MCC Advisory Board Minutes 08-19-2014MINUTES MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER (MCC) ADVISORY BOARD MEETING Tuesday, August 19, 2014 4:30 p.m. West Prairie Conference Room Members Present: Heath Bird, Clint Herbst, Darren Paumen, Sandra Theros Jennifer Bethke Members Absent: None Staff Members: Kitty Baltos, Director 1. Meeting called to order. Chair Sandra Theros called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. 2. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. None. 3. Consideration of approving minutes of the Julv 15, 2014 regular meeting. JENNIFER BETHKE MOVED TO APPROVE THE MCC ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE JULY 15, 2014 REGULAR MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY HEATH BIRD. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 4. Update Items. A. Facility Usage through July 2014: Kitty Baltos reviewed and discussed the complete usage summary worksheet through July 2014 with the Advisory Board. B. Manager's Monthly Update: Kitty Baltos reviewed and discussed the manager's monthly update which was included in the agenda packet to the Advisory Board. C. Suggestion Box Items: Kitty Baltos reviewed and discussed the suggestion box items which were included in the agenda packet to the Advisory Board. MCC Advisory Board Minutes 08/19/14 5. Consideration of capital purchase items; Romp n Stomp improvements, and stairwav flooring. Kitty Baltos distributed photos of Romp & Stomp improvement ideas including a new slide, and other stand-alone play equipment. Kitty said that they are unable to get other prices as there is only one contractor who travels around the country and retrofits these types of play structures. Kitty said there is $50,000 in the budget for the gym floor which they are not going to put in this year. Those funds could be utilized for the Romp & Stomp. Approximately looking at around $37,000 for the new equipment but could maybe reduce that amount by putting in a smaller slide. Kitty said that the contractor will be visiting the MCC this week so she will get more details from him about equipment and more specific costs. 6. Consideration of second draft budget for submission to the Citv Council. Kitty Baltos distributed and reviewed the draft budget for submission to the City Council. Kitty said that the Finance Director informed her that the MCC is now tax exempt on items that they purchase. Kitty said that will create a savings of approximately $30,000/year in sales tax. Kitty suggests raising room rental rates to 10% as it has been two years since it was raised. That increases the revenue to approximately $9,000. SANDRA THEROS MOVED TO RAISE THE MCC ROOM RENTAL RATES BY 10%. MOTION SECONDED BY HEATH BIRD. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. Kitty explained that the National Guard is required to pay 10% on all capital improvements. Currently the City is going back and forth with the guard on reimbursing the City on the cost of the Pool improvement project, their portion is $180,000. Right now without raising room rental rates we are covering approximately 77% of expenses and with the increased rental rates it would move to 78%. We are supposed to be at 85%. Need $130,000 to get to 85% in either increased revenue or decreased expenses or a combination of the two. Kitty said that she has never done better than 80%. Clint Herbst suggested aiming for 80% which would be a $41,000 difference. Kitty said she has asked her employees to look at their job duties and refine job duties and efficiencies in order to free up more time for programming as that is the main the revenue generator. Discussed creating a dedicated space for Friendship Island; however, to hire a teacher and move to the Prairie Center Building may be too cost prohibitive. The rent on the building is $17,000/year. Clint suggested that the rent could possibly be waived for the first year in order to get the program going. Friendship Island is during the day all summer and during school breaks. If they can get their own dedicated space then they could operate before and after school. Kitty said it would mean higher employee costs and the rates would have to be decreased slightly to compete with the MCC Advisory Board Minutes 08/19/14 market. Suggested offering scrap booking events in the space when Friendship Island isn't taking place as another way to generate revenue. Kitty suggested looking at eliminating security personnel during the weddings and Clint said that the deputies could be notified when weddings take place and could be on call and on speed dial. Kitty said that typically there are two custodians on duty during weddings as well. This could result in a cost savings of $3,500. Discussed issues about safety and security and possibly utilizing city employees or college law enforcement students, etc. Kitty will look into this further. Kitty said that they are not getting many daily users for the climbing wall because they don't want to pay the additional fee. The daily rate pass does not include the climbing wall; the climbing wall is a separate fee of $5.50/person. Kitty suggested adding a reduced rate to use the climbing wall for people that have purchased a daily rate pass (for $3.00). Discussed having the guest service associates "upsell" the climbing wall when patrons are purchasing the daily pass. Other revenue generating ideas include: • Renting out the kitchen to caterers • Renting out the gym from 5 a.m. to 7 a.m. • Adding climbing wall birthday parties • Increasing concession pricing • Programming in the old bowling alley such as gymnastics, cross fit, etc. Kitty will do some more research on these ideas and will try to come up with some dollar amounts for revenue and expenses. Kitty said there still is time to add or change items and the preliminary levy will be set at the end of September and the final budget won't be set until the first meeting in December. 7. Adiourn. The meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m. "�,.. Recorder: Administrative Assistant Date Approved: Attest: Kitty Baltos, MCC Director