON NT �� aj 7,p. 1.131 �, $E i O �4 l SE CORNER OF THE SW I 4 S, O 2 �_ -- [N88 °32'2 2 \I ?6 / C 0- / \/l A AA Ar -,p r- /'r -A /Tr -C) NW CORNER OF THE NE 1/4 I - I OF THE NE / OF SEC 13 �it -oCQi I vL/ V/ V/ \vL vL_lV l L -/\ '\ OF THE SW 1/4 OF SE L -- J - - - - - -- ; 13 °�3 3 _ - -- N8 ° - -_ '' `811 669_ I I� 3 1 Z - 4 _ ' 14 [ LL=Mrc r -/ ^T Ann AND NE CORNER OF LO N LINE OF THE NE I/4 OF THE - -- _ I S LINE OF LOT 17 S� °p94y,43'- It ) I - SW I/4 OF SEC 13, T. 121, R. 25 I — — — — — -- O "�30g2.� i - -� -- J I C <' L) o I l i )"' l '-1 L/L�. I \ N88 °42'55 "E 2622.78 - - N /, w k ! _ [N88 °42'54 "E] 634.21 LINE OF LOT 2 M Z.8.. 33 40 _______ - i _ S42 „ 558.74 `---- � - - -- ° � .. 255.27 E o - - -- - - E 752.65 - - ° - 4g, �\ I }' `` 1 ' �S >2° [S42-0 L) i i C� --- - - - - -- [N884254 ] - -- _� =Y 42 4 "E] P - �\ 2582.77 - _ - - - - — - - - - --- — — — - OF LOT A ° Q g9 �` >2 488 3 f�� 01'E] 56 54 i OC i < �, _ - - -- - - ' 12 -- -- - -- - - - - -- _ N LINE S - Z N LINE OF [N90 °00'00'x] EASEMENT FOR UT1�ITY 3 NT FOR UTILITY - - - - - of LOT [ 89 04 29 ] - - _ _ -- r �� 8 i I I LOT 20 �� L - - AND DR AGE PURPOSES CFO do o o NOR2ER v, 0 3 °56S00 4 I I 1 < lC ° 200.83 >0• '• NW c c'o \ N89 °04'35 "E \ [NS ��E 214.4 40.0/ r S89 59 59 "E� 1.85 I I AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES = S, "°60 \ N E \ N8 i ] i M �` a po?�;!' I OPER DOC. N0. 719827 a °o N90 °00'00 "W PER DOC. 0. 719828 /0 ° a, � °23 38' E � 1 �) i � N90 °00'00 "E = c� [N89° '59 "W] I 12 ANDEDRAINAGE PURPOSES R X636 pR I� I /y �� 05 / [ = " "� 1 W 1 I cn G- /i / ^ \ S00 °23 32 "E < [ _ - PER DOC. NO. 719828 �., F y - J O \ J 7- o 5 O 0' / \\ ti' LS89 °59'59 "E 209.83 o ww O J h Q Q 0 I 1 \, \ to \ 62.57 = = -__- C ,J `> 40 3 > 1 0 �,y�� z 0) N =o o F �'\ \ \ ly- 1, <� I aZ N ` o \ �� ,.3\ �� o-�col I �N ooy OG \� 1 \� [S19a 046 "W] 4r I of ro 25 zro 7 00\ dv� I\ Iui -- I - ;N` ?'� \APO. \ 1 62.32 ,oI i 1 L - -40.00 rn o O 0 C) r- N Q V Nes° S 1 9 20' S2' W A 1 w 1 C u, I a ¢ \ \// °O 00 �1 ti ti = _ [S69-04-01 W I N I o c) O VY o I I O S69 °04'07 W ° I u 7.00 w w ) O D \ 1 - - /' - /2 >, co - o M =2 13 QP \ o ] ' o W W N N I r `r T(/ Q G' /'S ii (ry I 4 o 0 0\ ° co) o= u cn �P Q O N6 S.,1;90 >� w 11 (.' [ \ - F� -52.00 cn L� m N ¢ z t\ \ `°' S0 h ° 1 ,.3\ /; II5.47 0 0 l I✓ \ % 70.05 , <> 12.00 a z \/ 5� h� \'� 0�.•1� N89'59" 59 000 3 nNi P Q 1 S1,1 -4- - ll� j I Q drn W �-1\ ° 00 I 11 [ }_ o \ I o `�o �o O [N90 °00'00" I I I r7 �� \ N83 I, W I I 8 O 3 \ /1-- 223 lI J �' C - a D_ o ° o - 0 0 0 _ LO I °� [N83° IW WRIGHT CO. HWY PLAT NO 14, DOC. N0. L� Z L` Z o w \ h� �� / - N /�9 o\ti BY 3 ---0 15.82 3r o \\ °h I: I °a0 \ \/ „/ 5 2237' r I oo L, a \ J0 / I Za�l / l SET 19.68 448031 (UNDERLIES HWY. PLAT NO 55) o W o \/ I �0 /O I 5� MA PLS /5980 I I - vwi �o O \ h' S88 50'49 "W] ° i PARCEL 3, WRIGHT CO. HWY PLAT NO 14. O a w \ e / / 12 ti� I ; I[S88 °50'55 "W / \� "i I I 1 HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER BK. 93 MISC., PG. N 0 ---- - - - - -- to /' ! s2 2 ,� °o / BM4 So.41 -- - - - - -- o w S E T 3 SHEE 64° '29 w EET 7_- i 764 (DOC. NO. 448067) 1/y I / NOTE: LOCATION of TEMPORARY EASEMENT \ V i SHOWN TO EXPIRE 9W 1 -93. NOUEXPIRATION DATE NOTED IN DOC. No. 448067 $M< A ,1/-\ A /TI /) r -/ / n /�/l A AA /r -c) /� r- �� a O I - wo Cy' O i 11/11✓ /Vl /vL_L_L_lJ vLJIVIIVIL_l \vL_ �� \ By l0 W W D I I `\ Woo F J \ J I i C C� I /� r -n ITr-C) r /r -n /T/ / A n n 0 � o \� I Z I/) S I I I �\ iL ww ° \ v \\ 11� i v L_ / V/ L_ / 1 L_ V L_ l v/- J /-1 U U W Z I W �$z ,III - n \ 1 ° °° -_ - -- \ 1 ^I _ w .w N - w,33 ww I I Z zz I - \ zNW -- - - - - -- /_' n V W�° Z? __ �I MEADOW OAK AVE. 3M IO I - -- Parcel ID A EM NT FOR UTILITY �/ - Parcel I O Parcel ID - `- - - - - -- - -- -- 3�a z---- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- - -- -- L _ _ \ _ _ _ _ 55011000172 _ _ - - -! -- _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I ' I „E _ 1 NO. 1982s _ _ _155500133 02 --------------------- _ - _ i _ _ _ _ 9 550 1000212 ------------ _ N 1' , - \ _ _ __ _ -- _ _ p NAGE7 PURPOSES cQ1 to 1 I I� > - - -- o I . - - - - I - I RESOLUTION BY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO N \ I a I ' I I \ I / L AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION OF FEE TITLE I\ P z y ° L / L / M i lt)i EASEMENTS AND OTHER RIGHTS IN ACCORDANCE -T- /� I ✓ \ /� 3 m o I i ll 1 WITH R/W PLAT NO 55 PER DOC. N0. 951314 / n '� ) d. I � I 1\ / EASTVIEW J oo p I i i NLQIE: WE WERE UNABLE TO LOCATE RECORD a- U z I C 1 DOCUMENTATION FOR RIGHT -OF -WAY TAKING <� I LITTLE MOUNTAIN 10 \ \ MONTICELLO ELEMENTARY a �U I 1 < IM I �J FOR PARCELS 2A AND 28 OF WRIGHT Co. HWY. �� _ _ I�; Z 10 ELEMENTARY I / HIGH SCHOOL SCHOOL J a \._° w �M go I i� PLAT N0. 55 OM 3v I I • Im J ° 9375 FEIVNING A VE. E. SCHOOL ` \ I / / #5225 SCHOOL BL VD. m 4 1 Iz OJ50 FALL ON A VE. \0 w a 1 I° <> I �/ Q a Qa7 �0 3a l 1 Iv / \ \ \ I \// < o < I ` I Z \\\ - - Z 3 oz O 1 n I I id) '1 I I ~�I ET S EE 4 N`�� S EET 6�� EET 1015��z� w° \ B \� I ' N BY , �2 I � ; �� �, NZ I 15.6 J BM �l2 19.66 o Q CO 1438 1 \ \ 1438 FT. N 3 \'�.\ I - - - -- - - -- - -� - - - - -- 7.00 - - \ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RIGHT -OF -WAY ENCROAC MEN I OF S LINE UNI ED POWER ASSOC. 1 OF SEC. 13 CTRIC TRANSMISSION LINE EASEMENT AREA PER BK. 91 I C, r- __ I 412.00 � ' - - -- _ - - -- - - - - -- - - -- ----------- - - - - -- N6 /?S2 \� �� [N00 °00'00 "E] ---- -- - - - - -- - - `'v61° 16 g/6 \\� I N00 °00'09 "E duo '27// EASEMENT PER BK 89- MISC, - - -E EN� 03 (DOC NO 4333 ) -- L UNITED POWER ASSOC. ELECTRIC 16, 3'w - 104.70 R =l 22.7 -- (DOC. NO. 421382) DOC. No._42ESe2 PG i/ i O TRANSMISSION LINE EASEMENT PER BK. of 150 FT. EASEMENT `S2" \° -�- - - - -- - - - - -- - - / R DOC. NO. 421382 ----- - - - - -- - - - J� � - - - - -_ 905.00 II 89 MISC, PG. 718 (DOC. NO- 421382) _ _ - -- -" - L -j i = - - I - -- �------ - - - --- - --- - - - - -- - - - - -- ------ - -� -�- �- -�-- - - - - - -- -------- LINE ..A.. DOC NO 509057 1 40.0/ - - - - -- - -- - -- 2670.40 - -a "�f'j,i - -- - - - --- - - - - - - -- - -_ --- - - - - -- � - w. ; R =1 3362.77 A� °51 27 � �J�7°44'46� N87 °49'32 "E 1015.00 - - -- - __jvlE` _ _ - -- — [N88°36'13 "E] N88°40' 59 E 2711.24 10 - _ - = -�i - _ _ 3 � o L 200.00- '-" - _ _- r -- _IJNE "A° - -N0. 50--- -- - -- -- -_ - - - — — • } ♦ ^� ------- - - - - -- N89 °04' 10 "E N89 °04' 19' 681.32- T 0— - - _ - -� iLi— - - - -- _ -_ _^ �S LINE OF LOT 21DOC. - - - - - -- 00 ����� LOT A OF THE SE I/4 7OF 6D I /1 LINE OF T 21/ /// / ^ — S LINE OF LOT 20 +� 80 _� THEN I/2 /� A ) r1 / n / A S LINE OF THE NE I/4 OF I / /// / T/ / /C)rl A rl /-'1 /T/ A / 1 / A C) �.// -1% L/// VEIL_ IJI L -L -`-� SW CORNER OF THE /"\ /A / A / \„//-'1/ \ LJlI V/-1L_ r7 /L.L_.--, �A /"� /A /A/ / / / / - /'-' :'r- /'nA /n A/""1 /"'1 /Tln / NE1 /40FTHE SW THE SW I/4 OF SEC I3 _ u/l / \)U / /V/ -IL_ rJILL_.� l`Jll \[J %ILJ L/lll /V I ^ / \ /Tl / Ar\rl /T //ln/ 40 50 �/� A C) rl /A l A l / ll / l a v/-Il \)L /l / V/1 L_ ['J /L =L_-' ..: L_ v Ul VLJ /- IL/L// / / l.// V 1/4 OF SEC I3 - I r-1 r--r-1 / A /--\ rl /T //l n I v' / �7 nUL// / l lJl V [ / \vll vnL_ A7 /L_L_�. , I s� / -ll l r7 nLJtJI l lvl v PARK I I < II Cj � U o JI [ I I I I�'CC W Q I DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SURVEYED PLAT RECORDING INFORMATION (Per Old Republic National Title Insurance Company, Title Commitment Application No. ORTE742843, Effective Date January 11, 2016) The plat of Auditor's Subdivision Number 1 was filed of record on May 24, 1892, in Book A of Plats, Page 38. Lot 21, Auditor's Subdivision Number 1, according to the recorded plat thereof, the North Half of Lot A of the Southeast Quarter according to the plat thereof recorded in Book I of The plat recorded in Book I of Sectional Plats, page 570 was filed October 8, 1884. Sectional Plats, page 570 and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter all in Section 13, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota.. [ ] Bearings and /or dimensions listed within brackets are per plat or record documents. And Lot 17 lying South of the center line of Chelsea Road; Lot 20; All in Auditor's Subdivision TITLE COMMITMENT Number 1, Wright County, Minnesota. Old Republic National Title Insurance Company, Title Commitment Application No. ORTE742843, Effective Date EXCEPT: January 11, 2016, was relied upon as to matters of record. That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 121, Schedule B Exceptions: Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, and that part of the North Half of Lot A of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 13 and that part of Lots 20 and 21, Auditors Subdivision O Exceptions are indicated on survey with circled numbers where applicable. Number 1, according to the plat on file in the office of the County Recorder, in and for said Wright County, lying southerly of a line 40.00 feet northerly of the following described line "A": 1 -2 [general exceptions] Beginning at a point on the west line of said Southwest Quarter distant 1310.69 feet southerly of the northwest corner thereof; thence North 88 degrees 36 minutes 13 seconds East, a 3. Rights of the public in and to that portion of the land that lies within Fallon Ave NE, School Blvd, distance of 2711.24 feet; thence easterly a distance of 200.00 feet along a tangential curve, Fenning Ave NE, and Chelsea Rd as laid out and travelled as evidenced by available maps. concave to the north, having a radius of 13,362.77 feet and a central angle of 00 degrees 51 minutes 27 seconds; thence North 87 degrees 44 minutes 46 seconds East, a distance of 4. Easement for roadway and utility purposes in favor of the City of Monticello shown in instrument filed 1015.00 feet and said line A there terminating. For the purpose of this description, the west October 11, 1983, in Book 82 Misc., page 835. line of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13 is assumed to bear South 00 degrees 12 minutes 29 seconds East. 5. Electric transmission line easement, together with incidental rights thereof, in favor of United Power Abstract Property Association shown in instrument filed February 5, 1987, in Book 89 Misc., page 718. 6. Right -of -Way Encroachment Agreement filed October 8, 1987, in Book 91 Misc., page 403. 7. Order granting conditional use permit filed December 3, 1987, in Book 91 Misc., page 777. [not plottable] 8. Matters as disclosed by Wright County Highway Right -of -Way Plat No. 14, filed as Document No. 448031. 9. Highway Easement, together with incidental rights thereof, filed September 28, 1988, in Book 93 Misc., page 764. 10. Easements for public right -of -way and drainage and utility purposes in favor of the City of Monticello filed August 16, 1991, as Document No. 493260. 11. Easements for utility and drainage purposes in favor of the City of Monticello filed September 20, 2000, as Document No. 719827. 12. Easements for utility and drainage purposes in favor of the City of Monticello filed September 20, 2000, as Document No. 719828. 13. Easement for utility and drainage purposes in favor of the City of Monticello filed September 20, 2000, as Document No. 719829. 14. Pathway Easement, together with incidental rights thereof, in favor of the City of Monticello, filed April 6, 2001 as Document No. 736763. 15. Matters as disclosed by Wright County Highway Right of Way Plat No. 55, filed as Document No. 951313 16. Resolution by the City of Monticello regarding a highway filed March 17, 2005, as Document No. 951314.. GENERAL NOTES I.) Survey coordinate basis: Wright County Coordinate System 2.) No indication of wetland delineation by a qualified wetland specialist has been located or observed on site. 3.) At the time field work was performed for this survey, there was a significant amount of snow on the ground. Physical features were located to the best of our ability, but there may be additional features that were not visible and, therefore, not shown hereon. UTILITY NOTES 1.) Utility information from plans and markings was combined with observed evidence of utilities to develop a view of the underground utilities shown hereon. However, lacking excavation, the exact location of underground features cannot be accurately, completely and reliably depicted. Where additional or more detailed information is required, excavation may be necessary. 2.) Other underground utilities of which we are unaware may exist. Verify all utilities critical to construction or design. 3.) Some underground utility locations are shown as marked onsite by those utility companies whose locators responded to our Gopher State One Call, ticket numbers 153411822, 153411833 and 153411850. 4.) Contact GOPHER STATE ONE CALL at 651- 454 -0002 (800- 252 -1166) for precise onsite location of utilities prior to any excavation. 5.) Private utilities are shown as marked by Hance Locating Services, Inc. on December 15, 2015. Private utilities are those utilities installed for the use of their owner, typically by someone other than a Gopher State One Call registered utility operator. FLOOD ZONE NOTE 1.) The subject property lies within Zone C (Areas of minimal flooding) per the National Flood Insurance Program, Flood Insurance Rate Map Community Panel No. 2705410005B, dated November 1, 1979. ZONING NOTES 1.) Zoning information obtained from the City of Monticello web site on December 28, 2015. The subject property is zoned R -1. (Low Residential Densities — Residential District) YY / \/ \7r7/ v1/. r1 YY /. , LI AT A // 4 A —. YY L_/--I / l / V V. I ui T L Z- I hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Dated this 21st day of January, 2016 SUNDE LAND SURVEYIN LLC. By: —� Mark S. Hanson, P.L.S. Minn Lic. No 15480 /1 \1 Title Commitment received 1/26/2016; Add UGE loc. 5/16/2016 (Sht. 3,5)I DJF 105/16/20161 Drawing Title: BOUNDARY, LOCAT /ON, TOPOGR4PH /C and UT/L/TYSURVEYFOR.- MONT /CELLO PUBL IC SCHOOLS Monticello Sr. High, Little Mountain Elem., Eastview Elem. SUNDE Main Office: 9001 East Bloomington Freeway (35W) • Suite 118 Bloomington, Minnesota 55420 -3435 * a 952 -881 -2455 (Fax: 952 - 888 -9526) LA" West Office: www.sunde.00m Mandan, North Dakota 701- 663 -5562 7oject:20 15 -173 Bk/Pq:1059 /0/ Dote. Township: l2/ Range: 25 Section: l3 0112112016 FVe:2015173001_R1.dwg Sheet: 1 of 10 °u a 0 o oa o i 0 r N 963.1 963. \ I SPR cs> > m J x 959.1 z x 959.6 x 59.8 I x 1.7 o � O JI -i960 t rn rn x l x I x 960.3 x 960.1 / x 96117 x 962.3 1 2.7 1 0.0 / 0)�ry G OR CPR uO1i / 962.8 962.9 x9 9,,,00083, 9627 962.9 x 962.7/ � / 963.0 �63." ^00 963.0 /9P633.1 962.8 963.0 2 x\ Ir 96x\3.1 _ 583.0, � 7 963. 3.0 ~ 96 \ C 962.8 6� 963. 1 S Oj G7 963.1 'PR 963.0 963.1 963.2 963 GAS 963.1 963.2 k x 963.3 I 963.9 \ LP G� c 3 C 962.9 962.9 -\ 3 --• c'� \ x 963.7 � (7 62. 4 �6 � -963_ -1 P 64. �i 963.1 963.2 -963.2 9 9637 G x 963.6 3.1 9C2.8 . 964.0 P x 964.8 983.1 TC PL 963.4 963.3 1- H' 965. C7 C NC \ x 983.5 �W411 `�\ 963.4 CONC \ \ \ 964.3 1VYD U) 96 963.1 963.3 �O \ \ 963.6 [MHERG11w, FUEL $964.4 x964.2 �A/ 9 WV ST_ORAgE TANK T N O 96.2 x964.3 x964.2 - - '� Q 963.1 963.4 O 963.7 x 961.6 Tc' I MH� 0 42 964.2 '0 SERVATIO 96 .5 _ _ 2 963.8 963.9_ x � 964.1 JNI�L TC 963.5 . 964.0 II j 9 6 963.2 . 963.5 9639 > 964. 965.0 -964.5 � 964.0 T H 964.4 9643\ \ 963.6 - 96 .9 School I - - - Q3 4.2 965,2 63 90'6 9 60.4 _ _ x 960.1 963.6 64.0 9826 S6S x 964.7 N GAS 1963.9 TC 1 964.3 .112.9 TC 13.1 C 10 1962.7 CWT6 64.'. GP 965.4 CONIC WALL CWB WALL a6a.z x96 3 563.4 / °� 0• ® 64.0 BENCH 4 TO Of concrete outside of door 965.71 x I I I x 960.8 � �x • "SPR x965. TRANS 963. V '.i b33 B H \ p x 959.9 961.1 I x 962. 'SPR / 964.5 I 963.1 963.3 / 963.7 V 984.1 8x ly - -I ON C 965. / / x9 5.1 @ \ x961.5 x981.2 %� 'J TO Of concrete outside Of door 965.71 ® 912. I UGE UGE 9fi 963.4 �0 965.1 65.4 865.4 865.4 LlG£ N 965.7 65.8 V DOOR ll \ \960.Bx x96 I P 964 GM 63.5 963. 963.0 I 61.6 � 6 TO of concrete Outside of door 965.72 PKS I � 63.0 UGC TC 963.7 � TC 65.3 96 . LOADING DOCK \ 1 p I 964.1 965.3 965.8 963.4 9 962. I -- - -__TC _ - -- - -- 963_2 963.3 �, - O 985_3 RD a96 565.7 9645 9639 7 Top Of concrete outside of door 965.75 - -- -- -- - - -- - -- - -- -- fT -- - - - - -- - - - - -- _ 1 \ - -------- --- - -- - -- -- _ 7s.s oD ; &7 995.7 x x �ss3. xs6z.7 8 To of concrete outside of door 965.71 963. G 8 �6 9 963.1 )F 963.1 62.8 ( \ 962.8 p 380.3 63.4 C ,1j� 963.7 964.2 UGC - ,•) r.) 0.7 h x \ C 0.9 ' 993.2 1 963.5 I I f 9 Top of concrete outside of door 965.67 964.4 n DOOR l5 x9 .1 I i 962.9 981.8 x961.6 I x961.2 10 Top of concrete outside of door 965.73 993.7 I I x9fi�l I 11 Top of concrete outside of door 965.74 c'�o rn o x 963 3 963.4 ' / 564.2 964.6 965. 11(-965. P 853 X1965.5 N m m x 960.3 x 960. x 961.9 963.2 I 965.2 LP • y65pL 965.5 1 COL 1COL ,� I 963• 963.1 963.8 TC G CONC 1 ,o I C 963.5 x 98 .6 964.2 965.61 n � 963.8 963.7 I I / R a, I 1 I 12 Top of concrete outside of door 965.73 \ 963.3 96 0 / 964.4 965.5 7 p•? O�j x964.7 x964.21 I 1 1 13 TO Of concrete outside of door 965.73 963.5 TC 963.8 I COL 1965.7 / ''?`' 965.6 I 1 `( I p m I I 963.3 993.9 esa.2 - 965.4 965.6 1BE oos DOOR 9 GP 1 1 I I 1 I 14 Top of concrete outside of door 965.75 o _ 4 963.7 965.5 GP N o3� CONC I \ I 962.9 962.3 m o 1 I 963.9 965.5 � R/( 65.7 1 963.3A 2e 963.2 963.1>E.) 962.9 15 Top of concrete Outside of door 965.78 rn m HCS 8" SAN S (P) COL DOOR l6 /30.7 ? -- m e BE 5.0 \963.3 x 62,9 16 TO of concrete outside of door 965.75 0 ' f� 963.4 963.6 MH(P) ,. 964.3 0 N 965.7 / •9 °'4 965.2 965.3 .3 I p n x 960.3 964.5 C 965.6 '� x 963.3 960.3 x 60. 9820 x(963.0 963. 9fi ' 96 9 / 965.3 WOOD m SAN 7 "BAS I 'BAS 7" 963.2 65.2 PLANTER rn 9 3.9 x ox I 7 96 963.4 963.6 H 964.2 964.7 65.6 CO n 963.8 963.7 \ I x961.8 I x961.6 n MH I TC / N 965 I I 965.2 965.1 \ rn 1\ 964.2 9 4.1 963.6 TC L x 964.4 TOP=96 . I 963.7 TC T 9 .9 P / x 965. I 9fi .3 965.2 INV =94 .7(ALL) I 964.3® 965. 965.2 965.2 x 964.8 \ \ m \ I 963.4 .963.7 HCS 564• 965.5 COL 965. • 5" RAB 65.5 965.1 64.0 964.5 G 965.5 x 965.2 965.2 965. "MP CONC x 963.6 x963.29 9 962.4 a x 9fi 4 m 963.5 963.7 964.3 _ BENCHES m 965.3 EDGE OF 5.2 PTBL N TA IN 1 g 3. � P, OVERHANG 9 b WOOD 6" 965.3 PLASTIC / \ \ x N Ix 9 0.7 x 962 6 x 9fi .7 965.2 x 96 . I WALL X963.7 1 963.4 HCS ® 965.4 965.6 COL CHIPS x 961 8 x g g g z g�0 7 1 96 TC 963.5 963.8 963,9 964.3 963.8 964.5 64.8 6552 CONC 1 z 6 .7 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL \ 985.2 x 865.0 I / \ +1963.6 I LEGEND 964.3 96 .3 x 964.4 964.0 64.0 V 963.8 k963_6 - - - - - C 965.5 1 c0 965.4 5 PLAYGROUND I U KWB 965.5 GO 965.2 x 994.8 J - - 1 W I g6 993.9 corlc KEYSTONE COL o l & 2 STORY BRICK /BLOCK BUILDING xsss.lI EQUIPMENT(TYP) I I AIS Denotes advertisement information sign O, 964. x 8 9655 1 9 965.2 O 964• I -- X963.4 \ BBH Denotes basketball hoop 964.4 4.3 R WALL KWB P 955.2 Z 964. Ix ` M I I 964.0 COL #9350 FA L ON A VE Q' BE x 965 I \ 964,2 963.5 P 963.6 863.8 963.9 0 963.9 6 "SPR 965.3 64.1 / 96 .0 962.4 \ BBQ Denotes barbecue 14 u) HCS >6 964.4 964.5 64.7 65.1 KW65 1965. COL 965.2 x965.3 G� 965.3 J� \\ / \ BE Denotes building entrance 9 °'6 sfi'9 ss3.a 9641 995.5 1� x965.0 \ / 1 \ BH Denotes beehive catch basin rn °i I P U x 960.2 x 960.3 >q 961.9 gg ,g 963.6 963 9 964.4 I 96 .3 85.4 963.2 I I TC LP 964.4 BENCHES '4 1 / 9.0 965.2 965.2 I /963.6 x 963.2 x 962.1 x 962,0 \ BM Denotes benchmark 965.3 965.2 x584.4 x963.4 BTL Denotes beaver tail curb 3 m 965.1 CONC x 964.8 I PLASTIC m 963.7 964.7 963. 964.1 - 85.4 rn t 9655 PTBL WALL w I I I 3.9 /) HCS ® o-� 964.5 N ^i �`� all 994.1 984.4 w 965.6 Gj� coL x g65,q t' • BWB Denotes brick wall base 964.4 -._.6' RAB 965.2 0 c� 963.7 64.0 TC F 5.41 'CRAB `O 965.2 x96 .1 --963.6 963.1 I CB Denotes catch basin o °m 7' BAS gg 964. 964.1 964.3 W • 965.7 '� 65.7 4• \ J` 82.9 962.7 I9 964' \ ry .f �' I °�' rn a' I ■ 960 2 963.6 963.8 / 9 64 5 G I 'CRAB 965.5 ,� 964.11 4'963.7 \ x(963.4 963.3 1' 9 3.0 x 962 4 x 962. xlss 1 \ CBOX Denotes control box CBX Denotes communication box ' 1 • r 963.3 963.3 O J 963.6 J 1 x ■ 960.4 961.0 9 4 964.1 C J 964.5 964.6 965.4 COL 3 965.3 965.4 965.2 965.2 `? 1 I I 2 9667 I I I CMH Denotes communication manhole x C 964.2 964.4 r 965.2 U 965.3 COL .9'p.S /30.7 / COL Denotes building column n a I xl I co 96 .9 65' TO 965.3 965.6 965. /�'T� GP x 964.7 x 964.3 1 963.4 I I I g � n m - � � ` 964.1 Z 965.4 BE o DOOR l 965.7 964.2 964.4 965.4 1 Gpp DOOR 8'� CONC 1 I x963.4 I I CS Denotes curb Stop \ 1 I V 96 .6 964.1 965.2 x 965.6 1 O' 2,1. I m m \�s ss3a 963'9 tp 994.1 994.9 c.) OP o• I; , BE x96 .1 I I CST Denotes concrete step ®960. I x 60.0 x 960. x 1.6 J O) 2- 965.7 963.6 I tower � ssssl®ssss � 999.5 0• a I I I `� 6 .7 964.3 964.4 I COL 1 Rp5'S / \\ 963.2 I 96$.0 962.8 .� "SPR C 964'2 /963.9 963.8 �\ �i 963.IyC 7963. JI CWT Denotes concrete Wall top J� I I cooling wall bottom 2 963. 963.p 1 985.5 °i 964.1 65.2 964.3 984.4 965.2 966.0 COL_ COL 5 � v I 94.0 x 984.5 965.1 LP G 896. x 965.7 962 5 962.3 x 964.5� 963.3 v 964.2 O) 964. TC 96 3 965.5 865.7 DOOR 2 63.1 / x �C x DG Denotes drain grate 964.3 8 -- 964.3 964,5 _ 965.6 9fi Z. /n �ss4o C) � DIP Denotes ductile iron pipe 964.0 964.3 •ss s _ c, I . 97 a h 965.6 "" q) EB Denotes electric box _ ----------------- ---------- - - -- --- - - - - -- - - - -- - -- - - -- - - -- --.- m------------------------------- --------- - -- -- -- - --- --------- 389.2 --- -------- Hi A H ------ 964.4 x 985.5 -- -¢- ----- �96 = 965.6 965.5 s .7 x 964.9 / x 993.2 / l a) EM Denotes electric meter 0 960.1 x 960.0 x gg ,4 96 I x g6 .I 965.5 O .8 '/� RD HHC 965. BE x 963.6 xi ri 90• x Ix 964.1 96 8 964.3 964.5 9 45 96 3 n � 962.9 962.7 EO Denotes electric Outlet n m +111 T6 ' 963.9 964.2 Q TC 964.4 G C) PL 9 65.7 �O O� PS•1 x I I I I 964.1 _ 964.5 •965.9 - -- / FES Denotes flared end section 1 � 9 5.3 C) 8' PL 965.6 965.6 x 965.7 P x 965.5 o,DOOR 6 2 963.7 963.6 -- x_ - - -_ 963.0 x B2.4 FH Denotes fire hookup 964.3 O 965.4 Q' 965.5 0� g 7 A'� 964.2 Q' I 1 964.4 965.4 964.4 964.5 x 964.5 �h' 965.2 965.7 65.7 G - 0 / 963.3 963.1 \ -i• 36.3 DOOR 7 365 ®eBH FOL Denotes fiber optic line 964.1 64.9 Z O m HYD 965.6 96 .7 g 1 963.9 963.3X )'962.8 P 964.5 65.3 965.7 -965.4 965.5 BE 965.4 965.2 965.8 964.5 964.2 \ - -- �962•g FP Denotes flag pole n m 964.3 964 4 965.1 65.6 WV BE 965.2 RD 963.8 1 \ G I I 965.0 O LP ONC RD B 963.3 x963.2 \ G Denotes utter m 964.2 964.5 G 964.5 965.7 965.5 965.5 965.4 oj� `O 965.2 / \ g x960.2 x960.1 x960.1 88 4 1 964. x 4.4 .W TC 65.4 965.3 / GEN Denotes generator w�xl x �' T g 3,g 964'4 •96 .8 964.5 U) 964. xg 5.4 9 .6 TC 965.5 9854 Q'965.5 4) 965.4 CONC 963.7 .963.4 963.2 2.9 962.5 GLP Denotes goal post Q I I w 1 954.2 4' A H 964.5 C RD RD 964.7 / 963. 63.2 '962.9 962.7 1 g P n O M �UI I Di 864'4 964.6 965.0 964.9 TC 965 TC 3 965.5 65.0 1 guard post ucE G "+ x999.4 .992.9 ss2.a GP Denotes gas meter n I I 964.5 965.5 965.3 x962.4 x9625 GRDL Denotes round light m Mi I 1 964.3 964.5 x 965.1 Q 6 I 'BAS Z ON SH 964.4 TC 964.4 TC x 964.9 9 3• 962.5 962.4 9 9 x 96 .4 x 964.4 965.0 965.2 5 / x 963.9 x 963.7 �� g6 564.9 964.6 BEACH 7 "BAS BENCH I GW Denotes guy wire / I ` HCPB Denotes handicap door push button N I P LPG 964.3 � 9 964.7 964.6 965.3 965. I x 964.3 O °„' x' x 960.2 x 960.0 x 960.1 ® x 964.4 64.0 964.4 CO / _ 5.1 x965.1 9sza HCR Denotes handicap ramp LU 64.2 TC 964.3 965.1 965.1 13 x 964.3 965.2 l \ Z 964.9 h' rc orlc ONC ` •7 As HCS Denotes handicap sign GO Q • 981.5 964.5 965.0 x 96 4 �G • 964.9 P 9 0] I I da0 Z�� I �SP \ 964.3 0 �U 6� 994.2 �, 9 DOOR 3 DOOR 5s .7 965.2 a" As 9sas 964.6 I x993.0 x9626 ®9'62.7 x HDPE Denotes high- density polyethylene pipe 1O ¢oN G 964.5 964.6 ,:,- m °� �, �; / BE x962.�spcc I HH Denotes hand hole M it I ®s s \ 964.3 N 964.4x 2 W n t a 965.3 Q J`� / 962.7 HHC Denotes communication hand hole Iy W O 1 964'5 964.4 965.1 964.2 0 u/ �' o \ HHE Denotes electric hand hole 1O - D- \ 964.5 • 96 9 TC x 963.6 O O \ TC 964.1 4' A ] 965.5 x 964.8 C) C\ x 963.8 x x I x960.4 W �Z I- x960.1 x961.2 9623 x964.3 984'2 964.5 964.5 9 4.s x984'2 x964.3 TO 'n �\ x964.3 x9641 / HHF Denoted fiber optic hand hole I 4 964.9 TC/ O 965.4 F Z U C N = � w � o 994.2 � I HYD Denotes fire hydrant Q=O Ld°° ' 1 x 994.5 s64.a jm~ /964/ 964.0 2 965. 9sa.s�J ss4.a \ ®ss2a INV Denotes structure invert w ° vwi °o I I a g m 10 x963.2 \ 963 x9630SPCG x962.7 KWB Denotes keystone wall base Q z w ss4.z ss4.a v) � LA Denotes landscaped area W Q 0_ \ 965.7 x 964.2 0 964.8 963.7 O rn Imo 1 I 964.4 64.0 P I T 965.4 965.3 9651 x964.8 / / / I LP Denotes light pole I �� I TC 984.2 964.3 964. 9 4.7 Q 964.8 9642 \ x 964.3 964.2 / / LPT Denotes LP tank / \ x I 1 x 961.4 \ \ x 964.3 T TC rn 0) 964.7 x964.1 x963.5 x9632 / / MB Denotes mailbox 999.7 x963-9 /963 ®ssz.s MC Denotes metal cover • 960.4 x 959 8 CNA 0.2 1 964. I ' x 963.6 963.9 / ,3 4 5' ASH SH a 962.5 964.3 C 7. 9 5 u, / / a C' m 2 API 960.5 \ \ 9�A 7d0 U 965.4 965.5 '� `° I x963.4 _� PINR I MH Denotes manhole m y SP 964.0 964.2 $ TC `° / m- m� M I \ 964.1 _ z s4.s 8634 I "' '' ss.o MRAL Denotes metal railing V\ OD Denotes overhead door x 960.1 ® 964.3 963.8 \- _96¢ a OC 3 G •(F-Rl x 964.2 ,DOOR 4 964.5 xi U rn k 961.0 63.3\ TC 963.9 30•.3 / A•2 m I m k x I 62.0 \ x960.1 I SPR 984.0 m U OQ 96NG R� 97�A3 x982.5 OHE Denotes overhead electric line rn , \ 964.1 x '� J' O ' 965.7 •/ 2 / x9626 �n \N SPN 963. 965.2 RD 5A6 _ , =3• 54. RD x962.6 x962.7 P Denotes per Ian not field verified `+- 9 963.8 964.5 v �S c+., / 1 � P P �+ 6 I 9 8 \ 62 ®862.2 x 964 2 84 0 964.1 964. TC m TO x 965.3 965.6 96 .3 965.4 965.6 41965.2 •962.3 9� / PIV Denotes post indicator valve ri TO \ \\ 9.7 SPR \ \ C 965. } rn x' / 0 xi 965.7 x 964.1 / "PIN parking 9 m 4.6 \ 2.2 963.7 I C9 a BE 964.8 x962'5 PKS Denotes arkin sign 985.4 \ m 9 4 C I \ \ 963 \980. 960.4 J x961.4 x2.8 '6 '0 vF °•0 963.3 P� I/ I x963.9 / x962.8 PP Denotes power pole 976- m �s?� \ \ TC 963.7 963.8 / 964.3 965.3 I x 963.2 °i 9650 \ x 8' -'&C� _� \ 963.9 1 I ~� Nom` 7 J G #E96 .8 Q' 965.3 964.9 x962.5 x952,5 1 x962,1 PPT Denotes power pole w /transformer x 964.0 x 164.3 TC \ \ m u+ LP G 965.4 x 962.5 g g I 964 - ��9628 -� \ x9642 963.8 639 964. 96 4 I ,L 965.2 1 965.2 965.01 GJ x962.5 PPU Denotes power pole With underground Utility 964.3 TC x964.0 6'6 P 64.1 985• 965.2 965.41 PVC Denotes polyvinyl chloride pipe x964.6 96j•2\ \ x96 963.7 964.5 Op ,g6�NG / G 5 965.2 HYD G�' PINR P Y YI P P s t� x994.4 P ®ssz.s PTBL Denotes picnic table G8 '9 O `0 x 963.6 6q.8 964.2 S J O �' I ® 6 4 C \ \ / TC4.3 ss4. �Ny-cP`' g6 ; RC Denotes ribbon curb n C Lx9 4.3 \ \ x_gg�g / 96 963.6 963.7 / TC I 9� 7 ; 965.2 965.1 x964.6 ' BM #13 x�a.o I 1 RCP Denotes reinforced concrete pipe 965.1 964.9x y 9� /T 964.0 G 965.1 i x 962.3 x 962,2 x 9623 x962.4 x962.3 RD Denotes roof drain 6¢�\ x 964. TC \ TC x 963.6 964.2 ya' / 964.6 x965.3 ' i / / x963.7 x962.5 SAN S Denotes sanitary sewer a 9 R m \/ TC °' 964. 96 .9 x,985.1 x \ /I x 963.7 � 965.1 964.9 � L _/ MH 8_ \ �CS e / 964.6 964.0 x963.7 964.3 / x965.1 I x964.2 / x963.} ®962.1 1 SANCO Denotes sanitary cleanout LL 964.6 TOP -96 .4 \ 962�96.i �g 2x \ T i/ M TC _964-j g6�9 -gs¢ 963.9 5 964.6 \ / 964'9 I- _I 1 1„ 8" W ST S Denotes storm sewer 'y m INV�94 .8(N,5) \ \ / TC TC i LP 'PINR ICs s x964.9 964.9 STC Denotes to of surmountable curb °i x \ 96, 0 GP 964. A x 965.1 96 .5 x / u? \ \ (/ x 964.3 R TO 6 964.7 96x.0 P a � - I.�- � TC $ 963.4 15 9 TC WATER /N£ LOCA7YON -964,8 I TC Denotes to of concrete curb �g6 961.9 � � \ / 965.2 965.3 P x ` 9.T 8 964.1 AS MAR / < a I \ I P 994.3 rc S�+ 994.5 994.1 I / x961.9 562.2 TCS Denotes traffic control sign m 980.3 x\ 964.2 964.0 x 962. I x 962.2 1 x 962 a' 4 96 I x 0 \ 964.7 TC TC 9 g6Ol,I��P'( TC x965.4 x963.5 x962.2 (\ \ TL Denotes traffic light ®961.5 \ 959. \ 964.0 SOP i96�l�O 64.6 x 964.1 �� ; C / \ e 962 4 g 1 PIN TRANS Denotes transformer box '_, y �CYJ PLO 63.8 964.4 TC i 964. I /�/ / x 962.6 I _ HYDII '�Vw��SPR \ I.6� \ "96 963.6 S'� k965.3 / ; \ C {y Bfi3.7 962.9 \ 96 UGC Denotes underground communication line fn - \ \ TC AS 964.8 x 963.9 �.i ? - \96 9 8® "�-- �vv ---"' s 965.3 x 965.4 x 964.2 F T x 962.7 \ m m I 2 \ xg6y�„�8 963.6 TO x985.1 � I f � UGE Denotes underground electric line c rn x x 960.6 9 /_ \ \ \ TO - -� __9 4.1 TCS I PIN i 965.1 i \ 962 pipe x \ 6 ' x 963.7 963.5 � � \ � � VP Denotes vent i e 962 9520 \ \ \x963.2 rc y x994.4 965.6 965.7 ; \ \ W Denotes water line rn 1(I� SPR .9610-9 \ y'� U) ®965.8 i x 964.6 x 963.8 / ___________ , ' I 963.3 \ \ \ 963.5 x962.1 x9620 tr--- -- ---- Denotes water manhole \ �63.3, / Q x 963.3 PIN -a9frk8 961 m / \ 0.9 `7 �G O x964.8 W x965.6 ' x963.4 --- ------------------ - - - - -- WV Dentes water valve m a I m o O C. 5 I \ \ x 960.4 x 96 .5 \S Ve 9 9 O 965.4 t --- ----------\ 2 9fi 1.9 I� \ i _ m ��71 \ TC 66.0 ' _ -----`---------------- ------- ---- -- ---- -- --- -- - - - ---- - -- --963 1 .3 3.0 x 963.8\ Z 965 L'-1 " IN p 965.5 x 962.5 \ • 964.8 �• 96,59 ------------------------- Ix I \ x962.5 \ 98. 965.6 `.• 6 AS ---fir-------- - - - -- - - - - -- 9645 \ 63.9 k 9 9§3:U 6 / I BAS Denotes Basswood tree xsss \v CRAB Denotes Crabapple tree p " 1 6'/ x 960.\ 62.0 •983.1 - -- -- -- -- -- --- C� I x991.9 9910 1 �1 Tc---------- - - - - -- x�gs•6 �; c� 9626 cc HACK Denotes Hackberr tree BE 2.1 9 0.2 x964_2 LP - -- 965. 1 1 963.7 963.8 / 628 P ree CATTAILS 18-RCP -- - " - -- - 965.3 984.8 \ g PCG 82.0 62.0 #___ 965. _ _ _ ----- - - - - -b 9 Z 66. • 966.1 -- -y- 6--- -- ---- -- 'SP R N1 x96 . \ r 'PIN P N1 ---- ---- 9 I. I 9fi 1.3 x 1 � V � _ -- - - x 983 0 - ---- -- -- -- - - -- -- O i x \ 962 6 •s '62.2 PIN Denotes Pine etreree /� - - -- ----------- ----ip ( x992.7 / ss2 ssls - r -- --- - -��- a O, \ •9629 / / S J `9 - �f x II x� •982.4 ,g ss .� m _966- Y .999.1 \6 G _ \ \ PINR Denotes Red Pine tree " --------- - - - - -- ------ _ ®9623 \ 'PIN � x965.9 x963.7 9630 9927 sss- j SPCB Denotes Colorado Blue Spruce tree "PIN iA 96x.8 PR "SPR / 965 -� 962 SPCG Denotes Colorado Green Spruce tree m I x I \ / \ / x 994.4 \ - - �- ✓° 1 P a I 9 1.4 x963.4 \ / 966.2 2 -� SPR Denotes Spruce tree m x 963.1 x 9 §2:6 965.8 TC 5 BAS �- X965. I- , 964. I x gg4. I x 963.2 x 962 7 962.6 962.5 - -BJBA 9 ' •986.2 x9645 x964.1 TR Denotes deciduous tree 964.9 N -x963.4 �- x 9965.4 -�.. 966.1 "PIN ; \96 h �-.63.9 / \ x 965.9 CO x '0 I z 96 x 964.6 ' R\ x 963.1 X96 _ _ x 962.5 3. � �62.6� 9626 ®962.2 0)� I S _� f _� I _ _ / x x 964.7 ; 965 ' _� \ 962.4 yP �a 961'7 x 96114 x 963.6 /96A' �- / / 9 TC \ Q.� • 966.2 \ \ i UNITED POWER C. ELECTRIC TR NSMISSION- 'SPCG • 9fi?s 1 pP, 'PIN / ` I / ; LINE EASEMENT PER 421382 �I g.6 'SPR 964.8 w1 / L `� \9 \ / X966- ; d _4 4 s 965.0 \ '-� G 6 ; -� -' • ®965.5 a 965.3 •965.0 2 9'6 P N "PIN \l �'."® \ 962.7 7p y �p I h c0 x 964. I x 964.4 Q' ®gF� �0 966,7 966.3 9 4 \ -✓ 86� 966.0 • 965.7 'PIN 1 ��// �- �0 TC cq . Sp�,,��.- 6 4 967.7 M�+� Sn 6.3 e9�,�9,p66�. 5,,/ ®966.2 PIN PIN r I4'PIN 9628 ' SPR • 966.9 I zC'V �_. - ®96 P N ®966.5 •966.4 - �� "PIN �- x966.5 •966.9 PIq a "SPR 6 6 967.5 •967.31 5,,p PIN S ;r�/t��p PIN'i PIN L N """`��VV�"TTT 1" 1 4 961.2 G x 985.2 BAS x 966.4 AS ®968.2 •� , ®,968.1P1� -- `"PIN L�,V,,,, " �� z"'V'^' 11 X96 A J I x 962.6 '�'�,,/��,pb, 967.7 8' SPR 26 "SPR 6- ,.- ,\961 I 966.5 I N6'"`V"" PI "PIN - 965.2 °' O1 rn I 1 / / 9 6.6 96 / i 65 / \ I 6 .0 963.5 x 963.2 x 963.6 966.6 TC �- / 9 / x 963.0 81.y / xs65.a �9ss.o LANDSCAPED \ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ x 9fi - 65.0 AREA 967.1 ss7. -967-- I / UGE 966.6 TC x �- -OHE t- LGC 999,2 I # 961.3 x 966.8 LP 966.7 966.8 -x 965.9 965.5- - 963.6 x962.9 96 .7 x 964.5 968.7 0 cp / x 966.9 \ =9662 -� - UGC 964.8 964.5 964.1 L_ x 963.5 rn CATTAILS 9 2.4 / RR 7 - - 965.2 964.8 964.6 964.7 \ x 963.1 / OflE- �9fiT.� < x 984.2 \ / 9 .8 96 .8 / \ v, . 966.5 x 964.6 -x 964.2 964.- - =O x 1 a \ x 964.7 x 984.7 \ \ 991.9 I -oHE- xs- \ 965 -966- - -OHE- �+ x963. \ 1 a PP -364.1 9b x 965.3 N 99 x 61 -�, 62.8 8 �/ _/ O�rO TC v x 965.3 OH[= •sJ67c9 -- x 9�3 - x .05_7 -966- <o m x 62.4 962 x 967.1 TCS 67.7 ' g�'l; - rn rn _ 9�61q.2� / x 7.5 �6 I If P / - x 966.7 G - �E x 967.2 67.4 96T.� - 96'7.767.5 987.7 966.9 �� x 967.2 967.5 967.5 �`�- 999.7 =967- - s 7 g66� 9631�- -OHE� 967.1 67.1 -�- ' - 986.1 TC TCS 90" 967.5 - OHE- x965.3 x966.7 96 x967.1 TCS® ®987.8 96 I- � ��. --�x'96� ��!-G/l T�L� -968- 9 .I - 1 / x 964. / / 7 x 967.0 967.5 -968 W.4 -967 967.4x - - - �- 968.6 988.3 - - - 968.3 - - - - 7.3 965.7 691 et 6 O� m 194 -� 967.7 968.0/ / PP- 969.5 -969.1 969.0 - C 00 I 965 . 966 TC 967.6 / 969.1 969.6 g6&y- i1ELP - - 969.5 - OHE 9fi7.� 96TH 6 rnx i / 968.3 968.3 968A -- 958.9 �' 1 �`-U iar-r Nom - 968. 968.3 968- 67.7 967.3 X68.2 6 _ -958.2 -98�r -OHE- 967.9 969.4 69.4 ®_ 969.0 LP 967.0 -O/E- `- 66.3 4 967.4 997.7 B I T U M I N 0 U 967.5 fi s ®968.7 999.4 969- 967.9 T 1 -g 9 9. 969. TCS 867.6 TC TC HCR TC 44 969- TCS 969.1 967.2 966.7 65.8 67.7 968.2 C 111968.6 TCS 5 967.7 TO TC TO 96 .8 H CONC I 68�-' -- 68.3 -968- x`968.0 T 67.8 9 LP 989.0 969.0 68.7 TC 9 TO TC 9 g 66.4 967.7 §8 C ui ` 6, yC.p 8 j 966.1 6 C ®TC .5 9 .0\ 67. 0 TCS 967.7 CONC x G67.7 / _968. 9C8.6 TC8.8 TC9.0 TC TO 8 rn� 967.4 967.5 967.7 TC 967.6 / BLVD8 _ 966.9 TC CB l ST SP TC 9 C7.1 ' 'TCS TC TC ' /d^-10 - x 9� x 967.9 - 9 7.7 967.4 .3 TOP =966. MH X967 -969 - _ x / TOP =966.6 �g68 _ 995.7 j s6�- 9szs 66/ _ �� - - �- - ssa.a 995.9 / BITUMINOUS - ' -- INV= 961.9(ALL) --�- xggg, `969.1 INV =962.4 � � xx 69� 969.2 � � /9 966.6 -966.6 I 966.8 V �) �`" \' - 96 - --- - 967.8 967.9 x� =8.1 x 968.3 968.5 ��� 30 0 30 6O _ _ mx °9ssa 6 x 67.9 967.6 T�zs 967.3 967.2 967.2 SCALE IN FEET TC TC TO 9C6.8 TC8.6 TC7.9 TC7.4 TC TO `" � TC6.8 � TC8.2 68.3 68.7 TC TC TC 967.6 967.9 68.1 TC TO PP ce 966.9 67.1 TC7.4 TC TC TC Z TC 96 TG 6 6 .7 966.7 TOP =966.2 TO TO INV =962.7 I 66 J 1 Dated this 21st day of January, 2016 0 Abc, 66.1 966.6 966.8 L 9 BTL TC - MH BT - TOP= d66.0 INV =949.8 Q 1 Certified by: ??S kHanson, P.L.S. -� -- I Minn. Lic. No. 15480 1 � 1 I JISUNDE Main Office: 9001 East Bloomington Freeway (35W) • Suite 118 Bloomington, Minnesota 55420 -3435 'D s i jWG 952 -881 -2455 (Fax: 952 - 888 -9526) West Office: www.sunde.com Mandan, North Dakota 701- 663 -5562 File:20 /5 /73001_Rl.dwg 0511612019 1 Sheet: 2 Of 10 x 963.3 x 9b`3.L x 962.6 \ x 961.9 \ x 96 2 1 x 960.2 P x 959.8 x 959.6 B / \ \ 960.2 x 960.0 x 964.8 l T G� 959.8 965. C7 C NC \ 964.0 ?1A 964.0 \ \ \ 1 •7 Q'� �O \ \ �t964.0 \ 6 960.5 x 960.1 9 O 96.2 x964.3 (/ S \\ x 963.4 \ 962.5 \ x 961.6 z \ 9600 BUILDING ENTRANCE ELEVATIONS 964.4 964.0 BENCH I 964.4 9643\ Little Mountain Elementary School - - - - 9 60.4 _ _ x 960.1 x 964.7 x 964.8 964.7 9 961.2 960.5 96sr 96�� I Door # Description Elevation(ft.) 965.2 96 S 965.1 964.8 RD CONC 965.2 965.3 5.5 5• 965.2 RD \ 962.7 HYD • 961. 1 Top of concrete outside of door 2 Top door 965.75 965.72 RD 995.2 365.7 BE: BE 965.3 965.2 \ 961.3 5" AS \ \ I �gs1.3 Of concrete outside Of 36.1 DOOR l0 3 •s 9647 964 2 963 5 96'3. I� 984 \ 3 Top of concrete outside of door 965.70 a6a.z x96 3 563.4 / °� 0• ® 64.0 BENCH 4 TO Of concrete outside of door 965.71 x I I I x 960.8 � �x • "SPR x965. TRANS 963. V '.i b33 B H \ p x 959.9 961.1 I x 962. 'SPR / 964.5 I 963.1 963.3 / 963.7 V 984.1 8x ly - -I ON C 965. / / x9 5.1 @ \ x961.5 x981.2 %� 'J TO Of concrete outside Of door 965.71 ® 912. I UGE UGE 9fi 963.4 �0 965.1 65.4 865.4 865.4 LlG£ N 965.7 65.8 V DOOR ll \ \960.Bx x96 I P 964 GM 63.5 963. 963.0 I 61.6 � 6 TO of concrete Outside of door 965.72 PKS I � 63.0 UGC TC 963.7 � TC 65.3 96 . LOADING DOCK \ 1 p I 964.1 965.3 965.8 963.4 9 962. I -- - -__TC _ - -- - -- 963_2 963.3 �, - O 985_3 RD a96 565.7 9645 9639 7 Top Of concrete outside of door 965.75 - -- -- -- - - -- - -- - -- -- fT -- - - - - -- - - - - -- _ 1 \ - -------- --- - -- - -- -- _ 7s.s oD ; &7 995.7 x x �ss3. xs6z.7 8 To of concrete outside of door 965.71 963. G 8 �6 9 963.1 )F 963.1 62.8 ( \ 962.8 p 380.3 63.4 C ,1j� 963.7 964.2 UGC - ,•) r.) 0.7 h x \ C 0.9 ' 993.2 1 963.5 I I f 9 Top of concrete outside of door 965.67 964.4 n DOOR l5 x9 .1 I i 962.9 981.8 x961.6 I x961.2 10 Top of concrete outside of door 965.73 993.7 I I x9fi�l I 11 Top of concrete outside of door 965.74 c'�o rn o x 963 3 963.4 ' / 564.2 964.6 965. 11(-965. P 853 X1965.5 N m m x 960.3 x 960. x 961.9 963.2 I 965.2 LP • y65pL 965.5 1 COL 1COL ,� I 963• 963.1 963.8 TC G CONC 1 ,o I C 963.5 x 98 .6 964.2 965.61 n � 963.8 963.7 I I / R a, I 1 I 12 Top of concrete outside of door 965.73 \ 963.3 96 0 / 964.4 965.5 7 p•? O�j x964.7 x964.21 I 1 1 13 TO Of concrete outside of door 965.73 963.5 TC 963.8 I COL 1965.7 / ''?`' 965.6 I 1 `( I p m I I 963.3 993.9 esa.2 - 965.4 965.6 1BE oos DOOR 9 GP 1 1 I I 1 I 14 Top of concrete outside of door 965.75 o _ 4 963.7 965.5 GP N o3� CONC I \ I 962.9 962.3 m o 1 I 963.9 965.5 � R/( 65.7 1 963.3A 2e 963.2 963.1>E.) 962.9 15 Top of concrete Outside of door 965.78 rn m HCS 8" SAN S (P) COL DOOR l6 /30.7 ? -- m e BE 5.0 \963.3 x 62,9 16 TO of concrete outside of door 965.75 0 ' f� 963.4 963.6 MH(P) ,. 964.3 0 N 965.7 / •9 °'4 965.2 965.3 .3 I p n x 960.3 964.5 C 965.6 '� x 963.3 960.3 x 60. 9820 x(963.0 963. 9fi ' 96 9 / 965.3 WOOD m SAN 7 "BAS I 'BAS 7" 963.2 65.2 PLANTER rn 9 3.9 x ox I 7 96 963.4 963.6 H 964.2 964.7 65.6 CO n 963.8 963.7 \ I x961.8 I x961.6 n MH I TC / N 965 I I 965.2 965.1 \ rn 1\ 964.2 9 4.1 963.6 TC L x 964.4 TOP=96 . I 963.7 TC T 9 .9 P / x 965. I 9fi .3 965.2 INV =94 .7(ALL) I 964.3® 965. 965.2 965.2 x 964.8 \ \ m \ I 963.4 .963.7 HCS 564• 965.5 COL 965. • 5" RAB 65.5 965.1 64.0 964.5 G 965.5 x 965.2 965.2 965. "MP CONC x 963.6 x963.29 9 962.4 a x 9fi 4 m 963.5 963.7 964.3 _ BENCHES m 965.3 EDGE OF 5.2 PTBL N TA IN 1 g 3. � P, OVERHANG 9 b WOOD 6" 965.3 PLASTIC / \ \ x N Ix 9 0.7 x 962 6 x 9fi .7 965.2 x 96 . I WALL X963.7 1 963.4 HCS ® 965.4 965.6 COL CHIPS x 961 8 x g g g z g�0 7 1 96 TC 963.5 963.8 963,9 964.3 963.8 964.5 64.8 6552 CONC 1 z 6 .7 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL \ 985.2 x 865.0 I / \ +1963.6 I LEGEND 964.3 96 .3 x 964.4 964.0 64.0 V 963.8 k963_6 - - - - - C 965.5 1 c0 965.4 5 PLAYGROUND I U KWB 965.5 GO 965.2 x 994.8 J - - 1 W I g6 993.9 corlc KEYSTONE COL o l & 2 STORY BRICK /BLOCK BUILDING xsss.lI EQUIPMENT(TYP) I I AIS Denotes advertisement information sign O, 964. x 8 9655 1 9 965.2 O 964• I -- X963.4 \ BBH Denotes basketball hoop 964.4 4.3 R WALL KWB P 955.2 Z 964. Ix ` M I I 964.0 COL #9350 FA L ON A VE Q' BE x 965 I \ 964,2 963.5 P 963.6 863.8 963.9 0 963.9 6 "SPR 965.3 64.1 / 96 .0 962.4 \ BBQ Denotes barbecue 14 u) HCS >6 964.4 964.5 64.7 65.1 KW65 1965. COL 965.2 x965.3 G� 965.3 J� \\ / \ BE Denotes building entrance 9 °'6 sfi'9 ss3.a 9641 995.5 1� x965.0 \ / 1 \ BH Denotes beehive catch basin rn °i I P U x 960.2 x 960.3 >q 961.9 gg ,g 963.6 963 9 964.4 I 96 .3 85.4 963.2 I I TC LP 964.4 BENCHES '4 1 / 9.0 965.2 965.2 I /963.6 x 963.2 x 962.1 x 962,0 \ BM Denotes benchmark 965.3 965.2 x584.4 x963.4 BTL Denotes beaver tail curb 3 m 965.1 CONC x 964.8 I PLASTIC m 963.7 964.7 963. 964.1 - 85.4 rn t 9655 PTBL WALL w I I I 3.9 /) HCS ® o-� 964.5 N ^i �`� all 994.1 984.4 w 965.6 Gj� coL x g65,q t' • BWB Denotes brick wall base 964.4 -._.6' RAB 965.2 0 c� 963.7 64.0 TC F 5.41 'CRAB `O 965.2 x96 .1 --963.6 963.1 I CB Denotes catch basin o °m 7' BAS gg 964. 964.1 964.3 W • 965.7 '� 65.7 4• \ J` 82.9 962.7 I9 964' \ ry .f �' I °�' rn a' I ■ 960 2 963.6 963.8 / 9 64 5 G I 'CRAB 965.5 ,� 964.11 4'963.7 \ x(963.4 963.3 1' 9 3.0 x 962 4 x 962. xlss 1 \ CBOX Denotes control box CBX Denotes communication box ' 1 • r 963.3 963.3 O J 963.6 J 1 x ■ 960.4 961.0 9 4 964.1 C J 964.5 964.6 965.4 COL 3 965.3 965.4 965.2 965.2 `? 1 I I 2 9667 I I I CMH Denotes communication manhole x C 964.2 964.4 r 965.2 U 965.3 COL .9'p.S /30.7 / COL Denotes building column n a I xl I co 96 .9 65' TO 965.3 965.6 965. /�'T� GP x 964.7 x 964.3 1 963.4 I I I g � n m - � � ` 964.1 Z 965.4 BE o DOOR l 965.7 964.2 964.4 965.4 1 Gpp DOOR 8'� CONC 1 I x963.4 I I CS Denotes curb Stop \ 1 I V 96 .6 964.1 965.2 x 965.6 1 O' 2,1. I m m \�s ss3a 963'9 tp 994.1 994.9 c.) OP o• I; , BE x96 .1 I I CST Denotes concrete step ®960. I x 60.0 x 960. x 1.6 J O) 2- 965.7 963.6 I tower � ssssl®ssss � 999.5 0• a I I I `� 6 .7 964.3 964.4 I COL 1 Rp5'S / \\ 963.2 I 96$.0 962.8 .� "SPR C 964'2 /963.9 963.8 �\ �i 963.IyC 7963. JI CWT Denotes concrete Wall top J� I I cooling wall bottom 2 963. 963.p 1 985.5 °i 964.1 65.2 964.3 984.4 965.2 966.0 COL_ COL 5 � v I 94.0 x 984.5 965.1 LP G 896. x 965.7 962 5 962.3 x 964.5� 963.3 v 964.2 O) 964. TC 96 3 965.5 865.7 DOOR 2 63.1 / x �C x DG Denotes drain grate 964.3 8 -- 964.3 964,5 _ 965.6 9fi Z. /n �ss4o C) � DIP Denotes ductile iron pipe 964.0 964.3 •ss s _ c, I . 97 a h 965.6 "" q) EB Denotes electric box _ ----------------- ---------- - - -- --- - - - - -- - - - -- - -- - - -- - - -- --.- m------------------------------- --------- - -- -- -- - --- --------- 389.2 --- -------- Hi A H ------ 964.4 x 985.5 -- -¢- ----- �96 = 965.6 965.5 s .7 x 964.9 / x 993.2 / l a) EM Denotes electric meter 0 960.1 x 960.0 x gg ,4 96 I x g6 .I 965.5 O .8 '/� RD HHC 965. BE x 963.6 xi ri 90• x Ix 964.1 96 8 964.3 964.5 9 45 96 3 n � 962.9 962.7 EO Denotes electric Outlet n m +111 T6 ' 963.9 964.2 Q TC 964.4 G C) PL 9 65.7 �O O� PS•1 x I I I I 964.1 _ 964.5 •965.9 - -- / FES Denotes flared end section 1 � 9 5.3 C) 8' PL 965.6 965.6 x 965.7 P x 965.5 o,DOOR 6 2 963.7 963.6 -- x_ - - -_ 963.0 x B2.4 FH Denotes fire hookup 964.3 O 965.4 Q' 965.5 0� g 7 A'� 964.2 Q' I 1 964.4 965.4 964.4 964.5 x 964.5 �h' 965.2 965.7 65.7 G - 0 / 963.3 963.1 \ -i• 36.3 DOOR 7 365 ®eBH FOL Denotes fiber optic line 964.1 64.9 Z O m HYD 965.6 96 .7 g 1 963.9 963.3X )'962.8 P 964.5 65.3 965.7 -965.4 965.5 BE 965.4 965.2 965.8 964.5 964.2 \ - -- �962•g FP Denotes flag pole n m 964.3 964 4 965.1 65.6 WV BE 965.2 RD 963.8 1 \ G I I 965.0 O LP ONC RD B 963.3 x963.2 \ G Denotes utter m 964.2 964.5 G 964.5 965.7 965.5 965.5 965.4 oj� `O 965.2 / \ g x960.2 x960.1 x960.1 88 4 1 964. x 4.4 .W TC 65.4 965.3 / GEN Denotes generator w�xl x �' T g 3,g 964'4 •96 .8 964.5 U) 964. xg 5.4 9 .6 TC 965.5 9854 Q'965.5 4) 965.4 CONC 963.7 .963.4 963.2 2.9 962.5 GLP Denotes goal post Q I I w 1 954.2 4' A H 964.5 C RD RD 964.7 / 963. 63.2 '962.9 962.7 1 g P n O M �UI I Di 864'4 964.6 965.0 964.9 TC 965 TC 3 965.5 65.0 1 guard post ucE G "+ x999.4 .992.9 ss2.a GP Denotes gas meter n I I 964.5 965.5 965.3 x962.4 x9625 GRDL Denotes round light m Mi I 1 964.3 964.5 x 965.1 Q 6 I 'BAS Z ON SH 964.4 TC 964.4 TC x 964.9 9 3• 962.5 962.4 9 9 x 96 .4 x 964.4 965.0 965.2 5 / x 963.9 x 963.7 �� g6 564.9 964.6 BEACH 7 "BAS BENCH I GW Denotes guy wire / I ` HCPB Denotes handicap door push button N I P LPG 964.3 � 9 964.7 964.6 965.3 965. I x 964.3 O °„' x' x 960.2 x 960.0 x 960.1 ® x 964.4 64.0 964.4 CO / _ 5.1 x965.1 9sza HCR Denotes handicap ramp LU 64.2 TC 964.3 965.1 965.1 13 x 964.3 965.2 l \ Z 964.9 h' rc orlc ONC ` •7 As HCS Denotes handicap sign GO Q • 981.5 964.5 965.0 x 96 4 �G • 964.9 P 9 0] I I da0 Z�� I �SP \ 964.3 0 �U 6� 994.2 �, 9 DOOR 3 DOOR 5s .7 965.2 a" As 9sas 964.6 I x993.0 x9626 ®9'62.7 x HDPE Denotes high- density polyethylene pipe 1O ¢oN G 964.5 964.6 ,:,- m °� �, �; / BE x962.�spcc I HH Denotes hand hole M it I ®s s \ 964.3 N 964.4x 2 W n t a 965.3 Q J`� / 962.7 HHC Denotes communication hand hole Iy W O 1 964'5 964.4 965.1 964.2 0 u/ �' o \ HHE Denotes electric hand hole 1O - D- \ 964.5 • 96 9 TC x 963.6 O O \ TC 964.1 4' A ] 965.5 x 964.8 C) C\ x 963.8 x x I x960.4 W �Z I- x960.1 x961.2 9623 x964.3 984'2 964.5 964.5 9 4.s x984'2 x964.3 TO 'n �\ x964.3 x9641 / HHF Denoted fiber optic hand hole I 4 964.9 TC/ O 965.4 F Z U C N = � w � o 994.2 � I HYD Denotes fire hydrant Q=O Ld°° ' 1 x 994.5 s64.a jm~ /964/ 964.0 2 965. 9sa.s�J ss4.a \ ®ss2a INV Denotes structure invert w ° vwi °o I I a g m 10 x963.2 \ 963 x9630SPCG x962.7 KWB Denotes keystone wall base Q z w ss4.z ss4.a v) � LA Denotes landscaped area W Q 0_ \ 965.7 x 964.2 0 964.8 963.7 O rn Imo 1 I 964.4 64.0 P I T 965.4 965.3 9651 x964.8 / / / I LP Denotes light pole I �� I TC 984.2 964.3 964. 9 4.7 Q 964.8 9642 \ x 964.3 964.2 / / LPT Denotes LP tank / \ x I 1 x 961.4 \ \ x 964.3 T TC rn 0) 964.7 x964.1 x963.5 x9632 / / MB Denotes mailbox 999.7 x963-9 /963 ®ssz.s MC Denotes metal cover • 960.4 x 959 8 CNA 0.2 1 964. I ' x 963.6 963.9 / ,3 4 5' ASH SH a 962.5 964.3 C 7. 9 5 u, / / a C' m 2 API 960.5 \ \ 9�A 7d0 U 965.4 965.5 '� `° I x963.4 _� PINR I MH Denotes manhole m y SP 964.0 964.2 $ TC `° / m- m� M I \ 964.1 _ z s4.s 8634 I "' '' ss.o MRAL Denotes metal railing V\ OD Denotes overhead door x 960.1 ® 964.3 963.8 \- _96¢ a OC 3 G •(F-Rl x 964.2 ,DOOR 4 964.5 xi U rn k 961.0 63.3\ TC 963.9 30•.3 / A•2 m I m k x I 62.0 \ x960.1 I SPR 984.0 m U OQ 96NG R� 97�A3 x982.5 OHE Denotes overhead electric line rn , \ 964.1 x '� J' O ' 965.7 •/ 2 / x9626 �n \N SPN 963. 965.2 RD 5A6 _ , =3• 54. RD x962.6 x962.7 P Denotes per Ian not field verified `+- 9 963.8 964.5 v �S c+., / 1 � P P �+ 6 I 9 8 \ 62 ®862.2 x 964 2 84 0 964.1 964. TC m TO x 965.3 965.6 96 .3 965.4 965.6 41965.2 •962.3 9� / PIV Denotes post indicator valve ri TO \ \\ 9.7 SPR \ \ C 965. } rn x' / 0 xi 965.7 x 964.1 / "PIN parking 9 m 4.6 \ 2.2 963.7 I C9 a BE 964.8 x962'5 PKS Denotes arkin sign 985.4 \ m 9 4 C I \ \ 963 \980. 960.4 J x961.4 x2.8 '6 '0 vF °•0 963.3 P� I/ I x963.9 / x962.8 PP Denotes power pole 976- m �s?� \ \ TC 963.7 963.8 / 964.3 965.3 I x 963.2 °i 9650 \ x 8' -'&C� _� \ 963.9 1 I ~� Nom` 7 J G #E96 .8 Q' 965.3 964.9 x962.5 x952,5 1 x962,1 PPT Denotes power pole w /transformer x 964.0 x 164.3 TC \ \ m u+ LP G 965.4 x 962.5 g g I 964 - ��9628 -� \ x9642 963.8 639 964. 96 4 I ,L 965.2 1 965.2 965.01 GJ x962.5 PPU Denotes power pole With underground Utility 964.3 TC x964.0 6'6 P 64.1 985• 965.2 965.41 PVC Denotes polyvinyl chloride pipe x964.6 96j•2\ \ x96 963.7 964.5 Op ,g6�NG / G 5 965.2 HYD G�' PINR P Y YI P P s t� x994.4 P ®ssz.s PTBL Denotes picnic table G8 '9 O `0 x 963.6 6q.8 964.2 S J O �' I ® 6 4 C \ \ / TC4.3 ss4. �Ny-cP`' g6 ; RC Denotes ribbon curb n C Lx9 4.3 \ \ x_gg�g / 96 963.6 963.7 / TC I 9� 7 ; 965.2 965.1 x964.6 ' BM #13 x�a.o I 1 RCP Denotes reinforced concrete pipe 965.1 964.9x y 9� /T 964.0 G 965.1 i x 962.3 x 962,2 x 9623 x962.4 x962.3 RD Denotes roof drain 6¢�\ x 964. TC \ TC x 963.6 964.2 ya' / 964.6 x965.3 ' i / / x963.7 x962.5 SAN S Denotes sanitary sewer a 9 R m \/ TC °' 964. 96 .9 x,985.1 x \ /I x 963.7 � 965.1 964.9 � L _/ MH 8_ \ �CS e / 964.6 964.0 x963.7 964.3 / x965.1 I x964.2 / x963.} ®962.1 1 SANCO Denotes sanitary cleanout LL 964.6 TOP -96 .4 \ 962�96.i �g 2x \ T i/ M TC _964-j g6�9 -gs¢ 963.9 5 964.6 \ / 964'9 I- _I 1 1„ 8" W ST S Denotes storm sewer 'y m INV�94 .8(N,5) \ \ / TC TC i LP 'PINR ICs s x964.9 964.9 STC Denotes to of surmountable curb °i x \ 96, 0 GP 964. A x 965.1 96 .5 x / u? \ \ (/ x 964.3 R TO 6 964.7 96x.0 P a � - I.�- � TC $ 963.4 15 9 TC WATER /N£ LOCA7YON -964,8 I TC Denotes to of concrete curb �g6 961.9 � � \ / 965.2 965.3 P x ` 9.T 8 964.1 AS MAR / < a I \ I P 994.3 rc S�+ 994.5 994.1 I / x961.9 562.2 TCS Denotes traffic control sign m 980.3 x\ 964.2 964.0 x 962. I x 962.2 1 x 962 a' 4 96 I x 0 \ 964.7 TC TC 9 g6Ol,I��P'( TC x965.4 x963.5 x962.2 (\ \ TL Denotes traffic light ®961.5 \ 959. \ 964.0 SOP i96�l�O 64.6 x 964.1 �� ; C / \ e 962 4 g 1 PIN TRANS Denotes transformer box '_, y �CYJ PLO 63.8 964.4 TC i 964. I /�/ / x 962.6 I _ HYDII '�Vw��SPR \ I.6� \ "96 963.6 S'� k965.3 / ; \ C {y Bfi3.7 962.9 \ 96 UGC Denotes underground communication line fn - \ \ TC AS 964.8 x 963.9 �.i ? - \96 9 8® "�-- �vv ---"' s 965.3 x 965.4 x 964.2 F T x 962.7 \ m m I 2 \ xg6y�„�8 963.6 TO x985.1 � I f � UGE Denotes underground electric line c rn x x 960.6 9 /_ \ \ \ TO - -� __9 4.1 TCS I PIN i 965.1 i \ 962 pipe x \ 6 ' x 963.7 963.5 � � \ � � VP Denotes vent i e 962 9520 \ \ \x963.2 rc y x994.4 965.6 965.7 ; \ \ W Denotes water line rn 1(I� SPR .9610-9 \ y'� U) ®965.8 i x 964.6 x 963.8 / ___________ , ' I 963.3 \ \ \ 963.5 x962.1 x9620 tr--- -- ---- Denotes water manhole \ �63.3, / Q x 963.3 PIN -a9frk8 961 m / \ 0.9 `7 �G O x964.8 W x965.6 ' x963.4 --- ------------------ - - - - -- WV Dentes water valve m a I m o O C. 5 I \ \ x 960.4 x 96 .5 \S Ve 9 9 O 965.4 t --- ----------\ 2 9fi 1.9 I� \ i _ m ��71 \ TC 66.0 ' _ -----`---------------- ------- ---- -- ---- -- --- -- - - - ---- - -- --963 1 .3 3.0 x 963.8\ Z 965 L'-1 " IN p 965.5 x 962.5 \ • 964.8 �• 96,59 ------------------------- Ix I \ x962.5 \ 98. 965.6 `.• 6 AS ---fir-------- - - - -- - - - - -- 9645 \ 63.9 k 9 9§3:U 6 / I BAS Denotes Basswood tree xsss \v CRAB Denotes Crabapple tree p " 1 6'/ x 960.\ 62.0 •983.1 - -- -- -- -- -- --- C� I x991.9 9910 1 �1 Tc---------- - - - - -- x�gs•6 �; c� 9626 cc HACK Denotes Hackberr tree BE 2.1 9 0.2 x964_2 LP - -- 965. 1 1 963.7 963.8 / 628 P ree CATTAILS 18-RCP -- - " - -- - 965.3 984.8 \ g PCG 82.0 62.0 #___ 965. _ _ _ ----- - - - - -b 9 Z 66. • 966.1 -- -y- 6--- -- ---- -- 'SP R N1 x96 . \ r 'PIN P N1 ---- ---- 9 I. I 9fi 1.3 x 1 � V � _ -- - - x 983 0 - ---- -- -- -- - - -- -- O i x \ 962 6 •s '62.2 PIN Denotes Pine etreree /� - - -- ----------- ----ip ( x992.7 / ss2 ssls - r -- --- - -��- a O, \ •9629 / / S J `9 - �f x II x� •982.4 ,g ss .� m _966- Y .999.1 \6 G _ \ \ PINR Denotes Red Pine tree " --------- - - - - -- ------ _ ®9623 \ 'PIN � x965.9 x963.7 9630 9927 sss- j SPCB Denotes Colorado Blue Spruce tree "PIN iA 96x.8 PR "SPR / 965 -� 962 SPCG Denotes Colorado Green Spruce tree m I x I \ / \ / x 994.4 \ - - �- ✓° 1 P a I 9 1.4 x963.4 \ / 966.2 2 -� SPR Denotes Spruce tree m x 963.1 x 9 §2:6 965.8 TC 5 BAS �- X965. I- , 964. I x gg4. I x 963.2 x 962 7 962.6 962.5 - -BJBA 9 ' •986.2 x9645 x964.1 TR Denotes deciduous tree 964.9 N -x963.4 �- x 9965.4 -�.. 966.1 "PIN ; \96 h �-.63.9 / \ x 965.9 CO x '0 I z 96 x 964.6 ' R\ x 963.1 X96 _ _ x 962.5 3. � �62.6� 9626 ®962.2 0)� I S _� f _� I _ _ / x x 964.7 ; 965 ' _� \ 962.4 yP �a 961'7 x 96114 x 963.6 /96A' �- / / 9 TC \ Q.� • 966.2 \ \ i UNITED POWER C. ELECTRIC TR NSMISSION- 'SPCG • 9fi?s 1 pP, 'PIN / ` I / ; LINE EASEMENT PER 421382 �I g.6 'SPR 964.8 w1 / L `� \9 \ / X966- ; d _4 4 s 965.0 \ '-� G 6 ; -� -' • ®965.5 a 965.3 •965.0 2 9'6 P N "PIN \l �'."® \ 962.7 7p y �p I h c0 x 964. I x 964.4 Q' ®gF� �0 966,7 966.3 9 4 \ -✓ 86� 966.0 • 965.7 'PIN 1 ��// �- �0 TC cq . Sp�,,��.- 6 4 967.7 M�+� Sn 6.3 e9�,�9,p66�. 5,,/ ®966.2 PIN PIN r I4'PIN 9628 ' SPR • 966.9 I zC'V �_. - ®96 P N ®966.5 •966.4 - �� "PIN �- x966.5 •966.9 PIq a "SPR 6 6 967.5 •967.31 5,,p PIN S ;r�/t��p PIN'i PIN L N """`��VV�"TTT 1" 1 4 961.2 G x 985.2 BAS x 966.4 AS ®968.2 •� , ®,968.1P1� -- `"PIN L�,V,,,, " �� z"'V'^' 11 X96 A J I x 962.6 '�'�,,/��,pb, 967.7 8' SPR 26 "SPR 6- ,.- ,\961 I 966.5 I N6'"`V"" PI "PIN - 965.2 °' O1 rn I 1 / / 9 6.6 96 / i 65 / \ I 6 .0 963.5 x 963.2 x 963.6 966.6 TC �- / 9 / x 963.0 81.y / xs65.a �9ss.o LANDSCAPED \ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ x 9fi - 65.0 AREA 967.1 ss7. -967-- I / UGE 966.6 TC x �- -OHE t- LGC 999,2 I # 961.3 x 966.8 LP 966.7 966.8 -x 965.9 965.5- - 963.6 x962.9 96 .7 x 964.5 968.7 0 cp / x 966.9 \ =9662 -� - UGC 964.8 964.5 964.1 L_ x 963.5 rn CATTAILS 9 2.4 / RR 7 - - 965.2 964.8 964.6 964.7 \ x 963.1 / OflE- �9fiT.� < x 984.2 \ / 9 .8 96 .8 / \ v, . 966.5 x 964.6 -x 964.2 964.- - =O x 1 a \ x 964.7 x 984.7 \ \ 991.9 I -oHE- xs- \ 965 -966- - -OHE- �+ x963. \ 1 a PP -364.1 9b x 965.3 N 99 x 61 -�, 62.8 8 �/ _/ O�rO TC v x 965.3 OH[= •sJ67c9 -- x 9�3 - x .05_7 -966- <o m x 62.4 962 x 967.1 TCS 67.7 ' g�'l; - rn rn _ 9�61q.2� / x 7.5 �6 I If P / - x 966.7 G - �E x 967.2 67.4 96T.� - 96'7.767.5 987.7 966.9 �� x 967.2 967.5 967.5 �`�- 999.7 =967- - s 7 g66� 9631�- -OHE� 967.1 67.1 -�- ' - 986.1 TC TCS 90" 967.5 - OHE- x965.3 x966.7 96 x967.1 TCS® ®987.8 96 I- � ��. --�x'96� ��!-G/l T�L� -968- 9 .I - 1 / x 964. / / 7 x 967.0 967.5 -968 W.4 -967 967.4x - - - �- 968.6 988.3 - - - 968.3 - - - - 7.3 965.7 691 et 6 O� m 194 -� 967.7 968.0/ / PP- 969.5 -969.1 969.0 - C 00 I 965 . 966 TC 967.6 / 969.1 969.6 g6&y- i1ELP - - 969.5 - OHE 9fi7.� 96TH 6 rnx i / 968.3 968.3 968A -- 958.9 �' 1 �`-U iar-r Nom - 968. 968.3 968- 67.7 967.3 X68.2 6 _ -958.2 -98�r -OHE- 967.9 969.4 69.4 ®_ 969.0 LP 967.0 -O/E- `- 66.3 4 967.4 997.7 B I T U M I N 0 U 967.5 fi s ®968.7 999.4 969- 967.9 T 1 -g 9 9. 969. TCS 867.6 TC TC HCR TC 44 969- TCS 969.1 967.2 966.7 65.8 67.7 968.2 C 111968.6 TCS 5 967.7 TO TC TO 96 .8 H CONC I 68�-' -- 68.3 -968- x`968.0 T 67.8 9 LP 989.0 969.0 68.7 TC 9 TO TC 9 g 66.4 967.7 §8 C ui ` 6, yC.p 8 j 966.1 6 C ®TC .5 9 .0\ 67. 0 TCS 967.7 CONC x G67.7 / _968. 9C8.6 TC8.8 TC9.0 TC TO 8 rn� 967.4 967.5 967.7 TC 967.6 / BLVD8 _ 966.9 TC CB l ST SP TC 9 C7.1 ' 'TCS TC TC ' /d^-10 - x 9� x 967.9 - 9 7.7 967.4 .3 TOP =966. MH X967 -969 - _ x / TOP =966.6 �g68 _ 995.7 j s6�- 9szs 66/ _ �� - - �- - ssa.a 995.9 / BITUMINOUS - ' -- INV= 961.9(ALL) --�- xggg, `969.1 INV =962.4 � � xx 69� 969.2 � � /9 966.6 -966.6 I 966.8 V �) �`" \' - 96 - --- - 967.8 967.9 x� =8.1 x 968.3 968.5 ��� 30 0 30 6O _ _ mx °9ssa 6 x 67.9 967.6 T�zs 967.3 967.2 967.2 SCALE IN FEET TC TC TO 9C6.8 TC8.6 TC7.9 TC7.4 TC TO `" � TC6.8 � TC8.2 68.3 68.7 TC TC TC 967.6 967.9 68.1 TC TO PP ce 966.9 67.1 TC7.4 TC TC TC Z TC 96 TG 6 6 .7 966.7 TOP =966.2 TO TO INV =962.7 I 66 J 1 Dated this 21st day of January, 2016 0 Abc, 66.1 966.6 966.8 L 9 BTL TC - MH BT - TOP= d66.0 INV =949.8 Q 1 Certified by: ??S kHanson, P.L.S. -� -- I Minn. Lic. No. 15480 1 � 1 I JISUNDE Main Office: 9001 East Bloomington Freeway (35W) • Suite 118 Bloomington, Minnesota 55420 -3435 'D s i jWG 952 -881 -2455 (Fax: 952 - 888 -9526) West Office: www.sunde.com Mandan, North Dakota 701- 663 -5562 File:20 /5 /73001_Rl.dwg 0511612019 1 Sheet: 2 Of 10 °u a a o o e i o i 0 r N I rn 4 C x 9 -9 .I x 61.7 961.7 961.7 _ / 5 _ _ _ 5/� _ 00 II 2 -961 x 954.6 955 BTcs81.2 \�g6 96 s5s\ .�y56� -956 - / �_�-_- -957- �� �� x9 4 �s r _ _ g 9ss 5 _954 sS3 _ 9 I I Top of concrete outside of door 965.74 �. B I T U M I N O U S �o x 960.9 x 960.8 x 960.4 x 960.6 x 9g x 96 �_ / x� - p c_ o o concrete outside o door _ _ R0PERTTL � 959.8 959 8-998- - 13 Top of concrete outside of door 965.73 TO ��' �• �sso -9 996 /�9fi� -96/� � � � � � - EDi;E -OF � / xs58.a � 961 0, x 961.9_ s 960.7 •960.8 959.1 , • •999.9 •9sfi.a�s a. 14 0 of concrete outside of door 965.75 • 961.4 a 960.8 �61MPL 11 MP 12' P -M$WE�81'11s x 959. --�93/ 958.8 958.7 956.1 •957.4 •955. • 954.5 9 •953.6 • _ T < ••y T 7 �'� • 962.0 61.0 • 961.7 ®961.4 •981.2 • 961.4 ° fill SPR "SPR 959. PC SPCG 09 . / ■ 960.7 961.0 "SPR I L "SPR 1 L SPR 958.9 7 959.1 "SPCG -__' ""V"" SPCG "SPCG "SP 6 SPCG -' S P� p 960.6 �o WV 9 - Q B �• gsSPC I MPL "SPR I 'MPL SPR I MP 9592 s2 959.1 •959,5' S 15 Top Of concrete outside of door 965 78 m x 0.2 x959.6 �� , g g,7 ° • \ • 1, SP g,5 16 To of concrete outside of door 965.75 958.5 C `_ 960. x 9 x • 95895 a ® PIN .5 90 �'1 'PIN • • 959.0 • s ® PCG " ®957.8 " p 960.5 SP �`�N - 958.8 / 0 59. PINR 8 SPCG e95SPCG - 58.6CB e957.9 • 961.2 \ 6 x 960.2 ,�,�,�96 a S� 9 • • 95 S R a��SPC58.9 i ® • 9588 / "SPC - W -6 8„ G 959 ® "e1 • 958 ; +7i'PIN / • 958.6 •95SPCG�� "SP =B "SPCG PC0 SPCG SPCT956. x • 8.t� 957.5 •957.4 • e 956.6 X5'56. • s�.��4y • •958.9 "SPR .�^ ° 958.9' SPCG "SPCG -_ -� \ ' o y e-60.5 Sy� •�960.4 t3'®�e� ,�96��0.1 SP PIN "SP 58.7 •9 P1 95pINR / EASEMENT FOR UTILITY AND �fD A AGE = x 9�\ • 959.5 •960.0 a 960.2 •980.4 ®960.6 ®9fi SPCG SPCB L""V'^' SPR 1 "`VO"'° $PR C • 958.7 ; • 95s. • 9586 'PINR "PINR • 959.7 "3��f'_" , PINR • 957.8 Cog( 1.4 / "PIN "PINR PINR SPCB�PINR °"V^Q •959.6 •959.5 °958.8 9 "PINR , _ ' PURPOSES PER DOC. N0. 719827 957.7 _ • 960.0 "SPCB 11 •95 7 •958.6 9 °PIN .e 5 ®958.Q \ 59/ -J SH ro BE •960.2 SPCG 'PINR �� I G SPCG ' • 958.4 x 958.5 S 'SPCG SPR g IN 958.6 EMG x a5y0� x 958.9 x 958.8 957.7 x 957.8 - .9588 9 x 958.9 �968.0- - x958.5 958.4 �`- _ • 959.5 \ 958. 24. ¢ ° 959.4 960 - • 958.8 / �95g� 'SPCG / �!OPiNR •959.9 SPCG ; SP 7" G 960.5 05 ®96SPR "PINR "PINR ` =PIN/ x 958 9 }�� \ BE SHED BEa.z 95•959.7 960.0 •960.1. a 960.6 ' x 99.0 ' � 58.6 958.4 a,3 },�,'�,,•A�,,(r91���59.6 7 "ECG ' / x95g.✓� .5 ®959.2 `""V'^c ��PINR "SPCG c)6 "P1 SPCG "PINR ', C"PINR ,. P U �- --x 1.I SPCG , \ I a • 96 "PIN W L 961.3 _ I I� I x959.1 959 \ x LEGEND ' \ i x 958.7 x 958.8 x 960.6 x 960.4 , ® x 959.7 i 959.0 x 959.0 x 95Q.7 x 958.7 x 960.0 x 959.6 \ x 96.8 958.5 x 958.1 x 958.2 x 958.5 "SPR x959.9 \ x958.8 ( x959.1 x959.7 x959.8 x959.3 I �\ I AI$ Denotes advertisement /information sign x 959. I x 959.9 x 960. I x 958.7 x 958.7 x 958.8 \ / x996.7 xs5ae ; 95$ BBH Denotes basketball hoop 9611 . ..S, x 960.7 i I aI 'PIN SPR N x 960.5 ; , F. m I I \ I \ BBQ Denotes barbecue ' I BE Denotes building entrance • 61.2 ro ®.961:3 5 "PIN x sss.z x 959.5 x 959.4 ( x sss.s I BH Denotes beehive catch basin x 958.7 x 958. P x 960.7 x 959.6 ; i x 958.7 x 958.6 x 957.5 \ x 958.1 x 96.4 - x960.9 x959.5 x959.1 \ x996,8 1 x BM Denotes benchmark m rn I •9 I.3g '2 ; x959.5 \ 1 BTL Denotes beaver tail curb rn x 959.3 x 959.7 x96 , x 959.5 961.3 ao I • 61.2 x 960.4 ;i BWB Denotes brick wall base x Fn m 3 rnI I ® PN "PIN x960.4 x960.6 i �C_ \ I I I 1 I CB Denotes catch basin 0 CBOX Denotes control box w p R Ix I x960.3 I , I CBX Denotes communication box w o o P =�7� •991.3 I �P I 1 I CMH Denotes communication manhole w p I I V= 5. • 9 P1 ( i x 959.3 x 959.6 x 959.3 )a PIA 6 I I 1 x958.7 x958.4 x958.8 I I x958.8 x95.4 x958.1 I x958.5 COL Denotes building column 'PIN 0 x 960.6 x 959.9 i x 959.8 x 959.8 x 959.2 x 957.1 / CS Denotes curb stop rn 9y x 960.7 x 960.3 950.0 x 959.8 CST Denotes concrete step I x9599 x960.2 x960.2 I / CT Denotes cooling tower ; \ I CWB Denotes concrete wall bottom CWT Denotes concrete wall top �I •961.4 x 960.5 x 960.8 x 960.7 , i I 961.3 x I ,°a' "PIN I x 959.2 x 959.6 x 958.9 x 957.,.( / x 958.2 x 958.5 1 I� I I I •961. x960.7 i x959.4 \959.0 x958.5 x958.8 I x959.3 \ x9¢8.3 x957.1 9 DG Denotes drain grate 960.0 i 58.0 x9585 1 DIP Denotes ductile iron pipe EB Denotes electric box Z I II •961.6 I / \ x950.3 I \ I I EO Denotes electric outlet 'PIN a 961.{1 x 961.1 x \ i x 960.4 x 960.3 ' I \ EM Denotes electric meter \ I 961.1 J I x 980.7 x 960.1 mI SPR x960.1 x990.8 / x960.6 1 I 1 ss7.a FES Denotes flared end section 958.4 /5" PVC STS x593 (OFFSET, SOL ED SHUT) FH Denotes fire hookup n I x •981.3 ( x 961.2 x 961.1 1 x 960.7 i x 960.3 x 959.9 x 959.3 x 9 a7 x 959. x 958.7 TP P =958.5 x 959.2 I 958.5 _ 1 1 ` Ce x959.5 I INV= 950.3(S) x FOL Denotes fiber optic line f� _ a � I u� x ` i x 959.4 (E `l 0.s GP Denotes gutter le ,p I SPR I , I INV -949.7 ,W) I GEN Denotes generator 961.4 I I x 961.2 1 \ I INV= a50.8(S,E) \ I to ' I / 960.2 PIN i I ` I / I GLP Denotes goal post x 960.7 x961.5 x9so.e x990.8 ; GM Denotes gas meter ,o x 961.3 x 960.6 � x 960.6 x 959.8 x960.6 x950.4 M960.2 959. 7.7 x958.4 x95&8 x959.6 x999.4 x 59.0 I x96.9 GP Denotes guard post O I •961.2 / \ 1 I x I x s5�.a 997.2 x 997.9 x 9sa l 9 9 x990.3 � I x999.2 GRDL Denotes round light �, I sPR \ ' I I GW Denotes guy wire Z - I 9 9 961. I CJ \� x 961.6 x 961.2 \ 960.9 / \ ; i I I I \ HCPB Denotes handicap door push button • 961.6 x 961.3 \ 61.0 961.1 g6/ ` ; HCR Denotes handicap ram \ P P 9919 "PIN I P / ; ' x ' HCS Denotes handicap sign O X X ; \ ; I x959.1 x958.8 95.5 957.4 x 58.0 x958.3 1 x996.8 HDPE Denotes high- density polyethylene pipe 961.4 ""pN G x961.1 \ X96` x950.9 i I x959.1 x959.5 x959.5 I I HH Denotes hand hole 'a WI I I 961.3 I x 981. I x 960.7 ; x 960.4 960.0 I I x {.g x 958.7 I <p9 I HHC Denotes communication hand hole rn x 961.1 x 961.4 x 961.2 x ; m O1 •961.5 x961.6 961.2 , HHE Denotes electric hand hole x • 961.4 pIN x 961.5 PIN x960.4 x8614 x961.3 6 FT CHAIN X x HHF Denoted fiber optic hand hole 1 x 961.3 LINK FENCE 961.4 G) ; I I °961 e / ui \ HYD Denotes fire hydrant 5I 1 �I 11 xssa.s x9 8.3 INV Denotes structure invert °' I I 961.6 X X 'nl xgg ,g 1 x958.1 I x959.1 x959.6 x959.5 x957.4 x95 9 x958.9 KWB Denotes keystone wall base i x 958.6 959.0 x 958.4 y5 961.7 1 961.6 961.4 \ , I x960.8 LA Denotes landscaped area 95 .9 x 961.6 9961.5 I x961.3 x961.1 y I g p P I I Ir> � I LP Denotes light pole In I I I 961.4 i x 961.3 \ I I 961 a x 78 2 981 4 \ I a MB Denotes mailbox a IN 991.0 x961.3 x961• \ / LPT Denotes LP tank 961.7 961.6 X X 9fi 1.4 ; 961.4 x 961.5 GRAVEL I 6 .5I� I 19. 0961. x 960.3 x 961.6 I , PI ° w 1 x9617 x991.9 991.4 GRAVEL I \ � h MC Denotes metal cover MH Denotes manhole H x959.3 x x996.4 I MRAL Denotes metal railing J C7 , \ ,` c = I I ma ZLUO x961.3 961.5 Lo \10_ }coo ¢ O M 1 X X ; x 961.5 I x961.3 961 0 958.0 � x 958.4 x 958.9 I 959.7 P l x 959.0 x 95 5 x 957.3 Ix 958.1 x 958.4 x 958,7 OD Denotes overhead door m ; C)<to °jam ' x961.5 / a I I so.o o I I 1 I OHE Denotes overhead electric line 'PIN F L� O a 0 1 961.6 x 961.4 ' x 961.9 x 961.5 961.7 ; zoo `` } z x 961.6 991.9 ; � � o (P) Denotes per plan /not field verified ss1. I h IMI Z I z �� x70.9 x962.0 961.9 X X ; °j I / I PIV Denotes post indicator valve BTL ( ° I w= Z. x690.6 x991.6 x991.7 x991.7 W 991.7 I rn ` ' PKS Denotes parking sign cn ci o x991.7 = I PP Denotes power pole ss I a2a M °° X LL 961.6 s/C� \ I I'I x I L'"1�° w / 961.8 w ; x961.5 x961.3 x1961. I x 5! x956.9 x98.9 x959.4 x9597 x959.2 x9588 x918,3 957.0 958.0 x95>�.4 x996 ppT Denotes power pole w transformer I wow o x 991.4 m 958.0 P p w/ transformer N I waa X9'1.6 x 1 I I ( \ PPU Denotes power pole with underground utility MH I / 961.5 I 961.5 961.8 -� PTBL Denotes picnic table - 18" RCP STS TOP =961.4 I N I I I GRAVEL k I I I I I ^ 1 \ •C INV =954.5 J 961.6 961. x961.8 , PVC Denotes polyvinyl chloride pipe °i x9617 x961.7 X961.6 x961.3 I oh, JI- RC Denotes ribbon curb 961_7 I ®96SPR / x 961.1 961.7 x 861.6 x 961.6 961 7 - 961.8 i ; C (BOLTED UT) pipe 9623 991.7 1 l ai RCP Denotes reinforced concrete i e STONE /DGE _ I _ i x 961.7 x961.9 x1961.1 I I \ I x IN =851.6 'C RD Denotes roof drain x 960.6 x 961.7 981.8 20 FT CHAIN y x 961.3 i x 61.2 g x 958.3 x 958.8 x 959.1 x 959.7 x 959.4 x 959.0 8.4 9 6.7 x 957.8 x 958.3 ,� x 958.7 I 8" DIP W -I I 961.8 LINK FENCE -i" ellx + GRAVEL ; I I `57'5 CB (OF SET, BOLTED) ) x ) y� SANS Denotes sanitary sewer �+ 9 ; 6 FT CHAIN \ TOP =9 7.0 143 SANCO Denotes sanitary cleanout DR. / ' \ x 961.6 �E \ ; 961.8 LINK FENCE ; INV =9 I.6 6 FT CHAIN 991.7 m" '�s -62.1 / \ �., STS Denotes storm sewer / LINK FENCE 961.6 961.8 ONCRETE I 9611 C `c� I �-' / \L_ 9 I'8 961'7 991.9 ' x x x x -991.4 CO STC Denotes top of surmountable curb 01 \ • 961.8 BA 96 / 1 X X X X X 82�- 961.5 961.9 g04�' II BAS 2` �- "961.7 961.8 961.8 BENCH 91.6 � 961. 61.7 i I � p TC Denotes to of concrete curb y 961.9 961.6 m BENCH �s1.7 I 1 I TCS Denotes traffic control sign - h _ � 961.7 961.7 m 961.9 962. o q riN x 962. 961.7 °,3 > x 957.61 x 958.5 x 857.1 BTL .962.3 \- I x961.8 x961.7 x961.5 ;961,1 x959.3 x999.3 x , x, TL Denotes traffic light ci n I I BAS x 962.0 ` x 961.8 x 961.7 x 9fi 1.8 x 961.5 _ x 95 0 x 959.8 x 958.9 95 4 9 7.9 x 958.4 5� x992.9 Lp -961 1 �' I I x TRANS Denotes transformer box h m I x 961.9 x 962.0 x 961.7 .__ x 9696 =.6 x/ �Mtl 963 \ 960 UGC Denotes underground communication line h I 962.8 �- ; 958.8 963.1 963.2 x 961.9 /x x 957. a rc - - - UGE Denotes underground electric line Q TC Tc 963.2 \n • 962.1 x 961.1 `' . 960.9 x x 959.6 x 959.3 1 x 959.- 1 0; y Tc \ x9617 x6909 x990.2 -.- � � I I VP Denotes vent pipe a As 1 s W Denotes water line 993.1 WMH Denotes water manhole 3 N,N 4.q x 962.6 x 962.8 x 963.0 x 961.8 1 959.0 x 959.3 x 958.9 x 959 x 5a.o x 9 .a WV Dentes water valve m TO �" ; \ \ I x 958.7 \ x 959.6 / rn L / x 961.7 96/- � i 7k I x 959.2 I � x 857.3 W x 962.9 ( x 961.9 4 x961.9 x961.6 ; x961.3 x99.3 p 963.3 B 862.9 i x 9fi 1.6 x 961.6 x 961.5 x 981.7 9622 TO • 961.3 ) o _ / T rc .9szo / / w£ BAS Denotes Basswood tree N 0 TC2.7 TO 9� -993_ OM/ x9629 1 BAs \ ; ; \ \ .9 WE CRAB Denotes Crabapple tree ,o a 962.5 �962� 1 S �9s2a- N o 962.6 \ \ ; / 9 ' I HACK Denotes Hockberr tree T \ ` US TO 1 992.8 �c 962.7 ` \ I x959.6 x951 I MPL Denotes Maple treeree I I 963.1 962.7 • _ ,� _ �1 � 961.3 x961.5 TO 982.3 TANK 962,7 962.3 x962. \ ; 961'8 xg PIN Denotes Pine tree W V N q x968 g 961.8 x 962.2 LP x 961.8 x 961.9 962.7 962.6x x 962.5 x 962.4 x 9623 x 95 &6 x95&3 x x 958.9 x 958.5 / ,a gs \ •-� x 961.7 61.9 962.8 x 96\4,,6 958.8 x 958.7 xyc�g�g / I x 958.1 962.4 /� ,n 960 I 'BAS 96/. •I 'BAS 2� 964,3 \ I '761.8 _/BE 962,8 i I \ \ x8858.1 9581 PINR Denotes Red Pine tree � 962.7 TC \ll' 8' AS 5 962.9 /CB (BOLTED SHUT) I SPCB Denotes Colorado Blue Spruce tree X959_ .n x �x 96 L2 TO -g62J GcF \ / 962.5 ' \ x •4 \ TOP =958.7 cJ •958.5 -"9-58•D 958.� Q' / x962.6 i 962.9 INV =950.4 / I SPCG Denotes Colorado Green Spruce tree I SPR 939.1 1B°RCP •9g 1.5 C7 x964.7 \ I SPR Denotes Spruce tree x 96 7 J I BAS x 961.8 Q' lyl = �� x 962.8 ; x 962.5 961.9 C'� /5" RCP ST S x 958. I 9 x 960.7 \ 962.4 951.9 \ 1.8 G \ �963� \x 958.9 / P gg,2 957.7 x \ TO TO 8' AS / \ x958.5 x958.3 957.9 x958.0 x958.1 TR Denotes deciduous tree HC 95& Q I 1 \ \ \ -x 95' 8.8 x 958.6 x 958.7 \ c[i 0 x 960. 962.2 961.7 CB 961. 1 I- B" W 1 1 I- B" W I 1 • •9 . 9fi 1.7 TOP =961.2 Q u x 962.6 , i I I I W x X962 961.7 INV =958.6 TO x961.7 M/ "� I "BAS I 9 / 962.9 , ATER L /N£ LOCATION \ x 9 8•� W x 981.9 < .O ry u`� , v`4 9623 962. ; AS MARKED �59LI I lam`" W / /7Np /T . I 2g" RCP \ x 961.8 \Q,s / \ I 1 N m tD �c 'sT •S ONC 962.1 `96'2 961.8 CONC \ 958.9 962.6 m ,��+ x 958:0- 57.9 x 9 8.5 •960.8 x 961.3 x 961.7 `� y TC / x 963.6 ' x 963.8 \, \ / X964- x-964 x 963.7 963.5 961.1 _ x 959.0 x 958.5 °.� -958 SP �- " U x61.9 F o I ; g6A-O- ; x 96 2 \ x 961.7 x 960.5 x 959.3 fig, � x 958.8 x 958.7 x I H D � 62. c 962.2 x 62.0 2__ 968E WV -959 0. I II I / / 962.5 962. °o TO CB _ 961.9 LAP I 962.8 x 962.5 -�_ \ 0 \ \ MH 962.3 962.5 TOP -962.1 TO 962.6 CONC , �j -96 0 TOP 6 I / TO liN 958.4(ALL),1."� 962.6 ; BM O \ \ 22 962.4 964.8 964.9 964.7 I PaK$ INV 4 .�N,S x I 962.3 962.4 962. 962.5 x 964.4 964.7 \ II ( ) I}, 62.2 HCR \ x 964 \ I I - 962.9 O • 962.1 , 965 \ m 9624 \ x 959.2 x 958.7 o x 958.4 / � , \ x 959.5 I / � 962.4 CONC � x 962.E �'9\ 2" PL ; \ x 963.8 x 961.9 x x 960.6 x 959.8 x 958.2 9 8.6 / x 962.1 962. xP 9621 � x 962,9 961.4 O x I x' x 59.5 x 961.3 HCR sls, 961.8 TO O 965.3 ', ; 964. \ x 958.8 x 958.8 I of m x / I <" "`/7" •0.9 / 9625 •963.8 962.8 H \� ', I CONC 965.7 \ \ _ 1 SPR 962.8 962.3 962.5 962.9 962.2 OB \ 9 .4 Z 62, x 964. X1965.1 965.3 965.7 65. BE 965.5 • I � _ 962.8 °fI I °i (U9 0.7 x 958.4 TO 5' AS / 4 L TO TC TOP =9 6 x 962:1\ - TO P I 962.5 6.1 r4 INV =95 2 962.5 TO � 96 � 6 PKS 962.2 � x 962.4 5A 0,2 X9.7 0� 54.6 RD \ \ \ - I I ro O I I °h x x 963.5 963.0 962.5 962.3 \ TC r�2' O I 0•% / \ \ i \ iI� 963.9 � \ a, a; 962.6 962.7 T TO x 962. 962.3 \ x 62.3 ,� /DOOR /3 v 964.8 \ \ \ 959.6 959.5 959.5 1 n n x � 962.6 963.1 TO TO 962�4 I m x 958.3 958.2 9 9.6 961.0 x 961.7 x 962.3 c6 TC \ I �'� \ x560 \ x 962.6 x 962.4 \x O x 961.4 \ \ x 960.8 x 959.8 x 959.4 963.0 962.5 962.6 962.6 964.0 962•' LITTLE MOUNTAIN x 959 / TO • 5 AS 9624 962. = 964.1 � \ W 96 SPR 862'6 962J X763.1 TO -119 x 2.s < EL EMEN TAR Y SCHOOL 964 4 963.5 \ \ 1 I P TO 962.7 O 963 TC2.6 x 962. �2 965.1 x 964.9 \ \ P I •96SPR I / 992.7 rc � l & 2 STORY BRICK BLOCK BUILDING 9628 962.8 963.-9 3.6 962.7 963.3 \ / \C2\ \ \ 963.3 962.9 �, I 999.1 9929 P . 962.6 0 C. a" As 992.7 < (/9350 FAL L ON AVE s \ \ I _ x 958.1 x 958.2 x 858. I x 961.7 x 9624 TQ 982.6 9627 962.8 I 963.1 rO I ( rn 965.2 963.5 \ v / i4 G • 962.0 962.8 962.9 R J TO 9p3'9 \ 963.9 I 963.9 x 963.3 x 9�`3,.L x 962.6 I � \ x 961.9 � �• I SPR / 6 �6 C 962.9 962.9 ; 963. C7� \ x 9 2.5 I \ \ x 96 960.2 �P x 960.059.8 x1959.6 I \I1� g/ 992 962.9 963.0 962.9 •a 983.1 '\ �� -963_ P x 964.8 1-1 / x 960.2 1962 8 m h � G 959.8 x 963.6 963.1 962.8 O m 965. G \ \ 30 0 30 60 9 3.2 962.9 x 963.2 963.7 555 9F;4.0 964.0 \ f0 �� 963.2 964.0 LP C 62. / Gj T 9627 963.1 TC PL TO C NO \ \ \ 1 962.7 x 963.5 6 .7 963.1 \ ,9 rc DooR l2 o 996.0 �_ SCALE IN FEET n � x 959. I x 0 R may 962 9 .8 � ti \ g6 963.0 -� x 0 963.4 WYD -+o �TT 96 0 � x 964.3 s \ 960.0 , X 959.6 x 59.8 I 1.7 963.4 /� s E DOOR l4 BE •7 Q, \ O tp 963.0 963.0 963.3 W 96x.6 \ 96 .2 (i � �, � x 963.4 962.5 \ x 961.6 a' x 960.5 x 960.1 963.0 CONO 963.6 964.3 LWDERGROw, FLEL 963.1 gg2 g p \ \ 1 /�I 962.8 963.0 I2 N 983.1 963.3 $964.4 x964.2 ST_OR_A6_E TANK 9 3.0 TO ZC 964.4 964.0 \ \ 9fi .5 J WV x964.2 spgg T 962.7 TC 8 m 96, BE 963.1 N 963.4 0 963.7 TC4.2 x 1 MHO 'p ®g'ERVATIO _ 963. _ 960.4 x980.1 ro 963.0 Q 963.1 _ _ 964.2 ILL 96 xg a, y x 992.9 TC e e 961.2 - 96 .5 2 963.8 96j x 964. I - - - L - - - JW L TO f� 964.3 x 964.7 x 964.8 \ - \ - - I rn rn 963.1 TO 963.5 `� o \ \ 960.5 x l x I -960.3 x 960.1 / x gg V 7 x 962.3 963. 3.0 I / C 962.8 cad 38� 963.9 964.0 964. q C G 0.0 0� 2.7 SPR 963.1 H 963.2 965.0 x 964.5 983.1 ° °j RD 9 y y' 963. 963.0 Q) :.�2 g6 963.5 T ➢ 965.2 `96.9 965.1 964.8 v 62� Dated this 21St da of Januar 2016 965.3 C 6 "Sb' 96.5.6 49 GAS 96 O� 963.6 96 .9 I 962.7 cyyT b CONC 965.2 5 .5 \ 962.7 \ ■ 961. 963.1 n - o CB 963.1 O) W. 965.2 63.0 GP 965.4 RD 965.2 / 965.2 RD \ HYD 961.3 5' AS 11 963 GAS 96 .3 64.0 4.2 x 984.7 0 "B WB WALL CWB 6 .7 965.7 965.7 BE 965.2 ` - n a9fi .9 �� 963.6 9826.9 965.3 \ BENCH ??�SkHanson, P.L.S. m I =I CB 963.2 m 36/ DOOR l0 36.9 962,4 Certified b ! m in 963.1 S FH i BENCH \ y' rn 9$3.2 x 96 3 963.4 GAS 4•a 962.9x CAS 03"' 9. 964.7 964.2 ® 64.0 963.5 96&J X 960.8 x 959.9 Ix 961.1 x 962. ® "SPR I I "SPR x965. TRANS V 0•�/ b B H \ / 963.7 � 964.1 964.5 8 "W -1 ONC ETC 963'0 9ss. /•V x 5.1 x961.5 x961.2 /� Minn. LIC. NO. 15480 DOOR Jq 0 963.1 963.3 63.5 \. 963.0 I 61.6 ® PKS I I % I ( 963.0 UGr' a <, UCH TC 963.4 963.7 964 TC5.1 965.4 965.4 `965'4 C/G£ N 965.7 65.8 OM / \960.ax I 96 964 1 65.3 � 965.396 ' LOADING DOCK 965.8 9 .� 963.4 962.9 962. \ S UNDE Main Office: 9001 East Bloomington Freeway (35W) • Suite 118 Bloomington, Minnesota 55420 -3435 DSi �G 952 -881 -2455 (Fax: 952 - 888 -9526) West Office: www.sunde.com Mandan, North Dakota 701- 663 -5562 Flle:2015 /73001_R1.dwg 0511612016 Sneer: 3 of 10 MH TOq' =958.6 I 1 INVI =944.7 BUILDING ENTRANCE ELEVATIONS Little Mountain Elementary School 5ANS 1 MH TOP= 0.9 INV= 953.8(E,W) Door # Description Elevation(ft.) G x 958.4 I Top of concrete outside of door 965.75 05.2 = -958.1 953.5 x-97; I x 956.7 x 956.4 x 956.6 2 Top of concrete outside of door 965.72 0. 8� /x \ s 5�9i - / \ --;-956�3 � -956- 3 Top Of concrete outside of door 4 Top of concrete outside of door 965.70 965.71 to x 97.9 x95 &9 - - x-959.0 x958.8 / x9.6 - -}- - - 5 Top of concrete outside of door 965.71 955 �9s��. - - y 9 I' -1 x °ts.3 -- -95.9- 959.0 9536 ._ -- GE -9F- -- 6 Top of concrete outside of door 965.72 4 1 1 �s58�5 \ \ \ Xl l l -957� x95 X956- x953.6 - - - �- 1 �9s4� !1 953.3 -954- s5�fi - - - _953_ - - - MOWED _ _ =- �g52- GR7�ss 7 Top of concrete outside of door _ 8 Top of concrete outside of door 965.75 965.71 Q, ssz.1 W 9�2 0 - - ss�Z.o \ 1 \ x 961 5 962. 6X961.9 961.9 961.6 x 955 5 - _ - 955 49 = ="sue - x 954.2 - �s3�- x953.5 -954- --- �_ _� - 952. X951.6 - 9 950.3 _� 9 Top of concrete outside of door 10 Top of concrete outside of door 965.67 96573 I rn 4 C x 9 -9 .I x 61.7 961.7 961.7 _ / 5 _ _ _ 5/� _ 00 II 2 -961 x 954.6 955 BTcs81.2 \�g6 96 s5s\ .�y56� -956 - / �_�-_- -957- �� �� x9 4 �s r _ _ g 9ss 5 _954 sS3 _ 9 I I Top of concrete outside of door 965.74 �. B I T U M I N O U S �o x 960.9 x 960.8 x 960.4 x 960.6 x 9g x 96 �_ / x� - p c_ o o concrete outside o door _ _ R0PERTTL � 959.8 959 8-998- - 13 Top of concrete outside of door 965.73 TO ��' �• �sso -9 996 /�9fi� -96/� � � � � � - EDi;E -OF � / xs58.a � 961 0, x 961.9_ s 960.7 •960.8 959.1 , • •999.9 •9sfi.a�s a. 14 0 of concrete outside of door 965.75 • 961.4 a 960.8 �61MPL 11 MP 12' P -M$WE�81'11s x 959. --�93/ 958.8 958.7 956.1 •957.4 •955. • 954.5 9 •953.6 • _ T < ••y T 7 �'� • 962.0 61.0 • 961.7 ®961.4 •981.2 • 961.4 ° fill SPR "SPR 959. PC SPCG 09 . / ■ 960.7 961.0 "SPR I L "SPR 1 L SPR 958.9 7 959.1 "SPCG -__' ""V"" SPCG "SPCG "SP 6 SPCG -' S P� p 960.6 �o WV 9 - Q B �• gsSPC I MPL "SPR I 'MPL SPR I MP 9592 s2 959.1 •959,5' S 15 Top Of concrete outside of door 965 78 m x 0.2 x959.6 �� , g g,7 ° • \ • 1, SP g,5 16 To of concrete outside of door 965.75 958.5 C `_ 960. x 9 x • 95895 a ® PIN .5 90 �'1 'PIN • • 959.0 • s ® PCG " ®957.8 " p 960.5 SP �`�N - 958.8 / 0 59. PINR 8 SPCG e95SPCG - 58.6CB e957.9 • 961.2 \ 6 x 960.2 ,�,�,�96 a S� 9 • • 95 S R a��SPC58.9 i ® • 9588 / "SPC - W -6 8„ G 959 ® "e1 • 958 ; +7i'PIN / • 958.6 •95SPCG�� "SP =B "SPCG PC0 SPCG SPCT956. x • 8.t� 957.5 •957.4 • e 956.6 X5'56. • s�.��4y • •958.9 "SPR .�^ ° 958.9' SPCG "SPCG -_ -� \ ' o y e-60.5 Sy� •�960.4 t3'®�e� ,�96��0.1 SP PIN "SP 58.7 •9 P1 95pINR / EASEMENT FOR UTILITY AND �fD A AGE = x 9�\ • 959.5 •960.0 a 960.2 •980.4 ®960.6 ®9fi SPCG SPCB L""V'^' SPR 1 "`VO"'° $PR C • 958.7 ; • 95s. • 9586 'PINR "PINR • 959.7 "3��f'_" , PINR • 957.8 Cog( 1.4 / "PIN "PINR PINR SPCB�PINR °"V^Q •959.6 •959.5 °958.8 9 "PINR , _ ' PURPOSES PER DOC. N0. 719827 957.7 _ • 960.0 "SPCB 11 •95 7 •958.6 9 °PIN .e 5 ®958.Q \ 59/ -J SH ro BE •960.2 SPCG 'PINR �� I G SPCG ' • 958.4 x 958.5 S 'SPCG SPR g IN 958.6 EMG x a5y0� x 958.9 x 958.8 957.7 x 957.8 - .9588 9 x 958.9 �968.0- - x958.5 958.4 �`- _ • 959.5 \ 958. 24. ¢ ° 959.4 960 - • 958.8 / �95g� 'SPCG / �!OPiNR •959.9 SPCG ; SP 7" G 960.5 05 ®96SPR "PINR "PINR ` =PIN/ x 958 9 }�� \ BE SHED BEa.z 95•959.7 960.0 •960.1. a 960.6 ' x 99.0 ' � 58.6 958.4 a,3 },�,'�,,•A�,,(r91���59.6 7 "ECG ' / x95g.✓� .5 ®959.2 `""V'^c ��PINR "SPCG c)6 "P1 SPCG "PINR ', C"PINR ,. P U �- --x 1.I SPCG , \ I a • 96 "PIN W L 961.3 _ I I� I x959.1 959 \ x LEGEND ' \ i x 958.7 x 958.8 x 960.6 x 960.4 , ® x 959.7 i 959.0 x 959.0 x 95Q.7 x 958.7 x 960.0 x 959.6 \ x 96.8 958.5 x 958.1 x 958.2 x 958.5 "SPR x959.9 \ x958.8 ( x959.1 x959.7 x959.8 x959.3 I �\ I AI$ Denotes advertisement /information sign x 959. I x 959.9 x 960. I x 958.7 x 958.7 x 958.8 \ / x996.7 xs5ae ; 95$ BBH Denotes basketball hoop 9611 . ..S, x 960.7 i I aI 'PIN SPR N x 960.5 ; , F. m I I \ I \ BBQ Denotes barbecue ' I BE Denotes building entrance • 61.2 ro ®.961:3 5 "PIN x sss.z x 959.5 x 959.4 ( x sss.s I BH Denotes beehive catch basin x 958.7 x 958. P x 960.7 x 959.6 ; i x 958.7 x 958.6 x 957.5 \ x 958.1 x 96.4 - x960.9 x959.5 x959.1 \ x996,8 1 x BM Denotes benchmark m rn I •9 I.3g '2 ; x959.5 \ 1 BTL Denotes beaver tail curb rn x 959.3 x 959.7 x96 , x 959.5 961.3 ao I • 61.2 x 960.4 ;i BWB Denotes brick wall base x Fn m 3 rnI I ® PN "PIN x960.4 x960.6 i �C_ \ I I I 1 I CB Denotes catch basin 0 CBOX Denotes control box w p R Ix I x960.3 I , I CBX Denotes communication box w o o P =�7� •991.3 I �P I 1 I CMH Denotes communication manhole w p I I V= 5. • 9 P1 ( i x 959.3 x 959.6 x 959.3 )a PIA 6 I I 1 x958.7 x958.4 x958.8 I I x958.8 x95.4 x958.1 I x958.5 COL Denotes building column 'PIN 0 x 960.6 x 959.9 i x 959.8 x 959.8 x 959.2 x 957.1 / CS Denotes curb stop rn 9y x 960.7 x 960.3 950.0 x 959.8 CST Denotes concrete step I x9599 x960.2 x960.2 I / CT Denotes cooling tower ; \ I CWB Denotes concrete wall bottom CWT Denotes concrete wall top �I •961.4 x 960.5 x 960.8 x 960.7 , i I 961.3 x I ,°a' "PIN I x 959.2 x 959.6 x 958.9 x 957.,.( / x 958.2 x 958.5 1 I� I I I •961. x960.7 i x959.4 \959.0 x958.5 x958.8 I x959.3 \ x9¢8.3 x957.1 9 DG Denotes drain grate 960.0 i 58.0 x9585 1 DIP Denotes ductile iron pipe EB Denotes electric box Z I II •961.6 I / \ x950.3 I \ I I EO Denotes electric outlet 'PIN a 961.{1 x 961.1 x \ i x 960.4 x 960.3 ' I \ EM Denotes electric meter \ I 961.1 J I x 980.7 x 960.1 mI SPR x960.1 x990.8 / x960.6 1 I 1 ss7.a FES Denotes flared end section 958.4 /5" PVC STS x593 (OFFSET, SOL ED SHUT) FH Denotes fire hookup n I x •981.3 ( x 961.2 x 961.1 1 x 960.7 i x 960.3 x 959.9 x 959.3 x 9 a7 x 959. x 958.7 TP P =958.5 x 959.2 I 958.5 _ 1 1 ` Ce x959.5 I INV= 950.3(S) x FOL Denotes fiber optic line f� _ a � I u� x ` i x 959.4 (E `l 0.s GP Denotes gutter le ,p I SPR I , I INV -949.7 ,W) I GEN Denotes generator 961.4 I I x 961.2 1 \ I INV= a50.8(S,E) \ I to ' I / 960.2 PIN i I ` I / I GLP Denotes goal post x 960.7 x961.5 x9so.e x990.8 ; GM Denotes gas meter ,o x 961.3 x 960.6 � x 960.6 x 959.8 x960.6 x950.4 M960.2 959. 7.7 x958.4 x95&8 x959.6 x999.4 x 59.0 I x96.9 GP Denotes guard post O I •961.2 / \ 1 I x I x s5�.a 997.2 x 997.9 x 9sa l 9 9 x990.3 � I x999.2 GRDL Denotes round light �, I sPR \ ' I I GW Denotes guy wire Z - I 9 9 961. I CJ \� x 961.6 x 961.2 \ 960.9 / \ ; i I I I \ HCPB Denotes handicap door push button • 961.6 x 961.3 \ 61.0 961.1 g6/ ` ; HCR Denotes handicap ram \ P P 9919 "PIN I P / ; ' x ' HCS Denotes handicap sign O X X ; \ ; I x959.1 x958.8 95.5 957.4 x 58.0 x958.3 1 x996.8 HDPE Denotes high- density polyethylene pipe 961.4 ""pN G x961.1 \ X96` x950.9 i I x959.1 x959.5 x959.5 I I HH Denotes hand hole 'a WI I I 961.3 I x 981. I x 960.7 ; x 960.4 960.0 I I x {.g x 958.7 I <p9 I HHC Denotes communication hand hole rn x 961.1 x 961.4 x 961.2 x ; m O1 •961.5 x961.6 961.2 , HHE Denotes electric hand hole x • 961.4 pIN x 961.5 PIN x960.4 x8614 x961.3 6 FT CHAIN X x HHF Denoted fiber optic hand hole 1 x 961.3 LINK FENCE 961.4 G) ; I I °961 e / ui \ HYD Denotes fire hydrant 5I 1 �I 11 xssa.s x9 8.3 INV Denotes structure invert °' I I 961.6 X X 'nl xgg ,g 1 x958.1 I x959.1 x959.6 x959.5 x957.4 x95 9 x958.9 KWB Denotes keystone wall base i x 958.6 959.0 x 958.4 y5 961.7 1 961.6 961.4 \ , I x960.8 LA Denotes landscaped area 95 .9 x 961.6 9961.5 I x961.3 x961.1 y I g p P I I Ir> � I LP Denotes light pole In I I I 961.4 i x 961.3 \ I I 961 a x 78 2 981 4 \ I a MB Denotes mailbox a IN 991.0 x961.3 x961• \ / LPT Denotes LP tank 961.7 961.6 X X 9fi 1.4 ; 961.4 x 961.5 GRAVEL I 6 .5I� I 19. 0961. x 960.3 x 961.6 I , PI ° w 1 x9617 x991.9 991.4 GRAVEL I \ � h MC Denotes metal cover MH Denotes manhole H x959.3 x x996.4 I MRAL Denotes metal railing J C7 , \ ,` c = I I ma ZLUO x961.3 961.5 Lo \10_ }coo ¢ O M 1 X X ; x 961.5 I x961.3 961 0 958.0 � x 958.4 x 958.9 I 959.7 P l x 959.0 x 95 5 x 957.3 Ix 958.1 x 958.4 x 958,7 OD Denotes overhead door m ; C)<to °jam ' x961.5 / a I I so.o o I I 1 I OHE Denotes overhead electric line 'PIN F L� O a 0 1 961.6 x 961.4 ' x 961.9 x 961.5 961.7 ; zoo `` } z x 961.6 991.9 ; � � o (P) Denotes per plan /not field verified ss1. I h IMI Z I z �� x70.9 x962.0 961.9 X X ; °j I / I PIV Denotes post indicator valve BTL ( ° I w= Z. x690.6 x991.6 x991.7 x991.7 W 991.7 I rn ` ' PKS Denotes parking sign cn ci o x991.7 = I PP Denotes power pole ss I a2a M °° X LL 961.6 s/C� \ I I'I x I L'"1�° w / 961.8 w ; x961.5 x961.3 x1961. I x 5! x956.9 x98.9 x959.4 x9597 x959.2 x9588 x918,3 957.0 958.0 x95>�.4 x996 ppT Denotes power pole w transformer I wow o x 991.4 m 958.0 P p w/ transformer N I waa X9'1.6 x 1 I I ( \ PPU Denotes power pole with underground utility MH I / 961.5 I 961.5 961.8 -� PTBL Denotes picnic table - 18" RCP STS TOP =961.4 I N I I I GRAVEL k I I I I I ^ 1 \ •C INV =954.5 J 961.6 961. x961.8 , PVC Denotes polyvinyl chloride pipe °i x9617 x961.7 X961.6 x961.3 I oh, JI- RC Denotes ribbon curb 961_7 I ®96SPR / x 961.1 961.7 x 861.6 x 961.6 961 7 - 961.8 i ; C (BOLTED UT) pipe 9623 991.7 1 l ai RCP Denotes reinforced concrete i e STONE /DGE _ I _ i x 961.7 x961.9 x1961.1 I I \ I x IN =851.6 'C RD Denotes roof drain x 960.6 x 961.7 981.8 20 FT CHAIN y x 961.3 i x 61.2 g x 958.3 x 958.8 x 959.1 x 959.7 x 959.4 x 959.0 8.4 9 6.7 x 957.8 x 958.3 ,� x 958.7 I 8" DIP W -I I 961.8 LINK FENCE -i" ellx + GRAVEL ; I I `57'5 CB (OF SET, BOLTED) ) x ) y� SANS Denotes sanitary sewer �+ 9 ; 6 FT CHAIN \ TOP =9 7.0 143 SANCO Denotes sanitary cleanout DR. / ' \ x 961.6 �E \ ; 961.8 LINK FENCE ; INV =9 I.6 6 FT CHAIN 991.7 m" '�s -62.1 / \ �., STS Denotes storm sewer / LINK FENCE 961.6 961.8 ONCRETE I 9611 C `c� I �-' / \L_ 9 I'8 961'7 991.9 ' x x x x -991.4 CO STC Denotes top of surmountable curb 01 \ • 961.8 BA 96 / 1 X X X X X 82�- 961.5 961.9 g04�' II BAS 2` �- "961.7 961.8 961.8 BENCH 91.6 � 961. 61.7 i I � p TC Denotes to of concrete curb y 961.9 961.6 m BENCH �s1.7 I 1 I TCS Denotes traffic control sign - h _ � 961.7 961.7 m 961.9 962. o q riN x 962. 961.7 °,3 > x 957.61 x 958.5 x 857.1 BTL .962.3 \- I x961.8 x961.7 x961.5 ;961,1 x959.3 x999.3 x , x, TL Denotes traffic light ci n I I BAS x 962.0 ` x 961.8 x 961.7 x 9fi 1.8 x 961.5 _ x 95 0 x 959.8 x 958.9 95 4 9 7.9 x 958.4 5� x992.9 Lp -961 1 �' I I x TRANS Denotes transformer box h m I x 961.9 x 962.0 x 961.7 .__ x 9696 =.6 x/ �Mtl 963 \ 960 UGC Denotes underground communication line h I 962.8 �- ; 958.8 963.1 963.2 x 961.9 /x x 957. a rc - - - UGE Denotes underground electric line Q TC Tc 963.2 \n • 962.1 x 961.1 `' . 960.9 x x 959.6 x 959.3 1 x 959.- 1 0; y Tc \ x9617 x6909 x990.2 -.- � � I I VP Denotes vent pipe a As 1 s W Denotes water line 993.1 WMH Denotes water manhole 3 N,N 4.q x 962.6 x 962.8 x 963.0 x 961.8 1 959.0 x 959.3 x 958.9 x 959 x 5a.o x 9 .a WV Dentes water valve m TO �" ; \ \ I x 958.7 \ x 959.6 / rn L / x 961.7 96/- � i 7k I x 959.2 I � x 857.3 W x 962.9 ( x 961.9 4 x961.9 x961.6 ; x961.3 x99.3 p 963.3 B 862.9 i x 9fi 1.6 x 961.6 x 961.5 x 981.7 9622 TO • 961.3 ) o _ / T rc .9szo / / w£ BAS Denotes Basswood tree N 0 TC2.7 TO 9� -993_ OM/ x9629 1 BAs \ ; ; \ \ .9 WE CRAB Denotes Crabapple tree ,o a 962.5 �962� 1 S �9s2a- N o 962.6 \ \ ; / 9 ' I HACK Denotes Hockberr tree T \ ` US TO 1 992.8 �c 962.7 ` \ I x959.6 x951 I MPL Denotes Maple treeree I I 963.1 962.7 • _ ,� _ �1 � 961.3 x961.5 TO 982.3 TANK 962,7 962.3 x962. \ ; 961'8 xg PIN Denotes Pine tree W V N q x968 g 961.8 x 962.2 LP x 961.8 x 961.9 962.7 962.6x x 962.5 x 962.4 x 9623 x 95 &6 x95&3 x x 958.9 x 958.5 / ,a gs \ •-� x 961.7 61.9 962.8 x 96\4,,6 958.8 x 958.7 xyc�g�g / I x 958.1 962.4 /� ,n 960 I 'BAS 96/. •I 'BAS 2� 964,3 \ I '761.8 _/BE 962,8 i I \ \ x8858.1 9581 PINR Denotes Red Pine tree � 962.7 TC \ll' 8' AS 5 962.9 /CB (BOLTED SHUT) I SPCB Denotes Colorado Blue Spruce tree X959_ .n x �x 96 L2 TO -g62J GcF \ / 962.5 ' \ x •4 \ TOP =958.7 cJ •958.5 -"9-58•D 958.� Q' / x962.6 i 962.9 INV =950.4 / I SPCG Denotes Colorado Green Spruce tree I SPR 939.1 1B°RCP •9g 1.5 C7 x964.7 \ I SPR Denotes Spruce tree x 96 7 J I BAS x 961.8 Q' lyl = �� x 962.8 ; x 962.5 961.9 C'� /5" RCP ST S x 958. I 9 x 960.7 \ 962.4 951.9 \ 1.8 G \ �963� \x 958.9 / P gg,2 957.7 x \ TO TO 8' AS / \ x958.5 x958.3 957.9 x958.0 x958.1 TR Denotes deciduous tree HC 95& Q I 1 \ \ \ -x 95' 8.8 x 958.6 x 958.7 \ c[i 0 x 960. 962.2 961.7 CB 961. 1 I- B" W 1 1 I- B" W I 1 • •9 . 9fi 1.7 TOP =961.2 Q u x 962.6 , i I I I W x X962 961.7 INV =958.6 TO x961.7 M/ "� I "BAS I 9 / 962.9 , ATER L /N£ LOCATION \ x 9 8•� W x 981.9 < .O ry u`� , v`4 9623 962. ; AS MARKED �59LI I lam`" W / /7Np /T . I 2g" RCP \ x 961.8 \Q,s / \ I 1 N m tD �c 'sT •S ONC 962.1 `96'2 961.8 CONC \ 958.9 962.6 m ,��+ x 958:0- 57.9 x 9 8.5 •960.8 x 961.3 x 961.7 `� y TC / x 963.6 ' x 963.8 \, \ / X964- x-964 x 963.7 963.5 961.1 _ x 959.0 x 958.5 °.� -958 SP �- " U x61.9 F o I ; g6A-O- ; x 96 2 \ x 961.7 x 960.5 x 959.3 fig, � x 958.8 x 958.7 x I H D � 62. c 962.2 x 62.0 2__ 968E WV -959 0. I II I / / 962.5 962. °o TO CB _ 961.9 LAP I 962.8 x 962.5 -�_ \ 0 \ \ MH 962.3 962.5 TOP -962.1 TO 962.6 CONC , �j -96 0 TOP 6 I / TO liN 958.4(ALL),1."� 962.6 ; BM O \ \ 22 962.4 964.8 964.9 964.7 I PaK$ INV 4 .�N,S x I 962.3 962.4 962. 962.5 x 964.4 964.7 \ II ( ) I}, 62.2 HCR \ x 964 \ I I - 962.9 O • 962.1 , 965 \ m 9624 \ x 959.2 x 958.7 o x 958.4 / � , \ x 959.5 I / � 962.4 CONC � x 962.E �'9\ 2" PL ; \ x 963.8 x 961.9 x x 960.6 x 959.8 x 958.2 9 8.6 / x 962.1 962. xP 9621 � x 962,9 961.4 O x I x' x 59.5 x 961.3 HCR sls, 961.8 TO O 965.3 ', ; 964. \ x 958.8 x 958.8 I of m x / I <" "`/7" •0.9 / 9625 •963.8 962.8 H \� ', I CONC 965.7 \ \ _ 1 SPR 962.8 962.3 962.5 962.9 962.2 OB \ 9 .4 Z 62, x 964. X1965.1 965.3 965.7 65. BE 965.5 • I � _ 962.8 °fI I °i (U9 0.7 x 958.4 TO 5' AS / 4 L TO TC TOP =9 6 x 962:1\ - TO P I 962.5 6.1 r4 INV =95 2 962.5 TO � 96 � 6 PKS 962.2 � x 962.4 5A 0,2 X9.7 0� 54.6 RD \ \ \ - I I ro O I I °h x x 963.5 963.0 962.5 962.3 \ TC r�2' O I 0•% / \ \ i \ iI� 963.9 � \ a, a; 962.6 962.7 T TO x 962. 962.3 \ x 62.3 ,� /DOOR /3 v 964.8 \ \ \ 959.6 959.5 959.5 1 n n x � 962.6 963.1 TO TO 962�4 I m x 958.3 958.2 9 9.6 961.0 x 961.7 x 962.3 c6 TC \ I �'� \ x560 \ x 962.6 x 962.4 \x O x 961.4 \ \ x 960.8 x 959.8 x 959.4 963.0 962.5 962.6 962.6 964.0 962•' LITTLE MOUNTAIN x 959 / TO • 5 AS 9624 962. = 964.1 � \ W 96 SPR 862'6 962J X763.1 TO -119 x 2.s < EL EMEN TAR Y SCHOOL 964 4 963.5 \ \ 1 I P TO 962.7 O 963 TC2.6 x 962. �2 965.1 x 964.9 \ \ P I •96SPR I / 992.7 rc � l & 2 STORY BRICK BLOCK BUILDING 9628 962.8 963.-9 3.6 962.7 963.3 \ / \C2\ \ \ 963.3 962.9 �, I 999.1 9929 P . 962.6 0 C. a" As 992.7 < (/9350 FAL L ON AVE s \ \ I _ x 958.1 x 958.2 x 858. I x 961.7 x 9624 TQ 982.6 9627 962.8 I 963.1 rO I ( rn 965.2 963.5 \ v / i4 G • 962.0 962.8 962.9 R J TO 9p3'9 \ 963.9 I 963.9 x 963.3 x 9�`3,.L x 962.6 I � \ x 961.9 � �• I SPR / 6 �6 C 962.9 962.9 ; 963. C7� \ x 9 2.5 I \ \ x 96 960.2 �P x 960.059.8 x1959.6 I \I1� g/ 992 962.9 963.0 962.9 •a 983.1 '\ �� -963_ P x 964.8 1-1 / x 960.2 1962 8 m h � G 959.8 x 963.6 963.1 962.8 O m 965. G \ \ 30 0 30 60 9 3.2 962.9 x 963.2 963.7 555 9F;4.0 964.0 \ f0 �� 963.2 964.0 LP C 62. / Gj T 9627 963.1 TC PL TO C NO \ \ \ 1 962.7 x 963.5 6 .7 963.1 \ ,9 rc DooR l2 o 996.0 �_ SCALE IN FEET n � x 959. I x 0 R may 962 9 .8 � ti \ g6 963.0 -� x 0 963.4 WYD -+o �TT 96 0 � x 964.3 s \ 960.0 , X 959.6 x 59.8 I 1.7 963.4 /� s E DOOR l4 BE •7 Q, \ O tp 963.0 963.0 963.3 W 96x.6 \ 96 .2 (i � �, � x 963.4 962.5 \ x 961.6 a' x 960.5 x 960.1 963.0 CONO 963.6 964.3 LWDERGROw, FLEL 963.1 gg2 g p \ \ 1 /�I 962.8 963.0 I2 N 983.1 963.3 $964.4 x964.2 ST_OR_A6_E TANK 9 3.0 TO ZC 964.4 964.0 \ \ 9fi .5 J WV x964.2 spgg T 962.7 TC 8 m 96, BE 963.1 N 963.4 0 963.7 TC4.2 x 1 MHO 'p ®g'ERVATIO _ 963. _ 960.4 x980.1 ro 963.0 Q 963.1 _ _ 964.2 ILL 96 xg a, y x 992.9 TC e e 961.2 - 96 .5 2 963.8 96j x 964. I - - - L - - - JW L TO f� 964.3 x 964.7 x 964.8 \ - \ - - I rn rn 963.1 TO 963.5 `� o \ \ 960.5 x l x I -960.3 x 960.1 / x gg V 7 x 962.3 963. 3.0 I / C 962.8 cad 38� 963.9 964.0 964. q C G 0.0 0� 2.7 SPR 963.1 H 963.2 965.0 x 964.5 983.1 ° °j RD 9 y y' 963. 963.0 Q) :.�2 g6 963.5 T ➢ 965.2 `96.9 965.1 964.8 v 62� Dated this 21St da of Januar 2016 965.3 C 6 "Sb' 96.5.6 49 GAS 96 O� 963.6 96 .9 I 962.7 cyyT b CONC 965.2 5 .5 \ 962.7 \ ■ 961. 963.1 n - o CB 963.1 O) W. 965.2 63.0 GP 965.4 RD 965.2 / 965.2 RD \ HYD 961.3 5' AS 11 963 GAS 96 .3 64.0 4.2 x 984.7 0 "B WB WALL CWB 6 .7 965.7 965.7 BE 965.2 ` - n a9fi .9 �� 963.6 9826.9 965.3 \ BENCH ??