City Council Minutes 01-23-2017 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 23, 2017 — 4:30 p.m. North Mississippi Room City Hall - Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None Others: City staff Wayne Oberg, Angela Schumann, Shibani Bisson, Rachel Leonard, Tom Moores, Sarah Rathlisberger, Jim Thares, and Mark Redinger 1. Call to Order Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. 2. 4:30 p.m. Gillard Avenue Improvements Shibani Bisson, WSB/City Engineer, presented a review of future Gillard Avenue Improvements. The project goals included addressing speeds, safety, and street design. The presentation included recommendations for proposed street design and safety improvements; drainage improvements; and estimated costs and funding. Ms. Bisson recommended to widen roadway to 32 -feet on the east side with curb and gutter with parking allowed on one side. She proceeded to present a short term solution and a long term solution for the County Road 39/Gillard Avenue Intersection. The following members of the public spoke: Mark Stanslaski, 9821 Gillard Avenue. Mr. Stanslaski expressed support for a 95th Street extension. He commented that there is a high level of traffic on Gillard and this would be reduced if 95th was constructed. In his opinion, because of new development, there is a need for another outlet to the freeway. Mr. Stanslaski questioned how a roundabout would be affordable when extending 95th street has a high cost. Kevin Fair, 9681 Gillard Avenue. Mr. Fair expressed frustration with the City because they allowed development to increase with only the one roadway. (Gillard Avenue). Greg Skindelien, 9834 Gillard Avenue. Mr. Skindelien expressed concern that widening the road would increase the traffic. Ed Davis, 9804 Gillard Avenue. Mr. Davis disagrees with the speed data and feels that drivers travel at much higher speeds than reported. He invited Councilmembers to position themselves on his property and watch the traffic. Mr. Davis is in support of extending 95th Street to Broadway. City Council Special Meeting Minutes — January 23, 2017 13 John Gurney, 9691 Gillard Avenue. Mr. Gurney is concerned that the speed data is flawed. He believes problems would be solved with another outlet. Mr. Gurney commented that the individuals driving the high speeds are not those living on Gillard Avenue. Kevin Knop, 9741 Gillard Avenue. Mr. Knop commented that as more development takes place, like Sunset Ponds, the greater need of another outlet. William Pitts, 9714 Gillard Avenue. Mr. Pitts expressed support of extending 95"' Street. He also commented that widening Gillard Avenue will only encourage the drivers to increase their speed. Martin Hackenmueller, 9651 Gillard Avenue. Mr. Hackemnuller disagrees with the policy that only those living on Gillard Avenue are being assessed. He feels that the road has deteriorated from traffic going to Sunset Ponds. He would like to see speed bumps installed every 100 feet. Mike Ludwig, 9750 Gillard Avenue. Mr. Ludwig requested that stop signs be put in at the intersection of Gillard Avenue and 97"' Street. He also commented that a flashing yellow arrow is needed at the transition zone between 45 to 55 mph on CR 39. In his opinion Gillard Avenue residents are not the primary benefactors of the project. Mr. Ludwig also expressed concern about culverts on the east side of the roadway. Discussion ensued among the City Council. Mayor Stumpf stated that he is not in favor of widening Gillard Avenue to a 32 foot roadway, curb/gutter, or on -street parking. There was continued discussion on the widening of the road. A majority of the councilmembers were open to different widths of roadway from 28 — 32 feet. Most didn't support on -street parking. Tom Moores, Street Superintendent, recommended the width of 32 feet for reasons that included safety and increased visibility. Councilmember Fair is in favor of widening to 32 feet with lighting, signage, etc. He stated that this should be treated as an urban street. Councilmember Davidson spoke in support of curb/gutter, striping, and placing a stop sign at 97t" Street. Councilmember Hilgart is fine with a 32 foot road and curb/gutter but doesn't support on -street parking. Councilmember Gabler expressed concern about the speed drivers are driving and that there should be zero tolerance for speeding on all of Monticello roadways. Councilmember Hilgart questioned moving the 45 mph sign east and Mayor Stumpf questioned lowering the speed on County Road 39. Ms. Bisson responded that MnDOT did a speed study of the area but more detail can be provided to them for further review. Councilmember Fair moved approval of widening Gillard Avenue to a 32 foot roadway with curb & gutter, dynamic signage, and to look into a stop sign at 97' Street and lowering the hill. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-1; Mayor Stumpf voted against for reasons listed above. City Council Special Meeting Minutes — January 23, 2017 3. 5:50 p.m. Review of Remaining 2017 Road Reconstruction Projects Shibani Bisson reviewed the remaining street projects which include 95th Street, Haug Avenue, 90th Street, Mississippi Drive, Hart Boulevard West, Hart Boulevard East, and Sandberg Road. She presented estimated project costs and funding. The total project costs, with Gillard, is estimated at $1,988,542. 4. Adjournment By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: ' Attest: � ity Administrator City Council Special Meeting Minutes —January 23, 2017 13