City Council Minutes 10-10-1978REGULAR MEETING
October 10, 1978 - 7:30 P.M.
Members present: C. 0. Johnson, Dan Blonigen, Arve Grimsmo, Gene Walters,
Philip White
Citizens Comments:
Mr. John Leerssen and Francis Klein asked the Council if some sort of
maintenance couldn't be done on the North-South portion of Chelsea Road
in the Oakwood Industrial Park that was previously in Monticello Township.
Mr. Leerssen indicated that no maintenance had been performed on that
portion of the gravel road and requested that something be done in the near
The Public Works Director informed the Council and Mr. Klein and Mr. Leerssen
that the road was scheduled to receive a Class 5 base along with some grading
within a week or two. The property owners were also informed that during
the winter of 1978-79, City crews will be plowing this portion of Chelsea
1. Public Hearing - Variance Request from Parking Lot Curb Barrier Requirements -
Silver Fox Motel.
Mr. Ed Larson, part owner of the Silver Fox Motel, requested a variance to
allow the elimination of curb barriers around his truck parking lot. Mr.
Larson indicated that the elimination of the curb barrier requirements in
this area would allow for more maneuverability of the semi -trailers to get
in and out of the parking lot, especially during the busy season. Mr. Larson
also stated that the curb barriers recently installed have been damaged
by the heavy trucks running over them.
Council discussion concerned the possibility that this would set a precedent
for other variances of a similar nature, and a suggestion was made that
possibly his parking lot for truck parking should be enlarged if they need
that much space to maneuver.
Motion was made by D. Blonigen, seconded by A. Grimsmo to grant the variance
request eliminating the parking barriers around the truck parking lot.
Voting in favor - D. Blonigen and A. Grimsmo. Opposed - C. 0. Johnson,
G. Walters, P. White. Variance request denied.
2. Public Hearing - Variance Request from Parking Lot Hard -surface Requirements -
Mr. Bob Rasmussen.
Mr. Bob Rasmussen made an application for a variance to allow him to install
a new driveway for his present duplex off of County Road 751 with only a
Class 5 driveway for up to 24 months.
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Mr. Rasmussen indicated that the reason for the request was that his former
parking area for the duplex was located off of New Street, but with the new
curb and gutter, there would not be enough room to allow for a garage to be
built, so now he is requesting his driveway to come off of Broadway.
City ordinances require that all parking areas including driveway's to be
hard surfaced with concrete or bituminous surfacing. Mr. Rasmussen did
indicate that he plans on building a garage within the next year, and would
like a variance on the hard -surfacing of the driveway to coincide with
the building of a garage.
Motion was made by P. White, seconded by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried
to grant a variance from the hard -surfacing of Mr. Rasmussen's new driveway
until his garage is built, or a 12 month time limit.
3. Consideration of Approval of Plans and Specifications for Marvin George's
Balboul Estates.
At a previous Council Meeting, the City Council authorized the consulting
City Engineer, 0. S. M. , to prepare plans and specifications for sewer, water,
stormsewer, street paving and appurtenant work for Mr. Marvin George's Balboul
Estates. Mr. George had previously asked that the plans and specifications
be prepared in order for himself to install the improvements in Balboul
Estates, rather than the City.
John Badalich, City Engineer, informed the Council that the estimated cost
of the improvements would be $162,000.
An Agreement between the City of Monticello and Mr. Marvin George regarding
Balboul Estates has been prepared indicating the developer will pay 100% of
the improvement costs, and would provide a bond or a letter of credit
estimated at 12 times the construction costs, payable in favor of the City
of Monticello. In addition, the Agreement provides that �7% of the estimated
construction costs be deposited with the City in the form of cash before any
work is started. This 1' o deposit would be for the estimated cost of engin-
eering services, inspection services, administrative costs and legal costs, etc.
Mr. George asked the Council whether or not he could start any buildings on
this property before the improvements were completed, and asked that the
contract between the City and himself be changed to allow for issuance of
building permits prior to the completion with the understanding that the
homes could not be occupied until a certificate of occupancy was issued by
the Building Inspector.
Motion was made by P. White, seconded by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried
to approve the plans and specifications as presented along with a development
agreement between Mr. Marvin George and the City of Monticello providing for
a letter of credit in the amount of 12 times the estimated construction cost
of $162,000 along with a deposit paid to the City in the amount of 17f of
the $162,000 cost. Additionally, paragraph 2, page 1 of the contract would
be amended to provide for issuance of building permits prior to completion of
the project with the certificate of occupancies needed before any buildings
could be occupied. (See supplement 10-10-78 #1)
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4. Consideration of 197$-79 Maintenance Agreements on Counter State Aid Hi hwaiy_s.