�SkHanson, P.L.S. m I =I CB 963.2 m 36/ DOOR l0 36.9 962,4 Certified b ! m in 963.1 S FH i BENCH \ y' rn 9$3.2 x 96 3 963.4 GAS 4•a 962.9x CAS 03"' 9. 964.7 964.2 ® 64.0 963.5 96&J X 960.8 x 959.9 Ix 961.1 x 962. ® "SPR I I "SPR x965. TRANS V 0•�/ b B H \ / 963.7 � 964.1 964.5 8 "W -1 ONC ETC 963'0 9ss. /•V x 5.1 x961.5 x961.2 /� Minn. LIC. NO. 15480 DOOR Jq 0 963.1 963.3 63.5 \. 963.0 I 61.6 ® PKS I I % I ( 963.0 UGr' a <, UCH TC 963.4 963.7 964 TC5.1 965.4 965.4 `965'4 C/G£ N 965.7 65.8 OM / \960.ax I 96 964 1 65.3 � 965.396 ' LOADING DOCK 965.8 9 .� 963.4 962.9 962. \ S UNDE Main Office: 9001 East Bloomington Freeway (35W) • Suite 118 Bloomington, Minnesota 55420 -3435 DSi �G 952 -881 -2455 (Fax: 952 - 888 -9526) West Office: www.sunde.com Mandan, North Dakota 701- 663 -5562 Flle:2015 /73001_R1.dwg 0511612016 Sneer: 3 of 10 s a 0 a i 0 r N 4 I 1 BUILDING ENTRANCE ELEVATIONS Monticello High School Door # Description Elevation(ft.) Top of concrete outside of door 963.05 2 Top of concrete outside of door 963.05 3 Top of concrete outside of door 963.12 4 Top of concrete outside of door 963.08 5 Top of concrete outside of door 963.06 6 Top of concrete outside of door 963.04 7 Top of concrete outside of door 963.03 8 Top of concrete outside of door 963.05 9 Top of concrete outside of door 963.06 10 Top of concrete outside of door 963.04 11 Top of concrete outside of door 963.09 12 Top of concrete outside of door 963.06 13 Top of concrete outside of door 963.04 14 Top of concrete outside of door 963.06 103 :016: AIS Denotes advertisement /information sign BBH Denotes basketball hoop BBQ Denotes barbecue BE Denotes building entrance BH Denotes beehive catch basin BM Denotes benchmark BTL Denotes beaver tail curb BWB Denotes brick wall base CB Denotes catch basin CBOX Denotes control box CBX Denotes communication box CMH Denotes communication manhole COL Denotes building column CS Denotes curb stop CST Denotes concrete step CT Denotes cooling tower CWB Denotes concrete wall bottom CWT Denotes concrete wall top DG Denotes drain grate DIP Denotes ductile iron pipe EB Denotes electric box EM Denotes electric meter EO Denotes electric outlet FES Denotes flared end section FH Denotes fire hookup FOL Denotes fiber optic line FP Denotes flag pole G Denotes gutter GEN Denotes generator GLP Denotes goal post GM Denotes gas meter GP Denotes guard post GRDL Denotes ground light GW Denotes guy wire HCPB Denotes handicap door push button HCR Denotes handicap ramp HCS Denotes handicap sign HDPE Denotes high— density polyethylene pipe HH Denotes hand hole HHC Denotes communication hand hole HHE Denotes electric hand hole HHF Denoted fiber optic hand hole HYD Denotes fire hydrant INV Denotes structure invert KWB Denotes keystone wall base LA Denotes landscaped area LP Denotes light pole LPT Denotes LP tank MB Denotes mailbox MC Denotes metal cover MH Denotes manhole MRAL Denotes metal railing OD Denotes overhead door OHE Denotes overhead electric line (P) Denotes per plan /not field verified PIV Denotes post indicator valve PKS Denotes parking sign PP Denotes power pole PPT Denotes power pole w /transformer PPU Denotes power pole with underground utility PTBL Denotes picnic table PVC Denotes polyvinyl chloride pipe RC Denotes ribbon curb RCP Denotes reinforced concrete pipe RD Denotes roof drain SAN S Denotes sanitary sewer SANCO Denotes sanitary cleanout ST S Denotes storm sewer STC Denotes top of surmountable curb TC Denotes top of concrete curb TCS Denotes traffic control sign TL Denotes traffic light TRANS Denotes transformer box UGC Denotes underground communication line UGE Denotes underground electric line VP Denotes vent pipe W Denotes water line WMH Denotes water manhole WV Dentes water valve BAS Denotes Basswood tree CRAB Denotes Crabapple tree HACK Denotes Hackberry tree MPL Denotes Maple treeree PIN Denotes Pine tree PINR Denotes Red Pine tree SPCB Denotes Colorado Blue Spruce tree SPCG Denotes Colorado Green Spruce tree SPR Denotes Spruce tree TR Denotes deciduous tree U 30 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET Dated this 21st day of January, 2016 Certified by:_L�a -�A_ ??�kanson, P.L.S. Minn. Lic. No. 15480 S UNDE Main Office: 9001 East Bloomington Freeway (35W) • Suite 118 Bloomington, Minnesota 55420 -3435 'D si jWG 952 -881 -2455 (Fax: 952 - 888 -9526) West Office: www.sunde.com Mandan, North Dakota 701- 663 -5562 File:2015 173001_R1.dwg 0511612016 sheet: 4 of 10 °u a 0 0 e o o i 0 r N x 951.0 x 950.7 \ \ �950 24 RCP \ 99 STS 94.9- - x 948.9 x 948.6 x 951 6 947.2 \ x 948'4 x 949 \ �j �/ 95I� 950x949.9 950.0 x949.6 xx =49. = - - / / 24 "RCP \ - -948- - - - - - - _9498 _ \ \ I I BUILDING ENTRANCE ELEVATIONS / / _ - - - - - - _ _ _ - - _ 9492 I I Monticello High School x 557.9' / 952 / -949- \ 546 a - s4s e- _ 946 s X948- ,1.5912 -- 946.9 �� _= =_= = - _ -_ �$'46:7 9 / aJ/ 95 0 q.9/ �946.a 98- - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - 946$ 49� 949.2 j` 9 / _ _ - _ _ _____ - I- - - - - - - - - - - -1 - - - Door # Description Elevation(ft.) / R / ( - -947 g4a 7 - x957 5 / / 945 '� _ 41 1 �_ EDGE OF 1 WATER \ 1 Top of concrete outside of door 963.05 957 a X957 55 / / x 9•/ / / / /- .-947.0 `E6.7 9R8 \ x 949.5 ' \ � I 2 Top of concrete outside of door 963.05 956.3 x956.6 x959:0 -� 956 j lr �� \\ \ \ 3 Top of concrete outside of door 963.12 /x947.1 946.9 ��� \ EDGE OF MOWED GRASS 4 Top of concrete outside of door 963.08 _ �x9 EDGE OF \\ \ 5 Top of concrete outside of door 963.06 45.2 EDG � \ \� WATER \ 957.7 / �- 4e.o \ 9 �\ 4s.e �� 6 To of concrete outside of door 963.04 x9.53.2 - -_-`' / / � 9k8 / ED GRASS \tee �\ P 0 N D �\ � / •0 7 Top of concrete outside of door 963.03 - FnGE -6F- �/ / / 951.8 \945. \ \� \ 957.7 957.7 58 p MOWED 94� / 8 9� 46 \ \\ \x949.5 956.5 /g 8 Top of concrete outside of door 963.05 ASS_ _ _ - - 950 / (� 950,1 i \ \\ \� 9 Top of concrete outside of door 963.06 9522/ \\ j 9 950.3 .8 48.8 94B. I�� -i / / j / /955 ` 5 \\ o \ \ \� PROPERTY L lNE ,@ • 957.d • 9581 • 58.4 ^> 958.7 95.5 ��p1'\ )6 "PIN 'PIN g "PIN 10 Top of concrete outside of door 963.04 \ I I Top of concrete outside of door 963.09 -951- �9¢y sa9.a� _ \ 49.3 \ \\\ I \ p _ \ / x \ 915 12 To of concrete outside of door 963.06 ��' o 559 x 7.a 958.1 13 Top of concrete outside of door 963.04 95 0 ASH /- TC 14 To of concrete outside of door 963.06 49.7 950 / x / / / -� � 1 1 ; � 14 � � x 98.0 1 p 5978.4 / / fib.5 1.5 / / / x 957.f! e 9 6.8 I I 1 \ •953.6 •953. _ • 952.8 ® 5 • I / "�PC I I I III 1 47 spce SPCf� CGlM CG�� •sso.a 952. ss7. EASEMENT FOR UTILITY AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES PER DOC. N0. 719828 III S� E T �0R TILITY IAND D AINAGE - s � / / d \�`•""V"" PGG ® 9 551.7\ -951 // / .956 / 958.5 I I I 546. - - - - - -_ _ _ - II Pl�\0 7 E� PER D C. 10 7198 8 6. \ \`deg II 11 958.2 957.4 r/ I TOP 956.4 I TC x 950.8 SPCG ® WELL 1 I I I 1 I _ e 956.6 89 -"SPCG --35 �g95a o 955. • 954:5 3 \ „ ti - - RCP ST S "SPCG l_ "SPCG I_ 'SPC �" 'C= "SPCG �� i \ PC8 It ..Sp 52 / / 58.6 ®WEL6 I �I �� - 49- \ _ "_ V �_ x 52.6 INV 2/„ 46'9'- "R P / x 1 I 94bB- \\ II 9 9, / CP T S • 9583 e • 952 3 958.7 �/ 48.9 948$ I I 3 "AS 957 0 °G ry 9 x 95 . SP 955 / x 957.4 ay��Q ss s 55.2 ` 95 . I II WATER ELEV. _ �� / 9 \ \ s zol 1 s7s •557..1 53 s5 558.5 946.8 FT. / i \ x 957.8 x 957.7 \ y 8.5 1 950 \ I x 95 TC CB 948.8 / \ \ 111 _ 9 I I 1x9 2.3 I 1 x957.6 _ I \ 3 1 SPCG I 95�.2I I -/ x 946. \� 9 B. 958.8 J / 94�YI / \ •557..2 / / / BE I 1 1 12/10/2015 / / -95/- 435LQ 's'� ig5A 0 h / x 950J � x 9515 \ \ sszs � X958 \x / 5 /9� 1 x 95 .8 I 1 \ 47.0 II / // -xg x 951.4 - ` \ \ \\ \\ III x T�8.3 \ x 957 \ �P( 954.3 HUT) 95 / I / x o,8 -953- -953 \ I 57.8 + \ 958.3 LP • 54.7 •95 / / / \ \ \ SPCG SPCG / i -x 956.2/ I I \ II /� / / / ' / -954- ` \\ \\�\ II I I 1 ` 1 TC I 958.0 957.0 \ 1 s .s 955 \ \ as\.fi. \ II 1 \ �ASEME OR- TJTILhTX BNB [7NAGE PURPOSES PER DOC. N0. 719827 1 1g 1. _ / Si -x-M4.2 �\ -'' x 958.8 \ \ J \ ` ` \ \ \ _ - - - - - i 9• x 955.8- -956- ..p \ \ \ \ I I g58 9575 / x957.4 / x958.2 / 1 \ \ ��i - - -- 46.9 / -957- Pv� \ \\ \\ I 94.91 `x I` \ x1955.91 h °•v=i x957.7 / k LEGEND ®958.9 x 958.5 958.0 / x 957.5 48.9 • 7- x 957.7 x 957.6 �¢5" \ \ \ I� a 958.3 x 958.2 1 x 958.5 ®959.0 GLP x 957.9 x 957.9 x \ \ 947.1 x 947.6 9x8 .2 / / 4� ' PINR 957 7 - 958957.9 \VV•� 0.6 \ \\ II GLP x 957,9 x 957.4 \ 957.9 x g�•2 J \ \ 957.5x 9 3. 948.8-1 43 / • ..S / •958.6 ` \ \ I 95 I S C x9474 9 SP 95 959.7 959.7\ \ x9 5.7 1 58.5 AIS Denotes advertisement information sign 1 \ 1 R\ \ / / 579 PINR boa -959_ -� \ \ P O N D I I TC 958.0 x BBH Denotes basketball hoop \ s cc 4 \ / / s.a, \ \ I I I 1 1 1 1 1 / 9 \ \ / x \.3 950 x ss1.� / / .)8 -PINR/ 959.5 959.7 959. 5� 2 959.8 959.7 959.6 959.3 95� � \ \ \ \ 77 \ III 1 1 I BBQ Denotes barbecue \\ 5\ C 555.8 59.9 555.5 ssa.s BE Denotes building entrance x x x9579 8954. S \ x9 .5 52.0 x953 x�$,g 10 FT CHAIN ONC \ 1 94618 x9 79 I BH Denotes beehive catch basin / \ I 98 B x587 BTL Denotes beaver tail curb 958.4 x958.7 x959,1 x958.7 x957.5 x95 x958.3 y x95 PCG\ g 9 . LINK FENCE l x9 .6 �x9 0. II x952 Cp BM Denotes benchmark I II I S EDGE 8\ \ \9S\ ® "SPCG \ ` /Ah� / \\1_I 1 0.0 960.1 960.1 x959. I ( ` \ \ \ 1 \ \\ \ WATER F 1i11 1 I 1 I 1 j I I ssa� \ 9�a.2 / BWB Denotes brick wall base I\ I \\ \\ V N I x s5s 7 9 9 9.5 \\\ \ 11 ` 11 l I I I I 1 I \ I x CB Denotes catch basin \ \ J so 1 1 \ I I 1 11 1I I 1 ®955.3 CBOX Denotes control box I FP CBX Denotes communication box / x95D J 1\ l I 1 1 1 6s 1 i 94kg I I 1 1 1 1 ss .1 I CMH Denotes communication manhole 959.5 I I I I 5 "A H xss 1 x COL Denotes building column x 958.1 1 x 958.5 / x 959.1 � x 958.8 x 958.3 � x 957. x 958.2 x 958.6 9 3- x 957.7 �� 957 9 - "7 � I D�-88P .0 I I I I I I 1 '� �xl I I I l 1 As 11 I 1 1 II III I I iss.sl I 1 s :o \ II ®555.5 CST Denotes concrete pste x 957.5 I \ 1 x 9 9.7 I 955 0 1 1 VC 958.4 p x957.9 1x9 6.9 I \ 444 I 1 1 I 959. 1 I III v _ l I � rc ( � CT Denotes cooling tower s6o. 558.2- - - - - -0 ®-- - - - - -- - -* - 550.5 --- - -O ® - - -- - - -- - x550.2 - - -_I sso. I I x1954.` I I I IIII III I I I �ssa.7 \ I x CWT Denotes concrete wall bottom I x ®______- __- _x___ -_ 960.4 ®---- --- ---- x - -- "- 960.3 $�i1.5 - - -_ -960.6 960.5 960.4 1 \ I I 1 I IIII II I I I I I / x9 3 h DG Denotes drain grate p \ x 954 2 I 1 8.2 x958.5 x959.1 \959.0 x958.3 I x957.9 J x956. x957.5 x958.7 x958.3 1 \ \79 x57.2' I Ixg5A�.2 59.9 I I I I 0959.7 DIP Denotes ductile iron pipe I 1 / xs�7.s x958.4 I �I .959.81 I I I I I I 1 sas. III II 9�8 I I I I I 11 x FP EB Denotes electric box P p 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I EM Denotes electric meter 8' AS i I 959.3 959.6 1 /5" 9 ✓C STS I 1 I / 1 I I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 II 1I I I 955.0 I •959.3C I EO Denotes electric outlet CB I x957.5 I II I I x so.I s "ASH 9bcae x FES Denotes flared end section TOP =9 I x 957.8 x 95 .4 x 9 7.5 960.9 x 96°.9 x 960.5 x 56. x 50.t II w I 11 1 1 1 1 11 II II I I I I / I ®959.9 FH Denotes fire hookup UT) / x 958.2 1 x 958.5 x 959.1 / x 958.8 x 958.2 x 98.1 x 957 INV =9523 1 x 958.6 Q'� x 958.4 958.0 ' xs5a.z Ix x557.5 I xsss�e � I x590.5 I I I�I I I xI FP Denotes flag oleic line I \ 1 550.2 x 550.5 I 1 1 II I cn x 95 .s 9 P I 10 FT CHAIN 959.4 O G I I I I j w �� LINK FENCE 1 I I I I 1 I III I I I I I x G Denotes gutter 611 / L 960 I ll I I I I I 11 555.5 \o GEN Denotes generator 1 \ I 1 1 I I I I 6 BID / I I I I I 1 1 1 III I 946. I I I I TC I 959.9 GLP Denotes goal post h / s BID / v sos ,/j1�\ I 9 P I� 961.1 9 5.81 II/ x..L_ I \ 959.1 GM Denotes as meter ,58.1 x 959.2 x 958.4 x 957.9 x 56.9 957.4 x 957.8 x 958.4 x 958.7 958.3 x 957.1 960. l0 FT CHAIN / O 6 PL I / yFx' O ID R o 9 P I j Z \ 9.5 I x 9 2 �o TC x g I I x 957.7 I I I I 960.3 / \ 1 1 I \ \ 50. 1 1iI l I I I I I I I F- x95as x9585 x o GP Denotes guard post x9 4.6 x 56. LINK FENCE 1 g ,g � GRDL Denotes ground light 1 I \ \� 961.3 x961.3 96/\ x960.9 • 0.0 _ •35 I I �Y GW Denotes guy wire x961.3\ 1 960.a \ \/ /\ \ 1 I ass/ 1 / I I / 00 x a� HCPB Denotes handicap door push button s1.o Gj \ /\ / 960.0 HCR Denotes handicap ramp I I °�' b5�.00 �\� \ ` \ \\� III 1� / / x 50. I ' , TC � 9595 HCS Denotes handicap sign 1 I x9575 x 57.2 \ / \ 111 -� ase \ l 1 I / TC I 960.0 HDPE Denotes high- density polyethylene pipe x 958.8 x 959.2 x 958.7 x 958.3 x958.3 I 47 6'S R ,` \ x957.8 x957.2 1 x958.4 / 958.0 9fi 7 \ \ \ \g 11 _ - -- 1 / / 958.9 x j60.3 HH Denotes hand hole x 957.8 x 958.2 x 958.6 1 x 1 I / 1 \ � \ \ / '9"48 / I /� / / / / / ® 60.1 1 I �9 ��� 47.� 948 - l 605 .5 HHC Denotes communication hand hole /� IX 4273 X46, \ / / / h� PR I HHE Denotes electric hand hole I 1 i 961.° g5 \6 x9 .6 -949- 47'0 24Z'CP 951 R / x959.5 p HHF Denoted fiber optic hand hole \ I \ 961.7 -- - - - --- \ /\ \ \ 951 \ �� 8 / �/ �� / I960T.0 0 x HYD Denotes fire hydrant kUF, o� ------® x ®-----------•-------'---� X961.5 ------x961.3 961. 950 • ow I ®__--------- x------ - - - - -° ®- -- - --- -- x--- -- ss1.7 ssl.7 ssls \ _ 952 95/ a< INV Denotes structure invert 961.2 961.4 961.5 961.7 ,\ \ \ \xgsl e _95/ �x / sPR cg' " - KWB Denotes keystone wall base x 958.4 x 958.9 x 959.2 x 958.8 x 958.3 x 957.9 x 958.7 x x p57.1 x 955.1 95 0 1 1 x957.2 I 1 sszs I I 19 1.1 \ \ / / s� / 1.1 1 LA Denotes landscaped area 1 I x957.8 x9543 x958.3 1 I O -2 - ' / ..SP� 5' SH \ 8960. LP Denotes light pole I 1 I 1 1 I O�j I 51.3 \x960.9/ \ \ \ /959.2 / \ - LPT Denotes LP tank I / 50.1 \ \ 956_ •9'SPR 0°' x 0.1 MB Denotes mailbox •9 s. _962- / \ _� \ _957 0 0 •551.3 x957.8 1 1 / «95. 1x9 .I I / \ / 7� \ c > �\ �QF69 -J �g5a ®gSaPR 0I6 / /x961.36 9 TC 'sPR MH Denotes manholecover / / 1 _ x580.4 960.4 MRAL Denotes metal railing I x 958.4 x 958.7 x 958.2 « 957.3 I 962.1 x 962.1 x 961.7 / I \ / x 968.4 x 959.2 x 958.8 x 958.2 x 957.9 957.0 x 957.8 x 955.4 61. x 962.0 x - xggg•7 I � x957.5 I I 1 x961.7 / \ 7 g'2 / CQ .I \ ��\ � � j MH TC OD Denotes overhead door 7 "SP - - _ BOLTED SHUT) \ OHE Denotes overhead electric line 10 LI r,r CHAIN I I LINK FENCE 9 1.6 �� \� \ \ 961 TOP =960.6 1 ONC 961.9 6 / - ssls 9c1'7 960 (P) Denotes per plan/not field verified I I 962.3 GATE 962.3 961 g Gj 961 7 9 OAK P PIV Denotes post KS Denotes parking sign valve 961.5 •5' ASH TC I I 961.7 0 962.2 2'9'" ` 962.3 x 961.7 9fi 1.7 x 961.2 �NAA-S-.' x 961.3 cp 1 1 PP Denotes power pole x 958.2 96a.2 961.9 962.0- / I -b62.2 _ 962.1 / / Q' • 5"ASH x 957.8 x 6.7 .961.5 m •962 *962:0 8' AS \ 961.9 x 951.4 x 958.9 x 958.7 x 958.1 x 958.7 1.8 • 962.5 •5"ASH ! P P x 9 59.2 x 958.2 x 957.8 x 9561 x 957.5 x 958.5 ci L / • 96 4 "A N 961.1 I 1 / / @ I x957.5 x/ 6.0 \ 961.4 v m 6' AS 4" SH / / / l TC PPT Denotes power pole w /transformer A 8' BAS AS z BENCH / \ V TC x 9 I.I 960.8 l x9 7,3 961.5 BENCH x 960.8 / PPU Denotes power pole With underground Utility N 1 I I AS / -961- \ n �g61 PTBL Denotes picnic table 551.2 ss1.a CB I xA173 / I 60 \ 961.3 x61.4 TC i PVC Denotes polyvinyl chloride pipe TOP- 56.0 m o, 961.5 �9fi1.5 961.4 rC TC TC \ l5" RCP STS INV- 1.6 9613 7 TC 961.5 961. / I x 961.1 RC Denotes ribbon curb I I I 1 I / 959.6 959.8 960.3 960.9 9 0.5 961.2 961. �C TC TO\ r- WATER LINE LOCAT/ON TC TC TC TC G TC TC (w7 X961 g6� '96'1 B I T U M I N 0 U S x980.9 961 61.1 AS MARKED x961.4 RCP Denotes reinforced concrete pipe V x 958.2 x 957.7 x 956 x 957.6 I _J957. 959• h� /Z/ I ( 961.Ix x 961.1 \ x 960.6 x 960.6 x956.3 x958.7 x959.2 I x958.3 x958.7 x957.8 x957.5 0� x5585 x961.° x960.8 CB \ RD Denotes roof drain '�+ I x95 &7 x9 8.0 x956.5 / 959, x960.9 TOP =959.8 I ss1. SANS Denotes sanitary sewer iZ3 N 1 x 958 3 I 95� C / x x 960.6 I.0 Q a0 I I = 61.3 y x 960.5 CB I - 8' DIP W 961.6 TC 1 959. I x 959.5 960.0 N 960.9 TC 961.7 I coo TOP =961.0 961.5 850.8 6p =949.9 rc 961.3 wv 1 Tc SANCO Denotes sanitary cleanout / I 961.2 INV= 948.0(S� 961.6 961.2 TC TC 961.0 TC 61.8 962.0 TC 961.1 TC WV 960.7 24" RCP 960.5 TC 961.4 C 0 N C HYD 961. TC ST S Denotes storm sewer 961.3 Q 961.0 TO 961.5 961.6 TC' 961.3 960.9 TC 5T S TC 961- -- T STC Denotes top Of surmountable curb 960.8 961.2 961. TC p I TC 961.2 TO TC //GE x.961.8 961.4 961.1 TC Denotes t0 Of concrete curb 959 9 960.5 960.8 CO C TC 961.1 P T P 1 \ I I 1 958 g 959.5 59.6 959'8 TC 960.3TC TC TC 961.ITC TC } Z 60.6 961.1 961.° 960.7 C O N C 961.7 96. / TICS - -� 961.8 LP Tc rc / rc TCS Denotes traffic control sign / x TC TC TC TC CONC TC CONC 961.1 ~ 60.8 6 TCS® TC • 62.2 961.4 TC l TICS o 96 . TC rC 961.8 961.4 I x 56.9 x 957.7 x 997,7 x y5 2 x g ,7 958.3x y ,p 958 7x CONC 960.2 960.4 960.7 961.0 961.1 rC J U C 0.7 961.6 AK SPCG 0.9 960,4 960.6 CB 960.9 960.6 961.2 TC TL Denotes traffic light -958.4 x 959. x 959.1 x 958.1 x 957.6 x 958.1 x 958.4 x 958.7 x 958.2 S 959. 959.5 959.6 959.8 TC TO TC TC TC P: O • 3 "MPL 96 .3 \ 9 I.5 TC TC TOP= TC Tc _� - 960.9 960. U I x958.5 'pm TP TC TC TC TC 960.5 961.0 00 9 0.8 TC I TC \ INV= 952.9F(N g�0 2 *961.2 TRANS Denotes transformer box 959.6 960.1 959. 960.6 961.1 TC T CON 960.5 61.3 961.7 x961.7 961.3 a 961.1 Z 958• 959.0 TC TC 0=0= TC C gl - -961.2 \ 960.5 960.5 m u� I TC UGC Denotes underground communication line BTL TC TC 8602 960.6 Owa T 0.7 950.7 ® 9609 TC KS PKSB o '961 9609 j- O UGE Denotes underground electric line 958.2 959.3 959.6 960.6 TC 961.0 62, a U I I 958.0 958.8 z W I PKS 60� G �- ?R„ VP Denotes vent pipe wN 960.3 NPs 61.1 - _� ACpsT �- 960'9 TC W Denotes water line x 957.4 961.3 x958.5 xQ57.9- x957'2 �K 60. 962'5 TC 'r T61.0 WMH Denotes water manhole x 8.4 xs�a.s x1�59.o xssas xssa.L� xssz� _x�,a x9583- =958.5 957.9 960.2 QO I 8" AK .sszs 961.1 WV Dentes water valve f \ RC 959.6 w d "SPCG 961.8 961.4 961.3 961.4 MH(p) 960. 959.2 959.1 \ L/DE ,g 961.5 TC UCE ®GLP GLP ® - 3� 960.5 960.3 960.7 \ l5" RCP S S x959. x958.8 i- 959.2 960.4 ro Tc 1 61.8 G R q/ S 96 BAS Denotes Basswood tree \ 960 x960.4 x sse.l 960. / CRAB Denotes Croba le tree 1 - - g x 960.3 960.4 958.4 960.8 T61.7 1 96TC c pp 9 B I T U M I N O U S oe BI HACK Denotes Hockberr tree x555 -i ` �g x555.7 g 3 x958.1 960.0 9625 sppp \ MPL Denotes Maple treeree 959 fi I 9 I.I / o\ 62 � ' 960.5 y x 958.7 I x 960.6 x 960.7 x 96 .7 x 960. x9581 x9599 9598 / I 9607 LIGE 8 "OAK 962.9 961.2 \ - PIN Denotes Pine tree x 960.4 x � - \ x 959.4 / x 958.4 LP 960.4 960.2 TC 962.2 962.1 961.9 9fi 1.8 961.6 9fi 1.4 x 959.3 960 x 959.5 x 959.4 x 959.4 ( /957.7 - x959.6 960.6 962.4 962.1 962.2 \ m Denotes a Irle tree 5�� 959.1 960.3 TC TC cp GAS \ a. TC 13 B SPCB Denotes Colorado Blue Spruce tree x9/x959 - x9593 x9594 x959.7 �9 RC 958.0 9584 600 x96 , x961.8 '961.4 961.1x1 SPCG Denotes Colorado Green Spruce tree // x 958.7 x 959.0 S I. P5 x 962.6 x 962.7 x 962.5 ti 9f x958.7 9 I 959 061, el SPR Denotes Spruce tree x 958.1 x 958.6 1 / / \ 959.4 4 "BAS �,y, 1 �` \ z 0' °j 861.5 J`� 963.5 �3.1 DUST ` \ TR Denotes deciduous tree 961.0 TC 9629 963.0 \$ 963T -963+- LLECTOR \ PKS 1 • 9 2.7 63.0 -EORC 9 3.1 v 961 961.5 O I 960.1 60.4 A E CONC B I T U M\ N 0 U S N HC TC 60.6 / /D.O 9 60 I 1 95 9 960.2 C I 62 TO 961.8 `9 Z TC Ig 963.1 963.1 61.8 95 9 958.3 960.0 0008 8 TC TC 961.7 957.5 960.5 h fi l 8 963.2 9 3. I x 962.5 9620 9fi2.Q TC x 959.3 61.0 x 960.7 9 R3 \ \ 959.2 959.6 I o a TC1.5 PK 6 z I 962 2 J PIV x 958.9 x 858.8 / x 959.5 x 959.6 x 959.7 x 959.8 x 960.2 xg 0.3 1 x `` �' I DOOR 9 ° I \ 1� 961.9 \ ~ 0.7 9�.5 961.5 61 9fi�D �' / G62.1 962.5 962.2�e� I BW x 958.5 x 960.7 \ 1 a; 962.5 4 "BAS T '-`3 N \ q 963.3 962.6 962 0 TC \ \ 957.7 m 9 O.N_ BTL 962.9 Q ,� .963.0 TC HCR TC GEN o el 962.7 960.2 1�'/T"VQ 2.7 x 62.5 958.8 960.1 w h 862.9 TC x962.7 c�ic21 30 "MC 959.8 1 958.2 1 I 959.9 6.7 BWB / \ I •�� HYO W X963.2 to 962.6 (TRANS O L_11a "MC 959.7 J - 963 0 S UNDE Main Office: 9001 East Bloomington Freeway (35W) • Suite 118 Bloomington, Minnesota 55420 -3435 DSi �G 952 -881 -2455 (Fax: 952 - 888 -9526) West Office: www.sunde.com Mandan, North Dakota 701- 663 -5562 File:2015 /73001_R1.dwg 0511612016 sneer: 5 of 10 / 961.3 9�8.5x J 1 959.1 P0.3 11111 `'' CONCRETE ❑ \ •`- M 552.5 MH2.8 MH gBW6 -958.8 x 958.8 x 959 x 959.5 x 959.8 x 960.6 x 961.2 x 9fi I.5 x 867' _ 957.2 gf' 7.z I o - 963. I �GP3. I 63. I x 960.3 x 960.4 oa(0 % ' I! 7.0 8" RCP `� �+ BE 963.1 OP 962.9 1 / TOP =9 6.9 n INV =9 4.0' CONC 1 958.8 960.1 960.2 NV =952.2 E, STS 61.4 961.4 RC 96 8 962.6 DOOR 10 /D2.4 O6 . _ -1 q I -9-M. r1 . \ 1 CII /5 RCP B STS 57.0 957.7 958.1 "RCP /8" R P ST S 959.9 2x ai F ai 6 .7 961.4 C 0 N 966E 9 ` 0 BE I B / / TpP =95 0 / STS 959.1 959.7 I /B" R STS In = � Nm ID.D N /8: I V=9514(N,E) 7.0 60, I II o � Wm ss .7 552.7 � DOOR l l o DOOfi 959.5 1 \ / 1 1""957. �� RC c 57.2 Ir I I 958.7 I I "BAS m z_ J� 0.8 oo 961.4 K 959.4 959.0 / x 959.0 x 959.4 x 959.8 x 960.2 x 960.7 x 980.5 x 61.0 x 961.5 x 961.5 x 961.5 x 96 i 6 I x 958.p I 958.1 960.2 960.5 PKS® m �,� x.4 / 1 957.7 I 960.1 96 . 9 961 4 61. 9 1.7 m n I x 959.9 9800 .5 BTL RC Q- 1 I I 958.7 959.2 959.8 961.3 TC 10 6 I . RC73 I . / "CRA 960.7x 961.8 96 .8 7 N I C C 962.7 B DOOR x 960.4 x 9649 x 961.5 x 961.7 x 962.0 x 9fi I. x 958.8 / / 960.0 9fi .I 0. I 804 961.7 -959.1 x 959.4 x 959.5 -959.8 x 960.2 1 1 960.2 960.3 I 9g ST 3 m x1959.6 I 957.8 G 960.3 60.4 W - x 627 959.8 1 1 559.5 959. I 96 .I STC I 958.2 959.3 w 30 0 30 60 I TC 6O �57.5 960.7x U ` I. I 960.0 x 960.0 -959.7 x 959.7 x 959.6 x 959.9 x 960.2 961.0 x 961.4 x 961.8 x 961.8 x 961.13 c I /58.0 959.4 O 960.3 550.5 I Z O 3 Y 962.8 SCALE IN FEET x 960.6 \59.0 ' LP O 960.2 0.7 x 962.8 YON TIM L O 1 / 1 959.1 960.1 Z TC 0 m 958.3 959.4 Uctch Line , 1_ SCHOOL_ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 960_1 I _HIGH_ x 960.1 x9599 x 959.8 x 959.8 x9so.l � � (See Sheet 4) 960.6 2 STORY BRICK BUILDING 1 x 960.4 x 960.8 Ol x 961.3 x 961. 962.0 C % x9620 x 958. 960.4 961.3 9 •8 x 9 1 558.2 _ 960.5 0.8 x s 0.7 TC .5 5225 SCHOOL BL VD. 95 7 RCI 960.2 m I ® # Dated this 21st day of January, 2016 1 958.5 959.1 959.5 PKS 4- P 16J.9 960 I I 1 1 960.2 I h ti 8 I 962.7 962.8 G 962.8 q o Certified - by: ??�SkHaAn, 1 1 9583 960.6 960.7 I Ci _ 9629 HCP h� P.L.S. x 961.2 960.8 x 96 \ f>� x 960.7 x 960.4 x 960.2 x 960.0 x 960.4 x 960.4 x 960 x 961.3 x x961.9 61.6 x951. 1 x 958c' 960.2 960.7 960.3 h 961.2 961.6 TIC 962.5 962' r- 963.0 BE V2.8 L /, / Minn. Lic. No. 15480 I \ 558.5 959.3 959.7 960.7 I 960.6 I TC x 960.4 I 9 \ \ \ / -_- IcoL 853.0 9 nnna s 63. S UNDE Main Office: 9001 East Bloomington Freeway (35W) • Suite 118 Bloomington, Minnesota 55420 -3435 DSi �G 952 -881 -2455 (Fax: 952 - 888 -9526) West Office: www.sunde.com Mandan, North Dakota 701- 663 -5562 File:2015 /73001_R1.dwg 0511612016 sneer: 5 of 10 s a 0 o o o i 0 r N LIIYR �GIVI.L I GRAVEL 956.5 x957.0 ouL ssa. 9 7.9 BUILDING ENTRANCE ELEVATIONS POLE 982.8 I \ \ x 958.4 x 957.8 x 958.2 959.0 � 957.3 o I \ 956.7 95 9 I x 959.1 x 958.7.9 w 17. x 957.5 959.5 x959.2 958.8 Z GRAVEL 956.6 . Y x 61.2 957.0 x 958. � x 957.5 x962.9 X62.1 x 59.2 \ x956.1 gp �Z m J x957.5 x9575 I Monticello High School / \ x 57.1 ((l'\ 'x 959.9 x956.9 9 X P x957.5 Door # Description Elevation(ft.) - _95,x956.9 GDN �o 9 6.9 7 957.6 962.8 _ X x 957.4 l 959.1 // ®956.5 x 956.7 x 957.9 x 958.4 6 958.5 58.4 x 957.6 x 957.8 HIGH SCHOOL Match Line e957.2 / )6 "PINx958.1 / x959.0 x959,4 x959.4 R 958' 958.8 "?/ 0 x9582 9577 I Top of concrete outside of door 963.05 - - - \ - - - - -^ SPIN! - - - - - - 1 - - - - - I ,9958.8 N� - - - - - - x897_9 - - - 2 Top of concrete outside of door 963.05 s3.o CONC (See heet 7) a.o \ h 998.8 958.5 a5 x9577 xss7.7 3 Top of concrete outside of door 963.12 2 STORY BRI CK BUILDING BE / h x 959.6 ' 8 x 956,6 )C 958.4 95 .7 78 asz.a \9 \ q/ / I BE x I 4 Top of concrete outside of door 963.08 #5225 SCHOOL BL VD. sso E 0 .9 963.0 �9fi1.0 \ Ste\ x ' TOP =955.7 I X 958.6 958.5 x957.7 957.6 5 Top of concrete outside of door 963.06 x 957.9 I V=94g.4(S,N) 957.3 I � GRDL // s 1 � / \ ,� g ®956.5 � � � �( \� 6 Top of concrete outside of door 963.04 982. 958.4 sPR y 997.0 h GRA EL / ■91 AS x958.2 ■957.8 \ 55.9 �C 959.0 x958.7 957.9 x957.8 x9577 x957.7 x957.8 7 TO Of concrete outside of door 963.03 FP 963.0 962.9 F962.9 962.7 ■ 959.8 \ g' AS P 983.0 rLHCPe 959•gWV s" As xg g�1 I \ I \ x x x958.6 x 8 To of concrete outside of door 963.05 ,} / \ x957.6 x958.3 1 / 9 Top of concrete outside of door 963.06 "t\ 959.8 x 958.8 x 956.6 x 957.1 x 959.5 x 959.1 v 0<E 91 958.6 957.7 ^ ' X 959.2 X958.9 E w / DOOR l l,b' 96 .0 g�g1 / 959.6 959.4 958.2 PKS x 956.4 a z 957.8 P m 3.0 COL 1 961.6 959.4 959. N ,� I I I � 10 Top of concrete outside of door 963.04 N E 962.91 x 962.8 960. C O N C R E T E 957.5 •957 4 959.3 \ Y / co 1 ZI o X9.3 s" s s 7.s X x J GRAVEL x957'8 11 Top of concrete outside of door 963.09 / /.offJ / �Y 959. 81 s7.s 997.2 953 ' \ I 959.9 959.5 X x958.9 IuIJ 1 / 12 Top of concrete outside of door 963.06 x9585 1/ x957.9 x997.8 x997.8 x958.1 13 Top of concrete outside of door 963.04 28.6 63.0 958.9 58.7 58.5 / I I 57.8 ^ 963.1 963,8 BE OVERHANG x960.9 °? I \ I 14 To of concrete outside of door 963.06 / 59.7 x 958.4 958.0 x 957.5 x 957.2 � � J x 967.9 X 2 � p TC 959.0 x 957.3 x 958.5 959.0 959.1 X x 962.6 / / / 1 x 957.1 + � x 959.4 x 959.5 959.2x \� � 7.9 � I 1 2.1 96� / x 95 958.5 958.2 57.6 / x 956.9 957.0 957.8 Q'� I X 959.1 _ 959.0 958.0 958.10 / �g58' OVERHANG s6zls / COL 9.7 Tc T TC 9629 x 962.7 / x�.0 C 959.1 957.6 '57.4 -F G� x 959.4 � x 958.5 x 95 x 958. x 958.1 X 958.2 x\ x958.0 \ \ 1 2. J GRDL G 0 (J C R E T E 958.3 TC • 957.8 \ 9" AS / Xm 957.8 957 3 I BAS 9�'8 x 59.0. 958.6 962.9 962.9 GRDL / / 9 .8 957.9 56.9 i(EL57.4 957. x 95 .7 958.1 x 958.4 959.7 / x 958.Q x 959.4 I / x 959.8 957.9 � o x 956.6 44 / \ / x 959.9 962.4 /x 961.9 / 959.3 \) 957.4 a l~ TC6.7J x 957.1 0 x x \ I 962.7 962.6 / x 96.1.2 958.7 O CB x 957.2 x 958.8 / [� TOP- 56.1 x 958.3 x 958.2 x 958.1 x 959. I \ _ x 57' 958.6 1 x 958.2 x 958.4 x x 962.8 960.0 / 95 �I 956.7 INV 950.° S x x 958.4 / TC � � �Id3 -F' � x 959.1 /// x 959.4 x960.3 958.8 / \� 4 ° RCP 957.7 x958.3 x959.9 LEGEND A\ 957.5 x 956.3 S / -�' 960.3x 961.6 / 959.4 / 956.5 x g 959.0 z w x 959. / 956.8 TC • 957AS / k = w I 960 2 959.8 �4- .6 I 958.6 958.2 9 6. I / I.. 0 PL 96 0.2 95.3 \ TC Q \e 957.6 TC x 9s .9 959.4 z 959.0 x 958.5 x 958.5 x 958.4 x 958.3 658.6 960.4 ° x 56.9 / scoRE Jr x990.1 o FOUL �-' x x960.4 k x BBH Denotes basketball hoop sign x 962.7 / 960.5 0 h CB / x 959.5\ / x 961.9 / TCS 958.3 Oi x 956.5 956.2 _ 959.6 95 .I / ^ 956.9 9S JTNOVP 950.7(SW,N) BOARD `j� •0 x � POLE x 960.5 BBQ Denotes barbecue } x95.5 958.9 �ij per / x958.0 x958.5 \ BE Denotes building entrance Q / / 956.3 J 957'0 x959.7 1 BH Denotes beehive catch basin Q' 960.3 \ 957.8 °� / BM Denotes benchmark Co / /960.6 TG `� / �h°' \ BTL Denotes beaver tail curb 70 J x956.7 / x960.6 x958.9 x958.6 x958.5 x958.3 x958.7 BWB Denotes brick wall base 958.5 O 959 7 58.9 957.4 956.4 I � x990.9 CB Denotes catch basin xssls 999.3 / \ x957.2 / \ CBOX Denotes control box X962.5 960.4 Xsss.s 997.4 x898.9 CMH Denotes communication manhole / TC LP xssl.o CBX Denotes communication box 0 957.2 �\J 958 / x 958.2 x 958'9 / \ 72 9628 C/$ x959.5 1 1 COL Denotes building column 962.9 961.9 961.0 °�' 959.8 58.0 � x 956.9 T'x 7. I 962.7 TC DOOR 2 a 96.1 C O�C R E T E 9fi 9 96°3 x8596 Sg.o 9587 / 956.6 /9 / x960.1 / 1 \ x958.7 x958.8 x958.6 JI� x958.9 GS Denotes curb stop >Q BTL / rn x959.1 CST Denotes concrete step 8 x 962.8x 9 962.0 '° 959. 959.8 / 9 / \ egg / � CT Denotes cooling tower 3. 0- MH(P) 960.8 BTg• g HCR 959.4 6.7 ° 963 - y,/ � x�• 1 \ V I CWB Denotes concrete wall bottom 63 I 63. 962.9 x 961.9 q� 960. 957.4 x / 956.8 C ti\ / 7J x96 °'a x996.9 �j CWT Denotes concrete wall top 57 as .I \ / x857.2 x 60 / x964 \ f DG Denotes drain grate 328 960.5 960.3 g5 I -959 x962.7 H ° /6'�pCp 958.2 / \ / s •9 x958.7 x959.3 °� DIP Denotes ductile iron pipe BM-960.7 h 96TC x959.7 (P STS / x9591 xsssl xs.o x998.9 x9589 J EB Denotes electric box 958.8 x 990.9 I I / EM Denotes electric meter 1, 6. x ss 960.5 FES Denotes flared end section / xssl.s ' RC x9574 7.0 css9 997.9 / � / � / I 5g � \ / / EO Denotes electric outlet 962.8 x 962.6 a • I 957.6 � --- 95s.s 95 I z Xg61.o x961.2 x961.5 9 FH Denotes fire hookup ��� 960.580 96 � 9571 MH(P) rs�ao x959.1 / \ / FP Denotes flag pole / � \ x 60.1 � / ` I FOL Denotes fiber optic line / g.8 960.1 958.6 958.3 \ / / x959.7 \ xsss.l x 5ss I xsss.l x999.2 x959.2 G Denotes gutter H S 960. 957.1 957.6 x 958.7 [ Rc 960.5 �� \ Tc GEN Denotes generator o I M 958. x957.5 x9925 GLP Denotes goal post 9 0.7 959.2 x 957.6 J x 960.2 / GM Denotes gas meter 962'8 x962.4 Cs f- Uj 960.6 960. 957.7 957.3 �4 x9608 x961.3 GP Denotes guard post I xssls Qc4 / / \ / C7 W 959.6 x 961.5 GRDL H 8 \ Denotes group light U R6C0.6 960. 958.9 LP�g 1 950 x960.° �� �g962.0 I x960.7 I GW Denotes guy wir/ / x989,6 / x959.3 x959.2 x959.1 x959'2 x9594 x95 HCPB Denotes handicap door push button s¢o.a Z 959,2 958.5 x957.6 /° / I HCR Denotes handicap ramp GS 957.4 x 956.4 C7 I O �j rc / HCS Denotes handicap sign 962.8 990.5 60.2 9579 x9582 xsss.l / I HDPE Denotes high- density polyethylene pipe y/ ,ij 9582 9575 / 997.8 1 HH Denotes hand hole I x961.4 WCSB 960.6 960.5 / x960.7 / x961.1 x961.5 I I HHC Denotes communication hand hole x 961.8 x962• RC 960. x959.5 x959.4 X959.4 x959.4 x999.9 HHE Denotes electric hand hole 959.5 44.5 60.8 959.2 x957,9 CB / xg 2,2 960.9 HHF Denoted fiber optic hand hole 962.6 Cs TO =956.9 I x 992.9 960.5 959'0 IN� =952.1 / x959. x960.4 / 1 HYD Denotes fire hydrant N I / I N 9575 I INV Denotes structure invert /8// II x962j.� X96190.8 960.E 60.5 U 958.8 8,3 GPS19s7 TC x958.7 / / / I LAB Denotes landscaeedaalrease 962.9 x 962.8 I /S O 958.0 a R /x x 958.5 / / / I P DOOR 3 o 962.8 / ssa.z 12 9x DOOR 4 / 9so. z 1� x959.8 I LP Denotes light pole /s.s 62.9 /'9'S 963.1 63.0 ss �,1 961.6 60.8 TC 9 .I 959.2 x s6L9 x 959.3 x 959.2 x 959.5 x 959.4 x 959.6 LPT Denotes LP tank _ / / x961.5 /� x992.2 MB Denotes mailbox x9579 x.991.0 / x9s2�2 x 91.1 MC Denotes metal cover _ _ 999.9 1 MH Denotes manhole 963.0 959.5 9 7.7 / � BE BE C 0 C R E T E 990.8 ssa.l 963 ro K 1 961.8 F T x 960.2 96 .9 982.9 9628 1 ��4 0.4- 18.8 i Un i I I 962.7 /8B N�gg3,0 NN 962.9 �-.2 .0 ' \ m 958.8 9 8.5 958.2 \ 957.4 I / MM 1963.0 "� ' ~o ' 957.6 x 960.7 992.8 62.7 xss�s o / 9�0� I ODAL Denotes overhead door .3 34:0 6.3 PL ' x 962.5 962. ; x 961.5 959.3 / / 959.0 \ X958.7 x959.2 / x OHE Denotes overhead electric line •8 x862.81 BE / ; 961.0 960.0 958,0 I 9�j9 / � 959.8 960 I (p) Denotes per plan /not field verified ss .e Ix \ x958.4 x95 �P / x992.3 I I 959.8 999.8 PIV Denotes post indicator valve 962.7 / l 960.9 mo 960.2 g ~m 959.0 V) 958.0 / / x 62.0 x s6 .4 X GRAVEL x 9 .I 959.4 ss0.2 PKS Denotes parking sign / PP Denotes power pole 959.6 p Sg 958.3 = \ 957.8 TC X 962, 959.3 �' ' x 961.5 I _ x 960.6 x 959.9 x 959.6 - - - - -- x 959.8 / --------------------- 960.-3 Denotes power pole w /transformer I x9929 � .9609 ____ -- _ -- 660.3_ ___ PPU Denotes power pole with underground utility x96 .3 9 Z \ ssl.o / x - __ - -____ __ PTBL Denotes picnic table ° � '� -- -x9 s.s \ - / 992.8 ------- - - - - -- PVC Denotes polyvinyl chloride pipe / 9625 962,7 - - - - -- -- ----' - -�- 962.0 x961.5 x958.2 ______ x 9921 �962� / ; s 0.1 g x 959.2 \ ' x 960.8 0 �' L/GE X 959.8 960.1 959.7 958.4 958.0 958.1 ----------------- / x 9 1.8 \ / ( m R 51 S TC TC 959.1 LP8.7 F- TC / - -- -962. - - -- x -------- -- -- -- 959.9 - - - 962.5 959.8 T - ------ ----- "---- ---- ----- -- - - -- �" -- -- - -- x 962.6 x 962.1 1 RCP Denotes reinforced i 961 C x9587 / / concrete pipe A � - _ x960.3 X � RD Denotes roof drain _ - --- 960.2 x 960.8 -- --- m ------------------ r / 962.2 GRAVEL _ s 9 so.3 • 990. ----------- - - - - -- - 962.2 959.8 r OU t 15 SAN S Denotes sanitary sewer 1.4 -- -- ----- -- -i°- T6- - -- - - - x 960.8 / x 0 960.1 96012 x so 1 x961.6 _ ' ________________________ __ - / --------------- -- ---- --- -- --- -- ----- -- ---- ' O ? - --- - -- - - -- - I x 980.8 960.3 959.1 / x 961.5 x 96X.9 X a U x 9 _ _ _ x x 602 Denotes sanitary ccan / 962.3 z X " - " -- TC •3 959.9 958.6 x 958.3 95 0 -- - - -- - -- x 961.4 961.0 ' TC / x 959.4 990.0 Denotes op o surmountable c X 961.6 //x 1 _ / 960.2 960.2 1 x9604 �� 958.9 958 x992.9 TC Denotes top of concrete curb G� X01 9 0.5 960.4 x 60.0 I x961 5 / DO: I _ 0°p o6 Qy 960 0 x 959.3 TC , 59.3 959• TC8.5 TC t9A x 962.5 'O Denotes traffic control sign x / x991.9 x GRAVEL I TL Denotes traffic light 992.2 x990.2 TRANS Denotes transformer box c01 x 960. 6 s 1 959. x 958.5 ^Jx 959. I x 961.4 x 960.2 N 1 61. �U 960.6 60• 19 6O 59.7 59.4 T x 962.5 1 TC 9�° �a TT Td' TC T x960.6 / I UGC Denotes underground communication line 961. ti 960. x 961.1 x 962.9 C� HYD �_ t96.11�6 - 9fi02 UGE Denotes underground electric line s I.a I X ss I.s 3 /- x I VP Denotes vent pipe ' CB x 960.8 / rn 96+ x 962.2 62.0 60.7 960.7 x 960.2 x 9 0. I x 960.3 x 960.3 x 960.3 P P \ x960.9 x960.3 NV =956.0 / x960.3 x959.6 x959.2\ / 9Sy -- �- Z x962.8 x W Denotes water line .J x959.7 961.8 WMH Denotes water manhole x 961.7 i x 960.6 � x 9624 / 960.1 / x 959. I _\ -� 961.8 959.7 x95'9 / 962.5 x x961.8 Iv x 9601 WV Dentes water valve I _961.5 T 960.8 961.4 9 959.6 Tc z I 960.3 960.7 950.4 w 60.5 - _ 1 I 961.5 60.9 Tc Tc TC TC 9 / I x962,8 9 1 9 x961.7 I m 960.4 BAS Denotes Basswood tree \ i TC T_Q 99® 959.8 ®9602 x 0.0 x991.3 961.9 960.1 990.1 CRAB Denotes Crabapple tree / \ WATER � /NE LOCATION 1 \ TC to TCS 1 18 FT CHAIN x 961'9 -g62� \ \ �\ \ I x 962.3 GRAVEL LINK FENCE 964,0_ ask, 6',)p 6 \ \ �AS MARKED\ 961.4 961.0 ` -96/ """((( )62.1 1 I.0 x960.8 960'7 962,0 \ TC \ ° U x959.7 x990.7 HACK Denotes Hackberry tree x961.5 I- 8x0 /P IN x990.8 960 UNIT POWER ASSOC. ELECTRIC TRANSMIS ION x96 g Xgsz.7 sszz e I MPL Denotes Maple tree x 962.1 I \ 1 / 961.6 W \ 960.5 }' 960.8 \ 0961.5 ®961.5 06"SPCG 14 z rc LIN EASEMENT PER DOC. N0. 421382 6 FT CHAIN �962.3 90�� 20 FT CHAIN x990.9 x990.9 x990.9 PIN Denotes Pine tree x 960.2 < LINK FENCE PINR Denotes Red Pine tree �\ LINK FENCE 62.2 G �� 6 FT CHAIN x961.2 ~ \ 961.3 SPCG SPCG \ - \ C1 1 61.0' o SPCB Denotes Colorado Blue Spruce tree X i w 961.7 TC y M / \ x 960.1 I X x O \ O _ LINK FENCE io 960.4 I 990.9 SPCG Denotes Colorado Green Spruce tree rn 960.5 sso. 60.6 P 992.3 992.3 rc / \ F 9605 SPR Denotes Spruce tree 61.9 AIS I I Z 9 962.6 962.6 962.0 \ T X X 7 \ 0_ � � \ x 961.0 x 964.7 F X x X I % O X 961.4 X 961.3 x 960.5 x 2'8 \ x 63.2 � X-i-X x 962.6 962. - U _ 6'i t- \ 6I/ x962'6 g 5 \ 960.5' ENCH 4 / / TR Denotes deciduous tree M \ 1 x 981.4 \ 961.1 - /9 I / / \ ENCH T - MH 96 x961.5 Z 6\ � TC - 96.0 +`_ � i- � x961.3- -OHE- � - 2 i 9 x 961. I x 962.2 961.0 (BOLTER SHUT) 962.6 962.6 V I 961.7 x 9 .I -. x 861. FOL 961.1 961.1 962. I OP -962. \ x 961.8 O 961.6 __ 960.8 x961.0 I x 961.2 x 2.9 962.8 i TC ^ % 96� x 961. \ OHE- �- FOL 966.2 9 5.2 961.2 961. x 961.1 x 962.2 \ U / H 962.6 9fi 4 1 -"609 - t \_ TC 962.4 ` - x- 96f1.9- 96/ -- \ '� 1� i 9 I.0 - 0_ / x 961.3 961.2 961.3 961.7 9622 / y • 966.5 66 \ � -•J62 �- _963 x - - - - - 992.0 _ - E F -OL ss2.l� i / 65 9 \ - - - / ���lll 962.4 9 1.7 x 961.3 x 961.7 x 961.7 9 C. PP x 964.5--z.- _ OHE - - - - 9- x 962.5 -OHE \ 0° 962.0' __9s2;� -963 _/ CONCRETE 5.9 9fi 1.3 _ 96 3 _2392.0 / \ x 962.6 � 963.2 963. 963.2 983.2 962.8 2- � -962- � f �' 962.8 En • 963.2 HHF \ 962.2 -x 962.0 - - 962 -1 - 962.3 TC - TC x 962.9 196 � � - - - - - - ��E`- - -g64- x 4 \ - PP \ 961. 9�,I 8 961.3 TC \ -OHf x 962.7x 962-1 961.9 x 964.1 / x 963.5 \963 ~ 963.3 96 - 6 - EI) 963.3 964.2 WALL _ -\. 9619 - OPERTYLINE 964.7 963.6 BITUMINOUS 9 \x 96 .I - 963 - x963.0 963.7 \ ' TC - Cg AIS .5 \ x 963.2 x 963.4 x 963.7 �954.� 964.4 963.8 962.9 }L - x x -OH£- x -max 9M 962.8 x 962. 961.8 x 961.2 GUN x 961.8 962.2 984.4 x 96T 3�.r- 963.3 r� TCS® CONC 962.2 TC - - - 964.3 - - - --' - - -- - `\ 96 2C SBX- �x963h 90° " ,o 961.8 96L9 CONC TO CONC 9 963.7 964.0 \ 964.1 2 N 963.3 -963- 962.1 962.4 962.8 - 963.2 964.3 -�E 63.8 63.863.8 963.7 963.4 / - 26 61.9 96 .I 962.1 6 . 61_L 961.9 �� B a-S U--%i I�LOILS - OHE 64.0 P L 963.2 962.9 62� -�,}, l_ 64.2 � CONC 963.0 TC TC TQI _ 963.6 963'9 -964- 963.6 963. TC z 963.4 963.7 63.2 _ 961.8 961.5 961. 961.4 H6�$_ I �U Mz1.N� -U�- -OHE 962.4 62.9 •2 ---963- -LS 3® 963.8 HCR 963 _ 982.2 962.0 CONC C 961.2 962.8 2.4 �_I LU U S 962.2 2.2 98 961.8 963.7 TC _ --E' - 96TS I. 961. 961.1 61' 961.7 962 P 963.2 963.2 963.5 TC 2.6 62Y a CONC ® 1.7 61.8 961.2 /2" RCP TC 961.8 62. I TC 963.0 ' TC I x 962.6 62.4 TCS I.a STS TC 961.3 960.9 G I' C C 96 . GXG 0 N C aez-r 962.5 962.7 TC TC T = TC -962- 9 TC 991.1 961.2 T C 0 N C Tc - 961.0 981.7 981.7 9616 / TC 9619 961.7 7CI'6 HCR1 -� MH /5 "RCP C8 9609 / 961.1 961.3 TC TC / - - ST s toe =960.9 � g63� TC TC 96/� TOP =961.2 CBS INV =93T.4 SCHOOL ��� / ' x 963.3 _-� X 962.9 - INV= 956:StALL TOP =980.5 - -963.9 x963.8 963.2 - l8" RCP Sr S INV= 957.2(E,S) 962.5 x963.1 963. 963.5 x 963.7 x 963.9 - x963.9 _I` �- a =962.0 �^_ x 96 L4 x 951.5 x 962.= x °F7 - x 962.7 962.9 - / =954.8 E W) \ x 961.7 _ x 961.5 - x 961.3 - - / =954.7 S �. x9 &2. - - A x 961.9 -961.4 / x962.0 -8- I-T- 6- M-1 -N' 0-44- S- •�'2� / 63.1 TC 2.8 902.4 - - 63.7 63.8 TC g6 TC ,Sh 95'yry� 963.2 ° CBS .�� \�' S� CB \ 963.0 63.2 963.3 TC3.5 TC TC _¢ /9 TOP =960.6 TOP =960.6 \ 62.6 82.8 TC TC INV= 957.4(N,E) INV =957.7 61.7 82.0 62.2 TC 24 Tr TC TC 96TC _ 961.1 51.3 961.6_ �� TC 11 962.6 9C3.0 962.8 TC 1 .I 961.8 - 96L6 °FTC gCl a TCI 3 TC �_ C TC TC 1 30 0 30 60 1� SCALE IN FEET J Dated this 21st day of January, 2016 I I Certified by:_L-�A_ ??�SkHaAson, P. �a L.S. Minn. Lic. No. 15480 I I I JISUNDE Main Office: 9001 East Bloomington Freeway (35W) ■ Suite 118 Bloomington, Minnesota 55420 -3435 'D s i jWG 952 -881 -2455 (Fax: 952 - 888 -9526) West Office: www.sunde.com Mandan, North Dakota 701- 663 -5562 File:2015 173001_R1.dwg 05 116120 16 1 Sheet: 6 of 10 i a 0 a n s o o i 0 r N 0 960.1 x 9. \ FT CH '/'959.9 a 958.7 - 'SPR -� 9190 'PIN ®959.7 x960.2 LINK F CE 5. BUILDING ENTRANCE ELEVATIONS SP 958 x 95/7.2 TO x 958.4 e959.5 9„ PR 960.P 9 0 J "s�cc x960.3 x960.1 5799.9 9'9 Monticello High School - trj I 1 0960. SCORE S x960.1 7; _ x 960.2 _ e958.5 0 958. R BOARD + 960.0 / 59.8 / x499.9 \ x960.1 mod` f Door Description Elevation ft. - - EDGE OF MOWED GRASS PIN 4'SPCG 96 9 \59.8 x 999.9 s5s.axt # P _ 09601 _ 957 h „ R k 959. 1 ssa 494.4s \ 095 7 \ BOLTED SHUT) I Top of concrete outside of door 963.05 PKS / " . R k 0 TOP =959.4 959.9 x 959.9 959.8 959 8 _ ss7.ol- ( Moteh Line 959.8 �_ � •4 ASH 2 Top of concrete outside of door 963.05 _ _ 957.0 TC - - - k�959.7 x�� -x - x MH HOPE Sr 5 (P) x950/, / x959.5 (See Sheet /0) -- -9994 LP 9•� 959.4 959.8 3 Top of concrete outside of door 963.12 TOP =958.2 la° r ' x 958. 1 INV= 949.4(E,S) 958.5 � x960.3 LGE 59.8 GRAVEL 959 1 4 Top of concrete outside of door 963.08 rn 958.6 958.5 958.3 / p 59.9 STS 5 To of concrete outside of door 963.06 \ 1.2 1959.1 959.4 � X95 . 958.9 gFjb 1 / 960.1 9 6 962.0 _,991;9- CJ6• / -9- / 958.3 60.2 / s.5 °a "ASH 6 Top of concrete outside of door 963.04 958.7 959.5 959.6 959.8 959.7 959.7 959.5 960.9 - 8.6J.6 � - 57.5 957.7 •9 SY- x x 959.5 960 x9533.1 P Tc T -� 9fi 959.7 x959.3 959.4 7 Top of concrete outside of door 963.03 ssz7 / &0 959 w / / s5s.a -9596 8 Top of concrete outside of door 963.05 8/ ®958.2 „ ' 0958.2 / X956.8 / 959.9 58.7 0 58. I ®958.3 „P� 9 �� / _95'9 ®959,2 958.3 ®958.4 1PN 1 ��_ Pte- N 9565 1 / 96C / 9 TO Of concrete outside of door 963.06 /95 86 a.8 958.7 0958iN ®s5a.2 9Jr "PIN I IN / GRAVE / �)7 "PIN 'PI �- 0 958.8 0 958.9 0 958.9 0 9 .5 0 958.6 �,, 9 PIN 0 95PIN ��P 58.6 Imo' -- / S / ^W9 IN s9 P a �' „ .I 0 958.8 "PIN h y R X6.8 95 TC Ohj 6050 r 5 0958.1 0.958.4 0956.7 )5 "PIN "PIN )5 "PIN 'pIN "P =N 6'PI ��� -957- / / / / 957.8 LINK )6 "PIN "PIN g "p1N ; i PIN PIN 4� CP ��T _6 FLQHAIN Op O concrete outside O door x994.9 I I Top of concrete outside of door 963.09 � 6� / I 9 � x 957.3 BENCH FENCE / - 956.9 957.1 06 x959.7 � � / � / / �9 / F.� 1 x9573 x 9574 X 957,5 12 Top of concrete outside of door 963.06 X958- 956.2 .2 95 • TC TC TC / 999.9 ;,9 957.1 13 To of concrete outside of door 963.04 �- 9 T TC \ 9 / x 958.8 h' �,P A 957.4 p 57.1 957.0 956.9 TC6.7 ETC TC ' 856.3 UCE uu 95g,Y 14 TO Of concrete Outside of door 963.06 957.3 TC 56 957.1 / x 95 957.8 GG? p 957.7 957.5 C TC ' 9 a" PV SANS `� 958.1 956.0 957.8 TC TC TC MH x 956.1 18 FT CHAIPF- 98.0 I TC TC ITC /95 TOP =9g56.5 1 x 955.6 H ` x 956.4 NV- 943.4(W,N) /� 957.0 INV= 945.1(E,S) _96� 956-0- -pGE x 955.8 x 955.5 x 955.7 x 955.9 \ 54^ RCP STS / 957.0'\ LI K NCE 1 x 955.7 _ x r / 69- � - -x g3TT -956,5 x 956.4 2/" RCP STS y INV =948. N 56� x 955. x 957.2 T P ) 9 T5957 MOP =957.7 / / 957.6 / \ x 957.3 9 _ j INV =946.5 S INV =946.3 x 858.5 -I{ -x 2 / B I T U M I N 0 U S `Nµ y INV =946.5 F( Ofi� 4- - x 957.4 - ISTANOING� ATE x 958.3 x 958.4 958.2 x 957. x 956.8 x 956.4 956.7 958.2 2 / ^RCP STS x TC x 957.4 ' 999,8 -0-- �5�•- TC TC x 957.5 0957.8 x 957.7 I U X \ GRAVEL UGE i 955. 955 �- TC TC 957.70. x957.8 _ 956.4 956.3 956.1 - - -- �- Z C TOP =954.9 TC CS CS / 56 Z 956.8 95 956.8 ' 956.6 �� -- �� �- INV=946.3 /9 0] \ 957.6 9 7.4 957'2 -_ 1 -_ --�- -r- -TC -T� (STANDING WATER) y LLI '- �� \ � X X X X X 956 9 1 _� 6 FT CHAIN 956.7 57.6 - Te-- X X X X X X X 956.4 956.8 \ / 957.9 / TC ' 1 X X X X a w a 956.4 956.3 957.0 X X X-}- ^ X x 957.6 X X�+e• -� -X X ---�- '�-- -X X X X -� 955.9 55.8 955.9 X LINK FENCE x 957.4 -u -X X X X X 9573 956.9 ,5a,� 957.5 X--- -958.W x 958 S �-g(7 4 ' \ 956.7 � � 6 FT CHAIN 956.8 X - -4( 956.9 x 957. 957.6 957.9 957.8 9 7.6 955 ��� 6 FT CHAIN \ LINK FENCE X � i9 �� 956.6 x 956.8 LP 95 , -� LINK FENCE `956- / X957. X 9579 958.4 I frFf�FiAIN , EASEMENT FOR UTILITY AND DRAIOAGE \ 999.0 x957.2 eB!'9 / x956.5 57.8 -F \ �� /LINK FENCE' -- PURPOSES PER DOC. NO. 719828 ; x 956.2 994.1 958 a Est '9992° / X :385 / I 997.9 TC 958.0 x 958.1 1 \ x 956.5 x 955.7 x 955.7 95 8 x 957.5 / L's1 ' x 955.8 x � x 958.1 I6 FT CHAIN �O g 957 a I X / LINK FENCE I x 95_ \ x 957.5 x 957.3 x 956.9 / x 957.5 9h x 956.3 957.0 x 9 • I x 955.1 x 956.9 956.7 / 58 i \ ; y ` x 1955.2 x 955.8 / x 956.2 x 956.5 x 958.4 x 958.4 958. 957.8 y x957.7 /9 k , 9�� x957.9 1 x957.6 � \ 1 4.9 x / I 957.9 I x958.4 l / x957.1 LEGEND 958.3 ; ; x 956.9 y 955.6 957. 957.6 y X x 956/8 x 957.2 k 958.4 \ i a 11\, 1 y I x 956.8 U x 956.1 x 956. I 957.3 58.0 X x958'7 ; \ i \ x956.8 c°i / I GRAVEL / ) N r I 1 AIS Denotes advertisement /information sign `v TC i \ , x957.6 x955.7 x956.1 x956.4 x956.7 x956.9 x957.2 55.9 I BBH Denotes basketball hoop x 957.6 / JU ; x958,4 �� ' x957.2 it xg 4,9"955.3 l\ 911 X h BBQ Denotes barbecue x 957.3 \\ x 956.6 v \ I \ x 958. I 957.7 I 1 Z w I i x958\ ; 1 994.9 \ 9578 I I =Z / 9572 BE Denotes building entrance x 9 7.9 I 958.7 �� ' x 958.2 \ P} x9579 x957.2 \ x95 \ I x958.5 o� �p wZ x x957.0 x9570 1 BH Denotes beehive catch basin \;I X x 958.4 c0 X = Z I 1 1 r w 956.7 x 957.3 BM Denotes benchmark 958.2 \ k 958.9 ; x 958.0 \ I x 956.5 x 955.9 x 956.2 x 956.6 1 J I / / 57.1 _ 1 x994.9 BTL Denotes beaver tail curb x957.2 x95.9 x957.4 �z c:, �� x999. BWB Denotes brick wall base 957.8 TC IX x959.2 \ ; \ -\ x / 1x958.0 X 1 1 CB Denotes catch basin \ 1 x957.8 x956.9 954.6 x GR VEL CBOX Denotes control box 1 ® FP9.3 �95g� x 958.9 x 958.5 i \ x 957.8 �_ I I / I 957.7 x 956.8 I x +5,9 � 9� x 957.2 I I 1 CBX Denotes communication box 1 x958.7 ; \ 950 x95 5 / I x959.4 I 1 999.8 957 \ CMH Denotes communication manhole x95 1 i X x 955.3 957.888 x 958.5 X x 957.2 1 956.8 1 COL Denotes building column 1 X , , x 957.6 1 , ■ 958.5 ; \ J 1 \ x957.9 / al / GRAVEL x95a.a I I / CS Denotes curb stop 0959.6 ; a x957.9 x999.9 x997.1 T \ CST Denotes concrete step 958.4 FP i x 959.4 x 958.3 I 1 \ 957.0 TC 1 ; x958.1 m 954.3 x957.3 .x9571 CT Denotes cooling tower X x959.5 ; x957.3 1 58.3 X CWB Denotes concrete wall bottom x 955.5 x 856.2 x 956.6 x 957.0 958 6 958 4 \, CWT Denotes concrete wall top \ 11 1 I �� x 957.9 / I 1 � x 957.4 1 0? I x 958.5 , x 959.0 x 958.6 M , a]i / , 1 957.8 x97.3 95 7x x955,4 x956.7/ �` DG Denotes drain grate x9 '3 959.7 M, / 4958.2 / / x957.4 / x95 7 54,2 \ / l �s6.0 \ DIP Denotes ductile iron pipe 1:5 FP ; x 957.2 v w 954.8 0 / e54•o x h EB Denotes electric box 1 9.6 EM P , / / ' \ \ \ Oj x 958.3 \ / 956.7 x.95 .0 \`9S) 1 Denotes electric meter gg•g ;59.0 �' ' / I Z x957,8 957.0 56.0 957.0 x957.4 EO Denotes electric outlet (( 955.4 x 955.2 x 956.9 \ Tc X / ' (7 x958.0 x957'7 / x956.9 \ \ ' Ix I FES Denotes flared end section ' ®9589 x959.1 / ; / x9575 / h x958.3 \ x957.3 FH Denotes fire hookup 1 I FP I x 9929 x994.2 x958.1 / ; / 1- 1 \ xs #7.o \ I 1 FOL Denotes fiber optic line x 95 .6 ; x 958.6 x 957.9 x 957.2 5 x 956.3 x 957.5 h p 1I X x956.8 xJ563 Q95 .0 1 x955.5 x955.1 I I I I \ GP Denotes gut pole .95 1 If) 9534 x95 ,g x956.895 9x x 55.8 x956.8 x956.9 x956.9 x957.21 GEN Denotes generator 1 959.9 ; / x 956.5 I 5„ Pµ x 958.5 55.4x , GLP Denotes goal post 959. I ' // i x 957.3 / I x.655.5 I � x957.3 GM Denotes gas meter GRDL Denotes round light 0 rc x =Z x958.9 i x957.9 ; x957,5 x956.9 958.0 x958.4 as 86.0 GP Denotes guard post v .L+ 1 // x 957.7 957.5 / I _ I I I �` I 1 I 9 4.2x 964. x 956.6 / g P g x 957.8 T P= 53.9 x,,, guy x96 I 1 �Y 1 58.0 ' / x956.6 x956.6 953'19 1� x954.7 x / 1 GW Denotes U wire °-z ; 1956 I I CB ($ FSET, BOLT ) I I 1 1 iv= 49.9 HCPB Denotes handicap door push button W X a J ' ' 95� V�j INV - 9046.8 x 956.8 x 956.9 j 1 ; / ' x956.3 I iX x97.0 I x9576 / x957'2 HCR Denotes handicap ramp 999.9 � / x997.1 I �9xs6 � ____ HCS Denotes handicap sign TC I 960.0 ; x956.0 x956.6 I I x958.5 ' M957• x 4•a xg�5.6 1 HDPE Denotes high- density polyethylene pipe d, x 955.4 I 9 4.8 1 x957.5 x957.6 I I HH Denotes hand hole 0 60. x 957.8 ; x 956.8 x,857.3 !957:1 x956.3 J \ I I HHC Denotes communication hand hole P 1 , x 956.6 - 953 4 xssae � \ _- � ;- y x956.3 956• � x J I x958.4 I I � 1 ( HHE Denotes electric hand hole _ 956- J HHF Denoted fiber optic hand hole x 997.2 \ HYD Denotes fire hydrant x 959.5 i \ x 957.4 x 956.8 x 956.8 ' _ l- x 953.5 x 954.2 958.0 x 956.6 x 957.0 x 957. 1 FT CHWN-� '-� � � >a 956.3 � --- x 955.6 I I 1 1 x 957.3 w °oF LINK FENCE -- 957.7 \ , U x 956.1 I x 957.7 \ INV Denotes structure invert or roa ; ` x 955.8 C 9 .6 59.¢ m x 959:3- -959 - �= x 955.6 955 ` X.4 MPL 1 I ` I \ _ 1 LA Denotes landscaped area C co ' 959.8 , x955.1 x954.2 Denotes keystone wall base ro 957.5 o 960.8 �' x 960.6 960 \ '1958' �' 95 ,6 95 .7 x 955.2 95 9 x 956.5 x 57.0 x I P 1 �i� \ x x x 57.2 955.4 " PR *962.5 UG£ � ' _x957.5 �- 954.4 x954.4 r \ x958.4 x LP Denotes light pole / 959.2 xsss.o LPT Denotes LP tank x 0.1 62-LT-01 � TC 962.3 �'962.I- -961- �- g59,�_ � � x 957-3- x 956.7 x 956.7 0961.3 HYD x96 .a \y Q6d,2 \ � -,956.9 x e� 1 I \ I I x956.8 MB Denotes mailbox "SPR ®x61.9 x961.9/ 982.4 62\ TWA- T£�L /NELOCAT -10N, 956• �r I x8571 1 9573 MC Denotes metal Cover 960. SPR T \ WV C� 954.2 ^ x 957.9 x 958.3 x 956.7 1 1 1 x 999.9 x 956 9 - X56 s MH Denotes manhole \ \ 954.2 x x9578 MRAL Denotes metal railing \ ' 961.8 � 1 6 AS MARKED h 954.5 m I 1 � OD Denotes overhead door 96 961. 961. 962.5 x 962.5 .962.4 C O N C a 95 4 I 960.4 961.6 I x I -a ° /�W x955.5 wv% x OHE Denotes overhead electric line TC CONC GATE I -8^ DIP W I 961.3 962.7 96 9 961.8 \ `1 958.0 I 1 I _TED SHUT) 961. ° \ 09 9.4 x 957.0 \ 1 x 956.8 955.4 x 95.5 =960.6 1 961. 962.8 8" PVC SAN S 9 2.7 962.8 962. MH(P) x 954.6 955.7 962.9 BM #�jj((�� \ PIN \ I 953.9 x497.9 \ 1 I I P Denotes per Ian not field verified 960 TC BOAK TC 9627 9 •9 BIYI }f� -�o 0 61.1 \ \ 53.9 \ x955.0 x955.8 x956.3 (957.0 PIV Denotes postpindicator valve 993.1 _ x957.3 PKS Denotes parking sign TC TC T C 0 N C R E 9 463.0 `in "PIN \ \ \ \ -X 9 1 953.8 \ 2958.5 x958.3 pp Denotes power pole 962.0 -}_ \ 961.4 962.7 -BE- 963. I �� 962.9 962.5 1 x 961.8 960.0 �x 955.7 2 1 I x 956.9 'PIN \ x 956.6 x 958.9 1 TCI.I ,e 36. / ro PIN X 957.7 \ x 958.2 1 x 55.8 1 960.8 x962.2 4 FT CHAIN x s.s PPT Denotes owe* pole w transformer ' \ x957.6 1 1 0 I PPU Denotes power pole with underground utility x955.1 2955.6 x499.1 xss .s 0 PTBL Denotes picnic table x 960.8 / LINK FENCE x x 95• x 9 3.8 x 953. x 954.5 z 957.1 x 957.8 P P 9 Y X961 / 962.7 \ '% 961.3 •959.2 \ 1 1 I I 1 x 957.7 1 : P 'ON s1•I ` + x957.3 PVC Denotes polyvinyl chloride pipe 31. / 1 x961.1 /9 �2 „•.1 "PIN a `° 1 / I J1 q' RC Denotes ribbon curb WATER LINE LOCA 7/ON x 9616 x 962.5 w 962.7 x 60.3\ \ h I cb 957.0 x 955.7 958.0 AS MARKED x961.4 r h x956.4 x956.5 RCP Denotes reinforced concrete pipe / 962.9 \ I \ I / ' / I I x 9999 x ssks� (6 P P x982.3 \ 56.5 956.6 V RD Denotes roof drain x9622 \ x959.4 956.4 �' SAN S Denotes sanitary ewer .6 TCI 961.7 963. 962. x961.8 x9 I.I \ ( / 1 ( x958.5 x957•, x \ x955.81 956.7I� x957.3 SANCO Denotes sanitary cleanout 956.5 1.6 1 TC 9620 1N o y \ \ \ 953.4 ST S Denotes storm sewer D 961. TC � 2 953.5 PIN T 1 e \ \x 9 x- x953.7 x954.6 x956.5 I x857.6 I \ I I 9b 0 \ STC Denotes t0 of surmountable curb 961.7 T 962•° Z N 2955.2 x997.9 xs 6.1 xs .7 I x95 9 TC Denotes top of concrete curb 10 y \ \ x 96 .7 \ \ 95 8 x� 0 95.3 I x 58.0 x 957.1 P 961.4 961.1 963.0 U _ M I R \ \ I I 958.6 957.9 x x sss 7 x 956.9 x 999.91) TCS Denotes traffic control sign TC TC x 962.4 Z BE N x 962.3 \ \ \ I CB (OFFSET B LTED) I 958.7 9 y o DOOR /3 \ TOP= 953.3' Z� 956,5 TL Denotes traffic light - 990.9 960. U 1 U 9 2.9 x9627 \ INV= 947.3(SWj xss .s 58.4 X z TRANS Denotes transformer box -ex 961.2 961.1 Z ? x961.7 \ I (N,S INACC ISLE) I I� GRA EL 956.9 x957.2 y Tc O I' -c\ 963.0 B�.o \ \ \ \ \ � �� � GRAVE 9577 1 �Z � 1 UGC Denotes underground communication line 993.0 BE \ \ ` 75PIN 1 1 Q __ ICJ X VP Denotes vent underground electric line \ 958.1 / �� x x997.9 1 I W Denotes water line I x 959.9 •o_ 960.9 U 961.8 m I Z \ \ ` 953,8 \ \ x956.9 Q) x957.6 x9949 x sa•o �Z V956.o WMH Denotes water manhole TC CB O x 961.5 \ \ x gQ6.5 P1N x 853.1 x 853.3 1 x 954,3 x 954 g x 955.6 x 956.2 / z 958.1 \ X WV Dentes water valve 961.0 � x9\21 \ \ \ � J TOP =960.2 961.7 x � 957{1 TC I I x 956.7 x 957.1 961. I U 962'9 $ / \ x 957.8 I 956.5 x 956.8 x 956.8 ` 57. I 1 OTC INV=954.6(W,E) \ x962.6 x962.4 \ \ \ \5� \ \ I BAS Denotes Basswood tree 15" RCP s7� s 12^ Rrp ae\� MH(P� R \ _ I " CRAB Denotes Craba le tree 990.9 961.5 \ MH N N I I xsss.3x HACK Denotes Hackbepry tree 0.9 TC y m 963.2 9 2.9 • BWB \ 961.2 BRICK \`9G 963.1 963.1 96.1 962.6 962.7 982.8 I 958.2 9579 957.8 x 957.6 956.6 956.6 I I x 957.2 MPL Denotes Maple treeree \ _ WALL % //,3 , �•D �^ I Zw ■s 7.1 956.4 I PIN Denotes Pine tree < 3' PL PINR Denotes Red Pine tree \ 961.3 x 960.7 DOOR /4 o x 57.3 x 953.7 x 953.4 957.9 x W Z w 7.w I� 957.2 A TC 960.5 x962.9 x61. 1 I x954.3 295 9 2955,7 1 2956.3 x95.9 x957.4 x958.1 x958.5 x958.5 x958.1 ) U" 2Z = a7. / -\ h SPCB Denotes Colorado Blue Spruce tree BWB 1 �Y sss.sx�4 ° �w \ ° 1 SPCG Denotes Colorado Green Spruce tree 161.4 961.1 x I \ 961.5 960.6 \ Wg I \ \ \ \ \ I I 1 81NK FF.,tJCE ^ `OJ I �Z m x LLZ x956.9 / x957.0 \ g),•0 $PR Denotes Spruce tree \ \ x953.5 \ 195,, TR Denotes deciduous tree 96 61.8 96 TC 960.2 962.9 \ 1 \ \ ` - \ 9�.R\ x 954. x 955.7 � 0 \ 1 958.0 GRAVEL x 958.3 /957.6 957.90 1 956.9 x 957.2 960.1 960.3 957 TC2 TC 9CL8 961.7 cp 1 956.6 958.0 x 958.6 20 FT HAIN 957.9 957.8 956 9 TC 960 \ x 854'2 I1 FT CHAIN 41 3' PL \ 20 FT CHAIN 1 957.4 -_ pIV a �' N C 1 ` x \ \ / .9 \ 8 FT CHAIN LINK NCE • g57.3�x 957.1 C 9 2 LINK FENCE / GRAVEL 9 I.6 \ x957.2 957.7/ LINK FENCE LINK FENCE 5 •1 G� O f .. 1 x 962.7 \ x x 957.8 x_X 958.5 958.6 958.2 58.2 958 I �� 957.9 20�Q \ q F� C�/AIN 1 �i yN 1 57.3 x 955.1 ll FF3N 6 FT CHAIN ■ 955.1 INK CE gg7 957.1 X --z 957.4' 962.2p?r I BW 9 \ xg \ 957.8 958.3 X Fi• 5 956.9 LINK FENCE 959.8 ,o \ fi" PL /\ F _ 957.0_ 62.5 TRENCH DRA /N _ N \ x 954.3 x 956.7\ \ \ 958.5 B C 958.2 957.2 X ys6;g-X 957.IX X "957.2 X 4 957.3 BENCH o I Ox 30�MC Tc 959.8 •954.4 \ 958.2 \ x 957.8 957.4 1 959.8 959.7 Q BWB x 962.8 SPR x 955.4 � x 957.7 ,� x 957.3 O °�2J MC _ 959.8 \ \ m \ \ 55 / x957.1 �- 958.8 958.3 $i$,.9 - -- r 8.4 \ 62.8 962.6 yL - J 963.0 CST - _ 95 . 959. 4' PL / / 5$/ I -� / _�� 'a , 958PL 57.0 9 9572 95 -957 \ 1 •954.6 9 / gs �+c - - - -- - -.x G� fi FT CHAT --959-2 - MH 96W6 1 962.8 962.8 962. \ \ \ \- / X8.0 1 I 57.7 / x 957.3 1 9 �191.62 .9 - LOADING DOCK I x 499.4 x 959.9 x 956. GM ® x 962.9 x 96 2 x 9S 1.6 x 956.6 x 957.5 �- 958.9 /L D /NG o• jQ I x 958.2 993.19b3- 2 963.1 (4 I I 1 958`9 x 955.2 .. x 955.5 / x 958.1 957. -957 5 BE 1 BE 19 OD ) OD BE BE 96 .I 862 9 I \ 960 3 /'�_ r 1 GP I FP ® 957.7 ( .� 7.0 956..1 x 958.6 x 958.8 40.0 I LIGE ��Lt^,�C- 957.PIL 3' PL Gj \ °_ / x 57.0 x 957.6 958.2 x. 1 o.0 797 Q 1 - - - -- - - a / \x 958.2 LSE 95&k 957 x 956.9 o DOOR l2 � "o � � HH s5 .9 959. -I KEYSTONE 957.1 `ueF -� x 957.3 1 ` \ 1 959.3 . .0 959.0 WALL �j -� h1 x 957.E x 958. I x1958.8 \ • 958.7 \ 958.0 1 x 957.2 x 957.2 1 959.6 959.6 959PL- �O x 959.2 24.7 N x 959.4 x 958.2 x 957.8 7.6 LINK FENCE 57.3 � \ x 958.2 x 958.7 962.9 �D 1 1 1 \ 55.8 / 56.8 57.2X 57.9 / / CONC =DUGOUT 9 9.0 957.8 BENCH //• 1 x955.9 9 5.9 / X 9ATE 58.SX 958.7 X X 959.0 C !v� X X 957.4 57•' 6 FT CHAIN 959.1 959.5 959.6 959.6 O \ Gam- 957.6 957.5 -� x957.5X x 962.4 I x 9fi 1.4 \ _ x 956.3 �� �/ x 956.4 /x <f57,0 / tiC 957.5 6 FT CHAIN x 963.0 \ 958. LINK NCE 9588 8 FT CHAIN \ x x(79 959.4 �F� • 958 4 \ G� LINK FENCE LINK FENCE 957.5 I x 956.2 �(1� / I 20 FT CHAIN F 3" L x 957.4 9'ORxN / GRAVEL LINK FE CE a'cOn 957 20 FT CHAIN x 857.4 x 857.4 x 957.4 958,8 LINK FENCE 1 ■ 61.2 \ \ \ 956.5 x 957.0 /OUL I / 958. 97.8 962.8 I I G R A V E L POLEx 957. x 957.8 957.3 \ \ \ x 956.4 95 . 3 x 958.2 959.0 958.9 956.7 x 959.1 w x 959.5 x 959.2 958.8 U ? �' x 957.5 958.7 Z a U GRAVEL 956.6 I / 958. 958.9 '-� _ ,-I` x957.5 30 Q 30 60 x 61.2 957.0 x I 82 W� J x957.5 x957.5 1 SCALE IN FEET x 962.9 X X62.1 I x '�•2 ��,,,, x 956.1 / 958, m / \ 956.9 x 956.9 957.0 x = p57. I x 956.9 �� 7 � • 3" P � X x 957.5 G.7 958. 957.7 957.6 �957� / / / ' I CONC a6 1 MOIV TICEL L O _ - - Ol 962.8 / 1 \ / x 956.7 x96.9 x 951.4 x 957.9 l 959.1 Op 958.5 58.4 957.7 x 957.6 x 957.8 0 956.5 x 958.4 x 959.0 HIGH SCHOOL 0 957.2 16 INx 956.1 /1� / x 959.4 x 959.4 958. 958.8 "� / 0 Ma tc Line - \ \ - - - - „PIN ( - - 1 - - - - - I x58.9 N y�� - x 958 - - - x 957.7 - - x 957_6 - - 2 STORY BRICK BUILDING 963•° coNG (see �heet sJ aD \ h 1 959.8 58.5 \ x957.7 BE 962.9 / x 959.6 \ \ x 956.6 0, / X I 958. 58.4 95 .7 1 #5225 SCHOOL 5L VD. 976 a 963,0 \998 x l ' c�_ BE ED X 95,.6 968 E •0 961.0 \ x9579 5(, T P 955.7 I X 958.6 958.5 x957.7 Dated this 21st day of January, 2016 GRDL 9 I / 0956.5 I /p�V= 949.4(S,N) 957.31 \ �2!3 / • 958.4 a••� a \ "SPR /55.9 * 957.0 X 959.0 GRAS EL z 958.7 ` 957.9 963.0 962.9 862.9 962.7 • 959.8 957A5 99 x 9528 x 957.7 x 957.7 x 957.8 /963.0 m aHCP6 / 959 9 "B AS x 9 9 1 I x X X x 958.6 x 1 _ /•�_ 1 / X959.8 1 & I x957.6 x958.3 958.8 x959.2 x \ X958.9 Zw Certified by:_L_ DODR l /,O' 9fi .0 g g1 / 959.6 959.4 PKS x 956.4x 956.6 x 957.1 959.5 x 959.1 = Z 957.8 ??�SkHaAson, P.L.S. o, COL 1 951.6 959.4 959. 958.6 958.2 957.7 r� I \ OGE U Minn. Lic. No. 15480 3.0 x 962.8 / / l 962.91 960. T C r C O N C R E T58 • 9574 N ^ I �0 I / .I o'v 959. 59.3 _. a.a 9 ea�o957.5 9V739 1S � � 9 7.5 I 959.3 959.8 959.5 GRAVEL x957.8 1 JISUNDE Main Office: 9001 East Bloomington Freeway (35W) • Suite 118 Bloomington, Minnesota 55420 -3435 DSi �G 952 -881 -2455 (Fax: 952 - 888 -9526) West Office: www.sunde.com Mandan, North Dakota 701- 663 -5562 File:20 /5 /73001- R1.dwg 05 116120 16 7 Sheet: 7 of 10 s a 0 o o o i 0 r N I a 9 -, I x9527 X 2.6 T /INV =946.6 SW) \ Ana ` 95 p 952.3 INV =944.2 S H =7-3• 956.3 •�O \ Oi 1' rC - 953.6 95 4 INV =945.8 j)W _ TC x 957.5 - 957.8 x 958.2 x 958.2 x 58. I I N x 955.6 957.9 I - 54. I T `��• T °~ $52 8 W 952.8 \ 953.2 / 9 N) IN P =939.91 IN E 955.4 9 27 0+� U I g TC 956.4 57.0 957.8 x RD Qx 9 • I CONC TC TC ONC TC r g .I „i 853' 952. STC TCS a y WV $ x955.5 55.0 p(T(,� / 95 ,.1 6.4 952 rnr 952.7 52.7 952.4 I( y x INV 944.6 S 957 6 955. 9 4.3 /5 RC 952.41 C 0 N C 9528 STC V 940.8 S NV 943.3 INV =938.5 N 957.8 958•Q TC S S G / INV =944.6 x 957.5 I 1 �F � 954.9 955.3 x 957.3 957.8 Qx 957.6 957.9 957.4 CB 54.5 CB (DRYWELL) / 95619 95 2 S _ I 952.5 TOR C x 954.4 1 INV -955.5 x 957.8 I I TC I 955.3 CO I 94.8,3 TC STC CB - x 952.5 �, I a CB x 952.9 x 952.8 957.6 ` x 955.6 1 � � � � � 957.5 952.91 952.5 3 INV =947.8 TOP =954.7 952.4 TOP =952.1 ry /() � x 957.5 W O1 "� I INV =950.6 ,p C 52.2 x 957.8 x 957J9 x 958.2 x 958.3 x 9 A�5x, \ 5 9 O TC \ x 95-, I D M .3- I 0 x 952.7 / 956.1 \ = In 9 .9 ,3 95 ®I 952.3 a x 952.5 TC lT _ O 955.2 Z 956.2 _ _ Match Line EA S T V /EW m x 9572 9�'2 955.6 O a '° x 952'9 `D x 952.6 + 57_6 / 1 Z 954.7 - - x 955.4 _ _ _ - - - - - - _ _ _ - _ a �, 952.8 x 952.6 x 956.7 - 58. CONC L'-1 - 9526 _ _ 3 Z 'a �� � 3.0 952.5 954 957.3 E 957,8 F j SA5 TC TC TC CS T 3,1 TC HHC 952. TCS 952.6 ■ I " 957 7 958. 957.6 952.3 953.2 953.0 TC CB TCS x 952.5 Tc TOP =947.2 957.61 C 958. w 9570 955,1 a 54.0 x GAS x954.1 F_ - TC 9 .4 0 ,a MH INV =943.4 9579 TC 52.5 953.201 52.5 INV -945. (N - 957.7 x 957.8 - 958.3 x 958.5 x 958.4 0 m m 955. ,9375 PENNING A l�E. N. L . • 957.7 U 956.2 TC 955.7 - 9 •5 GAS CB TC x 952.3 954.5 955.0 TC Z m LP I 10 955.4 956.0 956.5 957.2 O1 957.9 957.6 957.2 O I 952.4 A 952.9 .2 BTL 957. V =94957.8 ® HCR C 0 N C E T E 9HCR o DOOR ✓ ,a I� x953, h \ / 955.2x 955.3 x957.5 U , '") TC TC 952.2 9BBH BTL 3 56.0 56.5 957.2 957.7 "� 58.0 957.0 955.4 95 .7 I I I H \ TC N / I 1 955.7 uQQQ,,+� CONC 956.3 x 952.3 57.8 x 957.8 / x 95& 1 x 958.5 x 958.8 x9 8.g- / x 9 9.1 I 95 ,4 9 4.5 x 9531,8 954.3 954.9 TCU.I I \ ^ 958.0 \ 955.9 I I 9�8 952. \ m x 955. I x 956.2 x 956.7 0 x I 56.4 cp $k 1 x J/ I I I h 1 \ x 957.1 h� 958 2 58.0 957.3 I I INVy 9477T) S) 952.9 T52.8 5" RSP TC2.0 / S. RCP / o� 954.0 w o, /I 1959.11 x1956.1 TC j '�� 35 rn \ I \ INV 947.E 1 955.7 lv x 9 957-2 TC 956.4 955.6 9 5 9 �\ fi B MH -958 I TC Z 955. ^ DOOR B O 9 0 \ m x9 43.1 I 95 TC I V =9470 NV =946.7 W $\ 9929 gg C O N C 999.7 \2 \o� x 952.2 ) 59.3 TOP =953.3 I 954.8 \ m R h x8 95 HCR 56.5 956. .K I y h INV= 945.7(N, IL 4.3 CB 954.2 54.6 O Q. 957.6 ^ ,0 TC aaff y ti 958.1 x 958.2 x 95 &6 ( x 959.1 - 959.0 959.8- I x 958.5 I INV =947.8 N,S \ • 956.7 0, G 95$.1 BIT \ x 1154. x 953.7 U x'256.0 I ASH = CSC I 3.5 ^ 957. C� ®952.6 ° h N 956.5 �\ AIS R I I I I 953.Q I 955.6 � I Q m I I V 952.0 h TC 1 x 955.0 TC O `9S6. 956.1 O 957.7 957.6 955.9 95 .1 = 952,8 i� TC 4 954.1 954.9 ahV -,*,956.0 MH MH �x 957.2 4.0 957.7 957.4 \ Tc °D•N I I h I TC T52.7 I N m 952 2 CB I I x s�56.3 A` 6 9556 955.6 12 "MC 957.4 956.6 �E�, -, 955.9 °� I 1959.1 I I HYD ' \ 956.3 _ BBH 21 ai 0i WV \ TC I PPU TC 4 x952.1 I INV =947.5 954. u, 000ON / x 958.4 x 95 &5 x859.0 x 959.3 x 959.8 957.1 95 .5x Q N0 h h 956. / 0 5 .0 957.8x 957.5 N CB 952.0 / Uc 55.4 955.4 5 9 957.8 '� cam» I 77 INV= 9476 O1• TC TC4.1 x 953.8 I x 955.2 x 955.3 a DOCDI G\ m o 956. T5 .4 I I Cn I 1 952,C TC2.8 952.7 Irn / I I 54.0 - / 954.1 RD CONC 957.6 957.4 956.9 956.6 x 92.6 N 1 956.0 x T 957.7 T IS Lp 954. 955. 955. 955.8 956 �' 95 s.° DOOR I 9927 rc I 4.5 I I rn N x 858.6 - 958.6 x x 959. 56.0 954.8 �� E „� ONC ud x 952.2 954.2 58.3 / 959. I x 959.5 I 1 / 8696 `�,,^C CON / O O1 C I i 952.0 957. I 954.2 55.1 954.9 " "'6.0 7.7 95 2 956.2 95 .5 \ I I % 959.11 I TC x 1955. 958:0 1 ■ 17 ASH \ TC Y ,I 952.9 952.8 TC ® 955.3 955. W TC TC x 9 3.9 ®955.1 a m i9S 0 1 / I 956.6 'i 1 I I 5TC rn T 956 8 FT CHAIN X,��� 956.9 J G I I I x 955.3 z LINK FENCE—, J / x 955. 1 957.7 957.6 1 CBI x 953. I \ I C8 955.6 /5" RCP h 955.5 x 955.4 ATE7.O 958.0 OPL -951.7 952.3\ NV =947.0 ST S 8.3 x 958.7 -958.8 / - 959.2 x 959.1 959.1 x I I x 957.3 I 955.1 I �h TC / 956.9 957.8 J9� 956.5 l I x I INVT94.2 / x (ICE) MH ro x 956.7 "957.3x 91 54• x 954.0 x 955.6 g5� 958.0 TC in g 2,3 a TC TC IT INV =947,0 W S) 95 7 �J OD' 956.9 '� 55.6 953.2 952.9 a 5" RCP TOP =952.0 954.7 9 I / ,- 859.3 \x � TC 9 56.3 •9 °i I I �TC O O 951.9 INV= 946.6�Wf 7.1 57.3 58 958.1 956.9 Z N a, I / /yg9 \ \ \ 1 -955.6 956.5 CONC 957. B�DOOR H DOOR C o T57.7 L� n1 l I / w \ y 999.9 y -I Ss /0.9 . 3fl 0 � h 1I95''8. -- ---- --- --- ------ -- - --- ---- - - - ---- --- 957.1 •� ( 0 4.9 x 955,3 TC SB 57.5 49HC A 8.1 9 958.0 160.2 - -- - -- 900 ° I 1 I 953.2 953.1 x 958.6 �I "" -958.9 / .959.1 - 959. - 958.9 x �jg,2 ( 95 0 \ •O 0+ Oi B 956.7 \ \ \ 4.2 rC x 955.3 l0 S D?G UGE x C X ^ 957.8 58.2 \O N C 957.8 (n I I I I (TC TC - N I ssa. 9s N GARAGE N ss7a T 954.0 a �' VINYL SIDING N W 957.0 0 w 9 2.3 N 957.9 958.0 � O 952.6 957.2 m0 19 5 z T I \ CB 9 8 2 `� 955. /f \ :z y 956.711 ITC T U o O a \ �q _ 53 _ y x9 \ INV =94 &5 S T x95T� TC �� 5 • 998 9y 957.9 TC 2 9 3.1 ii 3 956.5 / a- Ig '0 I •959.3 \ \ co NV =948. �N3 ,� /2.3 x 57.0 x CONC DOOR G o DOOR F x 957.9 x 958.1 1 TC \`9S� \ I I I I Q 358.8 I x 958.9 / x 959.1 x 959.3 x 959.3 959.3- x 9 •4 \ 957.0 c7� 9 • I a TC 1 956.4 / 956.6 S x 957. 957.7 957.6 I to 957.0 n I I 1 TC \ Ai \ 957.8 58.0 %0.9 958.1 '� C7� 953.5 953.4 / 959.2 _ TC 954.0 '� 55.5 - 956.7 I A 9 95& I _ 958.1 957.1 I I- 1 I I T/ `R+ ■A-`iJ��� \ °'� 955. 956.2 956.6 957.8 �- B I D 957.3 °f y 957 5 _ \ \ 954.9- BTL HCR B I T U M I N 0 S 957 C O N C Z 957.4 I \� 952.7 954.3 BTL 9 .9 956.3 9560 957.5 957.7 957.8 9 .7 957. 1 952. / \ TC CB - TC 955.5 o I 54.2 \ x 954.2 TC 3 1 95 .5 \ \ 6.3x\ LP F .0 TOP =952.3 x 959.2 x 959.2 - 959.5 x 959.7 x 959.5 x 959.5 x 95 .5 9966.3 55.2- x 956.3 957.2 TC I� x I Is ® / \R INV 947.7 IS ^� ,�' 952.9 s o 957.6x x 957.9 958.1 x 958.2 958.1 ° �L'SRJ x 954.6 N TC ~ 957.5 57.3 � TC TC 959.6 x 954.7 95 x 957.6 x 957.8 \ - n h 953.8 953.6 m TC \ \ \ \ 957.7 I 957.3 I m I r / h y , 956.3 \ x 957.8 0] is � 953.2 � x 959.6 • 4H9 4 \ \\ �� 4,5 TC I x 956.9\ -957.7 I 957.6 957.5 g II / \ 957.6 w x9 .3o TC cS� 957.4 N Q I I T5 < I 957.9 957.7 a 95514 DOOR E DOOR D V958.0 7.9 I rnx \ x 95914 x 959.7 x 959.9 x 9 0.1 x 959.6 -959.6 x 959.7 x 957.1 N\g TC I \ CONC 958.1 956 I CONC I x 958.2 S� 57.7 957.7 TC Q I I 9C4.3 954.1 N 953.4 x 959.6 959.7 \ 3 �-� 956.2 ,27.lx 958.0 BE 98 BE x 957.6 J m 3 9 3,9 /5" RCP 959.7 \ \ \ x g 8, I x 956.3 957.6 957.8 x 957.7 958.4 958.3 G� = I 953.7 953.7 ST S - 9,59.3 l x 954.8 RD 957.6 95' 957.6 I TC J - I H gsO \ 1 1 x 957.5 CONC 957.8 R957.7 ' 1 CONC a pppw...111 /5" RCP ST 53.5 TOP =952.9 960.0 � \ \ C x 956.5 \ i / 957.9 / u) I 53.6 'O 953.7 953.8 CB 9 4. i I 957.6 N .6 TOP =953.1 INV =949.1 INV =948:9 953.7 10 h 957.1 x 957.5 ' x 958,2 957.9 1 TC \ x 954.8 x 957.7 x 957.8 957.9 1 MH x 959.4 x 959.5 x 959.7 x 959.9 -960. -959.9 x 959.7 x 955.5 \ x 957 956.0 CB / 957.9 / I / \ TOP =953.2 I I TOP =954.2 915 x 957.5 INV= 949.2(E) I INV =950.5 TC \ i / TC 0 I ®9 .I �h� \ INV = 948. ( ] 954,9 x 954.9 I I / cp I TC 3((W)) Q I I I TC -956.3 \ 1 958.6 w / \ 957.9 I I INV =948. N � x g 6.4 UG£ ~ T0� 9 '/ x 954.2 INV =948.6 958. 959.9 x 960.0 I I x 957.0 U!x£ sip N I x 1 954.2 I �/� I I \ x 957.2 \ ad 957. �54• x TC W I x 959. x 95 6 I -956.4 � 958.11 958. 958. I m x 959.6 x 959.9 x 959.7 I I x 959.4 x 959.7 0.0 0� Q 3 956.5 x 957.1 x 957.4 I x 958.4 U I I I \ 954.2 z \ 960. I I O i 957.6 / I 955.8 I CJ I I O 958.1 95 TC 95 4 a P U 8 x 954.7 - 955.3 1� - I I a 9 6.5 I CpX `Z' ' 958.2 958.4 \C ' 958. 958.7 958.9 958.4 958.3 TC I I 956.4- 3' x 956.8 / ' CONC a LO I x 9 6.4 [7 x 957.2 ' 958.8 960 I 60.0 j 11 5 TC 7 996.8 -960.1 x 957 - 956. / ' - - - - -- - P C x 959.7 --- -- 9 9. P 960.2 1 1 956 x956.5 WA TER I- INE_LOCAI![JJ�C----------957.1 --------------- -----------957.3 7.7 g x 60.0 -- - -- 956.$- -- -- ---- -- / x x I V 958.9 958.5 1 - - -- - -- -- 956- -- ----------------------------------------------------------- ------- -- -- - - -- - i x957.7 W 958.2 I g x 959 ----- TC ` x 958 5 - 1y_ / 5 x 5 �-- ---------- -- 1 1 56. 8" W ' ' -- -- - --- 9f>9.L---- ------ --- -----------P - ---- x 956.2 ' I I W u1 cS h - -- gg C rn I 9WV Ix x960.0 --------- ---- ------- ------------ -- --- --- TC GAS IL ------- --- -- --- --- - -- 60.x--- -- -- --- -- -- --- \ F 9�i.3 WV GAS 958.6 15 95 ' GAS W G 1 958.3 I I I TC 1\ 956.8- "'� °•9 959.0 I 95 .2 m I N r0o \ x 9 x 956.4 ' \\ ` x 957.0 x 957.4 I TC I I I 955.3 960.4 x 960.2 x 959.i4 57.1 phi � � � x 9 0. I II x 957.6 ugh I TC x 58 I x 956 3 dpi/ m y NIT"' 5" CP x 951.4 x 951. T5'.6 BUILDING ENTRANCE ELEVATIONS 51.2 TC TOP =950.9 HCR INV =946.8 BBH Denotes basketball hoop BBQ " Eastview )P =951.7 barbecue Elementary School building entrance V= 943.4(SW) Denotes beehive catch basin BM Denotes - _ Door # Description Denotes Elevation(ft.) A Top of linoleum inside of door 958.09 B Top of concrete outside of door 958.07 C Top of concrete outside of door 958.09 D Top of concrete outside of door 958.08 E Top of concrete outside of door 958.11 F Top of concrete outside of door 958.07 G Top of concrete outside of door 958.09 H Top of concrete outside of door 958.10 I Top of concrete outside of door 956.10 J Top of concrete outside of door 958.09 K Top of concrete outside of door 958.06 L Top of concrete outside of door 958.13 � 956.9 _ 57.9 1 1 /g x 957.3 / x 958.6 x 958.6 5 957.8 1 I / 1 x 958.4 - 958.8 95 7 I I I ' 956.1 x 955.7 957. x 957.2 TC i 958.7 958.5 TC -960.3 / ` TC 956.7- / ' h rn O \x 956.5 I x 957.4 i 959.3 959.2 -4 ,� 9 5.8 955.8 x 957 8 TC ,a TC x 960.1 x 959.7 \ 1 x 957.0 x 958.6 958.6 D rn I\ 958.8 / 960.1 x 958.9 -�g58 1 x 958.1 i / x 958.8 O I I \ \ --- ttt__"' 7 / 958.7 Z a 957.0 / x 956.7 x 957.3 ' ( x 959.0 958.7 u� _ N \ �h� 956.3 \ 958.9 1 x 958.6 1 958.7 rn 0, 958.4 958.3- TC 956.2 \ TC x 960.5 \ I �� 956.8x 956.9 RIGHT -OF -WAY ENCROACHMENT EASEME T AREA �;~ 958 .5 I 999.3 / TC / PER BK. 91 MISC, PG. 403 DOC. NO. 43 394) TC I D x 958.5 W ~ '� \ / \ 959.4 C� (OFFSET) x 58.2 x 956.9 i 959.5 x 960.3 x 60.0 x 959.4 x.95 y \ 1 ' x 957.6 i TC O - J 960.4 ( x 957.1 - Q. \ rOP =956.0 Z x95 &8 OI 956.6 V =951.0 956.5 CB UNITED POWER ASSOC. EL CTRIC TRANSMISSION / x 956.7 x 957.3 x 958.1 0� 95TC 2/1' RCP STS TC TOP =956.0 / \ o LINE EASEMENT PER DOC. 0. 421382 959.9\ I x59.0 g - 957.4 6.7 INV= 951.0(ALL) 9 959 C x 959.4 TC ' �x 959 0 yam. 958.3 9P8• ?W? N� o 1 956.8 3 T sQ. x 958 �x F Q$ G I M 6 70 STs 959.2 1 957.50 _ 1 1 956.9- / -OHE- - x 960.6 x 960.5 / x 961.\ 96 '9 \ x 960.5 x 960.3 x 960.2 x 960.3 959. -� 9.2 0_ - - I 957.0 x 961.2 � � � 958.2- x 9�8�5 i x 959.1 0] 958.7 y� ~G ° AIS �- 57 6 FT CHAIN g6, 9607 x 960.3 I - __-';958.0 / / OH£- G� -,,g - 957.1 ti 1 TC 953.8 LINK FENCE J \ / I x 95 .8- �9 v • / T 10 60.6 6� �•6 XTL-x 961.1 960.9 960.2 98 .5 - �/ / i 9 .2 TCS t�.t 959.1 x 958.7 n A m HC I TC 959. 95 &2 581 18 RCP X X�X HHC .96 / 98 x 961.7\ x 95 &48.0 958.3 g. 9 .5 O I TC O TC -OH£- F� 57.2- 99576_ 1.7x I' ` x 60.7 TC and 5 _ x 957.2 957.2 x 957.1 x 957.3 -/ 960 ¢ • 961.E ; x 961.= 9 959.6 Tee TOP =957.6 TC 9tG T 5 -9 9h6GQ' 957.2 / Fm `60.9 960.5 x 960.2 960. 9 9,1 x 957.1 x 957.2 x 967- I. ' 958.6 INV =954.1 957.3 `i` -v� - -OHE - - T Fm 961.3 961. �960.9� Tr. -958- �^ 959.1 H - 961.8 �g 960. ® C7 958.2 x 95 960.4 v `� 90" 959.8 - 7. OP -9 6.8 4jp �O 961.1 961.1 x gfi 1.5 6/ TC 960.7 x 8fi HHC /�p�PFR / /Nc -959J x 959.8 a -OHE -g 958 958.3 CONC INV- 53.1 N,S I °� a�`• x 961.0 x 961.2 -- x 961.4 PKS x 959.7 r1� `� - �""L x 60.7 9 9.0 HCR CONC 9C8.5 TC U M I N 0 U SS 957. ( ) 'tea, BTL �\ �- =959.5 - - - 960.9 TC 9T�8 HCR I /' 957.4 _ 9 -CHE- 960.2 95 7 60.2 • 960.5 9. 958. 58,5 58.5 958.OTC CB TC 960.2 ZZ TC 58.2TC 2/" RCP -OHE- - 962� x 962.2 �- - _ - - -OHE - - - - - - - - - 960.7 960.3 960.4 960.3 B I T U M I N 0 U S x 960.8 CS® 958.9 958.4TC TOP= 57.3 STS 1 _ - -st 960.3 960.4 960 INV= 53.9 - x 962.5 96'F.S � 61.0 959.6 T �_ - 961.8 961.3 x 960.4 960. HCR 960.2 E 962.3 / 962.0 961.0 HCR 960.2Lp OH /2 P 962.7 961.6 961.4 960. C6 960.2 960.4 960.4 959.4 959.1 CB /2" RCP ST CP STS 1 B I T U M I N O U S 9 - _ 9 - TCS® - OHE i5" R P _ 959.5 TC TOP =958.4 962.5 961 959.9 959.8 TC SIG STS /2„ RCP ST 5 MH ST S x 5 I 957.6 962.9 962. OHE -ALP 960,4 960.3 C 0 N C 960.2 TC �959� INV =954.8 MH - 957.3 TOP =958.2 x 957.6 - /--- TC961. 0.4 960.4 TC TC x 957.8 x 957.5 961.2 960.7 960.3 INV= 954.6(E,NW) _958.8 - ��NV= X553.9 In I _ 960.2 TC INV =953 8(, � TOP =958.9 -x� x 957.9 962.2 961.8 TC 960 V D - % - - 958.6 / y' INV953.5 NE,S, ) _9 =1'4 TC x 959.3 x95920 (S'NW.W) I� o C� W 3 TC SIC - - 959.7_ TOP 957. �9C2.4 TC �9 - x 960.1 - 960.0 x 959.4 / / / 12 CP '9 h INV�CB 3.6(N) 962 960.7 - x960.5 - x960.3 / STS OP =957.4 I-\ - - - - - - - - - - - - 961.1 x960.8 Tn V= �3,t3` .7 - �� �- 957.3 _961.3 Y- 957.2 '�(-�-��x 957.5 961.9 _ --�- - / / U S / / 958.2 CB .xOS� 957.3 h� x1958.2 \ 962.3 - �-- 961.6 B I T Oi w Fn I x962.6 -x / - - _ 958.5 TC TOP=957.5 �p 957.5 / 958.8 TC INV= 953.8(E) ,o ow 957.4 / 959.0 (N) 957.5 959.3 959.2 TC TC INV =953.7 �ml -1G� \ wo 957.4 959.6 TC TC 957.8 aah2"`y ^• CBX 957.7 j 959.7 960.2 960.0 TC TC CBX O O 957.8 1 960.6 960.4 TC TC 957.7 957 961.1 TC •a TC TC 961.9 TC TC -�H ^X U w • - 955.9 961.5 TC HHC rnm 7.7 957.6 m 958.0 962.1 2.8 962.4 TC TC o 958.2 HYD4 15° RCP 51 5 IS "RCP TC 955.9 1J 95 "RCP I °w WV W57.3 959.0 58.4 956.9 CB -7 958.3 TOP -956.9 / I WV INV -953.8 I En / I I I I I 1 X03 :0h: AIS Denotes advertisement /information sign BBH Denotes basketball hoop BBQ Denotes barbecue BE Denotes building entrance BH Denotes beehive catch basin BM Denotes benchmark BTL Denotes beaver tail curb BWB Denotes brick wall base CB Denotes catch basin CBOX Denotes control box CBX Denotes communication box CMH Denotes communication manhole COL Denotes building column CS Denotes curb stop CST Denotes concrete step CT Denotes cooling tower CWB Denotes concrete wall bottom CWT Denotes concrete wall top DG Denotes drain grate DIP Denotes ductile iron pipe EB Denotes electric box EM Denotes electric meter EO Denotes electric outlet FES Denotes flared end section FH Denotes fire hookup FOL Denotes fiber optic line FP Denotes flag pole G Denotes gutter GEN Denotes generator GLP Denotes goal post GM Denotes gas meter GP Denotes guard post GRDL Denotes ground light GW Denotes guy wire HCPB Denotes handicap door push button HCR Denotes handicap ramp HCS Denotes handicap sign HDPE Denotes high- density polyethylene pipe HH Denotes hand hole HHC Denotes communication hand hole HHE Denotes electric hand hole HHF Denoted fiber optic hand hole HYD Denotes fire hydrant INV Denotes structure invert KWB Denotes keystone wall base LA Denotes landscaped area LP Denotes light pole LPT Denotes LP tank MB Denotes mailbox MC Denotes metal cover MH Denotes manhole MRAL Denotes metal railing OD Denotes overhead door OHE Denotes overhead electric line (P) Denotes per plan /not field verified PIV Denotes post indicator valve PKS Denotes parking sign PP Denotes power pole PPT Denotes power pole w /transformer PPU Denotes power pole with underground utility PTBL Denotes picnic table PVC Denotes polyvinyl chloride pipe RC Denotes ribbon curb RCP Denotes reinforced concrete pipe RD Denotes roof drain SAN S Denotes sanitary sewer SANCO Denotes sanitary cleanout ST S Denotes storm sewer STC Denotes top of surmountable curb TC Denotes top of concrete curb TCS Denotes traffic control sign TL Denotes traffic light TRANS Denotes transformer box UGC Denotes underground communication line UGE Denotes underground electric line VP Denotes vent pipe W Denotes water line WMH Denotes water manhole WV Dentes water valve BAS Denotes Basswood tree CRAB Denotes Crabapple tree HACK Denotes Hockberry tree MPL Denotes Maple treeree PIN Denotes Pine tree PINR Denotes Red Pine tree SPCB Denotes Colorado Blue Spruce tree SPCG Denotes Colorado Green Spruce tree SPR Denotes Spruce tree TR Denotes deciduous tree 0r 30 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET Dated this 21st day of January, 2016 Certified by:_L�a -�A_ ??�kanson, P.L.S. Minn. Lic. No. 15480 S UNDE Main Office: 9001 East Bloomington Freeway (35W) ■ Suite 118 Bloomington, Minnesota 55420 -3435 D si �G 952 -881 -2455 (Fax: 952 - 888 -9526) West Office: www.sunde.com Mandan, North Dakota 701- 663 -5562 File:20 15 17300 1_R1.dwg 05 116 12016 Sheet: 8 of 10 °u a 0 o i o o i s r N 59.9 / x 960.2 2 x 956 6 954. 954.1 CONIC 59.9 955.3- x 955.6 FT CH 59.9 96 x 959.6 x 959.3 z 958.7 x 58.0 h x 954.4- E 954.3 955. 960.2 LINK C� x 959.3 xg 1 I \ i 955.3 I PT x 960.0 U 955.1 x 959.7 / \ � � 1 \ , 55.2 _ 59.9 x 960.1 iy\ 55.0 N' X 959.9 9.9 CNA SH / 59.8 x 960.0 x 960.4 954.8 N x 960.8 I s 959.5x40.1 EASEME OR UTILITY AND DRAINAGE / G ya H 54. 955.1 955.7 PURPOSES P DOC. NO. 719827 x960.2 x960.3 95�� \g i/ 954.0 ° MH 9 CONIC 955 TC VL x 960.4 x 960.2 x 960.1 x 959.8 MH'- ( TOP -958.5 \ x 957.8 x 957.3,/ ` x 954. 954.5 ( ) x955.0 HCR 955.2 x 959.9 x 960.1 x 959.2 \ x 958.9 958.2x MH x 954.9 I DRY944.6 N E 954.5 z 955.1 x 955.1 954.6 TC {., x 95 0 1 x 956.4 (DRY) CMH HCR i9.8 • 459 8 - - - - - - z 960.2 - - - - MO tC/ / - - - - - - - - /TOP =958. - - - - INV =945.1((W) - - \ - - - , - \ n 9 .8 /0" PVC SAN S - x 0 INV = 945.5( Ej INV= 944.7(N,S) \ - a 954.8 954.4, rn x 960.5 (See Sheet l0) SAN S _ \ _- \ U GW 1 955.0 T S 955.0 / 954.6 FOL 960.3 Fa 960.2 960.4 'FOLD 958.6 J 956.9 x 55.1 ,'�� I AIS TC .I 3 MH \ 959.8 i 9S x , x 954.7 TC TC (BOLTED SHUT) x 959.6 x x 98 x x 9 .2 958.4 9 §7A rn 999PbbbPU 954. T Sr 5 x 959.4 I OP =959.6 _ .r,.. g60 5 FOL 9 .0 g •7 957. \ I g5t. O \ ® .w a x 80 x 959.5 z 959.2 x 959.2 0.2 ®960.1 �,,,� �- X95 " 3' SPR 59 3" R 8 V 58• 114 958.3 (_ 958.0 -95 -/ 0 95 .8 957, 9 x 9 .7 S 956.0 N m �G TC n 954.3 0 x 959.4 x 959.2 •960.3 95 .6 ,y 959.4 999.9. ♦ 95J�O- -° $?9. • X58. ® ♦ ® ♦ ® ® 958.6 a 3 "S R 3 "SPR958.2 - -�3 "SPR ' 956. HH u, 0 993.8 954.8 x O _�- 9-- 958.5 95 6 • 3 SPR 3 "SPR PR 7.4 OL Z = 1N\ ® TC -959- 3 R 2=4 s 957.7 9 T95T8 -SPf� SPR ..9'8.0 - -r 957.7 SP 2 3 S .�.�g5, ® 5/ • ° S " 957.0 P • 955.9 'rn- ._�. .. 957.5 g O 3 SPRR -. �$S,Fi6• -959 s s 95 9 Sp I 9 „ • 957. SPR 3 °SPR �` I� p 956. 956.2 \ o m , \ x957.5 �� 957.7 5 4 3 "SPR 95 .'SPR 2 "SPR- ® - x954.4 95 ® 3 "SPR5 "SPR ® 9- • 9 8 �� = 5 "SPR 5 ' 3- 3 p SPR 1954. 4.5 ' _3,SP -9rs4 -ir 956.6 955. lI g� x 958.5 p / � ' SP , •„ Y3, "SPR 3'SPR -'� ;.. 3 "SPR °SPR ®9 6.5 < 957.1 956:3 956.3 956. 956:8- • 3 SPR _ �� 95 .7 s ®95 � C TC\ 954.1 958. x 95 .4♦ •957.7 5 . •956.3 956.4 09FR9 0 • 5 . ® S --- "'�'- - '3"S�- 3 "SPR SPR 5• .9 9 ¢ TC _ •95 .4-- _ /oPR 3 SPR •8 "S SPR a - H 953.5 \ / FLC_HAIN \ �- 5' "SPR SPR 5 ,. �� 95 . ®3 "Sp •y0 . " SPR 'SPR- "SPR PR ' SP 956. 9 .I 955.9, 95 9 955.6 - .8 9 955.0 5 P .e �.,an N - PP 954. y `9SR CB (OFFSET) LINK FEN6�- -958 a.a / 955 •954.5 ®9s 955 'SPR 3 "iR 955. 5.395 i • 954.2 ® ♦ ♦ rc m • 953.1 \ CB TC TOP =953.2 958. 8. ♦ 9 8 ®9 955.9 x 954.5 P 954.7 • 4• _953.9_ R '&IR j SPR3 PR - -x 953�J -954- -ir ® e \ TOP =95 8 'S y INV= 939.2(S N ) X -* 957.8 R " 954 R V -- -g54- 5. 9 �� I V= 949.2 (W -�p SP y X �\ 5.. R "S R� V VJ° V � x 953.6 -x - z 953.% %953: SPR PR 5 o I 1 INV =94 .I N 957.5 x 957.7 x 957.5 \ / x x 95 --� �- x 953.5 (UNDERCUT .4 x 957�� x g J / ' s 952.6 I x 952.3- rn rn rn \ CB l5" PST S/ CB 15" RCP STS 953.6 S 954.3 x 95 .5 9 7.0 / - i m 954. TOP =953.6 TC 95 . OP =953.5 TC / �� X952- x 951.5 9;92_ uNi x 525 TC INV =949.4 9,54,1 INV =949.0 x 953.6 • / / \ �_ -� -951- x 951. U 57.2 x1957.3 957.6 958. 3 7. A;pK / / // / 950 \ i � '"� c� / Z / _ x 957.6 \\ a+ / / sr x 954.8/ x 950.8 / -949- \ x 949.6 x 9 x 949.4 x 949.6 x 949.6 x 949.7 x 949.8 x,949.5 950 x a49�� x 949.3 95\ 0 Q-1P ! O \ U x 957.5 / x 948.5 x.948;0 _;'94_7J___ x g47ti-- 948.1 \ - 949 - 952.9 / x 957.4 -947- -� yc �_ \ , 953.8 /� TC GRAVEL x957.5 \ • 57. / / / �Q48� \ \ \ c\ ; ��#g� \� \950. x I \ \ 4) 953.2 957.7 .1 956. / EDGE OF \ \ x 9 \ \ 948.8 x 948.4 94&-r -948- J- -� - \ ° 953. TC TC \ / / •y/ 'OWES--- �- - 946 x 7.8 \\ x 947.= \ N x 951.2 1 \ TG� x 953.5 953. \ 1 957.1 x 957.4 / x �.5 �5 . CRASS ,946- -947- -9 \ \m /\ \ x ss3 2 ' x.946.8 949. 1 _ hhQQ xg 6 / �,,� 946.4 \ x 946.4 x TVA \X�p P 7Jl / '� "' 4?t- / 945.7 \ \ I \ \ `� / / ■9 .8 �4�� 956. • 3.1 �Cp 957.5 952. 9 5 47.2 945 2 ` ( 1 952.7 ' S / SP � / 945.8 24" FLPIRED \ I 9 ,°a \ x 961.5 I W / TC • 5.4/ R 945'3 x 94q�k- �944� 00 x 4I . \ Q z 947.7 9 6.0 BH x 946.2 9 / � EN SE TION Ig 946.9 x 946.4 rn x 949 \ CB x 45.1 x 944.5 x 943.7 949.2 z 949.5 y TOP =946.4 N x 957.5 / "Spd • 95 .3 / x 943.3 9A.1 947.1 f 0 x \ z 948.5 / / it / •946 INV= 942.9 946 'S� \ 1 1953.0 %%%''' / {� /8 947.0 953.0 953.2 �iO INV =938.8 N E) 943.2- l2" RCP ST S S g52,gx TC 27" RCP STS INV =941.5 x 957.8 e 1.5 2 � ST 18 R TC x 957.7 S 946.1 43 I / /2" RC- 18" � IN V =945.7 S x 957. g5 , 945.3 x 944.5 I n x C x 952.7 952.4 x 957.1 iiSP / / / �'0 / 943.7- 9 .5 / lZ " /I�CP STS 9 24" RCP ST S 957.3 / I I x x 9 .5 / i' / H d 949 1 s 951 R / / / 9 / EASEMENT FOR UTILITY AND DRAINAG III V =942.5 T P =947. rc ♦ 952. P =946.2 � r • 951 9 rn 94 1 x 9 1 INV -948.4 IN =9+I. (SW 95f.8 0954 �SP� / I PURPOSES PER DOC. N0. 719829 \ 50.7 TOP -952.4 �y IN = 941.7(W,E3 / x 950.1 I ®.2 952.9 h h 952. / TC TC 957.2 I "1 I e 951 R x 01 / x 9� 7.3/ x 944.6 x / x 943.4 47.0 I 0.0 5 \ x 947.4 O �1 x / 1 rn I T S 3 O� 9 4. / 944 1 x 943.7 x 9 .8 x 949.6 i x 94555 2 9 \ x 952.5 /� 945.7 5p I R P / / 943. ' / / >t949.0 \ x 946.6 a'/ x 946.2 / x 945.6 I I T� �' Z \ ®9 Sp \ \ x 945.4 ,kl _ ` O x 957.3 / / / 2 \ \ / \ a I J951.0 N \ x 952.;5 952.0 157.1 z 957.3 x 957.7 I ♦ 95 . ® 51. .944.7 �GJ / I I / \ \ /i I Z 1 U /� TC • 52. ' M / x9 7.3 � •949.J I Oy0953. S 09 0.6 IJ I o, x 957.2 / 966.5 PR SP �qR / / Q' \ ` \ \ '' TCS 951.9 \ / x 957.2 1 •9 3.5 C) I / I ' / \ ` \. \ I ( I x 9 0.3 951.6 952.0 / TC V I / Ix \ x 945.6 945.4- I TC x 957.3 / 1 ASP x x 943.9 x 943.7 x 94,3.6 x 9 .4 x 9 6.8 x 948.9 951.1 x 951.8 x 951.6 `I. x 94 947.4 x 946.4 x 946.1 x 945.8 Ix 951.6 x 957.8 1 / / 1 941 8 ' x 944.8 x 944.4 1 / / / / / /x 951.9 x \ \ \ ' 94A.2 I I M x 951.9 TC 957.0 rn ip , `�V 952.1 951.6 3 x 957.3 - 957.1 I I11Sp/ I \ /\ \ \ \ \ 1 a 1 _ I x 957.3 1 /'" I I �9�� / / \ ` \ \ I O TC TC x 957.7 x1957.1 99 3. 0 49.4 � \ `- � / \ \ � \ � / / I x 50.9 • 55. 0 I. �I I / x953.6 51.2 \ 951.3 _ CB /5" RCP ST S TC Q • 3, ® 49• I a / / / 5 ' 948 Ix 1 / „ RCP. ST S a "SPR ..SP / / / / ' `9A x-94Zl 946.4- / j TOP =9 5 / x 944,9 /" x g4 2 cP T5�p CB o I x944.6 946. �9S 953. \ \ \ X947, x946.7 � - 9'47.4- INV =948.6 CB 951.6 TOP =950.9 0 x 957.4 ( I x J46.2 x 94 / / / / 954 5 / x 954.5 -954. 4� � x 953.5 g5 , \ 6. y5 1 \ TOP 950.8 / INV =946. `r 'SPR ♦ g• x944.3 x944.3 / _\ \'95 \� 9S \ �. 46.6j m �� INV *946.2 / x 957.3 I ' SP I / �\ i �\ �949� 948.62 / 9A8/9 e \!� 951.21 951.2 - x 957.2 I 0 5 R I I / / / / // / 955 �� �(� \\ rn x 960.3 ('{ 951.1 TC \ / TC m 953. ' ` 1 \ � `� 9955��\3 �( x 949.6 � � x 957.7 x 957.3 ' SPji I 1 x 9 .5 45 / / / / / \ \\ti �� \ / / Q I x 950.9 n,o \ TC 1.2 1 x 944.9 rr x 957.2 p • 49. 9 _Ly \99 W U N U 6 950. oa ® cp x 951.3 I ' ® '� I 'S 1 / / / �� / / ( \ \ \ - �� �n Ld r- ,°� I TC TICS � I Ld %I � c� m 9 P I I / x,•' 67 // 9 �56T e x i2 \ x 952.8 \ x 951.3 x 950.8 y w Zx950.8 rn TCS / x 944.8 x.>l45.82.9 / x 955.7 x 955.9 6- - �eg56:"D q 955.9 \ \ & 950.6 I I I x x 6 / / ��� / / x s55.s � X95 \ \ _r I 1 x 957.3 9 8.5 I I x �aa'4 / i94 / / / MH \ �- n PP x 950.9 x 957.2 I_ II x 945.4 / /// TOP =955.8 I a x 957.8 x 957. I x54.21 I I 1 I / / / / / / / INV= 46.9 \ \ 2 O v, U950,7 1 950.8 / 951.1 TC x957.2 I 1 __'-_^Q45 .0 �y47 // // / •s 3 \ \ aW " 1 1 945.4 / 951.9 a a \ 0 ■ 95 .4 � ® ya x 51.1 I I I 11 1 I EDGE OF / / // / / / I ASH 1 ^ WASH J 8' R TIC I I 1 1 1 945.5 945.3 M0 / 9k / /9� /� / 955 / \ ' \ H x 951.8 I \ TCS 8 TC 951.0 x 47.3 x 945.4 x 952.9 x 952.3 x 951.5 / TC x 956.6 56.7 956 (� 9 4.5 1 195 .0 \� 945.8 / / / --' I �' 1 1 9 G C x8 TOP 145 I \ x 956.1 x 956.4 J S R 46.1 / x / 9 953.1 x 955.6 x 955.7 x 956.8 957.0 z 956.9 x 956 5' -� M \ U x 950.8 INV =945. TC gq8 /� J 951. `I �5" RCP CB ♦ - 9 .3 49/ / x 54.1 953.0 - I 951.0 i 950.9 � / o S, STS TOP =950.5 x 957.2 I \ \\ �7/ �9 // 3� / / �- V 953.1 C 0 N C R E T E 952.1 °i A INV =945.7 -957.2 ' ♦ 2. ` 953.0 9 5 CB 52.0 5 CB x 957.3 I 956. I � � \47.1 g 8 / / / g5 / / r 5 n° 3. x 957.6 •9 0 953. SPR 947, z� 95� // / h \ M #� 1 I Q \\9 1 2" / / � x 956.2 53.0 TC TC TOP =951.3 C RG 'p 1\ 951.4 P 9 I.I s x 957.7 I S 9.. 48.1 945.4CP / / / g 4/ / / _ / ' 1 1 15° °j G INV =945.2 S TC INV =947.4 CB 950.5 �� TOP =950.5 53. x 952. 951.7 h TOP= 49.9 �. a 951.0 _ )W 11 / / 5 \ i 53.2 x 952.6 .� INV= 45.6(S,E) 15" RCP 95TC �'0 I TC INV =945.4 N) ) 1 956. 95�• • 953. SPR \� \ / /� / / / / / x 956.3 9h1 \ i' I TC \1 TC� °: P =949.9 ST S 1 11 \ 7.957.1 -957.3 S ♦953.452. ` / / / /' / 7.955:8 / / i° \ I x92 946.0 x X954.2 x 956.9 x 957.1 I x 55.2 950.8 1 1 SPR / / x 955.9 / x 956.5 x 957.5 957.0 \ N N ,., I \ 950.5 Ix 95 L0 x 955.7 x 956.2 952.4 gl I x 957.4 y x 953.3 x 955.5 / 95.7 \ 952.9 952.7 951.9 � 951. TC H 56.9 x 957.7 x 957.7 0 56.4 x 953.4 h x 955. 9y0 953.7 \ rn a 951. l 957.7 957.9 \ I \ 952.6 �x 1 L TC TC 957.1 SP V / 957. 0 57.8 957.0' 953 8 • I TC \ \ I I h 951.2 I Gj I I ac; / / 957.6 c� 958. 57 9 58.0 C O NI C ' E T 951.4 U 9553 7 ti / x 955.4 / / 957.8 958.1 957.5 �ti 56.8 953. .J- --- --- - _ I T I - ---- ---------------------------- \ 9 - ------------ -- --- -- \ I 1 x 950.9 954.6 "SPR / x 957. 4.0 /LO 34.0 3'S .a- - -- \ TC 3.8 - -- 173.2 - N SPR / rn x 957.6 x 957.7 x 957.6 I I x 953.8 / / / x 955.9 O/ �U 957 952.4 up2.8 I x 957.3 957.1 57.5 DOOR L CB "� p50.7 ' x 9 \I x 9581'9 4.9 954.= / x 956.1 x 956.4 x 956. 3.0 TOP =952.0 9 .6 In TTT 1 1 "SPR /- -x 954.0 ■ 956.1 953.4 952.8 INV =948.0 Tr x 952. x C 951.4 951.4 / / y 1 951.4 I gWV 1 I I `54� / x 955.3 x 955.7 �� x 956.7 Q 57.4 \ I ' I I 'ASH 0) 951.2 C � \, 58.2 CON 954.1 n 1 m TC T / \ 955 .I 9 4.4 Tc ,y / /9 .I J \�` CONIC \ U I \ x 956.4 / \ 957. 58.2 957. I x 957.7 x 957.6 954.7 54.8 957.1 I �9S 952.7 \ I CB TC' U x 957.3 x 957.6 I TC TC � 57. I z / CB L- 954. / x x 956.8 1 x 955.0 x 955.5 x / "� O TOP =950.2� TOP =950.8 I HCR TC 956.6 956.6 957. 157.1 I \ \ INV =945.7 951 0 - z l5" R ST INV= 944.6(, ) 953.8 953.2 1 950.8 g x 95 . INV =944.6 5 954. x 954.6 x 955.9/ x 956.3 GATE I 95 .0 u"ii I 1 1 95Q TC W O / \ TC x 55 9 V (n x 954.2 557.1 Z CS\ 951.4 x 957.1 x 957.4 955.9 953.6 U 1 x 957.3 x 957.7 57.3 x 954.5 TC WA95fil fi 57 0 957.3 957.8 x 951.9 TC ~ 951. x 957.9 x 957.7 x 955.8 r 957.2 + 1 I 5 �- x 954.8 f 1\ 1 957. I B \ I / 957.8 I 9 8 954.6 - \ x 952. - 955.8 1 956.3 BENCH 956.6 56.8 4P < J' �O CONCH TC \ F_ 953.0 1 m TC x 954.2 955.4 956. 956.4 957. w�3�+;\ 4 FT CHAIN rn p3 x g�6�g 954.1 / TC /x 956.0 957.2' 957.2"- -x 95750 3 57.1 0� 957.Ik QV.�y- -� LINK FENCE 1 U \4 953.6 m \ x 954.8 I 956 951.3 x 956.9 TC _ 95 . x 955.1 / J56.7 1 Z 57.1 x \,YI 957.4 I 951.6 T I W I 957.2 957.5ONC I 1 x 951.3 TC / x 957.2 x 957.5 I I Ix 955.2 956.0 Q 1 a / / i X57.3 58. x 956.1 955.3 Q' 956.9 / TC 956.3 I I � I 57. I 957.2 �% / \ \ /- x 957.8 CB x 955.5 N I- 957.3 1 7 CONC R D 951.3 U x 957.7 TOP =953.4 954.0 x 955.6 RAM ro I J=am 7.0 O 1 957.5 957.0 �f9�$7/L� Q'� \i' ) OQ 957.5 1 9 4.1 \ `� INV =946.1 N,S 101 7\ 1 aG) • 95 957. 9P8.2 953.3 rn G TC ( ) / idE955.7 955.7 956.1 W ' Q, / 3 G O x 957.5 I 955.1 ,�i 1 I 1 m 954. 956. I -'' 1 I 957. G l G 8' AS I x 9�2. I I TC TC 'S LP 955. x 56.9 956.9 U / / 957.2 \ \ 7/ / 955.3 N LAI 57.0 > Q z \ / 57. 957.5 1 954.5 953.9 TC 956. f � / 957.3 0'I` � / 957.4 x 3 I 56.0 956.3 I J X95 .9 101 \ �.� a m 957.4 I / 955 C m \ I Q Cv0 \� I I u957.3 957.2 i I c `I' ! ri I 951.5 - 951.6 z 954.8 l� p� x 955.3 aD \ I U I 0 N 1 J m 951.5 � I 957 956 7 m 957.11 x 955.8 Q 57.4 O 958 I x 9 8.3 x 957.1 x 957.3 I 955.3 6� \ \ I Q I n 2 F BBH 4 N TC 'a x 951.5 TC x 957.7 x 957.9 0 \ x 957.3 h E 957.5 • I ASH 1 \ 953.6 N 1 57.1 BBH 5.9 956. 0 I I -� I G R U 54.8 955.4 57.1 \ 0_ F,O gF. C-.57.4 x 955. I x 954.2 C T z 956.2 �� \ 957.5 - rn 957.1 Rte.\ ASH x 957.5 o-°� T '7 1tF F .r 1 957.5 APP ATE I I 954.5 \ Q I I TOP�g�,IS8(s N �n 957.4 GATE 954.8 954.2 U U �+ INV- 94658(S) ° I 1 954.3 'am 955.1 955.9 956.4 X957.2 957.4 955.6 cD I I INV- 946.$(E) O1 TC vim x 957.3 95 .7 /) CB x 957.2 x 957.5 x 957.7 x 957.9 I I Wm 55.0 TC O 957.5 957.5 1 TC O -y 957. 1 cp 4.9 0 957. 958 I I x 958.8 I 1 x 952.5 955. x 955.5 956.5 957.5 !� 957.2 �h h h TC 955.0 955.2 x 956.4 0, 57.3 x 957.3 x 957.5 CONIC I 1 W `SS \ z rn 1 / y�O• 019 953.9 -o x 954.8 c 956.1 PLASTIC ASH ~ � x 953.4 1 I 954.8 955.3 �� / WALL x 957.6 I 958.0 � 95 : 954.5 \ 95 .0 957.0 957.3 x 55.0 / I v 954.9 TC / I I x 954.4 / x 957.3 x 957.4 J ` U v ~ /952.9 954.8 955.3 / /' x 957.2 x 957.4 x 957.6 954.4 956.0 • 957 3 I 956.2 z m I I P x 956.8 III ' SH ASH C95:7.7 ASH 95� 1 O TC 954 2 GAS x 958.0 TC TC 9 I I x 57.1 958.2 W 952.6 \ U 954.3 TCS® T EL 957.4 I N % x 955.6 955.3 954.9 LP W 952. 957.4 W 956.3 / / x 957.3 x 957.4 CB (DRYWELL) 1957.6 I I 954.5 951k3 I / LP 5 TC � "tJ I- 1 x 957.5 x 957.6 0 TOP =957.4 I U TC ®954.2 T / jNOV T CHAIN 954. O� INV =954.9 CONIC • 957.7 95 9 9SRAT r/ x 952.81 9 2. C FENCE 9 / I I I 955.3 W x957.2 X X 9575.4 x 957.3 x 957.5 / x1558.1 957.4 x 954.5 x 957.2 x 957.7 957.9 x 957.7 CONC p .I 195-7. ASH O C 957.4 � x 955.2 954,6 956.2 U CONIC 9579 CONIC 958.0 957.8 D 955.6 953.6 5 CONIC 957. z 0� 953.7 92.6 \y /9 / I I 954.5 TC TC z x 857.0 ,9 958. I 9 6. 956.6 TC 954.2 / 95 2\ 95 .2 \ / 95 .2 S8 - x 52. 952.6 O RD 957.9 R 957 RD ,0� 958.2 9597 TC 955.2 ~ 'N' T 958.1 I I 955.0 g� 4 / 957.6 /86./ 1 �r"" \ 954.8 9 4.2 CB ` x 957.3 -� / U C ri 952.2TOP =952. I x 956. 422 958.2 v x 955.7 g g 9 I 955.4® N INV =947.9 954.6 954.3 955.4 h 95 x2 GL TC TCS I HC rn G x 952.9 9 s.3 HCR 9549 g�°• 98.2 \ \ g5 1 / x 957.4 GARAGE IOD�` I I 957.1 x 957.3 \ .3 9b .0 I G Jj 953.0 56.8 CO 956.0 x 955.7 1 x 953.5 9S I �n x 952. / U x 957.9 0 t/ /NYL SIDING /O 958.3 95 7 954.4 954. 955.5 957.8 954. / 958• x 955.4 C UGE /95§.395E OD E E 3 1 57.4 I 955.0 954.8 x 954.6 \ 956.4 I 957.7 g57 S \ 9t 5 C T56.2 TC 952.7 ST2.9 • x 957.3 958 I LP R� x 956.6 4.0 57.9 956.3 1� 956.0 952.7 1 I 52. x 9 5.3 CONIC 958.2 958.3 I 1 954. Q 957.0 958.0 N x 6 8.1 957. HCR I 956. C 0 N C T54.2 3• / WV / 958.2 958.3 955.5 gTL C 9 957.6 956.0 956.0 I 9H7�9 o DOOR A 956. TC x 954.5 / 9 .8x 4 W 955.7x DOOR K L TC 55.1 TC v r�6 9 3. 5 FT WOOD 95)-.9, 1- HCR 956.1 958 98.1 I 955.7 7 1 I FENCE / 95.8 I 95 9 955.5 BTL 956. 9577- I C (/ 9 57.4 �x9 �x x 957. GATE 0. 3.7 n 957.8 957.1 nh 1 x 953. 953.0 957.4 x 957.5 x 958.0 958.0 x 57. 