City Council Agenda Packet 02-09-2004 A ............ .....--- . -. PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 471.705, and in accordance with the Monticello City Code of Ordinances, Title 1, Chapter 5, Section 1-5-1 (/-3), a special meeting of the Monticello City Council is hereby called for the f()llowing time, date, and place: TIME: 5:30 p.'m. DATE: February 9, 2004 PLACE: Monticello City Hall S UBJECr: Closed Meeting - Performance Review City Administrator DA TED: January 23, 2004 76MU~rA- Signature Mayor Title Signature Title CERTIFICA TION On this 26th day of January,,_, 20Jl!L, I hereby acknowledge receipt of the above duly executed call for a special meeting of the Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. c~~a~ SI'ITMTCi.CC: 2/2()/96 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 9,2004 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Bruce Thielen Council Members: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith and Brian Stumpf I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Approve minutes of January 26, 2004 regular Council meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and complaints. 5. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of ratifying new hires for the MCC, Parks and City Hall. B. Pulled from the agenda. C. Approve date set for annual Board of Review. D. Consideration of approving charitable gambling license for Land of Lakes Choir Boys at J.P.s'. E. Consideration of grant application to DNR for 2004 Snowmobile Safety Enforcement Program. F. Pulled from the agenda. G. Pulled from the agenda. tu4 tr (M." + f /.{J ()AAJ .t...., H. Consideration of approval of final payment and acceptance of work for the Groveland Third Addition Street and Utility Improvements, Project No. 2002-02C. I. Consideration of approval of Change Order No.2 for CSAIJ 75 Improvement, Project No.2000-16C. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing to consider vacation of that portion of Territorial Road lying soutft of the southerly right-of-way of Burlington Northern Railroad. 8. Consideration to review non-binding letter of intent and authorize preparation of purchase agreement for industrial land. ! Agenda Monticello City Council February 9, 2004 Page 2 9. Consideration of accepting final Technical Memorandum on the Street Reconstruction Program and authorization to begin feasibility study for 2004. 10. Consideration of approving appointments for the Design Advisory Team. 11. Consideration of authorizing comprehensive water study. 12. Closed Session of the City Council 13. Approve payment of bills for February. 14. Adjourn , I City Council Minutes - l/26/04 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, .January 26, 2004 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and PIed2:e of Alle2:iance. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Mayor Thielen acknowledged the presence of the 9th grade students attending the meeting 2. Approve minutes of the January 12,2004 regular Council meetin2:. ROBBIE SMITII MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 12,2004 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin2: items to the agenda. Roger Carlson requested that agenda item # lObe moved to the consent agenda as item #5F. Bruce crhiclen added discussion of traffic at Mississippi Park to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments/petitions, requests and complaints. Mayor Thielen eXplained this portion of the meeting. Aaron Cook from] 001 Innsbrook Court came before the Council concerning a statement he received for mowing done on his property. He was directed to address the Council at the public hearing portion of the meeting. 5. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of ratifying new hires for the MCC, Parks and Liquor Store. Recommendation: Ratify new hires as identified. B. Consideration of approving final payment to Buffalo Bituminous for the Prairie Road Street Realignment, Project No. 2001-lOC. Recommendation: Approve final payment in the amount of $4,566.93 to Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. for the Prairie Road/River Street Realignment Project, City Project No. 2002-1 OC subject to receipt of the final paperwork. The City should also process a payment request to Wright County as per the Cooperative Agreement. , C. Consideration of adopting additional fees and charges related to new construction. Recommendation: Add new development fees to the City Fee Schedule with said fees to be charged at time of building permit issuance as follows: Assessment Fee: Bldg. Valuation $499,999 or less $25.00 i City Council Minutes - 1/26/04 Bldg. Valuation $500,000 or more $100.00 Utility Locate Fee: Residential Commercial/Industrial $35.00 $50.00 Residential Contractor License Check Fee: $25.00 D. Review of additional quotes for special benefit analysis for 1-94/CSAH 18 Interchange and authorize special benefit analysis study. Recommendation: Move to authorize completion of a special benefit analysis of the future 1-94/CSAH 18 Interchange as proposed by Patchin Messner and Dodd in the amount of $24,000 to $28,000. E. Consideration of authorizing an update to the City's Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan. Recommendation: Move to authorize completion of the study by WSB as proposed with funding derived from the trunk storm sewer fees. Motion to include an increase of 5% to the storm sewer trunk fee to fund the planning project. Brian Stumpf asked that item #5E be removed for discussion and Glen Posusta requested that item #5C be removed for discussion. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WrrH THE ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEM #10 AS ITEM #5F AND THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #5C AND #5E FOR DISCUSSION. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed form the consent aeenda for discussion. SC: Glen Posusta wanted more explanation on the actual cost to the City for utility locates provided by Gopher State One Call. Public Works Director, John Simola replied that on new construction the City may be called out as often as 25 times for utilities locate. Each time a locate is requested, Gopher State Onc Call charges the City $1.15 even if the City has no utilities in the area that need to be located. The City is proposing a one time charge of $35.00 on residential construction to offset some of the cost the City incurs for utility locates. John Simola stated that in response to a utility locate request, Public Works staff researches to see what utilities are in the area, checks for utility ties and then makes the trip to the site and does the actual physical locating and marking of the City's utilities. He added that some of the more complex locates may take up to an hour of statT time. Gopher State requires that the City responds to all locate requests by either physically locating the utility or by an NLR (No Locate Required) and they bill all calls even the NLR's. Glen Posusta stated his concern is that it is another added cost to the homeowner. He questioned whether this couldn't be covered as part of other fees such as SAC and WAC or the building fees collected. Building OffIcial, Fred Patch responded that building fees cover inspection activities only. Bruce Thielen stated that a number of years ago the City had done an analysis of the fees the City charged and how they compared to fees charged by other communities. That study showed the City was in line with other communities on the amount charged. John Simola pointed out that proposed fee of $35.00 was a one time fee that would be collected with the 2 I City Council Minutes - 1/26104 building permit and would help the City deLray a portion ofthe cost charged to the City for utility locates. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO ADD NEW DEVELOPMENT RELATED FEES, LISTED BELOW, TO TIlE CITY FEE SCHEDULE WITH THE FEES TO BE CHARGED AT THE TIME OF BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE; Assessment Fee; Building Valuation of $499,999.00 or less $500,000.00 or more $25.00 $100.00 Utility Locate Fee: Residential Commercial/Industrial $35.00 $50.00 Residential Contractor License Check Fee; $25.00 BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WrIT-I SMITlI, STUMPF AND If-HELEN VOTING IN FAVOR THEREOF AND POSUSTA AND CARLSON VOTING IN OPPOSITION. In voting against the fees, Roger Carlson stated that the amount of fee being proposed was small and he felt the City should try to get by without charging it. SE: Brian Stumpf asked about a stormwater management study authorized by the City in 1999. Bret Weiss, City Engineer, responded that the study had never been completed. They had done the computer work and analysis but had not formulated the policies and goals. In addition it is proposed that the study area include the area being considered for annexation so this study would be more extensive in scope. The study would also look at the downtown area as this is the site of redevelopment activities. Bret Weiss indicated that the approximately $20,000 had been expended on the 1999 study. Brian Stumpf asked how the storm water in the downtown area was currently being handled. Bret Weiss replied that the existing storm sewer system is designed for a five year rain event. The study will try to address the issue of capacity of the system and water quality. Brian Stumpf asked about capacity of the system. Bret Weiss indicated that the five year event could be handled by the piping system in place, in a greater rainfall event the storm water would run off over land as well as through the storm water pipes. To handle this type of event, it is important that ponding area be put in place. Brian Stumpf asked if this would require tearing up the streets and Bret Weiss indicated it would not. Bruce Thielen stated that one reason for the study is so that the City could avoid the situation that S1. Michael/Albel1ville found themselves in last year when they received heavy rainfalls in a short period of time. These communities sullered flooding because their storm water management system was not set up to handle the rainfall. Bret Weiss noted that even though Monticello had received heavy rainfall amounts as well there were no major area of flooding. The system the City has in place thus far functioned well. , Brian Stumpf questioned whether the study would include the proposed annexation area. Brct Weiss indicated that it would. He stated that the City is now at the point where run off water from new developments is leaving the City rather than being directed to the river. It is important f()r the City to know how this impacts areas outside the City limits. Bret Weiss emphasized the 3 City Council Minutes - 1/26/04 need to look at establishing ponding areas. Established qualified storm water detention areas can be used as wetland mitigation sites which is another reason for the study. Glen Posusta felt including the proposed annexation area was premature since it is unknown what portion of that area, if any, would actually be coming into the City. Bret Weiss responded that even if the City continues annexation at 60 acres at a time, the run off will most likely be directed through the proposed annexation area and the City needs to look at those impacts. Bret Weiss indicated that it would take approximately a year to complete the study and noted that if the City waits until a determination has been made on the annexation, the developers will be set back in their plans until such time as the study is done. Brian Stumpf questioned the range of the fee $40,000 to $58,000. Bret Weiss indicated that at this point it is unknown how much survey work needs to be done. Once they get into the study they will have a better understanding of how much survey work will need to be done. Bret Weiss stated that the old plan could be completed but it would not help the City in addressing the runoff issues in the area outside the City limits. Jeff O'Neill added that the funding for the study would be coming from an increase in storm water trunk fees paid by the developer and he felt the developers would want this information availahle before they start their development plans. Brian Stumpf expressed his belief that the project should be scaled back in scope. Bruce Thielen stated that the Storm Water Management Plan would be a tool fix the long term. Glen Posusta said since the City is proposing to expend $40,000-$60,000 on the study he felt it would he a good idea to get other quotes for the study. Bruce Thielen stated the City is not required to obtain quotes for services and he felt comfortable with having WSB do the work for the study. Bret Weiss indicated that the study could be scaled back but the developers or somebody would still have to study the area outside the City limits. Jeff O'Neill noted that the City has already received sketch plans for development of 800 acres which lies outside the City limits and felt that the impending development underscored the need to have this study in place. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO AUTHORIZE COMPLETION OF THE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT STUDY BY WSB AS PROPOSED WITH FUNDING TO BE DERIVED FROM THE TRUNK STORM SEWER FEES AND TO INCREASE THE STORM SEWER TRUNK FEES BY 5% '1'0 FUND THE PLANNING PROJECr. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITII CARLSON, SMITH AND THIELEN VOTING IN FAVOR THEREOF AND POSUSTA AND STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 7. Public hearin2 on proposed ordinancc chan2in2 the namc of Oakwood Avcnue to Edmonson Avenue betwccn Chelsca Road and School Boulevard. The purpose of the public hearing was to consider an ordinance changing the name of Oakwood Avenue to Edmonson Avenue for that portion 0 l' Oakwood A venue lying between Che Isea Road and School Boulevard. Glen Posusta indicated that he had received a call from one of the property owners in the area relating to the name change and since they were unable to be present at the meeting they requested that the Council table action on this item. