Parks Commission Agenda Packet 01-22-2015Park Commission Agenda: 01/22/2015 AGENDA REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEETING January 22, 2015 — 9:15 A.M Monticello Public Works Office "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining city parks with a high standard of quality. " 1. Call to Order. 2. Approve Minutes of Regular Parks Commission Meeting December 4, 2014 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen's requests and comments. 5. Motion to approve changes to Riverside Cemetery Rules and Regulations. 6. Motion to review and approve Park Reservation Policy for 2015. 7. Motion to review and approve Park Memorial Bench program for 2015. 8. Update on Spring Tree Order. 9. Motion to approve staff time at BCOL Rotary Playground Project. 10. Update on lighting issue at Xcel Ballfields. 11. Discussion of contracted mowing services for 2015. 12. Motion to approve staff attending Shade tree Short Course for tree inspector recertification. 13. Next regular meeting scheduled for March 26, 2014. 14. Motion to adjourn. 1 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I DEC 4, 2014 MINUTES PARKS COMMISSION MEETING THURSDAY DECEMBER 4, 2014 - 9:15 A.M. "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining Cityparks with a high standard of quality. " Members Present: Larry Nolan, Nancy McCaffrey, Tim Stalpes, Brian Stumpf, Brian Stoll (late to the meeting so not included in the vote tally) Members Absent: Jack Gregor Others Present: Tom Pawelk, Park Superintendent Beth Green, Administrative Assistant 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 9:17 a.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approve Minutes of Parks Commission Meeting from September 18, 2014. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO APPROVE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY TIM STALPES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4 -0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. A. Ellison Park Insurance Claim: Tom Pawelk said that based on the timing of the vandalism at Ellison Park some of the repair work remains incomplete. The insurance company will keep the claim open until the contractors can come in the spring to complete the repairs.. B. Annual Appointments: Both Larry Nolan and Nancy McCaffrey stated that they wish to continue serving on the Parks Commission. TIM STALPES MOVED TO APPOINT LARRY NOLAN AND NANCY MCCAFFREY TO SERVE ANOTHER 3 -YEAR TERM ON THE PARKS COMMISSION SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE CITY COUNCIL. MOTION SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5 -0. Page 1 of 4 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I DEC 4, 2014 C. Part -Time Seasonal Hour Change : Tom Pawelk said the issues with the seasonal help have been resolved and his is not able to hire seasonals for the full 180 days; however, after 30 days of employment, the seasonal worker will be required to pay union dues. There is one seasonal worker that has been hired for the winter season in the Parks Department. D. Little Library: Tom Pawelk said the little library in West Bridge Park has gone over really well with the public. The student who originally input the library has contacted him about adding another library and Pawelk said they are looking at putting one in Pioneer Park in the spring. E. Dog Park: Tom Pawelk said he has been in communication with the original petitioners of the dog park and informed them that the City Council did not approve the funds to implement the park but that there are other ways to move forward with it such as having a local group raise money. The park is still on the radar for the Meadow Oak area but without funding, the planning and implementation is in limbo at this point. 4. Citizens requests and comments. Tom Pawelk noted that he received a very nice letter from the Baseball Association for this year. They appreciated all the fieldwork and efforts from the Parks Department. 5. Discussion and motion to proceed with Hunters CrossinlZ Park Development Plans for 2015. Tom Pawelk reviewed and discussed the Hunters Crossing Park Development. Brian Stumpf asked Pawelk to pay a courtesy call to the adjoining property owners of the park to make the aware of the park installation. Stumpf also stated that he would like to see the play structure shielded with trees and/or shrubbery so it is more aesthetically pleasing to those adjoining property owners. Pawelk said that the plan does include planting trees around the play structure. Pawelk said that he will be working with the girl scouts on landscaping in the park so that they can earn their gold award. The plan is to plant native grasses and wild flowers and once the grasses are developed they will create passive trails throughout the greenspace. Pawelk said the native grasses will help cut down on the labor of mowing. Once the trails are developed, the girl scouts will put in kiosks to identify the native species. Pawelk said they are going to do a similar footprint to River Mill Playground, and the shelter will be same size as the one at Groveland Park. There is no parking lot planned as it is a neighborhood park and the residents can easily access it via the Page 2 of 4 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I DEC 4, 2014 sidewalk connection. The Parks Department is planning a supervised installation and the benefit is that this type of installation keeps the warranty valid and saves the City $15,000 in labor costs. If the play structure is ordered before the end of 2014, there is an additional $1,200 cost savings to the City. With these savings, the total is $42,374.32. The color scheme will be the same as River Mill and it will fit in well in this neighborhood and the colors of the homes there. Pawelk asked for approval from the Parks Commission for moving forward with ordering the play structure before the end of the year. If approved, the planned installation will be June 2015. TIM STALPES MOVED TO APPROVE THE HUNTERS CROSSING PARK DEVELOPMENT AND AUTHORIZE THE PARK SUPERINTENDENT TO ORDER THE PLAY STRUCTURE IN 2014 TO RECEIVE THE COST SAVINGS; WITH THE PLANNED INSTALLATION IN JUNE 2015. MOTION SECONDED BY NANCY MCCAFFREY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4 -0. 