City Council Minutes 08-14-1978MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL
August 14, 1978 - 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: C. 0. Johnson, Daniel Blonigen, Philip White, Gene Walters.
Members Absent: Arve Grimsmo
1. Public Hearing - Consideration of Variance on Sideyard Setbacks for
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Blake,.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Blake requested a variance to build a garage behind their
home at 313 E. Fourth Street to within 3' of their west property line.
With a 2' overhang on the garage, the dripline would be 1' from the property
The building inspector indicated that the abutting property owners have not
indicated any objections to this variance request, and the Planning Com-
mission unanimously approved the variance at their last meeting.
Motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by White and unanimously carried to
approve the variance request to build within 3' of the property line.
2. Variance Request for a Certificate of Occupancy by H & D Storage.
Mr. Henry Doerr, with H & D Storage in the Industrial Park, requested a
variance from the City's provisions that all landscaping be completed at
the time of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
Mr. Doerr requested the variance until Fall to allow the landscaping of
the storage area to be completed.
Motion was made by White, seconded by Blonigen and unanimously carried to
approve the variance on the landscaping requirements of the certificate of
occupancy with a maximum of 60 days completion time provided a bond or
security is provided.
3. Consideration of Acceptance of Airport Study Completed by Ralph Burke &
Associates and Recommendations of the Monticello Airport Committee.
Mr. Gene Walters, committeemember of the Monticello Airport Committee,
reviewed with the Council the feasibility report for the Monticello Joint
Airport relative to Site B.
The feasibility report on this Site which is located 3 miles south of
Monticello indicated the following concerns:
1. Quite an extensive amount of fill was necessary to fill in low areas.
2. Environmental concern of utilizing wetlands for an airport.
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3. Expansion to a 5,500' runway would require road relocations.
4. Transmission lines would have to be relocated.
5. Concern over the migratory path of wild fowl in the Pelican Lake area.
6. Projected costs of a basic transport airport was $$069,210 which is
from $2 to $22 Million Dollars more than an average basic transport
type of airport. The additional costs are for road relocations,
relocation of transmission lines and filling in wetlands area.
Mr. Walters indicated that the Monticello Airport Committee voted to
recommend that the City Council accept the report as presented, and
additionally, that they proceed no further in pursuing an airport on
Site B.
Motion was made by G. Walters, seconded by P. White and unanimously carried
to accept the feasibility study presented by Ralph Burke & Associates on
Site B and to accept the recommendations not to pursue any further studies
of an Airport on Site B.
4. Consideration of Authorizing City Engineer to Prepare Plans and Specifications
and to Inspect Improvements for Balboul Estates.
Marvin George, President of Marvin George Builders, Inc., requested that
the City Engineer for Monticello prepare plans and specifications for the
required improvements such as sewer, water, streets, curb and gutter for
Balboul Estates.
Mr. George indicated that they would like to be the general contractor for
the improvements and would post as required by City ordinance a bond for
12 times the engineerts estimated cost of the improvements.
Mr. Keith Nelson, of O.S.M., consulting engineers for the City, indicated
to the council that in order to serve the Balboul Estates, sewer and water
would have to be extended along Prairie Road resulting in improvements of
abutting property not owned by Marvin George. Mr. Nelson indicated to the
Council that without a public hearing on this improvement, 100fO of the
property owners would have to agree to the improvements, or Marvin George
Builders would have to agree to pay all of the cost involved in the improve-
Motion was made by White, seconded by Blonigen and unanimously carried to
authorize the City Engineer to prepare plans and specifications and a
feasibility study for improvements to Balboul Estates.
(See Resolution 1978 #12).
5. Consideration of Amending Requirements for Vacation of Former State
Highway 25 - Cedar Street.
At a previous Council meeting, a request from the abutting property owners
was granted to vacate former State Highway 25, or Cedar Street, contingent
upon the City along with other utilities, being granted utility rights
along the entire 1001 right-of-way. Since the time of the previous vacation,
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one of the abutting property owners, Mr. Sam Peraro, has purchased all of
the adjacent land or entered into an agreement to buy all of the adjacent
land and is now proposing to shift the easement rights to the easterly
portion of the newly created parcel. In addition, Mr. Peraro has requested
that the easement be reduced to 50' from the original 100' right-of-way.
There are currently no utilities underneath the proposed vacated street,
and Mr. Keith Nelson, City Engineer, indicated that future plans do not
indicate any improvements for this area. Mr. Nelson also indicated to the
Council that 50 to 601 right-of-way would more than adequate should the
City ever need to put in utilities.
Motion was made by Gene Walters, seconded by D. Blonigen and unanimously
carried to accept a 601 easement along the easterly portion of the parcel
for all utility purposes such as telephone, electric and city services.
