City Council Agenda Packet 05-23-1977AGENDA
May 23, 1977 — 7:30 P.M.
Mayor: Con Johnson
Councilmen: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Gene Walters, Stan Hall.
./Meeting to be taped.
✓Citizens Comments.
✓1. Public Hearing - Variance Requests from Monticello City Ordinance
Prohibiting Overhanging Signs.
�'. Consideration of Resolving Commuter Parking Problem.
Update on Historical Society by Chairman Robert Brown.
/!. Consideration of Sewer and Water Improvements for Matthew Circle
V (Ritze Manor) and Monticello Ford (proposed site on west of
Highway 25).
-15. Review of Finalized Civil Defense Plan.
V. Consideration of Accepting Asses ents as Presented at May 18
Board of Review.
Consideration of Approval of P1 Commission Recommendations.
�. Consideration of 0io Day Non -Int sting Malt Liquor License for
River Terrace Park.. Nw`1
` Approval of minutes. ` \ l 04, -,/e5� kap I 0,
o. Approval of bills. ' \�
Jit. Unfinished business.
V12. New business.Al
` '1
aenda Item 1. Public !gearing - Variance Requests from Monticello
City Ordinance Prohibiting Overhanging Signs.
Monticello city ordinance 10-3-9-W-$ prohibits
overhanging signs from protruding over the public
right-of-way and provides that December 31, 1976 will
be cut-off date after which no overhanging signs will be
In October of 1976 the council clarified what signs would
be in violation of this ordinance with the following
OVERHANGING SIGN: Any sign protruding more than
18" over the public right of ways. Includes
pylon signs and signs hung from or below marquees
or awnings but does not include signs placed
directly on a marquee or awning which serves as
an integral part of the marquee or awning.
At a subsequent meeting in December, the city council
decided to grant an extension of six months to June
30, 1977, at which time signs violating the ordinance were
required to be removed unless a variance was granted.
This action in December took place after the city re-
ceived 9 petition from. seventeen businesses in the down
town area who requested that their signs, which violated
the ordinance, be grandfathered in.
Following, is a list of property owners who still have a
sign or signs in violation of the ordinances
Vence'a Standard Cohenfml.
Mini Mall Jana Music
liolker's Drive Tn Del Ia Service
Stelton's Laundromat Monticello Ford, Inc.
What Knot Gift Shoppe Dairy Store
Gut HICurl FoaterI a Ins. Agency
I.O.O.F. Ledge #14$ Figs It Shop
Stella's Cafe K a D Bakery
Bareness Drugs Flicker's T. V.
Monticello liquors, Inc. Monticello Wreck
Monticello Gas (former Phillips •66' Station)
Of the above, the following have applied for a variance
or extension from Monti.cel Iola ordinances
Monticello Gas - variance
Vance's Standard - variance
Stella's Cafe - variance
Monticello Ford - extension
Enclosed, please find copies of variance or ex-
tension requests received from the above.
One of the downtown businessmen has indicated that a
petition is being circulated and will be presented to
the council by Monday night requesting once again that
all existing non -conforming signs be "grandfathered
in." Their basis for this request is they feel it
would impair a hardship to remove or change a sign that
was put up originally in conformance with city
Furthermore, this group of petitioners (apparently
the some individuals who signed the first petition)
site St. Cloud's ordinance which prohibited over -hanging
signs that protruded over the public right-of-way by
more than 24 inches. After various discussions with
property owners and also a decision to extend the dead-
line, the city finally decided to "grandfather in".
the existing non -conforming signs.
I have talked with the city planner of St. Cloud and he
verified the fact the city did "grandfather in" the
existing non -conforming signs due to distinct possibility
of losing some cases if the ordinance was strictly
enforced. Ile also indicated the city felt any other
method such ascontinued amortization schedule or
negotiation of each case on an individual basis would
involve admi-nistrative problems. They do, of course,
prohibit future signs of this nature and all existing
non-confoinning signs can be repaired but the wording
cannot be changed.
In talking to Howard Dahlgren, he felt the city could
take tho same approach as St. Cloud or provide for an
extension of amortization on the basis of value (greater
the value the longer the extension).
