City Council Agenda Packet 01-24-1977A
January 24, 1977 - 7:30 P.M.
Mayor: Con Johnson.
Councilmen- Stan Hall, Gene Walters,
Dan Blonigen, Arve Grimsmo
Meein g to be taped.
Citizens Comments.
,/1. Review of Regulations Relative to Monticello as a
result of a portion of the Mississippi. River being
designated a Component of the Minnesota Wild Scenic
and Recreational. Rivers System.
V1. Consideration of Change Order and Payment Request -
Orfe.i. & Sons, Inc., on 1976 Sewer and Water Project.
Consideration of. Payment Approval - Step 1 Facilities
Planning Report.
A. Consideration ,of Landscaping Ordinance Amendment.
VY,15• Consideration of Appointment to Senior's Center
�'` Board.
Approval. of bills.
V7. Approval of minutes - January to', 1977. Ofpo!s
✓3+ Unfin.i.ezhedbuss-teas. 1_-
✓9+ New business. 7
Mai i-ing to: Don Smith Wayne Sames
non Grant Dave Hoskins
John Badalich John Sandberg
, 1
1 ":;0- 7-7
Agenda0ftem 1. Review of Regulations Relative to Monticello as a
result of a portion of the Mississippi River being
V designated a Component of the Minnesota Wild Scenic
and Recreational Rivers System.
Ore Recently, the Mississippi. River from St. Cloud to
V �\Vtr 91! �o �t Anoka has been designated a component of the Mi.nncsota
Wild Scenic and Recreational River System.
jq r The portion of the Mississippi River adjacent to
�0 A ii �a Monticcl.lo has been designated for recreaL-ional use.
a � to
Mr. Wayne Samos from the Department of Natural Rcsocn•ces
V W111 be at Monday's mect' to explain the provisions
`mss{ of the Wild and Scenic River Act and to explain how
VI1 this wi.l..l. effect Monticello.
l;nclosed, you will. find the proposed rules and regu-
CJ w Lat.ions applicable to Monticello. Some s.i.gnifi.cant
4 points are:
1 . Lots not served by a public hewer shall. be at
least; 20,000 square feet; (approximately ! acre)
in arca and at .lefist 100 feet' in will at. thio bu.i.ld-
�l ing 1 Lit, and nC the ordinary high writer mark (for
bots a public water). tot;s served by a
sy ! dO 1,11131 i.e sewer find which abut a public, &hal 1
be at least 15,000 squnrc feet; in arca and at
V1P QOM least, 75 feel; 111 width at; the building line and tit.
p� the ordinary water mark. All outer lots
V) <0 ^ served by a public &(,well shal I be at least 10,000
squnrc feet; in area find at least 75 fr_ct. i.n width
A\ 4 at the bui-Idln`
2 Srt;backs for Rer.refit;.Iana.l De velepmrnt Waters: at
0 1clst 100 fc(,t from the Ordinary high Vatel. mark for
lots not, servccl by pnbl,ieselier and at, .least 75 feet
from tho ordilinpy filch water mark Par Jots served
Y 11 by publ Ie sewel^.
DA VI� hventun:l I.y, Mnnt.iccllc. i_s rccpt.ired I.o amend
ord.inunces Ln abide by the rules rind rP,6n11.1tions set
r up by Oil) Department of Natural Resources.
FOSS"1111.11 AI:TIONt `I'hl& m(,et;ing .is far Info'rmnt.i.anfiL
purposes find fit, it :Later date. nn ordinance. will. be
lam+ REVEItLNG1;S: DNR Rtllcs and ReWtl,ations.
4genda Item 2. Consideration of Change Order and Payment Request -
Orfei & Sons, Inc. on 1976 Sewer and Water Project.
Ire" �, Enclosed, you will find a recommendation for payment
GzA,rl to Orfei and Sons for $47,434.13.
