Parks Commission Agenda Packet 03-26-2015Park Commission Agenda: 03/26/2015 AGENDA REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEETING March 26, 2015 — 9:15 A.M Monticello Public Works Office "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining city parks with a high standard of quality. " 1. Call to Order. 2. Approve Minutes of Regular Parks Commission Meeting from January 22, 2015. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen's requests and comments. A. Chamber of Commerce 5. Review and motion to approve Girls Scouts Gold Project for Hunters Crossing Park. 6. Recommendation to approve dog park subcommittee framework. 7. Demo and discussion of outdoor musical instruments for parks. 8. Discussion of potential collaborative effort to improve tennis courts at Pinewood School. 9. General Park Updates: A. Spring park maintenance. B. Vandalism discussion VM & Ellison Parks. C. Contracted mowing service. D. School Boulevard pathway projects. E. Outdoor skating totals for 2015 Season. 10. Next regular meeting scheduled for May 21, 2014. 11. Motion to adjourn. 1 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I JAN 22, 2015 MINUTES PARKS COMMISSION MEETING THURSDAY JANUARY 22, 2015 - 9:15 A.M. "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining Cityparks with a high standard of quality. " Members Present: Larry Nolan, Jack Gregor, Brian Stoll Members Absent: Nancy McCaffrey, Glen Posusta, Tim Stalpes Others Present: Tom Pawelk, Park Superintendent Beth Green, Administrative Assistant 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 9:12 a.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approve Minutes of Regular Parks Commission Meeting December 4, 2014. BRIAN STOLL MOVED TO APPROVE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 4, 2014 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY JACK GREGOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 3 -0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. None. 4. Citizens requests and comments. None. 5. Motion to approve changes to Riverside Cemetery Rules and Regulations. Tom Pawelk stated that the Riverside Cemetery Rules & Regulations were last revised in 2004. Pawelk reviewed proposed changes to the rules that he said are necessary today due to the changing burial requests and memorials. BRIAN STOLL MOVED TO AUTHORIZE CHANGES TO THE RIVERSIDE CEMETERY RULES AND REGULATIONS AS DISCUSSED AND BRING TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL. MOTION SECONDED BY JACK GREGOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 3 -0. Page 1 of 4 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I JAN 22, 2015 6. Motion to review and approve Park Reservation Policy for 2015.. Tom Pawelk reviewed and discussed the Park Reservation Policy that was included in the agenda packet. Jack Gregor suggested looking at raising rates next year. Pawelk will do a cost comparison of other facilities rental rates and bring back for review at budget time. BRIAN STOLL MOVED TO APPROVE THE PARK RESERVATION POLICY FOR 2015 AS PRESENTED. MOTION SECONDED BY JACK GREGOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 3 -0. 7. Motion to review and approve the Park Memorial Bench & Tree Program for 2015. Tom Pawelk reviewed and discussed the Park Memorial Bench & Tree Program that was included in the agenda packet. BRIAN STOLL MOVED TO APPROVE THE PARK MEMORIAL BENCH & TREE PROGRAM FOR 2015 AS PRESENTED. MOTION SECONDED BY JACK GREGOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 3 -0. 8. Update on Spring Tree Order. Tom Pawelk said that the Spring Tree Orders were sent out with the utility bill this week. There are a variety of six trees available to City residents at a cost of $35 /tree limited to 3 trees/household. Tree orders are due by February 27th and will be available for pickup at Public Works April 22 -24. This has been a very successful program with over 200 trees on average ordered each year. 9. Motion to approve staff time at BCOL Rotary Playground Proiect. Tom Pawelk explained that the Rotary is working in coordination with the Monticello and Wright County Parks Departments for implementation of a natural playground near the beach at Bertram Lake. The installation is planned for June, and they have asked for the City's expertise in pouring the concrete curbing around the playground. Wright County Parks is doing the grading and site plan. Pawelk said he expects approximately two days of staff time on the project. BRIAN STOLL MOVED TO RECOMMEND THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE AUTHORIZATION OF STAFF TIME TO BE USED AT THE BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK TO ASSIST THE MONTICELLO ROTARY WITH THE INSTALLATION OF THE NATURAL PLAYGROUND PROJECT. MOTION SECONDED BY JACK GREGOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 3 -0. Page 2 of 4 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I JAN 22, 2015 10. Update on lighting issue at Xcel Ballfields. Tom Pawelk explained that last fall there were some major problems with the lighting on Field 3. Pawelk will be submitting a quote from Wes Olson Electric to repair the lights and noted that the City does have an electrical agreement with Wes Olson Electric. Typically the City would use Musco Lighting; however, Musco has stated that for this repair they would rather see someone local do the work. Pawelk noted that it will be important to get the repairs done now while the ground is still frozen with little snow as the machine is very large and heavy so working on the frozen ground will eliminate the rutting from the machine. Pawelk said there are five lights burned out so those will be re- lamped at the same time. The electrical issues are more than likely general wear and tear as the poles have been there for 20 years. The goal is to have the work completed by spring. 