EDA Agenda 03-08-2017 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, March 8th, 2017 – 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Steve Johnson, Tracy Hinz, Jon Morphew and Councilmembers Jim Davidson and Lloyd Hilgart Staff: Executive Director Jim Thares, Jeff O’Neill, Angela Schumann, Wayne Oberg and Jacob Thunander 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Administer Oath to new Commissioner, Jon Morphew 4. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. Regular Meeting – February 8, 2017 b. Special Meeting – February 8, 2017 5. Consideration of additional agenda items 6. Consideration of approving payment of bills 7. Consideration of entering into a contract with CMDC to Underwrite GMEF Loan Applications 8. Consideration of contributing $5,000 in funding to downtown (Block 34) art project 9. Consideration of Director’s Report 10. Adjourn 1 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, February 8th, 2017 – 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Bill Tapper, Steve Johnson, Tracy Hinz, and Jim Davidson Absent: Bill Demeules and Lloyd Hilgart Staff: Angela Schumann, Jim Thares, Jacob Thunander, Wayne Oberg 1. Call to Order Bill Tapper called the regular meeting of the EDA to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. Workshop Meeting – January 11th, 2017 TRACY HINZ MOVED TO APPROVE THE WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES FROM JANUARY 11TH, 2017. STEVE JOHNSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 3-0-1 WITH BILL TAPPER ABSTAINING DUE TO HIS ABSENCE AT THE MEETING. b. Regular Meeting – January 11th, 2017 STEVE JOHNSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FROM JANUARY 11TH, 2017. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 3-0-1 WITH BILL TAPPER ABSTAINING DUE TO HIS ABSENCE AT THE MEETING. 4. Consideration of additional agenda items Bill Tapper requested adding the consideration of City Staff to research having a consent agenda for future EDA meetings. Thares agreed that staff would research into having a consent agenda and a respond by the following meeting. 5. Consideration of approving payment of bills Bill Tapper asked what the Petroleum Brownfields invoice for $250.00 was for. Thares believed that it was for previous environmental work completed on Block 34 from around a year ago. Tapper also asked what the invoice from Midwest Electro for $1,040.00 was for. Thares 2 stated they were a subcontractor for METCO for the LSI completed on Block 34. Tapper also asked what was provided by Pace Analytical Services. Thares stated that this was also a subcontractor for METCO that completed soil sampling of Block 34. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS THROUGH JANUARY, 2017. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. 6. Consideration of approving additional expense for LSI – Block 34 Jim Thares stated when the LSI was completed METCO needed to gather borings from beneath the sidewalk, which required a right-of-way permit through Wright County. EDA approval of the additional service was required as this work was considered a change order to the contract. JIM DAVIDSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE PAYMENT OF $100.00 INVOICE FROM METCO. STEVE JOHNSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. 7. Annual Business Meeting a. Consideration to elect EDA Officers TRACY HINZ MOVED TO ELECT 2017 OFFICERS BILL DEMEULES AS PRESIDENT, BILL TAPPER AS VICE PRESIDENT, AND STEVE JOHNSON AS TREASURER. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. b. Consideration to review EDA Bylaws and Enabling Resolution Jim Thares stated that the EDA Bylaws and Enabling Resolution were provided to the EDA for review and to make any changes they would like to see amended. The EDA did not have any changes to either the Bylaws or Enabling Resolution. c. Consideration of 2017 EDA Appointments This item was omitted. d. Consideration of EDA fund balance information Wayne Oberg presented a draft of the 2016 financial statement fund balances. Oberg noted the overall cash balance increased significantly due to a land sale. He also reviewed each of the TIF Districts. Oberg stated that TIF District 38 would be ending in 2017 and it currently has a negative balance of $115,305. This amount would be absorbed by the City if it couldn’t receive money to pay it back. Oberg also mentioned that TIF 39 currently has a $303,910 Interfund Liability, which is expected to be paid back by the decertification of the district. Oberg stated the year that each TIF District is eligible for decertification: 19 (2023), 20 (2024), 22 (2022), 24 (2026), 29 (2029), 30 (2029), 34 (2022), 35 (2023), 38 (2017), and 39 (2021). Oberg noted that the EDA has been fiscally conservative this past year, with an increase in the general fund of $900,000. 3 Tracy Hinz asked what ‘Other Revenues’ included. Oberg stated that $260,000 of that is from the sale of property, the remaining is miscellaneous funds. 8. Consideration of Modification of GMEF Loan Guidelines Steve Johnson pointed out Section 5, K. Non-Performance, of the GMEF Loan Guidelines, asking if the EDA or the City Council approves the loans. Jim Thares stated that it should say the EDA, rather than the City Council. Johnson also questioned Section 6, b. 5, and asked if that item was necessary. Angela Schumann noted that it would be best if the EDA’s attorney would review this, but stated this was likely in place to act as a check and balance. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO MODIFY THE GMEF LOAN GUIDELINES AS PRESENTED (TO CHANGE THE TERM FROM 5-7 YEARS TO 10 YEARS ON EQUIPMENT AND FROM 5 TO 10 YEARS ON REAL ESTATE). STEVE JOHNSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. 9. Consideration of dissolving Prospect Team and Business Subsidy Committee Bill Tapper stated that the EDA set up a Prospect and Business Subsidy Committee to meet privately to discuss proposals. Due to Open Meeting Law, Staff requested the team be disbanded. Jim Thares stated the open meeting law limits the effectiveness of the committee as it was to be a quick response to prospects. Thares noted that the committee was just beginning to form, but had not yet met. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO DISSOLVE THE PROSPECT TEAM SUBCOMMITTEE. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. 10. Consideration of Recommendation for Appointment of EDA Member STEVE JOHNSON MOVED TO RECOMMEND APPOINTMENT OF JON MORPHEW TO A SIX YEAR TERM ON THE EDA. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. 11. Director’s Report Jim Thares noted the CEDS (Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy) meeting being held on February 23, 2017 to discuss Economic Competitiveness. Thares indicated that he would notify the EDA of the future CEDS meetings as well. Thares stated the second draft of the Housing Study was being reviewed by staff. Thares thought the EDA may possibly be able to review it during the March meeting. Thares stated the Small Area Study Steering Committee would meet for the first time on Thursday, February 9, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. 4 Lastly, Thares mentioned that an RFP for a new prospect for a 125,000 square foot building was submitted. He stated that staff should hear back by early March. 12. Adjourn TRACY HINZ MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:44 P.M. STEVE JOHNSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander ____ Approved: March 8, 2017 Attest: ____________________________________________ Jim Thares, Economic Development Director 1 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING – ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Tuesday, February 8th, 2017 - 5:00 p.m. Academy Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Bill Tapper, Steve Johnson, Tracy Hinz, and Jim Davidson Absent: Bill Demeules and Lloyd Hilgart Staff: Angela Schumann, Jacob Thunander, Jim Thares 1. Call to Order Bill Tapper called the Special Meeting of the EDA to order at 5:00 p.m. 2. Interview of EDA Candidates The EDA received two applications for the open EDA position, however one of the candidates withdrew. Jon Morphew interviewed for the open position on the EDA. Jon Morphew expressed his interests in serving on the board and responded to questions posed by the EDA. He mentioned his long-term involvement in the City’s Fibernet Advisory Board and his goals for economic development in the City of Monticello. The EDA briefly discussed and considered the addition of Morphew to the EDA. The board agreed to make a motion for the addition of Morphew to the EDA during the regular scheduled meeting. 