Planning Commission Minutes 10-02-2007MINUTES
Tuesday, October 2°d92007
6:00 PM
Commissioners Present:
Commissioners Absent:
Council Liaison Present:
Staff Present:
1. Call to order.
Rod Dragsten, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart,
Barry Voight
William Spartz
Brian Stumpf
Angela Schuman, Gary Anderson, Kimberly Holien and
Steve Grittman, NAC
Chairman Dragsten called the meeting to order and declared a quorum, noting the
absence of Commissioner Spartz.
2. Approvalg of the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of September 4a',
2007. - -
SEPTEMBER 4', 2007.
3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda.
Chairman Dragsten requested an update on the status of the land use plan as item
9.and added a review of the City task list provided by the City Administrator for
comment at the last meeting as item 10
4. Continued Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for Preliminary Plat for
the proposed River City Station, a commercial plat in a B-3 (Highwav Business)
District, and a request for rezoning from B-3 (Highwav Business) to B-4
(Regional Business).
Planner Holien presented the staff report, stating that the applicant is proposing a
commercial plat consisting of 12 lots on an 18.29 acre site. The site is proposed
to be platted as Lot 1-5 of Block 1 and Lots 1-7 of Block 2. The proposed lot
sizes range from a minimum of .75 acres to a maximum of 2.48 acres. Holien
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stated that Lot 6, Block 2 is the largest lot proposed at 2.3 S acres and will contain
a detention pond on the north half of the site to accommodate stormwater.
Holien reported that with the preliminary plat, the applicant is requesting vacation
of a 6,093 square foot piece of right-of-way in the northeast corner of the site, at
the intersection of Chelsea Road and Edmondson Avenue. The applicant is also
proposing a slight adjustment to the existing lot line along the west boundary of
the site. This adjustment results in vacation of a 2,933 square foot section of
Cedar Street right-of-way.
Additionally, the applicant is requesting rezoning from B-3, Highway Business to
B-4, Regional Business. Holien indicated that the Comprehensive Plan designates
the site for commercial land uses, and the requested B-4 designation is generally
consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. Holien explained that the
purpose of the B-3 and B-4 Districts are identical, but the B-4 Zoning District
allows for a wider variety of commercial uses. The site is bordered by land
designated for commercial land uses to the north, south, and west. Holien stated
that the B-4 District has no minimum lot area, lot width, or setback requirements.
The applicant is proposing a minimum lot width of 122 feet, and a minimum lot
size of .75 acres. While the applicant is requesting rezoning from B-3 to B-4, the
B-3 District requires a minimum lot width of 100 feet. The applicant has
exceeded the minimum requirement for the current zoning designation with all
lots. Holien noted that no structures have been sited for the proposed lots. Holien
commented that any future buildings would be evaluated at the time of
development to ensure that each lot will function properly with adequate space for
required parking and landscaping.
In terms of access, Holien reported that primary access to the site is provided via a
north -south street, 60 feet in width, ending in a cul-de-sac. This is proposed to be
paved to approximately 32 feet in width. A right -turn lane onto Chelsea Road has
also been provided for. Additional accesses are provided off Cedar Street. The
applicant is proposing two shared drives off Cedar Street, extending east into the
site. The width of these drives has not been specified. The applicant has also
noted shared access at two locations off Edmondson Avenue, extending west into
the site.
Holien explained that internal access drives off the north -south street are
anticipated, but have not been indicated on the plat. Conditional Use Permits for
all shared access arrangements will be required at the time of development. As
part of the plat, the applicant is proposing to dedicate the Chelsea Road easement
currently running along the north side of the property to right-of-way.
Holien stated at this time, no signage has been proposed as part of the Preliminary
Plat. However, a monument sign easement has been noted in the northwest
corner of the site. The easement is partially located within the City's drainage
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and utility easement and will need to be adjusted as signs are not allowed within
the easement area. All future signage proposed for the site shall be required to
comply with the ordinance and would be processed as a part of a separate
Holien also recommended that an individual landscape plan be provided for each
lot at the time that lot develops.
Holien referred to the City Engineer's recommendations, which were included in
the staff report and provided to the applicant.