6. Update on City Council direction for Fallon Avenue pathway connection. Tom Pawelk reviewed the tentative plan for the pathway connection, noting there will be some issues with the slope fill area for the wetland mitigation and a storm pipe. This will run north and south from 87th to Farmstead. Pawelk indicated the pathway connection will be included with the School Boulevard Project in 2015. Pawelk explained that the standard pathway width is 10% however, the pathway will be brought down to 8' at the mitigation area and the oak tree area to help lessen the impact to that area and the trees. 7. Outdoor Recreation update. Tom Pawelk informed the Parks Commission that the 4th Street Park rinks will officially open on Saturday with staff on duty in the warming house. Council authorized the addition of Friday night so the signs have been updated with the new extended hours. Pawelk said that both the sliding hills are being very well used. He said he's working with the MCC Event Coordinator on advertising for winter rentals at West Bridge Park as it is ideal for birthday parties, skating and sledding parties. 8. Discussion of setting aside a section at Riverside Cemetery for a future columbarium for above ground cremation memorials. Tom Pawelk explained that the trend for cremation burials is moving to the above - ground columbarium type memorials. Pawelk reviewed a map of the cemetery and indicated that there is an area at the NW corner of the cemetery where the land is more flat and on higher ground so that may be an ideal spot for this type of memorial. Pawelk said he would like to narrow down an appropriate Page 3 of 4 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I DEC 4, 2014 area and get something done in the next year. He also stated that he's planning to put in the budget to have the SE side of the cemetery surveyed and pinned for lots to sell. He plans to do some more research and will bring back more information to the Parks Commission in the spring. 9. Next regular meeting scheduled for January 22, 2015. The next regular Parks Commission Meeting is scheduled for January 22, 2015, at 9:15 a.m. in the Public Works Office. 13. Motion to adiourn. TIM STALPES MOVED TO ADJOURN THE PARKS COMMISSION MEETING AT 10:20 A.M. MOTION SECONDED BY NANCY MCCAFFREY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4 -0. RECORDED BY: teeth &reen DATE APPROVED: ATTEST: Page 4 of 4 CITY OF M01 keff0 PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF MONTICELLO RIVERSIDE CEMETERY FEESTRUCTURE January 1, 2015 THE FOLLOWING FEES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE PLEASE CALL MONTICELLO PUBLIC WORKS AT (763) 295 -3170 FOR CURRENT PRICING GRAVE FEES Weekday Weekend Full Grave Excavation $ 400.00 $ 450.00 Frost Charge — in addition to the full grave excav fee (December thru February) RESIDENT NON - RESIDENT Full Grave (4'x 12') Flush Marker Area (New Section) $ 900.00 $ 1,100.00 Full Grave (4'x 12') Raised Marker /Monument Area (Old Section) $ 1,000.00 $ 1,200.00 Infant Grave (2'x 6') $ 300.00 $ 300.00 Cremation Grave Section (4'x 4') $ 500.00 $ 600.00 TRANSFER FEE TransferFee Per Deed ...................................................................................................... ............................... $15.00 EXCAVATION FEE* Staking of grave site for monument /marker placement .......................... ............................... .........................$50.00 Staking of grave site for burial ................................................................ ............................... .........................$50.00 MARKER SETTING FEE Flat marker setting by City (including concrete border) ........................ ............................... ........................$150.00 PERPETUAL CARE FEE New Grave Sales .................................................................................. ............................... Included In Grave Price GravesSold Pre -1960 ............................................................................ ............................... ........................$100.00 ADMINISTRATIVE FEE AllBurials ............................................................................................... ............................... .........................$50.00 F: \ADMIN \WORDPROC \CEMETERY \RIVERSIDE \FORMS \FEE SCHEDULE.DOC: 1/16/15 -PAGE I of 5 - Weekday Weekend Full Grave Excavation $ 400.00 $ 450.00 Frost Charge — in addition to the full grave excav fee (December thru February) $ 100.00 $ 100.00 Infant Grave Excavation $ 100.00 $ 125.00 Cremation Grave Excavation $ 80.00 $ 105.00 Cremation Disinterment $ 75.00 $ 75.00 Opening & Closing of Niche $ 50.00 $ 50.00 *Note: All excavation fees include top dressing grave with black dirt and seeding The excavating contractor shall place dirt and seed all casket burials The City shall place dirt and seed all cremation burials Frost charge fee included in contract signed May 2010 GRAVE STAKING FEE Staking of grave site for monument /marker placement .......................... ............................... .........................$50.00 Staking of grave site for burial ................................................................ ............................... .........................$50.00 MARKER SETTING FEE Flat marker setting by City (including concrete border) ........................ ............................... ........................$150.00 PERPETUAL CARE FEE New Grave Sales .................................................................................. ............................... Included In Grave Price GravesSold Pre -1960 ............................................................................ ............................... ........................$100.00 ADMINISTRATIVE FEE AllBurials ............................................................................................... ............................... .........................