EDA Minutes 08-12-2009MINUTES CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, August 12, 2009 6:00pm 1. Call to Order: Chairman Demeules called the meeting to order and declared a quorum at 6:00pm. Roll Call: The following Commissioners were present: President Bill Demeules Vice President Dan Frie Commissioner Bill Fair Commissioner Bill Tapper Council Member Tom Perrault Absent: Commissioner Bob Viering Council member Brian Stumpf Also present Executive Director Megan Barnett and Finance Director Tom Kelly 2. Approve minutes: No minutes were available. 3. Consideration of additional agenda items: No additional items were added. 4 Approval of EDA invoices: MOTION BY BILL TAPPER SECONDED BY DAN FRIE TO APPROVE INVOICES ADDING TIF PAY AS YOU GO PAYMENT TO BBF AND THE INVOICE AMOUNT OF KENNEDY AND GRAVEN AT $615.00. MOTION CARRIED. 5-0 Council member Perrault questioned the water and sewer bill related to 413 4th Street. Staff stated this was a bill generated prior to services being turned off. Commissioner Tapper inquired as to why we accrued a tax penalty. Finance Director explained the Wright County process. 5. Approve entering into a Listing Agreement with Vantage Point Staff updated the EDA on the status of Nelson Realty no longer in the real estate business. Therefore the Listing Agreement with Nelson Realty is null and void. Director Barnett stated she contacted Wayne Elam from Vantage Point Partners requesting his commercial broker services. A contract was written, staff is asking a couple items be added to the proposed contract: 1. Broker would be compensated $5,000 in the event the City zero's the price of the property through TIF 2. Joint partnership in the MNCAR expo in the fall of 2009. Commissioner Tapper asked what the difference is related to the previous agreement in relation to the current proposed listing agreement. Director Barnett stated the only difference this listing agreement is a month to month contract. MOTION BY TAPPER SECONDED BY PERRAULT TO ENTER INTO A LISTING AGREEMENT WITH WAYNE ELAM FROM VANTAGE POINT PARTNERS WITH CHANGES AS REQUESTED BY STAFF AND CHANGE LINE 42 TO STATE 4% OR 6%. MOTION CARRIED. 5-0 6. TIF Analysis and Management Plan. Director Barnett stated the EDA is being asked to adopt the final TIF Analysis and Management Plant tonight. Northland Securities completed minor clean up within the document subsequent to EDA review. MOTION BY FAIR TO ADOPT THE TIF ANALYSIS AND MANGEMENT PLAN SECONDED BY TAPPER. MOTION CARRIED. 5-0 7. TRF Decertification. Finance Director Kelly reviewed the details and reasons the EDA should decertify TIF Districts 1-26, 1-28, and 1-33. These TIF Districts are no longer needed, their obligations are able to be met, and deemed to be decertified within the next 1 -2 years. Finance Director Kelly stated various TIF Districts will need to be decertified in the next few years, however they will require additional thought as to how to utilize money within the district prior to decertifying. Commissioner Frie stated this should be looked at soon. Commissioner Demeules asked about TIF District 1-36. Kelly stated this is a fairly new district and he believes this district may end up cash flowing fine as time goes on. MOTION BY FAIR TO DECERTIFY TIF DISTRICTS 1-26,1-28, AND 1-33 SECONDED BY FRIE. MOTION CARRIED. 4-0. TAPPER ABSTAINED. 8. Marketing: Staff will need to meet with Wayne Elam to further define a marketing strategy. 7. Report from Executive Director: Director Barnett stated a possible trucking school may be locating in the current AVR site. Staff provided a general update on economic development inquiries. A few closings are scheduled within the next month utilizing NSP funds. Additional discussion ensued regarding how TIF is calculated and captured, especially concerning the change in assessed values. Commissioner Fair stated he would like more time to study the TIF Analysis and Management Plan. Fair further stated he would like brain storming and a plan established in order to maximize excess TIF funds. He does not want this to be put on the back burner. 8. Adjourn MOTION BY FRIE TO ADJOURN SECONDED BY TAPPER. MOTION CARRIED. 5-0. Bill Demeules, President