City Council Agenda Packet 04-12-2004 Special MEMORANDUM . April 7, 2004 To: Mayor Thielen and City Council From: Fred Patch, Building Official Subject: CODE ENFORCEMENT. . The first duty of the Building Inspections Department is to protect public health, safety and welfare through the enforcement of Minnesota State Building and Fire Codes. . Secondary duties, though not less important, assigned to the Building Inspections Department include public nuisance and zoning code enforcement. Because the Building Inspections Department is heavily involved with on-site development, we are most capable of coordinating public nuisance and zoning code enforcement. Our enforcement process is coordinated with and assisted by the Public Works Department, County Sheriff, County Attorney, and as necessary with the City Attorney and City Council. Our inspection methods are even handed and based on common sense. Our enforcement approach is as cooperative and as friendly as possible. . City code enforcement efforts are both proactive and reactive. ./ Our proactive efforts include neighborhood inspection "sweeps" twice each year, . Spring inspection sweeps in anticipation of Junk Amnesty Day; . Fall inspection sweeps to address long grass, weeds and obtrusive violations in anticipation of winter. ./ Our reactive efforts include: . Complaint response inspections. . Inspections based on observations of obtrusive or obnoxious conditions sucjh as junk vehicles, junk, refuse, long grass and weeds, and construction debris. Most recently, City staff have observed violations city ordinances in commercial and industrial areas of the City. Observed violations include: . Use of the public right of way for routine loading, unloading and temporary storage of goods. Junk, refuse and debris. Junk vehicles. Unlawful open and outdoor storage. Unlawful permanent and temporary signs, both on private right of way and on private property. Glare from lights. . . . . . . Staff is concerned that regardless of how common sense and even handed our enforcement efforts may be, the environment within which we are to carry out our enforcement duties has been plagued by . politics, presenting two dilemmas: . Enforcement staff is being politically influenced toward selective enforcement. . The ability of staff to perform enforcement duties as prescribed by city ordinances is being disabled. It seems that we are damned if we do and damned if we don't enforce our codes and ordinances ofthe City. Staff is requesting direction and relief from the Council. . . MEMORANDUM .. ..... April 6, 2004 To: Mayor Thielen and City Council From: Fred Patch, Building Official Subject: Timber Ridge HI ~ Trunl{ Fee Assessments Background: Terms of sale, assessments and a platting requirement for the remaining four lots in The Meadows plat were established by the Development Agreement for Timber Ridge 1. Under the terms of that agreement, The Meadows lots were to be platted as part of Timber Ridge II. Schneider subsequently chose to develop The Meadows lots along with The Brothers Plat as the Timber Ridge JlI plat. . . Next, Schneider chose to separate The Meadows lots from Timber Ridge III and develop those four lots under a conditional use permit in advance of Timber Ridge Ill. Council acted to allow a conditional use permit for those lots, to permit Schnieder to construct two, four unit townhomes on The Meadows lots subject to nine conditions (see ({t{ached Council Minutes 1/12/04). On April 2nd M1'. Schnieder signed the Development Agreement for Timber Ridge III - Phase 1, provided required sureties (letters of credit) and has to date abided by the terms of the Conditional Use Permit and Development Agreement. Schneider considers the city trunk fee policies to be excessive. He feels that the platted lots of The Brothers Plat and the four lots of The Meadows plat should be fully credited for trunk fees. Staff has determined that trunk fees are applicable according to the City of Monticello Trunk Fcc Policies. Precedents for Schneider's development of existing platted lots include Emerald Estates and several non-residential developments. Staff recommends that Council reaffirm the City of Monticello Trunk Fee Policies and direct staff to apply those policies to the Timber Ridge lJ I development by Mr. Schneider. . ~- . . Ie 5. \<,~.::' \' \ \\ \ f'C.. \ l \ ,.