City Council Agenda Packet 12-22-1975AGENDA Regular Meeting of Monticello City Council December 22, 1975 — 7:30 P. M. Mayor: Con Johnson Councilmen: Denton Erickson, Stanley Hall, Dick Martie, Gene Walters. Meeting to be taped. Citizens comments. V/1. Presentation by Howard Dahlgren on Park System proposal. J2. Consideration of Resolution entering into Maintenance agreement with Wright County on County State Aid roads. ve3. Appointment of custodian for skating rink. 4. Consideration of transfers. A14t, %- Owe- �. Approval o@ Dec. 8and Dec. 11. -minutes; approval 'of'Nov: bills. b. Uneinished business. 7. New business (including short presentation, 15 min. or less by John 6adalich on Cgmprehenslyo UtiUty Pian). �i:.e U d2W FIAILINC. TOs Howard Dahlgren Carol Olson X' John Dadalich Mike Holm Don Smi th `' 1 - - AGENDA Regular Meeting of Monticello City Council December 22, 1975 — 7:30 P. M. Mayor: Con Johnson Councilmen: Denton Erickson, Stanley Hall, Dick Martie, Gene Walters. Meeting to be taped. Citizens comments. V/1. Presentation by Howard Dahlgren on Park System proposal. J2. Consideration of Resolution entering into Maintenance agreement with Wright County on County State Aid roads. ve3. Appointment of custodian for skating rink. 4. Consideration of transfers. A14t, %- Owe- �. Approval o@ Dec. 8and Dec. 11. -minutes; approval 'of'Nov: bills. b. Uneinished business. 7. New business (including short presentation, 15 min. or less by John 6adalich on Cgmprehenslyo UtiUty Pian). �i:.e U d2W FIAILINC. TOs Howard Dahlgren Carol Olson X' John Dadalich Mike Holm Don Smi th `' AGENDA SUPPLEMENT Agenda Item 1. Presentation by Howard Dahlgren on Park System proposal. Howard Dahlgren will be Monday's meeting and present a proposal for a park system study of Monticello. Included in this study will be a review of the present park system and the current employ- ment of park facilities; ultimate use for each park in Monticello and also future park develop- ment.in terms of acquisition, land dedication through subdivision plats and ultimate use of future parks. Some points to clarify are: A. cost of study B. completion date C. scope of study Of some concern to myself is whether the under- taking of this study will hold up or delay the completion of the comprehensive plan. Should the council, approve of the study, it may possibly refer the item to be reviewed by the Streets and Parks Commission. For your information the following are monies allocated in the 1976 budget for Planning: General Fund Howard Dahlgren contract; - $13500 Other 3000 110500 Planning Q Development Fund -2$ 2420 POSStRIT ACTLONi if council, is receptive to proposal, a draft of the contract ahoul.d be drawn up and approved after the councilhas adequate time to review. Agenda Ttem 2. Consideration of Hesolotion entering into Main- tenance agreement with Wright Countv on County State Aid road-. Lnelosed you will find a propeaed agrrement be- tween the City o(' Monticello and Wright County on the maintenance of county state roads within thr city limits. The agreement is fairly aelf- tS C r� explanatory and the city would receive approximately $2500 in 1976 for the maintenance of the portions. Of county state aid roads spelled out in the agree- ment. POSSIBLE ACTION: I would recommend adoption of the resolution. In reviewing the portions of county state aid roads to be maintained by the city, I think you will find these a reasonable and logical area of maintenance. Agenda Item 3. Appointment of custodian for skating rink. Enclosed you will find a list of applicants for the position that have applied at this writing; I will have a recommendation by Monday's meeting once all the applications are in. POSSIBLE ACTION: Appointment of individual as skating rink will be open by week of December 22, 1975• Agenda Item q. Consideration of transfers. Following are transfers that should be made yet in 1975: FROM TO AMOUNT COMMENTS Fed. Rev. Sh. General $10,000.00 Per Budget - Mark 11urd Aerial Surveys Fed. Rev. Sh. General $13,000.00 Per Budget - Applied towards Comprehensive Plan contract for $23,500 ($8,930 paid to date•). Liquor Street $20,000.00 Per Budget Ce sr g, 44 44-1-f -2- • 1 MAIi-l'l:tANC1 AGR 1.1 MEGf THIS AGREEMENT it.ude and ent.