3. Adjourn TRACY HINZ MOVED TO ADJOURN THE SPECIAL MEETING AT 5:23 P.M. STEVE JOHNSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander ___ Approved: March 8th, 2017 Attest: _____________________________________________________ Jim Thares, Economic Development Director EDA Agenda: 3/7/17 6. Consideration of approving payment of bills (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month are included for review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve payment of bills through February 2017. 2. Motion to approve payment of bills through February 2017 with changes as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Accounts Payable Summary Statements I � t \ = § _0 � 00 7 § k \ � \ \ � � 2 � v § ° ° @ @ ° ° @ @ / § } \w ) \ \ \ \ \ \ 40. w« m m \ \ Le) \ z z \ \ ( u k *acq (® u / Cl § t § § . o u 3 °L e \ \ \ \ c @ \ \ 0 \ \ \ ? 9 \ \ \\ \ \ (/ 9 C)\ k \ § > Cl) \ \ \ \ / ® 00 ~ \ eq \ � � \ \ * \ \ \ \ ƒ / E } \ }} 9 2 2 g 2 2 \ L) \ a \ w w w w Q / j Page. 1 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street, SUite 470 Minneapolis, Mho 55402 Monticello EDA December 31, 2016 MN325-00031 Conveyance of Fred's Auto Property Through December 31, 2018 i 4� For All Legal Services As Follows- Flours Amount 121712016 MNI Monticello - revise Studer agreement and draft approving 0.90 171.00 resolution. 1211212016 M I Phone rnversation with J Thanes regarding alternate offer 0 70 133.04 to purchase Fred's Auto property and proper procedure, office canfereni--e wain J BOUlton regarding same; follow-up with J Tharer, 12/1912016 MMI Prepare executkon copy of Studer contract, 0.30 57.00 Total Services: 361.00 Total Services and Disbursements: S 361.00 Kennedy & Craven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 470 Minneapolis, WIN 56402 (612) 337-9300 41-1225694 January 18, 2017 Statement No 135242 Monticello EDA 505 Warnut Ave, Suite 1 Monticello, IVIN 55362 Through December 31, 2016 MN325-00031 Conveyanoe of Fred's Auto Property 361.0c. Total Current Billing; 361.00 I declare, under penalty of law, that thgS account. Chi irn or demand is just and correc# and that no part of it hes beery paid. Sidhature of C Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Monday, January 30, 2017 2:14 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (2) Yes, it is okay to pay these two invoices. Please code both to: 213-46301-430400. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, January 30, 2017 1:52 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (2) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# M N 190-00101 - $152.00 Inv# MN325-00031 - $361.00 Okay to pay? Please provide coding for each. Thanks, Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us AP@ci.monticello.mn.us -,T1 .}F Montice110 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. I Page. Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 2 -DC South Sixth Street, Suite 470 Minneapolis. MN 55402 City of Monticello December 31, 2016 MN190-00101 General EDA Matters Through December 31, 2016 For All Legal Seim res As FoIIows: 1211912016 MNI Monticello monthly finance cats Total Services Hours Amount 0.80 152.00 s 152.00 Total Services and Disbursements: S 162.00 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 41-1225694 January 18, 2017 Statement No_ 135241 City of Monticello Accounts Payable 545 Walnut Avenue, Suite 1 Monticello. MN 55382 Through December 31, 2016 MIN190-00101 Genera.1 EDA Matters declare, under penalty of law, that this account_ claim or demand is just and correct and that no part of it has been paidA fgnaiure of Claim�n I 152.00 Total Current Billing, 152,00 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Monday, January 30, 2017 2:14 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (2) Yes, it is okay to pay these two invoices. Please code both to: 213-46301-430400. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, January 30, 2017 1:52 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (2) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# M N 190-00101 - $152.00 Inv# MN325-00031 - $361.00 Okay to pay? Please provide coding for each. Thanks, Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us AP@ci.monticello.mn.us -,T1 .}F Montice110 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. I J WS 701 Xonen Avenue Swth, Suile 3130 i Mpomdpuli�. MN 5`,415 1 {753f 541-4600 City of Monticello January 31, 2017 -; A#tn_ Wayne Oberg, Finance DIrectGF Projecl No; 02596-34 505 watnuI street, suite 1 invoice No, Monftello, I IN 55362-8531 2016-2417 Market Matching GL Acct 9213.46301.431990 pity Staff Reviewer: Jim chafes ProfesslOna I 9fVicef kgrn Decembu 1. 20 16 to Docernber 311 2 Fee Total Fee 2,100-4o Percent Complete 100-00 TOOI Eamed 2,100.00 Previous Fee SpIling 1,400-00 Current Fee Billing 704.00 Total Felt 700.00 Total this Invoice $700,00 Comments - Approved by, reviewed by: Fret Weiss ProjeO Manager: Jarnes Gromberg Building a lapey - Your legacy E4ual OppoFwnap Employer Ksbertg com Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, February 8, 2017 9:40 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: WSB Inv# 02596-340 12/31/16 $700.00 Yes, this is okay to pay. 2016 budget. Please code to the same line as previous contract invoices. Thanks. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2017 9:12 AM To: Jim Thares Subject: WSB Inv# 02596-340 12/31/16 $700.00 Jim Attached is a copy of the December invoice from WSB for the Market Matching. Okay to pay $700.00? Thanks, ,Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chenev@ci.monticello.mn.us AP@ci.monticello.mn.us ArITr of m -,en ciiq&l 1 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. I CHECK RE UE T CHECK AMOUNT, D• n Cheek to: Harry T. Lantto 907 - "" Ave Buffalo, MN 55313 Meering Worked - REQUEST DATE: Vendor # Planning Commis don Date _ Time Amount Due EDA Meeting Datt 1111 11 Time 1-15 Amount Due Cite Council Date 119 1-7 Time Amount Due Lo City Council Date . Time Amount Duc Total Doc: 1 "- 0-t) PlanningCommission: EDA I .4-U oI. 4l6 MO D City Council lei ,L4,11 ! O. L-3 f` Il Z> ipo Authorized Icy: La Date l TIME SHEETS ATTACHED MONTI ELLO COMMUNITY CENTER TIME SHEET Employee Laine HARRY i_AN'1 10 Position PUBLIC MEETING RECORVER - CONTRACT DATE TIME IN TIME CWT Hours Wrrked Meeting {/ J J+ Meeting Payment $60 for first 3 hours ARr rnent: S1() per liver 110 every hour after MEETING RECD RDER= Harry T_ Lantto SIGNATURE DATE: AUTHORIZED BY, _ >Nj NEOPOST Account Intoimatlon CITY OF MONTICELLO ATTN VICKI LEERHOFF Accoonl Number. #### #### #"# 5196 CIcsinq Dake: 02103117 AvaYlabte Credit: 57,362.25 Oustomef Service (800) 63e-7678 Payment Informauon Total Minimum Payment Due $80-00 rip! . Paymerrt Due Date/33103117 Page 1 of 3 INVOICE AccGunt Summary pawhous Balance TPan"5 pare Purthssl~s + 1137.75 C{edILS _ O.Do Paymerds _ 2,132.24- Othe= DE94F. + 0 co Finwco Charges + 0.0 NEW BALANCE $ i.m?r,75 Mail Payment To. 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FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, WE HAVE PitD111bED U UR Tp 3b,580 T07RL Ll IT. MOhftliLY POS TAGS ACTIVITY THAT E XCEEDS YOUR AGCOUFJT LI MiT IS SUBJECT TO A 1% FLE71 LHAIT FEE_ RETAIN THIS $1ATEMENT FOR TAX PURPOGIES. THE TOTAL FINANCE CHARGE FAJo oN YOUR ACCOUNT DURING THE PAST YEAR WAS voia- PLFMIF PLTAGH COUPON AN 0 RET URN PAYNDfT 651NG THE ENICLOSE0 Pb , ALLOW 5 GAYS r0A MAIL qLlq� NEOFUNdS 9Y NelO `$l Acl7ounk Nmfl r PO 9ox 30193 #### #### # 5196 TAMPA FL3YW3190 NEOPOST T 1'7 EO 1` V I O�r[k 440 G7 �n CN! — nrnriampnr:� fh4r�p� L— M 4i[k 4{ 114L Q44p¢h Total Minimum AMOUNT OF PAYMFN7 ENC.OSEO (in Fly &;e Nevi FJalanar Pa Duo yment Due Doh 02=1 1 7 $1,137 75 B0.4R 031G3f17 CITY DF MONT9ELLO MA f=CHECKPAYABLE?O! ■ ATTR VICKI L€ERHOPF M WALNUT ST StE1 �� IlkllllYl lkkllYl111lillliiil}Inv�IlYl�iY111Y11711ii�i��n�11 MONTIGELL0 MN 65362 -WT NEOFUNGS 43Y NEOPOST 7 + 1+ PC BOX 30193 1 r IYI1117Ila IIilll Ylllliililli�li LrIF��II�id[1411PI l i list YIll TAMPA R ,M-303 87 7900 0440 6327 5196 00008000 00113775 4 Adding Postage Begin date 8/3/2016 End date 2/3/2017 Date Amount New funds avail 8/22/2016 $0.00 $607.34 8/22/2016 $0.00 $607.34 9/2012016 $0.00 $25,99 9/20/20.16 $1,000.00 $1.024,54 10/26/2016 $1,060,00 $1,017.37 12/5/2015 $1,000.00 $1,029.49 12123/2016 $1,000.00 $1,000.26 2/3/2017 $1,omoc $1,010.93 CL ~ ' 0 O fi 4V N 0 H 0 ICL CL Lu p- H W � < P� LL1 2 I- W M < Iw W W � W ❑ � H r W {may `J 47 �' H pr W 0 _N � tel_ l a = �= W _O � �_ l! fr fi W w -- Lail O