955.5 956.4 1 & BIT I 52.9 gTC IN x957.5X I 9 5.1 TC X 4 f,T CHAIN �n LINIIC FENCE 957,3 \ 952 8�-}- 953.1 T •E 957.5 58 is h x 9539 955.9 BUILDING ENTRANCE ELEVATIONS 956.2 TC BBH Denotes basketball hoop BBQ Denotes barbecue BE Denotes building entrance BH Eastview BM Elementary School BTL Door # Description Elevation(ft.) A Top of linoleum inside of door 958.09 B Top of concrete outside of door 958.07 C Top of concrete outside of door 958.09 D Top of concrete outside of door 958.08 E Top of concrete outside of door 958.11 F Top of concrete outside of door 958.07 G Top of concrete outside of door 958.09 H Top of concrete outside of door 958.10 I Top of concrete outside of door 956.10 J Top of concrete outside of door 958.09 K Top of concrete outside of door 958.06 L Top of concrete outside of door 958.13 42" RCP ST S :•� 937.6 42 "RCP 15" RCP TOP =951.2 �9551.5 ST S •7 INV= 946.3((W) \h x TC INV = 943.5(5 N) \ 951.9 52 t x 951.8 8 -- G 52.7 TC \ STS 952. 952.6 TC TC 952.0 952 7 \ TC 5�.3 oya•U �? xV52.0 T \ =951.8 STC CSO 952.3 = 947.6(N,SW) x 952.7 952. 952.3 x 952.6 TC x 952.4 \ 952.3 x 952.6 952.5 `U, TC 52.2 x 952.3 H x952.3 x 952. 952.5 9 2. TOP =952.0 5 .2 STC6 C V= 947.7 C 0 N C 952.8- C STC TC 9SS 2 52.•4 _ N \ 3 1.7 95 TC y \ x 952.2\ a x 951.9 TC3.2 \,o MCR3 35 m - rnrn 9'0 952.2 x951. 4.7 9C ® v, a II SiC TC p "C i 12" DIP W951.7 4 c,� 1951.7 p HCR 539 " R T INV =947.7 TCS 954. 9 2.5 52.3 952. 952 53.3 ( m R CKS 1 9� SSC�CP x952. 952.2 TC O1 TC C I 952. .954.9 954 95 6 S S X03 :0h: AIS Denotes advertisement /information sign BBH Denotes basketball hoop BBQ Denotes barbecue BE Denotes building entrance BH Denotes beehive catch basin BM Denotes benchmark BTL Denotes beaver tail curb BWB Denotes brick wall base CB Denotes catch basin CBOX Denotes control box CBX Denotes communication box CMH Denotes communication manhole COL Denotes building column CS Denotes curb stop CST Denotes concrete step CT Denotes cooling tower CWB Denotes concrete wall bottom CWT Denotes concrete wall top DG Denotes drain grate DIP Denotes ductile iron pipe EB Denotes electric box EM Denotes electric meter EO Denotes electric outlet FES Denotes flared end section FH Denotes fire hookup FOL Denotes fiber optic line FP Denotes flag pole G Denotes gutter - GEN Denotes generator GLP Denotes goal post GM Denotes gas meter GP Denotes guard post GRDL Denotes ground light GW Denotes guy wire HCPB Denotes handicap door push button HCR Denotes handicap ramp HCS Denotes handicap sign HDPE Denotes high-density polyethylene pipe HH Denotes hand hole HHC Denotes communication hand hole HHE Denotes electric hand hole HHF Denoted fiber optic hand hole HYD Denotes fire hydrant INV Denotes structure invert KWB Denotes keystone wall base LA Denotes landscaped area LP Denotes light pole LPT Denotes LP tank MB Denotes mailbox MC Denotes metal cover MH Denotes manhole MRAL Denotes metal railing OD Denotes overhead door OHE Denotes overhead electric line (P) Denotes per plan/not field verified PIV Denotes post indicator valve PKS Denotes parking sign PP Denotes power pole PPT Denotes power pole w /transformer PPU Denotes power pole with underground utility PTBL Denotes picnic table PVC Denotes polyvinyl chloride pipe RC Denotes ribbon curb RCP Denotes reinforced concrete pipe RD Denotes roof drain SAN S Denotes sanitary sewer SANCO Denotes sanitary cleanout ST S Denotes storm sewer STC Denotes top of surmountable curb TC Denotes top of concrete curb TCS Denotes traffic control sign TL Denotes traffic light TRANS Denotes transformer box UGC Denotes underground communication line UGE Denotes underground electric line VP Denotes vent pipe W Denotes water line WMH Denotes water manhole WV Dentes water valve BAS Denotes Basswood tree CRAB Denotes Crabapple tree HACK Denotes Hockberry tree MPL Denotes Maple treeree PIN Denotes Pine tree PINR Denotes Red Pine tree SPCB Denotes Colorado Blue Spruce tree SPCG Denotes Colorado Green Spruce tree SPR Denotes Spruce tree TR Denotes deciduous tree 937.1 42 "RCP 5 / T y 1 �' V 'r a x 11. 1c \ G 3.. RA 952.3 r ^952.2 9 9 4.7 x 954.6 954 9 955.5 58.0 CONIC 9 .1 958.9 v-i y ro M 24 52.3C 0 ' \ 52.0 952.0 30" RCP IQ T 956.6 � n ®g5 4" STS TC ST S 1 I 99"2.8 9 7 NV =946.6 SW) .8 TC TC x 957.4 / 958. x 955.3 � X N 957.8 x 952.7 TCS 95 P C 952 3 INV =944.2 S) 9�1• H' C x 54.1 yM•U rnr G I 953.2 953,6 x 95 4 INV =944.1 N) P =951.9 ti 15" RCP x 951.4 I I 956.3 3.0 I m �• T 52.8 952.8 TC - / GQ INV =945.8 W) IN =939.1 E� In x Sr S x 955.6 TC 956.4 57.0 957.8 .1 957.9 56. 955. 4i TCS @ h 952.1- 951.5 x 957.5 x 957.8 - 958.2 x 958.2 x 958. I x 955.5 RD ax 91F2.8 2.7 Z STC 953.0 INV =944.6 S) a 55.0 ORS r 9 .I CONIC TC 4C ONC TC T 9 .I nU o yyV g Vy �1 �I�NVV =940.8 S x 957.5 1n I 1 955.3 ` 957.8 958.0 957.6 / 95 .I 952 rn� 952.41 952.7 52.7 952.4 y INV =938.5 N a 954.9 x957.3 957.8 CB (DRYWELL) 9579 I 6 852.8 STC C INV= 944.6N �+ 951.6 955. 9 4. l5 RC C 0 N x 957.6 TC S S 952 6 51.6 CB C! 957.4 CB Un TC -950.9 955.3 9 54.5 TOP =957.2 x 957.8 ( 1 95619 95 .2 955.3 S C TOP 952.3 1 STC STC 5 CB - �/ r= HCIR2 I C x 954.4 INV =955.5 N TC I GB INV 948.1 x 952.9 x 952.8 TOP =952.1 "952.5 h ,a INV =946.8 957.6 \ I �x 955.6 1 U U U m 957.5 T52.91 952.5 3 / 5 ° TOP =954.7 952.4 INV =947.8 N 9 MN U x 957.5 Cb O1 INV =950.6 / 52.2 TOP =951.7 x 957.8 x 955.7 x 95 9 = 956.1 x 957.71 x r� V I ? 9 .9 .3 n . x 952.7 h TC h� INV =942. SW) 957 x 958.2 x 958.3 x 9 .2 O C TI/ `� = 9 3 952.3 O x 952.5 �) x 0 m Mo tch Line EA �J / VIEW 1 Z 9�•2 955.6 O a CS I G x 952.6 / Ge 57_6 _ _ / 1 1 Z X54.7 955.2 x 955.4 _ _ _ _ _ U _ _ _ _ _ m _ _ _ _ _ 952.8 -952.6 _ _ z 956.2 o w x 957.2 a x 952.9 m Q• CONC - / - - - - - - - 1 Z 'a �s - - - 3.0 952.5 • 9 8 4 - x 956.7 \ 99�5�7.3 RD I TC TC O 9 3.1 TC 957.6 I 9 .3i¢E 954.. \ ( e h e ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 58. 957.8 r _ O1 I �95` _ 952.6 3 TC •4 l..v.21 HH4C•�� 852• TCS TCS T 952.6 O I "ASH 958. 957.6 2 TC C8 LP TC 957.7- CO 957.0 955.1 9 4 N 54.0 TC GAS MH INV =943.4 954.1 = 958• l STORY BRICK BUILDING W 952.3 953.2 953.0 TCS x 952.5 TC x- 1 m a N � TOP =947.2 l 957.9 957.5 TC N 52 rn 52.5 TOP =952.0 -9577 x 957.8 I x 958.3 x 958.5 x 958.4 x 958.4 95p.1 5.0 `x - m 955. \ #9375 FEIVIVIIVG A VE. N. E • 957.7 U I 956.2 rn TC 953.2 / C INV= 945.1(N ) / �g LP I TOP=951.9 / H M 955.0 TC ` z 955.7 - 9 •5 GAS CB TCyp x952.3 954.5 l 956.0 956.5 957.2 O1 03 957.9 957.6 957.2 O m U 1 952 4 V =944' 952.9 - H 954.2 BTL 957. x 957.5 U I I x 953. TC \ TC / 952.2 95QQQ.5 1 I TC 955.2- 955.3 955.4 958.0 O 955.4 yam= 1 ° TC 957.8 / \ ® \ HCR p I I 954 2 d� HCR 55.3 C 0 N C E T E j OOR ✓ _ Pa BBH °0°RRR1ttt"` BTL 56.0 56.5 57.2 957. `O0 \03// 58.0 TC UGC - -- - 95 .7 I I 1 r, ry 955.7 / CONC 956.3 1 - 952.3 30 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET Dated this 21st day of January, 2016 Certified by:_L�a -�A_ ??�kanson, P.L.S. Minn. Lic. No. 15480 JISUNDE LAND SURVEYING www.sunde.com Flle:20 /5 /73001_Rl.dwg 0511612 Main Office: 9001 East Bloomington Freeway (35W) • Suite 118 Bloomington, Minnesota 55420 -3435 952 -881 -2455 (Fax: 952 - 888 -9526) West Office: Mandan, North Dakota 701- 663 -5562 116 Sheet: 9 of 10 U 0 s 0 9 i 0 n N N Z M \Tpp /O 959.7 \ ?y, TC \ \ /o r@ Sr 959.7 �\ 9C9.7 959.7 /NP/'$9 / \ 960. TC 95 TC °9 4899 TC ° \ \ ` 959. /0 TC W ohV ' 959.7 RCp STS `r 959.6 9? 9 0.3 TC ,yN 959.5 \ T 960,0 Tpp C 9 4 ® L I Y "HACK T 09611.5 TC $9S4 �. 959.6 \ I/ AS "( W�N)x 959.5 \ 959.3 \ / \ 960.8 960. / C rc \ 959.9 959.2 9� \ TC1.D 960.Bx 960® 95WV TC 9\ 959.1 rc \\ TC 3 TC ss 959. '' dj,. 959.3 �p� / x 961.8 4 x 959.6 959.7 YD 9P9.5 4'co Sr \ x ®TCS 959.7 959.4 S " ��Ty 9C9.0 9 1.1 T59.7 HHC -' PKS 959.5 95 - 959.\ �/N / PKS \959.5 TC \ F \ ?g„ 9E�1.6 I 960.® �¢ nz (2)x659.7 ` ` %O K.\ 958.9 \ /�� TC I 9C0.2 60.4 �Q',� x'^961.1 960. 959.8 959.5 959.3 � � x / TC x 959.4 T .6\ TC /O„ 959.0 \ \ aL 958.7 961.6 � / 961.7 X 5 "ASH \ 959.6 C, TC 958.6 1T�\ L I _ 959.9 I TR L� '1's TC 958.6 \ 9'PIN x 961. Jx 961.0 C.) 961.8 �4 F k\ 961.3 S��A 960.9 �i r� �TC / C Sr'PC,o fiI�1J �'� \ 958.8 ,r TO = 10 5 "ASH UNKT fNA /N k\ 5"'ASW -x 61.1 x 1 //� \ 9 3 959. NCf X , 958.7x 958.4 CB \ 961.4 \ :INV-951.0(N) �C x 959.2 86PIN �/ TC `S x 959.2 / 9 •Sk x 961.5k\ 7,,.AS"\ 60 0 /N� a9 - 950.8(S) 10 J 95 .4 961.5 x 961.3 961.5 k x 961,5, \ ?/w 9. .6 I Denotes advertisement /information sign BBH Denotes basketball hoop / Denotes barbecue BE CCgg TOP= 57.4 TC9'4 TOP�958.5 x 959.4 ((FUL OF /g „R INV =95 S BEB S) � C8 OFFSET) T¢P =958.4 °~ x 959.4 g C8 9�J �gp 958.7 959.4 TC _ BTL ST INV =951 'S ( CB CB INV�953.4(E W) CB Denotes control box 955.4TOP =954. l5" RCP S (S,E,N) / (8( C INV- 949.6(S)) I TOP =958.6 Denotes curb stop CST 959.0 I 955.5 \ 15" RCP rn l " P ST S CB g5 TC x 955.2 � TC DIP y TOP =954.2 INV =948.8 955.6 C TC � IV I 955.3 cRFTe \ EM Denotes electric meter y a v� I TC5.8 TC FH TC STS x 958.8 x 955.4 / TC6.0 956.0 956.3 956. 958.8 x 499.0 ^ 955.6 TC TC TC �Sr S6• 9C6.1 \ 955.9 9S TC \ x956.1 S // 9S `S x 955.8 0 CB y INV =949.6 t 956.0 TC 2 ` x 956.1 & INV =948.4 9 x 9 l x �E W) /N�\ 9S4 x .0 \ 956.2 .2 TC 956,4 T. 4 rno / 95 TC 957.8 'PCp T S C6440(ALLJ TOP =954.3 x 955. \� p /p 956.2 TC TC x 956.5 9 TC INV = 950.21 /y\ 956C 95 x956.6 'LC -95 TC8 ^L LEGEND AIS Denotes advertisement /information sign BBH Denotes basketball hoop BBQ Denotes barbecue BE CCgg TOP= 57.4 TC9'4 TOP�958.5 x 959.4 ((FUL OF /g „R INV =95 S BEB S) � C8 OFFSET) T¢P =958.4 °~ x 959.4 g C8 9�J �gp 958.7 959.4 TC _ BTL ST INV =951 'S ( INV =953.2 CB INV�953.4(E W) CB Denotes control box CBX l5" RCP S (S,E,N) COL Denotes building column TOP =958.6 Denotes curb stop CST 959.0 I �/ 15" RCP rn l " P ST S INV= 953.6(S,W) Denotes concrete wall top DG TC DIP ST S 958.8 EB 959.0 /2" RCP EM Denotes electric meter EO v� I x 958.8 TC FH TC STS x 958.8 958.9 TC Denotes fiber optic line q� CB (OFFSET) OP =958.1 CB TOP =958.1 \ NV= 953.5 15" RCP TOP =958.2 O INV =953.6 INV =954.0 958.6 H D ° ST S TC CR • 9579 x 958.2 �T / q 58.5 .8� 4 rno 957.8 957.8 TC7 8 -95 TC8 \ 957.0 * z 9 6.8 \ 9576 3 \ v �. !► TC 957.3 14 \ x 957.5 x 957.3 / TC 95 .8I m 5,/ TC 956.3 a I 124" D/P W I \ 957.1 -WV /g I •• �4 57-0/ h BTL h 9HHE0 '956.9 o"�V rc TCSO TC 956 7 hb f 57 9 v 956.6 TCS ®9 T Hp6S °j� - x 956.6 x 956.5 S 6.3 n� x 956.2 \956 956.2 x956.7 n s DROP MH TOP =956.3 2956.5 vV rn� 56 955.7x I ST t� \ x 955.7 INV= 949.2(N) I V =940.3 BOTTOM) x956.4 956.1 956.2 �g ��®fL6.3 STC•2 956.4 `9S TCS ®TCS 0956.2 ' 6`\ 956.2x S STCS 956.4 HHE 'ST` 956.4 TC x 955.9 l j �� -956- STC _I 956.0 S95 *6 9555).6 yG� ( _�/ (vl z 965.8 _EB L.... x 955.9 LEGEND AIS Denotes advertisement /information sign BBH Denotes basketball hoop BBQ Denotes barbecue BE Denotes building entrance BH Denotes beehive catch basin BM Denotes benchmark BTL Denotes beaver tail curb BWB Denotes brick wall base CB Denotes catch basin CBOX Denotes control box CBX Denotes communication box CMH Denotes communication manhole COL Denotes building column CS Denotes curb stop CST Denotes concrete step CT Denotes cooling tower CWB Denotes concrete wall bottom CWT Denotes concrete wall top DG Denotes drain grate DIP Denotes ductile iron pipe EB Denotes electric box EM Denotes electric meter EO Denotes electric outlet FES Denotes flared end section FH Denotes fire hookup FOL Denotes fiber optic line T 5 „ASH t! 959.7 �C'O S 2 p H'f 95 \ / CO h9� + / x/9.8!•9 - tl°' 962. 8 \ _,51'._.. r,r 958.6 2¢ R\ p9Sr9 C H�2 / / xx \ Y FP Denotes flag pole T 2.2 961.2 I 960.7x 95 .7 /9 \ x9999 - srs \ G Denotes gutter GEN Denotes \ 958.4 GLP Denotes goal f cost 6 "PIN C 96.6 °961.4 / 96 96$' �E�y \ \� 9589 9Ca.1 GM Denotes gas meter 959.0 N I / I � 3':'ASH G 959.3 -V TC \ 9 �,E-P 63.0 -� n '\ lC6 pl 958.9 95 2 cc 0 may\ x op, GP Denotes guard post TC Oe x961'2 x9614 xg 2.3 3.I�Z x9fit'2 \ /N��g9"�`S'�?S@ 958.2x 958.0 \ GRDL Denotes ground light '9 .2 961.2 / 0 30 \ \ \ \ 958.5 TC GW Denotes guy wire / \ S HCPB Denotes handicap door push button 'PIN 9 6 + 961.2 / 962.8 963 GRA EL + 962.896�v \�9a�,PN x9592 \ TC Sr C,o d' HGS Denotes handicap sign 991.9 T 962.0 96 .I 963-2, `�'�961. 958.4 ggg� rG 959 ® \ TC My \x 957.9 HCR Denotes handicap ramp PKS 960 962.7 963.0 963.1 63 5 'VC 2.4 -�6 TOp` \ TC P 9 959.0 16 FT CHAIN 63.1 963'2 O -#L 7 H x999.2 N� 9SO 2 ?�„ / HDPE Denotes high- density polyethylene pipe 961.1 x 958.8 TC / / 96 LINK FENCE �/GO \ \ \ /NI'c 953, •@ N 958.2 RCp 957.7 8 "PIN / 959.5 961.4 (/T E 3 949 S� TC ST 57.9 TC HH Denotes hand hole I 95 .6 P 5 "ASH / 962'5 963 963'2 \ 1 \ S / •.\ HHC Denotes communication hand hole 961.3 x961.5 963.1 �q 963.2 s WJ srsp HHE Denotes electric hand hole / 962.4 \. 958.3 R� HHF Denoted fiber optic hand hole TC 59.9 � < 963. 77 "7 \ JJ 62'9 l� FF GATE \\ 958. ,o 'yy CB C8.9 x 960.8 v4, 962.7 963.1 GRAVEL N F X363 x,962.7 \ \ \ x TC /O" GC 1pp /\ 957.5 TOP =956.7 9j1.9 /, 960.8 x 61.3 // J 962.9 .7 \ \ 958.6 \ Sq 9577 /N��9s Tc HYD Denotes fire h drant TC x 963. 96 . \ 'I' a ? INV =952.3 N Y 7 "PIN 61.0 p 63.1 k 62.6 7 'AS S 948 j a oio 9 9.5 962.6 ? 963.4 ���999 ®958.1 INV = 952.353 INV Denotes structure invert TC I 959.9 "ASH x 961.3 / Vo 963.1 x 963.2 1 \ - x 1 \ PKS7.9 (FW \ 957.3 Ikss s I \ \ Tc J / rc LAB Denotes keystone alreaase I' 963.4 62.6 + \ � @ / x 958.7 I. x 961.3 / _� 963.1 ` -' \ 7 "ASH 958.7 j ,p \ P 960. I.. 96.8 ���ti 62.8 h(Zi�r�=° x963.2 \'�" \�,g \ \960 j \\ 95799 TC �4f / 957. 11, s /, \9 957.1 LP Denotes light pole I I "P W x J P J 4 .k \ \ �7 „ASH . \ \ x 0 'P LPT Denotes LP tank 9 1.8 961.1 J p Q e,.2 62.4 : 95 4 "ELM Sr rS `S� TC 963.3 957.8 C/ S s MB Denotes mailbox r 5 "ASH 963.0 x 963.5 + 587 9599 = x963.3 62.3 (7 Fp 9 TC gs CB Tpp \ MG Denotes metal cover 959.4 i 4 FT HAIN x961.4 / 963.5 \ py,4/ \ 5 "ASHx 3 \ 9 7:17 �� TOP =956.8 / 09 956.9 MH Denotes manhole TC LINK NICE 962.8 96 F N CF T5� 962.7 963.0 F S� \ -- \95 . INV- 7 N(,� 3 96 .4 4 63 963.2 + NCF \ \�y8¢,2 956.6 95 �� /A'��9, 9572 Tc \ MRAL Denotes metal railing I I" IN I 961. 96 .3 /� x 962.2 �q 2 963.2 +'g .3\ 60.0\ \ \AIS TC7\ \ �2,g N \ OD Denotes overhead door 9fi3.8 x963.5 62.0 \ 9661.3 + \ \ \ \\ 2jg _95�_\ 9568 \ OHE Denotes overhead electric line x8584 ro ° X 6 3 962'9 Q 962.8 k/ 963. /v L 963.3 GRAVEL 963.0 + '`" x95§�.� \ \ �yryZg TC \ 9� / TC (P) Denotes per plan /not field verified T611.8 9. 0.3 O1 ) 59 6 62.9 x 963.3 �64,.4� / x 962. \+ \ \ 99 II'PIN g 96 ,7 9 .I �B �62g 959.1 95 2 z ( CO 962.8 962.8 61.4 \ \ \ \ /o•• PIV Denotes post indicator valve \ PKS Denotes parking sign PP Denotes power pole ` ?6 962.7 63'9 �+ \ \ \ \ 9ss•s, Tc 2\ p`OSgi, 999.9 PPT Denotes ower oe w transformer T.1 G v GPI 961.2 962.7 p• /� . / J x 963.4 x 963.1 / I 61.5 + \ \ \ \ 59.4 ' x M h 2 STORY g6 962.9 962.6 3.2 963.4 / 61.5 \ \ \ S 956.8 / TC &A P P / PKS® BUILDING • ` l 4 \a \ \ \ / I 90.3 ��' / T 9sh /?eZ/ `� x993.9 J 9929 x992.6 x991.6 + N� -�,q, + \ x999• 5ao� \ \ `'o•. Srs�\ PPU Denotes power pole with underground utility 9q1. I "PIN 858.3 X / 96 2g @f/ U x963.4 / NCf 960.9 \ \ 9S) 955.2 \956.9 �CpSl \ 956.4 CB PTBL Denotes picnic table r T 961.2 H X28 S CE O 63.4 / \+ 961.2 + \ 999. \ �\ \ Tc` 956.9 S / rc \ P Y Y P P TOP =955.7 PVC Denotes of vin chloride e (/ 62.9 962 963.1 9634 61.2 / \ y\ \ 9S \ INV= 951.3(N,S) \ RC Denotes ribbon curb � X35 5\ \ My s T 63 RCP Denotes reinforced concrete e I A wN 95 .5 5P� \ 96 962.9 C.I 962. I � + 960.5+ \ \ I x 963. z 961.4 -F a` \ 56.7 Tp T 3, C \ a iy. 959. Np Tc \� \ 962.4 x 962.2 \AT 960.3 C \ 9�. \x 955.2 \ /A,�` 9S 956.4 �' \ RD Denotes roof drain P P �/ 956.1 SAN S Denotes sanitary sewer rc 3 �MN X 990.1 962.2 \ s4a 4 S ?R` rc SANCO Denotes sanitary clean out rnrnm I g5 5 'ASH \ 963.1 GRAVEL 63.4 962.9 60.8 960.Sx -� \ \ O <W / .9 \ 60.7 960.3 I9f 2" i O a» I \ x 961.1 962. 9 960.6 \ \ x \ � \ \956.5 s "S S � o/A \ QII �ozz 1 k 963.4 6 / I R 9 0.3 \ \ \ \ \ 955.9 G �956� MN ST S Denotes storm sewer T = 960.4 9 0.4 g 5 /.'P � 963.0 x 963.1 / 960.0 958 X 1 x 961.6 \ 963.4 q 60.E I ';...,,._(2 "PIN I - �_. \ \ \ / I 9579 x999.3 Tc ce rpp\ Tc STC Denotes to of surmountable curb F G TE 959 \ TOP =955.6 P 962- x963.0 x961.6 %961.0 ( 960.5 a� \ \ \ \ INV =951.4 /N Rio, 956.0 955.6 TC Denotes top of concrete curb 958• zm > x960.2 k 962.9 x962.4 / uW x \ \ \ \ /N��94 N 955x8 z 955.7 \ TCS Denotes traffic control SI n I I r I =w 5" -ASH x9\ 9 / \ x963.1 GRAVEL / 962.9 / / 0,3 �Y x960.5 \ \ \ \ \ 9� \ 9s os / 955.9 / rc TL Denotes traffic ht g I d �0 \ \ \ \ 5.0 J O•,,o 955.Sx 956.2 \ g 672. -I �u °YI 959• I 961�g\ \ x993.1 / / m� TF,(.j x991.0 C 95 LC 955.8 TC 955.7 TRANS Denotes transformer box ICCCI I ,.12 PIN <� I x961' §961.6 962. \ 63.0 \ / x961.2 x960.5 960.2 x F4qT �Rq/�% \ �60 \ \ \ \� TC \S 956.2 955.5 / TC \ UGC Denotes underground communication line car x962.2 \ / NO F 9s UGE Denotes under round electric line 963.0 x 960.9 $ '4S \ \ \ �' S7. \ 955.6 TC 3`�` TC 8 / 955.5 g I 98/0 X 962.8 x961.9 $ F 9fi0 955.9 R� 955.4 TC VP Denotes vent e R k \ x 9929 x 960.4 (/vo FNT \ ' Tc 999.1 Sr \ I P P �1 g9Q`� TC8•I.gsA{ x96 G9 X961.5 963.0 x 9602 FXp /RgFR (,V \ \ \ \ \ 2955.1 '' TC 956.0 955.4 CB W Denotes water line 95.7 _ (/E 961 x x960.5 T/ Ri \ \ \\ Tc / _ \ WMH Denotes water manhole g�2.j} TC I LP OA/ C'1YT \ \ BLpa 955.7 955.5 56.0 955.2 TC INV =950.4 /S "RCp WV Dentes water valve 959.2 j�1.5 GAT n Q x 961.4 960.1 / 61.0 '9 TF CQ \ \ \ \ \ TC C 955.9 9SS 955.3 T S CB I 961. x 962.3 g / / x 960.8 A(0 h'Wy �� 960. \ \ �9x . 57.2 6,0 C TC TOP =954.\ NI ohi k k 961.5 \ x9624 x962.4 "9�2'I X F�� \ \ \ \ 955.1 / /,5" INV= 950.1(EW) BAS Denotes Basswood tree INV =950.3 N� x955' 9559 RCS c6 CRAB Denotes Crabapple tree TC 955.3 TOP =954.8 I x957.8 960. I \ / \ \ \ \ \ 955.6 955.8 955.Ox /B^• INV = 949.8\ MPLK Denotes Macke treereee 959.71 4•g TC 955.4 Y I 13"P1 X 5 "A x 961.8 6Z 960.2 0.2 � TC RCa Tc \ P 958. 961.2 \ g x 960.2 EO 955.8 INV= 949.6�S) 6�_m GATE \ \ 957.8 C T / ,p x9so.a x9so.a x955.2 /O•- x955.1 955.5 PIN Denotes Pine tree _I � TC � 9 O.6x I 961. \ / x961.5 / 960,1 \ \ 9S ,0 955.8 96L� _ x990.9 960.2 x960.5 \ \ \ s Lc 955.8 ?/^ 9.5 Tc PINR Denotes Red Pine tree / TC 959. / B -959. O ev \ / x962.0 \ GTE \ x 7.3 SqN C T S/.4'Lp x955.2 II' ra 955.4 955 s 999.6 s SPCB Denotes Colorado Blue Spruce tree I I' PI I v� -. 0 4, 96 .0 \ \ \ 55.0 C 955.7 / \ S . c r C SPCG Denotes Colorado Green S ruce tree 955.0 ? 955.7 5 SH 9 .0 x 960.9 x 960.6 \ T H R F P 9 6 Z 4y k x961.8 � / \ \ \ 95. M C SPR Denotes S ruce tree 96 .5 x 960.4 x 960.2 IV I x 955.3 \ \ °p i f TR Denotes deciduous tree x 962.0 z 960.9 x 960.0 0.I \ �� \\ 5 TC °9q SS? 956.0 mz l I I x961.8 / x LP a O x 957. 960.9 \ 961. 961.1 x 961.6 9. I 9 8.4 C x 960.5 \ x g 954.9 °9q9 5 S Jd., / TC x 956 p °' I - '° 157.8 959. X PGJ� / 8 FT CHAIN 9 0.0 x960.1 \ '� \ \\ \\ S6` TC ce Sr �`9S \ ITC - II rn ITT / / J \ x 961.4 LINK FENCE 59.9 9 955.2 N 'S' 00 6 V z k k / 0.0 k x 960.6 \ 959.9 \\ \ \4 \ TOP -954.4 /S 954.9 955.9 6' m 960.1 \ x 961.1 x 960.6 z 960.8 \ INV -950.0 SrRGo '9SS TC / /7�p���/ /T CEI fV ®9597 I "ASH O x 961.4 x 961.4 / / j \ \ \ g� \ 95 TC `r TOP =954.2 TOp 1 t'- `i p 960.7 I IN x957. / 9.8 960.6 x959.8 \ \ 9`S)\ \ \ INV= 949.8(E W) /Nk. I'0,q •0 W I 57.7 9�a' k 960. k \ \ \g INV= 949.6(NS TOP =954.3 960.7 960,6 x 961.5 959.9 x 960.2 9� \ \ 954 8 S./.'PC,o CB L<J O GAT x 961.4 x 960.8 �g 57.2 S•� q 99.6 58.0 \ / x 960.7 z 960 Jw x 960.6 x 959.9 x \ \ \ \ TC x c I k \ x961.2 6\ x959.8 \ \\ `958 \ \ /O „P INV =950.2 ®9591N I I x 959. x 960.9 \ x 961.3 /9 + 0 x 959.9 x 959.6 ° 9�. \ \ \TCS 4 x�N SC 955. IIPP 960, \ / / 9 9.7 x 960.4 �<0 \ \ \ \ 7.6 \ 54.3 TC I ( x 959.7 \ k \ / / x 960.2 5 'S 59.9 x 960.5 955. ,..1 9.4 x 961.0 x 960.6 61.0 959.3x\\ \ \ 9591.4 x 957. 9 7.5 1 �"g \ TO 3.9 L� P518 2 = TCI 0.4 / / + x 960.3 x 960.4 x 960.5 x 959.6 \� x 95 V 9 LL) TC TC 960.5 x 961.0 x 961. l / \ \ x 959.3 95 . x 960.6 x 960.2 x 959.9 x 959.6 9 \ . Ix 959.1 / / \ \ \ V� - U 960.2 x 960.4 959. x 959.7 59.2 GATE / x 960.3 x 959.9 /g5 I \ 3"PIN ro I ,/ x 960.9 x 960.6 9.8 x 959.5 x 959.5 I 957.3 x \ J '� t 96o. x 960.4 / x 958.8 �� \9S, ®9 0.0 95 .2 V � / 95714 I 'SPR 960.1 �- 8 FT CHAIN 960 �-°j�9 959.9 "AS / I O _. ,n = o. 95 .2 TC I LINK FENCE Q 5 "ASH x 959.5 /I 958 C O I x 960.2 -/- �' � x 959.3 s 960. I x 960.3 959.8 x 957.7 �' 960.0 x 960.6 x 960.6 g6g / 959.9 x 960.3 x 960.5 x 959.9 x 959.8 x X59.0 < x 957.8 957,9 I SPR x 960.5 x 960.5 'I- x 960.2 I I TCS � \ ® 960.1 x 59. 9X Sg g 13 x 960.4 x 960.2 \ 2 959.9 y 958.7 - I I x 960.2 z 960.0 9.I V "SPR + FT CH i' 59.9 96 x959.6 x 959.3 x 958.7 x 58.0 y LINK CE / x 959.3 z 99.0 I ®959.7 '�� x 959 7 30 0 30 60 9 "PIN 957. SP 96 .I 9 0 � 59.9 x 960.1 958. 95{7.2 TC x 958.4 PR 960. yL/ 959.8 W TC / I e 959.5 L z 960.3 x 960.1 959.9 9.9 5 "ASH „�sG h .n, �� � ® 960. SCORE x 960.1 X 858,5 I % I 958.1 7^ R BOARD �- x 960.2 960 0 / x 960.0 x 960.4 9'PIN I x951.3 L"V,4'$PCG . 96 959.8 x960.1 /""aLC s9.a x990.6 SCALE IN FEET I� f 999.9 959.8 x60.1 EASEME OR UTILITY AND DRAINAGE x990.3 x9598 / '9s8� 957.ry h ! 1 -� 2,_,.. 960.1 FPS h" 959.9 �x I PURPOSES P DOC. NO. 719827 x 960.1 x 959.2 ( x 958.9 958.2x ,, TTTCCC _� _ x 960.4 x 960.2 x 960.2 x 959.9 x 960.1 \ M" 9501. MH- TOP =958.5 958 - \ f 'x 95 .7 \ (BOLTED SHUT) x 960.2 _ _ _ V =945.5�'�,� INV= 944.1(W)5) I - \ 958.0 '� ,3" R k 0 TOP =959.4 959.9 X 959.9 959.8 - 959.8 PKS } 957.0_ TC7.0I _ I _ _ - Match Line _�x�x�959.7X- _ - -4 „A- Sao D Ma tch g•�- 959.8 959.8 - - - - - 960.5 FOL 960.3 960.2 960.4 g��� x 959.5 - g5gg - - - - - - - - - - - SAN S x95/ / x958 O (See Sheet 7) x960.3 UGE LP MH (See Sheet 9) 9598 59.8 GRAVEL 959 I x 959 6 x 960 FOL FOL x 9 2 - 958.6 - 958.5 � cp (BOLTED SHUT) J / 59.9 STS ST S x959.4 rOP =959.6 g60 x x - I 9557. 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ASEMENT PEa EASEMENT )4REA PER K. 9 11 C' itI I I\ i _ _ — — — ` 9s? - - N00 a9 00 ] ` -9s/ _ /( DOC. sae Irn \ I� I_g62 -.t — — — �_ �i`_ — — — —rte_ —`\ /r -`- \- _ �s�e �2 \ _ I[ I 1� __- _ - ----- / / _963' ^\ ` - -- `N6/• /s r \N00 °00'09"F _ /-- ; ����� _J _ X18 p90C-' -. 421382 5.00 O -- / \ d 0 � 89 MISC, PGp - ` NO 2l G 4 3 C_N9 3B- -+, — — — —,__ — `96¢ \- 963__ - -- ROP SED 10 F D 9 - - - - - -- sl - -- - -_- ---- - - -_ —= 90 5 ' i h Q _ _ _ - -_ \ .•IZf4 � I ;s '9 I _�_— Ip O 9 i �/_ TEQ P9W _%i5 _ -___, \ 96 / \ 6R `963 - - ` -�S lY Q - _ eB f °' _�__ ' OfY?\ Z�_ 2= —`� ` -c 960 I Il t• ��` __ , - -- -'OF 150 FT EASEMENT AND UTICIT_1G'�AS \ ' -- _ IR,4N-SMISSI9IN LINE-EA ,BK� : } ,424382 - - - - -- - \ 2 — — _� 96T__- -- __„- -••cy - _- 11 � II i i ��I 1 r C. NO.,A-2 +3132 1 \ / _P�R""D�C. \ —zis°s -- -)---- G\ — —T —� _ \' } �� - - 1 ) J t= �7r— — — — ='^ — T — - - _-' - - - -- ss4 - - -- -II- ss2 ssJ__= .I ' -- -- _ - - -z —_ 1 1_! -r- -- - = = = -- - - -- - -- - - �$^ 5 - 62- R =1 3362.77 A °51'27 _ 96 [N88 °36' 13 "E] N88- °405_9 "E 271 1.24 -` _ss ___ - -- ,� 3 - - __ �"' 966_ - - -_ - _— -_ 3 �� � L 200.00 _ _ 7 __967-' LINE "A =D6C. NO. 509057 969- -- - - �� 4— N89 °04' I0".E }-N83'B'�4' 19" 661.32 - -"` - �- -0--, 66 -- --- _ - -��' =y - - - - - -- - -- - E N I/2 \ / / A / , -- =_ - - -- 9s2 �4 60 I `S LINE OF LOT 21 962 __ - -_ -- 00 ♦\ — mot 4 962 960 955 N /\/I )r-1lAlAl V I S LINE OF LOT 20 60 96 9.58 956 E 1/4 g52 _ \ r1 /T/ / SW CORNER OF T E 6� 66 /\ A L / �` ss4 / `7/% \ � /-lute / / / v LJ /l V/-1L_ �7 /L_L_.� I'��—ss4 / / T //1 AV/ \A r�lA /A/ ill/ l ^ :'r� 1Al NEI /4 OFTHES o 9 �/-Il\ ll L F7 /L_L__ . 4 5 �/\ L rl /A / A / / /// / / / \)L /ll VI-IL- �7 /L_L_.' L_ L// V nv l l l v V I/4 OF SEC 13 I r /[ — l l 9ss vl /vnL_ �7 /L_L_. nl l g62 U/ / /tJ/ v ZO r, < > � 972 PARK � I 954 ED: R -1 95g r a rIi)Ary 960 C I Z ED: 1 970 0 962 966 27 968 0 972 968 962 a C) I Q "o 1438 OF LINE -- OF SEC. 3 g60 71A �J/ AT A / 958 954 C r 91 974 972 970 \ LI` d 97? 964 / I DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SURVEYED PLAT RECORDING INFORMATION 8. Matters as disclosed by Wright County Highway Right -of -Way Plat No. 14, filed as Document No. UTILITY NOTES (Per Old Republic National Title Insurance Company, Title Commitment Application No. 448031. ORTE742843, Effective Date January 11, 2016) The plat of Auditor's Subdivision Number 1 was filed of record on May 24, 1892, in Book A of Plats, Page 9• Highway Easement, together with incidental rights thereof, filed September 28, 1988, in Book 93 Misc., 1.) Utility information from plans and markings was combined with observed evidence of I hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was I 38. page 764. utilities to develop a view of the underground utilities shown hereon. However, lacking prepared by me or under my direct supervision and Lot 21, Auditors Subdivision Number 1, according to the recorded plat thereof, the North Half excavation, the exact location of underground features cannot be accurately, completely that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the of Lot A of the Southeast Quarter according to the plat thereof recorded in Book I of The plat recorded in Book I of Sectional Plats, page 570 was filed October 8, 1884. 10. Easements for public right-of-way and drainage and utility purposes in favor of the City of Monticello and reliably depicted. Where additional or more detailed information is required, laws of the State of Minnesota. Sectional Plats, page 570 and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter all in Section p g y g y p P oses y y p re q 13, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota.. filed August 16, 1991, as Document No. 493260. excavation may be necessary. P 9 9 Y Dated this 16th day of February, 2016 [ ] Bearings and /or dimensions listed within brackets are per plat or record documents. 11. Easements for utility and drainage purposes in favor of the City of Monticello filed September 20, 2000, 2.) Other underground utilities of which we are unaware may exist. Verify all utilities critical And as Document No. 719827. to construction or design. SUNDE LAND SURVEYING, LLC. Lot 17 lying South of the center line of Chelsea Road; Lot 20; All in Auditor's Subdivision TITLE COMMITMENT 12. Easements for utility and drainage purposes in favor of the City of Monticello filed September 20, 2000, 3.) Some underground utility locations are shown as marked onsite by those utility companies By' - - - -- - . - - - - - -- Number 1, Wright County, Minnesota. as Document No. 719828. whose locators responded to our Gopher State One Call, ticket numbers 153411822, Mark . Hanson, P.L.S. Minn. Lic. No. 15480 Old Republic National Title Insurance Company, Title Commitment Application No. ORTE742843, Effective Date 153411833 and 153411850. EXCEPT: January 11, 2016, was relied upon as to matters of record. 13. Easement for utility and drainage purposes in favor of the City of Monticello filed September 20, 2000, as Document No. 719829. 4.) Contact GOPHER STATE ONE CALL at 651- 454 -0002 (800- 252 -1166) for precise onsite That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 121, (&IAdded State GIS contours JDJF 4/11/2016 Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, and that art of the North Half of Lot A of the Schedule B Exceptions: 9 9 y P 14. Pathway Easement, together with incidental rights thereof, in favor of the City of Monticello, filed April location of utilities prior to any excavation. Revision By I Dote Southeast Quarter of said Section 13 and that part of Lots 20 and 21, Auditors Subdivision 1 Exceptions are indicated on survey with circled numbers where applicable. 6, 2001 as Document No. 736763. D ✓f- O P Y Pp 5) Private utilities are shown as marked by Hance Locating Services Inc on December 15 Number 1, according to the plat on file In the office 01 the County Recorder, In and for said Wright County, lying southerly of a line 40.00 feet northerly of the following described line "A ": AREA PROPOSED AREAS OWNERS /DEVELOPERS: CIVIL ENGINEER: as Document No. 951313. 2015. Private utilities are those utilities installed for the use of their owner, typically by Beginning at a point on the west line of said Southwest Quarter distant 1310.69 feet southerly Independent School District #882 Anderson- Johnson Associates, Inc. Gross Area: Lot 1: = 4,792,566 sq. ft. or 110.022 acres Monticello Public Schools 7575 Golden Valley Road, Suite 200 Rights of the public in and to that portion of the land that lies within Fallon Ave NE, School Blvd, 120 0 120 240 5,410,049 sq. ft. or 124.198 acres as Document No. 951314. 302 Washington Street Golden Valley, MN 55427 iiii Outlot A = 372,501 sq. ft. or 8.551 acres Monticello, MN 55362 Contact person: Jay Pomeroy concave to the north, having a radius of 13,362.77 feet and a central angle of 00 degrees 51 SCALE IN FEET PRESENT ROADWAYS: GENERAL Contact person: Tina - Michelle C. Burkholder Phone: (763) 544 -7129 minutes 27 seconds; thence North 87 degrees 44 minutes 46 seconds East, a distance of 4. PROPOSED ROAD DEDICATION: Phone: (763) 272 -2015 1.) The subject property lies within Zone C (Areas of minimal flooding) per the National Flood Chelsea Rd. and C. S. A.H. No. 18 October 11, 1983, in Book 82 Misc., page 835. 1.) Survey coordinate basis: Wright County Coordinate System O Denotes iron monument set marked = 194,155 sq. ft. or 4.457 acres Chelsea Rd. and C.S.A.H. No. 18 ARCHITECT: LAND SURVEYOR: with P.L.S. No. 15480 Fallon Ave. = 194,155 sq. ft. or 4.457 acres Wold Architects and Engineers Sunde Land Surveying y 9 Electric transmission line easement, together with incidental rights thereof, in favor of United Power 9 9 2.) No indication of wetland delineation by a qualified wetland specialist has been located or observed on Suite W2000 9001 E. Bloomington Freeway, Suite 118 Association shown in instrument filed February 5, 1987, in Book 89 Misc., page 718. = 50,827 s ft. or 1.167 acres q' Fallon Ave. 332 Minnesota Street Bloomington, MN 55420 6. Right -of -Way Encroachment Agreement filed October 8, 1987, in Book 91 Misc., page 403. = 50,827 sq. ft. or 1.167 acres St. Paul, MN 55101 Contact person: Mark Hanson 1.) Zoning information obtained from the City of Monticello web site on December 28, 2015. Net Area: (excludes present C.S.A.H. No. 18, Contact person: Eric B. Linner Phone: (952) 881 -2455 may be additional features Chelsea Rd. & Fallon Ave.) 7. Phone: (651) 227 -7773 that were not visible and, therefore, not shown hereon. = 5,165,067 sq. ft. or 118.574 acres olottablel NW C R OF SEC- [SO-12'49"E] / % 13, T. 121, 5 g5e 708.88 W LINE OF SEC. 13 "'O /V V� \ �I \ TF� \ y�G A4 \ I \ 9so n I s A 14 F 0 RAMFNSF� J P V OSFS FORn10q a� e J C I / O - `'z pFR R0 p 9� LLI ` ('rJ �\ \ r I \) LI I ,` I I p W - J \� TQ 9 ` *C :�t�''\ U0� oq &/ �g ri0 I \ ZIA4 lA /T / / \[ -/ / /lV /lvL_L_L_V r- /\ r -A l r- I C \ I \♦ ' T / << ^ 5 /\ r -�J/ � N v _l \ vL_ vL_/ l L_l \ °s° \J 4 f �/ 4 7 v C� o �h \ \\ �, ,�-- ParcerY ID � �. 4 -, �- I T/ -------- a ' F711 \ L/ /- IL/lJ. o C) II + 15501 I�001 2 956 96 z � I Pl�OPOSED ,- 1 954 ZONED: I B 66 I ` / I I \\ R /oy R,yR ` \ O UJ O 4 9 T A/ EASE N FOR UTILITY \ ENO e T Y \, oQ NGENT'gS w ZO 9s6 AINA E D UTILITY I I I 1 �Q UTLO ,L�` AN AGE PURPOSE -1' / SF \ \� • 39 � -:- / 1 Rq Wy '�FiyT \. o Q z i I �j E SE R MONTICELLO I I j P N0. 719827 , TjON A� P \ \♦ 5 ___ ,957 NED: I -1 g56 C MMER ENTER SIXTH ADD. I 9se y NE NER OF TFIENE 14 u o / n 7 I I RAINAGE AND UTILIT I J i bF sw I/4 of SEC 13- - -- g0 2206 i F 1�OTF0 SS g59 JJ S) ;%q- 5Q C7 E ASEMENT PER TICELLO ' ( N SW CORNER OF LOT 17 �6 `c�50 2240 2 E� I -�_ = _S /O,� -sss -- J S CORNER OF THE SW 856 954 952 COMMERCE CENTER FOURTH ADD. A v / ° OPEN N$$o321 0 60 S 25. 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DRAIN7kG,\ ,O O [N90�00'00 "Ea (� 1 ` [N90 °00'00 "E] \ \ 9 %' ; //i ./ ; - -- id8es �" \ \\ \\ \\ ° 12 AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES i �y'/ h J 11 _ \Q J S00 °23 32"'E O O I I / \,/ ! 1 \ I! t Cd\�� 5 i /%' - - \1 \ \\ \\ 111 1 r 1 6' G 1 -71/i , to J / O ( % gz.57== -\ O� 00 \ I ! I/ Y \ . t- I u t\ \ g ' 9' (1 1 \ \\ \\ I 1 t \ I \\ 8b N 1 J9 I I (dh / OJ I t i9 l 4 OII w o0 AND UTIL SEMENT \\ S89 °5 59 E 209.83. �` _ ' - \ PEI�DOC. N0. 719828 _ �c J +- > II I 0`0 I ° \��p ,yam I I (�1I l �'�'�1 1 I 9ss _ �� °'� j \Ill I� 9s `�(\ \I \i111 II F "'.1 oh,jI v,\ -,�� .% `-9s9, -_ 1 M <t Lv 1 /'- - -- - \ \ I 819° b'S2 "W I :} p ROPOSED`1'0`FT. DRAINAGE\ i i I �' Q`�oJ�� / II / \\ \\ [SI9 °20''46 "W] } p / 1 o x z,� i 1 Oy n '?ti ti -I -\1 v it Ir =- Na ''I + / Pp• J / /'_ _ {/y ` I1 i - 11 r4O.�O �' 0 1 \ 1 // p O 191 � I1 pc .\ '\ 11 1 O O �- L+. II 1111 11 nil 1,� t (IAND UTILITY EASEMENT /' r 1 ' 1 i. 1 j 11 �ou� ! 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ASEMENT PEa EASEMENT )4REA PER K. 9 11 C' itI I I\ i _ _ — — — ` 9s? - - N00 a9 00 ] ` -9s/ _ /( DOC. sae Irn \ I� I_g62 -.t — — — �_ �i`_ — — — —rte_ —`\ /r -`- \- _ �s�e �2 \ _ I[ I 1� __- _ - ----- / / _963' ^\ ` - -- `N6/• /s r \N00 °00'09"F _ /-- ; ����� _J _ X18 p90C-' -. 421382 5.00 O -- / \ d 0 � 89 MISC, PGp - ` NO 2l G 4 3 C_N9 3B- -+, — — — —,__ — `96¢ \- 963__ - -- ROP SED 10 F D 9 - - - - - -- sl - -- - -_- ---- - - -_ —= 90 5 ' i h Q _ _ _ - -_ \ .•IZf4 � I ;s '9 I _�_— Ip O 9 i �/_ TEQ P9W _%i5 _ -___, \ 96 / \ 6R `963 - - ` -�S lY Q - _ eB f °' _�__ ' OfY?\ Z�_ 2= —`� ` -c 960 I Il t• ��` __ , - -- -'OF 150 FT EASEMENT AND UTICIT_1G'�AS \ ' -- _ IR,4N-SMISSI9IN LINE-EA ,BK� : } ,424382 - - - - -- - \ 2 — — _� 96T__- -- __„- -••cy - _- 11 � II i i ��I 1 r C. NO.,A-2 +3132 1 \ / _P�R""D�C. \ —zis°s -- -)---- G\ — —T —� _ \' } �� - - 1 ) J t= �7r— — — — ='^ — T — - - _-' - - - -- ss4 - - -- -II- ss2 ssJ__= .I ' -- -- _ - - -z —_ 1 1_! -r- -- - = = = -- - - -- - -- - - �$^ 5 - 62- R =1 3362.77 A °51'27 _ 96 [N88 °36' 13 "E] N88- °405_9 "E 271 1.24 -` _ss ___ - -- ,� 3 - - __ �"' 966_ - - -_ - _— -_ 3 �� � L 200.00 _ _ 7 __967-' LINE "A =D6C. NO. 509057 969- -- - - �� 4— N89 °04' I0".E }-N83'B'�4' 19" 661.32 - -"` - �- -0--, 66 -- --- _ - -��' =y - - - - - -- - -- - E N I/2 \ / / A / , -- =_ - - -- 9s2 �4 60 I `S LINE OF LOT 21 962 __ - -_ -- 00 ♦\ — mot 4 962 960 955 N /\/I )r-1lAlAl V I S LINE OF LOT 20 60 96 9.58 956 E 1/4 g52 _ \ r1 /T/ / SW CORNER OF T E 6� 66 /\ A L / �` ss4 / `7/% \ � /-lute / / / v LJ /l V/-1L_ �7 /L_L_.� I'��—ss4 / / T //1 AV/ \A r�lA /A/ ill/ l ^ :'r� 1Al NEI /4 OFTHES o 9 �/-Il\ ll L F7 /L_L__ . 4 5 �/\ L rl /A / A / / /// / / / \)L /ll VI-IL- �7 /L_L_.' L_ L// V nv l l l v V I/4 OF SEC 13 I r /[ — l l 9ss vl /vnL_ �7 /L_L_. nl l g62 U/ / /tJ/ v ZO r, < > � 972 PARK � I 954 ED: R -1 95g r a rIi)Ary 960 C I Z ED: 1 970 0 962 966 27 968 0 972 968 962 a C) I Q "o 1438 OF LINE -- OF SEC. 3 g60 71A �J/ AT A / 958 954 C r 91 974 972 970 \ LI` d 97? 964 / I DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SURVEYED PLAT RECORDING INFORMATION 8. Matters as disclosed by Wright County Highway Right -of -Way Plat No. 14, filed as Document No. UTILITY NOTES (Per Old Republic National Title Insurance Company, Title Commitment Application No. 448031. ORTE742843, Effective Date January 11, 2016) The plat of Auditor's Subdivision Number 1 was filed of record on May 24, 1892, in Book A of Plats, Page 9• Highway Easement, together with incidental rights thereof, filed September 28, 1988, in Book 93 Misc., 1.) Utility information from plans and markings was combined with observed evidence of I hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was I 38. page 764. utilities to develop a view of the underground utilities shown hereon. However, lacking prepared by me or under my direct supervision and Lot 21, Auditors Subdivision Number 1, according to the recorded plat thereof, the North Half excavation, the exact location of underground features cannot be accurately, completely that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the of Lot A of the Southeast Quarter according to the plat thereof recorded in Book I of The plat recorded in Book I of Sectional Plats, page 570 was filed October 8, 1884. 10. Easements for public right-of-way and drainage and utility purposes in favor of the City of Monticello and reliably depicted. Where additional or more detailed information is required, laws of the State of Minnesota. Sectional Plats, page 570 and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter all in Section p g y g y p P oses y y p re q 13, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota.. filed August 16, 1991, as Document No. 493260. excavation may be necessary. P 9 9 Y Dated this 16th day of February, 2016 [ ] Bearings and /or dimensions listed within brackets are per plat or record documents. 11. Easements for utility and drainage purposes in favor of the City of Monticello filed September 20, 2000, 2.) Other underground utilities of which we are unaware may exist. Verify all utilities critical And as Document No. 719827. to construction or design. SUNDE LAND SURVEYING, LLC. Lot 17 lying South of the center line of Chelsea Road; Lot 20; All in Auditor's Subdivision TITLE COMMITMENT 12. Easements for utility and drainage purposes in favor of the City of Monticello filed September 20, 2000, 3.) Some underground utility locations are shown as marked onsite by those utility companies By' - - - -- - . - - - - - -- Number 1, Wright County, Minnesota. as Document No. 719828. whose locators responded to our Gopher State One Call, ticket numbers 153411822, Mark . Hanson, P.L.S. Minn. Lic. No. 15480 Old Republic National Title Insurance Company, Title Commitment Application No. ORTE742843, Effective Date 153411833 and 153411850. EXCEPT: January 11, 2016, was relied upon as to matters of record. 13. Easement for utility and drainage purposes in favor of the City of Monticello filed September 20, 2000, as Document No. 719829. 4.) Contact GOPHER STATE ONE CALL at 651- 454 -0002 (800- 252 -1166) for precise onsite That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 121, (&IAdded State GIS contours JDJF 4/11/2016 Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, and that art of the North Half of Lot A of the Schedule B Exceptions: 9 9 y P 14. Pathway Easement, together with incidental rights thereof, in favor of the City of Monticello, filed April location of utilities prior to any excavation. Revision By I Dote Southeast Quarter of said Section 13 and that part of Lots 20 and 21, Auditors Subdivision 1 Exceptions are indicated on survey with circled numbers where applicable. 6, 2001 as Document No. 736763. D ✓f- O P Y Pp 5) Private utilities are shown as marked by Hance Locating Services Inc on December 15 Number 1, according to the plat on file In the office 01 the County Recorder, In and for said Wright County, lying southerly of a line 40.00 feet northerly of the following described line "A ": 1 -2 [general 15. Matters as disclosed b Wright Count Highway Right of Way Plat No. 55 filed y g y g y g y as Document No. 951313. 2015. Private utilities are those utilities installed for the use of their owner, typically by Beginning at a point on the west line of said Southwest Quarter distant 1310.69 feet southerly exceptions] someone other than a Gopher State One Call registered utility operator. of the northwest corner thereof; thence North 88 degrees 36 minutes 13 seconds East, a 3. Rights of the public in and to that portion of the land that lies within Fallon Ave NE, School Blvd, 16. Resolution by the City of Monticello regarding a highway filed March 17, 2005, as Document No. 951314. FLOOD ZONE NOTE distance of 2711.24 feet; thence easterly a distance of 200.00 feet along a tangential curve, Fenning Ave NE, and Chelsea Rd as laid out and travelled as evidenced by available maps. concave to the north, having a radius of 13,362.77 feet and a central angle of 00 degrees 51 GENERAL NOTES minutes 27 seconds; thence North 87 degrees 44 minutes 46 seconds East, a distance of 4. Easement for roadway and utility purposes in favor of the City of Monticello shown in instrument filed 1.) The subject property lies within Zone C (Areas of minimal flooding) per the National Flood 1015.00 feet and said line A there terminating. For the purpose of this description, the west October 11, 1983, in Book 82 Misc., page 835. 1.) Survey coordinate basis: Wright County Coordinate System Insurance Program, Flood Insurance Rate Map Community Panel No. 270541000513, dated line of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13 is assumed to bear South 00 degrees 12 minutes November 1, 1979. 29 seconds East. 5. Electric transmission line easement, together with incidental rights thereof, in favor of United Power 9 9 2.) No indication of wetland delineation by a qualified wetland specialist has been located or observed on ZONING NOTES Abstract Property Association shown in instrument filed February 5, 1987, in Book 89 Misc., page 718. site. 6. Right -of -Way Encroachment Agreement filed October 8, 1987, in Book 91 Misc., page 403. 3.) At the time field work was performed for this survey, there was a significant amount of snow on the 1.) Zoning information obtained from the City of Monticello web site on December 28, 2015. ground. Physical features were located to the best of our ability, but there may be additional features 7. Order granting conditional use permit filed December 3, 1987, in Book 91 Misc., page 777. [not that were not visible and, therefore, not shown hereon. The subject property is zoned R -1. (Low Residential Densities - Residential District) olottablel MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Independent School District #882, Monticello Public Schools, a Minnesota corporation, fee owner of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: Lot 21, Auditor's Subdivision Number I, according to the recorded plat thereof, the North Half of Lot A of the Southeast Quarter according to the plat thereof recorded in Book I of Sectional Plats, page 570 and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter all in Section 13, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. And Lot 17 lying South of the center line of Chelsea Road; Lot 20; All in Auditor's Subdivision Number I, Wright County, Minnesota. EXCEPT: That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, and that part of the North Half of Lot A of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 13 and that part of Lots 20 and 21, Auditors Subdivision Number I, according to the plat on file in the office of the County Recorder, in and for said Wright County, lying southerly of a line 40.00 feet northerly of the following described line "A ": Beginning at a point on the west line of said Southwest Quarter distant 1310.69 feet southerly of the northwest corner thereof; thence North 88 degrees 36 minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of 2711.24 feet; thence easterly a distance of 200.00 feet along a tangential curve, concave to the north, having a radius of 13,362.77 feet and a central angle of 00 degrees 51 minutes 27 seconds; thence North 87 degrees 44 minutes 46 seconds East, a distance of 1015.00 feet and said line "A" there terminating. For the purpose of this description, the west line of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13 is assumed to bear South 00 degrees 12 minutes 29 seconds East. Has caused the some to be surveyed and platted as MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION and does hereby dedicate to the public for public use forever the public ways and the easements for drainage and utility purposes as shown on this plat. In witness whereof said Independent School District #882, Monticello Public Schools, a Minnesota corporation, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer on this _____ day of --- - - - - -- 20__. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 By: ----------------- - - - - -- its COUNTY OF ___________ STATE OF This instrument was acknowledged before me on _____ day of __________- 20___, by #882, Monticello Public Schools, a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of said corporation. Printed Name Notary Public, My Commission Expires County, Signature the of said Independent School District I, Mark S. Hanson, do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this _____ day of __________- 20 Mark S. Hanson, Land Surveyo Minnesota License No. 15480 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF This instrument was acknowledged before me on Printed Name Notary Public, My Commission Expires County: day of Signature 20___ by Mark S. Hanson, Land Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 15480. CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA This plat of MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION was approved and accepted by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof held this --- - - - - -- 20 - - -• B v: Chairperson Secretary CITY COUNCIL, MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA This plat of MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof held this 20___, and said plat is in compliance with Minnesota Statutes Section 505.03 Subd. 2. By: - - -- Mayor City Administrator WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this ______ day of __________- 20___. Wright County Surveyor WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, Subd. 11, there are no delinquent taxes on this land hereinbefore described on this plat and transfer entered this ______ day of 20 Wright County Auditor Deputy WRIGHT COUNTY TREASURER Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable for the year 20___ on the land hereinbefore described have been paid this ______ day of la Wright County Treasurer WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER Deputy I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder for record on this Cabinet No._____, Sleeve Document No._____________ Wright County Recorder day of day of 20 day of __________- 20___, at _______o'clock __.M. and was duly recorded in 6 i w U 037 j z C Z 3: <N < Z_0 33 40 \F\ ° ° ` �� �\ `� A Awl A lT/ C —1 l /1 l�\w_LJ_ lVIUIvll�L_L_L_l� �� \� (,) ZN° �' /�/IA /AA r — A /Tr y) < �� p w :I �i� vlJlVllVlL_l \ �L_ �L_/ V / L_/ \ 40 33 0 ? 0 < Z_0 33 40 \F\ 4!01 33 40 L / n NW CORNER OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SW I/4 OF SEC 13 R OF LOT 20 - - - AND NE CORNE -N LINE OF LOT 20 \ 1V88 042155 "E 2622.78 - - -- [N88 042'54 "E] 752.65 - 558.74 -- ----------- T / 3789.05 - - - - - - - - -EASEMENT FOR UTILITY o I/ I�DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT r �J\ � J\ \ �\ J _J �J �l \ l f1 -T- \� J J AND DRAINAGE PURPQ E o S89 °59'59 "E 291.85 --'" PER DOC. NO. 719827 —�N N oopo� o�' [N90 °00'00 "E] [N90 °00'00 "E] °d 00 " S89 059'59 "E 209.83 ; �\ 1 \ T - UNITED POWER ASSOC. ELECTRIC W \ Z W W :�:in N L' a W ~ LL_ = r7 O O I— — W WUO Z O� J W ,�WZ —OJ N U +, 0 12.00 DRAINAGE AND - OF 150 FT. EASEMENT r UTILITY EASEMENT TRANSMISSION LINE EASEMENT PER BK. - 1 PER DOC. NO. 421382 - - I 89 MISC, PG. 718 (DOC. NO. 421382) -, _ -- 2670.40 -- 1 - _ - - - - LO °' —LINE 588 °4059 "W 2710.41 - [N88 36 13 "E] N88 040'59 "E 2711.24- - SC un M ao �- _ I SW CORNER OF / 40 50 LOTN200 v _ ��� �� �^ n /A / ^ / r, THE NE I/4 OF j i, ��/, lA / n l l 111 / l /l/ l . �> v / —Il \L-1 V / -1 L_ 1-7/L_L_`: u�l/ \Ll V /—I L_ l7 /L_L_`: THE SW 1/4 OF _ SEC 13 - - - -- _ A l r A r n/ T/ /1 A/ as L_ vUl VLJ / —IL /Ul l /U/ V C) I SW CORNER OF SW 1/4 OF SEC. 13 (FOUND C/M) - PRELIMINARY Date: 4/11 /2016 1 120 0 120 240 SCALE IN FEET • Denotes found iron monument O Denotes 1/2 inch by 14 inch iron monument set and marked with PLS 15480, unless otherwise noted The orientation of this bearing system is based on the Wright County Coordinate System Bench Mark: Top of top nut of fire hydrant 45 ft./- southwest of the northwest corner of High School building. Elevation = 964.69 feet (NAVD88) [ ] Bearings and /or dimensions listed within brackets are per record document. SECTION 13, T. 121, R. 25 \ \tK \ \tK z Fq Rp w 1 < Z \ \tK /SITE ° \ \� o z SCHOOL BLVD. _ � ,/ vi U LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE Drainage and utility easements are shown thus: 0 0ll Being 10 feet in width and adjoining exterior plat lines and public ways, unless otherwise indicated on this plat. if SUNDE SHEET > OF 2 SHEETS L o < p 114- 1 L_ 40 33 0 ? 0 < co O z0) 40 _52 vo 0o ,> (,) c� J c0 MN < Z Z <\ �12 Of°o ILI Din 0 00 Ow L� a- Z 0 W O (n LIJ W� W(n < W W a- - _ Wn Ulm !lam) C° 0 W � I 0 O N 0 �o J L, �O wW co L1 1 LL. � O o � • w o (� — cfl z z < w co J M N ON O o L -\ \ N C F O H LI\ Z w J o5 <> J Zw <Q ww LIJ <r z� J o - - 1-12 4!01 33 40 L / n NW CORNER OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SW I/4 OF SEC 13 R OF LOT 20 - - - AND NE CORNE -N LINE OF LOT 20 \ 1V88 042155 "E 2622.78 - - -- [N88 042'54 "E] 752.65 - 558.74 -- ----------- T / 3789.05 - - - - - - - - -EASEMENT FOR UTILITY o I/ I�DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT r �J\ � J\ \ �\ J _J �J �l \ l f1 -T- \� J J AND DRAINAGE PURPQ E o S89 °59'59 "E 291.85 --'" PER DOC. NO. 719827 —�N N oopo� o�' [N90 °00'00 "E] [N90 °00'00 "E] °d 00 " S89 059'59 "E 209.83 ; �\ 1 \ T - UNITED POWER ASSOC. ELECTRIC W \ Z W W :�:in N L' a W ~ LL_ = r7 O O I— — W WUO Z O� J W ,�WZ —OJ N U +, 0 12.00 DRAINAGE AND - OF 150 FT. EASEMENT r UTILITY EASEMENT TRANSMISSION LINE EASEMENT PER BK. - 1 PER DOC. NO. 421382 - - I 89 MISC, PG. 718 (DOC. NO. 421382) -, _ -- 2670.40 -- 1 - _ - - - - LO °' —LINE 588 °4059 "W 2710.41 - [N88 36 13 "E] N88 040'59 "E 2711.24- - SC un M ao �- _ I SW CORNER OF / 40 50 LOTN200 v _ ��� �� �^ n /A / ^ / r, THE NE I/4 OF j i, ��/, lA / n l l 111 / l /l/ l . �> v / —Il \L-1 V / -1 L_ 1-7/L_L_`: u�l/ \Ll V /—I L_ l7 /L_L_`: THE SW 1/4 OF _ SEC 13 - - - -- _ A l r A r n/ T/ /1 A/ as L_ vUl VLJ / —IL /Ul l /U/ V C) I SW CORNER OF SW 1/4 OF SEC. 13 (FOUND C/M) - PRELIMINARY Date: 4/11 /2016 1 120 0 120 240 SCALE IN FEET • Denotes found iron monument O Denotes 1/2 inch by 14 inch iron monument set and marked with PLS 15480, unless otherwise noted The orientation of this bearing system is based on the Wright County Coordinate System Bench Mark: Top of top nut of fire hydrant 45 ft./- southwest of the northwest corner of High School building. Elevation = 964.69 feet (NAVD88) [ ] Bearings and /or dimensions listed within brackets are per record document. SECTION 13, T. 121, R. 25 \ \tK \ \tK z Fq Rp w 1 < Z \ \tK /SITE ° \ \� o z SCHOOL BLVD. _ � ,/ vi U LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE Drainage and utility easements are shown thus: 0 0ll Being 10 feet in width and adjoining exterior plat lines and public ways, unless otherwise indicated on this plat. if SUNDE SHEET > OF 2 SHEETS C-4 w U \J � \� wo 1 e\\ 1, J Z U) J o ° ,�,w ;1 \ o �z NW CORNER OF SEC. [SO 012'49 "E] 13, T. 121, R. 25 708.88 �\ MONTICELLO W LINE OF <� SEC. 13 SCHOOL " oo' I ` F O) Ld o \\\\ FS S F _ I U) \ / poR / /��, , 0. LI c� \ < LIJ _ o o 2 w V \ < `I I -� w Z HIGH ADDITION Z LOT A NOT J _ ' O \ T -,-EASEMENT FOR UTILITY \ % -_ -- � � j TANGENT N89 °l l '0/ "E . 39 =-100.15 1 � � �I� � //� AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES \ , l L �� 1 _ -- - ---- w _o I �\ \�, J\ I_, / -NE CORNER OF THE NE 1/4 11 PER DOC. N0. 719827 \ o \ 2 - - -- z v ^�, / OF THE SW 1 /4 OF SEC 13 I - \` a\2s ° 6 I, " -- - -- 1 02 45 ii Sj 50040'27"E 1� w ( AND SW CORNER OF LOT 17 I 2 " 2 O° o °2 "E d =20 2624 ,. \ v =z /(\ J .(�': I FOUND l 2" OPEN I I 5p °6 �� " - - - - -- S OSS„ \ I `S °22 "E� L= 170.3/ = - - - - -- / F '102.05 - - -- �1iz N LINE OF THE NE I/4 ��\ ���\ I I S 5• °0� \ 'I / // I zo< IRON MONUMENT 1 g0 Op 2 \\E � 3 ,' - - SE CORNER OF THE I I OF THE SW 1 /4 OF 1 r.� i' �' 1 43, E� [N88 °32 28 E 1 1 `5, X10 p6 \p$ \ SO47. 43 E i ll �4 1/4 OF C 13E NE 1 I SEC 13, T. 121, R. 25 ��\ J - - -- N� -5-8 - - - - -- -- N88 1.24E 1 S - 6 - �; / 3 °° - 281.31 - ► -' ; 1206.28 -S LINE OF LOT 17 / ' -- N88 °4255 "E 2622.78 43 / 1 [N88 042'54 "E] 634.21 -- C, 255.27 - - - -�� - "'' I 71 x,,56 6 �/ \ N LINE OF LOT 21 `S�2 °4g, [S42 °03'34 "E] I -- ° N88 °42'55 "E °- S'2 03 "E S42 °03'28 "E -------- P O N D � -- 3789.05 i I + _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ -�= - - - - -N LINE OF 1 [N88 42 49 E] ����o° �\ S& _ - -- ° 85 01 E] I _ -I-I « -_- - - - \+�+- - - Q 200.83 0. E 56.5 �- ,, o LOT A -NW CORNER o °� . N89 04 35 E ,�� [N83 56 214 44 I 1 cC �EASNT FOR UTILITY 1 �r 1 -- -" o - '` \ __ I t I I [S88 28'24"W] S88 °28'20 "W 693.80 �S ° OF LOT 21 0 \ [N89 °04'29 "E] \ N83°56� v'\3- E I llj N to o [N90 °00'00 "W] I AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES 1 I N88 °28'24 "E 750.40 - - -- " SO 00° os�- ' [SO0 °23'38 "E] �' I �) ;, -N N89 59 59 W I PER DOC. N0. 719828F��Y - °_ o I I 1 \ [ ] R!j `�6 r'' -� ``, A�c��� /� S00 °23'32 "E ---N 't N N I ° I\ I I I \ EASEMENT FOR UTILITY 6 6' 0 - �v S / 1 62.57,!1-__ I � -WATER ELEV. 190.75 I O�,AF` \ O ' °o °o = 946.8 FT. - \ I \ I AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES J �' J�\QQ r0 , I zu SHORE 1 0 11 PER DOC. N0. 719828 l F `O °40 0- QJC�/L / \/� [S19020'46 "WI W 12/ 10/2015 0� � - \ z z \�' �o I \ \ (\ 00 o QOO�, 1� \ S 19 20 52 W _ I I -r- I�\ r\ 0 _ 3 J J LINE - 1 o o N I 1 w - DRAINAGE AND UTILITY (� J ° Q O. \ / / 62.32 I I _ 0 - - i I N '`' EASEMENT l �2Z`� ��'�P �!��/Vgs °p/ [S69 °04'01 "W] II I '---I _J"00 ' °° o I �, w w I / wI 1 / r` ` �Q' Off' ` �� •' N /2 j S>�� S69 004'07 "W \ "J I ��� 1 5.47 0 0 0 °_ I / V N� F,P O O 6g° g \w% 70.05 ; - - - - -- I cJ N89°59'59"W o Cn °o I �� i / N d IN� QQ�Q 0 /'s/ ✓ N90 °00'00 "W 0 - I I/ �I . -' p k �- 9 01 0 [ ] N - \pD 1 N83 22'31 "W 1 ° � �j61 I , -' - / I l ° 1-000) \ [N83 22 37,W 19.68 _ LWRIGHT CO. HWY PLAT NO 14 DOC. NO. k f __►- - 6 3° � - 'L � / - ° �'� \ � 1 5.62 . <'y -9/ �6, ( /O be \\ Ln z �gti \ J I Ir 448031 (UNDERLIES HWY. PLAT NO 55) �6 Ste° I /i / �� I ° SET PK NAIL W /DISK !0> AR/ 0�`'� / �\ z /.c�� MARKED PLS 15480 - - - \ J >,, �o °' `�� / ,QA\ S88 °50'49 "W] ° \� 'L�' \ `s, to If - - - I - - PARCEL 3, WRIGHT CO. HWY PLAT NO. �LJ `���`�\'9 N6 12 2i�01�y1 .�� °\ [;S88 °50'55 "W �5��g5\ \rj I I I 14. HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER BK. 93 `/Vg4 °S 2 42 - �° o�g S� \ -80.4 ' Z Q� MISC., PG. 764 (DOC. NO. 448067) I rt - - - E LINE OF LOT 21 AND E / , v < \ I I I LINE OF W 1/2 OF SE 1/4 - / - 1� I OF SEC. 13 �.{ o o- \ �\ w o co I rn rn o .l'' \ � v, o z Ld I I\ I I rtw/l Y Or O0° ` Z 0 L_ <N S Qp I I � A .1/,A lT / /pr__ -/ / /, /�/,A AA Ar_- L) /�r- w\ J°� obi I I "� w \w �� \ =Z I I ' �I VI L// V / lvL_L_L_l/ vlJlVllVlL_/ \ vL_ z - w �Drn �I � ( -z °° ( ^\ �d I O NI /fir- A /Tr -L) ;� /_-1 /F -A /T/ / A nn L moo 0a I /` ° w ww J �o I I �Z_/ v / �_/ \ `.L_ V L:-- / v l r7 / -IL /L/ �< �w o wz� 0005 III wo w I o� -J �z NII BENCH z�z /-1 T I I '` o MARK < J z owo wryo N \ w o"_' w� L_ U / \ / Ni A A� -,� nnln/ n n / {' Al /E- J w Ld o I I �� I I \\ I i Oi In I VI l/ / -I / \ /-I V L_ . �o w Q z,I I � \�, J DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMEN = � _ I ° I I I / OI C6 �I 04 1 I \ J I I tv fI I I Li i <_ > z -- l C U 0 1 I I' JJ /'J LOT 10 , \ JJ \0 ' J I I ` � BLOCK V \ \ 1 °; �\ \ \ \\ o � \ J� \ \ [N00 °00'00 "E] CAI // 6216 tO' N00 °00'09 "E DRAINAGE AND 6/° 6 , 1 / UTILITY EASEMENT 166 `' kk o__ /_' _ 104.70 I I 2 - -� ;; ,'' _'__-267O.40---- ° ° - -- -S88 °40'59 "W 27/0.4 / '�- E X 71 1.93 C E P AFNLL - -- [N88 36 -13 E] N88 40 59 E_271 1.24 B0 / [N89 °04' 10 "E] N89 °04' 19" 681.32 \ - -SW CORNER OF I -S LINE OF THE NE THE NE I/4 OF ,IJ / /// / Tl ll�-)n A rn n /-7 THE SW I/4 OF 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 v /�j )/J/ �V/ -IL_ �7 /L_L_.� l /-7 // \ L/ / -IUUI l l SEC 13 �I� OF SEC 13 \L/ll VEIL_ V/ VL/ AnnlT A //)/ /-I L1 L// / / 1,/ V _- OF 150 FT. EASEMENT 1 PER DOC. NO. 421382 _ CN I I °0 LO � z 1 o o I I uJ `�I , rY'\ \ V C� C \ 15.62 H J 19.68�,� NZ -�7 I J - -1438 FT. N , 4=0 °5/ '27" - UNITED POWER ASSOC. ELECTRIC T DRAINAGE AND I T- / OF S LINE I TRANSMISSION LINE EASEMENT PER BK. 1 1 / UTILITY EASEMENT I I OF SEC. 13 I R =1 3322.77 11 89 MISC, PG. 718 (DOC. NO. 421382)--"' - - _ _ - I _ -- -L__ 905.00 � - � - -L =l 99.40 _ =� _ - - - - - - - - E -- 0 1 -LINE A I- -_ I YY� \1177/ vV. %J YY /. S87 °49'32 "VV 10/7.38 _ _ - __ I o _ [N87 °44'46 "E] N87 °49'32 "E 1015.00 �; 4 /lA/ �/ n T n /� a , o - -�____ I L =200.00 -- - - - - - R=1 3362.77 A =0°51 ' 27 ° _ \^ L I -S LINE OF THEN 60 17S LINE OF LOT 21 /� ^ L) / A / A I/2 OF LOT A OF �IJ /� �)nlAl l l 111 l � / -I/ \Ll V / -1 L_ f'7 /L_L_ THE SE I/4 <' v/-Il \Ll V / -I L_ f-7 /L_L_.� ^ / \�T/ / ^ nn /T //,A / �J LIJ A / I, �� - /� -Tl l /i nn /T //�A L :l /\ l l7 /- ILJL/l l /t// v <> 1 �� / v �� l ll- l r7 /- ILJ[J1 I IL// V I L 1 ,` LIJ � J 1> u _ Q- dJ (L(� 120 0 120 240 _/V SCALE IN FEET • Denotes found iron monument O Denotes 1/2 inch by 14 inch iron monument set and marked with PLS 15480, unless otherwise noted The orientation of this bearing system is based on the Wright County Coordinate System Bench Mark: Top of top nut of fire hydrant 45 ft. +/- sou thwest of the northwest corner of High School building. Elevation = 964.69 feet (NAVD88) [ ] Bearings and /or dimensions listed within brackets are per record document. Drainage and utility easements are shown thus: 0 0ll Being 5 feet in width and adjoining exterior plat lines and public ways, unless otherwise indicated on this plat. SECTION 13, T. 121, R. 25 \ \tK \\tK w Fq z > z N /S712Z \ \N < SCHOOL 1 BLVD. _ LL_ LU LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE PRELIMINARY Date: 4/11/2016 JISUNDE LAND SURVEYING SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS Mill N= A B C C E F 1 2 GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL ORDINANCES. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN AND PAY FOR ALL RELATED CONSTRUCTION PERMITS. SUBMIT A COPY OF ALL PERMITS TO THE CITY. 3. INSTALL CONTROL FENCING AND BARRICADING AS NECESSARY TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC. 4. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEWATERING REQUIREMENTS. 5. CHECK ALL PLAN AND DETAIL DIMENSIONS AND VERIFY SAME BEFORE FIELD LAYOUT. 6. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR BUILDING AND STOOP DIMENSIONS AND LAYOUT. 7. MAINTAIN ADJACENT PROPERTY AND PUBLIC STREETS CLEAN FROM CONSTRUCTION CAUSED DIRT AND DEBRIS ON A DAILY BASIS. PROTECT DRAINAGE SYSTEMS FROM SEDIMENTATION AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION RELATED DIRT AND DEBRIS. 8. MAINTAIN DUST CONTROL DURING GRADING OPERATIONS. 9. ALL EROSION CONTROL METHODS SHALL COMPLY WITH MPCA AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE DISTURBANCE TO SITE AND PROTECT EXISTING SITE FEATURES (INCLUDING TURF AND VEGETATION) WHICH ARE TO REMAIN. 11. PROPOSED CONTOURS AND SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN TO FINISH GRADE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 12. PROPOSED ELEVATIONS SHOWN TYPICALLY AS 65.1 OR 65 SHALL BE UNDERSTOOD TO MEAN 965.1 OR 965. 13. SPOT ELEVATIONS WITH LABELS OUTSIDE THE BUILDING PERIMETER INDICATE PROPOSED GRADES OUTSIDE THE BUILDING. SPOT ELEVATIONS WITH LABELS INSIDE THE BUILDING PERIMETER INDICATE PROPOSED FINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONS. 14. ALL DISTURBED AREAS OUTSIDE THE CONCRETE WALK SHALL RECEIVE AT LEAST 6" OF TOPSOIL AND SHALL BE SODDED. 15. WHERE NEW SOD MEETS EXISTING SOD, EXISTING SOD EDGE SHALL BE CUT TO ALLOW FOR A CONSISTENT, UNIFORM STRAIGHT EDGE. JAGGED OR UNEVEN EDGES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTABLE. REMOVE TOPSOIL AT JOINT BETWEEN EXISTING AND NEW AS REQUIRED TO ALLOW NEW SOD SURFACE TO BE FLUSH WITH EXISTING. 16. FAILURE OF TURF DEVELOPMENT: IN THE EVENT THE CONTRACTOR FAILS TO PROVIDE AN ACCEPTABLE TURF, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RE -SOD ALL APPLICABLE AREAS, AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER, TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE ENGINEER. OPTIONAL SUPPORT WOOD METAL POSTS: 2" SQ. (MIN) 1.0 Ibs /If (MIN.) "T" OR NORMAL USE (IF USED WITHOUT @ 4' (MAX) "U" SECTION @ 4' WIRE MESH INTO TRENCH LFA SUPPORT FENCE) SPACING (MAX) SPACING OPTIONAL SUPPORT ' ENGTH POST FENCE (WIRE MESH) NCE FABRIC METAL STAKE OR P FABRIC 6" AND WOOD POST @ 2' INTERVALS 30" MIN. WIRE MESH INTO TRENCH LFA ANCHORAGE H BACKFILL WITH OF D NATURA L SOIL DIRECTION FLOW MIN_ RUNOFF I III- I� I I -III =1 I NATURAL SOIL 6" MIN. Ell ` DI 24" MIN. BURY DEPTH W II I II I II I II I II I II I III I NOTE: DEPENDING UPON CONFIGURATION, ATTACH TO WIRE MESH WITH HOG RINGS, STEEL POSTS WITH TIE WIRES, OR WOOD POSTS WITH STAPLES �3i SILT FENCE X1.1 BUILDING WALL PROVIDE TOOLED EDGE (WITH EXPANSION JOINT AND CAULK SEALANT AT ALL STOOPS AND BUILDING AREAS) 5" CONCRETE WALK 4" SAND BASE PROVIDE 2% CROSS SLOPE (TYP) REFER TO GRADING PLAN FOR DIRECTION TYPICAL AT ALL GRASS AREAS WALK WIDTH AS LABELED ON PLAN . • II =III P I 1 1-111-1 I M I I 1� l l l I II III III III I PREPARED SUBGRADE NOTE: PROVIDE WIRE MESH REINFORCEMENT IN PANELS WITH DIMENSIONS TO JOINTS GREATER THAN 6'- REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE UNIFORMLY SUSPENDED 2" BELOW CONCRETE FINISH GRADE. 4 CONCRETE WALK 3 LLI W U Z O U x -n 4 1O 03 9 2.,3 CANOPY COLUMNS° - REFER DOOR l T�RCHITECTURAL PLAN L� / 0.30 O 27.3 P ALIGN WI ED�.ES OF EXISTING • _• WAL NQ�LROPOSED STOOP e ° 0 ° G � ° SITE AND GEOMETRIC PLAN SCALE: 1 " =20' LEGEND 5 0 1 W REFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS 1 DETAIL I.D NUMBER (TOP) C1.1 DETAIL SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM) PROPOSED CONCRETE WALK �•,•,•,•,•,•,•, i PROPOSED APPROXIMATE SOD LIMITS ® PROPOSED BUILDING STOOP - REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS ,DOOR 2 19. 1 o / / Cj P� Q) DOOR 6 7 8 P� BENCHES U-) REFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS 1 DETAIL I.D NUMBER (TOP) C1.1 DETAIL SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM) PROPOSED CONCRETE WALK �•,•,•,•,•,•,•, i PROPOSED APPROXIMATE SOD LIMITS ® PROPOSED BUILDING STOOP - REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS ,DOOR 2 19. 1 o / / Cj P� Q) DOOR 6 7 8 965.3 965.4 ybo.o I 9 BENCHES U-) 65.4 rn �, LLJ 6 965.6 Gj '`` COL I- I 651 9 w ® I� 65.7 ® 965.7 � cl� 9 965.4 1 "CRAB \,COL 3� U 9 965.3 ,COL 2.9 0,3 Z 9 965.3 965.4 965.6 10 865.7 D DOOR l 1 BE o o 1 0.3 965.2 x 965.6 2 27.3 U 9 965.5 ; 99r615 5 9 9655' 6 65. 6b.91[AE R RD5 5 Q' 1 965.5 °' 9 965.5 / � / 965.1 - __ . / TC 9 65.6 D 965.6 0 0� N 65.5 6 63.6 / x/ 965.3 � 964.6 5. I x 964.3 965.2 �rO TC CON `G ph 964.2 ,n � BE '7 DOOR 0) 0 965.1 964.2 °' TC 965.5 x 964., x 964.3 TC 965.4 GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN SCALE: 1 " =20' LEGEND REFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS 1 DETAIL I.D NUMBER (TOP) C1.1 DETAIL SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM) EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION `955 - PROPOSED CONTOUR 01,54.6 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION ME = MATCH EXISTING OSEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICE AT STORM SEWER INLET - - - - - - PROPOSED SILT FENCE PROPOSED BUILDING STOOP - REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS MONTICELLO LITTLE MOUNTAIN ELEMENTARY 9350 FALLON AVENUE MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON- JOHNSON ASSOCIA TES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE - SITE PLANNING - CIVIL ENGINEERING 757.5 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVID A. REY Registration 40180 Date 08/08/16 Number Revisions Descriation I Date Num Comm: Date: 08/08/16 Drawn: LSD Check: DAR North SITE, GRADING, AND EROSION CONTROL PLANS AND DETAILS CITY SUBMITTAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION u� MONTICELLO LITTLE MOUNTAIN ELEMENTARY 9350 FALLON AVENUE MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON- JOHNSON ASSOCIA TES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE - SITE PLANNING - CIVIL ENGINEERING 757.5 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVID A. REY Registration 40180 Date 08/08/16 Number Revisions Descriation I Date Num Comm: Date: 08/08/16 Drawn: LSD Check: DAR North SITE, GRADING, AND EROSION CONTROL PLANS AND DETAILS CITY SUBMITTAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION u� NOTES: 2 1. REFER TO SHEET C1.40, OVERALL GRADING PLAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES. 2. MINIMIZE DISTURBANCE TO SITE AND PROTECT EXISTING VEGETATION AND SITE FEATURES (CURBS, WALKS, PAVEMENTS, OVERHEAD AND UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, SIGNAGE, FENCING, ROADWAYS, ETC.) WHICH ARE TO REMAIN. 3. REPAIR OR REPLACE EXISTING PROPERTY AND SITE FEATURES, INCLUDING GRASS AND A VEGETATION, WHICH IS TO REMAIN THAT IS DAMAGED BY THE WORK, TO ENGINEER'S / LANDSCAPE ARCHTICT'S SATISFACTION AND AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. 4. VISIT THE SITE PRIOR TO BIDDING; BE FAMILIAR WITH ACTUAL CONDITIONS IN THE FIELD. EXTRA COMPENSATION WILL NOT BE ALLOWED FOR CONDITIONS WHICH COULD HAVE BEEN DETERMINED OR ANTICIPATED BY EXAMINATION OF THE SITE, THE CONTRACT DRAWINGS AND THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE PERTAINING TO EXISTING SOILS, UTILITIES AND OTHER SITE CHARACTERISTICS. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HIRE THE SERVICES OF A UTILITY LOCATOR COMPANY TO LOCATE ALL PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES THAT MAY BE DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. LEGEND MNCONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVALS X X X X X X CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER REMOVALS BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT REMOVALS B 0 0 0 UTILITY REMOVALS e OTREE REMOVALS - - — — — — — SAWCUT R1 REMOVALS KEY NOTE ce (car, SOLTM) PROPERTY LINE x`5 Mffi1.6 V-I.6 KEY NOTE LEGEND A R1 REMOVE CONCRETE PAVEMENT R2 REMOVE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER / VALLEY GUTTER R3 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT R4 C REMOVE GRAVEL /AGLIME SURFACE R5 REMOVE STORM SEWER R6 REMOVE STORM SEWER STRUCTURE R7 REMOVE SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT R8 REMOVE TREE ° R9 REMOVE GOAL POSTS - DELIVER TO OWNER ° 10 SAWCUT P1 PROTECT CONCRETE PAVEMENT P2 PROTECT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER / VALLEY GUTTER P3 PROTECT BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT P4 PROTECT GRAVEL SURFACE D P5 PROTECT TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGN AND POST P6 PROTECT STORM SEWER P7 PROTECT SANITARY SEWER P8 PROTECT WATERMAIN P9 PROTECT HYDRANT P10 PROTECT GATE VALVE ° P11 PROTECT UNDERGROUND UTILITY 12 PROTECT TREE 13 PROTECT PLAYGROUND PLASTIC WALL X1 REFER TO SHEET CXXXX - UTILXXX FOR TREATMENT X2 REFER TO SHEET CXXXX - GRADXXX FOR TREATMENT E X3 REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR TREATMENT X4 REFER TO ELECTRICAL PLANS FOR TREATMENT X5 REFER TO MECHANICAL PLANS FOR TREATMENT F e.` Z . . A F1 IC. NO. - - - - . O P5 —------- - - -«w- m ,,,—PROPER 7- LlN T ° - - — — — — —aw- - * Y 0 4.5 CONC CB I2. 6s S Ie• Lxr sr s SCHOOL ° Sr W _ _ TOP -914.6 — — MV -fg919 N l B I T U M I N O U S ce MVMV 2 M1 W WEST PARKING ENTRANCE DRIVE 1.1y SCALE: 1" = 50' LECTRIC _ TRANSMISSION 0 J� �O J� t e G O"' I I I 1 j PLAYGROUND j EOUIPMENT(TYP) i PU wN It � I 1 j o,------- - - - - -- 0 r, C P C. \ \ \ ATER \ \ IN 5 P G C C C C C _____________ UNITED POWER ASSOC. ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINE EASEMENT PER DOC. N0. 421382 r.-q - C--"o9 / / Q i° I I� C 0 N C // A h 2 STOF ,f52. MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON _ ASSOCIATES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LANDSCAPE ARGHITEGT under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA JAY R. POMEROY Registration 23543 Date 08/04116 Number Revisions Description I Date Num COMM: 152244 Date: 08/04116 Drawn: LJD (I Check: JRP North REMOVALS PLAN Scale: I" = 50' C 1 10 71 9N MN A A B C C E F 0 I •srca •sroo EASEMENT R UTILITY AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES PER DOC. NO. 719827 ° MP I VISITOR BLEACHERS GHTING FIELD �\ I � o \ I 0 — \ FLAG P LE/ I — — — SCOREB ARD — T -o \ I (BY OW ER) SOFTBALL \ FIELD IIII II I/ II II I IIII — — PRACTICE FIELD I\ (180'x360') I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -20 I I I� I I HOME GRANDSTAND /\ I — — — —"[)--PRESS BOX (ALTERNATE: 1,500 SEATS) TC PC N O CONC Z - TC SI. 3 � LITTLE MOUNTAIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TC l & 2 STORY BRICK/BLOCK BUILDING \19350 FALCON AVE. TC TC / TC /4 rc TC OBSERVATION 1 NELL TC 7C 1P M cue W�A11C C,TB 1 Pry wAD.,9 000c or BE j LITTLE MOUNTAIN EL EMEN TAR Y SCHOOL I & 2 STORY BRICK /BLOCK BUILDING j 19350 FALLON A VE. j RD NNC BE 5 5 �P � G NYD WV P Q) B i r C2 5 ti0 rj GS oeeia Ro rCONC Ro RD • I .� I / I / p I TEAM ROOMS/ ---- - - - - -- / — — — .oE STORAGE — I I• • // //' — I oz- III I II II `I II IIII I / IIII I II II I II IIII I o' - - \\ \ u V HV L 1 L ,J / F OTBALL 160'x360') RD NYD °MH SOC EF� (210'x36 ') • 'I � I I 7 B� 0P wow u PM D ,; EM OF ,MOOD e . CHIPS �� J5 i PLAYGROUND - I / R 0 , EOUIPMENT(TYP) i v GAP EXISTING FIE 0 \ PTBL OONC e PLAY S i (ALTERNATE: ND -PEAT) TC y, ® .6 TC O TC TC TC TC — — — — — — — — — d iE . / TC �FYX TC / / — lq� -- --- - - - -ME- - — — — — — — - OW - — — — — — — — , , / , NYD Cg2)= PROPERTY LINE mO i "" — C -------- Qw- CONC N '� TC TC TC OB 12' RCP TC TC TOM- I SCHOOL Tpalv--09.5 AU W B I T U M I N O U S CS TMV -900.2 TC M1 � G TC TC TC TC y TC Ill L LU WEST PARKING ENTRANCE DRIVE 1.2y SCALE: 1" = 50' AREA,,' I ., .Q ' II 1 I 1 , BLEACHERS ; -AND PRESS I 11 J °, AI 1 0021 0 z \ \ \ I � DISCOS�2k\ M II �� \ - I �— JUMP I I/ SST TUT f3) / 10•PM - - - - -- — — — L — — LECTRIC_ TRANSMISSION � °�. r� �I I . FLAG POLE/ SCOREBOARD ---- - - - - -- OWNER) I UNITED POWER ASSOC. ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINE EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 421382 O d d d d • / / / / / � / / i TABLE LCHERS 0 O O 7 8 NOTES: 1. REFER TO SHEET C1.40, OVERALL GRADING PLAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES. 2. ALL APPLICABLE DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF CURB, EDGE OF PAVEMENT, CENTERLINE OF 'I F n"C FENCE, OR PROPERTY LINE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. CHECK ALL PLAN AND DETAIL DIMENSIONS AND VERIFY SAME BEFORE FIELD LAYOUT. I I 4. SIGNAGE SHALL BE INSTALLED 18" BEHIND THE BACK OF CURB OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT. I is R RC N Rc LEGEND LILOR& -FNCE BASELINE FOR DIMENSIONS P1 POINT OF INTERSECTION PT POINT OF TANGENCY PCC POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE ® BUILDING STOOP - REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS PROPERTY LINE BENa B � ` TC TC TC TC TC � TC TC TC TC 0 TC 11F% I BITUMINOUS a <n TC C • TC TC TC TC TC TC Tc 1C Tc °z I}�, C. C 0 N C - ( =-:- L-7 is 1c �TNCC ng T�I [�a•rPL TC ra e uc }Ly1 rC TC To TC Tc TC TC TC TO O TC PKS Z TC TC TC TC -11 TC -iw - TC B o S _ I BAS TC TC TC TC - - - - - - — — TC TC TC TC C. R C tc NCS NCS RC HC! P. BI TUMII N 0 U S Cn N C R E I t R E T E MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, TC INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SITE PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 A by 2 STOF 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LANDSGAPE ARGHITEGT under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA JAY R. POMEROY Registration 23543 Date 08104116 Number Revisions Description Date Num COMM: 152244 Date: 08/04/16 Drawn: LJD Check: JRP North SITE REFERENCE PLAN \ \\ \\ Scale: 1" = 50' SUB l�l .T� L ffig \ \ STRUCTI N Wlluu1011u 1► 1 1 1 1 1 1 1• 1 • I .� I / I / p I TEAM ROOMS/ ---- - - - - -- / — — — .oE STORAGE — I I• • // //' — I oz- III I II II `I II IIII I / IIII I II II I II IIII I o' - - \\ \ u V HV L 1 L ,J / F OTBALL 160'x360') RD NYD °MH SOC EF� (210'x36 ') • 'I � I I 7 B� 0P wow u PM D ,; EM OF ,MOOD e . CHIPS �� J5 i PLAYGROUND - I / R 0 , EOUIPMENT(TYP) i v GAP EXISTING FIE 0 \ PTBL OONC e PLAY S i (ALTERNATE: ND -PEAT) TC y, ® .6 TC O TC TC TC TC — — — — — — — — — d iE . / TC �FYX TC / / — lq� -- --- - - - -ME- - — — — — — — - OW - — — — — — — — , , / , NYD Cg2)= PROPERTY LINE mO i "" — C -------- Qw- CONC N '� TC TC TC OB 12' RCP TC TC TOM- I SCHOOL Tpalv--09.5 AU W B I T U M I N O U S CS TMV -900.2 TC M1 � G TC TC TC TC y TC Ill L LU WEST PARKING ENTRANCE DRIVE 1.2y SCALE: 1" = 50' AREA,,' I ., .Q ' II 1 I 1 , BLEACHERS ; -AND PRESS I 11 J °, AI 1 0021 0 z \ \ \ I � DISCOS�2k\ M II �� \ - I �— JUMP I I/ SST TUT f3) / 10•PM - - - - -- — — — L — — LECTRIC_ TRANSMISSION � °�. r� �I I . FLAG POLE/ SCOREBOARD ---- - - - - -- OWNER) I UNITED POWER ASSOC. ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINE EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 421382 O d d d d • / / / / / � / / i TABLE LCHERS 0 O O 7 8 NOTES: 1. REFER TO SHEET C1.40, OVERALL GRADING PLAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES. 2. ALL APPLICABLE DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF CURB, EDGE OF PAVEMENT, CENTERLINE OF 'I F n"C FENCE, OR PROPERTY LINE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. CHECK ALL PLAN AND DETAIL DIMENSIONS AND VERIFY SAME BEFORE FIELD LAYOUT. I I 4. SIGNAGE SHALL BE INSTALLED 18" BEHIND THE BACK OF CURB OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT. I is R RC N Rc LEGEND LILOR& -FNCE BASELINE FOR DIMENSIONS P1 POINT OF INTERSECTION PT POINT OF TANGENCY PCC POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE ® BUILDING STOOP - REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS PROPERTY LINE BENa B � ` TC TC TC TC TC � TC TC TC TC 0 TC 11F% I BITUMINOUS a <n TC C • TC TC TC TC TC TC Tc 1C Tc °z I}�, C. C 0 N C - ( =-:- L-7 is 1c �TNCC ng T�I [�a•rPL TC ra e uc }Ly1 rC TC To TC Tc TC TC TC TO O TC PKS Z TC TC TC TC -11 TC -iw - TC B o S _ I BAS TC TC TC TC - - - - - - — — TC TC TC TC C. R C tc NCS NCS RC HC! P. BI TUMII N 0 U S Cn N C R E I t R E T E MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, TC INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SITE PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 A by 2 STOF 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LANDSGAPE ARGHITEGT under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA JAY R. POMEROY Registration 23543 Date 08104116 Number Revisions Description Date Num COMM: 152244 Date: 08/04/16 Drawn: LJD Check: JRP North SITE REFERENCE PLAN \ \\ \\ Scale: 1" = 50' SUB l�l .T� L ffig \ \ STRUCTI N Wlluu1011u MN A A B C C E F 2 BE U �1ry/ BE 3 N C 0 BENCH O BBH J� O BE J� O BBH PLASTIC WALL' 4 P C� HYD 5" AS O BENCH 1 , 1 , 1 I 1 I 1 ' 1 I 1 1 n PLAYGROUND f EQUIPMENT(TYP) I \�� �C I S T I N G J PLASTIC PLAY WALL- AREA ; 1 1 \ I I 1 \ I I 1 \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ I I I \ I I I \ I I 1 \ I I I 1 I 830. 00 BLEACHERS -AND PjZESS _----------------- $OIX O o O I 'BAS BENCH C7- AS BENCH 00 X30 ;7" AS ' R200. 00, \ \ o "SPCG 5 10.00' I I I II Dlscbf��21 // 3Pii,. II / 1 / / I / / I/ / / 1 / "PINR \ / - 60.00' / / / / .O I I I 1 / \5„p / / C. "SPCG 0 "SPCG ----------- - - - — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .— _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ivnri S U T '3 34 °55'12 "\ 5 o o 6 o o 7 o 8 o FLWti POLE/ SCOREBOARD ---------------------- i9Y-Owrr €err 9 UNITED POWER ASSOC. ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION o LINE EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 421382 CTRIC TRANSMISSION "SPCG sPR V0. 421382 "PIN o "PIN „PIN "PIN PIN PIN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PP ------- OHE------ - - - - -- o 0 U �P Al MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, INC _4�.z4 -, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LANDSGAPE ARGHITEGT under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA JAY R. POMEROY Registration 23543 Date 08/04116 Number Revisions Description Date Num COMM: 152244 Date: 08/04116 Drawn: LJD 1) Check: JRP North GEOMETRIC PLAN —SOUTH NO-T--F-GR SLOB 1C1.2 a I MN A A B C N E F CENTER LOGO 1.2 V SCALE: 1 " = 10' CITY SUBMITTAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, INC _4�.z4 -, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LANDSGAPE ARGHITEGT under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA JAY R. POMEROY Registration 23543 Date 08/04116 Number Revisions Description Date Num COMM: 152244 Date: 08/04/16 Drawn: LJD 1) Check: JRP North GEOMETRIC PLAN-NORTH MN A • • • 2 3 U 4 NOTES: _ 1. REFER TO SHEET C1.40, OVERALL GRADING PLAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES. F- 2. CHECK ALL PLAN AND DETAIL DIMENSIONS AND VERIFY SAME BEFORE FIELD I I VISITOR B LAYOUT 3. SIGNAGE SHALL GENERALLY BE INSTALLED 18" BEHIND THE BACK OF CURB. A I4. ALL DISTURBED AREAS OUTSIDE THE BUILDING PAD WHICH ARE NOT DESIGNATED TO BE PAVED SHALL RECEIVE AT LEAST 6" OF TOPSOIL AND SHALL BE OR 1 1 FIELD GH SEEDED. I I 1 5. FAILURE OF TURF DEVELOPMENT: IN THE EVENT THE CONTRACTOR FAILS TO 1 PROVIDE AN ACCEPTABLE TURF, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RE -SEED ALL 1 APPLICABLE AREAS, AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER, TO THE 0 I Y� SATISFACTION OF THE ENGINEER. FLAG P LE/ I ° 6. TREE PROTECTION - INSTALL ORANGE SNOW FENCE AT DRIP LINE. MAINTAIN FOR I SCOREB ARD DURATION OF PROJECT. ° I (BY OW ER) LEGEND \ REFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS DETAIL I.D NUMBER (TOP) I 1 DETAIL SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM) PRACTICE FIELD \ (180'x360') I C I PROPOSED CONCRETE WALK I a 1 PROPOSED LIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT PROPOSED MEDIUM DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT I I PROPOSED HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT I ICILTEL — I PROPOSED GRAVEL SURFACE I .a I I PROPOSED TRACK AND EVENT PAVEMENT WITH RESILIENT SURFACING PROPOSED TRACK AND EVENT PAVEMENT WITHOUT RESILIENT SURFACING HOME GRANDSTAND PROPOSED RETAINING WALL QPRESS BOX PROPOSED CHAIN LINK FENCING �— — — — -- —j" (ALTERNATE: 1,500 SEATS) PROPOSED CHAIN LINK FENCING WITH MAINTENANCE STRIP 4 FENCING KEY NOTE CLF C 01 PROPOSED TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGN OA SIGNAGE KEY NOTE TEAM ROOMS/ o PAINTED ACCESSIBLE SYMBOL #10 STORAGE ® PROPOSED MANHOLE (MH) O PROPOSED CATCH BASIN (CB) ® PROPOSED RISER INLET (RI) � P PROPOSED SURGE BASIN (SB) d PROPOSED FLARED END SECTION (FES) s, ♦ GQ" r G -� PROPOSED HYDRANT (HYD) �' OG S N PROPOSED GATE VALVE (GV) Q PROPOSED FLAGPOLE - REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS cow D ® PROPOSED BUILDING STOOP - REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS°, / O �- ° PROPOSED LIGHT POLE -REFER TO ELECTRICAL PLANS / PROPERTY LINE / FENCING KEY NOTES o o 6' HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE WITH TOP AND BOTTOM RAIL U a CLF PLASM woad C"PS 4' HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE WITH TOP AND BOTTOM RAIL 5 PLAYGROUND 5ro EOUIPMENT(TYP) 4' WIDE, 4' HIGH SINGLE SWING GATE WITH LOCKING DEVICE SJ� EXISTING C P LAY w 12' WIDE, 6' HIGH DOUBLE SWING GATE WITH LOCKING DEVICE 1 ' AREA `I 1 E ' BLEACHERS AND -PRESS F TC TC 0 TC TC TC � TC TC _� ---- - - - - -- ---------------- , , ; , HYD (z)COX PROPERTY LINE TMO i WV — C--- - - - - -- T CONC ' `P TC Tc TC SCHOOL Tc Tc BLVD. _ B I T U M I N O U S TC TC TC TC TC TC TC y TC �n TC - - � WEST PARKING ENTRANCE DRIVE 1.3y SCALE: 1" = 50' O r\ \ \ \ I� DISCOS�2y -I / / / / V i ------------ - - -I-- — UNITED POWER ASSOC. ELECTRIC_ TRANSMISSION I 5 1 Ly�.1 jai y "A..1` i EASEMENT FOR UTILITY AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES PER DOC. NO. 719827- C ACHERS -------- - - - - -- C. LINE EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 421382 j. 7 8 SITE STATISTICS: EXiCEISI ARKING COUNTS -WEST SIDE OF SCHOOL (558 TOTAL STALLS) P 0 N rFUW —PR PARKING COUNTS - WEST SIDE OF SCHOOL (549 TOT O,AR STALLS) WA1 1 ACE PARKING ST ALL REQUIREMENTS = 11 STALLS I', ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALLS PROVIDED= 11 STALLS 1 I // /> ICI I I / / 01 P� a V J \ �� / P 1 B I T U M I N O U S :3 C 6 I 1 om 1 Q" • a o� o — b a = G R A S S I BIT �❑ t \� ABM #I \ \ J \ IMITTAL IUCTION MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, INC 4�.z4 -, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LANDSGAPE ARGHITEGT under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA JAY R. POMEROY Registration 23543 Date 08104116 Number Revisions Description I Date IN um COMM: 152244 Date: 08104116 Drawn: LJD 1) Check: JRP North OVERALL SITE PLAN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LINE EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 421382 j. 7 8 SITE STATISTICS: EXiCEISI ARKING COUNTS -WEST SIDE OF SCHOOL (558 TOTAL STALLS) P 0 N rFUW —PR PARKING COUNTS - WEST SIDE OF SCHOOL (549 TOT O,AR STALLS) WA1 1 ACE PARKING ST ALL REQUIREMENTS = 11 STALLS I', ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALLS PROVIDED= 11 STALLS 1 I // /> ICI I I / / 01 P� a V J \ �� / P 1 B I T U M I N O U S :3 C 6 I 1 om 1 Q" • a o� o — b a = G R A S S I BIT �❑ t \� ABM #I \ \ J \ IMITTAL IUCTION MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, INC 4�.z4 -, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LANDSGAPE ARGHITEGT under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA JAY R. POMEROY Registration 23543 Date 08104116 Number Revisions Description I Date IN um COMM: 152244 Date: 08104116 Drawn: LJD 1) Check: JRP North OVERALL SITE PLAN F NOTES: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. REFER TO SHEET C1.40, OVERALL GRADING PLAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES. 2. CHECK ALL PLAN AND DETAIL DIMENSIONS AND VERIFY SAME BEFORE FIELD LAYOUT. 3. SIGNAGE SHALL GENERALLY BE INSTALLED 18" BEHIND THE BACK OF CURB. A 4. ALL DISTURBED AREAS OUTSIDE THE BUILDING PAD WHICH ARE NOT DESIGNATED TO BE PAVED SHALL RECEIVE AT LEAST 6" OF TOPSOIL AND SHALL BE OR SEEDED. ti 0 5. FAILURE OF TURF DEVELOPMENT: IN THE EVENT THE CONTR ,R FAILS TO PROVIDE AN ACCEPTABLE TURF, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RE -17L APPLICABLE AREAS, AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER, SATISFACTION OF THE ENGINEER. 6. TREE PROTECTION - INSTALL ORANGE SNOW FENCE AT DRIP LINE. MAINTAIN FOR DURATION OF PROJECT. LEGEND O� BENCH MN REFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS DETAIL LD NUMBER (TOP) DETAIL SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM) I , b I PROPOSED CONCRETE WALK ' I I 1 B { I I I PROPOSED LIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT ' ' I 1 I I PROPOSED MEDIUM DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT ' 1 PROPOSED HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT ✓' PROPOSED GRAVEL SURFACE PROPOSED TRACK AND EVENT PAVEMENT WITFILIENT SURFACING • IL PLASTIC PROPOSED TRACK AND EVENT PAVEMENT WITHOUT RESILIENT SURFACING WALL — PROPOSED PROPOSED RETAINING WALL J� PLAYGROUND "� f EQUIPMENT(TYP) ; PROPOSED CHAIN LINK FENCING J BE \ `. PROPOSED CHAIN LINK FENCING WITH MAINTENANCE STRIP J� EXISTING \ cLF FENCING KEY NOTE caNC PLAY PLASTIC C 01 PROPOSED TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGN 3 WALL OA SIGNAGE KEY NOTE o PAINTED ACCESSIBLE SYMBOL , ' I I I I I I I ® PROPOSED MANHOLE (MH) I I \ I I I \ I I I \ I I 0 PROPOSED CATCH BASIN (CB) ® PROPOSED RISER INLET (RI) PROPOSED SURGE BASIN (SB) BLEACHERS d PROPOSED FLARED END SECTION (FES) , - -- A N _D P ESS -� PROPOSED HYDRANT (HYD) 11BBH ----------------- N PROPOSED GATE VALVE (GV) B ppX —J PROPOSED FLAGPOLE - REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS 0 D ® PROPOSED BUILDING STOOP - REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS I 'ens 0 BENCH C7-AS BENCH - PROPOSED LIGHT POLE - REFER TO ELECTRICAL PLANS r AS PROPERTY LINE I o ' "SPCG I� � . I I 5 \ II DISCUSS 2 I / 1 � � I � � E I �1 I� � 1 "PINR i i i i i i i . I A F FENCING KEY NOTES 6' HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE WITH TOP AND BOTTOM RAIL CLF 4' HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE WITH TOP AND BOTTOM RAIL "SSION 4' WIDE, 4' HIGH SINGLE SWING GATE WITH LOCKING DEVICE �, -.PIN iG r'N -- 12' WIDE, 6' HIGH DOUBLE SWING GATE WITH LOCKING DEVICE - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — V1 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FLAG POLE/ SCOREBOARD ------- -------------- jf�Y-OVMER) UNITED POWER ASSOC. ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINE EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 421382 — — — — a (/1 oN PP U CITY SUBN CONSTRU ITTAL .,TI N TC MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON _ ASSOCIATES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LANDSGAPE ARGHITEGT under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA JAY R. POMEROY Registration 23543 Date 08/04116 Number Revisions Description Date Num COMM: 152244 Date: 08/04/16 Drawn: LJD 1) Check: JRP North SITE PLAN -SOUTH Scale: I" = 30' MN A A B C 2 NOTES: 1. REFER TO SHEET C1.40, OVERALL GRADING PLAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES. 2. CHECK ALL PLAN AND DETAIL DIMENSIONS AND VERIFY SAME BEFORE FIELD LAYOUT. 