~. \ '." ;} C C "'" ',\ C ' (\llIIICil Milllllc;.1 11 :U()4 LO}l!i!'n!. ~!1', ('11(1)1, I\. (\lIIsider,llioJl ol'ralif~yinj' nc\vhire~; I'm the MC('. l\lIks and ('ity 11,i11. H.eeommendation: ^pprove lhe new hin's ;l~; idenlirled. B. Comidcraiiol1 of,t1lthori;jng cmnp1ciion ora speci,iI henefit ,Il1iilysis of the rutllle J-()4/C 'S^l j ) g in1crehungc. Recommcnda1ion: ^uihori;,c tile cnrnp]ctioll or u ~;peei;li henel!( umilysis orihe future J-94/('S^11 ] g Jnkrchcmge d~; propo~;cd hy ]l,llchin Messner and Dodd ,It ,J cost wnge of $24.(J()() to s~n.()()() C. Consideralion of adopting increases to the development lee structure. Recommendation: Adopt the proposed increases to the developmeni fees as recommended. D. Consideration of a request f()r conditional use permits allmving two 4 unit townhouse buildings in an R-2 District and associated request for a repJat of Lots 5.6.7 and g of the Meadows subdivision. Applicant Homestead Multi-Family Development Corp. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permit allowing two 4 unit townhouse buildings in an P,-2 District, based on a finding tha1 the zoning supports the use. and the proposal meets the density requirements for the area. subject to the following conditions: r , 1. Submission of a fina 1 plat and execution of a deve lopment contract prior to issuance of ~iccup<lIlCV perm its. ') Establishment of an association 'to maintain common areas. including the cul-de-sac island landscaping 3. Separation of combined driveways to meet City curb'Cli1 width ma:\imums. 4. Increase number ofboukvard trees per City standards and this report. S. Provide landscaping plans for foundation plantings. 6. 'provide sidewalk along Prnirie Road to connect 10 Timber Ridge. 7. Provide landscaped buffer 'along the nol"1h boundan' of lhe projec1 consistent with Timber Ridge and this report 8 Compliance with City Engineer's recommendations on grnding. dri1inage. utilities. and sneel conslruct ion. 9. Compli<lnce with City Public Works direction for mailbo:\ locations, g3l'bJgc colke-tinll jnc<ltions. Slreel light i ng ,1I1d 01 her requ i rcmcnlS. (Jlen POSllstJ requested that hem #5B be removed for discussion. BRlAN STtlMPF MOVED TO APPROVl:: THE CONSENT AC;END^ WlTl.l Tl-lE IZEMOV AL OF ITEM #51:3 FOR DISCUSSION ROC;FR C^Rl.SON Sl-.C(iNDFD TIll: MOTlON. MOTlON CARRlED UNANJMOUSLY. (). Consideration of items rel11o\'('(\ from !hc ('Ol1Sen1 a~('n(\a for discussion. (iJcn )lOSUSt:l qUl'stj()ned wl1)' ilK' City did not pursue gel1ing more th:111 one q1lo1e J()j' ll1e slud, or the speci,il benel!t analysis. .lcrrO-Nl:iJl respoJ\lkd lhal1his is vn\' spcci,lii;n1 wmk ;llId the lJrm proposing 10 duthe study is highh Lllwlif!l'lL I k dlkkd lh<ltllll' sLillw(lIild sl'ck ,lddili(\11il1 ljul)ks i r so dileckd by tlK' Council. l~ubl)il' Smith l]lll'stionl'd i r ~I ]own ljllUll' \\'<lS l'Cl'l'ived wutlld the Cily l,c obligakd to go wilh that one. Ii nil' l' Thielen Sl:11l'd lh:llthc 1!IIllS ml' IlH)\idillg a service and 1h:11tl1l' Cnllnci I can select ,I sl'nicc l)dscd Oil nther !:leh)rS bl'silJcS price. ') . . . MEMORANDUM April 6, 2004 To: Mayor Thielen and City Council Fred Patch, Building Official ~ From: Subject: PLAN REVIEW FEES FOR SIMILAR PLANS. This memorandum is to answer questions regarding application of Minnesota State Building Code, Rules 1300.0160 relating to plan review fees for similar plans. The basis for building permit plan review fees is the 1997 Uniform Building Code rUBC] as adopted by City Council (S'ee Monticello Fee Schedule Attached). The] 997 UBe building permit fee schedule has been in effect since 1998. As of March 23, 2003, the State modified and superceded the City fee schedule by Rule to allow for reduced plan review fees for similar plans. Council Member Posusta has contacted townhome developers and asserted that the City has been charging plan review fees that it was not entitled to. I contacted Matt Brokl, City Attorney to have him provide an opinion with regard to how the law should be applied. Mr. Brokl reaffirmed my understanding and application of the law. My application of the Rule (see below) has consistently been that a builder must request and submit a "Master Plan" in application for building permit in order to take advantage of plan review fee reductions. This has not occurred in the City to date. As defined by Subp. 15. Master Plan, a "Master plan" is a plan that has been reviewed for code compliance by the building official and stamped "Reviewed for Code Compliance." Building code deficiencies found during plan review of the first building must be corrected prior to submittal of a Master Plan in application for multiple building