Monday, November 14, 2016 — 6:30 p.m.
Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center
Present: Brian Stumpf, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, and Glen Posusta
Absent: None
1. General Business
A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Brian Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with a quorum
present. The pledge of allegiance was recited.
B. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda
• Tom Perrault added discussion on crosswalks.
• Brian Stumpf added discussion on the Pink House.
C. Citizen Comments
• None.
D. Public Service Announcements
• Rachel Leonard, Communications Coordinator, provided an update on the
following events:
1. Hi -Way Liquors is hosting a holiday show on November 18, from 7-
9 p.m. at the Monticello Community Center. Tickets can only be
purchased in advance.
2. Winter Parking Ordinance goes into place on November 15, 2016.
The ordinance is in effect until April 15, 2016 and states that there is
no parking on City streets from 2 a.m. until 6 a.m. In addition, when
there is a snowfall there is no parking until streets have been plowed.
3. Thanksgiving hours for City Hall and all other departments were
F. Council Liaison Undates
• IEDC — Brian Stumpf noted that there was discussion in regard to the
need for a new housing study. This information will be brought to the
EDA at a future meeting. The committee also discussed the current
Economic Development projects.
• Highway 25 Coalition - Brian Stumpf commented that the City of Becker
has officially joined the Coalition. The group is waiting to hear on Becker
Township's membership.
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• BCOL — Brian Stumpf commented that the group discussed and approved
the Master Plan for the Athletic Complex. The final purchase will be on
December 1, 2016 in Buffalo. They also discussed the annual
• Planning Commission — Charlotte Gabler stated that the commission held
two public hearings which are on the current agenda.
• EDA — Lloyd Hilgart noted that the EDA held a special meeting to review
the RFPs for the Downtown Plan Study. There were four proposals and
the EDA is looking at a date to interview the three proposals that were
selected. Jim Thares commented that the interviews will be held on
November 29, 2016.
G. Department Uadates
• Tom Moores provided an update on a second leaf pick-up. He noted that
the contract with Advanced Disposal includes a fall leaf pick up and a
spring leaf pick up. The Council discussed the possibility of another pick-
up. Glen Posusta questioned if City staff could pick the leaves up. Tom
Moores responded that this could be completed. Brian Stumpf requested
that the second leaf pick-up be completed on the Wednesday, November
23, and that staff get the information out to the public.
• City Administrator Jeff O'Neill provided an update on the following
1. Staff will be holding a new City Council Member orientation. Date
will be decided in future.
2. There will be a recognition party for Tom Perrault and Glen Posusta
on December 1 at the VFW at 4:30 p.m.
3. Staff will be conducting two community meetings in regard to 95th
Street, Gillard Avenue, County Road 39.
2. Consent Agenda
Glen Posusta moved approval of the Consent Agenda excluding item A and tabling
item H. Tom Perrault seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: ITEM
B. Consideration of approving new hires/departures. Recommendation: Approved
the hires for the MCC and Liquor Store and departures for the MCC,
Streets, Parks, and Liquor Store.
C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property.
Recommendation: No report this cycle.
D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016-084 changing to an "Open Book"
format in lieu of the formal Local Board of Appeal and Equalization meetings for
the 2017 assessment. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2016-084
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approving a change to an "Open Book" format in lieu of the formal Local
Board of Appeal and Equalization meetings for 2017 assessment.
E. Consideration of approving the purchase of a new $16,927 Alitec Cold Planer for
the Public Works Department through the Central Equipment (Internal Service)
Fund. Recommendation: Approved the purchase of an Alitec Cold Planer
from Titan Machinery based upon their state contract pricing of $16,927 and
the authorization to sell the old planer at public auction following delivery of
the new router.
F. Consideration of approving a quit claim deed for parcel 155-185-001011 to FRHP
Lincolnshire, LLP. Recommendation: Approved the quit claim deed for
parcel 155-185-001011 to FRHP Lincolnshire, LLP in consideration of a of a
sum of $5,880, contingent upon payment by FRHP Lincolnshire of all costs
associated with the preparation, review and recording of the deed, payment
of applicable trunk area charges, and platting of the parcel with the
proposed Camping World First Addition, and subject to final review by the
City Attorney and satisfaction of any comments as to the title commitment
and quit claim deed.
G. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016-085 accepting improvements and
authorizing final payment for the School Boulevard/Fallon Avenue and 85th Street
Improvements, City Project No. 14C003. Recommendation: Adopted
Resolution 2016-085 accepting improvements and authorizing final payment
to Knife River, Corp. for the School Boulevard/Fallon Avenue and 85' Street
Improvements, City Project No. 14C003.
H. Consideration of approving an assessment with Mosbart Properties LLC for the
2016 Street Reconstruction Project, City Project No. 15C001. Recommendation:
Item was table to the November 28, 2016 meeting.
