Planning Commission Minutes 02-16-1993 (Special Meeting)
Tuesday, February 16, 1993 - 7 p.m.
Members Present: Cindy Lemm, Richard Martie, Brian Stumpf, and Richard Carlson
Members Absent: Jon Bogart
Staff Present:
Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill
1. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Lemm at 7:02 p.m.
2. Public Hearing'--Consideration of approval of a preliminary plat of the Oak
Ridg'e subdivision. Applicant. Tony Emmerich.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained the background to the
development of the preliminary plat of the Oak Ridge residential subdivision
plat. The following items were discussed.
Setback and Yard Requirements. It appears the plat has been updated
to meet the minimum requirements for the lot width at the building
setback line and the lot size requirement.
Lot 1, Block 2. The plan has been modified to show a road extension
eastward along the power line corridor to provide access to the Floyd
Peterson property located east of the Oak Ridge residential subdivision
Easement Lines. Drainage and utility easements on the preliminary
plat need to be corrected to show 12-ft easements in the front and rear
of the individual properties.
Wetlands/Storm Pond System. The updated plan shows more detail
extent and design of the wetland mitigation plan. The plan now shows
areas that will be utilized for storm water detention and sedimentation.
There is a wetland pocket at the entrance to Oakview Court which could
have possibly been avoided. According to the Wetland Conservation Act,
when developing near wetland areas to completely avoid the wetland.
It was the consensus of the Planning Commission that filling the pocket
wetland and concurrent creation of a new wetland contiguous to
Outlot A is acceptable. This is because avoidence of the wetland and
concurrent realignment of the road through the forest area would have
had an equal or greater negative impact on the local environment.
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Any approval of the storm drainage and wetland mitigation plan shall
be subject to the City Engineer approval.
Site grading will not be allowed until the approved permit is in place on
the grading and drainage plan to be submitted to the Army Corps of
5. Impact on Forest. The grading plan calls for removal of approximately
60% of the trees in the forested areas. Concerns brought up requesting
the developer and our City Engineer take another look at the impact on
this tree vegetation and see if any additional efforts can be made to save
trees that could be saved in front and side yard areas with minimal
building pads being constructed. The developer, Tony Emmerich,
indicated that it was his intent to save as many trees as possible.
6. Water Main/Sanitarv Sewer. Installation of water and sewer utilities
is feasible; however, the design of these utilities will require additional
study and should be subject to the approval of the City Engineer.
Street Systems. Meadow Oak Drive and Oakview Lane have been
realigned to make Meadow Oak Drive a major thoroughfare through the
development. It is suggested Meadow Oak Drive be renamed to Ridge
Drive or some other name between County Road 118 and Meadow Oak
The developers are proposing to develop 50-ft right-of-way and 32-ft
street surface, face of curb to face of curb for the Meadow Oak Circle,
Oakview Court, and Meadow Oak Court streets. This design is
consistent with the city ordinance but not consistent with recent
practice. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission that the
right-of-way and street widths proposed by the developer are acceptable.
It is a suggestion that the north/south entrance off of 118 onto Meadow
Oak Drive be realigned to allow an island delineator like currently
exists in the Briar Oakes development just west of there and also the
Meadow Oak Estates and Meadow Oak Second Addition just north of
this plat.
Walkway/Park Development. The original park development in Meadow
Oak consisted of two major parks on the north side and a small park on
the south side in the area of the proposed Oak Ridge development and
were connected to the balance of the development area by local roads
and walking paths. As time went on and the development faltered, the
requirement for the third park was abandoned. It was determined that
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the total park area provided with the two lots to the north (17 acres)
was sufficient to cover the park dedication requirement for the entire
170-acre site.
The walkway as proposed connecting Meadow Oak Circle to road
systems to the north is necessary to fulfill the intent of the original PUD
which provided access to all park areas via public right-of-way internal
to the development.
9. Tot Lot. The revised preliminary plat would provide for a possible small
area in Outlot A near the proposed walking path to allow for a third
park to be created, that being a tot lot park. The developers felt that
there would be sufficient area to allow a small tot lot to be constructed
along side the trail system going through Outlot A but suggested that
due to the nature of the park, the outlot itself, that being a passive area,
that the Planning Commission consider the passive and remote area for
the walking path only through Outlot A.
Cindy Lemm then closed the public hearing portion of the meeting and opened
it up for any further input from the Planning Commission members. It was
the consensus of the Planning Commission that the outlot should be dedicated
as public land because of its value as a natural amenity. It should be
maintained as a low maintenance passive nature area.
There being no further input from the Planning Commission members, a
motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Brian Stumpf to approve
the preliminary plat for the Oak Ridge subdivision residential plat subject to
the following conditions:
1. Lot 1, Block 2, determined as being unbuildable lot without sufficient
public right-of-way on the north side of the lot to serve as access to the
lot. Developer can talk to the adjoining land owner to gain additional
land for the completion of the sufficient right-of-way running along the
north side of the property, or the developer can put a restrictive
covenant on the lot, rendering the lot unbuildable until development of
the road right-of-way past this lot for development into the Floyd
Peterson property.
2. Correction of the easement lines to show 12-ft easement on the front
and back of the lots.
Vegetation/tree cover to be addressed in the grading plan to address
minimization of trees to be removed in front yard areas and allow
building pads to be established in the treed lot areas with minimal
impact to trees.
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Water and sewer utilities be constructed to city standards.
Meadow Oak Drive be renamed to Ridge Drive.
The street width at the cul-de~sacs and Meadow Oak Lane be 32 ft from
curb to curb.
No island delineator required at the entrance to the development.
Outlot A to be dedicated as public land. Installation of a path is
necessary to fulfill the intent of the original PUD, which was to provide
access to park areas via roads/trails internal to the PUD area.
Subject to review by the Public Works Director and City Engineer.
Motion carried unanimously with Jon Bogart absent.
3. A motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Brian Stumpf to
adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:44 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
~- ~~4~
Gar Anderson
Zoning Administrator
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