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City Council Ordinance 659
ORDINANCE NO. 659 CITY OF MONTICEILILO WRIGHT COUNT', MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICEILILO CITY COBE9 KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCES ADDRESSING THE FOLLOWING: o CHAPTER 2, SECTION 4(F) — SITE PLAN APPLICATIONS o CHAPTER 4, SECTION I (H) — STANDARDS FOR SITE LANDSCAPING o CHAPTER 49 SECTION I (3) — ZONING III STIRICT SIPECIIFIC LANDSCAPING STANDARDS • CHAPTER 4, SECTION 5(Jl) — DISTRICT REGULATIONS • CHAPTER 4, SECTION 8(iE) — STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO ALL USES o CHAPTER 5, SECTION 2(D) — REGULATIONS FOR CIVIC ANIS INST=TIONAL USES • CHAPTER 5, SECTION 2(F) — REGULATIONS FOR COMMERCIAL USES • CHAPTER 5, SECTION 3(B) — GENERAL STANDARDS ANIS LIMITATIONS FOR ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES o CHAPTER 5, SECTION 4(E) - SPECiMC STANDARDS FOR TEMPORARY USES © CHAPTER 8, SECTION 2(B) — LOTS o CHAPTER 8, SECTION 4(I3) — DEFINITIONS IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Mitmesota: Section 1. Chapter 2, Section 4(F) — Site Plan Applications, is hereby amended to read as follows: (A) Site Plan A ppl Submittals (1) Purpose and Scope The City Council declares it necessary and appropriate to require site plan appal review of development in certain zoning districts to preserve and promote attractive, well-planned, stable urban conditions. Site plan approval by the Community Development Department must be obtained before a building permit is issued in order to ensure the following: (5) Appheat Subm ttal a) All heati submittals yr Site riaii review si3aii 13e in accordance ("� gyp,} with Section 2.3, Common Review Requirements. (b) In addition to the common application requirements of Section 2.4(F)(5)(a) above, appheati submittals for site plan review shall also ORDINANCE NO. 659 include at least the following to be considered complete (except as exempted by the Community Development Department). Review (6) Review (b) Site Plan Review Process (i) Upon receiving a complete applicati submittal for site plan review, the Community Development Department shall review the plans to determine their conformance to all ordinance requirements. The Community Development Department may be assisted in conducting site plan reviews by representatives from other City departments or divisions. (ii) Appheati Site Plan submittals -determined to conform with the approval criteria outlined in Section 2.4(F)(6)(a) shall be approved by the Community Development Department with any conditions deemed necessary. A notice of site plan approval shall be provided to the apphea submitter that includes all conditions, comments, and recommendations. (iii) Appheati Site plans not conforming with the approval criteria outlined in Section 2.4(F)(6)(a) shall be revised by the submitter to meet the requirements of the City ordinance prior to approval of any other permit armed by ,,,i.,,,, ity, n�,,.,p,�i.,,�t ep ,�ie,�� � �zrn� v�vc 5k�rrc�rrx�r (?) Effeet of Site Plan ApprovW (b) A-Si-te-Rlan appy t Dcpartnwnt-, inel ding any ee+- difi - m, ohall 1 '-ii -W4 r -+h o !and an and Ohall na be a f feetod baeniLre� tvAT er-sh1p (10) Amendments of an Approved Site Plan (a) Requested amendments that involve one of the following shall be reviewed as a new site plan submittal: Section 2. Chapter 4, Section 1(H) - Standards for Site Landscaping, Table 4-4; Required Site Landscaping Plantings is hereby amended to read as follows: M ORDNANCE NO. 659 General Standards Single-family detached and 4.0 ACI of canopy trees Multi -family dwellings with 2.0 AGI of Eanepy tFees + 1 P1./P14^RY`een tree- less than five (5) units [5] [6] [7] Multi -Family Dwellings with 16.0 ACI of canopy trees (including at least 3 evergreen trees) per five (5) or more units acre + at least 2 shrubs per each 10 feet of building perimeter, or as may be otherwise specified in the zoning district Civic & Institutional Uses 14.0 ACI of canopy trees (including at least 2 evergreen trees) per acre + at least I shrubs per each 10 feet of building perimeter Office & Commercial Uses 10.0 ACI of canopy trees (including at least I evergreen tree) per acre + at least 2 shrubs per each 10 feet of building perimeter 4.0 ACI of canopy trees (including at least I evergreen tree) per acre Industrial Uses + at least I shrub per every 10 feet of a building wall facing a public