EDA Agenda 02-08-2017 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, February 8th, 2017 – 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Steve Johnson, Tracy Hinz and Council members Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Staff: Jeff O’Neill, Angela Schumann, EDA Executive Director Jim Thares, Jacob Thunander, Wayne Oberg 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 6:00 p.m. 3. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. Workshop Meeting – January 11th, 2017 b. Regular Meeting – January 11th, 2017 4. Consideration of additional agenda items 5. Consideration of approving payment of bills 6. Consideration of approving additional expense for LSI – Block 34 7. Annual Business Meeting a. Consideration to elect EDA Officers b. Consideration to review EDA Bylaws and Enabling Resolution c. Consideration of 2017 EDA Appointments d. Consideration of EDA fund balance information 8. Consideration of Modification of GMEF Loan Guidelines 9. Consideration of dissolving Prospect Team and Business Subsidy Committee 10. Consideration of Recommendation for Appointment of EDA Member 11. Director’s Report 12. Adjourn 1 MINUTES WORKSHOP MEETING – ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, January 11th, 2017 -4:30 p.m. Academy Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Bill Demeules, Steve Johnson, Tracy Hinz, James Davidson, and Lloyd Hilgart Absent: Bill Tapper Staff: Angela Schumann, Jeff O’Neill, Jim Thares, Jacob Thunander Others: Wayne Elam 1. Call to Order Bill Demeules called the workshop meeting of the Monticello EDA to order at 4:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Industrial Development Goals Angela Schumann stated the intent of the workshop was to provide an overview of industrial land availability. a. Comprehensive Plan Angela Schumann said that an objective of the Economic Development section of the Comprehensive Plan is to create step-up development in all sectors including industrial. She further explained goals of attracting and retaining living wage jobs; providing step up housing; increasing and encouraging tax base growth; general redevelopment; and downtown revitalization. Schumann reminded the EDA that the goals of the Comprehensive Plan are always in sight for staff. b. Business Recruitment and Development Criteria and Subsidy Overview Jim Thares discussed a criteria ranking worksheet that was created to help in the development of a subsidy package for prospective businesses. He discussed four prospects (Groebner Inc., Shred-N-Go, a precision machining company, and a large international firm) and where they fell on the criteria worksheet. Schumann added that the goal of the worksheet was to set up benchmarks for what the EDA would like to achieve, which would then help to determine the level of subsidy that EDA could offer to prospective businesses based on where they fit with the criteria. Lloyd Hilgart asked if current industries could be placed in the criteria to compare with current prospects. Thares confirmed. 4. Industrial Land Availability – Overview and Next Steps Angela Schumann explained the next part of the workshop was to determine where industrial land development could potentially occur. Schumann noted there was less than 80 acres of developable land, potentially less with new stormwater ponding requirements. 2 a. Industrial Land Availability i. Guided ii. Zoned iii. Short/Mid/Long-Term Planning: 1. Otter Creek o Current status of parcels o Site limitations o Stormwater study o Comp Plan Amendment – 13 AC parcel o Shovel ready status for remaining parcels  Review WSB proposal and DEED info o Adjust market rate land cost o Next Steps: Feasibility Study authorization Jim Thares noted that information provided at a previous EDA meeting, the total amount of developable acreage in Otter Creek Business Park excluded wetlands, new stormwater ponding requirements, and utility easements. Thares said there was less than forty acres available, without accounting for the several possible prospects interested in locating at Otter Creek. Angela Schumann suggested the EDA consider conducting a Phase I Environmental Site Assessments and encumbrance studies to understand the limitations of land development prior to purchasing new land. Thares also explained that a storm water study would be presented to the EDA in March or April to identify where additional ponding would be required. Thares thought that two or three additional ponds may need to be considered in Otter Creek. Schumann pointed out a seventeen acre parcel southeast of Otter Creek that was annexed into the City. It is guided residential and zoned agricultural. This would require City Council action to amend the comprehensive plan and rezone the area industrial. Schumann and Thares explained three attached proposals from WSB would complete work required to have sites in Otter Creek qualify for the ‘shovel-ready’ designation. The ‘shovel ready’ status would give developers confidence to quickly begin construction in the Park. Lloyd Hilgart asked if ‘shovel ready’ meant determining the size of each lot. Thares stated that it was not the intent to set the lot size via the ‘shovel ready’ status. Hilgart also asked about grading. Thares stated the master grading requirements would simply be included in an overall plan and physical grading would occur with development. Jeff O’Neill mentioned there should be money in the EDA fund to complete some of the grading if desired and/or the completion of additional land studies. 3 Discussion followed about the benefits of regional ponding requirements decreasing the cost for developers, and the cost of the storm water trunk fees. Regional ponding allows developers to maximize the land for buildings and a parking. Wayne Elam mentioned that generally ten percent of land is used for ponding. 2. Spike o Relationship to Otter Creek o Extension of road network o Public Works interest/City partnership o Acreage opened to development o Comp plan amendment o Covenants and Outdoor Storage  Review covenants and outdoor storage language o Site limitations Angela Schumann noted that about 106 acres adjacent to Otter Creek Business Park are owned by the Spike family. To the north and east the land is guided industrial and to the west and south the land is guided residential. Schumann mentioned that if purchased, there would be a collector route through this property. She also stated that there has been interest in constructing a public works building in this area, but no formal decision has been made. If the EDA was interested in purchasing the land, they could determine the type of development they’d like to see occur in the area. Jim Thares also reviewed the current covenants in Otter Creek. Thares said that if the City owned the Spike property, similar covenants could be created, if desired. Thares also reviewed a document with less restrictive covenants that would allow businesses to have some outdoor storage. 3. Featherstone o Discuss prior planning and optimal use o Relationship to Koch property o Next Steps: Discussion with property owner/Comprehensive Plan Amendment Angela Schumann stated the Featherstone land is approximately sixty acres of guided industrial land that has been annexed to the City and preliminarily platted. Schumann stated the importance of having industrial land available for development, but also being cognizant of where that type of land is located and any potential affects (e.g. traffic volume) that come with development. 4. NW Area o Interchange planning o Character of development 4 Angela Schumann stated the northwest area of the City is expected to be the next growth area for residential and industrial development. An interchange study is being completed and would help further clarify the type of development that could potentially occur in this area. Currently, nearby utilities, natural amenities, the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park and Highway 39 are all located in or near the northwest area. E. Adjourn LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO ADJOURN THE WORKSHOP MEETING AT 5:52 P.M. STEVE JOHNSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander ___ Approved: February 8th, 2017 Attest: _____________________________________________________ Jim Thares, Economic Development Director 1 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, January 11th, 2017 – 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Bill Demeules, Steve Johnson, Tracy Hinz, James Davidson, and Lloyd Hilgart Absent: Bill Tapper Staff: Angela Schumann, Jim Thares, Jacob Thunander 1. Call to Order Bill Demeules called the regular meeting of the Monticello EDA to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. Special Meeting – December 14th, 2016 LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO APPROVE THE SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 14TH, 2016. STEVE JOHNSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0-1 WITH TRACY HINZ ABSTAINING DUE TO HER ABSENCE AT THE MEETING. b. Regular Meeting – December 14th, 2016 TRACY HINZ MOVED TO APPROVE THE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 14TH, 2016. STEVE JOHNSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 4. Consideration of additional agenda items None. 5. Consideration of approving payment of bills LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER PAYMENT OF BILLS. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 6. Consideration of Loan Underwriting Proposal from Central Minnesota Development Company (CMDC) Jim Thares explained the potential for several loan applications in the next twelve months. Thares mentioned concerns with the amount of time it takes to underwrite loans and requested entering into an agreement with Central Minnesota Development Company (CMDC) to help facilitate the process. A list of cities that have contracted with CMDC for similar services was provided. It was noted that these communities had positive 2 working experiences with the organization. The price for underwriting would cost 1.5% or $4,000, whichever is greater. This cost could potentially be transferred to the borrower. Kevin Weeres, Vice President of CMDC, introduced himself to the EDA. Bill Demeules asked how long CMDC has been helping underwrite loans. Weeres replied that the business has been established since 1978 as a private non-profit, certified development company. The primarily responsibility of CMDC is to originate Small Business Administration (SBA) 504 loans which is an economic development and job creation program. Weeres noted that CMDC has been working with cities for similar services for the past seven years. In addition to underwriting services, CMDC can assist with loan servicing. Bill Demeules asked if CMDC provides loan compliance services for job and wage requirements and reporting through the life of the loan. Weeres replied they do not provide those types of services, but they could assist with the collection of payments and servicing. Steve Johnson asked if there were differences between the SBA loan underwriting services. Weeres commented that the CMDC uses the same guidelines as the SBA. If applying for a SBA loan; CMDC, SBA, and the banks could provide underwriting. Bill Demeules suggested that a certain loan amount be set by the EDA to participate in loan underwriting for cost effectiveness. Lloyd Hilgart asked about the GMEF loan fund. Thares replied there was 1.3 million dollars set aside. Demeueles commented that the original loan fund was established from a $300,000 liquor fund. The EDA, before merging with the HRA, used the interest from the liquor fund combined with interest from county and state loan funds, to establish the current fund balance. Steve Johnson asked if the City Council has been using underwriting services. Thares noted that if the EDA authorized a loan underwriting service with CMDC, he would also propose the City Council have a similar service. Tracy Hinz asked what the EDA’s actions could be. Weeres stated that if the EDA approved the CMDC to enter into an underwriting agreement, they would craft a contract with the specific services they would provide. Lloyd Hilgart asked when the last GMEF loan was approved. Angela Schumann stated the loan fund was utilized in a commercial project in the mid-2000s, but there are currently no funds being used. Schumann noted that only one loan has defaulted in the history of the fund. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE EDA TO REVIEW A DRAFT AGREEMENT FROM CMDC TO ENTER INTO LOAN UNDERWRITING SERVICES WITH FINAL APPROVAL AT A FUTURE MEETING. STEVE JOHNSON SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 3 7. Consideration of approving ratification of Steering Committee for Small Area Study and appointment of EDA representatives to Steering Committee Jim Thares mentioned the Steering Committee for the Small Area study has begun forming with representation from the City Council, EDA, Planning Commission, Parks Commission, IEDC, Chamber of Commerce, and at-large members. Thares asked that two members from the EDA be selected to sit on the Steering Committee. Concerns with a quorum of the EDA were discussed. Bill Demeules asked how the at-large members would be selected. Angela Schumann recommended that two members that have either property or business ownership in the downtown be selected for the committee. JIM DAVIDSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE RATIFICATION OF THE STEERING COMMITTEE STRUCTURE TO SUPPORT THE SMALL AREA STUDY PROCESS WITH THE ADDITION OF ONE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBER. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. BILL DEMEULES MOVED TO APPOINT TRACY HINZ AND STEVE JOHNSON AS REPRESENTATIVES FOR THE DOWNTOWN SMALL AREA STUDY STEERING COMMITTEE. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 8. Consideration of appointing EDA member to Prospect Committee Jim Thares explained that at the last EDA meeting, President Demueles was selected for the Prospect Committee to help facilitate and consolidate the process. Thares requested the appointment of an additional EDA member, preferably a City Council member. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO APPOINT JIM DAVIDSON TO THE PROSPECT TEAM- LAND SUBSIDY DISCUSSION COMMITTEE. STEVE JOHNSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 9. Director’s Report Jim Thares explained that Wright County, Sherburne, Benton and Stearns Counties, the Central Minnesota Jobs and Training Services Center, the Federal EDA and the Initiative Foundation will be creating a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for the 7W District. A community conversation will occur on January 26th to discuss Human Capital. This is an 15 month process with regular meetings, which are open to the public to attend. Thares also mentioned a second draft Housing Study is being prepared by WSB. The EDA will be considering adoption of the completed Housing Study at a future meeting. 4 Thares noted the City has four active prospects including: a large international firm, Groebner Inc., Shred-N-Go, and a precision machining firm. Lastly, Thares stated that April Studer has signed the purchase agreement for the sale of 349 West Broadway. The EDA will also sign the agreement for finalization. The closing date is April 5th, with an expected remodel completion of July. 10. Adjourn STEVE JOHNSON MOVED TO ADJOURN THE REGULAR MEETING AT 6:48 P.M. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander ___ Approved: February 8th, 2017 Attest: _____________________________________________________ Jim Thares, Economic Development Director EDA Agenda: 2/8/17 5.Consideration of approving payment of bills (JT) A.REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month are included for review. B.ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1.Motion to approve payment of bills through January 2016. 2.Motion to approve payment of bills through January 2016 with changes as directed by the EDA. C.STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. D.SUPPORTING DATA: A.Accounts Payable Summary Statements I � I � \|\ I � I = ||\ } } } t § / \ \ \ = _0 / \ / ) � \ \ � � ) 2 \ \ \ \ \ � v § I � \|\ I � I = ||\ } } } \ \ \ / \ / ) k ) k \ \ \ \ \ z 2 / & ± ) \ } f � ) 3 ] j u \ ® ) \ ( \ � ) } } § \ § I § \ \ � f ® ) / � � \ \ m c \ e e _ 3 = \ a \ \ \ / \ / / ice Analytical I - VA.V W, pacelab s. co rn Sold To: Eric Dahl METOO Enwironmerval 709 Ginalle- St Ste 3 La CroSse, WI 54643 608-781-$$7$ J A 1 L/ 1* C Pace Analytical S*r r10#%, LLC C C 1 N Y V i 17,04 Elm SVeel - $uite 200 Idinneapolis, MN 5U 14 Phone x$12)$67-1700 Invoice Number 16100162649 Date. 1 212 3120 1 6 Total Amount Due. 5950.00 Please Remit To: Pace Analytlr-al Services, LLC P.O. Box 1384055 Chicago, IL 60695-4056 Ghent Numboi, CVpenf 1D Purchase Qrder No I Pena Rrafecf Air-Wml •• PaFs 14-1121271 ME-TCOII CaroPyrhe Trgui Nal 30 flays 1 Client Project: Frnr Misn45pal Cas Cent Name. ME700 rrrvironmenzal mace Prolact Na-- 10373022 Sample R*"Ova& 12+1312016 Report Seat 7o: EriG Qnhi, METCO EIrwirarimental Cortlfherrfs: ANALYTICAL CHARGES Quanlity Unk ENBatriptiun Mtihod 5 Ea T015MsvAIR -'5.- r - SarMpleg ReF:erved for analysis: Lab 1D CI,enl Sarr1pile Id 10373022001 SV -1 10373022042 8V=-2 10373022003 SV -3 10373022004 SV -4 10373022005 8V-5 TOW Number Df Charges 5 Matrix Au R�cei+red 1217342416 12113!2[]75 121134201 S 1 211 31201 6 i 211342016 fF ya+ haves any q,restror)s. yfease conlscf OaroJyrm Trout at Pace. Pharr: 9[6121607-6351 Errs&P: carat}mrre,fra�1(g��ace�abs.c4m FSYae Total 5190.06 $950.04 Arialytical Subtotal $950.fl0 Total linvoice km#urrt 5950.f1D V! '-1.5% MONTHLY FINANCE CHARGE ASSES ED AFTER 30 DAYS 0R TER MS OF CONTRACT PLEASE REFERENCIE THE INVOICIE NUMBER ON ALL REN1ITTA NCE AUVICE. PfsMe- compWe afrJ relar re wP) or q vo ce weld }-Dpjr J#ytr+erit INVOICE TOTAL $950.00 Amouril Paid: $ Check no: Customer No; 10-112127 Invoice NO: 113100162W 3}d4c f 4F 1 METCO 1 J I h ", 1=xceUenre thrOLtQoaricmc-8 708 Gillette t_, Ste 3. La Crosse, VVI 54603 • 1-800-552-2932 • Fsx X608} 781-8893 Emaail: rma@mgtcohg.com + www- metcohq.corn Petrofund Leak Number: 20142 Site flame: Farmer Municipal Gas Facility Date: 12--1 Subcontractor: Pace Analytical Invoice Number 16100162649 Amount: 5950.06 Note: M ET C 0 has reviewed the attached invoice for your Petrofund Project_ Please submit payment for this kivoice directly to the subcontractor: Please include Invoice ## on check. Environmental Consulting 4 Fuel System Installation Sales, Service, Supplies + General Contracting Initiativ.9,20 Jim Thares City of Monticello 505 Walnut St, Stel Monticello MN 55362-8822 Pledge Reminder Invoice # Invoice Date Balance 1/4/2017 2,300.04 Pledge (Endowed) Thank you for including the Initiative Foundatin in your 2017 budget. Your 2,300.00 contribution will provide permanent support for community and economic development in Central Minnesota. Invoice Total 2,300.00 Amount Due $2,300.00 Q I x.14 Co?C) I . c4L-(:�-D IMPORTANT: Please make payable to Initiative Foundation only and mail to: Initiative Foundation 405 First Street Southeast Little Falls, MN 56345 Phone: 320-632-9255 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, January 4, 2017 9:27 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Initiative Foundation: Invoice #9448 Yes, 2017. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2017 9:16 AM To: Jim Thares Subject: RE: Initiative Foundation: Invoice #9448 Jim Is this for 2017? Julie From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, January 4, 2017 8:55 AM To: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Initiative Foundation: Invoice #9448 This is okay. Please code to: 21.3-46301-443300 From: Angela Schumann Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2017 8:41 AM To: Julie Cheney Cc: Jim Thares Subject: FW: Initiative Foundation: Invoice #9448 Angela Schumann, AICD Community Development Director City of Monticello www,ci.monticello.mmus 763.271-3224 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government office is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. From: La Rae Foehrenbacher[mailto:lfoehrenbacher@ifound.org] Sent: Wednesday, January 4, 2017 8:24 AM To: Info <lnfoPd.monticello.mn.us> Cc: Angela Schumann <An ela.Schumann ci.monticello.mn.us>; Bgugglberg_er@ifound.00r Subject: Initiative Foundation: invoice #9448 Angela, Here is the invoice you requested. Thank you. LaRae Foehrenbacher Fund Development Assistant Initiative Foundation 1 405 1st St SE I Little Falls, MN 56345 Direct: (320) 631-2007 1 Main: (320) 632-9255 1 ifound.org NOTICE: This e-mail (including attachments) is covered by the electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2510-2521; This email is confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any retention, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. Please reply to the sender that you have received the message in error, then delete it. Thank you. STEVE ,1DHN DN POOV ED TO TABLE TH E APPRO AL OF TH E 2017 ANN UAL WC ME MBE RSHIP DUES IN THE AMOUNT OF 52.3" 9.90 FOR FURTHER R£ EARC}1. T AS' Y H INN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6-0- L loyd -f3_ Lloyd #iilP1 quV-3tiQ11c4 hOw actiVc the V4'(* DP is at cOttfmaces and outer networking functions. Th=.s menhoilod lbal the W C EDP will be involwd with the MNCA R Ex Po un N wtmber 9.2016 and will Inc *ponsoring a booth which fckrtc m avoiIabIc Wright oun:y Sims, #r7cludsng 11h City of 'Ion#ieci to It,nd parcels. t-lilgart askod if`a �Om prellenSit ,e lisp could be "Wal ed that out Ines the work ufllit+~tvl' DP - Toni Pmault also want to further urkdcrstand the benefit of membership to the EDA. 7. Conidderadon of 2017 Cantriburien to initiative Foundation Jird 'I'll ares !;�Ud tht EDA has hten contributiag to 111e Initiati;-e Foundatioil aimivally_ He statod the F.DA his in [he past benefited Err m their loan progams incl a rcc tjt example oftllis was f1Lron as the We Thrive Fitn financing prnp0c31 wherelin the Initiative Pwindmion, o `eyed !o fund a poi-tim ol-t]ie proje�zt. Thares stated in 2016, dic EDA c,;TiInlitited S2.250 tc� the Initiasfvc F,)undssioLi and Ilic pr[lki,-i d uonCHbuti[rn fol` 2017 is 52.304. asi1 Dem vulcs wn-t aenredhcWagILIPP0rtivcofthe contributjoii, but would like: ti, �ce 11th log :Ln prugrams hTjv i _Q, ited in futurxr FDA prorrosalsi. Thare�, !�taTud tear %�-�juld be 3ponictiat� thus coWd be snOudeal. Fcom I'crrats13 a xprascd concern with approving theimmih Ul i on 41�t it is lll)t malchiA by tlsr Ii�-,night Foundation. Healer mentioned thol the hutiWivc. FQL111datioi1 works on r uiy arca.,; outssde ole notnie dcirtopment =_uch as social ser -r -ice and healthcare inhiati-vex. TRACY H1 Z M OV ED TO APPROVE THE 2l117 ANNUAL INITIATIVE FOU NDA'i'[ON ENDO W M. -NTCON'TRII3UTI ONTialTHE A16.1OUNTOF52,.300, LLOYD HILGA RT SECONDED 1-H F, M0110N. MOTILIN CARR] 5-1. WITH TOM PERRAULT IN OPPOSITION- 8. PPO ITION_ 8. Consideration of revised deveIa ment hm/Hume for 41:1 — N1'est 4'� Street Jim Thares cxipl�tined at the August 10", 2016 mem-11Tig; Ti m Taylor proposed a purchase agreemen[ fol, 413 WC51 4" 5 frcet, Till& %-a: ;-,g7aved by the EDA with--;pccilic V1ting fn rewidenIisl dcwtoprrsom T -ay [or would I r k 67 ft have the -ho usc plan rc%,'sed, with rt) other rev isiolls tt, tl'rc purchasr agcoment- I -h arc& stau-d the, key 4if bivilces hem cm Elie pmt clan :inn this one Gs i� slyralica-' qunre foo l& and a split tenet die home irssseact or ft raMl•+trt' ptol)osal_ Ut A.01C i rt dtvm all rcrluirmer►ts set forth m tllc wnrng oodi'. cxcii pt for tile SeThlick of the Pragce p Wright Counrg ECOn Mit Developinlent Partnership August 26, 2016 Dear Jeff - City of Monticello, Thank you for your continued support of the Wright County Economic Development Partnership. In order to assist you in budget planning for your community, I am sending this notice in advance for the year of 2017. This is not an invoice, but rather a thank you and a request to remember the Partnership and its efforts when navigating your budget process. Municipalities' dues are calculated based on the recent State Demographer's population estimates figures. Actual dues will be based on the most recent statistics. The ever-changing profile of Wright County and the increased demand for the Partnerships' services helped determine this policy. This year we have increased dues by 3% as our latest increase was in 2015. Member investnr payment for FY 2017: $2445.90 The Partnership has worked hard to increase the visibility of Wright County and its cities for business development. We have generated and disseminated numerous businesses leads thus far, have conducted business retention and expansion visits, frequently answer business development questions generated from our website and referrals, created a new Marketing Committee dedicated to marketing our communities and county, worked to become a Small Business Development Center through SCSU, and continue to provide support to the communities and businesses whom we serve. Feel free to call to chat as many other projects are underway that will directly benefit your community. With your continued support, the Partnership will be better able to provide service in these areas and bring a solid return on your investment. If you'd like a presentation by the Partnership to your city council we'd be happy to do so. Thank you. We sincerely appreciate your commitment to supporting economic development efforts in Wright County. I look forward to working with you in 20171 Sincerely, Duane Northagen, Executive Director 763-477-3086 dnorthagen (a wriehtpartnership.org 310 pm EDA Agenda: 12/14/16 9. Consideration of approving 2017 Membership Dues to Wricht County Economic Development Partnership (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is for consideration of approving the 2017 Membership Dues for Wright County Economic Development Partnership (WCEDP). The proposed 2017 annual dues are $2,44590. This is 3.0 percent increase (+$71.20) over the 2016 amount of $2,374.66. The EDA has been involved with the WCEDP as a member for many years. In collaborating with and supporting the WCEDP, it brings the potential to leverage additional economic development funding for projects and strengthens the local economy. In essence, collaboration on economic development efforts is a key strategy of local progress. It should also be noted that regional organizations like MNCAR can also be accessed through WCEDP membership, further leveraging the fee expenses. Al. Staff Impact: There is minimal staff time involved in preparing the staff report for consideration of the 2017 Annual WCEDP Membership Dues. A2. Budget Impact: Funds for the 2017 Membership Dues in the WCEDP amount to $2,529.90. These expenses were budgeted for in the Dues, Membership and Subscriptions line in the budget approved by the EDA and City Council. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the 2017 Annual WCEDP Membership Dues in the amount of $2,445.90. 2. Motion to deny approval of the 2017 Annual WCEDP Membership Dues in the amount of $2,445.90. 3. Motion to table the approval of the 2017 Annual WCEDP Membership Dues in the amount of $2,445.90 for further research or until a later date. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1 wherein the 2017 Annual WCEDP Membership Dues are approved in the amount of $2,445.90. By participating in the WCEDP, the EDA benefits through networking (broker events), information sharing and collaboration on development issues and leveraging funding for development projects. A recent example of collaboration was the MNCAR Expo wherein Wright County sponsored a booth and provided information about Monticello sites and opportunities upon request. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. WCEDP Dues Statement Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2016 8:30 AM To: Julie Cheney Cc: Jennifer Schreiber; Jeff O'Neill Subject: RE: Wright Co Econ Dev Partnership 2017 Invoice $2,529.90 Attachments: Item 9. Exh A - WCEDP 2017 Dues Statement.pdf; Item 9. Consideration of approving Membership Dues to Wright County Economic Development Partnership,rpt.docx Julie, There is a slight difference in what was approved for payment by the EDA and the Invoice amount. It is only $84.00 but, I can not authorize more than what the EDA actually was presented and gave approval on. Do you want to call WCEDP and notify them of the discrepancy? If you want to go with the amount that was approved, I am okay with that. The coding is 213-46301-443300 From; Julie Cheney Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2016 4:17 PM To: Jim Thares Cc: Jennifer Schreiber Subject: Wright Co Econ Dev Partnership 2017 Invoice $2,529.90 Jim: Attached is an invoice from Wright County Economic Development Partnership for 2017 dues. Okay to pay $2,529.90? Please provide coding. Jennifer: Page two is a letter from them. Jeff thought you should include this in the AP packet as additional backup. If anyone has questions, please let me know. Thanks! JuCre Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 J-ulie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us APeci.monticello.mn.us (ATV OF Monti�eflo Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. ced_p Wright County Economic Development Partnership Partnering for Opporlunities December 21, 2016 Dear Member Investor, 2017 will soon be upon us! The WCEDP team would like to thank you for supporting the Wright County Economic Development Partnership. Your commitment to the vitality of Wright County through your member-investorship helps meet our shared goals. We hope that you continue to benefit and enjoy your association with the Partnership. Invaluable connections within the county, advertising opportunities, capacity building workshops, retention and expansion resources (technical and financial), promotion of your organization, and a liaison to numerous regional and state organizations and programs are some of the many benefits you as a Member Investor receive directly. We strengthen and promote Wright County and our member investors through building relationships between our communities and businesses, working as business advocates, and supporting the greater County develop a sustainable economic profile. Our organization has a great impact on our community. As partners, we can assure that impact continues. What is in store for 2017? • We offer about 10 networking learning luncheons • CEO Class for Wright County Schools • A simpler access to County -wide loan funds • Continuing to address, along with the Initiative Foundation and the CMJTS, the workforce skills gap • Holistic marketing campaign o Direct focus to fill a void in our economic development strategy; work to effectively market our "products" as a County (Stats, Sites, Sectors, and Employers) • Continuing business retention and expansion efforts • Monthly Newsletter / Social Media • Increased involvement of the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) assistance in Wright Coun-ty If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Duane via e-mail dnorthagen(@wrightpartnership.org or call 763-477-3086. We are always open to new ideas and look forward to another productive year. Thank you for your support. Duane Northagen Executive Director Wright County Economic Development Partnership PO Box 525 Rockford MN 55373 763.477.3035 jstrum@wrightpartnership.org Date: 12/21/2016 Jeff O'Neil City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello MN 55362- 2017 Member Investor Dues $2529.90 nb� 0 .'�\., s woo V) ()I int un j,r re L'ct LIO Z��S �ac� he ��•�. C Lk SGL i 11311-7 A a k -d � eot Lez) - ,o //c��ewcjNright County Economic Development paO,e,sh.p Total Discount If you have any questions please contact Jeanene at 763.477.3035 Subtotal $2529.90 Sales Tax Total 52529.90 Thank you for your participation! § N � cq m N § § \ t � 2 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ E � � 2 � v § ) N � cq m N § § \ \ \ \ \ \ ) \ } \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 4 7 z 7 7 7 � a k ƒ - ) b 7 \ § § § § e _ = = z = 2 t 0 _ > N � cq m N § § \ \ \ \ \ \ N � cq m N § § \ MFTCC 5 709 Gillette St., Spilt 3 La Crosse. W1 54603 ?hone: (608) 781.8879 Bilf To Ci ty of Monticel to Attn; Jun i7rare t 505 Walnut Street, Suite I MorWcAo, MN 55362 Site Info ML111iripaf Gas F4eifity (forma.) 130 Dnmdwy East Monticel10, MN 55362 Petro Fund Lcak #20142 Invoice Ad:fl 1 Bal�nCe Due 5 I,i14{1.Uu Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 2:10 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Metco Inv #19161 $1,040.00 Yes, this is okay. Code to 213-46301-431990. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 1:23 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: Metco Inv #19161 $1,040.00 Jim Attached is Metco Inv# 19161. Okay to pay $1,040.00? Please provide coding. Thanks, ,Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chenev@ci.monticello.mn.us AP@ci.monticello.mn.us CITYof mc6tiMlo Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. I CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Assocrtabon Attorneys at Law Federal Tax LD- 941-1562130 Grand Oak Office Center 1 860 Blue Gentian Road. Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 (651) 452-5000 City of Mont cellc City Hall 6D5 Walnut Street MontiGe!!R MN 5362 RE ADMINI TRA710N SEWCES RENDERED TO DATE Dece-n 3t. 2016 Account # 2348-Ot700 '. 73 HOURS 12101,'2016 JJJ Emak; R8chei re: GRIL 0.20 3G.00 210212016 JJJ Persaqnel - Ernails Tracy re- personnel public expenditures. 050 7500 JJJ Emails Rachel Fevtew social media {ssueslquestions and resperd 2 a0 30000 t 2105/2016 JJJ Review project frst schedule and staV emaai5, review St Hei+ry's material for Wed ne ay meeting. 050 owd 72/07{2076 JJJ Commurrity DevelDpmen I - Tol;<pholie tap Angeta. Fakow-ups re Caunty MOAA recororng5 0 K, 0. �ct 0 50 7500 JJJ h+leetIng at City Fiat- witfi SI Henr�'t negatiatpoin team. a n n JermiFer re smiai rnedin. Wayne re misr-Olaneaus 3.00 450.00 1210812016 JJJ Foilow-ups From City Hale rneeIirigs S1 Henry s agenda item CObt e51tr*)ate etc. x.OG LM JJJ Personnel _ Emnits Tracy re perspryne1, 1NC quest -ons 1.00 150.00 JJJ Emaiis Tracy re. peF50rrnei PTOiL()A accr,)aI acid banki+7g questions Ja.50 75.0u 1210912016 AMP Review anc rev -se optio,+ aareemert b.50 75.00 1211212016 JJJ RevoeW DounCi! agenda P8CKeL. ernall+s WSE €e PowerPoint 1.011) 15000 JJJ Coi�inbl - Atte r,o City CD1JnClI meettr~g 3.50 52500 12113f2016 JJJ Review Council actio*ts ernaiIs See sor. Wayne re settlemenr. Merl steps 100 15000 1211&2016 JJJ Communrry Development - Ernaij5 Arkpla re Camoina Worin gpk�p' 4r4 elf_ AES— City of Monticello RE: ADMINISTRATION SERVICES RENDERED TO DATE= Page' 2 December art, 2016 Acccount# 2348-OOOG 173 HOURS T07AL AMOUNT DUE #�� a � 4�i-fl `i'LLr-sy F� -�;� f �� ��"� M�7.• �� L- ��EP -�� �'. . I L'P Loci: - 4L ,-Arnwnt5 d eover 30 days will be subject to a finance charge of .5°k per month (or ars annual rete of 6%) Menimum charge - 50 cents. 75.00 '7500 150.0c. 30.00 4500 7500 +SOD ISO 0D 150 01) 7600 7300- 75-00 3,405.00 3.40500 $4.222.71 -4,2-22.71 53,40$,00 recording oruei 0.5p 1211612016 JJJ Rey,e-v. protect list. Schedule 0.50 121IM016 JJJ Personnel - ErnadS Traty re: personnel, follow-ups 1.00 JJJ Finance - E mails Wayne re: stjbpoena. MunicrpaI ligjt#r Blore employee 0.20 JJJ Review staff emaiI5. 5cnedule 0.34 12.12212016 JJJ Err.aiis 6,1d tee p+one tall Jeff n�- M 050 JJJ Telephone call Jeff re ORET 0 50 12)77r2016 JJJ CorrmLinily Developmenf - Emals Angela re: Fal IorT $# Henry's oee4 and loi split fsuues fcmow-ups rKtjOrL � 1 0rD 12iM2D16 JJJ Communty Developmerrt - Ern art Argea and Step,e. fVd oxr-ups re Adel. Use review. oi3" agenda *Wrr jb 4t I) . 11 , )0 JJJ OammunityDeveiop~nerrt-EmaEshngeaan} Severe SIQ�. nodes dire :tionaI s4gn5. eX a Ae& 4141110-43&'"D 0 u0 1=9=16 JJ, ' Comm4: nitJI D - P-"iIsAqrgeiar4e USPS sc,oKeg- it'rT1,rs71}' �1 D 0 JJJ Con-r-un#y Devetor-r=r--EmaiIsJirr, re- DIAL iter IE 0G. 050 a1- 1 1 - AW301 - d•oc� QiXL201 rs J.0 Emais Rac6zo remew and reYise afaft socia media r-4" 050 AMOUNT DUE 22.70 TOTAL CURRENT WORK PREVIOUS BALANCE 12144!2016 Pay" nt - tbgnk you T07AL AMOUNT DUE #�� a � 4�i-fl `i'LLr-sy F� -�;� f �� ��"� M�7.• �� L- ��EP -�� �'. . I L'P Loci: - 4L ,-Arnwnt5 d eover 30 days will be subject to a finance charge of .5°k per month (or ars annual rete of 6%) Menimum charge - 50 cents. 75.00 '7500 150.0c. 30.00 4500 7500 +SOD ISO 0D 150 01) 7600 7300- 75-00 3,405.00 3.40500 $4.222.71 -4,2-22.71 53,40$,00 Julie Cheney From: Wayne Oberg Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 11.37 A To: Julie Cheney Cc: Sarah Rathlisberger Subject: RE; Campbell Knutson Inv# 2348-OOOG 173 $3,405.00 JC; Okay to pay_ Code St Henry land purchase (12/08 and :L2/12) to capital project fund 400. Get coding from Sarah. Thank you Wayne From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:18 A Ta; Wayne Oberg <Wayne.Obergci_monticello_mn_us> Subject: Campbell Knutson Inv# 2348-0DOG 173 $3,405.00 Wayne Attached is Campbell Knutson Ing+# 2348-OOOC 173. It has been reviewed by both Jeff and Angela. Okay to code remaining balance of $2,880,00 to general legal? Thanks, .Tulse Clwney Firrpnce Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chenev ci,monticello.mn.us APer-i,montscel lo,mfl_us CIT4 01 M nti ll Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Bata Pmctices Act and may be disclosed to third parties, CHECK REQUEST CRECK AMOUNT:. Gb_ REQUEST DATE: I DI Check to: Marry T. Lantio 407 — 21111 Ave Buffalo, MN 55313 Meeting Worked; Manning Commission EDA Nfecting city Council City Council Total Ane: . Date I� -- I Date. ZItt Dale Vendor # Time A ` ' �inuunt Due [to T-. f Aniount Dili LEL) Time - Amolint Dile o Time Amount Due Planning Commission: l01 . `f [It LO -'#S 1 I °1 D (fD EDA 'AtI -qu of -4 ZO Ipt`'t D l-00 City Council 10 I . 