City Council Agenda Packet 10-25-1976Ar. EN,DA RliGIILAR IIE5.y7.KG MO\'ITC E6LO CITY COUNCIL t OcWbcr 25, 1070 - 7:1) P.M. Mayor: Can Johnsoli Cr.uncilmen: Dcnbon Erickson Stanley IlalI. Dick Martie, Gene Walt;crs Mmuing m be taped. Cil i jun 1 s commu'_ms . 1. C onti1111at'i011 of I'l.bl i.: Hearing - sanitary SLM'er I:\bells i..n. -. Pllbllc Hearing - LIlI"ov L.il:ellse - SOver Pox. .11111. Politic Heavina - Consideration .,P Rezoning Manl,icel In Ccram.ics Propel -LN' Prom H -I Ln 11-3. J. Public Ilcnring - pIo%-d Krnsc�- Li(Inor License. '1-0 i. C.msideratiOn ,1* a Ilui Idine; Permil. - Ilondhus n. Cons i dura t.i 4,111 4) 1, a C.,,nd i tj Cilia l Use Po••m i.1, 111 a R-2 Anne. 7. Co"siduvalinnl or L.Ir, Size Variances Por Subdivisi.al Regnest by Lesl,ev Pilin. Consideval iun ul' "Overhanging Simi" Amendments. �•. Cellrid.•vatioll t,P Cllrl'1.•W Ilydillande. IU, ,11i11-laovaI nP mi nurses - Rl:ti,bcr I1, 1970- U7U.I1. it. : pIn-ova I et Ill I It;. 12. Un 1111 sheil lilts i ll.,.s., 13. Now Imm i Il ss. M:1 i I.j n!: to: John Bolin I Ich ,Inhn S:IIUIlim—L" C),Don Grant. Rondhns 'fool Dan Blrinigen Les Pion Sl,uarl, 110µllind VFW F 10vd Kruse AGENDA SIJPPLEMEN'f i l! Abenda Item 1. Continuation of Public !fearing - Sanitary Sewer Extcnsinn. This is a continuation of a hearing held at the D"obce 11. 11170 council meeting. !tearing was continued to allow VFW Club to r._-tiew their position on this extension. As you may recall, the projected per parcel assessment was $3631 if the projert was to be treated separately. It' the project were to be combined with the 1976-1 Improtc- meot Project, the assessment would tie approxi -mately $219, !Sanitary Sewer only) per parcel. The VFW owns 2 pane's along the proposed extension. At this point f. have not, heard back from the VFW, howrter. Roy Lauving (the other• parcel owner) .indicated he was in fatov ul' the project. POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval or denial of improvement and ill approved. anthnritation of a change order with Imt'r, .1 Sons Lor $12,527. RI TFRFKCI.S: A;ou,la Item and supplement. 111-11-70. O&M letter of 10-11-76. Agenda :Item 2. Public iiearinq - Linuor License - Silver I•ox 11111. Stuart Haglund and I'd Larson of Sauk Rapids, prinvipal stockholders and nfileevs of Silver Fox Motel In". ar.! pt -qui -sling a I i quer I.Lcense for their pvoluiscd nl.l e l ..out h 111' 1-04 un l oan l y Road 1 1 7. As roqui.ved by the urclivance, i1 $3,0011 Surety b -nut p.lyahle I,) the City has been posted and credit and 1hacattet, rel'-. orrnre c hechs hate been made and prated Nal 1s a c:ulel. the Sitter Fax Is eligible for d liquor 11( 11", 11140%ided lbey Serle mea Is at Lablce;. In talhioq; to qtl . laenou and Mr. Ilo!Ouncl they .indicated that Fond would he t%alLablc io their lounge arca eters thtulgh a lestauro11i h,e, been rlimin.IIed 1'twin the plana. I have chctl,cd this mal lcc olit with the I iquur Control Contmis,sionerty tit l'i1e .1114 horn quill That !here wnnld be oo problem in i.snnilig au uper .1t ton it' this nalnre a liquor I ivellse. i We have been advised by our city attorney that, the license fee for li.quor should commence with approval by the council but that the license cannot be ut.iI17ed .� until the building is ready for occupancy. POSS11DL6 ACTION: Consideration of approval of Intense; if approved the mot.i.nn should include language to inditatt- t:he license .is approved for the Silver Fox Motel, Inc.. at intersection of County 117 and Chelsea Road and license fee is to commence as of this date. This wt.11 ciarii% the license 1'ee and indicate license i.s approved at a spectl'i, location. Agenda Item I. PubLi.c Bearing - Consideration of Rezoning Munticall„ Ceramic Pruprrty from R -I to it -3. Me. Floyd Kruse. of Maple Lake is proposing tip ptn•c.hn,;c the Monticello Ceramic bitil.ding and remodel it into ;t _,tapper club. Currently the area is zoned R-1 (Single Family Resi.dentlaI) and acrurding to our ordinance it rezoning of the propeuty Lu U I.& nevessary- for a supper club. If approted. Mr. KI•llse has filed an appl icat ion 1'ttr •, liquor license which wl l l be handled by the t it.y uuunt i I at a public hearing. 'The size of the cni ire, parcel is 0.44 acres; roil in Triangle shape in desigik. Ih.is remninq request. would appear to be a reasonable ttsv of the land fn question as it atxrts a major collt-tfor street in an outlying arca. Current list- of the property is of a c ommerc is 1 nature and the laud u-te sou f h of 11 i •�lu� was =5 Is of un industrial nature. At their Ovinliev 19. 1970 meeting. the Planning Commtwiun ereommcnded that the arra be rt-7unecl except 1'ur the nur•thrrtt ptrrtion %little is adjacent to Iloglund Addle ion (R -I zonel. Basis Por• Ieay.ing this arra 14-1 way of its 131,41-%lmitt to the enrrent R-1 sono end it' zooctl to D-3, the pustaibtl,ify would exist that htvtty leafl'it hoilld rrhult theonµh Mississippi Drite. I10S.SIHII At 1.14 IN: 0insidu•ration ul' epprutal. 