City Council Agenda Packet 01-13-1975P.
INEtOTA 55362
tEJW�&,295-2711 -
with -a nijc1eqr 8§0 view!
:City Council meeting -- January 13, 197,51
7:30 P. M.
Oakwood School
Meeting to be' taped.
Citizens Comments.
I,. Approval be ciga�retto licenses.
2. AX01 Rasmussen. - quarterly- buildind.,permit'-report.',
(Presentation by Howard.
/4,'Rbscairch, lhc.!
4. Police contract for 1975;- 1Oighb-tounty,Shcritfl•a Ddpt;.-
Discussion of, liquor license, application _:jpregros�s,
kqdlty, representing Tio'y4; krusc�.-
Salary 4iicussi I on.'
Old Wsihess.
New Buaiha".
Mailing tot
Midwest Planning. & Research
ATTNt H. Datilgron
Progress Realty
Axel Rasmussen
C 0
��� Z701 ilenneain • • Minneapolis. Minnesota 66406 Telephone: (017) 374-3030
The Honorable Mayor and City Council
City Administrative Offices
Monticello, Minnesota
This Agreement, made this 1st day of November, 1974, by and between the CITY
COUNTY, MINNESOTA, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY" and/or "TOWNSHIP",
and MIDWEST PLANNING AND RESEARCH, INC., 2101 Hennepin Avenue,
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404, horoinafter referred to as rho CONSULTANT.
It is hereby agreed that:
1, The CONSULTANT shall prepare and complete the following:
A. Update the Comprohonsivo Plan for the Ciry and formulate a Comprohonsivo
Plan for the Township which shall include.
(1) Planning Invontory.
Review of current conditions, recent studios and assembly of
current information on social—oconomic characteristics, including
on analysis of industrial expansion needs; transportation; and
community facilities.
(2) Policy Plan.
Formulation of community goals, objectives and detailed policies
that are acceptable to the community and which will become Ilio
basis for refining current land use, transportation and community
foci 1; ties plans.
be/ /—/3-75
ti (3)
Comprehensive Pian:
a. Development of catogori cal physicol plans for the CITY and
the TOWNSHIP for general land use, transportation, and
community facilities.
b. Development of a staged growth plan for the CITY and the
TOWNSHIP that recommends a program for orderly develop-
ment and provision of public utilities and services in a
cost effective manner. The staged plan will also address the
issue of how growth should be managed, and where public
investments are likely to be needed and in what order of
B. Update or formulate as required, CITY and TOWNSHIP development
Zoning Ordinance
Subdivision Ordinance
Flood Plain Regulations
Wetiond Controls
Septic Systenu Regulations
Sign Ordinance
C. Formulate a Central Business District Fiscal Implementation Program including:
Review and evaluation of plans and progress
Fiscal strategy
Organization of interests
Staging of development
y D. Provide technical assistance to the CITY and TOWNSHIP on develop—
mont proposals presented for official review and action.
11. The CITY and the TOWNSHIP shall provido-tho CONSULTANT with:
A. All relevant printed material pertaining to completion of tho projects
undertaken. This shall include, but not be limited to:
(1) Current land use crap
(2) Aerial photographs of the City as available
(3) Topographic maps of the City as available
(4) Past comprohonsive end development plans and programs
(5) All currant development regulations and ordinances
B. Background information through meetings and interviews with officials
and staff.
C. Advice and information from the City Engineer in his normal area of
jurisdiction and expertise.
212. The CONSULTANT shall submit to the CITY and the TOWNSHIP the following
products, as pertain to Items IA through ID:
A. One hundred (100) copies (offset printed and cerlox bound) of the combined
CITY and TOWNSHIP Comprehensive Plan described in Items IA -1 through
B. Twenty (20) copies (offset printed and stapled) of the revised ordinance texts
described in Item IB.
C. A series of memorandums which will comprise the Central Business
Improvement Program described in Item IC.
0. Technical memorandums cs required to document the analysis and
recommendation as provided through Item ID.
