IDC Minutes 10-29-1979
October 29, 1979 - 4:00 P.M.
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Additional people in Attendance:
1. Review of Samuel
Parking Needs.
Uban & Bob Ryan, of Howard Dahlgren Assoc.
n Klein & Gary Wieber
Office Com lex in Block 34, and the
Mr. Sam Peraro is proposing to bu'ld a 13,500 square foot building con-
sisting of three stories of appro imately 4,500 square feet each. This
proposed building would go on the present site currently occupied by
Seasons All Sports and the old Ph"'llips 66 Station. In reviewing the
parking requirements for this bui ding in accordance with the formula
provided in the 6-block downtown rea, it would appear that 92~ spaces
would be required. Mr. Peraro ha indicated he will be providing space
for eight vehicles, and as a resu t, the total net requirement would be
84~ spaces to be provided, and cu rently the area is only being assessed
for 5~ spaces, and as a result, t is proposed development would be 79
spaces short. (Note: for fur the information on this item, please
refer to the agenda supplement, I em 8, for the City Council dated
October 22, 1979.)
It was the recommendation of the
Committee that the City consider
order to accommodate the parking
posed office complex. It was the
without purchasing additional lan
very hard for the City to allow t
unless it was scaled down. Some
possibly acquired in the Block i
would be generally on the southwe
tee members, along with the repre
felt that this would be consisten
and an asset to the downtown area
2. Review of Commuter Parking Conc,er s.
previously, the Committee had rec
lots 13, 14 and possibly 15 in Bl
Corporation for development of a
demand might not be there immedia
accommodate commuter parking in t
usiness & Industrial Development
urchasing additional parking in
equirements necessary for this pro-
concensus of those present that
for this development, it would be
e complex to be built in Block 34
ossible sites were land that could be
ediately east of Block 34. This
t corner of Block D, and the commit-
entatives from Howard Dahlgren & Assoc.
with the overall comprehensive plan
if parking could be arranged in this
mmended to the City Council to purchase
ck 51 from the Monticello Development
unicipal parking lot. Although the
ely, it was felt that this area could
e interim.
Gary Wieber, City Administrator, p inted out that Loren Klein had been
working with the State and county 0 review the possibility of getting
a tract of land along Interstate 9 that currently lies to the north of
the service road going to Gould Br thers Chevrolet, for a site. This
site was in the process of being t ansferred to the county, and the State
indicated that further negotiation: should be held with the county. It
was pointed out that if the City w re able to obtain this land, that this
could be used as a commuter parkin lot and may be a better alternative.
Concensus of the Committee members was that this area should be explored
for commuter parking, although the Committee still felt that the City
should purchase the land offered the Development Corporation in Block 51
for alternate development as a mu icipal parking lot.
Loren Klein and Gary Wieber were scheduled to meet with the County Board
of Commissioners on Tuesday, Octo er 30, 1979. (Note: At the October 30,
1979 meeting, the County Board of Commissioners appeared receptive to
a transfer of this parcel to the ity of Monticello contingent upon
further review by the ways & Mean Committee.)