City Council Agenda Packet 03-08-2004 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING ~ MONTICELLO CITY COUNCII~ . Monday, March 8, 2004 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Bruce Thielen Council Members: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Approve minutes of February 23, 2004 regular Council meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and complaints. 5. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of approving temporary liquor license for wine tasting event at the Monticello Community Center. B. Consideration of renewing annual maintenance agreement with Wright County for 2004. . C. Consideration of approving renewal of Men's Softball Association Beer license. D. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit allowing for an ice arena expansion to an existing educational institution in a PZM District and consideration of a request for a conditional use permit allowing the establishment ofajoint parking facility as allowed by the General Provisions of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. Applicant: Monticello School District #882 and Monticello-Big Lake Hospital. E. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for the expansion of a religious institution in the P_S/Public-Semi-Public district. Applicant: Resurrection Lutheran Church. F. Consideration of accepting feasibility report and setting public hearing date for 2004 Street Reconstruction Project No. 2004-06C. G. Consideration of authorization to conduct preliminary survey work and preparation of feasibility report for extending the storm sewer trunk line in the Klein Farm watershed. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Consideration of amendments to Chapter 5, Title 8 (Boulevards) relating to mailhoxes. . 8. Approve payment of bills for March. 9. Adjourn Council Minutes - 2/23/04 . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 23,2004 -7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None ]. Call to Ordcr and Pled2e of Allee:iance Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2. Approve minutes of the February 9, 2004 re2ular Council mecting. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 9, 2004 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding: items to the ae:enda. . Glen posusta added a discussion of the ice rinks, Cedar Street and an update on the Walnut Street Parking lot to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions. requests and complaints. Mayor Thielen explained the purpose of the citizen comments portion ofthe agenda. There was no one present who spoke under citizens comment. 5. Consent Ae:enda. A. Consideration of ratifying new hires for the Streets, Parks and Liquor Store. Recommendation: Ratify the hiring of employees as identified. B. Transfer of Liquor license for J.P's. Recommendation: Approve the transfer of the on-sale liquor license for Jalapeno's at 530 Cedar Street to Wayne Senior contingent upon submittal of a r~vised certificate of insurance. C. Approval of the Stipulation for Settlement: Jameson Quiet Title Action. Recommcndation: Approve the formal adoption of the settlement agreement on the quiet title action. D. Consideration of request for approval of development stage planned unit development for common signage and a conditional use permit for open or outdoor rental as an accessory use in the B~3/Highway Business District. - Applicant: Glen posusta. Recommendation: 1) Approve development stage PUD for common signage based on a finding that the exchange of additional sign height for prohibition of other . Counci I Minutes - 2/23/04 freestanding signs in the PUD meets the intent of the zoning ordinance and contingent upon the conditions listed below; 2) Approve the conditional use permit for outdoor sales, rental and display based on the finding that the site is appropriate for this type of land use, and that the applicant has met the conditions appropriate for the use and the location and contingent upon the conditions listed below: a. Other than the proposed 25 foot tall sign, no freestanding signage shall be pennitted in the PUD property. b. The applicant shall remove all other existing signage within thirty days of construction of the proposed pylon sign. c. The applicant shall provide financial security guaranteeing removal of the existing signage and the step van. The amount of financial security to be approximately equal to the cost to complete item #2 above. The step van may be parked on the same property as the U-Haul rental equipment. d. The proposed sign should be designed to add additional materials to the structural posts, and ensure that the sign does not create glare onto adjacent property or the public streets and highways. e. The applicant may maintain up to 25 U-Haul trucks and/or trailers within the limits of the self storage area and as shown on the approve site plan. f. Existing and future commercial uses in the PUD shall be permitted wall signage consistent with the standards of the zoning ordinance. E. Removed from agenda F. Consideration of authorizing feasibility study for 1-94 watermain crossing at Meadow Oaks. Recommendation: Adopt resolution authorizing preparation of a feasibility report for the watermain connection from Meadow Oak Drive to the Sunset Ponds development. G. Consideration of authorizing feasibility study t(H storm sewer outlet for Meadow Oaks. Recommendation: Adopt resolution authorizing preliminary survey and preparation of a feasibility report for the Meadow Oakes Pond outlet. H. Consideration to approve amending the by-laws of the Design Advisory Team. Recommendation: Move to approve the amendments to the by-laws of the Monticello Design Advisory team as recommended by DAT I. Consideration of resolution authorizing sale of property. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing the sale of Lots 5,6,7 and 8, Block 3, The Meadows 2nd Addition to Homestead Multi-Family Development Corporation in accordance with the approved developer's agreement dated September 2002. Bruce Thielen indicated item 5D was being removed from the consent agenda because it involved an application by a eouncilmember. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEM #50 SO TUA T COUNCILMEMBER POSUSTA COULD ABSTAIN 2 Council Minutes - 2/23/04 FROM VOTING ON THAT ITEM. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent ae:enda for discussion. Item 5D related to approval of a development stage planned unit development for common signage and a conditional use permit for open or outdoor rental as an accessory use. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE REQUEST FOR APPROV AL OF DEVELOPMENT STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR COMMO SIONAGE AND A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR OPEN OR OUTDOOR RENTAL AS AN ACCESSORY USE IN THE B-3/HIGHW A Y BUSINESS DISTRICT FOR AMAX STORAGE. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRfED WITH GLEN POSUST A A13ST AINING. Added Items: Ice Rinks: Glen Posusta asked how attendants at the ice rinks were monitored. FIe questioned those particular times when the weather was too warm or when the weather was extremely cold. Public Works Director, John Simola indicated that the policy is that if the weather is _100, the rink attendants are to close the rinks. In the instances where the weather gets warm and the ice is not suitable flW skating, the Park Superintendent makes the determination if the rink should close. If the rinks are closed a notice is posted at the rink. If desired, John Simola will provide the dates the rinks were opened and attendance figures for the use of the rinks. Glen Posusta also expressed concern about policing of rink activities. Cedar Street: Glen Posusta indicated that there are two lights on Cedar Street that are not working and those arc the two lights that arc on his property. City Engineer, Bret Weiss indicated that one light is being relocated because of the overhead power lines. However, the relocation cannot be done until the ground is thawed. It is proposed to relocate the light just north of its present site. The City is working with Xcel Energy on the matter. Glen Posusta asked if final payment had been made to the contractor. Public Works Director, 101m Simola indicated that this was an outdoor project contract with Excel and not part of the overall project contract. lIe will check on whether final payment has been made. Glen Posusta also asked who made the determination on what type of lights are installed. John Simola indicated that in this case because the developer was paying for the bulk of the cost, he requested a certain type oflight. Glen Posusta also questioned why Cedar Street was not plowed after the most recent snowfall. Walnut Street Parking Lot: Glen Posusta asked what the status was on this project. