EDA Agenda 04-12-2017 (Workshop Meeting)AGENDA WORKSHOP- ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, April 12, 2017 – 4:30 p.m. Academy Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners:President Bill Demeules, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Steve Johnson, Tracy Hinz, Jon Morphew, Council members Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Staff: Jeff O’Neill, Angela Schumann, EDA Executive Director Jim Thares, Jacob Thunander and Wayne Oberg 1.Call to Order 2.Roll Call 3.Introduction and Purpose of Meeting 4.Review Inventory of Industrial Land 5.Review factors impacting industrial development a.Marketplace for private industrial development b.Land Values 6.Review Possible advantageous industrial expansion areas 7.Spike Property - characteristics/features 8.Expenses and forecasts a.Phase 1 ESA, Feasibility Report, Appraisal, Stormwater Plan, Platting Utilities and Streets 9.Finance Discussion a.Available Resources b.City of Monticello Participation (Public Works Facility?) c.Option Agreement – Gradual Takedown 10.Adjourn EDA Workshop Agenda: 04/12/17 1 3.Workshop Introduction - Consideration of Industrial Land Availability (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is being asked to consider industrial land availability in the City of Monticello during this Workshop. The EDA has previously discussed this topic; as recently as the October 12, 2016 Regular EDA meeting wherein information was presented regarding the Comprehensive Plan and available tracts of land that are zoned for industrial uses. The City is currently being looked at by two active industrial prospects at this time. There is also a third prospect (DEED Prospect) that has just begun its site search and staff will want to review what is known of this firm at the Workshop as well. If all of these companies were to choose the suggested parcels in Otter Creek Business Park, there would remain just four marketable lots in the City with three of those being in a desirable location (Otter Creek Business Park). One of the lots in Oakwood Industrial Park that was previously available now is being proposed as an industrial PUD project which is expected to go to the Planning Commission and City Council relatively soon for review and approval. To facilitate the EDA discussion at the Workshop, staff will provide various handout materials and illustrations. B.ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: No formal action is required at this time. The EDA is asked to make recommendations so that staff can take steps to bring action items back to the EDA for consideration at a future meeting. C.STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None at this time. D.SUPPORTING DATA: N/A