City Council Agenda Packet 09-13-1976AGENDA i Regular Meeting of the Monticello City Council September 13, 1976 - 7:30 P. M. Mayor: Con Johnson Councilmen: Stanley Hall, Denton Erickson, Dick Martie, Gene Wal.t-ers. Meeting to be taped. Citizens comments. `44}1IP, /1. Public Hearing - vacation of a]1 of Cedar Street lying !e south of Seventh Street. 2. Consideration of defeasible decd to Pat and Mary Donahue. �►• r! / 3. Consideration of resolution ordering feasibility report and public hearing relative to sewer and water extensions. q. Consideration of type of residential. street lighting. S. Consideration of acquisition of Riverside Cemetery. 6. Consideration of joint recreation program payment. 7 Consideration of hiring CETA employee for public works department. 8. Consideration of resolution on violation of public nuisance ordinance. 9. Consideration of ordinance amendment - variances. 10. Consideration of bingo ordinance. 11. Approval of August 23, August 25, September 8, 1976 minutes. 12. Unfinfahed business. 13. New Ixieiness. W 1y Roll - ou�ll Sel/ L.t Fed AO'W o MAlLTNG T(lt p prq;lit Sya��w ►1fw.lg A -LF. � John Dedalich Q Dun Smith Don Grant Stuart Finney Stuart Hoglund Jim Metcalf John Sandberg AGENDA SUPPLEMENT f ;cnda ILem 1. Public llcar.ing - Vacation of all of Cedar Street Lying South of Seventh Street. J's Restaurants Tnternat.iona.l, Inc. has acquired a parcel of land one acre .in size just west of Cedar Street and south of Seventh Street. J's ResLaurants is request.ing the city vacate all of Cedar Street lying south of 7th Street. (See enclosed map) . Add.i.tional ly, they arc requesl,ing the city consider deeding a portion of the street to them. The premise for a dcc.isi.on relative to a vacation of Lhe streeL .i.s wheUier such ac Lion 3.s in the public interest. These arc no plans for Lhe development of this street and the city could sti.1.1 retain public util.i.ty casements .i.f such a street arrc vacated and deeded. I.t Ls recognized that Lhc city has only vacated and deeded a portion of one street, (Oak Street by the hosliiLal) and should Lhe city dec.i.de Lo not; only vacate Lhe street but also deed Lhe street, It may want to Ilse an appraisal value as Lhe sell.i.ng price. If such an opt.i_oo were selected abutting property Owners would have first choice of buying the half of the st.rcet abutting their properly. This could allow the sale of the entire strer_t to one abnLti.ng property owner should the other property owner not desire to pay the appraised amount. POSSIM.li AC'T'ION: Consideration of vacation of street, decd.i.ng of street, and if deeding street, approve Lhc method of estnblishing sales pries and who pro- perty would be offered Lo. Agenda item 2. Coils I(Mratl.oil of Defensible Deed to Pat and Mary Donahue. At. cnu• May 10. 1976 mcut;ing, Lhe, c.i.Ly cnunc.i.I decided to vacate Oak Street and deed half the st;rcet to Mont;irel to Ilospitnl and agreed to eked the remaining half to Pat. and Mary Donahue at: su::h L:i.me as plans for it medical clln.ie were, developed. In order Co ubta.in f.inanc.i.og for 0-loir project, Mr. 6. Mrs. Donahue arc rcquest.ing the 4:I1y deed the rcma.i.n- ing• half of' the streoc to them. RtuHnn for the_ re- quest; is t;hat the plans for I,hc cl:i.nle, i.ndl.eate l,he Ilse of a portion oP Lhc screct and mortgag4: financing cannot; be obtained unless the properly .i.s in Lhc name of Mr. S Mrs. Donahue. City's position on this matter was that it was con- cevned about deeding streets for $1 to property owners that were residential areas. In talking to Gary Pringle he recommends the city issue a defeasible deed to the Donahucs for a period of time at the end Of which the property would revert back to the city i.f the property was not used for a medical clinic. In this matter, the Donahucs could obtain their Financing and the city would be protected if a medical c.lini.c were not developed. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of granting a defeasible deed to Mr. & Mrs. Donahue for $1 for a period of two (2) years. Plr. & Mrs. Donahue to also pay any legal fees involved .in drawing up deed. Agenda Item 3. Consideration of Resolution Ordering Feasibility Report and Public lir_ar.ing Relative to Sewer and Water Extensions. The city of Monticello has received the following petitions for sewer nr wager extensions in Monticello: Area Imp. Regnested Petitioners 6th & Vine to Water Mrs. Laura Rowland 6th & Elm Ruff Auto Parts ~ West; side of Pine Sewer Texaco, Inc. & 7th St. to Cedar J's Restaurant &. 7th Street Chelsea (toad & Cty. Water hox Inns Tne. (S. 117 to Ilwy. 25 & ling Iund). County 117 Robert: Mosford .It, wou.ld appear that these can be added as change orders to the contract with Orfei. & Sons and still be completed ill 1976. As yon may rerala. cot .last year's project, the change orders wero treated the same as the, original project for assessment purposes. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of 110610111001) ordering Peasibl lit.y report and public heal -1.11g. REVERE .FS: Reso.liition ovdrri.ng feas.ibil.i.t;y rcpert; and ell Hng for pith i.c hearing. NO'T'E: At; the September 27, 1976 maet.ing any change orders Considered uocessavy could be possibly combined w.i.Lh Llho snn3.tary sewer improvement; on 401 Street from Crdarto P.ino. Thls will nod/ bo necessary 1114 John Rergstad's elderly housing project, has reccivetl approval tic the corner of 401 Strcrt; and Cedar. _2- Agenda Item 4• Consideration of rvpe of Residential Street LightinIZ. AL the August 23, 1976 meeting, Lilt; city council approved the inst,-allation of street l.i.ghti.ng in sixteen areas as outl.i.necl by Public Works Director, Mike Rajala, and tabl<�:cl a decision on the type of light- ing until Mike is able to review the types available. Mike and .I. have talked to NSP and they strongly recommend high pressure sodium lighting from a visibility and economical standpoint. I have contacted Howard Dahlgren and his opinion is that he favors mercury vapor lights specifically in a doumtow•n area as he indicated that businessmen have complained about the orange effect sodium lights have on merchandise. Howard did comment that it; would be more compatible to have the same lighting throughout the city, but felt sodium lighting cuuid be put in a residential arca and mercury vapor downtown. Probably the best way to judge the effect of sodium light is to experience it. Mike .indicates that Recker has high pressure sodium in residential and the down- town area. It may wca.l be worth a tri ,p to the arca y II to review the concept before Monday's meeting. �nV Add.i.tiona.l.ly, 7 will be contacting John Ilaclal.i.ch to (letermi.no IF Llle:-Lr l:i,ghL.i.ng engineer can he. at: e vvv Monclay's meeting t,o review types of lighting with 1. the cnunc.i �^ POSS7:11.13 AC'T'ION: Consideration of Lype of lighting to put .in residential. areas of the c,i t.y. Agenda 1Le`J5. Consideration of Actsui.si.t,iclll of R.1vers.1cle Cemetery- �) f) L3iclused, please find a .letter from Lilt! ItiversidC Assucint_i.on the c.it,y take.. over tho (lrry requcsL.i.ng \wN�)ete•y anti It.s ma i.ntenance.. yeall 17 %1 be determ:inect from t.he. letter, 011) cemotery is nL � �\1101: r1� a paying !I1:it and the Masonic Lndgc .is not: .i.n n position I'll jul-t In Lhe- necessary improvement's vc- 1 r V1 Q cliui,rcd and this :is the reason for t:heir rcqur-s 1, to have it; Ole olty t'a'ke over. As you are aware_ , the city .is currently maintaining 1 1� the ("emet:ery (111 ]Iliallway 2.i howevel•, there was no pel•pe Lllnl (:ape folnul set Ill) its wllllld be in the case oP R.i vcrs.i de. Clam utrry . -3- r If accepted, the trust fund of $15640 would be ti( invested and the interest would pay a portion of the 0 operating costs. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of taking cemetery over. Agenda Item 6. Consideration of Joint Recreation Program Payment. As you may recall in 1975 we had a request from Monticello School District; representatives to consider an increase in the city's share of the joint recreation program. At that time the council indicated that this item would be reviewed in 1976, but because the budget was set for 1975 it decided to contribute the budgeted amount - $1325. In 1976 $2,000 was budgeted for the city's share of the joint recreation program. POSSIBLE ACTION: Motion consider payment of $2,000 to Monticello School District for its share of joint; recreation program for 1976. Agenda Item 7. Consideration of Hi.ri.nat CRTA Employee for Public Works Department. At the April 26, 1976 enmell meeting, authorization was given to request CUA (Comprahensi.ve Employment Training Act) funds for an .i, WI vidua 1 to work in the Public Works Department. I rands tinder the program have just reeent:ly been made avoiJahle again. Public works d.Lrr_etor, Mike Raja.ln, and myself ,interviewed five individuals out of thirty two applicants for the position and would recommend the City hire Brinn Meier, who i.s nbout 24 years old and n resident of Monticello. With the hi rEng of this ind.i.v.idua l , if approved, oar Public Works Deptnrt:ment wvul,d have seven personnel as cnmpnrcd to six ,in 1974 and 1976 It was eaplcr.inod to all candidates int•.evv.iewed that t;he position enu.id only be pinrnnteed nnUl Pebrunvy 1, 1977 nt which time the CITTA funds mny he eshnust;cd; however, there is a likelihood that the funds may elettt:inue for an- other Us months. Ln nny case, when the CMA funds are ethnnsted, the pnslii.on will lx: se:rert Wi,zed and also the enpabl.l.l.t.i.es of the .individual reviewed. -4- With the hiring of this individual it is expected that it will not be necessary to hire an individual for for the skating rink and will also decrease the possi.bil.ity of overtime hours. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of hiring individual (Brian Meier) for $4.25 an hour for the Public Works Department. Current wages for public works range from $4.40 an hour to $5..40. REPERENCES: Application of Brian Mcicv. Agenda Item S. Consideration of Resolution on Violation of Pub.li.c Nuisance Ordinance. A survey of property owners contacted relative to violation of our public nuisance ordinance reveals there i.s sti.l.l one property owner in v.io.l.ation of our public nuisance ord.i-nance, Mr. Emil. Schluender, 607 East, 3rd Street. Specific vi.o.lati.on was concrete blocks, pipes and lumber scatterd behind the garage. vui.s ease can be handled by the county attorney's office; however, he requested a resolution by the counci_1 to prosecute the case- . POSSIBLE ACTION: Consitie rat;.i.on of adopting resolution II turning the case over to the county attorney's offi-ce rrraaa for pros cell t.i.on. REVERENCES: Resolution turning matter over to county attorney's office. Agenda Item 9. Cons-iAce-atinn of Ordinance Amendment. - Variances. Mont.iccl.lo ordinance Section 10-23-6-(7) rcqui.res property owners wi.tilLn 350 feet: be sent notices of a puhli.c hearing relative to variance. requests. �I L Purpose of this ordinance Is to notify surrouncl.i.ng property owners of the hearing and alInw an opportuni.t;y to get. .i.nput from these property owners regarding Mho vnr.i.ance. However, there are cases when this procedure becomes rather cumbersome for a velat;.i.voly minor varinnro specifi.cal.ly yard sat back variances. You may rcc:.c .11 Mhis happened in the case of a set back var.i.anct�! for Avve Gvlmsmo, as .i t; was necessary tic) send notice to homeowners on County #75 over a blank away from Mr. rvinsmo's homo. -5- My recommendation would be that the ordinance be amended to require that only abutting property owners be notified for set back variances as these are the owners that are most directly affected. This amendment would still allow property owners in the area or any individual to present testimony as it is still necessary to publish hearing notice according to state statutes. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of ordinance amendment. Agenda Item 10. Consideration of Bingo Ordinance. This item was tabled at the council's August 23, 1976 meeting for further review. In reviewing the ordinance format suggested by the League of Minnesota Cities the following exceptions are recommended: Section 3 Subdivision 1: Exception to licensing requirements can be granted to organization con- ducting bingo game less than five times a year which is otherwise eligible for a license. Section 6 Subdivision 1: Fidelity Bond Per bingo manager can be waived. Although the ordinance its rather lengthy, the language is somewhat mandatory as a result of the 1976 legis- lation directing cities to licensa bingo games. POSSIBLE ACTION- Consideration of adoption of ordinance. A license fee of $2$ annually is suggested. REFERENCES: Agenda item 4 - supplement from 8-23-76 meeting - sample ordinance sent, with last meeting supplement. ti -6- C"} RESOLUTION ORDERING FEASIBILITY REPUR,T AND .. CALLING, F01f PUBLIC HEARING' WHEREAS,, petitions, Have been received fo'r the f_ollowing,improvements: Areas and Improvements Requested: 6th & :Wine St. to, 6th & Elm St'. Water, West: "side ,of Pirie & 7th Street - Sewer, to Cedar i-,70 Street Chelsea Road & County 117 to - Water= Highway 2$ & County 117 NOW THEREFORE, BE 'IT RESOLVED, by the City Counc3,l of Monticello to direct the city's engineering; Orrin oP Orr-Schelen-Maycron, and Associates to; prepare a feasibility report 'on, the above-improventehCfi-.. Such, ,report, will., be reviewed ai Cho September, 27,, I976 �.meeting of, the City Council and a public hearing �. shall. be -held on this date .to consider improvements.- Soid improyements will be asseised',against the abtitt:Ang property owners and wilt be:purGuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429 (Local- Impr66ements_, Sperial Assessments). ATTESTt C. 0._ Johnson,, 'Mayor' R. Wolfst:e.i_lcr, Adm. Asst. 11rsn]iiiiirn #1976-20 V ' ORDINANCE AMENDMENT The; City ,Council ,of Monticello: hereby orde_ina'. that Ordinance ,10=23=:6=(F--) per- Caini:n'g'to ;procedures for' variance r.egiuests'; ,_._own g .._ .... thef ',:ol_1"ame'ndment,,be ;added: 'When a variance regiuest' 'p'erstains.'on; to;yard.set back_ requirements,, onl-y, abutting property'owners need' be -"notified:: -Pas 'ed by .the City'Counci';l. th'is:1'3th 'day, of: September, i476: is b `I C ..' O.. Johnson-, Mayor- ATTEST: - - - Richard Wolfsteller; Adm. A9at'.. Resol• sign Nl"70-111 ' <J RESOLUTION AU711ORIZING WRIGIIT COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OI'FICE TO PROSECUTE VIOLATION OF CITY OF MONTICELLO ORDINANCE. RELATIVE TO PUBLIC NUISANCES WHEREAS, the City of Monticello's Ordinance Section 7-1-1-(A) reads as follows: (A) No unwholesome substance, garbage, vefust•. offal, or similar substances shall be brtmight. deposited, Left, dumped or allowed to accumulate within the City. For purposes of this scctiun of the city ordinances entitled "Public tiuicanees.° refuse shall include but not be limited to the following or similar items stored or parked outside: Passenger automobiles. station wagons. trucks and other vehicles not currently licensed (if applicable) by the state or which are, be- cause of mechanical deficiency incapable of movement under their own power; househuld appliances such as but not limited to washing machines, dryers, refrigerators, stores, freezers, television and radio sets, phonographs, and aaimilar items, vehicle parts, old machinery, `= machinery parts, tires, tin cans, bottles, building materials (unless current building permit Por their use la in force), wood (unless used for fire wood and neatly stacked), metal or any other material or cast off material, and similar items. (1-12-76 NS) WHEREAS, the following violation of the above ordinance was founds Mr. Emil Srhluender 607 East 3rd Street Debris by two garages including concrete blocks, pipes and scattered lumber WHLREAS, two notices, one in May of 11176 