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller stated that staff is in the process of preparing bid documents. It is planned that the project will be ready to go when the road restrictions are off in the spring. 7. Approve payment of bills for February. , ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. " -) I I Council Minutes - 2/23/04 8. Adjourn. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 7:15 P.M. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary , 4 Council Agenda - 3/8/04 SA. Consideration of approvine: temporary liQuor license for wine tastine: event at the Monticello Community Center. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Hi-Way Liquors is proposing to hold a wine tasting event at the Monticello Community Center on April 2, 2004 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. State statutes require a non-profit organization conducting a wine tasting event to obtain a temporary on sale license for the event. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve temporary on sale license for Hi-Way Liquors for a wine tasting event on April 2, 2004 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. 2. Do not approve the temporary on-sale license. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve the temporary on-sale liquor license for the April 2, 2004 wine tasting event. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of application. , I ofq! ,1.\, >,\),1 Minnesota Department of Public Safety ~- ~"\ OF PUl/~ '\!".~':'illl!.I"IJlI f\';)"'(~1 Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division l@~l ~.I} 'I, ..4'~."O / ~';Ig",,,::-, ~-;<\ 444 Cedar St. - Suite 133 ..:!.-:.':\ -",' ... .~. I:;:, f:I\....1i.~ \ - :::: , rA::ii,!":'~ q__f ::;-; St. Paul, MN 55101-5133 I. .~, "',::=';;:::;;. t',': , :~' ~ ~N; 'M ~"'_ ,_I~:bc., 1i..{+iii5~';'~~' (651) 215-6209 TTY (651) 282-6555 4!1f OF MltltI~<;P ===== APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A TEMPORARY ON~SALE LIQUOR LICENSE TYPE OR PRINT IN.FORMATION NAME OF ORGANIZATION DATE ORGANIZED TAX EXEMPT NUMBER B-1 -I.;'''' v T,-1 (11,,..,rs 4 1-(.,()()" ',p r., STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE I ZIP CODE 545 Pine, PO 845 Monticello MN 55362 NAME OF PERSON MAKING APPLICATION BUSINESS PHONE I HOME PHONE Joe Hartm&n (763 ) 295-5222 ( ) DATES LIQUOR WILL BE SOLD TYPE OF ORGANIZATION April " 2004 DCLUB 0 CHARITABLE o RELIGIOUS IZI OTHER NONPROFIT L, ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME ADDRESS ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME ADDRESS ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME ADDRESS Location where license will be used. If an outdoor area, describe: MonUcel1o Community Center Will the applicant contract for intoxicating liquor services? ]1' so, give the name and address of the liquor licensee providing the service. Will the applicant CaITY liquor liability insurance? If so, the carrier's name and amount of coverage. (NOTE: Insurance is not mandatory_) APPROVAL APPLICATION MlJST BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO ALCOHOL & GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT CITY /COUNTY CITY OF HONTTCELLO DATE APPROVED CITY FEE AMOUNT $10.00' LICENSE DATES DATE FEE PAl D SIGNATURE CITY CLERK OR COUNTY OFFICIAL APPROVED Alcohol &. Gambling Enforcement Director Note: Do not separate these two parts, send both parts to the address above and the original signed by this division will be returned as the license. Submit to the City or Count)' at least 30 days bd'ore the event. PS-09079 6/02 , rQ Council Agenda - 03/08/2004 5B. Consideration of aVtJroval of 2004 Highwav Maintenance Agreement with Wrieht County. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: It is once again time to renew our highway maintenance agreement with Wright County. Through this agreement we remove snow and ice from CSAH 75 from Willow Street on the west end of town to Meadow Oak Drive on the east end of town. This includes a one time spring sweeping of the four lane portion. In addition, we do 25% of the snow and ice removal on CR 39 from CSAH 75 to the public works building. We also do a one time spring sweeping only on CR 39 from CSAH 75 to Kampa Circle. Lastly, our maintenance agreement includes that short section ofeR 117 outside the city limits just north of 85th Street near the Monticello Township Hall. Our reimbursement is based upon the county's average annual road maintenance cost for all county roads for the previous three years. Last year we negotiated and additional $300/mile for the four lane portion for snow and ice control as this section of highway requires well above the average county maintenance in the winter. The reimbursement for 2004 from the county would be $12,297.29. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to approve the 2004 Maintenance Agreement with Wright County at a reimbursement of$12,297.29. 2. The second alternative would be not to approve the maintenance agreement. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director and Street Superintendent that the City Council approve the maintenance agreement with Wright County as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of 2004 Maintenance Agreement. v~"f'Y o~ 1-"<> ~~ \Yl! "1t <4!Y 7856 WRIGHT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Wright County Public Works Building 1901 Highway 25 North Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 Jet. T.H. 25 and C.R. 138 Telephone: (763) 682-7383 FAX: (763) 682-7313 WAYNE A. FINGALSON, P.E. Highway Engineer (763) 682-7388 VIRGIL G. HAWKINS, P.E. Assistant Highway Engineer (763) 682-7387 RICHARD E. MARQUETTE Right of Way Agent (763) 682-7386 February 10,2004 Rick WolfsteIler, City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 Q7:". ""'i..,rr, , ,. '." -"I.~ , ,. , ,"'''''~'1'''' '.,"'''''''~' .'.... 1\.. '1;" "'.'.. ~...'."'I\ ',i".'.... " ...~. l<"....~ f;'..4r ~ I ~":.' ", - '.);), j': Re: 2004 Maintenance Agreement '7/. ;l .( 'vf(.. Dear M~er: It is once again time to renew our annual municipal agreement for the maintenance activities on the road( s) listed on the enclosed agreement. Wright County will continue to use the same method for computing the reimbursement for these maintenance agreements with Wright County cities. Beginning with the 2001 agreements, we based the reimbursement on'the average municipal maintenance costs for the previous three years. Before that, we had based the reimbursement on cost history for only one year. This change minimizes the variability in costs from year to year which can occur, particularly for snow/ice control. The estimated total cost on the attached agreement is based on the average of the years 2000, 2001, 2002 (since 2003 costs are not compiled yet). Please note that the actual payment for this 2004 agreement will be based on the average costs for the years 2001, 2002, and 2003. I have enclosed two copies of the 2004 agreement for your review and approval by the City Council. Please return both copies of the executed agreement. After approval by the County Board, one of the copies will be returned to you for your files. A check reimbursing your city for the maintenance activities covered under our 2003 agreement has already been sent. If you have any questions concerning this or if you note any discrepancies, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Sincerely, .