permits. A Master Plan is valid for a ] 2 month period unless a substantive code change occurs that impacts the design of the Master Plan (as determined by the Building OHicial). Additional specific limitations of the use of a Master Plan are contained within the Subdivisions of the Rule: Minnesota Stute Building Code, Rule] 30(J.O] 60: Subp. 5. Plan review fees for similar plans. When submittal documents for similar plans are approved under subpart 6, plan review fees shall not exceed 25 percent of the normal building permitfee established and charged by thejurisdiction for the same structure. Plan review C!fsimilar plans A. Any numher o.fsimilar huildings may be huil/Fom a master plan it: (1) plan revinvfees have been paid/or the master plan; (2) a code change has not occurred that impacts the design (~f a master plan; (3) the similar building has the same physical dimensions and structural design as the master plan; Exception: Thefi)llowing modifications to the master plan are not considered 10 he significant modifications, according to Minnesota ,',tatules, section Subp. 6. . . . 168.61, suhdivision 1, and are permittedfor "U" occupancies, and dwelling units huilt to the International Residential Code, and residential occupancies built to the International Building Code that are three stories and less in height: (a) foundation types to include walkout, lookout, andjitll hasement; (b) foundation materials to include poured concrete, masonry units, and wood; (c) garage dimensions; (d) roofdesign changed hy a revised truss plan approved by the building (i[ficial; (e) hays or cantilevered floor areas; (I) decks and porches, and (g) other modificalions approved by the building (ifficial; (4) occupancy groups other than those identified in the exceptions listed in part 1300. () I60.suhpart 6, item A, suhitem (3). must be the same type of construction and occupancy classification and must have the same exit system; Exception: Minor changes to the exit access; and (5) the similar plan is hased on a master plan for which the municipality has issued a permit within the last 12 Inonths. B. Plan review fees for similar building plans must he based on the costs commensurate with the direct and indirect cost of the service, hut must not exceed 25 percent of the normal building permitfee established and charged by the municipality for the same structure. C. The plan reviewfee chargedfor similar huilding plans applies to all huildings regulated hy the code regardless (if occupancy class(lication including industrialized/modular huildings constructed under a program specified in Minnesota Slatutes, section 168. 75. D. The applicant must submit a new plan set and other information as required hy the building cd/balfc)r each building reviewed as a similar huilding No plan review fees have been charged in violation of the Minnesota State Building Code. Any builder may take advantage of this new law at any time by complying with the requirements ofthe Rule. The Council may consider as to whether or not to adopt a city policy to actively encourage builders of repetitive buildings (i.e. townhomes, storage buildings, single family homes, etc.) to take advantage of the new rule allowing for reduced plan review fees. I do not recommend such a policy. It would be highly unusual amongst Minnesota Cities, and would significantly impact development revenue, resulting in an increased tax burden on city residents. . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO FEE SCHEDULE ANIMAL CONTROL Barking: First offense Repeat offense Written/oral warning $25 Boarding Fee: $12/per day Commercial Kennel Permit: $95/year Dog License: Altered Pet Unaltered Pet Altered Pet Unaltered Pet Late Fee Replacement Tag $10-2years $] 5 - 2 years $5.00 - I year $7 .50 - I year $5 $1 Euthanization/Disposal Fee $32 per animal Feces Pickup: First offense . Repeat offense Written/oral warning $10 $25 Running at Large: First offense Second offense Third offense If impounded Licensed $25 $35 $50 Add boarding fee lJnlicensed $35 $45 $60 BllILDING Assessment Fees: Building Valuation $499,999 or less Building Valuation $500,000 or more $25.00 $100.00 Building Inspection (non-permit related): $47/hour Building Permit Fees: 100% of 1997 State recommended schedule attached Building Permit Surcharge: .0005 of building value (State mandated) Contractor License Check Fee: $25 Demolition Permit: 100% of] 997 State recommended schedule (attached) Permit is issued under a building permit (follow same procedures as issuing a building permit). Prior to demolition permil issuance verify with Public Works. Contractor must arrange disconnection: ]) Sanitary sewer; 2) City water & retrieve water mater and 3) approve routing for trllcks and heavy equipment, (if applicable). Grading Permit & Restoration Bond $] 50 per permit + an escrow of $] 50 for City Engineer cost (if any) DA WN/XC!