and one by means of certified mail on July 22, 1976, were sent to above property owner indicating the violation and requeoiting compliance. WHUREAS, no compliance to the above ordinance has been received as of this data, NOW, TIILREFIIRE, Be IT RN.St1MD by the Citi fount it of Monticello to turn the matter over to the. Wright County At1orney1s office in Buffalo, Minnrsot Cot^pru.etution. ATTE31 C. O Juhnann. Mayor WnIPgtt-I rr. Attw. Axial. IME'V'— 'Y COUNCIL 01: MDNT ICELLO H9iICGV- OAD,,lj -I,AP ICN I h WNW GAMES SUSPLN5-0- OR WCIOC.T.O. :C.D.c, o. BINGO 'BINGO ON t(Asco Psicmlks pEce-cl., UBv w 0-.ai) 4ccks-'s , I k I. EINGY, PRO. I T,. u PL10'OSC OT T"13 GQDIkiNCE IS 10 CLOSELY RCGULAIC .No A:QNIQOL IML LON-615Ct Or THE CAME Of BINGO ANDJO PAoH,o4y c, r qiNbd. DErIPITIONS: Wmcm-cirR Ike, roLLClliIINQ TERMS APPEAR 1" -T-5 P.CimA,�V. 6.ALL i,4; INC "Itimiftos, ASSIGNED to I.E. it. -ilitV f Al 'Ut--,wc R-3— A —sc - Woo OIL oRG4A,If&vio% accutilimo-A LICEN5L, ..Dbc OUC5 ARC PAID FOR THE CVARCNI!H[koC45"I,P PERIOD AND WHO ,Al;! Ot[N A HINDER rOWAT LkA5T slit mohv"5. jjjeee floNSO3 A -.aHt: wItrAr EACH PLAYER 14AS A CARD OR 80AIRD'felft WHICH A C9hlI6DCR&!..,c1. NA!I [ICC" P�AID. COAIT•8" ING F`IVC HCAIIONT&L ROWD Or i-iccv. NIIM I'CL'C" QO- C-CLPI INC CENTRAL ONE CONTAINING r -WC. rIGU%Eb. ..vc ccaiva L oN "&C rdua ricu-cs ViTH THE: wono "rptc" HARKED IN THI. Ct%ICR bP&.( THLProF. A PLAILR --"S A GAN t.6r BINGO BY CO.PL;Cti., .11Tr -Of -.Ew-NNov.cco- ccR0i_N&T,ION 5PACC5 04 * IN THIC AOSCNCC Or A PRE; —*I,ftCfHtNV or A ComoiNgIviou or 5PACC$p ANY ComBlwATiom or ri4 6P.ccs IN A 49R. ND04410"TAL, ON 061%00hilkL. ol!C.110.3 A-NGLC L&!p1qIuu on SESSION AT WHICH a scaica a, ohr 0. mogr iu-cccii've ii-Nao da-cs 12 PLATED. h I oa....Wal.oNl Awv -,mA?c,QNAL.. act.4diOU31. VCTC6liNj. OR OthL'!, % N-P"QCIT 046A%#'lA"T60N Wl - WICti HAS RtKW 108 Eke 3, CNCc romi At Lc&st v—ti •.1101 --v -111 Al 10-51 30 mumaiis. 10 f'40-11 1 1 THE 60016 -I:C9 IPTS COI.LCC:TCD rRo"LoNt an "one a4koEI otCASIL,.: " be A(:A5CINADiW %UNb NErL11SAR 16 AND ACTUALLY CIPcodoccl roa oiwto , .OPLiCl AND COVIPPthl, P-Stfi,� AVNT, &No UIIL#TIC3 USED DURING TNI ,I "o =c.slp%i. u -co csCeN-,jL regg. AND, compcNt&T:O" TO LA.- LL "IQEO 10 L:OhD"V Ansl.fit' IN CoploUCYIAie A' a 'No" aCC&$jG4. L;IeCNSC MU19r,01 No BINGO OCCASION SHALf. at cowDucic7a c.,.tf!v- BT -I' LLIG18LLI oR6&NIIAT4c% wHIcm "as alcusico, A-0reNu fo- FL.Pol%f. A$ P.ov.oco IN IMI, OROINANCC A. ORGA"llapok �Icm 46 ol-a.a-c CLIQ16LI roll A LICCAIlt.r1to Hot w,kc a Llcrksc w"cN olkGo Gallit &Gi IiA,7!UCzCD rib;ca III&% riit-j (5iTIME, IN A !c&fl. 1'Al — i1_-C11SCJ SMALL .BE NALIC roll TV[LV[ CALENDAR MONTH] ^ROM THL''OAT[JI /p ISSUANCC'. •'N, :.: 'IBI$ 'i.[ •..UAi LICENSE rC[ $HALL OL: $29.00. :ICCNSC: ISSULD MA.' at TAAWSIF. _H IS TO ANT O'••[R PERSON 0., IS--ZATIOM. NO N4,GO: IICCNSC /MALL AT' TRANSr,COMT1 TO ANY LOCATV .0°HL'. THAN THC• LOCATION SP[Clr'/;CD'IN . ' I C LI C[MSL• i.Y!.Out PRIOR API A: LICENSE APPL ICa ;,IONS$; GCwr APnLIC_AT(OM A Dlyco ilcd:r.' ,SHALL DC HAOC!C0 InC C'Ifj CL[1 H-OM,A4ORN 9.IPPL ICD 6I.'THE ''Y'+ COUN. AaD �CviAi NI MG$yCH;INrOHMAI,ION,A!"THCICLLRF�'^,IA-TM[-''iL MATn RLCU1RL. - �P[A)O f: SHALL ;HANG • f'AL9[ 91 AlEMCNIJ IMAM �PG�'ICATION. `-'O�ICS'Or ;EACH •.aLI JA�ION,'+SNALLBC A[I[RAftl'TO TNC�CITTIS '�Ol"IC[_CNI[fA. r1 RC ENI Ef. INSPCCIOA.., f04 TNIIk R[COMMLNOAT IUiI+. "'' 00-NOT .COINA OV OATH ON _ ;SUSPCNSICN JF 'DCvCICALI ON; TI+- COVMCIC-,MAr' WPCNDrpR ! ...... .. PER 1[ELI A[YONC. ANY DINGO LIC[N71.'"" -- VCL VIOLAIIOM10r ANV PROLISION Or, M.S.