Q" W�5�2 1 -W LUJ LL W� }- W�aQ co W J F� - aJ OQ 0�-O CJ o nW-o omQQ c�OCL ~ ' 0 O fi 4V N 0 H 0 ICL H CIL O r N r12 4M C5 r Q KD 4N {V C+1 N N N q� r fi {0 O pp Ln X) O Ln O �¢ U7 1 O �LCj L[Lir3 2 C 6 O LO O Lir3 q to LC7 In LO Lir3 Ln w _ It k4 h P. m i m LU W e m z LL z H LL i H 2 ..Q LL O ¢ LL O z LL D b 4 F V) H CO H 4J z LA ul H Z Q W y- W z < W W z ill W Z <W W LLQ C CC ap 7 dC CC � 3 Ir 4 w - CL LL y7 W on IL i IL LL LLLL Ln '� v,�UJ� 4- LL- pp W ,d ( IL w LL W Lt_ 05ac<o C -O � no�lav , �� ❑0wv w � nn .t LD ❑C)v Z z I Z Z Z O O r rL W e I wpm Lq Apr- LLPU w Q Q U UJ LU oC v W CC ^+ LU w LLJ W crx 1rw W 4; In d Lu <� LU LU W ff W Lu t[ LU W Z fi o 2 ID a [a 3n< am u_ ❑ LL ❑ 0 ❑ G1 0< H H H H Ir _0- _ C nL � I IkO oD N I M r Q b O I r cm tau cm N N N � cvv N N r r rte- 2a� 2 a- Z W a- 00 cn Lo Ln�+ �N 43 r LO � ,�j 0 N N � a] � rn Ln Ln 0 1 � cm w in 0 O C a� sv rn ko O Nr w rf} civ os LD Q co Lr, � O N dmf] d r} Ui O w rti rti t} r P -in r 2a� 2 a- Z W a- CL C� ►- Z Ute] QO Q dmf] d < Q_ Z d LU ftf0 fn < .Lu V ] rn Z Q W to Z < 4F ED rn 2 d W 14,Q r Lu m {o J T oe `- �3 Z W Il LL- ur < lu il- LL %< 4 !J N 4 Lu ;L I z > U] -T Z La -j W,4c O�tJ; a) -0uiQ � ��#fi L4 Ln JWd 00 u , JLU< CL LL W, Udqq LL LL 1-- ' QOM 040� �� I w Z—Fj Z Z Z Z z Z Z r} Ui O w rti rti t} r P -in r m rn z CL I a ul W LU O Q0a .1 Ir W LU Q SLI U W 0 uj LD F- W W H LU W� W LLL! z > 7z 7z 7z J Q Uj J N Uj J Q fJi J CJj J Q fJ] W LY W ul W LY W LI C[ W W W W0: 0 L n 0 v< - 0 L 0 dU- ❑ 0 L ❑ 0 L -- w - m r C � 1JA LU �, W ` LU J J p III J =J 4% I. 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' Statement: 392 ME CO 681 m§GLL ETTE ST REET ITE 3 Date v0 m7 LA CROSSE w 7 1&I Fate Dik$ «o Uom Unmet Rata Amount Taxshiet Current Che 9 /me ROW PERWT1 2 100.00 ;Tota ICha re jnce Du »*fmtDwl1l2d 332!6 Pfease include invoice . on * { �� METCO EXce8enre fhrough gFxpL-r;&nr@- 709 Gillette St., Sle 3, La Crosse, VVI 54603 T 800 5 X032 • Fax ($08} 781-8893 Email- rona C metcoftCOm ♦ www.melcohq.com Petrofund Leak Number: 20142 Site Name: Former Municipal Gas Facility Date: 1-18-17 Subcontractor; Wright C aunty Highway Department Invoice Number: 681 Amount: $10000 00 Note: METO has reviewed the attached invoice for your Petrofund Project. Please submit payment for this invoice direct!y to the subcontractor. Please include Invoice # on check. Environmental Consulting ♦ Fuel System Installation Sales, SLTVira, Supplies + GeneraJ Contraming RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT Wright County Highway Department X +Z Publk Word Building d 1901 Highway 25 North 7i S uffalo, M N. 55313 *age Telephone {763165-7706 Fmx (163)6,95-7313 County Pe,roix No. -J omparty+'UV"O" No. Permit Fee Schedule $100-00 FirstN ile S 50,00 For Each Additional Mile Application is hereby made for perrnissioa to place, construct and thereafter maintain a s°u t�oryngs (alogg or amss) County Highway No. 7 from Pine steet _ -- to Cidir Sfreet 4) to 85 tee# from tht; centerline on the (=q� wosta:n;.oij side of the county highway" Submit 2 Copies of engineering drawings. 1. TYPE OF C01+STRU TION' New Facility _ Existing )Facility. _ _. Power Communication Pipelines Gas � � 0(5er soil borings U. 1E NDJF QRQV �f1 CONS RUrTION Voltage _ _ Number of Conductor Size of Conductor Conduit Type _ — P2 essufe Flow psig F"d Type -- Pipe & Size using Type 111. A)EIglaON TRU9TiON Voltage plumber of Conductors Size of Conductpr Single pale Open wire ! H-Fmme _ Single pole and H -Frame Vertical Steel towor Crass -arm Cable Vertical and ctoss_�irtn Other fiuimuni height ofcond=tor _ feet along highway, feet at crossing over highway. IV. METHOD OF 1NSTA4LWtJ"KR ROADBEDS (48" minimum depth) Sacking _ Boring _ Pneuma Gopher Open TYtnch (explaip) V. METHOD. QE INST_AL.LVQG__Q QE QE ROADBEDS (36" minimurn depth) ]'direct Bury Boring ' ' Other __ _ Open 'French (explain) VL Work to start on or after 12M6 Extent and location of true trimming and/or elem ing- NA enol to he complctcd an or before f 717x16 V13. The applicant in carrying on any and all of the work herein above mentioned or ref re to in its application* and in the Fumit issued hire fore, shall stricAy omit rn ;o the earns of such Permit, and the regulations of l}ie Wright ivunty RSight-of-kWay Ordinance, as ser forth htxoin together *iffi tho Special Psovisians, all of which arc made a pan hereof The Wikant specifinally agrees to be bound hereby. the applicant steal l also rAmply with the rtgulmdons of all other governmental agencies fon- the protection of t1le pub] ie" The work shal I be accompi!shed in a manner that will not be detrimental to rhe hi8bwey and that will safeguard the public, Owner of Facility RETCO Connect �r1r ooN jCM1rdnyA3crycmEnen1 EntityOnhcr) PrSnL Nernt] Address Tog GUede street, Suite 3 Phone sue -781-857 City La rAa&%e state.u)X jP SN 03 Fax/e-mail -i09metoc'rfm Martie of Agency Marga Emkonmental DrMing - — Contact Tadd Knkirkay Address 2114 and Aare i= (Gbnmut vEngin=mg Firm) Phone 18-966-soil""s r �►el City Hiding T State MN Eiip $6746 Fllxle-Inai� taddQrangoenvdrW1ng.00m signature ( pp]icem'sSigrah.Yt) Date 1112YM N GREATER MSPTM W inneapoi =s Saint Paut RegEonaI Econ ornIc Development Partnership Contact Information INVOICE NUMBER Mortal 2017_008 111 f 0;A, gbfzpp!, ,'.�. I k a r e- INVOI E DATE December 8, 2016 City of Monticello DUE DATE Upon recei Monticello, MN Cd ".7 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT GREATER MSP alesforoe_com Communities Portal 2017 License Service Dates= 1/1117-12131117 Thank you! MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO-- GREATER O:GREATER MSP ATTN: Mibi Mathiesen, Conlroller 400 Robert Street North, Suite 1600 Saint Paul, MN 55101 Total Due: $450-00 S450.00 Jim Thares From: Megan Livgard < Megan.Livgard@greaterrnsp.org> Sent: ThtjrWay, February 09, 2017 11:54 AM To: Jim Thares Subject, SF Invoice Attachments: 2017 Invoice to City of Monticello - 008_xls Jim — Here is the 2017 SF invoice. Looking forward to meeting with you and Duane next week. Thanks Sincerely, Megan Barnett-Uvgard, CEcD, EDFP Business Retention & Expansion Mon ager GREATER MSP 400 Robert Street North, Suite 14500, Saint Paul, MN 55101 www.[treatermso.org Office= 651.287.5812 Cell: 651.252.5030 Small: Meganlivgard(cogreatermsp,flrg Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Friday, February 17, 2017 4:26 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Greater MSP Inv# 2017-008 $450.00 Yes, that is fine. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Friday, February 17, 2017 1:44 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: Greater MSP Inv# 2017-008 $450.00 Jim Attached is a copy of the invoice to Greater MSP you submitted earlier this week. I discussed the coding with Sarah. It should be coded to 213.46301.431990 since the EDA is the only one who benefits from this software. In the past it has been coded to 213.46301.431990 . Okay to code there? Thanks, Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chenev@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticello.mn.us M Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 2417 EMPLOYEE REIMBURSEMENT VOUCHER CITY OF MONTICELLO ( ffee ve 1/]/] 7) NAME_ � � 1,�,� .,DTE OF REQUEST_J_� Z 0t � Address to Mail (if n essary ) I``L RPOSE. ATE V4t�g,,j,! Al SMA 9,�A,31 LA 41 EXPENSES- (Please reference Travel and R.eimburwment Policy) Mileage ( Sas per mile) (Total rniles ) AcAvveWidewasnKnava0abTe. Traverfngdir� iann+arr ne#persona�vehJGe sc_I i 3raveling[ofidition5 wOrrar,ted personal vehicle use � :Other 1 e �14�e Parking Fee Meals S 4!!F;> (include dated, itemized receipts) Lodging S (include dared, itemized hotel bill) SUBTOTAL Account Number i .433100 r Other A _ Account� ^' �. Dec prion _ TOTAL TO PAY )24 SIGNED - _ APPROVED B �NOTE. xach armies ofdocu nentation, including ir�v�i��, €e�:eigts, �emi�ar c #rcate, eta:. DATE MILES WHERE TRAVELED "1-zo f u 17 505 Walnut St..-lonticello. XfN 55362-8819 to 212 Main St NW Directions - MapQuest Page I oF2 t�>e rt R F 4 /tt� 6f-,& YOUR TRIP TO: - � 212 Main Sl NW 20 MI H I mg Fill 1p Edit, fuel cost: Illa TFJp llmr tlg td Vn 1t4hrTIC COndiliOAS 96 Df 4:24 PM an ftbrumrp a, 2017 Cyrmrkl irorfg- Uoaefdid 1. 81arl oui going norlheaal an Welmut $LeC4unly Hwy -58 loward 51A St. .. Then 0.13 miles 0 1 3laial miles r+ 2- Yak* 1h♦ 2nd right onlo W lith St. W 41h $f Je 0 1 mi*T "Sf &0 St. U YOU ranch W 3rd St S+DW W gone a NifJe foo l4kr. Then o N miles 0.71 Lotel (Wes a. Teks She 1st leis anio Plop SUMN-25. 