Holien stated that staff finds the plat is consistent with the performance
requirements of the existing B-3 District, which are more restrictive than the
requested B-4 zoning designation. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the
preliminary plat, subject to the conditions identified in Exhibit Z.
Dragsten asked about the vacation of Edmonson. Holien stated that the applicant
is working through details related to that for the City Council. Dragsten asked the
purpose of the engineer's recommendation for changing the right of way width
from 60' to 80'. Holien stated that the City Engineer had indicated that the City
generally requires an 80' ROW. In this case, if the road were to be extended to
also allow access to the south, the 80' width would be preferred. The City
Engineer has talked with applicant's engineer on potential options. Dragsten
stated his concern with not setting the width now would be with trying to sell lots.
Hilgart commented that it may be likely that a user will come and buy multiple
lots. He inquired if there is a similar plat like this in town. Holien replied that a
replat would be needed to accommodate the combination or further splitting of
lots. Dragsten noted that if the plat meets all the requirements, the configuration
of the lots is up to the applicant. Grittman stated that one of the issues staff
discussed with the applicants is that the commercial lots might be too small prior
to users identifying what their needs are.
Gabler asked if the alignment of the road shown includes where the existing pond
is. Holien confirmed. Gabler asked if the applicant would fill the existing pond
and build a new one. Holien stated that was correct.
Hearing no further comment, Chairman Dragsten opened the public hearing.
The applicant, Robert Lamont, Chelsea Road LLC, addressed the Commission.
Lamont thanked the Commission for their consideration. Lamont stated that he
had reviewed the comments from staff and the City Engineer, and realizes an
approval is subject to comments and conditions.
Lamont stated that he does object to the widening of the right of way to 80'. He
stated that he would like to keep it at 60' and keep the cul-de-sac, as he feels the
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roadway size is adequate. Lamont requested that the Commission recommend
allowing the 60' ROW, subject to the other conditions in Exhibit Z.
Lamont stated that he is satisfied with outcome of the review process. He
indicated that the time spent on the review is a reflection of the importance of this
property and the pressure on this area for development. In terms of the zoning,
staff recommended the B-4 zoning, as they believed it to be consistent with comp
plan, more so now than in the past. Lamont indicated that the B-4's regional
business purpose would seem to be consistent with potential future uses, and
would have a positive effect on the surrounding land uses. He commented that he
believes that the entire area will be a B-4 zoning district. Lamont noted that in
discussing this plat with some of the surrounding land owners, they believe it will
be a benefit to their properties.
In regard to the lot size, Lamont explained that the configuration will allow him
the ability to attract different size users. He stated that it is easy to envision
twelve users, but it is harder to see how the lots could be combined for larger
specific users.
Lamont concluded by asking the Commission to recommend approval of the plat
and rezoning.
Voight asked Lamont about the property to the south, inquiring if he is perhaps
40 looking to acquire that piece in the future. Lamont stated that would only happen
if he secured a major user for the site; but not for a development like this. Voight
stated that it seems a larger user of both pieces is within the realm of possibility.
In that case, it seems possible that the road will go through to the south. He
inquired what Lamont's major objection is on the width. Lamont responded that
he thinks the width is adequate given traffic flow through the site. Lamont
referenced other streets that have 80' ROWs, such as School Boulevard, and
stated that he doesn't think there will be that volume of traffic. He stated that it is
also a matter of economics. The 60' ROW, which was taken out of the City's
subdivision ordinance, allows for more saleable square footage.
Gabler inquired if perhaps some compromise in width might be acceptable.
Hilgart stated that at some time the southern property will be developed.
Grittman stated that if the southern property developed in a plat configuration
similar to the one proposed, it would need the road to come through. For a big
box arrangement, it may not. Grittman commented that it seems that the
engineers have negotiated a compromise and it may be possible to develop some
development agreement language that addresses the potential for the road to go
through. Dragsten asked if all B-4 streets are 80'. Grittman stated that the current
standard is 80' for new plats.
