City Council Agenda Packet 03-22-2004 . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 22, 2004 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Bruce Thielen Council Members: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Approve minutes of March 8, 2004 regular Council meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and complaints. 5. Consent Agenda A. B. . C. D. Consideration of ratifying new hires for the liquor store. Approval of beer license for Monticello Lions for Riverfest Celebration. Approve renewal of charitable gan1bling licenses for Monticello Lions Club. Consideration of authorizing expenditure for representatives of Fire Department to attend a vendors expo. E. Consideration of authorizing advertisement for bids for new fire tanker. F. Consideration of adopting resolution in support of DNR grant for dock installation at West Bridge Parle 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing on vacation of drainage and utility easements for Lots 5 & 6 and 7 & 8, Block 3 of the Meadows 2nd Addition. 8. Public Hearing on 2004 Core Street Reconstruction Project No. 2004-06C and consideration of authorizing approval of project and ordering plans and specifications. 9. Consideration of adopting a resolution establishing a negative declaration of impact relating to the proposed demolition of the old Community Methodist Church huilding by Sunny Fresh Foods. . 10. Consideration of approving Monticello Community Ice Arena Agreement. . . . Agenda Monticello City Council March 22, 2004 Page 2 11. Presentation of information on MnDOT' s proposed options on a connection from 1-94 and Highway 10 and potential impact on Monticello transportation design issues and consideration of Council resolution supporting an option.. 12. Review well head protection delineation and consideration of forwarding to Minnesota Department of Health. 13. Update on railroad crossing- Territorial Roadl7th Street (closed session). 14. Approve payment of bills for March. IS. Adjourn . . . MINIJTES REGIJLAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 8, 2004 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen Members Absent: Roger Carlson 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Alle2:iance. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2. Approve minutes of the February 23. 2004 re~ular Council meetinl!. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 23, 2004 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MaTTON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. JdIO'Neill added an update on the relocation of the Methodist Church building. Brian Stumpf suggested adding agenda item #7 to the consent agenda. Brian Stumpf questioned the engineer on a letter that was received from the Plumbery. Bret Weiss, City Engineer, responded that the concern noted in the letter is something the City would consider as part of 2004 Core Street Project and would be discussing with MnDOT. 4. Citizen comments. petitions. reQuests and complaints. Mayor Thielen explained the purpose of the citizen comment portion of the agenda. There was no one who spoke under citizens comments. 5. Consent Al!enda A. Consideration of approving temporary liquor license for wine tasting event at the Monticello Community Center. Recommendation: Approve the temporary on-sale liquor license for the April 2, 2004 wine tasting event. B. Consideration of renewing annual maintenance agreement with Wright County Highway Department for 2004. Recommendation: Approve the annual maintenance agreement with Wright County for 2004. c. Consideration of approving renewal of Men's Softball Association beer license. Recommendation: Approve beer license for the Men's Softball Association for the Xce\ BalIfields contingent upon submittal of insurance and payment of license fee. 2- . D. . . Council Minutes - 3/8/04 Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit allowing for an ice arena expansion to an existing education institution in a PZM District and consideration of a request for a conditional use permit allowing the establishment of a joint parking facility as allowed by the General Provisions ofthe Monticello Zoning Ordinance. Applicant: Monticello school District #882 and Monticello-Big Lake Hospital. Recommendation: 1) Move to recommend approval ofthe conditional use permit to allow the construction of an ice arena addition to the Monticello Middle School based on a finding that the facility is an appropriate accessory use for a public school building and that the parking management proposals offered by the applicants will minimize negative impacts of the increase in use. 2) Move to recommend approval of the conditional use permit to allow off-site parking for the school arena on the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital property based on a finding that the hospital parking is in reasonable proximity to the school and access across Broadway is protected by an existing traffic signal. E. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for the expansion of a religious institution in the p-S/Public-Semi-Public District. Applicant: Resurrection I,utheran Church. Recommendation: Move to approve the conditional use permit amendment to allow expansion of a religious institution within a P-S/Public-Semi-Public Zoning di strict based on the comments from the staff report for the March I, 2004 Plann i ng Commission meeting and with the following conditions: I. Building foundation p[antings be provided on the west side of the building addition near the entry area. The variety, location and size of such plantings shall be subject to City approval. 2. The co [or of the building addition siding match that of" the existing structure. 3. All exterior lighting, including the illuminated spire feature shall be directed sllch that the source of light is not visible from adjacent properties or right-of-ways. 4. The City Engineer provide comment regarding grading, drainage and utility issues. F. Consideration of accepting feasihility report and setting public hearing date for 2004 Street Reconstruction Project No. 2004-06C. Recommendation: Accept the feasibility report for the 2004 Street Reconstruction Project No. 2004-06C as prepared by WSB & Associates, Inc. and set March 22,2004 as the date of the public hearing to consider the proposed improvement. H. Consideration of amendments to City Ordinance Chai)'er 5, Title 8 (Boulevards) relating to mailboxes. This item was removed from the regular agenda and placed on the consent agenda. Recommendation: Adopt amendments to ordinance as noted in Ordinance Amendment #405. Glen Posusta requested that item #5F be removed for discussion. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH Tl IE 2 L . . . Council Minutes - 3/8/04 ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEM #7 AS ITEM #5H AND TITE REMOVAL OF ITEM #5F. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Considcration of items removed from the consent a2cnda for discussion. Item #5F relates to accepting of the feasibility report and setting a public hearing date for the 2004 Core Street Reconstruction Project No. 2004-06C. Glen posusta referenced the letter received from the Plumbery and stated that the City needs to look at the situation and determine whether a cul-de-sac or turnaround should be constructed for those properties as a second to doing a right-in right-out arrangement. Glen Posusta stated he had been contacted by the Plumbery. John Johnson and Little Mountain Lighting concerning the situation. Glen Posusta also suggested the possibility of some type of signage that would restrict truck tratlie in the area. Glen Posusta also questioned why Sandberg Road was getting an mill and overlay under the Core Street Project when it has a PCI of 70. lIe also questioned why the road improvement stopped at the dental office site and did not extend down all of Sandberg Road. Glen Posusta felt since Sandberg Road was not a heavily traveled road, micropaving should be considered. He also asked whether micropaving couldn't be considered for Kampa Circle. Bret Weiss, City Engineer indicated they looked at School Boulevard and by using micropaving they could address the rutting that is taking place on that road. He stated micropaving is not applicable in every case and in some cases would be a more costly process so each road needs to be looked at individually. The reason not of all of Sandberg Road is being done is because a portion of the road was done at a different time so the condition of the road is different for that segment. Bret Weiss stated that because of possible development activity on School Boulevard this season it may be that the portion of the 2004 Core Street Reconstruction project relating to School Boulevard may be delayed or done in part. Glen posusta asked about the neighborhood meeting referenced in the feasibility report. Bret Weiss stated that the neighborhood meeting has been scheduled for March 17,2004 and that date had not been updated in the report. Glen Posusta also asked about the work being done in the Meadow Oakes area and whether that would be impacted by the proposed interchange and freeway redesign. Bret Weiss indicated that is something they will be continuing to look at as they do their plans. Since there aren't final plans in place for the interchange they cannot say for certain whether the proposed work would he .rnpacted by it. ROBBlE SMITH MOVED TO ACCEPT THE FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR THE 2004 CORE STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT NO. 2004-06C AND TO SET A PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF MARCH 22, 2004 AT 7 P.M. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED TlIE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 3 J- Council Minutes - 3/8/04 . 7. Consideration of amendments to Ci Ordinance Cha ter 5 Title 8 Boulevards relating to mailboxes. Added to the consent agenda as item #5H. 8. Approve payment of bills for March BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS FOR MARCIL ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Added Item: . Methodist Church Relocation: Jeff O'Neill reported that the relocation report prepared by MacDonald and Mack Architects had just been received and he updated the Council on the report. Sunny Fresh and the Monticello Arts Council have been in discussions relating the cost of relocating the church building and the feasibility of the using the building by the Monticello Arts Council. The report indicated the church building was in fairly good shape. The estimated cost flW preparation and relocation of the building is $533,000. Staff was asking that Council acknowledge the information presented in the report and at a future meeting look at any other group use of the meeting and to consider the declaration of negative impact for an EA W. Although the Monticello Arts Council may not be able to utilize the church bui lding, city staff has been in contact with the W right County Historical Society and the State Historical Society as well as the Methodist Church to see ifthere is any archival interest in the building. Jim Fleming of the Monticello Arts Council spoke expressing the Arts Council's appreciation of the position the City has taken to allow the use of city owned land for construction of a building. They also appreciated the efforts of Sunny Fresh in this project. He noted that the church building has physical limitations and might be more suitable as an ancillary building rather than the primary building. The Monticello Arts Council funding is such that they need to be looking at something that could be utilized as a primary building and the cost factor of$533,000 to relocate the building was also a prime consideration. He acknowledged the serious effort that was made to preserve this building. Don Roberts from Sunny Fresh stated they have tried to do something with the church building for the last 4 Y2 years but it has not worked out. Sunny Fresh would like to utilize the property and move along with the EA W process. Sunny Fresh is not in opposition to any portion of the church building being removed by those who are interested in preserving the building either in part or whole. Don Roberts also indicated they could wait a couple of more weeks for Council action on the EA W since it is unlikely any demolition will take place before May. Fred Patch, Building CHlicial, indicated that the State llistorical Society expressed an interest in doing a photo documentation ofthc building. 9. Adjourn. . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 7:30 P.M. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED 4 2- . . . THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ,-_._,_.,-,-~ Recording Secretary 5 Council Minutes - 3/8/04 L 'sg;)Ao\dw~ M~U]O slSq :VlVO DNIlllOddllS ":J "lsq pJq;)UHB JqlllO pJ~plUgp~ SB SJJAOldwJ JW!l-l1Bd JqlJ-o llU~l!q gql AJ~W~ 'I :SNOIl:JV 3.AIlVNH3l '"IV 'S 'SlJ)\lOM pmosBJS pUB JW!l-PBd llu~pnpll~ SJJAOldLUJ MJlI lIB]O 1l1lP~4 ~lll ^-FlU1 AIIBPUJO EJUnO~) gqllUql pJpUJlliWOJJl S~ l! 'lIB;)gJ nOA Sy 'J10lS lonbq gql U! ^PUJ;)Jl pJl1t1;)JO gABl\lB4l S;)~^O\dW~ M~U jO 'aU~l!q ;Xll Aj~lBJ Ol pgl\SB S! I!JUnO;) ~q.L :ONnOM~)J:JVH ONV 3:JN3M3.iJ3M 'V (M (l) 'J.l01S JOnb!'] .lOj sJJnpudap pUU SJJ!q Mau aU!AoJdau .10 uO!lUJJP!suo:J 'VS to/Zl/S - UPUg'aV Ipuno;) . . . . NEW EMPLOYEES Name Matuska, Jeremy Title Stock/cashier Department Liquor Hire Date Class 3/2/2004 part time . TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class . SA employee councillist.xls: 3/10/2004 . NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class . TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Foshaug, Ryan season ended Public works 1/15/2004 temporary Hoglund, Benjamin involuntary MCC 2/9/2004 part-time . SA employee councillist.xls: 2/25/2004 . . . Council Agenda - 3/22/04 58. Consideration of Approvin2: a temporary liauor license for 3/2 beer for the Monticello Lions Club for River Fest. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has received a request for a temporary liquor license for 3/2 beer for the Monticello Lions Club for the River Fest activities scheduled for July 10-11,2004. The temporary license fee is the same as last year ($1 O/day). B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve issuance of the temporary liquor license for 3/2 beer to the Monticello Lions Club for the River Fest activities on July 10-11,2004. 2. Do not approve the license. C. STAI<'F RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends approval of the license as outlined. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A copy of the application. Application for 1 to 4 Day Temporary On-Sale Liquor License Page 1 01'2 {i",~,~:"q[6;!ii""" J ..., to' ""\ .~ ~ , , ~ ~ \.,~" ./ . .' .. . "1 ",: ......... .....,..1"" Minnesota Department of Public Safety ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 444 Cedar St, Suite 133, St Paul, MN 55101-5133 (651)296-9519 FAX (651)297-5259'TTY (651)282-6555 . AJ"Pl.JCATlON AND llEIUt'UT FOR A 1 TO 4 DAY TEM'PORAltY ON-SAlJ.t UQlJOR UC.KNSE ((~allizalioll or IOClJliQIl limited to 3pennil:> iua 12 month pej'iod) . TYPE OR I'RJ N r INFORMATION NAME or ORGANIZATION DATn OH.GANIZED TAX Exr:Ml'T NUMBIJ{ Mo NT I c. E: L. La LIoNS C L,.tJ 8 0 c. Tit.) ~7~"B~XF.S~ 7 3 ~~~ r 1 Cf:. L.LO STATE NAME ovj:i'F~I{SON MAKING APPLICATION BUSINESS PHONE 0& ER Bl!:/,..,sA AS ~3 2.9S"'~9"+ DA TES LIQUOR WILL BE SOLD(llo4dIlYs) TY'PF OF ORGANIZATION "1 - 10 - 0 ~ ~CLun :'; CIM,RtTABLE ~jRELImOUSJ OTIH~R NONPROFr ~J.J~~Y}lIE~)~'I~P;R'S NAME 17..f~~')~/.sHOP,AV NOW ;/JoNr/(!'E~O MAJ. S~j' 1- 2~~'~~1:.0z.(;~ NAME ~r~4~~O.RN 6/IlCLF: IJJJf/ll:/JA MN. j'"J"3' 1.- OI~^Nig~:~.tg~j';ICFR'S NAME 5~4H~"~1"H >r. MoVrll.t.l loa ft1..v. 5'53" 'l.- Locution Wb'::l"e li.x:m;c wi .10 llsed. l' un (1l1ldl:l'l)r a:f(!:i\, dC51.'tl Co/V1MVN1TY Ce:N-r4-~ '.4/1../<'11'16 l..oT-RIV~~~f:ST SOI.Ee:r tlOt!;. JiL.?--IS PAA~ .~/V~I( p~S'" At'I..-r INr"HE: pl4/V< Will the applicm:ll coOtltnlc!llir Intoxicating liqllor servioo,;? If:;o, g.i\'c Ill.;: llallW Il;HlllddreS;c:; of Ihul ,iqll\lf liccllS<:' providing (be service, NO :1 ' Will the IIpplicollll( call}' IiqU(ir liabililyiu\01.Irilllcc? If so, tbe cMriut' " lI:l111U itod 1\111(11]111 (11' c.ovcrllg<l. (NOTE; w..'<<lfaJlce is ll(J! malldlllory).,",~ ~ ~ p 4 INS '" &- ~ y S / J 00" ~ 0 <> 0 APPROVAL APPLICATION 1\1 liST BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COllN1''YBEFORE SUBMITT1NG TO UQUOR CONTROL CITY ICOl.JNTY DATE APPROVl?D ~........,...............WWwIM'''''''''''''"~.~_'~'~.''_~~''''_''_'~_~'_ ,,......~._.~~~~~.~~~~...._~--~_._~............,...,,......,...,,..-~...........,,- '" ~ ....." ,;. CITY FEEAMOCNT UCENSE DATES .~,,,,,,,,.~,,~,~,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,ft~W'~'..'_"'_'_.'" "'_.~._-_.__......_,~, ..............,,~.="........... DATE H:m PAID ""'.........~____~~~..,............'>:".,.:'lII:>H...._ .,...-......... SlnN.i\TURE CITY (:l}:RK OR COUNTY OFFiCIAL APPROVED LIQUOR CONTROL IJ1RJ:t~lOR . NOTE: 00 not je:tll\ral~ Ihe~e Iw'(l pllrt.s, IWnd both pltl1i! to tilt a(ldr~:\:lIlIbiWf alld the nrlgllla.l signed b~ Ibis tlh i~ion will bI., relurned 11$ tlu,> lu;~eme, Submit to I hI'. Cit)' l)f Cr)unl~ at least 31\ da~'!l hC(IlT€' the e\l'n.1. PS'()90?9(8f<J5 ._~~";o.