-red into by and b.:tw.•.•n th- City of Monticello hen•ir.nit.ar referrad to as the '•mu•-icipolity" and the- CuunLy of Wriqht h.�reinafter referred to as th.- "County". 11HEREAS Chapter Minn••soto Statutes, permits the Coa, t}' to d-signut• ."rtuii. ruuds ut.d strer;ts within the Mus it ; ool l tv as CUUI i. } • • j !u" !lig.`..• y s, . .d OHEREAS, th,: t• iu•t;i.;Fality hub concurred in the designo- tior of the County Stat, Aid Highwuys within its limits as ide•itified in County Coord's resolutions of August 28, October November December .i, December 27, 19.57 and Jonuary 7, 1958, and WHEREAS, it is deenmd Lo the oust interest of all parties that the duties and re-aponsibilities of bot'i the Municipality and the County us to maintenance on said County State Aid Highways to be clearly defined, NOW THEREFORE, 11 IS AGREED with regard to said County State Aid Highway mointerar.cu: That the Municipality will bn responsible for routine: mointenonce on the following highways: CSAM 39 - from West limits of Municipality to CSAH 75 0.822 miles t CSAH 38 - from CSAH 39 to Trunk Highway 25 (excluding 200 ft. A school) 0.496 CSAH 59 - from 4th St. to CSAH 75 0.159 CSAM 75 - from public Road W. of River St. to Jct. of CSAH 39 d CR 116 2.399 Total 3.876 miles That routine mointoiionee shall consist of patching, crock-seoling, mowing, s:iow and ice removal. That when the liuult:ipolity deems it desirable to remove snow by hauling, it shall do so at its own expense. That the County will be responsible for all other maintenance, including troffiL services. That the County will pay the Municipality for their work an omount equal to the ovieroge annual cost pur mile for routine maintenance and snow removal (less traffic services) on rural County State Aid Highways. -16- /2-Zt-7Jli/ MAIP:T;Ei,JAGE iAGRECMIhI_ ��ii�:c"d, %ibe ;omou-it• r toile. 'to'ib'e u•d. the C31— °T-hat, for 1976 _ - vi'll be 82.495:72 9 P' P.,� Muni'ei alit Wj%jl bm, `643;d9. fond the: tot:ob fto b& poid ADOPTED: 19 ATTEST: City Clerk CERt1EICATION I hereby certify tha't the above- ie o; true ,and correcl_icopy' of o-i•osolution duly passed, adopted and ,ap'proved'.by !thel'Ci.t:y'' Council of said Ci�t,y on , l9- ., ;Citi. Cle:k ' Namo of: Ci.t,y 'APPROVED. AND:-ACCEP"TfjM. Chairman of.;tho: Booed, .. ATTEST,: Y CountV Auditor H P ER Ai.)FUN D CHeCk AMOUNT NO. DISBURSEMENTS''FOR NOVEMBER --- 197-5 Roger Rac 'k - Mileage Cor',schbol jl 7544 . -35•'40 Mrs. . Irerfc Ev;:Lckson = refund on liquor lic&ns-d 7545 38:'30 Itood, Inc. S/W Imp'. ,Project 4075-1: .75,46, 1 i�,SV4-88 7Gfqen Battimain'- Anitfial 'iffitib(ifidni6nC 7547 236.36 IRi.ck; -Wolf sterleT7548 8.10 Gordon Link; -, Diesel 1 .7549 :44••79 Bridgewater -Telephonet 7550 415--58 Gary) " Wieber -, Mileage, 755Il '15.00 Gross Ind. Services i- Ldundi-v 75.51 iotioo ice 011 _,'Fuel :for Plant :and Sen_.: Cit; Wright Service' 155 3 320.1,9 ' Earl Fw, Andersen - Signs 1554 86-15 Gopher Bearing,- Sbwcr+e,pairs 7555 18-i 38 Seestromi s�'Iiardware -' Supplies: 7556 155.32 Monticello, Times Pi%intkne,& pubii-sking 7557• `98,1-37 Ri4cr Inri - Misc.. expense 7558 48.71 Bergstrom ;Farm Store r,jon Massey= Ferguson 935 .'957 Northdrii: Statefii Power- btilit-ics 7.560 c§s4.8'2! Printing 7561 160:.00 ,Monticello .