City Council Agenda Packet 11-24-1975AGENDA 'Meeting Regular Monticello City Council November 24, 1975. — 7:30 P;. M. Mayor: Con Johnson Councilmen: Denton Erickson, Stanley Nall, Dick Martie, Gene Walters. Meeting to be taped. Citizens comments. /1. Final review and approval of plans and specifications - Liquor Store. A. Set sale date for Liquor Store revenue bonds. ;/3. Adoption of uniform fire code. /4. Discussion of Department of Natural Resources' proposal designating Mississippi River as State Scenic and Recreational' River. Discussion on sale of city owned parcel east of Highway 25. .15. /6. Establishment of time period for sanitary sewer:hookup. ./7. Approval of minutes November 17','1975• v4. Approval of bills. .9. Unfinished business., 10.. New business: Iti• 'b�'t MAILING T0: ,Ron'Michaelis .'Design/Management Const. Co. .DNR: Attn: Mr. Wayne Somes Wilbur Eck .Don Smith .Mrs. Ruth Moore ,Mike 1101m John Dadal,.ieh i►1 ogl7S AGENDA SUPPLEMENT Agenda Item 1. Final review and approval. of plans and specifications - Liquor Store. Everyone has a copy of the plans for the I,.i.quor store and the spcci.ficat.ions are at City 11al I. for your review. POSSIOLE ACTION: Final approval of plans and speci- fications. Agenda Item 2. Set sale daft for Liauor Store revenue bonds. King Torness of Spri.ngstcd, Me. w.i.11 be here to rev.i.ew revenue bond program for Liquor store and set. sale date Cor bonds. It would appear that. bond sale wi_I.:1 be for $200,000 payable. over 13 years. Foll.owIn€ Ls breakdown of bond proceeds: Contract construction $150,628.50 Management/Const. Inc. fee 8,250.00 Architect fee (7%) 11 ,121 .50 Total Const. Costs $170,000.00 Otller (.i_nc.Ludes bond fee, fixtures, shelves, sewer 6 1 wat;cr, esl.cr.ior l i,ghtIng, any eat-ra sod and allnwance for over -contract est.i.mato)• ,o,Ono. 0O 'I'O'TA,. $200,000.00 POSSIBLE, ACTION: Adoption of resolution to all- vcrtise for bids for 81110 of bonds. Sale date will be In January and til.i.s should be scoon cnouE;h to provide funds for construction functs. Agenda Jt.cm 3. Adoption of %iniform fire endn. Enclosed you wl..A find all ordinnncc entitled the Uniform Fire Code whLrh replaces ot.n• current; nrdinnnce rnbl6:Lcd Eire Prevention Code. Reasoning for ndopl,ion of Uniform Fico Code :i.s that. 1t; is the cnrle est;abl.i.shed by the State Oaf M.i.nncsotn and IL empewcrs nue .lur.:tl fire. mnralml Ln cnCorcu tho stato cocla. In talking to the staff at; Clan State P.i.re Mctrshnitta off.i.ce they recommend its adoption, Its 1t i.s more eomprehensi.ve than current ord i nonce. r POSSI III.0 ACTTON : If cnmtr-LI concut•tl, ndopbJ ran of the Un.i.Porm Fire Code ns part, of non• city oI'd luances. I Agenda Item $. Discussion of Department of Na Loral Resources' proposal designating Mississippi River as State