Planning Commission Minutes 09-18-2001 (Workshop Meeting)
Planning Workshop
September 18,2001 - 7:00 PM
Hruee Theilen, Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Riek Wolfsteller, Brian Stumpf,
Mayor Roger Belsaas, Jeff O'Neill, Steve Grittman, Ollie Koropehak, Robbie
Smith, Riehard Carlson, Planning Commission Chair Diek Frie, Roy Popilek, Rod
Dragsten, Representatives from Gold Nugget, Horst Graser and Shawn Weinand
Aeting Chair Clint Herhst called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
Deputy City Administrator O'Neill provided a brief recap of the purpose of the workshop
regarding Gold Nugget land use as well as the scope of the Comprehensive Plan update study.
Steve Grittman, City Planner, provided a brief deseription of the previous proposal by Gold
Nugget from the Fall/Winter of 1998 which was primarily single family residential, noting that
the City's eomprehensive plan states the primary use as residential. Grittman also noted that the
southwest corner of the proposed project showed eommercial use, and that is were the project
ended when the Planning Commission approved the preliminary plat. Grittman advised them on
the status of approval/processing, as well as listing land use alternatives.
Dick Frie asked the City Council if they were unanimous in favoring annexation of the entire
Gold Nugget parccl. The Council noted that in time they would like to see the entire 220 acres
annexed. hut not all at once, and that it may depend on what is proposed by the developer. They
discussed again various options including extending Cedar Street, installing a lighted pathway
system, as well as a possible mixed use oflight industrial with residential. Ollie Koropchak,
Economic Development Director, stated that the City's approximate available acreage for
industrial land is 100 acres, and advised that this includes two large lots with several smaller lots.
O'Neill also advised of the Chadwick 180 acre industrial parcel available which already includes
utilities, etc. Mayor Belsaas stated that staff repeatedly gets requests for land and the City does
not have any to offer at this time. These people often do not want to deal with private dcvelopers
but would rather deal directly with City staty
There was discussion that perhaps residcntial along I Iighway 25 would not be appropriate, and
also if it would be appropriate to mix industrial with residential. Grittman added that with some
creative planning there could be a softencd transition between inclustrial and residential. It was
noted that therc are di Cferent types of industrial as well and that light industrial may even be a
better buffcr bctween the residential and II ighway 25.
O'Neill questioned the layout of the Gold Nugget property in that it is not completely Hat, so
how would it be arranged for mixed use to make the most use of this land and would it bc large
enough for a residential ncighborhood with enough buffer for industrial/commercial. Grittman
advised that it is doable if a greenway corridor was retained as a break point between the two
land uses. Hc noted that a 70 acre area for industrial uses would be created if a frontage road
along Hwy 25 was used as a corridor for industrial development. It was the consensus that a 70
acre area for industrial land use was appropriate.
. It was the consensus that all were in support of the land use as a mix of residential and light
industrial. Also noted was that MnDOT may not be in favor of entrances to llighway 25 nor
would the City want entrances off 8yh Strect. Grittman also suggested the possibility of bringing
back a business campus, making sure the area becoming the buffer would be a nice buffer.
Shawn Weinand stated that ofthclOO acres he owns, there are only 2 acres of industrial with the
remaining land being a business campus. Weinand felt the City may want a differcnt zoning
where they would have more choices.
It was noted that the developers of Gold Nugget have previously worked vcry wcll with the City
and that hopefully that would bc the case once again.
I Iorst Graser. Gold Nugget questioned about the infrastructure to work with regarding industrial
and commercial, noting that hc doubted thcy would be allowed access to Highway 25 for
residential use. Also are there road limitations on the rest of the area. O'Neill stated utilities
would have to be installed depending on what type of zoning, probably upgrades if the use was
for larger industrial, but also noted that the City shouldn't let these utility limitations dictate land
Koropchak also adviscd that the IDC has not made any formal recommendation but arc
encouraging City Council and Planning Commission to make sure industrial land is available.