01 denial ..f rejonilig the dont it of In Vel'amit, pr11pt rty as drst I i l,t d helou I'rnm R-1 to Il>,i except, for the, 11111 t het o Ittrt 1 rill chat is contiguous to Hoglund Addition. ( Revised descripti.nn Nn. 12 to Book 150 or Deeds page 300 and that part of Section 12, Township 131, Range 25, Wright County. Minne- sota described in (look 187 of Deeds page 45tt except that part described in Book 313 of Deeds page 364. REFERENCES: See enclosed map of area. Agenda Item 4. Public Hearing - Liquor- License - Floyd Kruse. I. As mentioned in the agenda supplement on the rezonln, of the Monticello Ceramic property, Mr. Floyd Kruse's intentions are to remodel it into a supper club. Should the rezoning request be approved, Mr. Kruse is requesting an Intoxicating liquor license for the -iupper c tub. Reference checks have been made and proved fair to satisfactory along wi tit the posting of a $:1000 snret� bond. Singe the DIontice.l to Ceramic building currtatl.ly ►.ould not be eligible ►nr a liquor Ileense as a "restaurant", consideration of approval should bu t -nn( ingent upon a certifleatt, of occupancy being issued. Ibis also would insure the $100,1100 hoi Wing invest- ru•nt requirement of the ordinance as an appraisal can be called for If the building cost Is In question. POSSTHLF AC f ioN: Cons iduration of approval of license, if approted it should he contingent upon certificate of ocenpanvy. 11' approved .location descript.Itoll used Jet agenda item 3 would apply and 1-Ieense Fee should A,mnmenre as of this dare. Ailenda liem .i. t'onsldet at inn of a 1411 ldiuq 'luol. Jlnndhtts 'fot)I Cu, is proposing a ser.0nd story addlt-ion to their Im i lding on t'nunty Road 75. 1t the October 11 , 1470 meeLi ng the. Moni h ello t' i ty Council renewed t -he building permit applicaiiun uN I'Mil(III t Is TogI Co. and refereed it, 10 1110 PI;t[III i ng Comtni vra i nn i or ret i,ow +tf the landscaping li lan and pat l,toy 'lot rryuiW au•nl. At t ime nl' pretivnlallou to 11e t iIN r y t nnnt`i 1 1)1.11.•4 vete unt available Vol, I.hehe iIOnis. I. Following are current, city ordi.nahci:s FalaLivi-z to land- �;r.:lping and park;iue .In -A. requirements: Landscapin5 lir-ja 2-.(F)-5 - Gnt;frc yard is to 6,.- cifher,in biii,Idifig; parking. s'i.dcv'aik, dt•.'iveway or landscaped wishsud, shrubs, Liiecs o'r e1.hiir agvelitrlblo %e,getati"on rit% treatmout,,'genera,lly user) i.n 'landscaping. Orf-Srrert Parking 10 3 -Q -(D)' -S c (vtn'i.ni,ts 54Gtinnti)' Park.i-nS 1_oL :viol' a� �:i tis tp .IH ghway '75 should - lie silly; •ed with bi tunillintts or eunt=rete and curb' bact•i cr sho'i Ld exist' arqumil' perimeter, AIT parking stalls slia,l l b-; stay-iprd with.whitr• (Ir 3q!1 low paint. JCC LJ_tltl flt-�'-j-(I11=:; ltegjires at .least: eight. spaces phis_ tine ror ccci•v titan t�mployces with'a min_i'nwm i_r1^ ej ght, spares pJu�;, one for every 500 squaro Feet, .,I' I't:wir arra: At: the Octobin- 11p, 1976 meet-ing, Lhc Planni.nr; Commi_cs-ion rttt`omntende'd appro,tb l 61' ,the lul.d.l-tLing pr_rm.11; Its t fieve is no sper,iTie nedinance requiring it, pul—Mit 5ppi'lcanC tri adilOve to all ordinance' vequirement:g in Norms of oLq. r if tha!; ajgil irrin4 .is a 1 rcad�, it pont-d A I'd use; t,ht_; P,1 ann.i ng l 1mm.i ss i un ntt.ly required that. t.hc Lw•o "hvicesscs on Cotint,y 75 In• paved to t.1te prgperl'y Ilno and laurdscapi.ng plrm was nUl. nrrvi;s;wy* POSSIBLE ACTION: 41ppe,O�a.i its- denial ul' lini=ld,ilv.. porn_ ii and any p,tn:aililc condil.imis- thereof': Iila'IRI.SCES: 3itr plait and luil Id'Ing plaits wi Il btu a%wl bible 3In11dal+ g1911(, Qgenda l yrrt v., Congl drrat .i on of it bind i t.i ona I Usti 1144vir i 1. .i it it 9 -2 /"nor. Mr. Ilan Dlondytn ie; rrqucsiing that 1t eoodiA,141a,1 u.,r pormil. be gratiled. kill I.01_ Ili rind 111tn we,41 Half of 'tui. it oi, D1ur•lt 2.j; to conrlt:Ful31. t1 Tonto unit Iruoily dwo,l.ainq (npartmrnG;hot{e;r). Al Olviv Ovcoboio IOTA 'met)I'ingr Ilio Planning t'innldi5aln P= toio)lnwllrlt'•d alipt> tea l of t_he requt tl, lrlal`d uu ihr fol liftO laa 1,. 1`nllli:' llr7eiiiy prnrlitt't,i( nit ahjiv.tinn-i 1'rt)tn 1wopi,ftY fiats( PK in Iain itrira. �li 2. Planning Commission and City Counci'I still wig I be reviewing building; permit application along with r site plans etc. This would ensure the council euntrot of the building project .itself. 3. Granting of a conditional use permit will allow Mr. Blonigen to goahead with plan preparations with the assurance of at least the proper land use approval,. Q. Unlike a zoning change, conditional. use is restr,ict.ed to particular request, i.e, no other type of use other than a a unit apartment or a R-2 permi-t•tcd use could be put an the property. POSSIBLF. AC`!'l.OV: Consideration of conditional use- permit far a q Unit- Apartment- house on lot 10 and western hall' of lot. 9 of black 23, Upper MOnticel In, REFERENCES: Enclosed map. Agenda ,laem i. C'ottsiderallon of Lot Sire Variances file Subdivininn Request by Jester Finn. Les Finn is proposing; to subdivide Jot 10. 