City Council Agenda Packet 02-18-1977AGENDA )REGULAR MEETING OF THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL FRiday,i ,February _18; !1.97,7 -- -10 P.M'. ,Mayor:_ ',Con,10. ;Johnson,. Councilmen:', "Stdnley ,Hall; =Gene,waItcia' ; Dan Blonigen, Arve Grimsmo. Mecting',to be taped. " Citizens comments: 1. C6nsidera,t'ion of 'Awardivig.Bids on City'Hall_.- :2— Considcration of Advertising &r :Bids -. Fire,:Dcpartmcli6 Paging, System ' 3. .Cdri_a derai:;1on.•of_-u ,yar'iange for a 'Nobi.le Home in an �.: R ;1' (9ingl.e-ram ly Residential) ,Zone: 4. RCView of Fan_IVA tics Tlanning.Repor.t. i Cbnsidcratipn ;of 'Dog Patrol Contract. 6. Xmisidcration .'oil ;purchase, of a Sewer Roddev., 7. Cons!dcration of Servi.ce Contract with ,Minnesota, Growth. Exchange, Jnc.• 8. Approval. of 6.11 Is.; 9• Approval "of mlmotcs - January 24, 1977. 10: UnfinAhed lniei.ncss: ll. New Intsineaa: r i�/,--7-7 AGENDA SUPPLEMENT Agenda Item I - Consi.derat.ion of Awarding Dials on C.i.ty Ilal.l-. Thursday at; 2 P.M. bids w.il_] be received on the City lla.1.1. Bids w.ill. be rece.i.ved on the gencra.I., cicctr:ical and mcchani.ca] cons true t.i.on. `c� Base bi.d for the project .is estimated at $32S,809 w.iLh `I ). alternates reciuc.ing estimated cost to $316,259. By Pr.iday night's mect.i.ng, Architcctura.l- A.11.i.ance w.il] have vevi.ewed the bi.ds and have thc.i.r recommendations f�110r�i to the city council. f • POSSIBLE: ACTION: Cons.i.clerat;i.on of awarding contracts. Agenda Item 2. Considorat.ioci of Advert.i.sing for Bids - f.irc Department: Paging System. 'Phe Monticello 17,irc Department is requesti-ng the City and Township advertise for bids for a Paging system. A paging system Consists of individual receivers or pagers carried by f.i.remen and two cncadevs Oxans- m.i-ttors). Tills system would replace the cxlsting fire phone system. A pager is a unit, that; i.s approx.lmately the s.izc of a pack of c.igaruttes carr.i.cd by an incH vIdual. This pager .is turned on thenugh means of an encoder. Th.is encoder would be situatrd in the sher.iff's offi.co i.n linffalo and a.11 calls would be routed to the sheriff's nff.i,ce which has a Monticello number. when the dispatcher rcr.c.ivea a f.irc call he utilizes the cnrndcr which subsequcnt.ly tAll•IIS on the i.nd.Iv.Idual pagers. I'he di.spaCahcr Will then use his t.wo-way rad.in to tvansmIt pert,lncnl; information as to the nature and location of fl.rc, etc. The second cnrodev mentioned, won.ld be sit.nated .i.n the fire 11711.1 itself which would allow the P.ive depat•t- ment to oti.l.ize it to call special meetings and also Lhc ah.i,.li.ty to cont'dInnte activities at, it fi-ro. Advantages oC such a system would boas follows: 1. Response Time. Response time w.i..l I be gvea tly improved as the fire department is requesting one un.i.t Cor each fireman. Presently, there are 10 fire phones and the 10 Ci_vemcn who ini.ti-ally get the ca.l.l i -n turn dial two other f.i.remen and valuable time .is consumed 1.n the process. Thks problem could be somewhat improved if fire phones were i.nstall.ed Cor all the f.i.remen, but bilis would increase the phone charge from $63 per month to approximately $170 per month. 1. Manpower Response :I:ncreased. Ill addition to the response ti.mc factor, a pag.i.ng system would also .insure thab more men arr- ava:i.labl.c .in t;he event of a fire. A pr:i.mc example was that it f.i-re cal.1 .Last 'fhursday resu=l.tcd J.n only 4 men availab:Le for if fire. Reason for this was that several members were o.iLlier at, if basketball game or bowl Ing, plus several phone l Ines were busy. The pager Is always cirried w.i.th the f.i.remen and .it floes not: matter if lie i.s close to it phone or lint. 3. Abi I .i ty to 'I'ransm:i.t Message. 