-:\../FORMS: FEE SCHEDLJLE:2/2/2004 Grading Permit/Development (Pre- Development Agreement) deposit Mechanical Permits: Residential Commercial Mechanical Surcharge Moving Buildings: Plan Review: Plumbing Permits: Residential Commercial Plumbing Surcharge: Sign Permits: Permanent (minimum fee $25) Sign Permits: Temporary State Surcharge on Building Pel'mits: Val uation of Structure $] ,000,000 or less $] ,000,000 to $2,000,000 $2,000,000 to $3,000,000 $3,000,000 to $4,000,000 $4,000,000 to $5,000,000 Greater than $5,000,000 Uti I ity Locate Fee: Residential Commercial/I nd ustrial CITY OF MONTICELLO FEE SCHEDULE $150 per permit and escrow of $2,000 for City City Engineer cost and $] ,SOO/acre restorati on $30 base + $7/fixture $50 base + $7/fixture $.SO (State mandated) $100 + expense + demolition permit 6S% of building permit fee $30 + $7/fixture. "Fixture includes such things as traps, $SO + $7/fixture toilets, floor drains, sinks and showers $.50 (State mandated) $25 for first $1,000 of value; $ J 0 each $1,000 of value $20 Addition or Alteration Surcharge Computation .0005 x valuation $500 + ,0004 x (Value - $1,000,000) $900 + .0003 x (Value - $2,000,000) $] 200 + .0002 x (Value - $3,000,000) $1400 + .0001 x (Value - $4,000,000) $] SOO + .005 x (Value - $5,000,000) $35 $50 . . CEMETERY FEES Grave Fee: (Effective] ]/1102) Full Grave (4'xI2') Flush Marker Area Full Grave (4'x 12') Raised Marker Area Infant Grave (2'x6') Cremation Grave (4'x4') Grave TI'ansfCJ' Fee Excavation Fee: Weekday Weekend Infant Grave Excavation Cremation Grave Excavation Grave Stal,jug Fee: DA WNIXCI'1.I1-0RMS FEE SCHEDULJ:::2/2/2004 Resident $650.00 $700,00 $200.00 $300.00 Non-Resident $8S0.00 $900.00 $200.00 $400.00 $15.00 $400.00 $430.00 $]00.00 $80.00 $25.00 . 2 . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO FEE SCHEDULE Perpetual Care Fec: New Grave Sales Grave Sold Pre-1960 Included in grave price $100.00 Administrative Fec: $30.00 LlCENSES/MISC PERMITS Burning Permit: $250 deposit to cover expenses ifPW/Fire Dept are called to burn site. Cigarette License: Tobacco licenses are issued by Wright County Excavation Permit $25.00 Gambling License: Licensed through State of Minnesota Liquor: I Day Consumption & Display Temporary On-Sale (Beer) Wine, On-Sale Wine/Strong Beer Comb. On-Sale Wine/3.2 Beer Com. On-Sale 3/2 Beer, On-Sale 3.2 Beer, Off-Sale Liquor, On-Sale Liquor, Sunday Sales Liquor, Setups Liquor,Club (Veteran's Org). Membership 200 or less 20] -500 501-1000 1001-2000 2001-4000 Over 4000 $25.00 $] O/day $275/per year $1 ,200/per year $500/per year $275/year $75/per year $3,750/per year $200 (Statutory limit) $250/year $300 (Statutory limit) $500 (Statutory limit) $650 (Statutory limit) $800 (Statutory limit) $1,000 (Statutory limit) $2,000 (Statutory limit) Pawn Shop: $25 annual license + $1.50 per billable transaction Transient Merchant: Daily fees, independent merchant: Daily fees, farm/garden fruits & vegetables (from 7/15 to 10/15) Annual fees, private premise $50/day + $3.50 application fee No fee $75/year + $3.50 application fee Transient Merchant: Daily fees operating under annual permit $IO/day + $3.50 application fee Traveling Shows $1 OO/first day; $50/day for each day thereafter -' OA WN/XCELlFORMS FEF SCHEOULE:2/212004 CITY OF MONTICELLO FEE SCHEDULE . MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Annexation Study: $22.50 Assessment Search (Written) Bus Punch Cards Single Ride ] 0 rides/] card 40 rides/4 cards Business List Brochures: City resident list: City resident list (customized) City resident labels: Comprehensive Guide Plan - Entire Downtown Revitalization Plan Parks Comprehensive Plan Copies on copy machine Copies on engineering copier Garbage Cars-Residential: 95 gallon 65 gallon 38 gallon Garbage Service Fees - Apts: w/o dumpsters Disposal Disposal Surcharge Garbage Service Fees - Mobile Homes: 65 gallon: Disposal Disposal Surcharge Garbage Cart 95 gallon: Disposal Disposal Surcharge Garbage Cart Garbage Cart Replacement (If lost) 38 - gallon 65 - gallon 95 - gallon [JA WN/XCELlFORMS fEE SCHEDULE;2/2/2004 $25 $1 (Cash) $]0 $25 $5 Free $.IO/page $25/hr + $.1 O/page ($.42/per min - $2 minimum) $25/hr + label cost ($.003 each) - no tax $32 plus tax $]5 plus tax $15 plus tax $.25 per copy $] .OO/small sheet; $3 .OO/Iarge sheet . $4.12 per quarter (inc!. 9.75% tax) $3.29 per quarter (inc!. 9.75% tax) $2.96 per quarter (incI.9.75% tax) $] .90 x # units + 9.75% tax/per quarter $3.48 x # units (non-taxable) per quarter $] 5.93 x # units + 9.75% tax/per quarter $2.3] x # units (non-taxable) per quarter $3.29 x # units (ine!. 9.75% tax) per quarter $] 8.90 x # units + 9.75% tax/per quarter $3.48+D87 x # units (non-taxable) per quarter $4.]2 x # units (inc!. 9.75% tax) per quarter $47.25 + 9.75% tax $52.25 + 9.75% tax $57.25 + 9.75% tax . 4 . . . Maps: City map (large) City map (small) Zoning map State maps Wright County maps Monticello Pins: Minutes: Faxed Mailed Notary: Recycling Bins: (Non-Taxable) Residential, set of3 (tote) Price per bin Set of 3 New house Apt - Large hlue container (RC2000) Price per bin Set of wheels Lid Apt - Roll-around cart Signs: Fire cxit sign Handicap post (5 ft) Handicap post (7 ft) Handicap sign - large Handicap sign - small Van accessibility sign CITY OF MONTICELLO FEE SCHEDULE $3 (includes tax) $1 (includes tax) $3 (includes tax) $.55 (includes tax) $3 (includes tax) $3.20 (price includes tax) $5.00/set $7.00/set $1 $4.50 $13.50 $13 .50 (price includes bin, stamping & freight) $8.15 (price includes bin, stamping & frcight) $2.00 $2.65 $30 $5 plus tax $8.50 plus tax $12 plus tax $14 plus tax $10 plus tax $10 plus tax ORDINANCE BOOKS Entire set of ordinances Individual Ordinance Sections: Zoning Ordinance Subdivision Ordinance City Code Sanitary Sewer Assessment Policy $40 plus tax $20 plus tax $8 plus tax $20 plus tax $5 plus tax $2.50 plus tax PLANNING/ZONING Administrative Permits - (Seasonal Sales/ home occupations) Conditional Use Permit DA WN/XCELlFORMS: FEE SCIIEDULE:2/2/2004 $10 $125 + expenses CITY OF MONTICELLO FEE SCHEDULE . Home Occupation Permits: Administrative Permit Special Permit (similar to conditional use permit) $10 $ I 25 + expenses Interim Use Permit: $ I 25 + expenses Park Dedication (residential) Dedication of I 0% of land area or $ I ,200 per residential lot or $1,200 per unit for multiple dwellings Parking Fund (CCD District) $1,601 per stall Plat Subdivisions & PUD's: $300 base + $1 OO/acre up to 10 acres; $25 per acre after 10 acres + expenses if it exceeds what is collected. Ifunder, City will refund the excess of the per acre deposit. Rezoning Request: $250 + expenses (all necessary consulting expense) Season Outdoor Sales License: $150 per 60 day license Simple Subdivision $] 25 + expenses Street Vacation: $] 50 + expenses . Trail Fund: $238/per unit Variance: Setback Variance All Other Variances $50 + expenses $ 125 -+ expenses PtlBLlC WORKS Chipping: $25 per] /2 hour or part thereof for the first 2 hours; $50 per] /2 hour or part thereof for the next hour No more than 3 hours per year per property Construction Inspection (City or Engineer) $60/hour Dutch Elm Diseased Tree Removal $225/each Dutch Elm Replacement Tree at 1/2 cost $30 maximum each Mowing & Snow Removal $28/hour for one operator and machine. Does not include use of heavy equipment. Snow Removal Private Sidewalk $75/hour with a ] hour minimum Rodding: $30/hour for one operator & machine; $85/hour or part thereof for two operators machine and pickup. . D^ WN/XCELlFORMS FEE SCIIEDULE:2/2/2(104 6 . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO FEE SCHEDULE Street Sweeper Rental: $50 for first hour or any part thereof; $40/hour for additional hours. Sweeping: $60 for first hour; $50/hour pro-rated thereafter (one operator and machine) SANITARY SEWER Sewer Rates: 0-500 cu. ft. Over 500 cu. ft. $10 $1. 73 per 100 cu. ft. Sewer Connection Permit: $60 Sewer and Water Combination Permit: $100 Sewer Access Charge: Residential - Single Family All others per unit equivalent $3,515 $3,5] 5 per unit Trunk Sanitary Sewer $2,142 per acre STORM SEWER Trunk Storm Sewer Fees: Commercial ]ndustrial Residential $6,869 per acre $6,497 per acre $5,902 per acre WATER Hydrant Rates for Contractors: 1 _ All contractors must obtain a permit no charge from the Water Superintendent. This permit will define the hydrant to be used and provides a tally sheet for water usage. 2. The following rates shall apply: A. $ 1 0 minimum billing for up to 500 cu. ft. or 3,750 gallons. B. After the 3,750 gallons, the rate shall be $1 .49 per] 00 cu. ft. or $1.99 per ] ,000 gallons. 