Scenic and Recreational River. Department of Natural Resources representative will be on hand to discuss the use of the Miss- issippi River and implications of designating river a State Scenic and Recreational River from Anoka to St. Cloud. Agenda Item j. Discussion un sale of ciLy owned parcel cast of #25. Enclosed you will find Lite appraiser's summary on Lite acre of city owvied land. As you are aware Mr. Wilbur lick is interested in purchasing this pal -cul from Lite city. Mr. Eck owes the adjoining G lots or I:r; arses. POSSIBLE ACTION: My recommendation would be to have Mr. Eck come back to the council with a specific proposal for the use of the property before the city ran consider it.s sale. Mr. Eck had wanted an option, but t.hr_ city should lot, this parcel out on bids if I.hey wall(, to sell it. I believe this parcel is qui Le important to Lhe CiLy of Monticello in its location as part of the gaLeway Lo Monticello, and serious consideration should be given to its ultimate use. Agenda Itam A. Establishment, of time period for sanitary sewer hookcap. A minimum hookup time for sanitary sewer should be us Lablisit ed. Time period from 1-3 years have been discussed. My recommendation would be three ye:u•s as t.hc extension of sewer is to relatively new :u•casin which Chu homes are scrvicud by relatively adecptaCo cesspools and the council coo Id still adopt. n provision :allowing only one pumping of a cesspool. JIOSSII11.E ACTION: Ordinancu suction 7-2-3 (11) should he amended to time pr,riod required by council and also include number (if tiny) of pumpings allowed. -2- J • J 5.1.3 "Z.� CHAPTER 1 INIrORM FIRE CODE Tme CIT- Or MOMTICCLLO HCataY ORDAINS THE rolLOM140: LECTION: 5.1.1: UYIrORN riot COLI 5.1.2: EMrORCTMTYT Ot rl.1ITIOYS EST.aLISMNENT or LIMITS Or DIsTa1CTs IN WHICH STORAGE Or rLAMMAaLT OM CoMOUSTIOL( LIQUIDS IM OUTSIDE Aso,CG*OU.D T.Y.! 1! TO O( PaOMISIT(O. ..I.i: ElT.aL1aMM(MT Or llMli{ IM WMICM .. aTOoAOt Or LlQutrico PT TaOLEUW CASE! IS TO Ot 69ST41CYCO j.l-D: E{i.aLllMM(MT Or LINIi9 Or OIaTa1CTs IM WIIICM 3TORAO[ Or 9 •Pl0llvts AND aLAlTINO AC ENT$ la TO OL PROMIOITCO 5-1.7: APPrALs -1- NEW MATERIALS, PROCESSES OR OtEUPAMCICS WHICM WAY arOuIAE MPIra -1-9: PLTICS i-1-101 REPEAL or CO"rLICTINO OaD1Yaucts 5.1-1. LNIro" FIRE CODE TNT MINMCSOTA um,romll riot Coo[, 1913 EDIT 10. AMD ALL AMCNOMCMia TH949TO, ONE COPY Or WHICH MAS SEE% YANKED •a IMC O•YICIAL COPT AYO VNICM ':CON .IIT IM THE OFFICE Or TMC CITY CLERK. IS MCaCO/ ADORT[D A{ TMC Fla( COOL rOo TMS CIT, FOR THE PURPOSE Or PRESCPIDINO REGULATIONS GOVERNING CONDITIONS HAZARDOUS TO LIVE AND PROPERTY room FIRE 0. C/PLOSION. Evcav PROVISION CONTAINED IN THIS COOL, EXCEPT AS MODIFIED OR AMENDED OT THIS OROINAMCCr IS N9QtGT ADOPTED AND MADE A PAST Or THIS OtOIMAYEc AS II FULLY OCT TOOTH MCatIM. '-1.2: EWORCEMENTL (A) THECNICr 01 flit riot OCPANIN(NT stovlma TMt CITT. ON "is aC14[St"TAr1V1 AUT NOa1tto Sv NIM, SMALL LNrORCIL THE P80vISO 0 S Or THIS ORo1N.1TCC. (D) TML CHIEF or TMt Flat 0(PAalocul MAT oCIA1L suCM NEMatAs Or TMC flat OCPaaT0CN/ AS I.SOCCTO" AS SMALL .ROM 1109 TO TIME at NECESSARY. TMC CMICr Or TMC rime Ot►ART M9 NT NA, RCcommNO THE ["04.0.09"? OI 1tLMMICal. Im1►LCTORs. WHO. WHEN {UCH AUTHORIZATION is MAOI. {MALL a4. AELTCIEC TMROuall AM CNAMINATION TO OC?tRY1M THEIR rlTHta{ roe THC PoSI?.OY. EHL [RAMIYATIOY {MALL 0[ OPEN TO MCMS[m/ ANO "OMYLY{CAS Or TML rla9 DEPARTMtMf. AN A►IOINfMLNIS MA09 A...o tRAM1MA?ION {NAIL IC fall AN IMO9r1"lit TCR" WITH "CYOVAL OMLv roe CausE. .I.jI DErINITIOMS: (.1) .:YER[YCR 'flit WORD N/UPISDICTIDMS IS 9890 I" TML MINNESOTA untromm root COOC. 1? {MALL at MELD TO 0198,11 1049 CIT, Or MDMTICCLLO. (0) VH9RCVca TH[ 19- SCONPORATIO.I COUNSELS 40 USED 10 TNM MINNESOTA LOVIr011r r.:t Coot. IT {MALL aC "ILO TO HLNN 1"t AIIOmMCT FOR IME CI1V Or TbMT1ECL10. //•? Y � J 0i 13 I_( j - I-=: ESTABLISHMENT OF LIMITS OF DISTRICTS IN MACH STORAGE OF FLAMMABLE OR COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS IN OUTSIDE ABOVEGROUND TANKS IS 10 BE PROHIBITED. IA) THE LIMITS PErcearo TO IN SECTION 15.201 or TME MINNCSOT. (IHIrD:r FIRE COVE.I WHICH NEW BULK PLANTS FOR fLAMMAOLC OR CONBU311BLE LIQUIDS IRE PROI.IBITED. ARC MERCB• CSTARLI].[O AS FOLLOw5: ALL ARLAS Of -C CIT• C -CERT INOSE AREAS ZONED AS INDUSTRIAL. IB) TNL LIMITS RCrCRRCD TO IN SECTION 15.601 Of THE MINNESOTA UNIIO`IN FIRE COVE, IN WHICH NEW BULK PLANTS FOR FLAMMABLE OR COMBUSIISLC LICu1O5 •RE PAOHIBITCO. •RC MCIICBY CSTABLISMCO AS FOLLOWS: ALL - AREAS Of E C11• C•CCPT THOSE AREAS ROMEO AS INDUSTPIAL. I -s: ESTABLISHMENT Of LIMITS IN MACH BULK STORAGE OF LI:UEFIEO PEIROLEUM OASES IS TO BE RESTRICTED; THE LIMITS RCrCRRCD TO IN SEETIoN 20.tO5 (A) or THE MINNESOTA UNIFORM FINC CODE. N -C- O -K STORAGE Of LIOUCr ICD PETROLEUM GAS 15 RCSTRICTCO. •PC HCRCB• EST•YLISIED AS FOLLOW!: ALL ARCAS Of THE C11. CKCCPT AREAS ZONED AS Ih�VSIPI•l. ;-1 -6: ESTABLISHMENT OF LIMITS OF DISTRICIS IN MACH STORAGE OF EI(PLOSIVCS AND BLASTING AGENTS IS TO BE PRONIBIICD; THE LIMITS RCf CR.fO TO IN SECTION II.lo6 (B) Or TNC MINNCSOT• UhIIONN F_ C COOT•. NIC. STORAGE Or CAPLO]IVCS AND OLAST ING AGC'TS 1! DRONIOITCO.ARC IN CSI•DLI]HCD AS rOLLO.S: ALL AREAS OF TIC CITY E•ZCPT TMOSC ARCA] ZONED AS INDUSTRIAL. 7.1-7: APPEALS: 'WHCNEVE-i IME CMICr SMALL DISAPPROVE AN APPLICATION ON PCrUSC 10 GRANT • PCRMIIT APPLIED rOR. OR WHEN IT IS CLAINCO .