4' I 110 . qb 1 01.1 o Lf () Authorized b.v- f Date 1 I hD �dL 2017 TME SHEETS ATTACHED MONTI F.LLO COMMUNITY CENTER TIME SHEET Employee Name HARDY LAN"f"TO Position PUBLIC M E ETING RFC0RDER - CONTRACT DATE TIME IN TIME Hours Worked Meeting jf f Y ff JP,+,OUT if fl -Jb! '}ry k 2- •'l!'F�N'tl r LJ1 2- b u 4N meeting Payment $60 ror first 3 hours Agreement: $10 ger hour for ever} Dour after M1=ET11 SIGMA' DATE: AUTHORIZED BY. DATE: jo Lf of c l www,pacelat3s.corn I Sold To: Eri G Dail METCO 7% Gilielie Slreel Smite 3 La Grosse wl 54bn BQ6-781 X879 INVOICE P are Analytical Semites. LLC 1241 901ewe $Ireel - Sdw 9 Green Bay, W154302 Phone:;920)469.2436 Invoice Number: 1640030000 Date: 1212912016 Total Amount Due: $915.00 Please Remit To: Paivg Analytical Services, LLC P.O. Box 884056 Chicago, IL 60695-4056 Cfierrr Numb cr1VCkent fill Pe+rch4ise Order Nn Face F'rgpa ct Mgr TLVMS06 Tagel40-001792 fr41ET�0:1— 1 Ga Dan Milewsky Net 30 Pays Client Proiect: FMR MUNIDPAL GA$ Bate Prvjecr No= 4014331$ Rope T Sear To: Ent Dahl, METCO Comments: C1+ ntNarfle,'MLTl;rJ SampiligReceived:1�11 414 ANALYTICAL CHARGES Quantity Unit DescripGnrk Melhad MaIFIx Price Total 1 Ga &200 MSV EPA 8260 wager 5000 S11.00 5 Ea 8260 MSV EPA 8260 Waler 5E0.00 530o 0a 7 Ea Dry'Nerghl AST N1 02-974-87 Solid 54.00 SD.09 1 Ea PVMGRO wr MUD GRO 8011d 50.00 X0.011 7 Ea PVOCIGRO V'dr MOD GRO Staled 535.00 5245 00 3 Ea Sleva?HydrffmeRl'r Sand gaij0 5270.04 T Ea *I GRO Waier wi MOD GRO water Sat)(] 50.04 5Ea WPGRG Waler WI MOD 6RE) Waler �20.11+3 5 0004 Analytical Subtotal $Q15.OU TotoI Number of Chargl3930 If you hova army grresruana &ase conlad Darr afewsky rw Pace. Pt"a. 61201469`2436 EraaN. dara.r1Nfewslry@T7aGefahi; FMI Total Inv pir-e Amount $915.00 � 14 —..- �.�.... pa"-fpri '1.55M1 MONTNL)' FINAN E CHAMGE 45SF-SSED AFTER 31) DAYS OR TERMS OF CONTRACT - PLEASE REFE RENCE THE INVOICE NUMBER ON ALS REM IT TANCE ADVICE. A,h EOVz OFPCS-Lg4-+;vPLnER Please P?nwA01a anff velum wvpv ar rrrvaw w+fl1 yw pHyment. INVOICE TOTAL $915.00 Amount Pard: 5 C,heck No: Guelomer No. 4{w001792 InvaiCe NO: 1940030000 METCO &LeUenre Ilirov e periemce " 709 Gillelte t_, Ste 3, La Grosse, VVI54663 ♦ 1 -84U -SM -2932 t Fax {608} 781-8893 Email. rona l coh(i,corn ♦ www.metcohq_com Petrofund Leak Ntarnber 20142 Site Name: Farmer Municipal Gas Facility Date: 12-29-16 ubcantractor: Pace AnaIytfeaI Invoice Number: 1640030000 rnount: $915.00 14 to1 '- -1 f Note: M ETC 0 has reviewed the attached invoice for your Pet rofund Project_ Please submit Payment for tris invoke directly to the subcontractor. Please include Invoice # on check. Environmental Consulting 0 Fuel System Installation Sales, Service, Supplies + General Contracting RANGE ENVIRONMENTAL DRILLING 21142nd Ave East Hibbing, MN 55746 Voice: 218-966-6054 Fax: 218-263-8159 Bill To: Metco 709 Gillette St., Suite 3 LaCrosse, WI 54603 Invoice Number: 2771 Invoice Date: Jan 6, 2017 Page: 1 Duplicate Ship to- Metco 709 Gillette St., Suite 3 La Crosse, WI 54603 Customer lD Customer PQ Payment Terms Metco Net 30 Days Sales Rep ID Shipping Method ShipDate Due Date Airborne 1 215117 Quantity Item Description Unit Price Amount 7.00 103.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Direct Push Probe Push Probe Seating Mobilization MDH Form & Notificat Per Diem Direct Push Probe, $!hr Push Probe Sealing ft(103 ft) Mobilization MDH Form & Notification Per Diem Geoprobe services provided for the Monticello LSI on December 6, 2016. Attn: Eric Dahl 175.00 0.25 450.00 65.00 150.00 1,225.00 25.75 450.00 65.00 150.00 Check/Credit Memo No: Subtotal 1,915.75 Sales Tax Total Invoice Amount 1,915.75 Payment/Credit Applied TOTAL _ 1,915.75 v k'k �0 �i'-y CP METCO Excellence through experience'" 709 Gillette St., Ste 3, La Crosse, WI 54603 ♦ 1-800-552-2932 ♦ Fax (608) 781-8893 Email: rona@metcohq.com ♦ www.metcohq.com Petrofund Leak Number: 20142 Site Name: Former Municipal Gas Facility Date: 1-6-17 Subcontractor: Range Environmental Drilling Invoice Number: 2771 Amount: $1,915.75 Z13 --- 4-6x�f--� Note: METCO has reviewed the attached invoice for your Petrofund Project. Please submit payment for this invoice directly to the subcontractor. Please include Invoice # on check. Environmental Consulting ♦ Fuel System Installation Sales, Service, Supplies ♦ General Contracting § \ | \ | C14 \ | In | | \ || \ t § \ \ } \ \ 7 7 I § � \ \ ) � � 2 � v § \ | \ | C14 \ | In | | \ || \ @ m § § \ \ } \ \ 7 ) z 2 / & & ± ® ) \ \ ) \ ) ) } ) ) \ ) ] ° k\ a a \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ E ) ) \ \ ) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 2 / u u u $ \ \ � § §/ § @ m § § \ \ } \ \ 7 @ m § § \ CITY OF MONTICEL Ghost Card Transactii Please attach the invoice f receipt and any other availaI To he campleted by purchaser: Amount $&50,w— Circle 50,w Circle purchaser name; Deb Davidson Iulie Cheney Expense Code_ 0 1 • t. q3 1 Si a re — Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Fiscai Services 520 Lafayette Road St Paul, MN 66165-4194 Andress change? It yes, check here= Write new address on back. Mease remit to- MPGA PO Box 64893 St Paul- Mid 65154-0893 PBP Reimbursements Fees for the following 194442 Invoice #: lnv*it<e Date, Due Date, Amount [)us-. Amount Paid: Bili to, Former Phillips 66 Gas Station Attu, Jeff O'NO11 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 - USA 10000018945 1111712016 1211712016 $264 00 Uso F3201 OOOOIDOOOO16945 0 0l111001A9' 5ZZZZ22Z7ZZZ 8 130121002500L1 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Invoice FoFmer Philvs fib Gas Statron 1 D Broadway St E MonticeNo MN 55362 - Invoice Number lnvoice Date: Due Date: Amount; 10000018945 1111712015 1211712016 $250.00 em Desmption Amount 1 Petroleum Btownfaelals Reimbursement Kopllz.Mark E - RAPIRA Implementation - 2 hours 5250. Total for Invoice $250 5 T{l QC iU,- AVL_ The Minnesota Pollution Control Agoflcy shall charge simple interest or late payment fees on past due debt owed to the state. Return payment with irivoice stub in envelope provided, OR go to www pea state mti-uslpay-on line to pay by e -Che k. VISA or MasterCard. Questions about NE invoice? Contact its at fees.pca@state mn.us Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 1:41 PM To: Julie Cheney subject. RE. MN Pollution Control Inv# 10000018945 5250.00 Yes, it is okay. Code it to Miscellaneous professional fees — 213 -46301 -431990 - From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 1:32 PM To: )irn Thares Subject: F: MN Pollution Control Inv# 10000018945 $250,00 Jim Following up on the status of this invoice. Thanks Julie From: Julie Cheney Sent: Friday, December 2, 2016 2:51 PM To: Jim Thares <Jirn,Thares. ci,monticello_rnn,tjs> Subject: M N PoIIuticn Control Inv# 10000018945 $250.00 Jim Attached is Ing+# 100000018945 from the M N Pollution Control Agency, Okay to pay 5250.00? Please prov de coiling. Thanks, iWite Cheney Finance Assistanf City of Monticello 763-271-3205 JuIie_Chenev ci.rnontir-eIla.mn.us AP ci.monticello,mn.us CITY OF v M ntke Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota 6overnment Data Practices Act and my be disclosed to third parties. Minnesota - Pollution Control Agency Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Confirmation Thank you for your payment. Please print a copy of tht5 page for your records. Please keep a record of your Contlrmatlon Number, of print this uaae For your records. Confirmation Number MNPKA000027776 Payment Details I4escrlption MN Pollution CGntrol Agency Online Involce Payments http://www.pca-stakte.rrin.us/ Payment AmwDunt $250,04 Payment Date 1212012016 Status PROCESSED Payment Method Payer Name Julie Cheney Card Number *8769 Card Type Vlsa Approval Cade 056694 Confirmation Entail ap@d.rnmticello.mn,us Billing Address Address 1 545 Walnut Street Add re" 2 Suite 1 C"/Town Monticello State/Province/Region MN ZIP/Postal Cade 55352 Country United States Page 1 of 1 https:llepayment.Lpymmrvice.cornlmainl ymentconfiTmationlpatyment onfirmat.ion?_i... 12/20/2016 Julie Cheney From- State of Minnesota Pollution Control Agency < noreply@ epymtservice.corn> Sent: Tuesday, December 2Q 2016 12'09 PM TG: AP Subject: Payment Confirmation far 091ine Invoice Payments **" PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL* " Thank you for your payment_ This email is to confirm your payment submitted on Dec -20-2016 for Online Invoice Payments. Confirmation Nurnber: MNPPCA000D27776 Payment Amount; $250,00 Scheduled Payment Date: Dec -20-2016 Amount Due. $250.00 Payer Name: Julie Cheney Credit Card Nurnber. *8769 Credit Card Type_ VISA Approval Code. 056690 Merchant: MN Pollution ContraI Agency Website: http:JJwww.pca.state.mn.us/ If you have questions about this payment or need assistance, please view the payment online at N/A, or call Customer Service at (651)757-2182-. Thank you for using the Minnesota PCA electronic payment system. Julie Cheney From: MPGA_OnlirieServices@state,mn,us Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2016 7,59 AM To: AP Subject: Receipt of Online Invoice Payment for Invoice ID 10000018945 Your payment for Invoice ID 10000018945 has now been received and processed by MPGA, Thank you far your payment_ If you have questions, please contact us at fees, pca @ Aate_rnn.us. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency This a -ma il was sent from a notification -only address that cannot accept Incorning a -mail, Please do not reply to this message. If you have questions or need more Information you can email us at: online5ervice5.pca@state.mn.us or call the MPCA e-Sen+lces administrator at 651.757-2728 or 16.844.828.0942, 8:00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday, CITY OF MONTICELLO Ghost Card Transaction Please attach the Invoice/ receipt and any other available documentation to this Perm. To be completed by purchaser: Arrount 45� W Circle purchaser name; D it l V1 son u�ie then Lei, � � + 0AL Expense Code MonticeltoCham berof Commerce PD Box 192 205 Pine Street Monticello MN 55362 Bill To Accounts Payable Morlticella City of 505 Walnut Street Suite 41 Monticello, MN 55362 2016 Chamlxr Lunch -MCC (hm Th=5) Date Invoice # 12/22/2016 10146a Due Date 11612017 Dwcription € Amount Turk you fqr spur aamntitMgf t 47 tke MO-Tk*If& Cl P&K49r d 060 -P -0r 6 # Irdxdtry. The MontieeNo Chamber reprefentS rke ;Aterem of &*;i es€ 0" €ewe€ to sort-g6wn kL&n ui o -A itimur.tc mjio f pr4i;"y. fKGneiCeNO Chan+her k jti'6wd 0 SerY4P ad the *&IRE 49OW 6o- oyer fine: �nyuniiy 7bA dk mbar iS a �Wc� YO Epr bosi. gom raside..t€ " vi€.fori aiiko. PFa ki" inForrnati. and imiyf+t ebawt eke area. (�tOWr+aging etorw►wie &md eo�ty gft"ek in &ddfd ' ib emhwiastirarfy wmreow rj v5 4in tv tke v4& ]5.a) 'row] $15.00 763-295-2704 marcy@monticellocci.com http,//w-ww-rnonticellocci.com Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares sent: Thursday. December 29, 2016 8;17 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Monti Chamber inv# 10106a $15.00 Yes, it is okay to pay this, Cade it to: 213-46301-434600 From: Juile Cheney Sent: Wednesday, Deoember 28, 2016 3;43 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: Monti Chamber inv# 10106a 515.00 Jim Attached Is Monticello Chamber of Cain merle Ing+# 10106a for a Chamber W nch, Okay to pay $15.00? P12ase provide coding. Thanks, Jurfe Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie -Cheney ei_monticallo,mn,us A� ° E.I,IS on i[el14,mn.US CiIT br nfl�do Email correspondence to and from the City of Aariticeflo government offices is subject to the Minnesota Caovernment Data Practices Act and my be disclosed to third Parties_ Julie Cheney From: Auto -Receipt <noreplyCa mail_au#horize_net Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2016 9:33 AM To: AP Subject: Transaction Receipt from Monticello Chamber of Commerce & Industry for $1$_00 (USD) Description= Member payment for Monticefto Cite of; Payment of invoice 410I06a - Chamber Lunch for Iiin Thues Inuoict tNumbrr 1463454 Rifling Informuilon Julie Cheney M011ticello City of SOS Walnut SlIvet Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 us ap r@ci_mont[cello_mn_us 763-27 1-32115 Shipping Information DatO'rirnt; 29 -Dec -2016 7.32=48 PST Transaction ID. 8800431914 Pkvment Method; V isa xxxx8769 Transaction Type_ Purchase Aath Code= 093768 3�! Monticello Chamber of Commerce & Industry Monticello, NIN 55362 u marcy@ monticellacci_com 1 Total. 