This payment is for change order number 3 covering
V Qvarious extras as spelled out in John Badalieh's
letter of December 27, 1976 (copy enclosed). Addi-
`Jsy %%v tionally this payment would allow for a 5Z retainage
�0 until the job is complete. Orr-Schelen-Mayeron is
recommending a 5£ retainage as compared to the normal
bj3 5a4o a 10% retainage as the only remaining portions are some
sodding, seeding and bituminous work which will be
fP 0 done next spring. As you may recall on the 1975 pro-
ject, the same agreement was reached.
� lg
,k9 According to Keith Nelson, the final quantity over-
* run should be less than 5% of the contracted amount.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of payment approval.
REFERENCES: Construction Payment Voucher,
John Badalich�s letter of 12-27-76.
Agcnday Item 3. Consideration of Pavment Approval - Steo t Facii.i.tiesr
p�_0 Planning Report.
Ic ("Orr-Sehelen-Mayeron and Associates have requested
�O payment of $86,836.73 based upon 85% completion of
,a N the Step 1 Municipal, Wastewater Treatment Facilities
'x,11 oyvo 4p Planning Report.
Monticello has received an approval. from EPA for this
�C► cl' billing (ropy enclosed) and have reimbursed Monticello
for their 75:5 share of the progress billing. The
Z/ qy 1V Minnesota Pollution Control agency will. be billed for
tq their 15% after the report is submitted, as they %V111
Qj not advance partial payments beyond 501.
N POSSIBLE ACTION, Cralsi,dersti on of paymen approval
111-T ENCIS: Payment Request - OSM
Agenda Item 4. Consideration of landsumoln# Ovdlnanve- Amendment.
This i.trm was reviewed and discussed at the- ;joint- muting
oi' the Planning Commission and City Council.- Major item
of discussion was the provision relating to percentage
that developer should put into landscaping exclusive
of sod and seeding and also the bond requirements.
There appeared to be general consensus to require that
the developer should put l % of development costs (or
$1$00, whichever is greater) into landscaping exclusive
of sod and seeding. Furthermore, a one year bond for
100% of any required uncompleted landscaping shall be
provided at the time of issuance of a certifi.cate of
occupancy. This would allow a developer to obtain a
certificate of occupany if he was unable to complete
the landscaping. It was felt a bond was not mandatory
to insure the landscaping was maintained in good care
as the initial investment is substantial enough that
the developer would probably maintain it out of self
If this ordinance were applied to our city hall for
examples landscaping (exclusive, of sodding and seeding)
would be: $3300 which appears to be a reasonable amount.
Since Monticello does not have a current ordinance of
this nature, it may be well to allow for a waiver of
a portion of the requirement by council action. This
would allow credit for existing shrubbery or trees and
also provide flexibUity i.f the developer has .legiti-
mate justi.f ication for not providing the entire amount
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of amending landscaping
ordinance by adding the following requirements:
1. All, buildings shall be finished on all four aides
with consistent architectural. quality, material a
,41 and design.
2. Thi~ee percent of the service ares within an oi'i'-
�� street parking area shall be landscaped with
grass and/or decorative( surface tvratment — crr.ra
and shrubbery for all developments except mingle
family dwell.i,ngs.
One. percent erf (lin development casts, or $l COO which-
ever is greatrr+, as de-termined by the building permit
valuation shall be devoted to landscapes exclusive
osod and walkways. A bond shall be "Aquired for
1001) . o!' said landscaping not completed at Ahe t lar
of the isauanoe of the certificate or occupancy.
This, bond shall be for one year at the end of which
the city has the authority to complete the necessary
The city coun6il may waive any portion of the -pro-
visions of items 2 and 3 if the developer candemon_
tstrate justification for exemption. Will V_LC*V^WA.JA1%_1-J y 0�u...ns C,0040000:&N
REFERENCES: Howard Dahlgren Assoc. letter - 12 -10 -76,-
-Agenda Item 5. Consideration,of Appointment to Senior Citizen's Center
Due to poor health, Mr. Charles P.lotni ' k has resigned
from the senior citizenws center board. The board is,
recommending Harry Schaffer be appointed to replace
POSSIBLE ACTION. Consideration of appointment.