City Council Minutes 07-24-1978REGULAR MEETING
July 24, 1978 - 7:30 P. M.
Members present: C. 0. Johnson, Dan Blonigen, Arve Grimsmo, Gene Walters,
Phil White.
Citizens Comments -
1. Mr. Wayne Bidwell, with Webb Publishing Company, requested a variance on
the landscaping and parking requirements for the new printing building
being built in the Oakwood Industrial Park prior to certificate of
Mr. Bidwell indicated to the Council that they would like to occupy the
building by August 1, 1978, but that the landscaping would not be
completed by that time, and that funds were not available to complete
the parking lot for at least 90 days.
Motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by White and unanimously carried
to approve a certificate of occupancy variance for the landscaping and
parking lot contingent upon the posting of a bond with a 90 day time
limit on completion.
2. Mr. Wilbur Eck read a letter to the Council in regards to the Monticello
Nuclear Plant intention of building a nuclear waste facility in Monticello.
Mr. Eck asked numerous questions of the Council in regards to whether any
construction has started, and if it has started, why the City Council of
Monticello does not take steps to prevent the storage of waste in Monticello.
Mr. Eck indicated that NSPts original permit conditions required that
the waste be removed to a disposal site in Illinois, and that this pro-
cess should continue rather than enlarging storage facilities for nuclear
waste in Monticello.
The Council accepted the letter from Mr. Eck and indicated that they will
be reviewing the items with NSP.
End of Citizens Comments.
1. Public Hearing - Consideration of Improvemen_t of Former County Road 117
West of the Monticello Roller Rink and Joyners Lanes.
Due to the deteriorated shape of the road between the Bowling Alley and the
Roller Rink on County Road 117, a public hearing was held on the proposed
improvement, including the possibility of assessing the approximately $6,440
cost to the abutting property owners based on front footage.
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John Badalich, City Engineer, informed the Council that an overlay would not
be feasible, and that a Sit base and a new 311 bituminous mat should be
constructed for this section of the road.
In regards to the project, the following testimony was received:
Mr. Stuart Hoglund felt that the road deterioration was caused by the
unloading and loading of heavy equipment by recent contractors in
Monticello. Mr. Hoglund indicated that the contractors should be re-
sponsible for improving the road since they in his mind were the ones
responsible for ruining this section of road. He also indicated that
this road was previously used as a major highway with no problems
before, and only since contractors have been using heavy equipment and
turning on the road has the damage resulted. Mr. Hoglund also informed
the council that he did not want to be assessed for any major improvements
on this road.
Gord�r�lund also informed the Council that the balance of County
Road 117 appears to be in adequate shape, and cannot understand why
the entire base and a new bituminous mat is necessary just in this
one section of the road, and felt that this is a good indication that
heavy equipment must have caused the damage to this section.
Mr. Bill Pemberton, owner of the Monticello Roller Rink, agreed with the
Hoglund's comments in regards to the deterioration by heavy equipment
usage by recent contractors.
Mrs. Jeanie Hoglund felt that the area out by Hoglund Bus Company is
being ignored by the City Council in that assessing a major street
improvement for something that is not really needed by the abutting
property owners is wrong. She also requested that street lights should
be installed in the area for safety reasons, and she felt that they were
not getting cooperation from the City in this matter.
Because of the comments received from the abutting property owners, in regards
to the improvement on 117, a motion was made by Walters, seconded by White
and unanimously carried to not improve County Road 117 with a 5" base and
a 3" bituminous mat as recommended by the City Engineer. No other decision
was made by the Council in regards to what type of improvement should be
made on this road or how it should be assessed.
2. Public Hearing - Consideration of Variance Request - Frontyard Setback for
Lot 13, Block 1, Hillcrest Second Addition.
At the request of Mr. Sam Peraro, the Building Inspector for the City of
Monticello went out to the above referenced lot and provided the setback
locations for this property that fronts on Hillcrest Circle in Hillcrest
Second Addition. Subsequently, it was brought to the attention of the
Building Inspector that the setback on the front yard was only 22' instead
of the required 30' setback, and as a result, an $' variance was requested
by Mr. Peraro.
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Jay Miller indicated to the Council that he had interest in a lot next door
and felt that this setback should not be granted. Mr. Miller indicated that
when he was Building Inspector for the City last year, Mr. Peraro was made
aware of the setback line.
The Council indicated that it was apparent that the Building Inspector made
an honest error in locating the proper setbacks for this house, and felt
that it would be unreasonable expense to require the building to be moved
back the additional O'. As a result, a motion was made by Blonigen, seconded
by Grimsmo and unanimously carried to approve the $' setback variance for
the house on Hillcrest Circle.
3. Consideration of Conditional Use Permit for Fair's Market.
Budd and Fran Fair had indicated a desire to increase their farm market
on the corner of Broadway and Cedar Street to 6,840 square feet of retail
space. As a result of this expansion, a conditional use permit is required
by City Ordinances.
