IDC Minutes 07-16-1975
Business and Industpial evelopment Commission
4 P.M. Wednesday, July 16, 1975
Purpose of meeting was to review a a act upon the comments
and/or complaints and finalize ass ssments on 1975-1 Parking
Members present: Lowell Schrupp, ois Schoepf, Lloyd Lund,
John ~oiri~r, Wilbur Eck, Jim Fige,shau, Kenneth Maus.
Others present:
Thore Meyer, Rick Wo~fsteller, Gary Wieber.
1. Harve Cormier
Parcel 19738.
Police should be informed to enfor e ordinance regarding
2 hour parking to relieve congesti around bowling alley.
2. Marn Flicker re: Larson
E~ployee-allocation reduced
as requested.
3. Lynn Smith Parcel 19905.
Parcel 19751-A.
11 time and 2 part time
Commission felt creditcould"not b given for lease arrangements.
The Monticello Times 1eases'- spaces from Wright County State Bank
and Mr. Smith requested considerat'on be given to crediting these
4. Ernie Christian Ernie's Bait) 19741.
Credit for 2 spaces would remain s
from 3rd space it would be credite
5. Lee Hatfield 19741.
Police would be informed to enforc
specifically mentioned problem wit
6. Ken Holker 19904.
when debris was removed
next assessment review.
2 hour parking.
Mr. Hatfield
No action taken regarding Mr. Holker's inquiry for change in formula
to recognIze hours open'- for business during the year. Mr. Holker
had no assessment on his drive-in.
Business and Ind~trial Development commis:~ - July 16, 1975
Page 2.
7. Dan Bloni en - Cit
City Administrator to write Mr. Blo
that city is receiving credit for p
around city hall and paid directly
balance is still due for the differ
8. Larr Flake Parcels
igen a letter explaining
rtion of pavement put in
y the city, however a
Consensus was that credit given Mon icello Ford for seven spaces
was more than adequate-and credit c uld not be given for car
lots and service area spaces.
9. Clyde Bentzin Parcel 19894.
Recommendations to give credit for portion of-expenses in im-
proving parking area to north of bu.lding. Possibility of giving
credit for expenses incurred for rovement on own land.
10. Wa~ne Seestrom Parcel 19748.
Mr. Seestrom leases property from L 0 Nelson and since lease went
into effect after December-l, 1974 (cutoff date) assessment
would be reviewed and adjusted for less employees next year.
It was consensus of commission that possibility of commuter
parking lot be looked into.
Meeting adjourned.