City Council Agenda Packet 03-10-1975AGENDA
Monticello City Council
Regular Meeting - March 10, 1975 7:30 P.M.
%Ia%.ov: Con Johnson
(onnci.imen: Dick Martie, Denton Erickson
Stanley Rall, Gene Walters
?1.•. nq to be (:aped.
r.tureng comments.
1ppro%al of Minutes - February 10th, 17th, and 24th.
1. (',insider request of fire department for 2 -Way Radios.
-. t'.an3ideration of maintenance building and general
obligation b.rnd vnte.
PreSCntntion by fiscal consultants
Ehlers S Associates_
SlivingaLed, 1'ne.
J. krtiv% of Hplit liquor pamphlet.
;. Con3.idcration of administrative assistant under
ILTA program.
(nncidrrati.nn of loader.
I-116111,4hed luIsinesx.
%4.w hiisill("s.
in r. to: Rolla Id MIOwl, lis, Fir(, Chief
John Hadatich, Consulting City Engineer
non ynilh, Monticello rimes
ktike Rohn, AR1►C
On April 8, 1975, the voters of Monticello will be asked
J to go to the polls to vote on Split Liquor. The following
I prepared by the City Council to inForm the voters
of the issue.
For an explanation of split liquor the following two
definitions are necessary:
ON SALE: Liquor and beer sold and consumed on
the premises.
OFF SALE: Liquor and beer sold and consumed off
the premises,.
Approval by the voters April 8, 1975 of split liquor in
Monticello %ould mean the City of Monticello could sell
nn ,tale liquor licenses. ,
tasted below are some typical questions on the Split
Liqunr issue in Monticello with answers following each
rn:rst3nn. '
o.,tion: Why is it necessary to issue private on sale
Practically all motels and supper clubs require
such a license before they will open up an op-
eration in the City. Monticello hopes to attract
top, quality facilities for the benefit of its
citizens and its economy.
ur tWo:
How will thin help the economy of Monticello?
Introduction of top quality motels and supper
cluba will mean increased employment, increased
commerce and an increase in tax base to the City
of Monticello, the school District and other
taxing districts. r
011. .t it -int
las% many private an male licenses will be Issued?
%h:lt• „tate Rtatutea allow four liceneses to be
ixRurd fire s City of Monticello's size, it is not
AnticipAted that the laity would issue more than
tr.0 immediatri,y.
J./0 -is Ire
Que:t;ion: llow will the City ensure that only reputable
establishments are issued licenses?
%--kvr: The City has adopted an ordinance, contingent upon
approval of split liquor, that would require an
investment of $100,000 plus land costs and in
addition a performance bond must be presented to
the City along with necessary incuranee coverage
requirements. Also, the city council will investi-
gate all applicants' character references, back-
ground and qualifications. In addition, a public
hearing is necessary before a license is issued.
Oue.tion: What will be the license coats?
An.krt: liquor licenses will cost $2$00 annually.
ut* titin. What will the City do with its current liquor store?
',An-rtes%+t* There are several possibilities and they are
outlined an follows$
t. The, City could sell the present facility and
move into a new off sale facility.
2. Through remodeling the present facility could
be turned Into an off sale: only facility.
3. They facility could continue to operate as
both an off sale and on sale facility. The
only difference here, from the present situation,
to that split liquor would allow for private
on wale licensing.
Should split, liquor be approved the council will
be looking at the: feasibility of each of the above
alternatives in tight of costs, sites sysilable
for a new facility, ate.
Oue.tmni If the city would terminate its on sale facility
how would this effect the profits of the liquor
Answers With a ldrgrr off sale store all projections point
to n4 .loss In Intomp in the short run and an actual
in reame In profits In the long run. Any decrease
$n salt --s initially will be absorbed by the fee
thatged for prl%ate on sale iicenars.
j- to. l.1al
tu._=c,..ri: tihat effect, if any, would approval, of Split
liquor hace on the properly taxes J pay'
>r..;..•r It i.; anticipated that the i.;suancc of private
on cale license~ would attract new busincr;ses
into the city. this would result in an increa,;ed
tax base and alone with Lire fee.-; from Lite issuance
of licen,sot; would reduce property taxes.
shore r.•n: How will the new off sale liquor store, be financed?
\n.wr Ihruu--h the tale of bond,. Profits of rhe liquor
%r.n a will ire u,ed to retire these bonds and in -
dr s ictus 1 pr•opeety owners will not be taxed on these
bon d..r .
It is mutually agreed between the City of
Monticello and the Township of Monticello that
both parties are interested in clarifying their
position as to their statutory 1975 local govern-
ment aid:
FURTHER RESOLVED: It is mutually agreed that
the City of Monticello and the Township of Monti-
cello will request the Department of Revenue to
hold that portion of the 1975 local government aid,
which is in the amount of $35,776.46 and which has
l` been made payable and certified to both parties,
until a determination or agreement can be made
by both parties pursuant to Minneosta statute
(1974 - Section 477 A.01, et. al.).
FURTHER RBbOLVED: Both parties mutually agree
that• the appeal time shall not commence as de-
fined in Minnesota statute (Section 15.01, et. al.)
or Minnesota statute (Section 271 el. al.) until
either party notifies the other in writing by
certified mail.
Acting Mayor
Qpss� Acting City Administrator
March 10, 1975