Parks Commission Agenda Packet 05-28-2015AGENDA REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEETING May 28, 2015 — 9:15 A.M Monticello Public Works Office "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining city parks with a high standard of quality. " 1. Call to Order. Park Commission Agenda: 05/28/2015 2. Approve Minutes of Regular Parks Commission Meeting from March 26, 2015. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen's requests and comments. 5. Hunters Crossing Park update. 6. Dog Park Committee update. 7. BCOL Rotary playground project. 8. Discussion of tennis courts at Middle School. 9. Pathway micro - surfacing proposed project. 10. Discussion of a horses show in West Bridge Park. 11. General park updates: • Spring park maintenance • Ellison Park restroom • Additional porta -pot locations • School Boulevard pathway projects • BCOL fishing piers 12. Next regular meeting scheduled for July 23, 2014. 13. Motion to adjourn. PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I MAR 26, 2015 MINUTES PARKS COMMISSION MEETING THURSDAY MARCH 26, 2015 - 9:15 A.M. "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining Cityparks with a high standard of quality. - Members Present: Larry Nolan, Jack Gregor, Nancy McCaffrey, Glen Posusta Members Absent: Tim Stalpes, Brian Stoll Others Present: Tom Pawelk, Park Superintendent Beth Green, Administrative Assistant 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approve Minutes of Regular Parks Commission Meeting January 22, 2015. JACK GREGOR MOVED TO APPROVE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEETING ON JANUARY 22, 2015. MOTION SECONDED BY NANCY MCCAFFREY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 3 -0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. A. Sunset Ponds Basketball Court Request: Tom Pawelk said that he received an email request from a resident asking about installing a basketball court in Sunset Ponds. Pawelk said there is not a budget for a court in that park at this time. However, an option may be to install a single pole at one end of the parking area. The cost for the pole installation is $1,100 and the Parks Department does have poles on hand. Pawelk noted that there is a nice basketball court in River Mill Park and the pathway system runs from Sunset Ponds to River Mill. Pawelk will respond to the requestor and get other neighborhood feedback on the issue. B. Otter Creek Park: Nancy McCaffrey inquired about the micro - surfacing on the pathway that was done last year but is now peeling in some areas. Pawelk said there's a 1 -year warranty on the micro - surface so he is assessing the areas of concern and the company will complete the repairs as needed under warranty. Page 1 of 4 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I MAR 26, 2015 4. Citizens requests and comments. Tom Pawelk said the Chamber of Commerce sent a thank you card for the additional help with the Frostbite Days. Nancy McCaffrey said a group of East Bridge Gardeners were getting together and a new member toured the park and there was a lady who came walking through and was looking over everything so Nancy introduced herself. She thanked Nancy and said it's a beautiful park and thanked the City and volunteers for doing such a great job. Another gentleman said that he walks the park every day and he's so proud to live around there because the park is so beautiful. 5. Review and motion to approve Girl Scouts Gold Project for Hunters Crossing Park. Tom Pawelk stated that the Monticello Girl Scouts have to do a presentation in front of a committee in St. Paul. There are three girls and each girl has a project that they have identified. Pawelk has met with the girls and he explained that they have to come up with the project themselves, and will present the reason why they want to do the project in front of the committee. The girl scouts have chosen to put in native landscaping in Hunters Crossing Park. Pawelk said he will be working with the girls on putting in a prairie mix grass in this 3 -acre natural area. The scouts will be doing plant identification and will install kiosks along the passive trails. Pawelk said the scouts are doing the leg work and he is assisting them along the way. They will have a neighborhood meeting and then Tom will join in the meeting. They came up with a design for the sign of the park. The consensus is to support the Girl Scouts and all their work. NANCY MCCAFREY MOVED TO APPROVE THE MONTICELLO GIRL SCOUTS GOLD PROJECT BADGE FOR HUNTERS CROSSING PARK AS SUBMITTED BY THREE LOCAL GIRL SCOUTS. MOTION SECONDED BY JACK GREGOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 3 -0. 