Additionally, outdoor storage areas are limited to 34o' of the gross floor
area of the principal use, and Mr. & Mrs. Fair requested that they be
allowed approximately 43% of their building size for outside sales and
storage. A motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Arve Grimsmo and
unanimously carried to approve the conditional use permit to Fair's Market
for up to 43% of the building area in the outside sales area.
4. Consideration of Variance from Pylon Sign Area Limitation.
Mr. Denton Erickson, of Moon Motors, Inc., requested that the City Council
reconsider his variance for a Pylon Sign at his place of business on
Highway 25. This variance request was to have a pylon sign that exceeded
the 50' square foot requirement and requested an allowance up to 80 square
Mr. Erickson indicated that the reason for this request was that he handled
several lines of different brandname products, and in order to handle these
lines, he has to have a standard identification symbol to advertise four
separate products. These four signs would total approximately 80 square feet.
A motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously
carried to approve the variance request of 80 square feet signage allowance
for Moon Motors, Inc.
5. Consideration of Obtainment of Appraisals for Easements on 1978-1 Improvement
Project for Presentation to the City Council.
In order to serve the Country Club Manor Plat, four easements were neces-
sary from the following properties:
Tim Genung - Easement for roadway and utility purposes.
Gordy Hoglund - Easement for utility purposes (stormsewer).
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Monticello Apartments - Easement for utility purposes (storm sewer).
Harold Ruff - Easement for roadway and utility purposes.
In an effort to treat all property owners fairly, it was recommended that
an appraisal be obtained on each easement for presentation to the City
Council. If accepted by the City Council, these appraisals could be
presented to the property owner for approval.
John Badalich, City Engineer, reviewed with the Council the areas and
reasons for the necessary easements in regards to the 78--1 Improvement
Project. Mr. Badalich indicated that one of the larger easements was
needed for storm sewer utilities to drain water from the Country Club
Manor Plat easterly through Mr. Gordy Hoglund' s property to the outlet
on Maple Street. This major trunk storm sewer line would result in storm
sewer assessments to Mr. Harold Ruff and Mr. Gordy Hoglund as
part of the 78-1 project. Considerable discussion was had by the Council
in regards to whether or not an easement should just be obtained from the
Southeast part of Country Club Manor to Elm Street for utility purposes
only, and eliminate the storm sewer at the South end of the Country Club
Plat. If the storm sewer was eliminated, the easement for the storm sewer
through Ruff Auto Parts and through Mr. Gordy Hoglund's property up to
the Monticello Apartments could be eliminated.
Mr. Tim Genung, one of the property owners through which an easement would
be necessary, asked the City Council what their plans were for road improve-
ments and utility improvements, and asked what right the City had to come
onto his property to do soil tests without his permission. Mr. Genung indi-
cated that a portion of his fence was taken down and that Braun Engineering,
a representative of the City's engineering firm, Orr-Schelen-Mayeron &
Associates, came onto his property and did these soil tests without his
permission. The Council informed Mr. Genung that the engineering firms
had no right to come onto his property without his permission, and that
he should put any complaints he has in writing to the City Administrator.
Mr. Gordy Hoglund informed the Council that he felt storm sewer in this
area was not necessary, and was not in favor of any such improvements,
especially getting assessed for it.
Mr. Ron Ruff, representing Ruff Auto Parts, also felt that storm sewer
improvements or any utility improvements were not requested by them,
and felt they should not be made to suffer for other residential improve-
ments. In regards to obtaining appraisals, a motion was made by P. White,
seconded by A. Grimsmo to have the City Administrator obtain appraisals
for the necessary easements and report back to the Council.
Voting in favor was P. White, A. Grimsmo, C. Johnson and G. Walters.
Opposed: D. Blonigen.
6. Consideration of Soliciting Quotations for Chemical Feed Equipment.
At the previous Council Meeting, John Badalich, City Engineer, indicated
that the recent effluent test at the Monticello Treatment Plant were above
the interim standards set by the P.C.A. and the E.P.A. and strongly urged
that the City Council again reconsider the purchase of chemical feed equip-
ment that could be utilized to reduce the effluent strength into the
Mississippi River.
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The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency previously has indicated they would
like to see Monticello provide chemical treatments to keep their effluent
level within the State standards.
In 1977, a quotation was received in the amount of approximately $13,000
for this chemical equipment, and it is estimated that the same equipment
would probably cost approximately $15,000 in 197$.
Both the City Engineer, John Badalich, and the Public Works Director, Mike
Rajala, indicated that the City may have trouble during the winter months
in meeting the effluent levels without chemical treatment, and a motion was
made by P. White and seconded by G. Walters and unanimously carried to
solicit quotes for chemical feeding equipment for presentation to the
City Council.
7. Consideration of Ordering Parking Lot Improvements.
Mike Rajala, Public Works Director, presented quotations from two contrac-
tors relative to sealcoating the municipal parking lots by the Monticello
Liquor Store, the old City Hall and the parking lot by Security Federal,
in addition to the parking lot located behind Johnson's Department Store.