My recommendation would be to "grandfather in" all exist-
ing non -conforming signs based upon the following
1. Enforcement- problems.
2. Any extension would only mean the issue would
have to be fated at a later date.
3. DIcthod would be similar to land use regulations.
Any non-conforming use is not allowed to expand
but is allowed to exist.
POSSIBLE ACTION: If council. decides to enforce ordinance,
action would be necessary on variance requests. Other
alternatives would include 'grandfathering, all
existing non-conforming signs, providing for extension
`,.of amortization period.
REFERENCES: Ordinance Section: 10-3-9-(C)-5•
P ^�/z Article from St. Cloud paper on overhanging
�k• signs.
Agenda Ttem 2. Considerabion of Resolvi-n¢ Commuter Parking Problem.
Enclosed, you will find a copy of a petition from three
businesses in Block 349 (City IhIl. block), requesting
that the city council relieve the heavy concentration of
cars that park from early morning to mid-afternoon
in the city parking lot in Block 34. Addit'i.onal.1y, they
request enforcement of the two hour parking lim.i.tati.on
in front of their stores and have requested to be on
the agenda for Monday night.
I have contacted the shcriff"s department and requested
that; the two hour parking limi-tation be enforced along
Broadway with spcc:i.fic attention di.rectccl towards
S . Broadway along Block 34.
n Also, a survoy was taken for S days and .is enclosed
\, showing the available parking spaces in the city parking
lot adjncent to city hall and also adjacent to Mont.i.ccllo
Liquors, from this survey you eon see the least amount
of spares available at, any one was 16 in the park-
�� J ing lot, adjacent. to city hall and olghtcen in the
parking Lot adjacent to Monticello Liquors. It would
nppe0r that, l:here is always sr.rff:i.r_:i.ent space avai.lable
but; 0110 13r0bl.e111 may bo the av:rilabl0 spaces are sentt'eved
and from the strect it, may appear are, no empty spares.
My rerommcndation would be to request that, all the
enmmutcrs pnrk towards 3rd Street .in the parking lot
adjacent to city hall. 'In th;i.s matter the available
spares w.i.a.l not be an scattered and be.. more cas.i1y
lllt.imatel.y, 1;h0 city may want In consider the,
mens of n srparnte lot, for rummut:r_rs such is an arca by
the u0w water reservoir.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of action (if any)
necessary to alleviate parking congestion in Block
REFERENCES: Survey sheet and petition.
Agenda Item 3. Update on Historical. Society by Chairman Robert Brown.
At our last meeting, a letter was handed out relative
to updating the city council on the activities and plans
of the Monticello Ilistorical. Society. Chairman Robert
Brown will be at our meeting on Monday night• to
answer any questions the council may have in regards
ppp to the Historical. Society.
11 C,1 y For your• information, the following are members of the
`l` A Society:
Ok Robert Brown Gary Pringle
v Hazel Jul.i.c Lewandowski-
/�0 John M.i.tchell. Jim licrbst
1 REFERENCES: Lctter from Robert; Brown - handed out
at last mccumg.
Agenda Item 4. Consideration of Scwcr and Water Improvements for
Matthew Circle (Ritzc Mnnor) and Monticello Ford (pro-
posed site on west of Highway 25).
Petitions have been received for sewer and water extensions
Pop the above two areas (sec enclosed map).
Since each of the above areas is owned by one property
owner and they have signed a peLi.t.i,on for the improvement,
a public hearing is not necessary.
John Badal.i-ch is aware of the above two petitions and
will have an estimate of the costs of the projects.
'these could be added to the current proposed project:
Pop Oakwood Industrial Park and plans and speeificati.ons
could be combined on one bi.d.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Cnns.idernt.i.nn of ordering plans and
spec,if.i.cnt:ions on above two project's. S"IT"" to the
Oakwood Industrial Park extensions, the council could
later call for bids on the project should MPCA apprnve
the, sewer extensions.
REFERENCES: Map depicting opens petitioned for improvements.