~~tfL~'"",., "~"L' 'V'!ay . A.Fingals' . " , Co ........ Highway . ginee~ ' Enclosure (2) 2004 Municipal Maintenance Agreements , 5G Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer I MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - 2004 THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the City of Monticello hereinafter referred to as the "City" and the County of Wright hereinafter referred to as the "County". WHEREAS, Chapter 162, Minnesota Statutes, permits the County to designate certain roads and streets within the City as County State Aid Highways, and WHEREAS, the City has concurred in the designation of the County State Aid Highway within its limits as identified in County Board's resolutions of August 28, October 8, November 5, December 3, December 27, 1957 and January 7, 1958, and WHEREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of all parties that the duties and responsibilities of both the City and the County as to maintenance on said County State Aid Highways to be clearly defined, NOW THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED with regard to said County State Aid Highway maintenance: That the City will be responsible for routine maintenance on the following highways. MAINT. PLAN ROAD SEGMENT MILES C. CSAH 75 Willow St. to Meadow Oaks Dr. 5.65 (Includes four lane portion.) D. CSAH 39 From City Public Works Bldg. to 0.32 W. Jct. ofCSAH 75 B. CSAH 75 Four lane portion 5.22 B. CSAH 39 From CSAH 75 to Kampa Cir. 0.40 E. CR 117 From a point 930 feet north of 85th NE 0.18 To 85th Street NE ESTIMATED TOTAL = COST/MI.* 1,429.56 TOTAL COST* $ 8,077.01 303.31 97.06 709.04 709.04 1,213.37 3,701.19 203.62 218.41 $12,297.29 That routine maintenance shall consist of the following: (Maint. Plan) C. (CSAH 75) - Snow and ice removal. D. (CSAH 39) - 25% ofthe snow and ice removal. B. One-time spring sweeping only. E. Snow and ice removal. *Based on average annual costs of years 2000,2001, and 2002, plus $300/mile for four-lane portion (snow/ice control only). That when the City deems it desirable to remove snow by hauling, it shall do so as its own expense. The City shall also be responsible for all snow and ice removal on sidewalks and other boulevard related maintenance outside the curb or street area. That the County will be responsible for all other maintenance. That the City shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the County and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the City. It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the City and all other employees of the City engaged in the performance of any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the City shall be considered employees of the City only and not of the County; and thaf any and all claims that mayor might arise under Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota 'n behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act .It omission on the part of said City employees while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the City. (Sheet 1 of 2) 5 (?-J I That the County shall indemnity, save and hold hannless the City and all of its agents and employees of any fonn against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of actions of whatever nature or character, whether at law or equity, arising out of or by reason of the execution, omission or perfonnance of the work provided for herein to be perfonned by the :;ounty including, but not limited to, claims made arising out of maintenance obligations of County, engineering, design, taking or inverse condemnation proceedings. It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the County and all other employees of the County engaged in the perfonnance of any work or services required or provided for herein to be perfonned by the County shall be considered employees of the County only and not of the City; and that any and all claims that mayor might arise under the Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said County employees while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the County. That in December of 2004 , the City shall receive payment from the County for their work. This amount shall be based on the 2003 average annual cost per mile for the years 2003,2002, and 2001 for routine maintenance on Municipal County State Aid Highways. The average annual cost per mile will reflect only those costs associated with the areas of routine maintenance for which the City is responsible. ADOPTED: ,20_ ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certity that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly passed, adopted and approved by the City Council of said City on ,20_. -"'~.~~--...~-".._,.,~ "__City Clerk__.____..._"_"_______"_ APPROVED AND ACCEPTED: COUNTY OF WRIGHT Name of City Chainnan of the Board Date ATTEST: County Coordinator Date " I (Sheet 2 of 2) ~ :; Council Agenda - 3/8/04 sc. Consideration of anprovinl: renewal of Men's Softball Association Beer License. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Men's Softball Association is requesting renewal of their annual license to sell beer at the Xcel softball field concession stand. The association will be required to obtain dram shop liquor liability insurance upon approval of the City issuing the license. The Council can approve the license contingent upon receipt of a certificate of insurance for liquor liability and the payment of the license fee in the amount of $13 7 .50. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Grant the license contingent upon receipt of the necessary insurance documents and payment of the license fee. 2. Deny the license. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the staff that the license be granted contingent upon proper insurance being provided. D. SUPPORTING OAT A: None. , 1 City Council Agenda - 3/8/04 5D. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit allowin!! for an ice arena expansion to an existin!! educational institution in a PZM District and consideration of a request for a conditional use permit allowin!! the establishment of a joint parkin!! facility, as allowed by the General Provisions of the Monticello Zonin!! Ordinance. Applicant: Monticello School District and Monticello-Bi!! Lake Hospital District. (NAC/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND On March 1,2004, the Planning Commission reviewed the requests above, conducted a public hearing and acted to recommend approval under alternative 1 below. Please see a draft of the meeting minutes for more information. Roger Carlson acted as City Council liaison in place of Glen Posusta, who was on vacation. The school district is seeking approval of Conditional Use Permits that will facilitate the construction of an ice arena as an addition to the south side of the Middle School Building along East Broadway Street. crhe arena will have its main entrance near the southeast corner of the existing school building, west of the tennis court area. Access to the arena will also be possible from interior corridors in the existing building. The applicants have worked with staff to identify parking issues and solutions that will be available when the arena use raises the level of activity on the site. The district has identified more than 450 existing parking spaces on-site, at various locations around the building. It has been noted that the most intensive use of the existing building occurs when the auditorium is being used for a performance. Even then, only full use of the 600 seat ice arena would likely cause an overi1ow condition. In this case, the applicants bave reached an agreement with the l-lospital District to utilize the hospital's existing parking lots for these times. It is cxpected that this would most likely occur on weekends and/or evenings when the hospital parking lot is at its lowest level of use. Individuals using the hospital parking area will be able to cross Broadway at the existing signal, using the existing sidewalk system. It was also noted that to ensure that the existing school parking is used to the greatest efficiency, bus parking would be directed to the south side of the school property, along an existing driveway around the baseball field. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommended alternative 1 for Decisions one and two below. Decision 1: Conditional Use Permit to allow the cof'{struction of an ice arena addition to the Monticello Middle School. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the CUP, based on a finding that the facility is an appropriate accessory use for a public school building, and that the parking I City Council Agenda - 3/8/04 management proposals offered by the applicants will minimizc ncgative impacts of the . . Increase III use. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the CUP, based on findings identified at the public hearing. Decision 2: Conditional Use Permit to allow oiT-site parking for the school ice arena on the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital property. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the CUP, based on a finding that the hospital parking is in reasonable proximity to the school, and access across Broadway is protected by an existing traffic signal. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the CUP, based on findings identified at the public hearing. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION StaiT concurs with the Planning Commission and recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permits as proposed, with the conditions that (1) the City may require additional parking to be constructed if overl1ow parking on City streets becomes a problem for the adjoining neighborhood, and (2) the applicants continue to work with engineering staffto resolve issues related to utility services and drainage of the site. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Site Location B. Aerial Photograph with Parking identified C. Site Plan , 2 I E F G 1i'O~ H 95th STREET z o J '" :i I I I I i I I : ! I : I i : I ~ :1 : I -_._~_._~_._._-"---~ 41500ls\5n Memorial Highway Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55422 K 763-541-4800 & Associates, lnc. FAX 763-541.1700 INFRASTRUCTURE ... ENGINEERS ... PLANNERS 11 12 13 14 15 '\;n At FEB 0 9 21 CITY OF MON~!( -~ I )'\ II Ii l Ii ~! IIi w ~u iifi i n; . l I~ u; I ~ J il - G ....- R # ~/! Ii I \ ~ "- '\., " i to. I I i MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday - March 1st, 2004 6:00 P.M. Absent: S tail Richard Carlson, Lloyd Hilgart, David Rietveld, Council Liaison Glen Posusta Chairman Dick Frie, Rod Dragsten JcffO'Neill, Fred Patch, Steve Grittman - NAC, Angela Schumann Members Present: 1 . Call to order. Richard Carlson called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M., and declared a quorum. Carlson noted the absence of Chaiman Frie and Rod Dragsten and that Roger Carlson would be serving as the Council member liaison in place of Glen Posusta for this meeting. 2. Approval of the minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting held February yd,2004. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HILGART' TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 3RD, 2004 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. REITVELD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. None. 4. Citizens comments. None. -)t 5. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit allowing for an ice arena expansion to an existing educational institution in a PZM District and consideration of a request for a conditional use permit allowing the establishment of a ioint parking facility, as allowed by the General Provisions oOhe Monticello Zoning Ordinance. Applicant: Monticello Independent School District #882 and the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital District 50 Planning Commission Minutes - 03/01/04 Steve Grittman presented the staff report, referring to the provided aerial photo which illustrated both the proposed site location and the existing parking. Grittman indicated that the school district is seeking approval of a Conditional Use Permit that will facilitate the construction of an ice arena as an addition to the south side of the Middle School Building along East Broadway Strect. The arena will have its main entrance near the southeast corner ofthc existing school building. Access to the arena will also be possible from interior corridors in the existing building. Grittman stated that the applicants have worked with staff to identify parking issues and solutions that will be available when the arena use raises the level of activity on the site. The district has identified more than 440 existing parking spaces on-site, at various locations around the building. Grittman noted that the most intensive use of the existing building occurs when the auditorium is being used for a performance. Even then, only full use of the 600 seat ice arena would likely cause an overflow condition. Grittman reported that the applicants have reached an agreement with the Hospital District to utilize the hospital's existing parking lots for these overflow times. For this purpose, the applicants are seeking a Conditional Use Permit for ajoint parking facility. Grittman indicated that it is expected that use of the overflow facility at the hospital would most likely occur on weekends and/or evenings when the hospital parking lot is at its lowest level of use. Individuals using the hospital parking area will be able to cross Broadway at the existing signal, using the existing sidewalk system. Grittman also noted that to ensure that the existing school parking is used to the greatest efficiency, the district will recommend that bus parking be directed to the south side of the school property. Grittman recommended approval of the two Conditional Use Permits, based on the conditions that (1) the City may require additional parking to be constructed if overflow parking on City streets becomes a problem for the adjoining neighborhood, and (2) the applicants continue to work with enginecring staff to resolve issues related to utility services and drainage of the site. Reitveld inquired whether the current number of spaces was considered adequate for the proposed expansion. Grittman anticipates that more spaces will be needed at certain peak times, however the school has indicated that those circumstances would bc rclatively few. It will be during those times that hospital parking would be used. Grittman stated that condition I requires that should parking occur in residential areas at a higher than anticipated level, the City and school would work together to resolve those issues. Carlson asked whether therc were any specific engineering probl{ms resulting in the statement of condition 2. Grittman stated that at this point there were no specific -2- I sCJ Planning Commission Minutes - 03/0 I /04 problems. However, the plan is not finalized and the City would seek to ensure that engineering standards are met. O'Neill noted that School District Superintendent Michael Benedetto had relayed his regret at being unable to attend the meeting due to a cont1icting School Board meeting. Bill Holmgren, the business manager for the school district, spoke to the commission on behalf of the district. Holmgren stated that he had no further comments to add and indicated he would answer any questions from the public or commission. Carlson opened the public hearing. Hearing no further comment, Carlson closed the public hearing. Carlson asked Holmgren whether the school district had an agreement with the hospital board to establish the joint parking facility. Holmgren stated that the school district and hospital did have an agreement to that effect. He stated that the school does not anticipate much use of the hospital parking, only during times of overflow. Carlson inquired where current cntrance points would be. Grittman noted that the current main entrance would serve thc new facility with a corridor being provided to the arena. A lower level service entrance would also be provided. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HILGART TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE CUP FOR THE EXPANSION OF AN ICE ARENA 'T,() THE EXISTING MIDDLE SCHOOL WITH CONDITIONS 1 AND 2 AS FOLLOWS, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE FACILITY IS AN APPROPRIATE ACCESSORY USE FOR A PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDING, AND THAT 1'1 IE PARKING MANAGEMENT PROPOSALS OFFERED BY TILE APPLICANTS WILL MINIMIZE NEGATIVE IMPACTS OF TilE INCREASE IN USE. RElTVELD SECONDED THE MOTION. I. The City may require additional parking to be constructed if overflow parking on City streets becomes a problem for the adjoining neighborhood, and 2. The applicants continue to work with engineering statlto resolve issues related to utility services and drainage ofthe site. A MOTION WAS MADE BY IIILGART TO MOTION TO RECOMMEND APPROV AL OF THE CUP FOR THE JOIN"r P ARKTNG FACILITY, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE HOSPITAL PARKING IS IN REASONABLE PROXIMITY TO THE SCHOOL, AND ACCESS ACROSS BROADWAY IS PROTECTED BY AN EXISTING TRAFFIC SIGNAL. MOTION SECONDED BY REITVELD. MOTION CARRIED. " -3- 5\) r City Council Agenda - 3/8/04 SE. Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit Amendment to allow the expansion of a religious institution within a P-S, Public/Semi-Public zoning district. Applicant: Resurrection Lutheran Church. (NAC/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND At the Planning Commission meeting on 2/1/03, the Planning Commission reviewed the CUP request and recommended approval under alternative 1 below. A draft copy of the meeting minutes is attached for your reference. Resurrection Lutheran Church has requested a conditional use permit amendment to allow an expansion of their church facility located at the intersection of Highway 118 and Fenning Avenue. The original CUP was granted in 1997. The subject site is zoned P-S, Public/Semi-Public which allows religious institutions by conditional use permit. The proposed building addition measures 11,121 square feet in size (168.5' x 66') and is to be located on the south side of the existing church building. The proposed addition includes 14 classrooms, a 2,760 square foot "community square", a nursery and toilet/storage facilities. CU P Requirements. According to the zoning Ordinance, religious institutions such as churches, chapels, and synagogues arc allowed within P-S districts provided: 1. Religious institutions on parcels exceeding 20,000 square feet in area shall be located with di rect frontage on, and access to, a collector or arterial street. 2. The buildings are set back from adjoining residential districts a distance no less than double the adjoining residential setback. 3. Parking areas are developed to accommodate the most intense concurrent uses of the property so as to minimize overflow parking onto the public street. 4. Compliance with the requirements of Section 22 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. OfT-Street Parking. According to the ordinance, churches must provide at least one off-street parking space for each four seats based on the design capacity of the main assembly hall. According to the applicant, a total of 305 scats exist within the sanctuary of the church. This equates to an off-street parking supply requirement of 73 stalls. Presently, the churches parking lot includes 133 stalls significantly exceeding the minimum required parking supply. No additional stalls are required or proposed. as part of thc expansion proj eet. 41 I City Council Agenda - 3/8/04 Site Circulation. Generally speaking, no change to the present circulation pattern on the site is proposed. The existing drop off-lane is to be extended to the southeast to accommodate classroom drop-off activities. Landscaping. A ring of2-inch caliper sugar maple trees has been proposed on the northeast side of the addition. While there are no specific screening issues related to the project, it is recommended that additional building foundation plantings on the west side of the building (near the entry area) be provided. It is believed plantings in this area is the site will further reinforce building entry (by adding color) and lessen the starkness of the building to ground. Grading, Drainage and Utilities. As required, a grading, drainage and utility plan has been submitted. Issues related to grading and drainage should be subject to comment and recommendation by the City Engineer. Setbacks. The proposed building addition complies with applicable building setback requirements of the P-S District. Building Design/Materials. Generally speaking, the design of the addition matches the architecture of the existing church structure. The si de and rear facades of the addition are to match the existing vinyl lap siding of the existing structure. While it may be assumed, the color of such siding, should match that of the existing structure. Unlike the existing structure however, the west (tront) elevation of the addition is to be finished in brick veneer. Such change in materials is viewed as a positive fcature of the building design by drawing attention to the new building entry and establishing a higher sense of building quality. The gable roof line and asphalt shingles of the existing structure will be carried through on the addition. A unique feature of the addition is the proposed spire that measures 58 feet in height. The spire is considered an exception to the maximum 50-foot building height requirement imposed in the P-S District and is therefore considered acceptable. As noted on the submitted building elevations, the spire is to serve as a "light tower" of SOlis as it is to be finished in a translucent material and illuminated from within. Lighting. According to the submitted site plan, decorative lighting is proposed at exterior door locations. As a condition of CUP approval, all exterior lighting, including the illuminated spire feature, should be directed such that the source of the light is not visible from adjacent properties or rights-of-way-, 2 I Planning Commission Minutes - 03/01104 Hearing no further comment, Carlson closed the public hearing. A MOTION WAS MADE BY REITVELD TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF TIlE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT TO ALLOW THE EXPANSION OF A RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION WITHIN A P-S, PUBLIC/SEMI- PUBLIC ZONING DISTRICT BASED ON THE COMMENTS FROM THE STAFF REPORT FOR THE MARCH 1,2004 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY HILGART. MOTION CARRIED. Grunswick thanked the planning staff for their consideration and effort on the project, ensuring that the process moved forward in a timely manner. O'Neill noted that in the case of the church's application, the developer did respond to thc list of concerns prepared by staff and produced a revised plan in time for an adequate review. 8. Public hearing - Consideration of a comprehensive plan amendment establishing a 3: 1 ratio of single family homes to attached townhomes. Applicant: Monticello Planning Commission Grittman referred to the policy statement provided. Grittman asked for the item to be tabled to the April meeting when a full compliment of commissioners would be available to review and comment. A MCJfION WAS MADE BY I--IILGART TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE REQUEST TO THE APRIL 6th MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. REITVELD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. O'Neill asked the commissioners whether they would like the staff to complete an inventory ofR-2 areas in relationship to the mixture of single-family and attached dwellings, in light of public comments provided on the Homestead Multi-Family application. O'Neill stated that an inventory may help determine whether changes need to be made in terms of density and building standards in these areas. Carlson indicated that the general perception seems to be that the closer development is to the downtown area, the more density is acceptable. Carlson stated that he is not opposed to taking a second look at these areas, as well as some of the outlots on other projects that didn't develop initially. -9- SE City Council Agenda ~ 3/8/04 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Planning Commission conducted the public hearing on the matter. No comments from the general public were received. Action was taken by the Planning Commission to recommend approval of the conditional use permit request under alternative 1 below. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit Amendment to allow the expansion of a religious institution within a P~S, Public/Semi-Public zoning district based on the comments from the staff report for the March 1, 2004 Planning Commission meeting. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Conditional Use Permit Amendment to allow the expansion of a religious institution within a P~S, Public/Semi~Public zoning district based on a finding that the submitted plans are inconsistent with goals and objectives of the P~S zoning district. 3. Motion to table action on the Conditional Use Permit Amendment to allow the expansion of a religious institution within a P~S, Public/Semi~Public zoning district subject to the submission of revised plans which respond to comments of the staff report dated March 1, 2004. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff concurs with the Planning Commission. The proposed building addition is considered well conceived and should visually enhance the site. Based on the preceding review, statT recommends approval of the conditional use permit amendment subject to the satisfaction of the listed conditions. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Site Survey 8. Site Plan C. Grading, Drainage and Utility Plan D. Building Elevations E. Floor Plans 7 Conditions of Approval , ^l .) I I City Council Agenda - 3/8104 EXHIBIT Z Conditions: 1. Building foundation plantings be provided on the west side of the building addition near the entry area. The variety, location and size of such plantings shall be subject to City approval. 2. The color of the building addition siding match that of the existing structure. 3. All exterior lighting, including the illuminated spire feature, shall be directed such that the source of the light is not visible from adjacent properties or rights-of-way. 4. The City Engineer provide comment regarding grading, drainage and utility issues. , SE Planning Commission Minutes - 03/01/04 Hearing no further comments, Carlson closed the public hearing. Carlson questioned whether having 16 units with driveways backing onto Prairie Road is an issue. Grittman stated that re-construction will turn Prairie Road in to a minor collector and that this configuration is actually preferred by the City Engineer due to greater backing room and visibility factors. Hilgart stated that it would appear that City stall is in favor of the project. llowever, they are simply requesting that the recommended changes be made. Carlson inquired whether Nicholas Circle would be a public street. O'Neill stated that it would be a private with a public easement or simply public. Reitveld indicated he supports the concept, with the provision that the developer work to address the conditions in exhibit Z before approval. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HILGART TO TABLE DECISIONS ON THE PROPOSED PRELfMINAR Y PLAT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS TO A FUTURE PLANNING COMMISSION MEFrING. MOTION SECONDED BY REfTVELD. MOTION CARRIED. Carlson encouraged Schneider to meet with staff to re-configure plans in order to meet conditions before re~submission. "* 7_ Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit amendment for the expansion of a religious institution in the P-S/Public-Semi-Public District. Applicant: Resurrection Lutheran Church Grittman provided the staff report, indicating to the commission that Resurrection Lutheran Church has requested a Conditional Use Permit amendment to allow an expansion of their church facility located at the intersection of Highway 118 and Fenning Avenue. The subject site is zoned P-S, Public/Semi-Public which allows religious institutions by conditional use permit. The proposed building addition measures 11,121 square feet in size (168.5' x 66') and is to be located on the south side of the existing church building. The proposed addition includes 1.1 classrooms, a 2,760 square foot "community square", a nursery and toilet/storage facilities. -7- Sfi I // f, / ~ '/ ",/ /, ~ ",'I / "lb ( / /j) -- ~ W " f- :'It ~.. )-5 ~ "'h- 1.0;.... ~ "'d :::II!: <fa;! o-Is I.;: I >. ~!i1 f- f- " ~I!! I;; <.> " 1-... Ii ~ f- 8", 9i ~... 0; '/ If!.lk ~ II ~ ~E \!;8~~~~~i /J @ [{J~ if ~ l'> ~ ~ II! \!; ~~ ~ ~ ~ I' Q ~ ~~ ~~~~ t~~ I f !~ ~F~~~~~~ 0", D~"",,..t:I"'ii:1L ~ ;~ ~~!f-I~:!I~i fZ!l1~ \!;~ :~hfd~ ... ~iil 1;;'" t: U t;::: ~ gj::l"'E ::!i!l!l>~"'i!;l!f<> f'l'!iill f-D"'~<cl"'ii2 ... !i'~~-b :S~ILI!l'"'~~~r. 8l1i '" FZDFlil8\!; .. 0,2. z 'Eh!l! \!;g ~d51 [ll~1L ~\!;i;:'" !f~! I:;m~!; ~ ill;!; ~ l> -J!::IL ~",u~lillL ~h~~~~~~d~~~~ ",...:J...2ii,.;\!;i!'5li!i\!;~DO! i IIi l~ II: I ~ ~ f . 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Consideration of acccptin~ feasibilitv r"Cfl()l't and settinl! public hear"ing date for 2004 Street Reconstruction Project No. 2004-06C. (WSB) A. REf'ERENCE AND BACKGROlJND In accordance with the recently adopted Overall Street Rcconstruction program, the City Public Works Department and WSB & Associates, Inc. have completed a feasibility study for the improvements proposed for 2004 (Area 2). The report contained in thc Council packet presents the proposed improvements for the Fairway Drive Area (Area 2A), the Meadow Oaks Area (Area 2B), Sandberg Road (Area 2C) and School Boulevard (Area 20). The proposed improvements include reclamation of the existing bituminous surfacc and gravel base in addition to spot curb rcpair and curb line catch basin repair consistent with standards developed with the Area 1 projcct. The improvements in Area 28 arc proposed to include excavation of the existing clay subgrade soils and importing a sand backfill under the roadway with draintile for subsurface drainage. A trunk watermain is also proposed to be extended through the Meadow Oaks development across CSAH 75 and dead-ended. At some point in the future, this pipe will need to be extended to the Sunset Ponds development to construct a loop in the City's trunk system. Improvements on Sandberg Road include the application of a 2 inch bituminous overlay. Proposed assessments for this work are in the range of $30 per front foot. At the Council's direction, City staff may want to pursue reconstruction of this street. Assessment rates for reconstruction are approximately $55 per foot. The resulting product from reconstruction will have a life cycle of 25- to 30 years while an overlay will provide 10 to 15 years of additional life from that pavement. Improvements on School Boulevard include the application of micro surfacing and seaicoating to extend the life of the pavement section on that street. Preliminary negotiations with developers in the area have identified potential impacts to School Boulevard that may delay the application of the sealcoating between Edmonson A venue and TH 25. The report is included for your review. City staff and WSB ask that the Council accept the feasibility report and set the public hearing for March 22, 2004 for the project areas. WSB & Associates, Inc. has scheduled an information meeting on March] 7, 2004 to gather public input that will be presented at the hearing. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The City Council accept the feasibility report and order the public hearing for March 22, 2004. 2. A second alternative would be to not accept the feasibility report and provide further direction for modifications or further analysis. 