City Council Agenda Packet 01-10-19771_ `pi71
January 10, 1977 -- 7:30 P.M.
Mayor: Con Johnson
Councilmen: Gene Walters, Stan Hall, Dan Illoni.gen,
Arve Gr.i.msmo.
,/ to be taped.
X,/Oath of Office - Dan Ulonigen and Arve Grimsmo.
tx /Mayor's Message.
Citizens Comments.
V1 . Consi.derat-i.on of Setting Regular Meetings.
/2. Appointment of Committee Members. 1
V4. Appointment of City Punct -i -ons and Dutir_s.
�. Consi.drrnti.on of Taxicab License.
COnBi.derat;.i oil of Landscaping Requirement, Ordinance
[l. Consi.devati.on of Contract with Townships of silver
// Crock and Otsego.
y �J.
Consideration of City. 11all Construction 1'1'ojcct.
r7. Cons.idcrat.i.nn of Roles and RegiOntions on 4th Sl;rect
Park Skating Rinks. N ''
�. Approval of minutes. December 23 and Derember 27, 197'.
t♦IO. UnFi.nishcd business. 1
11. Ncw hus.iness. r ��
Ma.i ting to: 11vad Larsen O
John Badal_ich 0
Don Smi,01
Don Grant;
John Sandberg
Agenda Item 1 . Consideration of Setting Regular Meetings. at
Currently the regular meetings are scheduled for the
second and Fourth Monday of each month at 7:30 P. M.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of setting regular meetings.
Agenda Item 2. Appointment of Committee Membcrs.
Enclosed, you will find a list of committee members as
of December 31, 1916. With the exception of the
Housing & Rcdevclopment Authority, all committee appoint-
ments are annual and terminal at the end of the calendar
At least two new appointments will be necessary. Fred
Topel has indicated he can no Longer serve on the Plann-
ing Commission due to other commitments. Additionally,
Caroline Ellison has resigned her HRA appointment due to
other commit -menta. Her unexpired term has been filled
by Robert Doty and the IIRA committee recommends that Mr.
Doty be appointed to a five year term.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Appointment of committee members.
REFERENCES: Committee list.
Agenda Item 3. Appointment of City Functions and Dccties.
Listed below arc various functions and duties that re-
quire annual appointment at the first, regular meeting
of the year
ACTING MAYOR: Denton Erickson ac.,. (AM 14-J
nrALni oFricm Dr. Donald amus
B1,13LDl.NC INSPECTOR: J. W. Miller
C17 AI?DITCIR: GruJJy Johnson & Associates
At I, caet4nllthewU111I t ent, that of acting mayor, tahou7.cI
be considered. Also, an additional official, depository
should possibly be considered. Reason fm• thin is clue to
t.ha fact the current, depository, Wright Cty. State 11aank has
indicated t hey can no longer pledgo adequate aerulAt ice for
1-1111! of the city's fundn due tcs the growth of invest-menitc of
the ri.ty. I would recommend Security Frde-ral. Savingac & Lean
he considered ace an additional depoaf.tory.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Appointment ot` du t l ess and Cunt t sono
11 ailed abo► e.
anda Item 4
Consideration of Taxicab License.
Country Taxi, Inc., a Minnesota Corporation
comprised of two shareholders, George Johnson
and Gary Stolp of Monticello, is requesting
it be granted a license for twenty-four hour
taxi service.
Vehicle used for this service would be a twelve
(12) passenger 1 -ton 1976 Chevrolet Van.
The applicants feel that there is a need
for this type of service in the Monticello area
and will enhance the desirability of living
in the community.
If approved, the applicant would have to abide
by the rules set forth .in Section 3-5-1 through
3-5-9 relating to taxicab requirements.
Additionally, the ordinance indicates the
taxicabs will only be parked in arms designated
by the council when not in motion. Since there
is only one vehicle involved at this time, I
see no reason to designate an area at this
time. If a problem dial occur, the council could
designate areas as necessary. Initially, the
applicants plan to use the area in back of the
Country Travel Store.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of license ap-
proval. Approval should be contingent upon
applicant fulfilling insurance requirements of
the taxicab law governed by the State of
Rh.FLRGNCr.S: Ordinance Section 3-5-1 through
Agenda Item $. Consideration of Landscaoing Requirement Ordinance
The following is the supplement information for this
agenda item presented at the 12-27-76 meeting and is
reproduced for the benefit of the new council members:
Howard Dahlgren Associates has prepared a memorandum
relative to landscaping requirements which was recently
sent to the council..