0lock .35, into two pasrvels for the purpose of }wilding another Rouse. (See cnrlotted map). ' Mr. Finn's hump is presently situated on this lot which In }orated in cru I1-2 zoning district. (he got. size in uttl N 165t o:1 10.8410 sq. I't. and Mr. Finn is prrsposing to divide Lhe lot inj making eneh uc•w Int t+22' N 0111 nr 5,.145 4q. ft. the Loning Ordinance requj.res: OiAlviet Icit Arra I-nt Width R-2 10,(100 sq. ft.. kt0t fly snhdiv}d}rtq this lot, in1;o 2 parcels. each lot Wit t hato approvil.urtrlt only s of !hr required sq. r'nrrtugr, In addil-inn, u varlarlrr would also) have to be gvanlyd fot• seth.rt'J, requ}eemilmt: riint•r the new lot Would only Ik ov, drrp. the mi-nimum er.t hol-k requivement9 t'ur it Owel i int; lot uted in Aur R-2 zone ern: fronL yard a. 1111 atd r- :n' vM'41 - 30t, N'Stl l t ing in a VarialWo evqu i red 1' I.1 uu .r 241 wide horny. III addit ion. Subdivi sion Ordinance 11-1..;:.1:1) sta Ire. Iha4 .t ,atbdiViwi(ns r.gpu,tt, 10 41-4•At1, (2) iuls xbooitl test ..rung till, nthre it'rmininm flout Ion o(' tltte i+rt to be in titllalrun with Ihr/urtink' 01-din.11144-,1. Al..n tis•.itsm 1tI, 1�-•1-•111} III' thrlr-slut; tlydinllnrI- ,winly� that IIIc ;est 411.1i be t t•tltr, rd Its area as it. Male r.u. h 1411 Irv., 11..111 m5 zd the mini mum requ:i.red by ordinance. If this subdivision request were to be recommended, t:he lot containing the origi.na.l -home would also be in violation of the minimum requi-red square footage of 10.000 sq.. ft. The Planning Commission's recommendation was to cleny the request for variance: In their opi.nIony subdiv.1si,9n of -this .lot. would create a very small parcel not suitable for a new home, and woicld also create a substandard Lot felt, the exist-ing home. This is the second time this item appears on our agenda. At the, rounc.i,Lls September 27, 1976 meetiu; the council denied the- request doe to tho large variances requested.: Mr. rinn has requested the counei'l. reconsider based. upon wt•:i.t.ten testimony enclosed. POSSIBLE A&TON: Consideration of approval of request for vatJanre: REFERENCES: BucInsed sketch and map of aven. Agenda Item `. eonsi-drvation of "Overhanging Sign!' Amendments. Under the zoning; ordinances relating to. signs, Section 10-3-9(0. renera'I Provisions #5 states: tivrrhhngi'ng signs wi.1.1 be allowed Co prujurt, over public Vight-of-ways .in I.he City of Monticello anti -I 12/31/76. which .is tloa out off date after whlch n.. uierhanginq signs will be permitted. Following I. a 1-ist, of intsinesses which currently hac.a signs overhanging the .public right-of-ways. Ilse first eategoi-j of signs dee those that are otia0led t0 the Iml..ldi'ngs and Mhieh extc,nd di.rcctly over the pubil'o sidowalks, ocv. Cam., nil ilo';iclosA Numher o1' slunK M.)itI Ice.l.do tt'rec.k IHow IIng A.1.1ey) 3 Non-tiovI Ik) 1- 14111) (Iht�SaIv) 1 h.1_ic Ler. T. V. 2 l lollies lit ogs I K a- !3 IS:Ikrr� 1 i;ir11.1•, Vatr l 0,4 'It Shop 1 1.11, 11.1. lodge 4 145 I I.s�tl•r'� Inn. Agvo. � 1 MIN 5/ Gal,�1 Name of Business Number of S.igns Barber Shop (Cul & Curl) 1 lia.i rj Srwc i What. Knot Gift Shop t tinntirrlIu, f'wd•(,.!rvicv) 1 Stet ton's Laundromat 1' Ilnl.ker's Drive Inn t Me second category of signs aro those_ pylon (free standing) signs that. protrude ovtrthe public side- wal.I,.-t. ece., but Apo not attached ciirecti'y to a bui Id- ing. -T Names of Business Number of Si anti %lont:icelto Cut Rate Cas I 1 ante's- Standa rd t Del r s Service t Monrivellp ford (tiso(I Cur) i M1IIer's Lraindromnt. i Red's Mobi 1 (Revol ving Sign) 1 the third category of ailgns listed are those placed on, aan.ing type strurturvs or overhangs diregtly atraclied tq the building fronts. ,. :Gamer of fiosinrs4 Number of Sitms Mont icol Io 1Iteater I St_ella's Cafe I Niu.i Mall: 1) Jan's M:r:vic t .) All Seas-no Sportq t 3) Antique Shop i 1) collen's 2 Golden %alley Furuitrme 1 Ilio, euPPent s IRn ortllnaricc doers not define whether a pyipn sign (fere standing) or a Sign attached to an owning type structure should be consid'Ored as overhang- 109 signs If they project over public sidewalks, ete. If it it; decided that, the above, type signs should be vlassifled the same as a sign directly attached to a turi..lding. then al 1 ISIA,luesses listed 1n the 01ree Categories w4-1fiid lie of feeCed by the 12/31/76 deadline. If i1 'iv d„tc1rmin0d, that, some of the categnr-ies 1.Isted ecltuiiltl nett I%, prohl bit ell, an amendment; shots til bo mods) to tem* erdin:ln(t,. O.V r'larlCy the typic of overhanging it-pis thiq Orr al It1N:1"01e., - 11th, mat `Iet' �lwiiId 1W resolved 1-0 allow affvcted prrrp- .•t -mill .' r imr 11) remove Nuns f3 na l I deli r- t�tnrd ro In. -in t smut ion of the ordinance. F"rS51ti11' M i luyt Coristlderatinn of any amendments so t %v hufe ,{tt"tr . iii gttri.'p I'VOM "overhanslog rign" ordivan. e7. .Adeffcla: Ci:on-sic1c-v5t;i.dn of 'Curf cid Ordi.n:vrr'c. C-) olt". 6p!J-,.)n to r-cvj sy(j! P-dii nPneus -ii- V97 i,- ,%lvnl+,,-,6rqO hami .in th-cifnanct, v"eVial.ive ti) pupqv�. When clic. revTscd - orilinanc6s were adiipl.ed. ;I nt'il. .-Nltifntled; c-%qqn-., meeving, t4l.is1iiiquc was di.'scilss-A and' io- wzi s-, 'fli- h, tliat! 4i x-ttiT6; mclin;Ahce was hai,cl .b oil varli.,,ns. -cl-rPim-scan4tc..-, under vAuCch a, mi.nur Ve. vua,�i -.161ser a in co bf-- in qmj- �$--Iuvu 1-1161, TTlflt;-. mmibccti -bf, :tIlp-. 