3. A third alternative would be not to accept the report and not move j()J"ward with the reconstruction program. . . =' c. Council Agenda - 3/8/04 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, Street Snperintendent and the City Engineer that the City Council formally accept the report and order the public hearing as proposed as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the feasibility report for the Street Reconstruction Program _ Area 2 as prepared by WSB & Associates, Inc. . . . ~- Council Agenda - 3/8/04 SG. Authorization to Conduct Preliminary Survev and Preparation of FeasibiJitv Report for Extendine Storm Sewer Trunk Line to the Klein I<~arms Watershed (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has previously identified the need for a storm sewer outlet pipe to service future development in the southern portion of the City. Specifically, the area south of School Boulevard between the Featherstone development west of Edmondson A venue and extending to Fenning Avenue to the cast. The proposed outlet pipe would connect the storm sewer runotl from these areas, identified as the Klein Farms Watershed, with the TH 25 storm sewer. A portion of TH 25 connection was constructed in 2003 as part of the Cedar Street improvements. With the current construction of the Featherstone development, the proposed Autumn Ridge 3rd development, and the pending development of Hunters Crossing to the east, we believe it is an appropriate time to begin constructing the outlet pipe Jor these areas. We are asking Jor authorization to complete a preliminary survey of the proposed route and preparation of a feasibility report to address the potential costs associated with the project. The engineering costs are estimated at $1,200 and $4,500 Jor the survey and feasibility report, respectively. There will be some additional cost associated with legal descriptions if required. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Authorize preliminary survey and preparation of a feasibility report to extend storm sewer outlet to the Klein Farms watershed. 2. Do not authorize any work at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer that the Council authorize Alternativel. Now that the Peatherstone development is under construction and the Autumn Ridge 3rcl and Hunters Crossing developments arc proposed for 2004, it is necessary to begin the process of constructing this outlet pipe. (':I/)()(' 'f !.l1...fF--/'J)AJ/'A'. 1.( ;m)I/.(}( 'ArS-./I,Ii..'mfJW~l()/,,'I).f.'/lg(,/ldllll/'II/.do, Council Agenda - 03/08/2004 7. Consideration of ordinance amendment to Title 8, Chapter 5. Public Rie-ht of Ways, specificallv. mail boxes. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: We have been having some trouble lately with cluster mail boxes in new developments in regard to the configurations and placement. We are adding sections to the Developer's Agreement but we should also clarify the City Ordinance in regard to the definition of cluster concept mail boxes. We have, therefore, added a definition of the cluster concept and added a couple other clarifications to the ordinance. A copy of the ordinance is enclosed for your review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to approve the definition of the cluster concept in the ordinance and approve the minor changes. 2. The second alternative would be not to make the changes to the ordinance regarding mail boxes. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Warks Director, Street Superintendent, as well as the U.S. Post Master, that you make the changes as outlined in alternative # 1 . D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the proposed changes to the ordinance and a copy of Section L of future development agreements regarding mail box uses. I R e-writinf! of standard lam!uaf!e (or develover's m;reements: L. Mail boxes: All developers must meet with the City of Monticello Street Superintendent and the USPS to determine the type of mail boxes installed and the location of all mail boxes. The City of Monticello requires that mail boxes be clustered in groups of six (6) or more and a minimum spacing of200 feet between cluster locations, unless deemed not practical by the City Street Superintendent and/or the USPS. Initial costs of the mail boxes and their installation are the responsibility ofthe developer. Effective (date of ordinance change), all residential developments (other than standard single family homes) must install locking cluster mail boxes. ... , I -( SECTION: 8-5-1: 8-5-2: 8-5-3: 8-5-4: 8-5-5: 8-5-1: 8-5-2: 8-5-3: , CHAPTER 5 PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAYS BOULEVARD Purpose Definition Allowable Uses Prohibited Uses Maintenance PURPOSE: The purpose of this chapter is to protect public right-of-ways in the city of Monticello from encroachments. DEFINITIONS: For purposes of this chapter, boulevard is that portion of the public right-of-way not used for street purposes. Also "cluster" concept shall be defined as mail boxes in groups of six (6) or more with groups no closer than 200 feet to another group, and placed at locations and configurations as approved by the City Street Superintendent and/or U.S. Post Master. ALLOW ABLE USES: Following are allowable uses of a boulevard: (A) Trees or shrubs as regulated by Chapter 8-3-4 of this ordinance. (B) Mailboxes for U.S. Postal Service, provided all installations of mailboxes in new subdivisions are of the "cluster" concept. (#254, 8/8/94) (C) Driveway accesses as regulated by Monticello Zoning Ordinance. (D) Sidewalks when constructed according to specifications as set forth and approved by the City Engineer. (#154,4/13/87) (E) Advertising/newspaper boxes or tubes under the following conditions: 1. The advertising/newspaper boxes or tubes must be of an all- purpose/universal type without any advertising, whether individual or cluster concept. 2. The following subdivisions/areas may continue to have one (1) advertising/newspaper box per parcel until such time as the U.S. Postal f MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII/Chapt 5/Page Service or developer converts individual mail boxes to the "cluster" box concept: A. East County Road 39 B. Hart Boulevard C. Anders Wilhelm and Balboul Estates D. West River Road and West County Road 75 Upon conversion of mail boxes to the cluster concept all advertising/newspaper boxes must also be clustered. 3. All individually placed advertising/newspaper boxes erected after 11/26/79 in new subdivisions not listed above shall be converted to the cluster box concept upon written notice by the Zoning Administrator. 4. In all new subdivisions or areas where the U.S. Postal Service, developer or owner installs cluster mail boxes, all advertising/ newspaper boxes shall be allowed by the cluster concept only. 5. All advertising/newspaper boxes, whether individual or clustered, shall be maintained by the installer and shall be repaired or replaced within 10 days upon written notice by the City, or the City will have the box or boxes removed at the owner's expense. The City shall not be responsible for damage to any box erected within the boulevard. 6. After 7/1/87, all new installations of advertising/newspaper boxes within areas where none existed shall be allowed only under the "cluster" concept. (#156, 6/22/87) 8-5-4: PROHIBITED USES: All uses of a boulevard not listed in Section 8-5-3 are prohibited unless a permit has been approved by the City Council of Monticello. All existing uses as of the effective date of this ordinance shall be brought into conformity with City ordinances within sixty (60) days. 8-5-5: MAINTENANCE: Property owners abutting boulevard are responsible for maintenance. (#48,4/10/77) , MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII/Chapt 5/Page I . Orl '" '" M U ....M E-<t') Zo<( 00. :>: o "'''' o '" >00 E-<:> ...., Ui>: o "" '" ,.:, t') . 0. "- < W rl _ .oE-< <0:>: ;>'E-< <O<f1 0. '" oJ< ri:> riO .~ I>: III 0. 0. ....0<( o w!ij rl":' ".... 'd< WE-< .d'" uo (f]- '" Z .... '" e 0. "- '" ",rl 00 00 00 00 rlrl ('-r- OO ...."" 