3. SIGNAGE SHALL GENERALLY BE INSTALLED 18" BEHIND THE BACK OF CURB. � I \� I � I I �I �I I� I� I� I� I � I � I � I � I I I I LEGEND I- - PER DOC. NO. 719827 3- U BE BE BE I I I I I I SCOREBOARD AND FLAGPOLE BY OWNER PRACTICE FIELD (180'x360') HOME G AND-F REFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS 1 DETAIL LD NUMBER (TOP) c2.1 DETAIL SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM) PROPOSED CONCRETE WALK $ 9 2.1 2.1 PROPOSED CONCRETE BLEACHER SLAB 1X1 PROPOSED LIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT %2.1 PROPOSED MEDIUM DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMEN PROPOSED AGLIME SURFACE 2 s 2.1 2.1 E PROPOSED TRACK AND EVENT PAVEMENT WITH RESILIENT SURFACING 2 1 PROPOSED TRACK AND EVENT PAVEMENT WITHOUT RESILIENT SURFACING e 2.1 2. PROPOSED RETAINING WALL e 1 PROPOSED CHAIN LINK FENCING 2.1 PROPOSED CHAIN LINK FENCING WITH CURB e 2.1 4' FENCING KEY NOTE ° CLF PROPOSED COMM BOX C3 - BOXES 1,2,4,6, AND 7 TO HAVE LID RECESS TO ACCEPT SYNTHETIC TURF e - BOXES 3,5 AND 8 TO HAVE FACTORY INSTALLED BLACK MAT IN LIDS 2.1 PROPOSED FOOTBALL GOAL POST 5 2.1 01 PROPOSED TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGN 2.1 ® PAINTED ACCESSIBLE SYMBOL F 12 4 0 PROPOSED MANHOLE (MH) c2.1 2.1 ® PROPOSED CATCH BASIN (CB) 11 C2.1 PROPOSED RISER INLET (RI) 13 C2.1 d PROPOSED FLARED END SECTION (FES) 15 16 C2.1 C2.1 PROPOSED HYDRANT (HYD) 2 1 N PROPOSED GATE VALVE (GV) 211 PROPOSED FLAGPOLE (BY OWNER) - REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS (� PROPOSED BUILDING STOOP - REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS j, PROPOSED LIGHT POLE - REFER TO ELECTRICAL PLANS PROPERTY LINE 4 5 I"V^� 0 6 "SPCB o "V�" ° -------------- - - - - -� ..SPCG "SPCB SPCG BE �10 .SPCB "SPCG EASEMENT OR UTILITY AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES PER DOC. NO. 719827 - ^d p I GLP VISITOR BLEAC-14-ERS (RELOCATED FROM MIDDLE SCHOOL) ST ALTERNATES) 1.11 AND B2.11 TEAM ROOMS/ STORAGE --------------------- \ 7 0 o "SPCG "SPCG C-SPCG 0 "SPCG o \ ASSOCIATES, INC \ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 100 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 \ \ 8 9 FENCING KEY NOTES C$F 8' HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE WITH TOP, MIDDLE AND BOTTOM RAIL cLF 6' HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE WITH TOP AND BOTTOM RAIL cLF 4' HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE WITH TOP AND BOTTOM RAIL 4w 4' WIDE, 4' HIGH SINGLE SWING GATE WITH LOCKING DEVICE 4' WIDE, 6' HIGH SINGLE SWING GATE WITH LOCKING DEVICE 4' WIDE, 8' HIGH SINGLE SWING GATE WITH LOCKING DEVICE 5' WIDE, 4' HIGH SINGLE SWING GATE WITH LOCKING DEVICE 5' WIDE, 8' HIGH SINGLE SWING GATE WITH LOCKING DEVICE 8' WIDE, 8' HIGH DOUBLE SWING GATE WITH LOCKING DEVICE 10' WIDE, 8' HIGH DOUBLE SWING GATE WITH LOCKING DEVICE 12' WIDE, 4' HIGH DOUBLE SWING GATE WITH LOCKING DEVICE 12' WIDE, 8' HIGH DOUBLE SWING GATE WITH LOCKING DEVICE TC TC PAINTED 'NO F (TYPICAL) 4" WIDE PAINT @ 3' O.0 (TYPI // TC NG, TC PAINTED ACCESSIBLE SYMBOL _ (TYPICAL) 9'X20' STALL (TYPICA REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR PLAZA ALTERNATE I MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, INC �AaX4 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 100 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA r°- Q. (2, JAY R. POMEROY Registration 23543 Date O&Iq 1I6 Number Revisions Description T Date Num COMM: 152244 Date: 08 /Iq /I6 Drawn: LJD Check: JRP North SITE PLAN -NORTH MN A A B C 1• E F 1 2 _ 3 , 4 5 I 6 96�, 7 8 ° I \9 SHED z • 'S9� I cd < uit -as, p 9 Ah I 'Of' • - s9 695,.6 957.0 A!D�;�AINAGE \ --954 - N D - L E G E � � I =956e� � EASEMENT �R�7TI P� S PER DOC. N0.719827 / I. \ \ 1�\ __ � -- _�� °�°'f/����333...p� / x 9561 z 9665 •9640 I .9x69 •9563 �• 958.0.1 x 937.15- �/ .957.5 x 957.4 x 95,.� x "Q2 \ 1 ` �.� - 947.8 - •94i0� // // 6 • .9y7: GENERAL NOTES •�-� •= 566_''^`v'� i 959.3 9060 x 9565 x x 957.4 ` / 1 •9562 I o� «P %'° \•°'°•° 94,.4 9� -,%2 X1'1 955. •g. 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL ORDINANCES. x " REFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS I 9� - - - - - - - - - - \ \ \' / / e DETAIL LD NUMBER (TOP) I / - 3 \ 1 i5 ' C2.1 DETAIL SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM) x059.2 x9545 x959.4 ° r1 �� -x a�`+� �95a1 9560 UW1`04UN -- 2. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR AND SHALL PAY FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION x 9567 ` . %6 i x 957.6 gp66. \I %J '% _ 9� / °� � STAKING /LAYOUT. EXISTING CONTOUR 61.9 619 619 6s 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN AND PAY FOR ALL RELATED CONSTRUCTION PERMITS, EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION •9565 "°8°'' xSM3 1•°568 =tea /3 9545 INCLUDING THE NPDES PERMIT FROM THE MPCA. SUBMIT A COPY OF ALL PERMITS TO THE I •957.1 x9560 3 77 \ "I � � I CITY. GI-ITING �, SB -2 s7.. ° 955--- PROPOSED CONTOUR " 2 - 050.2 � '�- 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAGE (CONSTRUCTION •9560 =959.2 •9560 . 5006 .9669 a •9541 7.2 1 ' I ZONES) NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. ALL SIGNAGE LAYOUTS PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION I I � 62.2 � 62.2 "' sz.z � L J ME = MATCH EXISTING 62.2 62.2 -� -� - - MUST BE DESIGNED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND APPROVED BY LOCAL AUTHORITIES. x54.6 TW =TOP OF WALL ' OP- . '9576 •%'.° y I I m9W /s•alcsr5 x s (oT. 519/,0 xp�el .95' HN_ x%02 `' I .9501E • I •9j7.51 5. INSTALL CONTROL FENCING AND BARRICADING AS NECESSARY TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC. BW = BOTTOM OF WALL •�4 x9645 •9561 T,NV 4 • 2 1 .0565 .%9.1 ( x9660 II I x%6a P x�, 037.5 I I p,2 x %0.6 FLAG P Ir ,� I _ _\ - - - - - - - - - - I I 6. INSPECT SITE AND REVIEW SOIL BORINGS TO DETERMINE EXTENT OF WORK AND NATURE OF - - - - - - - PROPOSED GRADING LIMITS - - - - - - - 1 I I MATERIALS TO BE HANDLED. S C E B I I x 959.2 x9569 • �,g x 9564 , ) 10 F1 CNMI x 957.5 x 957.0 956 . %7.1 9W x950.2 •°'°° (BY *OW 8 ) 4 %7.2 •957.9 x%61 x9566 \ .057.4 I e I �7 7. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEWATERING REQUIREMENTS. PROPOSED SAND SUBBASE AT FROST FOOTED STOOPS ) y%1.6 APPROXIMATE SOIL BORING / TEST PIT LOCATION I •�, xo5d5 963.4 , o .9063 =tee I I I 7 °�' / SB -8 I 6 , tYNTH 111 C°' °T RF , I .9560 x966+ 6 2 •° "° 'p6'.z I I ' 8. CHECK ALL PLAN AND DETAIL DIMENSIONS AND VERIFY SAME BEFORE FIELD LAYOUT. x059.1 =95s.s •959.5 O PROPOSED MANHOLE (MH) 9567 I I I I I I I I 9. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR BUILDING AND STOOP DIMENSIONS AND LAYOUT. FIELD 80 000 f1/ 162,0 � O__ � / I O •-- '_'__� %1.4 951.5 ® PROPOSED CATCH BASIN (CB) 050.6 11 =050.1 x%9.0 •9545 9 y 95 4 "03.0 • °564 x9560 I x9592 •0560 n x9560 =o , .066 r • .1 I "9561 %101 1.1 10. REFER TO THE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) NARRATIVE, PART OF PRA CTICE FIELD (FOOTB LL, k_CC R, ate` I 1 SECTION 01 89 13, FOR EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS. SECTION 31 00 00 SHALL BE PROPOSED RISER INLET (RI) J1 80'x360' I ' I I 1 I RESPONSIBLE FOR FULL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SWPPP. B. � LAC S� (M /W) � . d4j ` 1 ® PROPOSED SURGE BASIN (SB) x°°69 I •950.3 •9547 •959.4 Q`' x055. •p6�6 .957.3 �95s x956, I '0362 •°560 "°°'•° =957.0 •957.5 '8SQ4 °'°' • ''' I "°°°'` I ''` x %1.7 11. MAINTAIN ADJACENT PROPERTY AND PUBLIC STREETS CLEAN FROM CONSTRUCTION CAUSED � I I /_ _ _ _ _ DIRT AND DEBRIS ON A DAILY BASIS. PROTECT DRAINAGE SYSTEMS FROM SEDIMENTATION Q PROPOSED FLARED END SECTION (FES) - - - - - - - - - - I ` - - - % I I AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION RELATED DIRT AND DEBRIS. 1 I �,957-- I x958.7 z I 1.9 �21 " • •%9.. •„4, x960.2 •9563 "-e •9x7 •957 .5� .9,.� •957.5 I •°'°� 9566 17.3 •° `"S �,_ 12. MAINTAIN DUST CONTROL DURING GRADING OPERATIONS. -� PROPOSED HYDRANT (HYD) I I h N PROPOSED GATE VALVE (GV) II cB0L74° 622 /d• ao•srs 9, 520 / ° 13. ALL EROSION CONTROL METHODS SHALL COMPLY WITH MPCA AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. x 0506 x 939.1 x 969.7 •9544 x 959.L 4 " _951.0 ` x9563 C7 67.. z ` x%0.2 2 .950 : 957 050 h9 rc ® PROPOSED POST INDICATOR VALVE PIV " I 62.2 7 =tee 62.2 0 � x"�7 I "� f '°°°5 957 � � � 9 ( ) I _ _ x959.5 14. CONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE DISTURBANCE TO SITE AND PROTECT EXISTING SITE FEATURES __ 58.1 PROPOSED BUILDING STOOP - REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS I ASE u u y u y y ro.6 959.9 (INCLUDING TURF AND VEGETATION) WHICH ARE TO REMAIN. \ I - - -t TC cow TC . o .-H.'30 •959.6 •960.3 I x9569 x (,.'.9 000.5 957.5 0-7- I .9567 •958.2 n C,4L. 950.7.99. 959.6 959.5 TCt PROPERTY LINE M E G R NDS 111 620 R 559.0 T�.8 15. PROPOSED CONTOURS AND SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN TO FINISH GRADE UNLESS 9543 OTHERWISE NOTED. r - /.� 1I 968.0 9565 980.0 _ • 9567 .050.2 �P ` _ B % 61.8 58 9v` 62.0 1 - .95 \ x9666 Sb/ �} x9543 I y°66° x :d ._ % °I %7.9 %1.9 `%''° j "%''° '%" "%°' '%''° I '%''' - ry, s1s _ 16. ELEVATIONS SHOWN TYPICALLY AS 10.1 OR 10 SHALL BE UNDERSTOOD TO MEAN _ 1 -981.3 L I _ ux " , �, „61 90 &, 950.2 1010.1 OR 1010. 062, - - -- -.�z� ' '''�A L = R N A : 1, 0 �E TS) 6;.6 $- -: .9663 . •. By \ '29 °d2'' 6.9523 `°°2', . %25 x%24 x952, , \9566 .9563 xame .96&, x956° x9565 SB y I 61,4 • 9� •01°0.37 • ' -- 7 • d 17. SPOT ELEVATIONS SHOWN IN PARKING LOTS, DRIVES AND ROADS INDICATE GUTTER GRADES, j \ CB (EOLTE WJT) � e •050.6 x°59.+ • 161 ,., °„ UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. SPOT ELEVATIONS WITH LABELS OUTSIDE THE BUILDING 9626 x9626 ! LIZ 4 TINV-9955°a` I" 1556 •°°°.' '°°°` "959'' "o °'°` PERIMETER INDICATE PROPOSED GRADES OUTSIDE THE BUILDING. SPOT ELEVATIONS WITH • 952'' . %25 \ %1.9 '98 � e 0 /s• MO• Sr 5 J .958.6 I x 9567 � x osa0 60.5 �J,p \ "°565 / _ _- _ ° 1 �, G LABELS INSIDE THE BUILDING PERIMETER INDICATE PROPOSED FINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONS. _ x9.9 •9a8.n x 95e.8 x%66 •966, x 95e.J 7 x �6 L (�A .9 3 AS7ERLME COCA 7/QV F' luECw e / \�� \ " ° ^ TEAM ROO - - ---- I _- -y I 057.0 950.3 18. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING QUANTITIES OF CUT, Sec 9 0675 x9510 �w0- 954- �9eso_ x963.7 0065 2 e�� •°00.6 "059J \ �ysy '050.° x969.0 "960.7 x a •0_560 _______ j060.° x050.5 .959.0 •�� x959.6 • %� F' " 7 x 3 •t2' FILL AND WASTE MATERIALS TO BE HANDLED, AND FOR AMOUNT OF GRADING TO BE DONE IN '°°25 I VIYD \x \ `- STORA I j 66.6 "°'� �J-0� ORDER TO COMPLETELY PERFORM ALL WORK INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS. IMPORT BM °S7•' SUITABLE MATERIAL AND EXPORT UNSUITABLE /EXCESS /WASTE MATERIAL AS REQUIRED. • 964,4 94,6 0°4.9 964,7 \ I3 Nl \ " 1 0567. 1 - I ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH IMPORTING AND EXPORTING MATERIALS SHALL BE INCIDENTAL M I \' %38 • %29 �' %1.9 %i.4 , \ 9066 x950.0 x 959.5 "e�� 17 I ` I • $,... Z %2 1 3 Sea C 065.7 5 'I °bA \ ---- ff,. ^ -- - -- I x950.8 .@!... • 950.4 .yeLO x %1.21 . ° .I, °57.2 TO THE CONTRACT. tc ' -x%24 957.7 0561 95e.e 5.e o x \ I 0 �'°3TS 1. NO FINISHED SLOPES SHALL EXCEED 4' HORIZONTAL TO V VERTICAL (4:1), UNLESS e � ' \ 959.6 900.6 y I - 61.5 S 61.1 / 12 �'v -y,_ °� m 964,1 LITTLE MOUNTAIN \ \ 9°28 5 '°62'4 0 x %1.4 \ "9°65 '960.8 a 67 a &N - SB -11 ,951.0 x ,.e ,g(. =•I.5. -� •°50.6,_ - 1 9a67 OTHERWISE NOTED. ' x962C ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 900.1 •004,9 904,4 7 \ �Q`' \ \ I 616 • wxx - 3 %" I, 2. ALL DISTURBED AREAS OUTSIDE THE BUILDING PAD WHICH ARE NOT DESIGNATED TO BE l 2 STORY FALL N AVE. BUILDING \ (2 61.1 610 ' PAVED SHALL RECEIVE AT LEAST 6" OF TOPSOIL AND SHALL BE SEEDED. REFER TO SHEETS �'9.i50 FALCON AS ♦ \ \ � x 514 , % &z 0e10 °63'6 �31 xMe ♦ ,``,0590 59.4 •9595 x960.2 `" T.e L1.11, LANDSCAPING PLAN, FOR SEED LOCATIONS. JJJ B \ \ \ 9°0.2 x9°0.2 • / 956 3 a x 25 C Sea x964.4 \ /TG \ G •%0.5 96S.e� • 6 61.5 51.5 61.7 0 ` 23. FAILURE OF TURF DEVELOPMENT: IN THE EVENT THE CONTRACTOR FAILS TO PROVIDE AN %26 ° /4 2 e`.5 a � 9e4,o \ \ \ I 61.0 670 i EC7.5 / ACCEPTABLE TURF, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RE -SEED ALL APPLICABLE AREAS, AT NO x %1 Q- x %4,3 GIs `x x963.4 %26 .951.0 x%0.8 •%0.I O x 959.7 •900.9 POLE E • 9eo: -1 _ • R6!.S 61.� �pyp,0 f560 s>a 0, � 904., 904,0 \ / ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER, TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE ENGINEER / LANDSCAPE 3k4.2 s %2 0040 _ _ _ ` -4 00641 _ I �I _ _ _ I 1 - 959.1 ARCHITECT. ' %4,3 - x06,, - X964,0 - - -T VAU LT x 9529 964.7 \� ' %1.2 %0.s I x950' 1 •900.4 %201 I .7 °88.2 24. ALL WATERMAIN PIPE SHALL BE DIP, CLASS 52. ALL WATERMAIN SHALL HAVE MINIMUM 8--0-, IUU it WLW (TOP TBALiL. y 959.1 BURY TOP OF PIPE TO FINISH GRADE). 0 OTC6al O 2 I 064,e 61.5 \ % 6 9627° ° u 965.2 d \ \ %27 5 O %so °030 °P conc 955.4 095 / 905 905.2 \ \901.3 a �I I -141 G4,s 2° p 96651 �Bp/p, 61.3 • %L5 %1.2 I 613 SO 210 x360) 61.S.SB 16 ,61. 0505 25. ALL SANITARY SEWER PIPE SHALL BE PVC PIPE (ASTM D 3034, SDR 35), UNLESS OTHERWISE ,A ene ooa� II s5. ,.e• 650.2 •064o x950.4 x06&4 -96 x961.3 I '970.7 6 969. NOTED. SANITARY SEWER INSTALLATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2321. 95z9 9M % 7 905.0 x 964.6 \ \. \ 61.2 61.0 957. 065.7 x 9639 ^9511 x.9627 61.0 _ I RC 3 939.7 %alb °°''' oe2es 1`°°2'° 26. ALL STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE RCP, CLASS III (MIN.) MEETING ASTM C76, WITH FLEXIBLE 902° 961.11 "°° "°002 "°°°2 `°°°'` '555'5 "° " x9P" 981.0 9569 I 9564 98. WATERTIGHT JOINTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C -361 OR PVC PIPE (ASTM D3034, SDR 35) °°'' I I 9W.1 a 969. 9 INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2321, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. Q 4, %5.6 =064,7 x%4, I I , I I TC TC \ I iL 959.0 5 ' 9q, .7 9613N P9632 -II\ '957.02 E�' 976' 27. FLEXIBLE JOINTS AT CATCH BASIN AND MANHOLE CONNECTIONS: % &2 900.3 "�° .eE x o \ 3 `°°" \ e I 6 TW 61.5sW - I•9S&S I 9�2 9565 r%°'' a. IN ACCORDANCE WITH MINNESOTA RULES 4715.0700 AND 4715.0750, PROVIDE FLEXIBLE e x960.1 %& • 3 �z � �5 21 966.2 x%4.0 x964,4 0 9668 :9617 • %IA I • %I.5 x960.91 x951.3 . I� \ \ q JOINTS AT ALL PIPE CONNECTIONS TO ALL CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES. b. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS /PRODUCTS: % LITTLE MOUNTAIN TAIIV % &2�s ova eea ' PLA571C x946, •9568 =%12.62, %24 I SSB -17 511 I �.° 4560 9363 .0 ,p EWE 5.F Z , 905.2. , 1Y1111 , ` I n"°9F9 / J!16 "980.8 •900* li •9016 '° ' \ L FERNCO, "CONCRETE MANHOLE ADAPTORS" OR "LARGE- DIAMETER WATERSTOPS" ELEMENTARY SCHOOL %&2 "9850 904, °,9515 -- -___ -- %36 "°°°' •9577 � I 9664 Gj •%4,4 11 PLAYGROUND I I G /� I I `�\ � ii. PRESS -SEAL, WATERSTOP GROUTING RINGS" I & 2 STORY BR/CKIBLOCK BUILDING .9e&I �`' 9&2 •964,6 0 1104, 1 EOUIPMENT(TYP)11 A 956' •9e &2 9662 %4,1• - \ I %,.e iii. OR APPROVED EQUAL. #9350 FALL ON A VE. � P 905.3 _ 8E • 90 I 004,2 1 119533 24 I X57.6 / %5.2 '°°°' �'� x9069 965.2 965.2 b� J4 r `'ISTI NG x9521 \ 3953., \610 I E LD "�� l l '°°�' I x9565 9•. 28. WATERMAIN SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LEAST 10 FEET HORIZONTALLY FROM ANY MANHOLE, X19633 95 2 x964,, PUkY (ALTERNA : SA )_PEAT) 1 1957.. 95., / .90&4 .0063 PTBL calc • %4, °�� � \ / � GSZO CATCH BASIN, STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER, DRAINTILE OR OTHER POTENTIAL SOURCE 9°&2.90 1 I -863.6 9°5.' x96 , FOR CONTAMINATION PER MN RULES 4715 1710 SUBPART 3 THIS ISOLATION DISTANCE One'..: wo,� 96! 5 5 905 .7 P r s 4 08 &5 \ % &5 95&4 5 5 Se&5 90x7 96&6 x°a• -N ..- - - - - - - --- _ - ; - - - - - - - MAiCNfX15TINGS. - EI3 ° 904_5 ' CONC 904,9 12' RCP %4,0 W& TC ° TC LI TC TC c'9"3 0B �,?o � a 9rs ,d. =M- M63 �49�- �% .7 ~TUMIN `- .S &2 TC 9 TC' TC p6w Q T T b TC W" 16 r1 y WEST PARKING ENTRANCE DRIVE 1.4 SCALE: 1" = 50' 94,1 F63.7 •,`4 \E /�� 902 %27 •9063 9' x%0.7 1. 6C 967.3 , 08+. , ' ° •9524 I.8 "%''° '% &9 '95&0 ''F'11 � ' SHALL BE MEASURED FROM THE OUTER EDGE OF THE PIPE TO THE OUTER EDGE OF THE ' 1 U /3 dU° /d• ITU° 55. 5 95r i \ 0063 ., x964.3 , 196&4 , 1 O TIA L %71 cauc CONTAMINATION SOURCE (OUTER EDGE OF STRUCTURES OR PIPING OR SIMILAR). 7 1 •9664 I 1 \ 057.0 957.8 / 7 • , `963.6 I I , A H 963.4 ° 1\ i I 060 %2e c, 8 \ I X72 29. ANY MANHOLE, CATCH BASIN, STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER, DRAINTILE OR OTHER ,8669 9560 k %5.2 90611 9631 v '4 �. / "�46 x %25 t, � 0 •901.5 . %1.2 �•°� x900.9 •°��,; .941.6 :. x %1.6 x064 POTENTIAL SOURCE FOR CONTAMINATION SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LEAST 10 FEET %&0 984.0 LEA E FMS z SB -19 J.e %''° HORIZONTALLY FROM ANY WATERMAIN PER MN RULES 4715.1710, SUBPART 3. THIS •864,9 Q � v °°17 ,630 l D-�pe or ESS �2� \SB -18 •9535 • %1.2 •� I I xR' 1958.0 OUTER EDGE DGE OF THE CONTAMINATION SOURCE (OUTER DGE OFDSTRUCTURES OR PIPING OR • , / 9639 963.3{ �% •957..5 \ 957.7 SIMILAR). 955.2 9D 9°4.5 9f 4.^ / 85.E �^OeJ--y---- 0�6A -2- - " `gl•N\ II5 / 904,7 /. %a 9525 Z I 00 960.7 30. LOCATE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, VERIFY LOCATION, SIZE AND INVERT ELEVATION OF ALL S p •9029 %24 <51 ,a I = / EXISTING UTILITIES. VERIFY LOCATIONS, SIZES AND ELEVATIONS OF SAME BEFORE . %1.7 667, 957. _ C- " %2` W 627 •°82° •9923 >°`'' • %`.7 E BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. •963.,. " %5.7 �. %2"69 062.4 904,0 7 8MCN I x \ x 98.:: r \ e / ° ° " %2e ^`.6023 x .%22 \ "90Ix I.° '%'° "%'`' I (•005.' 0 °' '&' ° 31. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED BUILDING UTILITY SERVICES (STORM, SANITARY / \ \ �°' 9610 %25 &SB -20 SEWER, WATERMAIN), VERIFY ALL PROPOSED BUILDING UTILITY SERVICE PIPE SIZES, x9516 I I E0 LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS WITH MECHANICAL PLANS. COORDINATE CONSTRUCTION AND 4.3 �-- I 9666 CONNECTIONS WITH MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR. x %4,l I �� �� ' \ \ \ .96.r,..,. °661 =9617. .06:,. � • %29 .9067.\ x %2e x9025 x9621 �D°2z 7..l %I %l 1.9567 / \\\ 32. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN DRAINAGE FROM EXISTING BUILDING AT ALL TIMES. PROVIDE Me �j.! / RC 9566 TEMPORARY STORM SEWER (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, CATCH BASINS, MANHOLES, ° x956 II /96 V,S - a %20` \•9560 9662 PIPING, ETC.) AS REQUIRED. EXISTING STORM SEWER SHALL NOT BE REMOVED UNTIL 64 Tw s'.5ely > '°°2° 1 TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT STORM SEWER IS INSTALLED AND FUNCTIONAL. COORDINATE � � % &a "9°63 9567 ALL REMOVALS WITH APPROPRIATE TRADES (SITE UTILITY CONTRACTOR , MECHANICAL 9615 x,051.6/ x %27 x 9020 I 61. S5 I � 9E9.1 • i •962J • W CONTRACTOR, ETC.) AS REQUIRED. _ > 9 I "982.0 / / � • %2S I x9621 x0621 .3020 '• %2e .0735 962 "9544 x 2 V / P C2 5 •%7.5 HIGH x9625 .9028 x 9 ". 1 •%15 \% \ 33. CONTRACTOR SHALL STAKE LIMITS OF WALKS AND CURBING PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF •�9;°, i GATE VALVES, CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES. GATE VALVE AND MANHOLE LOCATIONS 1 __ � 62.7-) D I 1 SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO AVOID PLACEMENT OF THESE STRUCTURES IN WALKS AND CURB L7 1 g i �o€is x %22 "°°23 • %2.4 ,23 J U KP' I'.7 617 '°°'° \ To ° AND GUTTER. CURB AND GUTTER SHALL BE STAKED TO ALLOW CURB INLET TYPE CATCH '063� •A' 61.5 \ •e°' •A BASINS TO BE PROPERLY LOCATED IN LINE WITH CURBING. %--) 61.7 BW 61.5 0 I • %'� \ 4.0 TW • %22 1 •9021 •9622 %22 \ °67M • %2s \ ys 635 O 21 3 \ = %2\ x%20 • %I.9 x % %1.9 95 \ 21 1 %� PUT) - x9525 � 1 2E �s,,,A,�• 9621 \ %26 • _9822 I 'SPC9 %2e SFCO • %7.l x %� J 20 •% I x9020 2�9e20 ` - _ p, v2•° 64.3 •2 %2e, I x9827 UNI' LECTRIC_TRANSMISSION \ 957.6 • 4°�'SP00 • %25 61.5 1 4 s a �3/ • (ERA CTRIC TR ON ENT P OC. NO. 421 .904,1 985.2 -9fl" x.S53,� SB -22 x %I.9 • %1.1 I.s ��•3R / ' \ u; / •srrt 1,10 •9524 5� x9521 x9622 G I R 5 x %27 - ---- -- - - - - -- -\- - - - - -- x%4,5 •974,2 •9e1E •9613 \ %29 • % •967.2 ° 963 / 9& 81 904,8 x964.3 .94,2\ x983.7 x %5.3 •M'/ -\ o MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON AA ASSOCIATES, INC .24* -, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LANDSGAPE ARCHITEGT under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA JAY R. POMEROY Registration 23543 Date 08/04116 Number Revisions Description F Date Num COMM: 152244 Date: 08/04116 Drawn: LJO Check: JRP North OVERALL GRADING PLAN CITY SUBMITTAL Scale: I ... NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Vi�.O ':s.6 •9663 \ %29 �q62� x963.T 'C o ° �o • 904,0 " 984,2`\ x96&7 x9°13 996& •96a� 1 k/ - - -- - x %4,4 - -- x954,6 -- -- LIx 0 r96w6 895.0 F7L 0 I 94,4 3 3 Tc 0 0 ---------qhE- 5.0 - - - -- 6 - e (2)CB% 90x7 96&6 x°a• -N ..- - - - - - - --- _ - ; - - - - - - - MAiCNfX15TINGS. - EI3 ° 904_5 ' CONC 904,9 12' RCP %4,0 W& TC ° TC LI TC TC c'9"3 0B �,?o � a 9rs ,d. =M- M63 �49�- �% .7 ~TUMIN `- .S &2 TC 9 TC' TC p6w Q T T b TC W" 16 r1 y WEST PARKING ENTRANCE DRIVE 1.4 SCALE: 1" = 50' 94,1 F63.7 •,`4 \E /�� 902 %27 •9063 9' x%0.7 1. 6C 967.3 , 08+. , ' ° •9524 I.8 "%''° '% &9 '95&0 ''F'11 � ' SHALL BE MEASURED FROM THE OUTER EDGE OF THE PIPE TO THE OUTER EDGE OF THE ' 1 U /3 dU° /d• ITU° 55. 5 95r i \ 0063 ., x964.3 , 196&4 , 1 O TIA L %71 cauc CONTAMINATION SOURCE (OUTER EDGE OF STRUCTURES OR PIPING OR SIMILAR). 7 1 •9664 I 1 \ 057.0 957.8 / 7 • , `963.6 I I , A H 963.4 ° 1\ i I 060 %2e c, 8 \ I X72 29. ANY MANHOLE, CATCH BASIN, STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER, DRAINTILE OR OTHER ,8669 9560 k %5.2 90611 9631 v '4 �. / "�46 x %25 t, � 0 •901.5 . %1.2 �•°� x900.9 •°��,; .941.6 :. x %1.6 x064 POTENTIAL SOURCE FOR CONTAMINATION SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LEAST 10 FEET %&0 984.0 LEA E FMS z SB -19 J.e %''° HORIZONTALLY FROM ANY WATERMAIN PER MN RULES 4715.1710, SUBPART 3. THIS •864,9 Q � v °°17 ,630 l D-�pe or ESS �2� \SB -18 •9535 • %1.2 •� I I xR' 1958.0 OUTER EDGE DGE OF THE CONTAMINATION SOURCE (OUTER DGE OFDSTRUCTURES OR PIPING OR • , / 9639 963.3{ �% •957..5 \ 957.7 SIMILAR). 955.2 9D 9°4.5 9f 4.^ / 85.E �^OeJ--y---- 0�6A -2- - " `gl•N\ II5 / 904,7 /. %a 9525 Z I 00 960.7 30. LOCATE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, VERIFY LOCATION, SIZE AND INVERT ELEVATION OF ALL S p •9029 %24 <51 ,a I = / EXISTING UTILITIES. VERIFY LOCATIONS, SIZES AND ELEVATIONS OF SAME BEFORE . %1.7 667, 957. _ C- " %2` W 627 •°82° •9923 >°`'' • %`.7 E BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. •963.,. " %5.7 �. %2"69 062.4 904,0 7 8MCN I x \ x 98.:: r \ e / ° ° " %2e ^`.6023 x .%22 \ "90Ix I.° '%'° "%'`' I (•005.' 0 °' '&' ° 31. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED BUILDING UTILITY SERVICES (STORM, SANITARY / \ \ �°' 9610 %25 &SB -20 SEWER, WATERMAIN), VERIFY ALL PROPOSED BUILDING UTILITY SERVICE PIPE SIZES, x9516 I I E0 LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS WITH MECHANICAL PLANS. COORDINATE CONSTRUCTION AND 4.3 �-- I 9666 CONNECTIONS WITH MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR. x %4,l I �� �� ' \ \ \ .96.r,..,. °661 =9617. .06:,. � • %29 .9067.\ x %2e x9025 x9621 �D°2z 7..l %I %l 1.9567 / \\\ 32. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN DRAINAGE FROM EXISTING BUILDING AT ALL TIMES. PROVIDE Me �j.! / RC 9566 TEMPORARY STORM SEWER (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, CATCH BASINS, MANHOLES, ° x956 II /96 V,S - a %20` \•9560 9662 PIPING, ETC.) AS REQUIRED. EXISTING STORM SEWER SHALL NOT BE REMOVED UNTIL 64 Tw s'.5ely > '°°2° 1 TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT STORM SEWER IS INSTALLED AND FUNCTIONAL. COORDINATE � � % &a "9°63 9567 ALL REMOVALS WITH APPROPRIATE TRADES (SITE UTILITY CONTRACTOR , MECHANICAL 9615 x,051.6/ x %27 x 9020 I 61. S5 I � 9E9.1 • i •962J • W CONTRACTOR, ETC.) AS REQUIRED. _ > 9 I "982.0 / / � • %2S I x9621 x0621 .3020 '• %2e .0735 962 "9544 x 2 V / P C2 5 •%7.5 HIGH x9625 .9028 x 9 ". 1 •%15 \% \ 33. CONTRACTOR SHALL STAKE LIMITS OF WALKS AND CURBING PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF •�9;°, i GATE VALVES, CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES. GATE VALVE AND MANHOLE LOCATIONS 1 __ � 62.7-) D I 1 SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO AVOID PLACEMENT OF THESE STRUCTURES IN WALKS AND CURB L7 1 g i �o€is x %22 "°°23 • %2.4 ,23 J U KP' I'.7 617 '°°'° \ To ° AND GUTTER. CURB AND GUTTER SHALL BE STAKED TO ALLOW CURB INLET TYPE CATCH '063� •A' 61.5 \ •e°' •A BASINS TO BE PROPERLY LOCATED IN LINE WITH CURBING. %--) 61.7 BW 61.5 0 I • %'� \ 4.0 TW • %22 1 •9021 •9622 %22 \ °67M • %2s \ ys 635 O 21 3 \ = %2\ x%20 • %I.9 x % %1.9 95 \ 21 1 %� PUT) - x9525 � 1 2E �s,,,A,�• 9621 \ %26 • _9822 I 'SPC9 %2e SFCO • %7.l x %� J 20 •% I x9020 2�9e20 ` - _ p, v2•° 64.3 •2 %2e, I x9827 UNI' LECTRIC_TRANSMISSION \ 957.6 • 4°�'SP00 • %25 61.5 1 4 s a �3/ • (ERA CTRIC TR ON ENT P OC. NO. 421 .904,1 985.2 -9fl" x.S53,� SB -22 x %I.9 • %1.1 I.s ��•3R / ' \ u; / •srrt 1,10 •9524 5� x9521 x9622 G I R 5 x %27 - ---- -- - - - - -- -\- - - - - -- x%4,5 •974,2 •9e1E •9613 \ %29 • % •967.2 ° 963 / 9& 81 904,8 x964.3 .94,2\ x983.7 x %5.3 •M'/ -\ o MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON AA ASSOCIATES, INC .24* -, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LANDSGAPE ARCHITEGT under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA JAY R. POMEROY Registration 23543 Date 08/04116 Number Revisions Description F Date Num COMM: 152244 Date: 08/04116 Drawn: LJO Check: JRP North OVERALL GRADING PLAN CITY SUBMITTAL Scale: I ... NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Vi�.O MN A • 2 3 4 5 959.6 959.5 59.5 I 61. x 962.4 \ x 961.4 \ x 960.8 x 959.8 � 959 -10 �9 .0 \ 1 \ 59.0 \ I 6 .6 A B C [I E F 5 x 983.1\ x 962.6 f \ 1.9 x 96T�2 P� x 959.8 x19 .6 960.2 x 960.2 x \ \ 960.0 \ G 666.6 I 964.0 960 ---964. x 963.4 \ X962.5 \ x 961.6 T x 960.5 x 9640 960.1 \ 60.0 BENCH . \ \ \4.4 96 \ -\ - - - - - - 960.4 1 - \ 961.2 \ 960.5 10 \ 964.8 9sQ \ 06' \ 962.7 \ ■ 961.1 HYD 961.3 5" AS I 9624, 961.3 )64.0 963.5 9 •1\ BENCH 63.5 96j,963.0 I \.8x (961.6 I \ 963.5 963.4 962.9 x 963.9 x 963.1 x962.7 \ 963.1 "-A 963.1 62.8i' "*962.8 I \ i 1 962.9 961.8 x 961.6 1 I ; x 96,1 I \ ' 963.8 963.7 I x 964. I I I I I I 1 I I I I I i I 962.9 962.3 963.3x` 963.2 963.1 x� x 962.9 I X963.3 x 962.9 I x 963.3 9 3.9 963.8 x 963.7 \ x 94 961.6 x 964.4 x 963.6 x 963.9 .9 962.4 PLASTIC x963.7 \ WALL , \�\ I I x 961.8 964.0 64.0 f 963.8 `963_6 ----- - - - - -M 963.6 1 J� x964.4 PLAYGROUND I J 964.1\6 41 f EQUIPMENT(TYP) ; I 964.Ix 64.1 p ----------- 963.4 I 964.2 1 4.1 963.5 9 � 96 .0 962.4 "EXISTING X1(963.6 I x 963.2 x 962.' 962.0 x 964.4 P LA3vi WALL I \ PLASTIC ,x$63.6 963.1 J 964.1 x`96463.7 AREA % x�` 962.9 962.7 964.1 I I \f 93.0 x 962.4 x 964.3 �Y 963.4 ' x 963.4 ' '4 963.6 I I i ' I (b I � 1 96 .0 962.8 I 1 / 963.9 963.8 ��` .* 963.2 963.1 iC` x 963.�I / J \1 x 962.5 62.3 / k §g BLEA ' 963.1 � 964.0 .0 H E / 9 7 � 963.7 963.6 __ 12 963.9 963.3 �; 963. 96 . - %1.96 96 .4 963.8 963.3 - - - - -- 963.2 ,6 x 963.7 963 963.2 2.9 962.5 963. 963.2 -962!91 962.7 Q ■ 9;�26 9 /� 962.4 1 I AS k / x 963.7 9 3' ■ 962.5 962.4 x 962.4 BE CH 7° qS BENCH G 922.8 7 AS x 963.0 x 962.6 ®962. x 7 I 962. \ \ SPCG y x 963.6 x963.2 \x936 0 \ \963.0 r I I x 963.5 x 963.2 963.4 riser; i 1 / 1gg x 962.7 x 962.6 �E] 0962.3 I 1 x 962. � x ss2.F Ii x 963.2 ( - x 962.5 1,06-2-5 x 962.5 x 962.5 1 x 962. i -9" P2 i6 I 1 NR i 1 / �i- 62.7 I x 962.2 x 962.3 i x 963.E 0962 . I i "PINR I L�Iw- )62. `61.1 61.4 x 959.1 61.7 - 61.5 x 960.4 TW,11 /61.5BW x 961.1 ` i I LUIL� i H II x 2.F', 0 C q� x 963.0 I F x 962.9 i I 4 TW 61.5 B x 962.9 x 962. r � s1.7Bw - / I \ 1 x 962.2 O 4.0 TIN x 961.9 \ \ x 962.1 x 962.2 962.2 1 \ 962.4 O \ PIN I 63.5 s x 962. ✓ x 962.6 \ 9 2 ' � � O x 962.1 x ssz.o g -'Wo x 1 \ 961. 1R x 961.9 6 \ x -962.1 x 962.. �63.0 ,PUT \ ' x 962.5 962.8 963.0 I •962. I 962.8 • 962.2 \ SPCG I I 962.6 "SPCG x x 961.9 x1962.0 - ®gf P4 62 - x 962.0 x 961.6 \ 962.1 � - - \ - -- - --.- x963.0 __ - �f - - - 1- - 962.7- - •- 982'5- - - - - - -�- - - - - -- - - -- 962.0 I �. 64.3 \ 962.6 962.5 963.2 x 962.7 I _ x 963.1 --963-- x 962.5 a�� 6\ 962.6 a 962.2 TRANSMJ.SS101`1- "SPCG ®962.5 1 CTRIC \ x 962.6 421382 �- \ 966 SPR x 962 - x 9 x 962.6 e 965.0 ®964.7 ®965.0 962.7 I 64.3 / @96 .7 a 965.5 096 5.3 PIN 'PIN "PIN\ \ IN 'PIN 962.8 962.4--- \ f x 962.6 96 96376` 63.4 963.4 I /963.0 963.5 x 963.2 x 963.1 / x963.0 - -- - -- - x96 - - - -- -T - -- -- ONE - -- UGC 9639 f - -- -UGC - - - -- 963.2 - - - - � � - - - - -- -ONE- - - - -- 963.0 9 .5 963.5 964.1 96&� 963.6 L � 62.9-- 96 .7 6 ol.l� 61.5 SB -11 x 60.7 x 61.0 61.0 I x 960.4 x 9609 � 1 61.0 / x g6 '),.°. x 9y/8 61.5 1 / s 9L. 61.4 i9 e x 963., X96' x 961.5 7 8 12 114V= 95314(N,E) 7.0 M O N T I C E L LO 957. 57.2 x 961.5 x 958. x 6L.`-. IT Z 957.7 i 958.7 HIGH SCHOOL I 956•' O tq� 9.` STADIUM x 961.7 962.e x / 61.5 61.7 J 170 5225 SCHOOL BLVD Oro 5 95 •9 MONTICELLO i MN 55362 I 0 � 57.5 / c x 961.f3 1.9 959.0 958.0 F-7 959.1 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL Match Line 958.3 - - - - - - - - -� - - - - - DISTRICT #882 .P (x 962 2.0 \ x ss6. I 956.2 302 WASHINGTON STREET I RC•7 959.1 i MONTICELLO MN 55362 f 958.5 ®SlB -14 61.3 I 61.5 �6S s 9 1.1 6 961. 958.3 I x 958.7 I 9 958.6 59.3 61.0 I 957.9 RC I x 9.0 I 959.7 959.2 TC TC 9f: I I 958.4 959. I 959. 959.7 x 961.." -961.6 Ix 958.9 TC 959.2 TC 9 8.8 959.4 1 I 958.E CONG CR G59.1 959.1 959.2 959.5 959.5 TC TC 957 8 959.0 RC 1 1 C 59.5 II I 958.2 958.7 TC ).9 x 961.3 x 9611 I 6 I x 958.8 958.5 959.1 I h I957.6 958.0 959.0 I IBC 3 958.3 \ \ x 961 x 9;3 I t\ 958.8 957.8 I 958.1 1957.5 \ C x 9617 . I I x 98.3 x 961 958.6 I 4 957 9 I x 958. x 96 Ld,� � 95 RC 957.6 I _ 957.3 TT / { 957.2 18" RCP Sr S ANDERSON - JOHNSON O TA L S1 RCP 957• 958.5 ASSOCIATES, %� a T S CONC INC. A6 H �p 957.1 957.6 0 957.0 7 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SITE PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING 953.4 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 957.2 957.2 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 RC p 958.5 x gF 9 7.9 a 9e x 961.6 x95 4 S B -1 9 I 957.6 x 961.8 x 9r.2 I I957. I 958.0 958.7 I I RC / I I 957.7 / I � I � I 958. , / O 958.2 9619 958.6 / Z 957.6 957.999 H x 958.8 I m 958.3 K 961.13 I I I 58.0 Qrl I I 95 .8 RC I 959. / 958.5 I I 958. I 461 9 x 96119 I x 956.7 1 959 o \ 958. 958.6 I m RC 562.0 \ \x 958.8 956.2 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification or report \ was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LANDSGAPE ARGHITEGT \ \ ` under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA J' 958.3 951 _ 958.0 958.7 \ I a6 959.1 959.7 TC x9�$�G 959.4 CONC TC °i 0 0 x 962.0 x ' 958.8 TC 959.5 959.8 ~� Registration Date x 963.6 ) x '�;.,.�� \ 959.4 TC T 9 23543 08/04116 Number I \ Cn �O I \ 959.2 I TC x \ 9 .0 x 962.5 o8 59.6 TC .L x 963.7 \ \ 61.7 ■ 96. ®96f 615 \ 8' AS \ c \ a-qn-[[�PIR Comm : 152244 Date: 08/04116 x 962.7 \ x 961.9 x 96 1. I ®961. \ \ Drawn: LJD Check: JRP North SPR \ � GRADING �9 0 x 963.8 x 963.6 X63.0 x 962.4 x 962.1 _.._ �` �P PLAN - SOUTH • - - - - - - - - R x 962.7 - - - --- - -% x964.5 - -- x964.2 -- x963.8 -- - - - - - - - - - - x963.5 '1/ / XA -- x -- x 64.5 x9 .4 4 \ x962.9 x962.7 x963.2 '--- � /963 \ O UNIT OWER ASSO LECTRIC TRA SION 963.8 EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 421 x x 964.6 x 963.7 x 963.3 x 964.3 x 964.2 \ x 963.8' x 963.1 964.1 x 965.2 x 964.9 965.0 / r0y / 9 \ Scale: I" = 30' I/ C I TY--- SUBMIT t•7 AL % 9j5S:e' x 964.6 x 965.2 966.1 966iE - - x65 7 - - - - -x 965_4 - - - - - - x 9 - x�6 3 x 964 6 x 4. -- I N - - - - - - - - - - - - 4.3 6 UGC 965.3 5 4. '964.2 96 9�5. Q 966.4 965.7 5L 967.0 / o PP \ - - - x965.3 i -- �c---- -�------ - - - - -- nits AB5. 1 Num MN A • / 1 - - 2 PURPOSES PER DOC. NO. 719827 3- y5I./ e.SN 4 - ss7.o ""`� ti ` �'- x 95 . °may" ssSQ / x s 6. ° �� x 997.9 x ss . 7 I; WA I tk tLtV. = 8' 959 J/7E ad BE V 957.8 1 \ \x 9 6 y ® 952.1 9J S► 958.8 5 956.9 1 %95�2 1 9 I� 946.8 FT. 8.1 x x 957.7 " CB 8.5 I x 4 8 9592 x 958.9 x 958.8 x 958.8 X958'0- \ 1 ®952.2 S 9 / 68E 9. I I i 12� I 0 20 15 �� %� / 1 X9590------ - - - - -- „958._ - 958.4 4 i x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - s _ x 958.6 �� 24.n9558.4 `` - - �_ SPLe- / 0h x 95 .8 47.0 II // / ' �59J \ 958E SH BE 8.2 I X958\ I CB (BO HUT)--064. 9jJ� h1 - r 9Sg x 957.7 \ �P =954.3 697 x 59:6' -953 - I \ 58.6 \ \ I 957.0 ! ® SPL% SPCG/ x 956.2/ / 1 �1�1 % .� / 954- ' J \ x 956 6 EASEMEN 't7R UTI IT-- 0RAINAG PURPOS,U PER DOC. N0.719827 \ 1 1 1 x s I. \ _ 9 9 / �� / x 9� x 955 x 955 8- I I \ / x 957.4 x 958.2 _ - -- - - -- / _ 958.7 x 958.7 x 958.8 \ x 958. I ®958.9 x 958.5 � 958.0 x 957.5 _i x 957.5 x \ - 946.9 946.9 / 4.8 ®4 3- x y x 959 1 --x 859. x 96 0 -% �g x"@,6 % x 958.8 x 958.5 x 958.2 x 958.5 0959.0 I GLP x 957.9 % x 957.4 957.x3 957.9 ` \ 947.1 x 947.6 x 47^9 / / "PINR 948.2 I \ 957.8 / � / / 959.3 5a/ \ I \ 957.Sx 95 I 3 � �948� \ x 947.4�9�$ / / ® °SPR 955.1 ®95PINR - x 958.7 'FiJ58'8 I I \ _ A 9 I\ I 1 s c% / � I / I ® nJ / \ 4.3 \ �� 9 O / / 7.9 F (, x 951.5 / )8 "PINR • 2.5\ \ / 959.4 959. \►------- - - - - -- I -------------------- - - - - -� ( „S �x_5 0 / / / 959. \ • 95 . x /x 9531K x 95l x 959.5 x 859.4 x 957.9 / '•9 I 10 FT CHAIN x 958.7 x 959.2 ( x 98.9 x 958. x 957.5 I x 958. x �' 1 x 957.5 x 958.0 x x gg PCG \ 95\0 9$9.333 LINK FENCE - - - - x 958.7 x 956.6 \ b 958 ` \ \ r I P G \ � �� PCG \ \ \ 9 ' P I x 959.7 I 16 61.9 1 61.9 61.9 II 61.9 1 p \ \ 7 / % 953 959.5 x 959.3 x 959.6 x 959.3 I % 958.1 ^4 ) 95i x 959.1 <; ` 3 957 x 53.7 r • x 958.7 x 958.8 I ...�,� - 1 / x 957.1 I 3 ° \ _ S - L GHTJ NG 62.p 1 _ 11 k i9.0 x 958.8 I x 959.2 x 959.6 x 959.3 x 95 - 0. 959.1 \ x1857.2 x 954 2 / 1 95812 x 958.5 58.0 x 958.5 I x 957. % 7.9 I 9.9 960. 960.2 - X960.3 ,� x 956. 9*7 e I 1 I I � I � 92.2 I I to I r 62.2 1 62.2 �.- - k I - -- - �- -- - --) \ � \ I X62.2 \ 62.2 I \ I 1 I I 957.8 - 1 CB x 957.5 C-) 958.4 /5" PVC STS _ 11V=949.73W?W OFFSET, B L ED 5r;u % y57�8 TOP =9 6. x 957.8 I C7 x ( 1 x 958.1 INV =9�2. x 958.2 x 956 95 .4 I x 97.5 I 58.3 x 958.2 I x 958. x 959.3 \ x 9' 8.7 x 8.9 x 959.4 % x 959. I x 9 .7 I P=956.5 x 958.5 I x 959.1 1 x 958.x; I x 958.E �' u 017.5 j8 B CB 959.5 V =950. \ 1 x 951: x! -- I I 960.2 x 960.6 I I I �� TOP =96.9 I ' --- - - - - -- I I I INV= 950.8(S,E) FLAG Pte. 1 I \ - - - - - - - 8 I / I �f I - - - - -- 11 7 I 6'0 I - - -- � - - -- \ I 1 980 S CG "•° \x 959.0 x 57.7 x 958.4 % SCQp4,EB6 I 958.9 x x 957.9 x 957.8 x 9Ex 95 i x 957.1 960.3 960 LI FT CHAIN x 959.2 x % x 957.4 x 958.x?' 8.7 x 9 .6 x 56. F NCE x 59.0 � x 958.6 56.9 K E LIN x 958.8 x 959.2 959.6 956.4 957.2 x 957.9 I x 958. I \ � I OW�I I I �, (BY � ) I I / 1 I l i l I �LD I I I p I OC I ! I R x 958.8 I x 959.2 YNTHx % 4.7 I x • `� I 95.5 957.4 x 5 .0 x 958.3 '� 5 x 957.2 I I x 959.1 x 959.5 x 959. I I T R F ��99 x 958.4 9 96.7 x x 959.5 62.7 7.8 x 9ST.8 x 856" x 958.E x 58.5. 960.0 5 .8 x 958.7 7 I / 62 2 I I 1 I �l I 1 1 I I I I 8§,000 FIELD f 62.0 I __ x g 8' .. I 955. I 961.4 x 958.6 1 x 959.1 x 959.6 x 959.5 (x 959. I x 95 •` % I x 959.1 I x I 9�..._. - x I 95'.0 961.2 x 96 .6 � x 958. I I � 4 . 958.9 958.8 x 958.3 57 x 95 7 x �57. I I � 19 I. I PRACTICE FIELD y / I (FOOT B LL, ���� R, x95'•6 956.3 x956. I I1 I I C \ � h I 1 1 / ■I R I LAC S M/W 1 4180'x360') _ ( I x 5 9 . I 961 0 % x 959.3 x 959.7 x 959.4 a x 95 .5 Ix x 958.4 x 959.2 x 958.8 x 58.2 x 957.9 x 957.0 % x 957. I x 9 7.3 1 x 955.4 ( 61. X958.0 , 958.4 958.9 I Q ) x 95. x 957.3 95€ 958.7 I I I 1 957.5 � I I I � x 961.7 1 I ) 11 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I ONC 61.7 h A 1 I 1 / 1x6 I 961.9 9E x 961. J958.0 x 57.E x 958.6 x 9 89 x 959.4 x 959.7 x 959.2 07 58.3 r 957.0 95b. x 95 .4 x 958. x 959.2 y' °' x 58.2 x 957.8 x 956.5 �Ji x 958.1 x n�� x 9 T_ x 56.7 1.8 I I I 357.5 x 9�57.3 kk 956.0 „ A x 861 AS AS / -96 IN \ 1 CB 62.2 x A�7.3 I 1 \ I I C11 (BOLTED J I /5" RCP Sr S INV =952.0 62.2 62.2 959.6 959.8 TOP =951.4 857 IN =951.9 (�j 1 -. - 62.2 1 x 959.2 I x 957f % I x 958.3 x 95: N � 959. h� TC TC A61. 1 x x 959.7 x 959.4 I x g °.r. ':8.4 % x x 958.3 x 8 8.2 x 956 x 957.6 57.5 )SJT95:�3 x 958.8 x 959.1 9 .7 957.8 y„ x 958.7 9 8.0 /59. 11vi ( OF, LTED) I I 6 2 62.2 i� 1 95, C / x 959.5 f I =9 7.0 I I J x 959. I \ =51.6 58.1 / I \ 958.9 959.5 959.6 959.8 959.9 x 0.3 \ x 9 7.61 x 958.5 % I x 957.1 1 x TC TC CONC / ` �S� 959.4 959.5 TC J959.8 TC x 95 .0 959.3 x 959.8 x 959.3 I x 958.9 x 937.9 7= 9` x 958.7 x 958.2 7 x �s 958.7x 959.6 n _ P Tr. TC 1• E F 8.8 x 9�7. HOME UKA Ub kg� _ � L�7' 0 x 958.7 I x 959.2 AND-PR 58 95 x �56 : � :e.. s 62.0 % ,x x 1.3 x 9 9.3 S x ` .7 _ Q.07. - \ °5 ®9591\ 9.2 9594ALTE RNA`E : 17500 � E TS) 61.8 xs6s. SB -8 _i959 ® x959.7 BI x 959.3 L I ® _�4 Y OI \ 958.6 x 958.3 x 958.8 \ /958.9 x 958.5 x 96 x8§k9 -_CB 958.. 61.4 v x 958. I \ % TOP = 4 B ( 958.7 BOLTED SHUT) / x \ INV =950.4 '7959. 1 x 961.9 x 96 7 \ 15" RCP STS 95\ 1 x 958 x 958.5 x 959.3 x 959.4 \ �C / aME x x 959.0 \ % ,d, V 958.6 1 / / `958.8 x 958.6 x 958.7 x 958.3 957.9 x 9 x 581 o I / x L�3 \ i \.e TEAM ROO ------------------ x 958.8 1 959 3 x 959 6 x 9 x 961.7 x 959.3 - x959.0 x 96 .2 >� x 980.5 .. ,. � s,o�EE 5 \ 961.1 -959 x 959.0 �10 , - -�'STORA -BM \ \ \ x \ x 960.6 959. x 963.8 x 962.9 x 961.9 961.4 \ x 8 x 959.5 x 959.2 x 958.7 i4\ \ \ \ \ 963.9 \ \ I \ \ \ x'943,0 x 962.6 x 962.4 \ x 960.8 \�9 0 x 961.4 \ 5 \ 964.4 963. \ x 959.8 959.6 959.5 Q I\ ------------------ I I � I I I 59.8 x 960.0 x 960..?. I I cASiEaNA:E, I I ' I x 958.3 x .5 x 958.5 UCE � 960 - % 96 x 960.4 x 960.3 60.3 x 960.7 x c x 959.7 9 9 x 959.5 616 9.0 ~ 91.6 0 61.1 -10 x 960.2 x 960.6 61.1-1 61.5 nano SB -11 x 9 1�- 61.0 60.6-1 L id x 9 0.7 60.6 u x 961.2 1 I \ -x / x 95 � d By x �Uu. x CFQ A x �o "�E :slays O , s;oRa�E �E� , I r��KE oa E , REF ,; I I I I I , toI�E75 , , i J.7 N 2 �L 958.2 958.8 JO. OI x 01 `S8 nl 958. I 9 1 l x 9 8.4 of 957.7 \ RC 958.0 958 4 OI 57.8 ME �9 958.3 I 957.5 I RC \ x 0.3 I 958.3 I 1 --19611 '7 I 958.2 ° C z 7.0 II V= .00 CONC /5 Tcp 957.7 1 958.1 S S 57.0 T P =95 0 181 RCP Sr 5 I V =95 4(N,E) G7.0 I' T3% r 957.7 - r0 I F# I 59.6 C -959.3 959.2 959.1 95A.9 958.8 1 I 958.8 958.7 958.7 MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON _ ASSOCIATES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LANDSGAPE ARGHITEGT under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA JAY R. POMEROY Registration 23543 Date 08/04116 Number Revisions Description I Date Num COMM: 152244 Date: 08/04116 Drawn: LJO Check: JRP North GRADING PLAN-NORTH NOT FOR Scale: V 1.4 MN A A B 2 3 ° 4 - f f 5 I 6 7 8 ° MH 108 "mr) S•�•y I, FES 1 -/ FES 60" ID INV =949.5 - NOTES R -1642 - `\ 27" APRON - I ° EASEMENT OR UTILITY AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES PER DOC. NO. 719827 \ \` i 1. REFER TO SHEET C1.40, OVERALL GRADING PLAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES. - - - - - - - - - s - - - - - - - - - 2. ALL WATERMAIN PIPE SHALL BE DIP, CLASS 52. ALL WATERMAIN SHALL HAVE MINIMUM 8' -0" 213' -27 "RCP q 1"1 °, �� BURY (TOP OF PIPE TO FINISH GRADE). DIP SHALL BE ENCASED WITH POLYETHYLENE FILM �+,i•+ 75' -27 "RCP @0.27% i CONFORMING TO ASTM D 1248 -889. C-2 o Q• 61.9 612 61.✓ \ MH 101 I 3. ALL SANITARY SEWER PIPE SHALL BE PVC PIPE (ASTM D 3034, SDR 35), UNLESS OTHERWISE RIM 957.4 I INV 947.7 NOTED. SANITARY SEWER INSTALLATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2321. = 72" ID GHTING 620 ,\ R -1642 4. ALL STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE RCP, CLASS III (MIN.) MEETING ASTM C76, WITH FLEXIBLE MH 109 WATERTIGHT JOINTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C -361 OR PVC PIPE (ASTM D3034, SDR 35) \ \ I R1642 I ° ,:. \ INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2321, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. - - - -- \ _- /s o. FLEXIBLE JOINTS AT CATCH BASIN AND MANHOLE CONNECTIONS: l� Sr srs 5 P a. IN ACCORDANCE WITH MINNESOTA RULES 4715.0700 AND 4715.0750, PROVIDE FLEXIBLE \a AG P > > JOINTS AT ALL PIPE CONNECTIONS TO ALL CATCH BASINS, MANHOLES AND SEDIMENT IQ; S REB A > > > > > > > > > > > > > b CONTROL DEVICE STRUCTURES. 10 CRAM . ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS / PRODUCTS: ( Y OW E ) 1ef FENM L FERNCO, "CONCRETE MANHOLE ADAPTORS" OR "LARGE- DIAMETER WATERSTOPS" SOFTBALL ii. PRESS -SEAL, WATERSTOP GROUTING RINGS" FIELD \ SOFTBALL " ii. > > > > > iii. OR APPROVED EQUAL. ■ 82.7 289' - 27" RCP @ 0.24 \ 1 V 6. WATERMAIN SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LEAST 10 FEET HORIZONTALLY FROM ANY MANHOLE, m FIELD (89 OOO Sf� l I o-� CATCH BASIN, STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER, DRAINTILE OR OTHER POTENTIAL SOURCE FOR CONTAMINATION PER MN RULES 4715.1710, SUBPART 3. THIS ISOLATION DISTANCE SHALL PRACTICE PtEt I �FQOT Q►LLA SO'REI�> > > > > BE MEASURED FROM THE OUTER EDGE OF THE PIPE TO THE OUTER EDGE OF THE (180'x360') > > > > > > LACROSSE (M /W)) {'; � CONTAMINATION SOURCE (OUTER EDGE OF STRUCTURES OR PIPING OR SIMILAR). P� ,✓ 7. ANY MANHOLE, CATCH BASIN, STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER, DRAINTILE OR OTHER POTENTIAL SOURCE FOR CONTAMINATION SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LEAST 10 FEET HORIZONTALLY FROM ANY WATERMAIN PER MN RULES 4715.1710, SUBPART 3. THIS ISOLATION I I > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > DISTANCE SHALL BE MEASURED FROM THE OUTER EDGE OF THE PIPE TO THE OUTER EDGE OF CL= cc THE CONTAMINATION SOURCE (OUTER EDGE OF STRUCTURES OR PIPING OR SIMILAR). II , 8. LOCATE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, VERIFY LOCATION, SIZE AND INVERT ELEVATION OF ALL 62 MH 102 RIM =960.0 EXISTING UTILITIES. VERIFY LOCATIONS, SIZES AND ELEVATIONS OF SAME BEFORE 967 (aFf.0 BOLTED) 622 INV- 950.40N BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. rP. u u u 951.0 I V -95070S . . . . INV= 951.30W u - 72 "ID_ �I R -'642 9. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED BUILDING UTILITY SERVICES (STORM, SANITARY - SEWER, WATERMAIN), VERIFY ALL PROPOSED BUILDING UTILITY SERVICE PIPE SIZES, », � H M L l ' D ,06'•18 "RCP LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS WITH MECHANICAL PLANS. COORDINATE CONSTRUCTION AND @8.36% 8 ,. CONNECTIONS WITH MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR. O O 108' -12" PVC @ 0.56% ESS B O of I_ v . ° 6 9 49'.2 "RC 0.40 ® 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL STAKE LIMITS OF WALKS AND CURBING PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF (ALTER A 1 E: 1J O SEATS) GATE VALVES, CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES. GATE VALVE AND MANHOLE LOCATIONS 6,.8 INV = 956.50 IM = 960.5 y-o s 61.61 46 "ID �CB , =951.39E SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO AVOID PLACEMENT OF THESE STRUCTURES IN WALKS AND CURB = 960.5 V =954.80 S MH 1 3 52' - 12' PVC 955.20E V= 955.20W IM =96 .2 @°.57' °I AND GUTTER. CURB AND GUTTER SHALL BE STAKED TO ALLOW CURB INLET TYPE CATCH 956.00 W r�oP(- aye°'e'� T ID 2501 IN =950.9 N ® IM =957.7 BASINS TO BE PROPERLY LOCATED IN LINE WITH CURBING. ' NV -9M4 R -2501 - IN =951.9 S /S° A10° Sr S 60.61 Po IN =9534 E INV = 955.10 60" D 48" ID - 102' -12- PVC @ 0.49% 90' - 12 "PVC @ 0.45% _ R -16 2 R- 3067 -V CB11 ._ - I I 1 t..-y 1",� I / 0 e w I I I 1 '��1 RIM = 958.7 I __ _- y 57.8 h1E O C wA/ER tLIE LOCA7/LW INV = 950.4 '� IN�SD 48" ID ' 11 -25 0' TEAM ROO - - -- ; C137 106' -12 "PVC @0.47% - - - -y 115'- 21'' PVC @0.3 i vi S� INC RIM - 960.5 ' _ - - - - - INV 956.00 !` i m I 10 9 103'- 12"PVC @0.49% _� #U �_BM #10 STORA -2501 I �8S N I 5.00' I I 1 CS �.. RIM = 960.5 I TIN AID C IN = 955.20 N I I ¢ST S LEGEND w.E I I I 11 2 D955.50 W ss iy KN�)' • eca sr s I IJI s °li G G N INV. - 55.00 I 1 /e' AC1° Sr s le' 61.5 35'- 21"PVC @0.55% � � ~ � C2 REFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS I I I I I I'1 e 77'- 21" RCP DETAIL LID LID NUMBER (TOP) M=969.5 T INV = 956.50 Cz1 DETAIL SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM) 614 1182501 @0.39% 1 + I + c ° f MH 104 _ �P • • RIM =960.7 I O i W EXISTING CONTOUR / INV= 952.30N - 61.5 61'5 INV = 955.00 W 61.7 RIM = 96170 107 , INV RI M 9fi1.5 = 955.70 5 I U S9 / RIM �S INV = 955.50 X61.0 48" ID �1.0 48" ID INV = 955.30 R- 1642 (/1 PROPOSED CONTOUR POLL R- 3067 -V -1 \ 48" -164 o I o $ A = I O 4 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION 0 / _ �^ h ME = MATCH EXISTING L_� �_ I 2 STOF ,i #52. m 0 y TW =TOP OF WALL � 61.5 _ ° e D BW = BOTTOM OF WALL �°, ^ 249'- 12" PVC @ 0.46% PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER ° SO ER 10'X 0" 61.0 I 1 PROPOSED STORM SEWER o _ __ � caNC OVERHANG I � PROPOSED WATERMAIN I I owe Cato I I W OVERHANG > > PROPOSED DRAINTILE ° III W S K I � L • O PROPOSED MANHOLE (MH) I Z o I � - o n n n n ^ ^ -� 10 = I o ® PROPOSED CATCH BASIN (CB) "" nc / y j PLAYGROUND ' I -� -� ^ m `� I EQLNPMENT(TYP)i ^; A I / PROPOSED RISER INLET (RI) �o � , I f I O ° MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON _ ASSOCIATES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 d PROPOSED FLARED END SECTION (FES) �° 'EXISTING I I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report 0 ^ �A E A S D- EAT) n I ` 8 was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and PROPOSED HYDRANT (HYD) °°"° PLAY WALL" ) MH 105 PC2 that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER ' ' `,AREA � RIM =960.8 under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA 1; ��` INV = 956.85 N H PROPOSED GATE VALVE (GV) n ^ n n ^ n ^ 48" I1 Wiz« 4 _ Q` /e• Acv sr s or f G 11 -, 642 TA L E /a• lern Sr s S Lc I �� ' i I I I I I I I I /aMAa• ° Q I ACH R 04 E O VERTICAL BI DS IN WATERMAIN AS REQUIRED ACCOMPLISH PROVIDE 6 COMPLISH %" i E I N v v / I PROPOSED BUILDING STOOP - REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS B L EAC E RS I�,, Z I PROPERTY LINE AND-,P ESS l �I 250' -12 "PVC - J v v @0.46% -- F 1. 0 ; 1 11 `------------13 ' rn Z v v v v v v v 0 lo I II I / / M64 7 V Al HIGK CWC ING N E %E_- ING V v I I `/ V - - MV -41 _ ALL _ _ - 1 / - - RI \ / \ 106 / RIM 961.5 �w4•L INV = 955.70 8 1 T U M I N 0 U S l V 5 48 "ID TROP -9010 / I \ � 61.7 B W I J R -1642 I .A,,, �•�y NV -900.2 - X4.0 7 - � {�1�y_'N• SS'�"V^I. I � ti7v a ° 54' -12 "PVC y / CB 1- 960.5 .0 @ 0.55% - -- 2 - /� � /�a� INV 1 956.00 1�, I `J 71 48" ID WWWW"a4 �5 i+ y � V -12" PVC Q 0.45 % y �f O I I I CB 2 �V / RIM 960.5 61.4 INV = 956.TUT 13) 48" ID Y- CONC CONCRETE D Registration 40180 Date 08104116 Number Revisions e Description Date lea,• je,�(� 11 PyC12 e $ Comm: • c,``` 152244 Date: 08/04116 e Drawn: LJO Check: PAP, North e N ° er ° C O N C R E T E UTILITY e • e PLAN � ee BM #7 e e CGNC ee ee e\ AS LOCA/XW \ \ \ T 900.2 S lID SHIM 4s -e•�°w '� \\ \\ � Scale: I" = 50' \ N/DP LAN IS MAW,'_ \ 11 / R -2 R 6 - - WEST PARKING ENTRANCE DRIVE 1\ / / --- - - - - -- - - -- - -- \ \, Will ,11111 SCALE: �" = 50' -- _ - - - - -- -- - - -- -_ ___ _� �_____�_ ry OR TRUCTI N sp ® 111 11 TRANSMISSION �+ I` EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. C TRA UNIT CTRIC TRA LECTRIC_TRANSMISSION `1,yJ )l.. MN A A B C C E F f /�� ? 9 ,^ cP / 03� cc � ?/ `� BE 0 7 "MP _. 3� /O 3 GP /.6 �R 8 � cc � BE %0•� N // � T OBENCH 3 4 5 g o � g O BBH J O �\ J 0 O BBH PLASTIC WALL' -' O ° 5.. BENCH L L L `. , �`. ; PLASTIC WALL- ,^. O° I 'BAS � O BENCH �, 7 ",gAS BENCH / � � � � o � � 7" As � � o ' � � � "SPCG \ \ � � I�� I�� � \ \ � \ \ 5 II \\\�� \\\�� � � II � �. � � I� i i * 1 �� � �� 1 � i � � � �/ i ` ".� � � � s � � � I � � � � �� � \ /�� � � ��� P �� ° �' � � � "PINR 1 / �i� 62.71 i i / /// � \\ � ' � � 8 "PINR o � � � "SPCG � 0 "SPCG 10 "PI o � CTRIC TRANSMISSION "sPCC �, V0. 42 1 382 � 'SPR r° o � ° ° ° �� ° �� ° ..PIN Z °PIN "PIN PIN S },,�,�,��� PIN 1 "PIN � z"'1/"" _ _ — — - - — — — — — — — — - - — — — — — — ------- OHE - - -- -UGC — 6, b, •� y 161.4 .�— EASEMENT PER DOC. N0. 421382 -� MONTICELLO �- HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 TC G TC -�— l8" RCP ST S CONC MH 106 RIM = 961.5 P� INV = 955.70 ° 48" ID R -1642 64.3 I 1 ITV ----- � ----- OHE- - - - - -- — -- - - - - - - -- ------ -- UGC — UGC a o PP U— — — — - — — — — — — — — G TC TC ANDF_RSON- JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SITE PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SU /TE 200 M /NNEAPOLLS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVID A. REY Registration 40180 Date 08/04/16 Number Revisions Descri tion Date Num TC TC �� Comm : 152244 "sPR Date: 08/04/16 �,�5 Drawn: LJD ,r^^� Check: DAR North "SPR UTILITY PLAN -SOUTH • - � 1 T. , � 'T � �� P� �� 64.3 I 1 ITV ----- � ----- OHE- - - - - -- — -- - - - - - - -- ------ -- UGC — UGC a o PP U— — — — - — — — — — — — — G TC TC ANDF_RSON- JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SITE PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SU /TE 200 M /NNEAPOLLS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVID A. REY Registration 40180 Date 08/04/16 Number Revisions Descri tion Date Num TC TC �� Comm : 152244 "sPR Date: 08/04/16 �,�5 Drawn: LJD ,r^^� Check: DAR North "SPR UTILITY PLAN -SOUTH • - � 1 T. , � 'T � �� MN A A B C C E F CB TOP =956.9 INV= 950.8(S,E) (OFFSET, BOLTED) 40957.0 V= 951.6 �- 2 PURPOSES PER DOC. NO. 719827 3— B.SN ' SHE ad BE i— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 24.4 BE SHED O BE 213'- 27" RCP MH 109 / 60" ID R -1642 15" PVC ST .` 289'- 15" PVC C3 �P C13 11 RIM = 958.7 INV = 950.4 48" ID R -2501 III J 1' UGL CB (BOLTED SHUT) TOP 958.7 INV= 950.4 P 15" RCP STS X61.9 I� 4 7_� arw 1 5 ,� L 0 6 7 li WA I tN LLLV. 8. 97' _ 27" RCP s ° "SPCB 5 li 12/10 FT. -� MONTICELLO ° "sPCC sPCe SPCC BE 12/10/2015 (BOLTED SHUT) ��� FES 1 TOP =954.3 ° INV = 949.5 ;- HIGH SCHOOL "SPCB SPCG ��� 27" APRON EASEMENT OR UTILITY AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES PER DOC. NO. 719827 ��, STADIUM =.— GLP o I GLP CO "PINCO 0 SPCG 0 SPCG SPR PINR 5225 SCHOOL BLVD I )8 "PINR MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ------------ - - - - -� ,SPCG 10 FT CHAIN " PCG CO SPCG LINK FENCE 75' 27" RCP @ 0.27% r — — — ° PCG ° INDEPENDENT SCHOOL 61.9 " "PIN I 61.9 61 \ \ MH101 I DISTRICT #882 \ \ RIM = 957.4 I INV = 947.7 I 302 WASHINGTON STREET 72" ID R -1642 i MONTICELLO, MN 55362 62. i 62.2 62.2 1 \ 289' - 27" RCP @ 0.24% LIVID 'Gl ' lem TC TC ANDERSON - JOHNSON _ ASSOCIATES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 ® TC ® RIM RIM = 957.7 INV = 955.10 P/�_R-30674 48" I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report �57.dNiE was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL EN6INEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA :Lj DAVID A. REY Registration 40180 Date 08/04116 1 Number CITY SUBMITTAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Revisions Description Date Num COMM: 152244 Date: 08/04116 Drawn: UP 1) Check: DAR North UTILITY PLAN - NORTH � I CB TOP =956.9 INV= 950.8(S,E) (OFFSET, BOLTED) 40957.0 V= 951.6 �- 2 PURPOSES PER DOC. NO. 719827 3— B.SN ' SHE ad BE i— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 24.4 BE SHED O BE 213'- 27" RCP MH 109 / 60" ID R -1642 15" PVC ST .` 289'- 15" PVC C3 �P C13 11 RIM = 958.7 INV = 950.4 48" ID R -2501 III J 1' UGL CB (BOLTED SHUT) TOP 958.7 INV= 950.4 P 15" RCP STS X61.9 I� 4 7_� arw 1 5 ,� L 0 6 7 li WA I tN LLLV. 8. 97' _ 27" RCP s ° "SPCB 5 li 12/10 FT. -� MONTICELLO ° "sPCC sPCe SPCC BE 12/10/2015 (BOLTED SHUT) ��� FES 1 TOP =954.3 ° INV = 949.5 ;- HIGH SCHOOL "SPCB SPCG ��� 27" APRON EASEMENT OR UTILITY AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES PER DOC. NO. 719827 ��, STADIUM =.— GLP o I GLP CO "PINCO 0 SPCG 0 SPCG SPR PINR 5225 SCHOOL BLVD I )8 "PINR MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ------------ - - - - -� ,SPCG 10 FT CHAIN " PCG CO SPCG LINK FENCE 75' 27" RCP @ 0.27% r — — — ° PCG ° INDEPENDENT SCHOOL 61.9 " "PIN I 61.9 61 \ \ MH101 I DISTRICT #882 \ \ RIM = 957.4 I INV = 947.7 I 302 WASHINGTON STREET 72" ID R -1642 i MONTICELLO, MN 55362 62. i 62.2 62.2 1 \ 289' - 27" RCP @ 0.24% LIVID 'Gl ' lem TC TC ANDERSON - JOHNSON _ ASSOCIATES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 ® TC ® RIM RIM = 957.7 INV = 955.10 P/�_R-30674 48" I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report �57.dNiE was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL EN6INEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA :Lj DAVID A. REY Registration 40180 Date 08/04116 1 Number CITY SUBMITTAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Revisions Description Date Num COMM: 152244 Date: 08/04116 Drawn: UP 1) Check: DAR North UTILITY PLAN - NORTH MN I -1 NOTES 1 244 J BEI SHED BE 1. REFER TO SHEET C1.40, OVERALL GRADING PLAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES. --1 2. REFER TO SWPPP NARRATIVE (SECTION 01 89 13) FOR CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING AND EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS. 3. MAINTAIN ADJACENT PROPERTY AND PUBLIC STREETS CLEAN FROM CONSTRUCTION CAUSED ,-I DIRT AND DEBRIS ON A DAILY BASIS. PROTECT DRAINAGE SYSTEMS FROM SEDIMENTATION AS A A A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION RELATED DIRT AND DEBRIS. 4. MAINTAIN DUST CONTROL DURING GRADING OPERATIONS. 5. ALL EROSION CONTROL METHODS SHALL COMPLY WITH MPCA AND OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS. a� 6. IF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES TAKEN ARE NOT ADEQUATE AND RESULT IN DOWNSTREAM SEDIMENT, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEANING OUT DOWNSTREAM STORM SEWERS AS NECESSARY, INCLUDING ASSOCIATED RESTORATION. o 7. SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICE AT STORM SEWER INLETS. AT THE INLETS TO ALL STORM SEWER STRUCTURES, PROVIDE A PRODUCT FROM THE FOLLOWING LIST. ACCEPTABLE PRODUCTS: I A. WIMCO TOP SLAB TM MODEL RD 27. B. INFRASAFE® SEDIMENT CONTROL BARRIER, DISTRIBUTED BY ROYAL ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, INC. SCB'S SHALL BE SIZED SPECIFICALLY FOR THE STRUCTURE AND 21 CASTING SPECIFIED. SCB'S SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH FRAME AND PERFORATED SHROUD AND SHALL BE WRAPPED ON THE OUTSIDE, COVERING THE PERFORATED WALL E FIELD I ONLY, WITH A GEOTEXTILE SOCK. C. DANDY BAG® OR DANDY BAG II® DISTRIBUTED BY BROCK WHITE COMPANY, ST. PAUL, 360') B MN (615) 647 -0950. DANDY BAG SHALL BE USED ONLY FOR CURB INLETS AFTER PAVEMENT (BINDER COURSE OR WEAR COURSE) IS INSTALLED OR AT EXISTING PAVED AREAS. D. INFRASAFE® DEBRIS COLLECTION DEVICE BY ROYAL ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, INC., DISTRIBUTED BY ESS BROTHERS, 9350 COUNTY ROAD 19, CORCORAN, MN 55357 DCD'S SHALL BE SIZED SPECIFICALLY FOR THE STRUCTURE AND CASTING SPECIFIED. PROVIDE FILTER BAGS AND TIES FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATION. E. OR APPROVED EQUAL. LEGEND 1 C2.1 REFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS DETAIL I.D NUMBER (TOP) DETAIL SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM) -959, s, EXISTING CONTOUR -955- PROPOSED CONTOUR PROPOSED STORM SEWER C O PROPOSED MANHOLE (MH) 12 4 C2.1 2.1 G PROPOSED CATCH BASIN (CB) " C2.1 ® PROPOSED RISER INLET (RI) 13 C2.1 a PROPOSED FLARED END SECTION (FES) 15 16 C2.1 C2.1 - - - - - - - PROPOSED SILT FENCE e C2.1 PROPOSED SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG e C2.1 PROPOSED ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE e C2.1 PROPOSED EROSION CONTROL BLANKET e C2.1 Oq SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICE AT STORM SEWER INLET PROPOSED BUILDING STOOP - REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS D - - PROPERTY LINE E . - -. TC' Tc __ -- - - - - -- -tire -- CW -- - - - - - - - - - - 4 - - 061.J J Lt1C- � TC QV TC 9M0 ---- TC TC 0 - - -1- - - - -- - -°M °�' - - - - - - - - a o�z��x F PROPERTY LINE ai 9 Te - - - -NAf- - HHC CONC TC TC /�° R°° TC TC TC Sr S SCHOOL �V 9sa9 _ - -Sr -- A _ :,°v ��o.6�O ALL B I T U M I N O U S CB MV 7° -9M2 M1 TC Tc TC Te TC Tc TC TC a e TC - cr- 111_° VVC0 I rMnMiIVV CIV 1 RHIVVC URIVC SCALE: 1" = 50' HOME GRAD -AN QRRM V_C1 TEAM RZ STO ` ' b 2.1 %A ___ ___ j PLAYGROUND j EQUPMENT(TYP)� \EXISTING 1 PLAY .° -AREA; \ I ' I f `-" TRA B L EAC E S W AtD P E S X! �r AS ftft Mew 4000 1 I 9yh \o\\ __� 1 905 % / 1 M DISCUS (2) I/ C, ;r,5 / 1 \ / / / 1 \ / 6'PNR ` "RN 1 \ WPM P sPCo LECTRIC_ TRANSMISSION 4 ° 5 w �t 6 EXCERPT FROM THE SWPVP NARRATIVE° ° EASEMENT FOR UTILITY AND DRAINAGE PUtPO DOC. NO. 719827 \\ i 946.9 M O N T I C E L L O The following is from the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Narrative, Section 0189 13 of the Project Manual. In °w 10. 2.1 7.1 ' accordance with Section 3100 00, the Contractor shall be responsible for full implementation of and maintenance required by ff - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r r r °_,�� °asrR °A.P„� R the SWPPP Narrative until the Notice of Termination is approved by the MPCA. Should differences arise between the SWPPP HIGH SCHOOL r 'vFf m�,R Narrative information described below and the information contained within the SWPPP Narrative, bound into the Project °q�oo Manual, the SWPPP in the Project Manual shall govern. �rrr ���rr r r�r a r �^�t 10 FrC,AN ------ -------- rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr- ----- r r�, °,a• UWFMM_________ STADIUM � %' r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - V. General Construction Sequence (in conjunction with the Construction Manager's Construction Schedule) 961 4 ` I A. Erosion Control Devices, noted herein, include: 1. Silt fence 962 ` I 2. Sediment Control Device at storm sewer inlets - I 3. Sediment log 4. Rock construction entrance 5. Rock check dams ` 6. Rip rap 5225 SCHOOL BLVD 7. Storm water treatment basins - - - - - - - - - - -- 8. Temporary sediment basins MONTICELLO, MN 55362 11, PM' Sr S a� t 9. Storm sewer systems co 3 1 z., 10. Temporary outlet Pipes INDEPENDENT SCHOOL P 11. Erosion control blanket 12. Temporary seeding DISTRICT #882 U 13. Final seeding /sodding g ° 14. Temporary / permanent vegetation 1 15. Other features identified by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, City or Engineer as a Best Management Practice (BMP) device. 302 WASHINGTON STREET `XI MONTICELLO MN 55362 - 962.5- -� a B. Contractor and Owner shall apply for NPDES Phase II Permit within 24 hours of award of Contract. i 1. Once obtained, the Contractor shall post the permit in the job site trailer or other suitable temporary storage area. 1 � SYNTHETIC TURF 1 ��' TE l ` C. Review the SWPPP and its sequencing and requirements. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer if site conditions, construction sequencing, or other I 1 co items are different or require modification from this written SWPPP. Modifications to the SWPPP may be made upon approval of the Engineer. :1 ' 1 D. Following review of the SWPPP plans commence with the following construction sequence: -962.7 sf) I 1 ___ a 1. Install perimeter silt fence where indicated on the Drawings. Silt fence shall be as specified in Section 31 25 00. h 1 2. Construct Sediment Control Devices at existing storm sewer inlets (hay bales around castings and silt fence under castings will not be (TURF CARPET & INFILL acceptable). 1 3. Construct the rock construction entrance. BY OTHERS) 1 t • __ 4. Have silt fence and other erosion control devices inspected by local authorities, as required by the local authority. ti.:TR 5. Construct the rock construction entrance(s). 9x25- 1 6. Establish concrete truck washout areas and post with signs. . 32.5 - 1 7. Remove existing site features. a. Provide daily sweeping of streets and other paved areas. 1 b. Limit pavement and vegetated area removals to only that which is needed to preserve as much stabilized area as possible. Stage subsequent 1 - removals such that removals are accomplished immediately prior to starting grading. C. Limit time between pavement removals and rough grading to 24 hours to reduce erosion potential. d. Strip topsoil from new and expanded paved areas. Stockpile for reuse as required. Provide temporary seed and mulch on stockpiles as J described herein. 15• RCP Sr S N -0°68" 8. Strip and stockpile topsoil. Provide temporary seed and mulch as described herein. 1 - 1 TC Tc TC a 9. Construct FES 1 (permanent installation) 2.1 c a. Construct riprap at the end of the flared end section within 24 hours of pipe construction. 10. The existing storm pond shall be used as a temporary sediment basin. Water from this basin shall not be discharged to downstream wetlands or 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 watercourses without being free of sediment and suspended materials. 962 11. Install sanitary sewer and watermain systems. s2 0 �- 2 TC =-: TC Tc cow TC 12. Construct permanent storm sewer system. 2.1 TC TC TC TC TC 13. Construct Sediment Control Devices at proposed storm sewer inlets (hay bales around castings and silt fence under castings will not be acceptable). 0 0 0 0 O 0 TO 0 p p o o 0 I A 14. Begin rough grading of the paved and synthetic turf areas as well as the baseball field areas. TC TC 1 15. Begin placement of sand sub -base in track and field and turf areas. 961 2.1 16. Install collector drain the system and complete sand subbase installation. ,C 17. Spread topsoil and finish grade the outlying areas. Provide temporary seeding and mulch. 18. Prepare athletic fields and outlying areas for permanent seeding (permanent stabilization) in accordance with the specified seeding dates. 19. Rough and finish grade the subgrade for plaza, trails, and parking lot modifications 20. Install fabric and porous rock base material over turf stadium field. 21. Construct sand -peat prescribed topsoil fields over drain tile system(s). 967 A i ru, 22. Construct the stabilized aggregate base course over paved areas. This will serve as temporary stabilization for the parking lots and drives.. I 96v �ww., Rc 23. Construct curb and gutter, maintenance strips and concrete walks. This will serve as permanent stabilization for the walk areas. I 24. Construct site fencing. A L /� _ 25. Install irrigation system(s). I /`1 26. Construct the first lift of pavement for the running track, fields events, trails and parking lot. This will serve as permanent stabilization for the PFF; parking lots and drives. RC I 27. Install (coordinate) synthetic turf and place infill. A A 5 28. Provide final lift of pavement and pavement markings. ANDERSON - JOHNSON -- I 2.1 - 29. Provide final stabilization and cleanup of the site. I ASSOCIA TES, E., I _ E. Provide maintenance to erosion control devices and BMP's to comply with the requirements of the permit. INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SITEPLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING 1 RC F. Re- install all sediment control practices that have been adjusted or removed to accommodate short -term activates, such as passage of construction 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 Ce 961 ! FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 TOP- o A vehicles or equipment immediately after the short-term activity has been completed. All sediment control practices shall be re- installed before the next 001�5 , CP precipitation event if the short term activity is not complete. TOP-9 .0 W RCP Sr S .6 !NV -9 G. Inspect erosion control devices and provide routine maintenance as follows: 1. Inspect erosion control devices a minimum of once per week and inspect, repair and cover erosion - damaged areas by the end of the next business A day after discovery or as soon as field conditions allow access unless another time frame is specified. a. All perimeter control devices must be repaired, replaced, or supplemented when they become nonfunctional or the sediment reaches I one -half (Vz) of the height of the device. These repairs must be made by the end of the next business day after discover, or thereafter as soon as field conditions allow access. _ 2. Record inspection on log posted in Contractor's construction trailer or other suitable temporary storage area. All inspections and maintenance / shall be recorded within 24 hours. ONC IO A \ a. Records of each inspection and maintenance activity shall include: (1) Date and time of inspections A is 1 Re (2) Name of person conducting inspection POLE094 (3) Findings of inspections, including recommendations for corrective actions \ \ 1 1 'P (4) If any discharge is observed to be occurring during the inspection, a record of all points of the property, from which there is a / I ' V U LT 4 }- I �� discharge must be made, and the discharge should be described (i.e., color, odor, floating, settled, or suspended solids, foam, oil sheen, and other obvious indicators of pollutants. Photographs shall be taken and kept with the inspection log. I L -__E 31 96 1 (5) Corrective actions taken (including dates, times, and party completing maintenance activities 1 (6) Date and amount of all rainfall events greater than one half inch (0.5 inch) in 24 hours. Rainfall amounts must be obtained by a ° ® ° properly maintained rain gauge installed onsite, a weather station that is within 1 mile of the project site, or a weather reporting 1 system that provides site specific rainfall data from radar summaries SOCCER (210,(360') _ (7) Documentation of changes made to the SWPPP as required by the NPDES General Stormwater Permit for Construction Activity s � (MN R100001) A / e ° 1 b. Inspections are not required where the ground is frozen. The required inspections and maintenance schedule must begin within 24 hours \ A 1 RC u after runoff occurs at the site or 24 hours prior to resuming construction, whichever comes first. I� TO TC rc 3. Provide maintenance for all devices as follows: I 1 a. Silt fences, sediment logs, temporary berms, and erosion control devices at storm sewer inlets shall be inspected for depth of sediment, caNC NcR tears, breaches, to see if fabric is securely attached to support posts or structure, and to see that posts and devices are securely in place. G Hpt o o b. Silt fences, sediment logs, temporary berms, and erosion control devices at storm sewer inlets, and other erosion control devices shall be 1 TO cleaned when sediment reaches 1/3 the height of the erosion control device, within 24 hours. 1 Tc TC C. Rock construction entrances shall be inspected for clogging of river rock. River rock that has become clogged with sediment shall be u, removed and replaced with fresh river rock. 0 d. Repairs or replacements to all erosion control devices shall occur within 24 hours of discovery. Z e. Tracked sediment from construction vehicles on to public streets and paved areas (including paved areas on the construction site) shall be removed within 24 hours of discovery. ° - A � A 1 RC � t. Streets and other areas adjacent to the project must be inspected for evidence of off -site accumulations of sediment. If sediment is present, 1 it must be removed in a manner and at a frequency sufficient to minimize off -site impacts. TRAC T D I U M m g. Removal of sediment and restabilization of Surface Waters shall be accomplished within 24 hours of discovery (note: surface waters II i include curb and gutter, pavements, storm sewer, swales, or other similar storm water conveyance devices). ED i o� H. Provide dewatering of excavations as identified in Section 31 00 00. I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report LP was by ' I. Stabilize denuded areas immediately following construction activity and no longer than 7 days following number of days of last construction activity tha prepared t I am a dul ul y Licensed LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT me or under my direct supervision and (DEFER T ALTE NATES)I I tha (temporary or permanent) in that area. under the laws of the State of MINNE50TA RC a 1 °� A J. Provide maintenance of all seeded / sodded areas until fully established. PO AB L,�,, Ia• Sr s Q I F, L C H E R `°"G K. Provide cleaning of storm sewer system at the completion of the project. Cleaning shall include removal of accumulated sediment from all surface A '4 RRo���"' ooh waters as defined by the permit (for example, curb and gutter, pavements, swales, and storm sewer piping and structures). JAY R. POT RC LV N I I 1 L. Remove silt fence and erosion control devices at storm sewer inlets following full establishment of site vegetation. Dispose materials properly off -site. Registration 23543 Date 0811.1116 Z I I M. Apply for Notice of Termination (NOT) with MPCA. NOT must be submitted within 30 days after: Number Q I I i 1. Site has undergone Final Stabilization (at least 80% vegetative cover), and Revisions 2. Removal of all temporary erosion control measures (silt fence, etc.), and Description Date Num RC 3. Final cleanout and maintenance of all permanent storm water facilities, and J-� I I 1 4. Completion of all maintenance activities and site cleanup. TC CCNC T A 961 961 1.4 �P Tc 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TO A OWER A CTRIC TRANSMISSION SEMENT PER DOC. NO. 421382 TC Comm: 152244 Date: 08 /Ici /I6 Drawn: LJO Check: JRP North EROSION CONTROL PLAN MN A A F 2 OPTIONAL SUPPORT FENCE (WIRE MESH) METAL STAKE OR WOOD POST 30" MIN. DIRECTION OF RUNOFF FLOW 5' MIN. LENGTH POST ENGINEERING FABRIC OVERLAP FABRIC 6" AND FASTEN @ 2' INTERVALS EXTEND WIRE MESH INTO TRENCH FABRIC ANCHORAGE TRENCH BACKFILL WITH TAMPED NATURAL SOIL 6" MIN_ NATURAL SOIL 24" MIN. BURY DEPTH �- III - III -I I I- �_i =,_i NOTE: DEPENDING UPON CONFIGURATION, ATTACH TO WIRE MESH WITH B HOG RINGS, STEEL POSTS WITH TIE WIRES, OR WOOD POSTS WITH STAPLES 1*4401 SILT FENCE C2.1 C PROPERTY /R.O.W. LINE EXISTING PAVEMENT TO REMAIN _ Py so,*141 / \ � 2" TO 3" WASHED ROCK GEOTEXTILE FABRIC (Mn /DOT CLASS V) NOTE: PROVIDE WHERE CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC 6" MINIMUM THICKNESS ENTERS OR EXITS THE CONSTRUCTION SITE 2 ROCK CONSTRUCTION :2.1Y ENTRANCE 12" -- I X_ -t -- -- �! - - - -- 6 - <3- 3A NOTE: 'IN LOOSE SOIL CONDITIONS, THE USE OF STAPLE OR s„ E STAKE LENGTHS GREATER THAN 6" (15cm) MAY BE NECESSARY TO PROPERLY SECURE THE BLANKETS. 0 10. PREPARE SOIL BEFORE INSTALLING BLANKETS, INCLUDING ANY NECESSARY APPLICATION OF LIME, FERTILIZER, AND SEED. 20 BEGIN AT THE TOP OF THE SLOPE BY ANCHORING THE BLANKET IN A 6" DEEP X 6" WIDE TRENCH WITH APPROXIMATELY 12" OF BLANKET EXTENDED BEYOND THE UP -SLOPE PORTION OF THE TRENCH. ANCHOR THE BLANKET WITH A ROW OF STAPLES /STAKES APPROXIMATELY 12" APART IN THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH. BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE TRENCH AFTER STAPLING. APPLY SEED TO COMPACTED SOIL AND FOLD REMAINING 12" PORTION OF BLANKET BACK OVER SEED AND COMPACTED SOIL. SECURE BLANKET OVER COMPACTED SOIL WITH A ROW OF STAPLES /STAKES SPACED APPROXIMATELY 12" APART ACROSS THE WIDTH OF THE BLANKET. 30 ROLL THE BLANKETS (A.) DOWN OR (B.) HORIZONTALLY ACROSS THE SLOPE. BLANKETS WILL UNROLL WITH APPROPRIATE SIDE AGAINST THE SOIL SURFACE. ALL BLANKETS MUST BE SECURELY FASTENED TO SOIL SURFACE BY PLACING STAPLES /STAKES IN APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS AS SHOWN IN THE STAPLE PATTERN GUIDE. WHEN USING OPTIONAL DOT SYSTEM, STAPLES /STAKES SHOULD BE PLACED THROUGH EACH OF THE COLORED DOTS CORRESPONDING TO THE APPROPRIATE STAPLE PATTERN. THE EDGES OF PARALLEL BLANKETS MUST BE STAPLED WITH APPROXIMATELY 6" OVERLAP DEPENDING ON BLANKET TYPE. TO ENSURE PROPER SEAM ALIGNMENT, PLACE THE EDGE OF THE OVERLAPPING BLANKET (BLANKET BEING INSTALLED ON TOP) EVEN F WITH THE COLORED SEAM STITCH ON THE PREVIOUSLY INSTALLED BLANKET. 50 CONSECUTIVE BLANKETS SPLICED DOWN THE SLOPE MUST BE PLACED END OVER END (SHINGLE STYLE) WITH AN APPROXIMATE 6" OVERLAP. STAPLE THROUGH OVERLAPPED AREA, APPROXIMATELY 12" APART ACROSS ENTIRE BLANKET WIDTH. © BLANKET SHALL BE STAPLED AS PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION. 3 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET ° C2.1 3 4 5 g °° 7 SEDIMENT LOG FINAL SUBGRADE NEENAH R -4018 "RIM CONCRETE V- GUTTER 3 w w w DRAIN AND GRATE ELEVATION" C2.1 Y W W W w w w w w TRACK SURFACE FIELD SURFACE STAKE TO BE PLACED AT TOE �, ') ;,w v =III I I -I I FINISH GRADE (FINISH GRADE) OF SLOPE, BOTH SIDES r r _ FERNCO STRAP w , 2 REQUIRED W W W W I I M I M I I- ( ) -I I I-I -I I I -I . _ 6" FERNCO W w v w x LIGHTLY c COUPLING r.. _ I I M I I= _111=111= .. v v w w w W w � 1- 6" PVC RISER- - III -III- ( ) III -III_ COMPACTED wo _ _ O.D. + 2' MAX _ _ FILL HEIGHT VARIES W W a III -I I I_I I I I I_I I I I 6" PVC SOLVENT w Ww G F y v v p WELD PVC 45° BEND ry P} �o� W W d v w W W v �`- SOVLENT WELD � III - III -III -I -I I 1 =1 11= w W W Z =III - III -III I I_I I MI I MI I WYE WITH 45° BEND III - III -III - III - III -III 11-1 I MI I MI I 15" STORM SEWER ° I I -I I -I I -I -11 I-I I I -I I I- Ci (PERFORATED) - INSTALLATION DETAIL `° - - - I 1 =III =III =1 I REFER TO INVERT WOOD STAKE PLAN FOR INVERT - III - III -III - ELEVATIONS SEDIMENT LOG WOOD STAKE TO - III - III - III - III -III III - III -III -I PENETRATE NETTING III - III - III - III - III - III - III - III -I 1(- MATERIAL ONLY 1 COMPACTED CRUSHED ROCK OR PEA GRAVEL - 100% PASSING FLOW BOTTOM OF SWALE THE 2" SIEVE AND A MAXIMUM 1 NOTES: OF 5% PASSING THE #10 SIEVE. 1 TRENCH SIDEWALLS TO MEET O.S.H.A REQUIREMENTS. �1 11 RISER INLET RI C; UPPER 3 FT. OF BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 100% N STANDARD PROCTOR DRY DENSITY. BELOW THIS ELEVATION, BACKFILL C2.1 Z t SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DRY DENSITY. o FUTURE FLOOR SECTION p MINIMUM STAKE DETAIL 7 PIPE BEDDING -RCP &DIP p EXCAVATION LIMITS FINISH FLOOR x 4 SEDIMENT LOG c2.1 3' C2.1 j TOPSOIL FUTURE FOOTING W METAL SEWER CASTING - REFER c z TO PLAN FOR TYPE ;,, a I > FINAL SUBGRADE „ "RIM ELEVATION" s U) MIN. 2 AND MAX. 5 ADJUSTING I I RINGS. GROUT BETWEEN O PRECAST COVER - =III I I =_ RINGS, CASTING, AND ALONG 8" THICK OUTSIDE. 3" MINIMUM =III =I =III= AROUND SIDES AND UNDER TILE UNSUITABLE SOIL STEPS - INSTALL ON WRAP TRENCH _ DOWNSTREAM SIDE AND PEAROCK DEPTH (VARIE$b I I -III- III -III @ 16" O.C. WITH GEOTEXTILE PEA ROCK AROUND TILE =III =III II =III =I I VARIES RUBBER GASKET - FABRIC SUITABLE SOIL -III - III -II O.D. + 2' (MAX) - III -III STORM SEWER PIPE -REFER 6" DRAIN TILE - REFER TO PLAN =III =III =I - III =III I I I TO PLAN FOR LOCATION, TYP AT ALL JOINTS _ _ _ INVERT, AND SIZES FOR LOCATIONS AND INVERTS =I I I =III =III= III - III -III -_ NOTE: s" MIN- - - - 1. ONLY APPLIES TO FUTURE STADIUM ENTRANCE BUILDING AND I I -I I Ed I I -I I PROVIDE FLEXIBLE JOINT I PRECAST CONCRETE SOFTBALL BUILDING (NOT FUTURE TEAM BUILDINGS AND =I I I=_. I I I ==I I I _ =1 I =1 I I =I I I =I I I= AT CONNECTION - i SECTION - I I I =I I I =I I REFER TO SPECS DUGOUTS) PIPE DIA. - III =III =I I I =I � � I =I I - I =III= BASES SHALL BE 8" GROUT sHELF AND 2. BOTTOM OF EXCAVATION MUST BE APPROVED BY THE SOILS _ _ _ CHANNELS ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ANY FILL. � I- I - III -III -1 III -III = -I I 6 1/8 O.D. -I I I =I I I =I I I =I I I ^ =III =I I I = HAND TAMPED STANDARD PRECAST 1 =1 I SAND WITH 2" LEAN GROUT, FLOW 12 ENGINEERED FILL AT (4" MIN.) _ _ _ I OR POURED 8" SLAB -_ - -� - -� - - - REINFORCED WITH FLOW C2.1 =11=111- _ i , I -, � , -� � � -1 I I- III -III- FUTURE BUILDINGS 6 "x6 "10/10 MESH „ NOTES: $ CATCH BASIN TRENCH SIDEWALLS TO MEET O.S.H.A REQUIREMENTS. C2.1 UPPER 3 FT. OF BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 100% STANDARD PROCTOR DRY DENSITY. BELOW THIS ELEVATION, BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DRY DENSITY. i1 PIPE BEDDING - PVC C2.1 SAND SUB -BASE UNDER TRACK (EXTENDED) HAND TAMPED SAND PERFORATED PVC PIPE z = PEA GRAVEL - III - III -III -� W �- III - III -III- - III - III -III =1 NOTES: �T 7 T ���T 7 7771 TRENCH SIDEWALLS TO MEET O.S.H.A REQUIREMENTS. UPPER 3 FT. OF BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 100% STANDARD PROCTOR DRY DENSITY. BELOW THIS ELEVATION, BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DRY DENSITY. �1 PIPE BEDDING - PERFORATED PVC REFER TO PLAN F( STRUCTURE TYI PROVIDE FLEXIBI JOINT) CONNECTIOI REFER TO SPE( 3ACKWATER VALVE 3OLVENT WELD BACKWATER VALVE TO DRAINTILE DROVIDE FLEXIBLE JOINT - 2EFER TO SPECS i" DRAINTILE CONNECT DRAINTILE TO STRUCTURE AT ELEVATION O SHOWN ON THE DRAWING. GROUT SECURE TO STRUCTURE WALL t •'� • MINIMIZE STUB THROUGH WALL. • • •' ' • STUB ONLY AS REQUIRED TO ALLOW BACKWATER VALVE TO BE CONNECTED TO DRAINTILE BACKWATER VALVE WOOD METAL TEE PLUGGED ON RUN POSTS: 4" DIA. (MIN) 1.3 Ibs /If (MIN.) HEAVY DUTY (IF USED WITH @ 8' (MAX) @ 8' (MAX) 1.4 SUPPORT FENCE) SPACING SPACING 27" POSTS: 2" SQ. (MIN) 1.0 Ibs /If (MIN.) "T" OR NORMAL USE (IF USED WITHOUT @ 4' (MAX) "U" SECTION @ 4' 1.0 SUPPORT FENCE) SPACING (MAX) SPACING OPTIONAL SUPPORT FENCE (WIRE MESH) METAL STAKE OR WOOD POST 30" MIN. DIRECTION OF RUNOFF FLOW 5' MIN. LENGTH POST ENGINEERING FABRIC OVERLAP FABRIC 6" AND FASTEN @ 2' INTERVALS EXTEND WIRE MESH INTO TRENCH FABRIC ANCHORAGE TRENCH BACKFILL WITH TAMPED NATURAL SOIL 6" MIN_ NATURAL SOIL 24" MIN. BURY DEPTH �- III - III -I I I- �_i =,_i NOTE: DEPENDING UPON CONFIGURATION, ATTACH TO WIRE MESH WITH B HOG RINGS, STEEL POSTS WITH TIE WIRES, OR WOOD POSTS WITH STAPLES 1*4401 SILT FENCE C2.1 C PROPERTY /R.O.W. LINE EXISTING PAVEMENT TO REMAIN _ Py so,*141 / \ � 2" TO 3" WASHED ROCK GEOTEXTILE FABRIC (Mn /DOT CLASS V) NOTE: PROVIDE WHERE CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC 6" MINIMUM THICKNESS ENTERS OR EXITS THE CONSTRUCTION SITE 2 ROCK CONSTRUCTION :2.1Y ENTRANCE 12" -- I X_ -t -- -- �! - - - -- 6 - <3- 3A NOTE: 'IN LOOSE SOIL CONDITIONS, THE USE OF STAPLE OR s„ E STAKE LENGTHS GREATER THAN 6" (15cm) MAY BE NECESSARY TO PROPERLY SECURE THE BLANKETS. 0 10. PREPARE SOIL BEFORE INSTALLING BLANKETS, INCLUDING ANY NECESSARY APPLICATION OF LIME, FERTILIZER, AND SEED. 20 BEGIN AT THE TOP OF THE SLOPE BY ANCHORING THE BLANKET IN A 6" DEEP X 6" WIDE TRENCH WITH APPROXIMATELY 12" OF BLANKET EXTENDED BEYOND THE UP -SLOPE PORTION OF THE TRENCH. ANCHOR THE BLANKET WITH A ROW OF STAPLES /STAKES APPROXIMATELY 12" APART IN THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH. BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE TRENCH AFTER STAPLING. APPLY SEED TO COMPACTED SOIL AND FOLD REMAINING 12" PORTION OF BLANKET BACK OVER SEED AND COMPACTED SOIL. SECURE BLANKET OVER COMPACTED SOIL WITH A ROW OF STAPLES /STAKES SPACED APPROXIMATELY 12" APART ACROSS THE WIDTH OF THE BLANKET. 30 ROLL THE BLANKETS (A.) DOWN OR (B.) HORIZONTALLY ACROSS THE SLOPE. BLANKETS WILL UNROLL WITH APPROPRIATE SIDE AGAINST THE SOIL SURFACE. ALL BLANKETS MUST BE SECURELY FASTENED TO SOIL SURFACE BY PLACING STAPLES /STAKES IN APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS AS SHOWN IN THE STAPLE PATTERN GUIDE. WHEN USING OPTIONAL DOT SYSTEM, STAPLES /STAKES SHOULD BE PLACED THROUGH EACH OF THE COLORED DOTS CORRESPONDING TO THE APPROPRIATE STAPLE PATTERN. THE EDGES OF PARALLEL BLANKETS MUST BE STAPLED WITH APPROXIMATELY 6" OVERLAP DEPENDING ON BLANKET TYPE. TO ENSURE PROPER SEAM ALIGNMENT, PLACE THE EDGE OF THE OVERLAPPING BLANKET (BLANKET BEING INSTALLED ON TOP) EVEN F WITH THE COLORED SEAM STITCH ON THE PREVIOUSLY INSTALLED BLANKET. 50 CONSECUTIVE BLANKETS SPLICED DOWN THE SLOPE MUST BE PLACED END OVER END (SHINGLE STYLE) WITH AN APPROXIMATE 6" OVERLAP. STAPLE THROUGH OVERLAPPED AREA, APPROXIMATELY 12" APART ACROSS ENTIRE BLANKET WIDTH. © BLANKET SHALL BE STAPLED AS PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION. 3 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET ° C2.1 3 4 5 g °° 7 SEDIMENT LOG FINAL SUBGRADE NEENAH R -4018 "RIM CONCRETE V- GUTTER 3 w w w DRAIN AND GRATE ELEVATION" C2.1 Y W W W w w w w w TRACK SURFACE FIELD SURFACE STAKE TO BE PLACED AT TOE �, ') ;,w v =III I I -I I FINISH GRADE (FINISH GRADE) OF SLOPE, BOTH SIDES r r _ FERNCO STRAP w , 2 REQUIRED W W W W I I M I M I I- ( ) -I I I-I -I I I -I . _ 6" FERNCO W w v w x LIGHTLY c COUPLING r.. _ I I M I I= _111=111= .. v v w w w W w � 1- 6" PVC RISER- - III -III- ( ) III -III_ COMPACTED wo _ _ O.D. + 2' MAX _ _ FILL HEIGHT VARIES W W a III -I I I_I I I I I_I I I I 6" PVC SOLVENT w Ww G F y v v p WELD PVC 45° BEND ry P} �o� W W d v w W W v �`- SOVLENT WELD � III - III -III -I -I I 1 =1 11= w W W Z =III - III -III I I_I I MI I MI I WYE WITH 45° BEND III - III -III - III - III -III 11-1 I MI I MI I 15" STORM SEWER ° I I -I I -I I -I -11 I-I I I -I I I- Ci (PERFORATED) - INSTALLATION DETAIL `° - - - I 1 =III =III =1 I REFER TO INVERT WOOD STAKE PLAN FOR INVERT - III - III -III - ELEVATIONS SEDIMENT LOG WOOD STAKE TO - III - III - III - III -III III - III -III -I PENETRATE NETTING III - III - III - III - III - III - III - III -I 1(- MATERIAL ONLY 1 COMPACTED CRUSHED ROCK OR PEA GRAVEL - 100% PASSING FLOW BOTTOM OF SWALE THE 2" SIEVE AND A MAXIMUM 1 NOTES: OF 5% PASSING THE #10 SIEVE. 1 TRENCH SIDEWALLS TO MEET O.S.H.A REQUIREMENTS. �1 11 RISER INLET RI C; UPPER 3 FT. OF BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 100% N STANDARD PROCTOR DRY DENSITY. BELOW THIS ELEVATION, BACKFILL C2.1 Z t SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DRY DENSITY. o FUTURE FLOOR SECTION p MINIMUM STAKE DETAIL 7 PIPE BEDDING -RCP &DIP p EXCAVATION LIMITS FINISH FLOOR x 4 SEDIMENT LOG c2.1 3' C2.1 j TOPSOIL FUTURE FOOTING W METAL SEWER CASTING - REFER c z TO PLAN FOR TYPE ;,, a I > FINAL SUBGRADE „ "RIM ELEVATION" s U) MIN. 2 AND MAX. 5 ADJUSTING I I RINGS. GROUT BETWEEN O PRECAST COVER - =III I I =_ RINGS, CASTING, AND ALONG 8" THICK OUTSIDE. 3" MINIMUM =III =I =III= AROUND SIDES AND UNDER TILE UNSUITABLE SOIL STEPS - INSTALL ON WRAP TRENCH _ DOWNSTREAM SIDE AND PEAROCK DEPTH (VARIE$b I I -III- III -III @ 16" O.C. WITH GEOTEXTILE PEA ROCK AROUND TILE =III =III II =III =I I VARIES RUBBER GASKET - FABRIC SUITABLE SOIL -III - III -II O.D. + 2' (MAX) - III -III STORM SEWER PIPE -REFER 6" DRAIN TILE - REFER TO PLAN =III =III =I - III =III I I I TO PLAN FOR LOCATION, TYP AT ALL JOINTS _ _ _ INVERT, AND SIZES FOR LOCATIONS AND INVERTS =I I I =III =III= III - III -III -_ NOTE: s" MIN- - - - 1. ONLY APPLIES TO FUTURE STADIUM ENTRANCE BUILDING AND I I -I I Ed I I -I I PROVIDE FLEXIBLE JOINT I PRECAST CONCRETE SOFTBALL BUILDING (NOT FUTURE TEAM BUILDINGS AND =I I I=_. I I I ==I I I _ =1 I =1 I I =I I I =I I I= AT CONNECTION - i SECTION - I I I =I I I =I I REFER TO SPECS DUGOUTS) PIPE DIA. - III =III =I I I =I � � I =I I - I =III= BASES SHALL BE 8" GROUT sHELF AND 2. BOTTOM OF EXCAVATION MUST BE APPROVED BY THE SOILS _ _ _ CHANNELS ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ANY FILL. � I- I - III -III -1 III -III = -I I 6 1/8 O.D. -I I I =I I I =I I I =I I I ^ =III =I I I = HAND TAMPED STANDARD PRECAST 1 =1 I SAND WITH 2" LEAN GROUT, FLOW 12 ENGINEERED FILL AT (4" MIN.) _ _ _ I OR POURED 8" SLAB -_ - -� - -� - - - REINFORCED WITH FLOW C2.1 =11=111- _ i , I -, � , -� � � -1 I I- III -III- FUTURE BUILDINGS 6 "x6 "10/10 MESH „ NOTES: $ CATCH BASIN TRENCH SIDEWALLS TO MEET O.S.H.A REQUIREMENTS. C2.1 UPPER 3 FT. OF BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 100% STANDARD PROCTOR DRY DENSITY. BELOW THIS ELEVATION, BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DRY DENSITY. i1 PIPE BEDDING - PVC C2.1 SAND SUB -BASE UNDER TRACK (EXTENDED) HAND TAMPED SAND PERFORATED PVC PIPE z = PEA GRAVEL - III - III -III -� W �- III - III -III- - III - III -III =1 NOTES: �T 7 T ���T 7 7771 TRENCH SIDEWALLS TO MEET O.S.H.A REQUIREMENTS. UPPER 3 FT. OF BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 100% STANDARD PROCTOR DRY DENSITY. BELOW THIS ELEVATION, BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DRY DENSITY. �1 PIPE BEDDING - PERFORATED PVC REFER TO PLAN F( STRUCTURE TYI PROVIDE FLEXIBI JOINT) CONNECTIOI REFER TO SPE( 3ACKWATER VALVE 3OLVENT WELD BACKWATER VALVE TO DRAINTILE DROVIDE FLEXIBLE JOINT - 2EFER TO SPECS i" DRAINTILE CONNECT DRAINTILE TO STRUCTURE AT ELEVATION O SHOWN ON THE DRAWING. GROUT SECURE TO STRUCTURE WALL t •'� • MINIMIZE STUB THROUGH WALL. • • •' ' • STUB ONLY AS REQUIRED TO ALLOW BACKWATER VALVE TO BE CONNECTED TO DRAINTILE BACKWATER VALVE TEE, WYE, PLUG, OR CAP COVER SHALL BE STAMPED TEE PLUGGED ON RUN "STORM SEWER" 22.50 BEND METAL SEWER CASTING - REFER Al TO PLAN FOR TYPE 4 MIN. 2 AND MAX. 5 ADJUSTING RINGS. 1.4 GROUT BETWEEN RINGS, CASTING, AND 1.4 ALONG OUTSIDE. 27" PRECAST CONCRETE CONE SECTION 1 I 2.1 v O q - STEPS ON DOWNSTREAM SIDE \-RUBBER GASKET, TYP ALL JOINTS 5„ VARIABLE MIN. PROVIDE FLEXIBLE JOINT LU AT CONNECTION - REFER TO SPECS M Q > GROUT SHELF AND CHANNELS BASES SHALL BE 8" STANDARD PRECAST WITH 2" LEAN GROUT, OR POURED 8" SLAB REINFORCED WITH 6" x 6" 10/10 MESH 1o1 STORM SEWER MANHOLE 2.11 MAIN 13 DRAINTILE CLEANOUT c2.1 ASSEMBLY 'PLY �E, IL, E iS VIRE 8 UNDISTURBED SIDE OF TRENCH (TYP.) PLUGGED CROSS CROSS BEDDING MATERIAL (TYP.) 45° BEND BEND , \x x X� IIx -, Al WYE PLUGGED TEE PLUGGED CROSS TEE 1/4" PLYWOOD OVER FACE fj OF BOLTS 1 PLUG OR CAP NOMINAL FITTING SIZE (INCHES) TEE, WYE, PLUG, OR CAP 90° BEND, PLUGGED CROSS TEE PLUGGED ON RUN 450 BEND 22.50 BEND 11.250 BEND Al A2 4 1.0 1.4 1.9 1.4 1.0 - - 6 2.1 3.0 4.3 3.0 1.6 1.0 - 8 3.8 5.3 7.6 5.4 2.9 1.5 1.0 10 5.9 8.4 11.8 8.4 4.6 2.6 1.2 12 8.5 12.0 17.0 12.0 6.6 3.4 1.7 14 11.5 16.3 23.0 16.3 8.9 4.6 2.3 16 15.0 21.3 30.0 21.3 11.6 6.0 3.0 18 19.0 27.0 38.0 27.0 14.6 7.6 3.6 20 23.5 33.3 47.0 33.3 18.1 9.4 4.7 24 34.0 48.0 68.0 48.0 26.2 13.6 6.8 NOTES: 1. CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKING TO BE POURED AGAINST UNDISTURBED EARTH. 2. KEEP CONCRETE CLEAR OF PIPE JOINTS, NUTS AND BOLTS. 3. IF NOT SHOWN ON PLANS, REQUIRED BEARING AT FITTING SHALL BE AS INDICATED ABOVE, ADJUSTED IF NECESSARY, TO CONFORM TO THE TEST PRESSURE(S) AND ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING STRESS(ES). 4. BEARING AREAS AND SPECIAL BLOCKING DETAILS SHOWN ON PLANS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER BEARING AREAS AND BLOCKING DETAILS SHOWN THIS STANDARD DETAIL. 5. ABOVE BEARING AREAS BASED ON TEST PRESSURE OF 150 P.S.I. AND AN ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING STRESS OF 2000 POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT. TO COMPUTE BEARING AREAS FOR DIFFERENT TEST PRESSURES AND SOIL BEARING STRESSES, USE THE FOLLOWING EQUATION: BEARING AREA = (TEST PRESSURE /150) X (200 /SOIL BEARING STRESS) X (TABLE VALUE). 14 THRUST BLOCK AID I I FINISH GRADE O1� HYDRANT MARKER HYDRANT, HEIGHT VARIES TRAFFIC FLANGE 16 2" ABOVE GRADE REFER TO DETAIL C2.1 3' -0" 4" x 4" - VERTICAL BLOCK 4" x 4" THRUST BLOCK 15 2.1 Z 0 co • i 8" CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS 2 -3/4" TIE RODS 1 CU. YD. GRAVEL 3/4 "+ COVER WITH POLYETHLENE FIRE HYDRANT 6" GATE VALVE MECH. JOINTS 6" D.I.P. LEAD o: w > O U Z 0 BO TEE CITY SUBMITTAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON AA ASSOCIATES, INC A* -, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SITE PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVID A. REY Registration 40180 Date 08/04/16 Number Revisions Description Date Num COMM: 152244 Date: 08/04/16 Drawn: LJO Check: DAR North DETAILS MN A A B F 1 2.1 • • 2 ADJUST TOP TO 1/2" BELOW FINISHED PAVEMENT GRADE OR 1" BELOW FINISHED TURF GRADE. SET SO AS TO PROVIDE 12" OF UPWARD ADJUSTMENT. COVER SHALL BE "U" BOLT DIA. STAMPED WITH "WATER" II 1/2" II 11 24" TO 36" J I i� FINISH GRADE I� VALVE BOX 24" 60" & GREATER 1" 24" CONCRETE V- GUTTER _ 13 D 412 CURB & GUTTER GATE VALVE REFER TO DRAWINGS FOR SIZES 8' • 3 41hatreAd 7x91111 1 =V11:011&? PIPE SIZE "U" BOLT DIA. WIDTH 21" & LESS 1/2" 24" 24" TO 36" 5/8" 24" 42" TO 54" 3/4" 24" 60" & GREATER 1" 24" NOTES: 2 - "U" BOLT FASTENERS TO BE INSTALLED ACROSS EACH WATERMAIN JOINT, ONE EACH SIDE OF PIPE AT 60° FROM THE TOP OF THE PIPE. FASTEN FIRST THREE JOINTS AS SHOWN. 