'ivmlvi, s Depar t, lell"L, Ii i SCOISSell tliIs wi-Lh mu ;:11111 Irn,cv ruyuevtccL .1. ,vll vf-":' gsAi nance, be rui nsi;a't.ccl. '17 bu.I.Jevu Lh V- Y -j;s '1 cS r I .i -ilia Cc, tnnAidt.:6 JA - i -Na i o v belleiIA-L Oil :rkmlvi�tnq- Ord i'll;fNicV., 5s, Clio pwl.i.ce- 06, it,tie- O.Us 'CoA)I'i'ii M-Iijwor',- who 'al'cl! 1"1:1•trirlg Pit p1!lI1:i4: pr(?pvrCy. 'I'licy Aln-di'076t-6d Uhat.. lila well, in 60lev qi.mM1lniI14,,i as it fiad i'll pl.-iml L.) 'Chi" Oir-dYnditiel: 1*11elms6l, yc-n wil:l cnvi'ew limit -s. avc,.thul s - ami:i'n ' v al -CA minnuli -tiiiclm- I wyo It ni)i live 1*iiv, it" ml&) -v bbf:%6ORn 16 and 115 years.!.f atz-! and (2.) In Ltllilgv 'reincilu" LO sulmal 11[gims 11614 1w,J6 C I i m i wj Ull: thu a,a I'vi Pa' i I pl lya Ae .4 ream Pna b.1 c canse01, a.l_ I -,w i ng I'LP llwcliHew: 111111P.S-. .Ali •drwmiOnv Gait ti;,, ina-CUv 41161, "I;c-asmiable 4ninciell 0i W041(l lott ct) lisi—vvcv� pustti 1311.41 I's ill! Ft. wil 1. cronle q to 't"he a -ent-i4i 40f I , he t"Acy it' dic! 11--w the euv'evw ;101.. i 1141i's"I'Ami fin culy•. POSSA.111.1, At'TION - i ,6)Vlsilih7141-ijlli 6j, A41610,1:111i f,W 1 -my p(js-;Alila amelldiwvnt-- "Illive. . C1. 1� rl 614) •1(:t.t%+`'•I^"': 'mv;r,4 ac.�• `g��`�L7�•• _ +' '"`7..,r,�_�• t1•• h•..,•I t� '.``'.J ,J ,� L.O., / .i '`'• '-��; �,;; a. ^,•s•1 ,i ���.w 't: •, •,_ ...`v �•�! �.� "=mow .a C•` •; •� oaf {!., '�^ ,�^'� F. �; ,�^,.•,: :.,., a�_ :� tn.,fro ., 1� t,• �� ` t t" •,...<: 'l�ftx,• t(���•°' .y^r�j:•-"�R el ,t ;'!e. , • _ :� n. .• tr' �t2. � ..' '�' 'i•,. ,;.' ,� ; ' w + e R _ ' Y .t� j ♦ ,}*:1i'-..1 ..ill1 t'' •�1 ,t.l •' p ^• ., a r.'. ...tw.,. r i G• - 'a ..., (f!]^�+�� t�.. h ''—�r , _1 ,.' �T+,9} `.�•���.Y j"• w ^`'.~ c"° � tn� �.�•` y, AY 63 f .1s 1 was turned down by the Planning Commission on variances on my property i negl ected to c%plain that my intentions were in the future, if qranred permission to build on my available property, 1, would at a .later date put up another house, where the present dwelling sets. Thus al l.ow.i.nq me to suppinmcnt my income, by renting one of the INS-ildings. Lester Finn I GRAPHIC FEET iL LJ 1 m Soo 600 2a00 3200 (,0A0 � 1 ',311- p I buti I O c) cl q cl 61 c c c� cl, Y , I` c I cl c I cl cl cl c co l�c cl c c c, cl cicc I c c c, o cl Ij y. C, C, C, C, C, c I c I c I f , I cl C, C, c I C, C, C, C, C, f C C, C, � c C, c c c C, c I I C� c c C� 'c C, c C L c cL C� C, C, C, c c c c c I c C�C C� c 11 , " I I "j. c " , , ' �, :, , " " c c , . ... . , , , , ""i C, C, C, C, c C,"'C', <<l HOWARD DAHLGREN ASSOCIATES \ CON SU LT I N G P L A N N ERS O N E G R O v E LANO T E Q RAC C October 15, 1976 M ­1.SOf b%-03 o.a•nr ea MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission', City of Monticello RE: Sign Ordinance This report covers four areas of concern in the City Sign Ordinance, and each issue will be covered separately. 1. Signs Painted on Buildings: The current Sign Ordinance does not specifically address the issue of signs which are painted on buildings. Such signs tend to distract from the architectural aesthetics of the building. in some cases, such a sign incorporates the building as a part of the "sign message". Although such signs may be effective in attracting public attention to the "sign message", such signs can have an overwhelmingly negative aesthetic impact on the general area. i Therefore, in the "prohibited sign section" of the Sign Ordinance y°C there should be inserted wording to the following effect: Siqns Painted on Buildings: Signs painted directly on the outside wall or roof of a building shall not be permitted in any zoning district. Signs shall not be painted on fences, rocks, or similar structures or features in any district. Paper or similary signs shall not be attached directly to a building by an adhesive or similar means. 2. Pylon Signs: The City Sign Ordinance allows pylon signs under Section 10 -3 -9 -E -2-B-4. The formula for reviewing pylon signs is related directly to the road classification and the speed of the high- way to which the sign is oriented. For example, signs located on the Interstate Expressway where the permitted road speed is 50 miles per hour, can have a large area of 200 square feet and a height of 30 feet. At the other end of the spectrum, on collector roads where the speed is 30 miles per hous, the area of a pylon sign is limited to 25 square feet and a 16 foot height. Concern has been expressed as to defining more clearly those signs oriented towards the expressway. The definitions section w of the Pylon Sign Ordinance reads as follows: Planning Commissi ii, City of itonticello t% October 15, 1976 Page Two "Definitions of road classifications apply as defined by the official Comprehensive Plan as adopted." This definition does not allow for a sign that may be located on property which has access to a major thoroughfare (such as Highway 25) but the sign is oriented towards the Interstate Expressway. As the property adjacent to the interstate Highway develop, the competition for viewing from the Interstate will increase. In other words, as businesses locate down Highway 25 and other thoroughfares