2A. Consideration of items removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion.
A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills.
Tom Perrault removed the item because he was missing one of the check runs.
The other City Councilmembers had the information.
Lloyd Hilgart moved approval of the bill and purchase card registers for a
total amount of $1,524,560.86. Glen Posusta seconded the motion. Motion
carried unanimously.
4. Regular Agenda:
A. Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for vehicle sales and rental
in a B-3 Highway Business) and B-4 (Regional Business) District, a request for
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Conditional Use Permit for accessory use auto repair in a B-3 District, a request
for Preliminary and Final Plat for Camping World 1St Addition, and a request for a
zoning_map amendment to consolidate the zoning designation on the two subject
parcels to either a B-4 or a B-3 District. Applicant: FRHP Lincolnshire, LLC.
Steve Grittman, NAC, presented the item and gave a brief overview. He noted
that the Planning Commission recommended approval on all of the applications.
Staff recommends approval of the rezoning, the Conditional Use Permits, and the
Preliminary and Final Plat applications, based on the applicant's representations
that the site will be updated but used essentially in its current configuration, and
subject to the requirements of Exhibit Z.
Decision 1: Charlotte Gabler moved approval of Ordinance 655 rezoning
that part of Lot 1, Block 1 which lies Northeasterly of vacated Chelsea Court
as dedicated in the 90t' Street 3rd Addition from B-4, Regional Business to B-
3, Highway Business District, based on findings as stated in Planning
Commission Resolution No. PC -2016-036. Glen Posusta seconded the
motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Decision 2: Glen Posusta moved to adopt Resolution 2016-073 approving the
Conditional Use Permits for Vehicle Sales and Rental and Accessory Vehicle
(Automotive) Service for Camping World RV, based on the findings in said
resolution, and subject to requirements of Exhibit Z. Charlotte Gabler
seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Decision 3: Charlotte Gabler moved to adopt Resolution 2016-074 approving
the Preliminary and Final Plat and Development Agreement for Camping
World First Addition, based on the findings in said resolution, and subject to
the requirements of Exhibit Z, and subject to final comments and satisfaction
of the City as to the development agreement. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the
motion. Motion carried unanimously.
B. Consideration of authorizingfg application for the Federal Surface
Transportation Program for the Fallon Avenue Overpass.
Shibani Bisson provided a brief presentation and noted that this is the same
Federal funding program awarded for the TH 25/CSAH 75 Intersection Project. It
is anticipated that approximately $2.8 to $3.0 million dollars will be available for
eligible projects within Region 7W with funds available in 2021. The exact
amount of funding is expected to be released in December 2016. WSB is
recommending that the City consider applying for the Fallon Avenue overpass
proj ect.
Charlotte Gabler moved approval of Alternative 1 - authorizing the funding
application for the FY 2021 Federal Surface Transportation Program (STP)
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for the Fallon Avenue Overpass. Glen Posusta seconded the motion. Motion
carried unanimously.
C. Consideration of discussion on direction for Christmas lights outlining the front of
the Monticello Community Center on Walnut Street.
Tom Moores provided a brief update and noted that the cost of lights would be
approximately $2,500. There was discussion on purchasing lights after Christmas
when they are marked down in cost and then put up lights next year.
Glen Posusta moved authorization to purchase holiday lights after Christmas
in the amount of $2,500 to be used next year. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the
motion. Motion carried unanimously.
D. Consideration of canvassing the returns and adopting Resolution 2016-086
declaring the results of the 2016 General Election for the City of Monticello
Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk, presented the item and noted the election results.
Ms. Schreiber commented on the large size of the precinct and the issues that
arose because of its size. She commented that there is the possible need of an
additional precinct in the future and/or additional voting machines. There was
some discussion and it was recommended to visit the issue again closer to the
2018 election.
Tom Perrault moved to adopt Resolution 2016-086 (as revised) accepting the
canvass of the votes as listed and declaring the results of the 2016 General
Election for the municipal offices of the Mayor and Councilmembers: Mayor
Brian Stumpf and Councilmembers William Fair and Jim Davidson. Lloyd
Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Other Discussion:
• Tom Perrault questioned installing a crosswalk near Cardinal Hills and Pioneer Park on
Starling Drive. Jeff O'Neill responded that there may be an issue of safety because there
is a hill there but it can be looked into. Glen Posusta added that this would give people a
false sense of security. Tom Perrault also questioned installing a crosswalk midblock
between the Library and Community Center. There was some discussion on midblock
• Glen Posusta mentioned that there were street lights out at the roundabout. Tom Moores
responded that the City has contacted Xcel and they are to replace the lights.
• Brian Stumpf updated the City Council on the pink house. Preparations are being made
to have it demolished the first week in December.
By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
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Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber
Attest: 0,
City Administrator
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