11. Discussion of contracted mowing services for 2015. Tom Pawelk explained that the City contracts out mowing services for six different sites within town as follows: • Riverside Cemetery • Prairie West FiberNet Building • Monticello Library • Monticello Hi -Way Liquors • Monticello City Hall /Community Center • Monticello Department of Motor Vehicle The existing mowing contract with Hellman Outdoors expired at the end of December, so the City will need to advertise request for proposals for the mowing and landscape maintenance. Pawelk is hoping that the new proposals will come in at close to the same price or possibly lower due to decreased fuel costs. Pawelk explained that the finance director has asked him not to contract out the areas downtown but rather to contract out both cemeteries and have the City crews take over the downtown area. Pawelk said the issue he has with that is the City crews would have to mow during peak traffic hours, while Hellman Outdoors maintains the public areas on Sundays when the traffic is quiet. Pawelk said that he asked Hellman to provide three different proposals with one being Riverside Cemetery, the second would be a proposal for the existing contract and the third option would be to add Hillside Cemetery to his list. Pawelk said that when he gets the proposals in he will bring back to the Parks Commission for review and recommendation to the City Council. Pawelk noted that he would like to keep the contract with Hellman Outdoors as they have done an excellent job and it may be difficult to bring in a new Page 3 of 4 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I JAN 22, 2015 contractor who may do things differently. Pawelk explained that these areas are contracted out as the particular departments are budged as "Enterprise Funds" which make money so essentially they pay for the mowing out of those funds. 12. Motion to approve staff attending Shade Tree Short Course for tree inspector recertification. Tom Pawelk said the 2015 Minnesota Shade Tree Short Course will be held in Arden Hills on March 17 -18, 2015. Pawelk said that including himself, there are four tree inspectors who need to attend the course to be recertified. Tree inspectors are highly important in the Parks Department as they monitor the City's Shade Tree Program which includes annual Dutch Elm Disease tree inspections. The course also covers new policies and new diseases. Pawelk said the course is budgeted for every year as it's important to keep staff educated to provide the service and expertise to the residents of Monticello. BRIAN STOLL MOVED TO APPROVE THE AUTHORIZATION OF PERTINENT STAFF TO ATTEND THE SHADE TREE SHORT COURSE FOR TREE INSPECTOR RECERTIFICATION. MOTION SECONDED BY JACK GREGOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 3 -0. 13. Next regular meeting scheduled for March 26, 2015. The next regular Parks Commission Meeting is scheduled for March 26, 2015, at 9:15 a.m. in the Public Works Office. 14. Motion to adiourn. LARRY NOLAN MOVED TO ADJOURN THE PARKS COMMISSION MEETING AT 10:22 A.M. MOTION SECONDED BY JACK GREGOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 3 -0. RECORDED BY: teeth &rccii DATE APPROVED: ATTEST: Page 4 of 4 Gold Award project Please type your answers to the following questions in paragraph form on a separate piece of paper and attach your answers to this form. Remember to check your responses for grammar, punctuation and spelling errors. Project title: Hunters Crossing Pathway Proposed start date: 3/1/2015 Proposed completion date: 9/30/2015 A. Describe the issue your project will address and what you hope to achieve. Remember your 15- second pitch. My Gold Award project is to help protect residents of all ages addressing a safety concern within the community. A pre- existing rural street from Hunters Crossing is missing a connection point to the current trail connection. I will be working with the City Council and Parks Department to help design a safe route for trail users. B. Discuss your reasons for selecting this project. Currently it is unsafe for anyone to walk ride bikes on Fallon from the Hunters Crossing housing development to the Pioneer Park Pathway, in addition to crossing the road to get to the sidewalk. The road is too narrow and unsafe. The speed limit is posted but cars drive a bit fast and at times may not be paying attention to their surroundings. I have personally taken this road many times to get to tennis and my younger brother to summer school and have ended up in the ditch because cars were not paying attention to those sharing their roadway. C. Outline the strengths, talents and skills that you plan to put into action. What skills do you hope to develop? I plan to use many skills such as leadership, teamwork, communication and presentations skills. I am hopeful to