~,..,..,.,,,,~'''''''''''~~~''''''~~~ http://www.dps.state.mn.us/al cgamb/alcenf/forms/4daytemp.html 8/5/2002 . . . Application for 1 to 4 Day Temporary On-Sale Liquor License Page 1 of2 !t;i~~:f~Oij;@~"', ...\ ..~,. i '\ , \ .~ '.; , , ":. ..\ '''', :~ '''I ... ........<:f~ ,,:.,. ............"..1'1' Minnesota Department of Public Safety ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 444 Cedar St., Suite 133. St. Paul, MN 55101-5133 (651)296-9519 FAX (651)297.5259 TTY (651)282.6555 APPUCATlON A.N.DPERMIT FOR A 1 TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON-SAUD 1,JQlJOR LICRNSl~ (Or!!,M,lizalioll or lOClllioll lirnll,1X! 10 3 permhs in II 12 llwllth pojd~jd) TYPE OR PIt/NT INFORMATION NAME or ORGANIZ..... nON DA"I'r:: ORGANIZED TAX EXEMPT Nt :IMBER /I1t:>",r,c S;L.LO l.IONS CLUB DC-j '-Z5 . STRFET ADDRESS eIT'1' p70 80 X 'l"3 MJI'ITIC-~l.LO R~~ C~'~ERSrL~~~~ APPL.ICA TION ~3~~INi~:J':I~~~4 DA us U Qt/OR \\'n), BE SOLD (I 104 dllYs) T'l"PF OF ORGANIZATION 1-;1- o.it CLUB :: CHARITABU: ::r REUCilOUS J OTHbIfNONPROiT J~(~~lb~'~~~F~lcgR'S NAME ~7~~1~~, HoP AV /IV! MoAlTICfoLLo MAJ. ,)5"3'- 4- 2.RJ~~z)l$~Jl~:;;JAME '~'~4;;8coA/v' C/~Lf /"IDIJ11CeLLo 11A1. 5"531.. '1- ORG!\Nll..<\110N OFFICEH,'$ NA!\{E ADDRE.SS W /5..:5 C> L ON f"2..4 W ,'f"/i Sf. M"NT. c6t,t..o IIIA/. .sY3" 1..- Looation where li....,."o$(: wi be uso<l. U'llrj mmllJ<(lf :nclI, dcsen Bt.I...ISOAJ 'PAIt.}<. -RIP.!"'; G f!.t.l 0 - R/Ve.~r6ST c 61.t:.8RIOi/b,.) Willlhc applicamooutr1lCt for i\llo:,;,icating liqllor~rvjcc$? If,;t\ g.i\'1;'; 'Ill: ll:um: lllHl11ddrcs.-: of d\l~ I,i'lllm 1 ioou:;c llM'iding 11:1(: S-l'1'l'ice de> " ~ '" . Will the Ilpplicllnt CiU'f)' liquor liabilily inl>UHlUcc') If so, the c.1.l'l'it:r' S Ilame 1111 arlHllllll of OO....Crll~. (NOTE: In.s.umllce l!lllOl malldalor:r)",(,?~ P ~ /IVS A 6(.Y QOC::>..L-~_~_~_~",...y'_"_~",____ APPROVAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY elTY On. COlJNTVBEFORE SUBMITTING TO UQUOR CONTROL CITY/COUNTY DATE APPROVf.D CITY FEEAMOCNT LICENSE DATF:S DA.TE H~E PAIO________.~.____"_ SI(,NATlJRE CITY Cl,ERK OR COlJNTY OFFiCIAl, APPROVED LIQUOR. CONTROL DIREC}UR NOTE: OQ nol st,pnrate th~~~ two parts, MlDd botb parts to tla' gttdrtS:!l,lIlHWt Ill'id the odgiuli! :liigned h~ lhi" dh'i~ilm will be rdllrned II) the u."~tll1se, Submit to HII'. ell)' or Count)st wad 30 dlt'." hefotethe cu:n1. PS..{)9079{SflJ5 ~~~,...,,..,...,......~~.~~,~:.,,,,,..,,'""""''''''''',,,,....,,~.C'.~~.....,~''''''''''''..,,,,,~C'; http://www.dps.state.mn.us/alcgamb/ aIcenflforms/ 4daytemp.html 8/5/2002 . . . 5C. Council Agenda - 3/22/04 Consideration of resolution approvine renewal of eambline license for Monticello Lions Club to conduct charitable eambline at Monticello Country Club. Hawks Soorts Bar and Grill and River City Lanes. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Lions arc requesting renewal oftheir permit to conduct charitable gambling operations at the Monticello Country Club, Hawks Sports Bar and Grill and River City Lanes.. Prior to the State Gambling Control Board issuing a license, the City Council must pass a resolution approving or denying the application. The staff is not aware of any reason why the Council would not allow the state to issue this license. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: c. 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to renew the charitable gambling license to the Monticello Lions Club for charitable gambling activities at the Monticello Country Club, Hawks Sports Bar and Grill and River City Lanes. 2. Do not approve the resolution. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends the resolution being adopted authorizing the issuance of the license. The City is not aware of any reason why the license should be denied. D. SUPPORTING DATA: · Copy of resolution . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2004-15 RESOLlJTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSlJANCE OF A GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, the Monticello Lions Club have submitt@d an application to the City Council of Monticello for the issuance of a charitable gambling license to conduct charitable gambling at Monticello Country Club in Monticello, Minnesota, and WHEREAS, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board. NOW T'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the application by the Monticello Lions Club for a charitable gambling license is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of March, 2004. -----------'~.....----------- Bruce Thielen, Mayor ATTEST: Rick WolfsteJler, City Administrator SG . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO R(~SOLlJTION NO. 2004-16 RESOLlJTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSllANCE OF A GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, the Monticello Lions Club have submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for the issuance of a charitable gambling license to conduct charitable gambling at Hawks Sports Bar and Grill in Monticello, Minnesota, and WHEREAS, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the application by the Monticello Lions Club for a charitable gambling license is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of March, 2004. ......---------~.....--------....-----------......---" Bruce Thielen, Mayor ATTEST: Rick WolfstellcL City Administrator 5G . . . CITV OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2004-17 RESOLIJTION AIJTHORIZING THg ISSUANCE OF A GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, the Monticello Lions Club have submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for the issuance of a charitable gambling lIcense to conduct charitable gambling at River City Lanes in Monticello, Minnesota, and WHEREAS, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the application by the Monticello Lions Club for a charitable gambling license is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of March, 2004. Bruce Thielen, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator t,:"' c -::.:> '-, . . . Council Agenda - 3/22/04 SD. Consideration of authorizin ex enditure for re resentatives of Fire De artment to attend a vendors expo. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Six individuals from the Fire Department are requesting authorization to attend an out of state conference and vendors exposition to be held the week of April 25th-May 1 st. The confcrence is located in Indianapolis, Indiana and their request is being made for the City to cover the lodging expense for three nights estimated at $618 and the three day exhibit pass for each fireman at $60 at a total estimated cost of $978. The request at this time is to not actually register and attend the conference, but to have the City cover the lodging costs and exhibit passes so they can see the equipment and technology that is being displayed at the convention. Since volunteer firemen have not attended any out of state conferences or seminars in the past, I asked Fire Chief, Scott Douglas, to prepare an outline of why the department felt it was important to send individuals to this confcrence and what benefit it would be for the City to pick up some ofthe cost associated with the conference. The Fire Department's is enclosed for your review. While it doesn't appear that there is any interest by the firemen in actually participating in any of the sessions other than attending the vendor exhibits, the firemen are not asking for transportation costs or to be paid for the time in attendance. If the Council feels the expenditure of a $1,000 seems appropriate, sutTLcient funds have been budgeted in the fire department under conference and schooling that can be used for this purposes. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize an expenditure of up to $1,000 for representatives of the Fire Department to attend the vendors expo at the FDIC Conference in Indianapolis. 2. Do not authorize conference attendance. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Although it doesn't appear that the firemen intend to actually participate in conference seminars, the request for partial reimbursement of expenditures allowing six firemen to attend the vendors exhibit may certainly be beneficial in allowing the firemen to see what new technology and equipment is available for firefighting purposes. With $4,000 being budgeted in 2004 for conference and schooling expenditures, sufficient funds should be available to still provide other training that is needed without exceeding our budget allocation. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Request outlining purpose of attendance and copy of conference summary. . Rick asked for letter describing the benefits to the city for 6 firefighters to attend a conference in Indianapolis. This conference is called the FDIC, fire department instructor's conference. It is held at the Indiana Convention Center and the RCA dome from April 26 to May I. We are planning on leaving Monticello on Thursday and returning Sunday. The drive time to Indianapolis is about 12 hours. Knowledge and infonnation are the 2 main reasons we attend any schools or exhibits. This would be the first time in the Monticello Fire Dept. history that anyone has gone out of state for learning. Besides the asst. chief and myself there are 4 other members planning on attending. These members have 8 or less years of service, but I believe men are the future leaders ofthe Monticello Fire Dept. Their involvement in this dept. has been a major asset. It is to the cities advantage to have these men interacting with other firefighters from across the United States. These contacts can and are helpful in training, firefighting and problem solving. These fire fighters are taking vacation time from their jobs and time from their families to attend this conference. )fthe city could help us out by paying for our lodging and exhibit fees it would help defray some ofthe expenses for these firefighters. Those attending this conference would pay all other expenses, including meals and travel. To help with the cost we plan on using just 2 rooms for the 6 firefighters. Experience and knowledge are the primary reasons we are going to the FDIC. Both the city and the fire dept. will benefit from that. Is it going to dull, ) doubt it. When you have that many firefighters together something is always going on. Thank you for your time and consideration. 2 rooms for 3 nights @ 103.00 per night"" 618.00 3 day exhibit pass @ 60.00 each"" 360.00 Total for 2 hotel rooms and passes"" 978.00 . . so Contents Conference at a Glance Stm~,J\tlril25 6:00 pm- 7:00 pm. . . Registration Ii Conference at a Glance. . . . .. . . .. . ... 1 iii Sponsors............................... 2 \I Hands-On Training Evolutions. . . .5 6:00 aIn - 5:00 pm _ . . Registration 6:30 an' . . . . . . . . . . . HOT Evolutions StaginglBus Loading 8:00 am- 5:00 pm . . . Hands-On Training Evolutions and Workshops Special Event: VJurage and Valor Silent Auction It Hands-On Training Workshops. . . .8 II What's New. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 II Advisory Board. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 6:00 am - 5:00 pm. . . Registration 6:30 am . . . . . . . . . . . HOT Evolutions StaginglBus Loading 8: 00 am-6:00 pm .' Hands-On Training Evolutions ,md Workshops Special Event: Courage and Valor Silent Auction II Organizing Teams... ............... .18 "W~es4aY;.t\pmr~,i," '",' 6:30 am- 5:00 pm . . . Registration 8,00 am-1O,OO am . . Opening Ceremony & Firellghter Tribute 8:00 am _ - 5:00 pm. . . US& R HOT Program 10:30 am - 4:45 pm . . Classroom Sessions 10:30 am _ 6:30 pm . _ flre EMS Leadership Conference 5:00 pm _ 6:45 pm . . Brennan and Bruno "Unplugged" Special Events: c,urage and Valor Silent Auction: Hockey Tournament 1& IFE Call for Papers................ .20 . Map of Indianapolis . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . 25 III Exhibitors............................ 28 ,'fhpt'~c:lay,.t\ptil~sr'" '\"''\'" 7:00 am -7:30 pm . . . Registration 8:00 am -1 0:00 am . _ General Session 8:00 am _ 5:00 pm. . . US&R \101' Pr'Ogram 10:30 am .- 4:45 pm . . Classroom Sessions 10:30 am-6:30 pm . .lireEMS I..eadership vmference 2:30 pn,-7:30 pm. . . Exhibit l300ths in Maryland Street Lobby West and East. Malyland St. Booths 5344.5399, Capital Street r .obby. Wabash Ballroom and 500 Ballr'Oom 3:30 pm _ 7:30 pm. . . Outside Exhibit and Live Demo Areas 3:30 pm-7:30 pm... Main Hall, Dome 4000 -4536.5300 - 5340 Special Events: Courage "nd Valoy' Silent Audion: Hoekey Tournament; Slop. Drop. American La France Rock & Roll II What You Need to KnoW..........36 II Registration Forms................. 37 7:00 am-5,30 pm _ . . Registl'atioy, 8:00 "m -\ 0:00 am . . Genen!l Session 8:00 "m - 5:00 pm. . . US&R \ 101' Program \ 0:30 am -12: \5 pm . Classroom Sessions 8:30 (un- 5:30 pm _ . . Exhibit Booths in Maryland Street Lobby West East, Maryland St. Booths 5344-5399, Capital Street Lobby, Wabash Ballroom and 500 Ballrq6 8:30 am _ 5:30 pm . . _ Outside Exhibit and Live Demo Areas 9:30 am _ 5:30 pm. . . Main llall, Dome 4000 - 4536. 5300 - 5340 Special Events: Courage and V"lor Silent Auction; Hockey Toumame,n, Firelighters' Open House ~~,:.i:f,;~i:;~;O:;""""""""""d""""',](}[-" "1" ,',""" ~~-ri~,?~~../8-~!!-'f'-jt.:........../::-/,.. 8:00 am-4:OO pm. . . Registration' 8:00 am-4:00 pm . . . Exhihit Booth_ in Maryla.nd Street Lobby West all East, Marylan,l St. Booths 5344"5399. Capital . Street Lobby. Wabash Ballroom "nd 500 Ballroom 8:00 am -12:00 pm . . Live Demo Areas (Outside Area) 9:00 am-4:00 pm. . . Main H"ll. Dome 4000 -4536,5300 Special Events: Courage and Valor Silent Auction; Hono!" Guard .... Competition: Incident SaFety Officer Certification {Registration - FDIC 2004--4 - Name Phone E-mail *Confirmations will be sent by email if address is provided Best time to <'all Fax I lands-On Training Evolutions and Workshops will be """erved when payment is received. Register early! Class sizes are limited. Be sure to completely fIll out the form on the opposite page if you are registering for H.O.T. Evolutions or Workshops- Please indicate your choices for Evolutions or Workshops on the day(s) that you will be attending by marking your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th choices. Check only one box for each dass. You can attend one full-day Evolution or Workshop or two half-day Evolutions per day. There is no refund for' partial-day attendance. You will receive a certificate of attendance, which will be mailed to you after' the conference. Full-Day Workshops begin at 0800 hours. Half-D,~y Evolutions begin at 0800 and 1300 hours. Students should muster for tlloJ'rling Evolutions at 6:30 A.M. each day. Lunch will be provided. Conference Fees On ",' bdore After (Please select only one (~f the fbllowing) 2/26/04 2/26/ll4 1.1 Hands.On Training Package ................. $590 . . . . $670 Includes TIl'o days of Hands-On Training (Evolution or Workshops). Full Conjere1l(:t, and Exhibits o Hands-On Training Workshop P"ckage ......... $510 . . . . $590 Includes One day of Hands-On 7i-aining Workshops, Full COI,ferenc". and Exhibits o Monday, Apr'il 26 U Tuesd,~y. April 27 I.l Hands-On T r"irring (Two days. Evolurlons and/ - or Workshops) Monday and Tuesday. April 26-27, 2004 _ _ $325 . . . . $375 o Hands.OnTraining Workshops(OnelulY. ~hrkshol'sollly) . $205 . . - - $240 o Full Conference (Includes Full COllferellce. Class/lloms, Gelleral Sessiolls and Exhibits) . . . . . $340 . . _ . $440 o One-Day Conference (Includes Exhibits). , _ . . . . . - . . . . $145 . . .. $170 o Wednesd"y, April 28 0 Thursday, April 2') 0 Friday, April 30 [J Exhibit Package . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . $55 . . . . $60 Includes a/llhree days: Thursday th/'OIIgh Saturday. April 29 - May I, 2004 LJ Spouse Exhibits Only. . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . $10 . . . . $16 N(lmeforRodge__ -- .--,.--'-' ~,~..,- I-J One Day Exhibits Only. . _ . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . . . $35 o Thursday. April 29 0 FT'iday, April 30 Il Saturday, May I New for 2004 o t,reEMS Full Conference. . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . - . . . . $360 . . . . $460 (Includes Wednesday -77lUrsday (4128--29)fireHMS Conference. hiday (4/30) FDIC Class/lIoms and all Exhibit.,) [J f'ireEMS 2-Day Conference Only. . . _ . . . . . - . . . . . . $325 . . - . $425 (Wednesday and Thursday. 4128-29) o Special US&R RO.T. Program (no early hird). _ . . . . . $7')5 (Wednesday-Friday.. 4128-4/30. iacludes all exhibits 4129-5/1) rl Special US&R Il.O.T. Program + 2-Day Regular H.O.T. Evollltionsl\Vorkshops. . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . , . . . . . . - . . $995 (Monday-Friday. 4126-4/30. aad includes all exhiiJ/ts 4129-5/1) Registration Fee $__ Total Due $.__ Paymellt (must be received by 2/26/04 to receive early rate) All reservations must he paid in full prior to the conference [or admittance. LJ Enclosed is a check payable to FDIC. LJ Enclosed is a signed purchase order. 