This memorandum was prepared after there was some
discussion at the council and planning commission
level relative to the existing landscaping requirements.
Currently, Section 10-3-2-(F)-5 reads as follows:
In all. zoning districts the lot area remaining
after providing for off-street parking, off-street
loading, sidewalks, drivcways� building site and/or
other requirements shall. be planted and maintained
in grass, sodding, shrubs or other acceptable
vegetation or treatment generally used in land- Fences or trees placed upon utility
easements aro subject to removal .if required for the
maintenance or improvement of the utility. Trees
on uttili.ty easements containing overhead wires
shall. not exceed ten (10) Peet in height.
This section does not require any specific portion of
landscaping be devoted to shrubbery and has no
requirements vc-]at;ive to off-street parking areas.
Theme items arc- ment1oned In the planning report and
give the requi.r-emcnts of the city of Roseville as an
At their last meeting, the planning reviewed
the memorandum with Dick Dwinel.l of Howard Dahlgren @.
it was the vecc)mme-ndatinn of the planning commission
to amend our a urve•nl 3andscapinK requirements by add-
ing the, following pvovi,sionso
1. All. Inildlogn shall be Hniehed on all four sides
with conalistent architectural quality, materialh
and drai Wi.
Three percent of the service area within an
off-street parking area shall be landscaped
with grass and/or decorative surface treatment -
trees and shrubbery for all developments except
single family dwellings..
Two percent of the development costs as deter-
mined by the building permit valuations shall
be devoted to landscaping, exclusive of sod and
walkways. A bond shall be posted for twenty
percent of said two percent for two years to
Insure ordinance compliance. This requirement
applies to all development except single family
item was reviewed and tabled at the December 27,
necting to clarify the bonding requirements. I
rewritten Item 3 as follows and Howard Dahlgren
iates have reviewed and approved.
Two percent of the development costs, as determined
by the building permit valuation, shall be de-
voted to landscaping, exclusive Or sod and walk-
ways. If the weather does not allow the necessary
landscaping improvements to be made prior to
occupancy, a bond shall be posted in the amount
or 100% of said two percent for one year to
Insure requirements of this ordinance are met.
This bond shall be posted Prior to time Of
issuance of certificate of occupancy by the
building inspector. it, all cases a bond of
twenty percent of said two percent shall be
posted Poo, two years to Insure landscaping Is
properly cared for and maintained. This re-
quivement applies to all developments except
single family residential.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of Ordinance amendment.
REFIALNCES: Howard Dahlgren ANsoviates letter of Dec.
to, 1970.
Agenda Item 0. Consideration or Clee Contract with Tt)wnnhiiis of Silver
Creek and Ot-selt).
Coclosed, you will. find a copy or the propomed Cine
vontea(IL W111% Silvel, Creek wilk-11 IN exactly the Name
as that peopoxed fill, Otsego.
You will note there is an annual standby charge of
$200 plus a charge per call of $200 for the first hour
or fraction thereof, $75 for the second hour or
fraction thereof and $50 for each additional hour or
fraction thereof.
In reviewing 1976, there were 8 fire calls to Silver
Creek Township and none to Otsego. In addition to
the $200 standby charge for each Township, the eight
fire calls produced $1,775. of revenue for a total
revenue of $23175. Salaries for the firemen on the
eight calls were $786.00. If gas, oil, equipment
repair and other fire department expenses were cal-
culated on a per fire call basis, the charge appears
fair and reasonable for all parties.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of fire
contracts. n
REFERENCES: Copy of proposed Silver Creek contract. N
Agenda l"tem 7. Consideration of City Hall Constvuct.i on Project.
The appointed committee of Stan Hall and Gene Walters
met last Monday with the Architectural. Alliance to
determine the feasibility of rebidding the city hall
_ project so that the exterior design rcanains essentially
the same and t.ho cost would come within the range of
the estimated amount of $330,0110. Bids were initially
received on Dc cember 99 1976 with the low bid at
At Monday's meeting, it. appeared the project could be
rebid to come within the range of the estimated figure
of $330,000. Following are ealcu_lat:ions that would
possibly bring the coat, within this range:
Low Bid received Dec. 9, 1976 -- $419,992.