It was advised that the Northwest corridor is another area available for industrial land with
. freeway accessibility. it is contiguous to the City, and utilities would COlne ovcr time.
. Regarding the comprehensive plan study, Grittman advised that it would need to be
amended regarding the Gold Nugget area. Regarding the Southeast Monticello
Extraterritorial Area, it was noted that many areas around the City arc under development
pressure. The East and Southeast areas of the City have really used up the utilities and
growth would go to the West or South of existing City limits. The City has now received
a lot of interest in this area. Mayor Helsaas stated sevcral concerns with some starter
housing mixing in with higher end recently. Also added that the area near the Monte
Club seemed to be a good spot for higher-end housing. It was stated that the City
Council had recently authorized a feasibility study in this area. Consensus is to hold any
action on amending the comp plan for now until the feasibility study is completed
. It was the consensus of the members to set new standards regarding residential districts
prior to the first of the year.
Regarding Commercial Land Use Planning and the Chadwick 1-94 frontage area,
Grittman noted that this area is guided for industrial and there was discussion previously
on moving it to commercial. Thc owner stated no retail, but office/light industrial would
be a more positive zoning, visibility would be a positive. The conscnSlIS was to leavc it
as it is for now.
Regarding the County 18/I-94 Interchange Area it was advised that the City is
participating with MnDOT in creating a full interchange in this area. Current comp plan
calls for industrial with a small amount of commercial in that area. It was asked if this
converts to a full interchange would the City want to include consideration of an
expanded commercial land use designation as opposed to industrial. Mayor Belsaas
statcd he felt it would be more attractive to commercial; Grittman stated access to the
freeway would be beneficial to industrial and the traUic pattern brings so many people by
there. They support looking at commercial versus industrial.
. Other Potential Changes - The Paumen property is in conflict with the City and MOAA
land use plans if it is proposed as residential/industrial; may need to look at bu1Ters near
the golf course if this were to occur. It was advised to look at the land near Osowski's in
more detail as well.
Interchange Location Options - 18 and 194, as well as the Orchard Road area. Regarding
the idea of an interchange at Co Rd 39, it was notcd that it doesn't mcet the rural spacing
guidelines according to MnDOT. It was asked if there was any intercst in actively
pursuing that as an interchange location. The consensus was to see what evolves with
thc area near Osowski's at Orchard Road.
Also discussed was collector/arterial road network to support local traffic as freeway
traffic is looked at. It was the consensus that there is a need to get 7th Street to the East
and West through soon.
Utility Service Area - Grittman stated they would request the City Engincer to develop a
uti I ity service map rather than having to do a study each time a developer approachcs the
. Optional Approaches to l30undary Adjustment Process
Statutory Annexation
Orderly Annexation Agreement Options. It was the consensus to work with the
township. and to identify larger areas outside of the City that should remain rural
in anticipation of future urban dcvelopment.
Grittman concluded with stating it is stairs expcctation to get something put together so it would
be available for the next development season and stated he would like to get sOlnething hack to
City Council and Planning Commission by February that they could adopt. Would probably
need a few more meetings to complete it.
Chair Frie question where the Council and Staff stood regarding annexation at this time and the
Mayor statcd there are only two parcels, Groveland and Remmelc, being considered at this time,
the others are on hold.
l3rian Stumpf added that the fire Department is discussing the possibility of a new fire station
. south of town and would ask that the City keep that in mind when considering land use. He
stated that growth is continuing in that direction and there are good arterial roads that would give
them access through the City. Grittman advised they could include this area in their study.
Robbie Smith brought up the school district crisis with low enrollment and feels that the City as
the governing body should he in tune to this. and the need to keep working with the school
district. O'Neill advised that they would include them in the comp plan discussions as well.
Grillman stated that a standard f()rmat for the comp plan update will be available at the next City
Council and Planning Commission meetings.
The meeting was adjourned at 9 PM.
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