Additionally, a quote was received for installing a 12' bituminous overlay
on the parking lot directly North of Oakwood School.
Discussion was had by the Council on whether or not any of these improve-
ments should be assessed directly to the Downtown Businessmen, rather than
put on ad valorem taxes.
It was noted that if any of these improvements were to be assessed, a public
hearing for the improvement of the parking lots would have to be held.
D. Blonigen made a motion to postpone for two weeks any action on these
parking lot improvements. Motion died for lack of a second. A motion was
then made by G. Walters, seconded by P. White to proceed with the sealcoating
of the two parking lots, but not to improve the parking lot North of Oakwood
School with a 121 bituminous overlay at this time. The sealcoating would
be placed on ad valorem taxes.
Voting in favor were G. Walters, P. White, C. Johnson and A. Grimsmo.
Opposed: D. Blonigen.
8. Consideration of Approval of Plans and Specifications for the 197$-1
Improvement Project.
Mr. John Badalich presented plans and specifications on the 1978-1 Improve-
ment Project which includes the following areas:
1. Extension of sewer, water, stormsewer, curb and gutter and
permanent streets to Sandberg South, Riverside, Country Club
Manor and Kampa Estates Plats.
2. Extension of sewer, water, curb and gutter, stormsewer and
permanent streets to Holker's Hillside Addition.
3. Extension of water and bituminous surfacing on Chelsea Road
from Lot 4, Block 2 Oakwood Industrial Park east to Lot 51
Block 2 Oakwood Industrial Park.
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4. Extension of sewer and water down West County Road 39.
In regards to the proposed storm sewer improvements as part of the Country
Club Manor Plat, considerable discussion was had by the Council as to
whether or not the storm sewer improvements for the Southeast portion of
the Plat could be eliminated thus not requiring easements through Mr. Harold
Ruff's property and Gordy Hoglund's property. If this portion of the storm
sewer trunk lines were eliminated from the plans and specifications, the
only easements necessary would be a short segment from the southeast corner
of the Country Club Plat to Elm Street for sewer and water utilities.
As a result of this discussion and the apparent opposition by the
property owners in the area to storm sewer improvements, the City Engineer
was asked to review the feasibility of deleting storm sewer improvements
in the Southeast portion of the Country Club Manor.
Motion was made by G. Walters, seconded by A. Grimsmo to approve the plans
and specifications on the 1978--1 Improvement Project as presented with the
exception of any storm sewer improvements on the lower southeast corner of
the Country Club Manor Plat.
Voting in favor of the motion was Walters, Grimsmo, Johnson.
Opposed: P. White, D. Blonigen. (See Resolution 1978 #11)
9. Consideration of Type of Curb for Fire Hall.
At a previous Council meeting, a committee composed of Councilmen Phil
White and Arve Grimsmo, along with fire department representatives Jay
Morrell and Marn Flicker were appointed to review and make recommendations
to the City Council relative to the type of curb requirements they felt
were best suited for the property in front of the fire hall. The Committee
recommended that parking be allowed in front of the present fire hall
northward to the alley and as a result, a surmountable curb should be
constructed in this area. The Committee felt that if an insurmountable
type of curb was installed, it would make the responses to fire calls
possibly slower due to the inadequate parking available for firemen.
Motion was made by P. White, seconded by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried
to accept the recommendation and to not install an insurmountable curb in
front of the fire hall.
10. Approval of Bills for July 197$•
Motion was made by A. Grimsmo, seconded by P. White and unanimously
carried to approve the bills for July 1978 as presented.
11. Approval of Minutes.
Motion was made by P. White, seconded by D. Blonigen and unanimously
carried to approve the Minutes of July 10 and July 14, as presented.
12. Discussion on Library Shelving.
After a short discussion on the need for additional shelving at the expanded
Library in the Oakwood School, it was the consensus of the Council to have
Gene Walters prepare a recommendation on the shelving for the next meeting.
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13. Review of Six Month Liquor Store Financial Statements.
The Financial Statements for the Municipal Off—Sale Liquor Store covering
the first six months of 1978 were reviewed by the City Council. The
report indicated that gross sales have increased approximately 19.5%
over 1977 and also that the net income has risen approximately 24%.
The report was accepted as presented.
14. Consideration of Extension of Contract Deadline on 77-1 Improvement Project.
Arcon Construction, general contractor on the 77-1 Improvement Project,
requested an extension of the contract deadline to August 1, 1978. The
reason for their request was that the electricians strike has held up
some electrical hookup work on the lift station, and in addition, approxi—
mately $80,000 in additional change orders were added to the contract.
Motion was made by D. Blonigen, seconded by A. Grimsmo and unanimously
carried to approved the extension as recommended by City Engineer,
John Badalich.
Meeting adjourned.
Rick Wolf stell
Asst. Adm.
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