City Council Agenda Packet 03-14-1977REGULAR MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL March 14, 1977 - 7: 30 P. M. Mayor: Con Johnson Councilmen: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Stanley Ilall, Gene Wal ters. Meeting to be taped. Citizens comments. #/1. Consideration of approving of contract on bids for paging system for Fire Department. IV" �2. Consideration of awarding Dog Pound contract. i/3. Consideration of approval of E.mpl.oyce Assistance Policy. %/4. Review of Liquor Store financial statements. ✓.S. Department head quarterly meeting 8:30 P. M. d6. Approval of bills. 4. Approval of minutes. A. Unfinished business. /9. New business. (Meeting with Architectural A1.13ance Tuesday, March 15, 1977 at 4 P. M.). 'k.)--11 AGENDA SUPPLEMENT /genda Item i. Consideration of Approving of Contract on bids for Paging System for Fire Department. Bi.ds for the paging system are returnable Monday, March id, 1977 at 2 P. M. Estimated cost for the system Is $3,500 - $10,000. In accordance with the fire contract with Monticello Township, the joint fire board is to review the bids and make their recommendations to the city council, and township board for final. approval. A joint fire board meeting has been set up prior to Monday's meeting of the council to review the bids and their recommendation is expected to be presented at: our meeting. POSSIBLE ACTT.ON: Consideration of approval of awarding contract. This item will, also have to be gyp► approved by Monti.cel l.o '1•ownslifll. The ci.ty's share is SG. 59%. REE'ERENCES: Agenda supplement of February IS, 1977. p.04 4 Agenda Item 2. Cons.i.deration of Awarding Dot! Pound Contract. Ut At our last meeting, the Monticello city council decided to table final. action on the consideration of a dog pound contract pending further information velati.ve to the county Facility, what portion could be allocat;cd to Big Lake and if Dr. Erickson might- be ightbe Interosted in Providing Wils kind of service. First of all, 1 talked to Dr. Erickson and he said while: lie is concerned about; the dog problem it. would not be feasible for him to pr,vide n dog pound fac.i l i ty. Relative to the Dig Lake: question and the county facility, 1, have prepnved a worksheet which is ent:.l osed based on the following al ternati ves: Present Situation Camp Challenge Facility (County subsidized) New MonI.Ical10 Fac:.l-.1lty New Monti.cc.l.lo Fne.ility (C,00nty Subsidized) The last; alternative .i.s it new one 1n ghat a fael.l.i.ty ('0111d puSsiblry he built; ,in Monti.celio which would receive a suhsi.dy from Wright County. 1 havo talked with the Wright County hoard of Commissioners and presented Llu.s proposal to them at a meeting last Tuesday. They expressed interest but did not give approval. pending further study. I will be meeting with the Ways and Mcans Commi_ ttee of the Wright County Board of Commi-ssioner& on Friday, March 11, 1977 and wi.11- report the results of that meeting to you on Monday. In reviewing the alternative methods of providing; a dog pound fac.i..li.ty, it would appear to me that Lite most reasonable method or al t'ernat.i.ve, other than keeping the present situation the same, would be it facility .in Monticello that was Subsidized by Lhe county. Based on Lite cost per dog, the next alternat.l.ve would appear to be approving a contract. with the Camp Challenge I'aci.l.,ity, however, T would recommend sti:11 buiAdi.ng our own faci..li.ty s.i.nec there would be coordination problems along with the inconveriAence factor and a loss of local control. It should be mentioned, that if Monti.cel.lols pound were, to be approved as a county facility, .i.t cou.l.d possibly der.i.ve additional income from survound.i.ng communi.t.les .i.n addi.tion to Big Lake. Were a county facility to be approved in Mont.i.cello, it may encourage other surrounding Wright County communities to take advantage of the subsidy program. MooL.i.cel.La would st..11113e Able Lo control the clog pound and Lhe faril,Ity will, .lcl only be ava,il.able to other eommnni.tles as long as suff.i.cient room was available. POSS1111,13 AC'I'TON: ConsidevatJon of approval of contract O with J. W. MA. ler for $12,896 for consl;ructian of a (Ing p0und. REFERENCES: Cost; comparison of al tevnati.ves. Agenda _0 % supplement Peb. 2S, 1977. Agenda :I:t(,m 3. Considne-ati.on of At)proval of 1'mhLoyn.e Assistmicc PolAry. unclosed, pleaRo find a ropy of an employee aRs.i.st.