right-of-way D�strct SpecofirStandards: TN District lot standards '.n Q of canopy tFees + ornam�„*^' �Q (all plantings must be in the 7.0 AGI of "^nepy treco I front or side yards, and all }n -addition to the abeye, oa^Eh c chrall Frey' shrub and flower plantings must fete oma►;„R per;r eteF + ne4coo than be in the front yard) peF20 squai=e feet of (Fent ./„Fd area See Ordinance 4.1(J)(2) CCD lot standards See Ordinance 4.10)(3) '.,R IBC District lot standards 10.0 AGI e f c-anepy-tFees (+nat least 1 evergFeen tFee) peFaFe See Ordinance 4.1U1(4) NOTE: ACI = Aggregate Caliper Inches [I]: See Table 5-1, Uses By District. [2]: At least %2 of the required shrubs shall be of an evergreen variety. [3]: Each evergreen tree meeting the minimum size standards of this section shall count as two caliper inches towards the total number of required canopy tree caliper inches. [4]: Credits towards required landscaping are available for the retention of non -specimen trees per the provisions of Section 4.2(D), Tree Preservation Incentives. [5]: Required landscaping trees shall be planted within the fr-entYaFd boulevard. [6]: Lots in the T -N District shall not adhere to these standards, but instead to the specific standards listed elsewhere in Table 4 d ^-' section 4.10)(2). [7]: Required Plantings for corner lots shall be double the listed requirements (6.0 AO of canopy trees QR d n erg --f ---- tFee +=v^Ng N^_„ *Nv vvl -. _ ) 3 ORDINANCE NO. 659 Section 3. Chapter 4, Section 1(J) — Zoning District Specific Landscaping Standards is hereby amended to read as follows: (2) Traditional Neighborhood (TN) District Landscaping Requirements Lots in the TN district shall adhere to the following additional landscaping requirements: (a) No less than 60% of the square footage of the front yard area shall be planted in garden meeting the following requirements: (i) 4.0 caliper inches of canopy trees plus 2 ornamental trees of 2.0 ea i ;�„ hes of eanopy fees 4= 1 evefgr-ee}rt ems. Trees may be planted in front or side yard. (ii) No less than 1 shrub per 20 square feet of front yard area. (iii) No less than 1 deciduous flower planting per 20 square feet of front yard area. (b) No private driveway leading to a garage may be more than 18 feet in width at the front yard property line. (c) Lot area that is not covered by shrubs and trees may be covered with lawn, gardens, and patios or decks. (d) A landscaping plan must be approved by the Community Development Department prior to issuance of a building permit. (e) A landscape security shall be provided to ensure the landscaping of each lot in accordance with this section. Section 4. Chapter 4, Section 5(J) — District Regulations is hereby amended to read as follows: (1) Within residential zoning districts (see table 3-1), the following additional regulations apply: (b) In addition to the sign allowed by Section 4.5(J)(1)(a) above, residential uses shall be allowed one (1) r-esidential area i d esti fi eati o monument sign per collector or arterial street access. Such sign shall not exeeed +hifty two (32) square feet in area and eight (�€ee Bei& eet the requirements of this ordinance and shall be constructed at the time of plat or phased plat development adjacent to the collector or arterial access. (c) he p„* buildings a d struEtueo, publio, quaoi publi reErea ion buildings, publio parka and feefe do a e&3, public; and pfiN edue onal institutions limited -te-aeofedited elementary, middle of senior 4 ORDINANCE NO. 659 high sehools, and religious institutions sueh as ehufehes, ehapels, temples and ^.rues Civic and institutional uses shall be allowed two (2) monument insti"ienal ,demi fieatio signs per lot meeting the requirements of this ordinance. n^�-eding oeventy five (75) squafe feet �r Wren nr,d eight (Q) feet in height.. (2) Within business and industrial zoning districts (see table 3-1), the following additional regulations shall apply: (b) Freestanding Signs (i) Unless otherwise specified in this section, one (1) sign is allowed per lot. The area of a freestanding sign may not exceed one hundred (100) square feet each side with a maximum height of twenty-two (22) feet. (ii) If a monument, rather than pylon sign is utilized, an additional one hundred (100) square feet of area beyond the total area calculated in Section 4.5(J)(2)(a) above, devoted to wall, canopy or marquee signs shall be granted. (iii) In addition to the sign allowed by sections (i) and (ii) above, additional signage may be allowed per lot in an amount not to exceed three (3) signs with an individual square footage maximum of ten (10) square feet each and thirty (30) total square feet. Such signage shall not exceed three (3) feet in height. Signage shall be setback at least 6' from adjacent property lines and shall not be located within a public right of way or easement without a license agreement approved by the City Council Such signs may not include changeable copy or dynamic displays. (iv) For shopping centers greater than one hundred and fifty thousand (150,000) square feet of aggregate building square footage and greater than twenty (20) acres in site area, two (2) freestanding signs may be permitted. Two (2) pylon signs may be constructed or, as an alternative, one (1) pylon and one (1) monument sign may be constructed. When the latter option is chosen, the monument sign shall be no greater than fourteen (14) feet in height nor more than one hundred (100) square feet in area. The pylon sign may be no greater than twenty-five (25) feet in height and three hundred (300) square feet in area. in addition to the sign allowed by on 1.5( )(2)(b)(i), dir-eet oral aignage may be a4lowed on sito in an am^,,,,+ not +„ exeeed thfee (3) signs with individual s"afe feeta.-, �um of ten (10) square feet eaeh and thir-t� (30) total square feet. 5 ORDINANCE NO. 659 Section 5. Chapter 4, Section 8(E) — Standards Applicable to All Uses is hereby amended to read as follows: (1) Location of Required Parking (fi All parking must occur on a paved surface except as may be permitted by this ordinance. Section 6. Chapter 5, Section 2(D) — Regulations for Civic and Institutional Uses is hereby amended to read as follows: (8) Pre -K-12 Schools (public or private): (h) Buildings and structures must comply with building code requirements as adopted by the City of Monticello. Section 7. Chapter 5.2(F) — Regulations for Commercial Uses is hereby amended as follows: (10) Convenience Retail (k) The hours of operation shall be limited to 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., except as may be approved by conditional use permit. (31) Vehicle Sales or Rental < Less than 2 acres 2 acres ? to 4 acres 10% 10,000 square feet > Greater than 4 acres 15% 40,000 square feet Section S. Chapter 5, Section 3(B) — General Standards and Limitations for Accessory Uses and Structures is hereby amended to read as follows: (2) Location of Accessory Uses or Structures (c) Detached accessory structures shall not be located beyond the front building line established by the principal structure, with the exception of commercial canopies and signs, which must adhere to the regulations of this ordinance. Section 9. Chapter 5, Section 4(E) - Specific Standards for Temporary Uses, Table 5-6 — Temporary Uses & Structures is hereby amended to read as follows: rol ORDINANCE NO. 659 Temporary Sign 40 120 days per year Yes Sec 4.5(1) Section 10. Chapter 8, Section 2(B) — Lots, is hereby amended to read as follows: (3) Required Yards (a) Definitions/Measurement (i) Accessory Structure Yard The minimum yard requirement between a lot line and an allowable accessory structure. Detached accessory structures may not be placed within front yards or corner side yards. Section 11. Chapter 8, Section 4 - Definitions is hereby amended to include the following terms as defined, or redefined: SCHOOL,Pre-K-12: A public or private school offering general, technical, or alternative instruction at the elementary, middle, or high school level that operates in buildings or structures on land leased or owned by the educational institution for administrative purposes. Such uses include classrooms, vocational training (including that of an industrial nature for instructional purposes only in middle or high schools), laboratories, auditoriums, libraries, cafeterias, after school care, athletic facilities, dormitories, and other facilities that further the educational mission of the institution. Section 12. The City Clerk is hereby directed to snake the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 13. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. 7 ORDINANCE NO. 659 ADOPTED BY the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota, this 23'd day of January, 2017. Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: �_ Jef�ll, Administrator AYES: Davidson, Fair, Gabler, Hilgart, and Stumpf NAYS: None. 0