Planning Commission Minutes 02-06-2007MINUTES Monticello Planning Commission Tuesday, February 6th, 2007 6:00 PM COMMISIONERS: Rod Dragsten, Lloyd Hilgart, Barry Voight, William Spartz and Charlotte Gabler. COUNCIL LIASON: Wayne Mayer STAFF: Gary Anderson, Steve Grittman, Kimberly Holien (NAC) 1. Call to Order. Chairman Dragsten opened the meeting at 6:00 pm. All members were in attendance. 2. Minutes of December 5th, 2006 Planning Commission meeting. Chair Dragsten noted a correction to the minutes regarding the letter of credit for Denny Hecker. VOIGHT MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. • HILGART SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. 3. A2enda. Commissioner Voight added an inventory of lighting to the agenda as item 8. Commissioner Gabler stated that she would like to discuss the outstanding items for the Denny Hecker site, as well as landscaping requirements for new construction. Chair Dragsten added that he would like to discuss the PUD Points System. Consulting Planner Grittman stated that he would like to give an update on the status of the Wright County Comprehensive Plan. 4. Citizens' Comments. There were no Citizens' Comments. 5. Public Hearing. Consideration of a Request for a Simple Subdivision in an I-2 (Heavy Industrial) District. Applicant: Steve Birkeland, Custom Canopv. Grittman introduced the item to the Planning Commission and described the existing conditions of the site, including locations of existing buildings. Grittman described the proposal to subdivide the site into two parcels, both of which meet the performance requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Grittman explained that front yard setbacks would apply to both Fallon Avenue and Dundas Road as the proposed lot is a double frontage lot. Grittman outlined the conditions of approval in Exhibit Z. Staff is recommending approval of the proposed subdivision, subject to these conditions. Commissioner Voight inquired about the required easements for both parcels. Grittman stated that the requested easements are what the City typically t icall requires for newly created parcels. He clarified that easements are required on both sides of all newly created lot lines. Chair Dragsten inquired about the possibly of subdividing the parcel again in the future. Grittman verified that Parcel A could be subdivided in the future and still meet the minimum lot area and lot width requirements. Grittman clarified that any future subdivision of the site would need to be done through the platting process, and not as a simple subdivision. Dragsten stated that he does not like the irregular lot shape. Dragsten opened the Public Hearing. The applicant, Steve Birkeland 4013 Highway 25 N Buffalo, MN, was present. Dragsten asked the applicant why he chose the irregular lot design. The applicant stated that he chose the design to allow traffic to circulate through the site by having access off both Dundas Road and Fallon Avenue. Dragsten asked the applicant if he was aware of the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. Birkeland stated that he met with staff prior to the meeting and was made aware of the conditions. He stated that he is willing to comply with all conditions in Exhibit Z. Council Liaison Mayer stated that he is concerned with the proximity of a potential access in the northwest corner of the site to the intersection of Chelsea Road and Fallon Avenue. Mayer asked Grittman how far the driveway would need to be setback from the intersection. Grittman stated that he believes the required setback is 60 feet. Mayer stated that he is concerned with this potential driveway location with the future extension of Fallon Avenue, as this driveway would be the first thing people would see as they come across the freeway. Grittman stated that the issue of the driveway location has not been studied, but the City could request that WSB, the consulting engineer, look into the situation. COMMISSIONER HILGART MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE REQUEST FOR A SIMPLE SUBDIVISION IN AN I-2, HEAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTIRCT, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OUTLINED IN EXHIBIT Z. SECOND BY VOIGHT. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0 6. Public Hearing. Consideration of a Reauest for Conditional Use Permit for a Comprehensive Sign Plan for a retail strip center in a B-3 (Hip-hwav Business) District. Applicant: Miller Architects and Builders. Grittman introduced the proposed Comprehensive Sign Plan. Grittman presented the proposed wall signage for Building `B" of the Warnert Retail site. The amount of wall signage proposed is consistent with the Zoning Ordinance. Grittman summarized the amount of signage allowed by ordinance. Grittman presented the proposed pylon sign, which is consistent with the City's Zoning Ordinance. Staff is recommending approval of the Conditional Use Permit for the Comprehensive Sign Plan. Commissioner Voight inquired as to the style of the wall signage. Grittman stated that they appear to be typical backlit, box panel signs. Commissioner Gabler inquired as to the design of the pylon sign and stated that she is concerned about whether or not it will blend in with existing signs along Highway 25. Grittman presented the pylon sign schematic and stated that he is not aware of the proposed materials of the pylon sign. Chair Dragsten inquired as to the status of the lighting plan for the site. He would like to verify that the site has an approved lighting plan as he believes that may have been another outstanding issue for the project. Dragsten questioned the square footage of the signage. He stated that he reviewed the plan and got 495 square feet of signage, as opposed to 467 square feet as noted in the report. Voight stated that he calculated the signage several times and came up with 467 square feet. Grittman stated that staff would verify the total area of proposed wail signage. Dragsten opened the Public Hearing. Stuart Bailey