515.00 (USD) J Julie Cheney From: info@monticellocci.com Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2016 9:38 AM Subject: Online Payment Confirmation Your online payment request has been received by Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Payment Confirmation Name: Julie Cheney Company: Monticello City of Transaction Number: 8800431814 CC Number: 8769 Amount: 15.00 Description Item(s) Quantity Total Amount Member payment for Monticello Payment of invoice #10106a - Chamber Lunch for 1 15.00 City of Jim Thares Grand Total: 15.00 This Email was automatically generated. For questions or feedback, please contact us at: Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry 205 Pine Street PO Box 192 Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295-2700 info@monticellocci.com http://www.monticellocci.com 1 vendor (Ln - Date ofTransaction 0 CITY OF MONTICELLO City Hall Card Transaction Please attach the invoice/receipt and any other available documentation to this form. To be completed by purchaser: Amount $ E �D Circle purchaser name: Circle department code: Jeff O'Neill 101-41110 City Council Jacob Thunander 101-41310 Administration Angela Schumann 101-41411) Electiun5 Vicki Leerhoff 101-41520 Finance Tracy Ergen 101-41800 Human Resources Wayne Oberg 101-41910 Planning and Zoning Sarah Rathlisberger 101-41920 Data Processing Jennifer Schreiber 101.4.1940 City Hall 13-4650 _ Econcarnic Reveiopment#' Ra .IILeonard 213-46301 HRA Date dp Special Project Circle expense oode: 421990 General Operating Supplies 431950 Newsletter Services 431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services 432200 Postage 4331DQ— Travel/Training Ex erase 4433D Dues fl�emb8rship & 5uhscNp 443700 Licenses and Permits 443990 Mist, Other Expense Other Invoice No. 300000750 - Economic Development Association of !Minnesota Page 1 of 2 r- conomlc Development Association Invoice of Minnesota Bill To JIrn Thanes City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello. MN 55362 United States Description individual Membership Payments/Adjustments Description P2yment via CmditOi�rd {uspng card xxxxxxxuxxxxb4$0) ApOredlo invpice an Y212&20163 17-03PAO 1000V1estgats Drive. Sude 252 SI. Paul, MN 55114 P: (&51) 290-6296 F: 165 7 1 290-2266 VISA MasterCard Card Plumber oode (required) Name on card, Signature of cart! holder, Cara holder Phone Date Invoke # 1212812016 300000750 Member Information Jim Thanes City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 United States PO Terms Due Dale Due on 12!2812016 receipt Amount $295.00 Total $295.00 Amnurn ($2 95.00 � Total PaymentslAdjustmsrits (5295.00) Balance Due $0.00 Expiration Date 3 digit secu city hups://edam.sit-e-vm.cOmimember,,qlinvoice-view.asp 12/2812016 Vendor Date of Transaction Lam_ 617 CITY OF MONTICELL0 City Nall Card Transaction Please attach the invoice/receipt and any other available documentation to this farm. To be completed by purchaser: Amount $ Circle purchaser name: Tracy Ergen Vicki Leerhoff Rachel Leonard Jeff O'Neill Wayne Dberg Sarah Rathlisberger Jennifer Schreiber ILQnAngela SehuTm�r� - Thares Jacob Thunander Dare approved Special Project # or Description Circle department code - 101 -41110 101-41310 101-41410 101-41520 101-41800 101-41910 101-41924 ]0L4� 213-46500 213-46301 Circle expense code: City Council Administration Elections Finante Human Resources Planning and Zoning Data Processing City Hall - Economic Development HRA 421490 General Operating Supplies 431950 Newsletter Services 432990 Miscellaneous Prof Services 432200 Posta e 433100 Travel}TrainirEg Expense 443300 ues embership ubscrip 443700 Licenses and Perm -as 443990 Mise. Other Fxpense Other Invoice No. 200002514 - Economic Development Association of Minnesota Page 1 of 2 Economic Development Association Invoice of Minnesota Date Invoice 1 1212812016 200002614 Bill To ,lames Thares City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello. MN 55362 United States Shi p To Jim Thares City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 41 Monticello, MN 55362 United States PC Number Terms Due Date Totals Due on 1212812016 $305.00 (540.00) receipt Sub -Total Qty Description Price Totals 1 1 2017 Winter Conference (Full Conference) - Jim Thares Discount (2017 Winter Early Bifd} $305.00 (540.00) $305.00 ($40.40) Sub -Total $265.04 Total 5265.00 Payments/Adjustments ❑ly description Price Totals 1 Payment via Credit Card {using card xxxxxxxxxxxu0480) .4ppfied to invoree on IZ26201$ 333:55 PM ($265.00) ($265.00) Total Pay mentsfAdjLis tments ($266.00) Balance Due $a.00 1 D09 Westgate Drive. Suite 252 St. Paul. MN 55114 P: (651 ) 29M296 F: (651) 2K-2266 VISA MaslerCard Card Number (required) Expiration date 3 digit wwrity code hups://edam.site-vm.com/memberslinvoice_view.asp 12,`2812016 Vendor Data of Transaction �- CITY OF MONTICELLO City Fall Card Transaction Please attach the invoice/receipt and any other available documentation to this form. To be completed by purchaser: Amount 5_ Circle purthyastr name, Jeff O'Neill Kerry Burri AngelaaMn �rria cki Leerhoffcy Ergen Wayne Oberg Saran RBthli5berger Jennifer Schreiber Jim Thares ` y t Employee Signa ure re base approved 5perial Prnjert # or Oeseription Circle department code; 101-41110 101-41310 101-41410 101-41-520 IDI -41900 101-41910 101-41920 101-41 4Q— �3-46500 X01{. Circle expense code: 421990 431950 431990 4A2200 433100 443300 443700 Other City Council Administration Elections Finance Human Resourres Planning acid Zoning Data Processing City Half Economic 4eveloprnent HRA Geveral Operating Supplies NewsIerter Services Miscellaneous Prof Services Postage Trave1/7raining Expense Dues Wmbership & 5ubscrip Licenses and Permits. Misr— Other Expense CREDIT CARD ORDER 7347 Kilo's Pizza (7631 295-2424 1/114/201b 4:42 PM 01 isr `,4 lbb Server 7716 Delivery VLCKI I.FERHOFF 505 WALNUT S1 K I w HALL 0 EASY ENTRANCE: Of ESE` (763) 295-2711 Visa r. D11 CARD N XXXXXXXXXXXXI645 VGFREMCE APPROVAL CODE (Y54597 Amount $33.31 ars — --=—— SIGHAiME I ALM 10 PAY ME MOVE. MAL flfiHUNI A ICORD I NG TO CARD ISSUER AGREME:11 111d[ c you for Lrelir� picke of the Pid NEwards Member! ILLI FXN 10 ANY life QUERY t�iA%E IS NO[ A I rP PAID TMJ YUUR DRIVER R 1 1 c N E N T (0 N O � Q) N O p O O Q C Q L O •U (a O Q Q) co >� a CO U � a� R 1 1 c N E N T (0 N O � Q) N O p O O Q C Q L (a O c Q) co >� a CO a� cco ¢ a� c > O (0 Q U � O U >O N O � � � Q o U O L N N U � O � N � Q N N H � F a 12 Xcel Energy REBPaM=19LE it NAir Unee YOUR MONTHLY ELECTRICITY USAGE D .i F M A M J J A 5 0 N 0 -DAILY AVERAGES ss! OF Temperature 38° F Elecrrkcity kWh 0.0 Electricity Cast $0.53 QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? See our website- xcelenergy com Email us at, CUSTDMersem ce@xcel energy,com Please Call; 1-800-481-4700 Hearing fmpaired 1-800-895-4949 Fax 1-800-311-0050 Or write us at XCEL ENERGY 12 13 14 PO BOX 8 AV 01 024349 723206 95 A"517GT EAU CLAIRE WI 54702-0006 7 xceiEne,gY• NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY Nage I of A SERVICE ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER 19 1 MONTiCELL0 EDA 349 W BROADWAY ST MONTICELI.e. MN 55362.9356 51.0623082.8 $0.00 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE526242690 ;/3012016 12/02/20168.05 $18,05 0 _ SUMMARY OF CURRENT CHARGES (detailedcharges begin on page 2) Electricity Service 10/31/16 -12/01/16 7 kWh $18.05 Current Charges $18.05 ACCOUNT BALANCE Previous Balance As of 10/31 $17.92 Payment Received Auto Pay 11/30 -$17.92 CR Balance Forward $0.00 Current Charges $16.05 Amount Due $18,05 0 _ INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL 11 Thank you for your payment RETURN BOTTOM PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT • PLEASE 00 NOT USE STAPLES, TAPE OR PAPER CLIPS ACCOUNT NUMBER DUE OATS AMOUNT DUE AMOUNTr r 51-0623082-8 12/30/2016 S1805 Automated Bank Payment 31 51123016 06230828 0000000180500000001805 Your bill is paid through an automated bank payment plan. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 AV 01 024349 723206 95 A"517GT 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 I' I I I I I I' I- I I I 11111 if 1111111111111 l' 1111 l 1 l l' l l l' 11 I I I' l l' l 1111 25 26 1 27 28 29 - 31 MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8831 I'�m'III'I'Milli"X11111'lil'�'Inl������11��11111i1111111.,III XCEL ENERGY P.Q, BOX 9477 MPLS MN 55484-9477 31 51123016 06230828 0000000180500000001805 Xce/Energy& Use sunlight to help heat your business Open window shades and curtains during the day to heat your business with sunlight. At dusk, close rile shades and curtains to Keep in the heat Ni SERVICE ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER r r MONTICELLO EDA 349 W BROADWAY ST MONTICEU-0, MN 55362-9356 51.0623082-8 12BO12016 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE 12/02/2016 $18.05 526242890 SERVICE ADDRESS- 349 W BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-9356 NEXT READ DATE: 01/06/17 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS PREMISES NU MBER: 303657358 INVOICE NUMBER: 0649336406 METER52995M _ Read Datw10/31/i6-12/01/16{31Daysj DESCRIPTION CURRENT READING PREVIOUS READING USAGE Total Energy 42930 Actual 47-923 Actual 7 kWh ELECTRICITY CHARGES DI=SCRFF'TION Basic Service Chg Energy Charge Winter Fuel Cast Charge Affordability Chrg Resource Adjustment Interim hate Adj Subtotal City Fees Total RATE: Sm Gen Svc IMOtered) USAGE UNITS RATE 7 kWh $0074320 7 kWh $0.027143 CHARGE $10.0(} $0.52 $0.19 $0.97 $0.05 $0.82 $17-.55 $5.50 $118,05 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL For an average non -demand customer, 72% of your bill refers to power plant costs, 12% to high voltage fine costs, and 16% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand -billed customer, 81% of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 12% to high voltage lines, and 7% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. Plug electronics into a power strip Plugging electronics into a power strip provides an easy and convenient way to tum items on and off, helping your business use energy only whets you need it. Source- energystai gov 7 Xcel Energy a The right mix We are always Working to deliver energy that is safe, clean, reliable and affordable. It's a balancing act. Learn more in our annual Corporate Responsibility Report at xceI energy, com/CorporateRespornsibility. ❑o Be aware of scams SERVICE ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER f i 349 W CELLOBROADWAY WA 349 W BAdADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 55382-9356 51-0623082-8 12/30/2016 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE 1 526242890 72/02/2016 $18,05 Dant be chilled by energy costs Cooler temperatures don't have to mean higher energy costs for your business. As temperatures continue to fall, check out the ways to keep your energy bill low. Our rebates, programs and energy -efficiency tips can help your business save energy and money this fall. Simple changes can amount to big savings, so get started today. Visit xcelenergy.com for seasonal efficiency tips and to learn more about our energy efficiency programs. If someone calls threatening to turn off your power due to an unpaid balance and asks you to pay with a prepaid or reloadable card, hang up the phone immediately. You may also be approached by people claiming to be with Xcel Energy and needing to do work at your business Ask for Xcel Energy identification, and please, check with us if you're still not sure. Call us anytime at 800.481.4700. Don't let imposters steal your money. 11 "i s 8 EDA Agenda: 2/8/17 6.Consideration of approving additional expense for LSI – Block 34 (JT) A.REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On December 6th, 2016, METCO completed a Limited Site Investigation (LSI) at the former Municipal Gas Facility, 130 Broadway East, Monticello. An LSI was required due to the contaminated soils encountered during the utility replacement component of the 2016 Street Reconstruction project that occurred in this area in mid-July, as well as the results of the Phase II analysis completed in June, 2016. A report of findings with follow up steps will be sent to the City when available. METCO submitted an additional $100.00 that incurred due to a right-of-way permit required by Wright County. The EDA is asked to make an amendment to the contract to pay the unexpected, additional permit fee. If approved, the contract amount would increase from $6,290 to $6,390. A1. Staff Impact:There is minimal staff time involved in preparing the staff report for consideration of approving additional expense for LSI – Block 34.. A2. Budget Impact:90% of the expenses to complete the LSI were reimbursed through the Minnesota Petrofunds program. An additional $100.00 was invoiced for a right-of-way permit. B.ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1.Motion to approve payment of $100.00 invoice from METCO. 