•C". �49i 01 TH 10.OPUI NANC[: ,'HE'I`-':. CI.1 Oi irC, LICCMSC 9N AL L_BC,fRANICOi; A,iNC ARIMO, UVO'I, AT LL AbT, ID OAva NOTICE _ aCro.C-r,.CVOZAT ION 0R '$Ul PEa 11 OM 1$ ORDERCO." mc.HOT IC[ .MALL„$TATE T.J •i'i '' ' AN0 P,LACC; OI THE; HL.... G AMD THE, HATUAL OP'i.v,r cMARo[S, A+.AINST TNC LICCi. ,; x CONDLC, OF 'BiN:A1_'EACH tic[NscD OPOAMIfNIDN SNAILT A►IGI!' '� BINGO MAMAGLR;TO SUPLPIVIEL DINGO OCCAa IOMb' CONDUCTED OV 11. ?' TNC DINGO'NANAGCA."UST O[_!''N[MOL P-Or�iNL L, ICI,MSLD,ORO►MIf,AT IOM. VIT114,U G� PAID FOR-THC CIlAAt N T' M[MDER111IP_►LR f OOj AND%MII/T,•XAVC'S[CN A• MCMO[R or''i DAOAM7, ZAT10M; ran Ai' L[A!t two, wcARS: `!NC' 01 ..0 MAMAGLP SHAII.:`OIVL �A ,f Iv yIlii DOMD_ I N ,TIC, Su. Or! 110.000• I a' rAVOR Of; T MC�,ORD A N I iiT I ON C OND I T 60400 "AITNI�UL FC MI ORMANCI'"Or„NIb'OR HER, OUII[S,j._ H I.MCCPT THAT THC CITV�61JNCII.' N1 VAIYC� 1.•C BOND; A[OUI ACM[AT. UPON A'S►AOVINO a"• IC'PROPOSLOla1MOO HANAUER, ', +D IN[ L;,..LNSCU.OAG AMI: R71ON. INAT'00M0''IS MpT f.Cry1RLD.fO!PnOTECi ?NE10!"i',' ON ANO�VPOM 'A'+VMAN1MOu6 VOI COI iNL- C17.� COYNCI L. 11, OMS`Or'gTM[OOI- , !aHAlt_PAOi'ID[ TWAT wOTIC[_,IMAI\ O[�O IYEN IM.'4�•IITIMG TO�+TNr CITU C06"C•”' 1 1 l[6!' THAN '3O OATS; 0-101 '10,11% CAIICICLLAf 10". LACK, 4im00 OCCASION !MAIL �� CONOUCTCO UNDER!I.E DIRCCT SUPCAVI.O EON' Or 1NL OI M00>MAMA .CA. VMO:SN►LL 17 R[I►ONSIOLC.,rpA'TMC CONDUCT Or. IMC: O IN00” OCC.,'Oloils COM►LIANCC' NITN•ALL A/PtICAO\["LAYS AMO Oa01 NANCLl.Np .PEOSOHI -$MAL\-ACT Ab DIno* 'MAMAp[R'r0I MOR[' THAN one OIIGAIIIZATIOIi. , ,(A) Cr[ OH', MpAG M[Cr LAf SHALL 0g CNDAOLO 10'1, ICACi, CH, DI gO;:OCCAS ION• .:IMI, C HLCNC AS •SMALL Be ACTiVC:M[MOLQS:O► ,Tirr 1. ICLNbCD ORO ANI RATION"On, 6POVSCS O� ACTIVL MI MBIA! D�- !04c�LICLMb,p OMAN I[AT IOM• TMC CM[CAL L' - OA CM[CR[R!' SNALL' N[COID IM[' NUMIER'Or,CARDb PIIRCMASCO AND PLATED IJ A:-C. OAMC PR IDNTO TMC"COMPLLT SOa O► EACH SAM[ ANDO[CORD'THL''POIL[ -1- - AWARD" 0 TO THC R[CDPOCO CAMOS. ,[ACM CMCCRLR: SMAL,.jCLRTIr TALL r, IDU=-t,b 'a S S' MIRE NAS.- ACCORDED as 1ACCURATC' AMO CORRECT `TO` TMC "Still, Or —I.11 0A MCA /LMOHL[DJC• ON''foRa!` PRESCIIIeLO DY, iML Cll ii eRR.. I'.5 191 'AppIT10NAL PERROMS MAT", a[,[HOAGLD /SR OIIitm;Dut ILS 1so, CONM[CTIoN Y1 v •5..Oo, OCCASIONS AS. NCLDLO BUT, NO'ILRSON, GMALI,ASSISI IM THE,COMOUCI "'II •.) ,A OIN00'OCCASION, VNO' 16 NOT Ali `'ACIIVL MC_HSLR OP TML LICCNSIB OROAMIP'A!. 'TION. OR TN[ SPOUSE, Or `AN ACTSYC+4MDLP _O► THE 'l IC[Nb[D"OPOAMIlAf10; . NO PL NyON'SIN-LL !LCC IYC MORC THAN IIE ie.'COM►[IIa AI, i ON ran All DUljl I N' count C T IOM 1 a I I M AMT:OI.il 01 too o0tt•S 1 SII.: 1III NO. VpuC THAN 104"81 Nao:DccfiStO IS_EA%:M if BA 'OS 1110 alil00- OCCAOIOAS I : •' .[[I, 'ORAL L' DC COwDtiC I,CD '!rr' �Nv, l'ICCrAIf[r) I--Dahl ii rip;.. -- " 1,C 1, A OIN:O wcis.0M.rbh: 1!one TMA11%r,4s CgNUCu/ivc; ,I �-ILt7 4W � ,3:ice 3 -II -7: BINGO ON LEASCIi-PREMISES: ATI: "CSSOM. CON'.."aTION. OR,[L' ,i C ORGANIIATIOM. .MICHLCA!E3�AN. R[NI/[! fM._1 IT OWNS TO'I- •• Mick, 'ELIGIBLE ORGANI,SAT,IONS, TOR . PM RPISCS IT .OI NO TML C"..DUCT or BINGO CC^•5.10_N!. SMALL,NOT ALLOP.MORL THAN IOUR.01N0 'OCCASION:. TO BE CONDUCII' ON ik .4t.13C3 Ix AMT• VCEM. - (A) 4- IL:i GIOLC ORGAN 14A T IIIN WHICH L'CASE'. A•I1.'PPEM13C3 i0 ONC OR'wOPI 16 'ELIGIBLE ONGANI2i110N5 "OR PURPUA.' INCLUDING IMC CONDUCT`O! 6--.0 OCCASIONS SMALL 11SC INC PROCLEOb 01; THE 'RENTAL, LOSS RCASOIIA- (:;U-5 rap Ma1MT[NANCE. rURNi3HING8 AND 01119R NCCCSSAI•+ CAPCN5ESj Ohl 1,09 'MC'USCS rC. NMICN OING_O Paor,I13 MAY at USCD.•,A. SCT OUT' IN S[' 1'•11 -OP iH19.ORDINANCC.� NOT LESS II'l"or Ct C CN TCAR'�TMV LE350> Q R:AN i IATION SMALL REPORT TO THE CITY cO11MC 11 TML O':.P091TION�O! A1' 1 - /=[=[IPTB'VHIC •. 11' MASLLC[IVCD DURING TM: ,CPO f'[a100 PROM TNI I. r",AL or °1T! r.CILITIE1 TO OTHER ORGAIII/ATIONB'ran YURPO SCS INCLUC TSL 1.7N DUCT Or BINGO OCCASIONS. (B) NO CL, IGIBLC OPGANIIATIO-I SMALL CONDUCT OIMGO OM �A MY ,I.[AlCO PREMISE`. • r-IIMOUT'A' VRITTCh LEAS[, rOR A TERM AT LEAS? [OVAL-Yi> TMC'RCNA•NOCN 9. 1HCv"m OT TMC. BINGO LICCM9t. or TFC ,LC33EE 8110 AI..IIATION. LE�SI 'P-AIN[NT5 SMALL DI'AT A rI ACD MONTHLY Rift.'OR RATE i'�a�DINGO OCCAYI ^. NOT 5"O, CCT"IO,CHaNGE DURI TA:' THE TLRM:U1' TMC�•LCA1C. No 3V61 LEASE ;SMALL PROVIOC'•- THAT 'RCMTaL PAYMCNTB BC 0A,'f[O,611 A,P[RCCNTAG[,01 'RCCL I' 1, ON PAOr1Te rROM"OINGOIG.CASIONS. !