1�onunue Io rpllo+r NII -25. Jf YOU ark 06 E 4fh $f and reach Cadar St you W some a YflJe too fpx. Thfn 3 25 miles 3 4610 1e1 Mugs 4. Tarn rlght am to JeTlersorl BlydAJ& 10 iE Conirnue is foLiow u&- 10 E. Us, IQ F is jusr pasJ Puraam Ave. fl you #re On k0p Sf N end reach Marron Ave you've gone abpaj o 1 miJe3 foo far, Then 9.$5 miles 1 5.11 Lotel mite$ 5- Turn lell ansa mam $l NVY ! d# u St,IVINis 0.1 nVes peyf fpCkZpri Ave - Then 0.47 miles 13.S71oial miler. $,212 Man` St NW. Elk River, MN 55330153L1, 2 1 � MAIN $T NVVis on the leil. Ya1,r destinehoe is iu#1 o4wr Carson Ave, Jf you reach hoi hhWay TfiB roa'Lee gOhC f Jiffle foo #er, kh4 QI di144bMi ihd wipt it iub".1 l6 p11r Te.1we 01 lid[ Wt d— Q.—d— --.— —dilinn. 4. YF 4q dy Y4 Fa .— 311 d}k u1 4 https -/AN-k?,rw.mapquest.c:om/dj ecfionsdistlllusfmnlmorlticeIIo/55362-88191505-walnut- st-4... 21/2017 505 Walnut St. Monticello, MN 5 5 3 62-8 819 to 212 Main St NW Directions - MapQuest Page 2 off'2 H t i� https://,,%,ww.niapquest.com/directioiis/lisV] luslmnlrnonticello1553 -88191505-walnut-st-4... 21812017 2017 Winter Conference EDAM January 19 — 20, 2017 Minneapolis Marriott Nor-thwest Brooklyn Park, Minnesota 2+&2017 5C6 Walrn4 St, Man! cCLl10. MN 66352-881$ W 7475 Nortwwd Dr N. Minrw3polis, MN, 55428-1506 DIrecGom- MspQuest PPM yif� ce tJ cz, YOUR TRIP TO- 7, CDZU)�� r 7025 Northland pr N. Minneapeli5_ MN. 55426-1506 26 MIN 1 27,2 MI JR Est. fuel cost: $1.76 Trip lime based ore traffic conditions as al 3:55 Phi ore F015ruary 9r 2917, CurrentTrihiTir; Ligbi. 91, Start outgoing southwest on Walnut UeCouoty Hwy -58 toward VV 61h St_ Then 0.03 miles 2. Take the 1st left onto Wr6th $I. if you reach W 71h $1 you've gope d lrtfle Joo f9 r. Then 4,07 mile* 3, Take the 1 st righl onto Pirie SYMN-25_ Conlinuie to follow MN -25. lfyou are un E 8th S Herd reach Cedar51 you've gorse a Wfle Ino far, Then 0.30 miles T 4. Merge onto 1-94 EiUS-57 Etoward MinneapolilsJ31 Paul. 'Then 23.27 miles 5, Keep left to take 1-94 Ell.1S-52 E toward 1-694. Then 3.03 utiles e 6, Take the Soon& Ave exit, EXIT 30. Then 0,15 tulles 7. Keep right atlhe fork in the ramp, Then 0.05 miles S. Merge onto Doane Ave N. Then 0,16 miles 9. Turn left onto Morthland lar N. if you reach Northland C)r fel you%ee gorse a Mfle too far. Thele 0.16 miles IV 10. 7025 Northland Of N, Mlnneapolls. MN 55428-1506, 7025 NORTHLAND OR N Is on The kfl, Your destinaJ on is just past Nor4hland Or IV, lfyou reark NbrthWnd Ter lel you've game about a.1 mries too far. 0.03 total miles 4.14 total miles 0.40 total tulles 23.67 total miles 26 70 total miles 26.65 total miles 26.90 toial miles 27,48 loial miles 27.23 total miles hapswsAi90luslmrsmmtioetlo(55�-861Wwalnut-si-45.302423,-93.799222ildusimrllminreapol ISIW2&15XE7Nt-northland... 1.2 2!&2017 505 Walmit St, Mondoello, ASN 55352-8819107025NCelhlardDr N,Mirll ugdis, MN, 5542! 7-lWDirecNam-MapQuest Uaa ai drreeLions and rneps is aubjeet I our Terms at 1-g9e we oorl't huajam&L aecurary route curndUnris or usahliltp. you p#surrm all ri5N of use. hlkps'?�'4+J W W.rriapqut+st.com�dlroel�ensA15V1Juslmrl+mavi epi 10'S5�'X62-BB19�a4errwdiruA-St-4a,�}74Z''�-9Ci,7�rhow.rmrL+rrFrfxleap011s+55428.1$�6u742S rr�rlhlard. -. 2� a to 4tscq�o 10 At@F i°J r �i �nr l ,- I * r•ow;-rasaa�• } O i I'.IIIIpL r' Fian •tr ' 00 It ' 8roc y ' PEI i iB � rt CO�COTd; Ma Grove yrr� Y� F7[,r kf:}i[I (;e rer'Ft'L41 Lin FiLheC�:.� j'+ar- 7e1k'r4� id'tttn �, I # hlkps'?�'4+J W W.rriapqut+st.com�dlroel�ensA15V1Juslmrl+mavi epi 10'S5�'X62-BB19�a4errwdiruA-St-4a,�}74Z''�-9Ci,7�rhow.rmrL+rrFrfxleap011s+55428.1$�6u742S rr�rlhlard. -. 2� 71ar2017 505 VVEdnul Si- MoMicellc, MN 55362-8819 lo Roseville Cfly Office Dir2clivn5 - MVQue5t YOUR TRIP T:/ Roseville City Office 46MIN I 41.9MI Est. fuel cost: $2.71 Trip lima based on traffic canurtlons as al 3:S7 PM do Fehruagl S. 2q#-1, Current Traffic- Ntooerate 1. Start Out going sot+lhwe51 on Walnut SUCounty Hwy -59 toward VV 8t1i $1. Then 0.03 miles 0.03 total miles 2. Take the 1st left onto W 6th St. IfYoU reach W 7th 51 you've gone a litfie too far. Then 0.07 miles 0.10 total miles 3_ Take the Sat right onto Pkne StIMN-25. Continue to follow MN -25 1f you are on E 61h S1 and reacfr Cedar St You've gone 3 IWO too lar. Then 0-30 miles 0.40 total miles T 4. Merge onlo 1-94 EfUS-52 E tGward MfnnedpolislS# Pala?. Then 23.21 miles 23.67 tolal milp5 S. keep left to take 1-94 E11<1S-52 E loward 1-694. Thea 6.02 miles 30.43 lotal miles SAT 6. Merge onto 1-694 E via the exit on the left Then 8.30 miles 38 79 total miles EXIT 7. Take EXIT 43A toward Laxington Ave. A Then 0.23 miPes 33.82 tola1 miles 8, Turn right onto Lexir+glor5 Ave N1Counly Hwy -51. If yow reach 1-694 E you've gone about 0.2 miles foo far_ Then 2.70 miles 41.72 Iota? miles 9. Turn right onto County Road C VWCounty Hwy -2$- C aunly wy-2$_Caunly Fuad C VV rs 0. 1 miles pasr Woodhiij Or, if you reach Rose P? you've gone a f hie too far. Then 0.14 rnile�, 41.66 total miler, httW?www.mapquesl_comldlywbons.9istillushnrVMwioella+55357-8819+505-walnut-st-45.302423,.93.79822.Z'ta+rc&rmimesdal+sinoss-sl-p&krosevilie-city.o... S12 2&2017 506 WainLA St, Menkedlo, MN 553 2-8819 lei Rmevllle City OFNce Dqrect cns , MapQuest 10. Take the I 9t right onto CMr- Conler Or - If yaLo reach Hafn�jn P A vs N you've gorre abo u f 0,3 moles too far. Then 0.04 mUp. Al 90 total M1105 11, Rcssvitl@ City Dffica, 2660 CIVIC CENTER OR- IF YO q are on N Civic C 0 n fer Rd a Fi d roach Woodhill Dr you'va gone about 0- 1 mites IDO tar, Use of dprecwm and rmps id i ubjem to nuf hrw4 OF US e! Vft 4un't quawl 19@ accuracy, rouse conditions Gf usablilly- Y&U aS 9 Liffla mil risk -01 Use. r -I 1 r IrW Lsst BvlhaL O.'k6 CvowJr `J- I I,57Ufin, I 4'7C F - rt-!rL L Rd rr I L.Yti A ndov'— i4.vn L4A- '0 AL Wf Blaine L le BF001dYn ".5j k Opo' Park • It LAM� P, t4 r 1 -ll pt YnVuth 09 Wj 0. 0— Min ea -us .4 STPAUL - r + 4LAL Eden Prairie htWs-PwYYw.rn mquasLcnmAd r acU ons.ql stt1fus?mYVmoNj Cvj1cV%3Fp2-W 1 'Y5G5-wajnLAt-st-45.302423.- Ile -City -o,., = 00 .G a N N O a a h A o E C�l1 C U � V N N O a a CITY OF MONT Ghost Card Tran; Please attach the invoice/ receipt and any other a To be completed by purchaser: Amount $ a2 • 0 Expense Co Circle purchaser name: Vendor MK Pcft Date of Transaction r 1 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Fiscal Services 520 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155-4194 Address change? If yes, check here: Write new address on back. Please remit to: MPCA PO Box 64893 St. Paul. MN 55164-0893 VIC Reimbursements Fees for the following 16574 Invoice #: Invoice Date: Due Date: Amount Due: Amount Paid: Bill to: 100 Broadway East Attn: Jeff O'Neil 505 Walnut St Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 - USA 10000019361 12/19/2016 1/18/2017 $125 00 USD 83201 000010000019361 6 10000019361ZZZZZZZZZZZ 9 0000012500 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Invoice 100 Broadway East 1005 Broadway 5t E MontFcello MN 55362 - tem Description 1 VIC Reimbursements Krueger Gary Total for Invoice --r Invoice Number: 10000019361 Invoice Date: 12/19/2016 Due Date: 1/18/2017 Amount: $125.00 Amount or 5F - NA/NFA - 1 hours $125 $125 The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency shall charge simple interest or late payment fees on past due debt owed to the state. Return payment with invoice stub in envelope provided. OR go to www.pca.state mn.us/pay-online to pay by e -Check, VISA or MasterCard Questions about this invoice? Contact us at fees pca@state mn us Julie Chene From: Jim Thares Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2017 8:12 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: MN Pollution Control Agency Inv# 10000019361 $125.00 Yes, okay to pay. Please code to: 213-46301-443990. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 2:06 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: FW: MN Pollution Control Agency Inv# 10000019361 $125.00 Importance: High Jim Is there an issue with this invoice? Please update me on the status. Thanks Julie From: Julie Cheney Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 9:46 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.T_hares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: MN Pollution Control Agency Inv# 10000019361$125.00 Jim Following up on this invoice. Thanks Julie From: Julie Cheney Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2016 3:40 PM To: Jim Thares<Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: MN Pollution Control Agency Inv# 10000019361 $125.00 iii Attached is Inv# 10000019361 from the MN Pollution Control Agency for VIC Reimbursements. Okay to pay $125.00? Please provide coding. If you are not the one who should approve this, let me know. Thanks! _Tutee Cl-ieney Finance Assistant Minnesota - Pollution Control Agency Page i of 1 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Exit Confirmation Thank you for your payment. Please print a copy of this page for your records. Please keep a record of your Confirmation Number, or print this cape for your records. Confirmation Number MNPPCA000028012 Payment Details Description MN Pollution Control Agency Online Invoice Payments http://www.Pca.state.mn,us/ Payment Amount $125.00 Payment Date 01/26/2017 Status PROCESSED Payment Method Payer Name Julie Cheney Card Number *8769 Card Type Visa Approval Code 065016 Confirmation Email ap@ci.monticello.mn.us Billing Address Address 1 505 Walnut Street Address 2 Suite 1 City/Town Monticello State/Province/Region MN Zip/Postal Code 55362 Country United States https://ePayment.epymtservice.com/main/paymentconfirmation/paymentConfirmation?