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Grittman stated that he is going to assume that the engineer's position is that for a
temporary cul-de-sac, 60' is adequate. However, if this road extends to the south,
80' would be needed. He indicated that he would be reluctant to say that some
recommendation in the middle is acceptable.
Dragsten commented that once the ROW is platted, he is unsure how widening of
the ROW could even be accomplished. Lamont stated that he didn't think it is
Stumpf asked if the road will be private. Grittman replied that it would be public.
Stumpf stated that if it is public, he would recommend an 80' ROW.
Dragsten asked about the ownership and maintenance of the entrance monument.
Lamont stated it will be a landscaped median. Schumann explained that the City
has a required specification for medians within City right of way. She also noted
that if no other provision is made in the development agreement, because the
median is in the public ROW, the City would be required to maintain the median.
In that case, she indicated that City would most certainly require the developer to
assign maintenance to a common association through the development agreement.
Dragsten referred to Hilgart's comment that Lamont may have a user who wants a
larger lot. He inquired whether Lamont had considered fewer lots and then using
outlots. Lamont stated that staff did bring that up, but this is the approach he
would like to take. Hilgart asked if Lamont has any users. Lamont responded that
he has no one signed.
Hearing no other comment, Chairman Dragsten closed the public hearing.
Dragsten asked for Commission consensus on road width. Gabler stated she
would prefer to keep it at 80'. Hilgart stated that if the City knew it wasn't going
through it might be different, but he preferred the 80'. Voight concurred, stating
that he thought the number of accesses and turning movements may require the
80' ROW.
Stumpf sought confirmation that the vacations would be considered separately.
Schumann confirmed that they would go to the City Council.
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6. Continued Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use
Permit for Open & Outdoor Storage in the B-3 District. Applicant: Olson
Property Management.
Chairman Dragsten asked for the reason for continuation. Grittman stated that
there are storm water issues associated with this request and at this time, the
applicant is working with the City Engineer to get these items resolved.
Gabler noted that the applicant is already using the site for the requested purpose.
Grittman stated that traditionally the City has delayed enforcement action for
property owners who are working through the process to legalize their use. The
City hasn't taken any specific action against them. Grittman stated that at some
point, if the applicant continues to delay the item, the City will have to think
differently about enforcement. At this point, the applicant is still making a good
faith effort for proper application.
Chairman Dragsten stated that he would prefer to continue for only one more
month; after that the weather impacts the site. Grittman stated that staff would
bring that message back to applicant.
Gabler asked if Monticello is the Local Government Unit (LGU) for the wetland.
Grittman confirmed and explained that like any wetland, responsibility it split
with the DNR. Gabler asked if the applicants were made aware of that. Grittman
stated that the applicant is aware of the issues regarding stormwater drainage and
the protected wetland. Drasgten stated that the building was built in the early
80's, prior to many of the new regulations.
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Dragsten asked that it be made clear to the applicant that the request needed to
come forward in November.
7. Consideration of a request for Preliminary Plat and a Conditional Use Permit for
Development Staize Planned Unit Development approval for a multi -tenant office
complex, a commercial plat in a B-4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant:
Quad Development.
Planner Holien presented the staff report. Holien indicated that Quad
Development is seeking Preliminary Plat approval and a Conditional Use Permit
for development stage Planned Unit Development for Phase II of a multi -tenant
office complex. She noted that Phase I was approved by the City in August, 2007.
The subject site is located on 4utlot A of the Monticello Business Center 3rd
Addition, west of Wal-Mart and east of Autumn Ridge. The site is 4.5 acres in
size an is zoned B-4, Regional Business.
Holien reported that the applicant is proposing five office buildings.
Development Stage PUD for Building Five was approved in August as part of
Phase 1 of the project. The four remaining buildings are to be included in Phase
II. The remaining four buildings proposed as part of Phase II are identical to what
was reviewed at Concept Stage. The footprint of each building is proposed at
6,400 square feet (40' x 160') in area. The applicant is proposing to plat the site
as Monticello Business Center 6t' Addition. Phase II is to be platted at Lots 2, 3,
4, and 5 of Block 1. All four lots are proposed to be 50 feet by 170 feet, or 8,500
square feet in area.