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller stated that he had also been contacted by the property owner who is in the process of selling his property and while he was not adverse to the name change he was wondering if the City could delay the e1Iective date of the change, preferably alter April 1 st. 4 f City Council Minutes - ]/26/04 Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing on the proposed street name change. There was no one present who spoke for or against the proposed change. Mayor Thielen then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE ORDINANCE CHANGING THE NAME OF OAKWOOD DRIVE TO EDMONSON A VENUE FOR THE ROAD SEGMENT EXTENDING FROM CHELSEA ROAD TO SCHOOL BOULEVARD EFFECTIVE MA Y I, 2004. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOUSL Y. 8. Public Hearine: - Consideration of a resolution adoptine: proposed assessment roB for delinquent utility bills and certification of assessment to County Auditor. The public hearing is part of the assessment procedure fix delinquent utility bills that will be certified to the County Auditor for collection with the taxes. Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing. Aaron Cook, 100 I Innsbrook Court, came before the Council concerning a statement he had received from mowing done on his property. He said City staff had directed him to come before the Council. Mayor Thielen noted that his statement did not relate to the assessment for delinquent utilities and directed City staff to meet with Mr. Cook on his statement for mowing charges. There was no one else present who spoke for or against the proposed assessments for delinquent utility accounts. Mayor Thielen closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE DELINQUENT UTILITY CHARGES AS PRESENTED. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED TI-IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Consideration of adoptine: resolution for nee:ative EA W - Methodist Church/Sunny Fresh Foods. Jeff O'Neill summarized the EA W process that Sunny Fresh initiated for the proposed demolition or relocation of the original Methodist Church building. The EA W has been prepared and the Council needs to make a declaration of negative impact that an EIS is not needed. This would allow for the relocation of the chureh building. The Monticello Arts Council has expressed an interest in possibly using the building. The City staff is requesting that the funds be expended to study the feasibility of relocating the Methodist Chureh building to the west end of the Community Center site. It is proposed that Sunny Fresh would fund $3,000 ofthe study cost with the City to fund the remaining $2,000. The study is necessary to determine whether the building has structural integrity that would allow it to be moved and reused for other purposes. Don Roberts from Sunny Fresh addressed the Council informing them that Sunny Fresh has owned the church building for the last five years and has worked with community leaders on I efforts to preserve the building. The location of the building on their site is not useful for Sunny Fresh and they see some potential hazard in the building remaining on the site. Sunny Fresh is willing to work with the Monticello Arts Council in an effort to preserve the building. However, he would like some finality on this effort and suggested a 30 day time frame for making a determination if the building can be relocated. I 5 City Counci 1 Minutes - 1/26/04 The proposed study would cover only the original portion of the church building that was constructed in the 1850' s. The study would cover whether the building is structurally sound and could relocated and used for other purposes as well as other issues relating to the site. Jim Fleming felt the proposal would have economic implications for Sunny Fresh as the value of the building as a charitable donation would have a tax benefit. Glen Posusta questioned why the City required a study on this. He felt that the building movers could ascertain whether the building was structurally sound enough to be moved. He also felt the City's building official could make a determination on whether the building was structurally sound. Fred Patch responded that because of the age of the structure there were other issues to consider as well such as lead paint, asbestos, etc. These concerns are of a technical nature and he didn't feel he had sufficient expertise to address these issues. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO CONTINUE TO EXPLORE THE POSSIBILITY OF RELOCATION OF THE CHURCH BUILDING AND TO AUTHORIZE FUNDING A SHARE OF THE COST, ESTIMATED AT $2,000, TO ANALYZE THE STRIJCTURAL INTEGRITY OF THE BUILDING. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Brian Stumpf thanked Sunny Fresh/Cargill for their participation in this project. Bret Weiss added that the City of Lakeville recently won an award for converting a church into a theater and he provided the name of a contact person to Sunny Fresh/Monticello Arts Council. 10. Consideration of recommendation of Personnel Committee on hiring additional Operator/Mechanic for Public Works Department. Included in the consent agenda as item #5F. The recommendation of the Personnel Committee is to wait with hiring for the position until July. 11. Review of Technical memorandum on Street Reconstruction Program for 2004/future years. City Engineer, Bret Weiss reviewed the contents of the Technical Memorandum on the Overall Street Reconstruction Program. Areas in need of improvement were identified and were prioritized. Seven areas were identified, including the portion that was constructed in 2003. Bret Weiss briefly covered each of the areas. The area proposed for construction in 2004 covered a number of areas; 1) The Country Club Manor area which would be street reconstruction with utility repairs; 2) The older portion of the Meadow Oaks area. This would consist of street reconstruction and two utility improvements; a trunk watermain extending across 1-94 to the Sunset Ponds development and an upgrade of the Meadow Oaks lift station. Bret Weiss explained the criteria used in coming up with priorities which included average PCI (Paving Condition Index) and construction of other needed improvements in the area, such as trunk sewer, water and storm sewer lines. 6 City Council Minutes - 1/26/04 CHen Posusta questioned how the engineer could proposed doing areas first where the PCI for the streets was higher than other areas. He felt the areas with the lowest PCI for the streets should be done first. Bret Weiss stated that the PCI was not the only factor that was considered in determining which areas should be improved first. He noted that in some areas infrastructure needs would have to be constructed as well as street improvements He cited River Street where the City needs to replace a trunk sanitary sewer line as an example. Bret Weiss stated that the City's Public Works Department made the physical inspections of the streets and supplied that data fc)r the study. John Simola felt the plan was flexible enough so it could be adjusted as needed based on funding needs. Glen Posusta reiterated his disbelief that the City would make improvements first to streets that higher PCI's than other streets. He felt the streets with the lowest PCI should be improved first. Bret Weiss and John Simola reviewed the various criteria they used in each area to determine when it should be improved. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO AUTHORIZE BEGINNING THE FIELD WORK FOR AREA #2 FOR THE 2004 CONSTRUCTION SEASON AND BASED UPON RECOMMENDA TraNS FROM THE COUNCIL COMPLETE THE FINAL TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM FOR THE OVERALL STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROGRAM AND PRESEN'r IT TO THE COUNCIL AT THEIR FEBRUARY 9, 2004 MEETING. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Robbie Smith and Roger Carlson both indicated that based on the expertise of the Public Works Department in knowing the conditions of the streets, they felt comfortable with the recommendations in the memorandum. Added Item: Mayor Thielen asked that the Parks Commission look at the park on Mississippi Drive which is adjacent to the feeding site for the trumpeter swans. The request comes because of concerns about traffic generated by people corning to view the swans and how that impacts the residents in the area. The Parks Commission should look at options to improve the current location or alternative sites that could be utilized for viewing. He would like the Parks Commission to look at the situation and make a recommendation to the Council. Mayor Thielen also felt that neighborhood residents should be involved and given the opportunity to provide input. Robbie Smith asked ifthere were alternative sites handle the volume of traffic. The COLlneil would like this considered by the Parks Commission at their next meeting. Glen PosLlsta stated he had received some comments about the Council meeting not being re- broadcasted.Fred Patch stated that the tapes the City had received were bad. They have been replaced and it is hoped that will take care of the problem. , 12. Approve payment of bills for .January. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE PA YMENT OF THE BILLS. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ! 7 City Council Minutes - J /26/04 13. Adjourn. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8:40 P.M. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary , 8 I Council Agenda - 2/9/04 SA. Consideration of approving new hires and deoartures for Monticello Community Center. Parks and City Hall (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring of new employees that have occurred recently in the Monticello Community Center, Parks Department and City Hall. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part- time and seasonal workers. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the part-time employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. I I NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Ceron, Chevon Winter park asst Parks 1/3/2004 seasonal Connoy, Amie Winter park asst Parks 12/29/2003 seasonal Emmel, Danielle Slide Attd MCC 1/20/2004 part-time Hermosillo, Lori Slide Attd MCC 1/20/2004 part-time Kasper, Catherine Receptionist City Hall 1/22/2004 part-time Phillips, Vicky Childcare MCG 1/14/2004 part-time - Towle, Susan Childcare MCC 1/14/2004 part-time TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Last Day Class Department Gordon, Kristin Saunders, Moarriah voluntary voluntary MCC MCC 10/4/2003 part-time 1/8/2004 part-time employee councillist.xls: 1/28/2004 /\ 51-1 City Council Agenda - 2/9/04 SC. Consideration of aDprovine: the date for annual Board of Review. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Wright County Assessor's office has scheduled Tuesday, April 13,2004 at 7 p.m. as the date for the Monticello annual Board of Review. If this date is not acceptable to the Council, we need to let the County Assessor know as soon as possible. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve setting Tuesday, April 13,2004 at 7 p.m. as the date for the 2003 Board of Review. 2. If this date is not acceptable, the Council should suggest an alternate date or starting times. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter from Wright County Assessor , ! V~TY ~k (})~ "1- ~ il':'~ ~ ~~- ! 1, .4"; '1856 GREGORY A. KRAMBER Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street N. 111. . Room 240 Buffalo, MN 55313-1183 Phone: (763) 682-7367 I (763) 682-7368 (800) 362-3667 FAX: (763) 684-4553 To: Rick Wolfsteller, Monticello City Administrator From: Gregory Kramber, Wright County Assessor Date: 1/21/04 Re: 2004 Local Board of Appeal and Equalization Dates Tuesday Day of Week April 13th , 2004 Date 7:00PM Time Minnesota Law requires that I, as County Assessor, set the date for your Local Board of Appeal and Equalization Meeting. I sincerely hope that it is agreeable with your councilor township supervisors. As there must be a quorum, I would suggest that an informal review of your members with a request that they mark their calendars would be appropriate. If your board has additional questions or needs more information, please contact Randy DesMarais at 763-682-7366. Please confirm the date set or call Randy at 763-682-7366 with your alternative date by February 3,2004, so that our printing order can be completed on time. Your early response will be appreciated and we will send your official notice for posting as required by law. , c:" C ...J f Council Agenda 2/9/04 SD. Consideration of resolution aooroving renewal of gamblin2: license to Land of Lakes Choir Bovs to conduct charitable gamblin2: at .J.P. 's (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Land of Lakes Choir Boys are requesting renewal of their permit to conduct charitable gambling operations at .I.P.s.. Prior to the State Gambling Control Board issuing a license, the City Council must pass a resolution approving or denying the application. The staff is not aware of any reason why the Council would not allow the state to issue this license. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue a charitable gambling license to the Land of Lakes Choir Boys for J.P.'s.. 2. Do not approve the resolution. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends the resolution hcing adopted authorizing the issuance of the license. The City is not aware of any reason why the license should be denied. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy ofresolution , I CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2004-05 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A ONE DAY CHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, the Land of l,akes Choir Boys have submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for the issuance of a charitable gambling license to conduct charitable gambling at .T.P.'s in Monticello, Minnesota, and WHEREAS, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'fHE CITY COUNCIL that the application by the Land of Lakes Choir Boys for a charitable gambling license is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the City Council this 9th day of February, 2004. .....-.,-",.-..---.-..,,,.-.,,..-..-.----- Bruce Thielen, Mayor ATTEST: .,-_...~_..,.,_.,~,--~...--------'- Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator , f SD \i'1 'Ga~ling I Control I I Board Use Only Lawful Gambling License Renewal Application LG200R -~~'"~~'~~'-~~'~""""'--'~--"':"~'-'-"'-'~'~-""""":~"-'~-~W"""~....._._~~~,...._-_."~,~.~N::'~'~'_"'~'_~"'T""""~~'~~.m_._~."......._._.~.~..~~~".,~,_....._..~"....__~,...~.~_ '~........_.._,~~~_...... ...__,__ # 4926 I-I Check the box above if there is a change in the CEO Or Treasurer. listed; An. LG200B must be enclosed for each new offlcerunless it has already been submitted. Organization Information. 'AnAnnualOrganization License Fee of$350 is required. :. Submit one check for all rEmewal feesmacfe Davable to State()f Minnesota I Current License: 5/1/2002 to 4/30/2004 1.1 I'ThiS organiz?tio." qu.alifies for the waiv~r ofthe orgamzation lu:ense fee defined In Organization: Land of Lakes Choirboys Of Minn IMinnStatute349.16 Subd.6 Business Address: Box 74, Elk River, MN 55330 Org Phone: C1c.h )~263-8880 County: Sherburne ... .-.. ..-.. "'-- Chief Executive Officer: John Daniel fitzgerald Home Address: 24620 128th St, Zimmerman, MN 55398 Phone: (7""~) 441 ~ /51'3> (~.l=S800 Date of Birth: 2/24/1948 Social Security #: 474-52-1297 -. ..-.-. ----.."....-..""- . ---.-.-.--- Organization Treasurer: Home Address: Phone: ( 1(,..3) Social Security #: /' ,/ Mary Jo Buettner 19757 154th St, Elk River, MN 55330 f6tZ)263-1239 Date of Birth: 474-72-0911 /" 3/4/1956 Premises Permit Informatiol1. Foreachsite'c:ln AnnLlarJ'remis~sPermjtFee is $150 and Aseparat~ resolution of approval frC)m t~elocal~ni.tofgo"E!rl1me~tis required. ThelocallJnit ofG.overnm~nt does . .'. .. . ..... not~ign this renewal application. . ~~~"-,~ If bingo is being conducted by your organization at any of the following locations list the h r h. i r h if n Checktl1isbox ifthi~site will 'be allowedt:c:iexpire;Th~c:irga~ization will not pursue renewal oftheir permitforthis site. A Resoji.ltlon of approval must be submitted. frleasing~."an LG215 Lease Agreement must be submitted. Board Use Only Site #: 1 Site Name: Street Address: County: Bank Name: Bank Address: Gambling Acct #: DO--Not"Subm-itiii separateLG214 Premises Permit APplication tor this site. Org Owns Site: N JPs 530 Cedar St, Monticello, MN 55362 Wright 1st Minnesota Bank 106 E 4th Str Monticello, MN 55362 7801601 , I LAND OF LAKES CHOIRBOYS GAMBLING OPERATIONS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2002 AND 2003 Year Ended Dec. 31,2002 ..._._-_.,..'-,.._~." ,..-- Year Ended Dec. 31, 2003 Totals Gross Profit: Gross receipts ~ pull tabs Prizes - pull tabs $ 2,296,273.00 __~1,939?87.0~) $ 1,956,951.00 $ 4,253,224.00 __(~~0,355.00) .--.J~;_~60,_~_ 42. 0.92 Gross Profit $ - 356,486.00 $ 336,596.00 $ 693,082.00 State Taxes: Combined receipts tax Board fee (effective 7/1/03) Gambling tax (81,409.93) (64,10450) (145,514.43) (922.86) (922.86) __~49,91.8.97) __.. (45,~18.05) __---.i~~,837".02) Gross Profit After State Taxes $ 225,157.10 $ 225,650.59 $ 450,807.69 Allowable expenses _,"~137,2~0.15) ___ (142,553.0~1 _.,~79,773.19) Net Profit After State Taxes $ 87,936.95 $ 83,097.55 $ 171,034.50 ~.~-" -~-~.........---"- $ 73,200.00 $ 53,725.00 $ 126,925.00 48,825.00 35,800.00 84,625.00 4,050.00 4,050.00 312.00 312.00 -~------""".......--------~ ~..........-----"'" ~,..,...------.......---~ Lawful Purpose Expenditures: Land of Lakes Choirboys Monticello organizations (see attached) Allowable portion of annual audit costs License fees Total Lawful Purpose Expenditures $ 126,075.00 $ 89,837.00 $ 215,912.00 Less: 2% tax credit/refund .___~~,322.~4) __.~0,974..27) (22,297.21) Net Lawful Purpose Expenditures $ 114,752.06 _~_.. 78,8,62.73 _ L_----.!9.3,614.79 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures $ (26,815.11) $ 4,234.82 $ (22,580.29) Profit Carryover - January 1 __. 51,01~_~_____, 24,197.54 51,012.65 _...-._"..~'~ Profit Carryover - December 31 $ 24,19?54 ~~~~~, ~_.~~,.36 , I LAND OF LAKES CHOIRBOYS DONATIONS MADE FROM GAMBLING OPERATIONS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2002 AND 2003 _______()rganizat!~~__"__"_ .__"_~~rpo~__ Total % Donations: Land of lakes Choirboys General operations $ 126,925 60.0% Monticello: ~'._~'_.,-". City of Monticello Riverfest $ 2,500 Monticello Community Center Murals in pool area 6,000 Monticello Community Center Trophy showcase 4,000 Monticello Public Library Mural of historic events 1,800 Monticello Fire Dept Pickup truck 6,000 Monticello Fire Dept All terrain vehicle 4,000 Monticello High School Scholarships for the arts 2,000 Monticello High School Project 4 Teens program 900 Monticello High School Wright County Peer Helpers program 1,000 Monticello High School Crossroads program 3,550 Monticello High School Teens Against Tobacco Use program 1,300 Monticello High School Close Up Program - Washington D.C. 600 Monticello High School Marching Band 3,000 Monticello Science for Youth (SciFY) Robotics Project 6,000 Monticello SciFY C02 Propulsion Project 9,200 Monticello SciFY Space Science Shuttle Project 5,850 Monticello Community Toys for Tots Donation 1,250 Monticello Arts Council Donation 3,000 Little Mountain Elementary School Music program 5,000 Pinewood Elementary School Music program 3,000 Pinewood Elementary School Equipment for Special Ed. Program 700 Resurrection Lutheran Church Children's Education Program 2,000 St Henry Catholic Church Children's choir 1,000 Monticello Polecats Donation 2,000 Monticello Lacrosse Youth lacrosse league 1,500 Matrix Winterguard of Monticello Youth Colorguard program 475 Land of Lakes Choirboys Approved allowance for financial hardship 7,000 Total Monticello $ 84,625 40.0% ~~-~ --~- Total Donations $ 211,550 100.0% Other lawful Purpose Expenditures: Cost of annual audit 4,050 License fees 312 _._"'"',~. Total lawful Purpose Expenditures $ 215,912 --~-~,~. , I Gambling Manager Information. An Annual Gambling Manager License Fee of $100 is required. 1 Board Use Only GM License #, 04926-002 Current License: 5/1/2002 to 4/30/2004 Gambling Manager: Randall Robert Vogt Home Address: 4327 Sterling Dr, Big Lake, MN 55309 Phone: (763)263-2836 Social Security #: 470-78-1891 Date of Birth: 6/19/1957 Last Education: 6/25/2003 Bonding Ins. Co: Western Surety Bond #: 68866757 .1 'm.... ."-........."'m.m.."mm.m ..m.mm .m_m ._mmmm.m ,.mmm..mm...,.mm...,mmm..."mmm.". Check this box if the personiisted above will not be renewingasgamblingmanager. . Enclose aseparate LG212 application for the new applicant. Effective date will run concurrent with the organization's license. Note: A new gambling manager may not assume duties until licensed by the Garnbling Manager Affidavit and Consent staternent. .. ..The GamblingMana~ermust _"___..,,r~~d'l::I1~-J9-U9~irrgJnfQrm!:l'l::.i9IL'l::11Q,rQ-'Jg.hlY.,.~o.d_~ignJn",'l::h~-J.1r~$~m;,~Qfjl..I'tQ'I::!:lIY.~...--.m.' 1. I have never been convicted of a felony or a crime involving gambling. 2. I have never committed a violation of law or Board rule that resulted in the revocation of a license issued by the Board within five years before the date of the license application. 3. I have never been convicted of a criminal violation involving fraud, theft, tax evasion, misrepresentation, or gambling. 4. I have never been convicted of (i) assault, (ii) a criminal violation involving the use of a firearm, or (iii) making terroristic threats. 5. I have never been, or am I now, connected with or engaged in an illegal business. 6. I have never had a sales and use tax permit revoked by the commissioner of revenue within the past two years. 7. I have never, after demand, failed to file tax returns required by the commissioner of revenue. 8. I do not owe $500 or more in delinquent taxes as defined in section 270.72. 9. I have been an active member of the organization. 10. I am not a gambling manager or an assistant gambling manager for another organization. 11. I am not a lessor, a member of the immediate family, or an employee of a lessor of a premises where this organization has a permit issued from the Board to conduct lawful gambling, 12. I am not involved directly or indirectly as a bingo hall owner, manufacturer, or distributor. 13, I am not the chief executive officer of this organization. 14. I am not the treasurer of,this organization, f Background Check, By signature of this document, the undersigned authorizes the Departments of Public Safety and Revenue to conduct a criminal and tax background check or review and to share the results with the Gambling Control Board. Further, I understand, agree, and hereby irrevocably consent that suits and actions relating to the subject matter of this gambling manager license application, or acts or omissions arising from such application, may be commenced against me or my organization and I will accept the service of process in any court of competent jurisdiction in Minnesota by service on the Minnesota Secretary of State of any summons, process, or pleading authorized by the laws of Minnesota. Failure to provide required information or providing false or misleading information may result in the denial or revocation of the license. I have read this application and declaret"lat all information submitted is~~ue, accurat<<;1"and complete. , ~ "'. / . .~'"""? .' . anager applicant Date: , Notary Public Seal must be current and correct; seal m~y ?otbe altered. SI-I,bscribed and sworn to before me thlsL~1l7 day of 02nU(f/<..-1 ' ''),0(/ L( . I ~ota. lis;: I ~-j j.{;.!:d1~?J~J^f}[L'L/ ~~~~t~R~fu;~~ ; '4 I~OTAHY PUliU(. !,::Ni, ESOT/.\ I.; ""I\'~'/ My Commission Expirc;s j~ll'l 31, ZiO:; , .. . <: . ,.,-"'!'.e:~" ,..~~..;",:..,.,~"",~"..^,.:......,.~,.". ,,~: ....,. ",~,... .1.,.'" ""~,',:"~...",:'_-i.o:-.~, ;.~ ~~.::.J' Council Agenda - 2/9/04 5E. Consideration of authorizine: e:rant contract with Department of Natural Resources for 2004 Snowmobile Safety Enforcement. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The state legislature provided funding to the Department of Natural Resource for a snowmobile safety enforcement grant program. The purpose of the grant program is to provide funds for snowmobile enforcement activities, snowmobile safety education and equipment for law enforcement agencies to utilize in enforcing snowmobile activities. The City has been notified that they have been awarded $1,000 in grant funds (the maximum amount allowed for cities) and the Department of Natural Resources has sent the City a grant agreement which the City needs to execute. Along with the executed agreement, the City needs to submit a Council resolution authorizing signing the contract agreement for the grant funds. Although the funding has been granted to the City, it will be used by the Wright County Sheriff s Department for their snowmobile safety programs and enforcement activities. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: I. Adopt the resolution authorizing the City Administrator to sign the grant agreement for the snowmobile safety enforcement program. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the City Council authorize signing of the grant agreement for the snowmobile safety enforcement program. The grant monies helps detl"ay some of the expense incurrcd in patrolling snowmobile activities as well as trying to educatc the public in the appropriate use of snowmobiles. D. SUl'PORTING DATA: Resolution. , I CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2004-04 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENTERING INTO GRANT AGREEMENT FOR SNOWMOBILE SAFETY ENFORCEMENT WHEREAS, The City of Monticello has been notified that the Department of Natural Resources has awarded the City grant monies in the amount of $1.000 under their Snowmobile Safety Enforcement Grant Program. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBYRESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO that the City Administrator is authorized to sign the grant agreements on behalf of the City of Monticello for the Snowmobile Safety Enforcement grant. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 9th day of February, 2004. Bruce Thielen, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator , I Council Agl:nda - 2/09/04 ~G'- Consideration of waivin{! statutory liabilitv limits for Citv insurance renewals. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: We are currently in the process of renewing our annual liability insurance coverage that will again provide for an additional $1,000,000 in excess liability coverage over the required $1,000,000 minimum. By state statute, the City is not liable for any tort liability claim in excess of $1 ,000,000 damages; however, because the City has purchased an excess liability coverage policy in the past, the City has the option of waiving our rights under Statute 466, which would allow someone to seek damages from the City in excess of the $1,000,000 limit up to the $2,000,000 provided by our excess liability coverage. Although we have typically purchased the excess $1,000,000 coverage, we have done so to ensure that in a major catastrophe where the City was liable, sufficient funds would be available to pay any and all claims. Even though we are not responsible for any tort liability claim of more than $1,000,000, the City Council has to formally decide whether or not we want to waive our limits established by state statute. Since a formal Council action is necessary before the application can be renewed, the Council should formally indicate that it cloes not want to waive its monetary limits established by statute. This will allow us to retain our rights under th $1,000,000 limit, but we would always have excess liability coverage available ifit was ever needed. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: ] . Council should formally indicate that the City of Monticello does not waive the monetary limits on tort liability established hy Minnesota Statute 466.04. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of liability insurance application form. LMCIT LIABILITY COVERAGE - WAIVER FORM Cities obtaining liability coverage from the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust must decide whether or not to waive the statutory tort liability limits to the extent of the coverage purchased. The decision to waive or not to waive the statutory limits has the following effects: If the city does not waive the statutory tort limits, an individual claimant would be able to recover no more than $300,000.on any claim to which the statutory tort limits apply. The total which all claimants would be able to recover for a single occurrence to which the statutory tort limits apply would be limited to $1,000,000. These statutory tort limits would apply regardless of whether or not the city purchases the optional excess liability coverage. If the city waives the statutory tort limits and does not purchase excess liability coverage, a single claimant could potentially recover up to $1,000,000. on a single occurrence. The total which all claimants would be able to recover for a single occurrence to which the statutory tort limits apply would also be limited to $1,000,000., regardless ofthe number of claimants. If the city waives the statutory tort limits and purchases excess liability coverage, a single claimant could potentially recover an amount up to the limit of the coverage purchased. The total which all claimants would be able to recover for a single occurrence to which the statutory tort limits apply would also be limited to the amount of coverage purchased, regardless of the number of claimants. Claims to which the statutory municipal tort limits do not apply are not affected by this decision. This decision must be made by the city council. Cities purchasing coverage must complete and return this form to LMCIT before the effective date of the coverage. For further information, contact LMCIT. You may also wish to discuss these issues with your city attorney. The City of accepts liability coverage limits of $ Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (LMCIT). from the League of Check one: The city DOES NOT W AlVE the monetary limits on municipal tort liability established by Minnesota Statutes 466.04. _ The city WAIVES the monetary limits on tort liability established by Minnesota Statutes 466.04, to the extent ofthe limits ofthe liability coverage obtained from LMCIT. Date of city council meeting Signature Position Return this completed form to LMCIT, 145 University Ave. W., St. Paul, MN. 55103-2044 , Page 1 of 1 I SH. Consideration of Approvin!! Final Payment to C. W. Houle. Inc. for Groveland Third Addition Streets, Utilities. and Appurtenant Improvements (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2002-02C (WSB) A.. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Groveland Third Addition project was completed to provide streets and utilities to this development. The original construction contract amount was $660,868.60 and the as constructed total was $630,962.78. We would recommend final payment to C. W. Houle, Inc. subject to receipt of the following items: . Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. . Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. . Consent of Surety to Final Payment certiJication from the contractor's surety. . Two-year maintenance bond. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize Jinal payment in the amount of $31 ,548.14 to C. W. Houle, Inc. for Groveland Third Addition, City Project No. 2002-02C subject to receipt of the documentation noted in Item A above. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer and City Administrator that the final payment be authorized and that the improvement be acccpted by the City. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 1. Copy of Construction Pay V o Llcher No.6 (Final) 2. Letter from WSB & Associates, Inc. (':11)( )(" /AI/'; ../\DAWN-.J.( ;UO\f.{J( 'A!.S'-/\l'emp\O]()I)(J-II,jd J!mf ,(I:(!lIdaltelll.d(){" WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 7632877170 P.02/06 FEB-04-2004 13:57 ,~I :~"i ~ -: .... \::WSB ,'" 4.Jl8(XiaJel, /lie. .~ ," ';. \ ~:' , ;~, .!'.. ,;),.'" ,~j:'~::l.,;' ::t~,:),;..,,;::,- , "1'" ...- .I..>, >.i:~l;:j5 ;~~~j;L ~.I~:'~~~:i\~-: j . i;~~~~"'",~ , .::~'~t\::;_" . . I '.1"" " ':." :'," .'. .;:'1 ;i1'~;; , ~..~!f~ , ,..\~." ~~Ij' :;:>:t~\,. I \;~~,~!~:- :':' . 'ii:'::'I)\},:' "::; 415Q:otsdm", :~-~ I' : SUite 300""I;i~: : .~' ,': ~ ";' Y~1~~~," '[; \"'~h ,', . 'lif,r, .. ~~;~ ,~;hfl~; : :"~l j,",' "..,,' ! >; :~a:'~~;lt>',. .,~ 5? 2~; .....'1;;,,', ~:. t '.' :.i~1 .s:lt,~;:;. 'Joi(, 76'3-54 . ' '. .'Ji: ""., ":', ,~, ,'" ' ~7:. 763:", ,;, , February 3, 2004 Honorable Mayor and City COWlcil City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello,MN 55362 Re: Construction Pay Voucher No. 6 (Final) Groveland Third Addition Street, Utilities, and Appurtenant Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 2002-02C WSB Project No. 1338-05 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Please find enclosed the final Construction Pay Voucher No.6 for the above-referenced project in the amount of$31,S48.14. We recommend final payment subject to receipt of the following items: 1. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. 2. Evidence in the fonn of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. 4. Two-year maintenance bond. Please make payment in this amount to C. W. Houle, Inc. at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. WA-W~ Bret A. Weiss, P.E. City Engineer , Enclosures cc: Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello C. W. Houle, Inc. 5 1-\ Minneapolis, St. Cloud. Equal Opportunity E~PIOyer I',\wl"WlfIN33B-/JJ\V_,6/rlllrrcty.doc FEB-04-21211214 13:57 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 763287717121 P.12I3/1216 FEll Ia3 '04 lS: 52 FR C W HJUl..E 651 484 8895 TO ?63S411 '70121 P. 01 .. 111 Owner: C' Fot Period: ntlac:ll:lr. Date: I=.brua S 20Q4 II .... No: 6 ANO FINAL PAY VOUCHU GRO\lEUNO n-lJRC ADOmON CITY OF MoN11CQJ..O PROJECT 1'1). 2002-Q2C W$S P~ECT NO. 1_.05' SUMMARY Or'9IMI OontracE Amount $ eeO.888.60 2 ' CI1an;. ons. - Addition $ 0.00 3 Change Omlil' . Osducrbn $ Q.QO 4 AeIli5eQ ContrEt Amount $ 660.868.eo 5 VaII.l. Cgmp'-'-I1o eat. $ 8GO.S82.?S 6 Mallrial on Hand $ 0.00 ? Amount iam8d $ 630.962.78 e L.ess Fl8laNge 0% $ 0.00 9 Sublolal : $ 630,9S~7a ',g LQli$ AmolM1t Paid Previously $ ga.414.S4 11 AMOUNT OUE 'THIS PAY VOUCHiR IVO. e AND FINAL. S 31.64S,14 ACl;Q~ for Appl1Ml by. W8~"_1ne. VSMlA:JJ~ prcljct ~"'E/1giwer Conatrudbn ObaMlr Apph:l~ by Conn=r. C. w. HQULE, INC. ~W~ Approvocl bY Owner. CrrvOF MONTICEllO SpBCIfild Ca"1nIr:t QomJllelDn Care: June~. 2C03 0Ul; , 5\-\ I .... h.. ......----- Fa B3 'e4 15: El4 ?6328??1 ?e PAGe. 02 FEB-04-2004 13:57 Ciir.weland third AddItIon City of Monllcello Project No. 2OOz.oiC WSB praJllCl No. 1338-05 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 7632877170 P.04/06 February ~, aOO4 r ltom Conll'aGt Unit Current QuIlntltY ~unt No. MetOl111 No. Item Unit QUlnUtv Prlc;e Quantity to Datil to Da'" Schedule A - Surf.e11 Improvements 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION L.UMP SUM 1 $7,000.00 0 1 $7,000.00 2 2104.505 A.EMOVI BITUMINOUS PAVeM!NT SaVD 800 $2.00 0 872.8 $1,745-20 3 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAV!MENT (FUll. OEPTM) L.IN FT' 12,0 $8.00 0 90 $540.00 4 2105.522 saECT GRANULAR BoRROW (LV) cuve 1000 $4.00 0 0 $0.00 5 210!5.Se TOPSOIL. BORROW (LV) CUYD 400 $UO 0 0 $0.00 8 2112.501 SUBGRADEPREPARATION FlOAD 9T A S9 $85.00 0 S9 $3,315.00 7 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 MOD TON 6400 $7.60 0 6374.9 $4&,449.24 I 2340.i08 TYPe 41 WEARINQ COURSE! MlXTUAE TON 1400 $31.80 0 1270.7 $40.401.28 9 2340.514 TYPE 31 BASE COURSE MIXTURE TON 1750 $30.30 0 1582.8 $47.958.84 10 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GAllON 800 $1.20 0 81S $1,050.00 11 2621.501 8" CONCRm WALl( saFT Z3SO $2.70 0 2277.3 $8.148.71 12 2521.804 BITUMINOUS BI<E PATH UN FT 2030 $9.00 0 2039 $16,:551.00 13 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB" GUTTER DESIGN 0412 (MODIFIED) UN FT al00 $8.40 0 n14 $49.389.110 14 2545.523 4' NON-METALLIC CONDUIT loiN FT 600 $1.75 0 800 $1,400.00 15 25a:UOl TRAFFIC CONTROL L.UMP' SUM 1 $SOD.oo 0 0 $0.00 111 2584.802 Fal SIGN PANEl.. TYP! C EACH 5 $190.00 0 5 $S50,00 17 2564.802 FURNISH & INSTALl6IGN PANeL TVf'E D eACH 8 S190.00 0 8 $1,140.00 18 2573.501 BAL.! CHECK EACH 50 $8.00 0 0 $0.00 19 2578.502 SILT FeNCE, TYPE HEAVY DUTY UNFT 2000 $1.80 0 100 $190.00 20 2575.501 SEEDING AC~E 5.5 $1140.00 0 5.5 55,170.00 21 2575.505 SODDING TYPE LAWN SQYD 4!00 $US 0 3428 $7,713.00 22 257S.a04 EROSION CONTROL BLANKl!T save 800 $2.00 0 0 $0.00 Total SChedule A. SUrface Improvements $240,aH.8S Schedule I!S - Senltary Sewer 23 2'105.601 DCWATERING LUMP SUM 1 19,900.00 0 1 $9,900.00 24 2503.511 8' DUCTI..E IRON PIPE SEWER L.IN FT' 40 $27.110 0 40 $1,oaO.00 25 2503.641 1S" P\IC PIPE SEWER DESIGN PRESSURE. PR ,. L.IN FT 445 $11.00 0 43i $2',1135,00 26 2503.602 OONNeoTTO I!XISTING SANITAAYSEWER EACH 2 $1,650.00 0 2 $3,SOO.00 27 2503.602 S'X4' PVC WYE EACH 67 $54.00 0 fl7 $3,818.00 28 2503.808 I.' PVC J-IPE SEWER. SDA 28 L.IN FT sssa se.oo 0 318s $ls,014.00 29 2503.603 8' PVC PIPE SEWER- SDR 28 L.INFT 288 $23.80 0 288 $6,324.80 30 2503.603 CONSTRUCT OUTSIDE DROP' SECTION UN FT 30.3 5165.00 0 29.43 $4,855.s5 31 2503.803 8" PVC PIP! SEWEFl. SDR 35 L.IN FT 2895 $11.80 0 2883 $~,558.80 32 2503.103 Ti!.l!VISE SANITARY SEWER LIN FT 3648 SUS 0 3201 $2,720.86 S3 25OU08 UT!l.ITY PRoTECTION eACH 2- $2.000.00 0 2 $4,000.00 34 2508.622 ADJUST FRAME & RING OASTING EACH 4 1420.00 0 4 $1,8eo.OO ~ 250Ui02 CONSTRUCT SANITARY MANHOLIiS (8' AND AlaVI) LINFT 1011 $7e.OO 0 117.7 $6,845.20 36 2508.602 CONSTRUCT SANITARY MANHOLES (0'..') eACH 21 $1,300,00 0 21 $27,300.00 Tolal Scheclule B . SenllBry SIlWer S1S2,832.aD Schedule C. wamrrneln :g 2604.602 CONIIIEOT TO EXISTING WATEFl MAIN eACH , SIIIO.OO 0 3 $2.650.00 38 2504.602 RaCCATi HYDAANT & VAlVE EACH 3 $800.00 0 3 n.400.00 31 2504,802 ADJUST GATI!! V/iJ...Ve A BOX EACH 1 $350.00 0 0 $0.00 40 2504.602 l' CORPORATION STOP EACH fJ7 $45.00 0 87 $3.01ilOO 41 2504.a02 16" BUTTERR.. YVALVEAND BO')C EACH 2 $1,800.00 0 2 $',600,00 42 2504.602 8' GATE VALVi ANC BOX EACH i sno.oO 0 7 $5,390.00 43 2504.802 CURB STap & BOX EACH 87 585.00 0 67 $6,805.00 44 2504.602 HYDRANT AHIMIL. Y EAOH 5 $1,81i0.00 0 7 "',6!O.00 46 2504.803 l' TYPe K OOPPER PIPE LIN I'T ~1 Sll.10 0 2980 $1;,&02.SO 46 2504.603 Q' WATER t.4AlN-DUCT IRON CL 52 UN FT 65 $13,50 0 65 $177.50 .47 21504,603 S' WATI!R MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 02 LIN FT 34$l $14.1l0 0 3361 $50.078.10 ..... IOU I n.WPwtH\J~'''''''''''-~ .s~ FEB-04-2004 13:58 ... .... ,.. .... ... - CroYeland Third Addition CIly of MondcoJIo ProJoct No. 2OCIJoG2C WS8 Project No. 133fJ.OS WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 7632877170 P.05/06 Febnlary 3, 201M IItam Contract Unit CUrrent QlW\t!ty Amount No. Materfal No. hIlm Unit QUllndty ....Ice Quantity to Oete to Date 48 2504.B03 16" WATER MAIN DUCT IRON CL SO Lilli lIT 420 1211.00 0 400.5 $11.214.00 48 2504.605 4" POL YSTYR!NE INSULATION SaVD 38 $20.00 0 0 $0.00 50 2600l.02Q DUCTIL.E IRON FITTINGS POUND 01500 $1.55 0 a793 $5.178.15 Tobll Schedule C - Watermllln $124,24U5 Schedul. D . Sfgrm Sewer 51 2104.521 SALVAGE CONCRETE PIPE STORM SEWER LIN FT 100 $11.00 0 ee $884.00 52 2104..523 SALVAGECaNCRETEAPRON EACH 1 $~.OO 0 , $300.00 53 21501.515 21" AC PIPE APRON WITH TRASH GUARD EACH 1 S850.00 0 1 $8S0.00 54 2501.573 INSTALL CONCRETE APRON EACH 1 $250.00 0 1 $250.00 55 250U41 12' AC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V LIN FT 846 $18.50 0 865.5 $14,280.75 58 2503.541 15" AC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V LINFf 417 $18.00 0 411 '7,saS.OO S1 2503.541 la" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 300S CLASS III LINFT 612 $19.60 0 611.5 $11,11'5.40 58 2503.$41 21" AC PIPE S!W!R DI!SIGN 3008 CLASS III UN FT 1045 $21.80 0 1043.5 $22.748.30 59 2503.541 24" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III UNFT 58 $27.50 0 58 $1,595.00 60 2503.541 24" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3005 CLASS IV LINFr 202 $30.50 0 280 $8,540.00 61 2503,571 INSTALL CONCRETE PIPE STOFlM SEWER LINFT 100 $9.00 0 98 $114.00 62 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING! STORM SEWER EACH 1 $700.00 0 1 $700.00 83 2503.803 TEL~!STOFIMSeN!R UN FT 3090 so.eo 0 3371.5 S3,Mt,SS 84 2508.501 CONSTFlUCT DRAINAGE STRUcTURE DesIGN 48-4020 UNFT 119.3 $156.00 0 130.34 $20,3311.28 85 250B.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGl! STRUCTURE DESIGN 60.4020 LIN FT 4,OS $370.00 0 4.52 51.872,40 88 260B.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN G EACH :2 $700,00 0 3 12,100.00 87 25OU02 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURe DeJlGN SPECIAL 1 eAOH 18 $850.00 0 15 $9,750.00 (Ill 2508.518 CASTING ASSEMBL V EACH 22 $195.00 0 22 $",.290.00 811 2511.501 AANDOM FIlPF!AP CLASS IV cuvo 14.6 $88.00 0 1S $1.320.00 I Total Schedule 0 . SlDnn Sewer $"2.88U8 GRAND TOTAL SAO.ea.7' I , sl-\ I 1It....IIII~.. ....~............m-.....4I....AalllL........4.