-Supp4cs Monticello Fire Dept., :- Salaries' 7,562' 60'."00 Amoco Oil Co., = Gdis� and oil 1 7561j'61 ,Olson' a Electric -' Mtc c. 7:564-.0 3 ,Ken Pdshih' - R'epai'r on-' ftirdace 756 50 7,5 " ' Yonak Sanitation - Contract 756t 1708".5'4: Stokes Marine - Repairs 7567 2'-98. Carlson Welding' - Rctiziir6 7568. _:8.,bu Moores Excavating - Digging in water linc: 17 SP9. 37'.50 Harry's Auto Supply .- Supplies . 7570 67.57 f-57- Coast Coast to Coast Repairs: 4571 7 Zcp Mfg. Co. - 'Sewer supplTes 7572 38'•:42 Big Lake -Gravel - Storm',scwet- - Locust ST. - $323.,'75 .7573 11.57.95 Waterline repairs--- Walnut St. m $710.20 Water' tower - $126.Q6 Natib-ndl Bushing SiipolCIS' 7574 34A9 Gordon 2�:sold to J. Miller= -#25 7575 359.A8 WrJ-ght.C-dunty fflrcaisurbi­l- !Scii"i dXt.. rent robate; 4576 22.$0 Doug Pitt -- Ci.vIl, Mifensq.!sajary 75.77 1500 ScIlooi Dist.,#882 r Library 'rent 708 15.00 W141glit Couiity Sher -ter 7579: -2920.00 Barton Contvacting - iSand 7.580, 22.49 iloglun-d Bus - Req)Ai�s 7SO S-'98 Do , f , f6lo Vet. !Clinic i.'Animal Tmpn._uAdmt*t 7,S82 30:W ity 1Ctlol 1Y.; - 12th',paymen - b on snow 'ptow' filayd-fen Murphy 1,583: 1-2,t5. OU Recd. R:Lfe Co'nt;1'46.16 _'Sj!wA_ge teigtTha 7041 35':I10 Montic'allo Ready Mix -;! Supplies 705 59;75 Smith.&,Pringle - Lega;urees 758 1 6 1 164'-'96 Pos_Lnid6tbr - Pbstiio. 758 7 0 .0 -' `S1611LO Treasurer 'PERA 7.588 1417; 66 Wilightj Cojility �StQLO Batik FWT 7559 103'11 .X comfid,$ . Bi( -i'l, of Revefitic 6VT 7.596 45 � -,66 =.m An'sel..Aydt g(Lu!np: removal 7591 12.1.'00, Cd,,Ldnad - Clleatvfngkuii. Old#. 7A93 4 IlogItind" flus..Cn. ­;Nw'Xn_C.- truck, 7594 -3-4,126.00 -PU ice itt-AIA.U." No_0 C4;ntf,aX 1 bUO SorV' 70S i .104-142 W.-Idlit CountyAddi. 7506 4:52.•0-0. Doli! Lar Corpova,d., no, 6 Paympnt.' on MttVe Bldg. 7.50 362$6:$0 Comm. of evvnut" ixclav tax 7-50 ;, 7.50 _3'0' (2) Q' Buislni!sI4 M(,n1 a Assuilanct) CWOOP In - 8- 7600 .4-4 .46 American. Wational, Bank 6 Trust.- 1000 Bond Int. 7601771-03 Northwestern National Batik - 1964 WaterACV. [kind 7(302 5412. SO Fidelity Bank & Trust - 1974.Parking Facility Bond 7bO3 4467.39 I I'd lanae - CleaningNun. Bldg. 7604 40.25 PaY1'Q]J for November - Salaries/ 'S.1.1 A - IQ TOTAL DISRUItSIMUNTS FOR NOVLMBIIt/7-Tt•'ICfr�-$Iyy�bb2. Q5 i UrWOR: P riD DISBURSEMENTS, FOR NOVEMBER , 1,975 AMOUNT CSECF Monticello Liquor' - Rent &. water,. softener rental '350:00 6934 Ed Phillips & Sons - Liquor i 1883.76 6935 Twin City Wine Co. - Liquor 386.35 .6.936 Design/Management - Liquor store bldg., const. costs 1 2520.00 69.37 Griggs, Cooper - Liquor 967.63 6938 Dick Beverage Co. - Beer 20j7.09 6939 Grosslein Beverage - Beer 2511.90 6940 A. J. Ogle - Beer 798.65 6941 Viking Coca Cola - Mdse. 273.35 6942 Thorpe Dist. Co. - Beer 280.15 6943 - St. C1.4oud Jobbing - Store expense 27.60 6944 Dahlheimer Dist. Co. - Beer 1456.72 6945 Seven Up Bottling - Mdse. 102.95 694.6: Seestromis Hardware - Store expense 2.55 6947 Yonak Sanitation - Sanitation 27.00 6948. Midwest Wine Co. - Liquor j 126.49 6949' City of Monticello - Sewer & water 18.00 6950• Twin City Wine - Liquor .6951 State Treasurer - PMA '158.51 185.55 69.S2i Wright County State Bank - FW.T 107.00. 6953 f( Commissionerof Revenue - SWT_ 92.60, 6954, �- Ed Phillips & Sone: - Liquor ti 718.20 69.55' City of Monticello -. Legal Tees rci.mburolement to Cen., j• 32. q0 6956, Famous Brands, Inc:..- Liquor .768.'57 6957 Comm. of Revenue Sales tax 936.39 6958' Business Mems Assurance -:'Group Ins. 77.31 6,959. Ed Phillips & Sons, - Liquor 1.228--01 6.960. Payroll .for 'Nov., _- Salaries i -2063.71: TOTAL DTSBURSEK� NTS $20,tSS-0$ S /1-;t 2J&FL