0 Credit Card Guarantee D Charge my credit card: [J MasterCard [J Visa [J Amer'ican Express 0 Discover [J Diners Club Card Number _____..__.___Exp Date Name on c.."I.nl _~._",,~,'~_.."-'~. .-"..- Signatun~ _"'_,_,_~_"_'_...,.~-'-~- Disabilities o Please check here if you have a disability that may require special accommodations during the conference. An FDIC representative will contact you to discuss your needs. Subscription to Fire Engineering o Your registration fee includes a $15. 12-month subscription to Fire Engineer'ing. Check here if you DO NOT want the 12-month subscription. r<<I I Cancellation Policy C,mcellations received in writing prior to March 9, 2004 are ful\y refundable. Cancellatiuns received in writing between March 10 and April 10, 2004 arc 50% refundable. No Refunds after April 10, 2004. Substitutions are allowed provided FDIC Management is notilled. Please Note: Training cxpenscs may be tax deductible; please chcck with yuur tax advisor. For FDIC use u!'ly LTI__DTI 5[) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I !J I '. I I i ;1 I ~ ~ I I, l1 i Council Agenda - 3/22/04 . SE. Consideration of authorizin advertisement for bids for the urchase of 3000 allon tanker truck for the Monticello .Joint Fire Deoartment. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is requested to approve authorizing advertisement for bids for the purchase of a new 3000 gallon water tank truck for the Joint Fire Department. The Fire Department has prepared specifications for this new truck that the Joint Fire Board has recently approved and authorized for bids. A copy of the specifications are included with the agenda item for more detail. At this time, the City and Monticello Township are still operating the fire department under the Joint Fire Board arrangement and Monticello Township has recently given their approval to authorize the Joint Fire Board to proceed with obtaining bids on this new truck. Financing of the new vehicle would take place under the current formula of the joint agreement which means that approximately 30% of the new truck would be paid for by Monticello Township and the balance by the City. The City has been including $35,000 annually in our recent budgets for the purpose of equipment replacement and the City would have available approximately $110,000 for the purchase of new trucks. It is estimated that the vehicle will cost around $125,000, which would leave the City's cost at around $87,500. . If authorized by the City Council, the Fire Department would proceed with advertisement for bids, at which time the final cost would be brought back to the Council for fmal approval. If the bids do not come in as expected, the option is still available for the Council to reject the bids at this time. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize the Monticello Joint Fire Board to proceed with advertisement for bids for a new 3000 gallon tanker truck. 2. Do not authorize advertisement for bids at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator along with the Monticello Joint Fire Board that the City Council authorize advertisement for bids for the new tanker truck. Sufficient funds are available for the cost of this new vehicle and would be financed in accordance with the current terms and conditions of the joint fire agreement. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Copy of bid specifications. . . . Standard = Section 1: Section 2: Section 3: Section 4: Section 5: Section 6: Section 7: Section 8: Section 9: Section 10: Section 11: Section 12: Section 13: Section 14: Optional Section 1: Section 3: Section 4: Section 13: Section 14: Section 15: Section 16: Section 18: The Monticello Fire Department 3000 GALLON UPF POLYIIE TANKER SPECIFICA TIONS INDEX TO SPECIFICATIONS Booster Tank Booster Tank Piping, Fills and Gauges Dump Valves and Chutes Portable Tank Carrier Apparatus Body and Components Apparatus Body Compartments Running Boards, Catwalks, and Rear Step Grab Rails and Foot Steps Electrical Equipment Emergency Siren and Lighting Equipment Painting, Lettering, Striping and Signs Rustproofing and Mud Flaps Pump and Plumbing Hose Trays, Crosslays and Preconnects Booster Tank Dump Valves and Chutes Portable Tank Carrier Pump and Plumbing Hose Trays, Crosslays and Preconnects Hard Suction Carriers Hose Reel Chassis STANDARD Section 1: Booster Tank . 1.00 The booster tank shall be a 3000 gallon capacity, UPF POL Y- TANK lIE water tank. The UPF POL Y_ TANK IIE booster tank shall be "tee" shape design to allow maximum compartmentation. The tank shall be constructed of W' thick PTZE polypropylene sheet stock. For appearance, the tank heads and sides shall be constructed 01'%" thick PT2E polypropylene sheet stock. This material shall be a Non-corrosive street relieved thermoplastic, UV stabilized for maximum protection. The booster tank shall be of a specific configuration and is so designed to be completely independent of the body and compartments. All joints and seams shall be nitrogen welded and tested for maximum strength and integrity. The top of the booster tank is fitted with removal lifting eyes designed with a 3 to I safety factor to facilitate easy removability. The transverse swash partitions shall be manufacture of 3/'8" PT2E polypropylene and extend approximately 4" off the floor to just under the cover. The longitude swash partitions shall be constructed of 3/8" PT2E polypropylene and extend from the floor of the tank through the cover to allow for positive welding and maximum integrity. All partitions shall be equipped with vent and air hole to permit movement of air and water between compartments. The partitions shall be designed to provide maximum water flow. All swash partitions interlock with one another and are welded to each other as well as to the walls of the tank. The Tank Shall Carry a Lifetime Warranty from Its Manufacture 1.01 The tank shall have a combination vent and manual fill tower. The fill tower shall be constructed of Ii" PT2E polypropylene and shall be minimum dimension of 16" square X 10" high. The tower shall be located to suit our fire department. The tower shall have a W' removable polypropylene screen and a PT2E polypropylene hinged-type cover. Inside the fill tower shall be fastened a combination vent overflow pipe. The vent overflow shall be a minimum of schedule 40 polypropylene pipe with a minimal LD. of 6" that is designed to run through the tank with deflector shicld. . 1.02 There shall be one (1) sump. The sump shall be constructed of Ii" PT2E polypropylene. There shall be a minimum 3" n.p.t. threaded outlet on the bottom for a drain plug. 1.03 The UPF POL Y-TNK lIE shall rest on the body cross members in conjunction with sllch cross members, spaced at a distance that would not allow for more than 530 square inches of unsupported area under the tank floor. The tank shall be isolated from the cross members through the use of hard rubber strips. Additionally, the tank shall be supported around the entire bottom outside perimeter and captured both front and rear as well as side to side to prevent tank from shifting during vehicle operation. Section 2: Booster Tank Piping, Fills and Gauges 2.00 Flanges, there shall be one (1) 2 Ii" NPT tank flange opening and plug located under the tank. . 2 . . 2.04 Direct fill, one (1) 4 inch direct fill with storz fitting, and gated with a 4 inch butterfly valve shall be provided at the rear of the apparatus on the left side of the rear dump valve. The direct fill shall be equipped with a 4 inch cap and chain. Rear right of dump valve with gated valve. 2.04.3 4 inch 30 degree elbow, direct fill shall be equipped with one 4 inch storz 30 degree elbow fitting. 2.10.1 One (1) MC Products Strip-Lite Series, model PST ANK, LED tank level gauge will monitor the water tank level and be located per customer instructions. The tank sensing probe shall be made of stainless steel in a chemical resistant PVC housing. The tank shall be equipped with see through water level indicator at the rear of the tank. Section 3: Dump Valves and Chutes 3.00 Rear dump valve, one (1) Newton 10 inch square Kwick-Dump valve, model 1050 shall be provided at the rear center of the tank. For improved water flow, the model 1050 Kwick-Dump valve shall be attached directly to the tank and not by the use of a rear manifold system. The rear dump valve shall be equipped with a 10" stainless steel flip chute and painted the exterior color of the apparatus. Electric valve operational. Stainless bolt strips shall be used for mounting. No helicoils for mounting. 3.01 Side dump valve, one (1) Newton 10 inch square Kwick-Dump valve, model 1060 shall be provided at the front drivers side of the apparatus. For improved water flow, the electric model 1060 K wick- Dump valve shall be attached directly to the tank and not by the use of a rear manifold system. The side dump valve shall be equipped with a manual Newton 36 inch telescoping chute, model 4036 and painted the exterior color of the apparatus. Also option for right side dump valve on passenger side. Section 4: Portable Tank Carrier 4.01 Tip-down portable tank carrier, one (1) tip-down portable tank carrier for loading/unloading of a folding water tank shall be located on the passenger side and above the catwalk. The tank carrier shall be designed to fold down over the body side. When in the up position the tank carrier shall be secured with heavy duty locking Destatco latches. The tank carrier shall be made of 1.25 inch 16 gauge stainless steel square tubing. The tank carrier shall be large enough to hold at least a 4,000 gallon size folding water tank. To help keep the wind from entering the folding water tank when in the traveling position, there shall be a wind deflector shield made of .125 inch polished aluminum Tread-Brite installed on front of the portable tank carrier. 4,000 gallon drop tank with two (2) dump sleeves on tank. . 3 Section 5: Apparatus Body and Components 5.00 The entire apparatus body must be removable in its completed entity and accompany the water tank when the water is removed. All compartment and lower body panels are to be attached to the structural tank sub-frames and tank catwalks. The entire apparatus body shall be constructed of 12 and 14 gauge smooth carbon steel. . 5.01 Fenders to be integral with the side of the body. Fender wells shall be constructed with full circular inner lines for ease of cleaning and maintenance. 5.02 There shall be bright polished aluminum fenderettes installed on the wheel wells to prevent splash and to give the body a pleasing appearance. The fenderettes shall extend beyond the body side approximately 1 inch. The fasteners shall not be exposed to the exterior of the fenderettes. 5.03 The bottom edge of the entire apparatus shall have a 2 inch by 1 inch polished aluminum Tread-Brite rub-rail installed to give the body a pleasing appearance. 5.04 Tow eye shall be provided and located above the rear step and attached directly to the chassis frame. Section 6: Apparatus Body Compartments . 6.00 Compartment, one (1) sweep out style compartment shall be provided on the driver's side and ahead of the rear wheels. The compartment shall have approximate inside dimensions of 54 inches wide by 34 inches tall by 27 inches deep. The compartment shall have a 48 inch Roll-o-matic anodized aluminum roll up door, two (2) door activated compartment lights, two (2) stainless steel louvered vents, black Turtle Tile plastic dry decking, and floor drains. The interior of the compartment shall be sprayed with white Speed liner bed coating and spatter painted the exterior color of the apparatus. 6.01 Compartment, one (1) sweep out style compartment shall be provided on the passenger side and ahead of the rear wheels. The compartment shall have approximate inside dimensions of 72 inches wide by 34 inches tall by 27 inches deep. The compartment shall have a 60 inch Roll-o-matic anodized aluminum roll up door, two (2) door activated compartment lights, two (2) stainless steel louvered vents, black Turtle Tile plastic dry decking, and f100r drains. The interior of the compartment shall be sprayed with white Speedliner bed coating and spatter painted the exterior color of the apparatus. Compartments shall be as large as possible. . 4 . . . Section 7: Running Boards, Catwalks and Rear Step 7.01 The catwalks shall be located above left and right compartments. The catwalks shall be made of polished aluminum Tread-Brite and bent at a 30 degree angle to provide a drip rail. 7.02 The rear step shall be 16 inches deep with a 12 inch tall "kick" plate. The rear step shall be made of polished aluminum Tread-Brite. Section 8: Grab Rails and Foot Steps 8.00 Grab rails, there shall be two (2) 20 inch vertical grab rails provided at rear oftank, one each side. The grab rails shall be made of 1.25 inch diameter extruded aluminum tubing with ribbed rubber inserts and chrome plated stanchion brackets. 8.01 Foot steps, there shall be two (2) large chrome plated folding steps of a minimum of 35 square inches and polished aluminum Tread-Brite kick-plates shall be provided at rear of body, one each side, for access to the catwalk area. Section 9: Electrical Equipment 9.00 A master battery disconnect switch single "on/off' position switch shall be mounted in the cab. When in the off position, all electrical power to the apparatus shall be disconnected. There shall be a green pilot light visible to the driver which illuminates when the master switch is activated. 9.00.1 The body and chassis shall be wired as independent modules and connected as a completed unit at the final assembly via electrical connectors located in the electrical compartment. Seals shall be provided on each individual wire and the assembly as a whole. All wiring for the apparatus body shall be within a temperature resistance harness. All wires in each harness shall be color coded. Wiring shall be run along structural rails and tied in a neat and orderly manner. 9.00.2 The electrical junction box for all apparatus connections, relays, circuit breakers, etc., will be located in the face of the forward passenger side compartment. It shall be of polished aluminum Tread-Brite construction with an aluminum hinge. The apparatus circuits requiring load protection shall utilize sealed relays and automatic reset circuit breakers. 9.01 Clearance L.E.D 1 ights with chrome plated guards, there shall be a total of seven (7), five (5) red L.E.D. lights installed on the rear of the apparatus, and two (2) amber L.E.D. lights installed on the front left: and right of the apparatus. 5 9.02 Reflectors, L.ED. per D.O.T. specifications. . 9.03 Stop-turn-taillights, there shall be two (2) L.E D. Weldon 7"stop-turn-taillights installed at rear. 9.03.1 Two (2) L.ED. Weldon model 4694 Quad-Cluster combination red stop/tail, clear backup light, amber arrow type turn signal, and read warning light assemblies shall be supplied and installed on the rear of the apparatus. Individual lights shall measure 6 inches wide by 4 inches tall. Light assemblies shall be provided in a polished cast aluminum housing measuring 8.69 inches wide by 198.84 inches tall. Each light assembly shall be installed using a gasket between the casting and body. 9.04 Backup lights, there shall be two (2) L.ED. Weldon 7" backup lights. 9.05 Compartment lights, there shall be two (2) door activated compartment lights installed in each compartment. 9.06 Compartment "door ajar" warning light, there shall be a red pilot light visible to the driver which illuminates when a compartment door is open. Section 10: Emergency Siren and Lighting Equipment . ] 0.00 Control Center, all accessory and emergency lighting shall be controlled at a master control center in the cab. The control center shall contain lighted rocker switches and shall be heavy duty rated to service the maximum imposed electrical load. The control center shall have back lighted identification plates on a non-glare panel face that clearly identify each switch and its function. The control center shall control all warning lights, scene lights, and include the "Master On" and "Open Door" indicator lights. 10.01 Light bar, the upper level warning package shall be fully NFP A compliant and shall be certified by the lighting component manufacturer to meet all requirements. The front and front side zones shall be covered by one (]) light bar mounted on the cab roof. The outer sections of the light bar shall each have a 50 watt halogen rotator with a 3-step cascade mirror. The center section of the light bar shall have a 50 watt halogen rotator with a 3-step cascade mirror. The entire light bar shall have red lenses. Activation of the light bar shall be via the control center located in the cap. Excliabur light bar w/52" length or code 3 Hi-perm light bar w/3M Opticon in light bar with flashers for front and rear with intersection lights. With 3M Opticon installed in center of I ight bar. Mount arrow stick in rear of tank. 10.02 Siren, one (1) Code 3 model 3692 V-Con siren control head shall be mounted in the chassis cab in a . location convenient to the driver. The siren control head shall have electronic air horn, public address 6 . mode, wired noise canceling microphone and contain electronic siren tones of wail, yelp, and Hi-Lot. The siren control head shall be back-lit for easy night operation. 