______ FEB-04-2004 13:58 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 7632877170 P.06/06 PROJECT PAYMENT STATUS OWNER: CITY OF MONTICELLO CITY OF MONTiCELLO PROJECT NO. 2OO2.Q2C WSB PROJECT NO. 1338-05 CONTRACTOR: C. W. HOULE, INC. CHANGE ORDERS No. Date Description Amount Total Change Orders PAYMENT SUMMARY N t Co o. From To Payment Fie alnage lmplated 1 06/21/2002 06/30/02 $288,706_19 $15,195_08 $303,901.25 2 07/01/2002 07/31/02 $212.313.89 $26 369.48 $$27,389.$6 3 08/01/2002 09/30/02 $42,469.62 $28.604.20 $572,083.90 4 1 a/a 1/2002 12/31/02 $14,928.87 $29.389.93 $587.798.50 5 01/01/2003 10/17/03 $41,006.07 $31,548.14 $630.962.78 6 AND FINAL 1 0/18/2003 02103/04 $31.548.14 $0.00 $630,962.78 Material on Hand Total Payment to Date $630,962.78 OrlQinal Contract $660868.60 Retainace Pay No. e AND FINAL $0.00 Chance Orders $0.00 Total Amount Eamed $630.962.78 Revised Contract $660866.60 St+ --........ ...........,.~~.......-.DIi..~_~ 51. Approve Chan2:e Order No.2 for CSAH 75 Improvements - Otter Creek to Washin2:ton Street, S.A.P. No. 86-675-14 (City of Monticello Project No. 2000-16C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The CSAH 75 project was a cooperative project between Wright County and the City of Monticello. The City of Monticello committed to paying for certain items within the project through a Cooperative Agreement with Wright County and completed the design documents for the utility improvements. Because the utility improvements were mostly handled by the City of Monticello and were authorized by the City Council, it is necessary to complete a change order for added items within the utility contract to submit to Wright County for payment. The attached Change Order No.2 addresses conduit crossing installations completed in 2003. The County intends to process final payment on this project in the near future and therefore, we would like the City Council to approve the addition of these costs for that final contract payment. These costs were included in the total project costs for this project prior to assessment. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve Change Order No.2 in the amount of $15,384.60 for Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: These items were necessary to be completed during the course of construction as construction was commencing. This change order is simply a housekeeping issue to make sure the contractor is appropriately paid for the additional items. It is our recommendation that Change Order NO.2 be approved as stated. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Change Order No.2 , I (::\f.)()(:{JA.Jl~--I\J)AWN-I,(;IU)IU)('A!.S-/Il'{'tIIplO}(NO-l ('OJ ARL'nda If(!m.JO( FEB-05-2004 09:27 WSB & RSSOCIRTES INC. CHANGE ORDER NO.2 7632877170 P.03/04 FEBRUARY 9, 2004 CSAH 75 IMPROV~ENT$ (OTTeR CREI;K TO WASHINGTON STA~ET) UP. NO. 8f475.'4 ( )F MONTICELLO PROJECT NO. 20Q0-16C WSd PROJECT NO. 1282-01 OWNER(S): CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE 1 MONnCELLO. MN 55362 AND WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 1901 HIGHWAY 25 NORTH BUFFALO, MN 55313 CONTRACTOR: BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, INC. P.O. BOX 337 BUFFALO. MN 55313 YOU ARE DIRECTED TO MAKE THE Fol.L.oWING CHANGes IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION: The Contra~or completed additional conduit crossing in&tallatioM during the 2003 construction season. All costs include a , 0% prime c;ontractor mark up. CONTRACT QUANTITIES ARE MODIFIEO AS SHOWN ON THE ATTACHEO OETAIL. IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT lHlS CHANGE ORDER INCLUDes AU. ADDITIONAL COSTS AND TIME EXTENSIONS WHICH ARE IN ANV WAY, SHAPE. OR FORM ASSOCIATED WITH THE WORK ELEMENTS DESCAIBED ABOVE. _C1ol4NGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME: ORIGINAL. CONTRACT PRICE: PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER: N~ INCREASEJDECREASE OF THIS CHANGE ORDER: CONTRACT PRICE WITH ALL APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS: N/A ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME: NET CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDEAS: CONTRACT TlME PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE OADER: NET INCREASE OF CHANGE ORDER: CONTRACT TIME WITH APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS; NlA $15,384.60 NlA RECO~~ BRET A. WEISS, P.E., PROJECT MANAGER W$B & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEER APPROVED BY: ~~~ z- rs ,ot OAT CITY ADMINISTRATOR DATE 5~ I ""11..iIIIIL1IMII.,,~.""'A ilLJllltleII!it.,,~^-e FEB-I21S-21211214 09:27 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 763287717121 P.1214/1214 CHANGE ORDER NO.2 Del AIL CSAH 75 IMPRoveMENTS (OTTER CREEK TO WASHINGTON STREET) $.A.P. NO. 88-475-14 CrTY OF MONTICELLO PRo.IECT NO. 2Q00.18C WSR PPlOJECTNO.1282-01 FEBRUARY g, 2004 ADDED ITEMS Item No. Desctlptlon 0fV Unit Price Extended Amount 2003 CONDUIT INSTAUATION L.UMP SUM $15,384.60 $15,384.60 TOTAL ADDED ITEMS CHANGE ORDER NO.2 $15,384.60 TOTAL ADJUSTMENT $15,384.&0 , sl\ I TOTAL P.04 Council Agcnda - 2/9/04 7. Public Hearill!! to vacate Territorial Road (R W) a. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In May of 2002, Marion Jameson requested Council consideration of a vacation/turnback of Old Territorial Road that abutted their property, also known as the fonner Little Mountain Settlement property. A portion of the Old Territorial Road had been vacated by Monticello Township in 1953, but apparently the area vacated at that time did not include any of Territorial Road abutting the Jameson's property, and possibly not even including the current S1. Henry's Church site. It was the consensus of the Council at that time that the City should vacate the entire right-of-way of Old Territorial Road from Washington Street across the railroad tracks all the way to the east side of the Jameson's property. The Council indicated that they would hold a public hearing on the vacation of Old Territorial Road as soon as the Jamesons could provide the City with assurance that they had negotiated an easement for access to their property from a different location. Until recently, the City had not heard anything further from the Jamesons regarding their ability to find alternate access to their property, but recently their legal counsel had started a quiet title action against the City asking the courts to declare Old 'ferritorial Road that abutted their property as their property. It appears that the Jamesons thought the easiest way to get title to Old Territorial Road was to commence this quiet title action against the City and this brings us up to where we are at today with a need to either object to the Jameson's action to acquire Old Territorial Road or to simply vacate the road at a public hearing and agree to turn over the property to the abutting property owners. Although these are technically separate issues, the City has also been discussing with Burlington Northern Railroad the idea of closing of the Old Territorial Road driveway access crossing and possibly re-establishing a new crossing along future T" Street near Dahlheimer Distributing. It appears that the only way to get a new crossing from the railroad would be to eliminate another crossing and for a variety of reasons, including safety, the City would like to see the Jameson's property have an alternate access to their site trom 7th Street rather than to Washington Street. It is my understanding that the Jamesons would agree to allowing therailroad crossing to be closed if the City provides them with an alternate access to Th Street. As you may be aware, the most logical way to provide a new access to the Jameson's parcel would be through property owned by S1. Henry's Church, and to date, they have been unwilling to meet or discuss this issue further with the City. The City Attorney has recommended that the Council hold the public hearing to consider vacating only that portion of Territorial Road lying south of the railroad tracks that abuts the Merrill Busch property and the Jameson property. This vacation should not include any additional portion of T'erritorial Road that may extend into the church parcel at this time. Additional investigation needs to be done by the City to determine exactly what portion of Old Territorial Road may still exist and to determine Council Agenda - 2/9/04 whether there is any benefit to additional vacating of public interest in the future. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council could hold the public hearing, take comments from adjacent property owners to Old Territorial Road and table any action officially on vacating any portion of the road until a future meeting. 2. Council could take input from the public and adjacent property owners and agree to vacate all of Territorial Road lying south oHhe railroad tracks abutting the Jameson's property only. This would include any portion of Old Territorial Road that also abuts Merrill Busch's property. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and City Attorney that only that portion of Old Territorial Road lying south of the railroad tracks abutting the Jameson and Busch properties be considered for vacation at this time. If this right-of-way is vacated, stafl will continue to attempt negotiating with adjacent property owners to provide the Jameson parcel with an alternate access so that the railroad crossing could be eliminated and the balance of their driveway from the railroad tracks to Washington Street being eliminated. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Map depicting section of Old Territorial Road to be vacated. , I LEVANDER, GILLEN &, MILLER, P .A. 1.00ER C. MJLl.!!t. TlMOTHY J. KUNTZ D~1.!LJ. BEesON ROUJN H. CRAWfORD ~N.l;TUJ. ROUlS' -roNElTA T. DOVE STEPHEc~ H. FOCHl.ER --JAya. KAJU.OVICH I\NGELA M. lUTZ AMANN ~ORINE L. lAND ANN Co O'REILLY -DONALD- L. HOEFT DARCY M. MOHR ROB:iN M. HENNIX JON R. STECXLER DA VlD S. KENDALL - - -- -. ~~----- ATTORNEYS AT LAW HAROLD LEVANDER. 1910-1992 . ARTHUR GILU!N RETIRED .~ ~IlfWllUllt5llil ....1.lIQ "11MITTIll> IN IIOIlTII D..I(,O'l''-' FAX COVER SilliEr DATE: February 9, 2004 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Connell FAX NUMBER: 763-29~-4404 NO. OF PAGES: ~ including cover. COMPANY: City of Monticello FROM: Daniel J. Beeson RE: CO:M:MENTS: IF THERE IS A PROBLEM IN TRANSMISSION OR COPIES RECEIVED ARE ILLEGmLE. PLEASE CALL Susan K. OaurekAT (6SI) 451-1831 IMMEDIATELY. ***..**.*.*....*........~....***....*.*........*...**.**...*...............**... The information contained in this Facsimile message is privileged and confidential infonnation imendcd ~ the use of the addressee and no one else. If you are not the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible to deliver this message to the intended recipient, please do not use this transmission in any way, but contact the sender by telephone. ...********...***.*..........******.***.***.**.*.*****.**....*********.......... 633 SDUlR CONCORD STRBET. SU!IE400 · SOUTH SAINT PAtll. MINNESOTA 55D7S. 651.4:51.1831 · FAX 651-4S0-7384 0l"PJCE ALSO LOCA1'BD IN SPOONER. WISCONSJ1'i "."d'J'11,.,'U'1110'J'PUBA'" :Aq ,~ I Q/L e68~~p'QJa~( ~Lv:LL vn/Rn/?n ~1i'BELOS1i'LS9 ROCER e. MILLER TIMOTHY J. KUI'o"TZ DANIEL]. BEESON ll.OltlN H. CllA\\I'POItD KENNETH J. ROHLF "TQN!TTA T ~ STEPHa; H. FoeHLER "JAY P. kAJl.LOVlCH ANCELA M. LUTZ AMANN oKORIN! L. LAND ANN C. O'RElLLY oDONAt.D L. HOEFT DAIl.CY M. MOl-lk ROBIN M. HENNIX JON R. STECKLER LEVANDER, GILLEN & MILLER, P.A. ATIORNEYS AT LAW utahliJlIed. ill 1 '2' February 9.2004 HAAOLO LE:V...."IDER 191O-19n The Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council Monticello City Hall 505 Walnut St. Suite #1 Monticello, MNo 55362 ...RTHUR Cll.Lt.N 1U;'T"1~lto "...uo MlMmstJ I,. WJSICQIOSlIl -,lUQ'ADMITTED IH NOlml,D"'WI1l RE: Proposed Vacation of Territorial Road Our File No. 20384.00000 Ladies and Gentlemen: On February 3,2004, St. Henry's Church received a Notice of Hearing on Vacation ofa Portion of Territorial Road dated January 23,2004. Based upon recent conversations with both the Monticello City Attorney and the Monticello City Administrator, it is our understanding the proposed vacation would affect the portion ofTenitorial Road lying Southerly of the Southerly right-of-wa.y line of the Burlington Northern Railroad (part of Parcel B shown on Exhibit A and described in Exhibit B attached hereto), including that ponion of Territorial Road running EastIWest along the Church's Northerly border (parcel A shown on Exhibit A and described in Exhibit C attached hereto). Although the Church deeded its interest in Territorial Road to the J amesons on July 18, 2001, the Church parcel is likely to be affected by the outcome of the proposed vacation; therefore, St. Helfry's Church does hereby formally object to thepropased ~acatiDn a{Parcel B afTerritorial. Road. Please accept the following as written comment on the Church's behalf for the February 9,2004 Hearing: In a letter to the Monticello City Attorney dated Dccember 17,2003, Bret Wies, P.E, indicated that the City seeks to complete a crossing of the railroad tracks along 7th Street just West of CSAH 18 and that the railroad is requiring the removal of an existing crossing within the City before a new crossing permit (for 7lh Street) can be obtained. Mr. Weis noted that the railroad has identified Territorial Road as the preferred crossing to be removed within the City of Monticello. The City is now proposing the Vacation of Terri tonal Road,South of the railroad tracks. 63~ SOUTH CONCORD STREET · SUITE ","00 · SOUTH SAINT PAUL. Mlt-lN5SOTA 55075 · 6'SIp4S1-I831 · FAX 6SI.4So-73g4 OFFICE ALSO LOCATED IN SI'OO","ER, WISCONSIN Q /7 a6s..l !