3. The following deposits shall be taken for use of City equipment (no exceptions): A. Hydrant Wrench B. 2-1/2" fill hose C. 1-1/2" fill hose with 2-1/2" adapter D. 2- ]/2" hydrant meter E. 3/4" and small meter $15.00 $50.00 $50.00 $250.00 $75.00 If equipment is returned on time in good condition, the full deposit (less] 0% per month on portion thereorfor rent) shall be refunded. (THIS IS ALL TAXABLE IF COMMERCIAL) DA WN/XCELlFORMS FEE SClIEDULE:21212004 Trunk Water Charge: Water Rates: 0-500 cU.ft.. Over 500 cu. ft. Water with Booster Station: 0-500 cu. ft. Over 500 cu.ft.. Water Shut Off, then Turned On: Water Connection Permit: Water Access Charge: ]" line ] -] 14 tI line ]-1/2" line 2" line 3" line 4" line 6" line 8" line Water Main Tapping - New Services (l" only) Water Meters: 5/8" meter 3/4" meter ] " meter ] I /2" meter 2" meter Valves Water Availability Charge (For those who have city water available but choose not to hook up) [JA WN/XCELlFORMS: FEE SCHEDUL.E:2/2/2004 CITY OF MONTICELLO FEE SCHEDULE . $] ,685 per acre $8.25 $.50 per 100 cu. ft. $]] .50 $ 1.25/10 cU.fl.. $20 +- delinquency $50 $712 + materials $1,082 + materials $] ,298 + materials $ 1 ,659 +- materials $2,137 + materials $2,8] 2 + matcrials $3,542 +- materials $4,651 + materials $200 each +- materials $230.00 +- sales tax $270.00 +- sales tax $290.00 +- sales tax $490.00 +- sales tax $560.00 +- sales tax $2] .00 +- sales tax . $24/year (Billed in July) . 8 Total Permit Fee BUILDING PERMIT FEES - BASED ON 1997 U.B.C. . . 500 '15.28; 23.50 ' 38.78 ":,l~t~,~'I-t~IE-:t'~IU~" 'l....::~:f4~,:~ 800 I 21.22 : 32.65 ! 53.87 "'-'~-19!~=~~-'==F'~.Ii._L:.~'.~.:~'}''-l:~-~JIE-.. 1~' 27.17 41.80.. 68.97' ____~20'Q, -~,:. 29'~~___c~=:~.4e,5 --, !~,Q.(j'~- 130Q3114 :4790 ,79.04- 1400 . 3'3.12 : 50:95---" 84.07 ..__.__, --, -------------.1"..------. .----..----.,. .1500 .. __,L_l~-,'!'Q_' ~~,.QQ... ",,?9.10 J~~~::-- ... :_..l~~ ~~_::,'~"='~H~___ , _~~: ~ ~--,. 1800 : 41 .05 : 63.1 5 ' 1 04.20' 1900---'--1'--4303 166:20-- 109:23 .._-!~I!~[ffi~ : t;m- 7000 . 90.51 139.25" 229.76 """"".n~"'-':':-:--~,6711. +~~-i~'" ~;H~... 1DQ,DP,_ _ 117.81 18125 299,0.6 ..",,~1,DDD..1~~~ 19525 322:16' 120.0.0 136.0.'-' 209.25 34-5.26 13000 . 145.11 ,:i23.25 36Ii.3(f '14000 1 1542'i"- , 237.25 391'.46 150.0.0. - "1-'-1633'1 25125 414.56 160.0.0.'1'-'1'7241 '265::;5 437.66' '};~~t i ,~,;~.~) ~~i~g::~l~ 190.0.0 199.71 30725 506.96 2000()- 208.81 321.25 530:06 21gl)l) '2,'7.-91' 33525 553.16 220.0.0. 227.01 349.25 576:26' 23QPD 23~.11 363.25 ~99,36 240.0.0 245.21 377.25 622.46 250.0.0 254 31 39{25 645.56 26000 26<:>.'88 401.35 I 662:23 271:10.0 ?~744 411.45 '678.89 280.0.0. 2740.1 421.55 695.56 , -2~Q.oD,___, .'280:57 431.65 712,~? : 28714 441.75 728.89 -S1006 :--293:70- 451.85 '745.55 32000 i 30027 461. 95762:'i2- , ,. . 3~iQPQ -i'3~~~t,i 472C>5 778.88 340.0.0 ,31340 I 482.15 795:55 35DDO-~319.96 . 492:25 812.21-- .'. ~6000 _, ",_~~~:s3- ~O}~~ li28.8~_ 370.0.0. 333.09 512.45 845.54' 311D(j~ .E,~~~ j-522.'55 : ..~6i'2;;-' ,~9DDO,__,_,~,~22 i 5}?f!..~ 878'-8!, 352. 7~.. I ...5~27~ 89,~,~~. 41l).l:lI:l_, 35~}5 552.85912.20. 420.0.0. 365.92 562.95 928.87 4'jOOOj7:;i'.48' 573.05 '945.53 440.0.0. 3790ii' "'583.15 962:20' -45000'- .. 385~61 59325 . 978.86 _ . _,~~D-DO ,. ~~? 18 ~63:3'5 995.5j- 47(lOO___, 398.74 ~,1~45 1D12,1~" 480.0.0. 405.31 623.55 10.28.86 __.._n".. ... _.____. .. . . n. 490.0.0 411.87 633.65 10.45.52 _... ___... - .. _....._. ._...n 50.D_Dg, 41,~~j 643.75 1D~2.19 510.0.0. .~2?:99 650.75, 10.73:7'4 520.0.0. 427.54 657.75' 10.85.29 .n_ n.".__.. . -. .. ...- .. -- --. 53(lOD, __ 43.?D_9 ~64 75 1096,84 5,40.0.0. i"j~f:l.~j. 671.75 110.8.39 550.0.0. 441.19" 678.75 1119.94 . n.n_.."'. ..._.. . -.,.- 560.0.0. 445.74 685.75 1131.49 570.0.0. 450.29 692.75 1143'.64 .." ,. -.- 580.0.0 454.84 699.75 1154.59 .. ' ". 590.0.0. 459.39 706.75 1166.14 6D(l,(lD 463.94 713.75 1171,69 610.0.0. 468.49 720.75 1189.24 . Total Permit Fee 620.0.0. . 473.04 727.75 120.0..79 --"63000.-'--'1. 477.59 73475--;-"1'212:34' "~:-~~~~- '-:~F1[~.~~ m--~fr~ ... L~;~I2= "-'-660.0.0.-'-1'49124 ~'155 75--'-'-1'246.99 -- 670.00. --, !495:79 i 76275-':1"258.54 - ~.!lDOo~_':-!~,]:Q9:E'tfff75_,:-'127O:09'- 690.0.0 504.89 776.75' 1281.64 --70000-'--~'50944"r"783:_i5:'-- 129'3:19" ,,-, 7100.0--- '-5'13:99' 790'75-"130.4.74- -, 7z'00051S:S479'7. 75'-;---"1316:2g ---::::'731).Q,O-' ____~~~,09 n @{~tr==1i~:7.8'L ---.Zj.ll_DO 5.2?~L__ ~11.7~,+,J;3,39,~L 750.0.0. ,532.19 i 818.75 : 1350..94 76000" '-'-53S:74 1 82K75-': '1362.49 77000" .. "'S4'1:2'9 j- - 8'32-15-': 1374.0.4'" --78000 r--545'.