10.03 Speaker, one (1) Cast Products 100 watt chrome plated siren speaker shall be mounted either below the front bumper, or through the bumper depending on the configuration of the chassis bumper. 10.04.1 Flashing lights, the lower level warning package shall be fully NFP A compliant. The front zone to be covered by two (2) Weldon model 4612 flush mounted flashers with chrome bezels and red lenses. These lights shall be 6 inches wide by 4 inches tall and be mounted on the chassis grille. The rear zone to be covered by two (2) Weldon model 4611 flush mounted flashers with red lenses. These lights shall be 6 inches wide by 4 inches tall and be mounted on the rear Weldon model 4694 Quad Cluster combination red stop/tail, clear backup light, and amber arrow type turn signal assemblies. L.E.D. warning lights on rear. 10.05 Rotators, the upper level warning package shall be fully NFP A compliant and shall be certified by the lighting component manufacturer to meet all requirements. The rear and rear side zones shall be covered by two (2) Code 3 model 550 50 watt halogen fast rotators with red lenses. The two (2) rotators shall be positioned at the rear corners of the apparatus. Activation of the rotators shall be via the control center located in the cab. One (1) blue on passenger rotor. . 10.06 Intersection lights, the lower level warning package shall be fully NFP A compliant and shall be certified by the lighting component manufacturer to me all requirements. Each of the side zones shall be covered by two (2) Code 3 #41 BZ halogen flashers with red lenses. These lights shall have approximate dimensions of 7 inches long by 3 inches tall. One of the lights shall be mounted at the rear of the body, and one shall be mounted on the front corner of the chassis for use as an intersection style light. L.E. D. lights. 10.07 Scene lights, there shall be six (6) Code 3 50 watt 12 degree internal optic scene lights mounted two at the rear, two on the front drivers side, and two on the front passenger side. The lights shall be controlled from individual switches on the control center located in the chassis cab. 10.08 Backup alarm shall be installed and energized automatically when the chassis is placed into reverse. Section 11: Painting, Lettering, Striping and Signs 11.00 All components will be back primed prior to assembly. . 11.01 The entire tank, body, and components will be sandblasted, sanded, cleaned, etched and primed with PPG NCP270 Direct to Metal primer filler. 7 ] 1.02 The apparatus body will be handed sanded and to be painted two (2) colors with Centari or Imron or . something equivalent to match the chassis paint color. A two (2) ounce container with applicator brush of touch-up paint shall be supplied for each color of the finished apparatus body paint upon completion ufthe apparatus. White cab painted high visibility yellow approximately 4" below windows and paint top approximately Y4 of tank white. 11.03 Compartments, the interior of the compartments shall be sprayed with white Speedliner bed coating and spatter painted the exterior color of the apparatus. 11.04 Striping and decals, lIz inch wide gold, reflective striping with a top and bottom .125 inch black border, and graphic corner decals shall be installed where applicable on the chassis and apparatus to give it a pleasing appearance. Clear protective vinyl shall be installed on all gold leaf vinyl striping and corner decals. 11.05 Reflective vinyl lettering with a black back shadow shall be provided on the chassis doors per customer instructions. Clear protective vinyl shall be installed on all gold leaf vinyl lettering. 11.06 Reflective striping shall match existing Monticello trucks; the body and chassis shall have a 4 inch wide and two (2) I inch wide white reflective stripes on each side, front, and at the rcar of the . apparatus per NFP A standards. Section] 2: Rust Proofing and Mud Flaps 12.00 Undercoating, shall be a emulsion type, latex base undercoating applied to all under surfaces of the apparatus. 12.01 All fasteners used in securing components of or to the body shall be stainless steel. 12.02 Mud flaps, there shall be two (2) mud flaps installed on rear of apparatus behind the rear wheels. 12.03 Sealing and caulking, all edges of polished aluminum Tread-Brite components including rear step, catwalks, and kick-plates shall be caulked with aluminum silicone caulk to seal and to give it a pleasing appearance. . 8 . . . Section 13: Pump and Plumbing Option A - Pump 13.00 The pump shall be a Darley model 2BE18B/S, medium pressure, high volume multi-purpose engine drive pump. Pump features include a high-strength aluminum alloy casing and discharge valve, aluminum alloy engine adapter, bronze impeller and wear rings, stainless steel impeller shaft, injection style packing, and direct drive. Pump Ratings: 355 GPM @ 20 PSI 250 GPM @ 50 PSI 145 GPM @ 100 PSI 50 GPM @ 140 PSI 13.00.1 The engine shall be a four cycle air cooled 18 HP Honda model lie twin cylinder gasoline engine, with integral fuel pump, 12 volt electrical start, and manual start. The fuel will be connected to a 6 gallon marine style fuel tank located on drivers side running board when available, and shall be enclosed in an aluminum Tread-Brite compartment with hinged cover for easy access. If a running board is not available, the 6 gallon marine style fuel tank will be mounted in a tray and located in the pump compartment. 13.00.2 A pump control panel shall be provided and attached to the pump unit. The pump control panel shall include an ignition switch, starter button, stop button, engine throttle, and pressure gauge. The pump primer shall be a combination vacuum type exhaust primer and a spark arresting muffler. 13.00.3 The pump shall be permanently mounted in the driver's side front compartment with Roll-o-matic anodized aluminum roll up doors for pump operation and service. The engine compartment will have an oil drain hole in the floor for ease of changing the pump engine oil. Option B - Pump TRANSFER PUMP AND PUMP MODULE The pump shall be a DARLEY HM-500, PTO driven pump. NFP A rated at 500 gpm. The pump shall have an electric primer with oil reservoir. The pump shall have a variable relief valve with manual bypass. The pump shall have injection style packing for ease of maintenance The PTO shall be electric over air controlled. Two 4 inch suctions (one each side non-gated with caps) - Increase suction to 4.5" thread. 9 Two 2 Yz inch discharges (one each side, gated with caps and chains) . One 1 Yz inch pump to tank refill line gated One 4 inch tank to pump line (gated with electric valve) Two 1 1;2 inch preconnected cross lay with gauges. One 2 1;2 inch auxiliary suction (gated, driver side) Tachometer on drive side pump panel Vernier throttle 4 Pressure gauges (1 suction, 1 pressure, and 1 for each 2/12 discharges) Panel lights shall be furnished and controlled from a switch on the pump panel. A tank level gauge shall be mounted on the driver side pump panel. A CHELSEA PTO shall be installed. The proper PTO for the type of transmission the cab and chassis will be selected by DARLEY Engineering and installed to their specifications. A DARLEY supplied PTO shaft and yokes will be used in this installation. The pump module shall be separate from the cab and the tank. The sub frame shall be constructed from 11 gauge 2 x 2 steel tubing and the panel faces shall be made from vinyl covered smooth aluminum. The pump module shall be mid-ship and shall be a total of 28" in width for the SOO-gpm pumps. . The pump shall carry the standard 3-year DARLEY warranty. Pump house shall have bottom encloser with electric heater plumbed to the radiator of the cab. 13.00.4 Tank to pump line, there shall be a 2 1;2 inch tank to pump line provided from the water tank to the pump. The line shall have a 2 1;2 inch Akron Full-Flow swingout valve with galvanized piping and victaulic coupling. The flex connections installed between the pump and water tank shall give the plumbing system flex, thus minimizing stress on the line. The valve shall be controlled by a "tee" handle provided in the pump compartment. 13.00.5 Tank fiIllpump recirculating line, there shall be a I 1;2 inch tank fill/pump recirculating line provided from the pump to the water tank. The line shall have a 1 1;2 inch Akron Full-Flow swingout valve with 1 1;2 inch high pressure flexible hose. The flex connections installed between the pump and water tank shall give the plumbing system flex, thus minimizing stress on the line. The valve shall be controlled by a "tee" handle provided in the pump compartment. . 10 . 13.00.6 Pump drain, there shall be one (1) pump drain provided to drain the suction side of the pump. The pump drain shall be controlled from a control handle located directly below the pump compartment. 13.00.7 Suction(s), there shall e one (1) 2 Y2 inch NST female chrome plated swivel suction pipe provided at the pump for drafting or direct fill. The suction shall be equipped with a 2 Y2 inch chrome plated swivel adapter with screen, and a 2 Y2 inch chrome plated plug and chain. 13.00.8 Discharge (s), there shall be one (1) 2 Y2 inch NST male discharge pipe provided at the pump. The discharge shall be equipped with a 2 Y2 inch chrome plated cap and chain. 13.12.8 The relief valve shall be a pressure type with remote panel control that provides an ON/OFF selector valve, large hand wheel pressure setting control, flush valve and strainer, and a pilot light to indicate when the valve is either open or closed. 13.12.9 Master pump drain, a manifold type drain valve shall be provided with all pump drains connected to it and operate from the pump operators panel so the entire pump system may be drained by one single control. . 13.12.10 Master intakes, there shall be two (2) 4 inch NST male intakes located, one (1) on right and one (1) on left side of pump panel to provide easy connection for drafting or to a fire hydrant. The intakes shall have a removable strainer provided and 4 inch chrome plated long handle caps. 13.12.11 Discharges, there shall be two (2) 2.5 inch NST male chrome plated discharges located, one (1) on right and one (1) on left side of pump panel. The discharges shall have a 2 Y2 inch Akron Full-Flow swingout valve and be equipped with a 2 Y2 inch chrome plated cap and chain. The valves shall be controlled by "tee" handle control provided on the pump panel. 13.12.12 Tank to pump line, there shall be a 2 Y2 inch tank to pump line provided from the water tank to the pump. The line shall have a 2 Y2 inch Akron Full-Flow swingout valve with galvanized piping and victaulic coupling. The flex connections installed between the pump and water tank shall give the plumbing system flex, thus minimizing stress on the line. The valve shall be controlled by a "tee" handle control provided on the pump panel. . 13.12.13 Tank fiIl/pump recirculating line, there shall be a 1 )/2 inch tank fill/pump recirculating line provided from the pump to the water tank. The line shall have a 1 Y2 inch Akron Full-Flow swingout valve with 1 Y2 ineh high pressure flexible hose. The flex connections installed between the pump and water tank shall give the plumbing system flex, thus minimizing stress on the line. The valve shall be controlled by a "tee" handle control provided on the pump panel. 11 Section 14: Hose Trays, Crosslays and Preconnects . 14.00.1 Hose tray preconnected, shall be 1 Yz" NST male and gated with an Akron 1.5" valve. Valve to have a "tee" handle control in the pump compartment. The hose tray shall be 12" wide x 8" high x 120" long and made of polished aluminum Tread-Brite. The hose tray shall have rubber tiles, and to be located above driver's side catwalk. 14.02 Hose crosslays, shall be made of aluminum and installed above pump compartment. Crosslay shall have one (1) adjustable aluminum dividers, and rubber tiles. Shall be in place of drivers side 1 Yz inch preconnected hose tray, Section 14.00.1 Section 16: Hose Reel 16,01 There shaIl be one (1) Hannay electric rewind hose reel with 100' I" booster hose and hose roller installed in passenger side compartment. Hose reel shall be gated with an Akron 1" valve, Valve to have a "tee" handle control in the pump compartment. Section 18: Chassis 18.00 Kenworth Chassis, see attached specifications, . Auto-eject type air chuck to brakes and battery reminder. Valve extensions on back are duals, Exception may be taken and noted, . 12 . . . Council Agenda - 3/22/04 SF. Consideration of adopting resolution in support of DNR grant for doek installation at West Bridee }>ark. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City of Monticello Parks Department has applied for and received a grant from the DNR for construction of a fishing pier at West Bridge Park. As part of the grant process, the City Council is asked to adopt a resolution accepting the grant and authorizing the City to enter into the grant agreement with the DNR for the fishing pier installation. The draft grant agreement has been approved by the Parks Commission and the Parks Superintendent and City Council approval of a resolution authorizing entering into the grant agreement is another step in the grant process. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: c. D. 1. Approve a resolution authorizing the City of Monticello to enter into an agreement with the DNR for the installation of a fishing pier at West Bridge Park. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and Parks Superintendent that the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing the City of Monticello to enter into an agreement with the DNR for the installation of a fishing pier at West Bridge Park. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2004-18 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENTERING INTO GRANT AGREEMENT WITH DNR FOR INSTALLATION OF FISHING PIER AT WEST BRIDGE PARK WHEREAS, The City of Monticello has applied to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for grant assistance for installation of a fishing pier at West Bridge Park, and WHEREAS, The City of Monticello has been notified by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources that they have received a grant award for the above project, NOW THEREFORE, BE [THEREBY RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO: That the City Council authorizes entering into an agreement with the Department of Natural Resources for the installation of a fishing pier at West Bridge Park. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 22ml day of March, 2004. .~__~_~,-,~'....-----r---'_._'-"._"'- Bruce Thielen, Mayor ATTEST: _.....------'"-~~-~. Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator ~T- . . . Council Agenda - 3/22/04 7. Public Hcarine: on vacation of drainal(::c and utility easements for Lots 5 & 6 and Lots 7 & 8. Block 3 of the Meadows 2nd Addition. (.10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As part of the townhome development proposed by Mike Schneider, Lots 5 and 6 and Lots 7 and 8, Block 3 of the Meadows 2nd Addition have been combined to form two building lots. Mike Schneider has requested that thc city vacate the interior lot line easements as shown on the attached drawing. The City has provided mailed and published notice of the hearing on the proposed easement vacation. After the public hearing has been concluded the Council would need to make a determination on whether it is appropriate to vacate the drainage and utility easements along the interior lots that were acquired when the property was originally platted. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve a resolution vacating the interior lot line casements for Lots 5, 6, 7 and g, Block 3, the Meadows 2nd Addition. 2. Do not approve the vacation of the drainage casements. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff has reviewed thc request for the easement vacation and has determined that the casements as described in the proposed vacation are not needed by the City and that vacation of the easements will allow the developer to more fully utilize the interior lot area without having to work around the eascments. City staffrecommcnds approving the easement vacation. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Map Resolution . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2004-018 RESOLlJTION VACATING DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT LOTS 5,6, 7 AND 8, BLOCK 3, THE MEADOWS 2ND ADDITION WHEREAS, a public hearing on the vacation of a drainage and utility easement was held on March 22, 2004 at 7 p.m. at the Monticello City Hall, and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREB Y RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA; that the drainage and utility easements legally described below are hereby vacated: The westerly 6.00 feet of Lot 5, Block 3, The Meadows Second Addition according to said plat on file and of record in the onIce of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota which lies south of the north 6.00 feet thereof; and the easterly 6.00 feet of Lot 6, Block 3, The Meadows Second Addition according to said plat on file and of record in the otTice of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota which lies south of the north 6.00 feet thereof; and The westerly 6.00 feet of Lot 7, Block 3,The Meadows Second Addition according to said plat on We and of record in the of11ce of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota which lies south of the north 6.00 feet thereof and the easterly 6.00 feet of Lot 8, Block 3, The Meadows Second Addition according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota which lies south of the 110rth 6.00 feet thereof. Adopted by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota this 22nd day of March, 2004. ~.,-,~._~.-"~-----------'--_."._..,._- ATTEST: Bruce Thielen, Mayor ~,-~.~,,-_........-------.,...---------'~_.,._~ Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator -, L: 84. T5 ..:1= T/00S'34" R= 58. 3/ . [QJ SO. 00 ST2004'S2'E [IJ L:: S.35 ..:1=0055'23" R= 332. /5 [E] 5/./3 IV T049'/4"E . Iv) 10) ~ . ER-ROHLIN,INC :ERS-LAND SURVEYORS , , \ \ ~/- -~-I / r-- ----/~ /" ". -. '. "-- / ~? /;:1 i~l -. J I %~~ -I' {; .-~/if,;O(l.. / ",,-- "-- ,<.: 6"q.~\ ~~ I ')60' DA6 7 :;~ """ I ,-. 0'):..\ \ '-~ I ' S':>no~~, ~ '',It) I'" .,-'~ " I J '--'"5... I, . \ ~ ~ . / " '- .-- -/26;66~ C . ~ 0' I S':>90/359/1 "- [ ~ ~" J~ ~ .--9000..,c IV) "'-" / s::> 9\ ~ r . ~~" - ).' -c.' C5 (Q.' \ It) _ \ '. ~ '0 > \ . _~... r 11981 t! ;~ ...;: .<;. 2' % ~ ,...{,>f'i ',~\ Lk//02!C' " 30 Q5 '- . - "'. .... _. oJ,-,35 \ @J / ~O'\ t'-) .' (. ~" -:: ~ . 1254L.J\, 30--";'- _,_ 6709 O'\~ /':..;........ ..\:\'../. 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':l:.8..0. .00 I VI I 8Q. 00 'I ~o. 00 I c ~ ~ t) ~ ~ " .... <:l 'b .1:: ~ ~ ~ \ ... ~ --- 335. 00 --- -S890/9'22"W ---- --~ 10) 10) .....:::: /? /;~ ./ /:~') ./ /':- ..... 10) .. ----, ,,.6:) I ! \~) -':'.~' :.. \ ~~~~. .;:~::\ .r', C;" \.~ ;, /?(>/.'J /) 'I I I I ", I I \ \ ':;' \ \ \ r.':' :~./ ;:. // .....~~._. (~) .1.- _/-_/ l~" :.'':ii ~~;: Council Agenda - 03/22/04 . 8. Public Hearine: on the 2004 Street Reconstruction Prol!ram. Area 2 City of Monticello Proiect No. 2004-06C (WSB) A. REFERENCE ANn BACKGROUND: The City Council has accepted the Feasibility Report for the above-referenced project and will be conducting the public hearing for the project. The public hearing is necessary to allow for assessment of the project to benefited property owners. This project addresses Area 2 of the Overall Street Reconstruction Program and consists of the following areas: . Fairway Drive (Area 2A): The Fairway Drive Area consists of Fairway Drive, Bunker Circle, Center Circle, Sandtrap Circle, Eagle Circle, Campus Circle, and Clubview Drive. This area is intended to be reclaimed and reconstructed with new bituminous pavement and curb and gutter repair. . . Mcadow Oaks (Area 2B): The Meadow Oaks Area consists of Meadow Oak Avenue, Meadow Oak Lane, White Oak Circle, Acorn Circle, Red Oak Lane, Mcadow Lane, Oakview Lane, Meadow Oak Drive, and Red Oak Circle. The proposed reconstruction in this area will consist of the reclamation of the bituminous surf~lce with a subgrade excavation of 2 feet and replacement of the street section and bituminous. A sand subgrade with drain tile and curb repair will be necessary. This area also includes a 12-inch watermain extension along Red Oak Lane and Mcadow Oak Drive to provide looping for the Gillard Avenue area. . Sandberg Road (Area 2C): This project includes a mill and 2-inch overlay for a portion of Sandberg Road from TH 25 to the north. . School Boulevard (Area 2D): This project includes a microsurfacing between Fallon A venue and Edmondson A venue to address pavement rutting. Seal coating between TH 25 and Edmondson A venue is proposed to be delayed to a future date. . On March 16, 2004 a public information meeting was held at the Monticello Community Center with approximately 25 people in attendance. A project presentation was completed and questions were answered. The majority of the questions were related to assessment costs and how and when the costs would be spread to the property owners. Those questions were answered using the new assessment amount of $2,555/lot spread over 10 years at 6.5% interest. The first payment would be with their 2005 taxes. Other issues that arose involved drainage issues between the existing Meadow Oak addition and Parkside at Meadow Oak with regard to the existing ditch section adjacent to the existing trail, and between Meadow Oaks and Oak Ridge Development. It is recommended that both of these areas be evaluated for resolving those drainage concerns as part of the design of these street improvements. There was another suggestion made to provide a drain tile along the length of the Meadow Oak project to allow for sump pump discharge collection. This issue could also be evaluated for a potential cost as part of the final engineering plan design. The City Council will hold the public hearing and at the conclusion of the public hearing the . . . B. Council Agenda - 03/22/04 Council will make a determination whether or not to proceed with the project. If the Council proceeds to order the plans and specifications, the plan approval would be scheduled for April 26, 2004, receiving bids May 21, 2004 and awarding a Contract May 24, 2004 with the construction starting after June 7, 2004. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1 . Order the improvements for the 2004 Street Reconstruction Program Area 2 as outlined in the Feasibility Report and recommended by the City Engineer 2. Order the improvements for the 2004 Street Reconstruction Program Area 2 with scope change from the FeasihilityReport as determined by the Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director and City Engineer that the Council order the 2004 Street Reconstruction Program Area 2 as outlined in the Feasibility Report with the addition of addressing the drainage issues in the Meadow Oak area. This is the second phase of the City Street Reconstruction Program and these areas are in need of completion at this time. Il. SUPPORTING DATA: None (Feasibility Report previously provided) . 9. Consideration of adoptine: a resolution establishine: a nee:ative declaration of impact relating to the proposed demolition of the Old Community Methodist Church buildine: bv Sunny Fresh Foods. (JO) . City Council is asked to adopt a resolution establishing a negative declaration of impact relating to the proposed demolition of the Old Community Methodist Church building. The resolution notes that an environmental impact study is not needed which enables Sunny Fresh to move forward on plans f()r moving or for demolition of the building. This is the final step in the environmental assessment process that included completion of a detailed report on the church and a public comment period. The most significant comment came from the State Historical Society who urged that Sunny Fresh complete a re-use study to determine if the building could be used for some other purpose. As you know, the study was completed on the viability of the building and associated moving/rehabilitation costs when it was learned that the Arts Council might be interested in the building. The good news from the study was that the building is sound and structurally worthy for rehab but will require some extensive and somewhat expensive reconditioning for re-use. The bad news was that the Arts Council, after taking a look at the structure found that it will not serve their needs so they graciously declined to pursuc it further. Subsequent to the Arts Council decision, and associated publicity, organizers of the "Swan River" Montessori Charter School became interested in utilizing the structure in conjunction with development of an education center. This is a very exciting prospect that is currently being explored jointly by the Montessori School organizers, Sunny Fresh and city stafr. The cross benefit to the school and community center would be wonderful as the community center would provide a recreational resource (for a fee) to students during off-peak hours at the community center. More information regarding this prospect will be provided at a future meeting of the City Council. However, the following is a quick preview. According to Swan River School organizers, the school with 90 students will have sufficient funds to pay debt service at a very aggressive schedule if the school obtains charter school status. However, decisions from the State regarding the viability and associated school funding will not be known until August 2004. In the meantime, Sunny Fresh needs the building moved. Sunny Fresh has offered to build the foundation, close up one wall and move the building to the new foundation. This would occur in May 2004. Swan River has employed an architect to analyze thc building further and develop a plan for adding classroom space at the community center site location. In the next few weeks additional information will be collected and a plan for construction, financing <md maintenance of the site will be prepared for review by the City Council. In summary, Council is asked to pass the resolution that provides the opportunity to Sunny fresh to move forward with demolition or for moving the building. In the meantime Swan River, Sunny Fresh and city staff will be working together to come up with a plan for relocating the building and for establishing some classroom space on the present community center site. If this effort fails, Sunny Fresh is free to submit application for demolition. . Please see the attached letter from Sunny Fresh/or more information regarding the matter. I have also attached a time line from Swan River organizers relating to establishment of the school charter. finally, representative from the Swan River School will be available at an upcoming meeting to discuss the plan in detail once it has taken a more definite shape. Swan River has requested . that thc item be tabled until thc details of the overall plan havc been worked out. See the attached lettcr from Isabclle Olson for more dctail. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt a resolution establishing a negative declaration of impact relating to thc proposed demolition of the Old Community Methodist Church building. Motion contingent on completion of historical photographic documentation of the structure and cfforts to salvage significant itcms such as the steeple. This is the alternativc requestcd by Sunny Fresh as identified in the lettcr of March 17,2204 2. Motion to table consideration until completion of the building rclocation and rehabilitation plan by Swan Rivcr Montessori Schoo\. This is the alternative requested by Isabellc Olson. Council should select this option if it prefers to take no chances regarding demolition until all options for re-use arc exhausted. . 3. Motion to deny adoption of a resolution establishing a ncgative dcclaration of impact relating to the proposed demolition of the Old Community Methodist Church building c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staffrccommendation is to adopt thc negative dcclaration of impact and to authorize staff to continue to work with Swan River Montessori school in attempting to relocate the Methodist Church building. Adopting this option give Sunny Fresh thc confidence that the site will be available for use in May and is consistent with previous commitments made to Sunny Fresh. At the same time, given the commitment to relocate the building as noted in the letter of March 17 from Sunny Fresh, staff is confident that Sunny Fresh will continuc to work with Swan River and any other prospective recipient of the building through the date that the company needs the site. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution Letter from Isabelle Olson Time line from Swan River School organizers Information on Montessori School Philosophy Letter from Sunny Fresh of March 17,2004 . . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLlJTION NO. 2004-19 RESOLIJTION ISSUING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF NEED WHEREAS, the preparation of the United Methodist Church Demolition EA Wand comments received on the EA W have generated information adequate to determine whether the proposed project has the potential for significant environmental impacts; and WHEREAS, the EA W has identified areas where the potential for significant environmental effects exist, but appropriate measures have or will be incorporated into the project plan and/or permits to reasonably mitigate these impacts; and WHEREAS, the United Methodist Church Demolition project is expected to comply with all the City of Monticello and review agency standards; and WHEREAS, based on the criteria established in Minnesota R.441 0.1700, the project docs not have the potential for significant environmental etTects; and WHEREAS, based on the Findings of Faet and Conclusions, the project docs not have the potential for signitlcant environmental impacts, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOL VED that the City of Monticello has determined that in Environmental Impact Statement is not required. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 23rd of March, 2004. A TrEST: Bruce Thielen, Mayor Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator L\ . . . TIMELINE FOR MONTESSORI CHARTER SCHOOL April 2004: Planning grant decisions announced (through Minnesota Association of Charter Schools) Aug. 1,2004: Charter Application to MN Dept. of Education October 2004: Decision of MN Dept. of Education whether Charter is granted. Between October and December 2004: Application for State grant monies due. Between January and February 2005: State grant monies paid to school (for Year 1). Between March and May 2005: Director gets hired. June 1,2005: Occupancy of school begins. Lease/contract for deed paymcnts begin. Director sets up school operations. .July 2005: Teachers begin employment and set up their classrooms. September 2005: School opcns to students. C\ Swan River Montessori Charter School ./1 COl7ll7ll/11ily . 5't!Joo/jhr M ol1li,.cI/o March 1 7, 2004 Mr. Jeff O'Neil Deputy i\clrninistrator/ Community Development Director Monticello City J lall 505 \X/alnut St. Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re. "The l.ittle WhIle church" Dear Mr. O'Neil, \X/e arc in receipt of the lettcr by ;\aron Martin addrcssed to you regarding the mO\'e and/or demolition of the church building. \,/e would respectfully request tbat all votes regarding the possible demolition or mcwe of the churcb are held off until we have architectural drawings which would bclp both our proposcd scbool and the city to come to a fin;ll decision regarding the cburch building. As wc have informed Mr. J\fartin, we will meet with an architccttomoJ:rO\v on Thursday, J\hrch 18, 20(H at 4 p.111. and hope to have preliminary drawings in hand no Iatn than 7 ~ 10 days follow1l1g the meeting. Given the church's historical signitlcancc to Monticello, we believc it would b<: a great cktriment to loose this building for future generations. \X/c do appreCIate Sunn)' r;'resh's desire to proceed and their \villingness to share in some of the costs rclat<:d to this project. \X'c would like 10 assure both Sunny I"resh and the City of Monticello that \v<: are work.ing diligently to gather enough information to help all involved parties to come to an cducated dccislOn. ,\s yOU may recall, T will be OLlt of town until March 25, 2004, but you may reach J\Iichdlc Twardy at (hi.)) 295-2230 should you havc any questions prior to that date. Thank you for your help' Respectfully, kaidt& 0&(/1( Cc. I\1s.f\1ichclk Tw;mly; Dr. l<1'is Kuper; 1\;lron J\Jartin, Sunny Fresh ('0/ ')i(,/ ,\I'.I'N,\ \VI.NI,I', NOICIII I..'\~'I . "ONTI<.I.II,O I\III"NI,~;(IT,\ . o>H,' II 11 ( I N I:, I (1.1 X I H II 1 ().~ . 