1letat Luse the pager .is c:arr.i.ed with the firemen, a message can Ito t",vansmi tted as to elle A ocnt.] oil alld nature of the Cl re as hr. hcnds for the fire hnI I. If it turns not t;he fire is close to his st'art.ing point, it, would al low till_ Pi.reman Lite abl l:i.ty to go directly to t.ha fire. A fireman can get the locatlon and nature of a fire by -tho present phone system, 13111; this would not.' lie the ca -so .i.f one were not close to the phone and only hrnrd tilt: fire whistle. Addit.ionttl.ly, the pager system 11.1 I ow:s till_ f i rcmen to proceed to five ha 1 1 immediately wlim-,as phone system requires he get del.al.l.s Oil till, phone. It should ho 1'1ointed 0111, 01111, the paging system would st.i..11 cnablo the fire whistle tel blow acs the di_spatehcr in lluffaao crtn (Ic) this through thr. olo-odcr. Cost; of the system w1,l.1 be ttpproximatel.y $5500 _ $10,000 and in tlerorrizuivc with our joint Pi.vo contract; with Montleel.:lo Tc)Wf1shi.p, Until thr. aclvercisc!ment, for bids and approval, of contract has to be approved by the township board and c.i.ty council with recommendations from the jo.i.nb fire board. The joi-nt fire board has recommended the advertisement; for bids. Another capabi.l..i.ty of the pag:i.nG system i.s the city could add extra pagers at a cost of approximately 9300 a piece to utilize for c:i.ty staff such as Lite Publ.i.c works Department and Adm.i.nistrator to coordinate c.i.t-y acti-vities such as the plowing of streets, etc. The f:i.r,c department; is requesting 2S units (authorize'd strength) for 26 men and the two r„extra could be euvi,cutly used i.n the city staff to determine .if there is appl.i.ca- t.ion for these ur):i.ts, wi.th,i.n the public works department. fly comparing the cost of approxi- mately 95500 - $10,000 against the .increased cost of a fire phone .i.n every IL y f.ircmcnrs house, i.t would appear over it 10 year period the savings would be approximately $10,000 which :i.n- e.ludes it maintenance factor For Cho paging system. \� POSS1111,I3 ACTION: Cons.i.derat.i.ou ofapproval r f aclvcr- t.i.sement for bids. RITFREIrene unclosed spec.if.i.cat;ions. (Main Pl.ickev w.itl be t,o answer tectra.i.cai and other questions you may have.) Agenda _Ctem 3. Considerati.ou of it variance for a while Home in all R -I (Single I'nmi.ly Res.idant;ial) Zone. Mr. Charles Iliegert is voguestilrg n var.i,ance Co allow a mobile home .i.n an R-1 zoning distri.et fen• his mother. hul:atian of proposal mill)!]c home- i.s shown on cne.losrd map and .is in an area of three other mobile homes. These. Chrae mobilo homes were "grandfatlleved .in}, as nor present nrdlnanec allows n molri.lc home,,in R -q zones curly - Tho only R -y zone) .is the, River Terrace Park Trrn i l cr• Court. Mr. IlUegul.t, has it petition signed by some of the sur- round-ing neighbors .iud.i.e:nting Choy wturld have no ob- jeotions to a mobile home. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval or denial of variance. REFERENCES: Enclosed map. At their meeting last Tuesday, the Planning Commission recommended denial of the permit. Agenda Item q. Review of Facilities Planning Report. At our last meeting, each councilmen received a copy of the facilities planning report rclati.ve to sewerage facilities for the City of Monticello. Purpose of this review will bo to familiarize the council with the contents of the report and offer an opportunity for questions and possible revisions. POSSIBLE AC At some point in time, this report should be cecpte by the eounci.l although Friday night's progresrs in reviewing the report may or may not be such as to accept it at this time. REFERLNCCS: Facilities Planning Report. .genda Item 5. Consideration of Dog Patrol Contract,. Enclosed, you will find a copy of the proposed dog contract with Ms. Gwen Bateman for 1977 and 1978. This contract is essentially the rinme an the one entered .into For the period from May 1975 to December 1076. An agreement has been reached with Big Lnkc to charge them on a per dog basis to pay for their use OP the pound and the feeding and cleaning of the doge. POSSIB1.G ACTION: Consideration of contractfor the remainder of? 1977 and 1978- Aef"O.00"o— RIA-URI-NCLS: Contract. 