00 00 00 00 rlrl r-r- 00 0.0. "'.... ""r- ....,., 00 rl... ...... 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(.I0/FP) The architeetuwllirIll, McDonald and Mack has conducted a study of architectural implications f(lr rclocation of the former Simpson Methodist ('hurch (See Attachcd). That study provides a description, analysis ane! cost estimates jClr the potential relocation of the building. To summarize that report, the building was ICHlIld to be in structurally sound and "...remarkahly gooe! condition f()r a building of its age." The building may be moved and restored to uscable condition with few struetural modifications to tbe existing building. However, electrical and mechanical systems would have to be entirely replaced, accessibility and egress upgrades would be required, and significant cosmetic repairs would be needed. Asbestos containing vermiculite and lead based paint are contained within the building but may not necessitate remediation with relocation of thc building. The primary aim of the study was to determine feasibility for the building to be moved to a site just west of the Monticello Community Center parking lot and remodeling of the building to accommodate re-use by the Monticello Arts Council. The relocation and remodeling of the building to support re-use by the Monticello Arts Council has been estimated to cost $533,000.00. In compar'ison, the cost to build a new building of similar materials with a building floor area of2400 sfmay be approximately $300,000 to $350..000. On Thursday, March 4, 2004, city staff met with representatives of the Monticello Arts Council and Sunny Fresh Foods to determine if the church relocation was feasible based on the Relocation Study and new information gathered while the study was being completed. Mr. Jim Flemming representing the Monticello Arts Council informed staff that the Monticello Arts Council has determined that the building would not be suital?le for their use. Mr. Don Roberts stated that Sunny Fresh Foods continues to be willing to provide assistance to preservation of arti fact portions of the church; however, he also said that Sunny Fresh is anxious to see the process move forward, one way or the other. In that the Monticello Arts Council has backed away from the potential re-use of the church building, a copy of the Relocation Report has been sent to Ms. Betty Dircks, Archivist at the Wright County Historian Departmerit. She will bring this matter before the Board of the Wright County Historian Department to explore potential outcomes for the church. [n addition, the new Community United Methodist Church has been contacted regarding possible preservation of portions of the old Church building, such as the steeple, iron cross, etc. Representatives orthe Community Unitcd Methodist ChLlFch will be providing additional inlc)rmation to city stall SOl11etinle ncxt vveek. T'ht: City Council is asked to withhold action on the EA.W to allow for word to bc spread on viability of the building as determined in the Relocation Report. In the event that il new end user cannot be found, Sunny Fresh Foods)las asked that at the next regular council meeting on March 22, 2004, If)r the City Council to be requested to make a negative declaration regarding the l\nvironll1ental Assessment Worksheet I E^ WI, clcilring the way If)r Sunny Fresh Foods to apply lilr a building perlllit to dCll10lish the Simpson Methodist Church. - -~ THE a-Pi'UMBERY. 220 Sandberg Road Monticello, MN 55362 9517 67th Street N.W. Annandale, MN 55302 Telephone (metro) Toll Free (non-metro) Fax Q\ 'V 763-295-5445 888-434-4077 763-271-4234 SHOWROOMS PURCELL PLUMBING & HEATING INC. LARRY PURCELL MASTER PLUMBER #3079M City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello MN 55362 March 4,2004 Attention: City Council Re: HWY 25 Access All of the businesses on Sandberg Road have experienced difficulties due to the closing of the access from Hwy. 25 onto Sandberg Road. I have been requested to represent these businesses when presenting my own concerns and, therefore, respectfully submit the following. One of the most problematic has been regarding semi-trucks. They have used The Plumbery parking lot to travel through and/or as their turn around. Twice they have damaged vans, once backing into one (an expense for The Plumbery of $450.00) and another minor hit and run on a second vehicle as they drove through the parking lot. It has been necessary for them to drive on the lawns as it is nearly impossible to turn around without doing so. Employees have had to leave work and move their parked vehicles when semis have become hung up attempting to make the turn in the road. Signage and mailboxes have been damaged. Other vehicles also regularly use the Plumbery parking lot as a drive through for their exit. We have had to go out to help them maneuver their way out as they enter one end of the parking lot only to find our vehicles blocking their way as they attempt to exit around the building out of their entrance view. We have regularly received feedback that customers are unable to figure out how to gain access. They reiterate their frustration from having to drive around unnecessarily or make a special call for detailed directions. This has been an on-going nuisance for all parties concerned. Our suggestion as a solution to this problem is installing (after the HWY 25/Chelsea lights) a right hand only turn lane going South on HWY 25 and turning West onto Sandberg Road. This would enable people to turn onto Sandberg Road from off HWY 25 and exit by continuing on around Sandberg Road back to the Chelsea/HWY 25 lights as per the attached illustration. It is our hope that this would be a workable solution for the various businesses (and customers) at this location as well as improving the traffic flow for the City of Monticello. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions, I would appreciate hearing from you in this regard. Sincerely, ~...-: 1 (...... ( ~ ~./ "-.'~ . ._/ ,~,1 .;/ , (t. ~/~7 '. '-1c c( <::( -c..- ." Larry F. Purcell LFP/bh End. =-\ cc: John Simol 'and Roger Mack, Street Superintendent DO I.~.+""".""."'.""._"~" . _, t ~ General · Plumbery Rental ! I , +- . (Entrance only) I (One Way) RIGHT TURN '. i \ .. --IIII~. _. ~~~. _ iII......+...... ONLY LANEz;r \___________________ HIGHWAY 25 D Monti Auto Bod SANDBERG ROAD W S+N E . ." . I CHELSEA ~ a~---- .-.......-. iattItI ~ .....---........... ~,." ~........,~~........ ~ .,. - ~ .-...............- ~ .-. - ~ ------ ~ ...... ~--~~ ....... JitItaIiI.. ~~.... USFILTER OPERATING SERVICES 140 I HART BLVD. MONTICEllO, MN 55362 TELEPHONE 763-295-2225 FACSIMILE 763-295-4779 www.usfilter.com o MEMORANDUM To: Mayor & City Council From: Chuck Keyes Date: February 24, 2004 RE: Wastewater Treatment Facility Odors. II Mayor and Council; This memo is in response to yow comments to John Simola about odors detected at the WWTF during the week of February 16 . John contacted me the night of Monday 2-23 and informed me of your concerns, unfortunately by the time I was able to investigate and drive to City Hall the council meeting was finished. I did however catch John Simola and Glen Posusta and was able to briefly discuss the situation. Certain things that we have to do at the plant tend to create some odors, like when we have to move and thicken sludge. This is a weekly task and we try to do this only when the air is heavy or there is little to no wind in an attempt to contain any odors to the WWTF site. On Monday morning 2-23, we did find that the blower that supplies air to keep our waste activated sludge fresh had kicked-out. Although this building is scrubbed by the Biofilter some odors may have escaped through a louver vent on the side of the tank. The louvered vent has been sealed and the blower has been alarmed to prevent this in the future. If anyone is interested in a tour of the facility or if at any time odors are detected or you have any concerns please call me at my home (763-295-0450) or on my cell phone (612-219-1701). Cc: Peg Becker File avlVENDI Envirannement campany