City Council Minutes 05-22-1978MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 22, 1978 — 6:30 P.M. Members present: Con Johnson, Gene Walters, Dan Blonigen, Phil White, Arve Grimsmo. 1. Informational Meeting on the 1977-3 Improvement Project. Keith Nelson, Project Engineer for the 1977=Street Project, summarized for the Council and the citizens present the construction phases scheduled to start approximately May 30, 1978. Mr. Nelson stated that the town will be divided into four sections using Highway 25 and Broadway Avenue as the dividing points. Section I of the project, located in the Southwest quadrant, will begin approximately May 30th with a completion date of Mid -August. The next Phase of the Project will be in the Northwest of the City and start towards the end of July with an August 31st completion date. Phase 3 of the Project will be in the Northeast quarter of the City and is expected to start approximately August 7th with completion around September 15th. The final section of the City, the Southeast quarter, is expected to start approximately August 28th with a completion of October 6th. Mr. Nelson indicated that all attempts will be made to contact each owner in regards to the concrete driveway aprons that will be constructed with the curb and gutter. The aprons will generally be constructed to match the widths of existing driveways at their present location, but he did indicate that the Council, in residential areas, will permit some driveway widths greater than 181 as long as the homeowner or business agrees to pay an additional $7.75 per lineal foot over 181 in width. Numerous questions were asked by the residents present regarding street widths, the number of trees that may have to be removed because of construc— tion, and other questions relating to the project. Mr. Nelson indicated that the construction crew and the City will be replacing any trees that have to be removed from the boulevards with all attempts being made to offer the homeowner a choice of species for replacement. It was indicated that approximately 50 trees may have to be removed during the construction project. Bill Sandberg, a resident on East River Street, asked that the Council con— sider resurveying the portion of the street near Ellison Park because he felt the road should be further to the River than what the proposed plans indicate. Mr. Nelson indicated that the present street width is approxi— mately 281, but will be widened to a 361 road with the extra additional 81 coming off the Southern side of the street. The Engineers did indicate that they will recheck their survey to confirm the actual road alignment for this portion of River Street. Minutes — 5/22/78 Mr. Nelson indicated that the streets will not be paved until approximately September or October, and will probably be done in three or four phases. In the meantime, citizens will be able to use the streets on a limited basis even though the asphalt has not been completed. He also indicated that at no time will both the North—South and East—West streets in a given area be closed to traffic at the same time. It was the Councilts consensus that during the construction project a weekly meeting will be held each Friday morning in the old City Hall at 7:30 A.M. for informational purposes for all citizens and Council members. 2. Consideration of Adoption of Assessment Policy. At the last Council meeting, a draft of the Assessment Policy was reviewed by Ron Langness, with Springsted, Inc. King Forness, of Springsted, Inc., has since reviewed with John Badalich, City Engineer, the Assessment Policy. Mr. Badalich has indicated a number of changes he would like seen in the final policy draft. Mr. Forness reviewed with the City Council the changes indicated by the City Engineer on both the Assessment Policy draft and the Subdivision Policy. By council consensus, the following items were recommended for inclusion in the final Assessment Policy draft. 1. Standard Size Residential Lot. Each unit parcel assessment for residential lots would be based on the City's minimum lot size requirements of 801. 2. Lateral Assessments Against Property Zoned and/or Currently Used at the Time of Installation for Multiple Family Residential ' Construction. This shall be determined on the basis of 75% of the Single Family Residential equivalent unit per each proposed dwelling unit. 3. Should the City grant a permit splitting of a platted lot originally assessed as one unit, a connection charge shall be made in an amount equal to the original assessment with no escalation based on engineering costs or interest shall be added to the original assessment. 4. Storm sewer shall be assessed 100% against the benefitted property, whether or not the services are made immediately available to the property. The assessments in undeveloped areas will be based on a net platted area for residential at 75% of gross area and 90% of gross area for multiple, commercial or industrial zoned areas. - 5. When a lift station is determined to be of general or partial benefit to the City, it should be paid for wholly or partially through sewer user charges, rather than ad valorem taxes. — 2 — Minutes - 5/22/78 6. Storm sewer assessments shall be based on the actual cost of the project, even though future construction may be necessary and would result in more than one assessment to a given parcel. 7. Street improvement assessments should be based over a ten-year period rather than 20 years. In addition, all street improvements including curb and gutter shall be assessed on front foot basis. The footage shall be determined to be the footage at the building setback line, but in no event shall be less than the minimum lot width required by the City, or 801. In a new subdivision development, the developer could have the street assessments based on a per unit basis rather than front footage if he would desire. 8. A developer of a new subdivision would be required to deposit with the City a minimum of 25% of the proposed improvement cost before construction would take place for any sewer and water, street, curb and gutter improvements. Mr. King Forness was instructed to incorporate the items listed above into a new assessment draft for review by the Council at their next meeting. 3. Consideration of Final Plat - Balboul Estates. This preliminary plat has been approved by the Planning Commission and the City Council at their ,April 24th meeting. The plat consists of 16.76 acres with 31 residential lots ranging in size from 12,100 square feet to 2.,100 square feet. Additionally, an area of approximately 3.1 acres has been dedicated for park purposes. A motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the final plat as presented. 