City Council Minutes 09-11-1978MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MATING September 11, 1978 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: C. 0. Johnson, Dan Blonigen, Arve Grimsmo, Gene Walters, Philip White Citizens Comments - Mr. Jim L-ungwitz, speaking for the neighborhood residents of Ellison Park area, presented to the Council a list of possible suggestions and recom- mendations for controlling the increased problems regarding irresponsible and reckless driving and suspicious alcohol and drug-related activities in and around the Park area. Mr. Lungwitz and Willard Anderson, an area resident, felt that younger people are using the dead-end River Street behind the Hospital for suspicious activities such as drinking or drug- related activities. Mr. Lungwitz suggested that an additional dead-end sign be constructed at the Corner of Dayton and River Streets along with a barricade at the end of River Street near the Hospital property line. In addition, they felt the Park should be closed from 10:00 P.M. until 7:00 A.M. and speed barrier control berms should be constructed to slow down the traffic in the Park. The Council acknowledged the suggestions made by the neighborhood residents and indicated that this item would be on the Agenda at the next regular Council Meeting for further consideration. Dr. Kasper asked the City Council to consider resurfacing as part of the 1977-3 street project the balance of Hart Boulevard, which runs from the Hospital past the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Dr. Kasper indicated that the curb and gutter project will end at the Hospital property, but asked that the balance of Hart Boulevard be considered for curb and gutter and permanent streets, also. The Council indicated to Mr. Kasper that Hart Boulevard was considered a rural type road from the Hospital to where it connects to County Road 75, and that during the original 77-3 project hearing, curb and gutter was not considered. The consensus of the City Council was to have the Public Works Director check on the condition of the balance of Hart Boulevard and report back to the Council at its next regular meeting as to whether or not this portion should be resurfaced with bituminous. Mr` Dale Lungwitz, representing the Wright County State Bank, asked the Council for a variance on the completion date for installing shrubbery and landscaping at the new drive-in banking facility on Walnut and 6th Street. Mr. Lungwitz indicated that they will be ready for occupancy in approxi- mately two to three weeks, but that the shrubbery and landscaping should Minutes --- September 11, 1978 not be completed until the end of October. Motion was made by Gene Walters, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to grant the Wright County State Bank a variance until November 1, 1978 regarding shrubbery and landscaping provided all other provisions are met regarding the certificate of occupancy. 1. Acknowledgment of Petition for Improvements to Oakwood Industrial Park and Determination of Cut -Off Date for Filing Petitions for 1979 Improvements. A petition was received from Oakwood Industrial Park requesting the exten- sion of sewer and water mains to serve the south half of the platted area along the road known as Dundas Road. Mr. Dale Lungwitz, representing the Oakwood Industrial Park, indicated that Dundas Road would have to be entirely developed as there is no existing road now. The partnership for Oakwood was considering constructing the roadbed for Dundas Road themselves, and would like to determine from the Council if this expense could be applied toward the 25% paid in advance requirement under the new City ordinances. In the past years, the City has established a policy of setting a cut-off date for all petitions to be filed for consideration for improvements in the ensuing year as of March lst. Because of the March lst deadline, the engineering firms have not always been able to prepare a feasibility report, allow for the public hearings and also have the construction completed within the same year. As a result, a January lst deadline for petitions has been recommended on all future projects. Motion was made by Arve Grimsmo, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried to make January lst the cut-off date each year for improvement petitions, and also to acknowledge the petition received from Oakwood Industrial Park for sewer and water improvements with the 25% paid in advance requirement being waived provided Oakwood constructs Dundas Road themselves. In regards to the construction of Dundas Road in Oakwood Industrial Park, Mr. Dale Lungwitz asked that the City's consulting engineering firm, Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, be allowed to prepare specifications for the gravel road. Motion was made by Arve Grimsmo, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to allow the Oakwood Industrial Park to contract with Orr-Schelen- Mayeron, the City's consulting engineering firm, for the preparation of plans and specifications for improving Dundas Road with a gravel construction. 2. Consideration of Approval of Cost Allocation for Chemical Feed Equipment. At the City Councilt s previous meeting, contracts were awarded for Chemical Feed Equipment totalling $15,930. It was indicated at that time that John Badalich, City Engineer, would be making a recommendation to the Council as to the allocation of the cost for the improvement between the City of Monticello and Wrightco Products. - 2 - Minutes - September 11, 197$ Mr. Badalich indicated that, according to the laboratory studies done on May 11 and 12, 1977, Wrightco's share of the chemical feed equipment cost would be approximately $7,223.00 with the City's share the remainder of $8,706.00 for the initial installation cost. A letter was presented by Jim Ridgeway, President of Wrightco Products, disputing Wrightco's percentage of the pollutants discharged at the sewage treatment plant. Mr. Ridgeway felt that the study inaccurately portrayed Wrightco Products as a major contributor, and therefore, requested that he be allowed to conduct his own study of their pollutant discharges before a cost allocation is determined by the Council. By consensus of the Council, consideration of cost allocations between Wrightco Products and the City on the chemical feed equipment was tabled until Wrightco's study is completed. 