enhance each of these while working on the project along with learning more on environmental issues and concerns. D. Describe the steps involved in putting your plan into action, including resources, facilities, equipment and approvals needed. (Explain your project as if you are speaking to someone who needs all the details.) I shared our (my brother and mine) stories of taking the roadway from Hunters Crossing to the Pioneer Park trail at the Monticello City Council meeting to get the Hunters Crossing Pathway into the 2015 budget. I have walked the Hunters Crossing neighborhood and asked the residents to sign a petition to show their interest and support to get the Pathway into the budget. I have also researched fast growing grasses and wild flowers that will be placed around the pathway to Pioneer Park. I will be working closely with the City of Monticello to get the pathway in motion prior to school starting in the fall. E. How are you going to display active leadership in your project? Remember: active leadership means involving others in your efforts. How will you lead, coordinate, educate and inspire other people throughout your project? I will be actively working with the residents of Hunters Crossing, our Monticello City Council members and any other Monticello residents wishing to participate in the Pathway project. F. Enter the names of people or organizations you plan to inform and involve. Monticello Hunters Crossing Residents City of Monticello Monticello City Council Monticello City Parks and Recreation Team G. What methods or tools will you use to evaluate the impact of your project? Financially & Monetary: Neighborhood use: Parks Budget Verified by number of signatures Capital Improvement Project Supporting the pathway Generalized from tax levy City Residents - Public improvement H. How will your project be sustained beyond your involvement? What plans will you put in place to ensure your project will live on? The younger Girl Scout troops will learn from us by helping us keep the pathway clean and obstruction free. Each year the City of Monticello recruits volunteers to clean up the pathways -1 will ensure that the Hunters Crossings Pathway is maintained routinely and notify the city if there are issues with the pathway. I. Describe how you plan to tell others about your project, the project's impact and what you have learned (website, blog, presentations, posters, videos, articles and so on). Being actively heard and presenting my case of the unsafe roadway that my brother and I travel during the summer at the city council meeting, which is also broad casted locally and can be viewed by all from the Monticello City Website. Work closely with the City Parks Superintendent to get the word out of the new pathway that will be provided. J. Using the template on page 20, estimate overall project expenses and how you plan to meet these costs. Use "Ways to finance your project" and "Planning and budgeting tips" from the Toolkit for guidance. The City of Monticello is going to be financing the Hunters Crossing pathway project. I worked with the city council members to get the Hunters Crossing pathway into the 2015 budget. No project expenses will be used from our troop funds. Our time, efforts and volunteerism will be measured. K. Using the template on page 21, develop a timeline that shows your plan for achieving your project goals. Use "Planning and budgeting tips" from the Toolkit for guidance. Gold Award project Please type your answers to the following questions in paragraph form on a separate piece of paper and attach your answers to this form. Remember to check your responses for grammar, punctuation and spelling errors. Project title: Prairie Lands of Hunter's Crossing Proposed start date: 3/1/2015 Proposed completion date: 09/30/2015 A. Describe the issue your project will address and what you hope to achieve. Remember your 15- second pitch. Pollinator gardens support our crops for continued fruit, tree and vegetable production. The City of Monticello is taking an ecofriendly step with the installation of a natural prairie at Hunters Crossing Park which will serve long term benefits to the community. B. Discuss your reasons for selecting this project. • Pollinator gardens are one of the most flexible, cost - effective educational tool for the community • These gardens provide clear, real life examples of the interdependent nature of our food ecosystem, and the valuable services that pollinators provide to human society Creating a social hub for park users C. Outline the strengths, talents and skills that you plan to put into action. What skills do you hope to develop? I think I will gain solid presentation and leadership skills while doing this project. I also hope to develop good cooperation and team building skills. Best of all, I hope to learn so much about pollinator gardens and how they benefit the ecosystem. D. Describe the steps involved in putting your plan into action, including resources, facilities, equipment and approvals needed. (Explain your project as if you are speaking to someone who needs all the details). I will be working with the Super Intendant of Monticello parks, Tom Pawelk, and I will get to design how the grasses will be laid out along with the flowers that will be used within the pollinators gardens. E. How are you going