• y. ly-y�i P.RQES7 Pa1ics,' oc • SINGLE DINGO CAM[ "ALL : NOT E.CECU.I- C NC C 1'T PRO Its 1'011 A DAME or Y.IL'1irc CommoiLY�NNOVN is A N tI.IN- A1:0 DAN[. "Comics.ALt9 PIII CL'S_M.Y EaCECD.$1001'10pOVIDED THAT TML AGGN[.. i v.twc -0" CUCM P11.I43'rON A BINGO OCC•SION; BH•LL NOT, CaCCED {1500. THE Ar ••A'&It VALVC OIPMIECs TO• A DINGO 'OCCASION SMALL NOT CSCCLD $2.r,DO [ACCPf THAI I[ IMt� :a71 0. a SINGO OCCASION DURING WHICH A "CD�CN.ALL" Gpm IS"PLAYCD•r0R /. vi.. IMAM PRII[ 'Oe MO_NC 1HAN $IDQ. BIIT LCOS THAN $500.+ TML AOOAEOA?C-VALVC OP PRI':. :. TON INC air.:0 OCCASION SMALL AOT CACCEO i3i000. Mt RCHANDIOL:PAIILS. $._ALL aI, YiLJCO' AT 'r All MARK[? RETAIL VALVC: - EAC• O1NGO WIMNCR SMALL 6C,`OCTLRMIN90 AND CL[?T PAIIC'OMAIAOL AWAADCD AN." 'TCLILCRCO TML samc� DAY OM WMICM, INC BINGO SCCA/IOM' fs•.COMDUCTCO. 3.I�:gi RECORDS: EACH ►1CCi13CD ONG�N IiTiON. WALL'!c[P R[COQDS OI II'" CIIo SS !IECLIPTS AND PROr,ITs rol IACM s1110D OCCACION. ALL'(01LCTION/' rftV-GRbjS,A[CCI►fS eROM • BINGO OCCASION SHALL OC OOCUMC"TCD WITH RrCC Wu% OR O'TOCR I1[CORDS. THE O.sTp1OVr10/. Or PRO►1T/ $MALL M,ITCMltEO as IO P"O •- 0•AlpuNl. AMO OAT[ .; PA+"CMT. RCCO?01 TI[OUINCD 01 TMI!'IONDIMAOCr 1MALL OL Pa[SCI 1'1`, I.Oa TMacc '-CARS. ' aCCCIPTN SMALL BE COMPARCD TO'T"[' Ci1CCNCNSI, RECORDS FOR THE 0119.1,VAT Ga0T/ O.CA310M S. a PERSON wm&, o1D NOT'stLL CaR00•rok Tot BINGO OCCas10N• 1• 016E N�PANCr C:000OIMO V* 10 POUND 81MIt LN THE '•MOUNT. Or. CROSS ACC{Ills I.0. A. SIROO, OC1.'As10r AS OCTC!IMINCO By- V149 CH[CL[NS! NCCOROS. A"D I.O •WOUNI CflaD.LS,R[CEIPT S'A$ OI;TCANINLO 01; TOTAL IA3'TMC CAgo •ECCI►LTs. TN[ DI LLMCPANC• SMALL' at PL!0114C0 TO ANh INVE511011:0-91 flit COUNCIL.. JO) B1M60 GAOS3 4CCCIPT3 SHILL OC /CORCOAT r0 rNOm OTMC?, RLmiCNUCO Or AR O4.�ANI1iT10M AND PLACE II tN • BCPARATt •CCOUMT,. EACH ONO•Nlt•TION •S1z.Ll P.A`1NTa.II SEPAaatt p[COAUi OL ITD�BIMGD-JPLRATION3. the PERSON .;.a •'4,.-1N/L ror 136*60, ilossNCCLIPIy' AND PRO/IT8 SM4. NOT, Be. THL SAME PERSON 'W'I iCcOVNls 1011 0111 CR aCVLi:UCS Or TME. ,05t"!CD ORGAMIIATIOM. 1+-,i CJI REQDg191 CALM LICCMICD ONOA'lIT.ATIOM SMALL NCPORI MOI.THL •1, NCM3Ca86IP ITS 14055 srCCIPTs rl10M,GINGO. Ii1PNor,ITs rRoN .i0. AND TNC. w aTRIC.I''IIION Or TNOOL rR<1r1T8 11[MI;CO AS,RCOUIRCO Stctl O/l 3-1"9'. _ (A) AI TNC Time Or MINING 115 'rips? &-ICENIV APPLICATION ''Mot" ?MIs osolh'N 'I. �tiO�O I: " ANNVAL Pills INCTICAP.ICar CACIi VICCM_SCO ORSAN_IEATIOM SHALL, '1G W'.ih IME COUNCIL COPIC Qr TNC'"rOLLOW11111 - 11. TMC ,roST RCCChTLY' r I LCO OEPaPTNCp7 OC TNL+TA[AlUPT.i'1 pT[NNAL R1.4 eCnNUC 'SERVICE,. °RCTUAN Or, OpOANI ZA TIO N'CR EKPT rpood"NCOMC TAA". roam �qo,r oO A CONPAA.DLC- 199N Ir TNC' ORGANIZATION IS PCCVIRLO TO rflLC TNC.16RN .1 TN 1 V Tmc OEPAIPtwE%T Or TTIE; ,TREASURY. -�. IIE;4OST r1LCO,OEPARINCNT or INC' TR(ASURYI, 'INTERNAL 'REV CrI11I IRCCCNILY SCRVI':E;.. LACNPT,,ORCANr(AT,ION EIUSIMC53 INCONV TAA.''roaM:9?O�1'. co,BORN' 1T TNC ORGANIZATION IS RCOU IR[0 TO 'r ILEI INC f01W lIT� !Tqt D[P �RTr(Nl 0• TNC.TRLASURY• -.OST,N[CCNTLY;jY$LEM ANNUAL RCPONT-R000I QED Or CNAPITAOLC0�1•'AN• IZAI,ION9dIr PROVIDE O'TNAT(AN;Or+GANI ZATION iNAT 17 LICLN1CN '.TO. CChJ'cT a."C;o Ru}' 19 "CACNPT fRON.SU8MITT. INS IT,N 19 AC POPi' TO'TVC ,4L�:-+-� .. �MCNT'Or,- .'WCR:('UNOCP SCC. 3o9.5j, SYOD:� I"A_.'.lM AIL NCVERTNL'L[SS 'SVdr'AT .. .. SUCH A ra(.pRt! UNOEp TN19 SUB9IU1810N: .. .. .. .. .• ,TNC. rO:.T9(C[N1LT'IfllCO,MI NN[•uOTA OCPAPTNCMT Or'COMNCiCE �r.iA1�r�CT+1� ... , of`'©Ih.'_O;CPLRAT Io NS.�_ ALL I mroRHATION�COWTAIN_CD; IN THC �T[VC:ir _Sf - -Sw ALL BE, lRu['. [ORN[G T,. ARU' COMPLCTC- t0.; TMC ,DEBT ,O!' .TNC; KNONL[4Gt„4r IN[ PCR_%ONS;DI+NINu' TMC:9i AlCMLNI. - ANY LEAS( .UACCv!mlfl RCDU+CCO,',OY-TMI! �CTi 61[CUTCO BY_�TMC%pN�,AI�.IaT fpr` IN RCCAAOy,10 PuC1.1SC3j LLASCD,rOR TNCYCOMDUC:Tfp[ BINGO.; ISI '•OCASCNISM♦l'L-KNOrI FIG LT`MAKE A; rALSL-STATCN(MT I N'AM Y oO F•1�NL:'U�IiCO', _.. :'�•-i NIS DGw•-Tjnh. .. .. .. ... .. 