~Q/# JCff.lJiiJ( ! Lv: L L t,lO!AO!7.0 !vBE:LOgv~99 I 'V'dr~aTT~W~ruaTT~~r~apus^al :Aq +uaS Page 2 February 9,2004 The effect ofthe proposed vacation of Territorial Road would be to land-lock the Jameson property. as such, the City has sought alternate options for a new driveway or public street location connecting the Jameson property to a right of way. In his December 17, 2003 letter, Mr. Weis states, ''There are very limited options due to the location of the Rand Mansion Bed and Breakfast property [located on the Jameson property] and the church property. After discussions with property owners in the area, it was determined that the best and most feasible option would be a connection to 7th Street. This connection would need to cross through the existing St. Henry's Church property. (emphasis added). On behalf of St. Henry's Church I have previously stated that the only acceptable option for creating access across Church property is along the! Church Parcel's Westerly border. It is clear from Mr. Weis's letter that this is not what is intended by the proposed Territorial Road vacation. Mr. Weis states, "[ access across the Church's Westerly border] is not an acceptable location fOt' a driveway or a street access serving [the anticipated'use for the Jameson property]." St. Henry's Church is unalterably opposed to any access across Church property to 7th Street, other than along the Church's Westerly border. Any attempt to take access at any other location resulting . further severance of the Church campus will be rigorously resisted. Therefore, the Church op ses the proposed vacation of Parcel B of Territorial Road which is necessary to provide co tinned ace s to the Jameson parcel. Ma lOkI, Esq. Rick W olfsteller Patrick Brinkman. Esq. Father Timothy Rudolphi Kathy Metzger , 9/eaDed :e9L#-uJfJ{ I ~ ~ 17: ~ ~ 170/60/(;0 !178e:LOS17~S9 '~'drJaTTl~~ruaTl18rJapue^al :Aq +uas , , ~ exhibit 1, ' /'6'0,,/>.... . · " ~~' ~ / tI:J" /, I ,,', /~ ~,..' ,,~, " \ . - · ,/ ~A~----- I ~'/. I \, ,"" ~\ I \ ~' J '\$ t-~~___ \ ~~ \ ...~--- ! \~/9\ ~~~~__ 'I \1 ~ --' ,,~ I ,,\ \ ---- - I C.'\' ~ ---. I ~llSC. ~ \~ I ~~ f p \~ I ,,\; 1 \ I '~' I I J ~ I ~ I' ~.' J ~ L _ -=..-35,!!",~E _ _ 3", ~ ' ~, ~f. ~Ao I'~n,~~f 'I~.I I ftn/Cnl7n .. ~.+~ ' 1 ,.. - f- (J!~""< ,-";C If\! r ,. '-'I: -1- i a If 87WSf1' $7 w I I ~I ~.J I I ...,./ it' ;;1 -, ~, lei I ,} :r...c.~ <; , ~ '('V..v' \ ~. c ~Ic.(~h , ' ~"'at'/nc"'ICQ I .w.~IJaTTTW~luaTTT~IJapUe^a1 :Aq luas FAIlCE,L A That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 121, Range 25, Wright Cotmty, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwe~t Quarter; thence on an assumed bearing of North 1 degree 24 minutes SO seconds East along the west line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, a distance of 534.50 feet; thence South 88 degrees, 35 minutes 10 seconds East, a distance of 318.00 feet; thence North i2 degrees 24' minutes 50 seconds East, a distance of 292.79 feet to the south line of Old Territorial Road being the point of beginning of the land to be ,described; thence South 67 degrees 59 minutes 57 seconds East along said . south line, a distance of 989.48 feet to the east line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence North 1 degree 24 minutes 40 seconds East along said east line, a distB.."1ce of 368.76 feet to the soutber:y right of way line of the Burlington Northern Railroad; thence North 73 . degrees 11 minutes 43 seconds West along said southerly right of way line, a distance of 1045.83 feet to the intersection of a line bearing North 13 degrees 57 minutes 39 seconds West from the point of beginning, said line being the center line of Old Territorial Road and its southerly extension; thence South. 13 degrees 57 minutes 39 seconds East along said center line and its southerly extension, a distance of 309.47 feet to 'the point of beginning. Q/e a6e~!p'Q/#~( !?~:ll ~n/60/ZO I !v8eLosv~S9 , '~'dl~attT~iluatTTol~apue^al :~q +uas ~- ,~" ._~,. '..- ,i' Exhibit 1" e.. PARCEL B The Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 12. Township 121. Range 25, Wright COWlty, Minnesota and Block 40 of LOWER MONTICELLO according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. The center line is described as follows: Commencing at the southwest comer of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence on an assumed bearing of North 1 degree 24 minutes SO seconds East along the west line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, a distance of 534.50 feet; thence South 88 degrees 35 minutes 10 seconds East, a distance of318.00 feet: thence North 12 degrees 24 minutes 50 seconds East, a distance of292.79 feet to the south line of Old Territorial Road being the point of beginning of said centet line to be described; thence North 13 degrees 57 minutes 39 seconds West, a distance of 324.74 feet; thence North 33 degrees 35 minutes Sl seconds West to the southeasterly right of way line of Washington Street of said LOWER MONTICELLO and said center line there terminating. The side lines of said easement are to be prolonged or shortened'to the: terminate on a line bearing South 67 degrees S9 minutes 57 seconds East and North 67 degrees 59 minutes 57 seconds West from the point of begirming and said southeasterly right of way line of Washington Street. The vacation is to apply only to the property above described located South of the Burlington Northern Railroad. , n In cnl'l.J 'coo III rR.J,liJ{ ~"...= I' 1>n /F;n /7n !t>RP.JOCt>LCQ I '~'d'~ett~Wi'UeTt~O'~epUe^el :^~ +ues j.l , '. II.... ..... -'0&.. '."" I .... I I' ..... /f ~ i~ I .... ',' I ...J,<iX I...), , I I '\ \\ ....... .. r-,. I I' \~'ll\ \ #' -Lr-~\ \;:-~\ ---- II/ \ '\~. \ I \ '\{~__ I \ \~ \ ------ \ :\~\ ~ I \!!/.;>\. ~> I ,~ -----.\ ' ~. !! \\ I I I I I 1 I I. I IN 678$9'57 It' I '~I I ~J .~I 1 I . ~1 ~I ~I -.. J ~f " 8, ~. ~.l ~ ~ I 5.8i1-J5' 1tr' E _ _ 3'8:00_ -i _.J t------- I \ C, ,\l ~u't k . ,. ~ t;-J!~jr,r-( ... i Ji')A/ r I ( "; '/ L' () IV/l I -"L _ ---~ JAIfI Co!cl, ~ ,{ '('\V \ 'o{ c ~~(c.J, J Council Agenda - 2/9/04 8. Consideration to review non-bindine: letter of intent and authorize preparation of purchase agreement for industrial land. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND A couple of months ago the Council held a workshop to hear a presentation on the feasibility of the City developing its own industrial park by the purchase of approximately 120 acres of industrial zoned property from John Chadwick and Jim Bowers. The property is also known as Otter Creek Crossing. The Council was asked for direction as to whether staff should continue to pursue this idea, and due to uncertainties over the City's financial commitment that might be necessary for a new 1-94/CR 18 interchange project, the consensus of the Council was to delay any decision on potential acquisition of an industrial park until February 2004. Since the initial workshop, staiT and the small group from the Industrial Development Committee has met a numbcr of times with representatives of Otter Creek Crossing in an attempt to put together a letter of intent that would generally outline the terms and conditions for a possible purchase. Two final options were presented to the landowner for consideration, including the basic purchase of 120 acres ofland only, and a second option that not only would establish the terms for purchasing 120 acres but also outline how some infrastructure and Chelsea Road extension improvements would be allocated among property owners. The small group met Wednesday, February 4th with the property owners to review the two options to see if the property owners were in general agreement with either of the offers that the Council would be considering. Although there are a couple of issues that need to be defined further, 1 think we have a basic agreement with the price and future method of allocating costs for extending Chelsea Road through the property up to County Road 39. There are some remaining questions regarding how long current mining operations would be allowed to exist and agreeing on an actual closing date for this transaction, but I think if the Council is still agreeable to pursuing this land acquisition, those items can be resolved in time for developing a final purchase agreement. In addition thc timing of the Chelsea Road extension to County Road 39 would also need to be resolved. Since the original offers for consideration were letters of intent, the Council is being asked to provide authorization to continue with the negotiations in the form of preparing an actual purchase agreement that will be brought back to Council for final approval. At this point the City Attorney would become involved in preparing a purchase agreement that would be used as the final basis for purchasing the property if the Council concurred. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council could authorize the stafl to negotiate and prepare a final purchase agreement to be brought back to the Council for approval on the acquisition of approximately 120 acres of industrial property known as Otter Creek Crossing. I Council Agenda - 2/9/04 2. Council could decide not to pursue acquisition of an industrial park at this time. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Economic Development Director, along with members of the IDC Small Group that the Council authorize further negotiations and development of a purchase agreement for final Council approval. It appears from our previous negotiations that we are very close to arriving at a purchase price and terms for how assessments will be allocated to benefitting properties in the development of this industrial park and feel that continuing discussions to prepare a final purchase agreement is warranted. Staff recognizes that the Council had originally hoped to have a better handle on what the City's cost might be in regards to a new interchange at I-94/CR 18, but it appears that the City will not know what its cost might be in regards to that project for a number of months yet. Since funding has been set aside over the past number of years, totaling $900,000 for an industrial park acquisition, a contract for deed arrangement seems to be the appropriate method for acquisition of this property, with future interest and principal payments coming from future land sales. Staff recognizes that there may be a timing issue with interest and principal payments being obligated on the contract for decd before industrial sites arc available for sale, Council should recognize that future reserves or levies may be needed to make our debt obligation until the property can be marketed and sold. Staff also wants to remind Council that the new state economic development program called .10HZ, job opportunity building zones could be a detriment to attracting new businesses to our community and might have an inf1uence on our ability to sell industrial properties in the future. This new program provides attractive corporate income tax, sales tax, property tax and job creation tax credits for communities outside the metropolitan area which certainly doesn't help in our future marketing efrorts to attract business here. While the IDC and staff still feel there is merit in a City owned industrial park, we want to make the Council aware of the fact that there always a number of variables involved in making this project work and that future funding obligations might be needed from the Council to cover our debt obligations for an industrial park. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of letter of intent. , I CITY OF MONTICELLO LETTER OF INTENT INDUSTRIAL LAND ACQUISITION OTTER CREEK CROSSING Revised January 8, 2004 Option 2 Size: 120+- acrcs including approximately 106 acres of industrial land and 14 acres of designated water features. The area shall be measured from the center line of Chelsea Road as contained in the engineer's feasibility report, and exclude proposed residential parcels in south corner. Letter of intent is subject to soil tests, topographies, defined boundaries and such items as described by the City Council and City Attorney. Price: A verage cost per acre of $25,265 or ($.58/sf) fur the approximate 120 acres. Total estimated price $3,031,800. Terms: $10,000 earnest money at time of purchase agreement. $900,000 cash at closing with the balance payable at 6% interest plus $100,000 principal per year for 10 years, then a balloon at the end of ten years. 35 acres of industrial land to be released at closing, (exact location to be determined by buyer). Additional acreage released @} $25,265 per acre. Buyer retains right to prepay contract at any time without any prepayment penalty. All parcels to be released shall be contiguous to previously released parcels. Date of Closing: November 30, 2004 Mining Operations: Mining operations to terminate no later than Aprill, 2005 with no hauling taking place after July 1,2005. Mutually agreed upon grades and elevations to govern. If grades not met then Seller to restore to that elevation. (Note, with the addition of School Blvd. the storm water management options and therefore grades have changed.). Seller will continue to occupy portions of mining area until April 1,2005. Chelsea Road Extension (Realignment): A- Street and Utility Costs to be allocated to property benefitting along Chelsea Road based on front footage of developable property (estimate 3,930 feet to property north of Chelsea and 2,191 feet south of Chelsea Road extension). , B- Realignment cost for acquisition of right-of-way; cost fur extension of 90th Street and other miscellaneous cost assigned as part of the original Chelsea Road development to be allocated to the Otter Creek and City properties on a square DAWN/WORD/RICKIND\lSTRIAI. I.AND LETTER OF INTENT - OPT 2 ~ Sale of Excess Land from ROW Acquisition: Survey: foot and valuation basis as determined below to correspond with market valuations of commercial and industrial property served by re-aligned road. 1. Estimate of total square feet of developable land area lying north of Chelsea Road. Alignment x a factor of2.5 == 4,660,920 S.F. (Planned commercial zoning) (42.8 Ac). 2. Estimate of total square feet of developable land area lying south of Chelsea Road, a distance equal to depth of property north of Chelsea Road to freeway x 1.0 == 1,045,440 S.F. (Industrial zoning) (24 Ac). 