$50.00 F: \ADMIN \WORDPROC \CEMETERY \RIVERSIDE \FORMS \FEE SCHEDULE.DOC: 1/16/15 -PAGE I of 5 - CITY OF MONTICELLO CONTACTS RIVERSIDE CEMETERY Monticello Public Works TELEPHONE: .................................................................................................. (763) 295 -3170 FAX: ............................................................................................................. (763) 271 -3272 All fees collected by funeral directors should be mailed to: MONTICELLO PUBLIC WORKS Attn: Riverside Cemetery 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 All burial permits should be mailed to Monticello Public Works All cremation certificates should be mailed to Monticello Public Works Registry book on file at Monticello Public Works Interment information inquiries can be directed to Monticello Public Works Cemetery snow plowing requests can be directed to Monticello Public Works Landscaping /lawn care questions or comments can be directed to Monticello Public Works ALL other policy questions can be directed to Monticello Public Works F: \ADMIN \WORDPROC \CEMETERY \RIVERSIDE \FORMS \FEE SCHEDULE.DOC: 1/16/15 - PAGE 2 of 5 CITY OF MONTICELLO RIVERSIDE CEMETERY GENERAL CEMETERY PRACTICES FOLLOWED BY THE CITY THIS IS A SUMMARY OF CEMETERYRULES. FOR A COMPLETE COPY OF THE RIVERSIDE CEMETERYRULES AND REGULATIONS, PLEASE CONTACT THE MONTICELLO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. THANK YOU. Grave Size: oFull Grave ....................................................................................... .............................4' x 12' o Cremation Grave .............................................................................. .............................4' x 4' oInfant Grave ...................................................................................... .............................2' x 6' Burial Restrictions: o Cremation Grave ................................ ............................... Two (2) Urns Ashes [Maximum] o Infant Grave .................................................. ............................... One (1) Infant [Maximum] o Full Grave .......................... ............................... ............................One (1) Adult [Standard] or .......................... ............................... One (1) Adult and One (1) Infant [Maximum] or .............. ............................... One (1) Adult and One (1) Urn of Ashes [Maximum] or ...................................................... ............................... Two (2) Infants [Maximum] or .............................................. ............................... Two (2) Urns Ashes [Maximum] o No grave shall be purchased for any other purpose than for the burial of the human dead and the placement of appropriate memorials. o If two graves available, husband shall be buried whenever possible in the grave directly south of his wife's grave. o Deceased buried facing east (facing the sunrise). Purchase of Graves: o Never, under any circumstances, will graves be reserved without payment in full. o Graves shall be purchased at the current stated fee only. Call for current fee. o Deeds shall be issued upon full payment. o The purchaser shall agree in the deed conveying the grave that their rights are subject to the Rules and Regulations of Riverside Cemetery as the Council of the City of Monticello shall adopt. o Graves shall not be re -sold or transferred except back to the City of Monticello. o Graves may only be returned to the City of Monticello upon submittal of the original Deed. o Returned graves will be credited the original purchase price stated in the Deed. o A transfer fee is required for all grave returns or grave exchanges. Call for current fee. F: \ADMIN \WORDPROC \CEMETERY \RIVERSIDE \FORMS \FEE SCHEDULE.DOC: 1/16/15 - PAVE 3 of 5 - Reclaim inz Graves: o The City of Monticello reserves the right to reclaim graves. o The 1 st of January of each year the City shall commence the reclamation of graves purchased 60 years prior with no burials or contacts since that time. o The City shall advertise these graves subsequently for three weeks. o Upon no response from grave owners, these graves will become reclaimed by the City. o Reclaimed grave status shall change from "reserved" to "open for sale ". o The City of Monticello reserves the right to charge current fees for the sale of these reclaimed graves. In term en is /Excavations: o A minimum of 48 -hours notice must be given prior to any interment. o Graves must be marked by the City of Monticello prior to commencing any excavation. o All fees must be paid in full prior to any interments, to include the grave fee, excavation fee, perpetual care fee (if applicable), staking fee and administrative fee. o Excavations shall be completed by the City of Monticello or its approved Contractor only. Monument /Marker Setting: o The City of Monticello shall be notified prior to the setting of any monuments or markers. o A staking fee (as stated) shall be paid to the City of Monticello. o Contractors setting monuments or markers shall supply the City of Monticello with a current certificate of liability insurance. o Monuments /markers shall be set in a border (minimum of 3") of concrete at grade level. o Monuments /markers shall not be constructed of any artificial material. o Monuments /markers may be purchased from any reputable monument company. o Flat markers required in new section of cemetery. o Only one marker per grave is allowed in new section unless otherwise stated. o Marker shall be set at the head facing east. F: \ADMIN \WORDPROC \CEMETERY \RIVERSIDE \FORMS \FEE SCHEDULE.DOC: 1/16/15 - PAGE E `'F Of 5 - Cemetery Ground Rules: o No signs, notices or advertising of any kind shall be permitted within the cemetery. o No peddling or soliciting of any kind shall be permitted within the cemetery. o No alcoholic beverages allowed on grounds. o No pets allowed on grounds. o No snowmobiles, ATV's or motorized bikes allowed on grounds. o No glass containers, bottles, etc. allowed on grounds. o No landscaping /lawn care shall be performed by persons other than the City of Monticello or an approved contractor. o No trees, shrubs, plants, flowers, etc. shall be placed or planted on grounds unless authorized by the City of Monticello. o Memorial trees, benches, shrubs, plant stands and pots, etc. available for purchase. Contact Monticello Public Works. Cemetery Maintenance: o Mowing of grass, weeding, trimming of weeds, raking leaves, litter and debris pickup and disposal shall be performed by the City of Monticello or it's approved Contractor. The City reserves the right to supplement mowing, trimming or litter /debris pickup operations with its own forces or volunteers at any