to display active leadership in your project? Remember: active leadership means involving others in your efforts. How will you lead, coordinate, educate and inspire other people throughout your project? • 1 presented my thoughts to the Monticello City Council members and have received approvals for the pollinators to be put into the Hunter's Crossing Park development. I will be working closely with Tom's team to get the grasses /flowers laid out and planted correctly. • 1 created a brochure that will educate the community of the new prairie land. F. Enter the names of people or organizations you plan to inform and involve. Monticello Hunters Crossing Residents City of Monticello Monticello City Council Monticello City Parks and Recreation Team G. What methods or tools will you use to evaluate the impact of your project? I am hopeful that once the pollinator gardens are up and going (it could take up to two years) that the teachers of the Monticello School District could use these gardens as an agriculture learning tool. Immediately we would measure the visits to the park to see the gardens. H. How will your project be sustained beyond your involvement? What plans will you put in place to ensure your project will live on? In addition to the city burning down the grasses and pollenated flowers every 2 -3 years the younger girl scout troops in the Monticello area will learn from us by helping us keep the park and gardens clean and rubbish free. I. Describe how you plan to tell others about your project, the project's impact and what you have learned (website, blog, presentations, posters, videos, articles and so on). Being actively heard and presenting our views at the city council meetings, which is also broad casted locally and can be viewed by all from the Monticello City Website. Working closely with the City Parks Superintendent to get the word out of our the new prairie lands with pollinating gardens. J. Using the template on page 20, estimate overall project expenses and how you plan to meet these costs. Use "Ways to finance your project" and "Planning and budgeting tips" from the Toolkit for guidance. The City of Monticello is going to be financing the Hunters Crossing Prairie Lands. I worked with the city council members to get the Hunters Crossing Prairie Lands into the 2015 budget. No project expenses will be used from our troop funds. Our time, efforts and volunteerism will be measured. K. Using the template on page 21, develop a timeline that shows your plan for achieving your project goals. Use "Planning and budgeting tips" from the Toolkit for guidance. Gold Award project Please type your answers to the following questions in paragraph form on a separate piece of paper and attach your answers to this form. Remember to check your responses for grammar, punctuation and spelling errors. Project title: Hunter's Crossing Park Proposed start date: 3/1/2015 Proposed completion date: 09/30/2015 A. Describe the issue your project will address and what you hope to achieve. Remember your 15- second pitch. I am working with the residents of Hunter's Crossing and the city park superintendent to establish a neighborhood play structure covering all age groups. I helped identify the best location for the play structure and site amenities along with the addition of the park entrance sign. B. Discuss your reasons for selecting this project. The reason I selected this project is to give the children and families of the development a safe environment while the pathway on Fallon to Pioneer Park is being built. C. Outline the strengths, talents and skills that you plan to put into action. What skills do you hope to develop? I think I will gain solid presentation and leadership skills while doing this project. I also hope to develop good cooperation, team building skills and I hope to find new ways to view the community like others and to see the city in other ways. D. Describe the steps involved in putting your plan into action, including resources, facilities, equipment and approvals needed. (Explain your project as if you are speaking to someone who needs all the details.) I will be working closely with the Monticello City Parks team. They will be in charge of all heavy equipment. They will provide the resources (trees, flowers, grasses, mulch) for the project. I will be providing my input on where we should place the Hunters Crossing sign that the Girl Scouts get to create, flower beds, picnic area and parking. Manufacturers will be installing the park equipment. I will be working with my team to plant the trees, flowers, grasses and the mulch placement within the park structure. E. How are you going to display active leadership in your project? Remember: active leadership means involving others in your efforts. How will you lead, coordinate, educate and inspire other people throughout your project? I have been working with the residents of Hunters Crossing, our Monticello City Council members, Monticello City Parks Division. I presented at one of the City Council meetings to get the park placed into the 2015 budget. I will be working with any of the Monticello residents wishing to help with the creation of the Hunters Crossing Park. F. Enter the names of people or organizations you plan to inform and involve. Monticello Hunters Crossing Residents City of Monticello Monticello