4 RCP FLARED END SECTION c2.1 (FES) CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK (6) 9/16" HOLES ON A 38 1/2" B.C. I 4 5 AS REQUIRED 2" VENT FLANGE 9 T GATE VALVE BOX SS HINGES / 34 (C:2:1 6 METAL SEWER CASTING - REFER TO PLANS FOR TYPE MIN. 2 AND MAX. 5 ADJUSTING RINGS. GROUT BETWEEN RINGS, CASTING, AND ALONG OUTSIDE. SNOUT C INLET PIPE - ADJUST OPENING IN STRUCTURE AS REQUIRED TO ALLOW ADEQUATE SPACE FOR SNOUT. REFER TO PLANS FOR PIPE SIZES AND ALIGNMENT C E 7 5 4T6 040 "RIM ELEVATION" HOLD OPEN ARM 64 42 —III n PRECAST COVER - I I =1 8" THICK 1/4" ALUMINUM RIM = 1006.6 2" MUSHROOM VENT -I SHIPPING LOOSE r (2) LIFTING LUGS I I I I r •' PROVIDE ANTI - SIPHON DEVICE p VARIES 8 REFER TO PLANS RUBBER GASKET -TYP AT ALL JOINTS (�Cl1 SS DUPLEX FLOAT BRACKET SHIPPING LOOSE O 1/2" SS GUIDE RAILS PRECAST CONCRETE 7'-6" SECTION SIMILAR TO $ 1213/4" NYLON COUPLINGS EDGE TREATMENT WITHOUT CONCRETE CURB/ GUTTER GRADING PLAN ELEVATION APPLIES TO TOP OF BINDER COURSE 2" RESILIENT SURFACE 12" BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE TACK COAT 12" BITUMINOUS BINDER COURSE 6" AGGREGATE BASE COURSE 48" SAND SUB -BASE NOTES: 1. PAVEMENT SECTION APPLIES TO TRACK AND ALL FIELD EVENTS , TRACK & FIELD EVENT PAVEMENT 6 7 FINISH GRADE AT MAINTENANCE STRIP SHALL BE 1" ABOVE SOD AND FLUSH WITH SYNTHETIC TURF WHERE APPLICABLE. 1/2" RADIUS (2) #4 REBAR (TYPICAL) 1" DEPTH CONSTRUCTION JOINT d d d - fV ° I� I I� I I� I I'' I I I, , 3.. TOPSOIL 1" BELOW CONCRETE V -3" COMPACTED SUBGRADE SECTION CONSTRUCTION JOINT SHALL BE CUT TO 1" DEPTH AND SHALL OCCUR AT EACH POST AND AT MIDPOINT BETWEEN POSTS d d d d d d ° d ° ° ° ° d d POST (2) #4 REBAR PLAN 12 GUN(rFit I t MAIN I tNAN(rt c2.1 STRIP 4" (MIN) CONCRETE WALK 4" SAND SUB -BASE SLOPE 4" PER FOOT TOWARDS TYPICAL AT GRASS, PAVEMENT ON HIGH SIDE OF FACE OF CURB LANDSCAPING, LOT /DRIVE - SLOPE 4" PER AND SOD AREAS 1.. FOOT TOWARDS BACK OF CURB r — — FACE ON LOW SIDE OF 1 12 1 6.. LOT /DRIVE. ___ _____ - III -II •� - III - III -I I I I � I III - III - III - III -III I I -III- � ..' . � • ; � • • r • . -1 I —I I —I I -1 I I— I I -1 I —I 1 -1 I —I I I I -1 I -1 •: ,: , • f•• ,.• 12n COMPACTED SUBGRADE 2" MIN. r " • + • r • ,' AGGREGATE BASE TO BE CONCRETE WALK /SLAB CONTRACTOR OR(4" I CONTRACTOR (4" MIN.) � c, \� 2 rti � C AGGREGATE BASE COURSE TO BE PLACED BY PAVING CONTRACTOR NOTE: 1. DIRECTION OF TRANSVERSE GUTTER SLOPE TO MATCH DIRECTION OF 2'-0" ADJACENT PAVEMENT SLOPE. CONSTRUCT WITH CURBING MACHINE. FIELD FINISH GRADE—\\ 2. AT CURB INLET CATCH BASINS, ADJUST CASTING TO BE 1" BELOW GUTTER C7.1 W/ 3/4" CORD GRIPS 6 "� 3" 6" 3" 1 TRACK FINISH GRADE GRADE. SLOPE GUTTER 5' EACH SIDE OF CATCH BASIN. PROVIDE POSITIVE SHIPPING LOOSE 132' N LO DRAINAGE TO CATCH BASINS. V FL (6" CURB & 0.08 FT. /FT. SLOPE) (6" CURB & 0.08 FT. /FT. SLOPE) FLOW 4' -2" 4' -2" MLLE I ELEVATION OF RAMP ON HANDLES SLOPE 3/4" PER FOOT d c - n A CONCRETE V- GUTTER _ 13 D 412 CURB & GUTTER PROVIDE FLEXIBLE JOINT CONCRETE WALK 0.08 FT. /FT. OR FLATTER 1 SECTION A -A 4" SCH40 AAF 1 5/8" - 2 3/8" 50 % -60% OF BASE 15/16" (TYP.) (TYP DOME 1 5/8" - 2 3/8" DIAMETER (2) 2" BRASSI GATE VALVES 2" PVC SCH80 TEE 000 00000000 000 00000000 00 000000000 0 00000000000 ' N C2.1 (TYP.) - REFER TO SPECS ;Ili�l -- - -.II. =i —I 0000000000or CRUSHED ROCK 7/8" - 1- 7/16" SHIPPING LOOSE I III 1 TWO 45° DOME SPACING GATE VALVE NOTES: TWO 45° BENDS 1" RADIUS (TYP) BASES SHALL BE 8" Q PROVIDE A PATH OF TRAVEL 4'0" WIDE BEHIND THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP. A RELATIVELY SUMP VARIES ar under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA RAMP. Q3 6" TO 8" IS THE REQUIRED OFFSET OF THE DETECTABLE WARNINGS/ TRUNCATED DOME 4" SANITARY D D A. FREY 4" SANITARY FORCE MAIN STANDARD PRECAST FORCE MAIN REFER TO PLANS Number 4" GRAVITY REQUIREMENTS AS FOR WATERMAIN. VALVE BOX COVERS SHALL BE MARKED FOR SEWER. 2" SS DISCHARGE COUPLING 22.1 CLEAN OUT WITH 2" LEAN GROUT, OR INV. = 998.60 (2) 2" PVC SCH80 ELBOWS SAND SUB -BASE POURED 8" SLAB (2) 2" PVC SCH80 BALL CHECK VALVES REINFORCED WITH 6" x 6" 10/10 MESH SQUARE FIBERGLASS (3) 2" 9 CONCRETE V- GUTTER 12 13 _ ANTI -FLOAT ( -201) CH80 DISCHARGE PIPE (2) 2" PVC SCH80 MALE ADAPTERS III VIII I C 2.1 2 STRUCTURE WITH SNOUT (2)2 "SS COUPLINGS I I 4 3' (2) 2" HOMA GRP10 BASES I� 12" I 1 I� I m ,ii�111,1�h�,1ltrill, I INV. = 995.60 �1 SANITARY SEWER LIFT BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT PLAN FINISH GRADE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC CLASS III RIPRAP N W SECTION B - B PLAN PLAN FINISH GRADE �N GEOTEXTILE FABRIC oL ; �'� -CLASS III RIPRAP I I— III —i I I- - III- III-III"O` Uu v �UO`J Opp II-1I1 -111- 0000 0 00 _ = III =111E1 I III I I III I I A I i I I I— III — III —ITI I El 5D F FABRIC SHOULD COVER THE AREA OF THE RIPRAP AND EXTEND UNDER THE CULVERT APRON 3' SECTION A - A 3 RIPRAP - FLARED END c2.1 SECTION STATION SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE CONE (24" RISER) WITHOUT STEPS. MAX. 1 ADJUSTMENT RING. 4" CAPPED FLANGE ---� V PLAN VIEW NEENAH R -1642 CASTING VALVE EXTENSION - FINISH GRADE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 10 C2.1 WALK FLUSH WITH TOP OF CURB AND PROVIDE TOOLED EDGE (WITH EXPANSION JOINT) 5" CONCRETE WALK 4" SAND BASE THICKENED TO BOTTOM OF CURB WHERE APPLICABLE TYPICAL AT ALL GRASS AREAS WALK WIDTH AS LABELED ON PLAN IIII 1 II�III�I �IIII�IIIII�IIII„IIII�IIII PREPARED SUBGRADE NOTE: PROVIDE WIRE MESH REINFORCEMENT IN PANELS WITH DIMENSIONS TO JOINTS GREATER THAN 6'- REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE UNIFORMLY SUSPENDED 2" BELOW CONCRETE FINISH GRADE. SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE CONE (24" 10 CONCRETE WALK RISER) WITHOUT STEPS. MAX. 1 ADJUSTMENT RING. C2.1 4" CAPPED FLANGE _ FACE OF CURB — III -I I 1:3 BATTER 3" RADIUS iII1 IlI1� 1 z" RADIUS s 12" SLOPE =' PER FOOT TOWARDS III III III 11 2 1 / X 11 710 6" 4 PAVEMENT ON HIGH SIDE OF LOT /DRIVE - SLOPE 4" PER FOOT TOWARDS BACK OF CURB a FACE ON LOW SIDE OF LOT /DRIVE. to 2" RADIUS M � N � o a y q 1 _ OO� AGGREGATE BASE TO BE '�✓�J� PLACED BY PAVING CONTRACTOR (4" MIN.) —12" NOTE: 1. DIRECTION OF TRANSVERSE GUTTER SLOPE TO MATCH DIRECTION OF ADJACENT PAVEMENT SLOPE. CONSTRUCT WITH CURBING MACHINE. 2. AT CURB INLET CATCH BASINS, ADJUST CASTING TO BE 1" BELOW GUTTER GRADE. SLOPE GUTTER V EACH SIDE OF CATCH BASIN. PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO CATCH BASINS. B -612 CURB AND GUTTER 14 2.1 D -412 CURB TERMINATOR 8 A� - -- DISTURBED MINIMUM 3--8" �� 3' -8" OUTER LIMITS OF t ----------- - - - - -- 2 CON CRETE CONCRETE WALK CONCRETE WALK / 4' -0" UNLESS Z \ HER WISE NOTED 2 10 \\ ON PLAN 1? C2.1 \ \\ fk �. �~ 5' -8 5'-8" m pp MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 4 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL 0o -_ BACK OF CURB DISTRICT #882 FRONT FACE J 0 0 0 0 0 - C o 160 0000UU 00 _OFCURB7 00000 O ©o - r n n n^ o — -- 302 WASHINGTON STREET ----- - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- MONTICELLO, MN 55362 3 6' -3" (6" CURB) 6' -3" (6" CURB) 4' -2" (4" CURB) 4' -2" (4" CURB) 4'-0" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED A ON PLAN PLAN VIEW OF PERPENDICULAR RAMP A 3' -8" 3' -8" DISTURBED MINIMUM _ OUTER LIMITS OF ----------------- _ /� E\ CONCRETE WALK / CONCRETE / 4' -0" UNLESS 0 WALK \ O ERWISE NOTED q 10 \ \\ ON PLAN `* 1 \ ti o 5'-8" 5-8" LO BACK O� F CURB 4 FRONTFACE 0000 OF CURB 00000 O 00000 - - -- — //' CO 4 23 i6 CURB) 4' -0" UNLESS3 g'.3" l6 CVRBI (4 " CURB) THERWISE NOTE 4, -2.. l4" CVR6i ON PLAN ANDERSON- JOHNSON A ASSOCIATES, PLAN VIEW OF DIAGONAL RAMP INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITEPLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING ROUND ALL SLOPED 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 INTERSECTIONS FAX(763)544 -0531 PH(763)544 -7129 - -0.08 FT. /FT. SLOPE OF FLARED SIDE w� 4' -0" - (6" CURB & 0.08 FT. /FT. SLOPE) (6" CURB & 0.08 FT. /FT. SLOPE) 4' -2" 4' -2" MLLE I ELEVATION OF RAMP rl l 11 I I -4" (4" I !- =111 Z ------- - 0.02 FT. /FT. MAX 20 CONCRETE WALK 0.08 FT. /FT. OR FLATTER 1 SECTION A -A 1 5/8" - 2 3/8" 50 % -60% OF BASE 15/16" (TYP.) (TYP DOME 1 5/8" - 2 3/8" DIAMETER 11= 000 00000000 000 00000000 00 000000000 0 00000000000 ' N II =HL I 15/16 (TYP.) 000000000000 ;Ili�l -- - -.II. =i —I 0000000000or CRUSHED ROCK 7/8" - 1- 7/16" I III 1 TWO 45° DOME SPACING GATE VALVE NOTES: TWO 45° BENDS WITH OX Q PROVIDE A PATH OF TRAVEL 4'0" WIDE BEHIND THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP. A RELATIVELY that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER BENDS under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA RAMP. Q3 6" TO 8" IS THE REQUIRED OFFSET OF THE DETECTABLE WARNINGS/ TRUNCATED DOME 4" SANITARY D D A. FREY 4" SANITARY FORCE MAIN SECTION VIEW FORCE MAIN NOTE: Number VALVES, VALVE BOXES AND VALVE EXTENSIONS SHALL MEET THE SAME REQUIREMENTS AS FOR WATERMAIN. VALVE BOX COVERS SHALL BE MARKED FOR SEWER. s SANITARY FORCE MAIN 22.1 CLEAN OUT 11 2 1 / X 11 710 6" 4 PAVEMENT ON HIGH SIDE OF LOT /DRIVE - SLOPE 4" PER FOOT TOWARDS BACK OF CURB a FACE ON LOW SIDE OF LOT /DRIVE. to 2" RADIUS M � N � o a y q 1 _ OO� AGGREGATE BASE TO BE '�✓�J� PLACED BY PAVING CONTRACTOR (4" MIN.) —12" NOTE: 1. DIRECTION OF TRANSVERSE GUTTER SLOPE TO MATCH DIRECTION OF ADJACENT PAVEMENT SLOPE. CONSTRUCT WITH CURBING MACHINE. 2. AT CURB INLET CATCH BASINS, ADJUST CASTING TO BE 1" BELOW GUTTER GRADE. SLOPE GUTTER V EACH SIDE OF CATCH BASIN. PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO CATCH BASINS. B -612 CURB AND GUTTER 14 2.1 D -412 CURB TERMINATOR 8 A� - -- DISTURBED MINIMUM 3--8" �� 3' -8" OUTER LIMITS OF t ----------- - - - - -- 2 CON CRETE CONCRETE WALK CONCRETE WALK / 4' -0" UNLESS Z \ HER WISE NOTED 2 10 \\ ON PLAN 1? C2.1 \ \\ fk �. �~ 5' -8 5'-8" m pp MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 4 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL 0o -_ BACK OF CURB DISTRICT #882 FRONT FACE J 0 0 0 0 0 - C o 160 0000UU 00 _OFCURB7 00000 O ©o - r n n n^ o — -- 302 WASHINGTON STREET ----- - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- MONTICELLO, MN 55362 3 6' -3" (6" CURB) 6' -3" (6" CURB) 4' -2" (4" CURB) 4' -2" (4" CURB) 4'-0" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED A ON PLAN PLAN VIEW OF PERPENDICULAR RAMP A 3' -8" 3' -8" DISTURBED MINIMUM _ OUTER LIMITS OF ----------------- _ /� E\ CONCRETE WALK / CONCRETE / 4' -0" UNLESS 0 WALK \ O ERWISE NOTED q 10 \ \\ ON PLAN `* 1 \ ti o 5'-8" 5-8" LO BACK O� F CURB 4 FRONTFACE 0000 OF CURB 00000 O 00000 - - -- — //' CO 4 23 i6 CURB) 4' -0" UNLESS3 g'.3" l6 CVRBI (4 " CURB) THERWISE NOTE 4, -2.. l4" CVR6i ON PLAN ANDERSON- JOHNSON A ASSOCIATES, PLAN VIEW OF DIAGONAL RAMP INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITEPLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING ROUND ALL SLOPED 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 INTERSECTIONS FAX(763)544 -0531 PH(763)544 -7129 - -0.08 FT. /FT. SLOPE OF FLARED SIDE w� 4' -0" - (6" CURB & 0.08 FT. /FT. SLOPE) (6" CURB & 0.08 FT. /FT. SLOPE) 4' -2" 4' -2" (4" CURB & 0.08 FT. /FT. SLOPE) (4" CURB & 0.08 FT. /FT. SLOPE) ELEVATION OF RAMP CURB OR, CURB 5' -4" (6" CURB) AND GUTTER 3' CURB) 4' -0" -4" (4" ------- - 0.02 FT. /FT. MAX 20 CONCRETE WALK 0.08 FT. /FT. OR FLATTER 1 SECTION A -A 1 5/8" - 2 3/8" 50 % -60% OF BASE 15/16" (TYP.) (TYP DOME 1 5/8" - 2 3/8" DIAMETER 000 00000000 000 00000000 00 000000000 0 00000000000 ' N 15/16 (TYP.) 000000000000 000000000000 0000000000or 7/8" - 1- 7/16" DOME SECTION 5/8" MIN. 5/8" MIN. DOME SPACING NOTES: 1Q 1/2 INCH PREFORMED JOINT FILLER MATERIAL, AASHTO M 213. 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and Q PROVIDE A PATH OF TRAVEL 4'0" WIDE BEHIND THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP. A RELATIVELY that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER FLAT 4' X 4' LANDING WILL ALLOW WHEELCHAIRS TO NAVIGATE AROUND THE PEDESTRIAN under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA RAMP. Q3 6" TO 8" IS THE REQUIRED OFFSET OF THE DETECTABLE WARNINGS/ TRUNCATED DOME AREA FROM THE FRONT FACE OF CURB, OR PLACE THE DETECTABLE WARNINGS AT THE D D A. FREY BACK OF CURB. Registration 40180 Date 08/04116 ® ADA REQUIRED TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL BE 2' 0" MIN. IN DIRECTION OF TRAVEL AND Number SHALL EXTEND THE FULL WIDTH (4' 0" TYP.) OF THE CURB RAMP. THIS 2' 0" BY 4' 0" WIDTH (TYP.) TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL CONTRAST VISUALLY WITH THE ADJACENT WALKING SURFACE. THE ENTIRE TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL BE A LIGHT COLOR (LIGHT GRAY, WHITE, OR YELLOW) WHEN THE ADJACENT SIDEWALK IS A DARK COLOR. THE ENTIRE TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL BE A DARK COLOR (RED, BLACK, DARK GRAY, OR BRIGHT YELLOW) WHEN THE ADJACENT SIDEWALK IS A "WHITE" OR LIGHT GRAY CEMENT COLOR. (3 ) DETAIL BASED ON MN /DOT STANDARD PLATE 7036F. 15 PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP COMM: 152244 CITY SUBMITTAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Date: 08/04/16 Drawn: LJO Check: DAR North DETAILS 12 "X14" CONCRETE CURB - REFER TO PLAN FOR LOCATION AND LIMITS TURF ELEV= 1008.0 A T NEW PAVEMENT OR GRASS a . a II I I 2 TURF CARPET WITH IN -FILL CHAIN LINK FENCE 2" TRAP ROCK (POROUS AGGREGATE) 1" RADIUS (TYP) EXCEPT FOR 6" GRANITE (POROUS AREA ABUTTING PAVEMENT AGGREGATE) WHERE IT SHALL BE 1/2" RAD. 1 "x12" "FLAT" DRAIN TILE NAILER BOARD SUSPENDED 2" IN FASTENED TO CURB F POROUS AGGREGATE II I I� P d 12" MN I� � �,i��_ •.;••• �• I_ II 1 I d I- I I II -II =Q I= - -- — -. DRAINAGE FABRIC FENCE POST FOOTING (END, PREPARED 24" DEPTH GRANULAR FILL - GATE AND PULL POSTS) SUBGRADE- REFER TO ALTERNATES B REFER TO SPEC'S 1 12" CURB & SYNTHETIC TURF C2.1 A C N E F PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINT 3 CONCRETE C2.1 VALLEY GUTTER 5" CONCRETE (WITH 2" RESILIENT SURFACE) • 11 I Illllil II � I -1 I I -1 I I -1 I I -1 I I I I I IL I I I I I I I I_I I_LM_I_ -- 48" SAND SUB -BASE COMPACTED SUB -GRADE 2 D- SECTION (HIGH JUMP) PAVEMENT 2.1 D- SECTION FINISH GRADE- \ ^ FINISH GRADE OF FIELD SAND SUB -BASE CONCRETE CURB 3 CONC. CURB BETWEEN FIELD 2.1 AND D- SECTION FINISH GRADE OF TURF ADJACENT TO SHOT PUT AREA CONCRETE CURB 1" ABOVE TURF ELEVATION 1" RADIUS (TYP.) CONCRETE CURB 5" DEPTH AGLIME FLUSH WITH CURB i :•° 11_� 11 II IIgI��I _� LLP :�L� II L `••, : �.. 1 I Ill,il —I II J1�1 III • 1= 11 HE 1111 NUM-11 ll=ll� = II�I�I, 6" LPREPARED SUBGRADE 1 PAVEMENT SECTION SHOTPUT LANDING PIT SECTION c2.1 REFER TO DETAIL • 3 • • 4 PROVIDE 1" (0.83 %) CROSS SLOPE 2" WIDE PAINTED LINES (TYP) 0 • m SWIVEL SNAP ° •� CONTROL JOINTS (L - a • co (TYP) N 1 F- / d% 4' -0" ARC AT INSIDE 0 A FACE OF CIRCLE I— . . • - O (� 4i„I ° FL'^U 2 •. • a) d •• d Z 2" WHITE PAINTED W U� W Z_c> �p CIRCLE MAIN NET W 0 a m .! • e d - _ PULLEY - 4 00 e ALUMINUM TOE • ' ° I BOARD HOISTIN 3 ROPE - J 5' -0" EDGE OF CONCRETE 10' -0" 8" CONCRETE SLAB WITH CLEAT BOLT / ST DP BOLT 3" #4 REBAR 12" O.C. BW TO WITHIN 3" OF SLAB EDGES. 1/64" ROUGHNESS BROOM FINISH 51 SHOT PUT PAD 2.1 PROVIDE 1" (0.83 %) CROSS SLOPE 2" WIDE PAINTED LINES • • . •d • • d • y d • • A •� O • • Z •• O e •• 3: N • •o OUP • • • • • A • • • S NM • ,, ,- • •8- 1 w (2.5 M) • 2 .. EQ . ° _ EQ 5" 5" 3„ 10.. 8" CONCRETE SLAB WITH J #4 REBAR 12" O.C. BW TO _ WITHIN 3" OF SLAB EDGES. 1/64" ROUGHNESS BROOM FINISH II: =11 =11 n =11 0 T .19'.8"- PLAN 5 INSTALLATION NOTCH GROUND SLEEVE 4" DIAMETER UPRIGHT `STOP BOLT NUT STOP BOLT INSTALLATION NOTCH RIVET NUT / , .. , EYEBOLT HOOK SNAP r, 28., • , • • 30" .• . - BARRIER NET A 14 EYEBOLT/ GROUND SLEEVE CONCRETE HOOK ANCHOR SNAP N UPRIGHT SIX (6) 14' HIGH CANTILEVERED STRUCTURAL ALUMINUM POSTS (4 "DIA) PLAN VIEW DISCUS CAGE PLAN C2.1 ?" WIDE WHITE PROVIDE WHITE PAINTED STRIPES AT 8',24', 1AINT STRIPE (TYP) 28', 32', 36', AND 40' FROM LANDING PIT (SAND) - VERIFY WITH SCHOOL A.D. PRIOR TO MARKING :URNISH AND INSTALL ALUMINUM VAULT BOX y %S SHOWN - SEE 6" WIDE 6" WIDE ;ECTION THIS DETAIL CONCRETE CURB CONCRETE CURB 1 25.0' LONG X 9.0' WIDE a CONCRETE STANTION PAD A 4 WASHED 30" X 60" X 18" DEEP TOP OF • A SAND FILL PAD SHALL BE LEVEL AND ALL (15" DEPTH) 46 PADS AT SAME ELEVATION C ° r , • INSTALL FOUR ANCHOR A G . BOLTS IN EACH CONCRETE r O PAD TO RECEIVE VAULT STANDARD BASE (BASE BY �6 "-� OWNER). VERIFY LOCATIONS WITH OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION 9 TOP OF VAULT BOX SHALL BE FLUSH WITH RESILIENT SURFACE C2.1 -VAULT BOX 3' -8" I - _._._.._._._._ ..... SECTION AT VAULT BOX POLE VAULT 10 2.1 6" DRAIN TILE - REFER TO 48" DEPTH UTILITY PLAN FOR LOCATION SAND SUBBASE LONG / TRIPLE JUMP PIT PAVEMENT LIMIT AS SHOWN ON PLAN PROVIDE 2% CROSS SLOPE (TYP) REFER TO GRADING PLAN FOR 2„ DIRECTION VARIES 2" BITUMINOUS WI I WEAR COURSE D 70 6" AGGREGATE �1! 1 BASE COURSE ��� POORLY GRADED —1�-III II II_ 1 _I I I_I I I I I I - - - ------ SAND SUBGRADE LIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT T 1 6 1.5" BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE TACK COAT 1.5" BITUMINOUS BINDER COURSE \�_8" AGGREGATE BASE COURSE 12" SUBGRADE PREPARATION MEDIUM DUTY PAVEMENT NOTE: REFER TO SHEET C3.11 FOR LO OF SOLID LID OR TURF - COVERED LID. 14" HIGH FLEXIBLE GASKET SEALS (FACTORY PRE - INSTALED - BOTH INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PERIMETERS) 0 7 CATION OF COMM BOXES AND DESIGNATION FACTORY PROVIDED a" DIA. PERFORATED DRAIN HOLES LOCKABLE CIRCULAR HAND HOLE COVERS SYNTHETIC INFILL TURF ATTACHMENT LEDGE O 0 ? -61 1" PVC DRAIN STUB FOR POSITIVE CONNECTION TO SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE SYSTEM SYNTHETIC INFILL TURF STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE NAILER BOARD ® r°° imp= W� =� =�� 1II1 131 TRACK STADIUM FIELD 2.1 FINISH GRADE SAND /PEAT PRESCRIBED TOPSOIL CROWN PEA ROCK INTO SAND DRAINAGE BED IRRIGATION LINE SAND DRAINAGE BED 6" DIA. DRAIN TILE - REFER TO PLAN FOR LOCATION, INVERT ELEVATIONS, AND PIPE SIZES M. 1 FINISH GRADE u • d c 4 3/4" GALVANIZED in STEEL PIPE d• NOTE: INSTALL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF POROUS AGGREGATE TO AVOID CONTAMINATION OF POROUS • • AGGREGATE AND SAND SUBBASE �I I` • .- 6" 14 TRACK RADIUS POINTS 2.1 "Al & "A2" FINISH GRADE OF FIELD ifl 15 2.1 3/4" DIA. REBAR � —I 11=1 I I I —III =1 -LI1. =111 II 111=- - III —III— INSTALL AT CORNERS OF ALL FIELDS AND r I AT OUTFIELD FOUL LINES OF SOFTBALL FIELDS -- 1 PINS SHALL BE INSTALLED BY A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR FIELD MARKING PINS MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON _ ASSOCIATES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LANDSGAPE ARGHITEGT under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA JAY R. POMEROY Registration 23543 Date 08/04/16 Number Revisions Description Date Num =ER TO PLAN Z CONTINUATION DVIDE CAP FOR D OF CURB STOP ttl NCR ETE PATIO BLOCK COMM: 152244 4" CONCRETE BLOCK nntP.' nAln4 11A PIPE FROM MAIN TO - - - CURB STOP Drawn: LJD Check: JRP North NOTE: V OF SLACK TO ALLOW FOR SETTLEMENT. HORIZONTAL OFFSET MAY HAVE TO BE USED IN SOME CASES TO INSURE A MINIMUM OF 7 -6" OF DETAILS COVER OVER SERVICE LINE. 16 CURB BOX AND WATER SERVICE CONNECTION II I I� P d 12" MN I� � �,i��_ •.;••• �• I_ II 1 I d I- I I II -II =Q I= - -- — -. DRAINAGE FABRIC FENCE POST FOOTING (END, PREPARED 24" DEPTH GRANULAR FILL - GATE AND PULL POSTS) SUBGRADE- REFER TO ALTERNATES B REFER TO SPEC'S 1 12" CURB & SYNTHETIC TURF C2.1 A C N E F PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINT 3 CONCRETE C2.1 VALLEY GUTTER 5" CONCRETE (WITH 2" RESILIENT SURFACE) • 11 I Illllil II � I -1 I I -1 I I -1 I I -1 I I I I I IL I I I I I I I I_I I_LM_I_ -- 48" SAND SUB -BASE COMPACTED SUB -GRADE 2 D- SECTION (HIGH JUMP) PAVEMENT 2.1 D- SECTION FINISH GRADE- \ ^ FINISH GRADE OF FIELD SAND SUB -BASE CONCRETE CURB 3 CONC. CURB BETWEEN FIELD 2.1 AND D- SECTION FINISH GRADE OF TURF ADJACENT TO SHOT PUT AREA CONCRETE CURB 1" ABOVE TURF ELEVATION 1" RADIUS (TYP.) CONCRETE CURB 5" DEPTH AGLIME FLUSH WITH CURB i :•° 11_� 11 II IIgI��I _� LLP :�L� II L `••, : �.. 1 I Ill,il —I II J1�1 III • 1= 11 HE 1111 NUM-11 ll=ll� = II�I�I, 6" LPREPARED SUBGRADE 1 PAVEMENT SECTION SHOTPUT LANDING PIT SECTION c2.1 REFER TO DETAIL • 3 • • 4 PROVIDE 1" (0.83 %) CROSS SLOPE 2" WIDE PAINTED LINES (TYP) 0 • m SWIVEL SNAP ° •� CONTROL JOINTS (L - a • co (TYP) N 1 F- / d% 4' -0" ARC AT INSIDE 0 A FACE OF CIRCLE I— . . • - O (� 4i„I ° FL'^U 2 •. • a) d •• d Z 2" WHITE PAINTED W U� W Z_c> �p CIRCLE MAIN NET W 0 a m .! • e d - _ PULLEY - 4 00 e ALUMINUM TOE • ' ° I BOARD HOISTIN 3 ROPE - J 5' -0" EDGE OF CONCRETE 10' -0" 8" CONCRETE SLAB WITH CLEAT BOLT / ST DP BOLT 3" #4 REBAR 12" O.C. BW TO WITHIN 3" OF SLAB EDGES. 1/64" ROUGHNESS BROOM FINISH 51 SHOT PUT PAD 2.1 PROVIDE 1" (0.83 %) CROSS SLOPE 2" WIDE PAINTED LINES • • . •d • • d • y d • • A •� O • • Z •• O e •• 3: N • •o OUP • • • • • A • • • S NM • ,, ,- • •8- 1 w (2.5 M) • 2 .. EQ . ° _ EQ 5" 5" 3„ 10.. 8" CONCRETE SLAB WITH J #4 REBAR 12" O.C. BW TO _ WITHIN 3" OF SLAB EDGES. 1/64" ROUGHNESS BROOM FINISH II: =11 =11 n =11 0 T .19'.8"- PLAN 5 INSTALLATION NOTCH GROUND SLEEVE 4" DIAMETER UPRIGHT `STOP BOLT NUT STOP BOLT INSTALLATION NOTCH RIVET NUT / , .. , EYEBOLT HOOK SNAP r, 28., • , • • 30" .• . - BARRIER NET A 14 EYEBOLT/ GROUND SLEEVE CONCRETE HOOK ANCHOR SNAP N UPRIGHT SIX (6) 14' HIGH CANTILEVERED STRUCTURAL ALUMINUM POSTS (4 "DIA) PLAN VIEW DISCUS CAGE PLAN C2.1 ?" WIDE WHITE PROVIDE WHITE PAINTED STRIPES AT 8',24', 1AINT STRIPE (TYP) 28', 32', 36', AND 40' FROM LANDING PIT (SAND) - VERIFY WITH SCHOOL A.D. PRIOR TO MARKING :URNISH AND INSTALL ALUMINUM VAULT BOX y %S SHOWN - SEE 6" WIDE 6" WIDE ;ECTION THIS DETAIL CONCRETE CURB CONCRETE CURB 1 25.0' LONG X 9.0' WIDE a CONCRETE STANTION PAD A 4 WASHED 30" X 60" X 18" DEEP TOP OF • A SAND FILL PAD SHALL BE LEVEL AND ALL (15" DEPTH) 46 PADS AT SAME ELEVATION C ° r , • INSTALL FOUR ANCHOR A G . BOLTS IN EACH CONCRETE r O PAD TO RECEIVE VAULT STANDARD BASE (BASE BY �6 "-� OWNER). VERIFY LOCATIONS WITH OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION 9 TOP OF VAULT BOX SHALL BE FLUSH WITH RESILIENT SURFACE C2.1 -VAULT BOX 3' -8" I - _._._.._._._._ ..... SECTION AT VAULT BOX POLE VAULT 10 2.1 6" DRAIN TILE - REFER TO 48" DEPTH UTILITY PLAN FOR LOCATION SAND SUBBASE LONG / TRIPLE JUMP PIT PAVEMENT LIMIT AS SHOWN ON PLAN PROVIDE 2% CROSS SLOPE (TYP) REFER TO GRADING PLAN FOR 2„ DIRECTION VARIES 2" BITUMINOUS WI I WEAR COURSE D 70 6" AGGREGATE �1! 1 BASE COURSE ��� POORLY GRADED —1�-III II II_ 1 _I I I_I I I I I I - - - ------ SAND SUBGRADE LIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT T 1 6 1.5" BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE TACK COAT 1.5" BITUMINOUS BINDER COURSE \�_8" AGGREGATE BASE COURSE 12" SUBGRADE PREPARATION MEDIUM DUTY PAVEMENT NOTE: REFER TO SHEET C3.11 FOR LO OF SOLID LID OR TURF - COVERED LID. 14" HIGH FLEXIBLE GASKET SEALS (FACTORY PRE - INSTALED - BOTH INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PERIMETERS) 0 7 CATION OF COMM BOXES AND DESIGNATION FACTORY PROVIDED a" DIA. PERFORATED DRAIN HOLES LOCKABLE CIRCULAR HAND HOLE COVERS SYNTHETIC INFILL TURF ATTACHMENT LEDGE O 0 ? -61 1" PVC DRAIN STUB FOR POSITIVE CONNECTION TO SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE SYSTEM SYNTHETIC INFILL TURF STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE NAILER BOARD ® r°° imp= W� =� =�� 1II1 131 TRACK STADIUM FIELD 2.1 FINISH GRADE SAND /PEAT PRESCRIBED TOPSOIL CROWN PEA ROCK INTO SAND DRAINAGE BED IRRIGATION LINE SAND DRAINAGE BED 6" DIA. DRAIN TILE - REFER TO PLAN FOR LOCATION, INVERT ELEVATIONS, AND PIPE SIZES M. 1 FINISH GRADE u • d c 4 3/4" GALVANIZED in STEEL PIPE d• NOTE: INSTALL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF POROUS AGGREGATE TO AVOID CONTAMINATION OF POROUS • • AGGREGATE AND SAND SUBBASE �I I` • .- 6" 14 TRACK RADIUS POINTS 2.1 "Al & "A2" FINISH GRADE OF FIELD ifl 15 2.1 3/4" DIA. REBAR � —I 11=1 I I I —III =1 -LI1. =111 II 111=- - III —III— INSTALL AT CORNERS OF ALL FIELDS AND r I AT OUTFIELD FOUL LINES OF SOFTBALL FIELDS -- 1 PINS SHALL BE INSTALLED BY A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR FIELD MARKING PINS MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON _ ASSOCIATES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LANDSGAPE ARGHITEGT under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA JAY R. POMEROY Registration 23543 Date 08/04/16 Number Revisions Description Date Num =ER TO PLAN Z CONTINUATION DVIDE CAP FOR D OF CURB STOP ttl NCR ETE PATIO BLOCK COMM: 152244 4" CONCRETE BLOCK nntP.' nAln4 11A PIPE FROM MAIN TO - - - CURB STOP Drawn: LJD Check: JRP North NOTE: V OF SLACK TO ALLOW FOR SETTLEMENT. HORIZONTAL OFFSET MAY HAVE TO BE USED IN SOME CASES TO INSURE A MINIMUM OF 7 -6" OF DETAILS COVER OVER SERVICE LINE. 16 CURB BOX AND WATER SERVICE CONNECTION 51 SHOT PUT PAD 2.1 PROVIDE 1" (0.83 %) CROSS SLOPE 2" WIDE PAINTED LINES • • . •d • • d • y d • • A •� O • • Z •• O e •• 3: N • •o OUP • • • • • A • • • S NM • ,, ,- • •8- 1 w (2.5 M) • 2 .. EQ . ° _ EQ 5" 5" 3„ 10.. 8" CONCRETE SLAB WITH J #4 REBAR 12" O.C. BW TO _ WITHIN 3" OF SLAB EDGES. 1/64" ROUGHNESS BROOM FINISH II: =11 =11 n =11 0 T .19'.8"- PLAN 5 INSTALLATION NOTCH GROUND SLEEVE 4" DIAMETER UPRIGHT `STOP BOLT NUT STOP BOLT INSTALLATION NOTCH RIVET NUT / , .. , EYEBOLT HOOK SNAP r, 28., • , • • 30" .• . - BARRIER NET A 14 EYEBOLT/ GROUND SLEEVE CONCRETE HOOK ANCHOR SNAP N UPRIGHT SIX (6) 14' HIGH CANTILEVERED STRUCTURAL ALUMINUM POSTS (4 "DIA) PLAN VIEW DISCUS CAGE PLAN C2.1 ?" WIDE WHITE PROVIDE WHITE PAINTED STRIPES AT 8',24', 1AINT STRIPE (TYP) 28', 32', 36', AND 40' FROM LANDING PIT (SAND) - VERIFY WITH SCHOOL A.D. PRIOR TO MARKING :URNISH AND INSTALL ALUMINUM VAULT BOX y %S SHOWN - SEE 6" WIDE 6" WIDE ;ECTION THIS DETAIL CONCRETE CURB CONCRETE CURB 1 25.0' LONG X 9.0' WIDE a CONCRETE STANTION PAD A 4 WASHED 30" X 60" X 18" DEEP TOP OF • A SAND FILL PAD SHALL BE LEVEL AND ALL (15" DEPTH) 46 PADS AT SAME ELEVATION C ° r , • INSTALL FOUR ANCHOR A G . BOLTS IN EACH CONCRETE r O PAD TO RECEIVE VAULT STANDARD BASE (BASE BY �6 "-� OWNER). VERIFY LOCATIONS WITH OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION 9 TOP OF VAULT BOX SHALL BE FLUSH WITH RESILIENT SURFACE C2.1 -VAULT BOX 3' -8" I - _._._.._._._._ ..... SECTION AT VAULT BOX POLE VAULT 10 2.1 6" DRAIN TILE - REFER TO 48" DEPTH UTILITY PLAN FOR LOCATION SAND SUBBASE LONG / TRIPLE JUMP PIT PAVEMENT LIMIT AS SHOWN ON PLAN PROVIDE 2% CROSS SLOPE (TYP) REFER TO GRADING PLAN FOR 2„ DIRECTION VARIES 2" BITUMINOUS WI I WEAR COURSE D 70 6" AGGREGATE �1! 1 BASE COURSE ��� POORLY GRADED —1�-III II II_ 1 _I I I_I I I I I I - - - ------ SAND SUBGRADE LIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT T 1 6 1.5" BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE TACK COAT 1.5" BITUMINOUS BINDER COURSE \�_8" AGGREGATE BASE COURSE 12" SUBGRADE PREPARATION MEDIUM DUTY PAVEMENT NOTE: REFER TO SHEET C3.11 FOR LO OF SOLID LID OR TURF - COVERED LID. 14" HIGH FLEXIBLE GASKET SEALS (FACTORY PRE - INSTALED - BOTH INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PERIMETERS) 0 7 CATION OF COMM BOXES AND DESIGNATION FACTORY PROVIDED a" DIA. PERFORATED DRAIN HOLES LOCKABLE CIRCULAR HAND HOLE COVERS SYNTHETIC INFILL TURF ATTACHMENT LEDGE O 0 ? -61 1" PVC DRAIN STUB FOR POSITIVE CONNECTION TO SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE SYSTEM SYNTHETIC INFILL TURF STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE NAILER BOARD ® r°° imp= W� =� =�� 1II1 131 TRACK STADIUM FIELD 2.1 FINISH GRADE SAND /PEAT PRESCRIBED TOPSOIL CROWN PEA ROCK INTO SAND DRAINAGE BED IRRIGATION LINE SAND DRAINAGE BED 6" DIA. DRAIN TILE - REFER TO PLAN FOR LOCATION, INVERT ELEVATIONS, AND PIPE SIZES M. 1 FINISH GRADE u • d c 4 3/4" GALVANIZED in STEEL PIPE d• NOTE: INSTALL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF POROUS AGGREGATE TO AVOID CONTAMINATION OF POROUS • • AGGREGATE AND SAND SUBBASE �I I` • .- 6" 14 TRACK RADIUS POINTS 2.1 "Al & "A2" FINISH GRADE OF FIELD ifl 15 2.1 3/4" DIA. REBAR � —I 11=1 I I I —III =1 -LI1. =111 II 111=- - III —III— INSTALL AT CORNERS OF ALL FIELDS AND r I AT OUTFIELD FOUL LINES OF SOFTBALL FIELDS -- 1 PINS SHALL BE INSTALLED BY A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR FIELD MARKING PINS MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON _ ASSOCIATES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LANDSGAPE ARGHITEGT under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA JAY R. POMEROY Registration 23543 Date 08/04/16 Number Revisions Description Date Num =ER TO PLAN Z CONTINUATION DVIDE CAP FOR D OF CURB STOP ttl NCR ETE PATIO BLOCK COMM: 152244 4" CONCRETE BLOCK nntP.' nAln4 11A PIPE FROM MAIN TO - - - CURB STOP Drawn: LJD Check: JRP North NOTE: V OF SLACK TO ALLOW FOR SETTLEMENT. HORIZONTAL OFFSET MAY HAVE TO BE USED IN SOME CASES TO INSURE A MINIMUM OF 7 -6" OF DETAILS COVER OVER SERVICE LINE. 16 CURB BOX AND WATER SERVICE CONNECTION II: =11 =11 n =11 0 T .19'.8"- PLAN 5 INSTALLATION NOTCH GROUND SLEEVE 4" DIAMETER UPRIGHT `STOP BOLT NUT STOP BOLT INSTALLATION NOTCH RIVET NUT / , .. , EYEBOLT HOOK SNAP r, 28., • , • • 30" .• . - BARRIER NET A 14 EYEBOLT/ GROUND SLEEVE CONCRETE HOOK ANCHOR SNAP N UPRIGHT SIX (6) 14' HIGH CANTILEVERED STRUCTURAL ALUMINUM POSTS (4 "DIA) PLAN VIEW DISCUS CAGE PLAN C2.1 ?" WIDE WHITE PROVIDE WHITE PAINTED STRIPES AT 8',24', 1AINT STRIPE (TYP) 28', 32', 36', AND 40' FROM LANDING PIT (SAND) - VERIFY WITH SCHOOL A.D. PRIOR TO MARKING :URNISH AND INSTALL ALUMINUM VAULT BOX y %S SHOWN - SEE 6" WIDE 6" WIDE ;ECTION THIS DETAIL CONCRETE CURB CONCRETE CURB 1 25.0' LONG X 9.0' WIDE a CONCRETE STANTION PAD A 4 WASHED 30" X 60" X 18" DEEP TOP OF • A SAND FILL PAD SHALL BE LEVEL AND ALL (15" DEPTH) 46 PADS AT SAME ELEVATION C ° r , • INSTALL FOUR ANCHOR A G . BOLTS IN EACH CONCRETE r O PAD TO RECEIVE VAULT STANDARD BASE (BASE BY �6 "-� OWNER). VERIFY LOCATIONS WITH OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION 9 TOP OF VAULT BOX SHALL BE FLUSH WITH RESILIENT SURFACE C2.1 -VAULT BOX 3' -8" I - _._._.._._._._ ..... SECTION AT VAULT BOX POLE VAULT 10 2.1 6" DRAIN TILE - REFER TO 48" DEPTH UTILITY PLAN FOR LOCATION SAND SUBBASE LONG / TRIPLE JUMP PIT PAVEMENT LIMIT AS SHOWN ON PLAN PROVIDE 2% CROSS SLOPE (TYP) REFER TO GRADING PLAN FOR 2„ DIRECTION VARIES 2" BITUMINOUS WI I WEAR COURSE D 70 6" AGGREGATE �1! 1 BASE COURSE ��� POORLY GRADED —1�-III II II_ 1 _I I I_I I I I I I - - - ------ SAND SUBGRADE LIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT T 1 6 1.5" BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE TACK COAT 1.5" BITUMINOUS BINDER COURSE \�_8" AGGREGATE BASE COURSE 12" SUBGRADE PREPARATION MEDIUM DUTY PAVEMENT NOTE: REFER TO SHEET C3.11 FOR LO OF SOLID LID OR TURF - COVERED LID. 14" HIGH FLEXIBLE GASKET SEALS (FACTORY PRE - INSTALED - BOTH INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PERIMETERS) 0 7 CATION OF COMM BOXES AND DESIGNATION FACTORY PROVIDED a" DIA. PERFORATED DRAIN HOLES LOCKABLE CIRCULAR HAND HOLE COVERS SYNTHETIC INFILL TURF ATTACHMENT LEDGE O 0 ? -61 1" PVC DRAIN STUB FOR POSITIVE CONNECTION TO SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE SYSTEM SYNTHETIC INFILL TURF STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE NAILER BOARD ® r°° imp= W� =� =�� 1II1 131 TRACK STADIUM FIELD 2.1 FINISH GRADE SAND /PEAT PRESCRIBED TOPSOIL CROWN PEA ROCK INTO SAND DRAINAGE BED IRRIGATION LINE SAND DRAINAGE BED 6" DIA. DRAIN TILE - REFER TO PLAN FOR LOCATION, INVERT ELEVATIONS, AND PIPE SIZES M. 1 FINISH GRADE u • d c 4 3/4" GALVANIZED in STEEL PIPE d• NOTE: INSTALL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF POROUS AGGREGATE TO AVOID CONTAMINATION OF POROUS • • AGGREGATE AND SAND SUBBASE �I I` • .- 6" 14 TRACK RADIUS POINTS 2.1 "Al & "A2" FINISH GRADE OF FIELD ifl 15 2.1 3/4" DIA. REBAR � —I 11=1 I I I —III =1 -LI1. =111 II 111=- - III —III— INSTALL AT CORNERS OF ALL FIELDS AND r I AT OUTFIELD FOUL LINES OF SOFTBALL FIELDS -- 1 PINS SHALL BE INSTALLED BY A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR FIELD MARKING PINS MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON _ ASSOCIATES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LANDSGAPE ARGHITEGT under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA JAY R. POMEROY Registration 23543 Date 08/04/16 Number Revisions Description Date Num =ER TO PLAN Z CONTINUATION DVIDE CAP FOR D OF CURB STOP ttl NCR ETE PATIO BLOCK COMM: 152244 4" CONCRETE BLOCK nntP.' nAln4 11A PIPE FROM MAIN TO - - - CURB STOP Drawn: LJD Check: JRP North NOTE: V OF SLACK TO ALLOW FOR SETTLEMENT. HORIZONTAL OFFSET MAY HAVE TO BE USED IN SOME CASES TO INSURE A MINIMUM OF 7 -6" OF DETAILS COVER OVER SERVICE LINE. 16 CURB BOX AND WATER SERVICE CONNECTION OWNER). VERIFY LOCATIONS WITH OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION 9 TOP OF VAULT BOX SHALL BE FLUSH WITH RESILIENT SURFACE C2.1 -VAULT BOX 3' -8" I - _._._.._._._._ ..... SECTION AT VAULT BOX POLE VAULT 10 2.1 6" DRAIN TILE - REFER TO 48" DEPTH UTILITY PLAN FOR LOCATION SAND SUBBASE LONG / TRIPLE JUMP PIT PAVEMENT LIMIT AS SHOWN ON PLAN PROVIDE 2% CROSS SLOPE (TYP) REFER TO GRADING PLAN FOR 2„ DIRECTION VARIES 2" BITUMINOUS WI I WEAR COURSE D 70 6" AGGREGATE �1! 1 BASE COURSE ��� POORLY GRADED —1�-III II II_ 1 _I I I_I I I I I I - - - ------ SAND SUBGRADE LIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT T 1 6 1.5" BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE TACK COAT 1.5" BITUMINOUS BINDER COURSE \�_8" AGGREGATE BASE COURSE 12" SUBGRADE PREPARATION MEDIUM DUTY PAVEMENT NOTE: REFER TO SHEET C3.11 FOR LO OF SOLID LID OR TURF - COVERED LID. 14" HIGH FLEXIBLE GASKET SEALS (FACTORY PRE - INSTALED - BOTH INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PERIMETERS) 0 7 CATION OF COMM BOXES AND DESIGNATION FACTORY PROVIDED a" DIA. PERFORATED DRAIN HOLES LOCKABLE CIRCULAR HAND HOLE COVERS SYNTHETIC INFILL TURF ATTACHMENT LEDGE O 0 ? -61 1" PVC DRAIN STUB FOR POSITIVE CONNECTION TO SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE SYSTEM SYNTHETIC INFILL TURF STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE NAILER BOARD ® r°° imp= W� =� =�� 1II1 131 TRACK STADIUM FIELD 2.1 FINISH GRADE SAND /PEAT PRESCRIBED TOPSOIL CROWN PEA ROCK INTO SAND DRAINAGE BED IRRIGATION LINE SAND DRAINAGE BED 6" DIA. DRAIN TILE - REFER TO PLAN FOR LOCATION, INVERT ELEVATIONS, AND PIPE SIZES M. 1 FINISH GRADE u • d c 4 3/4" GALVANIZED in STEEL PIPE d• NOTE: INSTALL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF POROUS AGGREGATE TO AVOID CONTAMINATION OF POROUS • • AGGREGATE AND SAND SUBBASE �I I` • .- 6" 14 TRACK RADIUS POINTS 2.1 "Al & "A2" FINISH GRADE OF FIELD ifl 15 2.1 3/4" DIA. REBAR � —I 11=1 I I I —III =1 -LI1. =111 II 111=- - III —III— INSTALL AT CORNERS OF ALL FIELDS AND r I AT OUTFIELD FOUL LINES OF SOFTBALL FIELDS -- 1 PINS SHALL BE INSTALLED BY A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR FIELD MARKING PINS MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON _ ASSOCIATES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LANDSGAPE ARGHITEGT under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA JAY R. POMEROY Registration 23543 Date 08/04/16 Number Revisions Description Date Num =ER TO PLAN Z CONTINUATION DVIDE CAP FOR D OF CURB STOP ttl NCR ETE PATIO BLOCK COMM: 152244 4" CONCRETE BLOCK nntP.' nAln4 11A PIPE FROM MAIN TO - - - CURB STOP Drawn: LJD Check: JRP North NOTE: V OF SLACK TO ALLOW FOR SETTLEMENT. HORIZONTAL OFFSET MAY HAVE TO BE USED IN SOME CASES TO INSURE A MINIMUM OF 7 -6" OF DETAILS COVER OVER SERVICE LINE. 16 CURB BOX AND WATER SERVICE CONNECTION MN A A B C C E 18" 1 2 1 5/8" O.D. TOP RAIL CHAIN LINK FENCE x C7 x w M O - 1 5/8" O.D. BOTTOM RAIL 1" ABOVE FINISH GRADE FINISH GRADE 7 8 11 C2.12 2.1 C2.1 CONCRETE FOOTING 12" x 48" FOR END, CORNER, GATE, AND PULL POSTS NOTES: 11. END, CORNER, GATE, AND PULL POSTS _ SHALL BE 3" O.D. LINE POSTS SHALL BE III IIII ° —i I 2 1/2" O.D. _ _ —I I I —I 2. ALL FENCING SHALL RECEIVE 2" x 2" #9 —III — _III —III_ GAUGE FABRIC UNLESS NOTED — III I I I— III —I OTHERWISE. I III — III —III 3. LINE POSTS MAY BE AIR DRIVEN. 4. POST SPACING SHALL NOT EXCEED 10' II M I I ` III —III —I 5. BOTTOM RAIL SHALL BE PLACED NO —III a — III —III MORE THAN 2" ABOVE FINISH GRADE. IIIIIIII °III —III —I III — III < III —III —I .III.._I 1 CHAIN LINK FENCE X2.1 NOTE: PROVIDE ADEQUATE SPACE BETWEEN GATE POST AND GATE SUCH THAT GATE IS IN LINE WITH FENCING WHEN FULLY CLOSED AND LATCHED. LIFT HANDLE LATCH GATE LATCH CLAMP SECURED TO GATE POST LIFT HANDLE RECEIVER PROVIDE HOLE THROUGH LIFT HANDLE AND RECEIVER TO ACCOMMODATE PAD LOCK LIFT HANDLE (PAD LOCK BY OWNER) RECEIVER CLAMP SECURED TO GATE POST 2 SINGLE SWING GATE LATCH C2.1 NOTE: PROVIDE ADEQUATE SPACE BETWEEN GATE POST AND GATE SUCH THAT GATE IS IN LINE WITH FENCING WHEN FULLY CLOSED AND LATCHED. LATCH RECEIVER LATCH ARM (ONE ON (ONE EACH SIDE EACH SIDE OF GATE) OF LATCH) 1 1/2" LONG HANDLE OF LATCH) ATCH HINGE (ONE ON H) /— SECURE LATCH TO GATE SECURE LATCH PROVIDE MECHANISM TO ALLOW RECEIVER TO GATE TO BE SECURED WITH GATE PAD LOCK 3 DOUBLE SWING GATE LATCH !.1 CONCESSION/ `\ TICKET/ RESTROOM BUILDING - REFER TO PLAN NORTH ENTRANCE FENCE ;ATE STOP CONCESSION/ TICKET/ RESTROOM 1 1/2" DIA. GATE STOP / BUILDING - F REFER TO PLAN CHAIN LINK FENCE O 1 10' \ SOUTH ENTRANCE NOTE: ° 1. PROVIDE SINGLE SWING GATE LOCKING DEVICE ON 3' AND 4' GATES -REFER TO DETAIL 2/C7.13 2. PROVIDE DOUBLE SWING GATE LOCKING DEVICE ON 12' GATE -REFER TO DETAIL 3/C7.13 �o ENTRANCE GATES • 3 RED NYLON STREAMER 4" 0 X.125" WALL ALUMINUM UPRIGHTS—\ 5- 9/16" 0 250" ALUMINUM CROSS BAR 5- 9/16" O.D..1875" WALL GALVANIZED STEEL OFFSET CENTER POST R5' -0" 8' -0" OFFSET • 4 SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW CL 8' -0" TO END ZONE LINE (PLAY FIELD SIDE) FOUNDATION PLATE SHALL BE SQUARE TO FIELD LINES FOUNDATION BOX 0 ATTACH TURF TO ANGLES —I I SURROUNDS (TYP.) — STEEL OFFSET CENTER POST • . ° _ ® 4" WIDE END —I °.• a I I ZONE LINE —� • • III I Z a 2:p,, ANCHOR BOLTS REBAR AS REQUIRED BY III _ MANUFACTURER —I I •• • y° . • • • I I —I � _ •• ' ° • , ° — tO PREDRILLED 4000 PSI HOLES FOR CONCRETE _I I I I —I SECURING BOX to TO CONCRETE FOUNDATION CRUSHED STONE I I III — III —III III —I BASE ALL STAINLESS HARDWARE 42" MIN. REINFORCED CORNER BRACKETS (TYP.) FOOTING SECTION FOUNDATION BOX ISOMETRIC VIEW NOTE: CONSULT MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS FOR PLACEMENT OF BOLTS, REBAR, AND FOUNDATION PLATE TO ALLOW GOAL TO BE AT PROPER ELEVATION, DISTANCE FROM END ZONE LINE, AND SQUARE TO FIELD. FOOTBALL GOAL POST @ SYNTHETIC TURF FIELD 12" POST TOP SIGN: WHITE LEGEND AND N BORDER ON BLUE BACKGROUND FULLY REFLECTORIZED 00 7 0 METAL SIGN ACCORDING TO MN STATE STATUTE 169.346 0 PROVIDE "VAN- ACCESSIBLE" 0 LABELING (MNMUTCD R7 -8b) z PROVIDE AT ONE STALL (n o LL O 2 o O 3 1/2" FLANGED CHANNEL SIGN POST PER Mn /DOT 3401 NOTE: SIGN SHALL BE PLACED NOT MORE THAN 96" FROM FACE OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT AT THE ACCESSIBLE STALL. 1 ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN AND POST 5 • g 21 24' -4" _ Ground Sleeve Centerlines GROUND SLEEVE INSTALLATION OPTIONS GROUND LEVEL 11 A J ®: • m o 0 co w d • 24" COMBINATION GOAL POST N w l}i O _ U J W > U o OJ CV POST TOP EMERGENCY AND MAINTENANCE VEHICLES ONLY O O O O 3 1/2" FLANGED CHANNEL ° SIGN POST TRAFFIC SIGN 9 2.1 -2.5 X BALL DIA. MINI CONIFEROUS SET TREE AT FINISH GRADE SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH (4" MIN. DEPTH) PLANTING SOIL (MIN. DIMENSION SHOWN) SOIL SAUCER: USED PREPARED SOIL (4" MIN.) ROPES AT TOP OF BALL SHALL BE CUT. REMOVE TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP. NON - BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE TOTALLY REMOVED. PREPARED SUBSOIL TO FORM PEDESTAL TO PREVENT SETTLING TREE ONLY PRUNE CROSSOVER ASSOCIATES, m0 INC. DEAD BRANCHES. REMOVE O TAGS AND LABELS. 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD H FAX (763) 544 -0531 SHALL BE SET PLANTED WITH THE o FINISH GRADE. TREES WITH THE FIRST MAIN LATERAL ROOT NOT 0 VISIBLE WILL BE REJECTED. CO o (4" MIN DEPTH). LEAVE AN 8 INCH 0 I I I I I o I I I I — o — — 0 — — 0 — io 0 TWINE AT TOP OF BALL SHALL BE =— CUT AND REMOVED. REMOVE TOP _ 1/2 OF BURLAP. CUT VERTICAL SLITS 1� EVERY 6 INCHES INTO REMAINING L_ BURLAP. REMOVE AT A MINIMUM I I —IIII 1 1 -1 0 i0 1 1 1 —I 1 1I I I— —= II— III —III-1 I I= - -" — III —III — NON- BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL 1............. 1III 1111111111111111111111111I1111 NOTE: SIGN SHALL BE PLACED NOT MORE THAN 96" FROM FACE OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT AT THE ACCESSIBLE STALL. 1 ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN AND POST 5 • g 21 24' -4" _ Ground Sleeve Centerlines GROUND SLEEVE INSTALLATION OPTIONS GROUND LEVEL 11 A J ®: • m o 0 co w d • 24" COMBINATION GOAL POST N w l}i O _ U J W > U o OJ CV POST TOP EMERGENCY AND MAINTENANCE VEHICLES ONLY O O O O 3 1/2" FLANGED CHANNEL ° SIGN POST TRAFFIC SIGN 9 2.1 -2.5 X BALL DIA. MINI CONIFEROUS SET TREE AT FINISH GRADE SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH (4" MIN. DEPTH) PLANTING SOIL (MIN. DIMENSION SHOWN) SOIL SAUCER: USED PREPARED SOIL (4" MIN.) ROPES AT TOP OF BALL SHALL BE CUT. REMOVE TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP. NON - BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE TOTALLY REMOVED. PREPARED SUBSOIL TO FORM PEDESTAL TO PREVENT SETTLING TREE %111 SHRUB 2.1 4" SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH EDGING (5 STAKES PER 20' LENGTH MINIMUM) AND WEED BARRIER ROOT BALL OR POT PLANTING SOIL (MIN. DIMENSION SHOWN) UNDISTURBED SOIL OR COMPACTED SUBGRADE TOPSOIL EDGING FINISH GRADE FINISH GRADE SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH (4" MIN. DEPTH) j— 'al _ z ai iiiiii _ I III _ — III —III —III -III III —III - III — III — III -1 I I— III —I I I_ I III -1 I I —I I k 1= III = III = III = III = III =III I I— III — III - COMPACTED SUBGRADE GEOTEXTILE WEED BARRIER - WRAP SIDES, TYPICAL 12� SHRUB BED EDGING 2.1 GENERAL NOTES: • TRANSPLANTING OF TREES SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED WITH 90" DIAMETER TREE SPADE • TREES SHALL BE ALIGNED AND PLUMB AFTER WATERING AND SETTLING • PRUNE TREES AS REQUIRED AND AS DIRECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT /ENGINEER • CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL THREE STEEL POSTS WITH THREE HORIZONTALLY OPPOSED REINFORCED RUBBER WIRE SECTIONS WITH A DOUBLE STRAND OF j #11 WIRE AND FLAGGING. WRAP THE WIRE A MINIMUM OF TWO TIMES AROUND EACH POST. RUBBER HOSE AT BARK SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH (4" MIN. DEPTH) c z PLANTING SOIL (MIN. v - DIMENSION SHOWN) SOIL SAUCER: USED PREPARED SOIL (4" MIN.) ROPES AT TOP OF BALL SHALL 1 I I —iii I I i- —1 BE CUT. REMOVE TOP 1/3 OF III —I 1' -0" 1 - BURLAP. NON - BIODEGRADABLE — MI MIN —III MATERIAL SHALL BE TOTALLY 111 =1 _ _ El I1— REMOVED. 1 -1II Z. II— III —_ 11I— I1I -11 1111 — III -111-1 = I II— III -111=111 = — 1- 111 -111— II— III =III 11 =I—� I M I—I I M I I—_ I I I —III I I PREPARED SUBSOIL TO FORM —III —III -1 1= III — III — III = 111 = 111 =111= III =II =III =1 — II 11 -1 �- III =1jI III -1 -� ! ! I I =111 I �! PEDESTAL TO PREVENT SETTLING. I—�.5 X BALL DIA. MI" 13 CONIFEROUS TREE - c2.1 TRANSPLANTING M MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON ONLY PRUNE CROSSOVER ASSOCIATES, LIMBS AND BROKEN OR INC. DEAD BRANCHES. REMOVE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • TAGS AND LABELS. 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SET TREE AT FINISH GRADE. TREE FAX (763) 544 -0531 SHALL BE SET PLANTED WITH THE FIRST MAIN LATERAL ROOT AT FINISH GRADE. TREES WITH THE FIRST MAIN LATERAL ROOT NOT VISIBLE WILL BE REJECTED. SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH (4" MIN DEPTH). LEAVE AN 8 INCH CIRCLE OF BARE SOIL AROUND THE TRUNK OF THE TREE AND EXTEND THE MULCH 8 INCH PAST EDGE OF THE PLANTING HOLE. PLANTING SOIL (MIN. DIMENSION SHOWN) SOIL SAUCER: USED PREPARED SOIL (3" MIN.) TWINE AT TOP OF BALL SHALL BE CUT AND REMOVED. REMOVE TOP 1/2 OF BURLAP. CUT VERTICAL SLITS 1� EVERY 6 INCHES INTO REMAINING L_ BURLAP. REMOVE AT A MINIMUM THE TOP TWO HORIZONTAL RINGS OF WIRE BASKET. —= II— III —III-1 I I= - -" — III —III — NON- BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL 1............. 1III 1111111111111111111111111I1111 1 -11 Ei I SHALL BE TOTALLY REMOVED. (IIII �3 X BALL DIA. MIN. _ !I -I PREPARED SUBSOIL TO FORM PEDESTAL TO PREVENT SETTLING. DECIDUOUS TREE %111 SHRUB 2.1 4" SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH EDGING (5 STAKES PER 20' LENGTH MINIMUM) AND WEED BARRIER ROOT BALL OR POT PLANTING SOIL (MIN. DIMENSION SHOWN) UNDISTURBED SOIL OR COMPACTED SUBGRADE TOPSOIL EDGING FINISH GRADE FINISH GRADE SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH (4" MIN. DEPTH) j— 'al _ z ai iiiiii _ I III _ — III —III —III -III III —III - III — III — III -1 I I— III —I I I_ I III -1 I I —I I k 1= III = III = III = III = III =III I I— III — III - COMPACTED SUBGRADE GEOTEXTILE WEED BARRIER - WRAP SIDES, TYPICAL 12� SHRUB BED EDGING 2.1 GENERAL NOTES: • TRANSPLANTING OF TREES SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED WITH 90" DIAMETER TREE SPADE • TREES SHALL BE ALIGNED AND PLUMB AFTER WATERING AND SETTLING • PRUNE TREES AS REQUIRED AND AS DIRECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT /ENGINEER • CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL THREE STEEL POSTS WITH THREE HORIZONTALLY OPPOSED REINFORCED RUBBER WIRE SECTIONS WITH A DOUBLE STRAND OF j #11 WIRE AND FLAGGING. WRAP THE WIRE A MINIMUM OF TWO TIMES AROUND EACH POST. RUBBER HOSE AT BARK SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH (4" MIN. DEPTH) c z PLANTING SOIL (MIN. v - DIMENSION SHOWN) SOIL SAUCER: USED PREPARED SOIL (4" MIN.) ROPES AT TOP OF BALL SHALL 1 I I —iii I I i- —1 BE CUT. REMOVE TOP 1/3 OF III —I 1' -0" 1 - BURLAP. NON - BIODEGRADABLE — MI MIN —III MATERIAL SHALL BE TOTALLY 111 =1 _ _ El I1— REMOVED. 1 -1II Z. II— III —_ 11I— I1I -11 1111 — III -111-1 = I II— III -111=111 = — 1- 111 -111— II— III =III 11 =I—� I M I—I I M I I—_ I I I —III I I PREPARED SUBSOIL TO FORM —III —III -1 1= III — III — III = 111 = 111 =111= III =II =III =1 — II 11 -1 �- III =1jI III -1 -� ! ! I I =111 I �! PEDESTAL TO PREVENT SETTLING. I—�.5 X BALL DIA. MI" 13 CONIFEROUS TREE - c2.1 TRANSPLANTING M MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, A*jA INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 100 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH(763)544-7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA JAY R. POMEROY Registration 23543 Date O&Iq 1I6 Number Revisions Description Date Num COMM: 152244 Date: Ob /IcI/I6 Drawn: LJD Check: JRP North DETAILS f . . 2 — 3 66e<2 • _9 4 I • 2�� - �/ 7 5 •6 �`� 8 c P6"t I ■ � •6° �° ° /\ NOTES ■ I iL;;t D AII� NAGS PURPOSES PER DOC. NO./ 719827 __ _ // _ _ — — — \\ \ till 1 q� _ �� 1 �J 1 \ \` -�= I- - 6'/�/ / / 956 957 sl OOLP I o - - -- ` 7.1 / / ° �_ �_ �— —956 1. REFER TO SHEET C1.40, GRADING PLAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES. 9�/ ----------- 4TT -�- _ -_ -_� \\ f _ / R ° / \ \ \� P 0 N D it \\ - /� / / —959— -� � \ �\ I I 2. REFER TO SWPPP NARRATIVE FOR CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING AND EROSION CONTROL I /_-_ _R _ _ - �7= __ ____ ___ ____ __ - \ _ -��� / / ( -- — - - - -- REQUIREMENTS. _ _ _ _ 1- _ ` \` 101 CHAIN — _ — _ — _ 1 I I - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- \� EDGE OF - _ -- - ------- - - - - -- - - - - - -- ------------ - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- -- --- - _ WATER 1 3. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST INSPECT AND APPROVE FINISH GRADING BEFORE i �t_= _ __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ �J� A CONTRACTOR PROCEEDS WITH SEEDING. I _�- - - - - - - - - -_ 4. ALL DISTURBED AREAS OUTSIDE THE BUILDING PAD WHICH ARE NOT DESIGNATED TO BE GHTING — —' ' I I ____� I e I I 1 I 1111 II I PAVED OR RECEIVE AGLIME SHALL RECEIVE AT LEAST 6" OF TOPSOIL AND SHALL BE SEEDED. P3 �� _� I °- - p I 6. FAILURE OF TURF DEVELOPMENT: IN THE EVENT THE CONTRACTOR FAILS TO PROVIDE AN L= _ _ L — ACCEPTABLE TURF, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RE -SEED ALL APPLICABLE AREAS, AT NO _ I ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER, TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE ENGINEER. �7 On 7. BEGIN TURF ESTABLISHMENT IMMEDIATELY AFTER SEEDING, REFER TO SPECIFICATION FOR FLAG L I r I I ° PROCEDURE. SCORED A I ° 8. ALL TREES TO BE BALLED AND BURLAPPED. (BY Owl ER) ® I 9. ALL TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL RECEIVE 4" DEPTH OF CLEAN SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MN r _- r -_ 10. ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE NO. 1 QUALITY, NURSERY GROWN AND SPECIMENS MUST BE r _ MATCHED. ALL OVERSTORY TREES ADJACENT TO DRIVE AND IN PARKING LOT SHALL BEGIN III I wl BRANCHING NO LOWER THAN 6'. E FIELD _ PG I _ II 3601 B I � i� 1_ 1 _ h Ir_ A LEGEND REFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS DETAIL I.D NUMBER (TOP) • 2 1 DETAIL SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM) x PROPOSED DECIDUOUS TREE ® PROPOSED CONIFEROUS TREE ® ® Q PROPOSED SHRUBS - - - -- - I PROPOSED SEED MIX #1 - --V r vvvv °v °v °v4 PROPOSED SEED MIX #2 CL----- aaaaaa� -� PROPOSED SHRUB IMULCH BED PROPOSED LIGHT POLE - REFER TO ELECTRICAL PLANS - PROPERTY LINE C E F iIEL / r i 5 5 PP G I TC IIII i I IIII II 11 i I I II II I IIII I i I II 11 1 111 1 1 -20 IT _ Ir h 1- q TED ' J I I '`' G7 — UW FT VENICE I 1 11 I I I'I j I I � I __ I I ID CHA61 �- o EXI ING \ �( ►I /� ll _ q TEN IS \ II 1 ���� \�11► %• _I I 1 / 1 ri CO TS \/ 0 962 \ \ \ice\\ 9957 _ \ __ - - GATE I- - - - .3 / \/ - - \ / Tci TC T� TC iC TC TC e TA _\ � / 9 TC 7C TC TC o is To '��� (�o� '�i` B 1 T U M IN 0 U S TC re av w Q" I TC TC C TC TC , TC Sri TC. - _ _ y TC TC TC TC TC r Z e TC 0e1J C 0 N C _ - - - _ - - _ - - - - - - TC TC COIJC iC TC COLIC TC CONC JC �� TC TCe TC TC TC 9e0p7 �`�, /L' TC TC 7C TC TC TC TC TC H • TC TC TC 7µoP- �K" TC HOME G R N ��STA ____ 1 —_ __ ____ __° Bn TC TO Tc g� TC I � I a'sCO _ �N QPRF,SS B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ �a N� 9� ALTERNA . 1 500 SE TD _ \ DL TC GR S ___ _ — _ —_ —_ _ _ _ __ — _ —__—_ — — _ ___ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ BITUMINOUS I1. e• TC NV 060.4 \ I _ _ _ - _ _ ___ �_ 4 TC ED I TC 6 In \ TEAM ROOMS/ - - -- I ®_ _ ________ ____________________________ ___ _ ___ - - -- = B I Oil Z Q -- ;.aa. E— i I N .�. 3B , I III I 8 STORAGE, I- _ _______-_-- _- _-_ --- _- __- __-- _---- ____�� S� C q I BR + _ - - - - - - _ _ _ - _ _ - - _ _ - _ _ / - - 6 7 I m I T #� TO + w - - - - - -T_ I " - _ _ _ - - - - - - _-_ -_- \ t-= L ---- -- ------ � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; t- I 3 �-�` 0611 _ r I - - - -- — ----- -- --_ —_- -_= a; — I XISTI ST 5 J 'Al STS p L'� '�A�ns NOR_ I �n= L G N �G Pq I ; 5 CON `/J I � �06 POLE - = ___ S \ I 060.4 ° ABETICN TC TC 965 I► TO E \ 1 1 1 1 1 11 . 1► 10 J I I '`' G7 — UW FT VENICE I 1 11 I I I'I j I I � I __ I I ID CHA61 �- o EXI ING \ �( ►I /� ll _ q TEN IS \ II 1 ���� \�11► %• _I I 1 / 1 ri CO TS \/ 0 962 \ \ \ice\\ 9957 _ \ __ - - GATE I- - - - .3 / \/ - - \ / Tci TC T� TC iC TC TC e TA _\ � / 9 TC 7C TC TC o is To '��� (�o� '�i` B 1 T U M IN 0 U S TC re av w Q" I TC TC C TC TC , TC Sri TC. - _ _ y TC TC TC TC TC r Z e TC 0e1J C 0 N C _ - - - _ - - _ - - - - - - TC TC COIJC iC TC COLIC TC CONC JC �� TC TCe TC TC TC 9e0p7 �`�, /L' TC TC 7C TC TC TC TC TC H • TC TC TC 7µoP- �K" TC HOME G R N ��STA ____ 1 —_ __ ____ __° Bn TC TO Tc g� TC I � I a'sCO _ �N QPRF,SS B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ �a N� 9� ALTERNA . 1 500 SE TD _ \ DL TC GR S ___ _ — _ —_ —_ _ _ _ __ — _ —__—_ — — _ ___ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ BITUMINOUS I1. e• TC NV 060.4 \ I _ _ _ - _ _ ___ �_ 4 TC ED I TC 6 In \ TEAM ROOMS/ - - -- I ®_ _ ________ ____________________________ ___ _ ___ - - -- = B I Oil Z Q -- ;.aa. E— i I N .�. 3B , I III I 8 STORAGE, I- _ _______-_-- _- _-_ --- _- __- __-- _---- ____�� S� C q I BR + _ - - - - - - _ _ _ - _ _ - - _ _ - _ _ / - - 6 7 I m I T #� TO + w - - - - - -T_ I " - _ _ _ - - - - - - _-_ -_- \ t-= L ---- -- ------ � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; t- I 3 �-�` 0611 _ r I - - - -- — ----- -- --_ —_- -_= a; — I XISTI ST 5 J 'Al STS p L'� '�A�ns NOR_ I �n= L G N �G Pq I ; 5 CON `/J I � �06 POLE - = ___ S \ I 060.4 ° ABETICN TC TC 965 TO E \ TC 0e6,C�FiY. I Tc o — — — — — —C — -- "ro PROPERTY L7Nflii TTc 0 I A11TV — ------ — 0-- - - - - -- --------- - 8964.3 Hill E 0 4. S 6 coNc TC TC TC CB /S 1.S STS TC TC ,e. Rill ST �a OOL" WVi ALL _ X91 T U M I N O U S / ; TC TC TC PC TC TC PCj� TC y f TG W 16 I it r PARKING ENTRANCE 1•10 SCALE: 1" = 50' L I vvvv• -_ FOOTBALL (160'x360') •• --••• m Hl / —_ —_ -- SOCCER (210'x348') .� : : :. :::. ...... ......... •........... .• v vvvv♦ . L - _ t • •••••••• vvvv •• vvvv• vv • vvvv • I JJ ®t •tttvty vvvv • vvvv • ••v • •vvvv •• \ L - _ - _ - S- • •••••••• vvvv •• •••�• :: I : :vvvv- _ - bb • ••• vvvv t••tttty t•tt•ty vvvv • vvvv • I_ -_ _ -_ _�_ _ - _ - _ - _ ® rs ��♦•••� •••�i••• vvvv• vvvv♦• •••••••• ••• • vvvv •• _ /� _ - • vvrry Tvwv • •vvvv •vvv• •vvv•• tvv••t vvvv•• v• • vvvv • - _ /� • tvve• •• evt• ••vvvv vttvvv •vvvv •vvvv tttvtvvv tv • vvvv tt TC TC 1t L `I +� - - - - - - - • v•ttt• •see • ••♦♦♦•• •o♦ ♦••• •• • e ♦•••e• ♦♦vvvv • • • • _ I TC \ I `I - - - - _ =_ - - =_ • •ease • vase rvwts• reve•s •- ••tvev verse• set• - ot9ev _ _�_= _ TC I 1 i I I- _ _ _ s •es♦e se•♦ eve•••• uses••- asev•• •es•e••• vase•••• eves - -e ♦es \ I • rry • wvve se•sa•r• vesys yr versr r•••a• s•eevvt w r•vv • •sry I 1 I I I _ _ _ vwre• w •wew r weY evw ws ve •ws•ewrw w s•ewe• eww ♦♦ewe sere • sum• - _ TC CC I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • ve•vv • • ♦•• ••vvvv• •vv ♦v a evt•vvv• v veto• •set ♦•• • vase • •tr•s _ _ _ NCR I I _ _ s svvews ♦ vvvv a ♦•vas ♦•e •eve • •evs•♦s• • ♦•♦ee ae•vs ♦se •ve s •r ♦s• • _ _ G I I I I _ _ _ • suave • vvvv e•sevvve r•s•v -• res•svtt • esvvt •e•vvt t eves v •eess • - _ j ?I I c Mg10 0 I , +� _ _ _ _ _ _ • •veer• • •eve • •vve•e• ws•vv • evs•vs•t ew wtw•• wwrvwee srss WK sues • r - -� -� - - - - • otresv • vrvr eerewre• •v•• ea ♦vrrees ♦ •eves wr•• rrev s r•rte • - - - TC TC / 066.e I I _ _ _ ♦ •e• ♦e ♦ O••e s ew vvvv e�t•aeO e - / I I I I r _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ v ••trrt v tvrr • • rsveeer ♦ ssvw ♦♦ ♦ewe sw ♦ee vtrvt - - _ - _ _ -I tc caNC I 1 I • •sea eves• •vvw ♦•• s s ♦vas•• • vase• ••••see• •ewes •• ♦ewes • _ _ _ RC c s.T 1 _ _ _ s ••see♦ s •aeso ••sve•e• ••••v •♦••vs• -••e• •••eves sass•- • sass•• _ _ eE \/ ` /I _ _ _ - _ -_ -_ ease- • ♦ease♦ •etes•e♦ ertvw - rtew• a esw ♦• ♦veewar ♦wrv♦ ev rw♦se • _ _ _ TC N 7C s atstry t ass•• evatas re• ♦s se e a seas♦ aeevsss vevvvs • arvvv ••-•••• •vvv s • •- v•••• v •e••• • ••wee v••vvvsv♦ •• ••wv• wrrs•w•e e•rr• •• • _ - 1� r_ =- -_ -_ _ -_ -_ ♦ wvwry ♦ wee•• res•err vewev .. . ♦ws•sve o sssse . ♦•.•.. wrvvv . ..ewe. _ _ _ \ rO suss- a •tree •overt•• sue•• -• es•s•••70a ••et• eeewe!•• ••ev0 •e •asst I O �p s •sue•• s •eve saves•• eevs s• e••ewest ae -ease assets- •eve• • vsse• a� • •••e• • •••sr iv♦ees-♦ ts•ts •e vvvv••• t• •va ♦es•9♦•e ♦vs•• •• •vvvv • - - - y� _ e ••rave a vvvv r•e••o• asses •• suave•• ev vew• •sere•• ••rev sere• _ _ - • ver• • sass •vase rave • ee•vwv♦ a sswvw •evevwe• ••v - a•w•v ♦ _ / r _- -_ --_- -- _ - -_ -- • ..... ••vvvv vvvv vvu• . esvvstetve ..... ••vvvv• e•vvv . •eev•e e� PT6L C WALL i �` _ _ - _ _ ® s® e:sw :• :® srs® ®®else• •eevs •® vesswN •� :! : ®a °s:t! s ®a ®i w Iasi �• 'i \ j •.:•........ • e... ••.•...• •..•.♦ . stet• • _ _ _ \ _ 1 `-- ____ -- _ - _ • vase•• • wews•e v - ^•® ••eevs ♦rive • rase• • _ _ - - - + ,p • s•ree t• ease• v. - evveeses eves s svv♦• • I I I \m seer•• s sass♦• 1 , • ♦te•v • ♦vas • ♦•se• • _ - 5 I PLAYGROUND 1 _ _ _ _ _ • -see• • seer• � ♦eevs ♦sus• a •♦vu• I _ _ _ _ s •vv •evww vee•vtw rew•s t •vwv 0e6.2 OJ I EOUIPMENT(TYP)a �4 _ • •vs • e G ! ASS •vvvv• wev••e • sews•• III -- -_ -__� ` - _ - e wree ♦ r♦• ♦t ♦O• •war♦ - evvwv • _ _ _ _ _ 3 ? it ` _ s •sus s y 4vssv -•e •sows• • sass•• • - p� /• \ - • vsi ®V r E ii - ewe vrsv_s®s• ♦rrv. i• iii i I - _ - I �tC I \ 959.3 r EXISTING I <_ —_ w .•a� ......... —_ —_ _ • s vt . +t4 e • ••vvv • _� _ _ i � G � 3 — (ALTEFVATE: ID-PEAT) ' AREA °SO Ie• sr s \ PORT .t oalG jBET 1 r`` t. :..1..... :.. ..... s.. 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I� 9E0.1 I Pon - I n t 3 �I eRD o \ C2 \ TC Te e TC $ P 1 l ee e 060.6 I N FRS o� T N C e e ° _ TC I I e N JPKe 0e16 _ C PPP e rc Tc m \ CONCRETE TC TC TC TC TC GONG x k TO Nro \ 1 ee BM #7 e e e e e e wIT cocn MAW ,IS 7-- -SaR Z_ .•�y 9°"6' z '' �a \TC FLAG POLE/ PUT (3) SCOREBOARD � IT- N,,i 3 L — _ _ _ - - - — - _ - ___ - - - - _ � - � I_- 1 rc J _ r e• °I^ w = — — — — -- OR C iAII V" 0i _ \C \ y I _96j, \ ° __-___ _ OC. NO. 421 LECTRIC_TRANSMIISSlON _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i _ _ MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON I*A4 ASSOCIATES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LANDSCAPE ARCHITEGT under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA JAY R. POMEROY Registration 23543 Date 08104116 Number Revisions Description I Date Num COMM: 152244 Date: 08104116 Drawn: LJO Check: JRP North LANDSCAPE PLAN \y\ Scale: I" = 50' L T TI N --962 MN A A 2 3 4 • 5 6 7 \ 4 INV= -------------- - - - - -� -- _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- -- -- - -- --- - - _ -_ - -- -_ - -_ -_ -- - T1 - �- - - - - _- _ -_-r_- I I - 1-- _ -_ -_- - - - _ _I I Rl ' - - - _ -_ -_- - - - - - - - - 1E - - -_ -_ - - C 60 1 ON NOTES: `TI/ 1. REFER TO SHEET C1.40, GRADING PLAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES. 2. REFER TO SWPPP NARRATIVE FOR CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING AND EROSION CONTROL = - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ __- POLE REQUIREMENTS. 3. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST INSPECT AND APPROVE FISH GRADING BEFORE - _ - _ _ - _ _ - s 5 4 3 / I CONTRACTOR PROCEEDS WITH SEEDING. �� - - - - - __� \�, - - - - - i - 4. 6. 7. _ _ - _ _ - - _ _ _ ' /------- - - - - -- ------------ - - - - -- FOOTB� � ('lam' c3�G �� --- - - - - -- ; - -_ - - -_ - - -; ALL DISTURBED AREAS OUTSIDE THE BUILDING PAD WHICH ARE NOT DESIGNATED TO BE _ - _ - - _ _ - _ r O r \ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ ; - /l� _ PAVED OR RECEIVE AGLIME SHALL RECEIVE AT LEA • T 6" OF TOPSOIL AND SHALL BE SEEDED. / �v . - -- E - -- - vvvv , vvvvvvrvvv® i �\ 96 _ _ - _ _ _ _ iavvvvvvtvv ovvvvvvv wvvvvvvv*vvvvvvvvwvvvvvvv vvvvvvv vvvvv FAILURE OF TURF DEVELOPMENT: IN THE EVENT NTRACTOR FAILS TO PROVIDEcAN O - _ - _ - _ - _ _ - _ - = J vv� ACCEPTABLE TURF, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL R ALL APPLICABLE AREAS, AT NO r - _ - _ - _ - - _ - _ - I SOCCER C , � x348) I _ _ - _ - - 4 _a ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER, TO THE SATIS IN OF THE ENGINEER. BEGIN TURF ESTABLISHMENT IMMEDIATELY AFT DING, REFER TO SPECIFICATION FOR PROCEDURE. B 8. ALL TREES TO BE BALLED AND BURLAPPED. C N E F 9 10 I I L- - - - - - I 1 1 I 1_ ALL TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL RECEIVE 4" DEPTH OF LEAN SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH, 1 - _ - _ - - _ - _ - _ - _ I i _ UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 965'5 I _ 965.7 I_ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ v�vvvvv IV vvvvvVLvvvvvvvv vvvvv vvvvvvvv V�vvvvvv�vvvvvvvV1vvvvvv�IV vvvvvv vt I _ _ _ II I - vvvvvwv v vvvvvv vvvvsysv vvvvv v vwvwvv v vvvvv sysvvvv+a vvvvv ®v vvvvv vv ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE NO. 1 QUALITY;N#1R . RY GROWN AND SPECIMENS MUST BE `✓ 1- _ - _ - _ - _ MATCHED. ALL OVERSTORY TREES ADJACENT TO DRIVE AND IN PARKING LOT SHALL BEGIN I BRANCHING NO LOWER THAN 6'. -� i - - -- - -- - - - - - - - LEGEND a 0 REFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS DETAIL LD NUMBER (TOP) DETAIL SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM) PROPOSED DECIDUOUS TREE PROPOSED CONIFEROUS TREE ® ® O * PROPOSED SHRUBS I- ' _ I PROPOSED SEED MIX #1 L ------ ------ ------------ 1 I PROPOSED SEED MIX #2 ------ °7-tv - - - -I - -I PROPOSED SHRUB / MULCH BED PROPOSED LIGHT POLE -REFER PROPERTY LINE I_ coNC PLASTIC WALL - - -- I -I PLAYGROUND \ - - - _ 9l65.2 ; EQUIPMENT(TYP) ; -- t _ - _ - _ _ - o \ �v�vi"T."YiY�iY'i3�v�ii�� EXISTING � - - _ - I vv vvvvv v vvvvv vv _ _ _ -I PP _ _ - _ v vvvvvv v vv v v 6 • vvv - ����� ��� coNC PLASTIC 3 - ALTER NAT °A N D - R-1 �-- PLAY WALL f - - I VVVVVlVWVVvV AREA 957.0 - i 953.2(S,E) l8" RCP ST S LEI' S RCP - ST S *953.4 CONC '-CONC 957.0 965.7 � 1 1J - - - - a - - - - I - BLEACH ER - - ____ -� I'I I :ICAL PLANS A -I-11_D P E S - - 965.1 __________________ -- -- -- - -- -- -- 1 - - - - - - - _ Z Ir- L - - - I - - - I L - -��� - - - - - - - - - -- --- =. o r UA 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r1- - - - - - - - - - - -_ -_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_- - - -- -- -- - -- --- - -- - _ -_ -_- - -_ - - - - - -_ - - 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ '\\` - - - - - - - - - \�� r _ r- \ - - - - - - - - - I _ I_ MAW - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - , I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I L - =� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- _------ - - - - -- 1 = -_- - L- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_- - - ` ---- - - - - -- s--- - - - - -- - - HIGH - - - - -- 3P - - -� y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .-- - - -_ -_ _ -_- � JUMP �y r---- - - - - -- \ - - 4 I - - - - - - _ - _ _ - - - - - - I L - - , o , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -7 -_- � SHOT o I __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - -_ _ - - - - -- ---- -- -- ----- - - - - -� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C-) PUT (3) ;_______ ____ ____ -_ - - -_ - R _ -_- - I AF j QB \ I 3 - _ - - - - -- I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ - - - -T_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - ------ - - - - -- \ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i' I _ ------------- - - - - -� - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ - - - - DOC 2382�SiBid - --------- - - - -- -U�ll P'0l�LER AS30 € FA5'EMENT Pmt . NO. CTRIC TRANSMISSION �\ -_ -_- - -- -- -- -- -- - -- --- _- - -_ -_- -_ -_ -_ V0. 421382 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CIT - - - - - - - - - - 0 -- 966.1 - -- -- - - - - - - - - -------------- ----- - - - - -- � OHE - - - - - - - - - - -- 9/�E _ - UGC 965.3 .5 4. -------OHE---------- ----- ---- ------- - - - - -- - -_ -y 964.7 965.7 965.7 UGC 963.6 963.2 963.0 963.5 "� _� - - - - 9639 - _ 967.0 964.1 964.0 - _ - - -- - - -J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - w4E - - -- nAJC CONIC MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, INC. 4%,111111 14:;rALmoo LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITEPLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LANDSCAPE ARCHITEGT under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA JAY R. POMEROY Registration 23543 Date 08/04116 Number Revisions Description Date Num T L - _- N 7� - 9fi5. I Scale: I" = 30' COMM: 152244 Date: 08/04/16 Drawn: LJO Check: JRP North LANDSCAPE PLAN- SOUTH T L - _- N 7� - 9fi5. I Scale: I" = 30' MN A B 1 - 2 PURPOSES PER DOC. N0. 719827 3 y�,,,r * ��,.� 4 ti 5 .,� • "V„ 0 6 7 958. I b o 958.5 0 0 958.8 958.9 L--------------------- - - - - -- 958.4 ---------------- - - - - - 947.0 958. 958.2 CB (BOLTED SHUT) 58.6 958.4 I TOP =954.3 0 0 EASEMENT OR UTILITY AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES PER DOC. NO. 719827 a a : - -_ - -- - - - -_ -- - - - - -- - -�- - - - - - - - - - - - - -�- - - - - - - - - - - - _- _- _- __- ______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ - - E - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0- - - ------- - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ----- -_ -_- - -- _- - _�-- - - - - -- - -- - - --------- - ------- -- ------ -------- - - - - -- - -��_ -- PORTABLE _ _ _ - - - - - BLEACHERS PG --- - -- GHTING / 3 - / - 15" PVC STS CB - I 77-17- IIII II I II IIII I II IIII IIII II I IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII X6.5 III IIII III NV 5 _ I TOP =956.9 INV= 950.8(S,E) FLAG P _ \ � L �0 t� �O V 01J O V - KIM- 0z I SCOREB10A �0 l� = ( BY OWE I n \ I I I _ _ I- - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 J i l l Jill 1111_111 S F I I =___ I � r L _ _ __ ___ I I n 8 F IEL 00 f I PRACTICE FIELD -____- (O__ _ C R, N, N \ PG 1 I I II I I II II IIII IIII IIII I II II I II IIII � (180 , x360 , 3 I - - ) , - I hl IIII II I .30 -40 50 40- 30- _4'_ -1 - - - - - I I ~ I Vi-- _ I II _ I IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII III IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII 1111 _1111 IIII 1 CB TED S 1 1 TOP 3.4 1 _ 1 INV 51.6 1 C (OFFS T, BOLTED) I 1- T P =957.0 -- 1 V =951.6 \ HOME GRA AND__MESS B\O - - - - -_ _ - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --- _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Q _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U. --- \ -__ -_ - - - - - - -a - - - - -_ -_ - - -_ - - - - _- _- - - - -_- - - - - - - - - - (ALTERNATE: 1,500 SEAS _ __- _-- -_ -_ -- • _ - - - - - _ - _ - _ - _ _ 15 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - �- - _ - - - - - - - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • CB (BOLTED SHUT) \ -_- - - - - - - - - --- TOP 958.7 - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INV =950.4 \ \_- 1 - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 15" RCP ST S \ _ - _ - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - -_ -_ -_ I ® -_ ------------- - - - - -- -__ ZA 1 - - i - - --------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- --- - - TEAM RO - __________________________ ------------ - - - - -- _ STORAGE - - - - - - - - --- - - - - -- -- E O R A -4 -I A NOTES: STOR - = VISITING I I TEA.M . 1 ROOM 1 1 1 - - r [------------- - - - - -� I - - - I niieaNArE) I - I L- _ _ - -- - - - �� - - - ----- -J LEGEND A1. REFER TO SHEET C1.40, GRADING PLAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES. 2. REFER TO SWPPP NARRATIVE FOR CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING AND EROSION CONTROL 0 REQUIREMENTS. 3. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST INSPECT AND APPROVE FINISH GRADING BEFORE F CONTRACTOR PROCEEDS WITH SEEDING. 4. ALL DISTURBED AREAS OUTSIDE THE BUILDING PAD WHICH ARE NOT DESIGNATED TO BE - - - - -- PAVED OR RECEIVE AGLIME SHALL RECEIVE AT LEAST 6" OF TOPSOIL AND SHALL BE SEEDED. 6. FAILURE OF TURF DEVELOPMENT: IN THE EVENT THE CONTRACTOR FAILS TO PROVIDE AN ;O- ACCEPTABLE TURF, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RE -SEED ALL APPLICABLE AREAS, AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER, TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE ENGINEER. • 7. BEGIN TURF ESTABLISHMENT IMMEDIATELY AFTER SEEDING, REFER TO SPECIFICATION FOR • PROCEDURE. 8. ALL TREES TO BE BALLED AND BURLAPPED. 9. ALL TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL RECEIVE 4" DEPTH OF CLEAN SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 10. ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE NO. 1 QUALITY, NURSERY GROWN AND SPECIMENS MUST BE MATCHED. ALL OVERSTORY TREES ADJACENT TO DRIVE AND IN PARKING LOT SHALL BEGIN BRANCHING NO LOWER THAN 6'. 1 2 1 REFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS DETAIL LD NUMBER (TOP) DETAIL SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM) 0 PROPOSED DECIDUOUS TREE ® PROPOSED CONIFEROUS TREE ® ®O # PROPOSED SHRUBS I PROPOSED SEED MIX #1 � - - - - -- PROPOSED SEED MIX #2 1104 PROPOSED SHRUB / MULCH BED ;O- PROPOSED LIGHT POLE - REFER TO ELECTRICAL PLANS PROPERTY LINE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ., WA I tai LLLV. _ 946.8 FT. 12/10/2015 81, - - - -- - - - - - - - _- = = = -- 9x6.9 =- _ -- 946.9' 0 947.1 CO C. I I I- - _ I r C o L I I _7 I - - a �� - - -- - - \ - - - - a � I =a _--------------- - _ - - -I _ _ I - - I - -I - - I - -I - - I I C I - - I - 957.3 O 57.3 TA �\ CONIC 10 FT CHAIN LINK FENCE - -J 10 FT CHAIN LINK FENCE CONIC 18" RCP ST S C MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON _ ASSOCIATES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LANDSGAPE ARCHITEGT under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA JAY R. POMEROY Registration 23543 Date 08/04116 Number Revisions Description Date Num COMM: 152244 1 Date: 08/04/16 Drawn: LJO Check: JRP North LANDSCAPE PLAN-NORTH NOT FOR SLOB 1 1104 C� C� ►� 1 I v 1 � 1 I I Alk CONIC 10 FT CHAIN LINK FENCE - -J 10 FT CHAIN LINK FENCE CONIC 18" RCP ST S C MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON _ ASSOCIATES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LANDSGAPE ARCHITEGT under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA JAY R. POMEROY Registration 23543 Date 08/04116 Number Revisions Description Date Num COMM: 152244 1 Date: 08/04/16 Drawn: LJO Check: JRP North LANDSCAPE PLAN-NORTH NOT FOR SLOB 1 MN A VISITOR BLEAC ° • • SEMENR UTILITY AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES PER DOC. NO. 719827 ` \\ LEGEND REFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS 9 DETAIL I.D NUMBER (TOP) I I RE LO E D -FRO DETAIL SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM) 4" MAIN IRRIGATION MAINLINE H =OOL- A — — — — — (NUMBER INDICATES PIPE SIZE) I I _ PORTABLE 1 -1/4" IRRIGATION PVC LATERAL PIPING BLEACHERS (NUMBER INDICATES PIPE SIZE) FIELD GHTING I I =� O IRRIGATION ELECTRIC VALVE (REFER TO NOTE #20) IN ISOLATION GATE VALVE GAP FLAG P @ L • � QUICK COUPLER SCOREB A • IRRIGATION TURF HEADS: I (BY OW E ) HUNTER I -25 ° HUNTER 1.20 I I ♦ SYNTHETIC TURF v HUNTER 1 -20 w/ SHORT RADIUS NOZZLE \ HUNTER ROTARY I FIELD (89,000 sf) looloomememelI SLEEVING (UNDER ALL PAVED AREAS /CROSSINGS) � PRACTICE FIELD I (FOOTBALL, SOCCER, PROPOSED CONTROLLER LOCATION I\ (180'X360') � LACROSSE (M/ft B — PROPERTY LINE 1 P I G� GRAVEL e Ft CNAN I le6( FENCE HOME GRANDS j — — — — -"[)--PRESS BOX, (ALTERNATE: 1,500 SEATS) • 969 C C E F — e• w LOCA7KW r� 61C O Z m IJ \\ Ala 0 j LITTLE MOUNTAIN EL EMEN TAR Y SCHOOL l & 2 STORY BRICK /BLOCK BUILD /W ,¢9350 FALL ON A VE. 5� �P G ass.e GQ•r �—BM #10 BM #13 • i i P TEAM ROOM --------- STORA C ------ i i C------ - - -- -] • • I I �� • P G� BLEACHERS AND PRESS o � �_.. ..-- --- -B o { a ' O I II I � II D I S 61J'S k —� II i i i i I I I I 1 I alp W z �I, Q Jzl Wzl ZI SHOT PUT �3 ) - -- ------- --------------------------- — — — — — — — — — — UNIT ��OWER PER DOC. NOR1421382 SMISSION UNITED POWER ASSOC. ELECTRIC_TRANSMISSION I I 6 ,. seas I 1 II i I •• \\ g I I I 9eo. I I I�I960 I Date: 08/04116 • e 1 �I I I Drawn: LJD I R Check: JRP North I e\ ° 10 F T � MMM I m I C O W C R E T E IRRIGATION e I • I I o I I e e --- - - - - -- I —� °e I I wA re1F c69r cocnnav ,IS u�a1En �� JQ' IIw a r w U G IJNK FENCE 1 = o I / UW �E EXI ING -�o` TEN IS I // c0i TS / I/ i C LM o C CHAO / / C t`..+• -957.3 r -957.3 � I I I 99 in I • CaNC � d3ac co F O 1 �• �o •961.7 C. 0 � 0,i I I` o. 961.6 1 9610 iBtg I a _ W0 1 of o� 959.9 6faE ax �. maws I o °� I r– 1- -, O Z - - -y- - m I - ;raE I 71* y TI E ,— J. T ILE C NC�W10 • �OfITABILE ACH RS 0 rn II z I._ II r TING �iWES T K1IVG- - _ I FING WEB ;ING C • • m� GRAS S 5 5 i0 w r w w � 3 U U �y P C Gj \ G QO \ \ \\ B I T U M I N O U S 1 -e• VP u7r 9697 —CO N C BI TUMlI N 0 U S CH•g� MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ' ANDERSON - JOHNSON /r ASSOCIATES, INC z4 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 A h 2 STOF f52, • ip –103- 1 1 i OVERHANG •°t 1 / 1 W 1 1 w 1 OVERHANG ~ K 967.71 U 1111❑ ZL- __-- -_ -__- O 967 7 U C I > I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and C5� that I am a duly Licensed LANDSGAPE ARGHITEGT 4 under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA P N C R E T E JAY R. POMEROY Registration 23543 Date 08/04116 T , Number ° 9e0,o e° 969.1 960,2 e nP ey seas 1 II i I •• I I I 9eo. I I I�I960 I Date: 08/04116 • e 1 �I I I Drawn: LJD I 959; Check: JRP North I e\ I \ I • m� GRAS S 5 5 i0 w r w w � 3 U U �y P C Gj \ G QO \ \ \\ B I T U M I N O U S 1 -e• VP u7r 9697 —CO N C BI TUMlI N 0 U S CH•g� MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ' ANDERSON - JOHNSON /r ASSOCIATES, INC z4 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 A h 2 STOF f52, • ip –103- 1 1 i OVERHANG •°t 1 / 1 W 1 1 w 1 OVERHANG ~ K 967.71 U 1111❑ ZL- __-- -_ -__- O 967 7 U C I > I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and C5� that I am a duly Licensed LANDSGAPE ARGHITEGT 4 under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA P N C R E T E JAY R. POMEROY Registration 23543 Date 08/04116 T , Number ° 9e0,o e° 969.1 960,2 e nP ey 960.3 G; COMM: 152244 I Date: 08/04116 • e 95 096015 Drawn: LJD z Check: JRP North e\ m C O W C R E T E IRRIGATION e • e PLAN BM #7 e e CONIC ee °e wA re1F c69r cocnnav ,IS u�a1En \ _ \ Ab C \ \ r -e•9Pw \\ \\ Scale: 1" = 50' T T� L OR CO STRUCTI �N MN A A B C C E F I 12' -0' 5' -1 1/2' RAMP LANDING ELEV. 100' 962,2 (CI 2 3 4 5 "" " " ""' " " %-'%.0 ' 1962 TOTAL NET 18 " SEATS NOT TO SCALE 16 TOTAL NET 33" WHEELCHAIR SPACES 1978 TOTAL SEATING CAPACITY 9' -0' 51 61 18' -0" 18' -0' 71 18' -0" 81 18' -0' 18' -0' 18' -0' 18' -0' 18' 0' 18101 18' 0" 18101 18' -0' 18' -0' 18' -0' 18' -0' T I I I I I I I I I I u� iu m — — f'� I o 34' -5' �Dt 36' t— t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TOP OF SLAB ELEV. 100' -0' (962.2) FOOTING LAYOUT NOT TO SCALE SECTION VIEW @ PRESSBOX AREA NOT TO SCALE 11 7 H. PIER AND FOUNDATION DETAILS ARE ISSUED FOR REFERENCE ONLY GRANDSTAND STRUCTURAL ENGINEER SHALL PROVIDE CERTIFIED DRAWINGS FOR PIERS AND FOUNDATIONS BASED ON GEO TECHNI CAL REPORT 11"1 EXIT PIER DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 3„ - (10) -2X8 DECK (1) -2X10 DECK HORIZONTAL BEAM (TYP) (1) -2X8 HEEL 3/16" GALVANIZED `0 CLOSURE PLATE C'') 1' ALLOWABLE GROUT TOP OF PAD 3 TIE" 3 -1/2" ELEV. 100' -1 O.C. EACH WAY #3 TIES 0 12" O.C. 4) -3/4" x 21" ANCHOR BOLTS ANCHOR BOLT (TYP) 3 1/2' MINIMUM ANCHOR 2' CL. BOLT PROJECTION TOP OF PIER ELEV. O Du. PIER. TYP. BOTTOM OF STEEL ELEVATION - WITH 1' GROUT s _ f284_"0' )_ie� (SEE PIER DESIGNS) 4 3' -0' X 5' -3' PIER EL EV. O KEEP GROUT A MINIMUM FRONT EXIT PAD fOPPO�F OF 2' FROM EDGE OF PIER y �F > FR NT EXIT PAD DETAIL PIER ELEV. O - LU1 NOT TO SCALE I I I —I I I I 111 I I I I I I� I' f-Hi I I TOP of pIEF ELEV. 100 -1 ICI —ICI —I r - PIER TOP DETAIL i _i I I— , _ = — III =III I I -1 1 =1 I- NOT TO SCALE 11"1 EXIT PIER DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 3„ 8'-4" (10) -2X8 DECK (1) -2X10 DECK (1) -2X8 HEEL 3/16" GALVANIZED `0 CLOSURE PLATE C'') �— 1 DOUBLE L2X2X3/16 @ PIER L ❑CATIONS ONLY 6' -0" U =IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII I-- M - ICI — I ICI -1I� -1111 LU1 L7)—#6 90TH WAYS 5' -0' SQUARE PIER DETAIL NOT TO SCALE IY WHEELCHAIR AREA DETAIL SCALE: 3 /8 " =1 '-0" SEATING 40 AISLE AREA G J H F L K A rFF J H L K B A Cl) F A = 2 X 10 ANODIZED ALUMINUM SEAT B = MILL ALUMINUM SEAT BRACKET C = 2 X 10 MILL ALUMINUM INTERLOCK 2000 TREAD - NOSE D = 2 X 8 MILL ALUMINUM INTERLOCK TREAD - DECK B C E = 2 X 8 MILL ALUMINUM INTERLOCK 2000 TREAD - HEEL F F = 1 X 9 1/2 PAINTED ALUMINUM FLAT RISER (OWNER TO SELECT COLOR) G = 1 X 1 PAINTED ALUMINUM CONTRASTING NOSING (BLACK) H = 2 X 9 MILL ALUM. INTERLOCK HALFSTEP - DECK J = 2 X 4 MILL ALUM. INTERLOCK HALFSTEP - NOSE W /RISER K = 5" MILL ALUMINUM HALFSTEP BRACKET L = 5" PAINTED ALUMINUM INTERLOCK STEP RISER (OWNER TO SELECT COLOR) PLANK ARRANGEMENT SCALE: V = 1' -0' 13' X 26' DESIGN LOADING TREAD & SEAT AREA 100psf UNIFORM LIVE LOAD. SEAT (VERTICAL) 120 lbs /lf. SEAT (HORIZONTAL SWAY) 241bs /lf PARALLEL AND 101bs /lf PERPENDICULAR TO SEAT. HANDRAIL & GUARDRAIL 50 lbs /lf IN ANY DIRECTI ❑N. HANDRAIL & GUARDRAIL 200 lbs CONCENTRATED IN ANY DIRECTION. SNOW LOADS AS PER STATE ADOPTED CODE WIND LOADS AS PER STATE ADOPTED CODE SEISMIC LOADS AS PER STATE ADOPTED CODE NOTES 1O ALL STRUCTURAL AND MISCELLANEOUS STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO THE F ❑LL ❑WING A.I.S.C. STANDARDS PLATE UP TO 1/2' THICK = A36 PLATE U.N.O. = A572 GRADE 50 ANGLE = A36/A36M GRADE 50 WIDE FLANGE = A992 Fy =50 ksi CHANNEL = A36/A36M GRADE 50 ROD = A36/A529 GRADE 50 TUBE = A500 GRADE 'B' 46 ksi 2 O WELDS ARE ALL AROUND WITH TYPE ER70S -6 WIRE MIG. 33 ALL STEEL TO BE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TO A.S.T.M. A- 123 -89 ael. 44 STRUCTURAL BOLTS ARE HOT DIPPED GALV. AND ARE EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN A -307. 5ONO CONNECTIONS UTILIZING HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS ARE CLASSED AS SLIP CRITICAL. 6O ANODIZED ALUMINUM RAIL IS 1 1/4' NOMINAL PIPE SIZE. (1 5/8' O.D.) O7 SOUTHERN BLEACHER COMPANY AS A MANUFACTURER AND INSTALLER OF GRANDSTAND SEATING IS NOT AUTHORIZED TO CERTIFY PLANS AS ADA COMPLIANT. HOWEVER, TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE THESE PLANS MEET OR EXCEED ADA REQUIREMENTS FOR QUANTITY OF ADA SEATING, ACCESS /EGRESS TO ADA SEATING, & DISPERSAL OF ADA SEATING. eO ALL FIELD CONNECTI ❑NS ARE N ❑N -SLIP CRITICAL U.N.O. ALL CONNECTIONS ARE DESIGNED TO UTILIZE A307 BOLTS, IT IS ACCEPTABLE TO USE A325N BOLTS IN LIEU OF THE A307 BOLTS. THE INSTALLATION OF THESE BOLTS ARE TO BE TIGHTENED A SNUG TIGHT C❑NDITI ❑N AS SPECIFIED BY AISC. ::•• •••: gyp•: GALVANIZED L3X3X1/4 RAIL RISER (TYP) TYPICAL SIDE RAILING NOT TO SCALE ANODIZED ALUMINUM RAILING i 12' z 1 lid f �M I MID -AISLE INSTALLATION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE CITY SUBMITTAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, INC AefA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 This drawing is for reference only and for competitive bidding purposes. Bleacher manufacturer shall provide engineered drawings as noted on this Plan and in the specification. I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LAND5GAPE ARGHITEGT under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA JAY RZ. POMEPOY Registration 23543 Date 08104116 Number Revisions Description I Date Num COMM: 152244 Date: 08104116 Drawn: JRP Check: JRP North HOME GRANDSTAND (TURF FIELD) PLAN, ELEVATIONS, DETAILS AND NOTES .- T MN A • 1 2 3 A B C N E F SEATING LAYOUT NOT TO SCALE 4 . 5 6 .. 7 8 536 TOTAL NET 18" SEATS 8 TOTAL NET 33" WHEELCHAIR SPACES 544 TOTAL SEATING CAPACITY 1 d I d 1C I I V I V I I d a I d I- e f- I d. I d I Q I a I I a d d d d d V Q dd d d Q THIEKENB SLPB ad d add d C C I O I I C I da A H7. V d d d d . -.I T V d d Q d d A d• d d 1 d' -TOP OF SLAB CONC. SLAB LAYOUT NOT TO SCALE C W/L HRCH SECTION VIEW @ W/C AREA SCALE:1 /2 " =1' -0" rT THII 220' -5' OVERALL LENGTH OF SLAB 0 g' -o• 0 (U i CONC. SLAB LAYOUT (RELOCATED M.S. BLEACHER) NOT TO SCALE • `9 GAUGE CHAINLINK FENCE (TYP) GALVANIZED L3X3X1/4 RAIL RISER (TYP) SIDE RAILING @ END AISLE NOT TO SCALE SCALE:1 /2 " =1 ' -0" NOT TO SCALE DESIGN LOADING TREAD & SEAT AREA 100psf UNIFORM LIVE LOAD. SEAT (VERTICAL) 120 lbs /lf. SEAT (HORIZONTAL SWAY) 2411os /lf PARALLEL AND 101bs /lf PERPENDICULAR TO SEAT. TREAD — STAIR AND AISLE TREADS — MINIMUM CONCENTRATED LOAD OF 300LBS ON AN AREA OF 4 SQUARE INCHES HANDRAIL & GUARDRAIL 50 lbs /lf IN ANY DIRECTION AT THE TOP. HANDRAIL & GUARDRAIL 200 lbs CONCENTRATED IN ANY DIRECTION. GUARDS, INFILL COMPONENTS — 50LBS PER SOFT IN HORIZON DIRECTION SNOW LOADS AS PER STATE ADOPTED CODE WIND L ❑ADS AS PER STATE ADOPTED CODE SEISMIC LOADS AS PER STATE ADOPTED CODE NOTES 1O ALL STRUCTURAL AND MISCELLANE ❑US STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLL ❑WING A.I.S.C. STANDARDS PLATE UP TO 1/2' THICK = A36 PLATE U.N.O. = A572 GRADE 50 ANGLE = A36/A36M GRADE 50 WIDE FLANGE = A992 Fy =50 ksi CHANNEL = A36/A36M GRADE 50 ROD = A36/A529 GRADE 50 TUBE = A500 GRADE 'B' 46 ksi 22 WELDS ARE ALL AROUND WITH TYPE ER70S -6 WIRE MIG. 33 ALL STEEL TO BE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TO A'S.T.M. A- 123 -89 ael. 44 STRUCTURAL BOLTS ARE HOT DIPPED GALV. AND ARE EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN A -307. 5O NO CONNECTIONS UTILIZING HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS ARE CLASSED AS SLIP CRITICAL. O6 ANODIZED ALUMINUM RAIL IS 1 1/4' NOMINAL PIPE SIZE. (1 5/8' ❑.D.) O7 SOUTHERN BLEACHER COMPANY AS A MANUFACTURER AND INSTALLER OF GRANDSTAND SEATING IS NOT AUTHORIZED TO CERTIFY PLANS AS ADA COMPLIANT. HOWEVER, TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE THESE PLANS MEET OR EXCEED ADA REQUIREMENTS FOR QUANTITY OF ADA SEATING, ACCESS /EGRESS TO ADA SEATING, & DISPERSAL OF ADA SEATING. Og ALL FIELD CONNECTIONS ARE NON —SLIP CRITICAL U.N.O. ALL CONNECTIONS ARE DESIGNED TO UTILIZE A307 BOLTS, IT IS ACCEPTABLE TO USE A325N BOLTS IN LIEU OF THE A307 BOLTS. THE INSTALLATI ❑N OF THESE BOLTS ARE TO BE TIGHTENED A SNUG TIGHT CONDITION AS SPECIFIED BY AISC. ALL SHOP AND /OR FABRICATION DRAWINGS FOR STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS OF THE GRANDSTAND SYSTEMS, INCLUDING FOOTINGS AND FOUNDATIONS, SHALL BE DESIGNED AND CERTIFIED BY A REGISTERED STRUCTURAL ENGINEER CURRENTLY LICENSED TO PRACTICE IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. COMPLETE CERTIFIED STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS SHALL ACCOMPANY SUBMISSION OF SHOP DRAWINGS. DRAWINGS AND CALCULATIONS SHALL CLEARLY NOTE ALL DESIGN LOADS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MINNESOTA STATE BUILDING CODE. CITY SUBMITTAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, INC AefA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 This drawing is for reference only and for competitive bidding purposes. Bleacher manufacturer shall provide engineered drawings as noted on this Plan and in the specification. I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LANDSGAPE ARGHITEGT under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA JAY R. POMEROY Registration 23543 Date 08/04116 Number Revisions Description Date Num COMM: 152244 Date: 08/04116 Drawn: JRP C) Check: JRP North HOME BLEACHER (TRACK) PLAN, ELEVATIONS, DETAILS, NOTES AND RELOCATED BLEACHER SLAB Scale: WA rn�1 i,l 9fN imMmimi 1 d I d 1C I I V I V I I d a I d I- e f- I d. I d I Q I a I I a d d d d d V Q dd d d Q THIEKENB SLPB ad d add d C C I O I I C I da A H7. V d d d d . -.I T V d d Q d d A d• d d 1 d' -TOP OF SLAB CONC. SLAB LAYOUT NOT TO SCALE C W/L HRCH SECTION VIEW @ W/C AREA SCALE:1 /2 " =1' -0" rT THII 220' -5' OVERALL LENGTH OF SLAB 0 g' -o• 0 (U i CONC. SLAB LAYOUT (RELOCATED M.S. BLEACHER) NOT TO SCALE • `9 GAUGE CHAINLINK FENCE (TYP) GALVANIZED L3X3X1/4 RAIL RISER (TYP) SIDE RAILING @ END AISLE NOT TO SCALE SCALE:1 /2 " =1 ' -0" NOT TO SCALE DESIGN LOADING TREAD & SEAT AREA 100psf UNIFORM LIVE LOAD. SEAT (VERTICAL) 120 lbs /lf. SEAT (HORIZONTAL SWAY) 2411os /lf PARALLEL AND 101bs /lf PERPENDICULAR TO SEAT. TREAD — STAIR AND AISLE TREADS — MINIMUM CONCENTRATED LOAD OF 300LBS ON AN AREA OF 4 SQUARE INCHES HANDRAIL & GUARDRAIL 50 lbs /lf IN ANY DIRECTION AT THE TOP. HANDRAIL & GUARDRAIL 200 lbs CONCENTRATED IN ANY DIRECTION. GUARDS, INFILL COMPONENTS — 50LBS PER SOFT IN HORIZON DIRECTION SNOW LOADS AS PER STATE ADOPTED CODE WIND L ❑ADS AS PER STATE ADOPTED CODE SEISMIC LOADS AS PER STATE ADOPTED CODE NOTES 1O ALL STRUCTURAL AND MISCELLANE ❑US STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLL ❑WING A.I.S.C. STANDARDS PLATE UP TO 1/2' THICK = A36 PLATE U.N.O. = A572 GRADE 50 ANGLE = A36/A36M GRADE 50 WIDE FLANGE = A992 Fy =50 ksi CHANNEL = A36/A36M GRADE 50 ROD = A36/A529 GRADE 50 TUBE = A500 GRADE 'B' 46 ksi 22 WELDS ARE ALL AROUND WITH TYPE ER70S -6 WIRE MIG. 33 ALL STEEL TO BE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TO A'S.T.M. A- 123 -89 ael. 44 STRUCTURAL BOLTS ARE HOT DIPPED GALV. AND ARE EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN A -307. 5O NO CONNECTIONS UTILIZING HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS ARE CLASSED AS SLIP CRITICAL. O6 ANODIZED ALUMINUM RAIL IS 1 1/4' NOMINAL PIPE SIZE. (1 5/8' ❑.D.) O7 SOUTHERN BLEACHER COMPANY AS A MANUFACTURER AND INSTALLER OF GRANDSTAND SEATING IS NOT AUTHORIZED TO CERTIFY PLANS AS ADA COMPLIANT. HOWEVER, TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE THESE PLANS MEET OR EXCEED ADA REQUIREMENTS FOR QUANTITY OF ADA SEATING, ACCESS /EGRESS TO ADA SEATING, & DISPERSAL OF ADA SEATING. Og ALL FIELD CONNECTIONS ARE NON —SLIP CRITICAL U.N.O. ALL CONNECTIONS ARE DESIGNED TO UTILIZE A307 BOLTS, IT IS ACCEPTABLE TO USE A325N BOLTS IN LIEU OF THE A307 BOLTS. THE INSTALLATI ❑N OF THESE BOLTS ARE TO BE TIGHTENED A SNUG TIGHT CONDITION AS SPECIFIED BY AISC. ALL SHOP AND /OR FABRICATION DRAWINGS FOR STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS OF THE GRANDSTAND SYSTEMS, INCLUDING FOOTINGS AND FOUNDATIONS, SHALL BE DESIGNED AND CERTIFIED BY A REGISTERED STRUCTURAL ENGINEER CURRENTLY LICENSED TO PRACTICE IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. COMPLETE CERTIFIED STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS SHALL ACCOMPANY SUBMISSION OF SHOP DRAWINGS. DRAWINGS AND CALCULATIONS SHALL CLEARLY NOTE ALL DESIGN LOADS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MINNESOTA STATE BUILDING CODE. CITY SUBMITTAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON - JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, INC AefA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 This drawing is for reference only and for competitive bidding purposes. Bleacher manufacturer shall provide engineered drawings as noted on this Plan and in the specification. I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LANDSGAPE ARGHITEGT under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA JAY R. POMEROY Registration 23543 Date 08/04116 Number Revisions Description Date Num COMM: 152244 Date: 08/04116 Drawn: JRP C) Check: JRP North HOME BLEACHER (TRACK) PLAN, ELEVATIONS, DETAILS, NOTES AND RELOCATED BLEACHER SLAB Scale: WA rn�1 i,l 9fN MN A 2 3 41' -102" RIM JOIST TO RIM JOIST DIMENSION 4 B DIO 6 � 6 0 6 � TRIPLE 2X8 RIM JOISTS 6-0" 6' -0" 6-T 5-10" J / I 41'-102" RIM JOIST TO RIM JOIST DIMENSION SHEAR WALLS AND END WALLS: BUILDING DESIGNED FOR: NAILING SCHEDULE JOIST LAYOUT 8d NAILS 6" O.C. ALL PANEL EDGES. ROOF - -- -100 P.S.F. LIVE LOAD REMAINING NAILS 12" O.C. NOT TO SCALE WALLS - - -25 P.S.F. WIND LOAD 7/16" APA RATED SHEATHING FLOOR 100 P.S.F. LIVE LOAD (BOTH SIDES OF WALLS) 41' -11" SHEATHING TO SHEATHING DIMENSION , r 3 0 X 6 8 I I I I I I C I C L 6 12'-5�f SHEAR WALLS AND END WALLS: BUILDING DESIGNED FOR: 1T -01/2" I I I ROOF -::.