_id... 1/26/2017 Julie Cheney From: State of M €nneseta Pollution Control Agency < no re p I y@ epymtservice-com> Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2017 2:19 PM To- AP Subject: Payment Confirmation for Online Invoice Payments *•* PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL *** Thank you for your payment. This email is to confirm your payment submitted on Jan -26-2017 for Online invoice Payments, Confirmation Number; MNPPCA000028012 Payment Amount= $125,00 Scheduled Payment Date: Jan -26-2017 Amount Due; $125,00 Payer Name; Julie Cheney Credit Card Number: *8769 Credit Card Type. VISA Approval Code; 065016 Merchant: MN Pollution Control Agency Website' http://www.pca.state.rnn.us/ If you have questions about this payment or need assistance, please view the payment online at N/A, or call Customer Service at (651)757-2182. Thank you for using the Minnesota PCA electronic payment system, Julie Chene From: MPCA.OnIii neServices@state- mn,us Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 7;02 AM To: AP Subject: Receipt of Online Invoice Payment for Invoice 1D 10000019361 Your payment for Invoice ID 10000019361 I1as now been received and processed by MPCA Thank you for your payment. if you have questions, please contact us at fees- pca@state,rrmn_us. The M innesota Pollution Control Agency This a -mail was sent frorn a notifir-ation-only address that cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message. If you have questions or need more information you can email u5 at: onIii neservices.pca@state _rnn,us or tali the fol PCA e -Services admin1strator at 651.757.2728 or 1. 944,928.0942, 8;D0 a, m, to 4:00 p.rn. CST, Monday through Friday. Vendor 'f7, Ila#e of + � � Transaction CITY OF MONTI ELLO Ghost Card Transaction please attach the invoice/ receipt and any other available docu ma%nta tion to this form. To be completed by purchaser; Amount y - Circle purchaser name: Debbie Davidson (2HE9 Expense Code 0 - ) - q Monticello Clamber of Commerce PD Box 192 295 Pine Street Monticello MIS! 55362 Bill To Accounts Payable Monticello Cit} of 505 Walnut Street Suite #1 onticello, MN 55362 Description 2017 Charnbvr Lunch =January 17, 1ACC ()im Tharesj D Ludt Q9 0017 Thank ypr. for 6Opr eampn6-Ant tp OC MO-V6WO CF -Amber of CpVwMUM k hwlwslry. 7Ae M0,1fiCWjO rKa Ger -P-54-u 04 irdarms of bwiinRFr #.d €ores to Sircvdtl 6wLphass, a"d i#i utate rC,. +p-flo yras". Mg�t4 FO f*MMbCr " rrpWd CO SrrNi " LkO 'front dpp'- tp ow Fina cmnrnwn&VL TIµ t+AmOAtr i€ a nis eke fpr r;Uxf.w.ti!€, reeid-93 myd vjgi" Afiikd, Proyid&f ihfwr jltipw &W ineiyht abpr.t Ou &rm, t c ragi" e{ptip�, +.a4 en�rty fraw A ri aWiVd- to entfwxiMtfMpV wsream rj + uftrF Cy 04 Asa Date Invoice # 111812017 10193a Due Date 21212017 Arnount k 15,00 Total $15.00 763-295-2700 marcy lnonticellocci.carn http:1/www.nianticel1occircoM Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Monday, January 23, 2017 4:39 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Monticello Chamber Of Commerce Inv# 10193a $15.00 Yes, good to go. Please code to 213-46301-443990 From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, January 23, 2017 3:19 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: Monticello Chamber Of Commerce Inv# 10193a $15.00 Jim Attached is Monticello Chamber inv 10193a for January lunch. Okay to pay $15.00? Please provide coding. Thanks, ,Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chenev@ci.monticello.mn.us AP@ci.monticello.mn.us CITYof mc6tiMlo Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. I Julie Cheney From: infomonticellocci,com Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 10.23 A Subject: 0nIine Payrnent Confirmation Your online payment request has been received by Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Payment~ Confirmation Name: Julie Cheney Company: Monticello City of Transaction Number: 8841368341 CC plumber: 8769 Amount: 15.00 Description Item{s}Quan#Ity Total Amount Member paymem for This is for payment of invoice #10183a, Chamber lunch ori 1 15.00 montioella City of January 17 for Jim Tnares Grand Total. 15.00 This E mail was automatically generated. For questions or feedback, please contact Ips at; Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry 205 Pine Street PO Box 192. Monticello, MIN 55362. (763) 295-2700 info@monticel]oQci.com http,//www.monticellocci.coirn Julie Cheney From- Auto -Receipt <norepiy@MaH.authori ze.net > Sent- Tuesday, January 31, 2017 10:23 A To: AP Subject: Transaction Receipt from Monticello Chamber of Commerce & Industry for 415.00 (USD) Description; Member paymcnt for Monticello City of: This is for payment of invoice 910193a. Chambcr lunch on January 17 for Jim Thares Invoice Number 1589452 Billing Information Shipping Information Julie Cheney onticelln City of 505 walnut Street Suite I orniccllo, MN 55362 u5 apod ci_muniicel lo.mrL.us 763-271-3205 Total- $15.00 (USD) DatcrFrne-. 31Aan-2417 823:45 PST I'mnsaction ID; 8941369341 Payment Method- Visa x"".8769 'transaction Type: Purchase Auth Code: 031971 Monticello Chamber of Gomrnerre & Industry Montioellp, Mil 553$2 u Marcy@ mcnuoellocci_cam 1 Vendor Date of Tmrisact ion 1 1/111177 CITY OF MONTICELLO City Hal I Card Transaction Please attach the invoice/ receipt and any other available documentation to this form. To be cornpieted by purchaser. Amount Si D 0 - L� L ._ -� Circle purchaser name: Tracy Ergen Vicki Leerhoff Rachel Leonard Jeff O'Neill Wayne Oberg Sarah Rathlisberger Jennifer Schreiber Angela Schumann Jim Thares Jac�h Thunander �rnplaaye� $ig r� Circle expense code: 421990 431950 431990 432200 433100 443300 113-700 Circle department code: 101-41110 141-41310 101-41410 101-41520 101-41500 lD1-41910 101-4192-0 101-41940_ S-4 56 00 213-46301 S�upeokck 993-avFe I bate approved 443940 Other City Council Administration Etection5 Finance Human Resources Planning and Zoning Data Processing City Hall Economic Development HRA General Operating Supplies Newsletter Services Mi.scelianeuus Prof Services Postage Travel/Training Expense Dues Membership & Sabscrip Licenses and Permits Mise. ❑then Expense � ■ ' � � { § 4 ) § / � \ ) f \ � � } � k $ 2 t � § / i � / 7 \ a k t j ) ) e ! � _ or @ \ � § k § ƒ ) � � z $ 2 S k 2 / � { § 4 ) § � \ ) \ � � } � k $ 2 t § / i � / 7 a k ) e � � z $ 2 S k 2 / § 4 ) § \ � � } 2 t / i � Web Pick Up Qin Store #02821 525 State Highway 25 Monticello, MN 55362 Phone: (763) 295.8988 Fax, (783) 296-6166 ';..4rmer. Jacob Thunander (763) 271-3206 Date Needed: Jan 11, 17 04.20 PM Server-: Web Printed By: Rove vs1 ID: 126770 Jan 71.17 11-14 AAA I Classic SUD Tray[Large _ x60.00 (Serves 8-1 o)J 1 Assorted Chips[?0 Pack] S 12 00 2 Assorted 8ot(6 Beverages[6 522.00 Pack Regular[ Subtotal $9400 Tax $6 46 Total $100.46 Online Visa $100.46 Owing $0.00 Visit www. qurznos. listens corn Tell Us About Your Experience And Earn A Chance to Win A $500 Visa Gift Card No Purchase Required For Complete Rules V's it Yvww.quizn05l1sten s com Scan barcode to earn points 1111 1�1 1� 5 51111 � 111111 82007 862223 Down10ad Quiznos Toasty Points Sign up to get a TREE Small SUB wiithr any purchase Earn 1 paint for every $1 you spend JG,n at QU lZ NOS C Af7OASTYPOINTS 0 0 �n �n N N O R 1 1 O cB a N c O C L O N � oN /� � O a O •U o >, N � Q O > O O Q � Q- Q O U � co 0 0 �n �n N N O R 1 1 O cB N c O C L O N a o >, N � 'O O > O O Q � Q- Q O U L co 5 � H Xcel Energa I RE2p0411Rt1 8Y NATURE' YOUR MONTHLY ELECTRICITY USAGE J F M A M J J A S 0 N D J NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY Face 1 m 4 SERVICE ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER 1 , 3BEDA 34949 W BROADWAY ST W 51-0623082-8 02i02a0t 7 MONTICELLO, MN 