Maintenance agreements for County State Aid Highways located within the
City limits of Monticello were presented for approval. The agreements called
for a reimbursement figure of $723.96 per mile for 1978, and $839.23 for 1979•
The County State Aid Highway mileage will increase from 3.876 miles to 3.920
miles as a result of the changeover and redesignation of Walnut Street as a
County State Aid Highway.
Motion was made by A. Grimsmo, seconded by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried
to approve the maintenance contracts with Wright County. (See supplement
10-10-78 ##2
5. Consideration of Sale of Off -Sale Liquor Store.
At a previous Council Meeting, the decision was made to consider the possi-
bility of selling the Off -Sale Liquor Store. Council members have been
studying the feasibility and financial aspects of selling the Liquor Store
vs. continuing the operation as a City -owned operation. Council members
were informed that there was some concern as to whether the revenue bonds
currently outstanding against the Liquor Store in the amount of $180,000
could be paid off if the store was sold, or if an escrow account would have
to be established which could not earn interest for the City. Discussion
by the Council centered on the aspect that the City would more than likely
lose revenue if the store was sold, and could not earn the estimated
$50,000 profit that the store now contributes to the City.
Based on primarily the financial aspects, motion was made by G. Walters,
seconded by P. White and unanimously carried to no longer pursue the
sale of the Municipal Off -Sale Liquor Store.
6.1 Consideration of Allocation of Funds for the Senior Citizens Center.
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An arrangement previously approved by the City Council was to pay one-half
of the hourly salary of $2.30 to the individuals who actually operate the
Information Center, and the other one-half would be built up in a reserve
fund which could be utilized upon request by the Senior Citizens Center,
provided it was approved by the City Council.
Senior Citizens Center Director, Karen Hanson, requested that the City
Council now allocate these funds totaling approximately $780.00 to the
Senior Citizens Center for use towards the Centerts share of a Title V
Grant that they have received for the handicapped bathrooms. In addition,
the Center requested that the remaining amount be allocated towards the
$300.00 cash requirement that the Center has to pay on the Title III Grant
they were recently awarded.
Motion was made by G. Walters, seconded by D.
carried to allocate the reserve funds built up
Center in the amount of approximately $780.00.
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Blonigen and unanimously
to the Senior Citizens
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7. Consideration of Approval of a Certificate of Correction to Commercial
Plaza 2 ,
Motion was made by G. Walters, seconded by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried
to approve the Surveyor's Certificate of Correction for Commercial Plaza 25,
indicating that the Minnesota Registration # was not on the original plat
filed with the City of Monticello. (See supplement 10-10-78 #3)
8. Consideration of Approval of Plans and Specifications for Dundas Road in
Oakwood Industrial Park.
A previous Council Meeting indicated approval to the City Engineering Firm
to prepare Plans and Specifications for upgrading Dundas Road in the
Oakwood Industrial Park for the Oakwood Corporation.
Mr. John Badalich, City Engineer, presented plans and specifications for
improving Dundas Road with a gravel type base and drainage with an estimated
cost of $46,425. The improvements would be constructed by the Oakwood
Corporation themselves, with the construction costs being applied to the
25% deposit requirement when future sewer and water improvements are installed
along Dundas Road.
Motion was made by P. White, seconded by G. Walters and unanimously carried
to approve the plans and specifications for Dundas Road and to present the
plans and specifications to the developer so that an agreement between
the City of Monticello and Oakwood Industrial Park Partnership can be
prepared by next meeting.
9. _Consideration of Variances on Curb -cut Openings for Viva Jean Abrahamson
and Mike Erkle.
Ms. Viva Jean Abrahamson who lives on Linn Street between River and Front
Street requested two curb -cut openings, one of 181 and another of appro-
ximately 311. Mrs. Abrahamson recently added a parcel of land to her
existing lot, and Mrs. Abrahamson thought that the City would grant her
one curb -cut opening for the new parcel in addition to one opening on her
former lot. As part of the curb and gutter project, an 181 opening was
put on the added parcel, but none was constructed on her former existing
Motion was made by P. White, seconded by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried
to allow Ms. Abrahamson an additional 181 curb -cut opening provided she
pays for all costs over the original 181 approach.