2.Motion to other. C.STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. D.SUPPORTING DATA: A.Metco Invoice 1-18-17 B.Metco Contract for LSI Work EDA Agenda: 2/8/17 7.Consideration of holding Annual Business Meeting (JT) A.REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is required to hold an Annual Meeting each year to elect officers, make appointments as needed and consider Bylaw changes. The EDA enabling resolution and the Bylaws are attached for review. Staff would entertain any questions or requested clarifications on the documents; some items may require consultation with EDA legal counsel. The Offices that need to be filled consist of President, Vice President and Treasurer. Staff can serve as the Secretary for recording minutes of meetings. Appointment for the vacant position on the EDA is listed separately on the Agenda. Also attached for review and discussion is the 2016 Year End reports of the EDA Fund(s). A1. Staff Impact:There is minimal staff time involved in preparing the staff report for consideration of the Annual Business Meeting. A2. Budget Impact:No expected budget B.ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1.Motion to elect 2017 Officers;__________________ as President, ____________________ as Vice President, and _______________ as Treasurer. 2.Motion to table election of 2017 EDA Officers C.ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1.Motion to direct staff to prepare draft amendments to the EDA Enabling Resolution or Bylaws as follows: (amendments to the Enabling Resolution require a public hearing). 2.Motion of other. D.STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative B-1. If needed, staff recommends approval of C-1 as appropriate. E.SUPPORTING DATA: A.EDA Bylaws 2 B.EDA Enabling Resolution C.EDA 2016 Year-End Financial Reports 1 325599v6 MNI MN190-130 BYLAWS OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ARTICLE I - THE AUTHORITY Section 1. Name of Authority. The name of the Authority shall be the “City of Monticello Economic Development Authority.” Section 2. Office of Authority. The office of the Authority shall be at the City Hall in the City of Monticello, State of Minnesota, but the Authority may hold its meetings at such other place or places as it may designate by resolution. Section 3. Seal of Authority. The seal of the Authority shall be in the form of a circle and shall bear the name of the Authority and the year of its organization. Section 4. Establishment. The City of Monticello Economic Development Authority is established pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.090 to 469.1081, as amended. ARTICLE II - THE COMMISSIONERS Section 1. Appointment, Terms, Vacancies, Pay, and Removal. Shall be in accordance with the Amended and Restated Resolution Enabling the Creation of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority dated October 22, 2007 and as it may be amended (the “Enabling Resolution”) and Section 2-3-1 of Ordinance Amendment No. 172, Chapter 3, City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota. ARTICLE III - THE OFFICERS Section 1. Officers. The Authority shall elect a president, a vice president, a treasurer, a secretary, and an assistant treasurer at the annual meeting. A commissioner must not serve as president and vice president at the same time. The other offices may be held by the same commissioner. The offices of secretary and assistant treasurer need not be held by a commissioner. Section 2. President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Authority. Except as otherwise authorized by resolution of the Board of Commissioners, the President and the Executive Director (the Assistant Treasurer, in the Executive Director’s absence or incapacity) shall sign all contracts, deeds, and other instruments made or executed by the Authority, except that all checks of the Authority shall be signed by the Tr easurer and Assistant Treasurer. At each meeting the President shall submit such recommendations and information as he or she may consider proper concerning the business, affairs, and policies of the Authority. Section 3. Vice President. The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or incapacity of the President, including signing all contracts, deeds, and other instruments executed by the Authority; and in the case of the resignation or death of the 2 325599v6 MNI MN190-130 President, the Vice President shall perform such duties as are imposed on the President until such time as the Board shall select a new President. Section 4. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the Board and shall maintain all records of the Authority. The office of Secretary may be held by the Executive Director upon approval thereof by the Authority. Section 5. Treasurer’s Duties. The treasurer: (1) shall receive and is responsible for Authority money; (2) is responsible for the acts of the assistant treasurer; (3) shall disburse Authority money by any Authority-approved method, including without limitation check, wire transfer, or credit card; (4) shall keep an account of the source of all receipts and the nature, purpose, and authority of all disbursements; (5) shall file the Authority’s detailed financial statement with its secretary at least once a year at times set by the Authority; and (6) shall prepare and submit an annual report describing the Authority’s activities and providing an accurate statement of its financial condition to the City of Monticello by no later than one month following the annual meeting of the Authority. Section 6. Assistant Treasurer. The assistant treasurer has the powers and duties of the treasurer if the treasurer is absent or incapacitated. Section 7. Public Money. Authority money is public money. ARTICLE IV - EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The City Administrator shall be designated as Executive Director of the Authority. The City Administrator, or any other person designated in writing by the City Administrator and approved by a majority of the EDA commissioners, shall be designated as Executive Director of the EDA. Section 1. Duties. The Executive Director shall have general supervision over the administration of the Authority’s business and affairs subject to the direction of the Authority. The Executive Director in his or her own name and title shall keep the records of the Authority, shall act as recorder of the meetings of the Authority and record all votes, and shall keep record of the proceedings of the Authority in a journal of proceedings to be kept for such purpose, and shall perform all duties incident to the office. The Executive Director shall , with the President, sign all contracts, deeds, and other instruments executed by the Authority, and shall keep in sole 3 325599v6 MNI MN190-130 custody the seal of the Authority and shall have power to affix such seal to all contracts and instruments authorized to be executed by the Authority. Any person appointed to fill the office of Executive Director, or any vacancy herein, shall have such terms as the Authority fixes, but no commissioner of the Authority shall be eligible to serve as the Executive Director. ARTICLE V - MEETINGS Section 1. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings shall be held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Section 2. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Authority shall be held in conjunction with the regular February meeting at the regular meeting place of the Authority. The August regular meeting shall include final fund balances reviewed at the Annual Meeting. Section 3. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Authority may be called by the President, two members of the Authority, or the Executive Director for the purpose of transacting any business designated in the call. All commissioners of the Authority shall be notified. Section 4. Quorum. At any meeting of the Authority, the presence of four commissioners shall constitute a quorum. If a quorum is not present at any meeting, those present shall have power to adjourn the meeting from time to time without notice other than announcement at such meeting until the requisite number of votes shall be present to constitute a quorum. At any such adjourned meeting at which a quorum is present, any business may be transacted which might have been transacted at the meeting as originally called. Any resolution, election, or other formal action of the Authority shall be adopted upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the Authority membership. Section 5. Rules of Procedure. Unless otherwise specified in the Enabling Resolution or in these bylaws, all meetings of the Authority shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts’ Rules of Order revised. Section 6. Manner of Voting. The voting on all questions coming before the Authority shall be voice unless the President calls for a roll call vote. The yeas and nays shall be entered upon the minutes of such meetings. ARTICLE VI - EMPLOYEES; SERVICES; SUPPLIES Section 1. Employees. Subject to limits set by the appropriations or other funds made available, the Authority may employ such staff, technicians, and experts as may be deemed proper and may incur such other expenses as may be necessary and proper for the conduct of its affairs. Section 2. Contract for Services. The Authority may contract for services of consultants, agents, public accountants, and other persons needed to perform its duties and exercise its powers. 4 325599v6 MNI MN190-130 Section 3. Legal Services. The Authority may use the services of the cit y attorney or hire a general counsel for its legal needs. The city attorney or general counsel, as determined by the Authority, is its chief legal advisor. Section 4. Supplies. The Authority may purchase the supplies and materials it needs to carry out its function pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 to 469.1081. Section 5. City Purchasing. The Authority may use the facilities of its city’s purchasing department in connection with construction work and to purchase equipment, supplies, or materials. Section 6. City Facilities, Services. The City may furnish offices, structures and space, and stenographic, clerical, engineering, or other assistance to the Authority. Section 7. Delegation Power. The Authority may delegate to one or more of its agents or employees powers or duties as it may deem proper. ARTICLE VII - POWERS Section 1. Functions, Powers, and Duties. Shall be in accordance with the Enabling Resolution. Section 2. Limitations of Power. Shall be in accordance with the Enabling Resolution. ARTICLE VIII - AMENDMENTS Section 1. Amendment to Bylaws. The bylaws of the Authority shall be amended by a majority vote of the Authority membership at a regular or special meeting. The amendments must be in written form. Section 2. Conflicts. In any instance where these bylaws are in conflict with the Enabling Resolution, the Enabling Resolution shall control. Section 3. Effective Date. These bylaws are effective upon their adoption by the Authority. Dated: _________, 2014. Signed: _____________________________________ President (Seal) 5 325599v6 MNI MN190-130 _____________________________________ Executive Director DRAFT CITY OF MONTICELLO Schedule of Assets, Liabilities, and Fund Balances Economic Development Authority December 31, 2016 EDA TIF TIF TIF TIF TIF TIF TIF General GMEF Future 6 (d)19 20 22 24 29 ASSETS Cash and investments 1,913,982$1,148,898$-$703,243$183,566$140,843$561,455$76,641$100,434$ Receivables Unremitted taxes 523 -------1,378 Due from other governmental units --------- Intrafund receivable 971,755 -------- Prepaid items 1,638 -------- Land held for resale 1,984,957 -----209,000 -- TOTAL ASSETS 4,872,855$1,148,898$-$703,243$183,566$140,843$770,455$76,641$101,812$ LIABILITIES Accounts and contracts payable 4,956$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$ Intrafund payable --44,497 ---386,574 -- Unearned revenue ------209,000 -- Total liabilities 4,956 -44,497 ---595,574 -- FUND BALANCES Nonspendable 1,986,595 -------- Restricted -1,148,898 -703,243 183,566 140,843 174,881 76,641 101,812 Assigned 2,881,304 -(44,497)------ Total fund balance 4,867,899 1,148,898 (44,497)703,243 183,566 140,843 174,881 76,641 101,812 TOTAL LIABILITIES, AND FUND BALANCES 4,872,855$1,148,898$-$703,243$183,566$140,843$770,455$76,641$101,812$ (d) = decertified (Continued) DRAFT CITY OF MONTICELLO Schedule of Assets, Liabilities, and Fund Balances Economic Development Authority December 31, 2016 TIF TIF TIF TIF TIF TIF GAAP Total 30 34 35 36 (d)38 39 Reconciliation EDA ASSETS Cash and investments 100,186$19,859$2,166$-$-$57$-$4,951,330$ Receivables Unremitted taxes -------1,901 Due from other governmental units -------- Intrafund receivable ------(971,755)- Prepaid items -------1,638 Land held for resale -------2,193,957 TOTAL ASSETS 100,186$19,859$2,166$-$-$57$(971,755)$7,148,826$ LIABILITIES Accounts and contracts payable -$-$-$-$-$-$-$4,956$ Intrafund payable 134,989 19,715 --115,305 270,675 (971,755)- Unearned revenue ------(209,000)- Total liabilities 