+AT THC PpOv151UNS OF THE CODE 00 NOT APPLY OR THAT TMC TRUE INTCNT AND .1•NI N.T pr iwl' COOS --VC BEEN MISCONSIRUCD OR WRONGLY IIITCRPRCTCDI THE •P PLICANI MA• AP -C -L FROM THE DECISION OF THE CHIEF TO THE CITY COUNCIL .ITnIM -4U DAYS INOM YNC DATE Or THE DLODIOM APPEALED. .I-6: NCJ MAICRIALS. PROCCSSES OR OCCUPANCIES MACH MAT REQUIRE PERMITS: INC BUILDING INSPECTOR. CITY ADMINISTRATOR ANo ?we wlCr SMALL ACT AS • COMMITTEE TO OLT[ANINC •ND SPECIFY. AFTER •rFCCTCO PERSONS •M OPPORTUNITY TO OC MEARO, ANY NEW MATCNIALS. °NOCCS•+LB OR OCCUPANCIES. WHICH 51 -ALL REQUIRE PERMITS. IN ADDITION Tp THOSE h0-- E%UNCR•i CO IN SAID CODE. NIL CHIEF SMALL POST OUCN LIST IN • CONSPICUOUS ✓l •CI IN MIS Rfl'ICC, AND DISTRIOUIC COPIES WHEREOF TO INTERESTED PERSON]. A.I .CI PENALIILS: IA) A•1• PI RSO' HHO SII•Ll V101•TC I41 Or TMC PPOVIl,O.l Or THIS CODE MCACOY •1`O PILO Ua I•Il IO CGNPI• TIIC REMI TH. OR YNO SN•LL VIOLATE OR r•Il TO :ONPL• Vllw • • OMpIR MAOL 1NCpCYNOCR. Op WNO lM All GUILD IN VI.LATIpN •r • • OCI.IRLCO O1AT. COMLNll OPO IwfIVVO[• Ov I' 7RCCIFrICICA•TIOOpMPOCIILT NYUCOO MTIMT[I[Rp[UMAOD N. •NO 140M NO APPCRL HA] RCC. TARN. 0. WHO SMALL FAIL TO COMPLY .. r.. /u:N •N olDEN •] •wINMCD 0. 1.O.."Ito BY T. [.CITY COUNCIL OR R• COUNT O• CON P1:ll'.NI JYpIlOICTION. M1T'M IN TML' TIME 111[0 MERLIN. !HALL lI.CA•L L• 'Oh LACN •MD /CL'P• SUCH YlOLA71." AMD .... NPLIANCC RCBPCC- 11•L'l•• RC L.0 II I. OF • MISUIM[•NOR. /VNIINABLC BY,• FINE OF MOT r,ICCCDING ijCW ANO U• IMPRI]OMrE., 1'pp • "P.O. MOI C•C/f DlRp DA♦!. THE IMPOl.1.0. ,IF ONE Pl N•\11 1'OR • v VIOLATION !MALL NOT f. •CUD[ IHC VIOLATION ON PERMIT 11 10 CONIIN"I: AND ALL lUCN PCPIOM! AN AIt BL REQUIRED 10 CORRECT 00 REN1.0- TU:N .IOL•IICh! OR pE1[CI] YIINIM • R[A]OYApIE TIr(I AND VwCN NOl 01.1E aMllE 5 CCIFIEO. CAC. GAY 111•T PPOHIDIICO CONDITIO.! AAE NAIN/•IN[D SMALL CON Ii ITUfE • SI -AHC Of•CNSE. IB) 1NL APPLICATION Or1"r •ROVE /[MALTY !MI TI NOT OC "ILO f0 PALVZNT Int IaF OVCCD LI NOVAE 01 IHON•DIIEU CD TV ITIp.I. // .1YF11 d/ , 1 j 1 ;.I.to 'CPL%L OF C OWLICt,"G ORDINANCES: PLL fORM[R OND »�r+CCS O ic15 TwtPC., CON.t .Ct�N.. OR iMCON S.STCNT Wil' T-'t vP 0'. t pr 5 nQp j GMCC OR 0G TNG COOL C'+C 6' ♦00RICO --E ..l P""ID eT T»C C"' SOV "L twis ?4Tn pR. 0r ftn. eta, ty(j The CiLy CuuuciI of M.uL.icellu urdaius Section 7-2-3 of the City Ordinances entitled "Private Water Systems" should be amended as follows: Ti.tic should be amended to Private Sewer and Water Systems. Section 7-2-3 B should be amended to read as follows: Where a private sewer system has been installed before the public sewer system was accessible to the premises served by said private system, connection of said premises to the public system must be made with.i.n thirty (30) days after such private system fails to function properly, or within three (3) Years after public system was accessible, which- ever is sooner. It shall be unlawful to repair or pump a private system after such time :ts the public sewer system is accessible to the premises without, written permission of the Water and Sewer Department for