which are near the Interstate, the property owner will seek a higher pylon sign to attract the Interstate Highway oriented business. The problem is where does the City draw the line for Interstate Highway oriented business and local business. Propeties which are contiguous to the interstate Highway, its service roads, and its interchanges should be regarded as Interstate Highway oriented, and be signed accordingly. Properties which do not have these features, should be considered under the "major thoroughfare" classification of the pylon sign ordinance. Therefore, the following wording may be added to the definitions section of the Pylon Sign Ordinance to discriminate between Interstate Highway oriented property and other property: "Properties contiguous to limited access right-of-way, service roads which are contiguous to the limited access right—of-ways, and/or interchanges of the limited access highway shall be considered as fronting on such highways." 3. Signs Overhanging Public Right -of -Way: The City Sign Ordinance requires that overhanging signs which project over the public right-of-ways shall be taken down on or before December 31, 1976. Questions arise as to the exact definition of a 'overhanging sign". The City Ordinance is not clear on the definition. The problem arises when considering a sign which hangs perpendicularly away from the building over the public right-of-way, and a siqn which may he attached to a mansard roof which extends out over the public right-of-way. Theoretically, both the perpendicular sign and the mansard roof sign are in violation of this section of the ordinance. Therefore, the ordinance section should be clarified as to meaning and intent. it would not be unreasonable to provide for a minimum extension over the public right-of-way. for example, the City could allow a minimum of 18 inches to be projected over the public right-of-way, while anything exceeding 18 inches would be prohibited. The exact number of inches or distance allowed to protrude into the public right of way can be determined after surveying the existing sign situation within the Central Business District. Planning Cormiss�rs�n, City of Monticello J October 15, 1976 Page Three 4. Advertising Signs: The City Sign Ordinance specifically prohibits advertising signs or billborards from all zoning districts within the City. The concern has been raised as to whether this is overly restrictive, especially for local business interests. Some suburban communities allow billboards, treating them as the principal use of a lot -of -record. On the other hand, most suburban communities within the Twin Cities area ban billboards and advertising signs from all zoning districts. Those communities which have a total ban on billboards have been successful in their legal defense for: (1) amortizing the existing billboards out of existence over a reasonable period of time; and (2) controlling the re -introduction of any new billboards. From a legal perspective, it is important for the community not to discriminate between billboards which advertise local businesses versus billboards which adverties national or non -local business. As long as the community treats all billboards with the same standards and regulations, the courts have upheld the community's right to ban billboards. The present Zoning Ordinance of the City of Monticello prohibits all aavertising signs and billboards, amortizing existing billboards out of existence over a five (5) year period. This is not an unreasonable regulation or an unreasonable time period. From a legal perspective, if the City gets into the habit of granting variances for billboards (either existing or proposed) it will make itself vulnerable for legal attack. Therefore if the City wishes to ban all billboards, it should continue to enforce the Zoning Ordinance as it presently exists. W Oc tober 17, 1976 PLANNING REPORT MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission, City of Monticello FROM: Howard Dahlgren Associates, Inc. SUBJECT: Landscaping Requirements This report discusses the issue of requiring landscaping plans prior to development aoproval. Most suburban communities within the Twin Ci ties Metropolitan area have specific procedures and regulations with reoards to landscaping and exterior lighting of new developments (exclusive of single family and duplex residential development). When such development petitions are considered by the City, it is the petitioner's responsibility to provide the City Council and Planning Commission with the necessary information and graphics to make a reasonable decision. The submit tai materials should include information on property lines of the subject property, location of the existing and proposed structures, location of off-street parking facilities, general landscaping plans (including location, size, and type of all proposed planting materials), outside lighting fixtures, and a design layout and size of all proposed signs. The submittal information should also include adequate engineering information on public sanitary sewer, water, and storm water drainage. The City Council has the right to require the submittal of this informa- tion prior to the issuance of any building permit. Therefore, we suggest that the City adopt the policy "and ordinance requirement" which requires the following information be submitted for each development Proposal (except single family and duplex residential development): I. A generalized location map showing the location of the Proposed site in relationship to the rest of the City. 2. A scaled plot plan with north indicated,of the proposed site showing all site dimensions. 