City Council Monticello City Parks and Recreation Team G. What methods or tools will you use to evaluate the impact of your project? Financially & Monetary: Neighborhood use: Parks Budget Verified by number of signatures Capital Improvement Project Support received for park creation Generalized from tax levy City Residents - Public improvement H. How will your project be sustained beyond your involvement? What plans will you put in place to ensure your project will live on? The younger girl scout troops will learn from us by helping us keep the park clean. Each year the City of Monticello recruits volunteers to weed out the flower gardens and place new flowers in the garden -we will ensure that the gardens are updated appropriately in the Hunters Crossing neighborhood. After our involvement, we will pass down the responsibility to the younger girls in Girl Scouts. I. Describe how you plan to tell others about your project, the project's impact and what you have learned (website, blog, presentations, posters, videos, articles and so on). Being actively heard and presented our views at the city council meetings, which is also broad casted locally and can be viewed by all from the Monticello City Website. Work closely with the City Parks Superintendent to get the word out of our new park structure. J. Using the template on page 20, estimate overall project expenses and how you plan to meet these costs. Use "Ways to finance your project" and "Planning and budgeting tips" from the Toolkit for guidance. The City of Monticello is going to be financing the Hunters Crossing project. I worked with the city council members to get the Hunters Crossing park into the 2015 budget. No project expenses will be used from our troop funds. Our time, efforts and volunteerism will be measured. K. Using the template on page 21, develop a timeline that shows your plan for achieving your project goals. Use "Planning and budgeting tips" from the Toolkit for guidance. w PAWS FOR PARKS Monticello Paws for Parks is a local group working to raise funds to develop an off -leash dog park in the City of Monticello. A written request for a dog park was brought to the City in July of 2014. Monticello's Park Superintendent brought forth a proposal to the Parks Commission in September of 2014 to set aside 2 acres of city owned parkland in the Meadow Oak Development as the future site of a dog park in Monticello. The Proposed Site The proposed site is approximately 2 acres of open green space in the Meadow Oak Development on the east side of the city. It is located off of Meadow Oak Drive and County Road 75 near the old eastbound freeway frontage road entrance. This site is ideal for numerous reasons: • It is already city owned and maintained green space by the Parks Department. • There are lighted bituminous trails running around the property to access the residential developments and County Road 75. • There is already a paved parking lot nearby within walking distance to the park. • There is a pond located within the park boundaries which could be improved to include a dock area for throwing, catching and retrieving decoys. The City's Support The Monticello Parks Commission voted to recommend setting aside this portion of land for future development as a dog park and included the dog park development in the list of Top 5 Park Improvements for 2015. The Parks Department already maintains this area and would like to see it utilized by park goers. The City Council approved the land usage for the dog park at the Council Meeting on March 9, 2015. The Improvement Costs In order to make this a functional dog park, there are a few improvements that will need to be made. The plan is to install a double gated entry, fence in a small dog area, and fence in the entire open space area, plant trees, install benches, picnic tables and trash receptacles, and improve the wetland access for dogs to play and splash. The initial start -up costs will be approximately $20,000. While the Parks Commission is extremely supportive in this venture, the City Council did not approve funding for the project in the 2015 Budget. The primary goal of Paws for Parks is to cover the initial start -up costs to implement the dog park. By opening this park, we have the opportunity to provide a better life for dogs and dog owners in Monticello and we have no doubt that this park will flourish. Any donation you can make to help us reach our goal of $20,000 will be greatly appreciated. All donations are tax deductible and all proceeds will be given to the City of Monticello Parks Department for the sole purpose of implementing the dog park! MEADOW OAK PARK PROPOSED OFF -LEASH DOG PARK Date Created: 3/3/2015 Instruments Made Specifically s for the Outdoors co) Q o s N CC) a o 30 • For All Ages and Abilities V • Extreme Durability 0 °' ° 5 N s 0 y] W 2 3�� • Concert Quality Sound W 3 ° ��� • No Wrong Notes Q D • Everyone Can Play Y ~ y w h Y ilk u Find Freenotes Instruments In: • Parks • Botanical Gardens • Schools • Museums • Hospitals • Daycares • Any Outdoor Space "Hearing Freenotes, / was amazed by how good they sound. " Mara Kaplan — Accessible Playgrounds. net Pita ILII1'"Illil1JO .l �4�4 Freenotes Outdoor a rktv. ti Musi cal Instrum Creating Musical Parks in Communities Everywhere www.FreenotesHarmonyPark.com N \\ ' _ ' / 27 m �~ , 0