the City. Passed by the City Council this 24th day of November, 1975• G� SL.L+GS�C.LI�— /1�11 Mayor Attest: 90 W n zt ieber. City Administrator 0 //-> y)sWz Payroll. for October 14111.92 TO'T'AL DISBURSl_3uXrB $246011.95 OQUOR FUND CHECK AMOUNT 1 ' ;DISBURSEMENTS FOR 'OCTOBER -- 1'975 N0. McKesson Wine Co. - Liquor 6897 936.34 Twin City Wine Co. - Liquor 6898 285.41. Griggs, Cooper -& Co. -.Liquor ,6899 178'.45 Monticello Liquor - Rent - -less $1,3.50 for phone b'ial. 6900 286.50 Ed Phillips & Sons - •Liquor 6901 .1699.87 State .Treasurer - PERA 6902 302.02 Twin City Wine Co. - Liquor 6903 615-J9, Ed Phillips & Sons - Liquor 6904, 597.17 McKesson Wine Co. - Liquor 6905 618,73 Wright County Bank - FWI' 6906 500..90 Braun Engineering - Soil testing 6967 $53,-00 Yonak Sanitation - Store expense 6908 4j.00 St. Cloud Jobbing - Mdse. 6909 25.00 Viking Coca Cola - Mdse. 6910' 113.25 Dahlhei.mev Dist. Co. - Beer. 6911 .2163.76 Seven Up Bottling - Mdse. 6912 150.55 Dick. Beverage Co., - Dem• 691-'3. 1431'.55 Thorpe Dist. Co. —Beer 6914 625.20 Maus Foods - Stora ,expense 6915 14.17 �) Seestrom Ilardware:- Supplies 691'6- 38:97 Johnson -Bros. Liquor Co. - Liquor 6917 494.60 ' A. J. Ogle! -- Beer. 6,918 552.95 .Gross.IdA.n Beverage Co. - Beer, 6919 2980.56 Bridgewater Tel-ephone - Telephone 6920 44.50 Le,Itert .Trucking - Freight 6021 131 .17' Smith & Pr.i.ngle' - Legal 6922 4.00' TwIn City Wine Co. - Liquor 6923 290.72' State Treasurer - F1CA/N91 6924 1737.55 Design/Management Co. - Off Salo bldg. constr. costs 6925 1390.00' Commissioner of Revenue - lixcisc .tax. 6926 930.22 Ed.Ph.i.Ilips,& Sons.- Liquor 0927 774.64 BdEPhillips & Sons - l,i.gnor 6928 1091 -42• Fullevton Lumlyev Co. - Si:ni-c expense: 1 6929. 1.20 Busl.ness'Men':s Assurance - Groi.ip ',Ins. (1930 77.51 Olson's'El,eobr,ic = 'Stpro: expense 6931, 163.48 Commissionev of Revenue - SWT 6932, 1.70-.90 Famous Brands, Inc. : Liqubr 6933; 383.04 Payroll. for October 14111.92 TO'T'AL DISBURSl_3uXrB $246011.95 Petty Cash - Misc. Expense 7466 Christian Service Centet-L,C. Johnson's salary (Mayo 7467 Gene Walters - Councilman salary - 3rd quarter 7468 Denton Erickson - it " " 7469 Stanley Hall - " " " 7470 ' ck Martie - it 11 " 7471 right County Treasurer - Fine reimbursement 7472 Halvorson Const. Co. - Sidewalk Imp. Project 7473 U. S. Postmaster - Postage 7474 Gary Wicbcr - Mileage 7475 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron - Surveying - time & exp. thru Sept. 15 7476 Smith & Pringle - Legal. fees 7477 Amoco Oil Co. - Gas & oil 7478 Buffalo Vet. Clinic - Animal Impoundment 7479 Trueman -Welters -- Repairs on cub mower and cub cadet- 7480 Hood, Inc. - Payment on Sewer & Water Project 7481 Ed Lange - Cleaning Mun. Bldg. 7482 State Treasurer - PERA 7483 Wright County State Bank - FWT 7484 Finance Dir. - Census