- _:_100 P.S.F. LIVE LOAD 8d NAILS 6" O.C. ALL PANEL EDGES. I I I I I I 1 FLOOR --- :--- -100 P.S.F. LIVE LOAD 7/16" APA RATED SHEATHING I I I 2X8 JOISTS I I I 16" O.C. AROUND ROOF HATCH I I I 1 FASTEN TO POSTS WITH GALV. STEEL TENSION Z I I I 1 I I I 1 SHEAR WALL COMMUNICATION BOX D O B 0 ELEC. PANEL I I I 1 I I I 1 "OVERHANG 4„ RO�G I I I 1 I I I 1 �, -.7 Ni■ I6� -v■ - - -- ------ - - - - -- m -n■ z¢ �(TYPICAL) c c c C I I I I I C # 2 AND BETTER S.P.F. I AND FACIA SYSTEM 3X6 8 1 I I TE SHROFATCH 0 3X6.8 30 X6.8 0 2T OR 2 -6 STUDS (SEE PLAN) c I I I I 6" R 1 FIBERGLASS INSULATION OR H 2X -0 20X 0 20X 0 20X 0 o \ STAY. WINDOW STAY. WINDOW STAY. WINDOW STAY. WINDOW oe 00 REFER TO FLOOR PLAN WHIRLWIND STURDI DRAIN SIDING r--- - - - - -- F` r - - - -- I - -- — - - -- -S --- - - - - -- I S I O I I I 1 S I I I S3 — I H I I 3 — 33 uI 3 I I 3 I I OF END WALLS TO COMMERCIAL LINOLEUM I z I w 3/ "T G APA RATED I I I I N N z PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR I I COACHES I ______ P.A. / CLOCK SCORER I I BARRIER a COACHES E I I 00 18" COUNTER TOP 18" COUNTER TOP I I 18" COUNTER TOP ® 00 0 00 00000 0000 0000 ""NORC70" 0 00 - -- ----------- - - - "NORCO" GLIDER - -- -- ------ - - - - -- -- "NORCO" GLIDER -------- - - - - -- — "NORCO" GLIDER --------- - - - - -- — -------- - - - - -- "NORCO" GLIDER "NORCO" GLIDER ----------- - - - - -- "NORCO" GLIDER - -- R.O. 6 -0 0" R.O. - -0 - - 0" R.0. 5 -0 " - --0" R.O. 5 -0 " -0" R.O. 5 -0 " - - -0" R.O. --0 " --0" R.O. 6 -0 " . -0" 112" 101 /2" 10112" 7' 7" I 10112" I I 4' -O" ld I I 4'-0' I I I I I I O.C. I 2 6 BEARING PLATES 6 "0' I 11 1 1 ~ rn I I 1 I I I WITH A 2 8 JOIST ABOVE 11 11 1 I 13� I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B DIO 6 � 6 0 6 � TRIPLE 2X8 RIM JOISTS 6-0" 6' -0" 6-T 5-10" J / I 41'-102" RIM JOIST TO RIM JOIST DIMENSION SHEAR WALLS AND END WALLS: BUILDING DESIGNED FOR: NAILING SCHEDULE JOIST LAYOUT 8d NAILS 6" O.C. ALL PANEL EDGES. ROOF - -- -100 P.S.F. LIVE LOAD REMAINING NAILS 12" O.C. NOT TO SCALE WALLS - - -25 P.S.F. WIND LOAD 7/16" APA RATED SHEATHING FLOOR 100 P.S.F. LIVE LOAD (BOTH SIDES OF WALLS) 41' -11" SHEATHING TO SHEATHING DIMENSION , r 3 0 X 6 8 I I I I I I C I C L END ELEVATION NOT TO SCALE E 1 3/8" DIAMETER RAILS FASTENED TO 3" 3" -1/_" CHANNELS -72" O.C. FRONT ELEVATION NOT TO SCALE F NAILING SCHEDULE - ROOF SHEATHING • SCALE 1/2" 1 0" 8d NAILS 6" O.C. AT ALL PANEL EDGES PARALLEL TO WIND LOAD. • REMAINING NAILS TO BE 12" O.C. WHIRLWIND STURDI DRAIN SIDING FLOOR PLAN NOT TO SCALE WALL WITH WINDOWS TO BE 2X65 16" O.C. REMAINING (3) WALLS TO BE 2X -. -16" O.C. NON SKID WALKING PAD M .060 EPDM FULLY ADHERED RUBBER MEMBRANE 3/ "T G FIR PLYWOOD 2 8 RAFTERS 16" O.C. #2 BTR. S.P.F 6" R -1 FIBERGLASS INSULATION MIL POLY VAPOR BARRIER 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD bo O z w ° N O 0 0 1 3 0 X 6 8 I I 1 0 Ji U \ Ji I ° > 0 LL z � U, _ w w 40/ ao O I � I o I I a I w I � I 1' -1 1/2" 5 6 12'-5�f SHEAR WALLS AND END WALLS: BUILDING DESIGNED FOR: 1T -01/2" 12'- 5114" ROOF -::.- _:_100 P.S.F. LIVE LOAD 8d NAILS 6" O.C. ALL PANEL EDGES. WALLS - - -- _25 P.S.F. WIND LOAD REMAINING NAILS 12" O.C. FLOOR --- :--- -100 P.S.F. LIVE LOAD 7/16" APA RATED SHEATHING — I - - --I— I I �\ I I �\ 1 SHEAR WALL /� 1 I e' I I I S AROUND ROOF HATCH 7r FASTEN TO POSTS WITH GALV. STEEL TENSION Z — �� SHEAR WALL COMMUNICATION BOX D O B 0 ELEC. PANEL O USG PROFESSIONAL SERIES _ VERIFY 0 LL "OVERHANG 4„ RO�G R.O. 5' -0" X 4' -0" O LL �, -.7 Ni■ I6� -v■ - - -- ------ - - - - -- m -n■ z¢ �(TYPICAL) c c c C I I I I I C c c O AND FACIA SYSTEM 3X6 8 30X6 -8 I I TE SHROFATCH 0 3X6.8 30 X6.8 0 2T OR 2 -6 STUDS (SEE PLAN) c I I I I 6" R 1 FIBERGLASS INSULATION OR H 2X -0 20X 0 20X 0 20X 0 o \ STAY. WINDOW STAY. WINDOW STAY. WINDOW STAY. WINDOW oe 00 REFER TO FLOOR PLAN WHIRLWIND STURDI DRAIN SIDING r--- - - - - -- F` r - - - -- I - -- — - - -- -S --- - - - - -- I S \ I I I I 1 S S3 — _ __ _ - — — - \ \ S S3 — - - -- \ ` —S H 3 3 — 33 uI 3 ALUMINUM SHELF LL 3 BRACKET 0 O OF END WALLS TO COMMERCIAL LINOLEUM I DOUBLE END RIM JOISTS w 3/ "T G APA RATED 1 tl2" INSTALL 13 R— I I N N z PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR EVENLY SPACED AND COACHES ______ P.A. / CLOCK SCORER ------- - - - - - SPOTTER/ VIDEO CABLE A BARRIER a COACHES E 18" COUNTER TOP 00 18" COUNTER TOP 18" COUNTER TOP 18" COUNTER TOP 18" COUNTER TOP ® 00 0 00 00000 0000 0000 ""NORC70" 0 00 - -- ----------- - - - "NORCO" GLIDER - -- -- ------ - - - - -- -- "NORCO" GLIDER -------- - - - - -- — "NORCO" GLIDER --------- - - - - -- — -------- - - - - -- "NORCO" GLIDER "NORCO" GLIDER ----------- - - - - -- "NORCO" GLIDER - -- R.O. 6 -0 0" R.O. - -0 - - 0" R.0. 5 -0 " - --0" R.O. 5 -0 " -0" R.O. 5 -0 " - - -0" R.O. --0 " --0" R.O. 6 -0 " . -0" 112" 101 /2" 10112" 7' 7" 10112" 10112" 4' -O" ld 5' 0" 51-01, 5' -0" 4'-0' 6-13" 41' -11" SHEATHING TO SHEATHING DIMENSION END ELEVATION NOT TO SCALE E 1 3/8" DIAMETER RAILS FASTENED TO 3" 3" -1/_" CHANNELS -72" O.C. FRONT ELEVATION NOT TO SCALE F NAILING SCHEDULE - ROOF SHEATHING • SCALE 1/2" 1 0" 8d NAILS 6" O.C. AT ALL PANEL EDGES PARALLEL TO WIND LOAD. • REMAINING NAILS TO BE 12" O.C. WHIRLWIND STURDI DRAIN SIDING FLOOR PLAN NOT TO SCALE WALL WITH WINDOWS TO BE 2X65 16" O.C. REMAINING (3) WALLS TO BE 2X -. -16" O.C. NON SKID WALKING PAD M .060 EPDM FULLY ADHERED RUBBER MEMBRANE 3/ "T G FIR PLYWOOD 2 8 RAFTERS 16" O.C. #2 BTR. S.P.F 6" R -1 FIBERGLASS INSULATION MIL POLY VAPOR BARRIER 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD bo O z w ° N O 0 0 1 3 0 X 6 8 I I 1 0 Ji U \ Ji I ° > 0 LL z � U, _ w w 40/ ao O I � I o I I a I w I � I 1' -1 1/2" 5 6 " RAFTER TIE SHEAR WALLS AND END WALLS: BUILDING DESIGNED FOR: SCALE 1/2" 10" NAILING SCHEDULE ROOF -::.- _:_100 P.S.F. LIVE LOAD 8d NAILS 6" O.C. ALL PANEL EDGES. WALLS - - -- _25 P.S.F. WIND LOAD REMAINING NAILS 12" O.C. FLOOR --- :--- -100 P.S.F. LIVE LOAD 7/16" APA RATED SHEATHING — I - - --I— I I �\ I I �\ 1 (BOTH SIDES OF WALLS) ELECTRICAL NOTES: OA PRE FABRICATED PRESS BOX SHALL COME WITH A COMPLETELY FINISHED ELECTRICAL SYSTEM. PROVIDE EMPTY CONDUITS (MIN 3) FOR SPEAKER WIRES SCOREBOARD CONTROL. AND OTHER RELATED FUNCTIONS SHALL BE STUBBED TO OUTSIDE OF PRESS BOX FOR HOOK UP BY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. DATA AND PHONE O1 O2 FIELD COMMUNICATION SCOREBOARD CONTROL O 0 PUBLIC ADDRESS CONTROL OPANELBOARD SHALL BE 100 AMP 208/120V 3 PHASE WIRE LOCATED ON REAR WALL. OC DUPLEX OUTLETS ALONG REAR WALL ONE PER 6 OF BOX. OD LOW VOLTAGE PANEL LOCATED ON REAR WALL. PROVIDE FIVE (5) 1 1/ " AND THREE (3) 1" SPARE CONDUITS TO FROM PANEL TO BOTTOM SIDE OF PRESS BOX (FOR FUTURE CONNECTIONS) OCONTINUOUS PLUG MOLD 2000 ALONG TOTAL LENGTH OF FRONT WALL. RECEPTACLES AT 271" O.C. PLUG MOLD AT 32" ABOVE FLOOR (ABOVE INTERIOR SHELF AND BELOW WINDOWSILL) 1. ELECTRICAL CONDUIT AND WIRING TO BE BURIED IN STRUCTURE. 2. ELECTRICAL OUTLETS INSTALL SINGLE DUPLEX OUTLETS IN EACH COMPARTMENT FOR ELECTRIC HEATER. 3. LIGHT FIXTURES -2 -" X -8" 3 LAMP STATIC FLUORESCENT RECESSED LAYJN GRID TROFFER. FLUSH STEEL DOOR FRAME. 1/2" X 1/2" X 1/2" SILVER PLASTIC CUBE LOUVER. . PROVIDE SURFACE MOUNTED HIGH ABUSE INCANDESCENT FIXTURE WITH POLY CARBONATE GLOBE AT EACH ENTRANCE. 5. WIRING TO MEET REQUIRED SERVICE. CONDUIT TO BE STUBBED OUT OF PRESS BOX. READY FOR RE CONNECT OF 6. LOCATE MAIN DISCONNECT AND CIRCUIT BREAKER PANELS ON SHOP DRAWINGS. 7. CONNECT WIRING FOR SCOREBOARD CONTROLS P.A. SYSTEM. AND COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT. INCLUDE THE PULLING OF WIRE TO THE COMMUNICATION BOXES AND PROVIDE REQUIRED CONNECTORS. FASTEN END RIM JOISTS TO SUPPORT STEEL IBEAMS WITH 5 3/8" DIAM. 5" LAG BOLTS THROUGH PLATE INTO RIM JOISTS EACH END Q a O O M O O O 0 LL D IL LL 0 O a 3/8" DIAM. -5" LAG BOLTS 2 - "' O.C. 2X8 JOISTS -16" O.C. -( #2 BETTER S.P.F.) THROUGH STEEL I BEAM SUPPORT -JOIST HANGER - SIMPSON U26 OR BETTER EACH END INTO SILL PLATE AND RIM JOISTS STAGGER INTO ALTERNATING PLYS -1/2" EXTERIOR PLYWOOD ON BOTTOM OF JOISTS METAL BOTTOM 2B TREATED 0 CCA SILL PLATES 20d RS NAILS 18" O.C. INTO ALTERNATING PLYS RIM JOIST TO RIM JOIST CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE The completed Press Box shall have a posted IBC label pursuant to Minnesota Building Code #1360. All shop and /or fabrication drawings for architectural and structural components of the press box systems shall be designed and certified by a registered architect and/ or structural engineer currently licensed to practice in the state of Minnesota. The existing support structure shall be reviewed and certified by the press box contractor/ fabricator. Complete certified structural calculations related to the existing support structure and press box components shall accompany submission of shop drawings. Drawings and calculations shall clearly note all design loads in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code. 4 O w 0 0 0 H O 7 8 MI-W RIM JOIST TO RIM JOIST DIMENSION im -i1®■ ` � ... " RAFTER TIE PHOTOGRAPHY PLATFORM ON SCALE 1/2" 10" - .: -X -2 -BOX ONLY ROOF..... -.. -100 P.S.F. LIVE LOAD - 8d NAILS 6" O.C. ALL PANEL EDGES. 2 -2 -10 HEADERS 1 3/8" ALUMINUM RAILS "MAXIMUM SPACING FLOOR 100 P.S.F. LIVE LOAD PROVIDE RAILING — I - - --I— I I �\ I I �\ 1 PROVIDE ALUMINUM ELBOWS AT ALL CORNERS /� 1 I e' I I I S AROUND ROOF HATCH 7r FASTEN TO POSTS WITH GALV. STEEL TENSION Z — �� BANDS AND 5/8" GALV. CARRIAGE BOLTS INSTALL 13 1 1/2" DIA. GROMMETS E 4„ O USG PROFESSIONAL SERIES _ VERIFY 0 LL 0000 ® ® 00 4„ RO�G R.O. 5' -0" X 4' -0" O LL �, -.7 Ni■ I6� -v■ X 6�' w 7F7 m -n■ z¢ 36 a TYPICAL WALL CONSTRUCTION VENTED ALUMINUM SOFFIT O AND FACIA SYSTEM STRATFORD WEAVE PANELING 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD LL 2X10 CURB MIL POLY VAPOR BARRIER 0 2T OR 2 -6 STUDS (SEE PLAN) O 6" R 1 FIBERGLASS INSULATION OR H 3 1/2" R 11 FIBERGLASS INSULATION FASTEN END RIM JOISTS TO SUPPORT STEEL IBEAMS WITH 5 3/8" DIAM. 5" LAG BOLTS THROUGH PLATE INTO RIM JOISTS EACH END Q a O O M O O O 0 LL D IL LL 0 O a 3/8" DIAM. -5" LAG BOLTS 2 - "' O.C. 2X8 JOISTS -16" O.C. -( #2 BETTER S.P.F.) THROUGH STEEL I BEAM SUPPORT -JOIST HANGER - SIMPSON U26 OR BETTER EACH END INTO SILL PLATE AND RIM JOISTS STAGGER INTO ALTERNATING PLYS -1/2" EXTERIOR PLYWOOD ON BOTTOM OF JOISTS METAL BOTTOM 2B TREATED 0 CCA SILL PLATES 20d RS NAILS 18" O.C. INTO ALTERNATING PLYS RIM JOIST TO RIM JOIST CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE The completed Press Box shall have a posted IBC label pursuant to Minnesota Building Code #1360. All shop and /or fabrication drawings for architectural and structural components of the press box systems shall be designed and certified by a registered architect and/ or structural engineer currently licensed to practice in the state of Minnesota. The existing support structure shall be reviewed and certified by the press box contractor/ fabricator. Complete certified structural calculations related to the existing support structure and press box components shall accompany submission of shop drawings. Drawings and calculations shall clearly note all design loads in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code. 4 O w 0 0 0 H O 7 8 MI-W RIM JOIST TO RIM JOIST DIMENSION im -i1®■ ` � ... " RAFTER TIE SHEAR WALLS AND END WALLS: SCALE 1/2" 10" RAFTER TIE ROOF..... -.. -100 P.S.F. LIVE LOAD - 8d NAILS 6" O.C. ALL PANEL EDGES. 2 -2 -10 HEADERS REMAINING NAILS 12" O.C. FLOOR 100 P.S.F. LIVE LOAD 7/16" APA RATED SHEATHING — I - - --I— I I �\ I I �\ 1 ( #2 BTR. HEM FIR) /� 1 I e' I I I S n�.n■ I 1 1 I S I I 3L ---j -----_j I L IGHT FIXTURE (TYR) I I \ L------ - - - - -J L-------�--__S3 SUSPENDED CEILING' E INSTALL 13 1 1/2" DIA. GROMMETS E 4„ O USG PROFESSIONAL SERIES _ VERIFY 0 LL 0000 ® ® 00 4„ "NORCO" GLIDER WINDOW "NORCO" GLIDER WINDOW R.O. 5' -0" X 4' -0" O LL �, -.7 Ni■ I6� -v■ 17��■ �� -.� ia■ w 7F7 m -n■ z¢ a TYPICAL WALL CONSTRUCTION O STRATFORD WEAVE PANELING 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD LL MIL POLY VAPOR BARRIER 0 2T OR 2 -6 STUDS (SEE PLAN) O 6" R 1 FIBERGLASS INSULATION OR H 3 1/2" R 11 FIBERGLASS INSULATION 2 STUDS 16" O.C. 1, 6„ o WINDOWS VARY 1/2" COX PLYWOOD (VERIFY) oe 00 REFER TO FLOOR PLAN WHIRLWIND STURDI DRAIN SIDING F` (VERIFY RGH. OPNG.) LL 0] O PREFORMED FORMICA COUNTERTOP — o H ALUMINUM SHELF LL FASTEN BOTTOM PLATE BRACKET 0 O OF END WALLS TO COMMERCIAL LINOLEUM I DOUBLE END RIM JOISTS w 3/ "T G APA RATED WITH (12) 20d RS NAILS N N z PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR EVENLY SPACED AND LL D MIL POLY VAPOR OU STAGGERED INTO 2 RIM BARRIER a JOISTS EACH END 00 FASTEN END RIM JOISTS TO SUPPORT STEEL IBEAMS WITH 5 3/8" DIAM. 5" LAG BOLTS THROUGH PLATE INTO RIM JOISTS EACH END Q a O O M O O O 0 LL D IL LL 0 O a 3/8" DIAM. -5" LAG BOLTS 2 - "' O.C. 2X8 JOISTS -16" O.C. -( #2 BETTER S.P.F.) THROUGH STEEL I BEAM SUPPORT -JOIST HANGER - SIMPSON U26 OR BETTER EACH END INTO SILL PLATE AND RIM JOISTS STAGGER INTO ALTERNATING PLYS -1/2" EXTERIOR PLYWOOD ON BOTTOM OF JOISTS METAL BOTTOM 2B TREATED 0 CCA SILL PLATES 20d RS NAILS 18" O.C. INTO ALTERNATING PLYS RIM JOIST TO RIM JOIST CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE The completed Press Box shall have a posted IBC label pursuant to Minnesota Building Code #1360. All shop and /or fabrication drawings for architectural and structural components of the press box systems shall be designed and certified by a registered architect and/ or structural engineer currently licensed to practice in the state of Minnesota. The existing support structure shall be reviewed and certified by the press box contractor/ fabricator. Complete certified structural calculations related to the existing support structure and press box components shall accompany submission of shop drawings. Drawings and calculations shall clearly note all design loads in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code. 4 O w 0 0 0 H O 7 8 MI-W RIM JOIST TO RIM JOIST DIMENSION im -i1®■ r L LEFT ELEVATION SCALE 1/ " 1 0" SHEATHING TO SHEATHING DIMENSION ` � ... BUILDING DESIGNED FOR: SHEAR WALLS AND END WALLS: SCALE 1/2" 10" NAILING SCHEDULE_. ROOF..... -.. -100 P.S.F. LIVE LOAD - 8d NAILS 6" O.C. ALL PANEL EDGES. WALLS--- - - - -25 P.S.F. WIND LOAD REMAINING NAILS 12" O.C. FLOOR 100 P.S.F. LIVE LOAD 7/16" APA RATED SHEATHING — I - - --I— I I �\ I I �\ 1 (BOTH SIDES OF WALLS) /� 1 I e' I I I S n�.n■ r L LEFT ELEVATION SCALE 1/ " 1 0" SHEATHING TO SHEATHING DIMENSION "OVERHANG (TYPICAL) D B C 1 111 C C I - -4— — I - - --I— I I �\ I I �\ 1 I I /� 1 I e' I I I S T I 1 I I 1 1 I S I I 3L ---j -----_j I L IGHT FIXTURE (TYR) I I \ L------ - - - - -J L-------�--__S3 E INSTALL 13 1 1/2" DIA. GROMMETS E 18" COUNTER TOP ® 00 ® 0000 ® ® 00 "NORCO" GLIDER WINDOW "NORCO" GLIDER WINDOW "NORCO" GLIDER WINDOW R.O. 5' -0" X 4' -0" R.O. 5' -0" X 4' -0" R.O. 5-0" X 4' -0" �, -.7 Ni■ I6� -v■ 17��■ �� -.� ia■ m -n■ SHEATHING TO SHEATHING DIMENSION [� WALLWITH WINDOWSTO BE2X6S- 16 "O.C. FLOOI \ I'L/\ A N REMAINING (3) WALLS TO BE 2X 16" O.C. SCALE 1/2" -10" SCALE 1/ 1-0" WHIRLWIND STURDI DRAIN SIDING SCALE 1/ 10" MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 5225 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 O w 0 C INDEPENDENT SCHOOL O CL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET 7 I I a J n II ROOF HATCH OPENING TO BE 3.0 "X 7.0" II FOR X 2 I I VERIFY 2 6" 0" 'BILCO" ROOF HATCH BOX ONLY II 8 314" 1 POSTS: 3'X3 "X1 / "CHANNEL 3 -6" HIGH I 1 3/8" DIAMETER ALUMINUM RAILS 2 6:0" O.C. I WI NO MORE THAN "OPENING BETWEEN 0 (FACTORY WELDED TO 6" X 6" X 1/ " - X GALVANI ED PLATES CONTINUOUS ch = I HANDRAIL I � I ATTACH ANCHOR PLATE TO I 1 1/2" X 5 3/ "ALUMINUM z PLYWOOD AND BLOCKING I TOEBOARD WITH ( ) 3/8" DIA. X 2 1/2" LAG 1# 2 AND STRINGERS BETTER HEM FIR) SCREWS WITH WASHERS. I (# USE NEOPRENE CAULK 2 X 10 TREADS CARPETED FOR ROOF FLASHING SEALANT 1 X 8 RISERS CARPETED RAIL ANCHOR DETAIL NOT TO SCALE STAIR SECTION NOT TO SCALE b z O z z LLJ 0 0 z w O U' z Q MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON- JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SITEPLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 This drawing is for reference only and for competitive bidding purposes. Press Box manufacturer shall provide engineered drawings as noted on this Plan and in the specification. I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LAN05CAPE ARGHITEGT under the laws of the State of MINNE50TA JAY R. O O Registration 23543 Date 08/04116 Number Revisions Description Date Num Comm: 152244 Date: 08/04116 Drawn: JRP Check: JRP North O w PRESS BOXES x C7 O PLAN, ELEVATIONS, O LL w DETAILS AND NOTES CITY SUBMITTAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Mill mm A B C C E F I 2 3 "SPR SP 0 "SPR o "SPR WN" C Ro "SPR 0 SPR 0 NA" "SPR 0 "SPR 1956.5 956. O 957.1 "SPR O "SPR 957.1 0 "SPR O 957.3 C8 TOP =953.4 INV= 946.1(N,S) 957.4 957.3 957.4 957.4 NOTES: Q h SPR ti y TC V o; N TC U o HCR 4 1. REFER TO SHEET C1.30, GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES. 2. MINIMIZE DISTURBANCE TO SITE AND PROTECT EXISTING VEGETATION AND SITE FEATURES (CURBS, WALKS, PAVEMENTS, OVERHEAD AND UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, SIGNAGE, FENCING, ROADWAYS, ETC.) WHICH ARE TO REMAIN. 3. REPAIR OR REPLACE EXISTING PROPERTY AND SITE FEATURES, INCLUDING GRASS AND VEGETATION, WHICH IS TO REMAIN THAT IS DAMAGED BY THE WORK, TO OWNER'S SATISFACTION AND AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. 4. VISIT THE SITE PRIOR TO BIDDING; BE FAMILIAR WITH ACTUAL CONDITIONS IN THE FIELD. EXTRA COMPENSATION WILL NOT BE ALLOWED FOR CONDITIONS WHICH COULD HAVE BEEN DETERMINED OR ANTICIPATED BY EXAMINATION OF THE SITE, THE CONTRACT DRAWINGS AND THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE PERTAINING TO EXISTING SOILS, UTILITIES AND OTHER SITE CHARACTERISTICS. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HIRE THE SERVICES OF A UTILITY LOCATOR COMPANY TO LOCATE ALL PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES THAT MAY BE DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. LEGEND CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVALS CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER REMOVALS BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT REMOVALS FENCING REMOVALS UTILITY REMOVALS ® TREE REMOVALS - - - - - - - SAWCUT PROPERTY LINE 5 PROTECT SANITARY LINE AND 6 2 REMOVE TO 5' BEYOND BUILDING ADDITION. REFER TO MECHANICAL PLANS FOR RE- CONNECTION. 7 0 I ASH PROTECT SANITARY LINE REMOVE TO 5' BEYOND BUILDING ADDITION. REFER TO MECHANICAL PLANS FOR RE- CONNECTION. CONCRETE WALK ASH PROTECT 8 GI ASH h 18 "RCP CONCRETE TC Ce TC TC TOP =951.3 rc TC INV= 947.4 TC ~ TC TC TC PROTECT 2 "oS CONCRETE T WALK 173.2 CB LP TOP =952.0 INV =948.0 T C� TC J I to O I O Z TC M TC M 1 TC TC W H W Of U Z O TC U N o � 'ASH O Z TC - FPO 5 GRDL f7�95.40 TCS 00 0954.2 TCS J J I TC I I � O I Z TC I I 0] LP I f 0 M rn NU rn� C N HC v J I 1 I ENTRANCE REMOVALS PLAN SCALE: 7 " =30' CITY SUBMITTAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION MONTICELLO EASTV I EW ELEMENTARY ADDITION 9375 FENNING AVENUE NE MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON- JOHNSON ASSOCIA TES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 757.5 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVID A. PEr Registration 40180 Date 08/08/16 Number Revisions Description Date Num Comm: Date: 08/08/16 Drawn: LSD Check: DAR North REMOVALS PLAN y I Li I � I V I � I Z I I I � I � � I I I C,� O J - I CB (OFFSET) Z 0] {� TOP =956.0 INV= 951.7(E) I I � I M I 00 - - - -- -- - - -�- - Q: - - - - - --- OHE - -- - - - - - - - r 958.1 I � y 0 N cB o I SAWCUT TOP =957.6 I 154.1 Mlj - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ OHE CONC GE - - - - - CONC OP =956.8 INV= 953.1(N,S) (J M I N 0 U S Q CB I TOP =457.3 2!" RCP ST S - - -12 _ INVj53.9 - - - - - -_ CB /2" RCP "RCP ST S lS" RCP STS TOP =958.4 ST S PATCH BITUMINOUS AS NECESSARY I INV =954.8 12" R STS MH STS MH TOP =958.9 INV= 954.6(E,NW)j TOP = 958.2() h _ Mir h 936 5(S,NW,W) E ,S,W) 953. I . ) NV PROTECT BITUMINOUS V - 12 CP CB Sr S IINV =953.7 CB -- TOP =957.5 INV= 953.8(E) �v INV =953.7 0 957.8 � I� 090 0957.8 n EI 957.2 (i1� 1 0957.7 - o, -_- t m I 0 ENTRANCE REMOVALS PLAN SCALE: 7 " =30' CITY SUBMITTAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION MONTICELLO EASTV I EW ELEMENTARY ADDITION 9375 FENNING AVENUE NE MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON- JOHNSON ASSOCIA TES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 757.5 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVID A. PEr Registration 40180 Date 08/08/16 Number Revisions Description Date Num Comm: Date: 08/08/16 Drawn: LSD Check: DAR North REMOVALS PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 g 7 g A PLANT REQUIREMENTS: MNBUILDING AREA = 0.47 ACRES = MINIMUM 7 ACI INCLUDING AT LEAST 1 CONIFER B C C "SPR "SPR Co SPR " o "SPR CO "SPR 0 "SPR o NAt4 "SPR I D "SPR 956.5 956. • PROVIDED - 2 CONIFERS AND 5 ACI 0 "SPR BUILDING PERIMETER = 600 LINEAR FEET = 60 SHRUBS 957.1 • PROVIDED - 62 SHRUBS WITHIN 15 FEET OF BUILDING WALL fo"SPR O 957.1 0 "SPR 957.3 957.4 957.3 957.4 957.4 DAYLIGHT D' DUCTILE IRON PIPE. li�) REFER TO MECHANICAL PLANS FOR SANITARY RE- CONNECTION o I ASH • .1... •.-�, ................. ALIGN WALK WITFI,S=Gj1P,..e • I•' .•� ( 49.01 •••�� c• 4 , . I• . DT INV. = 951.80 I.° DTI 1 I•• s I•'•'•'•'•'•'•••' • PROPOSED BUILDING ADDITION �• I' a PO ` • I• °. TO LEGEND NOTES: ° 1. REFER TO SHEET C1.30, GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES. ° 2. CHECK ALL PLAN AND DETAIL DIMENSIONS AND VERIFY SAME BEFORE FIELD LAYOUT. - - -I PROPOSED MULCH BED 3. SIGNAGE SHALL GENERALLY BE INSTALLED 18" BEHIND THE BACK OF CURB. 4. ALL DISTURBED AREAS OUTSIDE THE BUILDING PAD WHICH ARE NOT DESIGNATED TO BE 4 CLF FENCING KEY NOTE PAVED SHALL RECEIVE AT LEAST 6" OF TOPSOIL AND SHALL BE SODDED. PROPOSED DECIDUOUS TREE 5. WHERE NEW SOD MEETS EXISTING TURF, EXISTING TURF EDGE SHALL BE CUT TO ALLOW FOR (D ® O PROPOSED SHRUBS A CONSISTENT, UNIFORM STRAIGHT EDGE. JAGGED OR UNEVEN EDGES WILL NOT BE PROPOSED BUILDING STOOP - REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS ACCEPTABLE. REMOVE TOPSOIL AT JOINT BETWEEN EXISTING AND NEW AS REQUIRED TO E ALLOW NEW SOD SURFACE TO BE FLUSH WITH EXISTING. 6. FAILURE OF TURF DEVELOPMENT: IN THE EVENT THE CONTRACTOR FAILS TO PROVIDE AN ACCEPTABLE TURF, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RE -SOD ALL APPLICABLE AREAS, AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER, TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE ENGINEER. 7. TREE PROTECTION - INSTALL ORANGE SNOW FENCE AT DRIP LINE. MAINTAIN FOR DURATION OF PROJECT. 8. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST INSPECT AND APPROVE FINISH GRADING BEFORE • CONTRACTOR PROCEEDS WITH SODDING. ° 9. BEGIN TURF ESTABLISHMENT IMMEDIATELY AFTER SODDING, REFER TO SPECIFICATION FOR PROCEDURE. 10. ALL TREES TO BE BALLED AND BURLAPPED. A11. ALL TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL RECEIVE 4" DEPTH OF CLEAN SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 12. ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE NO. 1 QUALITY, NURSERY GROWN AND SPECIMENS MUST BE MATCHED. ALL OVERSTORY TREES ADJACENT TO DRIVE AND IN PARKING LOT SHALL BEGIN F BRANCHING NO LOWER THAN 6'. DAYLIGHT D' DUCTILE IRON PIPE. li�) REFER TO MECHANICAL PLANS FOR SANITARY RE- CONNECTION o I ASH • .1... •.-�, ................. ALIGN WALK WITFI,S=Gj1P,..e • I•' .•� ( 49.01 •••�� c• 4 , . I• . DT INV. = 951.80 I.° DTI 1 I•• s I•'•'•'•'•'•'•••' • PROPOSED BUILDING ADDITION �• I' a PO ` • I• °. TO LEGEND 0 PO (A v C I ------------ -i1 - -7 ----------------------- 0 I I I I I I I I ' I I C,� IC') I I I 00 I REFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS DETAIL I.D NUMBER (TOP) DETAIL SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM) PROPOSED CONCRETE WALK � I PROPOSED LANDSCAPE ROCK BED -------- - - - - -I PROPOSED MULCH BED •,•,•,•,•,•,•,•,• -------- - - i APPROXIMATE SOD LIMITS - - -� PROPOSED CHAIN LINK FENCING — — 4 CLF FENCING KEY NOTE 0 PROPOSED DECIDUOUS TREE ® PROPOSED CONIFEROUS TREE (D ® O PROPOSED SHRUBS PROPOSED BUILDING STOOP - REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS PROPERTY LINE 0 PO (A v C I ------------ -i1 - -7 ----------------------- 0 I I I I I I I I ' I I C,� IC') I I I 00 I 0 I ---------------- 1 - - -.. -------- - - - - -- PATCH BITUMINOUS AS NECESSARY • I I • I I I °p4 ° ❑ ®957.7 I ENTRANCE SITE PLAN SCALE: 111=30' MONTICELLO EASTV I EW ELEMENTARY ADDITION 9375 FENNING AVENUE NE MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON- JOHNSON ASSOCIA TES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ° SITE PLANNING ° CIVIL ENGINEERING 757.5 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVID A. PET Registration 40180 Date 08/08/16 Number Revisions Description Date Num Comm: Date: 08/08/16 Drawn: LSD Check: DAR North SITE AND GEOMETRIC PLAN CITY SUBMITTAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION C W I Milo 21110Irs�mr11�� 1 � I • — — 0 — 0 I ---------------- 1 - - -.. -------- - - - - -- PATCH BITUMINOUS AS NECESSARY • I I • I I I °p4 ° ❑ ®957.7 I ENTRANCE SITE PLAN SCALE: 111=30' MONTICELLO EASTV I EW ELEMENTARY ADDITION 9375 FENNING AVENUE NE MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON- JOHNSON ASSOCIA TES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ° SITE PLANNING ° CIVIL ENGINEERING 757.5 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVID A. PET Registration 40180 Date 08/08/16 Number Revisions Description Date Num Comm: Date: 08/08/16 Drawn: LSD Check: DAR North SITE AND GEOMETRIC PLAN CITY SUBMITTAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION C W I Milo 21110Irs�mr11�� 1 Mill mm GENERAL NOTES 2 3 4 5 "SP "SP Oi 944.9 /x 946.1 / / x 9 .2// 0 55.44 x 46.2 x 944.6 x 94 / / x SPjt 0 x 944.3 II I I I 949.$ x 944.3 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL ORDINANCES. sP 0 55. 2. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR AND SHALL PAY FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION 1 ® 53. STAKING / LAYOUT. I 1 "Sp I I I I x x997.3 I o 55. � x 944.9 9 SP I 1 0 9. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN AND PAY FOR ALL RELATED CONSTRUCTION PERMITS, A INCLUDING THE NPDES PERMIT FROM THE MPCA. SUBMIT A COPY OF ALL PERMITS TO THE I I 9 P I I x x845.b/ / A47 / 52.9 x 955.7 x 944.8 CITY. I 1.5 I 1 x 948.4 1 x /946' // / x 955.8 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAGE (CONSTRUCTION I I x 54.21 I I 1 I I x 945.4 / / ZONES NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. ALL SIGNAGE LAYOUTS '957.14 I I I _-Q45 .0 7� MUST BE DESIGNED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND APPROVED BY LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 1 I I I I I 1 I x45.2 945.4 / /g4 / / // / II 945.5 945.3 MW2- / / / �$/ / 951/ // � � 955.8 ME / 5. INSTALL CONTROL FENCING AND BARRICADING AS NECESSARY TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC. I I 1 x47.3 x945.4 ig / // / 955.7 ME 1\ 56.7 95 ox // - S R x 95 .0 9'6 / x 8. / 952953.1 6. INSPECT SITE AND REVIEW SOIL BORINGS TO DETERMINE EXTENT OF WORK AND NATURE OF � \ \ 46.1 / 49/ / / o MATERIALS TO BE HANDLED. I s5s ® 3 \ s �7.1 g x s 3 94b� j /9 / //953/ / 957.9 ° 0 954. ®�� �47. ' 2 "�R 47.5 gjU 957.6 7. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEWATERING REQUIREMENTS. ®sUS / / �} �, .7.7 S � 48 945.4 / / / ' 955.6 ME 2 7„ P / 54/ I Q 8. CHECK ALL PLAN AND DETAIL DIMENSIONS AND VERIFY SAME BEFORE FIELD LAYOUT. 956 ®954 ®953 s SPR \ / / 9 / x 956.3 9. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR BUILDING AND STOOP DIMENSIONS AND LAYOUT. ®95sPR� / / �xss4.2 I s 5.8 x 955+7 x 955.9 / x < x 953.3 / x 955.5 I PROPOSED B' 10. MAINTAIN ADJACENT PROPERTY AND PUBLIC STREETS CLEAN FROM CONSTRUCTION CAUSED � xs5s� 0 56.4 x 953.4 y DIRT AND DEBRIS ON A DAILY BASIS. PROTECT DRAINAGE SYSTEMS FROM SEDIMENTATION 957 1I "SP II 957 s / FFE = 958.1 = AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION RELATED DIRT AND DEBRIS. I 9 AL a EB � 953.7 I x 955.4 ncc n enc /f I 11. MAINTAIN DUST CONTROL DURING GRADING OPERATIONS. I ® SPR sPR ry 6 e x 957. I I 12. ALL EROSION CONTROL METHODS SHALL COMPLY WITH MPCA AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. I o954.9 P s540 I �y*6 13. CONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE DISTURBANCE TO SITE AND PROTECT EXISTING SITE FEATURES Z1- ■ � 952.8 LP a DETAIL SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM) - ;1= (INCLUDING TURF AND VEGETATION) WHICH ARE TO REMAIN. 956.8 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION `955 - .6 I 1 PROPOSED CONTOURS AND SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN TO FINISH GRADE UNLESS I14. ME = MATCH EXISTING OTHERWISE NOTED. I I • • 15. SPOT ELEVATIONS SHOWN IN PARKING LOTS, DRIVES AND ROADS INDICATE GUTTER GRADES, 957.7 $57.31 x954.5 97.5 �56.1 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. SPOT ELEVATIONS WITH LABELS OUTSIDE THE BUILDING I 1 PERIMETER INDICATE PROPOSED GRADES OUTSIDE THE BUILDING. SPOT ELEVATIONS WITH 99998.3 ■ 956.71 LABELS INSIDE THE BUILDING PERIMETER INDICATE PROPOSED FINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONS. I 'ASH 1 I I 95�i. x 954.8 16. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING QUANTITIES OF CUT, I 958.0 FILL AND WASTE MATERIALS TO BE HANDLED, AND FOR AMOUNT OF GRADING TO BE DONE IN 957.8 ° CB 56. x57.1 9 ORDER TO COMPLETELY PERFORM ALL WORK INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS. IMPORT / I I I NV =946. (N,S) 957. 46. SUITABLE MATERIAL AND EXPORT UNSUITABLE / EXCESS / WASTE MATERIAL AS REQUIRED. 95 958x 7 957 2 9;6.9 GTL ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH IMPORTING AND EXPORTING MATERIALS SHALL BE INCIDENTAL - 0D TO THE CONTRACT. x 959. E t7.4 C 958.5 959.4 1 x 954.8 17. NO FINISHED SLOPES SHALL EXCEED 4' HORIZONTAL TO V VERTICAL (4:1), UNLESS c 957.9 1 / 12 CP Sr S OP =957.4 OTHERWISE NOTED. I x955. 18. ALL DISTURBED AREAS OUTSIDE THE BUILDING PAD WHICH ARE NOT DESIGNATED TO BE I rn TC8.2 PAVED OR RECEIVE AGLIME, SHALL RECEIVE AT LEAST 6" OF TOPSOIL AND SHALL BE 957.9 959.2 958.8 959.0 TC 958.5 TC SODDED. REFER TO SHEET C1.20, SITE PLAN, FOR SOD LOCATIONS. TOP =957.5 INV= 953.8(E) w INV =953.7 to I I TC 958.3 4y Go rn � % x 954.8 19. WHERE NEW SOD MEETS EXISTING SOD, EXISTING SOD EDGE SHALL BE CUT TO ALLOW FOR A 957; M CONSISTENT, UNIFORM STRAIGHT EDGE. JAGGED OR UNEVEN EDGES WILL NOT BE n , 957.2 0 I" 157,31 x 55.0 • ACCEPTABLE. REMOVE TOPSOIL AT JOINT BETWEEN EXISTING AND NEW AS REQUIRED TO I • ALLOW NEW SOD SURFACE TO BE FLUSH WITH EXISTING. _ 957.7 154.` ssa.2 /ss8� 958.0 n x g,0 100 958 I TC 20. FAILURE OF TURF DEVELOPMENT: IN THE EVENT THE CONTRACTOR FAILS TO PROVIDE AN I TC 91G ACCEPTABLE TURF, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RE -SOD ALL APPLICABLE AREAS, AT NO s�57.41 ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER, TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE ENGINEER. 21. LOCATE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, VERIFY LOCATION, SIZE AND INVERT ELEVATION OF ALL 58.1 EXISTING EXISTING UTILITIES. VERIFY LOCATIONS, SIZES AND ELEVATIONS OF SAME BEFORE x 955.2 954.5 BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. I T_ C E F 3157.9 II II x 955.4 955.0 c v0sda LEGEND g 7 8 _x 17.I_ 946.4x 95¢� x 953 x g5 . \ \ 9¢7� _946.7 � -97.4 x x :.Z. 5 / I i x 954.5 x 954.3 953. x 4 x 948.6x „RCP \ \ 9¢9 - / 9.S$ "'53,3 \ x 949.6 \ \ \9S/ 0 LO x 955.9 - x, x 5.2 \x 952.8 x 951.3 \ x 950.8 a x I X956- r.n-r `999.9 sso.8 MH \ \ \ N TP =955.8 \ 0IV- 46.9 \ 0 0 956.3 ME C2.1 REFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS DETAIL LD NUMBER (TOP) Z1- ■ � 952.8 LP a DETAIL SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM) - ;1= EXISTING CONTOUR 956.8 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION `955 - PROPOSED CONTOUR 1 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION to ME = MATCH EXISTING 1-54.6 tpONC I PROPOSED GRADING LIMITS PROPOSED SAND SUBBASE AT FROST FOOTED STOOPS 19SB -1 APPROXIMATE SOIL BORING ® PROPOSED BUILDING STOOP - REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS PROPERTY LINE - � 9567 ME ^ 956.7 ME - x 95r L0 ■9 .3 \ \ \ ■;95.1 .9 \ °' 956.0 ME I ASH ASH 956.7 ME _ - � - � \ x 951.8 952.9 x 952.3 \ \ x 951.5 954.9 ME 957.7 \ 957.8 ` x 54.1 53.0 951.3 I '� { I 953.1 CONCRETE Tc 1 m I� 953.0 9 5 CB TC2.0 951.4 I 111999 53.0 TC TC TOP =951.3 958.1 I I TC INV =947.4 O 954.6 ME \ 1 953.2 x 952.6 x 952. 951.7 `SG 954.4 ME TC (1) T� rn 5 N 00 M 195 7 \ 952.9 -952.7 952.4 \ 951.9 I �/ � -956.1 ME X957.1 ME 957.0 ME 95 955.2 ME 1 ■ g5g, I �A 59,2 /1-CON 955.4 ME x,957.1 959.3 959.2 TC / x 958.1 / x 958.8 x 958.6 x 959.0 I 1 II 959.5 959.4 O TC Z - x 958.8 x 958.1 x M 59.0 O x 958.6 x 959.2 - m x 959.2 x 959.1 x/5 . 958.7 L - -- - -- �- - - - -- --- O1E - -- 9 2 s TCS� c�i x ga l 7\ 959.1 x 958.7 961.7x x 960.7 g x TC 6� a 961.3 x 961.8 > 959.6 9 x 960 1.1 959.1 958.6 4 90• 959 8 173.2 952.8 � O 953.2 \ Z 953.6 m 953.9 954.2 \ 954.5 \ 954.5 954.8 x 9$4.2 I I v ' Z1- ■ � 952.8 LP a 952.4 I 955.9 957.8 I 95 9 .6 I T 0 J I 1 952.7 to o� tpONC I {� I x 0 958.2 97.5 �56.1 I I 1 955. 1 I 99998.3 ■ 956.71 1 I I 'ASH 1 I I 95�i. II x 956.6 1 EXISTING GRADES 1 958.0 v I 56. x57.1 9 1 I/ -CONC I / I ■ 957.7 I 'ASH 0 18.1 957. 46. Q 95 958x 7 957 2 9;6.9 GTL 9$8.2 959.3 959.2 TC / x 958.1 / x 958.8 x 958.6 x 959.0 I 1 II 959.5 959.4 O TC Z - x 958.8 x 958.1 x M 59.0 O x 958.6 x 959.2 - m x 959.2 x 959.1 x/5 . 958.7 L - -- - -- �- - - - -- --- O1E - -- 9 2 s TCS� c�i x ga l 7\ 959.1 x 958.7 961.7x x 960.7 g x TC 6� a 961.3 x 961.8 > 959.6 9 x 960 1.1 959.1 958.6 4 90• 959 8 173.2 952.8 � O 953.2 \ Z 953.6 m 953.9 954.2 \ 954.5 \ 954.5 954.8 x 9$4.2 I I �I v ' Z1- ■ � 952.8 LP a 952.4 I rn �I C B TOP =952.0 9 .6 INV =948.0 T 0 J I 952.7 lD 956.3 v TC � I CBS (OFFSET) {� T P =956.0 V= 951.7(E) 957.\ � I 956.6 TC 958.5\ 58.5 958.4TC 958.8 x 958.6 958.6 58.2TC 58.5 958.OT V) 958.9 T� 957.1 95 1 8 - _ - - -- 12 CP \� I .9 - Mli - - - - - EXISTING GRADES S � I JL -959 INV 958.7 O 1 Ix 957.6 TC Q Z 958x 7 x 958.7 5' - 0D x 959. E i� (S,NW,W) i� NVt953.5 N) NE ,S 958.5 959.4 I x 958.5 I / 12 CP Sr S OP =957.4 00 M N I m in ? I 958.6 / I rn TC8.2 958.6 959.2 958.8 959.0 TC 958.5 TC TC TOP =957.5 INV= 953.8(E) w INV =953.7 957.5 TC 958.3 LP8 Go rn � CBXEI C�1°'y 957; M V n , 957.2 0 I" ®957.7 S$OX to to - - _ 957.7 i ssa.2 /ss8� 00 n x g,0 100 958 958.3 h 0 5 TOO P 957.6 TC 91G TC INV= 954.1 �I v ' Z1- ■ � 952.8 LP a 952.4 II � I C B TOP =952.0 9 .6 INV =948.0 T 0 J I 952.7 to I I ,_1 3 rnl U LO 0 J I 0, 9 .7 T I � o 9 ' Z 0' I � 195 ko TC I � LP /95 t.3 c 0954.2 T 9SR TC,� C, 953.7 953.6 TC 52. ,� ,•jcNi o, C N C N LO rn 95 HC x 953.5 W 9S a J S 95 .0 I 1 I 960. / ` - -- - - -- - - v ' g� TC TC8.5 58C II � I 1957.0 OP =956.8 INV53.1(N,S) 960.79.0 lD 956.3 v TC \� CBS (OFFSET) {� T P =956.0 V= 951.7(E) 957.\ � I 956.6 TC 958.5\ 58.5 958.4TC (nN � Qu) C,951,7 TOP =457.3 I A5S.5 ®0' 58.2TC 58.5 958.OT __960 958.9 T� 957.1 95 1 8 - _ - - -- 12 CP I HC i ST S .9 - Mli - - - - - 960. / ` - -- - - -- - - 9HE -- -9682 HCR -- CONC TC8.5 58C - as - - - - - 958.3 CONC OP =956.8 INV53.1(N,S) 960.79.0 U M I N 0 U 957 HCR 960.9 960.5 x 960.8 9.ZZ CS-6 958.5\ 58.5 958.4TC g�g C,951,7 TOP =457.3 RCP 58.2TC 58.5 958.OT __960 958.9 T� 1_=�J8 - _ - - -- 12 CP INVj53.9 ST S 959.4 959.1 CB TC TOP _ /2" RCP MATCH =958.4 EXISTING GRADES l2 T P � R ST S ST� JL -959 INV ST S =954.8 12" RCP STS MH STS x 5 1 Ix 957.6 _ MH _ NV =954.6(E,NW) 958.6 TOP= 958.2(�)� 4 57.6 5' x �95� x 959. E T (S,NW,W) i� NVt953.5 N) NE ,S W) 959.4 y ICB / 12 CP Sr S OP =957.4 INV =953.7 / TC8.2 CB _ C S I 959.2 958.8 959.0 TC 958.5 TC TOP =957.5 INV= 953.8(E) w INV =953.7 957.5 TC uniml rG6 957.8 ^0957.8 957.7 CBXEI C�1°'y 957; n , 957.2 0 I" ®957.7 S$OX HHC rnm _ 957.7 - 65-7 .6 m IPPU t� 0 ENTRANCE GRADING PLAN SCALE: 7 " =30' SUBMITTAL NOT FOR CITY CONSTRUCTION MONTICELLO EASTV I EW ELEMENTARY ADDITION 9375 FENNING AVENUE NE MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON- JOHNSON ASSOCIA TES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 757.5 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVID A. PET Registration 40180 Date 08/08/16 Number Revisions Description Date Num Comm: Date: 08/08/16 Drawn: LSD Check: DAR North GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN Mill mm A B C C E F I 2 NOTES 3 go II III I 956.5 ° ° I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 56.7 ° \ 1 °4 �\ o I 957.1 1 Q I ° 1957.1 I e 40 II I I $57.31 II �I 957.4 I I h 957.31 557.4 9157.4 II II I I C8 TOP =953.4 INV= 946.1(N,S) U Z O U • 4 5 / DAYLIGH R INV. = 951.0 LAST tep�B DUCTI IPE. PROVIDE RAT GUARD IN PIPE END. / /947 / f REFER TO MECHANICAL PLANS FOR SANITARY RE- CONNECTION c0W2 / / / �$/ / g5�/� / 9yy/ 955.8 , / .9 / �/ / ss.7 - _ -< _ _ 949 / /� / r^ a - �/ 957.6 ° C / 950 / / / 957.6 / 955.6 ME - 2, ^I PROPOSED BU FFE = 958.1 = 1. REFER TO SHEET C1.30, GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES. 2. REFER TO SWPPP NARRATIVE (SECTION 01 89 13) FOR CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING AND EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS. 3. MAINTAIN ADJACENT PROPERTY AND PUBLIC STREETS CLEAN FROM CONSTRUCTION CAUSED DIRT AND DEBRIS ON A DAILY BASIS. PROTECT DRAINAGE SYSTEMS FROM SEDIMENTATION AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION RELATED DIRT AND DEBRIS. 4. MAINTAIN DUST CONTROL DURING GRADING OPERATIONS. 5. ALL EROSION CONTROL METHODS SHALL COMPLY WITH MPCA AND OTHER LOCAL REGULATIONS. 6. IF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES TAKEN ARE NOT ADEQUATE AND RESULT IN DOWNSTREAM SEDIMENT, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEANING OUT DOWNSTREAM STORM SEWERS AS NECESSARY, INCLUDING ASSOCIATED RESTORATION. 7. SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICE AT STORM SEWER INLETS. AT THE INLETS TO ALL STORM SEWER STRUCTURES, PROVIDE A PRODUCT FROM THE FOLLOWING LIST. ACCEPTABLE PRODUCTS: A. WIMCO TOP SLAB TIM MODEL RD 27. B. INFRASAFE® SEDIMENT CONTROL BARRIER, DISTRIBUTED BY ROYAL ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, INC. SCB'S SHALL BE SIZED SPECIFICALLY FOR THE STRUCTURE AND CASTING SPECIFIED. SCB'S SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH FRAME AND PERFORATED SHROUD AND SHALL BE WRAPPED ON THE OUTSIDE, COVERING THE PERFORATED WALL ONLY, WITH A GEOTEXTILE SOCK. C. DANDY BAG® OR DANDY BAG II® DISTRIBUTED BY BROCK WHITE COMPANY, ST. PAUL, MN (615) 647 -0950. DANDY BAG SHALL BE USED ONLY FOR CURB INLETS AFTER PAVEMENT (BINDER COURSE OR WEAR COURSE) IS INSTALLED OR AT EXISTING PAVED AREAS. D. INFRASAFE® DEBRIS COLLECTION DEVICE BY ROYAL ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, INC., DISTRIBUTED BY ESS BROTHERS, 9350 COUNTY ROAD 19, CORCORAN, MN 55357 DCD'S SHALL BE SIZED SPECIFICALLY FOR THE STRUCTURE AND CASTING SPECIFIED. PROVIDE FILTER BAGS AND TIES FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATION. E. OR APPROVED EQUAL. LEGEND 6 I _�956- MH TOP=9�55.8 INV - 46.9 X954, _ REFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS DETAIL I.D NUMBER (TOP) DETAIL SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM) - -= EXISTING CONTOUR `955- PROPOSED CONTOUR PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION �1-54,' ME = MATCH EXISTING - - - - - - - PROPOSED GRADING LIMITS > > PROPOSED DRAINTILE OSEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICE AT STORM SEWER INLET - - - - - - PROPOSED SILT FENCE PROPOSED ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ® PROPOSED BUILDING STOOP - REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS - - PROPERTY LINE X954, _ 1 1 1 � I I o l z / m / OHE - 959.7 658.7 L - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- --- - - 961.3 9 - - - -- CB 121, RCP TOP =958.4 T S -959 INV =954.8 N V =954.6(E,NW) s / s v 958.8 TOP =957.6 INV =954.1 V) 0 z m 1 I r. 14 LJI_ I J ,953 C I 1 I LL I l I I k It I vCD C, C8 /(0 FFSET) I T P =956.0 {� V= 951.7(E) 957.\ n�o I � 1 957.5 ®x'� - - - Mli - - - - - _ - - OP =956.8 O!!E _ _ _ _ CONC U L)GE I N O U CONC INV53.1(N,S) L \ CB I 2! " RCP TOP =457.3 ST S _ INV= 53.9 - - - - - -_ ___ -�- ✓t MATCH EXISTING GRADES !2�n CP ! ST 'S STS % R �-- 12" RCP ST S MH ST S �TOI P =958.2 I _ - - Zhl(�)� W TOPI�r8 �(h1S,NW,W) y INVt953.5(NE,S,W) / NV - 953.6 ) / 12 CP y ICB / Sr OP =957.4 / / h INV =953.7 / CB TOP =957.5 INV= 953.8(E) ° INV =953.7 0 I� 957.8 � 0Ir 0957.8 O o ®957.7 957.2 El r- - - t rn 957.7 957.6 m I o ENTRANCE EROSION CONTROL PLAN SCALE: 111=30' MONTICELLO EASTV I EW ELEMENTARY ADDITION 9375 FENNING AVENUE NE MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON- JOHNSON ASSOCIA TES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 757.5 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVID A. RET Registration 40180 Date 08/08/16 Number Revisions Description Date Num Comm: Date: 08/08/16 Drawn: LSD Check: DAR North UTILITY AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN Scale: CITY SUBMITTAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION tw% U1. 4 O V 956.0 ME Z 954.9 ME 957.7 �1 I \ I 957 . `' \ I I1 I C O N C R E T E I 958.1 1 I ME \ CB TOP =951 INV =9 .4 \ \ 954.6 I DT\. = 952.00 G 954.4 ME I A \ 957. 956.1 ME 954.0 ME \ I C O N C T'� 9153.9 ME -� 957.1 M E \ 34.0 957.0 ME 955,2 ME � 1 -954.2 ME TOP =952.0 1 - 954.3 ME INV= 948.0 I -CON 955.4 ME I I Z \0 I I � o' 1 I m � I �ONC I ff I I I I I I J I W 1 \ N I 1 I I \ M I I I 1 I 0 1 1 1 � I I o l z / m / OHE - 959.7 658.7 L - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- --- - - 961.3 9 - - - -- CB 121, RCP TOP =958.4 T S -959 INV =954.8 N V =954.6(E,NW) s / s v 958.8 TOP =957.6 INV =954.1 V) 0 z m 1 I r. 14 LJI_ I J ,953 C I 1 I LL I l I I k It I vCD C, C8 /(0 FFSET) I T P =956.0 {� V= 951.7(E) 957.\ n�o I � 1 957.5 ®x'� - - - Mli - - - - - _ - - OP =956.8 O!!E _ _ _ _ CONC U L)GE I N O U CONC INV53.1(N,S) L \ CB I 2! " RCP TOP =457.3 ST S _ INV= 53.9 - - - - - -_ ___ -�- ✓t MATCH EXISTING GRADES !2�n CP ! ST 'S STS % R �-- 12" RCP ST S MH ST S �TOI P =958.2 I _ - - Zhl(�)� W TOPI�r8 �(h1S,NW,W) y INVt953.5(NE,S,W) / NV - 953.6 ) / 12 CP y ICB / Sr OP =957.4 / / h INV =953.7 / CB TOP =957.5 INV= 953.8(E) ° INV =953.7 0 I� 957.8 � 0Ir 0957.8 O o ®957.7 957.2 El r- - - t rn 957.7 957.6 m I o ENTRANCE EROSION CONTROL PLAN SCALE: 111=30' MONTICELLO EASTV I EW ELEMENTARY ADDITION 9375 FENNING AVENUE NE MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON- JOHNSON ASSOCIA TES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 757.5 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544 -0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVID A. RET Registration 40180 Date 08/08/16 Number Revisions Description Date Num Comm: Date: 08/08/16 Drawn: LSD Check: DAR North UTILITY AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN Scale: CITY SUBMITTAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION tw% U1. 4 O i A f 2 OPTIONAL SUPPORT FENCE (WIRE MESH) METAL STAKE OR WOOD POST 30" MIN. DIRECTION OF RUNOFF FLOW . i.d l v.6 Y YJi 5' MIN. LENGTH POST SILT FENCE FABRIC OVERLAP FABRIC 6" AND FASTEN @ 2' INTERVALS EXTEND WIRE MESH INTO TRENCH FABRIC ANCHORAGE TRENCH BACKFILL WITH TAMPED NATURAL SOIL 1 �6" MIN. ° NATURAL SOILS I II I I� II I II I II I I6" MIN. ° 24" MIN. BURY DEPTH - III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII NOTE: DEPENDING UPON CONFIGURATION, ATTACH TO WIRE MESH WITH HOG RINGS, STEEL POSTS WITH TIE WIRES, OR WOOD POSTS WITH STAPLES �i SILT FENCE B C C E F C2.1 EXISTIP :D ROCK ,BRIC NOTE: PROVIDE WHERE CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC mss" MINIMUM THICKNESS ENTERS OR EXITS THE CONSTRUCTION SITE oo� 2 ROCK CONSTRUCTION :2.11 ENTRANCE 4" SLAB AND 6" SAND SUBBASE - VERIFY WITH ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FINISH FLOOR FINISH SUBGRADE FINISH GRADE (TURF) 0 MINIMUM EXCAVATION LIMITS TOPSOIL 1' -0" (TYP) 3' -0" Cn w W a FOOTING 1 �1 ENGINEERED FILL UNSUITABLE SOIL SUITABLE SOIL NOTE: BOTTOM OF EXCAVATION MUST BE APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ANY FILL. ENGINEERED FILL 2.1 FINISH GRADE FINISH GRADE AT EDGE OF STOOP OF PAVEMENT ADJACENT TO FOOTED STOOP SAND SUBBASE 0 in c I 8 4 STOOP FOOTING REFER TO STRUCTURAL 20' -0" DRAWINGS SUBGRADE SOILS 6" DRAIN TILE (WHERE INDICATED ON DRAWINGS) - EXTEND TO /NOTE: REFER TO GRADING AND DRAINAGE STORM SEWER STRUCTURE WHERE INDICATED ON PLAN FOR LIMITS OF SAND SUB -BASE DRAWINGS SAND SUBBASE/ DRAIN TILE AT C2.111 DOORS & FROST FOOTED STOOPS 3 DONALD 74M "A" =RIES CAST IRON_ IETER PIT FRAME AND COVER -v 11.. -- 15" 4" TOPSOIL NOTE: ATTACH A GREEN #12 SOLID COPPER TRACER WIRE TO w PIPE AT 3'0.C. WITH PLASTIC a ZIP -TIES (OR APPROVED > EQUAL). FOR STORM SEWER CLEANOUTS WIRE SHALL ALSO HAVE BROWN STRIPE. FITTING HUB WITH 4" THREADED PLUG. APPLY ETEFLON THREAD TAPE, OR APPROVED EQUAL, OVER THREADS. FINISH GRADE LEAVE 24" OF EXCESS WIRE AT SURFACE TRACER WIRE TO MAIN - 5 DRAINTILE CLEANOUT 2.1 DISTURBED MINIMUM 3' -8" - �- 3' -8" OUTER LIMITS OF ------------- - - - - -- 2 - - - E CONCRETE WALK CONCRETE ��/// O WALK 4' -0" UN � LESS z � i� HER NOTED 8 ON PL 2 1 N ��e 5' 8 5. -8.. ►I m m o :D o ❑ Zo - "t v 4 � V BACK OF CURB Iou FRONTFACE X00000 OU 00 -------- N OF CURB )'0000000 00 -- )00000 O 3 6' -3" (6" CURB) 6' -3" (6" CURB) 4' -2" (4" CURB) 4'-2" (4" CURB) 4' -0" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED A ON PLAN PLAN VIEW OF PERPENDICULAR RAMP ROUND ALL SLOPED 0.08 FT. /FT. SLOPE OF FLARED SIDE INTERSECTIONS 4' -0" 6' -3" T 6'-3" (6" CURB & 0.08 FT. /FT. SLOPE) (6" CURB & 0.08 FT. /FT. SLOPE) 4' -2" 4' -2" (4" CURB & 0.08 FT. /FT. SLOPE) (4" CURB & 0.08 FT. /FT. SLOPE) ELEVATION OF RAMP CURB OR, CURB 6' -0" (6" CURB) AND GUTTER �4' -0" (4" CURB) 4'-0" 4 0.02 FT. /FT. MAX 20 COL NCRETE WALK 0.083 FT. /FT. OR FLATTER 1 SECTION A -A 1 5/8" - 2 3/8" 50 % -60% OF BASE 15/16" (TYP.) r DIAMETER 1 5/8" - 2 3/8" DOME (TYP) 000 oG - 00 00000000 00 000000000 c 00000000000 15/16" (TYP.) 00000 0 04 0000000 000000000000 000000000000 N �1/5" 000000000000 000000000000 1- 7/16" DOME SECTION 5/8" MIN. f 5/8" MIN. DOME SPACING NOTES: 1Q 1/2 INCH PREFORMED JOINT FILLER MATERIAL, AASHTO M 213. Q PROVIDE A PATH OF TRAVEL 4'0" WIDE BEHIND THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP. A RELATIVELY FLAT 4' X 4' LANDING WILL ALLOW WHEELCHAIRS TO NAVIGATE AROUND THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP. Q3 6" TO 8" IS THE REQUIRED OFFSET OF THE DETECTABLE WARNINGS/ TRUNCATED DOME AREA FROM THE FRONT FACE OF CURB, OR PLACE THE DETECTABLE WARNINGS AT THE BACK OF CURB. ® ADA REQUIRED TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL BE 2'0" MIN. IN DIRECTION OF TRAVEL AND SHALL EXTEND THE FULL WIDTH (4' 0" TYP.) OF THE CURB RAMP. THIS 2'0-, BY 4' 0" WIDTH (TYP.) TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL CONTRAST VISUALLY WITH THE ADJACENT WALKING SURFACE. THE ENTIRE TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL BE A LIGHT COLOR (LIGHT GRAY, WHITE, OR YELLOW) WHEN THE ADJACENT SIDEWALK IS A DARK COLOR. THE ENTIRE TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL BE A DARK COLOR (RED, BLACK, DARK GRAY, OR BRIGHT YELLOW) WHEN THE ADJACENT SIDEWALK IS A "WHITE" OR LIGHT GRAY CEMENT COLOR. PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP 4 5 FACE OF CURB 1:3 BATTER 3" RADIUS 4" RADIUS 12" SLOPE 4" PER FOOT TOWARDS 6.. PAVEMENT ON HIGH SIDE OF LOT /DRIVE (TIP OUT) - SLOPE 4" PER FOOT TOWARDS BACK OF CURB FACE ON LOW SIDE OF LOT /DRIVE (TIP BACK) fO z" RADIUS Cl) N 1 - 2G AGGREGATE BASE TO BE PLACED BY PAVING 12 " CONTRACTOR (4" MIN.) NOTE: 1. DIRECTION OF TRANSVERSE GUTTER SLOPE TO MATCH DIRECTION OF ADJACENT PAVEMENT SLOPE. CONSTRUCT WITH CURBING MACHINE. 2. AT CURB INLET CATCH BASINS, ADJUST CASTING TO BE 1" BELOW GUTTER GRADE. SLOPE GUTTER 5' EACH SIDE OF CATCH BASIN. PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO CATCH BASINS. 7 B -612 CURB AND GUTTER \A I J EXISTING PAVEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 7 C2.11 WALK FLUSH WITH TOP OF CURB AND PROVIDE TOOLED EDGE (WITH EXPANSION JOINT) 5" CONCRETE WALK MIN. 4" SAND BASE THICKENED TO BOTTOM OF CURB WHERE APPLICABLE PROVIDE 2% CROSS SLOPE (MAX.) REFER TO GRADING PLAN FOR TYPICAL AT ALL DIRECTION GRASS AREAS WALK WIDTH AS LABELED ON PLAN z w I I-I I I-I I I -1 I I -I I I I I III- .I- III - III -III -I 12" PREPARED SUBGRADE NOTE: PROVIDE WIRE MESH REINFORCEMENT IN PANELS WITH DIMENSIONS TO JOINTS GREATER THAN 6'- REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE UNIFORMLY SUSPENDED 2" BELOW CONCRETE FINISH GRADE. 8 CONCRETE WALK ;2.11 9 !.1 )P RAIL ]AIN LINK FENCE i /8" O.D. BOTTOM RAIL VISH GRADE )NCRETE PAD )NCRETE FOOTING 12" x 48" )R END, CORNER, GATE AND ILL POSTS TOTES: END, CORNER, GATE, AND PULL POSTS SHALL BE 3" O.D. LINE POSTS SHALL BE 2 1/2" O.D. !. ALL FENCING SHALL RECEIVE 2" x 2" #9 GAUGE FABRIC UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. I. LINE POSTS MAY BE AIR DRIVEN. I. POST SPACING SHALL NOT EXCEED 10' O.C. BOTTOM RAIL SHALL BE PLACED NO MORE THAN 2" ABOVE FINISH GRADE. CHAIN LINK FENCE 10 2.1 6 1 5/8" O.D. TOP RAIL w -CHAIN LINK FENCE w U z w LL 0 z x w U a 1 5/8" O.D. BOTTOM RAIL FINISH GRADE 7 CONCRETE FOOTING 12" x 48" FOR END, CORNER, GATE AND PULL POSTS NOTES: 1. END, CORNER, AND PULL POSTS SHALL BE 4" O.D. LINE POSTS SHALL BE 2 1/2" O.D. 2. ALL FENCING SHALL RECEIVE 2" x 2" #9 GAUGE FABRIC UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 3. LINE POSTS MAY BE AIR DRIVEN. 4. POST SPACING SHALL NOT EXCEED 10' O.C. 5. BOTTOM RAIL SHALL BE PLACED NO MORE THAN 2" ABOVE FINISH GRADE. io CHAIN LINK FENCE NOTE: PROVIDE ADEQUATE SPACE BETWEEN GATE POST AND GATE SUCH THAT GATE IS IN LINE WITH FENCING WHEN FULLY CLOSED AND LATCHED. LIFT HANDLE GATE LATCH CLAMP SECURED TO GATE POST Eel LATCH LIFT HANDLE RECEIVER PROVIDE HOLE THROUGH LIFT HANDLE AND RECEIVER TO ACCOMMODATE PAD LOCK LIFT HANDLE (PAD LOCK BY OWNER) RECEIVER CLAMP SECURED TO GATE POST 1 SINGLE SWING GATE LATCH X2.1 NOTE: PROVIDE ADEQUATE SPACE BETWEEN GATE POST AND GATE SUCH THAT GATE IS IN LINE WITH FENCING WHEN FULLY CLOSED AND LATCHED. LATCH RECEIVER (ONE EACH SIDE LATCH ARM (ONE ON OF LATCH) EACH SIDE OF GATE) 1 1/2" LONG HANDLE LATCH HINGE (ONE ON OF LATCH) -SECURE LATCH TO GATE SECURE LATCH / PROVIDE MECHANISM TO ALLOW RECEIVER TO GATE TO BE SECURED WITH GATE PADLOCK DOUBLE SWING GATE LATCH g 13 2.1 SET TREE AT FINISH GRADE SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH (4" MIN. DEPTH) PLANTING SOIL (MIN. DIMENSION SHOWN) SOIL SAUCER: USED PREPARED SOIL (4" MIN.) ROPES AT TOP OF BALL SHALL BE CUT. REMOVE TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP. NON - BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE TOTALLY REMOVED. PREPARED SUBSOIL TO FORM PEDESTAL TO PREVENT SETTLING. CONIFEROUS TREE 14 2.1 SET TREE WITH ROOT COLLAR AT FINISH GRADE - ADJUST TREE AS REQUIRED SO THAT ROOT COLLAR STANDS LEVEL TO OR SLIGHTLY ABOVE FINISHED GRADE SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH (4" MIN DEPTH) PLANTING SOIL (MIN. DIMENSION SHOWN) SOIL SAUCER: USED PREPARED SOIL (4" MIN.) ROPES AT TOP OF BALL SHALL BE CUT. REMOVE TOP 113 OF BURLAP. NON - BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE TOTALLY REMOVED. PREPARED SUBSOIL TO FORM PEDESTAL TO PREVENT SETTLING. DECIDUOUS TREE SHRUB TOPSOIL FINISH GRADE k�1 z_ 4" SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH EDGING (5 STAKES PER 20' LENGTH MINIMUM) AND WEED BARRIER PLANTING SOIL (MIN. DIMENSION SHOWN) UNDISTURBED SOIL OR COMPACTED SUBGRADE EDGING FINISH GRADE MULCH BED -III III - III -IBS I � � =1 I I Y I I -I I. �I�I�IIIII�IIIII�III�I�IIIIIIIII =1. I I lEo E COMPACTED SUBGRADE GEOTEXTILE WEED BARRIER - WRAP SIDES, TYPICAL 16 SHRUB BED EDGING 2.1 MONTICELLO EASTV I EW ELEMENTARY ADDITION 9375 FENNING AVENUE NE MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON- JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 757.5 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544-0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVID A. REY Registration 40180 Date 08/08/16 Number Revisions Descriotion Date Num Comm: Date: 08/08/16 Drawn: LSD Check: DAR North DETAILS NOT FORCCONSTRUCTION V Z.11 WOOD METAL POSTS: 2" SQ. (MIN) 1.0 Ibs /If (MIN.) "T" OR NORMAL USE (IF USED WITHOUT @ 4' (MAX) "U" SECTION @ 4' SUPPORT FENCE) SPACING (MAX) SPACING OPTIONAL SUPPORT FENCE (WIRE MESH) METAL STAKE OR WOOD POST 30" MIN. DIRECTION OF RUNOFF FLOW . i.d l v.6 Y YJi 5' MIN. LENGTH POST SILT FENCE FABRIC OVERLAP FABRIC 6" AND FASTEN @ 2' INTERVALS EXTEND WIRE MESH INTO TRENCH FABRIC ANCHORAGE TRENCH BACKFILL WITH TAMPED NATURAL SOIL 1 �6" MIN. ° NATURAL SOILS I II I I� II I II I II I I6" MIN. ° 24" MIN. BURY DEPTH - III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII NOTE: DEPENDING UPON CONFIGURATION, ATTACH TO WIRE MESH WITH HOG RINGS, STEEL POSTS WITH TIE WIRES, OR WOOD POSTS WITH STAPLES �i SILT FENCE B C C E F C2.1 EXISTIP :D ROCK ,BRIC NOTE: PROVIDE WHERE CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC mss" MINIMUM THICKNESS ENTERS OR EXITS THE CONSTRUCTION SITE oo� 2 ROCK CONSTRUCTION :2.11 ENTRANCE 4" SLAB AND 6" SAND SUBBASE - VERIFY WITH ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FINISH FLOOR FINISH SUBGRADE FINISH GRADE (TURF) 0 MINIMUM EXCAVATION LIMITS TOPSOIL 1' -0" (TYP) 3' -0" Cn w W a FOOTING 1 �1 ENGINEERED FILL UNSUITABLE SOIL SUITABLE SOIL NOTE: BOTTOM OF EXCAVATION MUST BE APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ANY FILL. ENGINEERED FILL 2.1 FINISH GRADE FINISH GRADE AT EDGE OF STOOP OF PAVEMENT ADJACENT TO FOOTED STOOP SAND SUBBASE 0 in c I 8 4 STOOP FOOTING REFER TO STRUCTURAL 20' -0" DRAWINGS SUBGRADE SOILS 6" DRAIN TILE (WHERE INDICATED ON DRAWINGS) - EXTEND TO /NOTE: REFER TO GRADING AND DRAINAGE STORM SEWER STRUCTURE WHERE INDICATED ON PLAN FOR LIMITS OF SAND SUB -BASE DRAWINGS SAND SUBBASE/ DRAIN TILE AT C2.111 DOORS & FROST FOOTED STOOPS 3 DONALD 74M "A" =RIES CAST IRON_ IETER PIT FRAME AND COVER -v 11.. -- 15" 4" TOPSOIL NOTE: ATTACH A GREEN #12 SOLID COPPER TRACER WIRE TO w PIPE AT 3'0.C. WITH PLASTIC a ZIP -TIES (OR APPROVED > EQUAL). FOR STORM SEWER CLEANOUTS WIRE SHALL ALSO HAVE BROWN STRIPE. FITTING HUB WITH 4" THREADED PLUG. APPLY ETEFLON THREAD TAPE, OR APPROVED EQUAL, OVER THREADS. FINISH GRADE LEAVE 24" OF EXCESS WIRE AT SURFACE TRACER WIRE TO MAIN - 5 DRAINTILE CLEANOUT 2.1 DISTURBED MINIMUM 3' -8" - �- 3' -8" OUTER LIMITS OF ------------- - - - - -- 2 - - - E CONCRETE WALK CONCRETE ��/// O WALK 4' -0" UN � LESS z � i� HER NOTED 8 ON PL 2 1 N ��e 5' 8 5. -8.. ►I m m o :D o ❑ Zo - "t v 4 � V BACK OF CURB Iou FRONTFACE X00000 OU 00 -------- N OF CURB )'0000000 00 -- )00000 O 3 6' -3" (6" CURB) 6' -3" (6" CURB) 4' -2" (4" CURB) 4'-2" (4" CURB) 4' -0" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED A ON PLAN PLAN VIEW OF PERPENDICULAR RAMP ROUND ALL SLOPED 0.08 FT. /FT. SLOPE OF FLARED SIDE INTERSECTIONS 4' -0" 6' -3" T 6'-3" (6" CURB & 0.08 FT. /FT. SLOPE) (6" CURB & 0.08 FT. /FT. SLOPE) 4' -2" 4' -2" (4" CURB & 0.08 FT. /FT. SLOPE) (4" CURB & 0.08 FT. /FT. SLOPE) ELEVATION OF RAMP CURB OR, CURB 6' -0" (6" CURB) AND GUTTER �4' -0" (4" CURB) 4'-0" 4 0.02 FT. /FT. MAX 20 COL NCRETE WALK 0.083 FT. /FT. OR FLATTER 1 SECTION A -A 1 5/8" - 2 3/8" 50 % -60% OF BASE 15/16" (TYP.) r DIAMETER 1 5/8" - 2 3/8" DOME (TYP) 000 oG - 00 00000000 00 000000000 c 00000000000 15/16" (TYP.) 00000 0 04 0000000 000000000000 000000000000 N �1/5" 000000000000 000000000000 1- 7/16" DOME SECTION 5/8" MIN. f 5/8" MIN. DOME SPACING NOTES: 1Q 1/2 INCH PREFORMED JOINT FILLER MATERIAL, AASHTO M 213. Q PROVIDE A PATH OF TRAVEL 4'0" WIDE BEHIND THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP. A RELATIVELY FLAT 4' X 4' LANDING WILL ALLOW WHEELCHAIRS TO NAVIGATE AROUND THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP. Q3 6" TO 8" IS THE REQUIRED OFFSET OF THE DETECTABLE WARNINGS/ TRUNCATED DOME AREA FROM THE FRONT FACE OF CURB, OR PLACE THE DETECTABLE WARNINGS AT THE BACK OF CURB. ® ADA REQUIRED TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL BE 2'0" MIN. IN DIRECTION OF TRAVEL AND SHALL EXTEND THE FULL WIDTH (4' 0" TYP.) OF THE CURB RAMP. THIS 2'0-, BY 4' 0" WIDTH (TYP.) TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL CONTRAST VISUALLY WITH THE ADJACENT WALKING SURFACE. THE ENTIRE TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL BE A LIGHT COLOR (LIGHT GRAY, WHITE, OR YELLOW) WHEN THE ADJACENT SIDEWALK IS A DARK COLOR. THE ENTIRE TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL BE A DARK COLOR (RED, BLACK, DARK GRAY, OR BRIGHT YELLOW) WHEN THE ADJACENT SIDEWALK IS A "WHITE" OR LIGHT GRAY CEMENT COLOR. PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP 4 5 FACE OF CURB 1:3 BATTER 3" RADIUS 4" RADIUS 12" SLOPE 4" PER FOOT TOWARDS 6.. PAVEMENT ON HIGH SIDE OF LOT /DRIVE (TIP OUT) - SLOPE 4" PER FOOT TOWARDS BACK OF CURB FACE ON LOW SIDE OF LOT /DRIVE (TIP BACK) fO z" RADIUS Cl) N 1 - 2G AGGREGATE BASE TO BE PLACED BY PAVING 12 " CONTRACTOR (4" MIN.) NOTE: 1. DIRECTION OF TRANSVERSE GUTTER SLOPE TO MATCH DIRECTION OF ADJACENT PAVEMENT SLOPE. CONSTRUCT WITH CURBING MACHINE. 2. AT CURB INLET CATCH BASINS, ADJUST CASTING TO BE 1" BELOW GUTTER GRADE. SLOPE GUTTER 5' EACH SIDE OF CATCH BASIN. PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO CATCH BASINS. 7 B -612 CURB AND GUTTER \A I J EXISTING PAVEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 7 C2.11 WALK FLUSH WITH TOP OF CURB AND PROVIDE TOOLED EDGE (WITH EXPANSION JOINT) 5" CONCRETE WALK MIN. 4" SAND BASE THICKENED TO BOTTOM OF CURB WHERE APPLICABLE PROVIDE 2% CROSS SLOPE (MAX.) REFER TO GRADING PLAN FOR TYPICAL AT ALL DIRECTION GRASS AREAS WALK WIDTH AS LABELED ON PLAN z w I I-I I I-I I I -1 I I -I I I I I III- .I- III - III -III -I 12" PREPARED SUBGRADE NOTE: PROVIDE WIRE MESH REINFORCEMENT IN PANELS WITH DIMENSIONS TO JOINTS GREATER THAN 6'- REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE UNIFORMLY SUSPENDED 2" BELOW CONCRETE FINISH GRADE. 8 CONCRETE WALK ;2.11 9 !.1 )P RAIL ]AIN LINK FENCE i /8" O.D. BOTTOM RAIL VISH GRADE )NCRETE PAD )NCRETE FOOTING 12" x 48" )R END, CORNER, GATE AND ILL POSTS TOTES: END, CORNER, GATE, AND PULL POSTS SHALL BE 3" O.D. LINE POSTS SHALL BE 2 1/2" O.D. !. ALL FENCING SHALL RECEIVE 2" x 2" #9 GAUGE FABRIC UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. I. LINE POSTS MAY BE AIR DRIVEN. I. POST SPACING SHALL NOT EXCEED 10' O.C. BOTTOM RAIL SHALL BE PLACED NO MORE THAN 2" ABOVE FINISH GRADE. CHAIN LINK FENCE 10 2.1 6 1 5/8" O.D. TOP RAIL w -CHAIN LINK FENCE w U z w LL 0 z x w U a 1 5/8" O.D. BOTTOM RAIL FINISH GRADE 7 CONCRETE FOOTING 12" x 48" FOR END, CORNER, GATE AND PULL POSTS NOTES: 1. END, CORNER, AND PULL POSTS SHALL BE 4" O.D. LINE POSTS SHALL BE 2 1/2" O.D. 2. ALL FENCING SHALL RECEIVE 2" x 2" #9 GAUGE FABRIC UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 3. LINE POSTS MAY BE AIR DRIVEN. 4. POST SPACING SHALL NOT EXCEED 10' O.C. 5. BOTTOM RAIL SHALL BE PLACED NO MORE THAN 2" ABOVE FINISH GRADE. io CHAIN LINK FENCE NOTE: PROVIDE ADEQUATE SPACE BETWEEN GATE POST AND GATE SUCH THAT GATE IS IN LINE WITH FENCING WHEN FULLY CLOSED AND LATCHED. LIFT HANDLE GATE LATCH CLAMP SECURED TO GATE POST Eel LATCH LIFT HANDLE RECEIVER PROVIDE HOLE THROUGH LIFT HANDLE AND RECEIVER TO ACCOMMODATE PAD LOCK LIFT HANDLE (PAD LOCK BY OWNER) RECEIVER CLAMP SECURED TO GATE POST 1 SINGLE SWING GATE LATCH X2.1 NOTE: PROVIDE ADEQUATE SPACE BETWEEN GATE POST AND GATE SUCH THAT GATE IS IN LINE WITH FENCING WHEN FULLY CLOSED AND LATCHED. LATCH RECEIVER (ONE EACH SIDE LATCH ARM (ONE ON OF LATCH) EACH SIDE OF GATE) 1 1/2" LONG HANDLE LATCH HINGE (ONE ON OF LATCH) -SECURE LATCH TO GATE SECURE LATCH / PROVIDE MECHANISM TO ALLOW RECEIVER TO GATE TO BE SECURED WITH GATE PADLOCK DOUBLE SWING GATE LATCH g 13 2.1 SET TREE AT FINISH GRADE SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH (4" MIN. DEPTH) PLANTING SOIL (MIN. DIMENSION SHOWN) SOIL SAUCER: USED PREPARED SOIL (4" MIN.) ROPES AT TOP OF BALL SHALL BE CUT. REMOVE TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP. NON - BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE TOTALLY REMOVED. PREPARED SUBSOIL TO FORM PEDESTAL TO PREVENT SETTLING. CONIFEROUS TREE 14 2.1 SET TREE WITH ROOT COLLAR AT FINISH GRADE - ADJUST TREE AS REQUIRED SO THAT ROOT COLLAR STANDS LEVEL TO OR SLIGHTLY ABOVE FINISHED GRADE SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH (4" MIN DEPTH) PLANTING SOIL (MIN. DIMENSION SHOWN) SOIL SAUCER: USED PREPARED SOIL (4" MIN.) ROPES AT TOP OF BALL SHALL BE CUT. REMOVE TOP 113 OF BURLAP. NON - BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE TOTALLY REMOVED. PREPARED SUBSOIL TO FORM PEDESTAL TO PREVENT SETTLING. DECIDUOUS TREE SHRUB TOPSOIL FINISH GRADE k�1 z_ 4" SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH EDGING (5 STAKES PER 20' LENGTH MINIMUM) AND WEED BARRIER PLANTING SOIL (MIN. DIMENSION SHOWN) UNDISTURBED SOIL OR COMPACTED SUBGRADE EDGING FINISH GRADE MULCH BED -III III - III -IBS I � � =1 I I Y I I -I I. �I�I�IIIII�IIIII�III�I�IIIIIIIII =1. I I lEo E COMPACTED SUBGRADE GEOTEXTILE WEED BARRIER - WRAP SIDES, TYPICAL 16 SHRUB BED EDGING 2.1 MONTICELLO EASTV I EW ELEMENTARY ADDITION 9375 FENNING AVENUE NE MONTICELLO, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ANDERSON- JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SITE PLANNING • CIVIL ENGINEERING 757.5 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD SUITE 200 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55427 FAX (763) 544-0531 PH (763) 544 -7129 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA DAVID A. REY Registration 40180 Date 08/08/16 Number Revisions Descriotion Date Num Comm: Date: 08/08/16 Drawn: LSD Check: DAR North DETAILS NOT FORCCONSTRUCTION V Z.11 MN B C IC s a o z� dU w N� E �UQ mQN >o Ulm F10 1 R o 2 3 a 4 a 5 LITTLE MOUNTAIN - OVERALL 1" = 30' -0" 0 22' -6" 45 LITTLE MOUNTAIN - COLOR ELEVATION - EAST �3/32" = l'-O" F -'—� -0 0- �- E1 0.02 EXISTING MATERIALS (NO GHANGE) 6 7 EXISTING MATERIALS (NO CHANGE) 8 NEW GANOPY: GLEAR ANODIZED METAL PANEL GOLUMNS PAINTED TO MATCH EXISTING LITTLE MOUNTAIN COLOR ELEVATION - NORTH 3/32" = 1' -0" NEW STOREFRONT TO MATCH EXISTING LITTLE MOUNTAIN SECURITY & RENOVATION 9350 Fallon Avenue, Monticello MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 Washington Street, Monticello MN 55362 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed ARCHITECT under the laws of the State of Reg State Arch Name Registration Number Arch Num Date Issue Date Revisions Description Date Num Comm: 152242 Date: 8/05/16 Drawn: GR Check: Checker North LITTLE MOUNTAIN - COLOR ELEVATIONS Scale: As indicated A0.02 A I'u ILK lI C 0 E i a A 0 re A6 0.03 u � 2 CONCESSIONS FLOOK FLAN 1/16" = 1' -0" 1�� N m X O tl� A0.03 m w° 0 3 MATERIAL5 KEY KEY MATERIAL 04.88 ROCK FACE BLOCK 01.05 A5PHALT 5HINGLE5 01.31 VINYL SIDING 01.38 PREPRINTED FAG51A 01A3 PREPRINTED STEEL WALL PANEL 08.01 HOLLOW METAL FRAME - PTD 08.02 HOLLOW METAL DOOR - PTV 08.11 OVERHEAD DOOR PREPRINTED 08.63 GOILING SHUTTER ALUM OR 5TAINLE55 STEEL 08.98 DOOR AGTUATOR 10.06 ALUMINUM DIMEN5ION LETTER 5IGNAGE 10.93 15IGN 26.02 JEXMRIOR LIGHT FIXTURE D3 A5.03 0 ALUMINUM SIGN ON GONGEALED PIN MOUNTING (ARTWORK PROVIDED BY OWNER) WHITE PLEXIGLASS LETTERS 6-0" +/- (MATGH L060 PROPORTIONS) 2 MONTIGELLO LOGO SIGN 3/411 - 1 -0 0 1' 2' ADDITIONAL 114" ALUMINUM SHEET (PAINTED RED) +114" ADDITIONAL 114" ALUMINUM SHEET (PAINTED BLAGK) +1/4" BASE 1/4" ALUMINUM SHEET (PAINTED RED) G2 F-L= LOGO SIG1� GA.LLOUT '� TEAM ROOM BU I LING FLOOR PLAN 1/16" = 1' -0" 0 12' 24' 4 5 -7.0 8.0 6.0 8.0 -.3 4.8 -7.38 6 COLOR NORTH ELEVATION AT CONCESSIONS 7 4.8 1.3 S.G 6.0 '7.38 -.3 '7.0 '73 8 0.a3 8.6 0.06 10.83 COLOR FAST ELEVATION AT CONCESSIONS 118" = 1' -0" S COLOR SOUTH ELEVATION AT CONCESSIONS 6 12 4.8 8.6 '7.0 l.3 7.q3 8.0 8.0 -.3 COLOR ^F.ST ELEVATION AT CoONCESSIONS 1' -0" '.38 -7.3 COLOR NORTH ELEVATION AT TEAM ROOMS 0 6' 12' 8.0 8.0 -7.3 7.0 -.38 8.11 COLOR FAST ELEVATION AT TEAM ROOMS 8.0 8.0 1.3 1.0 7.38 8.11 LOR !NEST ELEVATION AT TEAM ROOM x.38 7.3 COLOR SOUTH ELEVATION AT TEAM ROOM 0 6' 12' Monti cel I o Stadium 5225 School Blvd. Monticello, MN 55362 Independent School District #882 302 Washington St. Monticello, MN 55362 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed ARCHITECT under the laws of the State of Reg State Van Dierks Registration Number 269 Date 07/22/16 Revisions Description Date Num Comm: 1 152244 Date: 8 8/05/16 Drawn: G GR Check: C Checker North KISMCELL0 S7rAD1 UM - CCPCESSIOM & TEAM ROOr7 ELEVA7110NIS Scale: As indicated A0003 MV B R M E i a I o 0 2 0 0 3 4 7 _ g Monti cel I o Stadium 5225 School Blvd. Monticello, MN 55362 Independent School District #882 302 Washington St. Monticello, MN 55362 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed ARCHITECT under the laws of the State of Reg State Vn Dierks Registration Number 26979 Date 07/22/16 Revisions Description Date Num Comm: 152244 Date: 8105/16 Drawn: GR Check: Checker North KX#1MCELLO A S7rAD1r�- MEMMAL PLAZA (ALTERNATP A0.04 MN a E w 3 w ps �2< t� �w Ew V VI a3 �2 wi 2M w �¢ �So U-m A 0 B C 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 NEW GANOPY—/ WALL INFILL_/ NEW GANOPY-7 EASTI \/E^ FAMILY CENTER - OVERALL PLAN 0 22-6" 45 +fST `S�o D1 jtio � °'y 0.05 ��< �% �f�G %job NEW GANOPY AT PARENT PIGK -UP: CLEAR D ANODIZED METAL PANEL WALL INFILL: BRIGK TO NEW CLEAR ANODIZED MATCH EXISTING METAL PANEL GANOPY E E E1 COLOR ELEVATION - ^EST OVERALL 1" = 30'_0" 6 22-6" 45 LOR ELEVATION - SOUTH ENLARSEP /32" = 1' -0" BRIGK TO MATCH EXISTING /_AGGENT BRIGK TO MATCH EXISTING COLOR ELEVATION - EAST ENLARSEP 3/32" = 1'-0" ES COLOR ELEVATION - NORTH ENLARSEP Sol 0 0 Jtiti P BRIGK TO MATCH EXISTING AGGENT BRIGK TO MATCH EXISTING BRIGK TO MATCH EXISTING AGGENT BRIGK TO MATCH EXISTING BRIGK TO MATCH EXISTING //__—AGGENT BRIGK TO MATCH EXISTING EASTVI EW FAMILY CENTER ADDITION AND RENOVATIONS 9375 Fenning Ave NE, Monticello, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 Washington Street, Monticello, MN 55362 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed ARCHITECT under the laws of the State of MN Vaughn Dierks License Number: Arch Num Date Issue Date Revisions Description Date Num Comm: 152243 Date: 8/08/16 Drawn: GR Check: Checker North EASTVIEW - COLOR ELEVATIONS Scale: As indicated A0.05 MN "1 B C IC a fl E w 3 S t'- RZ 0w 01 E �z � wl zN w�Q W±o ow. E¢ U-m F 1 2 a 3 4 e 5 6 7 o g 0 22' -6" 45' GENERIG EQUIPMENT 5GREEN DETAIL NOTE: ACTUAL EQUIPMENT SCREEN DETAILS ARE PROVIDED TO THE ARCHITECT VIA SHOP DRANIN65 PRIOR TO GONSTRUGTION fSTj�G OA G + EASTVIEW FAMILY CENTER ADDITION AND RENOVATIONS 9375 Fenning Ave NE, Monticello, MN 55362 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 Washington Street, Monticello, MN 55362 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed ARCHITECT under the laws of the State of MN Vaughn Dierks License Number: Arch Num Date Issue Date Revisions Date Comm: 152243 Date: 8/05/16 Drawn: GR Check: Checker North EASTVIEW -ROOF EQUIPMENT DETAILS Scale: 1 " = 30' -0" A0006 MV a 'R a B D E F 1 2 3 �I I I I I T — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I I I I I I I I I , I EXISTING STOP SIGN I I I I PARKING I 'J '—� �� LITTLE MOUNTAIN F \\� ELEMENTARY c SGHOOL D6 (EXISTING) 14 ITING >US I I OVERFLOW STADIUM PARKING (POSSIBLE BUS SHUTTLE TO STADIUM) FUZE - CIRCUL-ATION SKFETGH 1 " = 160' -0" 0 120' 240' 4 EXISTING STOP SIGN 5 6 7 P. IN SECONDARY PARKING ENTRANCE/EXIT 1 OT I EXISTING kG -------------------- - - - - -I ----==_ __----------------------- - - - - -1 EXISTING DRIVE } - z ks 1 X — w 0 z STUDENT DROP" < o _ \ F OFF/PI�CF UP EXISTING MODIFIED \ PARKINO PARKING ) - - - - -J EXISTING PARKING \ \ \ � C--w) 1N ILUI v I z Iwl� CI MONTIGELLO HIGH SGHOOL (EXISTING) EXISTING STOP SIGN PRIMARY STADIUM PARKING EXISTI EASTVIEW OUT I I k BUS A ELEMENTARY J PARKI SGHOOL EXIST 8 i i MONTICELLO HIGH SCI -IOOL VD. MONTICELLO, GYM CS GYM ADDITION 4EAPOVI OAK AVE (EXISTING) (EXISTING) WILD SIIGN / EXISTING BUS AND PARKING I E ISTING RKING 1 } I I RIGHT UT ONLY -- -�� �. - - - -- 0 T EXISTING STOP SIGN EXISTING STOP SIGN --- - -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — IN z MODIFIED i w IJ Iz EXIT I zl OVERFLOW STADIUM PARKING z w OVERFLOW STADIUM PARKING (POSSIBLE BUS SHUTTLE TO STADIUM) v X � (POSSIBLE BUS SHUTTLE TO STADIUM) (� W ZI`� w I w1 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON ST. MONTICELLO, MN 55362 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed ARCHITECT under the laws of the State of M nnesota Van Dierks Registration Number 26979 Date May 27, 2016 Revisions Description Date Num Comm: 152245 Date: 5/27/16 Drawn: GR Check: Checker North CIRCULAMON SKErCH Scale: A0007 1 ENTRANCE UTILITY AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN /2 S S CB TOP =957.5 INV= 953.8(l INV =953,7 P 957 nr--7 n n U) Q z l � m 958.7 OHE w_.__ - ` 959.20 YX IA CAI C-B --957 961.3 6 954. 9otl - OHE „ CB " RCP EEgg NOUN ROMUSSARY ST TOP =958.4 ST S INV =954.8 12" RCP ST S MH ST S MH �- TOP =958.9 INV = 954.6(E,NW) .�- i f r�� s 1 ENTRANCE UTILITY AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN /2 S S CB TOP =957.5 INV= 953.8(l INV =953,7 P 957 nr--7 n n A MN B C D E a o Fz F E Monticello Middle School Campus U 1 " = 100' -0" u� i N 3 I I I I 4 �`� ,' I I � `&� I I I I / 5 It ELECTRICAL ABBREVIATIONS Keyed Notes 1 (2) existing Musco light structures with pre- stressed base. Structure shall be Electrical Title Sheet A AMPERE KVA KILOVOLT - AMPERES AB ABOVE BACKSPLASH KW KILOWATTS AC ALTERNATING CURRENT E3.11 Electrical Schedules ADD ADDENDUM LOC LOCATION AFF ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR LTG LIGHTING, LIGHT OR LIGHTS AFG ABOVE FINISHED GRADE LV /L.V. LOW - VOLTAGE AHU AIR HANDLING UNIT MOTOR STARTER ARCH. ARCHITECTURAL MAX MAXIMUM ATS AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH MCC MOTOR CONTROL CENTER AUTO AUTOMATIC MDF MAIN DISTRIBUTION FRAME GFI RECEPTACLE (DUPLEX) MECH MECHANICAL BOCT BOTTOM OF CABLE TRAY MIN MINIMUM 18,0" MFGR MANUFACTURER C CONDUIT MSS MOTOR STARTER SWITCH CB CIRCUIT BREAKER MTC EMPTY CONDUIT CCT,CKT CIRCUIT MTD MOUNTED CCTV CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION MTS MANUAL TRANSFER SWITCH CLG CEILING � CONDUIT STUB COMB COMBINATION NA NOT APPLICABLE CONN CONNECT OR CONNECTION NC NORMALLY CLOSED CONTR CONTRACTOR NO NORMALLY OPEN COORD COORDINATE NF NON -FUSED CUH CABINET UNIT HEATER 18.0" CLOCK 80" O.C. ON CENTER DIST DISTRIBUTION OS OCCUPANCY SENSOR LIGHTING DN DOWN P.B. PULL -BOX DWG DRAWING PB PUSHBUTTON 80" PP PE PNEUMATIC - ELECTRIC SWITCH EA EACH PH PHASE E.C. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR PNL PANEL ELR END -OF -LINE RESISTOR PR PAIR MICROPHONE (SEE ASSOCIATED CAMERA) PVC POLY-VINYL-CHLORIDE SPECIAL PURPOSE OUTLET (NUMBERS INDICATE NEMA TYPE) 18.0 PWR POWER EM EMERGENCY PLUG STRIP EMS ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REC RECEPTACLE EP ELECTRIC PNEUMATIC SWITCH RM ROOM EQUIP EQUIPMENT Data Outlet Location (2 Cat 6 Data Outlet) NOTE 7 Number indicates Qty of outlet other then Typ, ie. "3D" 18" EX EXISTING S DENOTES "SURFACE" DEVICE EXPL EXPLOSION PROOF SHT SHEET 18" 46" -'f'4 SPC SPACE FA FIRE ALARM SPR SPARE FDR FEEDER S.S. /SS STAINLESS STEEL FIN FINISHED SW SWITCH FLR FLOOR SWBD SWITCHBOARD FLA FULL LOAD AMPS SWGR SWITCHGEAR FSEC FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT CONTRACTOR DIMMER (LIGHTING) 46.0" �L INDICATES DEVICES SHOWN UNDER COMMON COVERPLATE TC TS TIME -CLOCK TIME - SWITCH GND /GRD GROUND TELE TELEPHONE GFI GFCI GROUND -FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER TERM TERMINAL DC DOOR CONTACTS (MONITORING) TSFR TRANSFORMER HOA HAND - OFF - AUTOMATIC SWITCH TV TELEVISION HP HORSEPOWER TYP TYPICAL HTG HEATING TVSS TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SURGE SUPPRESSION HTR HEATER KP KEYPAD HUH HORIZONTAL UNIT HEATER UG UNDERGROUND HZ HERTZ UH UNIT HEATER LOW VOLTAGE SWITCH & SYSTEM - 3 LEVEL (SEE NOTE 10) UV UNIT VENTILATOR I/L INTERLOCK LOW VOLTAGE SWITCH & SYSTEM - DIMMER (SEE NOTE 10) I/C INTERCOM V VOLTS IDF INTERMEDIATE DISTRIBUTION FRAME VA VOLT - AMPERE IC INTERRUPTING CAPACITY VFD VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE IG ISOLATED GROUND HR HORN W WATTS JB /J.B. JUNCTION BOX WM SURFACE WIREMOLD F V FIRE ALARM STROBE (VISUAL ONLY) WP WEATHER PROOF ELECTRICALLY OPERATED SOLENOID F q FIRE ALARM SPEAKER/STROBE Monticello Middle School Campus Notes: A. This school plan is shown for the existing location of fixtures being relocated. B. The (2) existing light structures are to be disconnected and removed from this location and reinstalled at the high school, refer to sheet E1.01. Electrical Sheet Index Keyed Notes 1 (2) existing Musco light structures with pre- stressed base. Structure shall be Electrical Title Sheet disconnected, removed, modified, relocated and reinstalled at the new 71" and 72" Electrical Site Plan locations indicated on E1.01. Remove all exposed conduit associated with existing Electrical Enlarged Site Plan structures and remove all wiring in underground conduits. (2) bases shall remain. Electrical Sheet Index Sheet Number Sheet Name E0.00 Electrical Title Sheet E1.00 Electrical Site Plan E1.01 Electrical Enlarged Site Plan E1.02 Electrical Enlarged Site Plan E2.01 Electrical Enlarged Plans E3.10 Electrical Riser & Schedules E3.11 Electrical Schedules E4.01 Electrical Details E5.01 Lighting Structure Installation Plans 7 8 ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS SYMBOL DESCRIPTION MOUNTING SYMBOL DESCRIPTION MOUNTIN B ®- 2® -. NL _ LIGHT FIXTURES TYPE DESIGNATION _ CIRCUIT NUMBER SWITCH REFERENCE (RC -x =Relay Control) NL (NL =NIGHT LIGHT,) 0 JUNCTION BOX �I RELAY 60.0" ® ELECTRICAL KEY NOTE SYMBOL NUMBER TRACK LIGHTING- INDICATES NUMBER OF LIGHTS THERMOSTAT 46.0" EXIT LIGHT -WITH DIRECTIONAL ARROW(S), DARKENED AREA INDICATES NUMBER AND ORIENTATION OF FACES EF -1 MOTOR OR EQUIPMENT SEE SCHEDULES -Z MOTOR STARTER ® HATCHED FIXTURE INDICATES AN EMERGENCY LIGHT SAFETY SWITCH COMBINATION MOTOR STARTER/SAFETY SWITCH 4001 EMERGENCY LIGHTING WALL PACK GFI RECEPTACLE (DUPLEX) 46.0" RACEWAY INSTALLED CONCEALED RECEPTACLE (SINGLE) 18,0" RACEWAY INSTALLED EXPOSED RECEPTACLE (DUPLEX) 18.0" CONDUIT UP G INDICATES GREEN RECEPTACLE WITH OCCUPANCY SENSOR. REFER TO "LV" DETAILS 18.0" CONDUIT DOWN _J_ GROUND RECEPTACLE (TWO DUPLEX SIDE BY SIDE) 18.0" � CONDUIT STUB p M G INDICATES GREEN RECEPTACLE WITH OCCUPANCY SENSOR. REFER TO "LV" DETAILS 18.0" 0 TRANSFORMER PANELBOARD NOTE5 DUPLEX RECEPTACLE ON EMERGENCH POWER 18.0" � LIGHTING OCCUPANCY SENSOR (CLG OR WALL) DUPLEX RECEPTACLE ON EMERGENCY POWER 18.0" CLOCK 80" COMBINATION USB /DUPLEX RECEPTACLE 18.0" �C CLOCK W/2 FACES; END MOUNT 80" TR RECEPTACLE (TAMPER RESISTANT) 18.0" RECEPTACLE (SPLIT WIRED) 18.0" �� 401D BELL/AUDIBLE DEVICE 80" PP TELE -POWER POLE (ATTACHED SYMBOLS INDICATE SERVICES REQUIRED) 0 LOCAL ROOM SOUND SYSTEM SPEAKER � \°J SPEAKER (WALL OR CEILING MOUNTED) ('V' Indicates volume control on speaker) 80 FLOOR OUTLET (ATTACHED SYMBOLS INDICATE SERVICES) In PROJECTION SPEAKER (WALL or CEILING MOUNTED) 80" MICROPHONE (SEE ASSOCIATED CAMERA) 18 "7CLG �5 -20 SPECIAL PURPOSE OUTLET (NUMBERS INDICATE NEMA TYPE) 18.0 VOLUME CONTROL 46" PLUG STRIP TV/VIDEO, provide jack and coax to B121, refer to Ian note. _61y a SINGLE POLE SWITCH (LETTER INDICATES SWITCH TO CONTROL FIXTURES MARKED "a ") 46.0" © PHOTO -CELL '7 Data Outlet Location (2 Cat 6 Data Outlet) NOTE 7 Number indicates Qty of outlet other then Typ, ie. "3D" 18" -e}2 TWO POLE SWITCH 46.0" -"') 3 THREE -WAY SWITCH 46.0" � Telephone Location (1 Cat 6 Outlet) NOTE 7 ('W' Indicates to be Wall Mounted @ 46" 18" 46" -'f'4 FOUR -WAY SWITCH 46.0" K KEY OPERATED SWITCH 46.0" Typical Combination Data /Phone Location NOTE 7 (3 Cat 6 Data outlets) 18" IWO SWITCH WITH PILOT LIGHT 46.0" WAP 0 Wireless Access Point (2 Data) NOTE 12 -0,IM MOMENTARY CONTACT SWITCH 46.0" -'1S MOTOR STARTER SWITCH 46.0" -40 SMARTBOARD NOTE 9 __rAD DIMMER (LIGHTING) 46.0" �L INDICATES DEVICES SHOWN UNDER COMMON COVERPLATE PUSH - BUTTON 46.0" ® Occupancy Sensor: D1 - Ceiling mtg, 500sf dual tech, Stand alone w /Power Pack D2 - Ceiling mtg, 2000sf dual tech, Stand alone w /Power Pack L1 - Ceiling mtg, 2000sf dual tech, Connected to Ltg control Panel W1 - Wall mtg at switch location, One button W2 - Wall mtg at switch location, Two button for dual level N1 -Ceiling Sensor connected to room controller per detail N2 - Ceiling Sensor connected to room controller per detail EL ELECTRIC -LOCK DC DOOR CONTACTS (MONITORING) CR CARD READER LA LOCAL ALARM 'LV1 LOW VOLTAGE SWITCH & SYSTEM - SINGLE (SEE NOTE 10) MD MOTION DETECTOR (WALL OR CEILING) 'LV2 LOW VOLTAGE SWITCH & SYSTEM - DOUBLE (SEE NOTE 10) KP KEYPAD 'LV3 LOW VOLTAGE SWITCH & SYSTEM - 3 WAY (SEE NOTE 10) ML MAGNETIC LOCK 'LV4 LOW VOLTAGE SWITCH & SYSTEM - 3 LEVEL (SEE NOTE 10) DA DURESS ALARM 'LD( #) LOW VOLTAGE SWITCH & SYSTEM - DIMMER (SEE NOTE 10) PTZ PAN/TILT /ZOOM SURVEILLANCE CAMERA (Include 1 Cat 6 Data Outlet at each camera location) TS TIME - SWITCH (TC: TIME - CLOCK) FIXED POSITION SURVEILLANCE CAMERA (Include 1 Cat 6 Data Outlet at each camera location) DS C1 DAYLIGHT SENSOR (TO ROOM CONTROLLER) Note 11 FIRE ALARM MANUAL PULL STATION HR HORN F A FIRE ALARM SPEAKER (AUDIBLE ONLY) Note 6 ® REQUEST -TO -EXIT F V FIRE ALARM STROBE (VISUAL ONLY) Note 6 ELECTRICALLY OPERATED SOLENOID F q FIRE ALARM SPEAKER/STROBE Note 6 HOME RUN INDICATES GROUND WIRE (HOOK ISOLATED GRID; DOT - SAFETY GRD.) P1 - PANELBOARD #8 1,3,5_ CIRCUIT NUMBERS ANY CIRCUIT WITHOUT DESIGNATION IS A TWO WIRE CIRCUIT. ANY GREATER NUMBER OF WIRES IS INDICATED BY CROSS MARKS. LONG CROSSMARK IS NEUTRAL(GROUNDED) DENOTES WIRE SIZE OTHER THAN #12 AWG �LD FIRE ALARM BELL /STROBE Note 6 F S FIRE ALARM SMOKE DETECTOR 46�� F D FIRE ALARM DUCT SMOKE DETECTOR -EEB' FS FIRE SMOKE DAMPER (SEE NOTE #8) FS FIRE ALARM FLOW- SWITCH ❑F F/g FIRE ALARM FIRE /SMOKE DAMPER ❑F TS FIRE ALARM TAMPER SWITCH FEEDER TAG <100A3G> 100A 3 G AMPERAGE # OF CONDUCTORS G = GROUND REQUIRED �F H FIRE ALARM HEAT DETECTOR ❑F SV FIRE ALARM SOLENOID VALVE ❑F DH FIRE ALARM DOOR HOLD OPEN (MAGNETIC) �F R REMOTE DUCT SMOKE DETECTOR TEST STATION ❑F AM FIRE ALARM INDIVIDUAL ADDRESSABLE MODULE �F K FIREMANS KEY LOCK BOX 46" <F FIRE ALARM FIREFIGHTERS PHONE JACK FACP FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL FAAP FIRE ALARM ANNUNCIATOR PANEL IC INTERCOM STATION IM INTERCOM MASTER AUDIO JACK J SO SPEAKERJACK ELECTRICAL SYMBOL NOTES 1. EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE MOUNTING HEIGHTS INDICATED UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE ON THE ARCH. ELEVATIONS, NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS, OR IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. 2. ALL MOUNTING HEIGHTS ARE TO CENTER OF DEVICE FROM FINISHED FLOOR. MOUNTING HEIGHTS INDICATED ON WALL ELEVATIONS, TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER MOUNTING HEIGHTS LISTED ABOVE. 3. LETTERS ADJACENT TO SYMBOLS INDICATE UNIT TYPE - SEE SPECS. 4. DOTTED SYMBOLS INDICATE EXISTING DEVICES. 5. MOUNT TOP OF PANEL AT 6.0' A.F.F. 6. MOUNT AT 80" OR 6.0" BELOW CEILING - WHICHEVER IS LOWEST. 7. PROVIDE DEVICES INDICATED AND A 2 GANG DEEP BOX WITH TWO (2) 3/4" CONDUITS FOR DATA/VOICE Cat. 6 CABLING, PROVIDE CAT 6 CABLING TO NEAREST DATA CLOSET OR AS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS. 8. PROVIDE 120v CONNECTION TO THE FIRE SMOKE DAMPER. PROVIDE A DUCT SMOKE DETECTOR WITH CONNECTIONS TO DAMPER & FACP. 9. PROVIDE A 1900 DEEP JUNCTION BOX WITH (2) V EMPTY CONDUITS TO THE CEILING SPACE ABOVE. PROVIDE A 2 GANG MUD RING WITHOUT ANGLED CORNERS FOR THE FUTURE SMARTBOARD. 10. LOW VOLTAGE SWITCH. "LV #" or "LD #" INDICATES CONTROL TYPE REFER TO CORRESPONDING DETAIL FOR REQUIRED DEVICES AND CONNECTIONS FOR LIGHTING, SENSOR AND RECEPTACLE CONTROL. 11. DAYLIGHT SENSOR CONNECTED TO ROOM CONTROLLER FOR DIMMED DAYLIGHT CONTROL. REFER TO DAYLIGHTING CONNECTION DETAIL. 12. PROVIDE WIRELESS ACCESS POINT AND JACK TERMINATED IN A BISCUIT BOX LOCATED ABOVE THE CEILING. EACH LOCATION SHALL HAVE (2) CAT 6 JACKS. Monticello High School Stadium INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 Washington Street, Monticello, MN 55362 PAULSON & CLARK ENGINEERING, INC. Office: (651) 407 -6056 Fax: (651) 407 -6476 Email: pac @paulsonclark.com 2352 E. County Road J. White Bear Lake, MN 55110 o� �J 5� O� �O O� 14$ I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Daniel S. Paulson Registration Number 23796 Date 04/01/2016 Revisions Description Date Comm: \ Date: 08/01/2016 Drawn: RBM /PKJ Check: KDB North Electrical Title Sheet Scale: As indicated 0000 Num A MN B I• D E � o F E a N 3 4 5 6 7 ° 0 8 I "I1 r ANU DRAINAGE PURPOSES PER DOC, NO. 719827 r, \ Ia \ -- — r—--- - - - - -- II 1111 IIII IIII IIII 1111 1111 IIII IIII II III II II 11 III Ili — - -— — — _£ _o _ _ - - — -- I CA 1111 II I� II II 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 II II 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 I � II I �I II 1111 � • ���� I 4F I I 111 IIII -- I I I I TIWI ITI IAl T 1111-- 1111 T 1111 T 1111 T I I I I T- ILllT111X`V1111T 111171111? 1111 T 1111 T I% I I T II ti✓I T 1111 T 1111 1- 21o'- L -fflt 1 - -L- I � o I I o� ------------------------------------------- ,O `c p e � 00 e�o�� I� G coNO I / \ E1.02 �oN� -CONC I - - %C I ELEMENTARY SCHOO ' I I J J CONC I I PLASTC WALL , ,14 PLAYGROUND EQ PMENT(TYP) I J* �� coNC I I WALL C WALL , I I CONC I I I i 1 � CONC • 1 • M C gzyg;' I =� • HIGH JUMP Monticello High School Campus 1 „ = 50' -011 CONC t C Z F m I 10 Ft CHAIN I Monticello High School Stadium INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 Washington Street, Monticello, MN 55362 �F PAULSON & CLARK ENGINEERING, INC. Office: (651) 407 -6056 Fax: (651) 407 -6476 Email: pac @paulsonclark.com 2352 E. County Road J. White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Z F m I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Daniel S. Paulson Registration Number 23796 Date 04/01/2016 Revisions Description Date Comm: Date: 08/01/2016 Drawn: RBM /PKJ % Check: KDB North Electrical Site Plan Scale: 1" = 50' -0" ■ Num MN E A B Li E F 1 2 High School Stadium Site 1 " = 30' -0" 3 4 5 C 7 F1 <50A4G> HP -S1 O F1 2 HP -S1 LP -1 �h�P 14,16,18 1 Light structure "F1" shall be relocated from the Middle School. Provide a • 2 3 I I I I I I I I I 10_ I I I I I I I l l I I I I I __20___'30 I I I I I I I I Z_ I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '40 I I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 30®___20' I I I I I I I I Koo I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 I I I I I I I I J I I I I .- I I I I I I I J I I I I _ 0T.____ I I _10_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Light structure 73" & 74" are new Musco Light structures. Provide a new i pre- formed precast pole base and install per manufacturers ___ __ recommendations. Provide connections back to panel indicated thru ___ I I I I I I __ I I I I I I wiring is used, adjust conduits as required. provide a complete and operating system. I I I I I I 50 I I I I I I 40- 5 Panel PB -1 is a panel located in in the pre- manufactured Press Box and it comes with the Press Box. Provide connection to the Press Box panel as required. Verify the exact location with the manufacturer. Refer to the riser I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7 Provide 120v connection to the scoreboard (control is thru a separate wireless signal) and a dedicated weatherproof receptacle with a lockable I I I 1 1 11 the junction box and receptacle with the scoreboard installer. Exposed conduit shall be ridged or IMC. - -- -- ----------------------- 1 1 F3: - • I • I O n r �! _ � I • I F3 HP -S1 3 8,10,12 50 A4G> � <504GP HP-S1 I A � I HP -S1 7,9,11 13,15,17 El 2,4,6 L----------- - - - - -- L - - 4 Transformer & — Location of new utility E2.01 Lighting Controls transformer, panels HP -S1, LP -1 and Musco lighting control panel. These shall be located under the new bleachers, verify the location of this equipment with the bleacher supplier prior to rough -in. I I I I I I ISTORAGE I I I I I I O - Location of panel CP -2. Refer to the riser and detail for information. �BB 8 Existing primary feeder shall be identified and protected during construction. Coordinate with excel energy for connection of the new utility transformer. �o ------------------------- -- 6 E:�,0 BB �•— •— •--------- - - - - -- -------------------- n b'o'a Cf i i-7 • • CONC General Notes Keyed Notes 1 Light structure "F1" shall be relocated from the Middle School. Provide a • 2 3 specifications. I • E2.01 E2.01 contactor in the control panel. Refer to the Lighting Structure Installation increase the wire size to limit the voltage drop to 5 %. Plans on Sheet E5.01 for information on the Musco lighting systems and All pole mounted fixtures shall be provide with a concrete base, • 2 I Verify locations and routing with civil plans. I I All musco equipment is included in this contract. All equipment pre- formed precast pole base and install per manufacturers • recommendations. Provide connections back to panel indicated thru I I. I contactor in the control panel. Refer to the Lighting Structure Installation • Plans on Sheet E5.01 for information on the Musco lighting systems and I provide a complete and operating system. I Light structure 73" & 74" are new Musco Light structures. Provide a new physical damage prior to coming out of the ground. -------------------- n b'o'a Cf i i-7 • • CONC General Notes Keyed Notes 1 Light structure "F1" shall be relocated from the Middle School. Provide a connection to the construction trailers as required by the new pre- formed precast pole base and install per manufacturers specifications. recommendations. Provide connections back to panel indicated thru Contractor shall verify voltage drop for each circuit indicated and contactor in the control panel. Refer to the Lighting Structure Installation increase the wire size to limit the voltage drop to 5 %. Plans on Sheet E5.01 for information on the Musco lighting systems and All pole mounted fixtures shall be provide with a concrete base, provide a complete and operating system. 