time. o The water system shall be shut off when the first hard freeze is eminent, usually October. o The water system shall be turned back on after all the frost is gone in the spring and ground temperatures are suitable for growing grass, usually in May. o Snow plowing shall commence in the cemetery as soon as practical upon completion of plowing operations by City crews of city parking lots, city offices, streets, sidewalks, and pathways. An exception to this would be if there is a burial pending, then the plowing would be done immediately upon notification of burial. o The Hennepin County Forestry Division shall be allowed to bring in supervised crews once per year to collect acorns for their reforestation program. Cemetery Hours: The cemetery shall be open to the public daily from 7 a.m. - Sunset. Please contact the Monticello Public Works Department with any questions Phone: (763) 295 -3170 Fax: (763) 271 -3272 F: \ADMIN \WORDPROC \CEMETERY \RIVERSIDE \FORMS \FEE SCHEDULE.DOC: 1/16/15 - PAGE E J Of 5 - MONTICELLO RIVERSIDE CEMETERY RULES AND REGULATIONS EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1, 2001 (AMENDED JANUARY 22, 2004) 1. PURCHASE OF GRAVES: 1.1 All fees or charges shall be set by the City and are payable to the City at the Public Works Office located at 909 Golf Course Road, Monticello, MN 55362. 1.2 No grave shall be reserved with the intent to purchase for any reason. 1.3 Upon full payment of the purchase price of a grave, the City of Monticello will issue a cemetery deed conveying the grave, executed by the City, and the deed shall be recorded in the records of the City. Description of the grave will be in accordance with the cemetery plats, which are kept on file at the City Public Works Office. 1.4 Any graves previously reserved with partial payment shall be deeded once the balance has been paid in full. The balance of any such grave will be the current asking price less the previously deposited funds. The current asking price is based upon the City's Fee Schedule. If such individuals are no longer interested in purchasing such grave, their previously deposited funds will be returned without interest if requested. 2. CONDITIONS OF GRAVE PURCHASE: 2.1 All graves will be sold subject to these rules and regulations, or those hereafter adopted. The purchaser shall expressly agree, in the deed conveying the lot their rights are subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as the City Council may adopt. The deed, and these rules and regulations, and any amendments, constitute the sale agreement between the cemetery and the lot owner. 2.2 No grave shall be used for any purpose other than the burial of human remains and the placing of appropriate memorials, as per the rules and regulations of the cemetery. 2.3 No easement or right of interment is granted to any grave owner in any road, drive, alley, or walkway within the Riverside Cemetery, but such road, drive, alley, or walkway may be used as a means of access to the owner's cemetery grave or graves. 2.4 The City reserves, and shall have, the right to correct any errors that may be made by it either in making interments, disinterment, or removals, or in the description, transfer, or conveyance of any interment property, either by canceling such conveyance and substituting and conveying in lieu thereof other interment property of equal value and similar location, as far as possible, or as may be selected by the City, or in sole discretion of the City, by refunding the amount of money paid on account of said purchase. In the event that such error shall involve the interment of remains of any person in such property, the City reserves, and will have, the right to remove or transfer such remains so interred to other property of equal value and similar location as may be substituted and conveyed in lieu thereof. F: ADMIN \ \WORDPROC \RIVERSID \RULES.FRM: EFFECTIVE 11/01/01: AMENDED 01 /22/2004 -PAGE 1 OF 8 - 3. TRANSFER OF GRAVES: 3.1 The owner of a cemetery grave may transfer the grave: 3.1.1 To the City of Monticello at the original sale price, 3.1.2 Any of his /her relatives, who may survive him /her by will for the use and benefit of the person designated in the will, or 3.1.3 To other persons not related to him/her. In all cases, the owner must complete and have signed by witnesses and a Notary Public, a Transfer of Ownership document provided by the City of Monticello. The transfer of ownership document must be approved by the City prior to the transfer of graves by the owner. When a transfer has been made in conformance with these rules, the City will issue a deed to the new owner. In all cases, a transfer fee payable to the City of Monticello will apply based upon the City's current fee schedule. 3.2 No grave will be permitted to be re -sold, disposed of, or otherwise used until the purchase price, and all unpaid charges, have been paid in full. 3.3 No cemetery grave may be re -sold or otherwise disposed of, without approval of the City of Monticello. 3.4 Grave owners may not allow interments to be made on their grave unless the transfer of grave process has been completed. 4. DESCENT OF GRAVES: 4.1 On the death of a grave owner, such grave shall be granted and conveyed by the City to the descendant's surviving spouse. If there is no surviving spouse, then to the descendant's eldest surviving child; if there is no surviving child, then to the descendant's youngest surviving sibling; if there is no surviving spouse, child or sibling of the descendent and the grave is not sold during the administration of the descendant's estate or otherwise provided for by will, the City may convey the lot to any of the descendant's parents, siblings or descendants as it deems fit. 1. BURIAL PERMITS: 5.1 A burial permit shall be issued and delivered to the City of Monticello for all burials in the cemetery. In the case of a cremation burial and certificate of cremation shall be delivered to the City of Monticello. F: ADMIN \ \WORDPROC \RIVERSID \RULES.FRM: EFFECTIVE 11/01/01: AMENDED 01 /22/2004 - PAGE 2 OF 8 - 2. INTERMENTS: 6.1 Grave owners are granted only the right of interment in their graves. The City of Monticello reserves the right to refuse to permit the interment of anyone who is not at the time the owner of the lot, or a relative of the owner, by blood or marriage. Permission, in writing, and with the seal of a Notary Public, of the grave owner must accompany all requests for permits to bury persons not members of the immediate family of the grave owner. 