City Council Minutes 06-26-1978MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 26, 1978 - 7:30 P.M. Members present: Gene Walters, Philip White, Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen. Members absent: C. 0. Johnson 1. Consideration of Variances on 1977-3 Improvement Project for Dick Holker and Charles Stumpf. Mr. Dick Holker requested that the Council grant a variance from the requirement of having an insurmountable curb on that portion of Cedar Street which abuts his parking lot between River Street and Broadway. Mr. Holker indicated that the insurmountable type of curb would have a negative effect on his business and reduce the number of parking spaces that are available for his drive-in business. It was pointed out that some additional parking spaces would be gained along Cedar Street since Mr. Holker would be able to park cars parallel along Cedar Street, which is currently prohibitive because of the absence of curb and gutter. The Council also indicated that Mr. Holker would get an additional curb cut access along Cedar Street to supplement the one now existing along Broadway which the City Engineer felt would be adequate. Due to the fact that the City ordinances do not allow parking on the City boulevards with vehicles backing directly into the street, and because of the safety factors involved, a motion was made by P. White, seconded by A. Grimsmo to deny Mr. Holker's request for a curb cut opening the entire length of his property. Voting in favor were Walters, Grimsmo and White. Opposed was Blonigen. Mr. Chuck Stumpf who lives on the corner of lath and Vine Streets requested a curb cut driveway access opening of 32' in width. His present drive- way is 22' wide and the reason for the wider access request was to allow for the parking of a semi -trailer which is used in the business for Ruff Auto Parts. Mr. Stumpf has indicated that occasionally he does park his semi at his house for security reasons, and thus would like the wider access opening. Motion was made by Grimsmo, seconded by Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the 32' driveway access for Chuck Stumpf. 2. Consideration of Final Plat of Holker's Hillside Addition. The final plat of Holker's Hillside Addition, consisting of ten residential lots, was submitted for approval. All of the City's requirements regarding this plat have been met with the exception of the soil survey. Park dedication in the form of cash was previously approved by the Council. Motion was made by White, seconded by Grimsmo and unanimously carried to approve the final plat for Holker's Hillside Addition contingent upon the approval of the soil survey by the City Engineer. Minutes - 6/26/78 3. Consideration of Improvement of Lauring Lane Between Wrii7ht and Ramsey Streets. At the previous Council meeting, it was decided to extend improvements and utilities to Holker's Hillside Addition, but not to send sewer, water, curb, gutter or storm sewer to those portions of Lauring's Hillside Terrace, since Mr. Lauring did not petition for the entire improvements. Since Holker's Hillside Addition abuts Lauring Lane, Lauring Lane would have to be improved in order to allow traffic to move from Ramsey Street to Wright Street within Holker's Plat. It was recommended by the City Engineer that this portion of Lauring Lane receive a 241 blacktop street of a rural type without curb and gutter until such time as complete utility improvements are installed along the balance of Lauring Lane. It was also recommended that the Holker Hillside Addition pay for all improvement costs along Lauring Lane, estimated at $7,5009 since none of this improvement will actually benefit Mr. Lauring' s property to the south. Mr. Holker requested that the council consider improving this portion of the street between Wright and Ramsey Streets with a gravel road rather than blacktop until such time as Mr. Lauring actually requests sewer along Lauring Lane. Motion was made by Grimsmo, seconded by White and unanimously carried to approve a gravel road of 24' in width being constructed between Wright and Ramsey Streets along Lauring Lane, with the developer responsible for all costs of improvements. 4. Consideration of Intoxicating Liquor and Non -Intoxicating Malt Liquor �.. Licenses. A motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by White and unanimously carried to approve the following licenses which expire June 30, 1978: 1. Non -Intoxicating On -Sale Malt Liquor License (Fee is $100.00). Monticello Wreck Monticello Rod & Gun Club 2. Intoxicating On -Sale Liquor License (Fee $2,500.00). Monticello Liquors, Inc. Silver Fox Motel Wayside Inn Joyner' s Lanes Di.no's Other World 3. Non -Intoxicating Off -Sale Malt Liquor License (Fee $15.0; P Monticello Liquors, Inc. Ernie' s Bait Shop Wayne' s Red Owl Maus Foods River Terrace Trailer Park Store Monticello Wreck Wayside Inn John's Discount Foods - 2 - Minutes - 6/26/78 5. Consideration of Approval of Street Lighting Contract with Northern States Power Company. Lionel Johnson of Northern States Power Company reviewed with the Council a new contract that was proposed by N.S.P. to commence on July 1, 1978, in regards to the street lighting system in Monticello. Mr. Johnson indicated that only slight modifications were made in the new contract from the previous contract, and they regarded minor lan- guage changes in the contract. The lighting contract currently covers the 19 fluorescent lights, 72 175 -Watt mercury vapor lights, 3 250 -Watt mercury vapor lights, 13 400 -Watt mercury vapor lights and the 23 100 - Watt high pressure sodium lights within the City of Monticello. The contract would again be for a five-year period of time and the rates would be the same as the previous contract. Motion was made by White, seconded by Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the street lighting contract with N.S.P. (See Supplement 6/26/78 #1) . 