of Miller Architects and Builders, 3335 West Germain Street St. Cloud, MN, spoke as the applicant. Mr. Bailey described the design and materials of the proposed pylon sign. He stated that the sign will be supported by tubular steel posts. The face of the sign will contain Lucite panels surrounded by an aluminum frame. Dragsten inquired as to whether or not an electronic reader board would be used. Bailey verified that there would not be a reader board. Bailey described the materials of the proposed wall signs. Building Official Anderson asked the applicant to consider including a message center under the pylon sign to avoid problems with the 40 days allotted for temporary signage. The applicant stated that he would take that into consideration, but the proposed sign maximizes the allowed signage for the site. MOTION BY HILGART TO APPROVE THE REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLAN. SECOND BY SPARTZ. Dragsten asked that the square footage be verified and the lighting plan be checked. HILGART AMENDED HIS MOTION TO INCLUDE A PROVISION ASKING STAFF TO VERIFY THE SIGNAGE AREA. MOTION SECONDED BY SPARTZ AS AMENDED. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 7. Public Hearing- Consideration of a request for Final Plat approval, Development Stage Planned Unit Development Approval for a multi -tenant shopping center, and Conditional Use Permit approval for a drive through lane in a B-4 (ReLionai SBusiness) District. Applicant: Rvan Companies, Inc. Grittman introduced the retail center to the Commission and described the proposed conditions of the site. Grittman outlined the approvals being requested and the history of the project. Grittman pointed out access to the site as illustrated on the site plan. Grittman described the drive through location and how traffic would circulate through the site accordingly. Grittman stated that the proposed amount of stacking space is appropriate to accommodate the drive through coffee shop/restaurant use. Grittman explained that the parking requirement for the site has not been met, but may be accommodated by excess parking in the remainder of the site via Planned Unit Development. Grittman outlined the conditions of approval in Exhibit Z. Staff is recommending approval of the proposed plat, Conditional Use Permit, and Planned Unit Development subject to these conditions. Commissioner Gabler questioned the leasing status of the site. Commissioner Spartz asked about the parking situation for Lots 2 and 3. Grittman stated that parking on those lots will be evaluated upon development. Grittman also noted that the applicant will be submitting another application for the undeveloped portion of the site in the near future. Spartz inquired about the "no stopping" area and a potential one-way turn in this area. Grittman verified that the one-way circulation is conditioned in the City Engineer's report. Spartz inquired as to whether or not there would be access to the building on dothe back side, facing Target. Mr. Grittman verified that the back portion of the building would be reserved for service access. Spartz inquired about the separation between the Target parking lot and the drive through lane as he is concerned about snow storage. Grittman stated that the proposed setback appears to be adequate. Voight inquired about the requested removal of the two parking stalls located within the easement. Grittman stated that although the site is short on parking, removing these stalls would still be preferred. Commissioner Voight inquired about the lighting plan and the proposed footcandle measurements, as well as the height of the light fixtures. He is concerned about the accuracy of the footcandle readings in the northeast corner of the site. Dragsten stated that a condition could be added to request that the applicant speak to their lighting engineer and provide additional information on how the footcandle readings were measured. Commissioner Voight inquired as to whether or not the applicant would need further approval for a pylon sign. Mr. Grittman verified that they would. Chair Dragsten verified that any future tenants for the center must be permitted uses in the B-4 District. Dragsten inquired about the use of the parking in the Target parking lot and the rear building elevation. He stated that he is concerned with the monotony of the facade as it will be visible from the Target site and the parking lot. Dragsten inquired about the location for deliver vehicles and delivery times. Mr. g q y ry Grittman verified that the service doors for each tenant are in the back of the building and it can be expected that service vehicles will access the site from the rear drive lane. Mr. Grittman explained that the drive through is wide enough for a passing lane in the event of delivery vehicles standing in the drive through lane. Voight inquired about the location of trash enclosures. Planner Holien verified that the trash receptacles are enclosed and are expected to be accessed from the back of the building. Chair Dragsten stated that he is concerned with the number of conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. Grittman verified that the applicant would be required to satisfy all conditions in Exhibit Z prior to moving on to Final Stage Planned Unit Development approval. Chair Dragsten opened the public hearing. Steve Broyer of Ryan Companies, Inc. was present to speak as the applicant. Mr. Broyer clarified Voight's questions on the lighting plan. Broyer explained the plan for tenant signage upon leasing each space. Broyer stated that the applicant has been asked to prepare an alternate design for the back side of building by Target. He stated that possible modifications to this portion of the building may include black awnings and/or metal glaze to break up the monotony. Broyer stated that deliveries to the site will be self -managed based on tenant usage and trash will not be picked up during peak periods. Broyer stated that monument signage was approved for the site during Phase