1,':\ X: / (i.) M, H :2 1) (I ,1 ~ . . . Swan River Montessori Charter School A Community School for Monticello Mission Mission Statement (Preliminary): "Swan River Montessori Charter School is a Community Montessori school. It is a center for nurturing, self-directed education where exploration, manipulation, interaction between students, and analysis and problem solving are encouraged. This learning environment fosters and meets the child's inherent need of self-discovery, creativity, independence, competence, respect, and responsibility to self and others. " ~ . . . Swan River Montessori Charter School A Community School for Monticello SteerimyPlanninl! Committee Members: Isabelle S. Olson Ms. Olson has a J.D. from Hamline University, has completed Ph.D. work at the University of Minnesota, Institute of Child Development, and was awarded a B.A. (cum laude) from St. Olaf College, Northfied, MN (Education, Psychology, Social Studies). Most recently she worked as a Guardian ad Litem (court appointed special advocate) for high conflict dissolution cases. She is trained as a custody evaluator and has worked extensively with children from all social economic backgrounds. She has broad experience in grant writing gained as a Proposal specialist for a joint US- AID project through Harvard University, Boston, MA, and Duke University, Durham, NC. She has worked as recruiting coordinator for Duke University School of Law, Durham, NC, and as a Director/Program Facilitator for Concordia Language Villages in Bemidji, MN, supervising and training staff of 75+. Ms. Olson is the chair of the charter school planning committee responsible for overseeing communications between the Minnesota Department of Education, Monticello school board, and sponsoring entities. Dr. Kristine Kuper Dr. Kuper is board certified pediatrician and a full partner in a physician-owned multi- specialty group. She has been a member of Monticello professional community for almost eight years. She serves on the Wright County Child Health Committee and as a preceptor for physicians in training. She has been a member ofthe Monticello Rotary Club where she has given presentations to the community. Dr. Kuper completed her Pediatrics residency at the University of Minnesota, received her Doctor of Medicine degree from the University oflowa, and her B.A. (Summa cum laude) from Wartburg College, Waverly, Iowa. Dr. Kuper is assisted in her efforts to bring a charter school to Monticello by her husband, Paul Grunzweig, a practicing patent attorney. Dr. Kuper's responsibilities to the Charter School include community awareness and public presentations, including marketing and advertising. Michelle Twardy Michelle Twardy is an experienced business woman who operates and owns a successful collection agency in Monticello. She received her education from the University of Minnesota and is a licensed real estate agent. Ms. Twardy is proficient in American Sign Language and volunteers extensively in the community, including teaching sign language at Heritage Montessori School. ~ . Michelle is a business partner with her husband, John Twardy, who has extensive experience and success in market analysis and application, increasing sales in his latest business venture from 1 million to 15 million in seven years through market research and promotion. Ms. and Mr. Twardy are currently evaluating business plans for the school, including researching suitable outside contractors. . . <; , . . A caiYllI Foods Company March 1 7, 2004 Mr. Jeff O'Neil Assistant Administrator Monticello City Hall 505 Walnut St. Suite #1 Monticello, MN. 55362 Dear Mr. O'Neil, . Sunny Fresh Foods attended a meeting on March 16, 2004 with the City of Monticello and the Swan River Montessori Charter School Committee Members. At the meeting, numerous items were discussed regarding the possible relocation or demolition of the Church building. The meeting was scheduled for the Swan River Montessori Charter School to present their interest and plans towards the purchase and relocation of the Church building as well as the City of Monticello's land donation. The Charter School would like for the Church building to be moved onto the City of Monticello's land and placed on a foundation. The City would then take over ownership of the building and set-up a contract for deed with the Charter School, with the expectation that the Charter School would use their funds (when received in January 2005) to restore the church building to operating form and add their classroom building addition. Sunny Fresh Foods is willing to contribute to moving the church building, placing on a foundation slab, and closing up the wall openings that occurred because of the move. Once the church building is moved onto the City of Monticello's site location, the City of Monticello or the Swan River Montessori Charter School would take over ownership. Any modifications to the building after moving and setting onto a foundation slab, such as; restoration, painting, utility connections, HV AC, carpeting, fire protection, future demolition, etc. would be the sole responsibility of the Swan River Montessori Charter School and/or the City of Monticello. . Sunny Fresh Foods is willing to contribute to the relocation effort for the future use of the building by the Swan River Montessori Charter School. Along with the continuing efforts towards relocation, Sunny Fresh Foods would like to request for the Monticello City Council to declare a negative declaration for an EIS and approve the EA W at the next City Council meeting on March 22, 2004. With the EA W approval, SFF would also like to request that the City of Monticello agree to a date for SFF to either move the church building onto the City of Monticello's donated land behind the Community Center or allow for SFF to demolish the building. It is critical to Sunny Fresh Foods that a decision to complete the move or begin demolition of the Church building begin in May 2004. 206 W. Fowth Street . Monticello, Minnesota . 55362-8524 Phone; 763/271-5600.1-800/247-5797. Fax: 763-271-5711 . www.usaeggs.com C\ ,~'I . . . Thank you, /~~' Aaron Martin Sunny Fresh Foods Cc: Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello Fred Patch, City of Monticello Bruce Thielen, City of Monticello Mayor Don Roberts, Sunny Fresh Foods Dennis Darnell, Sunny Fresh Foods Isabelle Olson, Swan River Montessori Charter School Committee Member Michelle Twardy, Swan River Montessori Charter School Committee Member ~ . . . 10. Consideration of approvine Monticello Community Ice Arena Aereement. No information has been received from the City Attorney on this item yet. . . . Council Agenda - 3/22/04 11. Consideration of adoptin!! a resolution supportin!! MNDOT's efforts to establish a river crossin!! alon!! the Hi!!hwav 10/194 Corridor. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you know the State of Minnesota has been studying various ri ver crossing locations for a number of years. As part of the process of determining the best location a public comment period is provided for individual and community input. The comment period ends on March 23,2003. Council is asked to review the options and consider whether or not to take a position on which option it bclieves is the best. On Wednesday, March 1 i'\ 2003, Jim Moegen representing a coalition of property owners from the Becker area lobbied for support for Option D which is the bridge location closest to Monticello. The other Options include A (nearest St Cloud), B (Through Clearwater), C (South of Clearwater). Option o is supported by the Becker coalition because it results in a direct connection to Highway lOa few miles west of Becker. On the same day staff met with MNDOT representative Terry Humbert for more information on the various options. From Staffs perspective after reviewing detailed information relating to the various bridge locations, although there may be some merit in supporting Option 0 over the others, it may not be sufficient to warrant taking a position and the City may be better served by generally supporting MNDOT's efforts to find a crossing that serves the state-wide interest. Attached is detailed information regarding the various options. Following is a quick summary of significant points. Option A (St Cloud): Has the most significant impact on the environment from a cultural and natural standpoint. It would impact a property eligible for the national register and would be located in the Scenic River classification area. The DNR is likely to object to the St Cloud Option. Option B (Clearwater): This option is not feasible because it would follow the existing highway corridor through the Clearwater commercial area. It would completely disrupt crossing movements and severely impact the town so it is not likely to be selected. Option C (Clear Water South): This option provides the most direct route of the four options resulting in the most efficient travel path. This option is less expensive than Option D because the segment of Highway 10 that will need to be reconstructed is shorter. The environmental impact of C and Dare about the same. From a state transportation system standpoint this option appears to be the best. Option D (Enfield/Becker): The 1-94 exit to the bridge would be located near the Barton Sand and Gravel area just west of the Excel property. This is about 2.5 miles from the City's proposed Orchard Road interchange. ft does not appear that the proximity of the crossing would interfere with City plans for development of the Orchard Road interchange. This option is more expensive that Option C and the route is less direct thus adding time to the traveler's route relative to C. Option D will result in some reduction in Highway 25 bridge traffic but it is relatively insignificant. The Highway 25 bridge is projected to carry 40,700 vehicles per day under Option D versus 44,600 . . . Council Agenda - 3/22104 under Option C. Interestingly, MNDOT projects the need for another local bridge in the Monticello/Big Lake/Becker community ifthere becomes a desire to reduce traffic on the Highway 25 bridge. Currently the ADT on the bridge is near 30,000. In 2040 it is projected at 40,000 with the corridor operating at a D service level. It is difficult to compare the economic impact on Monticello's commercial sector under Option C versus Option D. One could argue that having the bridge crossing closer to Monticello (D) might open up more residential development in the Becker area and support a larger market for Monticello from areas north and west of Becker. On the other hand, Option D and the associated interchange at 1-94 could pull commercial traHic away from stopping in Monticello. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion supporting a resolution that thanks the State of Minnesota in being proactive in determining a location for a River Crossing and take no formal position. 2. Motion supporting an option chosen by the City Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the information provided by MN DOT officials it appears that options C and D are the most likely candidates for selection. In our view, there does not appear to be an overriding reason to select one over the other. Option C is the least expensive and provides motorists with the shortest trip. Although Option D will reduced Highway 25 bridge traffic, the reduction is slight relative to the total trips per day. We do not have sufficient information to form an opinion on the economic development benefit of Option C versus Option D. Therefore staff recommends that the resolution be confined to a general statement of support for MNDOT's efforts to designate an alignment and that the City of Monticello supports the MNDOT goal of selecting an alignment that meets the broad interests of the state. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Transportation Alternative Information. Letters from Lobbyists "---:,-=-- . . . :Se/-e&Iv~ c)<l:-Rltls hI( {tf(j 0 fM6/lr,a//o - 3/17/01 ,~, ,'.~' :" '" \ ' \,1 1-94 / TH 10 INTERREGIONAL CONNECTION ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM I TRA VEL DEMAND FORECASTS '" "1'. April 29, 2003 SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC. ~ CUNSUUING G I{Ol,;f, INC SRF No. 0024367 Il . . . Alternatives \ :'. ~,:,!........................:.... .,\.;: .):~ : ~r i. '.". No Build The model was first run under a no-build scenario, with existing river crossings and other transportation infrastructure as described previously. The No Build scenario includes two additional Mississippi River crossings that are anticipated to be constructed by 2040 and for which environmental review processes to identify potential alternatives have been initiated. These two crossings are 33rd Street in St. Cloud and the Dayton-Ramsey crossing (assuming Alternative 2D). The purpose of the No Build alternative is to assess travel demand and congestion impacts if no additional river crossing capacity is provided. I Under the No Build alternative, the TH 24 crossing experiences 7 hours of daily congestion, and carries 34,500 daily trips. 816,800 trips cross the Mississippi River between SartellJnd Fridley, an increase of 26% over 2025 and 90% over present conditions. Alternative A This alternative assumed a new connection between 1-94 and TH 10 with a freeway design, located approximately 4.5 miles northwest of the existing 1-94/TH 24 interchange (the City of Clearwater) that continues northeasterly across the Mississippi River where it connects to TH lOin the vicinity of Sherburne CSAH 3. The market area of Alternative A is largely long regional trips, but a significant amount of its demand (about a quarter) is local trips between Haven Township and St. Cloud. As such, this crossing complements the 33rd Street crossing, allowing approximately 4,000 more crossings in the area while essentially eliminating congestion on 33rd Street. Fewer trips are removed from TH 24 than in other alternatives, as much of the demand served is located north of Clearwater. 838,200 trips cross the Mississippi River between Sartell and Fridley, an increase of 2.6% over the No Build alternative. Alternatives Bland B2 This alternative assumed an expressway design through the City of Clearwater that follows the existing TH 24 alignment from 1-94 north to the intersection of 70th A venue where the alignment then continues along 70th A venue to an interchange at TH 10. Alternatives Bland B2 differ in interchange design at TH 24 and 1-94; this distinction is not relevant at the level of detail modeled. This alternative was modeled in a tour-lane and in a six-lane configuration in order to assess differing operational demands on tbe facility. The six-lane expressway alternative serves 70,SOO daily trips, an increase of 1051% over existing TH 24. All eXIsting TH 24 demand is served, 24,800 trips are diverted from other crossings, and the total number uf trIpS crossing the MississippI River is 828,300, an increase of l.4(~/o over the No Build alternative. 1-l)4 I Tl-l I () InterrcglOmIl Cmnectioll Drrli! E1S - 26 - Technical Memorandum un TI-avei Demand Forecasts SRF C:onsult1l1g (ji'OUp. Jnc ,+/29103 t\ . . Alternatives B3, B4, and B5 This alternative assumed a freeway design through the City of Clearwater that follows the existing TH 24 alignment from 1-94 north to the intersection of 70th Avenue where the alif,1J1ment then continues along 70th Avenue to an interchange at TH 10. The sub-alternatives ditIer in interchange design and access at TH 24 and 1-94; this distinction is not relevant at the level of detail modeled. The four-lane freeway alternative serves 71,200 daily trips, an increase of 106% over existing TH 24. 3 1,200 trips are diverted from other crossings, and the total number of trips crossing the Mississippi River is 822,300, an increase of 0.6% over the No Build alternative. Local mobility between Clear Lake and Clearwater is reduced under this alternative as the existing TH 24 crossing is replaced and local crossing times are increased due to increased circuity of trips, therefore all No Build local demand is not necessarily served. ... ... Alternative C This alternative assumed a freeway design approximately 2.5 miles southeast of the existing 1-94/TH 24 interchange at the City of Clearwater. The alignment continues north from 1-94 until it intersects with CSAH 8 where the alignment continues on 70th Avenue (like Alignment B) to an interchange at TH 10. The market area of Alternative C is mostly long regional trips- it is too far away from Monticello to attract many medium length trips from that area, and only attracts 10,900 trips from 33rd Street (one third as many as Alternative A). Local Clearwater and Clear Lake trips are served by the existing TH 24 crossing, which is not congested. Alternative C carries 66,000 daily trips, increasing total river crossings between Sartell and Fridley to 840,400, a 2.9% increase over the No Build alternative. Alignment D (\1\0"'*1. <..t_tlo This alternative assumed a freeway design west of the City of Becker and the Xcel Energy plant that continues north from 1-94 along the existing Barton Avenue alignment. The alignment crosses the Mississippi River and then follows the existing TH S3 alignment to an interchange at TH 10. Two sub~altematives were modeled: one with and the other without a direct freeway connection to TH 25 at the north end. Approximately one-fifth of trips on Alternative 0 are destined to TU 25 north of TI-I 10, either locally to Becker or to points north. Without a direct connection, demand is reduced on the Alternative 0 crossing by 40300 trips /6.1 '% of total demand). The market area of Alternative 0 includes Monticello and the CUlTently unserved area between Monticello ~llld ClearwateL .'....s a result, 25,7 ew f'iver crossing trips are served (an increase of 3.1 '~I,J over the No Build alternative) and 5.600 rips are diverted from the TH 25 crossll1g. Alternative D serves 77.1 Or) total trips. and diver s 14,200 trips from existing TH 24. 1_'.)4 i TH 10 lnlt:lTcglOnul C0nnect]()J1 [)mftElS - 27 - Technicai Memorandum on Tra,Vt:1 DCllllind ForeClists SRF Cunsuiting Group. Inc. --+/2 ()103 l' . . tn Q) E ~ - o > Q) c .- - c Q) Q) lo.. U en ~ - .