IDC Minutes 08-23-1979 . . ..... . . , MINUT S BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL D VELOPMENT COMMISSION August 23, 1979 - 7:30 A.M. Members Present: John poirier, Lois choepf, Bud Schrupp, Marn Flicker, Lloyd Lund. At this meeting, the assessment rolls as revised for the 1974-1 improvement project were reviewed. These assessm nt rolls are reviewed every three years to allow changes for additional square footage, deletion of square footage, additional parking spaces pr vided or deleted and change in the nature of the business. The revised assessment rolls with the changes indicated above were reviewed and approved by the committee, with the exception of the parking space credit granted to Stokes Marine of t n spaces. It should be pointed out that Stokes Marine was granted ten s aces from the inception of the parking lot improvement project and members f the Committee thought possibly Stokes Marine were given credit for en parking spaces even though they were not hardsurfaced, with the understan ing that they would be hardsurfaced within a years period of time, or so e duration. It was the consensus of the Committee that this should be hardsurfaced to allow Stokes Marine credit, but they did not know how th original assessment formula was determined to grant parking space dit. Gary Wieber, City Administrator, ind followup and determine what the init that possibly the City at that time whether it was hardsurfaced or not, new spaces provided after such a dat Members of the Committee suggested t was on the committee at the time of determine what the original intent w cated that he would try to do a al intent was. He did indicate id grant any existing space credit ith the understanding that any would have to be hardsurfaced. at Mr. Wieber contact Ken Maus who he inception of the assessments to s. At their meeting, the Committee also recommended that the City pursue the purchase of the Oakwood School Block for $100,000, which has been offered by Independent School Distri t #882 with the understanding that the City take over the library. Furthermore, Committeemember, Bud Schrupp, indicated that the Development Corp ration offered the City of Monticello Lots 13 and 14 in Block 52, which a e behind the former Monticello Ford site, for parking development. The Committee recommended that the City Council also purchase this area. H wever, before any final purchase was finalized, the Committee recommende that possibly Howard Dahlgren be retained to review the whole downto n area, including the Oakwood Block and Block 52 to see what the best u e for these properties were. --- . . ~ e Business & Ind. DeV. Com - 8/23/79 . At this point, the meeting was adjour ed; however, after further review, I have found a copy of the proposal t at was issued by Thore Meyer on the original assessments dated Februa Y 11, 1974, copy of which is attached to these minutes, and Item B 5 indicates "a credit shall be given for each parking stall provided on their own private property." There is no indication that initially the requirement was to have hardsurfacing. Additionally, I found a copy of the Minutes of February 25, 1975, in which it was indicated in it m 2 - "Parking lots in use prior to December 1, 1974 would be given cr dit and smith-pringle-Foster Ins. group would be given credit provided rea is hardsurfaced by July 1, 1975. Any other parking areas developed aft r December 1, 1974 would not be given credit until next 3 year assess ent review." From these Minutes it would then appear that credit was 0 be granted prior to December 1974 for all parking lots whether they wer hardsurfaced or not, but after that date they would be hardsurfaced 0 be granted credit.