134,989 19,715 --115,305 270,675 (1,180,755)4,956 FUND BALANCES Nonspendable -------1,986,595 Restricted (34,803)144 2,166 -(115,305)(270,618)209,000 2,320,468 Assigned -------2,836,807 Total fund balance (34,803)144 2,166 -(115,305)(270,618)209,000 7,143,870 TOTAL LIABILITIES, AND FUND BALANCES 100,186$19,859$2,166$-$-$57$(971,755)$7,148,826$ (d) = decertified DRAFT CITY OF MONTICELLO Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Other Financing Sources (Uses) Economic Development Authority For the Year Ended December 31, 2016 EDA TIF TIF TIF TIF TIF TIF TIF General GMEF Future 6 (d)19 20 22 24 29 Revenues Property taxes 279,421$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$ Tax increments ----30,972 17,592 281,330 41,634 22,590 Intergovernmental --------- Charges for services --------- Investment earnings 20,454 15,544 -9,515 2,274 1,830 7,159 894 1,330 Interest on intrafund loans 20,525 -------- Other revenues 290,409 -------- Total revenues 610,809 15,544 -9,515 33,246 19,422 288,489 42,528 23,920 Expenditures: Current Salary and wages 50,910 -------- Benefits 18,048 -------- Supplies 81 -------- Professional services - legal 24,809 -----1,023 -- Professional services - market matching --------- Professional services - enviromental --------- Professional services - other 58,829 -------- LPV Insurance 1,867 -------- Legal and general publications 312 ---31 31 31 31 31 Property taxes 1,318 -------- Marketing 2,500 -------- Dues and membership 4,846 -------- Utilities 585 -----228 -- IT services 1,409 -------- Travel and conferences 709 -------- Land acquisition costs --------- Land adjustment to market 96,100 -------- Other expenses 3,408 -----1,126 -- Excess increments ------166,289 -- Interest on intrafund loans --------- PAYG payments to third parties -----6,333 48,751 20,520 16,969 Total expenditures 265,731 ---31 6,364 217,448 20,551 17,000 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures 345,078 15,544 -9,515 33,215 13,058 71,041 21,977 6,920 Other financing sources (uses) Transfers in --------- Transfers out --------- Total other financing sources (uses)--------- Net change in fund balances 345,078 15,544 -9,515 33,215 13,058 71,041 21,977 6,920 Fund balance at beginning of year 4,522,821 1,133,354 (44,497)693,728 150,351 127,785 103,840 54,664 94,892 Fund balance at end of year 4,867,899$1,148,898$(44,497)$703,243$183,566$140,843$174,881$76,641$101,812$ (Continued) DRAFT CITY OF MONTICELLO Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Other Financing Sources (Uses) Economic Development Authority For the Year Ended December 31, 2016 TIF TIF TIF TIF TIF TIF GAAP Total 30 34 35 36 (d)38 39 Reconciliation EDA Revenues Property taxes -$-$-$-$-$-$-$279,421$ Tax increments 9,120 208,243 --11,421 45,450 -668,352 Intergovernmental -------- Charges for services -------- Investment earnings 1,350 135 43 --1 -60,529 Interest on intrafund loans ------(20,525)- Other revenues -------290,409 Total revenues 10,470 208,378 43 -11,421 45,451 (20,525)1,298,711 Expenditures: Current Salary and wages -------50,910 Benefits -------18,048 Supplies -------81 Professional services - legal --1,957 ----27,789 Professional services - market matching -------- Professional services - enviromental -------- Professional services - other -------58,829 LPV Insurance -------1,867 Legal and general publications 31 31 31 -31 --591 Property taxes -------1,318 Marketing -------2,500 Dues and membership -------4,846 Utilities -------813 IT services -------1,409 Travel and conferences -------709 Land acquisition costs -------- Land adjustment to market -------96,100 Other expenses -------4,534 Excess increments -------166,289 Interest on intrafund loans 3,493 ---4,873 12,159 (20,525)- PAYG payments to third parties -------92,573 Total expenditures 3,524 31 1,988 -4,904 12,159 (20,525)529,206 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures 6,946 208,347 (1,945)-6,517 33,292 -769,505 Other financing sources (uses) Transfers in -------- Transfers out -(188,500)-----(188,500) Total other financing sources (uses)-(188,500)-----(188,500) Net change in fund balances 6,946 19,847 (1,945)-6,517 33,292 -581,005 Fund balance at beginning of year (41,749)(19,703)4,111 -(121,822)(303,910)209,000 6,562,865 Fund balance at end of year (34,803)$144$2,166$-$(115,305)$(270,618)$209,000$7,143,870$ EDA Agenda: 2/8/17 1 8.Consideration of Modifying GMEF Loan Guidelines (JT) A.REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Staff is proposing to modify the GMEF Loan Guidelines to better meet prospective borrower’s needs. The proposed changes relate to the payment term for equipment loans and the real estate balloon payment timeframe. Comments from businesses and bankers suggest that it is much more helpful to extend the time frame for the balloon payment out to 10 years as opposed to 5 years. The extra time frame is more attractive in that it allows the borrower additional time (60 months) to prepare to make the large payment. The equipment portion of the payment term is likewise adjusted to match the potential timeframe of the real estate payback term. There may be instances where a borrower could gain loan approval for an expansion of facilities along with purchase of production equipment. The slight tweak to the equipment payback timeframe allows for possible consistency in the payment. A1. STAFF IMPACT:There is minimal staff impact in considering modifying the GMEF Loan Guidelines. A2. BUDGET IMPACT:There is a no budgetary impact due to the EDA’s consideration of modifying the GMEF Loan Guidelines as proposed. B.ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1.Motion to modify the GMEF Loan Guidelines as presented. 2.Motion to table modification of the GMEF Loan Guidelines for further research. C.STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the EDA modify the GMEF Loan Guidelines as presented. The proposed modification is related to the repayment terms for equipment and real estate. By extending the balloon payment from 5 years to 10 years, it reduces default risk and is more helpful to borrowers by giving them more time to prepare to make the large payment. There is not a requirement to hold a public hearing to modify the GMEF Loan Guidelines, so action could be taken at the regular February meeting if the EDA so desires. D.SUPPORTING DATA: A.GMEF Loan Guidelines proposal (markups language added) 1 GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND GUIDELINES 1. PURPOSE The purpose of the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) is to encourage economic development by supplementing conventional financing sources available to existing and new businesses. This program is administered by the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) and participating lending institution(s). GMEF Loans are made to businesses to help them meet a portion of their financing needs. The loans are meant to be a secondary source of financing, provide gaps in private financing, and assist in securing other grants. All loans must meet four or more of the criteria established in the Definition of Public Purpose section. 2. ORGANIZATION The Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund is administered by the EDA. It is the responsibility of the EDA to assure that loans meet the public purpose standard and comply with all other GMEF policies as defined in this document. 3. GMEF GUIDELINE MODIFICATION At a minimum, the EDA shall review the guidelines on an annual basis. Changes to the GMEF guidelines require approval by the City Council. 4. DEFINITION OF PUBLIC PURPOSE GMEF Loans must meet at least one (1) of the following public purposes (if the EDA finds that the public purpose described in b. is met, the EDA must find that the GMEF Loan meets at least one additional public purpose): a. To provide loans for credit-worthy businesses which create new jobs. 1. One job is equivalent to a total of 37.5 hours per week. 2. At least 90% of the jobs created must pay at least 160% of the federal minimum wage, exclusive of benefits, for individuals over the age of 20 during the term of assistance. Annual written reports are required until repayment of the assistance. Failure to meet the job and wage level goals requires partial or full repayment of the assistance with interest. b. To provide loans for credit-worthy businesses that would increase the community tax base. c. To provide loans to credit-worthy industrial or commercial businesses (new or existing) that would allow the ability to improve or expand their operation. Factors including but not limited to the following will be taken into account: 2 1. Type and size of the business 2. Product or service involved 3. Present availability of the product or service within the City of Monticello 4. Compatibility of the proposed business as it relates to the comprehensive plan and existing zoning policies, 5. Potential for adverse environmental effects of the business, if any. d. In the event job creation is not a viable option, credit-worthy businesses have the ability to demonstrate public purpose by means of job retention. 5. GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND POLICIES a. Business Eligibility: 1. Industrial and commercial businesses. 2. Businesses currently located or to be located within the City of Monticello. 3. Credit-worth y existing businesses. 4. Start-up businesses with worthy business plan and/or pro forma in a form acceptable to the EDA (historically non credit-worthy businesses will be denied). b. Acceptable Private Financing Methods: 1. Companion Direct Loan: The GMEF is subordinate to the primary lender. 2. Participation Loan: The GMEF participates in a portion of the loan. 3. Guarantee Loans: The GMEF guarantees a portion of the bank loan. a. Interest rate cap is subject to EDA approval c. Use of Proceeds: 1. Real property acquisition, development, & rehabilitation improvement costs including but not limited to the following: a. Land Acquisition b. Engineer/Design Inspection Fees c. Building Permit Fees d. Architect Fees e. Building Materials f. Soil Borings g. Construction Labor h. Appraisal Fees i. Landscaping j. Legal Fees k. Grading l. Environmental Study m. Curbing/Parking Lot 3 n. Recording Fees o. Title Insurance 2. Machinery and equipment: a. Personal property used as an integral part of the manufacturing or commercial business, with a useful life of at least three years. Acquisition costs would include freight and sales taxes paid. As a general rule, office equipment would not qualify. d. Terms and conditions: 1. Loan Size: Minimum of $25,000 and maximum not to exceed 50% of the remaining GMEF balance 2. Leveraging: Minimum 60% private/public Non-GMEF, Maximum 30% GMEF, Minimum 10% equity. 3. Loan Term: Personal property term not to exceed life of equipment (generally 5-7 10 years). Real estate property maximum of 5 10-year maturity amortized up to 30 years. Balloon payment at 5 10 years. 4. Interest Rate: Fixed rate not less than 2% below prime rate as published in the Wall Street Journal on date of EDA loan approval, with a minimum interest rate of 1.0%. 5. Loan Fee: Minimum fee of $500 but not to exceed 1.5 % of the total loan. Fees are to be documented and no duplication of fees between the lending institution and the GMEF. Loan fee may be incorporated into project cost. EDA retains the right to reduce or waive loan fee or portion of loan fee. Fee to be paid by applicant to the EDA within 5 working days after City Council approval of GMEF loan. The fee is non-refundable. e. Pre-payment Policy: No penalty for pre-payment f. Deferral of Payments: 1. Extending a balloon payment will require a verification letter from two lending institutions stating the inability to refinance and is subject to approval by the EDA. 2. Monthly payments may be deferred for a determined period of time upon approval by the EDA. g. Late Payment Policy: 1. Failure to pay principal or interest when due may result in the loan being immediately called. In addition to any other amounts due on any loan, and without waiving any right of the Economic Development Authority under any applicable documents, a late fee of $250 will be imposed on any borrower for any payment not received in full by the Authority within 30 calendar days of the date on which it is due. Furthermore, interest will continue to accrue on 4 any amount due until the date on which it is paid to the Authority, and all such interest will be due and payable at the same time as the amount on which it has accrued. h. Assumability of Loan: None i. Business Equity Requirements: Subject to type of loan. The EDA will determine appropriate and applicable business equity requirements on a case by case analysis, utilizing normal lending guidelines. j. Collateral: 1. Liens on real property in project (mortgage deed). 