6. Consideration of Soliciting Quotations for Library Shelving.
Recently, the City of Monticello has expanded the size of the local
Great River Regional Library located in the Oakwood School by renting
an additional room from the School District.
The additional room in the library is currently in need of shelving and
the Great River Regional Library System submitted a set of plans and
specifications for shelving that have been reviewed by Councilman
Gene Walters. Mr. Walters indicated that he thought these plans and
specifications submitted by the Great River Regional Library were
excessive as far as specifications were concerned and felt that much
simpler plans could be utilized for this shelving.
A motion was made by G. Walters, seconded by Phil White and unanimously
carried to have the City Administrator meet with the Librarian regarding
a section of shelving that would meet their needs for the upcoming year
and solicit quotes from interested builders for this library shelving.
7. Consideration of Approval of Easements for 1978-1 Improvement Project.
This item was deferred until the next Council meeting in order to enable
the City to obtain appraisals on the easements for the 1978-1 Improvement
Project. Mr. John Sandberg was unable to have the appraisals completed
and will hopefully have them ready at the next meeting.
8. Appointment of Election,Judges for State Primary and General Election.
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State Statutes require the appointment of election judges 25 days prior to
any election.
The following individuals who met the qualifications for appointment as
election judges were submitted for approval:
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Joanne Link
Marvel Trurmell
Herman Busch
Fern Anderson
Colleen DeBoer
Hazel Kotilinek
Arnold Strehler
Joan Dorn
Marie Toenjes
Mary Jo Quick
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Myrtle Haen
Arlene Wallin
Lonna Wolfsteller
Ruth Harstad
Verena Borchardt
Betty Lund
Lucille Clausen
Betty Grossnickle
Ann Voll
Barbara Wieber
Leona Kline
Since some of the Councilmembers were concerned over a possible conflict-
of-interest by having two of the election judges being spouses of employees
of the City, a motion was made by Con Johnson, seconded by Phil White
to accept the list of election judges as presented with the exception of
Lonna Wolfsteller and Barbara Wieber, and to appoint Lucille Clausen as
Head judge. This motion was unanimously carried.
Additionally, Gene Walters made a motion, seconded by Phil White and
unanimously carried to have the election polls open from 7:00 A.M. until
8:00 P.M. at the new City Hall.
9. Approval of Minutes.
Gene Walters made a motion, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried
to approve the Minutes of July 24., 1978 as presented.
10. Consideration of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for Tom Chock.
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Mr. Tom Chock requested a temporary variance on the following items so
he could obtain a temporary certificate of occupancy for his duplex.
1. To put in his hard surface parking sometime after the
curb is installed along Elm Street.
2. That he be allowed to finish the grading of his property after the
curb along his corner lot (NW corner of W. 3rd and Elm) is installed.
3. That he be allowed to put in his shrubs after the weather is more
permissible this Fall.
Mr. Chock is planning to provide a concrete parking area and driveway
and would like to wait until the curb is in along Elm Street to set his
driveway and parking to meet the new curb.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously
carried to approve the temporary certificate of occupancy variance until
October 15, 1978 provided a bond is provided for the landscaping and
parking requirements.
11. Discussion on Street Lighting Improvements - Highway 25 and County Road 117.
Public Works Director, Mike Rajala, informed the Council that Northern
States Power has indicated that the installation of two Street Lights,
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one at the corner of Highway 25 and County Road 117, and the other along
Thomas Industrial Drive in the Industrial Park, will cost approximately
$785.00 extra for trenching to install these lights.
NSP had previously indicated that street lighting would be installed
without cost to the City, but now has indicated that the additional
trenching involved for these two lights would have to be picked up by
the City.
By consensus of the Council, the Public Works Director was authorized to
have these two street lights installed.
12. Consideration of Parking Lot Improvements - Oakwood Parkin
At the last meeting, approval was given to sealcoat the parking lots
in town consisting of the one behind Johnson's Department Store and the
one between Security Federal and the old City Hall. At that time, it
was recommended that a 12' bituminous overlay mat be installed on the
parking lot known as Oakwood Parking Lot.
Mr. Rajala indicated that a decision should be made soon for any overlay
on the Oakwood lot if it is to be completed this year.
Because the parking lot was considered a benefit to everyone in the City,
and that some sort of maintenance should be completed soon on this parking
lot, a motion was made by Gene Walters, seconded by Phil White to proceed
with a 12' bituminous overlay for this parking lot with no additional
assessments to the abutting property owners. Voting in favor: Gene
Walters, Con Johnson, Phil White. Opposed: Dan Blonigen.
13. Assessment Hearing on 77-1 and 77-2 Improvement Projects.
By Council consensus, the City Engineer was authorized to prepare
assessment rolls for the 77-1 and 77-2 Improvement Projects with the
hearing to be held on October 2, 1978 at 7:30 P.M.
Meeting adjourned.
Rick Wolf stel r
Asst. Admini rator
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