6. Presentation of 1977 Audit Report. Mr. Bob Carlson with the C.P.A. firm of Gruys, Johnson & Associates reviewed with the Council the 1977 Audit Report recently completed. Mr. Carlson informed the Council that the fees for the audit may be somewhat higher than anticipated due to the change in the report format required by recent changes in State law. The City's accounting records will now be on an accrual method or a modified accrual system which resulted in additional work by the Auditors for the 1977 report. It was anticipated that the increased cost for this method of reporting will be a one-shot type of deal and should not occur again in the future. Motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by White and unanimously carried to approve the Audit Report for 1977 as presented. 7. Consideration of Conditional Use Permit for a Motor Fuel Station by Mr. Samuel Peraro. Mr. Sam Peraro applied for a conditional use permit to construct a motor fuel station at the Southeast corner of the intersection of I-94 and Highway 25. All motor fuel stations require a conditional use permit under the current City ordinances, and Mr. Peraro's application will meet all City require- ments. Plans have been reviewed by the Building Inspector and approved by the Planning Commission at their last meeting. Motion was made by Grimsmo, seconded by White and unanimously carried to approve the conditional use permit for a motor fuel station requested by Sam Peraro. - 3 - Minutes - 6/26/78 8. Consideration of Adoption of Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings. Mr. Loren Klein, Building Inspector for Monticello, requested that the Council consider adopting the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings. Although the Uniform Housing Code was previously adopted by the City Council, this Code is applicable only to residential buildings while the adoption of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Build- ings would be designed to apply to all types of buildings and structures. In addition, the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings Code would spell out specific procedures that the Building Inspector could use to correct defects noted by inspections. Motion was made by White, seconded by Grimsmo and unanimously carried to adopt the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, with the City Council to act as the Board of Appeals. 9. Consideration of Adopting Ordinance on Minimum Grade Elevations. The consulting engineering firm of Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates has recommended that the City adopt an ordinance requiring a minimum grade elevation of 1' above street level for any new buildings or structures built in the future. Since the Building Inspector has already been requiring at least a 1' grade from the building to the street on all new building permits, a motion was made by Phil White, seconded by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve an ordinance amendment requiring the building to set at least 1' above the street elevation. (See Ordinance Amendment $-25-75 #516)0 10. Consideration for ProvidinZ for Annual and Systematic Inspections for the Enforcement of Uniform Housing Code. State Building Code Division officials recommended to Loren Klein, Monticello's Building Inspector, that the City Council require all rental buildings falling under the Uniform Housing Code to be inspected on an annual basis and that authorization be given to the Building Inspector for development of a systematic plan for the annual inspections. The development of a systematic plan of inspections of all rental housing and other buildings within Monticello would help eliminate the possibility of discrimination charges. Motion was made by G. Walters, seconded by P. White and unanimously carried to direct the Building Inspector to schedule annual inspections of all buildings falling under Uniform Housing Code and authorizing the Building Inspector to prepare a routine system of inspections to be kept on file at the City Office. - 4- Minutes - 6/26/78 11. Consideration of a Variance Request b.v Mr. John Berzstad for an Application for a ,Certificate of Occupancy, Mr. John Bergstad requested a variance from the certificate of occupancy provisions in order that he may occupy the Cedar crest Elderly Housing Project by July 1, 1978. Mr. Bergstad indicated that the majority of the units have been rented out with some occupants ready to move in on July lst. Mr. Bergstad requested that the certificate of occupancy be issued with a variance being granted on the landscaping and light poles in the parking lot. Mr. Bergstad also indicated that due to the electrical contractor strike, a few lighting fixtures have not been installed in two of the apartments, but these apartments would not be rented as of July 1st. Motion was made by G. Walters, seconded by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried to approve the certificate of occupancy for Cedarcrest Housing Project, contingent upon the posting of a bond for the uncompleted land— scaping and the parking lot lighting, and also contingent upon the building inspector's approval. The variance would be good until August 1, 1978, at which time the entire project would have to be completed. 12. Consideration of Designated Bicycle Routes. The Monticello Jaycees have requested that the Council consider the following: 1. That the City conduct a bicycle safety course in the elementery school, similar to the automobile safety course taught in the Senior High School. 