IDC Minutes 10-18-1980
Saturday, October 18, 1980 - 7:0 A.M. - Perkins Cake & Steak
Members Present: Bud Schrupp, Lloyd Lun
Members Absent: John Poirier, Marn Flic
Also in Attendance: Sam Peraro, Loren K
Gary Wieber.
Purpose of this meeting was to review the proposed complex that Sam Peraro
currently has under construction Southeast of the Intersections of Highway 25
and County Road 75 in Monticello.
Background was given by Gary Wieber, City Administrator, indicating that ini-
tially, Mr. Peraro had planned a 13,500 Si .ft. building that was to be entirely
office space, and the City Council, at thl. ir November 13, 1979 meeting, decided
that action on this item was tabled until Mr. Peraro and the City Staff were
allowed to conduct a survey of the presenl parking lots and the number of
spaces that were currently available on a average daily basis.
Subsequent to this meeting, Sam Peraro re
of the project to 8,400 sq. ft. for not on
complex. Based on these figures, which w
according to the City Ordinance, and due
going to provide 8, the City Council appr
Surveys taken since the November 13, 1979
an average of 50 to 60 cars that were co
lots in the same block. Since the City 0
the plans for the development of a commut
interchange, it was felt that the net req
of 32 spaces would be more than adequatel
However, Sam Peraro's present plans call
originally intended, or 7,958 square feet
was intended for more than office and ret
indicated a desire to include a pizza pIa
which a pizza place would be considered,
or retail space, it was necessary to have
by the City's parking committee before th
at their October 27, 1980 meeting.
ised his plans, reducing the scope
y an office, but also a retail
u1d require 40 parking spaces
o the fact that Sam Peraro was
ved of the parking for this complex.
meeting indicated that there was
uters using the municipal parking
Monticello has now gone ahead with
r parking lot southwest of the 1-94
irement for Mr. Peraro's building
or a building even smaller than
but the concern was that the space
i1 space because Mr. Peraro has
e in the facility. Since a restaurant,
equires more parking than office
the parking requirements again reviewed
Council would take up this matter
City's Indus. Dev. Comm.
Page #2
Mr. Peraro's present plans call for the ollowing square footage allocations:
Restaurant - 1,862 sq. ft.
Office Area - 4,226 sq. ft.
Bathrooms & Mechanical - 940 sq. ft.
Uncommitted area 930 s ft.
,958 sq, ft,
Based on the above usages, considering th uncommitted area either retail or
office space, there would be 63 spaces re uired, with 8 being provided, or a
net requirement of 55. The breakdown of he individual spaces would require
30 spaces less the 8 required, ur a uet u 22 for daytime uses, ur the office,
and a requirement for the restaurant or e ening usage of 33 spaces, less the
8 provided, or a net of 25. Mr. Peraro indicated that the pizza place would
only be open after 5:00 P.M. and therefore, it was considered an evening
type of use.
This situation is similar to the approval
Monticello Theatre, indicating that partie
the category of requiring evening spaces d
hat the City had reviewed with the
lar usage would only fall into
ring evening hours.
Gary Wieber indicated that the COunts take
be probably the evening of most concern, i
spaces both on September 11, 1980 (a Thursd
1980 (a Thursday evening). This would more
needs according to the ordinance for the ev
the net of 25 spaces.
on Thursday evenings, which would
dicated that there were 50 empty
y evening) and also October 16,
than adequately accommodate the
ning usage of a restaurant, or
Mr. Peraro indicated that he was under the
to him by the Council at the August 25, 198
as restaurant. This is why Mr. Peraro exp
further approvals he would need by the City
that the approval given
meeting included such a Usage
he was not aware of any
Since the present proposal, although ired spaces would be more in
total, required at anyone time less han the approval previously grantffi
on the 8,400 sq.ft. office building, ittee recommended approval to the
City Council. This approval will be conting nt upon Mr. Peraro entering into
a legal agreement indicating that the pizza stablishment would not open
until after 5:00 P.M. Additionally discusse was a possibility of Mr. Peraro
entering into an agreement similar to the Mo ticello Theatre with Security
Federal to obtain additional parking spaces. Mr. Peraro indicated that he had
talked to Security Federal and they had a ve bal agreement that Mr. Peraro would
be allowed to use these spaces for Security Federal, provided he cleaued up any
mess that his patrons would make, but was una Ie to obtain a written agreement
since Security Federal might want to use that space sometime for expansion.
City's Bus. & Ind. Dev. Comm.
Page iff3
Members of the Committee present also fe't it was important to convey to the
members of the Committee absent the deci ion reached.
This item will be on the City Council's ctober 27, 1980 meeting for approval.