IV. The CONSULTANT shall attend a maximum of eighteen (18) public meetings and/
or hearings equally divided cmongltoms IA through IC and between tiro CITY and
V. The CONSULTANT shall complete Iterns IA t%rough IC for CITY's portion of work
during 1975 and the TOWNSHIP's portion of work during 1976, unless delayed for
reasons of unexpected arnorgencies, forces beyond the control of the parties, or by
request of a party, acquiesced in writing by tho other party. if so delayed for more
than ninety (90) days, at the request of the CITY or this TOWNSHIP, the CONSULTANI i
reserves the right to renegotiate the contract to account for rising costs before resuming
work. All work will be terminated within twenty-four (24) months from the date of
the return of o signed contract. The above termination dates assume that the CON-
SULTANT satisfied the terms of the contract within those periods.
VI. The CITY and the TOWNSHIP shall pay the CONSULTANTt
A. On a monthly basis based upon invoices submitted to an amount not to exceed
ton thousand dollars ($10,000) during 1975 and Fifteen thousand dollars
($15,000) during 1976 for a total of twenty-five thousand dollars (S25,000)
for work described within Items IA through IC of this agreement.
l_ ii. For the percentage of work completed on Items IA through IC during
each incremental month.
C. 0n a cost plus materials basis at established billing rates as described
i n the attached standard rote schedrle and with materials and expeasos
charged at cost plus 15% to defray processing for work as described
within Item ID of this agreement.
0. All costs incurred will be due and payable to the CONSULTANT within
ton (10) days of the receipt ofan invoice showing the work completod and
the cost of said work. For any invoice not paid within thirty (30) days,
the CONSULTANT will have the option of interrupting work without
termination of the contract.
E. for any work authorized by the CITY and/or TOWNSHIP which is beyond
that described in Section I of this agreement, such work shall not be
included as part of the maximum dollar limit stated In paragraph A above,
but shall be compensated at established billing rates as described In the
attached Standard Rate Schedule with materials and expenses charged
at cost plus 15% to defray processing.
VII. Sther party shall have the right to terminate this agreement upon thirty (030) days
prior wri tten notice to the other party. In the event of termination, the CITY
and the TOWNSHIP wi 11 pay the CONSULTANT fat work completed on a time
plus materials basis.
Vill. Suo;oct to ronegatiation if rot exocutod within ninety (90) days of agreement
word Dohigran, President ^ Date
`David R. Licht ico Presidont Data /
Pleose Sign and Return Duplicate Copy
Principals ............................................. $30.00 to 40.00
Community Planner ...................... '................ 15.00 to 25.00
Architect .............................................. 20.00- to 30.00
Project Manager ........................................ 20.00 to 30.00
Landscape Architect .................................... 15.00 to 25.00
Urban Designer ......................................... 15.00 to 30.00
Market Analyst ......................................... 15.00 to 25.00
Research Analyst ........................................ 12.50 to 15.00
Graphic Designer ....................................... 15.50 to 17.50
Draftsman .............................................. 10.00 to 15.00
Press 7i me ............................................. 12.50
Secretarial ............................................ 10.00 to 12.50
Outside Consultants ..................................... Per Job Basis
Supplies .............................................. Cost Plus 15%
Mileage .............................................. 204 Per Mile
Expert Testimony ........................................ 1 1/2 Times Hourly
Rote - Minimum
Charge - $250.00
�;;, tN;YCsUn CtT.Y'S;ftlit#;Ei
(a, U:P%NDS 01:4 YQJ!) ”
radcra(Bunds c,c.once.ogafn av��n)'fable for,conucun;ty development projects for Cities;
:ommuniries.'wilt rcceiv" hese now fund's v (I1 depend'on what yoV Ord _VDVI
Cr�nui. ager within the nazi two weetrs.
�rr•_wro S4.4 mtllion in those funes.W;II b^; .Ivtiifcb1e'fo comnrunillcs,iri s
�:e?'-^•+�:6aaii4an 4wocro pf,hMnndsoto, no iunds.ore called Community Develoo'rer
mangy ccn'bo used for a`ivido variety of local projects, including street impiov,
mcnr., pork improvements, Fodovelapfndnt, and mony.othi>n. ,Many eommunities;v+lso
►._er'aefore,,applied for•essistaneo'from.the, federol'government wili,now find;it-
cc.•cniapeous' to apply.,
as ccus: of fka quick deadlines and_ the_ problem -of, lack of informotion,about Ilia new
:.:c:Lcutc:, ybu•likclyshoutd''gef ittsur'e your appticotion:meets'.ike
c n4nc, N,innosoto,Cornmunity'pevelopineni Sorviccs, S'I;'Poul,'ond'Midwe;rPla Mw-
Cr,a orcf:, Inc. of Minneopotis,� have combine* forces to;givo Minnesota Comniunitiet
:n, i,`in: of help needed of this difficult time of trying to mala sense out-of,a bran new
r er.