-84c---B39."75'-;;3'S5.'59 '--'-79-00.0. 550'39" I 846.is--~--'1397.14" lioooo' I 554'-94 -- 853 75'm~ 1408.69 '-""8100.0 "559491' 860.75"-1420:24-- 82000--'564.04" 86'F7S'-' 1431:79 ---_~_~~o--..~'~~'59'... . ~lj 75-";::',~ ~_f34' 8400.0 573.14 881.75' 1454.89 850.00-- 57'7:69 8887'5-- 1466.44:' ___,n.,s-sooo .--.... 582.24 895.75 :-".""1477.99 ,":']!'Q.Qo. .n~8679 ~0275 '::--_'1~89:54' 8,!!.QDO I 59134, 909.75".,_150.1.0.9, 89000. 595.89 916.75 1512.64 ..._......_..... ".. ".._ ..__n___ 600.44 923.75 1524.19 .. u....__ ,,_ no. ' '"'''' ".. .", _.."-,,,. 910.00 604.99 930.75 1535.74 -.-. -.. .."..- 920.0.0. 609.54 937.75 1547.29 ..--.-....."".. ..... ."...... ".......... 930.0.0 614.09 944.75 1558.84 9iO,I)O ~~864 95175 1~?~j9' 950.0.0. 62319 958.75 1581.94 . ...-.-." .....-...""... 960.0.0 627.74 965.75 1593.49 .... ......... "...... . _..m_ _.... 970.0.0. 632.29 97275 ."-"'--,,.. ..-...... ..."_."...,,.. -.......-.. 980.00 636.84 979.75 1616.59 990.0.0 641.39 98675 1628.14 i645.94 993.751639.69 1010.0.1) 64958 999.35 1648~9i _._... "..... .' ......... ". _..n.... ".... 10200.0. 653.?2 1004.9~,,_,165~,~7 10.30.00. 656.86 1010.55, 1667.41 ,__ ,~Q:'lDOD ___Lj60:S0 1016 i5'1~76.65__ 10.50.00. '664.14 1021.75 1685.89 _,,_,'1.0~DOO --.. i' 667781027.35n1~9S'.1~_, 10.700.0. ! 67142 1032.95' 170.4.37 ___.tOBaOO' t'675.06 1 038:~L_ji1~:,~1"" 678.70 1044.15, 1722.85 flooo-o "682.34--1049:75' '173'2.0.9-- -'1IiQl)_Q" ,~,1!~:98105?35' j?~,1j3-- ___'1.:11QDO 689.62 ,-1Q6g9?__, 1.150..57_ 113DQP__, 6~3.?~ 1 066.~~, 17~~,,~,1__ 1140.00. . 696.90 107215 1769.05 1150-00 "700.54 -'107'1:75'-1778.29 -"11'6000 ~'704.18 1083.35 --:;787.53 '-"'--';;'170.0.0 . 'I 707.82 1088.95 1796.:77' ......... I ..".."......." on - .... -.... "... ...-.... , ,_.1_!IlPDO +,-,,11.46 ..1D945~ _,180.6.0.:1.. 11901)0 71510 1100.15 1815.25 120.000"--. 718:74 1105:'15 1824:49 ---1"2-10'00' "72238 ... 1111.351833,73" 122000'-' : 7260211'16 95 1'842'-97 .__._..".._..n..._ ....... -.. 1230.0.0. 72966 1122.55 1852.21 . 124000n 733.30 11281S 1li'6;;:45 -..-...-.-......-....... .... .,,_.. .... ...... ..".... .. . ---- 1250.0.0. 736.94 1133.75 1870..69 -'126000 740.58 1139351879jjj-- . ..."....-.. .. ..--.-. 12700.0 744.22 1144.95 1889.17 .-.---- .....-...,,-- 12800.0. 747.86 1150.55 1898.41 .......-......". .. "......,,-....- 1290.00. 751.50 115615 190.7.65 1300.0.0 755.14 1161.75 1916.89 1310.0.0 758.78 1167.35 1926.13 ..... . - .. ....... ". ...".. 1320.0.0 76242 1172.95 1935.37 .. .... ...".... ___1_~~DDO 76606 1178.55.,1,944,61 13400.0. 769.70 1184.15 1953.85 .. ".... ""...-.."......... ",1~50DD 773.34 118975n1963.D9 1360.0.0. 776.98 119535 1972.33 1370.0.0 '-,::~~1'38'Oor..J":"_, 1390.00 - 140.0.00 ! 791.54 --14'100.0--:'-795 18 ~~~2DOQ"L)J,H2.' _,__,14~QQL 1,_80246_ ,.,_ '144DQO__L,,~g610 1450.0.0 809.74 ':;4600.0' 813:38 ..-...--.--..- .-.....--.--... 1470.00 . 817.02 --~:::j~48~Cfcl--~:_.!l~[66. 1490.00 : 824.30 ..,--1500.00""-'--:-' 827.94' 1~100.Q:-- ,,_LI~,n~ 152D_l:l.Q . ,J,,~~~,?,2 .",_1,5}DDQ,_,_,:, 838.86 15400.0 I 842.50 .-':-~I~~oo-'-:_L_,~~~,i4... 156DQL, i 8"-~,l~ 1570.00 I 85342 '..'-.1..~~,Q.Q~-"'--.~...~,1!~Z:g,6 1590.0.0 860.70 .---.".. ... 864.34 ...----. ........."..... 1610.0.0 867.98 .1~~l),OO '!. !l!1.62 1630.0.0 875.26 1640.0.0 878.90 ..... ."..--...,,-. -... ..... 1li~Q,QQ .. _I__~e,:z, 54 1660.00 886.18 ......-.-.. .. .--.. 1670.0.0 889.82 .-.... --..-..".... 1680.0.0. 893.46 1690.0.0 .. 'r 89710 1700"(j"Q.'. i". 9cib,74 ml:lDO ! ~g438 17?,Ql)0 :__~p~02 1730.0.0 911.66 1740.0.0 915.30 1750'0.0 "--918.94 1760.00 92258 .--.-.... . .-.-- 1770.00 926.22 178()00' 92986 ..... ".""-..-....-..... . -.... 1790.0.0. 933.50 ...."..-."....' .. -... 937.14 ""';;8100'0'- 940.78 1'S2DDD . ."--'9"44 42 ... ..__...._..n "_......_,,.... 1830.00. 948.06 ....-...-. . ....-...-........... 1840.0.0. . 951.70 ...._---".."... ..-.-..-........""-- 1850.00 955.34 1860.0.0. 958.98 .--.-..... ... ......-....-.-.-....-,,- 18700.0. 962.62 . ---..-.-.. ....-..--..-.-.... 1880.0.0. 966.26 "-":;~~~~OO : .,~~~O . ,~_~l)!lOO . . ,9?3. 54 1910.0.0 I 977.18 'f~)"2006 .........1. 980.8-2 -- .."...". .-.--".... .. 1~}DDD .. ,j !:l.e.~46 19400.0. 988.10 '1~5,il,oo .. ..__~?T74 1960.0.0 995 38 .. "..on..___._"'n. _"._.._..,,__... 1970.00 999.02 .._.."...._. .. ...____n..... 1980.00. 100266 1990.00 1006.30 .--.-. . .... . -....-..-.--. 1009.94 20.0.,0.01 65.00% to of 50.0.,0.00. Building Permit 65 00% of Building Permit 65.00% of Building Permit 50.0.,0.01 to 1,0.0.0,00.0. 