3. A certified survey of the site indicating all property lines. 4. All types of proposed uses. 5. Location of all existing buildings and proposed buildings and structures on the subject property. 6. Elevation drawings or illustrations indicating the architectural treatment of all proposed buildings and structures on the subject property. Planning Commission, City of Monticello October 17, 1976 Page Two 7. Any pians for the modification of standards set by the Zoning Ordinance or any other provision of the City Code. 8. Location and size of all required parking spaces. 9. Landscaping plan, including location, size, specie type, and number of all proposed planting materials. 10. General floor plans of all proposed buildings and structures. 11. Indication of location, size, and Lyne of storage facilities for the storage of trash and waste materials. 12. A design layout and size of all proposed signs. 13. A storm water drainage pian for the entire site. 14. An exterior lighting plan with submittal of design and location of all outside lighting fixtures. Of course, some developments, because of their size.and scale, will not require the extensive analysis and detail of development information. Most suburban communities require a standard set of development information be submitted prior to the issuance of permits. This is not an unreasonable request. Therefore, it is recommended that the City adopt a standardized set of review procedures which will be applied evenly to all apolicants for development within the City of Monticello. The ' City d-InIncif dr, Mon.tice.] 11 -1 o 'h' c r 66y' or d di n-s; the Pollowings ti-1'-9 Xuptrrw- Nij-:,znjb-di; diidlcO -Che,,age: of -.�en ,years; 6f, ai;c:., when noi:,acco6panicd, parent!9 or 'grLvaj-diahisha, 1, be-all.owed -;idewalk-s 6r any public,, 'plzicii 'i"K U16 Cj,' '0 Monticel-lo after the hour 'of, 1 :30 P. M. and before 5:00 A. Me thci stktcceding morning W�I-thout . -i.. reasonable cause,. Any parent, %wirdiari ur tothi--r adtil t. person having. the care and custody oiZ'. a, , minor under the ago of eighteen (19): years; who shall permi.t. such minor to, v.iolate the afor-e- menL.Ioned curfew, shat I be giii,lty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine of pot more than t,wenty-fd ve dol lav-s. ($25) IIIIIS costs of proseviltion. Adopted thin, 25uh day of October, 1,976.L C. q:. Johnson; Mayor - -- -- - '. I Cavy, WIbbew,.1, :Clt.y, Actmi,tiTt4trater C 1 PETTY OFFENSES U Chap 501. D scoomly Conduct 503, Defacing Sidewalks one Budd,nm 505. Sued., Shows 507 clew � 501. DISORDERLY CONDUCT 501,010, No person shall co"" env ""ull and battery: engage in lighting: become drunken or intoxicated; eapg. ,n any it pot ar tl,sn, le, ey eemblege; engage raa e In til•rog; UISChame env firearm: not uann any sidewalk or cr wulks; appear in public or any e'pOaed place ,n o slate of nudil Y, or In a dregs nottPlpngmq ill his Or her au,, or ,n any indecent Or Iowa dress: tooguilty of any indecent. Obscene or Wine, alto m til env le-rd.,ndreom, immoral, aI ,hill l:Inst ecenduct, language m behavior; or of any other disorderly aeL language or bae—a) 503. DEFACING SIDEWALKS AND BUILDINGS 503010. No wl,tPa shad —t.. p„nt, Stick, pati or mala any bill, pincod 0, sT')n of any dosetiption upon the sidewalk or other PuPac Sint lure 01 the Village. 505, SUNDAY SHOWS 505.010. No Par.- shall per— Or allow any Wmwal, menagerie, cnc- thes1 ¢ 1 euhibit,on, an any other show, performenle Or n. hdnh^n to the public on the Solltletn Imv or -ales that notnm, herein contained shall be cmeatrunl ce pmhibiting the showing of motion pmClures, We,,. event, Per eahlm,C eOnrests, ether mcifes re.l, seem-Peof—Iiinal, o aM.1-1. 507. CURFEW 507O 10:00 p.m. l0 5:00 a. iia minor under the age 01 10 {hall toiler, loaf or idiom be in Or upon the Dubbe h streets, ,ghweyl, mwrM, alley{, aorto, pts. W..nas Or Other public grounds, 0.0h[ places Cad public buildings, pieces of annusemnnls, enter lairement nr relreshmrnt. V-111tits or other unsupen',aed places between the noun of 10',00 more. and 5:00 a.m. of the following day. The prairiPons of this a -non mall not sOpty to env minor accomeani- ",' nn Parent, guardian or other adult person having rho Care gad Custody of Isle minor, al when that—no, n upon an emergency errand b, 1—m—on or dlreetiOn 01 his pnonte, guardian, m 01h,, adult parson hearing the care and Custodv of tar nnma, which parmnsnon the Isr in wrlmg and s,gnca by the parem, it—el,o,r or Other etlull version. 