Holien stated that as the proposed buildings are consistent with what was
reviewed at Concept Stage, the parking requirement for the site has not changed.
The parking requirement for office uses is three spaces plus one space for each
200 square feet of building area. In determining the building area, 10% of the
building is presumed to be reserved for utilities, hallways, bathrooms, and other
facilities. The parking proposed for the site is 243 stalls. The applicant is
requesting flexibility for the 5 remaining stalls as part of the PUD.
Holien reported that the landscape plan is nearly identical to that approved with
Phase I of the project. Five ornamental crabapple trees have been added to the
center island, and additional landscaping is proposed at the base of the feature on
the north side of the center island. These changes were made per the
recommendation of the City at Concept Stage.
Holien indicated that the applicant has proposed 51 overstory trees, satisfying the
minimum requirement. The majority of the overstory trees are proposed along
the east property line, to provide a buffer between the site and the townhome
development to the east. Sod is proposed between the buildings and on the back
side of each building. All parking lot islands and building foundations will also be
landscaped with shrubs and perennials.
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In conjunction with the minimum landscaping requirements, a landscaped buffer
yard is also required between the site and the townhomes to the east. Holien
stated that the conflict in uses between high density residential development and
commercial development is classified as Class B, or moderate. Therefore, a
minimum landscaped yard 20 feet in width containing at least 80 plant units for
each 100 feet of property line are required. The applicant is responsible for
planting one half of this buffer yard. As stated above, the majority of the trees
proposed are in the required buffer yard area. The applicant has provided 540
plant units over approximately 700 feet of property line, exceeding the minimum
A photometric plan has been submitted for the site, Holien indicated. This plan
indicates that no glare exceeding one footcandle will spill over onto the adjacent
right-of-way or adjacent properties. The maximum footcandle reading at the
centerline of School Boulevard is 0.2. The maximum footcandle reading along
the east property line, adjacent to Autumn Ridge, is 0.2. The maximum
footcandle reading along the south property line is 1.0 As a condition of
approval, Holien stated that any wall mounted lighting shall require a full cutoff
For signage, Holien explained the applicable ordinance and stated that each of the
one story buildings is allowed 181 square feet of signage. The applicant is
proposing approximately 178 square feet of wall signage for the building. The
wall signage proposed is within the parameters of the ordinance, and is identical
to that approved with the Concept Stage PUD application. The two-story building
is allowed 219 square feet of wall signage. The applicant is proposing seven
signs each 31 square feet in area for a total of 217 square feet of wall signage per
building. The signage proposed is within the parameters of the ordinance and
consistent with that approved at Concept Stage.
In addition to wall signage, Holien stated that the applicant is proposing two
monument signs, one in the northeast corner of the site and one in the northwest
corner of the site. These signs will contain placards for up to six tenants. Said
signs are each 96 square feet in area and 15.33 feet in height, for a total of 192
square feet of signage. The speed limit on School Boulevard is 45 miles per hour,
allowing a freestanding sign up to150 square feet in area and 26 feet in height.
The applicant exceeds the maximum allowance by 42 feet. Flexibility is being
requested on the signage requirement as part of the PUD. The applicant is not
proposing any pylon signs for the site, and the proposed wall signage is under the
allotted height. Therefore, this flexibility may be appropriate. She indicated that
all signage proposed is identical to that approved at Concept Stage.
Holien discussed the site's access and circulation, stating that the site has one
primary access point extending south from School Boulevard. The access is 40
feet in width, excluding the island, with adequate space for turn lanes. All
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internal drive lanes are proposed at 24 feet in width, wide enough to
is accommodate two-way traffic. In response to Concept Stage items, the applicant
has revised drive aisle width between the northernmost parking stalls and the
proposed "feature" from 50 feet to approximately 30 feet, per staff
recommendation. Holien noted that reducing the drive aisle width in this location
provided an opportunity to increase the amount of green space on the site, add
additional plant units in the center island, and will assist in guiding traffic
Pedestrian access will be accommodated by a concrete sidewalk running along the
front of each building. Holien explained that crosswalks are proposed to connect
the east side of the site to the west side of the site. Crosswalks are also proposed
to connect the southernmost building to the remainder of the site and the center
plaza. At the direction of the City, the applicant has extended the sidewalk
proposed in front of Building One and Building Two to connect with the sidewalk
along School Boulevard.