6.2 At least forty -eight (48) hours notice shall be given prior to the time set for the funeral service to assure a timely grave opening. 6.3 No casket shall be interred in the cemetery unless it is enclosed in a concrete vault or box. Ashes must be placed in a container prior to burial. 6.4 Should the grave owner or funeral director fail or neglect to designate the location, the City of Monticello reserves the right to make the interment in a location designated by the City. The City will not be responsible for any order given by telephone, or for any mistake occurring from the want of precise, proper instructions as to the particular location within a plot where interment is desired. 6.5 Interments are for the purpose of the human dead only. No pets, jewelry, artifacts, or other material items will be allowed to be buried. 6.6 The City will not be liable for the interment permit, nor the identity of the person sought to be interred. 6.7 No interment of more than one body shall be made in one grave, except in the following cases: 6.7.1 One adult and one child or infant. 6.7.2 Two infants or children. 6.7.3 Two urns of ashes. 6.7.4 One adult and one urn of ashes. 6.8 The cost of interments, including burial of ashes, shall be set by the City. 3. DELAY OF INTERMENT: 7.1 The City of Monticello will be in no way liable for any delay in the interment of a body when a protest to the interment has been made, or where rules or regulations have not been complied with. 4. DISINTERMENTS: 8.1 Written permission of the grave owner, and the next of kin, shall be filed with the City, and a permit from the County Health Officer shall be secured and presented, and the required fees paid before any grave may be opened for any purpose. At least thirty (30) days written F: ADMIN \ \WORDPROC\RIVERSID \RULES.FRM: EFFECTIVE 11/01/01: AMENDED 01 /22/2004 - PAGE 3 OF 8 - notice must be given prior to any disinterment. This provision does not apply when disinterment is ordered by a duly authorized public authority. 8.2 The cost of disinterment will be the same as the current cost of interments. 5. MONUMENTS, MARKERS AND FOUNDATIONS: 9.1 Every marker must be placed in the space reserved therefore, as shown upon the plat of such grave, or as directed by the City. 9.2 Monuments will be allowed in the old section of the cemetery only and are limited in size to a maximum of 36" for a single grave and a maximum of 72" for a double grave, including the 3" concrete border. 9.3 Monuments will not be allowed in the new section of the cemetery. Only flat markers of sizes specified by the City will be allowed in the new section of the cemetery. Marker size shall not exceed 2'x 3' for a single grave, 2' x 4' for a double grave, and 12" x 18" for a single baby grave, including the 3" concrete border. All markers shall be uniform in thickness and a minimum of 4" thick with the exception of the brass veteran markers. Markers embracing more than two graves will not be permitted, unless otherwise approved by the City. (Updated 3125102, City Council) 9.4 No monument or marker, nor any part thereof, may be constructed of limestone, sandstone, or any artificial material. 9.5 A foundation of concrete is required for monuments /markers. There shall be a minimum of 3" concrete border set at grade level. Setting of all monuments /markers shall be performed by the City or its approved contractor, or an accepted monument company. The City requires that all above ground monuments /markers must be attached to the foundation by setting it into the wet cement, pinning it into the cement, or adhering it to the foundation using exterior adhesive for stones such as PL400. 9.6 Prior to any monument /marker placement the City or its approved contractor shall be contacted in order to stake the area and supervise the placement. 9.7 For all graves there will be a staking fee payable to the City of Monticello as listed in the City's current fee schedule. 9.8 The City requires that all flush markers in the new section of the cemetery shall be set at the head end and face east. Furthermore, all monuments /markers in the old section shall be set at the head end and face east unless existing conditions warrant placing elsewhere. Such variances will be approved in writing by the City prior to monument /marker placement. F: ADMIN \ \WORDPROC\RIVERSID \RULES.FRM: EFFECTIVE 11/01/01: AMENDED 01 /22/2004 - PAGE 4 OF 8 - 9.9 Only one marker will be permitted on any one grave in the new part of the cemetery with the exception of a veteran marker which may be placed at the foot end, unless otherwise approved by the City. 9.10 A maximum of three monuments will be permitted on any one grave in the old part of the cemetery (e.g., a family name monument, an individual monument or marker and/or a flat veteran's marker). 9.11 Corner markers of like material may be placed on graves and/or lots in the old part of the cemetery only. Corner markers shall be no larger than 4" x 4" square and shall be placed flush with the ground. 6. PERMANENT CARE: 10.1 The general care of the cemetery is assumed by the City and includes the following: A. Cutting of the grass at reasonable intervals; B. Raking and cleaning of the grounds; C. Pruning of the shrubs and trees that may be placed by the City; and D. Maintaining the general preservation of the graves and grounds, walks, roadways, boundaries, and structures, to the end that said grounds shall remain and be reasonably cared for as cemetery grounds. The general care of the cemetery may be awarded by contract to private firms by the City as they see fit. 10.2 General care of the cemetery assumed by the City shall in no case mean the maintenance, repair, or replacement of any monument marker erected upon graves, nor the doing of any special or unusual work in the cemetery. 7. LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS: 11.1 Plants and flowers may be placed above ground, in pots on stands. Any pot placed on the ground will not be the responsibility of the City of Monticello, or its employees, should it be destroyed. Flowers and other items placed directly on the grave may be removed by the City prior to routine cutting of the grass. 