- c0 pol.iry that was drv0lopatl and approved by all dr_purtmc7nt heads and union representatives with 1,110 hc.l p of the M hinesot•a CrowLh liu_hnnge. j� This pn_l.ley forms the guidel..inrs for the employen r assistnnr.e program Lhnt was approved at, the eoun0il"s February IS, 1977 mccLtng. Thr, pi.�lJcy .is very s.imi..lnr -2- C— to other firms' policies that have adopted such a program. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approving policy with any add.i.tions, del-et.ions or amendments. REFERENCES: Employee Assistance Po.l.i.cy. Agenda Item 4. Review of Liquor Store Financial Statements. Enclosed, please find financial statements for the Municipal Liquor Store for the year ended December 31, 1976. Listed below 1.s a comparison of sales figures fee- "off' or'off saic" operations, .i.nd.icating the .increase in sales in the new .locat.i.on. As you can see, the percentage .increase 1-n off sale operations has nveraged approximately 40% since the store opened. The i.n.it.ial projection for Che liquor store was $32,545 in operating income for 1977. 9'ho reasons for the decrease from projections in operating income was tho decrease .In sales of $12,000 accountl.ng for it lose; of $4,359 in opertiting .income and tin .inerctise of $1,956 in operating expanses from projections resulting in a decrease .in operating inctnne. 11OSS.I111.li ACTION: Review of report. Marl: 1'.rmiter will be here to answer any qurstl.ons relative to Che report on operati,ous. REFIAUNCES: Vinanr.ial st:atenirnCs. -3- Sales Sill es % .1.11crease New Location Old Locat.i.on June 176 $37,964 Junc '75 $27,750 36.S Jie.l y ' 76 46, 2So Jin y ' 75 323457 42.6 Aug. '76 35,370 Ang. '75 31,579 21.5 Sept. '76 35,253 Sept. 75 23,255 51.6 Oct. '76 33,950 Oct. '75 23,421 45.1 Nov. 176 35,339 Nov. 175 25,307 39.6 Dec. '76 55,S3S Dec. '75 35,516 57.2 Jan. '77 28,638 Jan. '76 22,223 2S.9 Feb. '77 27,966 Feb. '76 19,SS5 40.6 TOTALS $339,62S 5241.393 40.7 As you can see, the percentage .increase 1-n off sale operations has nveraged approximately 40% since the store opened. The i.n.it.ial projection for Che liquor store was $32,545 in operating income for 1977. 9'ho reasons for the decrease from projections in operating income was tho decrease .In sales of $12,000 accountl.ng for it lose; of $4,359 in opertiting .income and tin .inerctise of $1,956 in operating expanses from projections resulting in a decrease .in operating inctnne. 11OSS.I111.li ACTION: Review of report. Marl: 1'.rmiter will be here to answer any qurstl.ons relative to Che report on operati,ous. REFIAUNCES: Vinanr.ial st:atenirnCs. -3- Agencla Item S. Department (lead Quarter Ly Mecting 8:30 P. M. As you may recall, at the beginning of the year, the council establ_.ished a policy whereby Clic city council would meet, with department heads on a quarterly basis. Purpose of Cho meeting is to allow communi.catiun between the council and department heads that is not, always afforded during the normal agenda. Among other things, this meeting will give an opportunity Co Council members to determine progress on specific issues or projects and allow department heads to clarify city counci 1 pol icy. A structured format. has not been sel, up for this meeting in order to allow for n free exchange of ideas, comments, questions, etc. The following will be in attendance at. Lhis mccting. Fillwt�fl9vrf^ I r -4-