D_hors Now Attractive
r:-. , :tf>uic your cammuniry be interested In cimmunity development block C.on-i
1. 0 oocoy should it:
One reason your city hasn't sought federal iunds before was because of the
red top& involved. (Unser the new program, much of the red:tooe is {,•one, t
Now have a community improvement need that you could use some outside
,, .,.� ,v
financial help on. (For the first time in o long time, MUD will be issuine9
djrlr" �y � funds,)
One tooson,your city -hasn't sought federal help in tho post -was- because the
funds -always seemed Woo just to'bigget citios. ,(S4.4 Million will go to
communities suchasyours in the. non-metropol I ton portion of tho•stoto: -That,
manoy..fs there, it: will be dividod up omorigit;thoso wtid:appty.}
Ono.reoson you never=.oppliod,.wos;your,'city eovtdn`t.offard iho cost nfwrilin�;
onea<patssivaoppt,icotion withoutsome,raoiari to boiiovo yau;.woutd reetiva '
(ands; '(wo-wit) hblp"you.put.togotfiorat littlo.Easfsi "pre-ctpaficotian".
the "pra�epptteation'! po�i;yourtity`s har In;thte ifng fpr;tttc iompctifion:ui only.
o v9ry smotl cost,;ta yov:. MUD;viilt'.tot{. rorr cftai's mini th ticaiIrsn
_ Hhathec your tbity'is ono o t se_ ikcly4_tmreeoiye_funds 'kJith HUD's
endoisomont; we°.eon,thcn so p you:eoittaloto thb fintit oppiiGettion.with.high
assurance that funds will be available. The final regulations are not yet
released, but it appears likely that HUD will reimburse you for the costs
of preparing the final application if you are one of the approved cities.
If you didn't like a lot of federal control over your projects. {Ona of the
reasons community development block grants wore created is to give you not
the federal government, control of your own loco] project.)
If then you think you have some community needs that could be helped by getting some
of the funds, you should apply.
Can you do the job olone?
Are there any stumbling blocks facing you in applying? Yes, there are some, and
thot's where we Como in.
For instance, it will be difficult for a city by itself to even obtain the various regulations
end forms when You need them. (Because the deadlines HUD has imposed are extremely
short, we are getting meso forms and materials direct from Washington, D. C. Occouse
time is very short, we wont to give the communities we work with o head start. Clearly
tho communities that get thoir bid in early will have a better chance.)
Aso, tScro is a problem of undertaking the local community actions necessary to
complete do pro-opoti cation in the time allotted. (We will put each community
we assist on a speeihc schedule to help insure you don't lose out because of lack
of attention to some detail. We're going to make it our business to know the regula-
tions Inside and out. A tot of work must be done in a short period of time. To
got an effective pro -application Into HUD, It will require organization. We will
help you achieve it.) '
In order to meat the deadlines for proapplication, a city must hove its pro-appltca-
tion work under way no later than January )b.
What must you do?
How can'you secure the help of Minnesota Community Development Services and
Midwest planning and Research, Inc. with time enough for our firms to got your
airy in tho running for this money?
Simply, whatever person or group is responsible for requesting outside help should
do so. It may moon coiling a special meeting of this Council to approve this help.
If so, you should act quickly. Or it may mean simply initloting a contract without
need of Council action.
!n either case, we will be assisting only those communities who respond soon enough
to have adequate time to complete the pro -application before the MUD deadline
which is only slightly nwris than two months away.
1:LIr.7A4'tl dCT.14''177CS,
1. 3rquir.7tion of,.retl property which is;
A. alighted, undeveloped', or inappropr.latcly developed.
B:. Apptopriat:e for conservation csr rehobilitation activities.
C.• Ay:propriatu for ,[iicsgr:atiqu,nf hiat.orfe, eaten, ennservation of
open spaces, 7rovin'lon -of reerertional o,pportunitic-, or vile
qg dnncelof urcan development,
jl. "p,q -E.r tf cJ fur the pro':Jolnn-G." publin cbrli;', faci,lit,ie ', and
C.U_her poSJie purposcr,, includ!nc the cbnversiog;ef,land'to other
u..e,3 -bher,c ;.,;prepriatc to the 6P[C2eriC�' ilau4'Inp-rrrir, progrnn.