3. Divide total costs by total square feet to arrive at per sq. ft. costs to be allocated to Otter Creek @ 81.6(10 and City parcels @ 18.4%.. Excess land remaining from the "Rask" parcel lying north of Chelsea Road alignment to be purchased by Otter Creek owners at $5/sf (26,049 sf or $130,245). Excess land south of Chelsea Road extension to be purchased by City at $2.50/sf(71,099 sf or $177,747). The above purchase prices to be deducted from cost of right-of-way acquisition to determine amounts to be allocated under Item #B-Chelsea Road Extension. 33 foot strip of land (former 90th Street) to be purchased by Otter Creek owners at $5/sf. Boundary survey and Alta survey of entire parcel available: Boundary survey of this parcel provided by Seller. If AL T A standard desired by Buyer, that shall be at buyer's expense. Cooperation on annexation: Seller will cooperate on with Buyer/or end-users on development approvals including annexation. Friendly Condemnation Tax Treatment: Infrastructure: City shall issue letter. Area is currently not served, except haul road. Use of haul road ceases when platted, dedicated and constructed public road becomes available. , When constructed, 10 year payment on assessments, if any. 2 OAWN/WORO!RIf"K-INOI)STRIALLANO LETTER OF INTENT - OPT ~ '8 I Wetlands/Phase I Environmental Studies: Seller shall provide all studies in hand at no cost to purchaser. Chelsea Road Extension (Realignment): A. All street and util ity costs to be allocated to property benefitting along Chelsea Road based on front footage of developable property (Estimate of 3,930 feet to property north of Chelsea Road and 2,490 feet south of Chelsea Road), based on a 2: 1 ratio with property adjacent to 1-94 receiving a factor of 2 times the value assessed to properties south of the new Chelsea Road. Street and utility cost include: 1. Acquisition of necessary right-of-way from Denny Hecker for the Chelsea Road realignment. 2. All costs associated with sewer and water extensions along Chelsea Road and the realigned intersection. 'fhe assessment factors noted above do not include any future area trunk fees for sanitary sewer, storm sewer, or water. Stormwater ponding necessary for the development of either the 120 acre site to be purchased or the remaining property to be retained by the seller shall be the sole responsibility of each party in accordance with City of Monticello development requirements. Sale of Excess Land from ROW Acquisition: Excess land remaining from the "Rask" parcel lying north of Chelsea Road alignment to be purchased by Otter Creek owners at $5/sf (26,049 sf or $130,245. Excess land south of Chelsea Road extension to be purchased by City at $2.50/sf(71,099 sf or $177,747) The above purchase prices to be deducted from cost of right-of-way acquisition to determine amounts to be allocated under Item #B- Chelsea Road extension. 33 foot strip of land (former 90th Street) to be purchased by Otter Creek owners at $5/sf. , DAWN/WORD/RICKINLllJSlRIAL I.AND IEITER OF INTENT - OPT 2 3 I ~ ~~~ "'1" ----Cilr-' ~ · g . ~ N~ ~ ~ ~ o:l ~ ~ '" ~ e1~ VlVl 5 5 w...... ~ < ~g~ +t -tI .-.10 ~ !;: ~ ~~::i ~ ~ ... ~ x ... V) '" ~ ~~ -tl g" 10 ~~ g; ... '" ... ~1o~~ ~ !l! ~ [;: II ~ ~ ~..;( % '" ::> 0=: .ot{ <lL. ",0 s:: ei an... ; ... z o~iii < ~i~ ... !.:.;~ .. l!l "'0 ~ <~;;! ~ t;; Q I--~ ~ W S' j ~S9 ~~g~~ tf) '" '" tP-... "'). i:\ :;i z::>::> ......).'" '" ..... .z ~~ lSw~~ ~ g H ~e:lil8:>1 ~ ~ ~ er- N' :l J Jl, J ~. ~ q~l~ &$ r't ....j-.) ~ 0 ro ~ cd / E / / 0,) U ~ 0 U ~ . ,...j r:/'J r:/'J o f-..I U ~~ f-..I ~ U..9 f-..I8 (1) .- :tj1:5 O~ i~i. !~ll ! q II,' I!d i I (~~)i ~ I Council Meeting -02/09/2004 9. Review of report and adoption of overall street reconstruction proeram and authorization to proceed with the feasibility study for the 2004 project. (1.S., K.K.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The main goals of our overall street reconstruction program: 1. To have a reasonable cost to our residents and business people that would remain the same each year with the exception of adding construction cost index increases so that one would know the cost of basic reconstruction when it came to your neighborhood. The basic cost has been pretty well established with the last two reconstruction projects; the Core City Area #1 and the County Road 75 Project. The basic cost price ($2,500 per home and $55.00 per foot for commercial or multiple residential) relates to what you currently have in your street. Things like curb and gutter, storm sewer, widening, sidewalks would be extra in addition to the basic charge if they don't currently exist. 2. To set out a long range program whereby residents and business people would know when reconstruction would come to their area so they could better plan for it. 3. To reconstruct streets and infrastructure as needed in an orderly planned fashion with multiple forms of financing i.e. assessments, utility trunk funds, state aid and set aside funds each year, etc. The City Public Works Department and WSB have completed a study of the condition of the streets planned for reconstruction over the next six year period along with estimated costs. Street Department personnel did the field work, investigative work and field ratings and WSB completed the calculation and verification of pavement condition index and staging plan for the proposed improvements. The report contained in the Council packet presents the proposed improvement program for reconstruction and maintenance of streets through the year 2009. The program is based on the pavement condition indexes determined from the pavement management software in addition to other related factors including traffic levels and loading, anticipated trunk utility improvements and overall project size. The reconstruction program is ongoing and will be re~evaluated each year and new streets will be rated periodically to keep the pavement management program up to date. The report is included for your review. City staff and WSB ask that the Council review the report and adopt the program as proposed. We are also requesting authorization from the Council to give authorization to proceed with the feasibility study for the improvements proposed for Area 2. It should be noted that authorization to proceed with the field investigation was given at the January 26, 2004 City Council meeting. The feasibility study will serve as a continuation of that process. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: , 1. Upon review of the Report for the Overall Street Reconstruction Program, the City Council would adopt the program for future reconstruction projects and authorize WSB & Associates, Inc. to proceed with the Area 2 feasibility study Council Meeting -02/09/2004 2. A second alternative would be not to adopt the program and proceed with individual projects on an annual basis. 3. A third alternative would be not to accept the report and not move forward with the reconstruction program. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, Street Superintendent and the City Engineer that the City Council formally adopt the program and authorize the feasibility study for the up-coming 2004 project (Area 2) and proceed as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORrrNG DATA: Copy of the final report for the overall street reconstruction program as prepared by WSB & Associates. , I City Council Agenda - 02/09/04 10. Consideration to approve al>pointments to the Design Advisory Team. (O.K.) A. Reference and background: At the Design Advisory Team (DA T) meeting of January 20, 2004, the members approved a motion recommending the City Council appoint Sheila Stumpf to a two-year term on DA T. Sheila Stumpf will replace Ron rloglund who resigned from DAT effective December 31, 2003. Sheila is the wife of Council member Brian Stumpf. At the DA T meeting of February 3, 2004, the members approved a motion recommending the City Council appoint Brad Blue to a two-year term. The DA T Bylaws allow for a seven- member board, previously this seventh position was not filled. Mr. Blue is a consultant to the Minneapolis School System for the Talented and Gifted Children, lives along River Street and has 2 or 3 children in the Monticello School District. The following is a list of the current and proposed members and their respective term. Pam Campbell Susie Wojchouski Dennis Sullivan Ro berta Gerads Cindy Anderson Sheila Stumpf Brad Blue 12/31/04 12/3l/04 12/31/04 12/31/05 12/3l/05 12/31/05 12/31/05 This agenda item was placed on the regular agenda allowing Council member Stumpf the choice of abstaining or adding to the consent agenda. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve the appointment of Sheila Stumpf to a two-year term on the Design Advisory Team. 2. A motion to approve the appointment of Brad Blue to a two-year term on the Design Advisory Team. 3. A motion to deny approval of the appointment of Sheila Stumpf and Brad Blue to a two-year term each on the Design Advisory Team. 4. A motio~ to table any action. I City Council Agenda - 02/09/04 C. Recommendation: The City Administrator supports the recommendations ofDAT and recommends Alternative No.1 and 2. D. Supporting Data: None. Council Agenda - 02/09/2004 11. Consideration of authorizinl! the preparation of a comprehensive water svstem study. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This was last brought before the city council in the early spring 0[2003. WSB prepared a proposal to do a comprehensive water system study for the city of Monticello based upon an estimated cost of $38,000 to $42,000 depending upon the available information and the amount of city staff involvement. Because of the cost to do a study ofthis type it was suggested that staff and WSB work out a scope of services for the project and cost, and that the new proposal with a revised scope of services be brought back for authorization at a future meeting. A copy of the minutes oflast spring's meeting is enclosed for your review. During the summer and fall of 2003, city staff put together all of the available information on our water system along with population projects provided by the city planner. In addition, we completed water flow analysis at each of our dead end water main extensions around the community. All this information was assembled and provided to WSB. We then met this winter on two occasions with WSB and revised the scope of services to renect the work completed by the city staff and the information gathered by same. A eopy of the new proposal with scope of services is included for your review. Although the scope of services has actually been paired down from the previous one, the area of study has been expanded to reflect some of the cunent annexation area under study. The cost of the new study is $29,798 and the project is expected to be complete within 120 days of notice to proceed. This is a two month quicker turnaround time than the previous study included. A copy of the proposal is enclosed for your review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to accept the revised scope of services and accept the proposal from WSB to provide professional engineering services for the water system plan at a cost of $29,798 to be completed within 120 days of authorization to proceed. 2. The second alternative would be not to accept the proposal from WSB but request that city staff prepare a request for proposals to be sent to at least two other firms who do this type of work and compare the proposals for presentation at a future meeting. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: There is no doubt that the city needs to complete a comprehensive water system study. The last city wide study was completed in 1985, and the city haM changed drastically since that time. In addition, we currently have an immediate need for an additional above ground water storage facility and these usually take about 18 months to complete once siting has been established, so we need to move forward. City staff has met with WSB and revised the scope of services to something both WSB and the eity staff are comfortable with. It, therefore, seems appropriate to accept the revised proposal from WSB as outlined in alternative #1 and move forward. Should there still be significant concerns I Council Agenda - 02/09/2004 by members of the council that the cost of the study does not seem in line with the scope of services or if there is a consensus that we need more than one proposal, you could request that city staff prepare a request for proposals as outlined in alternative #2. To draft the request for proposals and send them out and allow enough time for a response would take four to six weeks, and WSB may be asked to respond again as their cost of the proposal would be common knowledge otherwise. Since the city stall is comfortable with the revised proposal from WSB, it is our opinion that a second proposal is not necessary. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of previous council minutes and copy of new proposal from WSB dated January 30,2004. " I . Council Minutes - 3/10/03 development did not occur that portion of the project could be eliminated. John Lundsten also asked about the 18" RCP going under Dundas Road and wanted to know what area it would drain and how much runoff would be expected to flow through this. Bret Weiss responded that the 18" RCP pipe had been eliminated from the project Shawn Weinand asked if street lighting was included in the project Bret Weiss stated it was not and added that Public Works Director, John Simola, works with Xcel Energy on street light installation within developments. Shawn Weinand felt the lights should be included in the improvement project since not all developments would be taking place at the same time and he also felt it would provide some uniformity in design. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING TO THE MARCH 24. 2003 COUNCIL MEETING. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 8. Considenltion of ~lUthorizin2: the preparation of a Comprehensive Water Svstem Studv. . ...... " City Engineer, Bret Weiss and Public Works Director, John Simola had discussed at some length the need for a comprehensive water system study. Because of the cost to do a study of this type it was suggested that staff and WSB work out a scope of services for the project and also an esti mated budget ROBBIE srvrrTH MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE PREPARATION OF A WATER SYSTEM STUDY SCOPE OF SERVICES WHICH WILL BE BROUGHT BACK FOR AUTHORIZATION AT A FUTURE MEETING. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. ]\,IOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 9. Approve nayment of bills for March, 2()()3. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOllSL Y. Glen Posusta questioned the bill from Levanc.kr. Gillen and Miller in the amount of $..)..354.20. It was noted that \vas the invoice l()r the investigation on the residency requirement of Glen Posusta. Glen Posusta askcd about getting a brcakdown of the hourly rate and number of hours. Added Item: - Glen Pl)Sllsta asked \\l1en the Christmas banners mndd be removed. John Simola indicated that they would be takcn down shortly. -. ~'"'' Bruce Thielen asked ahout the status of the alignll1cnt of the intcrsection of West River Street and 7 I Y . WSB & Associates, Inc. . . January 30,2004 Mr. John Simola Public Works Director City of Monticello 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Proposal to Provide Professional Engineering Services for Water System Plan City of Monticello, MN Dear Mr. Simola: Thank you for the opportunity to meet with you on Thursday, January 15,2004, concerning Monticello's water system plan. In accordance with our discussions, we are providing an updated proposal and scope of services. Some tasks have been reduced to reflect the fact that you already have some of the information needed. Work remaining on the original Tasks 100- 150 have been combined into a revised Task 100. At your request, other tasks, such as those regarding the City's ISO classification and water quality and potential treatment, have been eliminated. As mentioned in our meeting, Bret Weiss will provide quality control over the project. The Project Manager will be Nancy Zeigler, P.E., who will be assisted by Costa Dimitracopoulos, P.E., WSB's Water/ Wastewater Group Manager. If you have any questions or comments, or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at (763) 541-4800. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ?~)~ 7hg~ Nancy Zeigler, P.E. Proj ect Manager Bret A. Weiss, P .E. President Attachments lh I \ Minneapolis. st. Cloud. Equal Opportunity Employer P.-IMaalicellolWater System PlanI01l904,;s.doc Proposal to Provide Professional Engineering Services for Water System Plan City of Monticello, Minnesota . Proiect Understandine WSB & Associates is proposing to prepare a Water System Plan that encompasses all available previous studies and brings the City of Monticello up-to-date with its current water system planning. This will include preparation of a computerized City water model. The Plan will include recommendations for both short-term and long-term capital improvements to serve the ultimate development (not including potential annexations) of the remainder of Monticello. Prior to the initial kick-off meeting, we will review existing information so that the initial meeting can be as productive as possible. During this kick-off meeting, we will refine project scope and indicate what additional City information may be needed for completion of the study. The Water System Plan will utilize the City's most up-to-date comprehensive plan and population projections to tailor the plan to fit the City's vision for the future ofthe community. We will use the City's population projections and water use projections. By tying these projections to land use within the City of Monticello, we will more accurately predict the distribution of future water system demands. The accurate distribution of future water demand . in the system will make water system modeling efforts more productive and will provide the City with a more valuable tool. Early in the study we would also like to discuss the computer modeling software we are proposing to use to model your existing water system. Weare proposing to utilize WaterCAD 6.5 by Haestad Methods, Inc. A short write-up on this software is attached to this proposal. The water use projections developed will be the basis for much of the study. These projections will determine the need for additional water source, storage, and distribution. Quantification of system needs and understanding of current system problems and deficiencies will be used in estimating future costs for water system improvements. We will estimate capital costs and operation and maintenance costs. Proposed Water Svstem Plan Scope of Services The WSB Team proposes the following tasks to complete the City of Monticello Water System Plan. The numbering of tasks corresponds to the numbering found in the Estimated Fee/Schedule section of this proposal. Task 00: Review existing City of Monticello water system studies and information. Ascertain what information is readily available. Task 50: Attend kick-off meeting with City of Monticello to refine project scope and associated budget hours, review potential GIS/Watercad interface and request additional information that may be beneficial to the study. . I i ( 1 P: \Montir.ellol Water System PlanIOI1904.../s,doc . . . Task 100: Refine population, demand, land use, and planning information so that it will be usable in the WaterCAD model. Obtain any additional information from City staff. Meet and/or discuss with City staffto determine developable acreage and breakdown of future demands according to location and timing (S-year, lO-year, IS-year, 20-year and ultimate). Confirm City staffs agreement with assumptions that will be used in developing the WaterCAD model. Task 200: Review and discuss existing system problems with City staff. City to provide a memo of all problem areas. Task 300: Determine how proposed water system model should interface with the City's current mapping systems with City Staff. Task 310: Create a WaterCAD (by Haestad Methods) water system model to reflect the current City water system structure, incorporating all 6-inch and larger existing water mains. Task 311: Validate and calibrate the computer model, using field data provided by City Staff. Model accuracy shall be within 3 psi static pressure and within 15% for changes in system pressure during field tests. Confirm adequacy of water system model. Task 320: Deleted at City's request. Task 321: Deleted at City's request. Task 330: Using the calibrated water system model, identify and evaluate current deficiencies in the City's water system to accommodate present demands with respect to flow capacities, water system pressures and other operational considerations. Provide corrective alternatives. Task 340: Using WaterCAD developed by Haestad Methods, evaluate the adequacy of the existing system of transmission and distribution mains (utilizing all 6-inch or larger existing water mains) to accommodate future demands (domestic and fire flow requirements) under adequate pressure and flow conditions. Task 400: Deleted at City's request. WSB recommends that this task be considered in the future. This task includes evaluating water quality characteristics at the wellhead with respect to current and proposed drinking water regulations of the Minnesota Department of Health (Mn/DOH) and the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act, and analyzing impacts ofthese regulations on the City's water supply. Ten (10) new regulations are being finalized over six (6) years (1998-2004). For some of these regulations, the time line has been extended. It is anticipated that water quality will deteriorate over time as contaminants reach further down into the groundwater. Task 500: Based on projected system demands, make recommendations for future production, treatment and storage facilities to meet demand projections. These recommendations will include the type and size of needed facilities. These recommendations shall be based upon total overall costs including construction cost and operation/maintenance costs. Ii Ii P: \Motliicellol Water System Pla1J\OI1904~is.doc Task 510: Using the calibrated water system model, evaluate and make recommendations . regarding the locations of future production, treatment and storage facilities as well as future transmission/distribution mains required to meet the design years and ultimate population demands. These recommendations will be based upon total overall costs including construction cost and operation/maintenance costs. Task 520: Meet with City Staff to review type, size and location of recommended future production, treatment and storage facilities as well as future transmission/distribution mains required to meet the design years and ultimate population demands. Task 600: Prepare a 20-year capital improvement plan for the water system. Include in the plan the construction and operation/maintenance costs for each improvement based on present day values. Task 700: Prepare a draft Water System Plan report incorporating our findings. Meet with City Staff to discuss draft report findings. Task 800: Finalize report based on staff input and provide City with 10 copies of final report. Present report findings to the City of Monticello at City's request. Provide 2 CD ROM disks of the computer model with pertinent programming data to the City with the final report. Computer model shall be formatted on software that is IBM and Windows compatible. Fee/Schedule . The cost to provide the scope of services outlined in this proposal will be billed on an hourly basis based on our current hourly rates. Attached is a detailed breakdown of the hours per task and associated fees. A current hourly rates schedule can be found on the following pages. Any additional tasks that are desired would be at the current hourly rates. Total Labor Costs $29,198 Reimbursables $600 Total Project Cost $29,798 I Total Labor Hours 344 hours I The exact reimbursables are not fully defined at this time but may include such tasks as couriering, copying reports, etc. We will complete this project within 120 days of your authorization to proceed. The timely receipt of City information will assist us in meeting this schedule. The following assumptions were utilized in the calculation of our fees. . l \ P: IMonticello\ Water System PhUlIOJ J 904rjs,doc . Assumptions Task 311: Field data will be collected by City Staff. Tasks 500, 510 and 600: These tasks are closely related and many ofthe estimated hours are shared between tasks. Wellhead Protection Plan: The Water System Plan we are proposing does not include work related to a wellhead protection plan. Review of Fire Protection Rating (ISO Classification): Not included. Review of Source Water Quality and Potential Future Treatment: Not included. Vulnerability Assessment: Not included. Emergency Response: Not included. I here by authorize WSB & Associates, Inc. to proceed with the services as outlined above. . By Name and Title Date . I ; P:\Monticel/oIWate,.- Syi;tern Plalll0J 1904-js.dac w .... <( C c.. :::) zUJ <(.... ...JUJ c..0 :2:0 wa: ....0 UJr:D ><( UJ...J a:C wZ ....<( <(UJ ;:a: 0:::) ...JO ...J::J: w.... 00 -w ......, Zo 00: :2:c.. u.. o ~ o '<:t ~ ~ ..... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g 0 0 ~ ~ ~ 0 ci ci 0 c:i 0 0 0 0 0 ci U') w- W- 0 .... 1---,- _".u_"._ ~- "~..._..~- -'0- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = c::i c::i c::i c::i c::i c::i 0 c:i c c::i -=t W- W- 0 ..... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c::i c::i c::i c::i c::i 0 c:i 0 c::i C") w w 0 .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ci c::i c::i c::i c::i 0 c:i .... c::i ('II W- W- 0 ..... .~, ,-,.~ -~.. ~-~~- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ci ci ci ci ci ci 0 0 0 ci ('II w w 0 .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C c::i c::i c::i c::i c::i c::i c::i 0 c:i 0 c::i .... 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Reimbursable expenses include costs associated with plan, specification and report reproduction, permit fee, delivery cost, etc. . Rate Schedule is adjusted annually. & hsoclates. Inc. Principal Associate Sr. Project Manager Project ManagerlEngineering Specialist III Registered EngineerlEngineering Specialist II Project EngineerlEngineering Specialist I/Sr. Construction Observer Graduate Engineer Construction Observer Engineering Technician IV/Scientist III Engineering Technician III/Scientist II Engineering Technician II/Scientist I Engineering Technician I Office Technician II Office Technician I Registered Land Surveyor Survey (Two-Person Crew) Survey (Three-Person Crew) GPS Equipment II Council Agenda - 2/9/04 12. Closed Session to discuss Mielke Assessment Appeal (MB) The Council is meeting in closed session to consider decertification of the assessment certifying unpaid fees incurred in the development of thc Mcinticello 'rravel Center plat and to consider alternatives to collect these fees. . . o rI~ .0", .0<1; "''" UD:': H'" H> ZO 00 ::E " '" <,<", <Jl 0 '" p, ~o 0 E-<> H 0<JlC>: HO 00 '" c-< en " 0 0'" ...1.0 OJ "'''' ill'" <::'" 'rl co .0 " 0 '-.. H OJ '" ,"", c-< " .0 .Ll '" m >, '" OJ m '" () '" 0 m<Jl "' P< UJ :I: <Jl ..... 0 ,." "0 ....'~ '" ..... 01 '-.. OZ ,.: 01 "-' 0 H OJ OJ " '-'''l c-< 0 <::'" " ~ '-.. .rl "0 '" ... '" "' "- '" .<:: :>: t; N () :>: E [/j 0 '" <Jl H 0 :>: '" 0 :>: 0 <'< 0 '" 0 01 OJ " 0 OJ . "''' 0 ,.: -rl c-< .0..... '" e< '" >l,o '" 0 ,.: ~, 0 .0;0 '" <=1 .0; ..0 ><c-< <:: 0 OJ <I; .. 0 en " ,"", -rl '" 0 ..... ,) '" 'rl H '" () , '-' OJ H " '" <=1 " 0 c1 Z" ..... ::0 H '" " " ::00 " 0 ~ Q H '" 00 U} C>: '" '-'''' ON '" ':l '" OJ C.)........... 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