Alternate deducts that were bid and council approved
of accepting on December 23, 1976:
Alternate 2.1 Rep]acing quarry t ile with exposed
aggregate $
512 5
Alternate 2.2 lil.iminate landscape+. tier
Alternate 2.3 El.iralnate! plantingr
Altrrnato 2.4 - Eliminate eaaework counter,
tot neil tablr, otr,
A1- terns Ie 2.5 t- 1.11minate pane-lwork or wuodatripm
Alternate 2.111-- I'lIminate tine I'm im of t lurk
2; too
1 $342,432
Additional items committee recommends:
Eliminate basement $40,000
Reduce electrical specs &
substitute fluorescent for
mercury pendant mounted
light fixtures 15.000 $ 55.000
Items that could be listed as alternate deducts as
recommended by committee:
Substitute cedar fence for
brick mechanical enclosure
of condensing unit $ 1,500
Delete gravel moat and
plastic edging at eastern
end of site 400
Seed lawn instead of sodding 2,000
Delete clerestory windows at
south & east exterior walls 2,500
Delete flagpole 400
Delete masonry pilasters 2,000
Reduce cost of structure
wood components 3,000
Delete tree tramming allowance Soo i
Revise tower insulation 800
Substitute, carpet for quarry
ttl.e in lobby 1,200
Delete clock completely 3,200
Use concrete .in lieu of exposed
aggregate 1,0()0
Delete plaza area, except
for sidewalk 750
Delete asphalt shingles 1,480 20,7,10
It should be noted that, if it, is deemed necessary to
require a basement for the mechanical. equipment only,
an extra $101000 would have to be added.
1:t would appear that the bid could be let January 17,
1977 with bids returnable February 17, 1977.
POSS1111.1; AC`1'1()N: Consideration of: Q8
1. Re,}retion oi.' bids received December 0, 197b.
2. Author,izatinn to committee to approve final plans
and specif:ic'At ionz provided cat Jmated cast comm
wIA11111 range or $;j;j0,0011 Wilget. Comml.tter, is
w,hedul d to vevlew re%Jaed entAmated coats hazed
upon above Changes and ciao determine .if is
ix nrcrsaAry I'ur I"Pt hanicat equipment.. Alzo, U)
be detIded is whether bid will be on a prime or
multiple, contra, C. a
to 'In
Agenda Item S. Consideration of Rules and Reaulations on 4th Street
Park Skating Rinks.
Wednesday, December 29, 19769 the appointed committee
of Gene Walters and Stan Hall met with representatives
of the Monticello Youth Hockey Association. Purpose of
the meeting was to resolve various issues regarding the
general skating and hockey rink on East 4th Street.
As a result of the meeting, the committee would like to
recommend the city council. adopt the Following regulations
pertaining to the ice rinks:
1 . No figure skates should be allowed on the hockey
COMMENT: This would allow the general public to
utilize the hockey rink when not used by the Hockey
Assoc. for games and practices.
2. Hockey eticks should not be allowed on the general
skating rink.
COMMENT: This would avoid mishaps between skaters
and thoso using hockey sticks.
.1. All public notices relative to the use of the
hockey rink and the park by the Ilockey Assoc.
should rerrive clearance from the City oC Monticello
before publication.
COMMENT: This would avoid unauthorized notices
Mich may create confusion.
4. Hockey Assoe. to maintain all expenses of hockey
rink except city would clear area of snow after a
heavy snowfall..
C,0MMl'Nr: Ilockey Assoc:. would flood their own rink
and clear area of light snowes., they
would be responsible for maintenance of hockey
boards, lights and other cost, asmoclated with
hockey rink.
Hockey Anmoc. would be able t.o utilize the small
garden tractor which has a sweeper attachment.
Cl1MM1Nl't Thim piece of equipment, is not tatilized
by the city during the winte>t Hockey Axxoe. would
pay all maintenance and opt -rating cuettw and keep
the tractor in a tgootl Male oC repair." iravtor
Ix it) he stored at vityta fat'lli tten when not in
b. Any build.inRa, equipment or etcher itemr the Ilockey
Asanr. wlshrp to slope at, ihr 4th Street park taunt
be appr-mod by, city.