1 Ntilut T hate talked to J. W. Milllerand ho w.ill get me a figure for t he dog pound bassed upon his .low bid and poss.ihlt! reductions .in coal. Agenda 11 •m lt, Conalderatinn of pnrrhase of a Se %ev Hoddre. Friclosrd, you will Find Mike's summary explaining the necessity ul' pure haling a serwrr redder. 6C It should be pointed out that our budget for 1977 contains $6000 for the purchase of a sewer rodder. Quoted pr.i.cc of the Rockwe.11 RIM S-2 Sew•eRodev .i.s $6192.90. Minnesota State Statutes require bids for the purchase Of any .i.tcm over $5,000. There Js, however, an under- lyi.ng State Statute (471.35) that the $5,000 requ.irc- ment shall. not apply to non -competi ti. vu items. As M.i.ke points out .in his summary, flexible Pipe Tool is the only dealer of this type of equi.pment .in Kinn- esota and in fact Chcrc is no other di.str.ibutor .in the f.i.ve state arca. Therefore, competiL.i.ve bids would not be requIred. When you compare the amount of Investment the c.i.Ly has i.n Its sanitary sewer lines the cost of this ),Lee c of equipment to ma.i.ntai.n -Lt .is m.i.n.i_mal. POSS:IULE ACTION: Cons. i.dernt;On of purchase of Rock- well SewcRoder for $6192.90 from P.Iex.i.b,l.e Pipe Co. of Minneapolis. RBPERIiNCES: ;li.ke Raialars summary. A+Qi R Agenda Item 7. Cons.idnration of Sol -vice Contract: with Minnesota evot:t;L Cxcltanaic, .lrnc. M[nnesota Growth Exchange, lite. .is a consulting ngency that provides Lechn.ical kind referral, service Assistance t;o em131.0ycrs reletting to behavioral%medieal problems of employees. Purpose of cnte"i.ng .into a contract with Minnesota Growth hxchange, :Inc. to est:nbl..i.sh an Employee Assis- Lance; Program, is to oht:r.i.rr a 111gltcr• .level of employee JOB pr.rfnrnvuu Lit luld.i.t.ion to prevention of accidents, insurance r„laiars and grievances. This Inrrpose .is arcompl.ished by offer.i.ng tho employee ass.i.strrnce; with Personal problems that; ultimately affect; b.ip ,job ;ka furatam:e. The City of Monticello is not a sor..ia'1. agency, bub it, shooId he concerned with mntters that affect; ;job performance. It t;nkcs a ronsidnrabie errnonnb of expert'i'se to dr_al wit -11 t;he.Hc Lypcs of personal. Problems, and this i.s tirc reason for engaging somcnne Iikc Minnesota Crnwth Exehnngo 1.4) tical with these Problems. Mike and :1 attended one of their seminars find Also had a cwo hour session with ono of the seni,nr members and we birth feel t,hnt; Lite; f.i_rm .is gtralifled. -3- Cost: u of sch a pr¢m orais minicrr mal and is uently 90% funded by Lhe State of Minnesota vesu I Ling in an annual cost of approx:.imatcly $1$ to the CAt,%- M i nncsoLa Growth Exchange serves as a consul Li ng and referral agency anti as such do not, perform any treat- ment services. If an employee has a clrug velaLed problem for example, Minnesota Growth Exchange wi 1 I consulL and COnnCll tho employee and if treaLment, is necessary w•i I I refer the employcc Lo Lhc necessary agency. The costs of tn•catment arc paid through our group insurance program, as this is a standard medical rspenso that is required to be covered by law in E;roup .i_nstu,ance programs. Mike and 1 would recommend we enter into such a contract for a six month period at a r,osl, of $9. At, the end of Lhc six months a progress report, w•onld be givct• the counci I to determine its success and appl icati_on for Monticello. This is not, to say we have IoLs of personal problems nor is it, saying the ones we ha ve wi I I be solved, bot, i L appears to be a reasonable and rational approach. -,x/ POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of entering into six _{•r✓ month contract, w•it.h Minnesota Grow•t.h lixellange, 111". t vasa CJ A -%&A l r HEI°ERENICGS; Pamphlet• - Minnesot•a Growl.h Exchange; Proposed Cnnl:ract. - Minnesota Glrow•t.b Exchange. M