Bureau - Update pop. for revenue sharing 7485 Wright County Sheriff - Police Contract 7486 Wright County Treasurer - Sen. Cit. rent rebate 7487 Doug Pitt - Civil Defense salary 7488 Ind. School Dist. #882 - Library rental 7489 N. S. P. - Utilities 7490 National Bushing Co. - Repairs 7491 S'rokes Marine - Parts 7492 Vaughn's - Fing 7493 'schen & Porter - Sewer repairs - float valve 7494 �-,rryls Auto Supply - Repairs 7495 Gould Bros. - Parts 749u Briggs & Morgan - Sewer & Water Imp. Project expense 7497 Monticello Times - Adm. expense 7493 Geyer Rental Service - Kjcll.berg expense 17499 GuavanLecd Products - Lights i 7500 State of Minn. - Documents Section - Laws 7501 Yonak SanitaLl.on - Sanitation eontrart � 7502 Jean Brouillard - Fuel b 7503 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron - Cng. servixes for August 7504 Survey - _54166.00 lnitpcoLion - 49111.57 Gen -- 337.46 Hayden -Murphy - Final payment un plow 7505 Ruffridge-Johnson - 81.rerL suppl,ieN 7,506 CO -0918 Ind. SL`1'Vi.004 - laundry 7507 River ]lin - Misc. expense 7508 Fyler. Backhoe - SaLt-11A. v rental. 7509 North Central Public, Serv.ive - Cas 7510 -Ho.lker's Disvoitint Market, - Supplies 7511 Hoglund Mus Co. - Repairs 7512 Kramer Sales Q. Mfg. Co. - Repairs 7511 Bridpwatev - Telephone 7514 Chapin Publishing Co. - Did printing expense 7.515 -estrum Hardwave - Supplies 7510 r emmerclal Asphalt - Street supplies 7517 -Howard Dahlgren - Planning expense 7518 //:r-;Of413 S, I Gordy Link Fuel 7519 57.22 Coast to Coast - Repairs 7520 8.92 r. -ed Rite Controls - Sewer supplies - chlorine & Feed -Rite #5 7521 922-50 iter Products Co. - Water supplies - 2 meters for Ridge. Apts- 7522 398-76 Goodin Co. - Water Dept. supplies - repair of waterline main 7523 402.01 State Treasurer - Social Security 7524 3053.91 Ken Peshia - Mtee. 7525 120.25 Park Auto Upholstery Restoration of aid fire truck 7526 105.00 Monticello Ford, Inc. Restoration of old fire truck 7527 20.28 U. S. Postmaster - Postage 7528 30.00 State Treasurer - Surcharge - Bldg. Insp. 7529 161.86 Comm. of Revenue - Excise tax 7530 47.54 Fullerton Lumber - Repairs 7531 162.iS Halvorson Const. Co. - Sidewalk Project 7532 6502.19 Business Men's Assurance - Group Ins. 7533 456.40 Olson's Electric - Repairs and siren relocation- water tower 7534 700-39 light, Sen. Cit. repair- well pump repair Elk River Blacktop, Inc. - Street supplies 7535 1011-75 Mobil Oil Corp. - Gas and oil 7536 184.,S1 Pigs -It -Shop - Tapes 7537 9.98 Phillips Pet. Corp. - Gas and oil 7538 123-82 J. W. Miller, Jr. - Bldg. Insp. fee 7539 603.20 Wright County Auditor - Fine rei.mb. 7.540 240.00 Ed Lange - Cleaning Mun. Bldg. 7541 61.25 Comm. of Revenue SWT 7542 455.00 �­atc Treasurer Dept.. Public Safety 7543 16 20 Payroll for October 6105.22 TOTAL DISMSINENTS $tt)8,662-78 I I