Mr. Mike Erkle who is purchasing the house at the corner of Wright and
River Streets was given two curb -cut openings, one of approximately 181 for
his garage and another of approximately 121 for use as part of a U-shaped
driveway. This curb -cut opening arrangement was approved by the former
owner, which at that time was in an estate, and Mr. Erkle now requested
he be given a wider curb -cut opening in order that the U-shaped driveway
would both have a separate entrance and exit. As the openings are now
situated, it appears that the U-shaped driveway could not be used if cars
were sitting in front of the garage.
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Motion was made by P. White, seconded by A. Grimsmo and unanimously
carried to grant an additional approach of approximately 15' provided
that Mr. Erkle pays all costs for the new approach and the cost of
the removal of existing curb.
10. Consideration of Approval of Step II Grant Offer from State of Minnesota
for Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Motion was made by P. White, seconded by G. Walters and unanimously carried
to adopt a resolution accepting the State of Minnesota's Grant Offer on
Wastewater Treatment Plant Step II funds in the amount of $2.,915.
(See Resolution 1978 #14).
11. Consideration of Extending Time Period for Manda _
those Parcels Served on the 19757-1 _Improvement Project.
Sewer Hook -Up for
Monticello City ordinances require that parcels served with Sanitary
Sewer be required to hook-up within three years after such service is
available. The 1975-1 Sewer & Water Improvement Project which went
out to such areas as Ritze Manor and Hillcrest Addition would be required
to be hooked up by October 15, 1978.
Many of the parcels served with sewer trunk lines have indicated that they
are having a rough time trying to line up a contractor to hook them up by
October 15, 1978. Five property owners have already indicated that they
are having trouble getting their contractor to put in the service,
therefore, a motion was made by G. Walters, seconded by P. White and
unanimously carried to extend the deadline for sewer hook-ups on the '75-1
Improvement Project until July 15, 1979•
12. Approval of Minutes.
The Minutes of the Council meetings held September 25th and October 2nd,
1978, were approved as presented.
13. Consideration of Variance from Certificate of OccupancY_Reguirements -
Wright County State Bank.
The Wright County State Bank requested a variance on the provisions of the
Certificate of Occupancy requiring all landscaping to be completed prior
to occupancy. The Company doing the landscaping for the Bank property has
indicated that a later fall planting of shrubbery is more desirable than
planting at the present time. Building Inspector, Loren Klein, also informed
the Council that other Certificate of Occupancy variances have been
granted similar to this request and other property owners have indicated a
desire to wait until approximately November lst before installing shrubbery,
As a result, a motion was made by D. Blonigen, seconded by P. White and
unanimously carried to approve a certificate of occupancy variance on
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the landscaping for the Wright County State Bank provided a bond is pre-
sented to the City and also approve a blanket variance until November lst,
1978 for the completion of landscaping, etc., for others who have pre-
viously applied for variance extensions.
14. Quarterly Department Head Meeting.
The Council conducted its quarterly department head meeting with the
following department heads:
Public Works Director - Mike Rajala
Building Inspector - Loren Klein
Liquor Store Manager - Mark Irmiter
Wright County Sheriff's Dept. - Don Hozempa & Jim Powers
Senior Citizens Director - Karen Hanson
Fire Chief - Paul Klein
The Council discussed with Public Works Director, Mike Rajala, the
landscaping at the new maintenance building. It was the Council's con-
sensus to have City Engineer, John Badalich, and Public Works Director,
Mike Rajala, bring back to the Council a report in two weeks on the
estimated cost for installing a permanent curb around the parking area
at the maintenance building.
In discussions with the Building Inspector, it was the consensus of the
Council to place on a future Council agenda the question of whether
small advertising flags and spinners, etc., used by car dealers should
be allowed. Current City ordinances do not allow this type of advertising,
but it was noted that some car dealers in Monticello are currently using
this approach.
Mr. Jim Powers,of the Wright County Sheriff's Department, asked that the
City Council consider possibly additional patrolling hours for 1979•
Currently, the City has 16 hours of patrol per day with an additional
8 hours on Friday and Saturday. Mr. Powers felt that with the increased
population and business activity, additional patrolling may help in
controlling traffic speeding, etc.
By Council consensus, Councilmen Blonigen and Grimsmo will be meeting with
the Sheriff's Department to discuss the possibility of increasing the hours
of protection for 1979•
Senior Citizens Director, Karen Hanson, informed the Council that the Senior
Citizens Center has been awarded two Grants, one for equipment and one for
handicapped bathrooms.
It was also the consensus of the Council to install a new sidewalk at the
Senior Citizens Center from the existing entrance to the south side of the
building parking lot.
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A quarterly report of the Fire Department's activities and fire calls
was presented by Fire Chief, Paul Klein.
Hearing no other business, the meeting was adjourned.
Rick Wolf stel r