6. Motion to approve dog park subcommittee framework. Tom Pawelk reviewed and discussed the dog park subcommittee "Paws for Parks" which is being considered for the primary goal of raising funds to implement the new off -leash dog park in Monticello. The subcommittee will be made up of seven total members and will report to the Monticello Parks Commission. The group will have the first meeting on April 4th. Both Jack Gregor and Nancy McCaffrey agreed to serve on the on the subcommittee. JACK GREGOR MOVED TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDATION OF A DOG PARK SUBCOMMITTEE KNOWN AS "PAWS FOR PARKS" WHICH IS BEING FORMED WITH THE PRIMARY GOAL OF RAISING FUNDS Page 2 of 4 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I MAR 26, 2015 FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A NEW OFF -LEASH DOG PARK IN MONTICELLO. MOTION SECONDED BY NANCY MCCAFFREY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 3 -0. 7. Demo and discussion of outdoor musical instruments for parks. Tom Pawelk showed the group a musical instrument sample provided by Harmony Outdoor Park, demonstrated the xylophone and the commission viewed a short video. The consensus is to do some more research on cost, maintenance, and check with the city of Buffalo on their experience with the instruments in the park, vandalism, noise levels, and what neighbors think. Pawelk said he may possibly put a test instrument in Pioneer Park but will bring back the information to the next meeting. 8. Discussion of potential collaborative effort to improve tennis courts at Pinewood School. Tom Pawelk said that the City was approached by the Monticello School District with the request to join forces to improve the tennis courts at Pinewood Elementary and to open the courts to the public. Pawelk said this is a great opportunity for the City and noted that tennis is climbing faster right now than any other youth sport. There are grants available to resurface the courts and he will be meeting with the athletic director at the school district to put a plan together. Pawelk said he will have a professional out to do a court evaluation and get a full report on what needs to be done and the associated costs for the budget preparations. 9. General park updates. Tom Pawelk provided updates on the following park projects as informational items with no action being taken. A. Spring Park Maintenance: Pawelk said the debris has been cleaned up at the hockey rinks and the department has completed one cycle of trash pickup throughout the parks. New basketball poles have been installed at West Bridge Park and chain nets. Pawelk noted that the City received 50 hits on the FB page thanking the Parks Dept for the poles /nets. Some of the Parks staff is out trimming trees. Pawelk said that the Special Projects Coordinator Derek Wipper has been building the fishing pier which will be set at the north side of Bertram (just down from the Chalet). Pawelk said that as soon as it rains the department will get on sidewalks and pathways to sweep. B. Vandalism at West Bridge and Ellison Parks: Pawelk showed photos of the graffiti under the bridge between East & West Bridge Parks. Pawelk said this is a pretty active area for this type of behavior. Parks staff will pressure wash the entire block area and then will repaint the entire surface with the Page 3 of 4 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I MAR 26, 2015 original paint. Pawelk said that Sherwin Williams has contacted him with an offer to give the City a free trial of a new product which is a graffiti resistant paint. It's a silicone product and you can pressure wash it off. Pawelk said that they are going to look at trying an application of the product. C. Contracted Mowing Services: Pawelk said that Carefree Lawn Service came in with the lowest proposal and the City Council has authorized a three -year contract for the maintenance of both Riverside and Hillside Cemeteries. Pawelk said that Parks staff will be taking on the in -house mowing that was previously contracted out, which includes Hi -Way Liquor, Monticello Library, Fire Hall, Prairie West FiberNet, and the DMV. D. School Boulevard Pathway Improvements: Pawelk said that the original Pathway that runs past Pioneer Park on the south side of School Boulevard from Fallon to Edmonson is in need of maintenance. The pathway on the north side will be repaired from Farmstead to Fallon. Pawelk said they will be meeting on site today to determine the best procedure for repairs and the cost to do a full replacement vs. an overlay. If the patchwork is less than 50% then it will most likely be overlaid which will add another 10 -years to the life span of the pathway. E. Outdoor Skating Totals for the 2015 Season: Pawelk said he was very impressed with the usage at the rinks this year with nearly 3,000 people utilizing the rinks. Pawelk noted that this was a high peak season for party rentals of the shelter and rink at West Bridge Park as well. 10. Next regular meeting scheduled for May 28, 2015. The next regular Parks Commission Meeting is scheduled for May 28, 2015, at 9:15 a.m. in the Public Works Office. 14. Motion to adjourn. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO ADJOURN THE PARKS COMMISSION MEETING AT 10:30 A.M. MOTION SECONDED BY JACK GREGOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 3 -0. RECORDED BY: �etl, &green DATE APPROVED: ATTEST: Page 4 of 4