I of the PUD. He stated that the tenant usage for this monument sign will be determined upon development of the remaining two lots. Mayer clarified that the drive through approved for the Broadway Market site, which is similar in design to that proposed, was only approved by the City Council after much debate. Mayer expressed concern about directional signage for the entrance to the drive through. He stated that he is concerned with the "no stopping" area, as the message may easily be covered by snow. Broyer stated that additional directional signage may be added to the site to ease traffic flow into and around the drive through. He also stated that no issues have been reported with similar drive through designs in other locations. Dragsten inquired about the location of the order board and pick-up window and asked if the applicant has considered blocking the pass through lane in the drive through location. Grittman stated such a design often creates traffic flow concerns as it would result in a dead-end. Grittman expressed concern about low footcandle readings near the drive through order board. Broyer stated that wall pack lighting may be added in this location and an updated lighting plan can be submitted to reflect this change. 0 Commissioner Hilgart asked whether or not it would be feasible to keep traffic on the right side of the drive aisle in the northeast corner of the site to alleviate traffic flow, and then direct traffic toward the drive through order board after the pass through lane. Hilgart stated that the intended traffic pattern may be communicated by striping the drive aisle. Grittman and Dragsten agreed that this design may be a feasible solution to traffic congestion problems in the pass through location. Dragsten clarified that this would eliminate the need for one-way traffic circulation in this location. Commissioner Spartz asked Hilgart to clarify his proposal. The applicant stated that this modification may be accommodated. Dragsten stated that he is concerned with the design of both the front and rear building elevations, and would like the applicant to come back with revised plans. He stated that he would prefer to err on the side of caution as this is a double fronting lot. Hilgart asked if it would be possible to duplicate the design of the front of the building on the back side. Chair Dragsten stated that he would like to see the roofline broken up and an alternate design submitted for the back side of the building. He also stated that he would like to see a color elevation of the back side of the building. Hearing no further comment, Dragsten closed the public hearing. Hilgart stated that he would like to see the alternate building design with the more detail to break up the back side of the building. Broyer stated that the applicant would prepare revised plans reflecting the Planning Commission's concerns. is MOTION BY DRAGSTEN TO TABLE ALL REQUESTED APPROVALS FOR 30 DAYS TO PROVIDE THE APPLICANT TIME TO SUBMIT NEW SCHEMATICS FOR THE BUILDING DESIGN AND THE DRIVE THROUGH DESIGN. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT, WHO AMENDED THE MOTION TO REQUEST AN UPDATED LIGHTING PLAN. DRAGSTEN AMENDED HIS MOTION TO REFLECT THIS REQUEST. SECOND BY VOIGHT. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. S. Added Item: Commissioner Voight expressed concern with lighting situations throughout the City. He stated that he has had conversations with Administrator O'Neill about lighting on City properties. Mr. Voight stated that he would like to see the lighting ordinance updated as part of a larger ordinance review in the future. Mr. Voight recommended that the City hire a consultant to measure lighting throughout the City. Dragsten clarified the request to hire a consultant and inquired about the process with Gary Anderson. Mr. Anderson stated that it may be a good idea to look at problem properties prior to hiring a consultant. 9. Added Item: Commissioner Gabler requested a staff update on the outstanding requirements for the Jacob Holdings Interim Use Permit. 0 10. Added Item: Commissioner Gabler requested an inventory of projects with outstanding landscaping requirements. Grittman verified that staff may prepare a list of recently approved projects for the Planning Commission to review. Gabler stated that she would like to review this information prior to the spring planting season. Dragsten clarified the security mechanism used by the City to ensure landscaping compliance. Gary Anderson verified that the City uses a letter of credit process and properties must be compliant with the landscaping requirements within one growing season. 11. Added Item: Dragsten asked that the City continue their work on the PUD Points System to have this project on track prior to the construction season. Grittman stated that staff is also concerned about continuing this process. Mayer stated that he would like both the City Council and Planning Commission to participate in a joint session regarding this issue and asked that the Planning Commission and City Council both be notified of any future meetings on this topic. 12. Added Item: Grittman gave an update on the Wright County Comprehensive Planning process for the Northeast Quadrant. He stated that the far northwest portion of the quadrant is guided for some smaller lot Rural Residential land uses. Grittman stated that participants at the previous meeting expressed that they would prefer to see this land guided as agricultural. He stated that the County is expecting to get a draft of this document out by the end of next month. Dragsten asked about the proposed land uses within the Orderly Annexation Area and the timeline of the process. Grittman stated that the City should have a draft of the Comprehensive Plan to review by the next Planning Commission meeting. 13. Adjournment. COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. SECOND BY HILGART. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Respectfully submitted, Kimberly Holien, Recording Secretary 0