- CO C o -.::t o N . o "l:""'" Q) ..c ro t- O::C (1)1- > ... ~ ';;l ~ o Cll NE:5 ~~ 10"2 N 0 ;; (,l (1) l: l: o U <=> '<t o N O~"2 ~ ::c.2 ;;1-'0 ~ :5 ~ $~g <i:--u QlU .~ ~ t: l... 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'0:; ~ "" <.2 . 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnlDOT) proposes to make capacity improvements to the interregional corridor (IRe) connection between Interstate 94 (I~94) and Trunk Highway 10 (TH 10) within an area west of the City of Becker and east of the City of St. Cloud within Sherburne, Stearns and Wright Counties. A connection is currently provided via TH 24, a two-lane uncontrolled access roadway that passes through the Cities of Clearwater and Clear Lake with an at~grade crossing at the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) railroad just south of TH 10. All Build Alternatives proposed in this Draft Envirornnental Impact Statement (OBIS) to improve capacity and safety on the connection between I~94 and TH 10 include construction of a four-lane freeway with grade-separation at the BNSF rail crossing and a bridge cr-Ossing over the Mississippi River. . The extent of the proposed improvements requires preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) under the federal National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 Statute (42 USC 4321 et seq.), as well as the Minnesota Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) (Minnesota Rules Chapter 4410). The DEIS was prepared to: discuss the purpose of and need for the proposed project; consider alternatives; -evaluate environmental effects of alternatives; explore methods for avoiding and minimizing adverse impacts; and obtain public and agency input, to aid in the identification of a preferred alternative for further study in the Final EIS (FEIS). The FEIS will summarize public involvement during the OBIS process; respond to substantive comments received on the DEIS; identify the preferred alternative; and, if necessary, provide more detail on the environmental impacts of the preferred alternative and describe mitigation measures. FHW A and MnlOOT are the joint lead agencies for this project. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE), the MnDNR and the St. Cloud Area Planning Organization (APO) participated as cooperating agencies in review of draft environmental documents and as participants in the project Technical Advisory Committee (T AC) throughout the scoping and EIS processes. The COE is a cooperating agency for the EIS pursuant to the Council on Environmental Quality's regulations for implementing NEPA (40 CFR, Part 1501.6) and Corps of Engineers permit authority under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 CFR 320~330). The S1. Cloud APO and MnDNR are cooperating agencies providing input and expertise, consistent wi th NEP A regulations, related to their roles as metropolitan planning organization (MPO) for transportation~related issues in the S1. Cloud planning area [S1. Cloud APO] and management/regulatory authority over various natural resources (Mississippi Scenic Riverway, fisheries, wildlife, etc.) in this study area [MnONR]. A River Corridor Advisory Committee (RCAC) was also established as part of the DErS process. The TAC and RCAC included representatives from federal, state, regional and local agencies/governments. The OElS process also included coordination with several additional natural and cultural resource agencies and numerous opportunities for public and agency comments. . 1~94ffH 10 Interregional Connection DBIS l~l \\ . 1.1 PURPOSE OF THE 1-94rrH 10 INTERREGIONAL CONNECTION PROJECT i The need for an improved interregional connection between 1-94 and TH LO was initia~y established in a comprehensive transportation study completed. by MnlDOT in 1996. Since ~t time, additional transportation policies, studies and forecasting have reconfirmed d strengthened the need for improvements to the tranSportation system connection betw n 1-94 and TH 10. Problems and needs to be addressed by the proposed project include: : . Highways 1-94, TH 10 and TH 24 in the study area are important linkages that conn t regional centers throughout the state. They are designated as part of the National Highw y System (NHS) as well as Minnesota's High-Priority Interregional Corridor (IRC) Syste The TH 24rrH LO corridor (as the cOlUlection currently in highest use by interregio travelers) was designated as a High-Priority IRC, with performance standards that include e need to maintain a minimum travel speed of 60 mph, with a preferable travel sp of 65 mph. . ! Increasing transportation demand on existing corridors connecting 1-94 and TH 10 coup~d with limited opportunities in existing corridors to increase capacity. This results in increafd congestion and the inability to meet the IRe performance standards described above. ; i . The existing TH 24 corridor currently experiences crash rates similar to statewide avera s for similar roadways; however, the severity of crashes is higher than the state avera e. Safety problems in the TH 24 corridor will likely increase as traffic levels rise since e ability to find gaps in traffic to cross or access TH 24 will become more difficult d motorists will take greater risks. Also, pedestrian, bicyclist and snowmobile safety iss s will continue to worsen as volumes rise and more modal conflicts result. . . Impacts of congestion on the communities through which interregional traffic is travel g (Clearwater and Clear Lake) will lead to increasing delays for local traffic trying to cross e corridor. This will also decrease the 'quality' of downtown areas bisected by the highway . The existing at-grade crossing of TH 24 with the BNSF rail line results in incr congestion at the TH IOrrH 24 intersection and in downtown Clear Lake when a train pa through, stopping vehicular cross-traffic on TH 24. . Increasing growth in the area will limit available options for adding corridor capacity, a Build Alternative is not selected as the preferred alternative during the EIS process. Ther is an immediate need to identify a preferred alternative and preserve the bcst corri or (i.e., serves the transportation need, while minimizing environmental impacts) as soo as possible. This would also allow communities to plan any future development with e preferred alternative corridor in mind. . 1.2 ALTERNATIVES The process of developing alternatives for the I-94rrH 10 Interregional Connection has inelled a number of studies and an increasing level of refmement of alternative concepts over the ast eight years. A broad range of potential connections was evaluated in the Mississippi R er Crossing Study conducted in 1995-1996, with four potential corridors ultimately recomme , cd 1.2 1-94ffH 10 Interregional Connection OBIS \\ . . . for further study. These corridors were refined to four specific alignments during the scoping process documented in the 1997 1-94ITH 10 Regional Connection Scoping Document and the 2001 scoping decision document. During the OBIS process, the scoping alignments were further refined with respect to interchange configurations and system connection issues and a number of sub~alternatives were developed and evaluated, ultimately resulting in identification of four Build Alternatives (one in each of the aligmnents carried forward from s~ping) that were analyzed and documented in detail in the DEIS. The four proposed Build Alternatives range from expansion of the existing TH 24 corridor with a realignment at the north end (Alternative B) to three new corridor alignments (Alternatives A, C and D). Figure 1.1 shows the location of the four Build Alternatives. The average length of the Build Alternative corridors is six miles with each alternative planned as a four-lane freeway. Following is a brief description of the alternatives analyzed in the DEIS. . No-Build Alternative The No-Build Alternative consists of reconstruction of the existing TH 24 corridor (as required by routine maintenance) between 1-94 and TH 10 within the study area. It is assumed that by 2040, the existing TH 24 bridge over the Mississippi River would need to be replaced as part of the No-Build Alternative. . Alternative A Alternative A is located east of the City of 81. Cloud. This alternative intersects with 1-94 at a point approximately 4.5 miles northwest of the existing TH 24 interchange. It continues in a northeasterly direction on a new alignment across the river, then heads north to connect to TH LO in the vicinity of the intersection of Sherburne County State Aid Highway (CSAH 3) with TH 10. This alternative would be a freeway design with interchanges at 1-94 and TH 10 and a grade-separated rail crossing near TH 10. This alternative also includes the replacement of the existing TH 24 bridge over the Mississippi River by 2040. . Alternative B Alternative B is located along the eXlstlOg TH 24 alignment from its interchange with [-94, through the City of Clearwater, across the Mississippi River and northeast to the intersection of TH 24 with a local road (70th Avenue) approximately 0.8 mile north east of Sherburne CSAH 8. The alignment than continues north on 70th Avenue to intersect with TH 10 at a point approximately 1.2 miles northwest of the existing TH 24rrH to intersection. This alternative would be a freeway design with interchanges at 1-94 and TH 10, and a grade-separated rail crossing near TH 10. This alternative also includes an interchange at Sherburne COWlty Road (CR) 57 to provide local access to/from the City of Clear Lake. 1-94/TH 10 Interregional Connection DElS \.3 \\ . . Alternative C Alternative C intersects with 1-94 at a point approximately 1.6 miles southeast of the existing TH 24/I-94 (Clearwater) interchange. It continues in a north-northeast direction on a new alignment across the river until it intersects with Sherburne CSAH 8, it then continues north on an existing local road alignment (70th Street ~ the same road alignment as identified for Alternative B) to intersect with TH 10 at a point approximately 1.2 miles northwest of the existing TH 24rrH 10 intersection. This alternative includes a freeway design with interchanges at 1-94 and TH 10 and a grade-separated rail crossing near TH 10. This alternative also includes an interchange at existing TH 24 to provide local access to/from the City of Clear Lake. Alternative C also includes the replacement of the existing TH 24 bridge over the Mississippi River by 2040. . Alternative D Alternative D is located west of the City of Becker. This alignment intersects with 1-94 at a point approximately 0.6 mile west of the freeway rest area east of the Hasty interchange. It continues in a northerly direction on a new alignment parallel to existing Barton A venue across the river 0.2 mile east of the existing intersection of TH 10 and Sherburne CSAH 53. With this alternative, TH 25 north of TH 10 would be realigned to COIUlect to the new interregional connection alignment at the TH 10 interchange. This alternative includes a freeway design with interchanges at 1-94 and TH 10 and a grade-separated rail crossing near TH 10. Alternative D also includes the replacement of the existing TH 24 bridge over the Mississippi River by 2040. . 1.3 COSTS/FUNDING Preliminary cost estimates for the DEIS alternatives have been prepared and are shown in Table 1.1. The table includes cost estimates for construction of the proposed improvements and right of way acquisition costs. These estimates are based on 2003 dollars. TABLE 1.1 COST ESTIMATES FOR DEIS ALTERNATIVES COST ALTERNATIVE ~.",. - No-BIlIld A B C D Construction Cost 0 f Interregional $8,000.000 $94,449,000 $94,616,000 $97,876,000 $109,136,000 Connection (excludes right of way ) aCQuisition){I) .~_. Right of Way and Relocation ----_.- N/A $12,010,000 $13,361,000 $7,305,000 $3,552,000 Costs --~. TOTAL COST $8,000.000 $106,459.000 $107,977,000 $105,181.000 $112,688,000 (Construction and right of way only) . (I) Cos1 estimates for the No-Build Alternative and Build Alternatives A, C and 0 include $8 million for re lacin the existin p g gi TIt 24 bridge. (2) Construction cost for Alternative 0 ineludc;o; approximately $9,400,000 for the 1H 25 connection. FWlding sources have yet to be identified; however, it is anticipated that funding will be a' combination of state and federal funds. . i 1-5 I ; I-94ffH 10 Interregional Connection DBIS \\ . CJ) Q) > :;:; as E :E Q) ..- <( c @@)@@ OJ E c: . I .2> . <( . I . . en . . I . I UJ . . W ....l <( ~'" '" . s:JttjdI!J~ SI301l9C"lvoddn~l1J!) <:: o i:: ~ o -' .... o l1.I a ~ Q ~ ~ ....... ~ I - s .....0 ~~ M ti :5 en o c::: o ~ t:: o c. en c::: <<I .=: '0 c <V .$ E c::: t <V <<I E or- g- g'7 Cl .=: en ro ~~ 15 WClO~ ;t:::'ll.c: <d a.: .~ Cicn~ E <1> E <ll 1U ..- en t> nl 0.. E \\ ....-...--~ Il Ii I Ii: I j;, . ,.. LOS C/O threshold conditions on the 1-94 and TH to corridors. This helps assess thc10tential need for planning additional lane capacity to achieve LOS C operations on 1-94 and TH O. The results of the planning-level analysis are indicated in bold italics in Table 4.4, ile the CaRS 1M results are in standard type. The mainline LOS results indicate that if LOS C is the operational goal for the ~. 94 and TH 10 and interregional connection corridors, then segments on 1-94 and TH 10 may feed the following heyond the 2040 timeframe: ! i . Eight lanes on 1-94 east of each new interregional interchange. , . Six. lanes on 1-94 from west of each interregional connection to the ~xisting CSAH 75 interchange in 81. Cloud. ! . Six. lanes on TH lOwest of each interregional interchange through St Cloud. - ; i I The additional system improvements described above as potentially being needed to provide LOS C system operations in 2040 were not incorporated into a revised OEIS operations nalysis for two reasons: 1) the 1-94 and TH to system improvements would result in essent lly the same additional implementation costs so they would not be an influence in iden ying a preferred alternative among the DBIS alternatives, and 2) since the operations analy is were based on forecast figures for 40 years into the future, which have some margin of ITor in predicting actual conditions, additional analysis performed at a time closer to project implementation should be used as a more reliable predictor of the improvements neede within the implementation planning period. 4.3 SAFETY 4.3.1 Highway Safety All four Build Alternatives would result in improved safety compared to the -Build Alternative since eacb Build Alternative would provide a freeway connection between 94 and TH 10 and freeways have lower crash rates than two-lane or four-lane at-grade dways (e.g., existing TH 24 corridor for the No-Build Alternative). Alternative B would 'convert existing TIf 24 to a freeway, increasing safety in that corridor (albeit at the expense f local access ). If safety is considered on a system-wide basis (Le., beyond the safety ben.fits of the 1-94rrH 10 Interregional Connection alone), Alternative 0 would result in tb$~ atest overall safety improvement, since the greatest length of TH 10 would be converted om an expressway to a freeway as part of overall system improvements. Similarly, Alte rives B and C would generate greater safety benefits than Alternative A for the same reasons as ted for Alternative D above. -i ~ I~94rrH 10 Interregional Connection OBIS 4.14 1\ . . .1 TABLE 5.8 SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED RIGHT OF WAY COSTS BY ALTERNATIVE COST (rounded to nearest 1000) Total Developed Parcel Alternative Atqllisition/RelotatioD Partial Parcel Total Right of Way Cost Acquisition Cost Cost A $10,365,000 $\ ,645,000 $12,010,000 - B $12,030,000 $1,330,000 $13,361,000 C $5,625,000 $1,680,000 $7,305,000 - 0 $1,662,000 $1,890,000 $3,552,000 5.2.3 Mitigation [f one of the Build Alternatives is chosen as the preferred alternative, all right of way acquisition and relocation would be in accordance with the Uniform Relocation and Real Property Acquisition Act of [970, as amended hy the Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act of 1987 and 49 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 24. Two bookie entitled ReLocation: Your Rights and Benq;ts and the Guidebook!or Property Owners bave bee produced by MnlDOT to provide informatinn to property owners and potential displacees 0 their rights and benefits under the Uniform Act. including the Relocation Assistance Program These documents are available from the MnlDOT Office of Land Management. Property owner may be reimbursed for up to $1,500 for appraisal fees. MnlDOT relocation advisers provid information on programs and benefits and to develop individual relocation plans to relocatees Relocatioo resources are available to all residential and business rclocatees witbo discrimination. i MnlDOT will work with business owners, including farm business owners, to find a SUitabl~ relocation site. In addition, affected business owners are reimbursed for actual reasonabl moving custs, reestahlishment costs and custs incurred io identifying a replacement sit. Oetailed eligibility benefits are explained at individual meetings. i ] s Residents being displaced will receive relocation assistance services from MniDOT and enbtled to reimbursements for certain expenses such as moving costs and replacement housi costs. Replacement housing units must be udecent. safe and sanitary" and must be functional equival"l't to the present dwelling with respect to the number of rooms and living space, locah and general improvements. Although an adequate supply of comparable replacement housi g siles can generally be found, an administrative process called Last Resort Housing is available 0 address situations where the supply of replacement sites is inadequate. Last Resort Housi guarantees that cumparable housing would be provided before the owner is required to move. the event sufficient comparable replacement housing is not available, MnlDOT commits to Resort Housing. All displacees would receive adequate time and notice to relocate. , ~ I stn - 1-94rrH 10 Interregional Connection nEtS - --+ - \\ , '1'-' . 