3. Consideration of Ordering Plans and Specifications for Balboul Estates. The Balboul Estates subdivision has been recently purchased by Marvin George Builders of Princeton, Minnesota, and Mr. George requested that the City Council allow him to act as general contractor in putting in the various improvements such as sewer, water, storm sewer and street improve- ments. A feasibility report was prepared by the City Engineer on the requested improvements, indicating a total project cost of approximately $177,600, including indirect costs. The report indicates that approximately nine additional lots along Prairie Road could be assessed for the sewer and water improvements which belong to Jim and Ken Maus. Since this other property owner could be assessed for a portion of the improvements, Mr. Marvin George would have to agree to paying the entire cost of the project, or a petition would have to be presented from all the property owners, including Jim and Ken Maus, requesting the improvements. Mr. George indicated to the Council that he would agree to pay 100% of the cost of the improvements and has reached an agreement with the Maus Brothers regarding their share of the cost. Motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried to order the preparation of plans and specifications for the sewer, water, street and gutter and storm sewer improvements to Balboul Estates contingent upon the City receiving a petition from 100f of the property owners and also contingent upon receiving an agreement from the developer equal to one and one-half times the estimated cost of the improvements along with other conditions of the new subdivision require- ments. (See Supplement 9-11-78 #1). 4. Consideration of Angle Parking on Walnut Street between Broadway and River Streets. At the last council meeting, the City Council requested that the City Administrator explore the possibility of angle parking along Walnut Street between Broadway and River. The reason for the request was that some of the businesses felt there was a hazardous situation with the existing perpendicular parking on both sides of Walnut Street, and indicated that angle parking may tend to reduce some of the traffic hazards which would occur with the present situation. - 3 - Minutes - September 11, 1978 The City Administrator informed the Council that a survey was sent to ten property owners in the area asking their feelings on the matter. The results were three in favor of angle parking, three against angle parking and four no opinion. It was pointed out by the City Administrator that if angle parking were to be instituted on Walnut Street, it would eliminate from one to two spaces on each side of the street along with cars entering from the North along Walnut Street would not be allowed to park in the diagonal spaces. Because of the divided opinion of the property owners along Walnut Street and the abutting blocks regarding the parking change, it was the consensus of the Council to indefinitely table this item.and leave the parking as is. 5. Consideration of Preliminary Budget for 1979• The preliminary budget for 1979 was presented to the Council for review. The proposed budget calls for a tax levy of approximately $851,000, or approximately $18,000 less than 1978. This would result in a mill levy of approximately 21.44 compared to 21.78 for 1978. It was noted by the Council that approximately $700,000 in excess funds may be on hand at the end of 1979, and it was the consensus of the Council to tentatively earmark some of these excess funds towards the City's share of the construction cost involved in updating the City's present Waste- water Treatment Plant and Sewer System. The City's portion of the approxi- mately $3,000,000 improvement scheduled for 1980 to 1981 would be approxi- mately $1,000,000 and the Council felt that if possible any excess funds at the end of 1979 could be earmarked for paying off this portion of the cost. Motion was made by P. White, seconded by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to accept the preliminary budget as presented, and authorize the City Administrator to prepare a final budget for consideration. 6. Approval of Minutes. The Minutes of the regular Council Meeting held August 28, 1978 were approved as presented. 7. Discussion on Liquor Store Operation. By consensus of the Council, the City Administrator was asked to explore the possibilities of selling the off -sale liquor establishment in Monticello. Mr. Weiber will be preparing a report on the feasibility of the sale with the item to be placed on the agenda within 30 days. 8. Consideration of Drive -way Opening Variance Request - Bill D:le. Mr. Bill Fyle requested a variance to allow two drive -way approach openings for his property located on the corner of Palm and 3rd Streets in Monticello. Mr. Fyle indicated that his home is used as a duplex and would like to have a place for the tenants parking their cars without parking on the streets. - 4- Minutes — September 11, 1978 Motion was made by C. Johnson, seconded by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the variance allowing for two driveway approach openings on Mr. Fyle' s property. 9. Consideration of Driveway approach for Dan Blonigen on 77-3 IIMro_vement Project. Councilman Dan Blonigen requested that the Council consider a 6' long bituminous driveway approach for his home. Mr. Blonigen indicated that as far as he could tell, his home is the only property being assessed for curb and gutter under the street program that would not have a concrete driveway apron installed since Vine Street between lith and the Railroad tracks will not be improved with curb and gutter. Mr. Blonigen felt that in order to be fair and equalize his assessment, he should be provided with at least a 6' blacktopped driveway approach on his property. Since it appeared that Mr. Blonigen's property will be the only one affected under the street program in a similar manner, motion was made by P. White, seconded by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried to approve the installation of a 6' bituminous mat in lieu of a concrete apron on Mr. Dan Blonigen's property. Meeting adjourned. ewyaak- RI*lck Wolfsteer Assistant Administrator RW/ns - 5 -