IDC Minutes 11-03-1975 e e . BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL DE ELOPMENT COMMISSION November 3, 1975 - 7:30 P. M. Joint meeting with membe s of the Oakwood In- dustrial Development Cor oration. Members present: 1. Sch upp, Jim Figenshau, Lloyd Lund, John poirier and Lois Schoepf. Oakwood Industrial Development Corporation representa- tives: Stanley Hall, Ge e Walters, George Phillips, Dale Lungwitz, Jim Maus, Jim Lungwitz, J. W. Miller, Howard Gillham. Discussion concerned po industrial park or alte area with sewer, water sibility of City purchasing native means of servicing nd other improvements. . Advantages and disadvan industrial park were di City purchasing Consensus was that no m park, it would be advan and other improvements utility studies are exp and once these were don the priority of extendi industrial park could b timetable. tter who owned industrial ageous to have sewer, water ut in. Current comprehensive cted to be completed shortly a better indication as to g sewer and water to the determined along with a Oakwood Industrial Corp ration would meet to consider a petition to request C.ty extending sewer and water to area. tJ~ Wi er Administrator . ";-'.-- GW/lg