2 Light structure "F2" shall be relocated from the Middle School and modified Verify locations and routing with civil plans. to add 5 new fixtures to the existing structure to match "71 ". Provide a new All musco equipment is included in this contract. All equipment pre- formed precast pole base and install per manufacturers shall be received, stored, protected, installed and wired by electrical recommendations. Provide connections back to panel indicated thru contractor. contactor in the control panel. Refer to the Lighting Structure Installation Do not install any electrical equipment to interfere with other Plans on Sheet E5.01 for information on the Musco lighting systems and divisions equipment. Refer to civil plans for locations. provide a complete and operating system. 3 Light structure 73" & 74" are new Musco Light structures. Provide a new physical damage prior to coming out of the ground. pre- formed precast pole base and install per manufacturers Install pole bases for each pole. Provide ground rod and recommendations. Provide connections back to panel indicated thru connections as per manufacturer's requirements. contactor in the control panel. Refer to the Lighting Structure Installation Provide copper wiring. Conduit sizing was based on thwn. If other Plans on Sheet E5.01 for information on the Musco lighting systems and wiring is used, adjust conduits as required. provide a complete and operating system. 4 Panel CP -1 is located in the Team Room Building. Refer to the riser and plan view for additional information. 5 Panel PB -1 is a panel located in in the pre- manufactured Press Box and comes with the Press Box. Provide connection to the Press Box panel as required. Verify the exact location with the manufacturer. Refer to the riser and plan view for additional information. 6 x 7 Provide 120v connection to the scoreboard (control is thru a separate wireless signal) and a dedicated weatherproof receptacle with a lockable cover. Provide dedicate neutrals for circuits. Coordinate exact location of the junction box and receptacle with the scoreboard installer. Exposed conduit shall be ridged or IMC. -------------------- n b'o'a Cf i i-7 • • CONC General Notes A. Refer to the Architectural and Civil plans for phasing and provide connection to the construction trailers as required by the specifications. B. Contractor shall verify voltage drop for each circuit indicated and increase the wire size to limit the voltage drop to 5 %. C. All pole mounted fixtures shall be provide with a concrete base, refer to the details for additional information. D. Verify locations and routing with civil plans. E. All musco equipment is included in this contract. All equipment shall be received, stored, protected, installed and wired by electrical contractor. F. Do not install any electrical equipment to interfere with other divisions equipment. Refer to civil plans for locations. G. All conduit shall transition to rigid metal conduit to protect from physical damage prior to coming out of the ground. H. Install pole bases for each pole. Provide ground rod and connections as per manufacturer's requirements. I. Provide copper wiring. Conduit sizing was based on thwn. If other wiring is used, adjust conduits as required. Monticello High School Stadium INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 Washington Street, Monticello, MN 55362 PAULSON & CLARK ENGINEERING, INC. Office: (651) 407 -6056 Fax: (651) 407 -6476 Email: pac @paulsonclark.com 2352 E. County Road J. White Bear Lake, MN 55110 O� G�` �J 5� O� �G �O O� I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Daniel S. Paulson Registration Number 23796 Date 04/01/2016 Revisions Description Date Comm: Date: 08/01/2016 Drawn: RBM /PKJ Check: KDB North Electrical Enlarged Site Plan Scale: As indicated E1.01 Num A MN B C lit E F E a N 3 4 . 5 a o 6 . 7 • 1 D specifications. B. Contractor shall verify voltage drop for each circuit indicated and Provide 120v connection to the scoreboard (control is thru a separate increase the wire size to limit the voltage drop to 5 %. C. All pole mounted fixtures shall be provide with a concrete base, cover. Provide dedicate neutrals for circuits. Coordinate exact location of • D. Verify locations and routing with civil plans. i All musco equipment is included in this contract. All equipment Provide 120v connection to the scoreboard (control is thru a separate Monticello High School Campus - Track 1 If = 30' -0" SP -1 2 �3 2 O 8 General Notes A. Refer to the Architectural and Civil plans for phasing and provide • 1 D specifications. B. Contractor shall verify voltage drop for each circuit indicated and Provide 120v connection to the scoreboard (control is thru a separate increase the wire size to limit the voltage drop to 5 %. C. All pole mounted fixtures shall be provide with a concrete base, cover. Provide dedicate neutrals for circuits. Coordinate exact location of • D. Verify locations and routing with civil plans. i All musco equipment is included in this contract. All equipment Monticello High School Campus - Track 1 If = 30' -0" SP -1 2 �3 2 O 8 General Notes A. Refer to the Architectural and Civil plans for phasing and provide Provide a 125A Nema 4x panel with pad lockable cover mounted under the connection to the construction trailers as required by the bleachers. Provide all required mounting hardware and verify installation specifications. B. Contractor shall verify voltage drop for each circuit indicated and Provide 120v connection to the scoreboard (control is thru a separate increase the wire size to limit the voltage drop to 5 %. C. All pole mounted fixtures shall be provide with a concrete base, cover. Provide dedicate neutrals for circuits. Coordinate exact location of refer to the details for additional information. D. Verify locations and routing with civil plans. E. All musco equipment is included in this contract. All equipment Provide 120v connection to the scoreboard (control is thru a separate shall be received, stored, protected, installed and wired by electrical wireless signal) and a dedicated weatherproof receptacle with a lockable contractor. F. Do not install any electrical equipment to interfere with other the junction box and receptacle with the scoreboard installer. Exposed divisions equipment. Refer to civil plans for locations. G. All conduit shall transition to rigid metal conduit to protect from Panel PB -2 is a panel located in in the pre- manufactured Press Box and physical damage prior to coming out of the ground. H. Install pole bases for each pole. Provide ground rod and required. Verify the exact location with the manufacturer. Refer to the riser connections as per manufacturer's requirements. I. Provide copper wiring. Conduit sizing was based on thwn. If other wiring is used, adjust conduits as required. Monticello High School Stadium INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 Washington Street, Monticello, MN 55362 PAULSON & CLARK ENGINEERING, INC. Office: (651) 407 -6056 Fax: (651) 407 -6476 Email: pac @paulsonclark.com 2352 E. County Road J. White Bear Lake, MN 55110 JG GO O` �O I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Daniel S. Paulson Registration Number 23796 Date 04/01/2016 Revisions Description Date Num Comm: Date: 08/01/2016 Drawn: RBM /PKJ Check: KDB North Electrical Enlarged Site Plan Scale: As indicated 0 2 Keyed Notes 1 Provide a 125A Nema 4x panel with pad lockable cover mounted under the bleachers. Provide all required mounting hardware and verify installation with the bleacher installer prior to rough -in. 2 Provide 120v connection to the scoreboard (control is thru a separate wireless signal) and a dedicated weatherproof receptacle with a lockable cover. Provide dedicate neutrals for circuits. Coordinate exact location of the junction box and receptacle with the scoreboard installer. Exposed conduit shall be ridged or IMC. 3 Provide 120v connection to the scoreboard (control is thru a separate wireless signal) and a dedicated weatherproof receptacle with a lockable cover. Provide dedicate neutrals for circuits. Coordinate exact location of the junction box and receptacle with the scoreboard installer. Exposed conduit shall be ridged or IMC. 4 Panel PB -2 is a panel located in in the pre- manufactured Press Box and comes with the Press Box. Provide connection to the Press Box panel as required. Verify the exact location with the manufacturer. Refer to the riser and plan view for additional information. Monticello High School Stadium INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 Washington Street, Monticello, MN 55362 PAULSON & CLARK ENGINEERING, INC. Office: (651) 407 -6056 Fax: (651) 407 -6476 Email: pac @paulsonclark.com 2352 E. County Road J. White Bear Lake, MN 55110 JG GO O` �O I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Daniel S. Paulson Registration Number 23796 Date 04/01/2016 Revisions Description Date Num Comm: Date: 08/01/2016 Drawn: RBM /PKJ Check: KDB North Electrical Enlarged Site Plan Scale: As indicated 0 2 MN a E A B 19 C E F 1 • P 2 R Q 3 4 High School Stadium Site - Grandstand /Pressbox 1/8" = 11 -011 AA2 D- A 0 1 A 0 1 A 0 1 OS D1 1 E F -3 A A 0 1 0 1 A 0 1 A 0 1 A 1 OS D1 A 0 1 A A. Refer to the Architectural and Civil plans for phasing and provide E 1 connection to the construction trailers as required by the Provide a wall mounted cabinet for data cabling. Route all data cabling to this location. specifications. B. AA2 A increase the wire size to limit the voltage drop to 5 %. C. 0 1 refer to the details for additional information. A Verify locations and routing with civil plans. E. 0 1 shall be received, stored, protected, installed and wired by electrical A contractor. F. 0 1 divisions equipment. Refer to civil plans for locations. A All conduit shall transition to rigid metal conduit to protect from 0 1 H. Install pole bases for each pole. Provide ground rod and A A A 0 2 0 2 0 2 EF -4 A Ell A A 0 2 0 2 0 2 I I AA2 EF I I AA2 O I 0 2 0 2 0 2 I O I I L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � High School Stadium Site - Team Rooms 1/8" = 11 -011 �d Press box shown for nate size and location contractor. ECUH -1 ECUH -2 3 A , a 1 1 v41 W O 41 Do �AB CP -1 1 41 P: 17 4�� ' ' 22 38 1 2 or19 4 /� � `,4�GFI u � dd-- a 0 21 �2 3 3 HAND 33 �AB y 28 1 1 i- UTENSIL 40 3 WASHING 1 \ SINK 1 1 - LOCKING STORAGE ' 30� - - CABINETS - 1 ' TRASH ' 3 I a 32 1 1 ] u Lnv -. AB 271& - CART 10 10 29 34� 10 i31 36 :Q , 1 I5 5 �Q EC HU AB ' - - -- ----- - - - - -- . - - - - -- - -- -� CP -1 EF 20 n CP -I UTILITY ECUH -4 ART CP 1 11 CID NAPKINS EJ - N F �� N i FLATWARE +III �` C DISPENSER 1 / TOPPINGS CP-1 DISPENSER T -CPV 6 Transformer L W 6W F- P-1A CP -1 7 7 EFT -1 CP -1 A 3 7 EFT -1 7W High School Stadium Site - Tickets /Concessions Power 1/8" = 11 -0t1 5 6 AA V Q 23 LD2 CP -1 E 23 014 A A O 12 35 a 0 14 A a 12 A 12 b b A A EE 12 12 014 a A A 12 12 EE b 0 14 b A A 12 12 EF -2 I a A a EE 12 A )14 12 b A b 12 EE EE1 >1 aLD1 A 015 12 CP -1 11 14 TC 10 A LD1 A EE1 12 12 A 0 15 12 CP -1 11 15 CP -1 12 A 12 15 15 12 LD1 A I EE1 12 J 015 L A A F 0 12 12 EE1 0 015 L F I I A A LD1 012 D1 12 EE1 0 I 015 I I CP 1 13 EE1 EF -1 A A I 13 13 15 I OS D1 D1 OS 12 12 A A 13 13 A A 13 13 A A 0 13 0 13 Ell D1 OS AA 23 High School Stadium Site - Tickets /Concessions Lighting - 1/811 = 1 1 -011 11 7 8 General Notes A. Refer to the Architectural and Civil plans for phasing and provide This receptacle shall be connected to a GFI circuit breaker. connection to the construction trailers as required by the Provide a wall mounted cabinet for data cabling. Route all data cabling to this location. specifications. B. Contractor shall verify voltage drop for each circuit indicated and All electrcal in this area shall be installed as indicated in base bid. Alternate #1 include installation of toilet fixtures and does not change electrical requirements. increase the wire size to limit the voltage drop to 5 %. C. All pole mounted fixtures shall be provide with a concrete base, refer to the details for additional information. D. Verify locations and routing with civil plans. E. All musco equipment is included in this contract. All equipment shall be received, stored, protected, installed and wired by electrical contractor. F. Do not install any electrical equipment to interfere with other divisions equipment. Refer to civil plans for locations. G. All conduit shall transition to rigid metal conduit to protect from physical damage prior to coming out of the ground. H. Install pole bases for each pole. Provide ground rod and connections as per manufacturer's requirements. I. Provide copper wiring. Conduit sizing was based on thwn. If other wiring is used, adjust conduits as required. Monticello High School Stadium INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 Washington Street, Monticello, MN 55362 PAULSON & CLARK ENGINEERING, INC. Office: (651) 407 -6056 Fax: (651) 407 -6476 Email: pac @paulsonclark.com 2352 E. County Road J. White Bear Lake, MN 55110 O� G O� O� I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Daniel S. Paulson Registration Number 23796 Date 04/01/2016 Revisions Description Date Num Comm: Date: 08/01/2016 Drawn: RBM /PKJ Check: KDB North Electrical Enlarged Plans Scale: As indicated 2mol Keyed Notes 1 This receptacle shall be connected to a GFI circuit breaker. 2 Provide a wall mounted cabinet for data cabling. Route all data cabling to this location. 3 Provide a data device as indicated with 1/2" conduit to the data rack. 4 All electrcal in this area shall be installed as indicated in base bid. Alternate #1 include installation of toilet fixtures and does not change electrical requirements. 5 (2) Flag pole lights shall be included in Alternate #2. Monticello High School Stadium INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 Washington Street, Monticello, MN 55362 PAULSON & CLARK ENGINEERING, INC. Office: (651) 407 -6056 Fax: (651) 407 -6476 Email: pac @paulsonclark.com 2352 E. County Road J. White Bear Lake, MN 55110 O� G O� O� I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Daniel S. Paulson Registration Number 23796 Date 04/01/2016 Revisions Description Date Num Comm: Date: 08/01/2016 Drawn: RBM /PKJ Check: KDB North Electrical Enlarged Plans Scale: As indicated 2mol A MN B C D 2 PROVIDE A NEMA 4X, EXTERIOR ENCLOSURE NON - CORRODING PIANO HINGED DOOR WITH GASKETED WITH PADLOCK PROVISIONS. ALL HARDWARE SHALL BE NON - CORRODING. ALL SECTIONS SHALL BE BOLTED TOGETHER. ALL COMPONENTS SHALL BE UL LISTED. REFER TO E5.01 FOR ADDITIONAL CONNECTION REQUIREMENTS BETWEEN EQUIPMENT AND FOR SIZE OF CONTROL EQUIPMENT. EQUIPMENT MAY BE MOUNTED BACK -TO- BACK. PROVIDE ALL REQUIRED ARC FLASH CALCULATIONS AND LABELING. GROUND PER DETAIL 7 PROVIDE TRANSFORMER PAD AND CONNECTION CABINET AS PER UTILITY REQUIREMENTS Provide a 3 pair (6 strand) fiber optic MultiMade cable to Little Mountain Elementary and into the main data room. Provide 1" conduit (3) ingrade _ boxes and pull string for future. School is approximately 500' away and assume 400' in the school to data room. South Site Riser Diagram 121' = 1' -011 CONNECTION TO RE -STEEL IN MASONRY #4 CU EXOTHERMIC WELD (TYPICAL) #4 CU TO TELEPHONE �- (3) 3/4" COPPERWELD TERMINAL BOARD 10' LONG GROUND RODS #4 CU #4 CU CUSTOMER �#4 CU 10' MIN. (TYP. FOR 3 OR 4 ROD GROUNDING FIELD.) Concession BLDG Grounding Detail 1211 - 1' -0„ SIDE OF METER #4 CU T OOA4 J SURGE PROTECTION #4 CU CONNECT TO COLD WATER SYSTEM #4 CU TO RE -STEEL IN CONCRETE FOUNDATION. EQUIPMENT GROUND BUS MAIN SWITCH NEUTRAL BUS ISOLATED FROM GROUND BUS WATER METER UTILITY SIDE OF METER I' #4 CU TO WATER METER 3 4 5 Football Grandstand Team Rooms Pre - installed Pressbox Panel PB -1 Provide all PB -1 required connections (Verify exact location) 120/208V 277/480V Description 3 PH, 4W Light Control 400A MCB 3 PH, 4W MONITORING Approved Manufacturer PANEL \ 1 x4 Arclic Troffer i HP -S1 METERING Panel Circuit Number SECTION Elec Notes ECUH -1 w/ WINDOW Architectural Wall Sconce, Trapiziod Shape, Powdercoat Finish S.E.R 47 W 1 12" x 24" x 6" PANEL PA PA M McGraw - Edison #IST- Series Hubbell #TRP Series 1'/2'C, 3 #2/0 & 1 #6 GND AA2 Architectural Wall Sconce, Trapiziod Shape, Powdercoat Finish,lnternal Photocell J SURGE PROTECTION #4 CU CONNECT TO COLD WATER SYSTEM #4 CU TO RE -STEEL IN CONCRETE FOUNDATION. EQUIPMENT GROUND BUS MAIN SWITCH NEUTRAL BUS ISOLATED FROM GROUND BUS WATER METER UTILITY SIDE OF METER I' #4 CU TO WATER METER 3 4 5 Football Grandstand Team Rooms Pre - installed Pressbox Panel PB -1 Provide all PB -1 required connections (Verify exact location) 120/208V CONTROL & Description Lamp Mounting Wattage Light Control Lamp Type 3 PH, 4W MONITORING Approved Manufacturer Notes A 1 x4 Arclic Troffer 400A MCB CABINET #1 Starter Location Panel Circuit Number Lithonia #SP8G- 232- A12125- MVOLT- GEB10PS Elec Notes ECUH -1 AA Architectural Wall Sconce, Trapiziod Shape, Powdercoat Finish 3 47 W 1 12" x 24" x 6" PANEL PA PA Lithonia #WST LED 2 1 OA700 /40K SR3 MVOLT DDBXD McGraw - Edison #IST- Series Hubbell #TRP Series 1'/2'C, 3 #2/0 & 1 #6 GND AA2 Architectural Wall Sconce, Trapiziod Shape, Powdercoat Finish,lnternal Photocell 1'/2'C, 3 #3/0 & 1 #6 GND Fiber Optic 7,9 LED 4000 Lm, 4000k Mvolt Lithonia #WST LED 2 1OA700/40K SR3 MVOLT DDBXD, PC McGraw - Edison #IST- Series Hubbell #TRP Series Concession Building BB Connection 25' pole on 3' pole base 209 W Wide Spread LED 18000Lm (ea) Mvolt DSX1 LED 60C 1000 40K TFTM MVOLT SPA DDBXD / SSS 25 4C DM19AS DDBXD Mech Cabinet CC 3' Decorative Bolard, Acrylic 360 deg lens 6,8 45 W (2) 3' /Z'C, 4 #500 & 1 #1/0 GND 112KVA Mvolt CL813 L84W45 BKT (Base Bid) CL813 L84W45 MST (Alternate) 3 4,5 DD Flag Pole Spot Light, LED, Stanchion Mount, Narrow Spot Stanchion on base 35 W Narrow Spot LED 1400 Lm Mvolt 480V DELTA - (7) WC, 3 #500 & 1 #350 GND 3,6 EE 8" LED Downlight. Exterior, Wet Location, Lensed Recessed 18 W Clear Reflactor Concession Building 1.5 120/208V WYE Portfolio Prescolite #LF6 Series EE1 8" LED Downlight. Exterior, Wet Location, Lensed, Adjustable Angle Mounting Adapter Recessed 18 W Clear Reflactor EVO 40/25 8AR MD LID 277 EZ1 Portfolio Prescolite #LF6 Series ECUH -5 1/2 "C, 1 #4 GND Concession Building 3 208 V 1 Elec Mech PER NEC 250 ECUH -6 Electric Cabinet Unit Heater Concession Building 3 208 V 1 Elec T Mech ECUH -7 Electric Cabinet Unit Heater Concession Building 3 208 V 1 Elec PROVIDE 4" Mech LF—r-4 EF -1 - -- CONCRETE PAD 1 /4 -HP 120 V 1 Elec <20OA4G> 1 Elec Relay CP -1A 5 � Itf <40OA4G> Exhaust Fan Concession Building _ 120 V 1 T T <10OA4G> Elec CP -1A 4 <60A3G> EF -3 Exhaust Fan <175A4G'*> 1 /6 -HP 120 V 1 <125A4G> #2 CU TO RE -STEEL IN CONCRETE FOUNDATION. EXOTHERMIC WELD #2 CU HP -N (TYPICAL) BONDED NUETRAL & GROUND BUS (3) 3/4" COPPERWELD 10' LONG GROUND RODS #2 CU #2 CU 10' MIN (TYP. FOR 3 OR 4 ROD GROUNDING FIELD.) North Grounding Detail 12" = 1 ' -0" 120/208V 3 PH, 4W 60A MLO PANEL TP -1 Concession 75KVA 480V DELTA - 120/208V WYE T -C 6 120/208V 3 PH, 4W 225A MCB PANEL PANEL CP -1 CP -1A PROVIDE 4" CONCRETE PAD GND PER NEC 250 Data Rack 7 Track Field Pre - installed Pressbox Panel PB -2 Provide all PB-2 required connections (Verify exact location) 120/208V 3 PH, 4W 125A MCB PANEL SP -1 <100A4G> NEMA 4X Provide (1) pair (2 strand) fiber optic cable to the data rack and (2) cat6 cables. Light Fixture Schedule Type Mark Description Lamp Mounting Wattage Light Control Lamp Type Voltage Manufacturer Approved Manufacturer Notes A 1 x4 Arclic Troffer Starter By Starter Size Starter Location Panel Circuit Number Lithonia #SP8G- 232- A12125- MVOLT- GEB10PS Elec Notes ECUH -1 AA Architectural Wall Sconce, Trapiziod Shape, Powdercoat Finish 3 47 W 1 LED 4000 Lm, 4000k Mvolt Lithonia #WST LED 2 1 OA700 /40K SR3 MVOLT DDBXD McGraw - Edison #IST- Series Hubbell #TRP Series 1'/2'C, 3 #2/0 & 1 #6 GND AA2 Architectural Wall Sconce, Trapiziod Shape, Powdercoat Finish,lnternal Photocell 1'/2'C, 3 #3/0 & 1 #6 GND 47 W 7,9 LED 4000 Lm, 4000k Mvolt Lithonia #WST LED 2 1OA700/40K SR3 MVOLT DDBXD, PC McGraw - Edison #IST- Series Hubbell #TRP Series Concession Building BB Site Lighting Double Head, 25' SS Pole, LED, Mounted to Base 25' pole on 3' pole base 209 W Wide Spread LED 18000Lm (ea) Mvolt DSX1 LED 60C 1000 40K TFTM MVOLT SPA DDBXD / SSS 25 4C DM19AS DDBXD Mech 2 CC 3' Decorative Bolard, Acrylic 360 deg lens 6,8 45 W (2) 3' /Z'C, 4 #500 & 1 #1/0 GND LED 3600 Lm Mvolt CL813 L84W45 BKT (Base Bid) CL813 L84W45 MST (Alternate) 3 4,5 DD Flag Pole Spot Light, LED, Stanchion Mount, Narrow Spot Stanchion on base 35 W Narrow Spot LED 1400 Lm Mvolt Hydrel #4640 22LED CLW MVOLT SP KM JBA LP SND (7) WC, 3 #500 & 1 #350 GND 3,6 EE 8" LED Downlight. Exterior, Wet Location, Lensed Recessed 18 W Clear Reflactor Concession Building 1.5 EVO 40/25 8AR MD LID 277 EZ1 Portfolio Prescolite #LF6 Series EE1 8" LED Downlight. Exterior, Wet Location, Lensed, Adjustable Angle Mounting Adapter Recessed 18 W Clear Reflactor EVO 40/25 8AR MD LID 277 EZ1 Portfolio Prescolite #LF6 Series Light Fixture Schedule Numbered Notes: E 1. Refer to the mounting detail on the details page, and manufacturers recommendations for installation. 2. provide a "3' Pole Base" as indicated in details. 3. Provide a "Flag Light Base Detail" as indicated in details. 4. Provide "Flush Sidewalk Bollard Base Detail" as indicated in details. 5. Bollard is in base bid and Alternate #2. Colors change based on Alternate acceptance. 6. These flag pole lights shall be included in Alternate #2. F E Light Fixture Schedule General Notes: A. All light fixture shall be provided with quick disconnects internal to the fixture. B. Unless otherwise noted, Lamp color shall be 4100 Kelvin. Verify with owner. C. For all pole mounted fixture, Unless noted otherwise, provide a 25' straight steel pole and pole base per Pole Base Detail. For ground mounted exterior fixtures, refer to the flush base detail. D. Equals submitted for pre - approval Must be submitted through a bidding contractor. Mechanical Equipment Schedule Equipment Number Description Location Size Voltage Phase Support Material Disc. By Disc. Size Disc. Poles Disc. Location Starter By Starter Size Starter Location Panel Circuit Number Feeder Elec Notes ECUH -1 Electric Cabinet Unit Heater Concession Building 3 208 V 1 150 A Elec 2 "C, 4 #1/0 & 1 #6 GND 175 A 1'/2'C, 3 #2/0 & 1 #6 GND Mech 200 A 1'/2'C, 3 #3/0 & 1 #6 GND CP -1A 7,9 2 "C, 3#4/0 & 1#4 GND 2' /2 "C, 4#4/0 & 1#4 G N D ECUH -2 Electric Cabinet Unit Heater Concession Building 3 208 V 1 400 A Elec 3' /2'C, 4 #500 & 1 #3 GND 500 A (2) 2 W-C, 3 #250 & 1 #2 GND Mech 600 A (2) 3 "C, 3 #350 & 1 #1 GND CP -1A 6,8 (2) 3 "C, 3 #500 & 1 #1/0 GND (2) 3' /Z'C, 4 #500 & 1 #1/0 GND ECUH -3 Electric Cabinet Unit Heater Concession Building 3 208 V 1 1600 A Elec (4) 4 "C, 4 #600 & 1#4/0 GND 2000 A (6) 3 "C, 3 #400 & 1 #250 GND Mech 2500 A (7) WC, 3 #500 & 1 #350 GND (7) 3' /"C, 4 #500 & 1 #350 GND 3000 A (8) 3' /2'C, 3 #500 & 1#400 GND (8) 3'/ "C, 4 #500 & 1#400 GND ECUH -4 Electric Cabinet Unit Heater Concession Building 1.5 120 V 1 Elec Mech ECUH -5 Electric Cabinet Unit Heater Concession Building 3 208 V 1 Elec Mech ECUH -6 Electric Cabinet Unit Heater Concession Building 3 208 V 1 Elec Mech ECUH -7 Electric Cabinet Unit Heater Concession Building 3 208 V 1 Elec Mech EF -1 Exhaust Fan Concession Building 1 /4 -HP 120 V 1 Elec 20 A 1 Elec Relay CP -1A 5 EF -2 Exhaust Fan Concession Building 1 /6 -HP 120 V 1 Elec Elec CP -1A 4 EF -3 Exhaust Fan Team Room Building 1 /6 -HP 120 V 1 Elec Elec EF -4 Exhaust Fan Team Room Building 1 /6 -HP 120 V 1 Elec Elec IR -1 Infrared Heater Concession Building 550 120 V 1 Mech Mech IR -2 Infrared Heater Concession Building 550 120 V 1 Mech Mech IR-3 Infrared H Rter Lonrpssion Building 550 12n V 1 Mech Mech Electrical Fin Tube Radiation Schedule 1. Provide connections as required to the disconnect supplied with the unit. 2. Conceal all conduits in walls or floors. 3. Provide a 1/2" empty conduit from an accessable ceiling space to each unit for control wiring. 4. No electrical devices or low voltage boxes shall be located over units. 5. Equipment indicated here is typical per type. Refer to the plans for circuiting and panel Type Length Electrical KW Voltage Phase Disc. By Starter By EFT -1 39" .75 120 V 1 Elec Mech EFT -2 49 1/2" 1.0 120 V 1 Elec Mech connecitons. 8 Electrical Feeder Schedule Feeder Ampacity 3 Wire Feeder 4 Wire Feeder 20 A 1/2 "C, 3 #12 & 1 #12 GND 1/2 "C, 4 #12 & 1 #12 GND 30 A 3/4 "C, 3 #10 & 1 #10 GND 3/4 "C, 4 #10 & 1 #10 GND 50 A 3/4 "C, 3 #8 & 1 #10 GND 1 "C, 4 #8 & 1 #10 GND 60 A 1 "C, 3 #6 & 1 #10 GND 1 "C, 4#6 & 1 #10 GND 80 A 1 "C, 3#4 & 1 #8 GND 1 ' / "C, 4#4 & 1 #8 GND 100 A 1' /a "C, 3 #3 & 1 #8 GND 1' /a "C, 4 #3 & 1 #8 GND 125 A 1' /a " "C, 3 #1 & 1 #6 GND 1 % "C, 4 #1 & 1 #6 GND 150 A 1 '/2' C, 3 #1/0 & 1 #6 GND 2 "C, 4 #1/0 & 1 #6 GND 175 A 1'/2'C, 3 #2/0 & 1 #6 GND 2 "C, 4 #2/0 & 1 #6 GND 200 A 1'/2'C, 3 #3/0 & 1 #6 GND 2 "C, 4 #3/0 & 1 #6 GND 225 A 2 "C, 3#4/0 & 1#4 GND 2' /2 "C, 4#4/0 & 1#4 G N D 250 A 2' /z "C, 3 #250 & 1#4 GND 2'W-C, 4 #250 & 1#4 GND 300 A 2' / "C, 3 #350 & 1#4 GND 3 "C, 4 #350 & 1#4 GND 400 A 3 "C, 3 #500 & 1 #3 GND 3' /2'C, 4 #500 & 1 #3 GND 500 A (2) 2 W-C, 3 #250 & 1 #2 GND (2) 3 "C, 4 #250 & 1 #2 GND 600 A (2) 3 "C, 3 #350 & 1 #1 GND (2) 3 "C, 4 #350 & 1 #1 GND 800 A (2) 3 "C, 3 #500 & 1 #1/0 GND (2) 3' /Z'C, 4 #500 & 1 #1/0 GND 1000A (4) 2' /"C, 3 #250 & 1 #2/0 GND (4) WC, 4 #250 & 1 #2/0 GND 1200 A (4) WC, 3 #350 & 1 #3/0 GND (4) 3 "C, 4 #350 & 1 #1/0 GND 1600 A (4) 3' /VC, 3 #600 & 1#4/0 GND (4) 4 "C, 4 #600 & 1#4/0 GND 2000 A (6) 3 "C, 3 #400 & 1 #250 GND (6) 3'/ "C, 4#400 & 1 #250 GND 2500 A (7) WC, 3 #500 & 1 #350 GND (7) 3' /"C, 4 #500 & 1 #350 GND 3000 A (8) 3' /2'C, 3 #500 & 1#400 GND (8) 3'/ "C, 4 #500 & 1#400 GND 4000 A (11) 3 % "C, 3 #500 & 1 #500 GND (11) 4 "C, 4 #500 & 1 #500 GND <100A3G> 100A 3 G Amperage # of Conductors G = Ground Required Notes: * Optional installation, unless noted otherwise. ** Upsized for voltage drop. ( #) = Provide parallel sets of conductors as indicated. Monticello High School Stadium INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 Washington Street, Monticello, MN 55362 PAULSON & CLARK ENGINEERING, INC. Office: (651) 407 -6056 Fax: (651) 407 -6476 Email: pac @paulsonclark.com 2352 E. County Road J. White Bear Lake, MN 55110 o� �J 5� O� �O O� I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Daniel S. Paulson Registration Number 23796 Date 04/01/2016 Revisions Description Date Num Comm: Date: 08/01/2016 Drawn: RBM /PKJ Check: KDB North Electrical Riser & Schedules Scale: As indicated A MN B C D E F E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Branch Panel: Location: Supply From: Mounting: Enclosure: HP -S1 Volts: 480/277 Wye Phases: 3 Wires: 4 Feed -Thru Lugs: Yes A.I.C. Rating: Mains Type: MLO Mains Rating: 400 A Bussing: A Branch Panel: Location: Supply From: Mounting: Enclosure: SP -1 Volts: 120/208 Wye Phases: 3 Wires: 4 Feed -Thru Lugs: Circuit Description A.I.C. Rating: Mains Type: MLO Mains Rating: 400 A Bussing: 150A 1 Branch Panel: LP -1 Location: Supply From: T -LP Mounting: Enclosure: Volts: 120/208 Wye Phases: 3 Wires: 4 Feed -Thru Lugs: 900 VA A.I.C. Rating: Mains Type: Shunt Trip MCB Mains Rating: 400 A Bussing: 400A Cu Lighting CKT Circuit Description 4163 VA Trip 20 A Poles A B C Poles Trip Circuit Description CKT CKT Circuit Description 21 Trip Poles Receptacle A B Receptacle C Poles Trip Circuit Description CKT CKT Circuit Description Trip Poles 20 A A B 7 C Poles Trip Circuit Description CKT 1 40 T -LP 20 A 3 540 VA 7178... 9 Receptacle 20 A 1 3 20 A Motor 2 1 Receptacle 1 20 A 1 180 VA 360 VA 20 A 1 1 20A 2070... 2 1 Receptacle 20 A 1 180 VA 360 VA 720 VA 132 VA 1 20A Power 2 3 15 -- 20 A -- -- 154 VA 154 VA 0 VA 7178... 1 20 A -- -- -- 4 3 1 180 VA 750 VA 1 20 A Electric Heat 18 19 Receptacle 20 A 1 180 VA 4 3 1 20 A Receptacle 20 21 Receptacle 20 A 1 180 VA 180 VA 4 5 1 -- Receptacle -- 23 -- 20 A 1 0 VA 7178... -- -- -- 6 5 24 25 180 VA 1 20 A Receptacle 26 27 6 5 1 180 VA 180 VA 1 20 A Receptacle 28 29 Receptacle 20 A 1 6 7 Motor 180 VA 20 A 3 416 VA 416 VA 30 31 Receptacle 20 A 3 20A Motor 8 7 1 20 A Receptacle 32 33 Receptacle 20 A 1 180 VA 180 VA 8 7 Receptacle 34 35 Lighting 20 A 1 90 VA 180 VA 1 20 A Receptacle 8 9 -- -- 180 VA -- 416 VA 416 VA 20 A Receptacle -- -- -- 10 9 180 VA 1 20 A Receptacle 40 41 Receptacle 20 A 1 10 9 360 VA 42 Total Load: 8772 VA 5978 VA 7470 VA Total Amps: 75 A 50 A 64 A Notes: 10 11 -- -- -- 416 VA 416 VA -- -- -- 12 11 12 11 12 13 Motor 20 A 3 7178... 7178... 3 20A Motor 14 13 14 13 14 15 -- -- -- 7178... 7178... -- -- -- 16 15 16 15 16 17 -- -- -- 7178... 7178... -- -- -- 18 17 18 17 18 19 Motor 20 A 3 7178... 20 19 20 19 20 21 -- -- -- 7178... 22 21 22 21 22 23 -- -- -- 7178... 24 23 24 23 24 25 26 25 26 25 26 27 28 27 28 27 28 29 30 29 30 29 30 31 32 31 32 31 32 33 34 33 34 33 34 35 36 35 36 35 36 37 38 37 38 37 38 39 40 39 40 39 40 41 42 41 42 41 42 Total Load: 30082 VA Total Amps: 109 A 29542 VA 107 A 29542 VA 107 A Total Load: Total Amps: 540 VA 0 VA 5 A 0 A 0 VA 0 A Total Load: Total Amps: 540 VA 0 VA 5 A 0 A 0 VA 0 A Load Classification Connected Load Demand Factor Estimated Demand Panel Totals Load Classification Connected Load Demand Factor Estimated Demand Panel Totals Load Classification Connected Load Demand Factor Estimated Demand Panel Totals Motor 88626 VA 100.00% 88626 VA Power 180 VA 100.00% 180 VA Power 180 VA 100.00% 180 VA Power 180 VA 100.00% 180 VA Total Conn. Load: 89166 VA Receptacle 360 VA 100.00% 360 VA Total Conn. Load: 540 VA Receptacle 360 VA 100.00% 360 VA Total Conn. Load: 540 VA Receptacle 360 VA 100.00% 360 VA Total Est. Demand: 89166 VA Total Est. Demand: 540 VA Total Est. Demand: 540 VA Total Conn. Current: 107 A Total Conn. Current: 1 A Total Conn. Current: 1 A Total Est. Demand... 107 A Total Est. Demand... 1 A Total Est. Demand... 1 A Notes: Notes: Notes: Branch Panel: CP -1 Location: Volts: 120/208 Wye A.I.C. Rating: Supply From: 75 kVA, 277 V/480 V, Thre... Phases: 3 Mains Type: MCB Mounting: Wires: 4 Mains Rating: 400 A Enclosure: MCB Rating: 200 A CKT Circuit Description Trip Poles A B C Poles Trip Circuit Description CKT 1 Receptacle 20 A 1 900 VA 180 VA Lighting 12 11 4163 VA 1 20 A Receptacle 2 3 Receptacle 20 A 1 20 900 VA 180 VA 22 21 1 20 A Receptacle 4 5 Receptacle 20 A 1 27 30 29 540 VA 1080... 1 20 A Receptacle 6 7 Receptacle 20 A 1 1080... 180 VA 40 39 1 20 A Receptacle 8 9 Receptacle 20 A 1 180 VA 900 VA 1 20 A Receptacle 10 11 Receptacle 20 A 1 180 VA 2070... 1 20 A Lighting 12 13 Lighting 20 A 1 720 VA 132 VA 1 20 A Lighting 14 15 Lighting 20 A 1 154 VA 154 VA 1 20 A Lighting 16 17 Receptacle 20 A 1 180 VA 750 VA 1 20 A Electric Heat 18 19 Receptacle 20 A 1 180 VA 180 VA 1 20 A Receptacle 20 21 Receptacle 20 A 1 180 VA 180 VA 1 20 A Receptacle 22 23 Lighting 20 A 1 0 VA 180 VA 1 20 A Receptacle 24 25 180 VA 1 20 A Receptacle 26 27 Receptacle 20 A 1 180 VA 180 VA 1 20 A Receptacle 28 29 Receptacle 20 A 1 180 VA 180 VA 1 20 A Receptacle 30 31 Receptacle 20 A 1 180 VA 180 VA 1 20 A Receptacle 32 33 Receptacle 20 A 1 180 VA 180 VA 1 20 A Receptacle 34 35 Lighting 20 A 1 90 VA 180 VA 1 20 A Receptacle 36 37 180 VA 1 20 A Receptacle 38 39 180 VA 1 20 A Receptacle 40 41 Receptacle 20 A 1 360 VA 42 Total Load: 8772 VA 5978 VA 7470 VA Total Amps: 75 A 50 A 64 A Notes: CKT 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 Branch Panel: CP -1A Location: Volts: 120/208 Wye A.I.C. Rating: Supply From: CP -1 Phases: 3 Mains Type: MLO Mounting: Wires: 4 Mains Rating: 200 A Enclosure: Feed -Thru Lugs: Bussing: 200 A Circuit Description Trip Poles A B C Poles Trip Electric Heat 20 A 1 1750 VA 750 VA 1 1 1 20 A Electric Heat 20 A 1 750 VA 0 VA 1 20 A HVAC 20 A 1 0 VA 1500... 2 20 A Electric Heat 20 A 2 1500... 1500... -- -- -- -- -- 1500... Circuit Description CKT CKT Electric Heat 2 1 HVAC 4 3 Electric Heat 6 5 -- 8 7 0 VA 10 9 Lighting 12 11 4163 VA 14 13 Electric Heat 16 15 10313 VA 18 17 20 19 22 21 24 23 26 25 28 27 30 29 32 31 34 33 36 35 38 37 40 39 42 41 Branch Panel: CP -2 Location: Supply From: Phases: 3 Mounting: Wires: 4 Enclosure: Feed -Thru Lugs: Trip Poles A B 20A 1 1710... 1620... Volts: 120/208 Wye Circuit Description Lighting A.I.C. Rating: Mains Type: MCB Mains Rating: 400 A Bussing: 200 A C Poles Trip Circuit Description CKT 1 20 A Lighting 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 Total Load: 4500 VA 2250 VA 1500 VA Total Amps: 38 A 20 A 13 A Total Load: 3330 VA 0 VA 0 VA Total Amps: 28A 0 A 0 A Load Classification Connected Load Demand Factor Estimated Demand Panel Totals Load Classification Connected Load Demand Factor Estimated Demand Panel Totals HVAC 0 VA 0.00% 0 VA Lighting 3330 VA 125.00% 4163 VA Electric Heat 8250 VA 125.00% 10313 VA Total Conn. Load: 8250 VA Total Conn. Load: 3330 VA Total Est. Demand: 10313 VA Total Est. Demand: 4163 VA Total Conn. Current: 23 A Total Conn. Current: 9 A Total Est. Demand... 29 A Total Est. Demand... 12 A Notes: Notes: Monticello High School Stadium INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 Washington Street, Monticello, MN 55362 PAULSON & CLARK ENGINEERING, INC. Office: (651) 407 -6056 Fax: (651) 407 -6476 Email: pac @paulsonclark.com 2352 E. County Road J. White Bear Lake, MN 55110 no G� �J 5� O� �G �O O� I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Daniel S. Paulson Registration Number 23796 Date 04/01/2016 Revisions Description Date Num Comm: Date: 08/01/2016 Drawn: RBM /PKJ Check: KDB North Electrical Schedules Scale: E3ml 1 A MN B f E ° F E 1 2 Ceiling mounted Occupancy Sensor (nLight, or approved Equal) Typical on plan: §s 1N1 nCM PDT 9 r— —Cat 5>- — — — I r- I I I I I ' A 12 CU I i I I I I n I U I I I I I I I I nPOD- Dimmer T I L -- - - - - - -J MER Typical "LVD" low voltage dimmer switch and associated connections. 3 Occupancy sensor "LD1" Low Voltage Switch 3/8" = 1' -0" PROVIDE STAINLESS STEE HARDWARE LIGHT POLE NON - SHRINK GROUT PLACE GROUND ROD 3" BELOW GROUND LINE GROUND CLAMP & NO. 6 COPPER WIRE a a V a' a v M 4 a v a v 1 vv " - - _ < — V UNDER ° ° " GROUND WARNING <V ° UNDER GROUND WARNING TAPE 3' Pole Base NTS M KV ° 0 E ) ° ° 16" i — 24" —i 5/8" DIA. X 10' -0" GROUND ROD (COPPER COATED) HANDHOLE WITH INTERNAL GROUND LUG ANCHOR BOLTS, PROVIDE BASE COVER FINISHED GRADE 1 1/2" RIGID PVC CONDUIT WITH COPPER GROUNDING CONDUCTOR. PROVIDE A SPARE CONDUIT STUBBED AND CAPPED BELOW GRADE. CONCRETE BASE (CONCRETE FILLED AUGER DRILLED HOLE) ENTRAINED CONCRETE (5 -7 %) 4 # 6 VERT.BARS WITH #3 TIES 12" O.C. REBAR CAGE SPACERS (TYPICAL) 4 Ceiling mounted Occupancy Sensor (nLight, or approved Equal) / Typical on plan: os / n nCM PDT 9 r— —Cat 5>- — — I r I I I I A 12 ca LOI I I I n U v I I I I I I I nPOD- Dimmer nPOD- Dimmer T T Typical (2) low voltage dimmer switch and associated connections. 5 Occupancy sensor "LD2" Lighting Control Detail 3/8" = 1' -0" NON - SHRINK GROUT PLACE GROUND ROD 3" BELOW GROUND LINE GROUND CLAMP & NO. 6 COPPER WIRE FIXTURE • ANCHOR BOLTS, PROVIDE STANCHION BASE COVER FINISHED GRADE v _ O V M a ° UNDER GROUND WARNING ° o TAPE o Ln ° ° 0 8" 12" \� 5/8" DIA. X 10' -0" GROUND ROD (COPPER COATED) This is included in Alternate #2 Flag Light Base Detail NTS 1 1/2" RIGID PVC CONDUIT WITH COPPER GROUNDING CONDUCTOR. PROVIDE A SPARE CONDUIT STUBBED AND CAPPED BELOW GRADE. CONCRETE BASE (CONCRETE FILLED AUGER DRILLED HOLE) ENTRAINED CONCRETE (5 -7 %) 4 # 6 VERT.BARS WITH #3 TIES 12" O.C. REBAR CAGE SPACERS (TYPICAL) 6 To Additional I J I 1 1 J J I n L2 Wall mounted Occupancy Sensor U (nLight, or approved Equal) v Typical on plan: L "LDG" Low Voltage Switch 3/8" = 1' -0" 7 Mounted in control box nPOD- Dimmer T T HS <Cat 5> H H �p H0 H 8 Typical Zone #1 Dimmable lighting 0 -41 I I Typical Zone #2 Dimmable lighting L— 1 r -� I I Typical Zone #3 Dimmable lighting r -� I I n m J I I Typical "LDG" low voltage dimmer switch and associated connections. NON - SHRINK GROUT PLACE GROUND ROD 3" BELOW GROUND LINE GROUND CLAMP & NO. 6 COPPER WIRE I' o \a v N _ v Flush Sidewalk Bollard Base Detail NTS BOLLARD EXTENDED LENGTH ANCHOR BOLTS, PROVIDE MANUFACTURER BASE COVER DECORATIVE CONCRETE TOPPING. PROVIDE EXTENDED LENGTH ANOCHOR BOLTS AS NEEDED FOR INSTALLATION. COORDINATE EACH BOLLARD LOCATION WITH ARCHITECTURAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. GRADE 1 1/2" RIGID PVC CONDUIT WITH COPPER GROUNDING CONDUCTOR. PROVIDE A SPARE CONDUIT STUBBED AND CAPPED BELOW GRADE. CONCRETE BASE (CONCRETE FILLED AUGER DRILLED HOLE) ENTRAINED CONCRETE (5 -7 %) 4 # 6 VERT.BARS WITH #3 TIES 12" O.C. REBAR CAGE SPACERS (TYPICAL) Monticello High School Stadium INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 Washington Street, Monticello, MN 55362 PAULSON & CLARK ENGINEERING, INC. Office: (651) 407 -6056 Fax: (651) 407 -6476 Email: pac@paulsonclark.com 2352 E. County Road J. White Bear Lake, MN 55110 S•�Q O� �G �O O� I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Daniel S. Paulson Registration Number 23796 Date 04/01/2016 Revisions Description I Date I Num I Comm: Date: 08/01/2016 Drawn: RBM /PKJ Check: KDB North Electrical Details Scale: As indicated 0 M V UNDER ° ° " GROUND WARNING v / TAPE - o ° ° - v ° v v 8.. 12" \ 5/8" DIA. X 10' -0" GROUND ROD (COPPER COATED) Flush Sidewalk Bollard Base Detail NTS BOLLARD EXTENDED LENGTH ANCHOR BOLTS, PROVIDE MANUFACTURER BASE COVER DECORATIVE CONCRETE TOPPING. PROVIDE EXTENDED LENGTH ANOCHOR BOLTS AS NEEDED FOR INSTALLATION. COORDINATE EACH BOLLARD LOCATION WITH ARCHITECTURAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. GRADE 1 1/2" RIGID PVC CONDUIT WITH COPPER GROUNDING CONDUCTOR. PROVIDE A SPARE CONDUIT STUBBED AND CAPPED BELOW GRADE. CONCRETE BASE (CONCRETE FILLED AUGER DRILLED HOLE) ENTRAINED CONCRETE (5 -7 %) 4 # 6 VERT.BARS WITH #3 TIES 12" O.C. REBAR CAGE SPACERS (TYPICAL) Monticello High School Stadium INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 Washington Street, Monticello, MN 55362 PAULSON & CLARK ENGINEERING, INC. Office: (651) 407 -6056 Fax: (651) 407 -6476 Email: pac@paulsonclark.com 2352 E. County Road J. White Bear Lake, MN 55110 S•�Q O� �G �O O� I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Daniel S. Paulson Registration Number 23796 Date 04/01/2016 Revisions Description I Date I Num I Comm: Date: 08/01/2016 Drawn: RBM /PKJ Check: KDB North Electrical Details Scale: As indicated A MN B C D E o F E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 General Notes A These drawings were prepared by Musco Lighting, Craig Gallop 763 - 533 -2030 craig.gallp @musco.com for this project. The electrical contractor shall include all materials and work associated with the new and relocated Musco lighting systems and provide a complete and operating system. This includes, but not limited to, removal, transportation and reinstallation of 2 existing structures, all Musco components and required installations, all power and controls, and all that is shown in the E- Series construction plans. Monticello High School Stadium INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 Washington Street, Monticello, MN 55362 PAULSON & CLARK ENGINEERING, INC. Office: (651) 407 -6056 Fax: (651) 407 -6476 Email: pac@paulsonclark.com 2352 E. County Road J. White Bear Lake, MN 55110 GO O� �O I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Daniel S. Paulson Registration Number 23796 Date 04/01/2016 Revisions Description Date Num Comm: Date: 08/01/2016 Drawn: RBM /PKJ Check: KDB North Lighting Structure Installation Plans Scale: 1/4" = 1 ' -0" E5mOl 1 2 3 4 . 5 a 6 . 7 0 ° g GRASS �� — WATEaF �wc�rMUVVtUGHg55 Monticello High +0 +0 +0 + +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 + + + + +, 0 +0 0 +0 +0 + +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 \ EDGE OF _ PROPERTY LINE MOWED GRASS o e ooN o o - o - - ��w° (Vj, -i ��y't - - - {— ��- —/� o- 0 +0 - - PROPERTY +() -+T— ( --+a - - - - - - - - - - -II .PIN \s�l J �oN - �P :School Stadium 3 °� 9svasrcclN�"'4i vw �vlNa,�svcs `y,ysPCC +� a ,,1 ° s \ �"'"'4"^�"gsvw y,�'saw,�-sace °sacs ° °4accc yMysvc" +V }V }U }V }U }V }V }V } }U P }V }V +-0- V }V }V N °\Pw r^� y„�,�.wN° ,sPINy„g�vlN,6 °viry s° IN T- f+r�,y°r+� h"4 �'n' : sPCG / fti PINR �IN�'sP µ 4� PINS �'oINR N °�=P c s... e �'sP[� s a (w�a� 0 �s. 5 0 P (ms`s ( ,t 0 0 0 tea" F +0 +' EAS T FOR TV AND'b WAGE + + + '� ,3 's c�`R "'•� c- ,g'sPw } } } }O -'srw +0 .�u +0 }O }O } } +O }O }O }O EASEMENT FOR UTILITY AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES PER DOG N0. 719828 Tc ° ° ° awR PURPOSES PER DOC. NO. ]1982] "^' — EASEMENT FOR UTILITY AND DRAINAGE r[ rc rc rc °act a'sa SHED �L,v.9'sacc ry� j"v"{ }gsacslrf z vrEU PURPOSES PER DOG NO. 719828 — 5 - - -- — - - — - -- -- — — — — — -- _ _ _ „ ° n e 12 R 15 i�v s i , A +0 }0 +0 +0 +� +� +D +� + eE + HED +0 �� — �0 —+0-- + + +1 "s'0 ate iosa• +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 + +0 X, +0 +0 + +0 +0 „ RcP s. ss • 1 11 Rce sr — - se 12I10I2015 / / i sb I \TOa�5nio5HUr) � °i YrcM'4 � 'sr -- —�.— -- rc - - -- --rte— TC +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 + +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 + EAS Rs II �1/�1 0 � �J PER-0 Q 0_ D �+.0�0�0 0 0 0 d 0 0 0 0 TC — AND NAGE P{i OSES OC. NO.i7 82� + * } } } } } + + + + + + , 1 o Le uN Crr ¢CCe \ / ,g seR a "avL arc EASEMENT FOR DOC. YANDDR8,INAG clNx rfNCE � i PURPOSES PER DOC. 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I ss :.e f L a. ° 0 0 0 I coNc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E 0 e + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + JTI71TjI�{1.� +. I- i f DOORS Tc � . #8, ENGINEERING, INC. 00 �_ �coN /s I m v I e �� I �w r[ r[ °w maMC Office: (651) 407 -6056 DOOR 13 - CONCRETE Fax: (651)407 -6476 Email: pac @paulsonclark.com (. -_ cPo rd" LOADING DOCK LITTLE MOUNTAIN DODR,I e 2352 E. County Road J. aaaEl c c w c 1 �,, ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 55 - �� rvN se � oMr, p II) 1 & 2 STORY BRICK /BLOCK BUILDING \ P � i � PBNASs O �o Em�d a m SE asa so FaLLDN AVE. HIG H yP 11 P, 1 Wh it B ea r Lake, MN 55 11 0 DO SCHOOL ' 5 c I B/ OAP c Corvc T Gy'I'0 r TCRAe c C C _ DOOR I m i Tc, DOOR 1. I - 9 / \ ..OF 12 �P �N I MatchLine - - A�� RC w gc'. - - - �� - - -- ------------- -- -- - - -- - --- -- - -- - - - - - -- - - --- ----------- ------ _ \ �� j z 0 MONTICELLO - - - - - - - - - - - MON � TIC Lo , . � _ ELLO T[ � 9ea° Ewa e r� c - HIGH e N[ _ �ee�r � t -I - - WA« e - - Ft ".o - - - SCHOOL rRANe � Rt � `� DOOR 10 � S��AS I _ 1 - H HIGH - #5225 - - - L - - - `O I SCHOOL #5225 SCHOOL BLVD. 2 STORY BRICK BUILDING — — 2 STORY BRICK BUILDING - - DOOR ,1 #5225 SCHOOL BLVD. G D NDUOR w I ELEMENTARY SCHO -- OL R� eE , „ Raze �, l ,c rc I Ssse Scar LTre re r L� c v C Hes ° nc He OVERHANG m O R Tc OVERHANG O' "' i r i w r tt N r s LITTLE MOUNTAIN a Wes{ eea �sn z I O U ELEMENTARY SCHOOL � r I TI 1 & 2 STORY BRICK/BLOCK BUILDING — saol PuvcaouNDEO IPMENT(TVP) "c I I ' Z #9350 FALLON AVE. 5� ° Jy _ sea ° 6 I I \T r RN ' W« A I IL T11 �a G I I Ssn i 3 atJUc TC mx Z K 00 or Nv- esi0vs.e RC \ apAK �g .�Pc 11 RI STS P - -. Q Ks� G 'DOOR asa ae sus dr Nv Ssas corvc xi „mc c C e \Ew _ N -- I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepare I, W NhIPI eE �� 5 e, R R A / CONCRETE by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly TC TI ` CONCRETE DOORS L h2 a �\ \ � I �T Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of 1E TC TI �� �e� N �I •� Minnesota DOORb MHry t. - r DOQR] N RD - ; RC R e i B o M #6 O 6pcP Rl sss E y oro ' °' 9fi ! Daniel S. Paulson ,Wens ^�esar V NCH y " i BENCH L eENC Registration Number 23796 Date 04/01/2016 TC " 0 I I \ H t \ cs T � r[ R[ • Rc cc DOOR 3 N._.,,rvc . / DOOR 5 cE k _. "ens ins o 1- P Rc Hc5 , 5 w Revisions � , r[ , I 1 HC. o Description Date H[ ° TC CS I c. DOORS \� • ' \ R� I E eK� DOOR4 DOOR 3 nc „ \ CONCRETE CONCRE E I Comm: rc ,c m R w � „ m <�ene \ \e 1 o r� a Date: r � 08/01/2016 HIGH �� r[ BM #13 3'eINR Drawn: \ RBM /PKJ T[ JUMP — - - CON, Check: KDB North MnRK "aINN / IC T[ T. ��e Nn o LaArlorvAe - /� \ T° �, , (e AS rL Electri ea l — \� A rc F aINR °, aR 3 IS,.p" \\ o N R s oa�e96, P o Stadium \ , _ \ \ G� SID eA Electrical Stadium Photometrics Plan 1 „ = 60' -011 Photometrics Plan Scale: V = 60' -0" Num II EDGE WATER I INDEPENDENT SCHOOL ,eH DISTRICT #882 TC I 302 Washington Street, Monticello, MN IC F1 55362 Ic nsn GAP I 0 e TC TI TC TC �aNR ` NK�NC "e Aa� wee TI orv" co�� IRO rN s NTI + + + + — J `tvr S AS o o ee \ �i-., - t,:�AS — nos As L Ems mss' s" sH a•nsH ��Ne +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +1 +2 +4 1 1, = 2 7 + 2 +2 +1 A +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 NE� \ \\ , aloSIT 1 eo Eo, 1 ° \ / ' v SIT Tc Tc c rC rc Tc Tc c Tc Tc rc a, sent rc r Tc Tc T +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +1 1 +1 +3 +6 +13 +2 10 1 33 35 31 +26 3 +25 30 +34 +3N+21 16 19 +22 14 7 1 1 0 F BITUMINOUS I Stadium Fixture Stadium Fixture I ID, WAf pIN� a � o ANN= "S.1 -1 s di' T[ d T TI +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +1 +1 +3 +5 + +6 +4 + +14 +16 +15 +12 #11 +12 +15 +16 +14 +8 +4 +6 +7 +5 +3 + 1 0 0 0 0 +Q[ UNC r II/II/.r o_rv_[ '^\1 ==T [ a TC rc rc �� O s OAK v s src rc CON C 4c ° c ° r SsoT Tc zs1 CONC gep,.en N z Wa "se o k +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 1 +0 +1 +1 +2 +1 +5 +5 +5 n p 40 +5 +5 +5 +2 +1 +2 +2 +1 +� +0 +0 +0 +0 oa r� sszNA , ° r —— — — 2w'9 z _ — — aKs _ - - - -- -- ° - - --a -- - - - - -- ---- - - -- -- ` _ - U, l °o m —+O —+O +0 +O— +o +O +O + + + +� + + + + +` � + +1 — +8- +0 --- +O - -+Q +o -+0 +� — Q_ ± _ + _ wa �5 C a AK �\ T Tc GRASS seat _ +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +( om +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 + +0 *1 �a -- —+ 1 +1 +1 +1 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 ' +0 �+ +0 +0 + + + — — — BITUMINOUS T U M I N O U 5 Ny s s"un s.e �I � 1 85 Tc 9 ,.0 1 e" s 1 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 10 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 + 0 0 +0 0 0 R cK WALL TI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 —+G--+o -+ +0— +0 0 - - +0 0 0 0 0 I � BM #10 Rc °coN BITDMINGDS PAULSON & CLARK I �° noong ro T. I ss :.e f L a. ° 0 0 0 I coNc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E 0 e + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + JTI71TjI�{1.� +. I- i f DOORS Tc � . #8, ENGINEERING, INC. 00 �_ �coN /s I m v I e �� I �w r[ r[ °w maMC Office: (651) 407 -6056 DOOR 13 - CONCRETE Fax: (651)407 -6476 Email: pac @paulsonclark.com (. -_ cPo rd" LOADING DOCK LITTLE MOUNTAIN DODR,I e 2352 E. County Road J. aaaEl c c w c 1 �,, ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 55 - �� rvN se � oMr, p II) 1 & 2 STORY BRICK /BLOCK BUILDING \ P � i � PBNASs O �o Em�d a m SE asa so FaLLDN AVE. HIG H yP 11 P, 1 Wh it B ea r Lake, MN 55 11 0 DO SCHOOL ' 5 c I B/ OAP c Corvc T Gy'I'0 r TCRAe c C C _ DOOR I m i Tc, DOOR 1. I - 9 / \ ..OF 12 �P �N I MatchLine - - A�� RC w gc'. - - - �� - - -- ------------- -- -- - - -- - --- -- - -- - - - - - -- - - --- ----------- ------ _ \ �� j z 0 MONTICELLO - - - - - - - - - - - MON � TIC Lo , . � _ ELLO T[ � 9ea° Ewa e r� c - HIGH e N[ _ �ee�r � t -I - - WA« e - - Ft ".o - - - SCHOOL rRANe � Rt � `� DOOR 10 � S��AS I _ 1 - H HIGH - #5225 - - - L - - - `O I SCHOOL #5225 SCHOOL BLVD. 2 STORY BRICK BUILDING — — 2 STORY BRICK BUILDING - - DOOR ,1 #5225 SCHOOL BLVD. G D NDUOR w I ELEMENTARY SCHO -- OL R� eE , „ Raze �, l ,c rc I Ssse Scar LTre re r L� c v C Hes ° nc He OVERHANG m O R Tc OVERHANG O' "' i r i w r tt N r s LITTLE MOUNTAIN a Wes{ eea �sn z I O U ELEMENTARY SCHOOL � r I TI 1 & 2 STORY BRICK/BLOCK BUILDING — saol PuvcaouNDEO IPMENT(TVP) "c I I ' Z #9350 FALLON AVE. 5� ° Jy _ sea ° 6 I I \T r RN ' W« A I IL T11 �a G I I Ssn i 3 atJUc TC mx Z K 00 or Nv- esi0vs.e RC \ apAK �g .�Pc 11 RI STS P - -. Q Ks� G 'DOOR asa ae sus dr Nv Ssas corvc xi „mc c C e \Ew _ N -- I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepare I, W NhIPI eE �� 5 e, R R A / CONCRETE by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly TC TI ` CONCRETE DOORS L h2 a �\ \ � I �T Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of 1E TC TI �� �e� N �I •� Minnesota DOORb MHry t. - r DOQR] N RD - ; RC R e i B o M #6 O 6pcP Rl sss E y oro ' °' 9fi ! Daniel S. Paulson ,Wens ^�esar V NCH y " i BENCH L eENC Registration Number 23796 Date 04/01/2016 TC " 0 I I \ H t \ cs T � r[ R[ • Rc cc DOOR 3 N._.,,rvc . / DOOR 5 cE k _. "ens ins o 1- P Rc Hc5 , 5 w Revisions � , r[ , I 1 HC. o Description Date H[ ° TC CS I c. DOORS \� • ' \ R� I E eK� DOOR4 DOOR 3 nc „ \ CONCRETE CONCRE E I Comm: rc ,c m R w � „ m <�ene \ \e 1 o r� a Date: r � 08/01/2016 HIGH �� r[ BM #13 3'eINR Drawn: \ RBM /PKJ T[ JUMP — - - CON, Check: KDB North MnRK "aINN / IC T[ T. ��e Nn o LaArlorvAe - /� \ T° �, , (e AS rL Electri ea l — \� A rc F aINR °, aR 3 IS,.p" \\ o N R s oa�e96, P o Stadium \ , _ \ \ G� SID eA Electrical Stadium Photometrics Plan 1 „ = 60' -011 Photometrics Plan Scale: V = 60' -0" Num + + + + — J `tvr S AS o o ee \ �i-., - t,:�AS — nos As L Ems mss' s" sH a•nsH ��Ne +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +1 +2 +4 1 1, = 2 7 + 2 +2 +1 A +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 NE� \ \\ , aloSIT 1 eo Eo, 1 ° \ / ' v SIT Tc Tc c rC rc Tc Tc c Tc Tc rc a, sent rc r Tc Tc T +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +1 1 +1 +3 +6 +13 +2 10 1 33 35 31 +26 3 +25 30 +34 +3N+21 16 19 +22 14 7 1 1 0 F BITUMINOUS I Stadium Fixture Stadium Fixture I ID, WAf pIN� a � o ANN= "S.1 -1 s di' T[ d T TI +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +1 +1 +3 +5 + +6 +4 + +14 +16 +15 +12 #11 +12 +15 +16 +14 +8 +4 +6 +7 +5 +3 + 1 0 0 0 0 +Q[ UNC r II/II/.r o_rv_[ '^\1 ==T [ a TC rc rc �� O s OAK v s src rc CON C 4c ° c ° r SsoT Tc zs1 CONC gep,.en N z Wa "se o k +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 1 +0 +1 +1 +2 +1 +5 +5 +5 n p 40 +5 +5 +5 +2 +1 +2 +2 +1 +� +0 +0 +0 +0 oa r� sszNA , ° r —— — — 2w'9 z _ — — aKs _ - - - -- -- ° - - --a -- - - - - -- ---- - - -- -- ` _ - U, l °o m —+O —+O +0 +O— +o +O +O + + + +� + + + + +` � + +1 — +8- +0 --- +O - -+Q +o -+0 +� — Q_ ± _ + _ wa �5 C a AK �\ T Tc GRASS seat _ +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +( om +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 + +0 *1 �a -- —+ 1 +1 +1 +1 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 ' +0 �+ +0 +0 + + + — — — BITUMINOUS T U M I N O U 5 Ny s s"un s.e �I � 1 85 Tc 9 ,.0 1 e" s 1 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 10 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 + 0 0 +0 0 0 R cK WALL TI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 —+G--+o -+ +0— +0 0 - - +0 0 0 0 0 I � BM #10 Rc °coN BITDMINGDS PAULSON & CLARK I �° noong ro T. I ss :.e f L a. ° 0 0 0 I coNc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E 0 e + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + JTI71TjI�{1.� +. I- i f DOORS Tc � . #8, ENGINEERING, INC. 00 �_ �coN /s I m v I e �� I �w r[ r[ °w maMC Office: (651) 407 -6056 DOOR 13 - CONCRETE Fax: (651)407 -6476 Email: pac @paulsonclark.com (. -_ cPo rd" LOADING DOCK LITTLE MOUNTAIN DODR,I e 2352 E. County Road J. aaaEl c c w c 1 �,, ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 55 - �� rvN se � oMr, p II) 1 & 2 STORY BRICK /BLOCK BUILDING \ P � i � PBNASs O �o Em�d a m SE asa so FaLLDN AVE. HIG H yP 11 P, 1 Wh it B ea r Lake, MN 55 11 0 DO SCHOOL ' 5 c I B/ OAP c Corvc T Gy'I'0 r TCRAe c C C _ DOOR I m i Tc, DOOR 1. I - 9 / \ ..OF 12 �P �N I MatchLine - - A�� RC w gc'. - - - �� - - -- ------------- -- -- - - -- - --- -- - -- - - - - - -- - - --- ----------- ------ _ \ �� j z 0 MONTICELLO - - - - - - - - - - - MON � TIC Lo , . � _ ELLO T[ � 9ea° Ewa e r� c - HIGH e N[ _ �ee�r � t -I - - WA« e - - Ft ".o - - - SCHOOL rRANe � Rt � `� DOOR 10 � S��AS I _ 1 - H HIGH - #5225 - - - L - - - `O I SCHOOL #5225 SCHOOL BLVD. 2 STORY BRICK BUILDING — — 2 STORY BRICK BUILDING - - DOOR ,1 #5225 SCHOOL BLVD. G D NDUOR w I ELEMENTARY SCHO -- OL R� eE , „ Raze �, l ,c rc I Ssse Scar LTre re r L� c v C Hes ° nc He OVERHANG m O R Tc OVERHANG O' "' i r i w r tt N r s LITTLE MOUNTAIN a Wes{ eea �sn z I O U ELEMENTARY SCHOOL � r I TI 1 & 2 STORY BRICK/BLOCK BUILDING — saol PuvcaouNDEO IPMENT(TVP) "c I I ' Z #9350 FALLON AVE. 5� ° Jy _ sea ° 6 I I \T r RN ' W« A I IL T11 �a G I I Ssn i 3 atJUc TC mx Z K 00 or Nv- esi0vs.e RC \ apAK �g .�Pc 11 RI STS P - -. Q Ks� G 'DOOR asa ae sus dr Nv Ssas corvc xi „mc c C e \Ew _ N -- I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepare I, W NhIPI eE �� 5 e, R R A / CONCRETE by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly TC TI ` CONCRETE DOORS L h2 a �\ \ � I �T Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of 1E TC TI �� �e� N �I •� Minnesota DOORb MHry t. - r DOQR] N RD - ; RC R e i B o M #6 O 6pcP Rl sss E y oro ' °' 9fi ! Daniel S. Paulson ,Wens ^�esar V NCH y " i BENCH L eENC Registration Number 23796 Date 04/01/2016 TC " 0 I I \ H t \ cs T � r[ R[ • Rc cc DOOR 3 N._.,,rvc . / DOOR 5 cE k _. "ens ins o 1- P Rc Hc5 , 5 w Revisions � , r[ , I 1 HC. o Description Date H[ ° TC CS I c. DOORS \� • ' \ R� I E eK� DOOR4 DOOR 3 nc „ \ CONCRETE CONCRE E I Comm: rc ,c m R w � „ m <�ene \ \e 1 o r� a Date: r � 08/01/2016 HIGH �� r[ BM #13 3'eINR Drawn: \ RBM /PKJ T[ JUMP — - - CON, Check: KDB North MnRK "aINN / IC T[ T. ��e Nn o LaArlorvAe - /� \ T° �, , (e AS rL Electri ea l — \� A rc F aINR °, aR 3 IS,.p" \\ o N R s oa�e96, P o Stadium \ , _ \ \ G� SID eA Electrical Stadium Photometrics Plan 1 „ = 60' -011 Photometrics Plan Scale: V = 60' -0" Num NN a �m I z B EXISTING STOP SIGN \ \ SHUTTLE BUS 1 i 1 , II I 1 � C z it M E F w z w LL i SHUTTLE BUS PICK -UP/ DROP -OFF 1 i OVERFLOW STADIUM PARKING O (SHUTTLE TO STADIUM) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 � 1 1 / � IN ' 1 -- 3 4 4 e 5 e 6 LITTLE MOUNTAIN ELEMENTARY 5GHOOL (EXISTING) TEAM BUS i ' — PARKING 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 TEAM BUS ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SHUTTLE BUS 1 ' I I 'I' � 1 _ _ - HUTTLE ---------=- - - - - -- I I I I I I STADIUM F.\ /F.NT GIRCUL.ATION 0 75' 150' � C III � TEAM BUS/ SHUTTLE BUS DROP OFF 7 -- TEAM BUS & - SHUTTLE BUS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MAIN STADIUM PARKING ------- - - - - -� / OF i U 01 ' EXISTING STOP SIGN ; i/ 1 -Ammw -- - - - - -- -.TEAM BUS &. ---------------------------- - - - - -- 1 ---------- - - - - -- SHUTTLE BUS ------ ------------------------------ IZ A yil� w Q MONTIGELLO HIGH 5GHOOL (EXISTING) SCHOOL UNLOCKED FOR PEOS TO PASS THROUGH AS NEEDED 5GHOOL BLVD (EXISTING) EXISTING DRIVE OVERFLOW STADIUM PARKING (PEDS PASS THROUGH SCHOOL) IN s STADIUM EVENT CIRCULATION NOTES: TEAM BUSES WOULD DROP OFF TEAMS AT THE STADIUM, THEN PARK AT THE LITTLE MOUNTAIN BUS PARKING AREA. MAIN EVENT PARKING FOR SPECTATORS WOULD BE IN THE WEST PARKING LOT OF THE HIGH SCHOOL. OVERFLOW PARKING WOULD BE PROVIDED IN THE EAST PARKING LOT OF THE HIGH SCHOOL, WITH THE SCHOOL BEING UNLOCKED SO PEDESTRIANS FROM THE OVERFLOW LOT CAN PASS THROUGH THE SCHOOL TO ACCESS THE STADIUM. IF THE DISTRICT HOLDS AN EVENT WHERE MORE PARKING IS REQUIRED, THE LITTLE MOUNTAIN PARKING LOT WOULD BE UTILIZED FOR FURTHER OVERFLOW PARKING, WITH SHUTTLES DROPPING OFF AND PICKING UP IN FRONT OF LITTLE MOUNTAIN AND AT THE STADIUM ENTRANCE. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON ST. MONTICELLO, MN 55362 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 332 Minnesota Street, Suite W2000 Saint Paul, MN 55101 woldae.com 1 651.227.7773 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed ARCHIT ECCT under the laws of the State of Mrinesota. Van Dierks Registration Number 26979 Date ny 27, 2016 Revisions Description Date Num GIRGULATION REVISE cl/20/16 R2 Comm: 152243 Date: 0&05/16 Drawn: GR Check: Checker North 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 ' ' 1 1 ' ' 1 1 MAIN STADIUM i PARKING i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 V 1 ' ------- - - - - -� / OF i U 01 ' EXISTING STOP SIGN ; i/ 1 -Ammw -- - - - - -- -.TEAM BUS &. ---------------------------- - - - - -- 1 ---------- - - - - -- SHUTTLE BUS ------ ------------------------------ IZ A yil� w Q MONTIGELLO HIGH 5GHOOL (EXISTING) SCHOOL UNLOCKED FOR PEOS TO PASS THROUGH AS NEEDED 5GHOOL BLVD (EXISTING) EXISTING DRIVE OVERFLOW STADIUM PARKING (PEDS PASS THROUGH SCHOOL) IN s STADIUM EVENT CIRCULATION NOTES: TEAM BUSES WOULD DROP OFF TEAMS AT THE STADIUM, THEN PARK AT THE LITTLE MOUNTAIN BUS PARKING AREA. MAIN EVENT PARKING FOR SPECTATORS WOULD BE IN THE WEST PARKING LOT OF THE HIGH SCHOOL. OVERFLOW PARKING WOULD BE PROVIDED IN THE EAST PARKING LOT OF THE HIGH SCHOOL, WITH THE SCHOOL BEING UNLOCKED SO PEDESTRIANS FROM THE OVERFLOW LOT CAN PASS THROUGH THE SCHOOL TO ACCESS THE STADIUM. IF THE DISTRICT HOLDS AN EVENT WHERE MORE PARKING IS REQUIRED, THE LITTLE MOUNTAIN PARKING LOT WOULD BE UTILIZED FOR FURTHER OVERFLOW PARKING, WITH SHUTTLES DROPPING OFF AND PICKING UP IN FRONT OF LITTLE MOUNTAIN AND AT THE STADIUM ENTRANCE. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 302 WASHINGTON ST. MONTICELLO, MN 55362 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 332 Minnesota Street, Suite W2000 Saint Paul, MN 55101 woldae.com 1 651.227.7773 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed ARCHIT ECCT under the laws of the State of Mrinesota. Van Dierks Registration Number 26979 Date ny 27, 2016 Revisions Description Date Num GIRGULATION REVISE cl/20/16 R2 Comm: 152243 Date: 0&05/16 Drawn: GR Check: Checker North STJNDIUMEVENT CIRCULATION Scale: Q z D F- ,E — OHE 958.7 YXW CAI 10 OHE '�• P A +WkMARBUR ROMUSSARY RCP ST S -- rvi n 70 TOP_ 958.9 _ r �' —958. b V— 953.8 ) .�— INV 954.6(E,NW)..- Ec,y ( S , N W , ref) o i f r�� ENTRANCE UTILITY AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN NIT TD �M C8 TOP =957.5 INV= 953.8(l INV =953,7 P 957 I nG-7 n M A WSB Building a legacy —your legacy. August 25, 2016 Ms. Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 -541 -4800 Fax: 763 -541 -1700 Re: Monticello School District Final Stage PUD Little Mountain Elementary, Monticello High School and Eastview Family Center City Project No. 2016 -041 WSB Project No. 02596 -250 Dear Ms. Schumann: We have reviewed the Final Stage PUD as prepared by Wold Architects and Engineers and the preliminary civil plans and Storm Water Management Report as prepared by Anderson- Johnson Associates, Inc. dated August 4, 2016 and offer the following comments. Eastview Family Center Plans 1. The applicant should provide a narrative and drawing showing the circulation patterns for the site including truck turning movements. 2. Construction level documents including all associated construction details shall be provided for the median for the proposed right - in/right -out access from School Boulevard. A complete review will be completed once these documents are submitted. High School Stadium Plans 1. The applicant shall provide a plan for how traffic will be managed on School Boulevard and Chelsea Road during events at the proposed stadium and track field. This was previously requested during the concept stage plans. 2. An erosion/sediment control plan and SWPPP was provided on August 24, 2016 and is currently under review. 3. The NPDES /SDS Construction Storm Water General Permit shall be provided with the grading permit. The SWPPP shall be provided as well complying with the MPCA SWPPP Checklist. Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com \\ ci.monticello.mn.us \monti \fdata \Community Development Director \Boards & Commissions \Planning Commission\ 2016 \Agenda \September \2A.HSPUD \EZh HATR -a- Schumann- School Final PUD 082516.docz August 25, 2016 Page 2 4. Stormwater Management Report a) The project narrative for the Storm Water Management Report is incomplete. In order to determine conformance to City storm water standards, the report should be a summary of the details included in a complete planset and any modeling for the proposed project. Please add the following items, at a minimum, to the document so we can complete our review: • A detailed narrative of existing and proposed conditions, including a discussion of impervious surfaces and the total area of disturbance. It is not easily determined by reviewing the plan set. • A summary of the feasibility of the infiltration/filtration system proposed under the football field, including a discussion of separation to groundwater/bedrock, infiltration rate assumptions and verification, etc. It is not clear how this system will work to meet requirements of the Minnesota Stormwater Manual. • A discussion and table showing the existing and proposed elevations and discharge rates from the existing high school pond b) Detailed comments with regard to the modeling, plans, etc. and overall conformance to City storm water standards are described in the attached checklist. The attached checklist provides a summary of the entire storm water review for this project at this time. Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Final construction plans will need to be submitted, reviewed, and approved prior to building permit approval or construction commencing. Please give me a call at 763 - 271 -3236 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Thank you. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Shibani K. Bisson, PE City Engineer cc: Steve Grittman, NAC Enclosure skb \ \ci.monticello.mn.us \montiVdata \Community Development Director \Boards & Commissions \Planning Commission \2016\Agenda \September \2A.HSPUD \Exh H.LTR- a- schumann- School Final PUD 082516.docx August 25, 2016 Page 3 \ \ci.monticello.mn.us \montiVdata \Community Development Director \Boards & Commissions \Planning Commission \2016\Agenda \September \2A.HSPUD \Exh H.LTR- a- schumann- School Final PUD 082516.docx Monticello City of Monticello — Stormwater Site Plan Review Submittals Received Date Monticello High School Author 08/04/16 Address: 5225 School Blvd Permit No: Monticello High School Stadium Storm Water Management Report PID: Survey signed by a registered survey with elevations in NGVD -1929 datum for the following Date Approved: locations: 08/08/16 • Each lot corner Date Received: Signature: ❑X ❑ 33.198 Area of Site Size (acres): ❑X ❑ Disturbance(acres): proposed new construction Existing 6.546 Proposed 12.789 Impervious (acres): construction Impervious (acres): Submittals Received Date Document Author 08/04/16 Monticello High School Stadium Planset Wold Architects & Engineers 08/04/16 Monticello High School Stadium Storm Water Management Report Anderson- Johnson Associates, Inc Survey signed by a registered survey with elevations in NGVD -1929 datum for the following locations: • Each lot corner X❑ ❑ • Grade elevation at the foundation and elevation of top of foundation of structures on ❑X ❑ General Site Plan _ Yes No 1. Scale of Survey. Minimum scale 1" = 50'. Maximum size plan sheet 24" x 36" © ❑ 2. Survey signed by a registered survey with elevations in NGVD -1929 datum for the following locations: • Each lot corner X❑ ❑ • Grade elevation at the foundation and elevation of top of foundation of structures on ❑X ❑ adjacent lots • Grade elevation at the foundation, elevation of top of foundation and garage floor of ❑X ❑ proposed new construction • Lowest point of entry (i.e. door sill or top of window well) of proposed and existing ❑X ❑ construction • Lowest floor of proposed and existing construction ❑X ❑ 3. Any proposed retaining wall must have a top and bottom elevation and bottom elevation Z ❑ would be finish grade. Also, no retaining wall is allowed to be built on private property 4. Retaining walls greater than 4.0 feet in height have been designed and certified by a licensed X❑ ❑ professional engineer and a building permit has been acquired 5. Easements are clear of any encroachments? ❑X ❑ 6. New curb cuts proposed? If new curb cut is proposed, stamp all survey maps with the curb cut stamp. Also, write a note on the Residential Plan & Routing Approval form reminding the ❑ ❑ builder that a curb cut permit is required if the driveway is moved or a new driveway is added 7. Low floor a minimum of 4.25' (feet) above the sanitary sewer invert elevation ❑ ❑ Comments: Erosion /Sediment Control Plan Yes No 1. SWPPP notes provided on the plan ❑ ❑ 2. Temporary stabilization measures provided ❑ ❑ 3. Erosion control blankets provided on all slopes greater than 3:1 ❑ ❑ 4. Perimeter Control i.e., Silt Fence, Filter Log, etc. ❑ ❑ 5. Phasing for sites that are > 1 acre ❑ ❑ 6. CB Inlet Protection ❑ ❑ 7. Dewatering ❑ ❑ 8. Sediment control ❑ ❑ 9. Waste control ❑ ❑ 10. Concrete washout ❑ ❑ 11. Rock entrance ❑ ❑ 12. Street sweeping schedule ❑ ❑ 13. Permanent restoration plan ❑ ❑ 14. SWPPP includes an erosion and sediment control inspection schedule and person responsible ❑ ❑ for maintenance illegible /not formatted properly. Please re- submit in order to verify infiltration feasibility and rates. Comments: An MSE3 distribution is required for accurately modeling Atlas 14 storm events. Please change from SCS Type II An Erosion Control Plan and SWPPP are still outstanding and need to be submitted for review. In particular, maintenance of the synthetic turf and the infiltration system needs to be included for completeness and to ensure effectiveness of the system. Stormwater Management Plan Yes No � 1. Delineation map M ❑ 2. Modeling calculations for existing and proposed conditions • 2, 10, 100, Snowmelt ❑ • Modeled direct connected impervious separate X❑ ❑ 3. Off -site drainage included ❑ M 4. Wetlands shown on plans and wetland permitting completed ❑ ❑ 5. Pretreatment ❑ ❑ 6. Skimmer structures provided on the outlets of all ponds. ❑ ❑ 7. Soil borings ❑ M 8. Design Infiltration Rate Determination ❑ M 9. Seasonal High Water Elevation ❑ ❑ Comments: Snowmelt was not modeled in HydroCAD. The existing High School Pond needs to be added to the HydroCAD Model. The pdf document submitted for our review included a soil boring report that includes boring logs that are illegible /not formatted properly. Please re- submit in order to verify infiltration feasibility and rates. An MSE3 distribution is required for accurately modeling Atlas 14 storm events. Please change from SCS Type II to MSE3. Water Quality_ Yes No 1. Volume control provided as per the City's Engineering Design Standards ❑ ❑ 2. Sequencing provided for alternatives where infiltration is infeasible ❑ ❑ 3. Required Water Quality Volume: 24,930 cf 4. Provided Water Quality Volume: Comments: Please provide an updated detail for the proposed filtration/infiltration system at the football field. Sheet C2.13 includes a template that does not reflect actual elevations for the various layers included in the design. This detail and elevations should correspond with the HydroCAD model. In addition, more information and detail on the drainage fabric used between the porous media and subgrade granular fill is required. If this layer is impermeable, infiltration will not occur and the system as a whole will only provide filtration of runoff. The HydroCAD model includes the proposed Synthetic Turf (Pond B1) that needs to be updated with the following: - Routing should reflect runoff entering the draintile and then to the 18" pipe - An additional line should be added to the elevation surface area table that shows 30% voids at 962.19 feet. Currently the rating curve is inaccurately interpolating between 961.45 feet to 962.20 feet and overestimating the cumulative storage in the system. - Detail of the manhole structure that the draintile connects into is still required. The invert elevations for the 18" pipe need to correlate with the HydroCAD model. Rate Control Yes ,q No q I. Peak Discharge Rates < Existing ❑ ❑ Comments: Rate control will be verified once the model is updated with the HydroCAD model changes mentioned above. Freeboard Comments: Yes No 1. Building Opening: • 2' above the critical 100 -yr HWL of local basins, wetlands, & infiltration basins ❑ ❑ • 2' above EOF of local basins, wetlands, & infiltration basins ❑ ❑ • 2' above the 100 -yr flow elevation of a swale or channel at the point where the swale ❑ ❑ channel is closest to the building 2. Low Floor Elevation: • 2' above the critical 100 -yr HWL of major basins ❑ ❑ • 2' above EOF of major basins ❑ ❑ • For landlocked basins: 2' above the HWL from back to back 100 -yr rainfalls or 2' above the HWL from the 100 -yr 10 -day snowmelt, whichever is higher. Starting elevation of the basin/waterbody prior to runoff is one of the following: • Existing Ordinary High Water level established by the Minnesota Department of ❑ ❑ Natural Resources • Annual water balance calculation approved by the City ❑ ❑ • Local observation well records, as approved by the City ❑ ❑ • Mottled soil ❑ ❑ Comments: Building opening /low floor elevations were not shown for all proposed structures. The design narrative mentioned a concessions building and building addition to Eastview Elementary. Sheet C1.30 shows FFE elevation for Eastview Elementary, however, elevations for the other proposed structures around the athletic fields are not shown in the planset. The existing High School pond was not included in this model. The pond was designed for full development, however, it was designed for less than an Atlas 14 storm event. In order to determine if freeboard requirements are in compliance, the High School pond needs to be added to the existing and proposed HydroCAD models. (reserved for recording information) AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (Developer Installed Improvements) MONTICELL O HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION AGREEMENT ( "Amendment ") dated , 2016, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ( "City "), and INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882, MONTICELLO PUBLIC SCHOOLS, a Minnesota municipal corporation or its assigns (the "Owner" or "Developer ") 1. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL. The City and Developer have executed a Development Contract and Planned Unit Development agreement dated July 19, 2016 and recorded as Wright County Document No. Al 32133 ( "Development Agreement ") for a two phase development project. Phase 1 of the Development Agreement was for the addition of a gymnasium to the Monticello High School building; and Phase 2 is for the addition of a sports complex, concessions and other sports complex buildings, and an addition to the Eastview Elementary School ( "Development ") 1887790 Pursuant to the Development Agreement, the parties are required to enter into an Amendment of the Development Agreement before proceeding with Phase 2 of the Development Agreement. Phase 2 of the Development Agreement is planned to commence construction beginning October, 2016. The land referred to herein is situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, and is legally described as: Lot 1, Block], and OutlotA, Monticello High School Addition, ( "Subject Property ") 2. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. A. The City hereby approves the Amendment to Development Agreement and the Phase 2 Development on the condition that the Developer enter into this Amendment, furnish the security required by it, and record this document with the County Recorder / Registrar of Titles within 365 days after the City Council approves the Phase 2 Development or the execution of this Amendment, whichever occurs later. B. The City granted approval to the development (identified as Plans A through M in paragraph 8 of this Agreement); as adopted on September 26th, 2016 by Resolution #2016 -064, and based on compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and all other City requirements which are in effect. The specific conditions, requirements, and terms of approval are as set forth in City Resolution #2016 -064 for Planned Unit Development as adopted by the Monticello City Council on the 26th day of September, 2016. 3. RIGHT TO PROCEED. The Developer may not grade or otherwise disturb the earth, remove trees, construct sewer lines, water lines, streets, utilities, public or private improvements, or any buildings until all the following conditions have been satisfied: 1) this Amendment has been fully executed by both parties and filed with the City Clerk, 2) the necessary security has been received by the City, and 3) the City has issued a letter that all conditions have been satisfied and that the Developer may proceed. 4. PHASED DEVELOPMENT. If this Plat or Agreement is a phase of a multi - phased development, the City may refuse to approve final plats or of subsequent phases if the Developer has 2 1887790 breached this Agreement and the breach has not been remedied. Development of subsequent phases may not proceed until the City approves Development Agreements for those phases. 5. CHANGES IN OFFICIAL CONTROLS. For two (2) years from the date of this Amendment, no amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, or official controls shall apply to or affect the use, development density, lot size, lot layout or dedications of the approved plat unless required by state or federal law or agreed to in writing by the City and the Developer. Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Amendment to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by state law, the City may require compliance with any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan. 6. ZONING. Except as otherwise provided herein, the Subject Property shall be subject to the zoning regulations for the Planned Unit Development District in effect at the time the final plat was approved. If there is a conflict among these regulations, the conflict shall be resolved in the order listed below with item number one being primary: (1) Amendment to Planned Unit Development Agreement [this document]. (2) Planned Unit Development Zoning District Regulations 7. CONDITION FOR SUBSEQUENT APPROVALS. No changes or amendments to this Amendment shall be approved, nor shall construction commence for such additional land uses, until an amendment of the PUD Agreement is processed and approved, subject to the requirements of the Monticello Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, including the submission of site and building plans, final grading and drainage plans, final utility plans, and final landscaping plans. 8. DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The Development shall be constructed in accordance with the following plans. The plans shall not be attached to this Amendment. With the exception of Plan A, the plans may be prepared, subject to City approval, after entering this Amendment, but before commencement of any work in the Development. If the plans vary from the written terms of this Amendment, the written terms shall control. The plans are: 3 1887790 A. Final Plat (Previously Approved) B. PUD Development Plan C. Boundary Survey D. Site Plan E. Grading Plan F. Utility Plan G. Erosion Control Plan H. Landscape Plan I. Irrigation Plan J. Elevation and Architectural Plans K. Electrical and Photometric Plans L. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan M. Sign Plan 9. IMPROVEMENTS. The Developer shall install and pay for the following: A. Sanitary Sewer System B. Water System C. Storm Sewer System D. Streets, Sidewalks and Pathways E. Concrete Curb and Gutter F. Street Lights G. Site Grading, Ponding, and Erosion Control H. Underground Utilities I. Setting of Iron Monuments 4 1887790 Surveying and Staking The improvements shall be installed in accordance with the City subdivision ordinance; City standard specifications for utilities and street construction for applicable public improvements and work in the right of way; and any other ordinances. The Developer shall submit plans and specifications which have been prepared by a registered professional engineer to the City for approval by the City Engineer. The City may, at the City's discretion and at the Developer's expense, have one or more City inspectors and a soil engineer inspect the work on a full or part-time basis. The Developer, its contractors and subcontractors, shall follow all written instructions received from the City's inspectors subject to Developer's plans and specifications. The Developer or his engineer shall schedule a pre - construction meeting at a mutually agreeable time at the City Council chambers with all parties concerned, including the City staff, to review the program for the construction work. Within thirty (30) days after the completion of the improvements and before the security is released, the Developer shall supply the City with a complete set of reproducible "as constructed" plans, an electronic file of the "as constructed" plans in an auto CAD.DWG file or a .DXF file, and two complete sets of blue line "as constructed" plans, all prepared in accordance with City standards. 10. DESIGN STANDARDS. The applicable Planned Unit Development Zoning District Regulations are equal to those set forth in the approved Plans A -M of Section 8 of this agreement and the Monticello High School Addition Planned Unit Development Ordinance, City Ordinance No. 649. 11. PERMITS. The Developer shall obtain or require its contractors and subcontractors to obtain all necessary permits, including but not limited to: • Wright County for County Road Access and Work in County Rights -of -Way • Wright County Soil Conservation District • MnDot for State Highway Access • Minnesota Department of Health for Watermains • NPDES /SDS Construction Storm Water General Permit MPCA for Sanitary Sewer and Hazardous Material Removal and Disposal • DNR for Dewatering • City of Monticello for Building Permits 5 1887790 • City of Monticello Grading Permit 12. DEWATERING. Due to the variable nature of groundwater levels and stormwater flows, it will be the Developer's and the Developer's contractors and subcontractors responsibility to satisfy themselves with regard to the elevation of groundwater in the area and the level of effort needed to perform dewatering and storm flow routing operations. All dewatering shall be in accordance with all applicable county, state, and federal rules and regulations. DNR regulations regarding appropriations permits shall also be strictly followed. 13. LICENSE. The Developer hereby grants the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors a license to enter the platted property to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City in conjunction with Phase 2 Development. 14. EROSION CONTROL AND STORM WATER CONTROL. Prior to initiating site grading, the erosion control plan, Plan G, shall be implemented by the Developer and inspected and approved by the City. The City or Wright County Soil and Water Conservation District may impose additional erosion control and storm water requirements if they would be beneficial. All areas disturbed by the excavation and backfilling operations shall be reseeded within 48 hours after the completion of the work or in an area that is inactive for more than seven (7) days unless authorized and approved by the City Engineer. Except as otherwise provided in the erosion control plan, seed shall be in accordance with the City's current seeding specification which may include certified oat seed to provide a temporary ground cover as rapidly as possible. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and disc anchored as necessary for seed retention. The parties recognize that time is of the essence in controlling erosion. If the Developer does not comply with the erosion control plan and schedule or supplementary instructions received from the City or the Wright County Soil and Water Conservation District, the City may take such action as it deems appropriate to control erosion. The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed 6 1887790 action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer's and City's rights or obligations hereunder. If the Developer does not reimburse the City for any cost the City incurred for such work within ten (10) days, the City may draw down the letter of credit to pay any costs. No development, utility or street construction will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the plat is in full compliance with the approved erosion control plan and storm water control measures are in place. 15. GRADING PLAN AND CERTIFICATION. The Development shall be graded in accordance with the approved grading plan, stormwater control measures and erosion control plan as set forth in Plan G. The plan shall conform to City of Monticello specifications. Within thirty (30) days after completion of the grading and before the City approves individual building permits (except as permitted by this agreement or the Building Official), the Developer shall provide the City with an "as constructed" grading plan certified by a registered land surveyor or engineer that all ponds, swales, and ditches have been constructed on public easements or land owned by the City. Additionally, the "as constructed" grading plan will include a certification that the grading following construction activities has been undisturbed or has been returned to the state required in the grading plan. The "as constructed" plan shall include field verified elevations of the following: a) cross sections of ponds; b) location and elevations along all swales, wetlands, wetland mitigation areas if any, ditches, locations and dimensions of borrow areas /stockpiles, and installed "conservation area" posts; and c) lot corner elevations, and building pads. The City will withhold issuance of building permits until the approved certified grading plan is on file with the City and all erosion control measures are in place as determined by the City Engineer. The Developer certifies to the City that all lots with building footings placed on fill have been monitored and constructed to meet or exceed applicable specifications. 16. CLEAN UP. The Developer shall clean dirt and debris from streets that has resulted from construction work by the Developer, home builders, subcontractors, their agents or assigns. Prior to any 7 188779vl construction in the Development, the Developer shall identify in writing a responsible party and schedule for erosion control, street cleaning, and street sweeping. The Developer shall pay a penalty of $100.00 a day for each calendar day that the streets are not cleaned in accordance with this paragraph. If the Developer repeatedly fails to clean streets in accordance with this paragraph, the City may, in its discretion, perform the work or contract to have the work completed and bill the costs to the Developer. The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer's and City's rights or obligations hereunder. If the Developer does not reimburse the City for any cost the City incurred for such work within ten (10) days from the date notice of the amount owed to the City is mailed, the City may draw down the Irrevocable Letter of Credit to pay any costs. No development, utility or street construction will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the Plat is in full compliance with the requirements of this Paragraph. 17. OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS. Upon completion of the work and construction required by this Amendment, the improvements lying within public easements shall become City property without further notice or action. 18. CITY ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATION AND CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION. A. The Developer shall pay a fee for the City's engineering administration as related to the Public Improvements or work in the right of way. City engineering administration will include monitoring of construction observation related to Public Improvements or work in the right of way, consultation with Developer and its engineer on status or problems regarding the project, coordination for final inspection and acceptance, project monitoring during the warranty period, and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be seven percent (7.0 %), or $2,000, whichever is greater, of the estimated construction cost of the Public 1887790 Improvements, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Construction observation shall include part or full time inspection of proposed public improvements or work in the right of way and will be billed on standard hourly rates per City's adopted fee schedule. The cost of the construction observation is included in the seven (7 %) or $2,000 estimate. B. The Developer shall pay a fee for the City's engineering administration as related to erosion and sediment control, grading and restoration of the Subject Property. City engineering administration will include monitoring of construction observation related to erosion and sediment control, grading and restoration of the site, consultation with Developer and his engineer on status or problems regarding the project, coordination for final inspection and acceptance, and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be three percent (3.0 %), of the estimated construction cost of the Subject Property grading and restoration cost, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Construction observation shall include part or full time inspection of proposed erosion and sediment control, grading and restoration and will be billed on standard hourly rates per City's adopted fee schedule. 19. CITY PLANNING, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATION. The Developer shall submit an escrow deposit for fees for City staff administration, planning relating to processing of the Development of Phase 2 and associated with administration. The escrow deposit shall be two percent (2.0 %) of the estimated costs, or $2,000, whichever is greater. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the Development. The Developer shall submit an escrow deposit for fees relating to City legal and planning- related expenses associated with the Development of Phase 2. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the Development. 