City Council Agenda Packet 02-28-1977!t AGENDA
February 28, 1977 -- 7:,0 P.M.
Mayor: Con 0. Johnson
Counc.i.Imen: Stanley Ilal.l, Gene Walters,
Dan Dlonlgcn, Arvc Cr.i.msmo.
Meeting to be gaped.
Citizen comments.
�. Cons.i.devat.i.on of Perm.i.L. Perkins Cake_ S St;cak, :Inc.
V1. Consideration of Contract, on Ilousc Por
Fourth Street; Park.
yi. Consideration of Dog Pound Contract.
✓q. Approval of m.i.nutes.
$. Unfinished business.
6. New business.
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Agenda Item 1. Consideration of Building Permit. Perkins Cake &
It would appear that a.l.l zoning regulations are being
adhered to. J. W. Miller has reviewed the plans and
it appears they meet the State Bul_l.ding Code, as adopted
by the, City of Monticello.
A grading plan was received and approvedl by our city
engincere, however, the locatinn of the Wilding has
been changed and a new grading plan will, be sent to
POSStB1 C ACT.IONi Consideration of nppreivalor building
Perm] t.
RIF'I.RINefs: Plans & Sprrifirationa are-, available
at City Hall. Lnvlore-d Map of Area.
I'nrcloxed Picture oil Building.
Steak. Inc.
Perkins Cake & Steak, Inc., of Edina, Minnesota, is
proposing a restaurant at the southeast- corner of the
intersection of Highway 25 and 7th Street in Monticello.
(See enclosed map.)
The proposed site :Ls currently owned by Texaco, Inc.,
and Perkins Coke & Steak has a purchase agreement con-
tingent upon building permit approval..
Following is some relevant data on the. proposed
Lot Size: 62040 Square Feet (1IS' x 330' )
Approximately I1 acres
Building Size: 4800 Square Feet
(46' x 97' plus entryway)
Seating Capacity: Approximately 166
Signs: One Pylon Sign
321 high, approximately 120 sq.ft.
Sign on plan indicated height of 35' but Perkins
Cake & Steak indicated they would adhere to ordi-
nance limitation of 321.
Parking: 99 spaces
It would appear that a.l.l zoning regulations are being
adhered to. J. W. Miller has reviewed the plans and
it appears they meet the State Bul_l.ding Code, as adopted
by the, City of Monticello.
A grading plan was received and approvedl by our city
engincere, however, the locatinn of the Wilding has
been changed and a new grading plan will, be sent to
POSStB1 C ACT.IONi Consideration of nppreivalor building
Perm] t.
RIF'I.RINefs: Plans & Sprrifirationa are-, available
at City Hall. Lnvlore-d Map of Area.
I'nrcloxed Picture oil Building.
'genda Item 2. Consideration of Rescinding* Contract on Warming House
rue Fourth Street Park.
In November or 1976, proposals were received and a
contract awarded on construction of a 20' x 301 con-
crete block warming house for the Fourth Street Park
at a cost of $12,613. Off fALJ kk 1A4604;44A&A#_
(Q OyJ.�aidwpssyldsl qo s
Conte ct was awarded to Heskin Electric with a com-
pletion date of January 20, 1977. Inclement weather
along with possible consideration of rescinding the
contract has delayed the progress on the structure.
A decision should be made whether to continue the
project or rescind the contract. In talking to Dave
Heskin, he indicated he would be willing to rescind the
contract as long as the city would purchase the items
I% especially ordered for the project. These items are
24' trusses at a cost of approximately $600 and burnished
1� block at a cost of approximately $600. Additionally
�Q lr the city would be required to pay engineering fees of
approximately $94.5. Of this total cost of $2145,
the amount spent for t'he block could be utilized on
Y . the dog pound if that project is approved. J. W.
j s , Miller indicated that the trusses are too large to
be used for the dog pound unlesa the pound was enlarged.
Listed below, are factorm in consideration ror and against
rescinding the contract:
(1) City now maintains warming house in West: Bridge
Park. Ini-tially, Che park development plans for the
West Bridge Park would have made a skating rink im- :Ilk life West, Bridge Park and plans were to
discontinue the warming house .lot that park. Howe,6cr,
with the increase, In size of the parking lot, the city
was able to utilize the lot for a skating rink and once
again use the warming h oome.
(2) Coat factop .lot construct ion of and maintenance oil
another warming house.
FAC11049 'ro t"ONsini,N AI:AINST R19C'IND'INt. t'tlNl'RAt'T
(1) I'ttltinrrring fell of $045 would hacr to be paid
vegrrdiemm if project in onmpleted for not.. Additionally,
there bac ones a problem art tit the const of the truxsers
slid bill-ninhed blucl. and whrthrr any of theme items could
he ursrd.
(2) With increased use of Fourth Street Park for hockey
and ekating, warming house would probably receive a
substantial amount o£ use. Along the same line, the
fact a warming house is constructed will by itself have
a tendency to increase usage of this park.
(3) Warming house would eliminate necessity of having
trailer house that now serves as hockey warming house.
A third alternative might be considered and would be
the construction of a less costly portable warming
house. This alternative would allow greater flexibility
In the future use of Fourth Street Park, however, the
cost of even a portable facility might approach the
$8,000 level.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of rescinding oL warming
house contract.
Agenda Item 3. Consideration of Awarding Dog Pound Conlraet.
Tn November of 1976, the Monticello City Council en-
v ceived the following proposals on an 1$, by 30. concrete
block dog pound:
ODave, lieekin - Monticello - $20,492 eV
Quality Conste. - Bloomington - 16, 591 /� 1
C F liaglin - Mpls. - 27,000 r�\Y
J. W. Miller - Monticello - 14,696
Vic 11 Aman - Monticel.lo(carpcntry only) $2880
A contract was not awarded at that time, and it was
decided to have J. W. Miller further review the plana
9Awith the city engineer to determine iP rev.isinns would
be made to reduce the cost.
. �•� �1� Ai'ter a review of the plane with the city engineer,
it waa felt a eewage grinder pump could be eliminated
ti N along with reducing the apevificattotts on tilt) Ls'itshea
whish called for 2e x 6e and 2e a 81, raFtera
aatingM which wait partially offset, by adding con-
cretr. to the run area for the• dogm. Nrt. Aaa.ingait amounted
(ti, $71111. llowe%,er, Mr. M111eria bid or-iginally included
a $1100 ailowAnce for fencing. Mr. Millet- ratitttat"err
this item will coal, approwimalrly $3100 for the 1'encinK
1( yre•quired in the ape ifiviti"lona.
Total cost of the pound with the savings of $700 for the
items outlined above and the additional $2000 for fencing
would be $1$,996. One possibility may be to delete the
fence at this time and the city could purchase this item
directly and have it installed by the public works depart-
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of awarding contract on
dog pound.