4. Consideration of Acknowledging Petition and Ordering Feasibility Report - Extension of 7th Street. A petition has been received from Land Projects, owners of Lots 3, 4 & 5 of Block 7 in Monticello, requesting that the City improve 7th Street with curb, gutter and bituminous surfacing, sewer and water from the corner of Locust and 7th to the westerly edge of the platted 7th Street. Since a new collector street has been previously proposed to connect from West County Road 39 along Interstate 94 to connect with the platted 7th Street, the Council asked that the City Engineer study the possible 7th Street extension alignment before a feasibility study is completed on the above request. Mr. Badalich indicated that because of the possible alignment factors for this new road, the existing portion of 7th Street requesting sewer and water improvements may have to be somewhat repositioned. Since this petition was actually received after March 1, 1978 deadline for 1978 improvement, the Council decided to table any action on this request until a future date to enable the study to be completed. - 3 - Minutes — 5/22/78 5. Public Hearing — Consideration of Vacation of a Portion of Former County Road #117. Stuart Hoglund requested that the City Council vacate that portion of former County Road #117 lying immediately East of his bus garage South of I-94. This segment of former County Road #117 is not currently being utilized by the City, but the City does have a watermain under this segment of the platted street. Since the City has no future plans for developing this portion of the Road, a motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to vacate this portion of County Road #117 with the City keeping all utility easements including electric, gas and telephone utility rights. In addition, the abutting property owner or owners would be required to pick up all legal costs of having this vacation recorded and transferred. 6. Consideration of Ordinance Amendment Relative to Area and Height Limitations on Pylon Signs. At the City Council's last meeting relative to reviewing the Comprehensive Plan and zoning ordinance district amendments, it was decided to defer any action on the area and height limitations regarding pylon signs for further review. The following amendment was proposed by the Planning Commission at the time they reviewed the ordinance amendments: Road Classification Proposed Proposed Speed Area Current Height Current MPH S .Ft. Area feet Height Major Thoroughfares 30 100 50 22 18 40 150 125 25 24 50 200 175 28 28 A motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Phil White to accept the ordinance amendment on signs as proposed. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Johnson, White. Opposed: Walters and Grimsmo. Ordinance Amendment, therefore, died for lack of 4/5's vote which is needed for any change. 7. Consideration of League of Cities Insurance Program. The League of Minnesota Cities is attempting to create an alternative to the convention commercial insurance market due to the rising insurance costs. The League was looking at the possibility of studying whether a League owned insurance company or some form of joint self—insurance program may not help reduce the insurance costs for Minnesota cities Because of budget limitations, the League of Minnesota Cities asked that each individual city contribute an amount not to exceed $100.00 towards this study. Since Monticello's insurance cost has approached $10,000 and the premiums so far indicate a 25% to 309 increase in 1978, a motion was made by Gene Walters, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried to approve Monticello cooperating with the League of Cities in establishing an alternate insurance program and authorizing an amount up to $100.00 towards this study. — 4_ Minutes - 5/22/78 8. Approval of Bills. Motion was made by Grimsmo, seconded by White and unanimously carried to approve the bills for May 1978 as presented. (See supplement 5-22-78 #1.). 9. Approval of Minutes. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Gene Walters and unanimously carried to approve the Minutes of May 8, 1978 as presented, with the note that Agenda Item 7 will be corrected to read that the Change Order for Thomas Industrial Park was in the amount of $38,672.45 instead of the $5,971.00, as noted in the Minutes. The Minutes of the City Council held May 16, 1978, were also approved as presented. 10. Consideration of Confirming Contract Award on 1977--3 Street Improvement Project - Section 2. At the April 24, 1978 Council Meeting, a motion was made to accept the low base bid of Arcon Construction for the 1977-3 Street Improvement Project contingent upon State Aid approval of the plans and specifications for Section 21 which comprise the County State Aid Roads. John Badalich informed the Council that the State has given final approval to the plans and specifications for Section 2, and now ask that the Council reaffirm the awarding of the contract to Arcon Construction for this portion. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Arve Grimsmo and unanimously carried to approve awarding the contract on the 1977-3 project for Section 2 to Arcon Construction in the amount of $2,495,253-50. 11. Discussion on Additional Curb and Gutter Improvements - 27-3 Street Improvement Proms_ Councilman Dan Blonigen asked that the Council reconsider their previous decision and install curb and gutter from lath Street to the railroad tracks along Vine Street. A previous decision had been made that since this is a deadend street and will not be generally used by the public as is the case with other streets of a similar nature, curb and gutter would not be construc- ted. Mr. Blonigen indicated that there may be problems with storm water drainage if a curb and gutter is not provided along this street and made a motion to have the Engineer review this portion in regards to storm drainage affects with the addition of curb and gutter under the 77 street program. Hearing no second, the motion died. 12. Miscellaneous. A. Richard Bouley, of the River Terrace Trailer Park, requested a special meeting be held by the City Council to consider a building permit for the River Terrace Trailer Park. Concensus of the Council was to not schedule a special meeting for this building permit request. - 5 - Minutes - 5/22/78 B. Concensus of the Council was to use any extra Class 5 that would be available from the Street project onto the Industrial Drive gravel road at the Easterly end of the Industrial Park for purposes of minimum maintenance. C. Requested that the feasibility report on the 1978 Improvement Project hearing to be held June 12, 1978 contain both individual project cost assessments and assessments based on lumping all projects together as a unit. Meeting adjourned. 'chard Wol teller Assistant Administrator RW/ns �O