20. CLAIMS. In the event that the City receives claims from labor, materialmen, or others that work required by this Amendment has been performed, the sums due them have not been paid, and the 9 1887790 laborers, materialmen, or others are seeking payment from the City, the Developer hereby authorizes the City to commence an Interpleader action pursuant to Rule 22, Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts, to draw upon the letters of credit in an amount up to 125 percent of the claim(s) and deposit the funds in compliance with the Rule, and upon such deposit, the Developer shall release, discharge, and dismiss the City from any further proceedings as it pertains to the letters of credit deposited with the District Court, except that the Court shall retain jurisdiction to determine attorneys' fees pursuant to this Amendment. 21. STORM SEWER AREA CHARGE. The Phase 2 Development is subject to a storm sewer area charge of $42,161.70, which includes the required base ponding fees. The total storm sewer area charge for the Phase 2 Development of $42,161.70 shall be assessed against the property if not paid by the Developer in cash prior to the issuance of the building permit for Phase 2. The fee is calculated as follows: 11.9 AC x $3,543.00 (2016 base storm water trunk area charge /acre)= $42,161.70 22. SANITARY SEWER AREA CHARGE. The Phase 2 Development is not subject to a sanitary sewer area charge, as the subject parcel was subject to and previously paid a sanitary sewer area charge with the construction of the Monticello High School and Little Mountain High School. 23. WATER MAIN AREA CHARGE. The Phase 2 Development is subject to a water main area charge of $11,673.90. The total water main area charge for the Phase 2 Development of $11,673.90 shall be assessed against the property if not paid by the Developer in cash prior to the issuance of the building permit for Phase 2. The fee is calculated as follows: 11.9 AC x $981.00 (2016 water trunk area chare /acre) _ $11,673.90 24. PARK DEDICATION, SIDEWALKS AND TRAILS. Not applicable. 25. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions shall apply to the Phase 2 Development: 10 1887790 report. A. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the August 25th, 2016, engineering B. The Developer is required to submit the final Phase 2 Development in electronic format. The electronic format shall be either AutoCAD.DWG file or a .DXF file. All construction record drawings (e.g., grading, utilities, and streets) shall be in electronic format in accordance with standard City specifications. The Developer shall also submit one complete set of reproducible construction plans on Mylar. 26. SUMMARY OF SECURITY REQUIREMENTS. To guarantee compliance with the terms of this agreement and related improvements, the Developer shall furnish the City with a letter of credit, in the form attached hereto, from a bank ( "security ") for $ .00, plus a cash fee of $ for City engineering, expenses and administration. The amount of the security was calculated as follows: CONSTRUCTION COSTS: Landscaping $ To be provided by developer x 125% Erosion Control/Grading Certification $45,000 ($3000 /AC) CONSTRUCTION SUB -TOTAL (ESTIMATED) $ OTHER COSTS: $ TOTAL SECURITIES: $00.00 This breakdown is for historical reference; it is not a restriction on the use of the security. The bank shall be subject to the approval of the City Administrator. The security shall be for a term ending when maintenance bond is posted. Individual security instruments may be for shorter terms provided they are automatically renewed on an annual basis until expiration. The City may draw down the security with 30 days written notice to Developer, for any violation of the terms of this Amendment or if the security is allowed to lapse prior to the end of the required term. If the required public improvements are not completed at least thirty 11 1887790 (30) days prior to the renewal of the security, the City may also draw it down. If the security is drawn down, the proceeds shall be used to cure the default. Upon receipt of proof satisfactory to the City that work has been completed and financial obligations to the City have been satisfied, with City approval the security may be reduced from time to time by ninety percent (90 %) of the financial obligations that have been satisfied. Ten percent (10 %) of the amounts certified by the Developer's engineer shall be retained as security until all improvements have been completed, all financial obligations to the City satisfied, the required "as constructed" plans have been received by the City, a warranty security is provided, and the public improvements are accepted by the City Council. The City standard specifications for utilities and street construction outline procedures for security reductions. 27. SUMMARY OF CASH REQUIREMENTS. The following is a summary of the cash requirements under this Amendment which must be furnished to the City prior to the issuance of the building permit: City Administration, Legal and Planning (2 %) Engineering and Inspection Grading (3 %) Plat and Infrastructure (7 %) Total Cash Requirements * Fees reconciled to actual expenses at close of project. 28. RESPONSIBILITY FOR COSTS. $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 6,000.00 A. Except as otherwise specified herein, the Developer shall pay all actual costs incurred by it or the City in conjunction with the Phase 2 Development, including but not limited to Soil and Water Conservation District charges, legal, planning, engineering and inspection expenses incurred in connection with approval and acceptance of the Development, the preparation of this Amendment, review of construction plans and documents, and all costs and expenses incurred by the City in monitoring and 12 1887790 inspecting the Phase 2 Development. The Developer shall deposit with the City the amount set forth in Section 27 to be used for the payment of these fees and enforcement fees. If the amount in the deposit account drops below 15% of the initial amount, the Developer will make additional deposits in amounts set by the City. At the completion of the Development and following payment of all expenses related to the Development, the City shall return the remaining deposit funds to the Developer. B. The Developer shall hold the City and its officers, employees, and agents harmless from claims made by it and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from the approval and construction of the Phase 2 Development. The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers, employees, and agents for all costs, damages, or expenses which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs. C. The Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Amendment, including engineering and attorneys' fees. D. The Developer shall pay, or cause to be paid when due, and in any event before any penalty is attached, all special assessments referred to in this Amendment. The Developer hereby waives all assessment notice and hearing requirements. If the Developer elects to have the charges set forth in this Amendment assessed to the properties herein, the assessment shall be payable over a five -year period, in ten equal principal installments, plus interest at 1.5% over the prime interest rate as published in the Wall Street Journal per annum on the remaining principal balance each year. Interest will begin to accrue on the principal balance commencing on the date of final approval by the City of Monticello or the date of this Amendment, whichever is later. E. The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations incurred under this Amendment within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the 13 1887790 City may halt Phase2 Development and construction until the bills are paid in full. Bills not paid within thirty (3 0) days shall accrue interest at the rate of eighteen percent (18 %) per year. F. In addition to the charges and special assessments referred to herein, other charges and special assessments may be imposed such as but not limited to sewer availability charges ( "SAC "), City water connection charges, City sewer connection charges, and building permit fees. G. If the Developer is dedicating property to the City to satisfy Park Dedication requirements, separate legal descriptions shall be developed for these properties and quitclaim deeds shall be executed for each of the transactions. The Developer agrees to pay all real estate taxes due or payable on outlots transferred to the City for the period up to the time the outlots become tax exempt. 29. DEVELOPER'S DEFAULT. In the event of default by the Developer as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the Developer shall promptly reimburse the City for any expense incurred by the City, provided the Developer, except in an emergency as determined by the City, is first given notice of the work in default, not less than forty -eight (48) hours in advance. This Amendment is a license for the City to act, and it shall not be necessary for the City to seek a Court order for permission to enter the land. When the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part. 30. MISCELLANEOUS. A. The Developer represents to the City that Phase 2 complies with all city, county, metropolitan, state, and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to: subdivision ordinances, zoning ordinances, and environmental regulations. If the Phase 2 Development ceases to comply with county, metropolitan, state and federal laws and regulations, the City may, at its option, refuse to allow construction or development work in the Phase 2 Development until the Developer does comply. Upon the City's demand, the Developer shall cease work until there is compliance. 14 188779v1 B. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City under this Amendment. C. Breach of the terms of this Amendment by the Developer shall be grounds for denial of building permits, including lots sold to third parties. D. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this Amendment is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Contract. E. If building permits are issued prior to the acceptance of public improvements, the Developer assumes all liability and costs resulting in delays in completion of public improvements and damage to public improvements caused by the City, Developer, its contractors, subcontractors, material men, employees, agents, or third parties. No sewer and water connection permits may be issued and no one may occupy a building for which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis until the streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface and the utilities are accepted by the City Engineer. F. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Amendment. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Amendment shall not be a waiver or release. G. This Amendment shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the property. The Developer covenants with the City, its successors and assigns, that the Developer is well seized in fee title of the property being final platted and/or has obtained consents to this Amendment, in the form attached hereto, from all parties who have an interest in the property; that there are no unrecorded interests in the property being developed; and that the Developer will indemnify and hold the City harmless 15 1887790 for any breach of the foregoing covenants. Upon compliance of all terms herein by Developer, the City shall file a termination of record upon Developer's request. H. Developer or its prime contractor shall take out and maintain or cause to be taken out and maintained until one (1) month after the City has accepted the public improvements, public liability and property damage insurance covering personal injury, including death, and claims for property damage which may arise out of Developer's work or the work of its subcontractors or by one directly or indirectly employed by any of them. Limits for bodily injury and death shall be not less than $500,000 for one person and $1,000,000 for each occurrence; limits for property damage shall be not less than $200,000 for each occurrence; or a combination single limit policy of $1,000,000 or more. The City shall be named as an additional insured on the policy, and the Developer shall file with the City a certificate evidencing coverage prior to the City's issuance of any building permits. The certificate shall provide that the City must be given ten (10) days advance written notice of the cancellation of the insurance. I. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. J. The Developer may not assign this Amendment without the written permission of the City Council, unless such assignment is to a principal of Developer or another entity in which the Developer is a principal. The Developer's obligation hereunder shall continue in full force and effect even if the Developer sells part or parts of the platted land, until all conditions of assignment are met. 16 1887790 K. Retaining walls that require a building permit shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by a structural or geotechnical engineer licensed by the State of Minnesota. Following construction, a certification signed by the design engineer shall be filed with the City Engineer evidencing that the retaining wall was constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. All retaining walls, the development plans, or special conditions referred to in this Amendment required to be constructed shall be constructed before any other building permit is issued for a lot on which a retaining wall is required to be built. 31. NOTICES. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by certified mail at the following address: 302 Washington Street, Monticello, Minnesota 55362. Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Administrator, or mailed to the City by certified mail in care of the City Administrator at the following address: Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, Minnesota 55362, with a copy to the City Attorney by regular mail at: Campbell Knutson, P.A., Grand Oak Office Center I, 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290, Eagan, Minnesota 55121. Remainder of page intentionally left blank. Signatures on the following pages. 17 188779vl CITY OF MONTICELLO LO-A (SEAL) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Brian Stumpf, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2016, by Brian Stumpf and by Jeff O'Neill, respectively the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public W:: 1 M. Campbell Knutson Professional Association Grand oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452 -5000 JJJ 18 1887790 DEVELOPER: INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882, MONTICELLO PUBLIC SCHOOLS IM STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The Superintendent The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2016, by the Superintendent of Independent School District #882, Monticello Public Schools, a Minnesota municipal corporation on its behalf. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: Campbell Knutson Professional Association Grand oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452 -5000 JJJ 19 188779v1 MORTGAGE HOLDER CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT , which holds a mortgage on the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract, which mortgage is dated and recorded with the Wright County Recorder /Registrar as document number , agrees that the Development Contract shall remain in full force and effect even if it forecloses on its mortgage. Dated this day of , 2016. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2 , by Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452 -5000 JJJ 20 1887790 IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT No. _ Date: TO: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Sir or Madam: We hereby issue, for the account of (Name of Developer)_ and in your favor, our Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount of $ , available to you by your draft drawn on sight on the undersigned bank. The draft must: a) Bear the clause, "Drawn under Letter of Credit No. , dated , 2 , of (Name of Bank) " b) Be signed by the Mayor or City Administrator of the City of Monticello. c) Be presented for payment at (Address of Bank_, on or before 4:00 p.m. on November 30, 2007. This Letter of Credit shall automatically renew for successive one -year terms unless, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date (which shall be November 30 of each year), the Bank delivers written notice to the Monticello City Administrator that it intends to modify the terms of, or cancel, this Letter of Credit. Written notice is effective if sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, and deposited in the U.S. Mail, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date addressed as follows: Monticello City Administrator, Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362, and is actually received by the City Administrator at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal date. This Letter of Credit sets forth in full our understanding which shall not in any way be modified, amended, amplified, or limited by reference to any document, instrument, or agreement, whether or not referred to herein. This Letter of Credit is not assignable. This is not a Notation Letter of Credit. More than one draw may be made under this Letter of Credit. This Letter of Credit shall be governed by the most recent revision of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 600. We hereby agree that a draft drawn under and in compliance with this Letter of Credit shall be duly honored upon presentation. IM Its 21 1887790 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE PROJECT: CERTIFICATE HOLDER: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 INSURED: ADDITIONAL INSURED: City of Monticello AGENT: WORKERS' COMPENSATION: Policy No. Effective Date: Expiration Date: Insurance Company: COVERAGE - Workers' Compensation, Statutory. GENERAL LIABILITY: Policy No. Effective Date: Expiration Date: Insurance Company: () Claims Made () Occurrence LIMITS: [Minimum] Bodily Injury and Death: $500,000 for one person $1,000,000 for each occurrence Property Damage: $200,000 for each occurrence -OR- Combination Single Limit Policy $1,000,000 or more COVERAGE PROVIDED: Operations of Contractor: YES Operations of Sub - Contractor (Contingent): YES Does Personal Injury Include Claims Related to Employment? YES 22 188779vl Completed Operations/Products: YES Contractual Liability (Broad Form): YES Governmental Immunity is Waived: YES Property Damage Liability Includes: Damage Due to Blasting YES Damage Due to Collapse YES Damage Due to Underground Facilities YES Broad Form Property Damage YES AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY: Policy No. Effective Date: Insurance Company: (X) Any Auto LIMITS: [Minimum] Bodily Injury: $500,000 each person Property Damage: $500,000 each occurrence -OR- Combined Single Limit Policy: Expiration Date: $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence ARE ANY DEDUCTIBLES APPLICABLE TO BODILY INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE ON ANY OF THE ABOVE COVERAGES: If so, list: Amount: $ [Not to exceed $1,000.00] SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL MAIL TEN (10) DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE PARTIES TO WHOM THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED. Dated at On BY: Authorized Insurance Representative 23 188779vl Wol Monticello Stadium - Event Circulation Narrative Fall Events: Independent School District #882 Monticello Schools PUD Amendment Football generally hosts 4 to 5 games during the season, and games are typically on Fridays at 7:00pm. Expected attendance is about 3,000 people, about 750 vehicles. The High School parking lots provide 840 spaces including 19 handicapped spaces, providing more than enough capacity for the expected attendance. Needing additional overflow parking at Little Mountain Elementary with shuttles to the stadium would be a rare occasion, but will be an option if needed. Since football games would have the most traffic impact of all the sport events at the stadium or track, the school can utilize the off -duty police officers who are hired to be present at the game to help with post -game traffic management as needed. Soccer generally hosts 7 to 8 varsity games for each boys and girls, and games are typically on Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Saturdays at 5:00pm or 7:00pm. Expected attendance is about 150 people, about 38 vehicles. Traffic impact from soccer games is minimal, so no additional traffic management is planned. Spring Events: Lacrosse generally hosts 7 to 8 games for each boys and girls, and games are typically on Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Saturdays at 5:00pm or 7:00pm. Expected attendance is about 200 people, about 50 vehicles. Traffic impact from lacrosse games is minimal, so no additional traffic management is planned. Track generally hosts 2 meets during the season, typically on Tuesdays or Thursdays at 4:00pm. Expected attendance is about 1,000 people, about 250 vehicles. Traffic impact from track meets is minimal, so no additional traffic management is planned. 9/22/2016 10:44:59 AM STADIUM EVENT C: \Users \grippl \Documents \152244 (Central) grippl @woldae.com.rvl NARRATIVE S: \ISD882 \Monticello High School \152244 - High School Stadium \02_ARCH \Revit \152244 (Central).rv[ Agenda: 9/26/16 2P. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -069, a resolution approving a Release of Special Assessment recorded against EDA owned residential property located at 413 4th Street (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is for consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -0069 Releasing the Special Assessment recorded against the EDA owned residential lot located at 413 — 4th Street West. At the time of a purchase offer by a prospective buyer in 2013, a carrot and stick approach was used by the EDA to ensure that the purchase and development proposal that was initially presented would indeed occur. The chosen enforcement format was an assessment placed on the lot to ensure specific performance by the buyer. The City Council was asked to approve an assessment against the property for $10,000, the amount of the parcel cleanup costs, and then remove the assessment upon completion of a home and issuance of a certificate of occupancy by October 31, 2014. Unfortunately, the prospective buyer backed out of the transaction shortly after the assessment was approved and recorded. The EDA then placed the lot back on the market. At the August 10th, 2016 EDA meeting, a purchase offer from Taylor Holdings, LLC was accepted. With the discovery of the special assessment against the property issues have been raised as to the ultimate lot price. At the September 14th EDA meeting, the Purchase and Redevelopment Agreement closing date for conveyance of the residential property located at 413 — 4th was extended into mid - October, allowing time for the Council to consider releasing the assessment. Al. Staff Impact: There is minimal staff time in preparing the First Amendment extending the deadline for conveyance of the parcel nor in drafting the Staff report asking the City Council to consider releasing the Special Assessment against the lot. The EDA's legal counsel drafted the EDA Resolution and was involved in preparation of the First Amendment document. A2. Budget Impact: There are minimal costs in preparing the staff report for City Council consideration. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2016 -069 approving the Release of a Special Assessment against a residential lot located at 413 — West 4th Street, PID # 155- 101- 029020. 2. Motion to deny the Release of a Special Assessment against a residential lot located at 413 — West 4th Street, PID #155 -010- 029020. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1 wherein the Special Assessment would be released against the residential lot located at 413 - West 0 Street. Having the Assessment 2 released will make proceeding forward with the sale of the lot less complicated and a cleaner transaction for the EDA and the prospective buyer, Taylor Holdings, LLC. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution No. 2016 -069 B. Recorded Special Assessment Agreement C. Aerial Image D. Map of Site with Zoning CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2016-069 RESOLUTION RELEASING SPECIAL ASSESSNENT RECORDED AGAINST PID # 155 - 010 - 029020, 413 WEST 4TH STREET WHEREAS, the City of Monticello adopted Resolution 2013 -62 approving a Special Assessment against a residential lot located at 413 — West 4th Street, PID # 155- 010- 02920, to offset expenditures related to demolition and nuisance fees; and WHEREAS, the amount assessed to 413 — West 4th Street is $10,000; and WHEREAS, the assessment was recorded as Document No. A1245285 by the Wright County Recorder's office on August 20, 2013; and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) which currently owns the property is asking the City Council to consider releasing the Special Assessment in order to facilitate the sale and transfer of the property to a prospective buyer NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The assessment placed against 413 — West 4th Street, PID # 155- 010 - 029020, as a result of Resolution No. 2013 -62, dated August 12, 2013, is hereby immediately released upon the property and against the current owner, the City of Monticello EDA. 2. The City Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this Resolution to the Wright County Recorder for recording Dated: September 26, 2016 The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Council Person The subject Resolution was duly seconded by Council Person , and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against same: Whereupon said Resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Brian Stump, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk 2 __Oel Property Owner: Property Address: Doc. No. A1245285 OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Certified Filed and/or Recorded on 8/2012013 at 2:00 PM Check #: Fee: $0.00 Payment Code 06 Add. Fee Barb Gabrelcik, County Recorder (reserved for recording purposes) Cii of Monticello 413 West 4`h Street Legal Description: Lot and part of Lot 2, Block 29, Original Town (Attachment "A ") PiD: 1155- 010 -029020 ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT On this day of q0t , 2013, the CITY OF MONTICELLO, hereby agrees to certify a special assessment fcff expenditures related to demolition and nuisance fees as adopted by resolution of the Monticello City Council. These charges TOTAL THE AMOUNT OF $10,000.00. This amount shall be assessed against the development property as follows: A. The Development property will be assessed $10,000.00 pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 429.011, et seq. B. The assessment is deemed adopted on the date this contract is signed by the parties. C. Developer hereby waives unconditionally all procedural and substantive objections to the assessment including, but not limited to, any rights to hearing requirements and any claim that the assessment constitutes a special benefit or that the amount of the assessment exceeds the special benefit to the Development property. The Developer further waives any appeal rights otherwise available pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 429.081 or other laws. D. The CITY OF MONTICELLO hereby waives public hearing notice requirements associated with the special assessment as described above. E. This Agreement shall be recorded against the title to the subject property and shall be binding upon Owner, its/their assigns, heirs and successors in interest. F. Deferral of Assessment. 1. The assessment amount will be deferred for one (1) year, with the full installment payable as part of the collectible 2015 taxes. 2. The assessment amount will be payable over one (1) year, including interest at the rate of four and three- quarter percent (4,75 %) per annum simple interest computed on the unpaid balance. If the property is sold and a residential single family home is built to substantial completion with an occupancy permit issued on or before October 31", 2014, the assessment will be removed by the City of Monticello, and the legally described property will not be subject to the assessment identified in this agreement. Property owner shall follow the city's building and zoning ordinances in development of the property and occupancy permit shall be issued by the city's Building Official upon completion. CITY OF MONTICELLO Y 1:� (! :V Clint Herbst. Mayor AND Neill, City Administrator STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF WJUGHT K./ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this N day of 2013, by Clint Herbst and by Jeff O'Neill, respectively the Mayor and City Administrator of tiw City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. NOTARY PUBLIC S"l N KERAY S BuF�f Document prepared P p� by: City of Monticello 505 Walnut St, Suite I Monticello MN 55362 CMS W(return recorded document to above address, Attn Deputy Clerk) Cr. s ATTACHMENT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR PID 155 - 010- 029020 Lot 3, Block 29, and Lot 2, Block 29, except the northwesterly 33 feet thereof, said northwesterly 33 feet of Lot 2 being also described as that part of Lot 2 lying northwesterly of a line drawn parallel to the northwesterly line of said Lot 2 and distant 33 feet southeasterly of said northwesterly line, all in the Townsite of Monticello. I r✓ If, "J'hr B o n Wright County, MN Overview Legend Roads CSAHCL — CTYCL MUNICL — PRIVATECL ° TWPCL Highways Interstate State Hwy US Hwy City/Township Limits 0 c 0 t ❑� Parcels Parcel ID 155010029020 Alternate ID n/a Owner Address n/a Sec/Twp /Rng 11- 121 -025 Class 958- MUNICIPAL PUBLIC SERVICE -OTHER Property Address 4134TH ST W Acreage n/a MONTICELLO District n/a Brief Tax Description Sect -11 Twp -121 Range -025 ORIGINAL PLAT MONTICELLO Lot -002 Block -029 LOT3 &LOT2 EX NWLY 33FTTHOF SD NWLY 33FT OF LT2 DES AS TH PRT OF LT2 LY NWLY OF LN DRWN PAR TO NWLY LN OF LT2 &33FT SELY OF SD NWLY LN OF LT2 BLK29 (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Date created: 8/4/2016 Developed by Schneider The Schneider Corporation Legend BASE ZONIN0 DISTRICTS Reeldenlial Districts Business Districts - Lmv Resiasnlial Densldes O B-3 A-0 O B-2 R-A - B-3 O R -1 8-4 - Medium Residential Densities - CCD Q 8llorelentl District OR- R 2 Industrial Districts L- I Freeway Bonus Sign District O Or L� R -YUD - High Residentou Densities 47 _ R -3 _ R-4 PUDs - M-H 03 I Swan River OVERLAY DISTRICTS 1 1 Performance Based Overlay District 1_ I Special Use Overlay District Mississippi Wild Scenic 8 flat Overlay District Q 8llorelentl District L- I Freeway Bonus Sign District oTNER = water 413 4th Street West ,,4jc,IQ Is SF A City Council Agenda: 09/26/16 4A. Consideration of approving Rolling Woods Park play structure improvements. (TP) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In July of 2016, staff was contacted by residents from the Carlisle Village Development who had formed a petition requesting updates to Rolling Woods Park, including age appropriate playground equipment, a picnic shelter and ADA access to the park. Rolling Woods Park was developed in 2002, and served residents from the Wildwood Ridge Development. Since 2002, additional developments were added to the service area of the park, including Hillside Farms and Carlisle Village. Originally Rolling Woods Park was designed as a small neighborhood park similar to Meadow Oak Park and the parkland consisted of 1 % acres. Today the parkland features 11 %2 acres of developable play area. The increase in parkland was due to tax forfeited property the acquired by the City. The standard park design today is to build a playground for 15 -20 years' life expectancy and include play systems for 2 to 5 and 5 to 12 age groups. While Rolling Woods is lacking play value for both of those age groups, the existing equipment is still in good usable shape, including a slide, bouncer and swings. The proposed playground improvements recommended by the Parks Commission will mirror the play systems installed at both River Mill and Hunters Crossing Parks. Staff will salvage and use as much of the old equipment as possible in other areas where needed. Any additional unneeded equipment will be sold at public auction. Al. Budget Impact: Funding for the playground improvements at Rolling Woods Park will come out of the 2017 Park and Pathway Fund in the amount of $65,000, when approved. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Under the direction of the Special Projects Coordinator, parks staff will complete the playground installation. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve including Rolling Woods Park playground improvements in the 2017 budget for the amount of $65,000. 2. Motion Deny any improvements to Rolling Woods Park. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Parks Commission and City staff recommend approving playground improvements and other park upgrades at Rolling Woods Park, including a picnic shelter, in the amount of $65,000, utilizing funds from the 2017 budget as outlined in Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Aerial of improvements B. Rolling Woods Service area map C. Petition requests E= :•.; `% LLI LL 44, . r ti" J .,�..,. 2 -5 yr 5 -12 yr old old / it r OPEN AIR c SHELTER : r '• r % j L� *r 1111111W- - f R I ingwoods Playground P osed Impromements nd Pathwa y Connection dW- iM 1' V--V VV-- il BISON, 1R... DEER U Li FF ' _ . m f w, . ROLLINGW�OODS DADV ADV r BAQGER_T_c '0 21, I '�i ; 551 g0000j o ..1 1 I ti Ming Woods Park Petition Final - Google Docs Petition for Enhancements to Rolling Woods Park 9/6/16 Summary: • We respectfully request that the Monticello Parks Commission, Parks Superintendent, and Monticello City Council designate the necessary funds to update and enhance Rolling Woods Park, which is located within our neighborhood. Justification: • Our surrounding neighborhoods have grown significantly in recent years, with an abundance of new construction. We have many young and mixed aged households who desire an improved park for both their children and their entire families. Our large, connected neighborhood has outgrown the current park which was built prior to the construction of most of the houses. • The current, limited equipment at Rolling Woods Park does not meet the needs of our children. The structure is not suitable or safe for the 2 -5 year -old age demographic, nor does it hold the interest of the 5 -12 age group. Consequently, our current park is largely unappealing and underutilized by our neighborhoods' families. • We believe replacing our current equipment with equipment very similar to what has recently been in use at Monticello parks such as Sunset Ponds Park would much better meet the needs of our neighborhood and its young families. • Adding a picnic shelter and a tennis court would expand the appeal and use of the park to all ages. Many residents referenced the lack of shade at this park and the need for a picnic shelter. • Our current equipment and ground covering does not meet the needs of wheelchair bound children in our neighborhood. • We would like our park to be brought to the high standards that the majority of Monticello's neighborhood parks seem to be at. • Door to door canvassing resulted in unanimous agreement that the park is not meeting our needs and is in need of major upgrades. (See attached signature pages.) Specific Requests for Rolling Woods Park: • Two new play structures, with one geared toward the 2 -5 year -old age group and the other designed for the 5 -12 year -old age group. (Specifically, we really like the two structures that were installed at Sunset Ponds Park. We like a tall structure with connecting bridges, multiple platforms and several big slides for the 5 -12 year - olds.) • Swings (toddler bucket swing, "big kid" swings, and at least one adapted swing for differently abled individuals). Our existing swings could be used or relocated to a different spot in the park, as far as we are concerned. • An "Oodle Swing" or something comparable to it (Landscape Structures). (We have observed kids of all ages and abilities really enjoying this new type of multi -use, collaborative swing at various Three Rivers parks.) • A "Joey swing seat" such as the one at Meadow Oaks Park so adult and child swing together. • Sensory components such as musical instruments positioned at a wheelchair accessible height. • Individual bounce /rider features (such as the ladybug, surfboard, etc. at Hunter's Crossing). • Picnic Shelter (such as at Hunter's Crossing) Page ps: / /docs.google.com/ document /d/1NAMZaD WyUBVFf- 6sn8STb_DX3 S9r1oo77sQLUzWDylg /edit ?invite =C... 9/20/20 )lling Woods Park Petition Final - Google Docs • Installation of sidewalk on the south (pond) side of Bakken St. Currently, the sidewalk ends prior to the park, creating an unnecessary and unsafe need for families to cross the street and /or walk on the street for approximately three blocks to access the park. • Rubberized ground covering under playground and sidewalk around the perimeter of playground to improve handicapped accessibility. • Addition of tennis court next to current basketball court. • Additional signage around the park to warn drivers of playing children in the area. Addendum Examples of Requested Enhancements Sensory Components Page 2 c ps://docs.google.com/ document /d/1NAMZaDWyUBVFf- 6sn8STb DX3S9rIoo77sQLUz"yIg /edit ?invite =C... 9/20/2 Aling Woods Park Petition Final - Google Does Picnic Shelter Oodle Swing Current Rolling Woods Park ..L Joey Swing Seat Page ps ://docs.google.com/document /d/ 1 NAMZaD WyUB VFf- 6sn8STb_DX3 S9rIoo77sQLUzWDyIg /edit ?invite =C... 9/20/20 Aling Woods Park Petition Final - Google Does Page 4 o ps: / /docs.google.com/ document /d /1NAMZaD WyUBVFf- 6sn8STb_DX3S9r1oo77sQLUzWDylg /edit ?invite =C... 9/20/ Petition for Enhancements at Rolling Woods Park We, the undersigned, respectfully request that the Monticello City Council, Parks Commission, and Parks Superintendent designate the necessary funds to update and enhance Rolling Woods Park, which is located within our neighborhood. Name Address Signature T-te'l - u � 7 &' CUYM W. w —� ,,r- ,1J r✓ _ ' SJUC j Cc r -7 ' �QS I h -�7 U Ibs iT VG f Or 4 ril IVR mqn L�(1U i�.,,�, �•w � CGS a K�'.., �- ��—=� Petition for Enhancements at Rolling Woods Park We, the undersigned, respectfully request that the Monticello City Council, Parks Commission, and Parks Superintendent designate the necessary funds to update and enhance Rolling Woods Park, which is located within our neighborhood. Name Address Signa of �ZZ F2 0 LL CEO M NV ivzf ys 9367, C�Wtoi �rA Ir..-t>c Petition for Enhancements at Rolling Woods Park We, the undersigned, respectfully request that the Monticello City Council, Parks Commission, and Parks Superintendent designate the necessary funds to update and enhance Rolling Woods Park, which is located within our neighborhood. Name Address Signature ,rr 2 AA O sc;� K City Council Agenda: 09/26/16 4B. Consideration to authorize preparation of design and cost estimates for a Carlisle Village sidewalk/pathway connection to Rolling Woods Park. (JO /AS /TP /SB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to provide direction relating to completion of a pedestrian connection to the Rolling Woods Park from the Carlisle Village neighborhood. Staff is requesting authorization to pursue preparation of a design cost estimate based on a route alignment as selected by the City Council. When the Carlisle Village subdivision was established, the Rolling Woods Park was designated as the service -area park for the Carlisle Village neighborhood. As such, the original planning for Carlisle Village required the completion of a direct sidewalk connection between the development and the Rolling Woods Park. To best facilitate access into the park, the sidewalk connection would extend approximately 500' from the current terminus of sidewalk on the south side of Bakken Street to the pathway entrance at the opposite side of Rolling Woods Park Completion of this connection or a portion thereof is now being requested for consideration given a recent petition from residents of Carlisle Village. Option 1(a): Direct sidewalk connection, south side of Bakken Street to Rolling Woods Park. This alternative provides a direct connection from the Carlisle Village neighborhood to the existing pathway at Rolling Woods Park. The sidewalk connection would extend approximately 500' from the current terminus of sidewalk on the south side of Bakken Street to the pathway entrance at Rolling Woods Park. In addition to the direct sidewalk connection from current end point to the pathway, this alternative includes crosswalk and pedestrian ramps at Garvey Court, Troy Marquette and Deer Street as part of the design. This would provide users from the Rolling Woods, Hillside Farm and other areas of Carlisle Village better access to the park from existing sidewalks. In the original sidewalk planning for the development, and based on an updated site evaluation, to complete the connection along Bakken, the design may require an analysis of impact to the adjacent wetland, design and construction to address the slope and culvert in the area, and design for ADA compliance. Some engineering assistance by WSB & Associates will be necessary to complete a topographic survey and design drawings. If Council elects this option, an analysis of what can be accomplished by Public Works versus a contractor will also be established. Engineering and Public Works staff have reviewed the sidewalk design in the field. There is one critical area, across from Troy Marquette Drive, where there is limited boulevard width and steep slopes adjacent to the wetland. Initial thoughts are that the sidewalk can be installed without any wetland impacts if a retaining wall is constructed along the wetland area. Optionl(b): Direct sidewalk connection, south side of Bakken Street to Rolling Woods Park, no pedestrian crossings from the north side. This alternative provides only the direct sidewalk connection extending from the current City Council Agenda: 09/26/16 terminus of sidewalk on the south side of Bakken Street to the pathway entrance at Rolling Woods as described in Alternate 1(a), however it would not include the pedestrian crosswalks and ramps at Garvey Court, Troy Marquette and Deer Street. Option 1(c): Direct sidewalk connection, south side of Bakken Street to edge of Rolling Woods Park A final design option would be to extend the sidewalk approximately 225', ending at the edge of the maintained area of the park. This fulfills the original intent of the agreement for the development to extend the sidewalk to the park edge. Option 2: Pedestrian Ramps and Crosswalks for North Bakken Sidewalk Connection. Under this alternative, the City would forgo completing the direct connection along the southern edge of Bakken Street and require that pedestrians cross over to the other side of the street, then cross back when they get to the park. This option would require only the installation of crosswalk markings and pedestrian ramps at Garvey Court, Troy Marquette and Deer Street. The existing sidewalk on the south side of Bakken would remain in place to facilitate either a future direct connection or a more natural grass or wood -chip trail through the wetland area of the park. Parks Commission Recommendation The Parks Commission has reviewed the citizen petition and recommended a connection to the park per the petition. The Parks Commission recommends the first alternative above. Al. Budget /Staff Impact: An existing pathway escrow of $11,400 is held on hand for the construction of the sidewalk to the prior park edge. Continuation of the sidewalk to the pathway on the opposite side of the park would have been and would be at the discretion of the City. Once staff receives Council direction, design and construction estimates will be prepared which detail the amount of staff and budget impact for the selected option. Completion of a topographic survey, determination of potential wetland impact, design drawings and a construction cost estimate prepared by WSB is estimated at $3,000. It should be noted that Option 1(a) will be more costly given the design complexity, and will likely exceed the escrow. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize preparation of cost estimates for the design and construction of a direct sidewalk connection on the south side of Bakken Street to Rolling Woods Park, including crosswalks and pedestrian ramps at Garvey Court, Troy Marquette and Deer Street as described in Option 1(a) above. City Council Agenda: 09/26/16 Council will note that in selecting this option, design and estimates will be itemized to achieve a cost estimate for design and construction for all options listed. 2. Motion to authorize preparation of cost estimates for the design and construction of a direct sidewalk connection on the south side of Bakken Street to Rolling Woods Park only, with no crosswalks and pedestrian ramps at Garvey Court, Troy Marquette and Deer Street as described in Option 1(b) above. 3. Motion to authorize preparation of cost estimates for the design and construction of a direct sidewalk connection on the south side of Bakken Street to Rolling Woods Park edge only, with no crosswalks and pedestrian ramps at Garvey Court, Troy Marquette and Deer Street as described in Option 1(c) above. 4. Motion to authorize preparation of cost estimates for the design and construction of pedestrian ramps and crosswalks for a north -side Bakken sidewalk connection. 5. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends developing a design and cost estimate for Option I (a), which includes the installation of crosswalks and pedestrian ramps at Deer Street, Troy Marquette and Garvey Court. As Option I (a) will provide a cost estimate for all options, a final recommendation for construction will be based on the design and cost estimate. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Citizen Petition B. Aerial Illustration of Alternatives C. Monticello Park & Pathway Plan — Park Service Areas Ming Woods Park Petition Final - Google Docs Petition for Enhancements to Rolling Woods Park 9/6/16 Summary: • We respectfully request that the Monticello Parks Commission, Parks Superintendent, and Monticello City Council designate the necessary funds to update and enhance Rolling Woods Park, which is located within our neighborhood. Justification: • Our surrounding neighborhoods have grown significantly in recent years, with an abundance of new construction. We have many young and mixed aged households who desire an improved park for both their children and their entire families. Our large, connected neighborhood has outgrown the current park which was built prior to the construction of most of the houses. • The current, limited equipment at Rolling Woods Park does not meet the needs of our children. The structure is not suitable or safe for the 2 -5 year -old age demographic, nor does it hold the interest of the 5 -12 age group. Consequently, our current park is largely unappealing and underutilized by our neighborhoods' families. • We believe replacing our current equipment with equipment very similar to what has recently been in use at Monticello parks such as Sunset Ponds Park would much better meet the needs of our neighborhood and its young families. • Adding a picnic shelter and a tennis court would expand the appeal and use of the park to all ages. Many residents referenced the lack of shade at this park and the need for a picnic shelter. • Our current equipment and ground covering does not meet the needs of wheelchair bound children in our neighborhood. • We would like our park to be brought to the high standards that the majority of Monticello's neighborhood parks seem to be at. • Door to door canvassing resulted in unanimous agreement that the park is not meeting our needs and is in need of major upgrades. (See attached signature pages.) Specific Requests for Rolling Woods Park: • Two new play structures, with one geared toward the 2 -5 year -old age group and the other designed for the 5 -12 year -old age group. (Specifically, we really like the two structures that were installed at Sunset Ponds Park. We like a tall structure with connecting bridges, multiple platforms and several big slides for the 5 -12 year - olds.) • Swings (toddler bucket swing, "big kid" swings, and at least one adapted swing for differently abled individuals). Our existing swings could be used or relocated to a different spot in the park, as far as we are concerned. • An "Oodle Swing" or something comparable to it (Landscape Structures). (We have observed kids of all ages and abilities really enjoying this new type of multi -use, collaborative swing at various Three Rivers parks.) • A "Joey swing seat" such as the one at Meadow Oaks Park so adult and child swing together. • Sensory components such as musical instruments positioned at a wheelchair accessible height. • Individual bounce /rider features (such as the ladybug, surfboard, etc. at Hunter's Crossing). • Picnic Shelter (such as at Hunter's Crossing) Page ps: / /docs.google.com/ document /d/1NAMZaD WyUBVFf- 6sn8STb_DX3 S9r1oo77sQLUzWDylg /edit ?invite =C... 9/20/20 )lling Woods Park Petition Final - Google Docs • Installation of sidewalk on the south (pond) side of Bakken St. Currently, the sidewalk ends prior to the park, creating an unnecessary and unsafe need for families to cross the street and /or walk on the street for approximately three blocks to access the park. • Rubberized ground covering under playground and sidewalk around the perimeter of playground to improve handicapped accessibility. • Addition of tennis court next to current basketball court. • Additional signage around the park to warn drivers of playing children in the area. Addendum Examples of Requested Enhancements Sensory Components Page 2 c ps://docs.google.com/ document /d/1NAMZaDWyUBVFf- 6sn8STb DX3S9rIoo77sQLUz"yIg /edit ?invite =C... 9/20/2 Aling Woods Park Petition Final - Google Does Picnic Shelter Oodle Swing Current Rolling Woods Park ..L Joey Swing Seat Page ps ://docs.google.com/document /d/ 1 NAMZaD WyUB VFf- 6sn8STb_DX3 S9rIoo77sQLUzWDyIg /edit ?invite =C... 9/20/20 Aling Woods Park Petition Final - Google Does Page 4 o ps: / /docs.google.com/ document /d /1NAMZaD WyUBVFf- 6sn8STb_DX3S9r1oo77sQLUzWDylg /edit ?invite =C... 9/20/ Petition for Enhancements at Rolling Woods Park We, the undersigned, respectfully request that the Monticello City Council, Parks Commission, and Parks Superintendent designate the necessary funds to update and enhance Rolling Woods Park, which is located within our neighborhood. Name Address Signature T-te'l - u � 7 &' CUYM W. w —� ,,r- ,1J r✓ _ ' SJUC j Cc r -7 ' �QS I h -�7 U Ibs iT VG f Or 4 ril IVR mqn L�(1U i�.,,�, �•w � CGS a K�'.., �- ��—=� Petition for Enhancements at Rolling Woods Park We, the undersigned, respectfully request that the Monticello City Council, Parks Commission, and Parks Superintendent designate the necessary funds to update and enhance Rolling Woods Park, which is located within our neighborhood. Name Address Signa of �ZZ F2 0 LL CEO M NV ivzf ys 9367, C�Wtoi �rA Ir..-t>c Petition for Enhancements at Rolling Woods Park We, the undersigned, respectfully request that the Monticello City Council, Parks Commission, and Parks Superintendent designate the necessary funds to update and enhance Rolling Woods Park, which is located within our neighborhood. Name Address Signature ,rr 2 AA O sc;� K w Connection—Option l(a) Senn ember 22_2a 1. A A L Lnch = 198 feet sm�. Emi. L,42biubbw. :iwmE„ Emp-dm Um7w,� 2MENLI&bm DS LI&LA. USCM. AK 6.*—Ppi-V A.W.id tM. K'P Mmd.M. —d lh. Cm Lh.. L. — -ft Gip flwwld AMD=Ubre LhdmU-* I . ..Aa I rbm Att Connection—Option l(b) - = r On Sew amber 2 2_ 2a M - IL L Lnch = 198 feet sm�. Emi. L,42biubbw. :iwmE„ Emp-dm Um7w,� 2MENLI&bm DS LI&LA, USCM. AK 6.*—Ppi-V A.W.id tM. K'P.Mmd.W. —d lh. Cm Lh.. L.— -ft Gip flwwld AMD=U bre LhdmU-* I . ..Aa I rbm Connection—Option 1(c) Senn ember 22_2a amid 2"fr 77 L Lnch = 198 feet sm�. Emi. L,42biubbw. :iwmE„ Emp-dm Um7w,� 2MENLI&bm DS U&LA, USCM. AK 6.*—Ppi-V A.W.id tM. K'P.Mmd.W. —d lh. C=LhLft Gip flwwld bre UmbU-* I...AaI AMD=Urbm Connection—Option 2 Sew ember 92- 2a Allb—, kw L Lnch = 198 feet sm�. Emi. L,42biubbw. :iwmE„ Emp-dm Um7w,� 2MENLI&bm DS U&LA, USCM. AK 6.*—Ppi-V A.W.id tM. K'P.Mmd.W. —d lh. CM Lh L -ft Gip flwwld bre UmbU-* I...AaI AMD=Urbm City Council Agenda: 9/26/16 4C. Consideration to renew membership in the MN Public Broadband Alliance for 2016 (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider renewing membership in the MN Public Broadband Alliance with a revised dues request from the Alliance in the amount of $1,500 which is down from $7,800 last year. This item was considered previously at a dues amount of $5,000 but tabled pending input from the company assigned to manage FiberNet. Subsequent to the original consideration, the mater was presented to the Fiber Advisory Board for input which did recommend continued membership at a dues amount of $1,500. Please note that early in 2016 the Alliance was informed of the potential for Monticello to fully withdraw and hold off 2016 dues payment of $5,000 in its entirety. The revised dues amount presented by the Alliance has taken Monticello's changing circumstances and need into account. With regards to input from Arvig, Mark Birkholz has noted, and I agree, that the resources provided by Arvig, under our contract provides resources necessary to operate FNM without support from the Alliance.. Therefore, the City of Monticello does not need to be a member from and a purely practical standpoint. However, a share of the Alliance activities from which the FNM could receive tangible and intangible benefits that fall outside the realm of operations. It's up to Council now to determine if those benefits justify continued City participation in the organization. Please note, that the Alliance has reduced the City of Monticello dues in recognition of the change in the management status of the FNM operation. Dues also reduced in to offset the City contribution as fiscal agent. This contribution consists of writing about 15 checks per year, depositing annual payments from its members and providing monthly reports. As noted previously the organization pools resources to enhance service and reduce costs in the following general areas. As you will note below, highlighted in green are non- operational, idea generation and lobbying activities from which the City will continue to receive benefit if it stays associated with this group. • Sharing and distribution of knowledge important to successfully operating a public telecommunications system (achieved via Arvig). • Sharing of telecommunications switching and electronic equipment (achieved via Arvig). • Lowering end user cost by aggregating and purchase services and products (Achieved via Arvig). • Sharing of staff and human resources (Achieved via Arvig) • Developing and standardizing best practices for various facets of operating a telecommunications company (Achieved via Arvig) City Council Agenda: 9/26/16 • Centralizing research and application of emerging technologies • Providing information and technical assistance to public agencies that wish to improve access to broadband for constituents. • Establishing a centralized voice in the debate over issues affecting deployment of broadband services in Minnesota. • Speeding the identification and deployment of telecommunication services and applications to its members. • Providing technical information and support to the State Legislature pertaining to legislation that local units of government that own and operate public broadband resources. Al. Budget Impact: This item was included in the 2016 budget in the amount of $7,800. The amount proposed has been reduced to $1,500. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Meetings are once per month and attended by the City Administrator. The Mayor, members of the City Council are welcome to attend. Meetings can be attended via conference call. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve membership in the MN Public Broadband Alliance through the end of 2016 with the dues amount at $1,500 and continue to provide fiscal agent services to the organization. 2. Motion to approve membership as noted under alternative 1, but no longer act as fiscal agent of the organization. 3. Motion to deny funding supporting continued paid membership in the MN Public Broadband Alliance. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommendation is mixed. Both the City Administrator and Finance Director agree that direct operational support from the Alliance is no longer needed by FiberNet. Participation at the $5,000 fee would be excessive given the change in circumstances. With regards to the paying the reduced fee. The City Administrator recommends alternative 1 or 2 based on the reduced cost and remaining presence of benefits both tangible and intangible. The Finance Director believes that the benefits from being part of the organization are marginal and difficult to quantify, therefore he does not support the $1,500 dues payment. Additionally, if the City Council is inclined to remain a member at $1,500 it would be his recommendation to have the City no longer provide service as a fiscal agent D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Previous Agenda item on topic City Council Agenda: 1/25/16 2D. Consideration to renew membership in the MN Public Broadband Alliance for 2016. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider renewing membership in the MN Public Broadband Alliance with the cost of $5,000 which is down from $7,800 last year. The fee has been reduced because expenses projected for the organization for 2016 have stayed the same while additional agencies have signed up. New members include Sherburne County, Dakota County and CTC. As you may recall, in 2014 the City Council authorized an application for a Blandin Foundation grant. The City received grant funding in the amount of $10,000 to examine the feasibility of developing a cooperative or alliance of public entities established to find ways to lower costs and improve service to constituents. In conjunction with the City of Monticello's application, four other public agencies including Scott County, the City of Saint Cloud, the City of Windom and Southwest Minnesota Broadband Services (representing 11 cities), also participated and contributed $2,000 each to the organizational effort. For 2015, each of these agencies contributed $7,800 for the first year of operation with the City of Monticello acting as the fiscal agent. As of the date of preparation of this report, all the agencies that signed up originally are on board for participating in 2016 and three others noted above have been added thus dropping the cost per agency accordingly. Officers for the organization include President, Gary Shelton, Scott County Administrator, Vice President, Keith Stubbe, Southwest MN Broadband, and Jeff O'Neill City of Monticello as Treasurer /Fiscal Agent. As noted previously the organization pools resources to enhance service and reduce costs in the following general areas. • Sharing and distribution of knowledge important to successfully operating a public telecommunications system • Sharing of telecommunications switching and electronic equipment • Lowering end user cost by aggregating and purchase services and products • Sharing of staff and human resources • Developing and standardizing best practices for various facets of operating a telecommunications company • Centralizing research and application of emerging technologies • Providing information and technical assistance to public agencies that wish to improve access to broadband for constituents • Establishing a centralized voice in the debate over issues affecting deployment of broadband services in Minnesota • Speeding the identification and deployment of telecommunication services and applications to its members City Council Agenda: 1/25/16 The group has been meeting on a monthly basis and there is consensus in the group that the there is sufficient benefit to warrant continuation of the organization. Some of the more noteworthy accomplishments since inception include: the obstruction of a legislative initiative that would have added significant cost for county telecommunications; the group spearheaded development of a template agreement governing third party management fiber and vertical infrastructure that all members can use; they have held a meeting with Minnesota Office of Broadband Development regarding State grant programs; are in the process of the potential development of maps showing broadband circuits under control and available for joint use; held discussion regarding implementation of billing systems that consolidate sewer, water and telecommunications billing into a single bill; and with dues paid last year, Monticello received assistance in development of an RFQ document and associated 3rd Party provider selection process. Expenses projected for 2016 include the following: • Half time Director - $36,000 • Legal and Professional Fees - $4,000 • Conference Expenses - $1,200 • Office Supplies - $ 300 • Promotion and Marketing - $750 • Telephone - $ 750 Total $43,000 Al. Budget Impact: This item was included in the 2016 budget in the amount of $7,800. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Meetings are once per month and attended by the City Administrator. The Mayor, members of the City Council and Fiber Advisory Committee members are welcome to attend. Added meetings are offset partially by a reduction in need to meet at broadband related events that will be covered by the Executive Director. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve membership in the MN Public Broadband Alliance and authorizing a budget of $5,000 for the cost of the membership for 2015 2. Motion to deny membership in the MN Public Broadband Alliance at this time C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City Staff recommends Alternative #1. City Council Agenda: 1/25/16 A SUPPORTING DATA: • None City Council Agenda: 09/26/16 4D. Consideration of authorizing staff to obtain proposals from real estate brokers interested in marketing commercial parcels at and in the vicinity of Jefferson Commons. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to provide staff with authorization to seek proposals from brokers interested in marketing City owned property at Jefferson Commons in addition to marketing of two nearby parcels located at the Northeast corner of the intersection of Dundas Road and Cedar Street. As you know, the City has sold a significant share of the original holdings at Jefferson Commons, however there are lots that currently remain that are not actively being marketed at this time. When price for commercial land took a tumble, active marketing was suspended pending the recovery of the value of commercial land. Now that Fleet Farm construction is underway and given the general increase in value of commercial land, the time is right to consider marketing these properties on a more active basis.. Staff proposes to prepare summary information regarding the City's holdings in and in the vicinity of Jefferson commons and present the opportunity to area real estate brokers. Once responses are in place, the plan would be to interview and select a broker. It is suggested that the City Council appoint a member of Council to sit with staff on an interview committee. This committee would then report its recommendation to the City Council for action. As an alternative, Council as a whole could certainly conduct the interview in a workshop setting. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize staff to seek proposals from real estate brokers interested in marketing various City owned parcels in and in the vicinity of Jefferson Commons. Motion to include preference regarding the selection process. Interview via committee or full interview by the City Council. 2. Motion to table item. 3. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Map showing City owned property in and in the vicinity of Jefferson Commons. City Owned Properties September 22, City Boundary ��Monticello 1 inch = 752 feet Source: Esri, DigitaIGbbe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES /Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmappng, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community Map Powered by DataLink from WSB & Associates Monticeflo COUNCIL CONNECTION SEPTEMBER 26, 2016 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Floodplain Boundary Update As noted at a previous Council meeting, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has published a public notice for the Proposed Flood Hazard Determinations for Wright County, including preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) and Flood Insurance Study (FIS). Flood Insurance Rate Maps provide the basis for floodplain management, regulation and insurance requirements by identifying flood -prone areas. As part of this study, FEMA has revised floodplain boundaries throughout the county. Digital copies of these Preliminary FIRM and FIS reports can be viewed at the following website: http:// www. fema .gov /preliminaryfloodhazarddata. A letter to all property owners with floodplain on their properties was sent on September 1St, 2016. The letter included a copy of the FEMA notice. Those letters that were returned due to updated addresses were mailed new letters on September 201H Staff have answered a number of calls and questions related to the letters and maps. Again, the City's responsibility during this phase is to take comments and appeals, consolidating and providing them to FEMA. After the preliminary review and comment phase, FEMA will review comment and appeal submissions and determine next steps related to the floodplain determinations. At a future date, the City will receive a letter of final determination related to the final floodplain boundaries. The City will be required to update the City's floodplain ordinance during the 6 -month period after the final letter of determination and before maps become effective - the DNR will contact the City with a model ordinance update. The City will need to review carefully and adopt before the maps become effective or the city will no longer be eligible for the flood insurance program. Council Connection — 9/26/16 IRT Update Staff have been working with Integrated Recycling Technology on supplemental information needed per their conditions of approval. In working thorough those items, IRT intends to begin the work on the scale relocation in the spring, in concert with the paving of designated areas on both Fallon and Dundas sites. Change in Use /Occupancy Form At the budget meeting this fall, the Building Department noted that the building code requires a review for code compliance when there is a change in occupancy. The zoning code also requires this review. To support that review, the Community Development and Building Department have prepared a form for use by realtors, leasing agents and property owners when there is a change in use of a building or tenant space. For example, the City would request this form be completed when a tenant space converts from a beauty salon to a dentist office, or when a building is sold and converts from a retail to a restaurant use. This form is not a permit and there is no fee associated with the form itself. The information provided will instead help both departments understand whether any permits may be needed, either building or land -use related. Completion of this type of form before occupancy is beneficial for the tenant and property- owner. While there are cases where a zoning confirmation is required by a lending or financial situations, in many cases buildings are occupied without verification of zoning, fire or building code requirements. Over time, this can create non - conformities with either zoning or building codes (i.e. parking issues, incompatible with surrounding land uses). This then result in additional problems and enforcement costs arising after the fact. Requesting this form in advance of occupancy will help lessen the chance that incompatible uses or violations of code occur within buildings. The two departments hope to begin using this form January 1, 2016. We will work with the Communications Manager and local leasing companies on the roll -out. CSAH 75 /TH 25 Intersection In August of this year, the EDA approved moving forward with a minimal amount of landscaping improvements at the southeast corner of TH 25 /CSAH 75. The Parks Department will install the landscaping as time allows and will blend the types of landscaping with those at the Chamber corner. The EDA also approved the concept of working with an artist for a sculpture of some kind at the corner. At the time a concept is developed, Council and EDA can evaluate the opportunity further. CITY OF Montkeflo COUNCIL CONNECTION AUGUST, 2016 9]►V ` +I Transactions August 2016, the DMV processed 6,377 transactions 714 more than August 2015. DMV year -to date revenue is $390,493 an increase of $10,443.97 or 2.7% more than the same period last year. Please see the following graphs for more detail. $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 DMV Year -to -Date Revenue Comparison August 2011August 2012August 2013August 2014August 2015August 2016 M onticello COUNCIL CONNECTION SEPTEMBER 26, 2016 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Otter Creek Business Park - Restrictive Covenants This item is an update regarding possibly amending existing or establishing new restrictive covenants allowing outdoor storage in Otter Creek Business Park. The EDA held a public comment session at the regular September 14, 2016 EDA meeting. Comments were received from occupants located in the Business Park and considered prior to the EDA action that evening. The EDA passed a motion to not further consider any outdoor storage options or any recommendation in support of adopting less restrictive covenants in Otter Creek Business Park. Staff were further directed to look for alternate sites in the community for the local firm Groebner, Inc. Based on the EDA action, staff research efforts into modifying the protective covenants in Otter Creek Business Park will essentially be wrapped up and come to an end. September 2, 2016 — Meeting with David Heyer, MN -DEED Purpose of the meeting was to receive an update regarding State program funding availability and discuss potential future Monticello projects September 6, 2016 - Meeting with Shelly Garvey, Wright Way Quilt and Sew Purpose of the meeting was to provide information and resources regarding potential funding September 8, 2016 Meeting with Merrill Busch, Rand House Property Purpose was to review progress points regarding the concept residential development project at the Rand Mansion property September 20, 2016 — Tour of Vector Tool and Manufacturing Purpose of the tour was part of the IEDC's Industry of the Year Program /Event September 20, 2016 —Chamber of Commerce Luncheon Purpose of the meeting was networking and update from Wright County Law Enforcement by County Sherriff September 21, 2016 -Tour of WSI Industries Purpose of the meeting was part of the IEDC's Industry of the Year Program /Event ,4CITY OF Monti6eflo COUNCIL CONNECTION SEPTEMBER 26, 2016 HI -WAY LIQUORS Sales through August 31, 2016 Attached are schedules and charts for total sales in each major sales category through the end of August 2016. Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 8/31/2016 Total Sales Month 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 CYM -LYM Y -T -D Jan $ 249,670.43 $ 316,280.10 $ 300,631.85 $ 296,838.64 $ 302,114.52 $ 328,004.13 $ 355,029.76 $ 380,425.45 $ 364,675.32 -4.1% -4.1% Feb 255,440.36 284,988.38 285,584.50 315,239.00 307,385.41 337,923.99 333,487.18 347,777.77 362,746.98 4.3% -0.1% Mar 295,257.14 318,050.39 324,062.21 335,032.60 388,195.21 408,071.17 377,391.62 388,003.16 401,256.91 3.4% 1.1% Apr 281,365.81 346,738.34 369,112.88 389,543.24 347,321.09 388,395.50 389,250.82 421,280.89 428,729.44 1.8% 1.3% May 377,177.10 384,337.08 399,489.67 409,309.12 433,829.01 436,195.21 498,095.67 523,401.05 482,917.95 -7.7% -1.0% Jun 350,727.93 381,782.23 377,458.15 409,726.07 461,423.68 440,255.04 426,392.73 474,203.81 470,585.33 -0.8% -1.0% Jul 409,870.50 430,838.23 466,122.69 466,738.15 447,452.18 485,459.76 479,174.06 542,973.27 527,519.46 -2.8% -1.3% Aug 409,575.96 383,523.07 386,245.30 408,734.83 445,158.94 503,181.84 484,955.71 470,505.22 462,669.36 -1.7% -1.3% Sep 317,846.07 346,900.80 346,557.62 373,719.64 390,399.33 379,381.19 397,495.82 439,444.29 - Oct 351,268.98 360,742.04 375,367.40 365,702.14 372,676.23 396,328.87 409,967.74 460,096.82 Nov 332,605.88 341,875.49 360,661.96 376,855.40 421,960.12 424,038.37 465,299.53 474,241.74 Dec 436,379.03 454,982.63 485,617.01 505,482.70 527,865.36 518,379.58 549,200.76 569,707.38 Total $4,067,185.19 $4,351,038.78 $4,476,911.24 $4,652,921.53 $4,845,781.08 $5,045,614.65 $5,165,741.40 $5,492,060.85 $ 3,501,100.75 Change $ 283,853.59 $ 125,872.46 $ 176,010.29 $ 192,859.55 $ 199,833.57 $ 120,126.75 $ 326,319.45 $ (1,990,960.10) Change % 7.0% 2.9% 3.9% 4.1% 4.1% 2.4% 6.3% -36.3% $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 Monthly Hi -Way Sales Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ■ 2008 ■ 2009 E2010 ■ 2011 7 2012 ■ 2013 2014 2015 ■ 2016 Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 8/31/2016 Beer Month 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 CYM -LYM Y -T -D Jan $ 122,218.36 $ 157,849.78 $ 146,246.32 $ 143,906.08 $ 149,406.45 $ 160,903.32 $ 173,814.13 $ 191,370.26 $ 176,483.68 -7.8% -7.8% Feb 121,734.33 137,055.23 140,624.54 150,075.08 150,589.28 162,865.75 161,168.63 164,508.11 175,055.27 6.4% -1.2% Mar 138,889.05 155,196.13 164,157.70 163,595.55 203,957.25 192,607.52 185,325.68 192,955.79 199,141.66 3.2% 0.3% Apr 146,613.65 178,834.20 189,978.23 194,504.16 179,486.77 186,134.31 198,195.77 219,756.39 228,133.10 3.8% 1.3% May 201,232.14 210,097.48 223,678.47 208,963.65 227,664.73 234,738.30 256,188.77 259,306.91 250,403.11 -3.4% 0.1% Jun 193,801.97 207,793.83 206,043.42 224,769.03 259,671.21 243,389.79 238,322.11 263,421.95 263,264.15 -0.1% 0.1% Jul 226,317.96 229,199.79 260,971.50 258,734.60 253,648.64 273,319.54 265,555.32 301,867.65 296,513.68 -1.8% -0.3% Aug 226,653.65 203,222.86 211,996.32 216,546.53 242,179.20 281,577.25 267,802.95 253,141.21 250,255.41 -1.1% -0.4% Sep 166,679.60 183,586.32 183,865.70 199,170.24 208,974.88 202,213.80 211,854.94 233,215.56 Oct 176,382.34 179,873.10 190,893.27 180,043.06 187,386.57 191,764.20 210,454.13 234,882.09 Nov 158,322.50 154,584.13 168,265.14 171,866.27 195,276.37 192,162.71 202,081.91 207,055.40 Dec 187,691.06 190,655.19 203,080.13 216,560.71 224,952.83 217,491.21 234,178.12 241,996.27 Total $2,066,536.61 $2,187,948.04 $2,289,800.74 $2,328,734.96 $2,483,194.18 $2,539,167.70 $2,604,942.46 $2,763,477.59 $ 1,839,250.06 Change $ 121,411.43 $ 101,852.70 $ 38,934.22 $ 154,459.22 $ 55,973.52 $ 65,774.76 $ 158,535.13 $ (924,227.53) Change % 5.9% 4.7% 1.7% 6.6% 2.3% 2.6% 6.1% -33.4% Monthly Beer Sales $350,000 ■ 2008 $300,000 ■ 2009 $250,000 ■ 2010 $200,000 ■ 2011 $150,000 ■ 2012 $100,000 ■ 2013 $50,000 ■ 2014 ■ 2015 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ■ 2016 Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 8/31/2016 Liquor Month 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 CYM -LYM Y -T -D Jan $ 73,930.87 $ 92,370.42 $ 91,472.50 $ 91,279.01 $ 93,085.69 $ 103,977.89 $ 113,943.25 $ 118,577.85 $ 118,211.20 -0.3% -0.3% Feb 74,261.89 83,513.27 85,484.92 96,541.21 92,489.93 106,387.16 107,609.55 112,198.85 113,060.59 0.8% 0.2% Mar 78,870.42 88,569.65 93,133.42 101,047.04 112,244.43 124,487.55 116,316.49 118,269.49 118,839.79 0.5% 0.3% Apr 76,735.80 90,627.19 95,025.54 110,898.81 98,080.67 113,594.37 115,579.47 123,841.34 126,073.89 1.8% 0.7% May 103,409.29 102,041.75 106,395.62 111,586.59 114,299.35 127,622.31 135,370.38 140,116.66 129,009.36 -7.9% -1.3% Jun 91,805.81 103,580.02 102,086.20 115,136.72 128,604.32 124,019.90 120,291.71 136,716.81 135,763.26 -0.7% -1.2% Jul 105,782.85 118,883.98 122,861.98 130,624.19 123,672.73 139,270.04 139,967.77 155,436.54 150,173.35 -3.4% -1.5% Aug 106,489.25 103,977.01 101,487.43 113,869.37 126,065.14 141,197.73 138,660.76 136,440.40 135,841.14 -0.4% -1.4% Sep 88,448.34 94,335.50 94,528.17 103,373.64 109,153.56 107,605.71 115,119.19 129,195.42 Oct 97,046.60 102,236.90 102,983.14 103,533.14 106,326.73 116,677.74 124,271.15 140,198.97 Nov 97,348.39 90,996.73 102,298.02 105,501.75 120,127.29 126,412.24 134,241.85 132,261.11 Dec 135,221.23 143,684.12 153,690.60 159,717.50 172,370.96 175,523.36 184,746.26 190,944.24 Total $1,129,350.74 $1,214,816.54 $1,251,447.54 $1,343,108.97 $1,396,520.80 $1,506,776.00 $1,546,117.83 $1,634,197.68 $ 1,026,972.58 Change $ 85,465.80 $ 36,631.00 $ 91,661.43 $ 53,411.82 $ 110,255.21 $ 39,341.83 $ 88,079.85 $ (607,225.10) Change % 7.6% 3.0% 7.3% 4.0% 7.9% 2.6% 5.7% -37.2% Monthly Liquor Sales $250,000 ■ 2008 $200,000 ■ 2009 ■ 2010 $150,000 ■ 2011 $100,000 ■ 2012 u w2013 $50,000 — Fm 2014 2015 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 02016 Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 8/31/2016 Wine Month 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 CYM -LYM Y -T -D Jan $ 30,700.42 $ 41,810.19 $ 43,324.18 $ 48,437.59 $ 50,238.83 $ 54,949.83 $ 59,391.16 $ 61,128.65 $ 60,454.56 -1.1% -1.1% Feb 33,407.17 39,410.85 42,230.84 52,847.05 54,642.27 60,573.12 57,228.51 62,600.47 64,797.38 3.5% 1.2% Mar 47,603.93 45,525.38 46,165.18 54,639.16 57,735.22 77,810.58 66,425.24 67,121.51 71,840.82 7.0% 3.3% Apr 31,755.42 48,303.48 61,146.04 62,289.18 57,973.74 79,736.19 63,101.05 63,285.56 61,268.24 -3.2% 1.7% May 38,522.75 40,963.86 45,733.08 68,701.95 78,740.40 62,491.07 92,083.62 109,512.94 87,333.35 -20.3% -4.9% Jun 31,796.95 37,522.00 44,211.14 49,089.65 56,607.74 59,523.15 54,270.56 59,036.14 54,889.39 -7.0% -5.2% Jul 36,909.44 41,813.65 48,334.93 49,664.45 54,467.20 57,115.44 57,743.98 66,029.11 60,750.62 -8.0% -5.6% Aug 35,932.62 41,333.00 46,871.28 53,172.68 61,825.30 64,057.61 62,446.04 63,546.01 60,015.78 -5.6% -5.6% Sep 33,830.69 39,798.20 47,859.52 53,916.37 60,317.17 59,121.12 59,409.30 62,210.27 Oct 45,750.04 48,422.79 58,081.87 60,949.40 66,423.82 75,606.28 63,659.41 70,038.32 Nov 50,106.64 66,331.86 71,928.30 85,933.28 97,249.52 96,824.40 117,402.23 122,947.90 Dec 75,866.80 84,285.84 101,676.19 109,267.01 116,610.70 113,008.24 115,617.50 120,274.96 Total $ 492,182.87 $ 575,521.10 $ 657,562.55 $ 748,907.77 $ 812,831.91 $ 860,817.03 $ 868,778.60 $ 927,731.84 $ 521,350.14 Change $ 83,338.23 $ 82,041.45 $ 91,345.22 $ 63,924.14 $ 47,985.12 $ 7,961.57 $ 58,953.24 $ (406,381.70) Change % 16.9% 14.3% 13.9% 8.5% 5.9% 0.9% 6.8% -43.8% Monthly Wine Sales $140,000 ■ 2008 $120,000 — ■ 2009 $100,000 — ■ 2010 $80,000 — ■ 2011 $60,000 —I ■ 2012 $40,000 2013 2014 $20,000 — 2015 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ■ 2016 `74 CITYiOF Monto COUNCIL CONNECTION September 26, 2016 PARKS DEPARTMENT Staff is working on the following tasks listed below: • Chipping requests • Cemetery; selling and locating graves • Locating Riverside grave lot pins • Equipment /vehicle repairs • Park rental setups • Routine building maintenance • Fertilizing • Aerating • Mowing • Ballfield maintenance • Shade tree inspections • Irrigation blow outs and repairs • Fishing pier maintenance with high water Updates: BCOL Interim Improvements: Staff has completed seeding and the first application of fertilizer on the 20 -acre field. The turf is growing well and staff will apply a winterizer to the turf this fall. Ellison Park Shelter: Staff is currently working on excavation for the Ellison Park shelter. The goal is to have the frost footings in before freeze -up. Riverside Cemetery: Staff added material to most of the roads throughout the cemetery, updated the cremation section and added a new infant grave area. Council Connection — 09/26/16 Burr Oak Blight: Staff has been working with residents and assisting them with proper treatments of the oaks depending on how infected they are with Burr Oak Blight. Dutch Elm Inspections: Staff marked fifty trees for removal and is working with residents to remove the trees properly. Toro Rake O Vac: Staff had an opportunity to demo a new vacuum for turf and debris cleanup from MTI Toro. The machine performed excellent! STREET DEPARTMENT Shop: The shop has been busy doing normal maintenance on equipment and vehicles with other repairs as listed: • Replaced front brakes on unit #206 (2004 Ford F450). Streets: • Sign repairs in various areas. • Street light and stop light repairs. • Patching streets in the Meadow Oak area. • Stoplight painting project on Hwy 25 between River St. and Chelsea Rd. • Street sweeping as needed. • Pavement markings on Fallon Ave between Chelsea Rd and School Blvd has been completed. Stormwater: • Stormwater outfall inspections. • Cleaning culverts and ditch work along the railroad tracks between Washington St and Wright St. WATER DEPARTMENT The Water Department has been working on the following items: • Locating and inspecting new water main, new sewer main with services, and storm sewer. • Sewer jetting and televising all clay sewer mains in the old part of town and removing roots if needed. • Installing Neptune radio readers in the River Mill area. 80 units installed out of 370 accounts. • Inspecting water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer for the Dahlheimer Addition. Council Connection — 09/26/16 • Equipment, vehicle, and building maintenance. • October 3rd start reading water meters. • October 5th start water main flushing, starting in the southeast end of town working west. • October 11th cleaning and servicing lift stations. • Fleet Farm utility work to start in October. 505 Walnut St. Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Jeff, 13999 Industrial Boulevard Becker, Minnesota 55308 -9611 Xcel Energy is pleased to invite civic and business leaders to attend a community appreciation breakfast on Wednesday, September 281h. We hope you will be our guest at the Monticello Community Center (505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN) from 7:30AM until 9:OOAM. The intent of the meeting is simple, but important. At Xcel Energy, we believe the best way to serve your community is to exchange information and ideas through continued discussion of local issues and opportunities. Please let us know if you are able to join us by emailing or calling Kristy Ahlbrecht at Kristy .L.Ahlbrecht(a�xcel energy. com or (763) 261 -3049 by September 21St. We look forward to seeing you on September 28th Sincerely, Laura McCarten Peter Gardner Ron 3revig Regional Vice President Xcel Energy Xcel Energy Northern States Power Company - Minnesota Monticello Site VP Sherco Plant Director From: Carolyn C Jackson [ mai Ito: CC] ackson @faherty- hood.com] Sent: Monday, September 19, 2016 1:46 PM To: Becky Burich (rbu rich @hoytlakes.com); Bradley M Peterson; Crystal Johnson ( crystal .johnson @granitefalls.com); Dave Smiglewski; Greg Hagy (grhagy @gmail.com); Greg Pruszinske (gpruszinske @ci.becker.mn.us); Jeff O'Neill; Kay Kuhlmann (kay.kuhlmann @ ci.red - wing.mn.us); Lynnette Brannan; Mark Skelton; Marshall Hallock (marshall.hallock(a)ci.red- wing.mn.us); Mary McComber (marymccomber @aol.com); Max Peters; Rick Hendrickson (rhendrickson@ci.becker.mn.us); Timothy Flaherty Cc: Bradley M Peterson; Chris J Henjum Subject: Coalition of Utility Cities update Hi Coalition of Utility Cities Members, As you all know, last October Xcel Energy filed an amended Integrated Resource Plan that proposed closing the Sherco II plant in Becker in 2023 and the Sherco I plant in 2026. This plan also included building a gas -fired plant in North Dakota and one in Becker, as well as adding wind energy and more solar capacity (some of which will be situated in Becker). The Public Utilities Commission asked stakeholders for comments by September 8, 2016. The MN Department of Commerce filed its last comments on Sept. 12 and recommends the Public Utilities Commission approve Xcel's revised Integrated Resource Plan. The MN DOC submitted comments on September 8, and followed up with supplemental comments on September 12. In these two sets of comments, the DOC recommends that the Commission approve Xcel's plan for retiring Sherco I and Sherco II. They also recommend that the Commission allow Xcel to begin the acquisition process for the gas fired plants even before the final order is issued. In its analysis, the DOC examined whether it might be better to close the King plant in Oak Park Heights rather than one of the Sherco plants. DOC concluded that the current Xcel plan is the best, but the King closure was also a viable option, stating, "If the Commission is concerned about retiring two units at Sherco, retiring the King unit in 2027 in place of a second Sherco retirement is a viable alternative." Also, the DOC examined whether Prairie Island should be decommissioned early or whether the rates should be raised to accommodate the capital improvements that are needed for that plant. They recommended that a decision to close Prairie Island should not be made at this time, but Xcel should submit a full analysis within 18 months of the order on this Integrated Resource Plan. The Coalition of Utility Cities will continue to examine economic development opportunities for communities where their plants may be closed or recommissioned as gas instead of coal. It looks like the future of energy production will be affecting a number of communities, if not all of us. Please let me know if you have any questions about this. Thanks! Carolyn Jackson Senior Lobbyist Flaherty and Hood cciackson @ faherty- hood.com Office (651) 259 -1928 Cell (612) 735 -2627