1NsP[`.3TI1bN,'nfic iNVC4'flraTi0lii, 'Aw:,,ciT"::divtci:� oli,cwvio ''i. + _ .'Y :,= ..,MAV .h+ A' ['YIY 10:-VCNPO.M ,NIINI NCCCp[NC [�,10'IA ,D INGO. LIGCN$1. ,•IY.7 .., 1: poLie( 03-- 4 MA1 iw9P'r CY Ai10 raANI NC-,1MC,D"I N00 ,RCCORDS, OI "1 ti_I LI,no7, f, n0448 Nof,(-L., • >•1130 Cf QCvJf.O ZCCC IPI$; No, C!PENSC 6N1itL;DC INCURRED 6V A"yfttP, 0,A'.'O'1n, S'ONNLC T ION NI­_'_ TNC CONDUCT, Or SINGOA EKCEPT 'I..07C. ca ,01AYL�'E+PCw€�CO'•4N OINOO utjpPL;ICS AND EO'UIPNCNf•. ' PPI ICS., RCNT 0!. Ot W'_';_ TNC SOI PC AMO GONti4h'T101. sl 1't 1'r13',UD[ O QINOO 0CdASTON: NGO' L'ICGMQICES.; d. NOOrL L!r1'ulc}t ^IRZ.O i0 LONr,VCi ON ADDIST .IN COINIAICT'ING A'OINGU 06,A4101R. ...:. .1 !lsc Qroitim'PZOri In Pkofit0 rAON ANr OINOO OCCAnio. i4I:L- *1 ,.rC hDCU ONL. AOAUTNO+l� 12E0 01;RESOLUTION RZCOROLD, IN Ii11 iIINUT La At A ¢cd.VAN wciv.IhG-;o1` INC Licc.lECOR64NIZATIOff ANODIC+• •SL+ - Z� r0•C O: tqC TLOILOriN4 PUP PODCOI;� I, kiI101CIN OPPOR.TUNI"TT1I0A RELIGIONS ON E..6 ATiCsi :'^.An(riAthl. 'BY'R�6r Pi1NC; OR P_NOICCI,INO'Ii/CM ,fNOM Olt:l :41; T l•CA 1.,:.., 041.OT4[DN. lit COt.TOtOUT111G TO Tw[1 A,PNPSIC AL AICLL_UI'INr•,.' At. .Al /i 1:1'.�li+Cr IA't`tiIABL1N!IIhU ' iNtN8CLVCS IN {.II(; A9 VORTNTI AND 07[1 VI •'f t(!.S. 6� 0` iwG Rt'a S'INO INC'IN'COM�NEMCNSION'Or'LND'OEVOi ION YC-I.., • .KIPI LP S',/Pae �wfC1i' 1418. 'i.Atooll NAS ,rOUN000. ENI i,S11.AI1h:.. P(,r04Ml Ali. OR POA'IMN0' VOATNT PUOLIC V_ORKS OR 'Lfi A0 A1ri�.. C• bUN'1NER1 LN3 1qC C4(CT10NY04 NiiN1ENANCC o' PUOLIC STAI/CIUNC:'. of NSf\Ih� .7NC'n.:Ar4:%S DOPNG 0: :GUVLhNNENT,OA YOLVATAR IL': DVPPOGI'I LI,:, raj hl,IhC. ....ON �UPPLLMLNTIN4OERi ICE! UII1';N 'GOV (ANiCNT NQl1lD f:oYNA1.T .I'Ap(°''d0 r.t Pro PLh.: I, 'T rwl'INPN09f I_.Nf.,'[LP.ANOI NO.rA1gl AIhI MO.IO4AACPA, •IRO c'QP'RL AL PLQPLLI ���LQ�p° rb:.��D D• ,.r. i!:ctNsrT,''pPriP«IE.IION., •...._... Cilrr.(I IN :Q. iA![DNS', lw AIL Not !IL CiV(NOCn f'ON.T1fL CArCfISIN yR AL13U1('.IIi1Iyv :.t.+ :E:T':+oreslr„ 1„Lre_b",�=c,cur.i' elilipol� rvcc,r .:IITgoAfTl�f'o�g,f�o�'•.: .L7 :. A%.ICR'rl q0l n.: .7APt''Twl: 'PNOPr RTf ' VILL a[ Val P>I(:tT:_ua1V�.'L :'I DA'. ol:r :,w•Np1,$q • ii' '� °Y°"0!%s.l�"�Cil_i'c D:1{:„�N 19. 1�[CIiGN. .. - .. ..Ih it 3-1#.16 Aw, r 3_IL.14: £A£WIIONS: 91"00 NAT OC CONDUCTED WITHOUT CONPLTINC 'OT' IMC P[0:1 LPLHENT! or SrctloN 3-11-6, {0) AND (C), AND SECTION 3-14-7 if :gwOtiCTE02 {S) IN CON"EGTiOk YS." THE COUNTY rA/R C0"DUCTEO O+ THE COUNTY ACRICUtTURAL IC�IrTv on IM CONNEC*Io" WITH A CIVIC CELE."ATION "ECoakitro Or RClOLV- ;1�N Or TMC CIIY COUNCIL. PnowtotD THAT IIINOO !MALL "Of Or CONOUCTED • MOaC THAM 12 DR!! OURINO Al.Y ONE COUNTY rAiR OP RECOGNitco C1tic �. LCARA11W.. CR 11') _ c OROAMI(ATIOM THAT CONDUCT! rcwtR THAN r1Y[ OIMCO OCCASIONS IN ANY . ♦.NGA. TL AR. ....� FENAI'ICS: V.OLAT10" Of ANY PROVISION or THIS ORDINANCE !MALL OC • NITn'Hr&won. A IIEASON CoNvICTCD Of vIOLATING •N+ PROV/310" J' CR'-S•t•n.[ SH•LI OC SUP.SE C1 TO A fiN' Or NOT NORC T"AN $300 O. iNPP ISDN_ v_. •f" • TCR" NOT f0 C.c. E0 90 DAY! ON DOTH. PLUS IM EITHER CASE TN[ COSI! • ...li t: N. .. ifi£L'ivr ,AT£: IHI! ORO.NANCC OCCONE! rrrCCTITt UPON 115 rAA1AC• •w1• rU.LiCAIION ACCORDI"o 10 lAv. VA.S'O or TH' C.TT COUNCIL ..27t" o•T or SEPT'".'". 1976 / Roark 447. to. G/TY ADMINIST"ATO" ,N =4 MONTiCE1rL0 :CITI` COUNG7L SPECIAL MEETING: Sopt•emi3bi' 2$, 11'976 =,4:00 ,P. M: Members &,es&iti Dick MSVI;ie; DI ntiro,;F,t.ickson; Gene; Wa;l,trr§. Members abs-ent:- 'Con Johnson, Stan Icy`Hall,. In att endance: Civic Center -Commission members Sholdon Johrisdn and Karen Hanson. Ilorb Ketcham anfl an associate, revzewcd- with the rounci.]_some design var.in'tiions and interior layouts dial, could be used on yhc: previously selected ,1>0.1ding schume Some m1nor vat,lations; 4o i;ho Tooff-iles'ign and 'younl;_i.,l, rhwnbcr us, kcat.ing° :irr5ngen6lOA wbrio chosen. A mert.ing; 'was' srheIin'led fOr' 4' P. M: on' Sept;cmbcr 27, ly;'ry,. Co t1l'\'.Lew �mllrC dCtal led fh`awl'n'µ'ia along w.ia;h it dnt n',t`.h.ct1- mkidet -of-- •thu: rr.i.l;y' ha 11'. Mr n4,adjoutgl�_il• V , W �/ V utllill.i� titif.4tatll; SM