1,0.0.0.,00.1 and Up Total Permit Fee 1200.95 1981.57 .. .. ....--.... 1206 55 !,l~~_O-,-l:!.L 1212.15 L_~ODO_:Q~, ",'2W75 I 200.9.29 .... -- - -".- ....-.---..---.---- 1223.35 20.18.53 !jjT~-'T,~O'2il~C 1234.55 I 2037.0.1 1240 15 ---'-2046:-25 ....--....-.....".- ...----. 1245.75 2055.49 _. m..._______._.. ._.._ 1251.35 2064.73 -....---"... ....-...--...--...- . _, !??6.~J:i____ ?:l!.?~.9? 1262.55 : 20.83.21 .'-..1-268:.1' 5 l' 2092.45- . "127375 r-2101.ifg' 1279j5-Tn2110~93--' ... ..---."-...-'.".....i. . ... .-.,,-.---.-. 1284_~?_,: 21 ;zQ,JZ__ 1290.55 2129.41 . _..m_...... . .. . . ..._.___.____...... . 1296.15 2138.65 ij~p1t 5--'if~t~~~ . 1307.35 2157.13 ,i~,1295 . ;'~:?,1:S~.,~? 131~,~?! 217!i"li.1. 1324.15 2184.85 n.... . ......___._....".... 1329.75 2194.0.9 .....-....--- ........----."..". 1335.35 220.3.33 -......-. ..........-........".... 1340 95 2212.57 .".-.-...... ......-.... 1346.55 2221.81 . -.... ."..-........-. .. 1352.15 2231.0.5 1357.75 2240..29 1363.35 2249.53 .........."'. .......".n...... 1368.95 2258.77 1374.55 2268.0.1 .... ... . .. .."......-... --.. 1380.15 2277.25 1385.75 2286.49 1391.35 2295.73 1396.9!'; ,', 23D4.9? 1402.55 . 2314.21 1408.15 ; 2323:45 .". .... ..,.. - 1413.75 2332.69 . n....__......"..... 1419.35 2341.93 1424.95 2351.17 1430.55 2360.41 1436.15 2369.65 ...... ..... . ". 1441.75 2378.89 1447.35 2388.13 ..........m...... ... ...._.... 1452.95 2397.37 14~.!l!i,5 . ;z40li,~1_, 1464.15 i 2415.85 ....n __ .._._ 1469.75 2425.0.9 .....-........ ..--.--..-.... 1475.35 2434.33 ---". ......-.. 1480.95 2443.57 ...m.._..... ...._.. .. ........... 1486.55 2452.81 149215 2462.0.5 1497.75 2471.29 .,,_._...u... .....__.._... 1503.35 2480..53 ........" ... ...-..."............. 1508.95 2489.17 1514.55 2499.0.1 1520.15 250.8.25 . ...-"....--.-.". 1525.75 2517.49 1531.35 2526.73 1536 95 2535.97 1542.55 2545.21 1548.15 2554.45 1553.75 2563.69 993.75 for the 1 st ,100,000 plus 5.60 for ea add'l 1,000 or fraction thereof. '3,233.75 for the 1 st 500,000 plus 4.75 for sa add'l 1,000 or fraction thereof 5,60875 for the 1 sl 1,000,000 plus 3.15 for ea add'l 1,000 or fraction thereof. City of Monticello Trunk Fee Policies: . I. UNPLATTED PARCELS: This policy is established to provide a method for determination of equitable trunk fee charges against unplatted lots in the City. Development of unplatted (metes & bounds) land shall be charged full trunk fees at the time of development Such parcels must be platted prior to development in the City and are subject to a development agreement II. RESIDENTIAL PLATTED LOTS: This policy is established to provide a method for determination of equitable trunk fee charges against existing platted residential lots in the City that are being developed to a density exceeding single family. Every platted residential lot of record in the City of Monticello shall be deemed to have trunk charges and credits applied as follows: When platted, each buildable lot is considered 1/3rd developed. Additional residential units, beyond the first are charged trunk fees as they expend additional trunk capacity. For example: Four (4) platted, buildable lots redeveloped or undeveloped -- Approved by conditional use permit or PUD for eight (8) townhomes would pay .28 X Trunk Fee X 4 Added Residential Units-- Original Total Buildable . New Platted Acreage TRUNK FEE CHARGES Units Lots Equiv. Fee/Acre Sanitary Sewer Trunk: 8 -4 X 0.28 X $ 2,142.00 = $ 2,399.04 Water Trunk: 8 -4 X 0.28 X $ 1,685.00 = $ 1,887.20 Storm Sewer Trunk' 8 -4 X 0.28 X $ 5,902.00 = $ 6,610.24 TOTAL NEW TRUNK FEE CHARGES $ 10,896.48 III MULTIFAMILY, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PLATTED LOTS: This poliCY is established to provide a method for determination of equitable trunk fee charges against all existing platted commercial and industrial lots in the City, including those parcels that are being re-developed or developed to a greater intensity. Every platted multifamily, commercial and industrial lot of record in the City of Monticello shall be deemed to have trunk charges and credits applied as follows: Platted lots of record shall be charged trunk fees to the acreage extent of development. The extent of development is to include all impervious surface area and all setback areas. Trunk fee credits shall be carried forward on partially developed parcels until 75% of the developable area is developed, at which time the parcel shall be deemed 100% developed and charged in full for trunk fees based on the total acreage of the parcel. .