507.070, Midnight to 5:00 aim, No min,, under the ego of 10 years and over 15 vows shall loiter. loaf or idle in Or upon ear uublic striae, alleys, perks, playgrounds or Other Public gmunth, public pIKM and public buildings, plectra of amusement and emenainmeal. Yecanl loo, ate Other unsui arvip-d Placa, N -Paean the noun 01 17.00 midnight and 5:00 am. of the tollpwing day without reasonable galla unless such Mame is aeCamWnieel by his or her patients, guardian, Or Other adult person tieing the ewe and Custody Of the mind, m when the mina is uaOn an .—gal, eI erre tet directed b, his Or roar Pamnnll, guardian, of mho adult poison haying the care and custody o1 Ina minor, Each v,olol,on of this auction shall constitute a teparale offense. 507,030, Parents ReipOmibel,rv. No pale", guardian O, cath" adult parst,n hauing Iha care and custody of a minor under the eon of IS years shell poem l suds -me, to .,olein the pr-11ipns al 507.010 Or 007.070, prey Mae however, that the Chief of Police has nonlmd Inc Pre--, guardian O, other adult permn leaning Mo un and custdefy of rhe mind, m witting duty mailed Of a oris violation 01 inn Chaptue Ltimnulred It. valid e.Each—la,on til the o—von, Of Inn—,ran shell constitute a sepaeat,often". �„a0. Plot ...... Rntwm,bebly. No Iverson ppo,atn,gor m charge cal any cr1KO Of amuaertMm, onto, la,nmem, Or ,afremrtrunl mall dear mil env minor undo, the adv m IB seen 10 10.1m, reel or idle .n such plu(o duringIha hours prohibited by this chapter. The nrovmnm of tan chapter shall nut a0pltr .viten 1m, m.no, to acionnnamed by h„ Wrenl, guardian Or other adult created timing the care and lusloder Of the Minn, 007,050. School Nigh., 1Ir Svllermrendenl of the {lubbr, pinata o, Peroihral schools OI rhe Vmllage of MOntiCetlO may drugnntn Cor loin toghtl durirq the Y: too, sea as 0fmml N.ght," al glen amps a, Yid Kneel. mall Ile engaged In athletic, musical, dtarruhe of secret aeal-t-es uta the Mna .:Or an vote temment of Its nuoenrs To doclarte a "$ChO01 Nigm," the Supm Intandenl mall reality the Client Of Police o1 the V111", m Rlantice110 inn ear 41,ng et lees) 7e hours in arlvOnca, The pr Oe,sidn, Of 507 010 nn11 507,03D shall not apply IO any student umlee inn sort 01 10 yrers Or to nn patent, guaed,en or etlull action hovmg one Care Intl custody at wen minor who. lawfully go,trg to, attending m tuturiuno from env each scrr0011unCtion on en, desigmfsd'V hall Night," how—F.Ilia hind eh ons of 507,010 and 507.030 mall apply In all rapt -11 an any win "SeePOI N,ghl" ti—. -Inn hours of 11:00 o,m, and 5:00 a in. to, me following day. The provisions al said auC1,On, ...It nor apply 10 ale$ student ,.num ins aloe Of t0 years and me, 15 $cars Or t0 his parent, guardian O, other adult patten hbrng Inn cera and Custnel, 01 seen mina, who ,a IaWtterly going to, attending at returning from my men u huol function On any designated "School N,ehto," hnweter, rev, bm,OtiOres as Ymd sre:t—, snag ailet ,n all resp-. on any sulk 'SUural Night" trtweo0 the noun Of 17:30 a m, and 5:00 A In of Ibe Yaw Lieu, e•cepbng nn "Itpmer.—vill -gat" Or when rho timnitioul of 507,070 and 507 030 shall apply, lot the hours m 1:30 e m .end .9 on a m OI IM Yat day. 507.060, Curfew Spial. The Cniat Of Police shell daignale a pal¢ officer on duty to signal the hotel of 10:00 p.m, by ourMng un Iha V psora lee seen for a thus) mtw,el 507 070. hl,vapr~nting AIF 1o, guy Liquor No onrten uadm 71 triers el cage Shall Present nim,ed at a I,[enterl place anti talufl. rrp,numi himself IgM me, 71 real, of alt• IOr the putpt.0 oh D,,,i hating at arduaing inma,rating liquor either "OMYIe" Or "afl•ule.- 607 OOD Ju.emr Churl. Amt Mmm unrrr me pool IS eparewin] vintern env of the pfOvi,roner Of Ions Chapter ,hall fee 411011 wleh an a,, emmnce inn ear Jv.nnde CC -,-t Lm. and Procedure c C- I QF1`liRA1., FVN,D -VIA IN Doug' CLUI 'Defense vainvy, Isom ST26 .Yonalk- 'Sart I t. i i tun; - !Sjn ilicti on' xpn t,-,vap C 045-'44 W7 '11,701 toWt; Ab e PRdP"m 781MA Kim, Adulplist,ii i P -4 --son Pt,oi-i I ect pajvcrft, 25166-7P �5_ Ed Lanqe, - J -in i i-tyi.al 100 Am too), State 'If-c?a.stwor - PERX 816.211 Sill Wvight State &-ink, - 11W -r to _x, (l 14112n A512. T S . Pusumster - Stamps "§,J: 0) f5s", Cimmissinum- olf Revenue . qjl' 11540CLO TjQ Stare l'ot,-asiij-vj- - FICA log g j! SSAT flankQvI i Co 'Ins. - Cl-ollp ills. 6,7 S.- 2 4 Poster's UN. - _Ins. an anMq"eT!A-.:Cr.ft'tik:i,'botid, - T6S:l-fjw '61..60 , ii Ilufr.alo Mmmin,)ns - Park, expanse:f ObSN't shy. Jean Bvou.i I I and - 11tic.1 fj3p blrcot ti 226,111 1 S, Reals Mobil - Cas for st.vcej; sCwj!i--pjljg 5.35 BeP_Qstl1,-n1 I s Pa"unu SLnre w"Itcpa feyo MasS;.vy.,PcuglfR,-o1i :traitor 560.:27 SSgI JnM s on Dv p n $110 rd - So E C ba I I 'Teague AW01men t 7"6 a53"•411, 3942 101son's '�w Sell; Vi -ti. rop.aQ, 31 Ok 1543 Bimenveniiiid flag 1 5S45 Manhoic, vopn-fs- ­ckl.-1 111772 S546 AmPcn. 911 i(kas allll' dolitA. i 226,11 5sa7 Mobl ! (1-11 Wboom-- Owl). -o reel;,. ,park,me deptA., IS 03 8545 lloikail'd Dit fil qvcm unki pxpe6s- EDO "lumuls sup Xreli 1.1 vc-1- urel I A -1' -Liana"', (176-12, Vownst7e�. 