2. That the City consider marking preferred bicycle routes on the streets, along with a median strip indications for bicycle crossings. Rather than just arbitrarily labelling all the streets in the area with bicycle markings, Councilman Phil White was appointed to head a committee of possibly two Jaycee members along with two other citizens to study the matter and report back to the council as to the feasibility of such routes. Community Education Director, Duane Gates, was also recom- mended as a possible member to this committee since a bicycle safety course could possibly be taught through the Community Education. 13. Consideration of Appointment of Chairperson for Historical Society. Bob Brown, current Chairperson of the Monticello Historical Society, has indicated that he would like to step down from the Chair and requested that the Council consider an appointment for his replacement. By Council censensus, this item was tabled until the Historical Society members could be contacted for possible suggestions as to a Chairperson replacement. - 5 - Minutes - 6/26/78 14. Consideration of Allowance for Firemen to Attend Schooling. The Joint Fire Board recommended to the City Council that all Firemen attending schooling be paid a $35.00 per day allowance in addition to expenses and travelling for attendance at any fire schools. This amount would be to compensate the person for loss of wages. Paul Klein, Fire Chief, indicated to the Council that he was not aware of the $35.00 per day recommendation made by the Joint Fire Board, and indicated that State Statutes do specify the amount of compensation that should be paid to firemen attending schooling sessions. By Council consensus, this item was tabled to enable the City Administrator to research the State Statutes regarding this matter. 15. Consideration of Variance of Insurmountable Curb Barrier for the Monticello Fire Hali. The Monticello firemen requested that the east side of the Monticello Fire Hall be granted a variance exempting it from the requirement of an insur- mountable type of curb on the 77-3 Street Improvement Project. Mr. Jay Morrell, fire department representative, explained to the Council the department's reasons for requesting parking along Cedar Street. Mr. Morrell indicated that if a curb was constructed along Cedar Street in front of the Fire Hall, the five existing parking spaces would be eliminated and may cause congestion problems when firemen are responding to a fire call. Mr. Morrell indicated that these parking spots are desperately needed by the firemen as temporary parking spots while they pick up their equip- ment when they are heading for fires. Mr. Morrell also stated that should the existing fire hall be expanded, it would be expanded to the North and if an insurmountable type of curb were constructed where the parking now exists, it would have to be torn up in the future to provide access to any additions made to the building. He also indicated that he felt the fire department was a unique situation regarding curb barriers, and that allowing a driveway approach for the fire department building would not set a precedent for other businesses in Monticello. Due to the divided opinions expressed by the Council, it was the consensus that a committee be formed consisting of two firemen and two councilmen to meet and study this matter. The Committee would consist of Councilmen Phil White and Arve Grimsmo and will report back to the Council within 30 days. 16. Approval of Minutes. The Minutes of June 12, 1978 were approved as read. - 6 - Minutes - 6/26/78 17. Approval of Bills. A motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the bills for June, 1978 as presented. (See Supple- ment 6/26/78 - #2) . 18. Consideration of Approval of Final Plat - Commercial Plaza 25. Mr. Sam Peraro submitted a final plat for the Commercial Plaza 25 subdivision consisting of five lots located South of I-94 along Highway 25. A final plat has been reviewed by the City Engineer and appears to meet all provisions of the ordinances. A motion was made by A. Grimsmo, seconded by P. White and unanimously carried to approve the final plat for Commercial Plaza 25 as presented. 19. Discussion on Blacktopping Cedar Street between Chelsea Road and _ Thomas Industrial Drive in Oakwood Industrial Park. The City Engineer, John Badalich, discussed with the Council the possibility of re-blacktopping that portion of Cedar Street between the bowling alley on Chelsea Road and the Thomas Industrial Park Drive. This portion of the road has deteriorated somewhat and the Engineer indicated that the reblacktopping could be made as part of the 77-1 Improvement Project with a change order. Since none of the property owners have requested that this portion of the road be reblacktopped, and since the abutting property owners would be assessed for any improvements, it was the consensus of the Council to have the administrator check with the property owners to see if they would be interested in being assessed for a new blacktop street. 20J Approval of Additional Costs Associated with Relocation of Signals at Elm and Maple Streets as part of the 77-3 Improvement Project. As part of the 77-3 Street Improvement Project, the crossings on Maple Street and Elm Street will be widened. Burlington Northern Railroad has agreed to the improvements on their railroad tracks, but have indicated that all crossing improvements must be paid for by the City. The estimated amount of the improvements are as follows: Elm Street - $12,300-00 Maple Street - $5,100.00 for a total estimated cost of $177100.00. The additional work in relocating the crossings will be done by Burlington Northern crews and the City Engineer indicated that the City does not have much choice in the matter if they wish to widen the streets. Motion was made by P. White, seconded by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried to approve the additional charge of $17,100.00 for the improvements to Maple Street and Elm Street as part of the 77-3 Project. Meet' g adjourned. 1 Rik Wolfstell6r, Asst. Adm. RW/ns