11.2 No trees, shrubs, or vines may be planted, nor may fences be erected. The City reserves the right to remove any tree, shrub, vine, plant, or flowers which may become unsightly, dangerous, or not in keeping with the landscape design of the cemetery. 11.3 Pots, urns or stands that are left unused on a grave for a period of one (1) year will be removed by the City. F: ADMIN \ \WORDPROC\RIVERSID \RULES.FRM: EFFECTIVE 11/01/01: AMENDED 01 /22/2004 - PAGE 5 OF 8 - 11.4 All landscaping, grading, and seeding shall be done by the City of Monticello or its approved contractor. All graves will be seeded and kept flush with the adjacent ground. When weather conditions allow, seeding will be done following the burial. 11.5 The City will make water available to grave owners for care of flowers and plants in pots, set in stands, from spring to fall of each year, depending on weather. Grave owners may water the grass covering their graves. 11.6 The City cannot be held responsible for any damages, loss, or theft, of any personal property such as flowers, plants, decorations, vases, crocks, markers, monuments, etc. 11.7 The last week in April will be designated as Spring Cleanup in the cemetery. Easter arrangements will be allowed one week before and one week after Easter. 11.8 The last week in October will be designated as Fall Cleanup in the cemetery. All items left on the ground will be disposed of and the City will not accept liability for such items. The City recommends that above ground pots and stands should be removed before the first freeze and can be replaced at the appropriate grave site after the completion of Spring Cleanup. If pots and stands are left year- round, the City will not accept responsibility for such items if they are destroyed due to weather, snow plowing, vandalism, etc. 8. PERPETUAL CARE: 12.1 There shall be established a Perpetual Care Fund and all monies collected for perpetual care of graves shall be deposited in said fund, and shall be kept separate from all other funds of the City. 12.2 The fee for perpetual care shall be fixed by the Council of the City by resolution. 9. HOURS OF OPERATION: 13.1 The cemetery will be open to visitors during the hours of 7 a.m. to one half hour past sunset. Permission to enter at all other times shall be secured from the City. The City reserves the right to refuse admission to the cemetery and to refuse the use of any of the cemetery's facilities, at any time, to any person or persons whom the City may deem objectionable to the best interest of the cemetery. 10. GENERAL REGULATIONS: 14.1 Persons within the cemetery shall use only the paths and walkways, and no one is permitted to walk upon or across lots or graves unless it is necessary to do so to gain access to one's own lot. The cemetery expressly disclaims any liability for any injuries sustained by anyone violating this rule. F: ADMIN \ \WORDPROC\RIVERSID \RULES.FRM: EFFECTIVE 11/01/01: AMENDED 01 /22/2004 - PAGE 6 OF 8 - 14.2 Persons visiting the cemetery or attending funerals are strictly prohibited from writing upon, defacing, or injuring any monument or marker, breaking or injuring any tree, shrub, plant, or other structure within the cemetery grounds. 14.3 The following acts are expressly prohibited, as well as any other violations of City Ordinances and regulations that may apply: 14.3.1 The driving of motor vehicles into the cemetery, unless attending a funeral, visiting a relative or friends gave site, or carrying on maintenance work authorized by the City. 14.3.2 The driving or parking of any motor vehicle across or upon any grave or lot. 14.3.3 Loud or boisterous talking or music. 14.3.4 Bringing of lunches or refreshments, including alcoholic beverages, into the cemetery or consuming them on the grounds. 14.3.5 Peddling or soliciting the sale of any commodity within the cemetery. 14.3.6 Placing of signs, notices or advertisements of any kind within the cemetery. 14.3.7 Bringing firearms into the cemetery, except by military escort accompanying a veteran's funeral, attending memorial services, or by police officers while in the line of duty. 14.3.8 The throwing of rubbish on any part of the grounds. 14.3.9 The walking of pets (including dogs, cats, or any other household pet) on any part of the grounds. 14.3.10 The driving or parking of any snowmobiles, ATV's or motorized off -road bikes on any part of the grounds. 14.3.11 The placing of glass containers or bottles on any part of the grounds. 14.4 Special cases may arise in which the literal enforcement or interpretation of a rule may impose unnecessary hardship. The City reserves the right to make exceptions, suspensions, or modifications of any of these rules and regulations, when in the judgment of the City such action appears necessary, and such a temporary exception, suspension, or modification shall in no way be construed as affecting the general application of such rules and regulations. F: ADMIN \ \WORDPROC\RIVERSID \RULES.FRM: EFFECTIVE 11/01/01: AMENDED 01 /22/2004 - PAGE 7 OF 8 - 14.5 The City of Monticello reserves the right to amend these rules and regulations whenever it is determined that it is in the best interest of the cemetery to do so. Any and all amendments to these regulations will be approved by the City Council of Monticello. 14.6 The City of Monticello reserves the right to remove all monuments, markers, flowers, plants, trees, decorations, or other similar objects whenever any of these objects become unsafe, unsightly, dangerous, or not in keeping with the landscape design of the cemetery. 14.7 Specific costs for graves, interments, disinterment, burial of ashes, and setting monuments /markers are not included in these rules because of the necessity to revise these rates. A current schedule of fees can be obtained from the City. 14.8 Individuals with questions or concerns about cemetery operations shall report their concerns to the Office of Public Works and shall not delay, interfere with or harass City employees, authorized contractors, or agents of the City as they go about their duties in the cemetery. 11. PENALTIES: 15.1 Violation of the City Ordinance is considered a misdemeanor and the penalty is described by law. These cemetery rules and regulations are part of the City Ordinance and shall be enforced and penalties imposed for violation of such rules and regulations. 