Agenda Item 5. Review of Finalized Civil Defense Plan.
Agenda Item 6. Consideration of Accepting Assessments as Presented at
May 15 Board of Review.
The annual. Boavcl of Review was held May 13, 1977 to
review the assessment of property valuation in the City
of Monticello as of January I, 1977.
Approximately nine property owners were reprCSCnted at
the but no adjustments were recommended by the
two members of the council. present or the County assessor.
1t is necessary Por the counci.l. to accept the assessments
its presental; however, there was a .Lack of a quorum
so no oPfIcia.l action was taken.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Adoption of assessment rolls as pre-
sented at, May 18, 1977 meeting.
Agenda Ttem 7. Coils Idernt:.inn of' Approval of Commission Re-
Commen(iaLi. ons.
AL their April 26, 1977 mecting, Iho Planni.ntA Commasslon
recommended the following be pl.n•alled by till) City Counc:i.l:
A. Pedestrian over .1:-94 oil State Ili.way 25.
This would be to enl•ry foot traffic over till,
frreway oil State Iligllway 25. Purpose is to
provide a snparato designated nn till:
ovl)rpass for pedcstvi.nns. it, was felt, this
necessary beenuse of :iiicvt]ased build-up of
bllgillesses on tho South of the freeway.
Mr. Doug PILL will be at Monday Is meeting to present
the finalized civil defense emergency plan for the city
of Monticello.
The finalized plan is basically the same one presented
to the City council in June of 1976 with some revisions
that were necessary and are now completed.
Essentially, the purpose of the plan is to provide a
plan of action for the city of 1Nonti.ccl.Io in case of
an emergency civil defense situation such as a tornado,
flood, etc. It lists the various functions, timing and
coordination of all necessary departments and personnel.
including evaCuatiun plans if necessary.
Adoption may want to
Q�a A%�
POSS1BhF. ACTION: of p1an.Counci.l
consider possibility of having an possibly on
an annual basis to test the plan on a local level.
REFERENCES: Doug Pitt will bring in Emergency Plan.
Sufficient' copies should be availabl.0 for City lial.l.,
Councilmen and the departments as necessary.
Agenda Item 6. Consideration of Accepting Assessments as Presented at
May 15 Board of Review.
The annual. Boavcl of Review was held May 13, 1977 to
review the assessment of property valuation in the City
of Monticello as of January I, 1977.
Approximately nine property owners were reprCSCnted at
the but no adjustments were recommended by the
two members of the council. present or the County assessor.
1t is necessary Por the counci.l. to accept the assessments
its presental; however, there was a .Lack of a quorum
so no oPfIcia.l action was taken.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Adoption of assessment rolls as pre-
sented at, May 18, 1977 meeting.
Agenda Ttem 7. Coils Idernt:.inn of' Approval of Commission Re-
Commen(iaLi. ons.
AL their April 26, 1977 mecting, Iho Planni.ntA Commasslon
recommended the following be pl.n•alled by till) City Counc:i.l:
A. Pedestrian over .1:-94 oil State Ili.way 25.
This would be to enl•ry foot traffic over till,
frreway oil State Iligllway 25. Purpose is to
provide a snparato designated nn till:
ovl)rpass for pedcstvi.nns. it, was felt, this
necessary beenuse of :iiicvt]ased build-up of
bllgillesses on tho South of the freeway.
D. No parking be allowed on the cast; side of
Walnut Strect in front of Oakwood School.
This recommendation was based on concern for
the safety of children from Oakwood who may
dart out from between parked cars.
/ C. Pedestrian crossing be established on north
end of bridge over Mississippi River.
Although this area is outside the city limits,
the Planning Commission recommended the City
council contact the State Highway Dept. to
determine if a pedestrian crossing could be
established since many Monticello citizens
utilize the pedestrian crossing on the bridge,
but there is no pedestrian crossing across
State Iti.ghway 25. ']'his is quite a dangerous
area with 3 roads,along with accesses
from and to the River 11111.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of recommend -
dations. If A and C were approved, the State Dept.
of Transportation could be notified and if n were
approved, "No Parking" signs could be erected on the
school's side of Walnut Strcct..