Cl1MMI'N1't I'Namples would be Iheaulbile hoalr, salrllite•s,
44 rt r.
7. Parking shall only be in areas designated by the
COM ENT: This will insure that other park areas
ore not destroyed and safety is maintained.
Additionally, the Hockey Assoc. offered to allow the
general public to utilize the mobile home warming house
that is currently on the sight. This unit would only
be open when the Hockey Association is using it. This
warming house was brought in at their expense and they
are liable for it's care and maintenance.
It should be noted that the Hockey Assoc. felt the above
regulations were reasonable. Additionally, it was agreed
if the regulations are adopted, the city would put up
the necessary signs.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of committee's
recommended regulations.
4, 1.,,0
It is appropriate at the beginning of a new year to reflect
for a few minutes on the past year and to outline our objectives
for I977. We have two newly elected councilmen at the table
tonight and they have received much of the background material
and studies that have been made in the post. It is imperative
that these documents be read and sometimes studied so that
your decisions and vote will take into consideration the work
previously done. I expect our meetings to continue to be
relatively short. This clan be accomplished by studying the
agenda supplements and doing your investigative work before
our meetings. I would like to keep special meetings to an
absolute minimum. If any of us have questions about any
department of the city I would hope and expect they would
first be brought to our c3.ty administrator before the meeting.
This also applies to any questions of the city bills. first. 10
think it out with our administrator. If for any reason you
are not satisfied with his explanation or you feel that an
Item should come, up for council discussion it can always be
included in our agenda.
1 urge each of you to periodically vixit with any or all of
our city employers concerning their work and their pet formance.
If you have any suggestion$ for i.mpeovementt nr cri.tittsimm 4*f
their work .i.t tthnttl.d ho brought; to iho attention or our tt`ty,
administrator. t4tiy In t.ltirc way can IN, "chain of ao;:.:tnd"
Font t i nn.
T dot not expett. nor do l want unanisoua vitt e,% 4111 all ',tiurK.
1 dot expect, tha!_ you will vote your conacient c after 1 1114ide•r-
int; all. the I'x4 Is and vidaa of an laser. We ltave a t, td ott►tnet.l.
We have a good city administration. Working together we can
make the accomplishments necessary for a progressive City of
1976 was a year of accomplishment:
1. A new, capable, liquor store manager was hired
and a new store built.
2. Our parks have been upgraded and will be completed
in '77.
3. Lind for city hall has been acquired and I would
r..pect it to be built in '77.
q. New businesses have been added to our community.
J. Sraer and water has been extended to areas that re-
quested the service.
b. New homes and developments are being built.
7. ()ite plans for an airport are progressing.
We have added extra police protection and arc still
on a budget, of about 1/3 of some of our neighbors.
t). We have implemented a tree replacement program for
diseased trees.
lu. We have hired a competent and capable public works
It. Plans and financing for a senior citizen's apartment
inose have heen completed for construction in 1977.
12. Negociat.ions for a new post office are completed with
tonstr11otlon ].it 1977.
I.I. Added rtlsidvntial. and Commercial Street lighting
hay been apprtnrd for 177 const ruction.
14. A new road t11 the nttl't hall park liar been completed
and will be in ujte in 1077. 1 compliment tht! ctutnt'il
4111 thin action. it saw a traffic prublrm and s4th ed
it before, not nt'Irr, Snmrnne wan killed.
1 j, A union contract was negotiated with our employees
t hat- is fair to all. concerned.
16. t i.ty equipment has been upgraded.
1 i . Our water reservoir- has been completed which alleviates
:t very potential danger to the entire city.
These I; projects were acccompli.shed through the dedicated
work of cny people and the, competent advice of our advisors
and stail . It was not an easy year but no one ever said
these jot),, are easy.
I'he list "or 1977 is relatively short..
1. the city hall and Senior citizens building should
be completed.
_. the airport studies should proceed.
.i• .1 system of ne.ighbc>rhood parks should be started,
mainly Cor play avttas for the children.
a. cl program for upgrading our streets over a pr_rlod
t+f years shmt'ld be implemented.
S. Propose quarterly rtrretings with department. heads.
(Move projects wi.11 of sour -se develop that will our°
attention. Working cogethea• Vov the betterment of Monticello,
we can accomplish these goals.