17. ' quit itlrn• , cocctruct3lair; rc.conrt_ruetinnor instrillntIgrn of the f,al=
L putl,ic unriu: and facfltti.,•.
,.. . • i•°::4arhuud fa:Jitii_.. /�'�,//l�'`''
Is. ::,cnlor renters.
r l.':.:grlr. praptr.tlea. _ ,��tlria•b
L. tilities.
Stret t ]!(!:t:..
..tor a d c.,.:r; It -it s.
4. p,d?ntrian rulln and wall.uayt.
1. 1-I yprounda anJ uthor recreational farjIitlC:..
I. I lord and dralnn,^•c fncilltl'03.
Parking far'.liti'rs.
bu1.i:1 v::^t. J1'e�pnral fa^Iliti,r..
I;Lrvicr_t naJ f,'101irir`. 014C4 nrr, lurnud in Omis
ti';9rli• txtwn, nr�ar. in kirl._R utL_Le eer-unfit?� r,::�nlora-cnt, ac;,Gt6.9�.n
,:ro tn,'ta'e 1�taCJ aui .
•• / _ .. -2 4
G :,u r.n4nr.•r,ct`n;; irr .2rfGi`.ic+rtitins; rr�p;:- ia43hirl, 4nfurccr..cht �aab,tc • 11
.`xP�•'-t•;:5, r.7, trrC: zhe,.iti,4i iny,•tii� chu, :rr3:. IIIJ
f':' 4:r•.;ra::r_c, dn,, ro;aovnl, nad,rclrbi,lftat:oe,gf, bui'lcliti�s, a:d^ `i,
i c,prnxc ,neat s. '.
V.., S'r�jrett. dirr•c,red to th;i reroval, of arehi[oniu:ac ,horriern tiitfc r;ra-
;ra.r at che,molii'lfty of ths, oldcrly'nnd handicapped.
Ir.;vrcats 'to •h :using, 'bwncis: for, 1orxat, of. rental 'income ;Incurred. an n'
rr.•;trl'i of.r,orr=nlity dovelopacn: activities (holcini;.uit^its for tc�;.,orary
per3,ods ftir. 41isplacc
C'1?; ISi�pa itinsi,nf propcity acgcired for:coW:v-,iit1-, develo;.-ftes. t
111,3•ii'nion of ;:nbl i.c services-no: ,otlhc,r::iso nvaf lablc cu Ott: area ,;ml
ent eider;:d accec ;aru
to eu-.pori otl:ar''co-:,- n t•: 'dovviop^enr ziccicit:os'
rlrrrci•ontinI chti,:Z cmci, hunk}. drub ab's:;a.
l}: 2' � fat of cite tib;, letrer_ak hate 4e"rbirvd: fn, cents iC:':t fth a 5rc5ti
r): ;tdd pror'rlr re-:atc4, to cn .r,::_pity' a vol ?rcr•::
of tho cc:; ,of conplctin3 a •projec_ ot: rted' a:t:?.c:.,Fill 1, of {
tnr rat:^ nC Lct of 15:9., .,
:•1, hal a:airs m payreran necers ay, av-h recukt of-cc7.:yuti%: S��'rrlormcr.;
tt,.;i'ties c::c:.•cc..ry to devolor-
;7? GL.
i•.. _ at of rerson-blv odr^.inis:rativo- c sn-
dm+ type of activity not duscriber.',on list of oli,^,iblu cetivitios
in.•iigiblc. 2agr..plcr era.
1. nu':13c• fntl.HL-i(^c not. sp.ciiL il?y'nenµScn+S ::: Ox.:'3rt rff
.,lirible activities:
n. Facilities :`ar;'tcte^general cohdu:t,of' excrn;,rnt.
Srndiuma nfiditoriuni:. [poria arcnac.•
e`.: ticltool'm:
I!s. italG.: :}iirsing',hdTtb:
mltr np(.rat_in^ i! -,J m.-.intc'-acv cxpcn.c-,.
C- rKTnrLI p;)vdrnr-,nt. eap(;w;Ln..
?:ems hiur9e; ront;:rubtion.
G. Intone maintenance propraan.
,�-& lz;?A