IDC Minutes 02-01-1980 e e . MINU ES BUSINESS & INDUSTRIAL EVELOPMENT COMMITTEE February 1, 1980 - 3:30 P. 1M. - Monticello City Hall Members Present: Lloyd Lund, Marn Flick~r, Bud Schrupp. Members Absent: John Poirier Council Members in Attendance: Dan Blonilgen, Fran Fair, Arve Grimsmo. Purpose of this meeting was a review by John Uban with Howard Dahlgren Associates of the Oakwood School study. Mr. Uban presented two conceptual designs of the Oakwood School, along with the block to the south, depicting a potential library site for the City of Monticello. One of the concepts showed a theme with parking in the middle of the block and retail stores along Walnut and Pine Streets. In this conceptual plan, there was room for approximately 30,000 square feet of retail space according to John Uban. The second conceptual plan had parking on the corner of Pine Street and Third Street, and also the corner of Walnut and Third Street. In this particular conceptual design, the proposed retail stores were set back from Walnut and Pine Streets with parking in front of the buildings. . The Business & Industrial Development Co ittee recommended to the Council that the first conceptual plan with parking in the middle of the block should be the one approved. Furthermore, they indicated that the Library should go on the block south of the Oakwood block and should not become part of the Oakwood block itself. Additionally, the felt that the possibility of the Dowling property should be pursued further. According to Mr. Uban, he felt that with the parking lot in the middle,this concept would allow for the construction of this improvement first prior to the City selling the rest of the land, and this would be an enhancement to attracting businesses, etc. Furthermore, he indicated that the second conceptual plan allowed for only approximately 20,000 square feet in retail area. Additionally, the purchase by the City 0 the Monticello Ford building through tax increment financing was discussed. It was the consensus of the Committee members present that if a developer such as Sam Peraro could be found to buy this site, tax increment financing should be used. However, it was felt at the same time that the asking price of Mr. Jones, $100,000 for his building, would not allow for the purchase of this particular property in order to straighten out the alleyway. It was the consensus of those present that eminent domain proceedings would never be used against Mr. Jones to secure his property. If the development that Sam Peraro had once talked about - that is, the 13,500 square foot office building - were put in this block, it would appear that the incremented taxes would e more than sufficient to pay for the clearance and demolition, and resale of the site, along with alleyway improvements and improvements to the parking lot along with land acquisition for the parking lot. Meeting adjourned. J~ a!~ ~y~W. , Cfty Administrator .