Holien reported that the applicant has submitted elevations for the four buildings
proposed, which have been slightly revised from Concept Stage, addressing
concerns of the City. Vertical details have been added to the back side of each
building at the direction of the City. The two-story buildings are of a similar
design, revised per staff direction at Concept Stage.
Three detached trash enclosures are proposed on site, one each on the south, east,
and west sides of the site. The proposed materials for these structures have not
been provided. Staff recommends that all trash enclosures be required to match
the color and materials of the principal structures.
The City Engineer has reviewed the plans and all recommendations of the
engineer have been added as part of Exhibit Z.
Holien stated that she could answer any questions related to the staff report.
However, the public hearing would be held on October 22na
Dragsten asked to have color elevations of the buildings made available for the
22n , as they are important to the review of these projects.
Dragsten asked about the revised access arrangement. Holien responded that the
previous width, at 50', allowed for too many movement options for motorists. By
reducing the width, it eliminates those potential conflicts and allows for additional
plantings. Dragsten asked if the reduced width would create problems for
delivery trucks. Grittman responded that the 30' width is typical and is sufficient
to accommodate trucks. The City hasn't experienced a significant problem with
that in the past. Dragsten asked about the proposed grading in terms of crossing
onto adjacent properties. Holien stated that question might be more appropriate to
ask the applicant.
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feGabler asked about the requirement for another hydrant. She asked if commercial
buildings have to have sprinklers. Holien stated that these buildings are within
the parameters which allow them not to sprinkle. Anderson stated that the
sprinkling requirement is based on the type of structure and the area around the
structure. By not sprinkling these, the fire department is asking for the additional
Dragsten asked for clarification on the difference in pavement depths for the drive
aisles. Grittman clarified that the depths might be to accommodate delivery
It was noted that no action was needed, as the public hearing and final action will
occur on the 22na
8. Consideration to review an update reaardinR the illumination of downtown suns.
Holien indicated that a memo addressing the illumination for projecting signs had
been prepared and was included in the packet. Essentially, projecting signs are
required to be illuminated from the exterior. Projecting signs should also be
considered wall sign for this purpose.
9. Comprehensive Plan.
Schumann explained that although it seemed as though the process in completing
the plan had slowed, in reality staff had received and revised two drafts of the
plan. It was felt that the first drafts needed much more content and revision
before it was appropriate to bring them forward. She stated that the revisions will
hopefully lead to a document that better reflects the directives provided through
the neighborhood and task force meetings.
10. Task List
Dragsten referred to the task list provided by the City Administrator at the last
meeting. Dragsten asked if any of the other Commissioners had any comment.
Commissioner Voight responded that he had forwarded his comments directly on
to Administrator O'Neill.
Dragsten stated that he would like the amendment of the R-1, R-1 A and R-2
districts to be a priority.
Schumann responded that the task list groups all of the potential zoning
amendments together under a potential zoning ordinance re -write. The draft
comprehensive plan actually cites the complete revision of the zoning ordinance
as an implementation strategy needed to support the comp plan objectives.
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Dragsten asked if it is reasonable to re -write the entire ordinance, rather than
t to take on individual items. Grittman stated it is reasonable and is actually
a very effective way to go through the ordinance. One of the keys will be to talk
about is the structure of the ordinance. Grittman stated that he would recommend
a structural change of the current ordinance in order to make it clearer for users.
Grittman explained that the current ordinance has been cobbled together in parts
over 30 years. It was developed based on a 20-year old model. Going through it
in an all -encompassing manner is actually is a good idea, as it would be very
difficult to do piece by piece. A piecemeal approach wouldn't result in a well -
functioning ordinance.
Dragsten asked if the re -write would be a workshop Grittman stated that the City
would do a series of meetings. Depending on the volume, it may take a series of
workshops. At some point, the Commission had talked about having a second
meeting as an option, at which time the ordinance re -write could be taken in steps.
11. Adjourn