111.clg; Punq 15326,95 h 5 lip D1. piconlaol. - 1,11.1 011 kspcnsc its uy A Sal lQW"q Mf VO- W He"&* un Jai At , 1ATVW A kkan rentil 19S.Is 5:5 qI., cofmi-qali-vlflol•" or kc-•enife - -8!1.42 5-5,53 11vani-tc 'CJIy T'von Works = flaphnics, -POvevs, ml.iw. stp3lifes 0006 1134 WrQ;TOVMT A"4LLDP -P6do ,11ho fines TMe; At& $1.21 SSSIuJ"liji Hilt: Hfulb6ts, We - qn4WLips 133.0 L&556 Btu l6ke. 4rra-,kci -Mtsv', eNllensl) 1-1) all dnp 2 100440,49:•;7 ,49:•;7tb. 4111 SIS, fkvilsw zoos "119 N! 7(JA V lagurin r0i.. ;11. x. .2 5; El y 1 w.' NIMMAIM 1 MjAg Qjqj 1%'VLi u111S'- 1 % " "IN Illk"idgi-hat vi PliiIIIps 1'.11,.. W. svi'vol Irg-r gas and 4111 1144; 44"o it INSM - -P i Unal Histoo7 - I'Amphlel Ali Alk" T41pP14 v^ca%t lolx x17 e. 41P 2, II Qsl CW,)!;' FUNf.il AM(WNA ll,F(:k D]'SDlJR5DiHN4'S VOR ,OCI' MIR ........... ,Stake, 6i, lk. Do6tierkin I 'gev ukio -N., jn'aA- 1Baiik, .1'�iOY l3v Ron(sm A Fc; -m fc.. &. Iit il': 2 Y 1 Xd _Laww %� J�i % -t:masl.glv Z Ocamli 'Ge6;;-1'a) Jytim 'C:i t;V monf�uci4 io SnAal'y -0, Z y lit Stan:l (w, Ila -1.1 Coimlui1paiQ sa-A av31 2 E'4ol I male Mant.i,o -410111lej sa I Gbil c Wa VC -4-1 7 t;- AMa11!..Sil'l 4 Q 3. I tti. 0.' i l) -i e -.p 11)_._' 1 -ods. '01-- suwci' 4116pts 49 c -Mv( mva 't°:1111: 11 -0 1' ";111 qLa-, 41-.,39 0 1, I"a -d i-91' t' 11 a! -.-i s4s iicecl Q-1 ;iA 8,501 kFulij-u- uvdd�'. P1.1is, - tAx.. lfk)e, ;M-Ccic.. IlIdg., 91' 1pfirk- it, "Y - 4- 4 cm! We I iak I 1, -4 113iii darwn i t!r rot, Iit, -k; s. .2 s 7'Sml tIdItzI IA1). 's or .1 ipOes . I 04 C(-2- limikiip net 1I?p4-q'I1aiA'Vv sul-wic!'t-S, I 'Ceilowv Llilicpi- �Liw' JW463(fsel; I'm, ociii Lptifrilt, 4'1� '5110 III -I % Eirilkind ZjWl lim'VII-1 —Alat:e 1`01i p111,111" line 1-y' S' AIIij�)-- stuliplJo6, I I %ld I vol. .It(v!!j.v0 f i it! 1 Si:p, 6 �.;2 '5 S. S. `AIJ J. Kv. 1, low nwj-t3r.t1110vk 1'3,.5+i I, M 6 1 I -A ROOVIs—, ',lilt,,,. Mi -se., 4'spOnst" C - ' - - '- vicl H imi�. ' 11-ovi' ;Pilll Oij)�i apil 6,11 'S ke R4!IiI1;' 2 1-4 i' 11 Oo.- GENERAL FUND- I 1:1i1-. 1 l 1 .1 1 Orr-Schelen-Ma�enoa'`-'.7.6-h;:Cmp] Projectc11.220,r,6'3; sl'24,73.7.4' ISO "Monti-6sippi' Park - 12$4..00; Cngi.neering fees, -'-'''4,99,- 17 Buffalo Yet Clinic -- Animal Imp. expense, , 3,b':Ofi , 18:571 John Sandberg - ,lppraiaal. fres <2QOt0U- 8$71, Carlson Welding, -'Mise,." repair expense, 2'3;•SO'' 9'Si2- O. K. Hardware - Supp.L.Les for,parks'_ 35•;66 $373 Ken Peshia - Labor at parks ?!' 35 22 S'Si4 Hartwig Const. - Generator rents 1. c 15U.00'`. ..1Si7j' Big Lake Aggregates '- Street snpplAes J 11'3'• 21- Smith Q Pringle - Legal. fees 343.51 W7 Gocdy's Repair -Loader repair 1Gq:,57_' i �_ 1 ,S.$r5 J. W. Miller - Bldg..7.nsp. salary 1220.40 $5!9' Payro7'1 for Sepl.eniber.. i I '6269'.20 I� "TOTAL WSBURMMFN.'CS 165, 133;()') ( ,u I L:&,,)R. FUND T, October Disbursements AMOUNT, Commissioner -of Revenue - Sales 'tax 1533.46 .Ed.Thilli-ps & Sons Liquor , 1549.27 Griggs, C 60per' leo.' Liquor , 4-49 1 Yr-ight-County State BA6k -Jnvestmer4s 30000.00 Minnesota, Distillers'- Liquor, 16.66.'95 :Dahlheim-cfe Dist., Co. - Beer 47f28.'7.j Ed Phillips,)&, Sons' - Liquor `3441'.49' Twin City Wine - Liquor"' 807.20 Miaiei9t Wind; Co.'-=- Liqtion8 3 3 62 N. S. Utilities, 692:-ji' Minnesota Distill-4ra Liquor 2366.86 Yonak Sanitation = Sanitation contract 124.*0-0 '&rnqui`st Paper Co: Store Pxpens&, 57.29: Ed Phillips & Sons--- Li.quor 836..68 --Foster's, Ins. Agency = Prcwpaid, ins. 7;28:.00. Cash Register -Sales,:- Store expense. a. -29.18. PERA 'State Treasurer. -.1,97. US y State Bank; '=' Fed. If/Ifl, itax, Wright County 20-5.07 Bridgewater `,Telephone:. 23.95. MY. Uncmp.- Comp. - Fund.- Comp. -paid. to former sto re' em'pl 5095'.56. Trucking Freight'. reight� L82.36 TA -Lis Foods -'Store exoense° Phil -11 ps k Sons-' - Liquor - 6.84 01 -'31 6'riggs, , 4�0-0per i,6o... LiqL101'-- . 7 944--30 - Jude Candy & Tobac" NdAo' 13,17.30 1kck''Boverag o Co. -, Beer '2484.70 `,tross.lein B&eragc4 136ce mdse., 45,47.,SS :Bqer 633-,40. Dahlhelmer: Dist, Co. Beer 4 1 :2 SS. 7.6 -Seiien)'Up 'Bottlfna `Cb; Mdse.. j 22.,90 Old, Dutch Pouds:-Mdse. 87.90 'this, Bernick, Co Mdsc. 90.25 v ikin, g C ]a -'Ad�e. Coca C9 120.45.' "'Thorpe. -Dist. CO. ,�mer 910.50 Minnesota' Dist�lllcris '- Liquor' 1559-G,9' Commissioner' of Revenue SWT -96.60, of 46venu`c sale's ;tax 14d9.76 ,.�:.Commlsslbner State- Treasurer Sectiri"ty-,-C-ont-ri-bution-Puiid M.79 'Banker!ji Lf fe Ins., payrtli 'for Septembee 17471.68 TOTAL DTSRUkSEMENTS' $7311139:50 min 17 4'3 7 743 S 7,419 '7446, T441 T44? � 47443, 7,441.14. 1445 7446, 7447 7448 7449 7450 74-5f 7452 7453' 7454 7455 7456 7457' 7458 7459 J7460 7461. 7462 746'3 7464 746$ 7466 7467 74()S 7469 7470 701 7472 '747.j 7474 7475 ORDINANCE AMENDMENT The City Council of Monticello hereby ordains that the Zoning Ordinance map be amended as follows: Rezoning of approximately 3.9 acre parcel in the S. E. } of Section 1 2, Township 121 , Range 25 located north of County Road #75, (Monticello Ceramic property) from R -I (Single Family Residential) to B-3 (Highway Business) according to the official zoning map on file at. City Ila ll. A'I"1'I:S l' C Passed by the City Council this 2Sth day of October, 1476. C. Ct . Johnson, Mayor Gary Wieber, City Adm. (Amendment 3/15/75 #21). jj,"-77