12. CEMETERY MANAGEMENT: 16.1 The responsibility for the management of Monticello Riverside Cemetery and all matters related thereto shall be vested in the City. 16.2 The Monticello Parks Commission shall be the overseeing board for any maintenance or other issues with regard to Monticello Riverside Cemetery. ANY QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS IN REGARD TO THE MONTICELLO RIVERSIDE CEMETERY RULES AND REGULATIONS AS SET FORTH HEREIN SHALL BE DIRECTED TO: MONTICELLO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 909 GOLF COURSE ROAD MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 55362 TELEPHONE: (763) 295 -3170 FACSIMILE: (763) 271 -3272 F: ADMIN \ \WORDPROC\RIVERSID \RULES.FRM: EFFECTIVE 11/01/01: AMENDED 01 /22/2004 - PAGE 8 OF 8 - POLICIES 1. Reservations are based on a 6 -hour time frame. 2. Reservations will be accepted in person and over the phone! Telephone reservations need credit card to reserve and come in to sign agree- ment. 3. Separate Resident and Non - Resident rates will be charged based on a 6 -hour rental. 4. Non - profit organizations will be limited to twice/ year reservations at no charge. 5. A 30 -day notice is required for cancelations requesting a refund. 6. A Key /Clean -Up Deposit is required. Upon a satisfactory inspection of the facility the deposit will be refunded. 7. A copy of the permit must be brought to the facility as proof of reservation. 8. You must be 18 years of age or older to reserve a facility. 9. Responsible adult supervision must be provid- ed at all times to ensure that the facility and sur- rounding grounds are utilized in a safe and orderly manner. 10. Law enforcement officials have the authority to ask uncooperative offenders to leave the park. 11. Park Facilities include tables. Contact the Parks Department prior to your event to request up to (8) additional aluminum picnic tables for an extra fee of $25 /table. Extra Tables will be deliv- ered on Friday for weekend reservations upon request. [ Ellison Park Gazebo ] 12. Any violation of Park Rules, Policies or other City Ordinances may result in loss of reservation and future access to park facilities. 13. All motorized vehicles must be parked in designated parking areas. 14. NO ALCOHOL is permitted in City Parks. 15. Park Hours 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. 16. It is necessary to pick up a key for the West Bridge Park Community Room and the Pioneer Park Community Room. 17. Keys may be checked out on the last business day prior to the event. The key must be returned to Monticello Community Center after the event. 18. The key may be dropped off after hours in the "Utilities" drop box. There is a drop box located in the Community Center Foyer and another box in the Com- munity Center Parking Lot. 19. If you do not pick up a key and a City Employee must open the facility, you will be charged an addition- al fee of $55 to have that employee assist you. 20. Water is always available at the parks. 21. Rest Rooms will be kept open during park hours, with the exception of Pioneer Park. 22. You are responsible for keeping the park clean by leaving facilities and grounds free of littler. Patrons can help by wiping their picnic tables and cleaning up any spills on shelter floors. (This may include exces- sive litter, messes /spills left on shelter floor or picnic tables, damage to pavilion or picnic tables, or other damage directly related to the rental use). 23. The City Parks Department will always do their best to keep the park and its facilities in good condi- tion. However, sometimes rentals are back to back and other users leave it a mess so you may want to check it out prior to your event to be sure it is clean enough. Other users sometimes vandalize facilities or litter the grounds. Please report such conditions so that you are not held accountable! 763 - 295 -3170 [ Pioneer Park Community Room] CLEANoUP CBECKLIST PICK UP LITTER EMPTY SMALL GARBAGE CANS INTO THE D UMPSTER CLEAN OFF THE PICNIC TABLES • CLEAN OFF THE COUNTER TOPS REMOVE ALL PARTY DECORATIONS Thank You for leaving the park grounds and facilities in as good a condition as when you arrived! CITY OF Monticello COMMUNITY CENTER 505 Walnut Street, Suite #4 Monticello, MN 55362 Phone: 763 - 271 -7123 Fax: 763 - 271 -7105 For Park Reservations Call: 763- 271 -7123 CITY OF Monti e o PARKS 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 Phone: 763 - 295 -3170 Fax: 763 - 271 -3272 For Park Maintenance Concerns Call: 763- 295 -3170 For more information on Monticello's Parks and Trails, please visit: monticellopatmus/map CITY OF Monticeflo PARKS Q;�� � FW SE-- RyAT� CHECK FACILITIE(S) DESIRED COST/ 6 HRS AMENITIES RENTAL FEE INCLUDES MN D 01 o w STATE SALES TAX O y- is ° o OTHER NON T a' a ° 0? � a a m oh¢ PARKS FACILITY RESIDENT RESIDENT °`�� AMENITIES NAME: EAST BRIDGE PARK GAZEBO $100 $125 5.2 IKEY RETURNED: Y/ N DATE: ADDRESS: I DATE: • • STATE: • • PHONE: RESERVATION DATE REQUESTED: FROM: RIVER OVERLOOK TO: ELLISON PARK GAZEBO $100 $125 5.3 • • • • • go* HANDICAP PLAY AREAS ELLISON PARK LOG SHELTER $100 $125 5.3 • • • • • • • • HANDICAP PLAY AREAS WEST BRIDGE PARK COMMUNITY ROOM $100 $125 2.5 • • • • • • • • • • • • IISIING PIER, CANOE LAUNCH WEST BRIDGE PARK PICNIC SHELTER $100 $125 2.5 • • • • • • • • • • • • FISHING PIER, CANOE LAUNCH PIONEER PARK CONCESSION STAND $100 $125 23.2 • • • • • • • • • • • • GROVELAND PARK PICNIC SHELTER $100 $125 4.2 • • • • • • OTTER CREEK PARK GAZEBO $50 $75 0.4 • • • • • • CREEK OVERLOOK SUB -TOTAL RENTAL FEE Renters Email Address "DEPOSIT WILL BE REFUNDED AFTER KEYIS RETURNED AND /OR FACILITY HAS BEEN INSPECTED KEY / CLEAN -UP DEPOSIT * $200 $200 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE PAID ICASH I I CREDIT CARD I CHECK # I HAVE RECEIVED, READ AND AGREE TO ABIDE BY ALL PARK ORDINANCES, RULES AND REGULATIONS, AS WELL AS ALL CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS PERMIT AND IN THE PARK RESERVATION POLICY SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: ISSUED BY: DATE: DATE: NAME: KEY ISSUED: Y / N ORGANIZATION: FACILITY INSPECTED BY: NON - PROFIT ID: IKEY RETURNED: Y/ N DATE: ADDRESS: I DATE: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE: RESERVATION DATE REQUESTED: FROM: AM /PM