Agenda item S. Consideration of One Day Non -Intoxicating Malt, Liquor
License for River Terrace Park.
Mrs. McLaughlin, owner of the River, Terrace Mobile
Home Court, is requesting a one day non -intoxicating
malt liquor, license for Sunday, May 29 of the
Memo riaL Day weekend.
Purpose of 1 icense is to sel 1 one keg of beer at
the price of 50c a glass at a barbeque within
the trai 1 er park for the residents. She explained
that once the keg was gone, no more beer would be
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consi_derat.i.on of approval of one
day I icense.
9 A. M.
3 P. M.
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday 8 A. M.
- Thursday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday 8 A. M.
- Thursday
Mr. Gary Wieber May 6, 1977
City Administrator
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
Dear Gary,
We the undersigned Monticello Business men would appreciate being on
the agenda for the next city council meeting. We.. want the city to
help relieve the heavy concentration of cars which park from early
morning to the mid—nfternoon in the lot behind our stores. Also we
need help clearing up the problems arising from lack of enforcement
of the two hour parking limit in the front of our stores. Thank you.
-Cj �19 a. �-
May 9, 1977
TO: City Council and Mayor Con Johnson
FROM: Bob Brown
RE: Historical Committee report
Due to a previous committment I am unable to attend, tonight's
meeting, but will .make every effort to attend a future one.
As regards the historical committee, here is where we stand
as I see it:
I. To this point the committee has put off emphasizing
the museum because we have worked to get a history
club (society) going in the community. This job
has become extremely complicated and our committee
is still waiting for Gary Pringle to draw up our
articles of incorporation. Due to the lost time on
this project, I would now favor an emphasis on the
museum so it can be better utilized in the coming
summer months. Pursuant to this end, I would re-
commend the council consider the following points:
A. The museum needs display cases and tables.
Our committee has looked into this and found
two things:
1. Display cases and counters are very
expensive, and
2. Trying to find used items that are pro-
perly priced is difficult to do. Jim
Herbst searched through Minneapolis for
used fixtures for example and found one
outlet which, surprisingly enough, was
going out of business. Obviously, none
on our committee are overly well informed
on this subject as it is not common know-
ledge in our various jobs and professions
where to obtain these things. I feel. a
search by the city would bo in order at
this time.
B. The senior citizens are able and willing to
help man the museum as guides and caretakers
during open hours. However, tet me emphasize
that they should not be the only resource people
tined for this important job. Furthermore, I
do not think they would appreciate the total
responsibility for the museum. Again, if we
had an operating historical. society -it seems
.logical they would operate it utilizing, our
seniors when possible. 'The committee would
-appreciate some direction and guidol'ines from
the .council on this matter.
C. When display 'equipment is installed, the com-
mittee will be responsible to collect items
and arrange proper displays for a grand opening.
II. I was sad to see Don Smith resign from his position
on the committee. Don, more than any other one person,
kept us going - especially planning for the big
Bi -centennial celebration last July. I Peel he
deserves special commendation from the city for his
work and join the entire committee in wishing him
the best in his new position as editor of the Monti-
cello Times. I am happy to report that John Mitchell
has consented to serve on the committee in Don' s
place, and am extremely pleased a person of Johns
background and abilities will serve. I am pleased
the council appointed John Mitchell promptly to
the historical committee.
III. The community school and the historical, committee,
with the help of Mrs. Ellison, will be taping. inter-
views. with 'senior citizens and other interesting
people in our community. this-aummev.-Ilopefully, this
could be the beginning of a 'group of' junior historians
sponsored by the committed. I wou]d, recommend the
city purchase two 'small cassetto recorders foi this
purpose with the idea that'the tapes could be ,stored
in the museum where the recorders could play these
conversations 'back to anyone interested. A wealth
of information in -many areas could be catal.ggued in
this way.
Hopefully, this gives you some indication of where we stand
on some issues at this time. I thank the council for their
patience with us to this point and hope we can quickly move
to get our museum open.
Bob Brown
History Committee Chairman
RD/7 g