55362-9356 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE $0.00 530021063 01/05/2017 $25,06 W 525.06 SUMMARY OF CURRENT CHARGES Idetailedcharges begin on page 2) Electricity Service 12/01/16 - 01104/17 70 kWh $25.06 Current Charges $25,06 ACCOUNT BALANCE OUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? See our website: Previous Balance As of 12/01 $18,05 DAILY AVERAGES Lnz1y*arE Payment Received Auto Pay 12/30 418.05 CR Temperature 25° F$glance Forward $0.00 Electricity kWh O.2 ElectrieityCost $0.51 Current Charges $25,06 W Amount Due $25.06 . O OUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? See our website: xcelenergy com Email us at Custurnerservice®xce[energy com Please Cal I: 1-900-481.4700 Hearing #mpaired: 1-8C0-895-4949 Fax; 1-800-311-0050 Or write us at: XCEL ENERGY PO BOX 8 EAU CLAIRE WI 54702-0008 Xcel Energy INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL_ Renewable energy development casts are included as part of the Resource~ Adjustment line on your bill, Beginning this month, the renewable energy development costs have increased from $0.000902 per kWh to $0.001034 per kWh. Visit:l xce#energy.com/rdf to find more on Xcel Energy's renewable energy development 4:q; programs. Thank you for your payment. RETURN BOT TGMPGRFiDNVVIT+YOUR aA*Nd' .PLEASE DO NOT USE STAPLES, TAPE OR PAPER CLIPS ACCOUNT NUMBER DUE DATE 1 51-0623082-8 02/02/2017 $25.06 Your bill is paid through an automated bank payment plan. AV 01 023185 06148B 79 A"5DGT I11111111I11'IlIi1111111t11111till 111III oil 1111111Jill III 111111it MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8831 Automated Bank Payment 1 3 4 5 6 T 8 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 '!I'11111111'I'IIIIIIlI1II111I1I111I1111111'I1111,1I�lI�lI1111'�I XCEL ENERGY P.O. BOX 9477 MPL.S MN 55484-9477 31 51020217 06230828 00000002506000000025C6 0 XcelEnergy lil Use sunlight to help heat your business Open window shades and curtains during the day to heat your business with sunlight. At dusk, close the shades and curtains to keep in the heat. SERVICE ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER r MONTIGFtLu EDA 51-0628087-8 02/02/2017 349 w OROADWAY 5T 70 kWh ELECTRICITY CHARGES MONTICELLO, MN 55362-9356 STATEMENT NUMBER DESCRIPTION USAGE UNITS RATE ISTATEMENW:TDAITE 538021063 01/65/201 $25.{16 SERVICE ADDRESS: 349 W BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO. MN 55362-9356 NEXT READ DATE: 02/06/17 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS PREMISES NUMBER: 303657358 INVOICE NUMBER: 0553620499 METER 52995965 Read Dales .12/01/16 - 01/04117 i34 Days} DESCRIPTION_ CuFtRENT_READI_N_G PREVIOUS READING USAGE Total Energy 43000 Actual 42930 Actual 70 kWh ELECTRICITY CHARGES RATE: Sm Gen Svc IMetered l _ DESCRIPTION USAGE UNITS RATE CHARGE Basic Service Chg $10.00 Energy Charge Winter 70 kWh $0.674370 $5.20 Fuel Cost Charge 76 kWh $002,9286 $1.77 Affordability Chrg $0 87 Resource Adjustment $044 Interium Rate Ad $1 -1 - 8 Subtotal $19.56 City Fees _ $5.50 Total $25.05 INFORMATION ABOk1T YOUR BILL _ For an average non -demand customer, 721/0 of your bill refers to power plant costs, 12% to high voltage line costs, and 16% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand -billed customer, 81% of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 12% to high voltage lines, and 7% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. To Small Power Producers and Cogenerators Federal and state laws require Xcel Energy and other utilities to buy all electric enemy that qualified small power producers and cogenerators offer for sale Bualified facilitresmay be interconnected without system for this pulpusu However, m Minnesota Xcel Fnergy is not tequircd to make purchases front qualified iacihties which are larger than 20 megawatts Small power producers generate dectririty using a renewable resource or waste product as fuel, garbage, peat, wood by-products, wind, water or suit. Cogenerators produce sequentially birth electricity and useful hear energy These facilities may use a non-renewable fuel, such as oil, natural gas or coal. An example is a paper mill that makes steam for electrical generation and, secondarily, for paper production. The Minnesota Public Utilities Colrrmrssion regulates the our chase priCe and servrcc inierconnermon frqurrr:ments betwean qualifying Facilities and utilities. The Commission also resolves disputes that might arise. Customers who are interested in parallel gerieiation options, may obtain Xcel Encrgy's urlercnnnection guidelines materials for information on interconnection requirements j& Xcel Energy The right mix We are always working to deliver energy that is safe, clean, reliable and affordable. It's a balancing act. Learn more in our annual Corporate Responsibility Report at xcef onergy.com/CorporateResponsibility. Be aware of scams SERVICE ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER t 349 W BROAILLO WA 349 W BROADWAY ST 51-0623082-8 02/02/2017 MONTICELLO, MN 55362-9356 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE 530021063 01/05/2017 $25,08 Don't be chilled by energy costs Cooler temperatures don't have to mean higher energy costs for your business. As temperatures continue to fall, check out the ways to keep your energy bill low. Our rebates, programs and energy -efficiency tips can help your business save energy and money this fall. Simple changes can amount to big savings, so get started today. Visit xcelenergy,com for seasonal efficiency tips and to learn more about our energy efficiency programs. If someone calls threatening to turn off your power due to an unpaid balance and asks you to pay with a prepaid or reloadable card, hang up the phone immediately, You may also be approached by people claiming to be with Xcel Energy and needing to do work at your business. Asir tot Xcel Energy identification, and please, check with us if you're still not sure Call us anytime at 800,481,4700 Don't let imposters steal your money. Q O EDA Agenda – 3/08/17 7.Consideration of authorization to enter into Agreement with Central Minnesota Development Company (CMDC) for loan underwriting services (JT) A.REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to consider authorizing entering into an agreement with Central Minnesota Development Company (CMDC) for loan underwriting services of the City of Monticello GMEF (Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund) Revolving Loan Fund (RLF). CMDC is a Certified Development Company (CDC) engaged in the business of underwriting and processing SBA 504 loans as well as underwriting and administering loan programs for several cities including: Coon Rapids, Brooklyn Park, Fridley, St. Louis Park and Sherburne County and the State of Minnesota. Historically, the GMEF funds have been used as an economic development assistance tool, i.e., loans, or interest rate buy downs to help fill financing gaps to attract new firms to the community and retain growing businesses. Utilization of the funds falls under the Minnesota Business Financial Assistance statutes, [Minnesota Statutes, Sec. 116J.993- 116J.994 (the “Act”)], wherein stated community development objectives need to be attained by the recipient/applicant in exchange for the granting of the financing. The City of Monticello has had a number of loans approved in the past 10 to 12 years with all loans having been fully paid back to the City. The City staff utilized an internal review process during those earlier times. During and immediately after the great recession, the economic development loan business became more complicated while remaining an essential tool. To address the new complexities, many cities have started to utilize the expertise of the lending and banking community to help underwrite loan requests and administer them. The benefit is that there is a professional approach and better quality loans are made with lower default rates. Staff is aware of several potential loan applications that may be submitted for use of RLF dollars in the coming year. The goal is to have the requests be thoroughly underwritten and CMDC is in a position to help with that effort. The EDA would however use discretion in the underwriting assistance from CMDC by keeping in-house the underwriting of loans of less than $265,000. Loan requests of $265,000 or more in funds would be underwritten by CMDC. In this proposal, City economic development staff intends to remain as the first point of contact for the GMEF loan program for all loans regardless of the size of the request. City staff will accept the application materials and submit to CMDC as indicated by size. City staff will also be the final point of contact related to approval, disbursements and instructions for loan servicing. Comments from other organizations using the services of CMDC are contained in Exhibit C. A1. Staff Impact:An initial estimate of staff time involved in the process, including initial discussions with CMDC staff, further research efforts, review of the proposal, 2 consultation with the EDA attorney and preparation of the staff report is estimated at 12 hours +/-. Prospectively, utilization of CMDC could allow existing staff to adequately coordinate and process potential loan applications in an efficient manner without the need for additional staff. A2. Budget Impact:There is not expected to be a budgetary impact to the EDA for the proposed underwriting services. The fees charged by CMDC can all be passed through to the borrowers. B.ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1.Motion to authorize entering into a Loan Underwriting Agreement with CMDC in substantially the form of the presented agreement. 2.Motion to deny entering into a Loan Underwriting Agreement with CMDC 3.Motion to table consideration of entering into a Loan Underwriting Agreement with CMDC for further research C.STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is staff’s position that the benefits of having an organization that is involved in the daily business of underwriting loans for the Small Business Administration 504 loan program, the state of Minnesota and other cities and a county will raise confidence levels when the EDA receives large and possibly complicated loan requests. Therefore, staff recommends alternative #1. D.SUPPORTING DATA: A.CMDC Underwriting Proposal B.CMDC Underwriting Services Agreement C.Notes from Public Organizations utilizing CMDC Services AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE UNDERWRITING SERVICES FOR MONTICELLO REVOLVING LOAN FUND BY AND BETWEEN THE MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVLOPMENT AUTHORITY AND CENTRAL MINNESOTA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY This agreement is entered into this ____ day of _____________, 2017, by and between the Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of Minnesota, located at 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362 (“EDA”) and Central Minnesota Development Company, a Minnesota non-profit corporation (“CMDC”), located at 1885 Station Parkway NW, Andover, MN 55304. RECITALS WHEREAS, the EDA has established a Revolving Loan Fund (“RLF”) for the purposes of promoting the economic development and enhancement of the community for its residents; and WHEREAS, the RLF is designed to leverage other financing programs, as well as private financing, provided by the commercial banking industry to induce commercial investment in the community; and WHEREAS, the EDA is in need of Revolving Loan Fund Underwriting Services (the “Underwriting Services”) to consist of loan credit analysis by means of a research and the development of a Credit Memorandum. WHEREAS, CMDC is qualified by having the expertise and personnel to adequately provide the desired Underwriting Services; and NOW THEREFRE, upon reasonable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. SERVICES CMDC agrees to provide and perform Underwriting Services for the EDA. The services will be provided on an as needed basis as directed by the Monticello EDA. “Underwriting Services” will include the production of a Credit Memorandum for each loan request. The content of the Credit Memorandum will include the following information: a. Purpose of the loan and description of the project. b. A Sources & Uses Summary; c. Business Entity Structure; d. Business Ownership & Management Analysis; e. Business, Guarantor & Personal Financial Analysis; and f. Collateral Analysis. 2. TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement is effective commencing the date of execution and shall continue until terminated as provided herein. 3. PAYMENT FOR SERVICES In consideration for its Underwriting Services, the EDA agrees to compensate CMDC as follows: a. A loan underwriting fee of 1.5% of the loan amount or $4,000 whichever is greater will be charged to the EDA. b. If CMDC processes and closes an SBA 504 loan in conjunction with the overall financing structure the loan underwriting fee due and payable to CMDC is reduced to $1,500. c. Borrowers are responsible for all legal and other loan closing costs. 4. CONFIDENTIALITY Subject to the State of Minnesota Data Practices laws, the EDA and its staff agree that they will not reveal, divulge or make known to any person, the firm, or corporation, any secret or confidential information during or after the term of this Agreement. Confidential information shall be defined as knowledge, systems, practices, or other information submitted in writing or other tangible form designated as confidential by CMDC. The EDA shall use such confidential information for the limited purposes of the Agreement. 5. RELATIONSHIP Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create an employment, partnership, joint venture, license, or agency relationship and neither party shall have the right or authority to bind the other. For purposes of this Agreement, CMDC shall be deemed an independent contractor. CMDC’s employees shall not be entitled to any employment benefits customarily given to EDA employees. 6. TERMINATION This Agreement may terminated by either party upon ninety (90) days written notice to the other. Such termination shall not affect the rights and obligations of the parties accrued prior to the termination date or rights under paragraphs 3 and 4 herein. 7. ASSIGNABILITY This Agreement shall not be assignable by either party without the prior written consent of the non-assigning party. 8. LAW The laws of the State of Minnesota shall govern this Agreement. The parties agree that the venue of any legal action arising under this Agreement shall be Anoka County, Minnesota. 9. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Agreement shall be held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, such provision shall be construed and enforced as it had been more narrowly drawn so as to be legal, valid, or enforceable. Such illegality, invalidity, or unenforceability shall not have effect upon or impair enforceability or any other provision of this Agreement. 10. INSURANCE CMDC agrees to provide proof of workers’ compensation and comprehensive general liability insurance and errors and omissions insurance. Comprehensive and general liability insurance shall be in the minimum amount of $1,000,000.00. The general liability insurance policy shall name the EDA as an additional insured. 11. INDEMNIFICATION CMDC’s Indemnity. To the fullest extent permitted by law, CMDC will indemnify, protect and hold EDA and its assigns and its mortgagees harmless from, and against any and all liabilities, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, and expenses (including attorneys' fees) arising out of or relating to, the performance of work under this Agreement; but only to the extent caused in whole or in part by the gross negligent acts, errors, or omissions of CMDC, CMDC’s subcontractor(s), or anyone directly or indirectly employed or hired by CMDC, or anyone for whose acts CMDC may be liable. CMDC agrees this indemnity obligation shall survive the completion or termination of this Agreement. Monticello EDA’s Indemnity. To the fullest extent of the law, EDA will indemnify, protect and hold CMDC and its employees, consultants or agents harmless from and against any and all liabilities, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including attorneys' fees) arising out of or relating to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of EDA, its agents, contractors or employees. EDA agrees that this indemnity obligation survives the completion or termination. 12. NONDISCRIMINATION CMDC in performing duties under this Contract shall not discriminate against any person upon the basis age, race, creed, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, veteran status, physical, or mental disability. 13. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. This Agreement may be amended only by written agreement of both the EDA and CMDC. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the day of the year first written above. MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CENTRAL MINNNESOTA DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY COMPANY By: By: Michael Mulrooney, President By: _________________________________ NOTES FROM ORGANIZATIONS USING CENTRAL MINNESOTA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY (CMDC) LOAN UNDERWRITING AND ADMINISTRATION SERVICES January 4, 2017 CITY OF COON RAPIDS – Matt Brown, Economic Development Coordinator Very satisfied with CMDC services. Have used their underwriting and loan administration services for four years. Typically do one project per year. Coon Rapids focuses on gap lender role for its loans. Likes the fact that CMDC is a major SBA 504 loan program provider and that they have good relationship with the banks. Formerly, the City staff did the underwriting and loan servicing It is positive that the loan analysis (underwriting) is separated from City Hall. Marketing of the City loan program is a plus City retains all funds until a project is funded (loan disbursement) Applications go to the City first, then are sent to CMDC CITY OF BROOKLYN PARK – Erik Hansen, Economic Development and Housing Director Have meetings with CMDC staff on a quarterly basis Loan servicing is solid; Underwriting is also done by CMDC CMDC is helping them market the loan fund program too CMDC is a good partner. They have brought deals to the City for consideration also. There is a good history between the City and CMDC. CMDC has a very good understanding of economic development Brooklyn Park’s development fund is approximately $2,000,000 CMDC is currently servicing loans with $800,000 worth of outstanding principal SHERBURNE COUNTY – Dan Webber, Assistant County Administrator CMDC is a fantastic group to work with. They are very responsive. Love to work with Kevin Weeres Applications go directly to CMDC; they underwrite the loan and present it to the EDA for consideration. Reasonable fee structure based on percent of the outstanding loans Manage a $250,000 loan fund for the County. Maximum fee is $5,000; the origination or underwriting fee is $1,500 which the borrower pays STATE OF MINNESOTA – DEED – Bart Bevins, Senior Loan Officer CMDC has originated 25 loans over the past 6 years. Applications are submitted directly to CMDC. The underwriting is completed by CMDC. CMDC makes recommendations to DEED staff and they make final approval of the loan State sends funds to CMDC at time of loan approval; almost all loans are usually part of a 504 loan package CMDC has been very successful in this program; only one loan has defaulted. All others are paid off or are paying off the loan Good relationship overall between State staff and CMDC staff Very pleased with CMDC performance; Very cooperative in the program Loan servicing component is great Working with many traditional kinds of businesses Other cities using CMDC Loan Underwriting and Administrative Services: City of Fridley City of St. Louis Park City of Edina EDA Agenda: 3/08/17 8. Consideration of a contribution of $5,000 for public art for Block 34, 100 East Broadway site . (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In August, 2016, the EDA authorized landscaping improvements at the southeast corner of TH25/CSAH 75 intersection on Block 34. The proposal for the area included a minimal amount of landscaping treatments to be installed at this corner, which were to be completed in fall, 2016. The funding for these improvements will come from the Parks Department budget and Parks staff will complete the work. In addition to the landscaping elements, the Parks Department was working with an artist on another park project in the community and offered to coordinate the development of a public art piece for this corner. As discussion progressed on this opportunity, the landscaping was put on hold until spring, 2017 to be coordinated with the art itself. At this time, the EDA is asked to consider a contribution toward the development of a metal sculpture for the site. The art will be designed by Sue Seeger, an Elk River-based artist who has completed artwork for Monticello’s Montiview Park (see attached) and has recently become involved with the community in applying for a grant for art and art programming throughout the community at large. Building on a theme of other wildlife art throughout the community, the project is for 2 stainless steel swans. Currently, there is a swan sculpture at the MCC, a deer at Montiview park, and an otter at Otter Creek park. The sculpture itself is a $10,000 project. Ms. Seeger has applied for an "Emerging Artist Grant" grant from the Central MN Arts Board in the amount of $3,000. She has also secured an additional $2,000 worth of donated material for the sculpture. It is anticipated that the grant award will be known by the end of March, 2017. The $5,000 funding gap would include costs for the purchase of additional materials/supplies, shop fees, plus artist fees. The EDA is asked to consider a contribution funding this cost. The artwork will be installed in such a way that it can be moved to another location at a later time, such as along the pedestrian corridor along Walnut or another EDA site. Ms. Seeger has indicated that should the City fund the gap for the project, the City/EDA will own the piece outright upon delivery/installation. A1. Staff Impact: Minor; Parks and Community Development staff time has been in discussions and site visits totaling less than 4 hours for the site. A2. Budget Impact: The funding gap for the proposed artwork is $5,000. This item is being brought to the EDA as an opportunity and the funding contribution is at the EDA’s discretion. The funding for the project would be from the EDA General Fund. 2 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize a contribution of $5,000 toward the development of an art sculpture improvement at the southeast intersection of TH25/CSAH 75 and to accept the donation of the artwork. 2. Motion to authorize a contribution of $_____ toward the development of an art sculpture improvement at the southeast intersection of TH25/CSAH 75 and to accept the donation of the artwork. 3. Motion to table for additional information or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1 for a contribution to the sculpture. As a highly visible location at a primary intersection, improvements at this corner will maintain an attractive landscape for the area and would not negatively impact the marketing and development efforts for the property. In addition, if the City is able to fund the full gap for the artwork, the sculpture will be able to become a permanent fixture in the community. It is recognized that the EDA may elect to contribute at a different amount. In such case, a supplemental funding source will be explored with the Parks Department. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Aerial Image B. Artwork Samples TH 25/CSAH 75 Landscaping Concept 8/4/16 EDA Agenda: 3/8/17 1 9. Economic Development Report (JT) CEDS (Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy) The second of four CEDS meetings was held in Delano on February 23. The topic of discussion was “Economic Competitiveness”. As a reminder, additional meetings will be held on the following topics in coming months:  Community Resources - TBD  Foundational Assets - TBD As each of the CEDS meetings is scheduled, staff will make sure that EDA members are notified of the date, time and location of the meeting. Housing Study A second draft of the Housing Study is being reviewed with the goal of it becoming a final presentation document to be presented to the EDA for further consideration and action as appropriate. Small Area Study The steering committee for the Small Area Study has met for the second time and is engaged in providing feedback and ideas to the Small Area Study consultants. Fred’s Auto-Studer Chiropractic Project Ms. Studer informed staff late Tuesday afternoon February 28,2017 that she would be unable to complete the purchase and redevelopment of the Fred’s Auto property. She indicated that the project renovation costs were a factor as well as the size limitations of the parcel. A Cancellation Agreement is being prepared for her signature. Groebner Expansion Project Groebner has informed City staff that they are moving on with their site search outside of the City of Monticello. They were eager to identify a property/site that would accommodate their needs for outside storage needs. Staff is aware that they planned to make an offer on an existing building in the City of Rogers. Prospects Staff is still actively engaged with or monitoring the next steps process for several prospects. They are: 1. Large International firm 2. Shred-N-Go 3. DEED Prospect 4. RFP Prospect