5.3.2 Environmental Consequences I No-Build The No-Build Alternative would perpetuate existing business and job patterns and would result I in no loss of taxable property. ' . . Business and Job Impacts Businesses located at the acquired commercial and industrial properties listed in Table 5.7 in Section would be displaced. Information on employment at affected businesses was acquired through contact with the businesses themselves or with City staff; employment was estimated at six small business locations where infonnation was not readily available. Estimates are conservative, i.e. reported part time employees are counted the same as full time employees and the total for each alternative is rounded up to the nearest 10. Alternative A would displace businesses at 13 commercial/industrial properties. These businesses include hoat sales, equipment sales, concrete block/precast supply, pallet supply, appliance sales/recycling, construction, trucking, rental, welding, and a few small service businesses. Employment at these properties is estimated at 230 jobs. Alternative A would also displace businesses at nine agricultural properties. Alternative B would displace businesses at 13 commercial/industrial properties, These businesses include an auction house, engineering firm, veterinarian, liquor store, gas station, auto body shop, auto oil change and tire services, fast food restaurants, large travel center, and plastics products manufacturer. Employment at these properties is estimated at 380 jobs. Alternative B would also displace businesses at two agricultural properties. Alternative B would also require acquisition of the City HalllFire Station building (considered a public use), however the four jobs located at this property would not be expected to be displaced from the city. Alternative C anticipates business displacement from five commercial properties including an auction house, storage facility, contractor, lumber yard, and small service business. Employment at these properties is estimated at 40. Alternative C would also displace businesses at three agricultural properties. Alternative D would not displace any commercial/industrial businesses. It would displace a business at one agricultural property. Direct commercial/industrial employment impacts due to right of way acquisition for thc Build Alternatives range from 0 to 380 jobs. As shown in Table 5.9, there is an expectation of an increase of 20,797 jobs in the most directly affected communities (not including the City of S1. Cloud) by 2040. This anticipated growth and the availability of plenty of undeveloped land in all of the communities indicates capacity within the study area to compemate for the commerciaVindustrialjobs that would be displaced as a result of the project. I~94fTH to Interregional CoWlcction DEIS 5.25 \\ . . . ~~~~. '1.:.:" 1 'f .,.::~.:.:..i:..:i.;;..:"'~.:..,.. The adverse impact of job loss would be mote localized. The 13 commelCiaUindus~1 acquisitions (and 230 jobs) associated with Alternative A are within the economic context of"e Sc Cloud Metropolitan Area. The 13 commercial/industrial acquisitions (and 380 jOi) associated with Alternative B are within or near the much smaller community of CleatWater d would likely have much more substantial economic impacts. In addition, in Clearwater e remaining businesses that depend upon a regional market would no longer be immediat ly accessible to that market if Alternative B is constructed. - : While Alternative B has the most substantial direct economic impact on the City of Clearw~. r, the other Build Alternatives would divert regional traffic away from TH 24, which would h ve some impact on existing businesses, as recognized in the City of Clearwater Comprehe ve Plan. Similarly, the Build Alternatives would direct regional traffLc away from downtown C ar Lake, which could affect existing business there. ! Fiscallmoacts ; As is further discussed in Section, the proposed Build Alternatives would result in l' tal acquisilioo of between seven and 32 parrels. Table 5.10 p,esents taxes payable (2002 0' 200 as noted) for the affected properties by alternative and by county, as well ac; total 2003 es payablefo, each connty. : The table also includes 2003 taxes payable fo, the affected prnperties io the City of Cle",*te, and the 2003 taxes payable fo, total properties in the City of Clearwater. ' TABLE 5.10 TAXES PAYABLE-TOTAL ACQUISITION PROPERTIES Estimated ~ax Loss as a Total 2003 Perccntaj ~ of County/City 2003 To tal Estimated Tax Loss on Taxes Payable County/4 ~ity Alternative - Jurisdiction Total Acquisitions (MIIUon) Taxes pa, lable A - Sherburne $ 88,352<1)('1) $68.9 0.1 I A - Steams $ 2,400 $98.7 * ; - r B - Sherburne $ 7,504(1) $68.9 * : : B- Wright $190,725 $87.5 0.2 B .- City of Clearwater $190,725 $ 1.0 19.1 C- Sherburne $ 16,268(1) $68.9 * ! i C- Wright $ 14,466 $87.5 .1 I D(2) - Wright $ 8,734 $87.5 *: i -(I) . . 2002 Taxes Payable, the remaunng amounts are 2003 Taxes Payable. ('1) There are no total acquisitions anticipated in Sherburne County for Alternative D. . Less than .05 percent. ,..-\ 1.94ffH 10 Interregional Connection OBIS 5-26 i - \\ . on natural and beneficial floodplain values should result from the construction of ~his alternative. See Figure 3.5-D.2 for a graphical representation of the floodway and flood~ain relative to Alternative D. . . No significant increased risk of flooding will result. The Mississippi River hydraulic characteristics for existing and the four proposed ild Alternative conditions were analyzed using existing HEC-2 data for the MnDNR's cu ent Flood Insurance Study (FIS) for the river. Table 7.3.2 provides a summary of the perf ent infonnation from this analysis. Note that in an effort to ensure the bridge d ign accommodates the 100-year flood elevation, the minimum bridge low chord for each 0 the alternatives was set one foot above the 100-year water surface elevation. In addition, b dge lengths are sufficient to span over the entire width of the defined floodway at each . ver cross mg. TABLE 7.3.2 SUMMARY OF THE HYDRAULICS ANALYSIS FOR THE EXISTING AND PROPOSED CONDITIONS OF EACH AL TERNA liVE . Approx. Estimal d Approl. Volume of Alternative QIOO year t:n.t V 1110 year eo..' Elev '1110 yur Floodplain Bridge Floodw yl (ds) (ft/s) m.' (ft.)(\) Width (ft)(2)(3) Length (rt) Floodpl in FiU(C h ~?xisting 58,478 6.4 953.9 1,225 N/A N/A A - Proposed 58,478 7.1 954.0 795 1,070 24,00 B ~ Existing 59.570 6.0 947.8 800 1,121 N/A B - Proposed ..- 59,570 6.0 947.8 800 1,150 0 C - Existing 60,200 2.9 946.8 1,960 N/A NIA C - Proposed 60,200 3.0 946.9 1,590 1,690 8,00 D - Existing 60,200 3.1 936.7 1,830 N/A NIP. o - PropOsed 60.200 3.9 936.8 1,310 1,370 21~ :oThe minimwn bridge low chord for each proposed altemative was set one foot above the tOO-year flood elc tfation in the HEC-RAS analysis. (I) Width at the crossing locations was approximated by measuring from MnDNR's Flood Insurance Study. . ())The proposed floodplain width is calculated as the existing floodplain width minus the proposed fill length. i i The results of the hydraulic analysis show that no significant increases in the loo-year!flOOd stage would result from constructing the bridge and/or filling a portion of the floodplain at . y of the alternatives, since the bridge and associated floodplain fill at each alternative is ly a negligible percent of the overall river and floodplain volumes. i . This project will not result in any incompatible floodplain development, No incompatible floodplain development will result from constructing any of the:' uiid Alternatives since the proposed project does not provide local access in the vici ty of floodplain areas. Also, coooty and city ordinances govern development with the floodplain. .1 \ 7~t2 I~94rrH 10 lnterregional Connection DBIS \1 ----::.-...-.---.. . . . , TABLE 11.1 POPULATION TRENDS AND PROJECTIONS FOR COMMUNITIES WITHIN THE STUDY AREA Percent Percent change Projected change 1970 2000 from 1970 2040 from 2001 Jurisdiction Population population to 2000 population to 2040 Becker 365 2,673 39 25,000 394 Becker Township 799 3,605 6,000 i Silver Creek Township 1,102 2,332 112 5,500 136 Clearwater 282 890 160 5,000 232 I Clearwater Township 585 1,368 2,500 Clear Lake 280 266 113 900 169 ! Clear Lake Township 612 1,630 4,200 ~ Haven Township (I) 1,049 2,024 93 26,400 Lynden Township 511 1,919 276 3,200 67 , St. Augusta 1,584 3,065 94 8,400 174 St. Cloud 39,691 59,107 49 103,300 75 "1Tf 2040 population estimates for Haven Township were provided by the St. Cloud APO. These estimates are hig ller than projections estimated by Haven Township, as this community has taken a low growth position. The hig er . 41 'It . .' . projectIOns were used for thiS study as a worsl ~asc scenario for top generation and development Impacts. 11.2 EFFECTS ON RESOURCES To the degree possible, given available information/resources, the following steps were takc~ to analyze potential cumulative effects: : . Summarize the existing condition of each potentially affected resource as it compares to ~t conditions. 1 . Summarize impacts to the affected resources from the proposed action as described in ~e previous chapters of the OEIS. ' . Summarize impacts to the affected resources from other reasonably foreseeable fu~e actions. . Discuss the potential cumulative impacts to the resource based on consideration of effec all past, present and future actions. Assessment of potential cumulative impacts ioci consideration of special designations or standards that relate to each resource; ong g regulatory authority, policies, or plans that afford some measure of protection to the affi ed resources; and measures that could avoid or minimize negative effects 00 the resources. is discussion will include consideration of the incremental cumulative impact of the proI4ed action compared to the impacts of other future foreseeable actions (i.e., development). ' ~1-4 _ ,_.............---0_ 1-94ffH 10 Interregional Connection OElS ,) . Future Scenario 3: 1-94rIH 10 Alternative C 33rd Street at St. Cloud Highway 24 at Clearwater I~94rrH to Alternative C Highway 25 at Monticello potential Monticello bridge Potential West Elk River bridge County Road 42 at Elk River Highway 101 at Elk River DaytonlRamsey Highway 169 at Anoka 2.6 miles 10.3 miles 1.4 miles \ 5.3 miles 1.0 miles 7.0 miles 4.6 miles 1.1 miles 7.0 miles 4.2 miles (this is beyond the downstream limit of the Mississippi Scenic Riverway) Future Scenario 4: 1-94rrH 10 Alternative.!! . 33rd Street at St. Cloud Highway 24 at Clearwater 1~94rrH 10 Alternative D Highway 25 at Monticello potential Monticello bridge Potential West Elk River bridge County Road 42 at Elk River Highway 101 at Elk River Da yton/Ramsey Highway 169 at Anoka 2.6 miles 10.3 miles 7.8 miles 8.9 miles 1.0 miles 7.0 miles 4.6 miles l. \ miles 7.0 miles 4.2 miles (this is beyond the downstream limit of the Mississippi Scenic Riverway) Future Scenario 5: 1-94rrH 10 No-Build Alternative 33rd Street at St. Cloud Highway 24 at Clearwater Highway 25 at Monticello Potential Montice\lo bridge Potential West Elk River bridge County Road 42 at Elk River Highway 101 at Elk River Dayton/Ramsey Highway 169 at Anoka 2.6 miles 10.3 miles 16.7 miles LO miles 7.0 miles 4.6 miles 1.1 miles 7.0 miles 4.2 miles (this is beyond the downstream limit i of the Mississippi Scenic Riverway) Comparison of existing with the "worse case" funm: bridge scenarios demonstrates that the 'natural esperience' on tbe riverway would change due to more frequent bridge encounters if up to five additional bridges were constructed compared to existing or Future Development (but no additional bridges) conditions. . -. ._-~-------------_._.._----_._-------~-_._--'-- t-'l4fl'H 10 Inteneg;oMt CO""",'ion DElS 11-2\ . \) e: ..- 0 ~ .- . ~ (,) (IJ .~ Q) OJ lI.: e: > e: += 0 ctl c 0 ~ OJ - - <( as oS - @@)@ @ c Q) ,.- .- E J:g> c . . . I D> . . ~~ . . .- . . I - <( . . . . I . . cn~ if) . . Ie: . . I -- ill . . . . ? ~ ~1 ~~ \ 1 t~~~~t@~ ,~l ; I ~ 0 ~1 -1 ) ")/ (( ~} l' )~')~V ~. .,! 0 l ~ ~ r~ ~2Z - ~/----\ ~ - 0 ~ -:" ~~ ~~ _-.;l'}r.cJ '/.J~ ._ g r: I~ ~ ~'[ .ft~~~,LY \J./ T=f ~- Q 1] ~ _~ ~ n I? <)~__~ ~ ~~ ;;;~U "'b =- 'V~ -, g. \)~~ "fts-~~ /{'7 ~L\~~' ~ ! ~ I( \~f-.J J ~~~; @~ 0 /, iLi!cg '-~-- - 0 r-' ~ ,.'!. r~T(), I. f??) ~~ ~~[ ___ A 7': ~~ l-~UIf..... /],0. S -- - ~. I "Y <, ov.i~~~3~ r - :~-~/I~_~~ ~// -9V <(~ ~A)L)Zr~ ~ 0/) II [/,fOY ." 0 (QW!3P'/..r .., ,,~ :;-V-~/ ; ~~Q~:~'51Q ~~ J ~.~ -~ -_/1./ ~ ..... -----.-. -- , ~ -~~~~ onr6V T .) p-I--J ~:,' · ~'1 h Ri L_ ~~ .,4.. ? iJ I f L~ "~ ~~'J ..~~ c, -* , ?'.7~ _ 1>QK~J 7 ~l _.-,/ "~CJ'l __________I "'~ i Q. r"- ~ "l;j _t7'i J, 0;;;- D ~/ " ~, i:f\1.i'l ;".. '-J r ~ ~ r; ~o -a- ~, ~ h<::> I( - ,..:.. ~:::= ~"- n ~ \ - ~ 1 ~ ~ 1/4 I r~ 1'[ \~ ~~ . ~8J~ SI3C1/l9CtrllJoddnS/5::l!lld8J~ 2: q:Q LlJt; a:uJ oq:~ ::...0 Q~ ~ ~ c: '1ft 0.2 ....~ C9 1;; CI) uJ ~ __ 0: ~ I.U a: w LU <::) 1-- 1- 2:"'<t...... ;J: 0 15 · ~ -r-:;::: .......:I:~ I- 'l::t' t:(J) g ..... V1; .-.., ...., 0).... c:; ...!.. ...!.... Cl . ~ \\ Council Meeting - 3/22/2004 12. Review of the draft Wellhead Protection Plan Part I for the City of Monticello and authorization to forward it to the Minnesota Health DepaJ'tment l' OJ' J'eview. (.J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Our consultant, Liesch and Associates Incorporated, working with city stan: the Minnesota Department of Health and the Minnesota Rural Water Association, have completed a draft of Phase J of our Wellhead Protection Plan for the City of Monticello. The Wellhead Protection Plan is a requirement of all Minnesota cities providing drinking water from wells and was speeded up in our case by a necessity to begin the program when we applied for a permit to construct our fifth well. The first phase of our Wellhead Protection Program includes a description of our water supply, the physical setting where our water supply wells are located, the delineation of the wellhead protection area, the water supply managemcnt area and a vulnerability asscssment. The drinking water supply managemcnt area (DWSMA) is the area where our drinking water wells pull the water from which we are required to managc. The report also includes the WHP A which is the Wellhead Protection Area and that is adjusted for the ten year time of travel for the water to get to our wells. In addition, the emergency management zone (EMZ) is also shown. This represents a one year time of travel for water to get to our wells. With your approval the draft is to be sent to the Minnesota Department of Health for their review. Since we have been working side by side with the Minnesota Department of Health we do not expect any significant changes for the report. Once we have the comments from the Minnesota Department of Health we can prepare the final Phase J plan and obtain public input. We are still gathering information on private wells throughout the area and possible spill and contamination sights within the city and hope to complete our wellhead management program prior to October of this year. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The first alternative would be to review the draft report and authorize its submittal to the Minnesota Department of lJealth. 2. The second alternative would be to review the report but not send it to the Minnesota Department of Health or make possible changes. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director, the Water Superintendent and our Consultant Liesch and Associates that we review the document and approve f(wwarding it the Minnesota Department of Health as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of draft Wellhead Protection Plan Part I. . . . 13. Council Agenda - 3/22/04 Uvdate on railroad crossinl!- Territorial Road/7th Street. Updated information will be provided at the meeting. . . O~ ..:1'-' ..:10: r.lo. ut>: ....~ f-<:> ZO ou :.: 0 0, ...'" Ul 0 '" 0. ;>;0 U f-<:> ....' UOJ'" ....0 00 o.rl "' '" U 0"' ..:I" !Il '-'" "'''' <=I'" .CO '" ..:i .,. .... '" '" 0.'" rl , ..:i .0 '" <1l rl ;>. , '" <1l '" U 0. <1lUl Ul 0. !Il 0< Ul rl U rl '1:l .cO 0. rl m , ~Z 0: ... 0 H '" '" '-'''' rl <10, -6 f-< "'''' .CO ffi 00 H " " 0, .c ~ ... 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