TO: AM /PM I HAVE RECEIVED, READ AND AGREE TO ABIDE BY ALL PARK ORDINANCES, RULES AND REGULATIONS, AS WELL AS ALL CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS PERMIT AND IN THE PARK RESERVATION POLICY SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: ISSUED BY: DATE: DATE: * PERMIT MUST BE TURNED IN TO CITY HALL AT 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE 1, MONTICELLO, MN CALL 763- 295 -2711 WITH QUESTIONS Key 6 garbage bags Copy of reservation confirmation SIGNED BY: DATE: Guest Services Associate Renter Signature KEY ISSUED: Y / N KEY #: FACILITY INSPECTED BY: IKEY RETURNED: Y/ N DATE: DEPOSIT CHECK RETURNED: Y / N I DATE: * PERMIT MUST BE TURNED IN TO CITY HALL AT 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE 1, MONTICELLO, MN CALL 763- 295 -2711 WITH QUESTIONS BOUT THE PROGRAM The Memorial Bench & Tree Program honors the memory of a loved one Through the Memorial Bench & Tree Program, friends and relatives can provide a unique dedication to loved ones by placing a A tree or bench in one of the beautiful city parks in Monticello. This historical f is dedication will provide a lasting remembrance in - — honor of a loved one and enhances the meaning of�x a bench or tree to observers. The gift is also a valuable contribution to the Monticello Park System! People of all ages visit our parks on a daily basis for park trails, athletic sports, playground activities, concerts, picnics, family reunions, and other gatherings and neighborhood activities. Others come to the parks just to relax and get away from the stresses and pressures of everyday life. Whatever the reason for visiting our parks, your generous gift will be recognized and appreciated by the park system. The City of Monticello would like to thank you for considering this heartfelt dedication. �HE CITY OF MONTICELLO WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF YOUR GIFT BENCHES: All benches will be available in 6' lengths and green in color unless otherwise specified. The City of Monticello will provide a concrete pad for the bench and install it for you. The engraved plaque will be attached to the back of the seat of the bench. BENCH CHOICES PARK /PATH OR OTHER DESIGNATED AREA (AS APPROVED BY PARK SUPERINTENDENT) QTY ITEM # DESCRIPTION 6CB4RP RECYCLED CONTOUR BENCH BIRCH JPA -136 PREMIUM RECYCLED PLASTIC BENCH B6WBMODERN- PSM MONACO EXPANDED STEEL BENCH WILD BLACK CHERRY RBLF80 +SM RENAISSANCE BENCH B6WBRCSM CLASSIC PLAYERS BENCH B6WBCLASS- CASINOSM METROPOLITAN WAVE BENCH - INCLUDES TAX, SHIPPING 8 INSTALLATION lench 61: $1,500 ° All Pricing Subject to Change ° TREES: Trees are 2" - 3" balled and burlapped. A post with an engraved plaque will be placed next to the tree if you so choose. Your choice of Maple, Birch, Pine, Spruce, Wild Cherry or Crab. IT Rr, W (� � ICo H(� 5, QTY DESCRIPTION MAPLE, AUTUMN BLAZE MAPLE, SUGAR BIRCH WHITE PINE BLACK HILLS SPRUCE WILD BLACK CHERRY CRAB, PRAIRIFIRE CRAB, PINK SPIRE * INCLUDES TAX, SHIPPING 8 INSTALLATION * TPOe Cost: $300 W[ MIRRI, FUME QTY DESCRIPTION PLAQUE (UP TO 30 LETTERS) PLAQUE INFORMATION (2 LINES ONLY): IN MEMORY OF ... or, IN HONOR OF ... ❑ Contact Parks Department for Current Pricing ❑ NAME: El (763) 295 -3170 ADDRESS: D El ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ CITY OF Monticello PHONE: PARKS onticeitc 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, 763. 271 -3272 OR VISIT I ONN AT; www.ci.monlicello.mn.w CITY OF Monti ello - PARKS , PHONE: 763.295.3170 r` J i HERICA INDE AMUR CHOKEC r" A f -t¢< nRnFR.qnnF, FFR27fh Pick Up Trees at Public Works April 22 -24 Top Grade Nursery Quality Bare Root Trees Six Varieties Available Up to 10' in Height Cost: $35.00 /Tree Limited Stock First Come /First Serve Hurry and Order Today! (LIMIT 3 TREES PER HOUSEHOLD) .�. -� Monticello NAME ADDRESS: CITY spring Tree sale PHONE: STATE: ZIP: PLEASE SELECT YOUR TREES BELOW BY LISTING THE QUANTITY WANTED PER TREE LIMITED TO A TOTAL OF 3 TREES PER HOUSEHOLD (links to complete tree descriptions with height, spread, shape, color and foliage online) ADDITIONAL TREE INFORMATION & FULL COLOR ORDER FORM ONLINE LOITITS Irexel - - PAYMENT METHODS I Fill out this order form and return with your check, money order or credit card information to: Monticello City Hall Attn: Spring Tree Order 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 YOU WILL BE MAILED A RECEIPT WHICH MUST BE PRESENTED WHEN YOU PICKUP YOUR TREES TREES AVAILABLE FOR PICKUP APRIL 22 -24 AT MONTICELLO PUBLIC WORKS PLEASE CALL 763.295.3170 WITH QUESTIONS CITY OF- �i Monticello Checks or Money Orders should be made payable to: CITY OF MONTICELLO Cash payment accepted in person at Monticello City Hall We also accept credit cards: VISA AJV� DISC VER NEl'WORK PLEASE SELECT PAYMENT METHOD ]CASH ❑CHECK f] MONEY ORDER ❑CREDIT CARD ❑ VISA ❑ MASTERCARD AMERICAN EXPRESS ] DISCOVER CREDIT CARD # EXPIRATION DA SIGNATURE: 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1, Monticello, MN 55362 SECURITY CODE: 763 - 295 -2711 . www.ci.monticello.mn.us COST 4 PER SUB TREE TOTAL $35.00 PLEASE LIST THE QUANTITY WANTED PER TREE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. LIMITED TO 3 TREES PER HOUSEHOLD Bare Root Tree Planting Guide Available Online COST PER TREE INCLUDES SALES TAX www.ci.monticello.mums ADDITIONAL TREE INFORMATION & FULL COLOR ORDER FORM ONLINE LOITITS Irexel - - PAYMENT METHODS I Fill out this order form and return with your check, money order or credit card information to: Monticello City Hall Attn: Spring Tree Order 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 YOU WILL BE MAILED A RECEIPT WHICH MUST BE PRESENTED WHEN YOU PICKUP YOUR TREES TREES AVAILABLE FOR PICKUP APRIL 22 -24 AT MONTICELLO PUBLIC WORKS PLEASE CALL 763.295.3170 WITH QUESTIONS CITY OF- �i Monticello Checks or Money Orders should be made payable to: CITY OF MONTICELLO Cash payment accepted in person at Monticello City Hall We also accept credit cards: VISA AJV� DISC VER NEl'WORK PLEASE SELECT PAYMENT METHOD ]CASH ❑CHECK f] MONEY ORDER ❑CREDIT CARD ❑ VISA ❑ MASTERCARD AMERICAN EXPRESS ] DISCOVER CREDIT CARD # EXPIRATION DA SIGNATURE: 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1, Monticello, MN 55362 SECURITY CODE: 763 - 295 -2711 . www.ci.monticello.mn.us »��� Wiz•» � ±�. 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