2. Liens on real property in business (mortgage deed). 3. Liens on real property held personally (subject to EDA approval, homestead exempt). 4. Machinery and equipment liens (except equipment exempt from bankruptcy). 5. Personal and/or corporate guarantees (requires unlimited personal guarantees). k. Non-Performance: An approved GMEF loan shall be null and void if funds are not drawn upon or disbursed within 180 days from date of City Council approval. l. Non-Performance Extension: 1. The 180-day non-performance date can be extended up to an additional 120 days, upon approval by the EDA. 2. A written request must be received 30 days prior to expiration of the 180-day non-performance date. m. Out of Pocket Fees: Responsibility of the GMEF applicant. n. Equal Opportunity: The Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund is operated as an equal opportunity program. All applicants shall have equal access to GMEF funds regardless of race, sex, age, marital status, or other personal characteristics o. Participating Lending Institution(s): 1. Participating lending institution(s) shall be determined by the GMEF applicant. 2. Participating lending institution(s) shall cooperate with the EDA and assist in carrying out the policies of the GMEF as approved by the City Council. 5 3. Participating lending institution(s) shall analyze the formal application and indicate to the EDA the level at which the lending institution will participate in the finance package. p. Loan Administration: 1. City Staff shall collect applicable GMEF payments. 2. City Staff shall assure City compliance with all applicable terms and conditions of the approved loan. 3. All loan documents shall include the following: a. Definition of loan default, agreements regarding notification of default b. Copy of primary lenders documents c. Provisions allowing the City to inquire on the status of the primary loan 6. LOAN APPLICATION PROCEDURES The EDA desires to make the GMEF loan application process as simple as possible. However, certain procedures must be followed prior to EDA consideration of a loan request. Information regarding the program and procedures for obtaining a loan are as follows: a. City Staff: City Staff shall carry out GMEF operating procedures as approved by the EDA and City Council. Staff is responsible for assisting businesses in the loan application process and will work closely with applicants in developing the necessary informati on. b. Application Process: 1. Applicant shall complete a preliminary loan application. Staff will review application for consistency with the policies set forth in the Greater Monticello Fund Guidelines. 2. If applicant gains initial support from lending ins titution and if the preliminary loan application is approved, applicant is then asked to complete a formal application. Formal application shall include a business plan which will include its management structure, market analysis, and financial statement. Like documentation necessary for obtaining the bank loan associated with the proposal is acceptable. Attached with each formal application is a written release of information executed by the loan applicant 3. If the preliminary loan application is not approved by staff, the applicant may request that the EDA consider approval of the preliminary application at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the EDA. 4. City staff shall analyze the formal application and financial statements contained therein to determine if the proposed business and finance plan is viable. City staff shall submit a written recommendation to the EDA. A decision regarding the application shall be made by the EDA within 60 days of the submittal of a completed formal application. 6 5. The EDA shall have authority to approve or deny loans; however, within 21 days of EDA action, the City Council may reverse a decision by the EDA, if it is determined by the City Council that such loan was denied/approved in violation of GMEF guidelines. 6. Prior to issuance of an approved loan, the EDA Attorney shall review and/or prepare all contracts, legal documents, and inter-creditor agreements. After such review is complete, the City shall issue said loan. 7. REPORTING City Staff shall submit to the EDA and City Council a semiannual report detailing the balance of the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund. 8. HISTORY Public Hearing and Adoption the 31st day of August, 1999 Public Hearing and Adoption of Amendments the 8th day of November 2000 Public Hearing and Adoption of Amendments the 24th day of April 2001 Public Hearing and Adoption of Amendments the 13th day of December 2005 Public Hearing and Adoption the 23rd day of March, 2009 Adoption the 22nd day of April, 2013 Adoption the 8th day of February 2017 EDA Agenda: 2/8/17 9. Consideration of dissolving Prospect Team Subcommittee (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the regular EDA meeting of December 14, 2016, the Prospect Team Subcommittee was formed and partially appointed. Staff has since learned that due to this subcommittee being duly appointed as a standing subcommittee, it would need to comply with the Open Meeting Law statute regarding meeting postings, being open to the public and keeping a record of minutes. The goal of forming the subcommittee was to be responsive to prospects regarding proposed land pricing and to provide staff with direction regarding prospect proposals. Since the subcommittee falls under the Open Meeting Law statute, the extra steps of compliance with the law negate the goal of relatively quick responses to prospect inquiries. In light of these findings, staff is recommending that the Prospect Team Subcommittee be dissolved. The process to provide responses regarding land prices will need to be considered as it has previously been done; through closed special meetings or during open meetings, depending on the situation. A1. Staff Impact: There is a minimum amount of time involved in preparing the staff report. A2. Budget Impact: No budget impact anticipated. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve dissolving the Prospect Team Subcommittee. 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: N/A EDA Agenda – 02/08/17 10. Consideration of Recommendation for Appointment of EDA Member (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to consider recommendation on the appointment for the vacant position on the board. Prior to the regular meeting, the EDA will have had the opportunity to interview Jon Morphew for the position. A listing of the current terms is provided below for reference. The EDA member’s terms are staggered in six year increments. Name: Term: End of Term: (Vacant Position) 6 yr 02/2023 Bill Tapper 6 yr 12/2021 Tracy Hinz 6 yr 12/2022 Bill Demeules, Chair 6 yr 12/2018 Steve Johnson 6 yr 12/2017 Jim Davidson (voting) Council Rep. Lloyd Hilgart (voting) Council Rep. The Commission’s recommendation will be forwarded to the City Council on February 13th, 2017. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to recommend appointment of _______________ for a six year term on the EDA. 2. Motion of other. EDA Agenda: 2/8/17 1 11. Economic Development Report (JT) CEDS (Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy) The first CEDS meeting in Wright County was held on January 26, 2017. The discussion at the meeting focused on existing Human Capital resources in Wright County and identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Formulating goals to address the current and future status and trends of the Human Capital resources was the end point of the meeting. As a reminder, additional meetings will be held on the following topics in coming months: Economic Competitiveness – February 23, 2017 Community Resources - TBD Foundational Assets - TBD As each of the CEDS meetings is scheduled, staff will make sure that EDA members are notified of the date, time and location of the meeting. Housing Study A second draft of the Housing Study is being reviewed with the goal of it becoming a final presentation document to be presented to the EDA for further consideration and action as appropriate. Small Area Study The steering committee for the Small Area Study is nearing full appointment. Three parties have expressed an interest in the At Large Member positions. The EDA will note that this brings the group to 11 persons. Cuningham Group has indicated that three At Large Members is a positive as it brings more community voices to the table. All meetings are posted as open meetings as well. The first steering committee meeting has been set for Thursday, February 9, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. Prospects Staff completed a RFP for a new prospect considering the City of Monticello for a 125,000 square foot facility. A lot in Otter Creek Business Park was proposed as the location for this prospect. Approximately 90 jobs would be created with the project. Staff is awaiting further feedback from the prospect at this time. EDA Agenda: 1/11/17 1 11. Economic Development Report (JT) CEDS and Process The CEDS process is beginning to come together. CEDS stands for Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy. It is a process and document wherein economic development goals and objectives in a region are publicly identified and prioritized. A related component is the formation of strategies to achieve the economic development goals. The process usually takes 15 to 18 months to complete. CEDS documents are typically completed for county or multi-county regions. Please see the below notice (in quotations) from Duane Northagen, Director, Wright County Economic Development Partnership (WCEDP). “Hello Everyone, The Wright County Economic Development Partnership (WCEDP) is excited to announce that Wright County has partnered with Central Minnesota Jobs and Training, the Federal EDA and the Initiative Foundation to create a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for the 7W district.The partnership also includes Benton, Stearns and Sherburne Counties and will greatly increase our chances of receiving future Federal EDA project dollars. A CEDS is designed to bring together the public and private sectors in the creation of an economic roadmap to diversify and strengthen regional economies and includes four cornerstones under which community conversations will occur. They are: •Human Capital •Economic Competitiveness •Community Resources •Foundational Assets We would like to schedule a community conversation to discuss the first issue, Human Capital on Thursday, January 26th at 9:00 AM at the Monticello Workforce Center (406 East 7th Street). The conversation will be facilitated by Central Minnesota Jobs and Training’s new Economic Development Coordinator’s Jennifer Russell.The findings and goals from our conversation will then be included in our regional plan. As I mentioned earlier, projects that are included as part of the CEDS document have historically had much greater odds of receiving implementation funding through the Federal EDA. I encourage you to invite representatives from your local educational facilities, EDAs, elected officials and any local businesses that may be struggling with workforce development issues.The key to a successful regional plan is widespread community involvement!!! More information on the complete CEDS process can be found at the following link: https://www.eda.gov/pdf/ceds_flyer_wht_backround.pdf Hope to see you all there on January 26th!” Duane Northagen, WCEDP EDA Agenda: 1/11/17 2 Housing Study The first draft of a housing study has been reviewed and continues to be edited for possible changes. A second draft will be sought from the authors at WSB and eventually a final draft will be presented to the EDA for further consideration and action as appropriate. Prospects and Industrial Sites Active prospects number four at this time. Follow up tasks include monitoring their decision processes and providing additional information as requested. To that end, if all of the prospects were to select Monticello Otter Creek Business Park as their preferred site, the EDA would have very little land left to offer any future industrial prospects. Furthermore, there is very little available industrial land remaining in the City outside of Otter Creek Business Park. That low amount of industrial land may be an obstacle to the goal of increasing the number of jobs in the City as well as the growth of the tax base. The four prospects include: 1. Large International Firm 2. Groebner 3. Shred-N-Go 4. Precision Machining Firm Active Projects 1.349 West Broadway – April Studer Purchase and Timeline Update